Philips Consumer Lifestyle MX6000 Wireless Home Entertainment System User Manual MX6000i 37 3 ame

Philips Consumer Lifestyle Wireless Home Entertainment System MX6000i 37 3 ame


Users Manual Addendum

CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance ofprocedures other than herein may result in hazardousradiation exposure or other unsafe operation.The unit complies with the FCC-Rules, Part 15 andwith 21 CFR 1040.10. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference,and2.This device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may causeundesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation.This equipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.– Increase the separation between the equipment and thereceiver.– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.4EnglishCanadaEnglish:This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limitsfor radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as setout in the Radio Interference Regulations of theCanadian Department of Communications.Français:Cet appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruitsradioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables auxappareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans leRèglement sur le Brouillage Radioélectrique édicté parle Ministère des Communications du Canada.Tested To  Comply With FCC StandardsFOR HOME OR OFFICE USE
Please read the following text in addition to the text on page 4:WARNING: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by PHILIPS may void the FCCauthorization to operate this equipment.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.Thisequipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Please take the following problems/solutions into account:Problem SolutionPC LINK: It takes about 2 minutes  – Your PC may assign an IP address to itself automatically before the Streamium System  (Auto-IP).This can take some time.connects to the PC Run the Philips AutoIP utility. See the chapter below.(Windows operating system only)PC LINK:The Streamium System – The PC may not get an IP address automatically.does not connect to the PC  Run the Philips AutoIP utility. See the chapter below.(Windows operating system only)Addendum MX6000i/373103 306 1999.3 EL6593E003  VieChr0418Using the Philips AutoIP utilityRun the Philips AutoIP utility on your PC if you have a direct connection between the Streamium System and yourPC (case B on page 23 or case D on page 25 of the usermanual).Do not run the Philips AutoIP Utility if you have awired or wireless home network using a base station,router or gateway (case A on page 21 or case C onpage 24 of the user manual)1Press PC LINK on the Streamium System.2Insert the Philips Media Manager CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your PC.Go to the folder “Software” ➜“Tools”.3Double-click the “PhilipsAutoIPutility.exe” file to start theAutoIP utility.➜In some cases “Auto IP” may be deactivated on yourcomputer completely and you will be asked if you want to enable Auto IP on your PC. Click on “OK”. Please beaware that your PC will restart. Continue with step 2.➜A list with all network adapters found on your computerwill appear.The list may include old adapters that were not properly uninstalled.4Click on the adapter which you want to use for thecommunication between the PC and the Streamium System.5If the status of the adapter is “DHCP only”:Click the “Enable AutoIP” button.➜The status changes to “DHCP/AutoIP”.If the status of the adapter is “DHCP/AutoIP” or“AutoIP”:Wait until the IP address changes to 169.254.x.x.x is a number between 0 and 255.Next, click the “Lock AutoIP” button.➜The PC is properly set up now.If the status of the adapter is “Static IP”:In this case the AutoIP utility cannot make any changes onyour computer.Either change the network settings of the Windowsoperating system to “Obtain IP address automatically” andcontinue with step 4 or enter a static IP on the Streamium System. For this, pressSYSTEM MENU and select Network ➜Network Config.6Click the “Exit” button to exit the AutoIP utility.7Press STANDBY·ON to switch the Streamium System tostandby. Next, press PC LINK.The Streamium System shouldconnect instantly to the PC now.Note:You can reverse the settings of the AutoIP utility by clickingagain on the corresponding button.

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