Philips Lighting North America LCN7330P Starsense SC Controller User Manual 2 of 2

Philips Lighting North America Corporation Starsense SC Controller 2 of 2


User manual 2 of 2

Date: December  23,2014UL LLC.333 Pfingsten RoadNorthbrook,  IL 60062PHILIPSPhilips  Lighting Electronics  N.A.10275 West Higgins  RoadRosemont,  lL 60018To whom it may concern:In regard to our StarSense  LCN7330P  (FCC ID: VBO-LCN7330P  and IC ID: I35Y-LCN7330P)  Segment Controlnode, this component  is not offered for sale by itself, but only as part of the LFC73l0 Segment Controller  cabinet.As such,  there is no user/installation  manual  for this individual component;  it is only included and described  as apart of the larger  assembly.  The documents  provided  are the only documents  that describe  this product.The statements  below will be added  to the revision  of the manual.  These statements will be in English  language  inthe EN manual  and French  in the FR manual:In regard to the wording  for the 20 cm separation requirement,  the following  statement will be added:To comply  with FCC/IC kF exposure  limits  for general  population  / uncontrolled  exposure,  the antenna(s)usedfor this transmitter  must be installed  to provide a separation distance  ofat least 20 cmfrom all persons andmust not be co-located or operating  in conjunctionwith  any other antenna  or transmitter.In regard to the wording  required by FCC  part  15.105 for a class A device  the following  statement will be added:This equipment  has been  tested andfound to comply  with  the limits for a Class A digital device,  pursuant  to part l5of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed  to provide reasonable  protection against harmful interference  when  theequipment  is operated  in a commercial environment. This equipment  generates,  uses, and can rqdiate  radiofrequency  energ/ and, if not installed and used  in accordance  with the instruction  manual, may cause  harmfulinterference to radio communications. Operation  of this equipment  in a residentiql  area is likely to cause  harmfulinterference in which case the user will be required  to correct the interference at his own  expense.In regard to RSS-Gen,  Section  8.3 the following  will be added  to the user manual:This radio transmitter,  l3SY-LCN7330P,  has been  approved  by Industry  Cqnada to operatewith the antennq  typeslisted below  with the  maximum  permissible  gain indicated.  Antenna types  not included in this list, having a gaingreater than the maximum  gain indicated  for that type, are strictly prohibited  for use  with this device.  The onlyantenna  approvedfor use with this device  is the antenna shown  in the antenna  exhibit  (SmartDisk  Antenno  707|XXwith cable  not exciding 0.5 m and mqximum  gain of 3.lSdBi).Yours Sincerely,Sr. Test Development Test EngineerPhilips Lighting Electronics N.A.Tel:  800.322.2086Fax:  888.423.1882www.  phi

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