Physik Instrumente SMC Hydra CM TT RM
SMC-Hydra_CM_TT_RM SMC Hydra Motion Controller
User Manual: Physik Instrumente SMC Hydra Motion Controller
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SMC hydra version TT version CM version RM Autor J.Oberfell Ausgabedatum 27.03.2015 Copyright © 2008 Alle Rechte, auch die des Nachdrucks, der Vervielfältigung von Teilen der hier vorliegenden Beschreibung und die der Übersetzung bleiben dem Herausgeber vorbehalten. Ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Herausgebers darf kein Teil dieser Beschreibung in irgendeiner Form reproduziert oder mit Hilfe elektronischer Vervielfältigungssysteme kopiert werden. Technische Änderungen im Zuge der Weiterentwicklung vorbehalten. Document SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc Version 3.3 PI-miCos GmbH Freiburger Strasse 30 79427 Eschbach Phone: 07634-5057-230 Fax: 07634-5057-293 eMail: web: 1. Content 1. Content ................................................................................................................................ 3 2. How to Connect ................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Hydra TT ...................................................................................................................... 4 Hydra CM..................................................................................................................... 5 Hydra-RM ................................................................................................................... 6 3. RS-232 Interface Configuration............................................................................................ 7 4. Ethernet Interface Configuration .......................................................................................... 7 5. IP-Address change .............................................................................................................. 8 6. RS-232 Baudrate change .................................................................................................... 8 7. Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 9 7.1. RS-232-Connector ....................................................................................................... 9 7.2. Ethernet-Connector...................................................................................................... 9 7.3. Power-Connector ....................................................................................................... 10 7.3.1. Mating Connector: .............................................................................................. 10 7.4. Motor Connector Axis 1.............................................................................................. 11 7.5. Motor Connector Axis 2.............................................................................................. 11 7.6. Digital IO Connector ................................................................................................... 12 7.7. Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................. 12 7.8. Actual IO- Termination ............................................................................................... 13 7.9. Digital Inputs / Termination Schematic ....................................................................... 13 7.10. Additional IO-sensor connection ................................................................................ 14 7.11. Delta-Star Encoder Interface (optional) ...................................................................... 15 7.11.1. Encoder Interface Connector.............................................................................. 16 7.11.2. Delta-Star Trigger Interface (optional) ................................................................ 16 7.12. Safety / Hardware Enable .......................................................................................... 17 7.12.1. Hydra TT ............................................................................................................ 17 7.12.2. Hydra CM / RM .................................................................................................. 17 7.12.3. Analog Outputs .................................................................................................. 17 7.12.4. Input Configuration Safety / Hardware Enable .................................................... 18 7.12.5. Emergency / Safety Schematic........................................................................... 19 7.13. Service CAN .............................................................................................................. 20 8. Power-Supply: ................................................................................................................... 21 8.1. 8.2. 9. Hydra TT .................................................................................................................... 21 Hydra CM................................................................................................................... 21 Venus-3 interpreter language ............................................................................................ 23 9.1. 9.2. Blocking and non blocking commands ....................................................................... 23 Command Overview .................................................................................................. 24 10. JS_Terminal.exe ............................................................................................................ 26 11. First Steps ..................................................................................................................... 27 SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 3 2. How to Connect 2.1. Hydra TT RS-232 Encoder 1Vpp Axis 1 (Option) Encoder 1Vpp Axis 2 (Option) Ethernet 10/100TCP/IP Motor 2 Motor 1 I/O termination Safety SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 4 2.2. 24VDC or 48VDC please verify Hydra CM I/O termination Safety Ethernet 10/100TCP/IP Absolute Encoder Interface RS-232 Motor 1 SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc Encoder 1Vpp Axis 1 (Option) Encoder 1Vpp Axis 2 (Option) Motor 2 5 2.3. Hydra-RM According the previous pages, please connect the stages to the controller. The controller is completely configured for the system. After connecting all components, you can power-up your computer. The Hydra controller supports Ethernet and RS-232 communication. Daisy-Chain of RS232 is not supported, so each Hydra Controller needs own RS-232 interface. For multi-controller applications the Ethernet interface is the preferable interface! The interfaces are actually configured as follows: SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 6 3. RS-232 Interface Configuration Data bits Stop bits Parity Handshake Baudrate 8 1 no no 115200 Baud 4. Ethernet Interface Configuration IP Address Port Subnet Mask 400 (max.5 handles) SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 7 5. IP-Address change Please use the RS-232 interface. Send following command-string with any terminal program: Query Address: Reply “” 0 getnetpara Query Subnet: Reply “” New IP address: 1 getnetpara “” 0 setnetpara “” 1 setnetpara csave reset The new TCP/IP settings are valid after reboot, so the reboot (reset command) is necessary! 6. RS-232 Baudrate change Send following command-string with any terminal program for example the basic communication tool on CD, JS-terminal.exe and connect with the actual baudrate. Query : Reply 1 getbaudrate 115200 New Baudrate: 57600 Set: 57600 1 setbaudrate The baud-rate will immediately be changed, so please close the connection and reconnect with the new baud-rate and store to flash-memory. csave Available Baudrates: 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 8 7. Connectors 7.1. RS-232-Connector DB9 male 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7.2. Function DCD RxD TxD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS 5V bridge to DTR&DSR Data Input Data Output bridge to DCD&DSR Ground DTR&DCD bridge to CTS bridge to RTS optional Ethernet-Connector RJ45 8 pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Function TX+ TXRX+ RX- LED Function : green traffic yellow 10/100 ( lightened if 100Base connected) SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 9 7.3. Power-Connector VCC+ (24 V) GND 7.3.1. Mating Connector: Female Wago Mini , coded 2 pin SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 10 7.4. Motor Connector Axis 1 DB15 female 1+9 2+10 3+11 4+12 6 Function A+ AB+ B5V 2 Phase Motor 3 Phase Motor Motorphase 1+ (A+) Phase 1 (U) Motorphase 1- (A-) Phase 3 (W) Motorphase 2+ (B+) Motorphase 2- (B-) Phase 2 (V) fused 5V max. 400mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) 7 12V fused12V max. 100mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) 8 PGnd 13 14 E1 (cal) E2 (rm) 15 GND 7.5. Reference for 12 V Supply, (same as Main-Supply) do not connect to GND otherwise we loose the GND separation between power and logic. Input 5 Limit switch reverse (cal ) Input 6 Limit switch forward (rm) Reference for 5 V Motor Connector Axis 2 DB15 female 1+9 2+10 3+11 4+12 6 Function A+ AB+ B5V 2 Phase Motor 3 Phase Motor Motorphase 1+ (A+) Phase 1 (U) Motorphase 1- (A-) Phase 3 (W) Motorphase 2+ (B+) Motorphase 2- (B-) Phase 2 (V) fused 5V max. 400mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) 7 12V fused12V max. 100mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) 8 PGnd 13 14 E1 (cal) E2 (rm) 15 GND Reference for 12 V Supply, (same as Main-Supply) do not connect to GND otherwise we loose the GND separation between power and logic. Input 2 Limit switch reverse (cal ) Input 3 Limit switch forward (rm) Reference for 5 V The Limit switch-inputs are also connected to the Digital-IO-Connector! We mainly connect the limit-switches to the motor-connector. Please do not try to connect a additional switch via IO connector, this will not work with normally closed switches! SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 11 7.6. Digital IO Connector HB15 female 1 Function 5V 2 PGnd 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 Input 6 Input 1A Input 2A Input 3A Input 4A Input 5A Input 6A GND 7.7. Definition free CAL Axis 2 RM Axis 2 free CAL Axis 1 RM Axis 1 free CAL Axis 2 RM Axis 2 CAL Axis 1 RM Axis 1 Hints fused 5V max. 400mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) Reference for 12 V Supply, (same as Main-Supply) do not connect to GND otherwise we loose the GND separation between power and logic. 5-24 V 5-24 V (connected internally to Motor 1-Connector ) 5-24 V (connected internally to Motor-1-Connector ) 5-24 V 5-24 V(connected internally to Motor-2-Connector ) 5-24 V(connected internally to Motor-2-Connector ) fixed potential Input 1 (termination) fixed potential Input 2 (termination) fixed potential Input 3 (termination) fixed potential Input 4 (termination) fixed potential Input 5 (termination) fixed potential Input 6 (termination) Digital Inputs The input configuration can be easily adapted to any sensor, all inputs are fitted with bidirectional opto-couplers. The fixed resistance (2.7 kOhm) is designed to work with 5 to 24 VDC signal, minimum High Level 4,25V/1,5mA, maximum High Level 24V/10mA. Active Sensor 5 V npn Mechanical Sensor npn Active Sensor 5 V pnp Mechanical Sensor pnp IN-xA termination 5V 5V GND GND Active sensor 5 < Ub<=24 pnp PGND Venus-3-Command : getevtst InputId groupindex getevtst returns : 0 = off 1 = on SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc inputId = 1 to 6, groupindex = 1 (controller-IO) 12 7.8. Actual IO- Termination The IO-Termination for the system is documented in the appendix Configuration. The IO-Termination is part of any controller-delivery. The exact type depends on the stages we deliver with the controller. If we deliver a controller without stages, the default configuration is NPN. 7.9. Digital Inputs / Termination Schematic SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 13 7.10. Additional IO-sensor connection Example: The IO termination connector is prepared for npn-Sensors 5 V. The example shows how to connect two different switch types (npn) to the free inputs. If the external sensor is a different type or should be galvanically isolated, we need to disconnect the reference Pins IN-1A and IN-4A and do a new connection to the reference-voltage of the external supply. SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 14 7.11. Delta-Star Encoder Interface (optional) For all stages with encoder we need a Delta-Star or Delta-Star-eco interface, without interface the controller is limited to drive only stepper-motors open-loop.! Delta-Star-eco does not support the FPGA-trigger-interface! All other specs are identical! • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12Bit A/D converter for optical signal Sin/Cos/Ref 1Vss differential, max. frequency 150 kHz (UA, UB,UREF) Converter for TTL signal DIN66259 (RS422, A,B,REF), quadrature encoded, max. frequency 4MHz (16 MHz quad-counts) High-speed position trigger unit. Pure hardware implementation of position calculation, interpolation, and compare for highest performance Two differential position trigger outputs (TRIG_OUT1_A, TRIG_OUT2_A, RS422 signals) Equidistant or arbitrary position trigger definitions possible Maximum output trigger frequency: 400kHz, depending on pulse width(s) Temporal accuracy: 2μs or better (plus analogue path delays where applicable) Differential position capture inputs (TRIG_IN_A, RS422 signal) Maximum input trigger frequency: 4 kHz, min. 2.5 μs pulse width Programmable pulse widths and delays (0.5μs resolution) Programmable signal polarities Variety of special functions, for details please refer to software manual Trigger units can be associated to each position measurement channel, restrictions are described in the software manual SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 15 7.11.1. HD-15 female 1 Encoder Interface Connector Function 5V Sensor V+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A+ AB+ BREF+ (index+) REF-(index-) EN* 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ref+ (index+) Ref- (index-) A+ AB+ BGND Encoder Signals RS422 quadrature Input Select Encoder Signals 1Vpp sin cos fused 5V max. 100mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) interpolated quadrature inputs RS-422 standard (differential) enables TTL Encoder input if wired to GND (15) 1 Vpp differential inputs for highest interpolation Sensor GND Supply GND *Input Select, tie to GND for quadrature inputs, leave open for 1Vpp 7.11.2. Delta-Star Trigger Interface (optional) Actually supported is Trigger-Out1_A , Trigger-Out2_A and Trigger-In A Controller fitted with a Mini-HDMI (Type-C) Mini-HDMI (controller) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Function HDMI-Pin GND +Trig-Out1_A -Trig-Out1_A GND +Trig-Out2_A -Trig-Out2_A 2 1 3 5 4 6 -Trig_In_A +Trig_In_A GND 5V 15 16 14 18 SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc Hint differential RS-422 output differential RS-422 output differential RS-422 input 5 V Output imax = 50 mA 16 7.12. Safety / Hardware Enable 7.12.1. Binder 711 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Function 5V 5V EN EN A GND GND 7.12.2. DB9 female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hydra TT Hardware Enable Hardware Enable potential Reference for +5 Volt Hydra CM / RM Funktion 5V RXTX Dac Out 1 Dac Out 2 Dac Out 3 Dac Out 4 EN ENA GND 7.12.3. fused 5V max. 500mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) fused 5V max. 500mA @ 50°C (self resetting polyfuse) single wire CAN Bus Analog OUT (supported since FW3) Analog OUT (supported since FW3) Analog OUT (supported since FW3) Analog OUT (supported since FW3) Hardware Enable Hardware Enable potential Reference for DAC , RXTX and +5 Volt Analog Outputs The analog outputs are supported since since firmware 3.0 • • • • • 0-3V analog output (1024 values) Resolution 10 Bits relative Accuracy ±4 LSB differential non linearity ±0.5 LSB Output Voltage Settling Time=9 µs SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 17 7.12.4. Input Configuration Safety / Hardware Enable As the digital inputs, the Hardware-Enable Input can be easily adapted to any sensor or switch which supports a normally closed-contact. The input is fitted with bi-directional opto-coupler. The fixed resistance is designed to work with 5 to 24 VDC signal. Active Sensor 5 V npn Mechanical Sensor npn Active Sensor 5 V pnp Mechanical Sensor pnp ENA, Hardware Enable potential 5V 5V GND GND Active sensor 5 < Ub<=24 pnp PGND The power amplifier is active if current flows through the opto-coupler! So please use a opener contact switch! By default the emergency input is deactivated (Hydra CM)! To enable the input please use command 1 setemsw (see manual) and command csave The input "Hardware enable" is not an emergency stop circuit in accordance with the requirements of the professional associations To query the actual setting : getemsw 0= deactive | 1 = active To get the information about the actual status of the input query the status(st or axisid nst). Bit 7 : indicates that the system was stopped by emergency input 1= stopped | 0 = ok Bit 8 : shows the main result, the motor is off 1 = motor off | 1 = on Bit 9 : shows the actual status of the input , 1 = the input is openhardware disabled To re-enable the system, close first the emergency button, after this, send the commands 1 init to enable axis 1 and 2 init to enable axis 2. SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 18 7.12.5. SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc Emergency / Safety Schematic 19 7.13. DB9 male 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Service CAN Funktion OUT Open Drain CAN-Bus L GND RxD Out 1 Out 2 CAN-Bus H TXD User 5V Open Drain Output (Software Index=3) Can Low Ground Service RS232 RxD Out TTL 1 (Software Index=4) Out TTL 2 (Software Index=5) CAN High Service RS232 TxD Fused power 5 V/400mA Output Open Drain: loads max. 24 V 100 mA TTL-Output: TTL 3.3 V Example for Open Drain Output: SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 20 8. Power-Supply: 8.1. Hydra TT internal power supply with 2 different bus voltages (must be defined by order) Voltage Power Bus Voltage 24 VDC 100-250 VAC 300 W 48 VDC Using a 48 V supply with a 24V version will cause damage of the controller! Using a 24 V supply with a 48V version will cause bad performance of the system, but does not cause any damage. 8.2. Hydra CM External power supply, available in different power and bus-voltage dependant to application. Version 1: good for standard stepper motors upto NEMA 23 size and for smaller direct drives (consult factory) desktop size 7160-9-626 Input Voltage Frequency Output Voltage Power Version 2: 7160-9-625 90-264 AC 47-63 Hz 24 VDC 120 W 48 VDC 120 W good for standard stepper motors upto NEMA 23 size but higher current and medium size direct drives (consult factory) DIN-rail Input Voltage Frequency Output Voltage Power SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 85–132 / 187–264 VAC autom. selection 47-63 Hz 24 VDC 48 VDC 180 W 192 W 21 Version 3: good for standard stepper motors upto NEMA 23 size but higher current and medium to large size direct drives (consult factory) DIN-rail Input Voltage Frequency Output Voltage Power SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 7160-9-621 7160-9-623 85–132 / 187–264 VAC autom. selection 47-63 Hz 24 VDC 48 VDC 360 W 360 W 22 9. Venus-3 interpreter language Venus-3 is an interpreter language and combines the languages Venus-1 and Venus-2 Venus-3 commands consist of ASCII-characters which are interpreted in the controller and immediately executed. A software development surrounding to produce the control programs is not needed. The commands can be produced by any host and whatever programming language you are using, on condition that there is an access to the RS232 interface or Ethernet interface. In the simplest way the commands are directly transmitted to the controller via an ASCII terminal. 9.1. Blocking and non blocking commands Hydra has no more blocking commands. All commands are executed immediately are not waiting that the previously executed command has finished. One of the consequences is that the target of motion can be changed on the fly! For more info please refer to the Manual Hydra-Handbook xxx.pdf SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 23 9.2. Command Overview Following commands are actually supported. Detailed description in main-manual Hydra_Venus_xx.pdf Command nrmove (nr) nmove (nm) m r np p Page Description move relative, without query status move absolute without query status move absolute interpolated move relative interpolated returns actual position returns actual position axis 1 & 2 Parameters relpos axisid abspos axisid pos1 pos2 m pos1 pos2 r axisid - R/W w w w w r r init motor restart after failure axisId w 1 init setnpos Defines location of position origin relative to its initial location. newpos axisid w 0.0 1 setnpos getnpos Returns current Position origin axisid r 1 getnpos nstatus (nst) ge errordecode gme merrordecode nabortncalibrate (ncal) nrangemeasure (nrm) nrefmove version identify getswst getsw setsw returns actual status returns actual error number, see table page returns the error description of the code in a string returns actual error number, see table page 29 returns the error description of the code in a string stops a move stops move of all connected axes homing (search limit reverse) rangemeasure (search limit forward) search index of encoder returns the firmware-version returns the controller identification returns the status of limit-inputs returns the setting of limit-inputs defines the limit-switch-status axisid number number axisid r r r 1 nst ge 2000 errordecode getncalswdist setncalswdist getpitch setpitch getpolepairs setpolepairs getnvel (gnv) setnvel (snv) getnaccel (gna) setnaccel (sna) getvel (gv) getaccel (ga) setvel (sv) setaccel(sa) setstopdecel (ssd) getstopdecel (gsd) getncalvel setncalvel returns the calswitch-distance defines the calswitch-distance returns the pitch of the stage defines the pitch of the stage returns the number of polepairs defines the number of polepairs returns the velocity for move defines the velocity for move returns the acceleration for move defines the acceleration for move returns the vector velocity returns the vector acceleration defines the vector velocity defines the vector acceleration defines the deceleration for a commanded stop or limit-switch activation returns the deceleration for a commanded stop or limit-switch activation returns the speed for cal-move defines the speed for cal-move getnrefvel returns the speed for ref-move (encoder index search ) SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc axisid axisid distance axisid axisid axisid status 0 axisid status 1 axisid axisid distance axisid axisid pitch axisid axisid number axisid vel axisid axisid axisid acc axisid acc axisid axisid value 1 axisid value 2 axisid axisid Range +/- 1nm .. +-200 m +/- 1nm .. +-200 m +/- 1nm .. +-200 m +/- 1nm .. +-200 m +/- 1nm .. +-200 m w w w w w r r r r w 0..2 r w r w r w r w r w r r w w w 0..1000.0 0.001...1000 1..100 10 nm/s ..10 m/s 1 µm/s2 ... 500 m/s2 10 nm/s ..10 m/s 1 µm/s2 ... 500 m/s2 1 µm/s2 ... 500 m/s2 r w 10 nm/s ..10 m/s r 24 Example 1.0 1 nr 5.1 1 nm 12.0 9.0 m 11r 1 np p 12 merrordecode 1 nabort hex 3 1 ncal 1 nrm 20 1 nrefmove version identify 1 getswst 1 getsw 1 0 1 setsw 1 1 1 setsw 1 getncalswdist 0.5 1 setncalswdist 1 getpitch 1.0 1 setpitch 1 getpolepairs 1 1 setpolepairs 1 gnv 12.0 1 snv 1 gna 120.0 1 sna gv ga 1.0 sv 10 sa 20.0 1 ssd 1 getncalvel 5.0 1 1 setncalvel 0.1 2 1 setncalvel 1 getrefvel setnrefvel defines the speed for ref-move (encoder index search ) value axisid w getref setref getrefst getnrmvel setnrmvel returns the setting for index search Defines the mode of operation for encoder index search returns the status of the encoder index search returns the speed for rm-move defines the speed for rm-move axisid value axisid axisId axisid value 1 axisid value 2 axisid r w r r w getumotmin setumotmin getumotgrad setumotgrad returns the motor-umotmin defines the motor-umotmin (*) returns the motor-umotgrad defines the motor-umotgrad (*) axisid value axisid axisid value axisid r w r w gi gc getnlimit setnlimit nsave save gsp clear reset returns the absolute motor current in Amp returns the motor current per phase in Amp returns the travel-limits defines the travel-limits save axis parameters in flash-memory save controller parameters in flash-memory returns the stack-counter clear controllers internal stack resets the controller axisId axisid axisid low high axisid axisid - r r r w w w r w w getbaudrate setbaudrate getnetpara setnetpara returns the actual baudrate of the serial interface RS232 defines the baudrate of the serial interface RS232 returns the actual settings of the Ethernet interface defines the settings of the Ethernet interface index rate index index string index r w r w SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 10 nm/s ..10 m/s 0..2 see table see table +/- 1nm .. +-200 m 1.0 1 setrefvel 1 getref 0 1 setref (default) 1 getrefst 1 getnrmvel 50 1 1 setnrmvel 0.1 2 1 setnrmvel 1 getumotmin 2.5 1 setumotmin 1 getumotgrad 0.2 1 setumotgrad 1 gi 1 gc 1 getnlimit 0.0 100.0 1 setnlimit 1 nsave save gsp clear reset 1 getbaudrate 57600 1 setbaudrate 0 getnetpara “” 0 setnetpara 25 10. JS_Terminal.exe This program allows communication with any devices via RS232 or Ethernet, It’s like Hyperterminal, but supports a editable command-line. Menu Paras : Configuration of the interface SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc 26 11. First Steps Now we play a little with the system, please run the program JS_Terminal.exe or any other terminal-program. Connect with RS232 or Ethernet. After power-up the controller the stage jumps with low energy into a full-step position of the linear-motor. Please do not touch the stage in this phase. After some seconds the stage is in closed-loop. The system is completely configured for the stage. The settings of the controller are documented in the file appendix Configuration. Command 1 np 1 ncal Reply the actual position - 10 1 nr -2 1 nr 46 1 nm - 10 1 nrefmove 1 np 1 nst 1 gnv 10 1 snv 1 gna 50 1 sna 0 1 nm 00m 12 12 r gv ga p SMC-Hydra CM TT.doc the actual position the actual status the actual velocity Comment search the home-switch (limit reverse) after this position = 0.00000 stage moves 10 mm relative stage moves –2 mm relative stage moves to absolute 46 mm searches the index of the encoder the position at Index I change speed to 10 mm/s the actual acc/deceleration change acc to 50 mm/s/s Move to 0-position Vector move absolute Vector move relative the actual vector speed the actual vector acceleration the actual vector position 27
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