Pismolabs Technology P1215 Pepwave 500mW 802.11n platform User Manual PePWave PolePoint

Pismo Labs Technology Limited Pepwave 500mW 802.11n platform PePWave PolePoint

User Manual

 COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Specifications are subject to change without notice.  Copyright © 2011 Pepwave Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  Pepwave and the Pepwave logo are trademarks of Pepwave Ltd. Other brands or products mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.                Document Rev.3.0.1 Mar-11
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 2 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ................................................................................. 3 2 PRODUCT FEATURES ............................................................................................. 4 3 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 5 4 PEPWAVE AP ONE OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 6 4.1 FRONT VIEW ......................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 REAR PANEL VIEW ................................................................................................................ 6 5 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 7 5.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 7 6 INFORMATION.......................................................................................................... 8 6.1 SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................ 8 6.2 WIRELESS ............................................................................................................................. 9 7 CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... 13 7.1 SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 13 7.2 WIRELESS NETWORKS ......................................................................................................... 16 7.3 ADVANCED WIRELESS SETTINGS.......................................................................................... 28 7.4 WDS .................................................................................................................................. 30 7.5 SNMP ................................................................................................................................ 31 7.6 WEB ADMINISTRATION ......................................................................................................... 34 8 TOOLS - DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS .............................................................................. 36 9 COMMANDS ........................................................................................................... 37 9.1 ACTIVATE CHANGES ............................................................................................................ 37 9.2 FIRMWARE .......................................................................................................................... 38 9.3 CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................................. 39 9.4 MISC .................................................................................................................................. 40 10 RESTORATION OF FACTORY DEFAULTS........................................................... 41 10.1 AP ONE .............................................................................................................................. 41 APPENDIX A. ................................................................................................................ 42
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 3 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  1 Introduction and Scope Pepwave AP One is an enterprise grade 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi access point with centralized management system. It is a powerful solution for building wireless networks for all business needs. Each Pepwave AP One is loaded with essential features such as Multiple SSID, VLAN, WDS and Guest Protect.  One Pepwave AP One can masquerade up to 4 different access points. Each virtual access point can have its own security policy (e.g. WPA, WPA2, etc.) and authentication mechanism (e.g. 802.1x, open, captive portal, etc), to facilitate building your network much faster, easier and more cost-effective than ever before. Pepwave AP One comes with a high-power Wi-Fi transmitter which greatly enhances coverage and performance.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 4 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  2 Product Features  Key features of Pepwave AP One:  • High-power output enhances coverage and lowers cost of ownership  • Independent security policies and encryption mechanisms per virtual AP  • Centralized management via InControl  • WDS Support for secure and fast network expansion  • Guest Protect Support  • WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) and QoS (Quality of Service) Support
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 5 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  3 Package Contents The following items are the contents of a Pepwave AP One package:  • 1 x Pepwave AP One unit  • 1 x Omni-directional Antenna  • 1 x Power Supply Unit • 1 x Instruction Sheet
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 6 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  4 Pepwave AP One Overview 4.1 Front View       4.2 Rear Panel View  Connectors Antenna  (Left-most Connector) A RP-SMA connector for connecting the antenna. WAN   A 10/100BaseT Ethernet connector, normally to be connected to back haul network. Reset A reset button to be depressed with a pin.  Depress and hold for at least 5 seconds to restore factory defaults. For further details, please refer to Section 10, Restoration of Factory Defaults. Power Connector A connector for DC 12V power input, to be connected with the supplied power adaptor.  LED Indicators  Power OFF – Power off ON  – Power on Status OFF – The unit is initializing. ON – The unit is ready.  Ethernet OFF – The Ethernet port is not connected. ON – The Ethernet port is connected.  Wireless OFF – Wireless is not ready. On – Wireless is ready.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 7 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  5 Installation Pepwave AP One acts as a bridge between the wireless and the wired Ethernet interface.  A typical setup is as follows:   5.1 Installation Procedures  1. Attach the antenna to the Pepwave AP One unit.  2. Connect the Ethernet port on the unit with the backbone network using an Ethernet cable. The port could auto sense the cable is straight-through or cross-over.  3. Connect the power adapter to the power connector of the unit, and then plug in the power adapter.  4. Wait for the status LED to turn green.  5. Connect a PC to the backbone network, and configure the IP address of the PC to be any IP address between and, with subnet mask of  6. With Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or above, or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or above, or Google Chrome 2.0 or above, connect to the URL 7. When asked, enter the default admin login ID and password, admin and public respectively.  8. After logging in, the following Information main page appears. Please go to Configure > System to facilitate further configuration of the Pepwave AP One unit.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 8 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  6 Information 6.1 System  System Information AP Name This field shows the name of the AP One device defined in the configuration. Location This field shows the location of the AP One device defined in the configuration. Network IP Information This shows the current gateway IP of the AP One device. System Time This shows the system time in respect to the time zone selected. Up Time This shows the up time of the device since it is booted up.  Click on the Detail link next to the Network IP Information to check the following system information:  IP Address Mode, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Server.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 9 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  6.2 Wireless 6.2.1 AP Info  Wireless Information – AP Info  Number of Wireless Networks  This indicates the number of wireless networks.  Number of Connected Clients  This indicates the number of associated clients.  Current Channel  This shows which 802.11 channel the system is using.  Wireless Network SSID  This shows which SSID the client is associated.  Broadcast SSID  This setting shows whether or not the ESSID of this wireless network profile can be scanned by Wi-Fi clients.  Security Policy  This setting shows the wireless authentication and encryption methods.  Default VLAN ID  This setting shows the VLAN ID tagged on all outgoing packets generated from this wireless network profile.  MAC Address (BSSID)  This shows the detailed BSSIDs for that particular wireless network profile.   Click on the Info link to check the following wireless information: Web Portal Login, Wireless Network Firewall, MAC Filter, Bandwidth Control, Layer 2 Isolation.  Click on the Stat link to check the following networking statistics: Packets Sent, Bytes Sent, Packets Received, Bytes Received.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 10 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  6.2.2 Connected Clients    Wireless Information – Connected Clients Manufacturer  This shows the manufacturer based on the MAC prefix.  MAC address  This shows the client MAC address.  Signal  This shows the signal strength.  Network SSID  This shows which SSID the client is associated.  Authentication Status  This shows the client authentication method(s).  Type  This shows the radio mode of the client.  Connection Length  This shows the associated duration.   Click on the Details link, more networking statistics will be provided.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 11 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  Wireless Information – Connected Clients  - Details Vendor This shows the manufacturer based on the MAC prefix.  MAC Address This shows the client MAC address.  Protocol This shows the radio mode of the client. IP Address This shows the IP address of connected client.  Network SSID This shows which SSID the client is associated. Connection Length This shows the associated duration. Authentication Status This shows the client authentication method(s). Username This shows the user name of the connected client. Domain This shows the domain name of the connected client. VLAN ID This shows the VLAN ID of the connected client. Network Priority Level This shows the priority level of internet transfers of this connect client. Bytes Received  This shows the transmitted size this client received from the AP. Bytes Sent This shows the transmitted size this client sent out to the AP. Packets Received This shows the packet number this client received from the AP. Packets Sent This shows the packet number this client sent out to the AP. Receive Errors This shows the number of errors this client received from the AP. Transmit Errors This shows the number of errors this client transmitted to the AP. Duplicates Received This shows the number of duplicates received by the client from the AP. Receive Retries This shows the number of retries this client received from the AP. Transmit Retries This shows the number of retries this client transmitted to the AP. Transmit Excessive Retries This shows the number of excessive retries this client transmitted to the AP. Receive Data Rate This shows the receive data rate of the client from the AP. Transmit Data Rate This shows the transmit data rate of the client to the AP. Signal (RSSI) This shows the signal strength received by the client.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 12 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  6.2.3 Nearby Networks   Wireless Information – Nearby Networks  Network Discovery  This shows if the AP would scan and discover nearby network.  Scanning Interval  This shows how often the AP goes to other channels to discover nearby AP.  Scanning Time  This shows how long the AP stays on the other channels to discover a nearby AP.  Manufacturer  This shows the manufacturer based on the MAC prefix.  SSID  This shows which SSID the client is associated.  Security  This shows the client authentication method(s).  MAC address  This shows the client MAC address.  Channel  This shows the channel of the existing Bssid.  Signal (RSSI)  This shows the signal strength.  Last Seen  This indicates the time stamp of the access point sc  Status This shows the current status of this nearby network.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 13 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7 Configuration 7.1 System Upon selecting System under Configure section from the navigation bar on the left, the following page shows the configuration options:  7.1.1 Basic   System Settings - Basic AP Name A user-specified name for this access point.   This value can be retrieved via SNMP. Location A user-specified name for the location of the access point.   This value can be retrieved via SNMP. Timezone This option specifies the time region to be used for representing the time on the system. Domain Name Domain name can be set for wireless clients to have a readable name for the web management.  Keep Default IP With this option disabled, default IP of the device will be disabled. IP Address Mode The options are Automatic and Manual. Automatic: IP address of the Pepwave AP One unit is acquired from a DHCP server on the Ethernet segment. Manual: A user-specified IP address is used. IP Address Mode – Manual Static IP Address This specifies the unique IP address for the Pepwave AP One unit to communicate on the Ethernet segment.  This IP address is distinct from the admin IP address on the Ethernet segment.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 14 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  Subnet Mask This setting specifies the subnet mask of the Pepwave AP One unit. Default Gateway This setting specifies the default gateway of the Pepwave AP One unit. DNS Server This is the DNS server address to be used by the Pepwave AP One unit for resolving host names. IP Address Mode – PPPoE PPPoE Username This specifies the username required in order to connect via PPPoE to acquire Internet connectivity. The information is typically determined by and can be obtained from the ISP. PPPoE Password This specifies the password required in order to connect via PPPoE to acquire Internet connectivity. The information is typically determined by and can be obtained from the ISP. PPPoE Service Name This is a PPPoE parameter which is provided by the ISP.  Note: Leave this field empty if you are not sure.  7.1.2 Advanced  System Settings - Advanced Management VLAN ID This specifies the VLAN from which management sessions are allowed.  The establishment of management sessions is restricted only to the specified VLAN ID.  If Management VLAN ID is set to zero, no VLAN restriction is applied.   The default value of this setting is zero.  It means no tagging is enabled (instead of tagged with zero). NTP Server This is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server hostname to be used for synchronizing system clock of Pepwave AP One.   The default value of this setting is pool.ntp.org. Scheduled Reboot The system would perform reboot based on the scheduled time set. Click the box above the Schedule to Enable this feature. Ethernet Speed/Duplex This setting provides the option to set the speed of the Ethernet. AP Mode Available options are Bridge and Router. With this option set as Router, the following Manual Router Settings will be available.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 15 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.1.3 Manual Router Settings Manual Router Settings will only be available when the AP Mode in the previous section had been selected as Router mode. You can use the AP One as a DHCP server for other devices behind.  DHCP Server Parameters LAN IP This setting specifies the DHCP server IP address. LAN Subnet Mask This setting specifies the subnet mask of the DHCP server. DHCP Server Checked the box to enable the DHCP Server of this device. Following options will be enabled once you have checked and enabled the service. IP Start Range This setting specifies the first address in the range of IP addresses to be assigned to DHCP clients. IP Stop Range This setting specifies the last address in the range of IP addresses to be assigned to DHCP clients. Subnet Mask This setting specifies the subnet mask to be used by DHCP clients. Broadcast Address This setting specifies the broadcast address to be used by DHCP clients. Gateway This setting specifies the default routing gateway to be used by DHCP clients. DNS 1 This setting specifies the IP address of the primary DNS Server to be offered to DHCP clients. DNS 2 This setting specifies the IP address of the secondary DNS Server to be offered to DHCP clients. DNS 3 This setting specifies the IP address of the tertiary DNS Server to be offered to DHCP clients. Lease Time This setting specifies the length of time throughout which an IP address of a DHCP client remains valid. Upon expiration of the Lease Time, the assigned IP address will no longer be valid and the renewal of the IP address assignment will be required.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 16 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.2 Wireless Networks Upon selecting  Wireless Networks under Configure section from the navigation bar on the left, the following shows the configured SSID available on the system:  General Wireless Networks Settings Wireless Network SSID The SSID of the virtual Access Point (AP). Security Policy Shows the configured wireless authentication and encryption methods. Default VLAN ID This setting specifies the VLAN ID to be tagged on all outgoing packets generated from the virtual AP (i.e. packets that travel from the Wi-Fi segment, through the Pepwave AP One unit to Ethernet segment via the LAN port).   If 802.1x is enabled, a per-user VLAN ID can be specified in the authentication reply from the Radius server.  If it is set, the value specified via Default VLAN ID will be overridden. Status  Shows whether the virtual AP is enabled or disabled. MAC Address (BSSID) Shows the detailed BSSIDs. Portal Shows if the InControl Guest Portal is enabled. Please refer to section 7.2.2 for details.  To add a new virtual AP, click the Add button. To modify the settings for a virtual AP, click the link Edit on the right of the desired WLAN SSID, upon which the following Wireless Network Details is displayed.  Click on the Info link to check the following networking statistics: Broadcast SSID, MAC Filter, Bandwidth Control, Layer 2 Isolation.  General Wireless Networks Settings – Info Broadcast SSID This shows if the Broadcast SSID feature of this network is enabled. MAC Filter This shows if the MAC Filter feature of this network is enabled. Bandwidth Control This shows if the Bandwidth Control feature of this network is enabled. Layer 2 Isolation This shows if the Layer 2 Isolation feature of this network is enabled.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 17 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.2.1 Wireless Network Details - Basic    Wireless Networks Details - Basic Enable Select Yes to enable the virtual AP, or No to disable the virtual AP.   By default, the virtual AP is enabled. Wireless Network SSID This setting specifies the SSID of the virtual AP to be scanned by Wi-Fi clients.   Broadcast SSID This setting specifies whether or not the ESSID of the virtual AP can be scanned by Wi-Fi clients.   Note that the BSSID (i.e. the MAC address of the virtual AP) cannot be hidden from the scan.  To associate with the virtual AP, clients must specify the correct ESSID upon association.   Broadcast SSID is enabled by default. Security Level This setting configures the wireless authentication and encryption methods.   Available options are: Open - No Encryption, Static WEP, 802.1X, WPA-TKIP and WPA2-AES:CCMP. Selecting Open - No Encryption disables encryption.   For details on the other options, please refer to: - Static WEP Parameters - 802.1x Parameters - WPA Parameters
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 18 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave Static WEP The configuration of Static WEP parameters enables pre-shared WEP key encryption.  Authentication is not supported by this method.   The security level of this method is known to be weak.   Static WEP parameters are entered via the following screen upon selection:  Static WEP Parameters Key Size The setting can be configured as either 40 bits (64-bit WEP) or 104 bits (128-bit WEP).  (For WDS setting, 128 bits will also be available.) Key Format The setting can be configured as either ASCII or HEX. • ASCII will be applied to encryption keys that are manually entered only. • HEX will be applied to encryption keys that are either manually entered or automatically generated. Passphrase Combination of words and characters used to generate an encryption key. Click Generate Key to create the key. Encryption Key This setting specifies a user-specified encryption key value. For ASCII format, key length is either 5 or 13.   For HEX format, key length is either 10 or 26. Shared Key Authentication This setting enables the use of shared key authentication.  Open authentication is the default authentication.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 19 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave 802.1X Parameters The configuration of 802.1X parameters enables Radius-based 802.1X authentication with a dynamic WEP key.  Once selected, Radius Server Setting will be available. The configuration screen is as follows:  802.1x Parameters 802.1X Version This setting selects between v1 or v2 of the 802.1x EAPOL.   When v1 is selected, both v1 and v2 clients can associate with the access point.  However, when v2 is selected, only v2 clients can associate with the access point. Most modern wireless clients support v2.  In the event that there are stations that do not support v2, select the option v1. By default, the value of the setting is v2. WEP Key Size The setting can be configured as either 40 bits or 104 bits. Re-keying Period This setting specifies the length of time throughout which the broadcast key remains valid. Upon expiration of Re-keying Period, the broadcast key will no longer be valid and the renewal of the broadcast key will be required. The default is 14400 seconds (i.e. 4 hours).   A value of 0 disables re-keying. WPA parameters The configuration of WPA parameters enables WPA-TKIP,  WPA2-AES:CCMP and  WPA-TKIP and WPA2-AES:CCMP. To enable WPA and WPA-PSK, configure WPA-TKIP. To enable WPA2 and WPA2-PSK, configure WPA2-AES. When WPA or WPA2 is configured, Radius-based 802.1x authentication with TKIP encryption method is enabled. Under this configuration, the Pre-Shared Key option should be disabled.   The security level of this method is known to be very high.  When WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is configured, a Pre-Shared Key, or Passphrase, is used for data encryption and authentication.  Under this configuration, the Pre-Shared Key option should be enabled.  Key length must be between 8 and 63 characters (inclusive).   The security level of this method is known to be high.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 20 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave Radius Server Settings  Radius Server Settings Primary Host When 802.1x authentication is configured, the Radius server specified by this setting will be used for authentication and accounting. Secret This is the secret for accessing the Radius server. Authentication Port This specifies the UDP port number for the Authentication port of the Radius server. Accounting Port This specifies the UDP port number for the Accounting port of the Radius server. Secondary Host This setting specifies the Radius server to used for authentication and accounting in the event that the host specified by Primary Host is unavailable. Maximum Retransmission This specifies the maximum number of retry for RADIUS authentication. By default, it is set as 3. Radius Request Interval This  specifies the time interval in second between each RADISU request attempt.  Note that the request time interval would be doubled every retransmission. By default, it is set as 3s.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 21 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.2.2 Web Portal Login  Simply registering the devices with Pepwave InControl, users can apply configurations, firmware, and monitor network activity remotely through this centralized management system. For more details, you can refer to Pepwave website at: http://www.pepwave.com/products/incontrol/.  Tip: How to Set Up AP One Guest Portal in InControl To set up Guest Portal, you need to (1) enable guest portal function and (2) create guest accounts and set up portal page.   Step One: Enable Guest Portal 1. Log in InControl using your username and password. <https://incontrol.pepwave.com/> 2. Click "Configuration" tab and find the desired configuration profile.   3. To find your wireless network, click "Wireless" tab, check the box next to "Wireless Networks" and click "More..." button.    4. Click on the name of the SSID you have set up.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 22 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  (Note: If you have not added a wireless network, you can click "New wireless network..." to set up a new one.)   5. On the "Edit a wireless network" screen, click "Web Portal Login" tab. Click "Enable" to enable the Web Portal Login function. Click "OK" to continue.   6. Click "Save" button to save the changes.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 23 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7. Click the "Web Admin" tag, and setup the web access as follows: Web Access Protocol: HTTPS Management Port: 443 HTTP to HTTPS Redirection: Enable Click Save button to save the settings.     Step Two: Create Guest Accounts and Set Up Portal Page  8. Go to "Guest Portal and Accounts" by clicking on the link at the left panel.      9. You can generate more than one account at one time. Change the parameters in the fields No. of accounts to be generated, Username prefix, Sequence number suffix and Time Quota. Default time limit is set to 24 hours. You can change the time limit.  10. Click "Generate" button.    11. You should now have some guest accounts generated as shown in the table "Unused Guest Accounts". You can download the accounts information in CSV file by clicking the "All", "Generated
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 24 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  today" or "Not generated today" links.    12. A standard portal page will be generated automatically after guest accounts are generated (http://guest.pepwave.com). You can customize the portal page by clicking on the "Portal Page Customization" tab. In the screen upload your logo image and enter message for guests. You can preview your portal page and then publish the portal page.    Your guest accounts and portal page are now ready for use.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 25 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.2.3 Guest Protect  Wireless Networks Details  - Guest Protect Block LAN Access This option enables the settings to Block all private IPs / Custom Subnet / Block Exception.  If you have selected Block all private IPs or Custom Subnet, these IPs / Subnets will be blocked no matter what "Firewall Mode" selected. When Block Exception is selected, IPs entered will be excluded from the blocking list.  1. Private IP -- This includes the commonly known private IPs:  • -  • -  • - 2. Custom Subnet -- This includes user specified IP subnets to be blocked. 3. Block Exception – Only IPs specified will NOT be blocked. Bandwidth Management This option enables the settings to control upstream and downstream limits. You can select to either control the bandwidth usage Per VAP or Per Client. Maximum Number of Clients This setting specifies the maximum number of clients that can be connected to the AP One simultaneously. By default, it is set to 0: unlimited. Firewall Mode This setting specifies three options: Lockdown, Flexible, and Disable. • Lockdown – Block all traffic except for the pre-defined exceptions; • Flexible – Allow all traffic except for the pre-defined exceptions; • Disable – Firewall mode is disabled. (Default option) Exceptions This setting specifies the exceptions when Lockdown or Flexible Firewall Mode is selected. Exceptions can be added by types, including Port, Domain, IP Address, MAC Address, Application/Service.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 26 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.2.4 MAC Filter The settings allow administrator to control the access through Mac address filtering.  Available options are: None, Deny all except listed, Accept all except listed.    7.2.5 Advanced
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 27 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave   Wireless Networks Details -Advanced Data Rate There are two options on data rate: Fixed, Auto Fixed will forced all data packets to be transmitted into the selected transmit rate.  Auto will automatically select the best transmit rate with a condition to use the selected transmit rate as the minimum auto transmit rate. The rate options and values will be affected by selected Protocol and Channel Bonding in section 7.3.1. Multicast Filter This setting enables the filtering of multicast network traffic to the wireless SSID. Multicast Rate This setting specifies the transmit rate to used for sending multicast network traffic. The rate options and values will be affected by selected Protocol and Channel Bonding in section 7.3.1. DHCP Relay The AP One will forward DHCP requests to a specified DHCP Server.  This option prevents broadcast messages from being propagated on the Ethernet segment.  Upon selecting this option, the DHCP Server IP address (or DHCP Server settings) will be prompted. Default VLAN ID This setting specifies the VLAN ID to be tagged on all outgoing packets generated from the virtual AP (i.e. packets that travel from the Wi-Fi segment, through the Pepwave AP One unit to Ethernet segment via the LAN port).   If 802.1x is enabled and a per-user VLAN ID is specified in the authentication reply from the Radius server, then the value specified via Default VLAN ID will be overridden. The default value of this setting is 0.  That means VLAN tagging is disabled (instead of tagged with zero). Network Priority (QoS) The 802.1p QoS value to be marked on all outgoing packets generated from the virtual AP (i.e. packets that travel from the Wi-Fi segment, through the Pepwave AP One unit to Ethernet segment via the LAN port). Possible values are Gold, Silver and Bronze. Layer 2 Isolation Layer 2 is in reference to the second layer in the ISO Open System Interconnect model. When this option is enabled, clients on the same VLAN, SSID or subnet are not allowed to communicate directly via the Layer 2 Protocol(s).  Traffic is passed to upper communication layer(s).   With this option disabled, clients on the same VLAN are allowed to communicate with each other directly. (Windows network resources browsing will be possible.) By default, the setting is disabled.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 28 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.3 Advanced Wireless Settings Advanced Wireless Settings provides more options to fine tune the parameters on the system to achieve the optimal performance. 7.3.1 Radio Settings Radio Settings Protocol Four options are available: 802.11bgn: Pepwave AP One accepts 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n client association requests. 802.11b/g: Pepwave AP One accepts both 802.11b and 802.11g client association requests. 802.11b Only:  Pepwave AP One accepts only 802.11b client association requests. 802.11g Only:  Pepwave AP One accepts only 802.11g client association requests. Operating Country This setting specifies the country / region regulations which Pepwave AP One unit should follow.   If North America region is selected, RF channels 1 to 11 are available.  Maximum transmission power is 26 dBm (400 mW).   If Europe region is selected, RF channels 1 to 13 are available. Maximum transmission power is 20 dBm (100 mW). Note: Above country selection in for non-US model only. Per US FCC rule, country section has been removed from all us models and only US channel can be selected from the device. Channel This option selects the 802.11 channel to be utilized. Available options are from 1 to 11, and from 1 to 13 for the country setting of North America region and Europe region, respectively. (Channel 14 is only available when the country is selected as Japan with protocol 802.11b.) If Auto is set, the system would perform channel scanning based on the scheduled time set and choose the most suitable channel automatically. Output Power This option enables the configuration of transmission power. Available options are Max, High, Medium, and Low.  7.3.2 Advanced Features Advanced Wireless Settings – Advanced Features Discover Nearby Network The AP would scan and discover nearby network if this option is enabled. Scanning Interval This setting determines how often the access point goes to other channels to discover Neighbor AP. Scanning Time This setting determines how long the access point stays on the other channels to discover Neighbor AP. WMM This option enables the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), as known as Wireless Multimedia Extensions (WME) on the access point. It is always on by default.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 29 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.3.3 Performance Tuning  Advanced Wireless Settings – Performance Tuning Beacon Rate This setting provides the option to send beacon in different transmit bit rate and the bit rates are: 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, 6Mbps, 11Mbps. Beacon Interval This setting provides the option to set the time between each beacon send. Available options are: 100ms, 250ms and 500ms. DTIM Period This setting provides the option to set the frequency for beacon to include Delivery Traffic Indication Message, DTIM.  The interval unit is in millisecond. RTS Threshold This setting provides the option to set the minimum packet size for the unit to send an RTS using the RTS/CTS handshake.  Setting zero would disable this feature. Distance / Time Convertor This is a convertor which will automatically adjust and recommend the Slot Time, ACK Timeout and CTS Timeout based on the distance you have entered.  Slot Time This setting provides the option to modify the unit wait time before it transmits. The default value is 9μs. ACK Timeout This setting provides the option to set the wait time to receive acknowledgement packet before doing retransmission. The default value is 48μs. CTS Timeout This setting provides the option to specify the timeout for the unit to wait for CTS response in the RTS/CTS handshake. The default value is 48μs. This option will be disabled if you have chosen to use protocol 802.11bgn. 802.11g Protection Enable this setting to in favor of 802.11g devices in mixed mode (11g and 11b) networks. This option will be disabled if you have chosen to use protocol 802.11bgn.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 30 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.4 WDS Wireless Distributed System -  WDS provides a way to link APs together when wired cabling is not preferable.  This also extends the wireless coverage of the wireless network for the wireless clients.    Click Add to add and configure a new WDS peer connection.  WDS Settings Enable This option enables this entry.  MAC Address This setting gives the MAC address of the other AP to form a WDS link. Security Policy For more details, please refer to section Static WEP
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 31 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.5 SNMP 7.5.1 SNMP Settings Upon selecting SNMP from the navigation bar on the left-hand-side of the Main Menu, the following page is displayed to enable the configuration of SNMP server settings:  SNMP Settings Server Name This setting specifies the name that identifies the SNMP server. SNMPv1 This setting specifies whether to enable or disable the support for Version 1 of SNMP. SNMPv2 This setting specifies whether to enable or disable the support for Version 2 of SNMP. SNMPv3 This setting specifies whether to enable or disable the support for Version 3 of SNMP. SNMP Trap SNMP Trap is a message initiated from a client and sent to the AP One device. Once this option is enabled, the following two options for SNMP Trap will be available for configuration. SNMP Trap Receiver Name This setting specifies the name that identifies the SNMP Trap Receiver. SNMP Trap  IP Address This setting specifies the IP address of the SNMP Trap Receiver.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 32 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.5.2 SNMPv1 / SNMPv2 Communities    By adding SNMPv1/v2 Communities, access rights can be controlled. Click on the New button to add one.    SNMPv1 / SNMPv2 Communities Community Name The password for getting or setting SNMP values. IP Address and IP Mask The allowed IP and subnet address which can access the SNMP server. Access Mode Choose either Read Only or Read & Write. Status Enable or Disable this community.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 33 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.5.3 SNMPv3 Users  By adding SNMPv3 users, access rights can be controlled. Click on the New button to add one.   SNMPv3 User Setting SNMPv3 User Name The user ID to be allowed to access the SNMP agent. Authentication Protocol The protocol for authenticating the user.  Available options are: HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA. Authentication Password Users provided with a correct password will be granted the right to access the SNMP agent. Privacy Protocol The encryption method to be used in SNMPv3 communication.  Available options are: None and CBC-DES. Privacy Password This option is shown only if CBC-DES is chosen as the Privacy Protocol.  This is the key for decrypting the encrypted data. Access Mode Grant Read or Read & Write access to this user. Status Enable or Disable this user.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 34 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.6 Web Administration Upon selecting Web Administration from the navigation bar on the left-hand-side of the Main Menu, the tabs of configuring the management interface are displayed.    7.6.1 Web Access Settings  The selection Web Access Settings configures the protocol and TCP port number of the web server.   If HTTPS is enabled, HTTP to HTTPS Redirection option will be provided.   7.6.2 Admin Username  The selection Admin Username configures the administrator username for entering Web Admin Interface.  To change to the Username, enter the new username into the Username input fields.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 35 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  7.6.3 Admin Password  The selection Admin Password configures the administrator password for entering Web Admin Interface. To change to the password, enter the same new password into the New Password and New Password (Retype) input fields.   7.6.4  Web Administration  The selection Disable Web Administration turns off the access to Web Administration Interface.   After being turned off, Web Administration Interface can be re-enabled using SNMP.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 36 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  8 Tools - Diagnostic Tools This provides three useful tools for diagnosing the network. The three available options are: Ping, Traceroute and Nslookup.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 37 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  9 Commands Upon selecting Commands from the navigation bar on the left-hand-side of the Main Menu, a list of commands is displayed, as follows:  9.1 Activate Changes Click on Activate Changes and a prompt will ask and confirm to save configuration and activate the AP One unit.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 38 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  9.2 Firmware    Commands - Firmware Firmware Version This shows the firmware version loaded into the flash partitions. Flash Status This shows the firmware status on the flash partitions. Boot from This indicates which flash partition boots up the system. Firmware Upgrade Target This shows which flash partition is used for firmware upgrade. Firmware Image File Upload a firmware file for upgrading the unit’s software.  A reboot is required after upgrading the firmware.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 39 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  9.3 Configuration    Commands - Configuration Restore Factory Default This command is for restoring factory default settings of the AP One. Preserve the network settings by checking the box next to Preserve Settings and select Proceed. Settings including Server IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Server and Management VLAN ID will be preserved. Download Active Configuration To File Select this command to download the active configuration for backup purposes. Upload Configuration File Select this command to upload the configuration from a backed up configuration file.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 40 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  9.4 Misc  Commands - Misc Download Debug Information Select this comment to download debugging information from the Pepwave AP One unit.   In the event of technical issues, to facilitate prompt resolution by technical support from Pepwave, please send along with a debug file with the support request.   Reboot AP This option is for rebooting the Pepwave AP One unit. The Boot up firmware from Flash 1 or 2 can be selected and changed in here.
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 41 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  10 Restoration of Factory Defaults 10.1 AP One The following procedure restores the settings of Pepwave AP One device to factory defaults: 1. Power on the unit, wait for 1 minute until the Status LED turns green. 2. Press and hold the reset button on the rear panel for at least 5 seconds, then release. 3. The Status LED will blink, and then the unit will automatically reboot. 4. Wait for 1 minute or until the Status LED turns green, upon which the settings of Pepwave AP One will have been restored to the factory defaults.   By default, the unit will acquire an IP address from a DHCP server.      Reset Button
User Manual   http://www.pepwave.com 42 Copyright © 2011 Pepwave  Appendix A.   Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g operation of this product in the U.S.A. is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11.   IMPORTANT NOTE   FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  The availability of some specific channels and/or operational frequency bands are country dependent and are firmware programmed at the factory to match the intended destination.
     Contact Us:   Sales http://www.pepwave.com/contact/sales/  Support http://www.pepwave.com/contact/   Business Development and Partnerships http://www.pepwave.com/partners/channel-partner-program/ Address:  United States Office 800 West El Camino Real, Mountain View CA 94040 United States Tel: +1 (650) 331 0641 Fax: +1 (650) 625 4664   Hong Kong Office 17/F, Park Building,  476 Castle Peak Road Cheung Sha Wan Hong Kong Tel:  +852 2990 7600 Fax: +852 3007 0588  www.pepwave.com

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