Powerwave Technologies 5JS0054 RF Front End Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier System User Manual I GENERAL DESCRIPTION

Powerwave Technologies Inc RF Front End Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier System I GENERAL DESCRIPTION


               Draft RX 1850-1910 MHz; TX 1930-1945 MHz044-05082  Rev. A March 2001System Integration ManualRadio Frequency Front EndMulti-Carrier Power Amplifier System
  Draft RF Front End System Integraton Manual044-05082 Rev. A                                                         ii                         March 2001March 2001Powerwave Technologies, Inc. Tel: (714) 466-10001801 E. St Andrew Place Fax: (714) 466-5800Santa Ana, CA  92705 Web Site: www.powerwave.com®© 2001 Powerwave Technologies Incorporated. All rights reserved.Powerwave Technologies, and the Powerwave logo are registered trademarksPowerwave Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the documentation andequipment, including but not limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. Changesthat impact this manual may subsequently be incorporated in a later revision of this manual.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-1 March  2001Section 1  General Discription1-1  IntroductionThis manual contains information and procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance ofthe Radio Frequency Front End (RFFE) Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier (MCPA) System.  Thismanual is organized into sections as follows:Section 1.General Description Appendix B: Amplifier Power Setting ProcedureSection 2. Installation Appendix C: General Site Survey FormSection 3. Operating InstructionsSection 4. Principles of OperationSection 5. MaintenanceSection 6. Troubleshooting1-2    General DiscriptionDesigned to compensate for cable loss due to long cable runs, the RFFE uses an AB amplifierthat utilizes a pre-distortion technique for linearization (see figure 4-3 for the amplifier block dia-gram).  Designed as a two unit system and equipped with a space diversity path to reduce fading,the RFFE operates in the PCS frequency range of: 1850MHz to 1910MHz (receive) and 1930MHzto 1945MHz (transmit):  The system consists of.•  The Masthead Unit (MHU)•  The Masthead Unit Interface (MHUI)1-2.1   The Masthead UnitThe primary function of the MHU is to provide maximum RF output power (not to exceed 100Watts) with multiple CDMA carries into a matched 50 Ohm load while maintaining the spectral re-growth and spurious requirements (see table 1-2).  Supported by a mounting frame (see figure1-2), the Mast Head Unit (MHU) is mounted on the antenna tower near the antenna and consistsof three modular components; the common box and two RF transmit (Tx) modules. each moduleis encased in a weatherproof (NEMA 4) housing (refer to table 1-2 for environmental specifica-tions).1-2.1.1   The Common BoxThe common box (see figure 1-4) connects to both Tx modules via blind mate connectors (refer tofigure 1-1 and table 1-1).  It houses a redundant LNA path, two input duplexers, two output du-plexers, two 27VDC (scalable up to 1200Watts) power supplies, and a control board.1-2.1.2   The Transmitt ModulesPowered by 220VAC from the host breaker panel, the two RF transmit modules are used for re-dundancy in the system.  Each module houses one MPA9505-55 MCPA and a rectifier circuit thatreduces the 220VAC to the 27VDC required to operated the amplifier.  To aid in maintaining thesystem’s operating temperature, each amplifier is mounted on a heat sink and is equipped with a220VAC variable speed fan.  Refer to figure 1-5.The MHU connects to the Masthead Unit Interface (MHUI) by two RF cables, and one CONTROLcable. Refer to figure 2-6.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-2 March  20011-2.1.3   Masthead Unit InterfaceThe Masthead Unit Interface (MHUI) interfaces the MHU to the host base station.  It provides auser friendly control panel for power level adjustment and display.  The control panel is keyactivated and displays major, critical and minor alarm conditions via LED displays.  Refer to sec-tion 2 for a more detailed description of the MHUI controls.The enclosure houses a low power duplexer, a control board, the control panel, cell size variableattenuators (both Rx and Tx) and a preamp.  The system reports and displays alarm faults to theexternal summary module via an RS-485 bus or form C dry contact relays.  Refer to figure 4-4 forthe MHUI functional block diagram.The MHU-MHUI pair operates between 1dB and 16dB of cable loss in the transmit/receive coaxialcable.  Therefore, the maximum distance between the MHU and MUI depends on the cable typeused (e.g. 7/8”, 1/2” or 1/4” foam-dielectric coaxial cable).Note: The Connector Identification (A,B and C) is for reference onlyand not necessarily labled on the actual connectorFigure 1-1   Masthead Unit Blind mate Connector InterfaceTable 1-1   Blindmate Connector Pin DesignationPin Function1A +26 VDC2A +12 VDC3A -8 VDC4A COM5A-12A Not used1B Not used2B TX IN3B TX OUT4B Not used1C Mute2C-4C Not used5C RS-485H6C RS-485L7C COM8C-12C Not used12341616712 127ABC
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-3 March  2001Table 1-2   System Specifications with the MPA9505-55 MCPAFrequency:     Receive     Transmit 1850-1910 MHz1930-1945 MhzRF Input Power 3dBm (2 milliWatts)RF Output Power: 55 Watts (47.40 dBm) Max./ 7carriersNominal Gain 40 dB ±1.0 dBTypical Gain Flatness ±0.2 dB (over any 2.0 MHz in band)Gain Variation Over Temperature 1.0 dB @ -20 to 80 ºC Base PlateIMD Spurious Emissions @ 7 carriers(Room Temperature):     Frequency Off-Set ± 885 KHz     Frequency Off-Set ± 1.25 MHz     Frequency Off-Set ± 2.25 MHz-47 dBc max (30 KHz BW)-13 dBm max (12.5 KHz BW)-40 dBc (marker to marker)IMD Spurious of MCPA in MHU @ An-tenna Port:     885 KHz, 30 KHz BW     1.98 MHz, 30 KHz BW     2.25 MHz, 1 MHz BW-47 dBc-57 dBc-15 dBmSpectrum Regrowth of MCPA in MHU @Antenna Port:     885 KHz     1250 MHz     2250 KHz-47 dBc-13 dBm-13 dBmTx Noise in Rx Band @ MCPA Output: -122 dBm/Hz (max.)Tx Power in Rx Band @ MHUI Rx Output -110 dBm @ Rated Output PowerInput/Output VSWR 1.3 : 1Output Protection Mismatch ProtectedDC Power 27 VDC ± 1.0 VDC @ 24 Amps max.Sample Port -40 dB ±1.0 dBOperating Temperature -20 °C to 85 °C Base PlateStorage Temperature -40 ºC to 85 °C Base PlateOperating Humidity 0-95% (Non Condensed)Operating Vibration 1.0 GHz from 10 Hz to 150 HzWind Load 125 mph (min.)NEMA Rating 4Remote Alarm Reporting RS-485, Form-CReceive Band Noise @ MCPA Output -122 dBTx-Rx Rejection >75 dBDimensions 10(H)x24(W)x48(D) inchesWeight (Fully assembled) 29 lbs (13kg)
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-4 March  2001Figure 1-2   The Mast Head Unit with Two Transmit ModulesTransmitModule(typ. 2 plcs.)CommonBoxMountingFrame
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-5 March  2001Figure 1-3   Masthead Unit Assembly
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-6 March  2001Figure 1-4   The Common BoxFigure 1-5   Figure 1-6   The Common Box Assembly
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-7 March  2001Figure 1-7   The Transmit Module Assembly220 VACConnector(Typ. 2 Plcs)BreatherVent.(Typ. 2 Plcs)Blind-mateConnector
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 1-8 March  2001Figure 1-8   Masthead Unit Interface  Front and Rear Views.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-1 March  2001Section 2  Installation Instructions2-1  IntroductionThis section contains unpacking, inspection, installation instructions and recommendations for theRF Front End (RFFE) System.  It is important that the licensee perform the following tasks cor-rectly and in good faith:1.  Carefully read all material in this section prior to equipment unpacking or installation.2.  Also, read and review the operating procedures in section 3 prior to installing the equipment.3.  If applicable, carefully review the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules as theyapply to your installation.  DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR LICENSE.2-2  Site SurveyPowerwave Technologies recommends that site surveys be performed by qualified individuals orfirms prior to equipment ordering or installation.  Performing a detailed site survey will reduce oreliminate installation and turn-up delays caused by oversights.  A general site survey form is pro-vided in appendix B.  This form is commonly used by Powerwave field engineers and may beused as a guide.  Pay particular attention to power plant capacity, air conditioning needs, RF andAC/DC cabling/breaker requirements.2-3  Electrical Service RecommendationsPowerwave recommends that:•  Proper AC line conditioning and surge suppression be provided on the primary AC input to the+27 VDC power source.•  All electrical service should be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, anyapplicable state or local codes, and good engineering practice.•  Straight, short ground runs be used.•  The electrical service must be well grounded.Circuit breakers should be capable of handling the anticipated inrush current, in a load center witha master switch.2-4  Air ConditioningAn air-conditioning unit is not required for this Powerwave Equipment.2-5  Unpacking And InspectionThis equipment (as applicable) has been operated, tested and calibrated at the factory.  Carefullyopen and remove the Masthead Unit (MHU) components (2 transmit modules, 1 common box and1 mounting frame assembly with associated mounting hardware) and Masthead Unit Interface(MHUI) from their respective containers.  Retain all packing material that can be reassembled inthe event that the unit must be returned to the factory.  Please perform the following steps:CAUTIONExercise care in handling equipment during inspection to prevent damage caused byrough or careless handling.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-2 March  20011.  Visually inspect the MHU components and the MHUI for damage that may have occurredduring shipment.2.  Check for evidence of water damage, bent or warped chassis, loose screws or nuts, or extra-neous packing material in the connector(s).CAUTIONBefore applying power, make sure that all connectors to the Units are secure.  Makesure that the input and output of the units are properly terminated at 50  ohms.  Do notoperate the system without a load attached.  Refer to section 1, table 1-1 for inputpower requirements.  Excessive input power may damage the equipment.If possible, inspect the equipment in the presence of the delivery person.If the equipment is damaged:•  The carrier is your first area of recourse.•  A claim should be filed with the carrier once the extent of any damage is assessed.We cannot stress too strongly the importance of IMMEDIATE careful inspection of the equipmentand the subsequent IMMEDIATE filing of the necessary claims against the carrier if necessary.If the equipment is damaged and must be returned to the factory:•  Please write or phone for return authorization.  Refer to section 6-3.1 for instructions.•  Powerwave may not accept returns without a return authorization.Claims for loss or damage may not be withheld from any payment to Powerwave nor may anypayment due be withheld pending the outcome thereof.  WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THEFREIGHT CARRIER'S PERFORMANCE2-6  Installation InstructionsThe RFFE Mast Head Unit (MHU) is designed for installation on the antenna tower.  The hostequipment must permit access to the MHU for AC, monitor and RF cables.  Proper ventilation isalso required.  Powerwave recommends that the MHU be clamped directly to the antenna pole(see figure 1-3 for mounting frame dimensions).  A pole extension may be necessary for somecell sites.  However, if the MHU is mounted to a surface, ensure that there is a minimum clear-ance of six inches between the mounting surface and the fans to allow for proper air circulation.The RFFE Mast Head Interface (MHUI) is mounted in the host base station cabinet or rack.  Thebase station enclosure must permit access to the MHUI for; DC power, RF and monitor cables.Proceed with the installation instructions as follows:WARNINGVerify that the ON/OFF switch on the MHUI is in the OFF position.  Turn off externalprimary AC and DC power before connecting power cables.1.  Install the MHUI into the host base station and secure it into place using #10x32x1/2 Phillipsscrews and #10 flat washers.2.  Before assembling the MHU, inspect the blind mate connector on the common box andtransmit modules.  Verify that the pins are straight, and that the alignment shield is not bent.3.  Turn off the 220 VAC circuit breaker that feeds the transmit modules.WARNINGDo not slam the transmit modules into the common box.  Forcing the modules into thehousing at too fast a rate may cause inproper connection or damage to the connector.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-3 March  20014.  Clamp the MHU frame to the antenna tower (see figure 1-4 for frame dimensions).5.  Place the common box into it’s location on the MHU frame (see fiqure 1-1).  Secure in placewith the supplied screws.6.  Place a transmit module on the MHU frame.  Slide the module toward the common box until itlocks into place with the blind mate connector on the common box.  Tightened down with thesupplied screws.7.  Repeat step 5 for the second transmit module.8.  Connect the RF cables to the MHU.9.  Connect the 220 VAC power cable from the host base station’s AC power breaker panel tothe MHU.  Refer to figure 2-1 and xx and table 2-1 for pin designations.10. Connect the TX/RX TO MHU (J1a) on the MHUI to the RF IN/OUT TO MHUI (J2a) port on thecommon box.11. Connect the RX INPUT FROM MHU (J1b) port on the MHUI to the RF OUT TO MHUI (J2b)port on the MHU.12. Connect the TX INPUT (J2) port on the MHUI to the TX IN port of the host base station.13. Connect the RX OUTPUT (J3) on the MHUI to the Rx OUT port of the host base station.14. Connect the J4 RX OUTPUT on the MHUI to the Rx DIVERSITY OUT on the host basestation.15. Connect the MHU CONTROL cable on the MHUI to the CONTROL (J3) port on the MHU.Refer to figures 2-1 and 2-2 and tables 2-2 and 2-5 for pin locations and pin designations.16. Lift the safety cover on the MHUI DC IN terminal board and connect the dc power cable.There is no polarity on the terminal board, therefore it doesn’t matter which pin you connectto.  Refer to figure 2-5 and table 2-6.  Replace the safety cover.17. Remove the safety cover from the BATT1 terminal board and connect the host battery back-up cable. There is no polarity on the terminal board, therefore it doesn’t matter which pin youconnect to.  Refer to figure 2-1 and table 2-1.  Replace the safety cover.18. Repeat step 17 for the BATT2 connection.19. Remove the plastic cover from the alarms terminal board.  Connect the alarm cables to theirappropriate terminal.  See figure 4-4 for pin locations designation.WARNINGCheck your work before applying AC and DC voltage to the system.  Make certain allconnections are tight and correct.Measure primary DC input voltage.  DC input voltage should be +26 VDC ±1.0 Vdc.  If the DC in-put voltage is above or below the limits, call and consult Powerwave before you turn on your am-plifier system.Refer to section 3 for initial turn-on and checkout procedures.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-4 March  2001Figure 2-1   DC IN, BATT1, BATT2 Terminal Board LayoutTable 2-1   DC IN, BATT1, BATT2  Terminal DesignationsTerminal Point DesignationNo Polarity 27VDCNo Polarity 27VDC RTN2-7  MHU Power, Alarm, Control, and RF Connector2-7.1   MHU PowerThe system 220VAC power is routed to the MHU via the host circuit breaker panel then to the J5connector on the Tx module (refer to figure 1-5 for the connector location and figure 2-1 and table2-1 for the connector pin location and designation.  The 220VAC is internally routed to the fansand the module’s rectifier (power supply) circuit that reduces the 220VAC signal to the 27VDCneeded to power the amplifier.  The power supply circuit also generates the +12VDC and –8VDCused to power the MHU internal components.The amplifier alarm system from the MHU to the MHUI is routed by way of the common box as-sembly.  Connections on the amplifier are made through the blind mate connector.  Refer to table2-3 for a description of the alarms and controls.Figure 2-2   220VAC Input ConnectorTable 2-2   220VAC Pin DesignationPin DesignationALineBLineC NeutralCBAJ5220VAC IN
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-5 March  2001Table 2-3   MCPA Alarms & ControlsItems Specifications RemarksAlarms & Controls TTL Level; +5 VoltsBuffer: 74ABT244 (5V) - recommendedDeletion Alarm When unit does not exist (HEAR_PAU)Equipped: GND Deletion  OPEN D-LineFunction Fail Alarm When unit does not exist (HEAR_PAU)Normal:  High    Abnormal  GND D-LineVSWR Alarm 3:1 (6dB ± 1dB) @ 35dBm-48dBm Output Power. PAUremains normal operation when this alarm conditiondisappears (NOT shutdown)RS-485High Temp. Alarm This alarm only at +75ºC. +5  ºC//-0  ºC RS-485Over Power OutputAlarm @output power is greater than +48.5 dBm ±0.5dB.MCPA will recover when the alarm condition disap-pears.  (NOT shutdown).RS-485DC Fail Alarm @ +20.5 Vdc ± 0.5V or +29 Vdc ± 0.5V.  When thisalarm occurs the MCPA shall shut-down RS-485Loop Fail Alarm When an alarm occurs on the feed forward path. RS-485EN/DISABLE Reserved RS-485The Alarm Interface connector on the back of the MHUI is a 9-pin female D-sub connector thatpermits serial interface with the external alarm monitor.  Refer to figure 2-3 and table 2-3 for con-nector pin definition.Figure 2-3   MHU Control, RS-485 DTE ConnectorTable 2-4   MHU CONTROL Connector Pin DesignationsPin Designation1 RS-485H2 RS-485L3 Common2-8  Remote Control and Status2-8.1   RS-485 Physical LayerThe MHUI supports an RS-485 differential serial asynchronous communications link operation at9600 baud, 1 bit start, 8 bit data, 1 bit parity, 1 bit stop bit, no parity.  The MHUI port supportsredundant RS-485 drivers and receivers; the active driver and receiver pair shall be selected bythe state of the supplied RS_485_SEL lines available at the MHUI alarm terminal board.  TheMHUI serves Addreses 10h to 13h.  The MHUI terminates the RS-485 differential receive and9651
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-6 March  2001transmit lines with 120 ohms.  Because this communications bus is also shared with other systemresources, the MCPA supports the following asynchronous packet format communicationsprotocol.The Low Speed Bus (LSB) 1 and 2 are selected by the following truth table:Table 2-5   The LSB 1 and LSB 2 Selection Truth TableLSB RS_485_SEL_H RS_485_SEL_L1102012-8.2   Asynchonous Packet ProtocolThe following protocol or similar to support duplex operations of two antennas.  The packet formatused for both commands and responses is as follows:Table 2-6   Asychronous Packet ProtocolByte Field Description0 Source ID Address of Source1 Destination ID Address of Destination2 CMD/ECHO Command/Echo field3 LEN Length of transparent binary Data field bytes4 ADDITIVE CSUM Checksum of all preceding and Data bytes5 to 4+ LEN Data LEN data bytes for LEN>0, LEN<256Figure 2-4   J3 CONTROL ConnectorTable 2-7   J3 CONTROL Connector Pin DesignationPin DesignationA RS-485HB RS-485LC CommonCBAJ3CONTROL
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-7 March  20012-9  Commands to the MHUIThe CMND/ECHO byte is used to send commands from the host to the MHUI as follow:Table 2-8   CMND/ECHO comands from the Host to the MHUIByte CommandLEN=00H;CMND/ECHO=00H Report base status01H Enable HPA in MHU and report and report base status02H Disable HPA in MHU and report base status03H Report extended status04H Interrogation of temperature in MHU at HPA heat sink05H Interrogation of RF-output power at MHU HPA output06H Interrogation of RF-input power at the MHU HPA input07H Interrogation of RF-input power in the MHUI at TX path after the cell sizeattenuator08H Interrogation of current cable normalization attenuator settings in MHUI09H Interrogation of current cell cell size attenuator settings in the MHUI0AH Interrogation of current MHUI attenuator control status for cell size and cablenormalization0BH Interrogation of (last) manual adjustment value for the cable normalization0CH Interrogation of (last) manual adjustment value for the cell size attenuator0DH Switch off remote control of cable normalization attenuators, switch on manual modeand and report ext. status.  The LED for remote control shall be switched off and theLED for manual controll shall be switched on.  Use last stored manual adjustmentvalue.0EH Switched off remote control of cable normalization attenuators, switch on automaticmode and report ext. status.  The LED for remote control shall be switched off andthe LED for auto control shall be switched on.  Use last stored value calculated bythe automatic control alogorithm.0FH Switch off remote control of cable normalization attenuators, switch on mode, whichwas valid before switching to remote control and report ext. status.  The LED for re-mote control shall be switched off and the LED for automatic control or manual con-tol shall be switched on.  Use last stored manual adjustment value.10H Switch Cell Size control to manual and report ext. status.  Illuminate front panel LEDfor manual cell size setting, switch off front panel LED for remote cell size setting.Use last stored manual adjustment value.11H Report extended Status and then rest MHUI and MHU.  Restart with default settings.LEN=01HCMD/ECH=12H Remote control of cable normalization attenuator:  Stop automatic or manual settingof the attenuator and use fixed value in data byte.  Illustratie front panel LED for re-mote cable normalization.  Store current attenuator value for later usage.13H Remote control of cell size attenuator:  Stop manual control of cell sizeattenuator use value in data byte.  Illuminate front panel LED for remote cell sizesetting  Store current attenuator value for later usage.CMD/ECH=14h-FFH Reserved
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-8 March  20012-9.1   Responses from the MHUIThe MHUI responses always echo the received CMND byte as the ECHO byte of the responsepacket.  Amplifier base status is reported by setting the LEN field to 01H and reporting the follow-ing bit mapped byte in the data field of the response packet for CMD==00h, 01h, 02h base status.Table 2-9   Bit Mapped Byte in the Data Field fo Response Packet forCMD==00h, 01h, 02h Base StatusByte Specificationb0 1=High VSWR shutdown/0=normalb1 1=High Temperature condition/0=normalb2 1=Over-temperature shutdown/0=normalb3 1=Partial Power supply fail at MHU/0=normalb4 1=Fan fail at MHUI, if fan is implemented/0=normalb5 1=Over Power shutdown/0=normalb6 1=Fan ON/0=Fan OFF (if fan is implemented in the MHUI, else 0)b7 1=Amplifier Enable/0=Amplifier DisabledNOTEIn case of RF overpower and high VSWR the shutdown condition will be alarmedonly after three unsuccessful attempts of self recovery.Table 2-10   Bit Mapped Byte in the Data Field for Response Packet forCMD==03H, 0DH, 0EH, 0FH, 10H or 11H Report Extended StatusByte Specificationb0 1=partial failure HPA/0=normalb1 1=partial failure LNA/0=normalb2 1=total failure HPA/0=normalb3 1=total failure LNA/0=normalb4 1=Loss of communication between the MHUI and MHU/0=normalb5 1=High VSWR warning (>3:1)/0=normalb6 1=No TX input signal at MHUI/0=normalb7 1=No TX input signal at MHU/0=normalFor CMD=04…0CH the data field contains the according value with the least significant bit at b0.Depending on the length not used higher bits are filled with0.Reply for command 0H4 (data field):00H= -40 ºC, 1 ºC steps, 88H = +90 ºCFEH< -40 ºC , FFH > +90 ºCReply for commands 05H, 06H and 7H (data field):00H= -10 dBm, ¼ dB steps, FFH = 53 ¾ dBm
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-9 March  2001Reply for commands 08H, 09H, 0BH and 0CH (data field):Cell size attenuator:00H= full attenuation 20dB, FFH= no attenuation 0dB, step size 20/255 dBCable normalization attenuator:00H= full attenuation 20 dB, FFH= no attenuation 0dB, step size 20/255 dBFor commands 12H and 13H the value in the data byte is defined in the same way as above forcell size and cable normalization respectively.Table 2-11   MHUI Attenuator Control Status for: CMD==0AHByte Specificationb0 1=manual cell size control on/0=normalb1 1=remote cell size control on/0=normalb2 0=normalb3 1=remote manual cable normalization on/0=normalb4 1=automatic cable normalization algorithm on/0normalb5 1=remote cable normalization on/0 =normalb6 0=normalb7 0=normalFor RF output power, temperature and attenuator values the MHUI shall submitt a rounded valueas long as the exact value is not available.MHUI responses MUST commence within 50 ms (0.050 sec.) of reception of a valid command(poll).2-9.2   Hardware ResetReset both MHU and MHUI and restart with default settings.  Refer to table 2-12.Table 2-12   Default SettingsReset Default SettingPower Recovery Last known statusHardware Reset Last known statusManual Reset by Front PanelBottonsPress manual buttons for cell size adjustment, manualbutton for cable loss normalization and the button for automaticcontrol simultaneouslyReset to initial factory presetSoftware Reset via RS-485 Last known statusInitial Factory Preset Cell Size Attenuator and Cable loss normalization attenuator atmax. attenuation (20dB for cable normalization attenuator,20dB for cell size attenuator)Set front panel display to FFFNo LED is illuminated
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 2-10 March  2001Figure 2-5   System Interconnect DiagramRF OUT TO MHUIJ2bJ3CONTROLJ1aANTENNAJ1bANTENNARF IN/OUT TO MHUIJ2aHOST RADIO BASE STATIONRx OUT Rx DIVERSITY OUT Tx INTo Rx/TxAntennaTo RxDiversityAntennaALARMS RS-485BatteryBackup 1BatteryBackup 2+27VDC
                DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 3-1 March 2001Section 3   Operating Instructions3-1  IntroductionThis section contains operating instructions for Powerwave’s RF Front End system.3-2  Location and Function of the MHU and MHUI Controls and IndicatorsThe Masthead Unit (MHU) is not equipped with controls or indicators.  Instead, the MHU inter-faces with the host base station by way of the Masthead Unit Interface (MHUI).  The location ofthe controls and indicators for the MHUI are shown in figure 3-1.  And described in detail below.Figure 3-1   MHUI Control Panel3-2.1   Main PowerThe MHUI has a main power switch/circuit breaker and a +24 VDC power indicator (LED) to indi-cate the power is cycled on the MHUI:•  The MHU amplifier alarm signal enters the amplifier in the DISABLED state and reports thestatus as amplifier disabled.•  Except when the service loop shows continuity, in which case the MHU alarm signal will enterthe amplifier in the ENABLED state, unless faults or alarms would prohibit entry to such state.3-2.2   Enable/Disable of Front Panel FunctionsThe front panel functions of the MHUI are key protected with the exception of the output powerdisplay, monitoring alarms and main power switch.3-2.3   MHUI Cell Size Attenuator SettingsThe MHUI cell size setting is performed either manually or by remote control.  This is indicated byone of two LEDs illuminated.At the front of the MHUI a push-button switch is used to enable RF power adjustments for cellsize.  If the cell size is controlled by remote and if there is any manual adjustment via the front-panel, the mode will be manual until a new RS-485 command is received.  The attenuator adjust-ment range is between 0 and 20dB.
                DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 3-2 March 20013-2.4   MHUI Cable-Normaliztion-Attenuators Settings/Cable-Normalization-Mode SelectionButtonsThe MHUI cable normalization attenuator setting is performed either manually or by remote con-trol or by an automatic control algorithm.  This is indicated by one of three LEDs illuminated.At the front of the MHUI a push-button switch is used to enable the manual setting of the cableloss normalization attenuators, which are adjusted together with the same push-button switch asused for manual cell size adjustment.At the front of the MHUI a push-button switch is used, which enables the automatic control algo-rithm for cable normalization.  If the cable normalization attenuator is being controlled by remoteand if there is any manual adjustment via the front-panel or a manual switch to the automaticcontrol algorithm, then the mode will be manual or automatic control until a new RS485 commandis received.If the mode is manual and if the front-panel push-button switch for automatic control is pressed,the new mode will be automatic control.  If the mode is automatic control and if the front-panelpush button for manual adjustment is pressed, the new mode will be manual.3-2.5   MHUI Alarm IndicatorsFront-panel LED’s at the MHUI front-panel will show the alarms of MHU and MHUI. All of thesealarms can be interrogated via RS-485.  There are three types of alarms indicated by contact clo-sures; Minor, Major, and CriticalThe alarm types are identified by their associated LED color.  They are:•  Minor Alarm (Yellow)•  Major Alarm ( Flashing Red)•  Critical Alarm (Solid Red)The following table identifies the alarm number and its related function.Table 3-1   Alarms and Related FunctionAlarm Function1•  High temperature condition at the MHU•  Fan fail at MHU•  Over-temperature shutdown at MHU2• •  Over RF power shutdown•  High VSWR shutdown at antenna port of MHU3•  Partial fail of one MCPA in MHU•  Total fail of one MCPA in MHU•  Total Fail of both MCPA in MHU4• •  No TX input signal at MHUI•  No TX input signal at MHU5•  Microprocessor in MHU not working•  Microprocessor in MHUI not working•  Loss of communication between MHUI and MHU6•  Partial power supply failure at MHU•  Partial fail of LNA in MHU•  Total fail of LNA in MHU
                DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 3-3 March 2001The alarm indicators show the instantaneous condition of the MHU and MHUI.3-2.5.1   RF overpower•  The MHU-MHUI-system waits 500ms,•  then it will reduce the gain by 3 dB and then•  makes 3 attempts to recover the gain at 500ms intervals without submitting an alarm viaRS485 until (if not successful) it holds the current gain setting and reports an RF overpowershutdown. The unit will still be transmitting.3-2.5.2   RF Overpower (with reduced gain)•  The MHU-MHUI-system will wait 500ms until it shuts down.•  Three attempts are made to recover from shutdown at 500ms intervals without submitting analarm via RS-485•  If not successful, it makes a final shutdown and reports final status via the RS-485.3-2.5.3   High VSWR (> 5:1)•  The MHU-MHUI-system will wait 500ms until it shuts down•  Three attempts are made to recover from shutdown at 500ms intervals without submitting analarm via RS-485.•  If not successful, it makes a final shutdown and reports final status via the RS-485.3-2.5.4   Loss of communication between MHU and MHUI (5 seconds without communication)•  The MHUI will switch off the MHU and turn it on later again for resetting the MHU controller.•  If the MHU responds, no alarms have to be submitted via RS-485 but an internal count mustbe incremented.•  If this count exceeds 3, an alarm will be submitted via RS-485.•  The MHU will resume at previous status. The incremental count will then return to 0.•  If the MHU does not respond, an alarm will be activated via the RS-485 at the MHUI.  TheMHU will then shut itself down.3-2.6   The Digital DisplayA digital display consisting of three seven segment LEDs is used to display the RF output powerof the MHU in dBm.The display is also used for manual adjustment of the cell size and the cable normalizationattenuators.  When the corresponding front panel push-buttons for manual adjustment arepressed, the current attenuation value in dB is displayed with a minimum resolution of 1dB.Th same digital display shows temperature in degrees C when a temperature push-button ispressed.  When released, the display reverts to output power.
                DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 3-4 March 20013-3  Initial Start-Up and Operating ProceduresTo perform the initial start-up, proceed as follows:•  Double check to ensure that all input and output cables are properly connected.CAUTIONBefore applying power, make sure that the input and output of the amplifiers are prop-erly terminated at 50 ohms.  Do not operate the amplifier without a load attached.  Re-fer to Table 1-1 for input power requirements.  Excessive input power may damagethe MCPA.NOTEThe output coaxial cable between the amplifier and the antenna must be 50 ohm co-axial cable.  Use of any other cable will distort the output.•  Place the power ON/OFF switch on the MHUI front panel in the “ON” position.•  Allow the amplifiers to warm up for at least 5 minutes before taking power readings.•  Refer to Appendix A for the power setting procedure.
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082  Rev. A 4-1 March 2001Section 4  Principles of Operations4-1  IntroductionThis section contains a functional description of the Powerwave RFFE MCPA System.  Refer tofigure 4-1 and figure 4-3 for the system and amplifier functional block diagrams respectively.4-2  RF INPUT SignalThe maximum input power for all carrier frequencies should not exceed the limits specified in sec-tion 1, table 1-1 of this manual.  For proper amplifier loop balance, the out of band components ofthe input signals should not exceed -60 dBc.  The input VSWR should be 2:1 maximum (or bet-ter).4-3  RF OUTPUT LoadThe load impedance should be as good as possible (1.5:1 or better) in the working band for goodpower transfer to the load.  If the amplifier is operated into a filter, it will maintain its distortioncharacteristics outside the signal band even if the VSWR is infinite, provided the reflected powerdoes not exceed one Watt.  A parasitic signal of less than one Watt incident on the output will notcause distortion at a higher level than the normal forward distortion (i.e. -60 dBc).4-4  System Functional DescriptionA two unit configuration, the RFFE is comprised of a weatherproof (NEMA 4 rating) outdoor Mast-head Unit (MHU) booster system and an indoor rack mount Masthead Unit Interface (MHUI). TheMCPA system operates in the PCS frequency range of: 1850MHz to 1910MHz (receive) and1930MHz to 1945MHz (transmit).4-4.1   The MHUThe MHU has two solid-state power amplifiers for the transmit signals and low noise amplifiers forthe receive function.  Both transmit and receive systems are redundancy protected, and in addi-tion, there is space diversity provided for the receive system (see figure 1-1).  The MHU employsa common box unit that interfaces the two transmit modules to the MHUI.  Signals to and from theMHU interconnect to the base station transceivers through the indoor MHUI control.4-4.2   The MHUIThe MHUI is the interface between the MHU system and the host base station.  The MHUI reportsalarms via the RS-485 bus or form-C interface (see figures 2-3, 2-4, 4-4 and tables 2-3 and2-6) and displays alarms using an LED display (see figure 1-1 and 3-1).  The MHUI houses a lowpower duplexer, control board, the system control panel, a preamp, and the cell size variable at-tenuators (both transmit and receive).The composite RF signals from the base station radios are applied to the J1a (TX/RX TO MHU)connector at the rear of the MHUI.  From there the signal passes through a combiner a voltagevariable attenuator (VVA) for cell size setting, a second attenuator for cable loss normalization adiplexer, a third VVA for cable loss normalization, then out through a two-way splitter.  Each leg ofthe splitter passes through an isolator, then the blind-mate connector to interface with the MCPA.The signal returns to the MHUI via the blind-mate connector after being amplified by the MCPAmodules.  The active power combiner combines the two high-power signals.  The active powercombiner has the capability of switching MCPA channels off-line by the use of RF switches.  If anMCPA is not present, turned off, or faulted, the switch will open in that channel and physically dis-connect that MCPA.  The combiner maintains its low insertion characteristics when used in the
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082  Rev. A 4-2 March 2001single path configuration.  Note that the splitter is not switched, therefore the power is automati-cally reduced by 3 dB, thus eliminating an output overdrive condition.  The output of the combineris fed through a coupler, then a receive-band filter.  The amplified RF signal is available for use atthe output of the receive-band filter (J2).  The coupler is used to sample the output power to thetrue RMS detector.  The true RMS detector will supply the micro controller with an accurate aver-age power regardless of the signal modulation type.  The dynamic range is 25 dB.  The powerreading is used during the gain initialization phase when deploying the system or monitoring todetect excessive output power.  In both cases the VVA will be adjusted accordingly.Figure 4-1   RF Front End System Functional Block Diagram4-4.3   Transmit ModulesPower output specifications for a two module system is listed in section 1, table 1-1.  Each modulehouses an MPA9505-55 MCPA and one 27VDC 1200 Watt power supply.  It is a self-containedplug-in unit and is functionally independent of the other transmit module.  The transmit modulesare designed for parallel operation to achieve high peak power output, and for redundancy in un-manned remote locations.4-4.3.1   MPA9505-55 MCPAThe MCPA is an AB amplifier that utilizes pre-distortion technology for linearization.  The pre-distortion technique is effective because it compensates for the non-linear amplification charac-teristics of the power amplifier.  The amplifier module, figure 1-6, has an average power output of55 Watts maximum with intermodulation products suppressed to better than -40 dBc (at ±2.25MHz from Fc) below carrier levels.  The amplifier provides an amplified output signal with constantgain and phase by adding approximately 30 dB of distortion cancellation on the output signal.Constant gain and phase is maintained by continuously comparing active paths with passive ref-erences, and correcting for small variations through the RF feedback controls (refer to figure 4-3for the amplifier’s functional block diagram).  All gain and phase variations, for example those dueto temperature, are reduced to the passive reference variationsCableDiplexerDiplexerDr.Dr.PDPDHPAHPAVVA BoxMHUMHUIDiplexerCable run frombase station tomastheadRX Path RX Path RX Path
                 DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082  Rev. A 4-3 March 2001Figure 4-2   MPA9505-55 MCPA Functional Block Diagram4-4.4   Power DistributionPrimary AC and DC power for the RFFE system is provided by the host system.  Each Tx moduleon the MHU has its own +27VDC power supply, powered by 220VAC from the host circuit breakerpanel.  The Tx power supply also produces the ±20VDC, +12VDC, and -8VDC for the systemsinternal components.4-4.5   AlarmsThe presence of the two plug-in amplifier alarms can be detected at the ALARMS terminal boardat the rear of the MHUI control panel.  Refer to figure 4-3 for a description of the connector andpin designations.Figure 4-3   Form C Dry Contacts Alarms Terminal Board4-4.6   Amplifier Module Cooling``To maintain operating temperature, each transmit module is equipped with its own heat sink and220 VAC cooling fan.  Mounted at the back of the module (see figure 1-7), the fan forces outsideair onto the enclosure housing.  The fans are field replaceable.  Refer to section 5 for replacementprocedure.SAMPLE-30dBRF-IN RF-OUTVSWR30W.125WDriver SectionMain SectionCombinerSectionuProcessorBLF2047sBLF2045s2WPRE-DMULTIFUNCTIONBOARDSYSTEMDRIVER(35dB)BLF2047sBLF2047sBLF2045sBLF2047sBLF2047sBLF2045sBLF2047sBLF2047sBLF2045sBLF2047sVG3VG2VG1OUTPUT DETECTORGAINPHASEAGCMRF284
               DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 5-1 March 2001Section 5  Maintenance5-1  IntroductionThis section contains periodic maintenance and performance test procedures for the RF FrontEnd (RFFE).  It also contains a list of test equipment required to perform the identified tasks.NOTECheck your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to service or repairthe unit.  Do not break the seals on the equipment under warranty or the warranty willbe null and void.  Do not return equipment for warranty or repair service until propershipping instructions are received from the factory.5-2  Periodic MaintenancePeriodic maintenance requirements are listed in table 5-1.  Table 5-1 also lists the intervals atwhich the tasks should be performed.WARNINGWear proper eye protection to avoid eye injury when using compressed air.Table 5-1   Periodic MaintenanceTask Interval ActionCleaning:   Air Vents 30 Days Inspect and clean per para. 5-4.Inspection:   Cables and   Connectors 12 Months Inspect signal and power cables forfrayed insulation.  Check RF con-nectors to be sure that they aretight.Performance Tests: 12 Months Perform annual test per para. 5-5.5-3  Test Equipment Required For TestNOTEAll RF test equipment must be calibrated to 0.05 dB resolution.  Any deviation fromthe nominal attenuation must be accounted for and factored into all output readings.
               DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 5-2 March 2001Table 5-2   Test Equipment RequiredNomenclature Manufacturer Model5-4  Clean Air Inlets/OutletsThe air inlets and outlets should be cleaned every 30 days.  If the equipment is operated in a se-vere dust environment, they should be cleaned more often as necessary.  Turn off DC powersource before removing fans.  If dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate, the cooling efficiencymay be diminished.  Using either compressed air or a brush with soft bristles, loosen and removeaccumulated dust and dirt from the air inlet panels.5-5  Performance TestPerformance testing should be conducted every 12 months to ensure that the amplifier systemmeets the operational specifications listed in table 5-3.  Also verify system performance after anyamplifier module is replaced in the field.  The test equipment required to perform the testing islisted in table 5-2, and the test setup is shown in figure 5-1.NOTEThe frequencies used in this test are typical for an amplifier with a 15 MHz band from1930 MHz to 1945 MHz.  Select evenly spaced F1, F2, F3, and F4 frequencies thatcover the instantaneous bandwidth of your system.
               DRAFT RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 5-3 March 20015-6  Field Replaceable Parts and ModulesThe following parts and modules can be replaced in the field on site by a qualified technician withexperience maintaining RF power amplifiers and similar equipment:• Transmit Modules• Cooling Fans5-6.1   Replacing a Transmit ModuleThe To replace a power amplifier module, proceed as follows:1.  Turn off the 220 VAC circuit breaker that feeds the MHU2.  Loosen the four screws that secure the amplifier module to the MHU chassis.3.  Carefully slide the amplifier away from the common box.4.  Install the replacement amplifier in reverse order.CAUTIONTo avoid damage to the module and blindmate connector, care must be taken as  notto drop the module when removing it from the MHU support frame.  The amplifierweighs approximately 10 lbs.5-6.2   Replacing the Cooling Fans5-6.2.1   To replace a front cooling fan, proceed as follows:1.  Turn off the 220 VAC power to the MHU.2.  Unplug the power line to the fan.3.  Remove the six screws holding the fan to its chassis (you may be required to remove theMHU from the mounting pole to gain access to the fan.4.  Pull fan out.5.  Install the replacement fan in reverse order of steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 above.
RF Front End System Integration Manual044-05082 Rev. A 6-1 March 2001Section 6  Troubleshooting6-1  IntroductionThis section contains a list of problems which users have encountered and a few suggested ac-tions that may correct the problem.  If the suggested corrective action does not eliminate theproblem, please contact your Powerwave field representative or the factory for further instructions.NoteCheck your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to service or repairthe unit.  Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty will benull and void.  Do not return equipment for warranty or repair service until propershipping instructions are received from the factory.6-2  TroubleshootingRefer to table 6-1 for troubleshooting suggestions.Table 6-1   TroubleshootingSymptom Suggested ActionThe voltage indicator (green)is not lit or blinking1.  Check that the MHU-MHUI power connectors are secure.2.  Check for proper power supply voltage.High Temp alarm LED is lit 1.  Verify fan(s) are operating properly.2.  Check ambient temperature (not to exceed spec. Seetable 1-1).Over Pwr alarm LED is lit Verify RF input level does not exceed spec. See table 1-1.VSWR alarm LED is lit Check output connections and cables for integrity andtightness.6-3  Return For Service ProceduresWhen returning products to Powerwave, the following procedures will ensure optimum response.6-3.1   Obtaining an RMAA Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning equipment tothe factory for service.  Please contact our Repair Department at (714) 466-1000 to obtain thisnumber, or FAX your request to (714) 466-5800.  Failure to obtain this RMA number may result indelays in receiving repair service.6-3.2   Repackaging for ShipmentTo ensure safe shipment of the amplifier, it is recommended that the package designed for theamplifier is used.  The original packaging material is reusable.  If it is not available, contact ourRepair Department for packing materials and information.

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