Powerwave Technologies OFRP300F Multicarrier Paging On-Frequency Radio Repeater User Manual Part 2

Powerwave Technologies Inc. Multicarrier Paging On-Frequency Radio Repeater Users Manual Part 2

Users Manual Part 2

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual Part 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-01-27 00:00:00
Date Available1999-03-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-06 14:22:26
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Document Lastmod2001-07-06 14:22:27
Document TitleUsers Manual Part 2

Opemn‘m, land/alw- and Service Manual ("Wm-u
Main-(arm, Pam“ OFR
Model 0 ant-mow Dmunbfr I?”
4 Indluton and Controls
4.1 India!”
Nam: [4me ordr‘qmn djrmlyandwkaddcd
4.1 .1 Pow-r LED
The gun power LED ridicule: mu pnrrnry pom in mill. IM IZV power wpply. SV km-I amml unit
mgulanr is vmrhn] and am the mlmmnlmller hn luwanfully iulhliud.
4.1.2 Ream LE)
Tb: yellow llX LED indicnfl Ill-l In RF iiylll Ii denied lhl in wow lhr: [mgr-muted mmimum rweive
4.1.3 Transmit LED
11: yulluw TX [ED lad-ala- m- m: lnnsmluzr I: drawing curm- ml panning RF can” put: m-
OIS dBm.
4.1.4 Fulfil LED
The red FAULT LED indium Illu on: u( uvcnl lull mm in in diam. or lug wcmd uince Ill
Ian key-up mum. Son: lull!» Mlich are ulfclcm‘up such a- PA “mm or “can nun: power .
wall remnln in emu unlil ll".- nul hy-mu mum. The lunnilwr is filmed if my full is Sim-led.
Faun cets are Catrina n more detail in gain- [m lZ.
4.1.5 LCD Dltphy
A nnglc NW. 16 alphanumeric mm LCD is used a prnvidr renal um infirm-ulna. ldlc nut: LCD
display slum meewtd signal level in darn, or liver uni-h in no signal is pram-n.
4.2 Control.
4.2.1 UplDoum Sero-
The minimal null bums m and lo almr pun-m under a mull: rue-u [mil-n. An cur-ml: ls n.
meant: upldown tapioca“ npamifitmerwlhlm mum Thqmbwnluyxanhe med»
clung; a minister by pruning repeatedly. or Mien “milk. will My new Into-ugh
cull-bit mm il‘ mused nd held dun/IL Son-late plateau mulling Mon-1 allow-bl: min for any
given progmnnblc talcum.
For I‘ll-slim: M require l yalm m [owe ellrymiha hey will wait lhe rule.
0 law! Tdarm. Inc. Pup: II 0175
Optimion. Installation and Smoke Manual WWW-u
Mullkarrin Paging OFR
4.2.2 “mu
MMMMMMuo-huwdwflpmmwfihflrmlmnm Themnpmma
llulinchnnge limp-mummified with“ [mutt
In lb dcfmll spar-n»! M thaw-«p. ll! mum My w lhmulh mm! and fins-(inn. To
cm the uvltdmhbmm can. am one mm «m lht up ind dunn- km “mum-Ix and then
[while nill holding me upkkwm key!) one mum mm mm icy.
mwmwmcnhmdw mu-mmwwmmummmmk
0 KM Ttlk‘ml. lm' Pup I2 M75
metiml Imallalian and Service Manual 0mm,
”W'tfllifl Paging OFR
Mode! ' DFR-PAWF Bomb” I”
5 U“? Functions
51 WMM)M
When no um fianclion ii lazing pmpu-lmd. line LCD dually: ulna-fly received final mum in (IBM.
II' ll- ivwl signal In below ll: AGC Iimil inning 1.th wish will he diwhygd ildrd of a mmenc
5.2 000.111de
All um prom-inning lunclinm overt in a similr um, Pruning ll- menu My mum my.
avail-N: mum-viable Seams. when the desired (cm is displayed on In: LCD. in: whim keys
mhwmmmlksdeuedm, m-éMinvolvsscmningmiQ-ummmmpd
Whtn - fur-mun m called in. the current setting Edi-played, My Chung“ are mull“! (mu lb: menu key
3 mad. ml If: lul luxlinl is culled qt.
lave-ted min; of m menu lay W through ill millili- {mm and It: idle um diiphy
Th: um malls in idle cinematic-ll, if» keypad aclln y 00cm In] mwulu.
Thaw/down kcynun unwind by mm! hymn-Annular l-elddu-m mnpidly icmll llwu'li (h:
luilllik "up,
5.3 Main Uni menu
5.3.1 Rae-Iv- mud-old
he (is! fun-an in the 1mm film-m lie minimum iq-n RF level in “in m Mlieh 1h: miner
willbemgimdalflmopenfimocm, Il'njwd sun-llama! mamMMfldB-m
lhc lam nonnl received Aim lcvel wallow in flow {ding and om Inn; term pup-mica variations
Emivdy low M may my menu! tinny-billy to film: "will. u- ilerl'flune nv ocll~
This mu'w lnlpt Ilwuhold can be wt myth-n: wihin me lllllilllll avail-Mt mp ol—O! lo -m dam
Haunt. urn ADC limil level In heen nu. M the ram olwiuer ligand level- ch- icken-d he on ll
limited In vllm higher lh-n Ilia mum-med ACG limil plus 2 dB,
If 1h reuivz Mental-l || reduced in - laud law- can lln AOC limit plu: the AOC inure-1L lb:- ll:
hymns» setting il nunmncally induced. in minim-1. in allow iln mm lhrnhold lo spam-ch Ill: AOC
0 Knvnl Tilunq Inc, Pug: I3 1175
Gremlin. Imitation and Service Manual 1)!me
”Mania Pun" OF!
Madrl l OFR-Fm‘ Daub" [996
Detail rec-in mini-old win; it A” an (Mum-t unfilivily),
5.32 Tmunlll'mr
F: 125 l_x_
Trimm- unp- pawn:- ha a anywhere m m min a! 20m 30 dBm uliu dlis Winn.
Def-lit telling ii 00 dBm. (Maxim-n Pom)
Nutm-mnpowumu-gwlinmuhgmcmumumommu. Ildonmlmmd
m lndlvill-l cune- men-q! when only one uni-u u mat
To avoid Icy-on delays immed Mn. mun dropouts in II!!! received lit-ll. ii is pouilk My Map the
“miner energimd far I magnum-ed hull: of lime llm received lip-l is lost
ThmnmcmnMMMmivdfiydhpkthmuiu new. lithe
Mush-lune,mammwndhdiunndicummubmudmmdiwiufl. The
urn-mil mile-luv will run-n m M" in. film N'flflu of when-r any nun-l RF ‘u helm map-l.
Emma-1mmMmhammuumhermmbeankmumllpower. farm
your full Man in umporvily dab-ed dun-in; In; (In. Al», power leveling n mpor-ily
mlmmuuwsfimnmmafl. The“llllm"mnll‘q;licvwisdispllyedulcuelo
During in; limc, ll! AGC minim-u lo funclinm lam. AGC will only p m the AOC linil minimum
pin a nu; the AGC limit fut-aim- Thu i no firm! all oscillnkm from occulril' during hing lime.
wnhmivadliuduM-lwhm tantalum-tumult
For mi; M ii is impel-ire (M It ACC lilil he propuly Isl helm lflmplill' In nut a. hung lime
s s
II in pull: it: usually data: the will: (a soup. mice in diam [iv-rpm Tl: upldown
m mule Muc- llc Yu Ill No lull!!- Wn Ya in displayed. uh mmmfim will mu “argue
veg-dun of the!“ lap-l final Irv-I. 1h; is meld dun'nl ind-l Imp.
0 Knml Tel-run. Int. Pay: M o‘ 75
Operan'on, lrtmllarlarr and Sen-la Manual 0102509”.
Mufti—uni" Pauling OFR
Model ' OFR-PWF Dumb" I9”
5.3.5 Mom-fie AGO Llnll
"i 11.
Thu filllCIlnfl nigger: a (Palm Peal-g) m fauna! of Riv-I OFIA "- pedy simplifies field
ianallalinn. The mm A00 Ilrrnt unlit. lunclloa aranmurcally sea the AGC limit to neon-me
synern alter-la while» and tar-van tellvoaciua'm. Alla cue-aim. ll: receive ilaeahold fermion
tuning ram is maximally minimal in sale remap that will nul mall in system tell willatinrt
Thufimctimcaidaobeuedw-amnllymhowmdmwaouw s'ratltheOFl!
To ilinllt an film-ll: not limit mil-Lion. use the up or M- hey ln toggle ihe ditplay lo the
“Yes”;lneamllhaaprmrrwu NuumwfaiwulhAGClimimjn, Thiiisanlue
”mantra-120GB. mmmAct runnin- willulheAOClirrr-‘lwavalueequalhothelell-
metllaliortllnlholdplmllnnlecMAflClla-ir-giu Mankind-lb! lodlnrwomllfllded.
me default rlargirt celled w b IO dB.
Pro-lug tha menu hey aller nptiaaal mil-nation of the ma suing trim! the mmalic AGC limit
laminar. 1k IF loam ls rlinconrrxletl from Ike ran-mm and Ill: men-I lesl mill-lot ii tuned net.
the miner will «rip-ii the current selected poi-a cum and the receiver true-mes received lip-l
level. The MIC I'm. i “annually lat In I'll rwa'rve level plrn me AOC lirrril margin The receive
menu function will than allow flailing: only balm the ADC link and 40m...
ti F:
he ADC limit can he mama-fly nap-M - arty uaie alleraa wtemarie adj-strum.
II n imam-aim tr- all "murmurs luring aipah h) the OER he trend olT during art mun-tic AOC limit
amt-Him. "tantalum” will tmlmmfizfltnwmk aardlellhelllrflnldfluw
the level wale-l to ”My pron“ signal: If u is mt wuihle to defeat lhe-e tram-hm. then the
manual AGC lit-ll ill-emu that“ be met.
ll ta unmanned Ili- lie nun-Hie AGC litl'l lurietioriheeiieemed. periodic imvabm neon-Mare
In: leflllw in sienna lwI-irmdueuue-m-I foliage Monument-inaction inlhi.‘ vicinity
us Hamid me unit
L i P": '
TI: ABC liml ca- lrt: nut-idly In This that“ be done will! Garlic! at emirrely luvv AGC linila
heron-a the putalbt'lily til tyuetn allf-mlllalr’oa. The Am lit-it thoialrl he tel tr: a level I lust I0 dB
above rh- laul of III ova mawl nigml tlul ill: in receives.
x1 x:
AsmwwaiiagnmeuhehiyntheAGClimitnhMrmkymumoliheu-uiml When
u’grrelsareburrg twetved hvmfitedbuemiunii itmdptaelieemaellheAGClirr-it abol- 10mm
“Mannheim-ital received lipal lmlhedeaiaatlhaaeflaiim.
The (Maul! AGC lilll sent-g It to minltmm inns level (625 ile) Th LCD “play will shew ‘flFF
Worlds-mam in ache-re.
0 Kara! Tainan lat. Page I5 of 75
Operation. Imflan'on and Service Manual Mam-u
Mamie-”in Paging OFR
Madlll 0FR~PMF December I”
mc hymuil ll the ailment between (h ilpll level II which the OH! amine its will! and Ike
(Imam) um! level below which the Inn-mm: ii ale-unequal, II no pod an to menu-“- A law mane
hymn In prevent sign-Is right near the input file-bald [loll umnflily (rhythm «in (FR an and
ofl‘ villi mimv level "mm.
The Am hymen an be mainly lei mywlme 1mm 04! (m Megan‘s)!» 20 dB.
The hydetesls cannot he Id In a level higher than (he cunun difference haven the meivc mm and
MIC limit level.
The default lyauw'l satin; il 6 as. This il sum in OFRs min; fixed hue alum Wha-
lepe-m' nubile sun-ll. I light hylflflil. cone-pending lo mun-I In “In; level mums MIG be
Plus: we lllll w Iywuiu wimp clleflivdy reduou m awl-bl. n-ullvlly cl me (FR I‘a
Irinwinl Wt.
u the naive lhmhnld n set In a level Iowev mu m tun-ll ADC fill! pin! the hyuaeuis. me hyfltms
is nor-anally mind an squint
5.31 Toot Wot
if" *
he inur-I In! “rill-m can be manually xfiunad‘ In lhi: eventing fine. line OF! will “mi-My
arm-mu . single wand-1M carrier in lb: middle of its pushed. This {min is useful (m mm; of
ale-n systems. [marlin-l venfiuliml orlhe (IFR urea-nil mum. and w perfonn field mall survey;
The receive si|~l is disco-new I‘m the luau-liner when the lee! haw-liter hon. M the RX indium!
[150 wall cat-Ame loopaale actually.
"the 11x LED runs u- H II: exnet lime lhll the in: o-cillmm h mined. in the in n mung likelihood
um 1mm nelrnseilhnon my ace-r il norm-l min it new,
5-4 MM
lr-men‘m “defined. d: hull LED inn-don. me (“Ital-yew ud- Ina “W was
1. I5: LCD dlwlty. Fuull ms ll! lmd Ind dual“ below. All [lull all-film. delul the
vau lwlil‘m Iemwrlue Ila men-bl soc Mmiuw will be thud ltd full audition vull
m until unwell“: due-cane; lo below 60C
0 Kauai rm Inf. h; I6 M75
Optmiau. Inmllatinu ad Strw'rt "MI “DIM—u
MUM-uni" Pagan, an
“M I DFR-PmF MM! 1993
Powamifiuhndnwlifi suntan-uh- Inn-L Tm hfimmhnmmo‘
cum-l key-on cyclc. luv-dunk» will b- ane-w on nu! lay-m Oven-m- m In the mun at
sysmn damnation at n nun-ml fall-an.
I“: 1": i !
r— '| | !
.. '..'|
Tit-mine: tn keyed en la- cum-nu le- nt. 505 cl mu why am, Uchurrcm In many
a lip of u imam-I film: of lh: fiml Iran-liner tags.
I r“. - ..
Ci E"
Tnmmmpowomdllmnhcwnlwiu. WWI-hinteofflnmnmilmlmd‘mg
cimn'lry or internal ulf-acillniuu in me lFIUpw-uvcm‘ m (lull Inch» unlil mu Icy-on cycle.
l _, .
TnmmdpthIhsmdflmem-L Nukuullyunlwicn‘luvlmiuuml
foil-c. but my mum who at “My puuv VSWR In sum-11nd m aw.
hi may indicte- (h! the 24V Mthmode amply is not midi-3 ”V In lhc fin] Iran-incl mp
“he Rmevswnimann-fiy 2:l, min-unyindiam-mhnhnmul
final-Emu. mhniluchedulilnenltyolcycle.
0 Kavdl Ttkmu In, M I7 of7$
Openm'm Inn-[MIMI md Xenia Nan-cl aim--
Matti-camel Paging OFR
Model 0 OFR-PMF December [DOG
An inpu RF sign-I In: needed (I: MIC 1mm lbilily In mini- Iwnl amp-l. mu madam may
occur {01 inn-l sign-h Above —20 (5m.
1’ ‘
Wilda“ open-nun oranFRruquimm-llhe mmxwmlcvclin‘ xymMAGC
calhaionhveboc-dmmlhulxwvymtinmw' Mun-mu] llfotwnmlhofil
comm! unilbunuhnnu elllbnlum unusual-1p tsunami-nil: m7.wEEPR0M mm film
hummmimhdflmwmfinflm hnhaenpnfnnnsd. 1t- fuullcondilim my Ill)
Nephew-am or an (ml-out. Irma-sum or annual PCB require. Mmkm.
°K¢vll Tehran. hm hp “0173
Optmn'ml. Inndlullm Md Snw'nr Manual ”IWm-fl
Human-”er Paging DFR
"odd 0 OFR-PMF Dim-b" 1m
6 Thoory of Opal-won
8.1 Worm“
ME: Mo or diagram alum/c lotaliwu lube added km!
6.2 Overall Fmalon
AIME.- Symfl Hod Immu- m be Minn
6.3 From End
Th: from curl "We nmpllflu and com-an lhc inn-in; RF signal no Ill: final lFonlA MHz.
11mm ilfnpa-adllmu'lln'nlleI’llwwvuufihlhumanOJu-fiqebm inputuhuvcz
GHz lot PCCcnmpli-mu. Tl- ninul nil-tn pan-a! wnhrw pol: Mic-I pie-ohm FLIOI. Th: Htlfl
is amplified by n MMICm mic amplifier ICIOI and 111le to IE fim domino-mum miner ICIM.
A lripled local minim: natal ll mil I“ MHz mvem the RF ml fill Fulfill“! MHz filler: il is
lmplil'letl by mu: and mm. Image and LO. re fillwad by a m pole helical film mo: and n m
my: PI film below hc'mg med w d- nee-ma damnation mix“ ICIM, Thin nix: uh- lhe L0.
flgnl- Ilimwmvmlh I'm! [Flo ma fiml 2L! MHz. lCIwwvidu furlhwamplifimu'oll
IL! Hill.
Thu mull pinch)» flanker-d is Imm- Ih-‘l Hill.
TN,- lnul (ldll‘lll la bul'ltmd by 1007 and appliud no the would miner. The «up-u in a!» applies! no -
single mum ln'plu Ql06. Which nullipla lhe frequency by - facu- of 3. The 0mm] harm in
filmed by FLI03. lmplifisd by 1C")! ml mplled lo (I: fill miller.
The man llw.) lolht from and it applied a 9,6V. Rum Ill” amps (he mug: in "LIV A two
minim mm (ORB. Quill ca- lx used is I pour-down “filial m; 1: ml imbue-lad in this
6.4 MOW“
The mun-lined Inc-l mill-m Mule per-en lhc 219.7003 mil LO. Iiynl lhn h M w me Im-
aldlndwvemf. Bynn’ngllnnnLu. larflnw-Mwoo-miomflnmmm mlmqumcy
Alum lo Ill: Wied signal.
A let-penal: compel-nu uysul mill-w YI m on fund-mm! frequency an 23.5229 MHz.
nuis- IJPPMcmul. Q‘Mflsilsmpmmdwleculheninhmmm. Ql multiplies“:
Mmybylhlwmnbwl'ISMuz. Q2mvibslncmdfiplilmtnyiddlhflmlL0.d|lnL Thin:
film“! by mm mm pole helical film FLI ml “J. In! I Mina ham-unit llllu L7ILI. A we mqw
LC Wilkinm divide: spin: ll! L0 lmwun fl: lnm ad a murmur. Spliuu mn- l- and lo
an“ good incl-nun helm- from end all murmur L0. sill-Is no em no puninic herbal pul-
In: RF noun-11h: LO. loop.
0 [final Tainan, Inn Page I9 of 75
Operan'on. [mallet-ml and Service Manual ("0280944-
Muhi—cam‘er Paging OFR
Ml ' OFF-PMF Den-liver I9”
6.5.1 Gourd
Mmmmmmmmmmluuhmsw Inmmm-ignhiunumpor
-15dBlofldlmwilhhawe—IM‘mwkhhihlfikHzp-ibmd. Mmbgineomml
mminnmlo-mnnnlmnhidymficmp. mmfimmmncnmlpemglwu
pnwlovvlllmwmdnndomdllm. Ann-NimilmAuABwemli-sum
Thin is ignifienuly different from um OF! repeat;
The NGC could-u was! circuilry lo eon-hill MIC new-in- h pi: taxi-u Ili- do nut violne sile»
specific mam ilohliun limiu,
The “slim include: heavy filming of loeel mill-m at mine freq-tench. The number pin ii
cemlledbylslvwmel Nationwide {brunet-imm- "laying-16mm.
Tun-timer keying in done um: e tilled map In we“ when “mien! sip-Ah
The malillll’ module mm all 9.6 VDC AM FM le. (Emu-myth» u 9.6 VDC ls appenmdy no
mA (5m Contaminant 024V iMOSOMctMl l IW.
6.5.2 IF
45m IlfihenlulllmflliamndnelmlMd—lfldanwhidlisledhilewvm. Alumni!)
«Dolph-mum!upmviaedmnlmi-nemmmqnllevdulheIFo-tpu. Aeomplel AOC
eomllwpmmmllhcou-ukvelvamMIyM-mlwdeaym-e Aunt-
pendmg) ploy-nimble ABC clump elm-ill eel—ni- ADC Quinlan In an“! ill! wall! pin new
exceed: ll: pin ill-gin at in OR "null-lion (w! upon nun-m helium and hem: sire
Aleuoocilluuninmechnummqummr-fl I'ovwrfamin'npwl-loop
emu helm mu. m annually. or summit-II}
m not mono! venue is need [or llweived Sip-I sue-lull Indication (llSSIl The Cult»! Inil rent
“is All: Mly dam: new power pll. any envelope Indullion within the l? AGC hop
helium. For the! lam individu-I earlier level will my (twain; upon lb: number at e-rrim
Ml (one In My), Pom will WI, be divided quell) between unit“. trim In ltdilialld
mum-m I dllpamier-Hedthcmenveluwplwmm. WMfi-awriumu iueun—IO
“miwe-riersvillhewwl-MI-lldnn-dfwemienwill hem-w! l-IldBm Thin
behaviour is deliuble - 1 men- ol‘ nun-gin; imminluion by keeping mm pvwet I the uni-miller
0 Kaml Trlmon, Inc. P.“ 200175

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