Powerwave Technologies OFRP300F Multicarrier Paging On-Frequency Radio Repeater User Manual Part 3

Powerwave Technologies Inc. Multicarrier Paging On-Frequency Radio Repeater Users Manual Part 3

Users Manual Part 3

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Date Submitted1999-01-27 00:00:00
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Document TitleUsers Manual Part 3

Optmvm. Imflan‘an and Service Manual ("DING“-
Mnlwmnier Path: OFR
“add i OFRJ’JOOF December 1996
6521 Glynn! Filler
I'Tl implement; the meaty fl'eqwny lebctivity ohm gym. The MB nab-ml u “main-sly 36
kHz With rejection 0! man than «MD II ldjmul thumb Group daily n: In- mm 35 mm.
Mmcfillainp‘l, Illa-ill culmlkigml lmflm‘ofllhfilfl than; Inquirer! fur proper filler
much. miuzmmamamm nan. Detour-cry MlhiWIMlhcl-vmlu
Became lh‘u filler umiml input-m: in slighlly cqnn‘live, the input and own man he wished using
mmmlwmdfiqwuydzu MHz.
6.522 Varllble Gain Ampifier
mlFfiluumpuIn‘alwh with pinuwlifiuum QI illdluljneMWFEth-ichmllu
wmlumbly-mecryml mmlnpd-naiuinpu llpmvidsinpu mulch-1 mIJMRFi-pu.
Gnklisuedhpmcmml. mmvduwlmmisymwdhylkACGmlmlhon R4
mlmas-mnugmlxwuntmumwleimna‘mmlong Highermllqp.
mmflmhn’upfinmflmmmlmufl-wlflmmA Mumflummm
mapmdlolmmiqum AOCWmmnwlwmpflemwu-SVp-vvidxu
memhmmhyol, mmwumn-Mumu VDC. ThemeiilF
Hwnvinhfinmlb “I“wi1lC3—IL3.MWHB RFdecoanin;
mlfi-aumm pin amplifier maeslmmofl dB mum-mum all-45418.
mmwmummmwmam mMnflnyukuZMMNL
llsin-nun!mmklfiiWIvadfismvlih-ewhifimlli isimpuihlclumbe
sinus dhotlly with“ manly My». line c't'II'l. Hm IF Ampifier
Q4 is maul pie MOSFETI‘ opened in a fixed gain confiscation. II! gum k mummy 30 dB
As white Ming my. men-mm human-d (TIL-M cum inn-aim: (1.1 morn-u).
Klimt! llllpply filed gnilb'tulngnel. Emllm Follower
05 ii and la hind-nu- coma! lhe «mm 0104 to wrolimly 50 Chu- m as h eMiVely chive the
folio-tin. Hm ulli In lid-g Impedance: 4mm no unusable level- an "aid luhllivcly indwed E"-
0 Naval Tehran. Inn Pu: II at 73
Opvmrian. Installation and Sonia Manual ”02119-1-
Mlmi-Mm‘fl Paging OFR
Mold I OFR-PJGOF Drum: [998 Second IF Ampllflor
Q] I: a sand-d cmnm-emimr luvlifier with a high immn poi-L RI] ma lll2 Wldz has his
and in parallel Will: It: R-pi of Q) (can a val-lively resume iml much. lllJ I]!!! pmvidu negative
feedback for mliulinn. R! with; ddm'onl negnive [calla-ck m mac n mimfltly 2.5
dBn‘pm. lunuw is lad mic-5h ndindnwilcblolh: [Fa-pm a! l Icvcl ohpproximly —I0dBm.
Inland mar-Malian pmducu In 400“: 1 IN! poinl. 0mm imp point it 420 dBm for My
not. Thane-nu ulln‘nmubdbtlk WMWiM lur I'm‘huunvlifiwliun Tea Oscilalov
Q9 (PNP) n a 2M NH: Comm: atllllof winch u mam-i- i-ne-l of III! IF output (of In! and
mum-z align-mu pulp-a. Yb 1; - cry-M and lo until-u ll: luau-c, an 2“ MHz. When
OSCEN ‘n hugh, inumrQ! than cum-l through ll”, turning lie quill-norm hy lwlynu but bin.
LS ma C19 «wk the 0;le signal In tho «mm and form a lawn: film lo climm‘: bun-min.
The filum i; below the mall inquiry Mibernely so a 001mm lb sign-I to II: defined -
Iodfln level.
6.52.7 Dbd. Snitch
mull-nu nip-I. When ONEN is hilh, 0] mm. “in mm cum-l though 113.1 which mm: on DI.
Mil: nwlifia “quantum-limit: “Ii-titanium mawliubummvmkh. when“.
wammummmmwuufmm-mmnwinm. mm»;
will-u-ILFusMEm-pu. m‘xluwerl-ll‘ismbi-edhqlheMerwhmulhelmdednl.
olDQlollleFli'I-Ilovuchlhcmlpll. Thclwiwhbnllmollmlhmlflmluinduimol
6.52.8 AGO Dew Proampifier
A-mdBn kvdlaimlflcmnodnveuimph dudedmfirxdmellh “mammal-pith
awn-manhunmwwim, mama-m: Halal-Multan! ”pm. In
mfiwmn is simil- w hum“ annpllfiel. 1h ollwlolOT inn hlfluq IF level in lhcc-‘mu‘l.
anhuflllyshicldndhnmlheinm Ammddcmlhelnpnlul’cflhmdfinlhh Peak Daedor
Npukdcneclulumwdbmefl MCTI UluwmfluMMfllfllenupu-ig-lwm
- DC comm wimp. Al IF lcwl inert-cl. m does |h= DC oulpu volt-5c. Alla ivlegrll'wn filming
nd line-rum. it is Wind in Gun: mo ofihe variable pin amplifiu Q! with “nu-1nd sign-I m. Ax
Mull“: imam-cute“ mm. Th'ndum-RFM-ahmimfilimsw
level it —IO dllm 06 u used as n cannibal-l whim-follow nah damn. Pontivc sign-I “tummy.
I its iupn reu- iu any being dumped ianZl. m: Mm film mil“, Wuh lzl. n h. I Mic
KC mu: pole bell await the loop bundwithh.
na-mczzudmmfimrm-mauhAoc Imp-Mp“; fllumddamluanlpulolln
9 Kawd Tekmul. In, Pg: 22 at 75
Opamn'nn, lulu/lam M Semi“ Mall-n, 01mm...
Milli—carrier Fagin. OFR
Model fl OFR-PMF Mam-r I”! AGC Loop Imagmor
UJC [mm A emit-l we invading law. l! M or mun-m ch-p flow as. It! mannin-
canllor to my and lulu; lb! wins“ an an inverting nl m-n-v-m-g Input! In 1h: an: level. mu
MIixi-gthchmmm-mmwmflldeM-mm mmwu-mmmm
4‘ min low filur function
11. IF um! lavel us in by Fun-mun R51. ll in uljusul while observing ll: mm level - m in
Shier: -I0 dflm
I!” all R60 m lh inlay-or pins for positive ”in; inpu sin-ll (luck) and falling sign]: (decay).
For filling signals 05 eta-dons llms paling R59 in mllel with no to pvtwide Mun-ll inky-m
cum! fadeuy. Ahhwfll the inpmruiflm Seldom is huh-Illa formal. ml isstill inlet
bat-u: lb.- input m lamina. or volup arr-a hen-au- Min; and rial—imam“ sip-ls. ll grams
hpmiwplngci'ub. ThelFIeveluum-‘m WuninSofUlCuclo-rlopwml hull-e
pawn-ii. MMMawl-nll-dnxuwmu Mhmwunuuneu chm-3h moi-lu-
lhm Mum «be input 113ml alums d the punitive nil.
R60 i: al‘uml while observing ll: output sign-l envelope (01 AGC Mae). m chain clone (o critically
damped boom-e. 1h pole far-ed by Immune» in dumb-m in the lwp mouth: and was (ht
damping (new. Una-damp! (Maura loo low) law malls in IF level overshoot Ind mil-k
sum-um of ill: paw awl-fist all-in. and. Ewunivs using-cc rem-ll: in mud-um tum-n: i-
utthcnt “film! hunky-v. Mcia-likduiflul lur- lltk lineal-haul 1m. Wit-w
mlh'mhln‘umplllflullm. mfi-wlhupedfud3nnulxkum rummage-u.
Tl-uqulol‘lheinuwislmfiwbyuRleomdbyRMlndCJI Them
pmvidull: fourth wleinlhe Inop mow-e.
6.52.11 AGO Clamp
A unique circuit in Ill“ deli“ is implemmed by U30 and D6. This timail dun» me pouiu‘vc "curin-
ol lhe AGC why to lard-are limil il no I um specified glil mung. This proven“ lhc AGC Iron
commanding pins lncyond Mill lhe tymn amen-u ital-(ion m ulkwr. A wimp, AGCUM. i|
gnu-tad hy Ill: umml until. 11th vulup wads to u AGC “in telling Ital man not be extended.
yen-sully amupand‘m‘ w an inn: RF Eva! IodB We u: wll‘mill‘io- min.
lulle-lyuncomfiunnwim AGCuinbuhwlficAGCIimilwlhcmlhunlhhvminw
ufUlD (pin 9) is balm: (h- ofll: minvming inpll (pin I0). “Ike-mm of": W n the. dnven lo
wmflwillwn‘lflwudmnmm. DfiwulclnplbmcvdnpmmhnlulnAOCuM
CS smilim ll: Imp when lhc ClIIP is in died In prenu- olcillllh-n ailing from manilunl loop
pin Mnlhdmumhwdmu.
When AOCLIM in ya no min-m voluge. ll: dampen he aflwuvely dew.
O Ravel Talent-u. Inc. Page 1] M75
Openmnn. Installation and Sonia Manual aim--
Multivmnier mm, on
Model I OFRJ'JMF MM! [998
llinnum-mnuMwhenn-xclanpuineflecuuwAGCwMunnovrise-hovufiudlevel For
Ibis mun. ll l; mww‘bl: u; |=I RSSI Monum- {urinals mu art below the AG: Iillul Who“.
Thus. ADCuMucauanmmuvily non-oi, AGC Bulb! Miler
UlfiummmmAficmm-fikhtfinpumnm l.5V-|dIV|lTPlS.wnnueof
DmSV whbhummpnlhle with lhcmmflnllA/Dim well-pram. ”41nd RSI (ml-mung:
lfmdtr lt- nxlnmrs nun-n- vnhay flu-n thou CV to abut! SV. Th: ulwurt R97 Illl ROI pvvik I
macaw oflhii lit-Mischa! L5,
6.52.13 AGC Limaflzel
Ben-mun tu-f- fins-nun d m.- minun pu- nqalirns Ql is highly mlinur. the hop (in mic-by
n oldu olmgmluflc over lie full opening my, Tl: dlfltmm flows in man.- pln may mull in
wide fluctuation in loop pin. and late, unplug [m4 Cli- map (In an min-ale n mm min
wui-p my mull loop oscillation a when sunny. To name mull-y mm m «9qu “mm,
fill-manna.- mar-unwed inn-sumo! qu).
A wwlu mum-(kn n! the roughly two-mil pl: 1 vamp lo mom-Inn nun-fa luv-clin-
of 01 wu- Inthmml-d lulu; (fill The numb ill/R449 and "71”: in “tum-u" mum at which
mam-1 vdllnrs m swim in malls] an the insulin; mullet input.
Allow mummmmmnfi.u7.u1.uu. RWJMRSZIreun-nllltcicuil. Ufil‘i-
017. Allhwlflpefimulhemullnm l12V.D4mw:u-hn.nulnglhmnanu
cumming of R57 in merit- wilt- ll: plnllel Manle- ol INK and R49. m m: "nun-l lap-l. The pin
in now Ii: wigiml follxm: pin plus we rule of MI to a: lithium aided lo lln "waning imu. or
MOM. Dacron high inwd-muvthnomo‘dh-heumim ism-l. Indium-my
mhliuuimmwilhom obvimu max
Similn' 10 me I'm pin v-i-inn app. I «hull L055“ D3 begin- m mm Adding more mun-me I
m invaling min-l. hue-in; pin no M u
Th: final run. u a DC Ira-lla- {min will: nae-my mu wih ism-in; i-pu voltage. This in file
imam m m gli- vs volnp fumin- of Ike unable gain mplifln,
MMhmf-dmlim-imiuluw AGCvcll-ue fadwlhecrmlmlulncunm-‘n Isl-line's“
[SS] Ida-aim.
6.5214 AGO Loop Film-filo
0“ on!" long, mm w- rap-rd ll lllll data, The fan Inwp-s mllnl'l numb we RM.
M302. IHJICJSAM [GM/CW, Such l high older hllp lawn“ in! ween-7 w Illa-t militarily f“
and. while My filial-3 my 1’s! hen-acts" tiling hum the du- mber wad-3. We lupin
mmwnellwpmu Iolm. lllhlwpl-unylwreclflenlnu IOWMnlheIF
vnll In All mod-laud by mallhua {mum-y bemu- and minus pushy-d which are spud
I0 [HI "1. Thu m 11“ AM win-Id 15min with-h I I0 kHz inlzrvlh ll- lwk anally Iilg 3"
older and S" crdcr harmed-dam M. "with Maud; n dim-val u the IF 01le lhy we no!
wily - In or ll‘ufrlciul i-ueepl poi-I. but it mm ll! raw! of Ike AGC Imp lclm. m an
0 chl 711m Inc, he: 2‘ of 7S
apcmrim‘ Insulation and Service Mun! mountain...
“flfiffll'l'tl Pain; 0”?
Mods! I ant-moor Dam-bar [998
nilliuniev AM union ailing from the cumin-tint- of the waves. Adjunmmi of no can mini-min
mete nah-ids in 404511
While I0 IHJ. raw-c ii In he minim-mi. the loop still mq-ivu 1 mt: cor-or Manny of about 5
kminmmilaanukflme-Ihwt I mmtlim‘
0.5.3 We“
Th npconvmulcxcim 111me takes [he IF «In! timid. mm ii an to the final W125 MHz
Tran-mt, And amplifies il to l lewd nimc'uu to drive the final on»! puma molil‘lev modulei Alml
new-thevnrhnllimim-gewwummmlmlumflgthmuhe filluedtoplmflupwiw:
mum-l. At each lisp. sufficient inn-m1- puhl m ha minim-ind to ans-n hmmndulmion is not
Mon 0! the mauve-1:1 mm 011 lb: 9.6V avply. l| cot-um about 40) MA.
6.5.31 IF Attenuator
5m R21 and m fault I l1.5 dB pi MM vanished-film (I: [Fa-w signal in l Incl suit-N: far
in mint“: Ii-u'in was. indium 1 mod lusty 50mm match In minimize mwr npmous
6.5.32 Fin! Upoonveraion Mlxef
Tit fin! mm mm the. 2I.4 M"! IF siml with tin mam MHz L.0 sign-I lo unlpu I1: MM
25min: MHrmoMlFfieqneucylaknlofwmnimly—JOSMu Miwmulbouldfl. Flm Upoonvenion IF Slip
he inc-l will“ md lllw Iraq-min mulling irum the first mim- upeminn ime filmed Ivy no two
pol: hens-l fins: nu ma Fm Mm being what no me until mm The film are M-nnliliud
linen-Mt list-mtumedfmme-chfihrlmbfin.
mix-1 and klinl fin:- Inna no mill III the inptl rig-u! hing Wind In the second milw hail
maxim-Ely —23 dllm
6.53.4 Second wouwonion Mum-
TI: teem-d was-Venn nut U7. Manic-l lath: I'm liner. inn tripiad LO. signal u 6094! IBIMHI u:
001mm the 1mm: Mill Hm IF ”equality in the final Inns-Ill Immunity organs Mlh. Cut-inflict:
lo- il M 5 GI mulling inn Maul Iciclof—JI ill-L
645.3.5 L.O Euler
ThemloucilmM-umlndwuhewwnwmflhnmdiflm ltim-edbythsl’i
network I4l-m3hy948. lllidtenhfiaedhyul.wnhwlolwmimly”003m. Amislive
OK-ulrolcmu. Inc. mafia”!
o’tmfiall [ambition and Savior Manual fllaZNOa-n
Mum-tam" Paging OFR
Mold 1 DFLPWF December 1998
dimr-pvlismdthmmwmfimnfim.Ulnllevalofm «flan. Nannie-awn
enaxygoeswlbewaipler. LO. Tripief
Quouwmcmcm-mufliu-n-mwu. Thcmill-lthuiqm‘n
minke-l In: 130 MHz. The om mulch. u. CM. L9 and C46 are nun-nu I m Iillm di-
haul-cpnrmJlnlMHz.muiplno-wul'umddnm hililwmmmmelhnmvddno‘
6.5.3] LO. Finer Ind all!“
he filh l!!! l low of M16 65. TI: filw noun! sin-l ii amplifier try maths MAV-Il MMIC
amphlhv an 1h- nqurefl mm arm level of 77 ulna-cl nppfini In U1. Vadabh Amnumr
UII inGAIIium Amide MMIC wid‘uuwduavdup "MI: mun. mimic-mould
xalem-JJVnnulewiwlcfwlhisdflim Hinavolufiulhcmnolpinoflhmm
anfighmulm.wlmmnilmoumma. Mauve 11-pr some!
vnluge I: about I In line vans whth mulls in u mun-lion mug: d I .5 lo 05 d).
Nummumuuwflugflmmm. mum-nwwlugquhufmlh
6.53.9 Emiter Chain
Th llama“. only! u llplifml by lira Mal MMIC pin Mocks Ulll. U9. UK, I“ ERA-4SM.
lnunpcmd withi- l'u'l chain in mu m pale Merwin: mm mm mime Lt), and image pal-nu.
he ova-II yin M Ull claim chin it 31! 45. Find mule: mum level is wuximuly 0 lo 02 dBm
whhunwlpuimnwplpninofdlidh. Dlnlolhchighamldpin influrulmudpwm
nplifnf tandem colfiiulinn 062 a). i! il inn-iv: M Ih PA Mp1! bu well fiikbd from ll!
tuner imp-l. I! is impouihle lo mun: mi- emin chain minim withnq emu-mill nlf-
mailman, Al dumimm bu wilh EM] whfliu is uned fa mi- m, Endmor Power Swfid’l
Default: wwevumplifia mnkhyedun wilhllimcd envelope nmhisimpmammnlhelui
mpu mlhe PA I» - rull power brim it Renewed, For this wen-on. the cum ell-in. whidl m
mfimAwas.mwbse-tjndhmmel’m Themfipllfimnlhcmlmlmilmm
m IN excl: Mum line (rum-In! I keyetL Qll ism lTL invuur which lwhu hm his to OI!
whichamanMmswmmummeuiummlwwy. New'uullulhc
0 Raw! felt-(ml. Ill, P3, 26 "(7s
Our-film. Iuhllaa'au and Sfm‘a Mm! 01020091“
Mulfiflcun'n Paging DFR
Mold 0 CPR-PWF Deal-be! 1996
6.5.4 Power Ampllhr
6.5.5 Pmr Ampllfiof
Find linen mnnmix amalificuinn ll prov-had by Mon-ol- hylrnl awl-nor module, This It In LDMOS
cluABlim-rdemmuln IOWA hhmlmbeowrfldullbdowlumeflmbmw
new-fly intemloduluim Mann-cg. Mich don not wily {allow normal li-ur npl-fiu
UIS. me final power amlifier B 1-9le with 24 VDC ll mm wosimucly ”0 M when
min; full pow-n In overall gain is typically 10 GB. mum. in I Tun-l «In! Wile! Ichl helm:
filmingnlnhul «1134.11
The pm “pillar is mount-i men-limit 10 ll: primed civmil band Ind huuinlml lint-13h llle
nodult hauling an: inc all elm-ad alt-[mun taxi-k, Tohl trifle diuip-in in lieu IIW. “It
haunt n mod N: coal-um» war-non in mus-n. up In (If. N alum I‘mpem-ru. ll: Martial:
my a- loo um much. can 90C.
6.5‘6 Dlroctloml couplof
A mummip edge mph with awlfllimdy 20 dB cumin is used 10 um let-uni pow lur
transmit!" leveling. and Even: mar rm loud VSWR dclncllnn. Diode dzmm m lb «w ill
wide 50 (km mimim and detect RF power ulvellng in nth djmcmnl
8.51 RF Detectors
Dflismelnnmdmmm. RIIqu-lul WII'I mermumcicn'umbnpmvidelmdso
OimmhmMcomlulim. DI half-um RFxlgnnl-ndpuunuuelmwly mum DCqus
DOnlmllu-Iy muumww
Thewduxdaluvemrmduww, Mhighalcmllry willmdhigll-volugu
Muir-amine: wwerlo that damn sllfllly‘
65.8 Detector Mars
nupacllvzly. Tl-tofu-um“whnpflnn‘lJn-llhnmvenemmhuunolmb
This mum mi milm ll- (aw-d paw: lip-I Ind djm ll: width: mm omnnl llgul
TXIEVEL w mint-in mm PFWD m mam-um. mun pi- and loud wart-lion. The comm!
mil in {nary culibmul min; ln manned rolling In ml:- n MOM tide of required PFWD
vol-yes to: even m «an. Incl. - I an imls bam- oll) ml 030 “m. The m um
M Mule e-n'uatl-e W poi-Ix fol-cloned Iowmcnumlilorilhm
Them-mu] wimmmhlmnnmpownd{Mpommthammilmnlud
VSWR'nimuln‘l-mhiln. Ian-Mkflpfle‘tmdzh PAhm-narlnlno
prev-u pouiM: 1mm nallucill m m PA in lufficituly mud n: nrvnvc n opu- ov Mu! load.
bu my mu: “naive cmm if it pe- mn alumina-on will- the mint Mn am- an mum,
O Naval Tilllfll. Inc, Pa: 27 0! 75
Operation. Iumllmio- and Smite Manual momma-n
Matti—«nit! Fagin; OF,
Mvfil ' OFR'PW hunk! [998
6.5.9 Hannonic Filer
Adi-OIfllmfihuhlledlortdmwwhmmiuhanuHWGB. “mini-anemic
Winnimfiuuwipmiuimlim HigIQwuhincwimr-nmhlhfihw
mnuimiu Inn-u, Tonihuuintlnedimjuulmpluudfilwnam L2 as. 11‘mequ
8.5.10 Transmit Ramp Germain! and files Camel
Themmllwnkaydo-bylheTXENuigl-lhmlhmmlml. mummy-mm
mmdumnimRF-hnelbmmumudmwiwllndm. TENMuQIZGnMucl
mumwmmm-umollm CnlhcmhmmimCSOm-mimm
mullmhamlhlymunmnpmpmummnrIn. mvollneulhccollmnrnrolliu
nllm-nmofromowou V, Andjmmimdividammuingdlmmkflmum‘PA
hinvolugnuubmnllJVDC.whkhnx-mopumhhpoimtwhmimem. ROG-unlit
8.5.11 Current Sense
The powe- umplifiet supply mm is "minaret! by (h: comml unit to bolt: duet! l paw lnplifiu
lull-Ale. or 1 full confinin- M MW in entire cum: dun. we! as n blll cut-nil [film of fill-
[Hts-lighw-upsraiminmefi-Iwsqmlylmlh-nmdfuwmmsminp UlC-n
dims-till Impllliu that mm ID: VOW urc- R7fl Io Genuine current A noun-l amply list
results in a van-ac old-gully less “an lull. Vull mn- II: was mister.
The diflcmlid lmvlil'uzr rug» lhc cum (a ruling: mimic- to yield an cum volup- lhl swing:
from 6meuwmlimml‘vmrcmwupm IA.
I!!! n-uedmudndlfluuml w-MmlmiuwynMWoup-l rmamcwmnn‘ IA.
Ammim ul'24 0n-muMialiwdmmmmlum-aligmm
Th camel um- nemu mm mm all underarm condition and nip-I: lie Wlk hulls
8.5.l2 Tompomun San-o
A PI'C lherminav. UI2 chaps minim: wid- unwmu. Minna one; up will: mgr-m with
W clove 14 mm 90C. lie Mind full trim point. R72 is adj-nod m ynld 2.5V on TEMP {or n
“moms. on Mum-inn ruin-meal IODK.
Thu cum null shun down Illa PA N in: mm lim‘n (womruhle) sexes“.
16 cmum
0.8.1 Omar-l
“ice-moi mil in Ille'buim‘wl'dlsOFl I| inlet-plus ulfl kw: and illumi m ollhetkvm and
natural: all Ins-ml finclim. - all n nur from pawl indium ligh- nnd lL‘D di-pl-y‘ Th: my!
mil nlm minim mtg: legal-m l'w lhc internal IZV md 9.6V mpplin
0 Kabul 701m. Ilt. Pl“ II 0175
Opt-Imam Installation and Service Manual 0102019041
mm «min rum, OFR
Modtl I OFT-PW December [998
The annual ma cum in! III on" (Ont: Time I’m'nmtmblt) tingle chip mimmxlh (Mantel:
MCQHCIOGIISL operatic II I duck fiequency ol'4 MHL “in n‘uvcuurolln Hummus the ma
interface trf the (FR, All program mm tad Nib-inn inform-ton is cured in a suit] mmlnik
ehwiully unable ROM. Such infmtutintl ts retained timing paw why; my to 10 ynn. An
optimal RS»232 interim an be infllbd m allow mum: control and dust-mics In it puulNe Ill
connect an inlet-lace w a mutt-d telephone tmdrm.
The mm! unil mot-it“ int-rill m and limb (cult (Milton by placing a "but tut nus-p
on the from pI-l ditplly. tn! aclunu t 10h) clam which can bu comma-l In «Hand mull.
top-mus via line rm and interface meta.
Them-ml unumumnmfimnltummu-Mmllncketwitltwtubleprinwd
noun-alum manugnlcbulommd lamps.
0.3.2 m 81” we"
0I2VDC and 44 VDC an: tpplml - 11. The cum unit «pram an m l2V mly. It pnmttily
pmvides I commit" feedmmugh 01th: 024V w, to II. lPII'm-nimt final up; However. the
024V apply it minted by tn A/Dconvenu todetccl Itilnre ohm GAV panel supply middle. The
PWM DIA Influx an ulna powered from ‘24V (w unlit-um dyulic nape.
Fl limih tumult in tbc ollVDC lune no 2A. LI. CZ and C3 with filtering of switching non: on It:
paw supply in” which my dhtuvl xlsil'm: ”circuitry M can spur-out sideb-nh In an» output RF
U5 mm; . MUM +$V amply lhl in used to pour: tin nllp‘ul clmn‘uy on u- the mural unit only.
High cunun loads met: It the
U4, Ill sljmuN-z lawman lunc- rqulunf, pmtiuus I we'll-ad “MN amply nut is used to power
15 [mm MLGV w m: Inn! and and local wall-uh lZ amides “LEV Ind 024V to the lFITnmitm
(dun; with other “gnaw.
6.6.3 Him-“roller
m cam-I miuocmnullu, UI. is a Mnturol- WHCMBS‘ It cumin: fit by!“ 0! mm ROM.
I16 bytes of RAM. p-ullel IIO. intnmd inn". lefil| mum-mien- Entering 8 channel MD converter.
two pulse width moduluion DIA cumulus and ilemd self-clonitotitt; Mute, It i] installed in a
want which llltrttt luv field-Moi M.
9 Kane! Tilt-mu, Inf. h]; 29 ul‘ 7S
Operation. lumllanau and Service Manual DIMm-n
mummy Paging an
M" 0FR~PMF Danube! I”!
Mmmnum—mmm autumn-(u
Ali-Hi" 2H=WM
P‘fl' w-uuuw-luvu ism-m
59; 3h? 2: 2? gégéss
Hg fig 32 Eff;
g $355 ii 5
1 ii? 5?
3 3 g 12
g i fig
5.6.4 Clock
The macaw-mil: when ou‘illunr is mun-l using a 4 MR: can-i: ran-um. VI. C20. CI and
R15 poi-k mu Inld emu-no: M guru-cud my “in clock l! divibd Ivy mo ilfl'de the
0 Kaval Tekmlll. Inc. M 300175

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