Premier Camera 00530126 Digital Camera User Manual users manual

Premier Camera Taiwan Ltd Digital Camera users manual

users manual

Download: Premier Camera 00530126 Digital Camera User Manual users manual
Mirror Download []Premier Camera 00530126 Digital Camera User Manual users manual
Document ID128501
Application IDduncduNV2vu+IJlml7v9WA==
Document Descriptionusers manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize39.64kB (495537 bits)
Date Submitted2000-12-13 00:00:00
Date Available2000-12-12 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-11-22 21:53:36
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-11-22 22:10:20
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Warranty Policy
This camera is under warranty for one full year lrorn the date of purchase by the ongnal
purchaser. In case of defects in materials or workmanship, we will replace or repair the
camera free of charge. This warranty applies to the camera only This warranty does
not include batteries. or other accessories which have not been manu‘lactured by our
company. This warranty will not be honored ii the camera has been mishandled or tam-
pered With. or altered by anyone other than the manufacturer. Other than for the war-
ranty herein. we are not responsible for loss. damage. or inconvenience of any kind.
A defective camera being returned under warranty must be accompanied by a hriel
description of the difficulties encountered and also by a proof of purchase with the
date of purchase clearly indicated. All related transportation costs and insurances are
at the ower's expense Any alteration 01 this warranty cannot be made without the
written approval from our company.
FCC Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply With the limits for a Class B digi-
tal device. pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provrde
reasonable protection against harmful interference in commerical installation. This equip~
merit generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and it not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful interference to radio
communications However, there is no guarantee that interference erI not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interferece to «adioor tele-
vrsion reception, detectable by turning the eduipment in question oil and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the intereierence by one or more 01 the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; Increase the distance between the equip-
ment and the receiver; Connect the equipment to an outlet on a diflerenr crrcuir than
that which the receiver is connected to: Or consult the dealer or an experienced radio]
TV techmcran For help
A shieldedalvpe DC power cable incorporated With a terms can is required in order to meet
the FCC emission limits and also to prevent interference to the nearby radio and television
Uu only shielded "0 cable incorporated with a lerrite core to connect this equipment to
hot! computer and TV set. Shieded AC. power cord and shredcd I/O cables are required in
order to meet the FCC amitidn limits. it is essential that only the supplied power cord and I!
O camels! be used.
Do not place this camera in damp or dusty location.
This may cause a fire or eiectric shock.
Do not place this camera in a location affected by oil fumes or
steam, such as near a cooking stove or humidifier. This may cause
a fire or electric shock.
Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high
temperatures, such as in a sealed vehicle or in direct sunlight.
Exposure to high temperatures may adversely affect the camera
case and internal components and cause a five.
Do not cover or wrap the camera or the AC power adapter with a
cloth or quilt. This may cause heat to build up and distort the
case or cause a fire. Always use the camera and its accessories
in well-ventilated locations.
Take care that the camera is not bumped when it is being moved.
This may cause the camera to malfunction.
Do not move the camera while it IS switched on. [ii you are 05th
the AC power adapter. unplug the adapter from the Ac power
outlet after you have switched oil the camera.) Then ensure that
any connector cords or cables to other devices are disconnected
belore moving the camera, Failure to do so may damage the cords
or cables and cause a fire or electric shock.
When handling the camera, always unplug it Irom the power
source lbatteries or A: power adapted for safety, (if you are using
the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the Ac power
outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) Failure to do so
could result in an electric shock.
When leaving the camera unused tor long periods, such as
during a vacation, always unplug the camera from the power
source ibatteries or PC power adapter lfor safety.
(it you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from
the AC power outlet alter you have disconnected the camera.)
Failure to do so could result in a fire.
Contact your dealer or local authorized service facility to
request cleaning of the interior of the camera every two years.
Allowing dust to accumulate in the camera tar long periods
without cleaning the camera interior may cause a fire er electric
Cleaning is best performed prior to seasonal periods of high
Consult with your dealer or local authorized service facility for
information on the cost 01 cleaning your camera.
Do not use batteries other than those specified for use
with your camera.
The use of unsuitable batteries may result in the batteries
splittin| or leaking and causing a tire, injury, or soiling of the
battery compartment.
When fitting a battery into the camera, check the polaritv
markings on the battery lea ands lto ensure that you insert the
battery correctly
incarrect battery polarity may result in the batteries splitting
or leaking and causing a fire. injury. or selling of the battery
Remove the batteries if the camera will not be used for an
extended period of time. The batteries may leak and cause a
lire, injury or soiling of the battery compartment. If the
batteries leak, clean and wipe the battery compartment
carefully and install new batteries. Wash your hands carefully
if you touch the battery fluid.
Do not use this camera when it is emitting smoke, is unusually
hot to the touch, is emitting any unusual odor or noise, or is in
any other abnormal state. Use of the camera in any of these
situations may cause a fire or electric shock. Stop using the
camera immediately, turn the camera off, and then disconnect
the power source (batteries or AC power adapter). (If you are
using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter lrom the AC
power outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) After
checking that smoke is no longer being emitted. contact your
dealer or your local authorized service facility and request
repairs. never attempt to repair this camera yoursell as this is
Do not use the camera if any water has entered the camera.
Switch the camera off. and then disconnect the power source
thatteries or AC power adapter). fit you are usrng the AC power
adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you
have disconnected the camera) Then contact your dealer or
your Ioeal authorized service facility. Do not continue to use
the camera as this may cause a fine or electric shock.
Do not use the camera if any foreign obiects have entered the
camera. Turn the camera off, and then disconnect the power
source (batteries or AC power adapter). (if you are using the
AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet
after you have disconnected the camera.) Then contact your
dealer or your lecal authorized sen/ice facility. Do not continue
to use the camera as this may cause a fire or electric shock.
If the camera has been dropped or the camera case has been
damaged, switch the camera off. and then disconnect the power
source {batteries or AC power adapter). lit you are using the AC
power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet
after you have disconnected the camera) Then contact your
dealer or your local authorired service facility. Do not continue
to use the camera as this may cause a tire or electric shock.
Do not place the camera in unstable locations such as on a
wobbly table or sloping surface where the camera may fall or
tip over and cause iniury.
Take care that the camera I5 not exposed to meisture and that
water does not get into the camera. Take particular care when
it is raining or snowing or when you are using the camera at the
beach or near water.
Water in the camera may cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not insert or drop metallic or inflammable foreign objects
into the camera through access points such as the Compact
Flash card slot.
This may cause a tire or electric shock,
Do not attempt to modify this camera. This may cause a fire or
electric shock.
Do not remove the camera casmg. This may cause an electric
shock. Internal inspection, maintenance and repairs should be
carried out by your dealer or local authorized serwce facility.
Do not use lhlS camera in the bathroom. This may cause a lire
or electric shock.
DO not tOUCh the power plug during a thunderstorm if you are
using the AC power adapter.
This may cause an electric shock,
Never use this camera, luck through the viewfinder, or watch
the LCD {liquid crystal displaylwhile you are operating a moving
car, motorcycle or bicycle.
This may cause a traffic accident,
Do not attempt to charge the alkaline battery.
This may cause the battery to split or leak, causing fire or iniury,
Do not carry or store a battery with obiecta such as metal pens.
necklaces, coins or hairpins. This could short circuit the posmve
sand negative (3 poles of the battery.
This may cause the battery to split or leak, resulting in fine or
Do not heat or attempt to disassemble a battery, and do not
place a battery in water or in a fire.
Any of these may cause the battery to split or leak, cause tire
or imurv.
Do not subject a battery to strong impacts, such as hitting it
With a hammer, stepping on it or dropping it, Any of these may
cause the battery to split or leak, cause fine or iniury,
Use only the spectfred batteries or AC power adapter specmed
for use with this camera.
The use of other power sources may cause a fire.
Table of Contents
Overview .......
What‘s included in the package. l
System Requirements {Windows}.
Getting to Know your camera
Inserting Batteries .............. . ..... 10
Usmgihe Power Adapter [OptionalAccessoryi . . . . . 11
Attaching the Strap . . . . 11
Using a Compact Flash Card (Optional Accessory) . .12
OperatingtheCamera. .. ..12
Using Multimedia Camera as a Digital Camera. . . . 14
Taking Pictures .
Camera Furition Controls”
Viewing Pictures .............................. . . , . 16
Downloading Pictures into your PC . . . . . . . i . . , . . . . . 18
Using Multimedia Camera as a MP3 Player. . . . . . . . . 20
Where to get MP3 musu: files ........ . . . . . . 20
Transferring MP3 iiles into multimedia camera. U 20
MP3 Playback Controls m. , . . . 21
Playing MP3 MuSic r H .. l . , . . 21
Using Multimedia Camera as an Audio Recorder. , .22
FlecordmgContrcls 22
Recording Audio , , , , , , , , , , . ..23
Playing Recorded Audio , , , , , , , , , , 24
Transferring Recorded Audio into your PC , , , , , , , , 24
Erasing Contents from Multimedia Camera ....... 25
Erasmg a Single Picture. MP3 Song or Recorded Audio . . . 25
Erasing All Pictures, MP3 Songs or Recorded Audio Tracks , . ,...26
Using Multimedia Camera as a PC Camera ...... .. 27
Appendix 1 : LCD Icons .......................... 27
Appendix 2 : Specifications .................... .. 28
Digital Camera. MP3 Player, Digital Audio Recorder. and PC Camera in One!
Thank you for purchasing the MULTlMEDlA CAMERA. which is the most incredible cam-
era ever been developed. This portable digital camera does not only take pictures. but
also features a built-in MP3 player, audio recorderi and PC camera in ihesame camera
The MULTIMEDIA CAMERA is equipped with ZMB bwlt-in memory In addition, it pro»
vides a memory card slot which can be inserted With a (Type ll Compact Flash Card. To
download digital pictures and audio from the camera into your PC, a USB cable connec-
tion is all that is required This Single USB connection also allows you to transfer MP3
songs into the camera When you use it as a PC camera. you can videoconference over
the Internet. Look and talk to people on ihe internet face~to-lace.
What's included in the Package
c Multimedia camera unit . Software CD-ROM
.USB cable . Quick start guide
. Video cable . Owner's Manual
. Earphone . Pouch and Strao
-2 x AA alkaline batteries
CD-ROM content :
Disk 1 ' MGI Photosuite ]][ SE, Multimedia Camera Manager. MP3 software
Disk 2 MGI Video Wave SE+
Optional accessories include:
Compact Flash Card
AC Adapter
System Requirements (Windows)
1 Personal computer With minimum Pentium lGG MHz With graphic card
‘ Microsoft Windows 98! 2000 operating system
32 MB or more oi RAM
80 MB or hard disk space available
Available USB, and CD-ROM drive
. Color Display (800x600 24 bit or higher recommended]
Getting to Know your Camera
Before vou start usmg camera, UV (0 familiarize first with its various controls, This sec—
tlun shows lhe differem parts of the camera in detail.
A. Power Butzun
B. ShutterRelease
C. Ready LED
D Mode Dial
E. Lens
F. Viewfinder Wlndow
G. Flasl'
Hi Corrvpachlash
Card slot
I. Self-Timer LED H
J. Stop/Erase Button
K Audio Record!
Play Mode Selestxm
L Microphone
M A-Way Toggle Conrrnl
N Earphone Jack
0 DC IN SV port
P V'aeo no".
0 USE port
H. Barren; door
3. Vew‘lrder
Getting Started
The multimedia camera comes with standard accessories such as batteries. and strap
This section shows how you can use them wlth the camera. Bastc camera operations
are also described un this section
Inserting Batteries
The battery compartment is located the bottom side ol the camera. You Will need [0
use two AA-stze batteries
To install the batteries
1. Open the battery cover
2. Insert the batteries properly When inserting,
make sure that you follow the polarity direc»
tions which are zndtcated on the inner stde
ol the battery cover
3 Close the battery cover
You do not need to use batteries when you connect a USB cable between the camera and
your PC The camera consumes power from the Pl: through the USB port
. ll you won't be using the camera lor an extended period of time, remove the batteries to
prevent leeks or corrosion
eNever use manganese batteries, Never mix old and new batteries
0va temperatures under O'C msv rsduce the flulpul efficiency at batteries, thereby shorten-
ing theopnrxlton time u! the camera,
0 The recommended battery is AA-srze alkaline battery.
Battery Life Indicator
When the camera has full power the Battery
Power ICOH on the LCD panel wrll be ‘ully
shaded When power is low only the lower
portion ol the teen Will be shaded This Indl- E Medium Battery WWW
cates that the batteries are weak and need to 13 LOW Battery Power
be replaced When the batteries are completely
dead. the camera will not turn on,
Full Battery power
Using the Power Adapter (Optional Accessory)
ll you prefer to operate the camera on AC
power, Power Adapter [SN/24A] at your choice.
Simply connect the power adapter into the DC
lN port On the camera. and then plug the power
adapter to a wall socket.
You do not need to use the power adapter when
you connect a USB cable between the camera
and your PC. The camera consumes power from
the PC through the USE port.
0 Always be sure to use the power adapter from the manufacturer. Any other afiapter may
cause damage to the camera. which lS not covered under the warranty.
oGrasp the power adapter. not the card, when unplugging |t lrom a wall socket.
0 If the power cord gets damaged (exposed or severed Wires. etc), purchase a new power
adapter from your local dealer, Using a damaged cord may cause lire or electrical shock,
0 Switch all and disconnect the AC adapter from the camera before unplugging rt lrom the
wall socket.
Attaching the Strap
If you rrtend to take pictures outdoors. twill (DR _
be rather corvenrent to carry the camera ustng
the provtdec st'ao
To attach the srrap to the camera
1 Insert the small loot) at the end of the strap
into the hole at the camera's strap holder
2. Push inward until the loop comes out of the.I
other hole of the camera‘s strap holder
3 Insert the other end 01 the Strap through the
loop and pull It all the way until the strap lS
securely attached to the camera.
Using a Compact Flash Card (Optional Accessory)
The camera already comes with ZME! tntemal
memory for storing pictures, MP3 songs and
recorded audio. It thus is not enough for you,
you can extend the camera‘s storage capacity
by msenmg a compact flash memory care.
To insert a Compact Flash memory card:
1. Open the card slot located at the side of the
2. Push the memory card all the way tntu the
card slotunttl you hear a clickth sound.
3 Close the card slot cover.
To remove the Curmuact Flash memory card, puxh
the Elect button located mute the card xtot.
Operating the Camera
Once there IS power supplied to the camera
[through unstatted batteries. the optional power
h _ - adapter or througha USB cabte connected be-
tween the camera and your PC), you can start
ustng the camera.
iner 541mm Ready LES
, Starting up the Camera
To swttcn the camera on, press down the
Power Button whtch IS [coated at the stde of
the camera. The LED located at the top side of
the camera then Itghts up. tndtcatmg that the
b 5 camera IS on.
Auto Power Off Feature
The camera automaticalry swttchos oft when mere are no operatlons performed lor over 2
mlnutes. Hutu/ever. thus leature is not uvatlable when the camera is Supplied with power from
a USE or AC Adapter cunnechuh.
Changing Mode
The Mode Dial located at the top side of the
camera lets you eastly change from one op-
eration mode to another. Just turn the Mods
Dial clockwise or counterclockwise to switch
to a different mode
The five icons shown on the Mode Dial indi-
cats the five operation modes of the camera.
To select a mode that you want, keep on turn-
ing the Mode Dial until its icon is Situated at
the middle, uppermost side oi the Mode Dial
Refer to the succeeding pages for more infor-
mation on each of these operation modes.
Function Controls
The front panel buttons grow/ids diflererit types
of controls. depending on which operation
mode is cufrently selected, For instance in DSC
mode, the 4-Way Toggle Control allows you to
set the flash mode, select picture quality, self-
timer, In other operation modes such as MP3
and Audit: modes, all these buttons are used
out they function differently in each model
The next sections will discuss each operation
mode in detail ar'd "low to adjust the contlols
at each mode.
E] PC mode
63 DSC mode
El TV mode
mi); MP3 Mode
-“1 Audio Mode
Function Contiols
Digital Camera
The camera allows you to eastly take digital photo shots This section shows you how
to take pictures With the camera.
Taking Pictures
Set the camera to DSC mode [2 when you want to take pictures. To take digital photo
Shots with the camera. make sure that there is enough battery power or that the op»
tional power adapter is properly connected. [See page 10 to 11 for details on how to
insert batteries or connect a power adapter.) Connecting a USB cable between the
camera and your PC can also provide power to the camera. (See page 18 to see a clea'
illustration on how to connect a USB cable]
If you want to use a Compact Flash memory card to store your pictures. meet the
memory card belore you start taking pictures Without a Compact Flash memory card
installed, the picture are stored in built-in memory. lFor information on inserting memory
card, see page 12 i,
To take a picture:
1 Turn the camera on by pressing the Power ® ©
Button The Ready LED located at the top
Side of the camera then lights up
2 Make sure that t’te camera is in DSC mode
”0 set me camera to DSC mode, tum the
Mode Dial repeatedly until you see the DSC
can appear on the LCD panel
3 Usmg the VIvefldel. ‘ocus on the obiect
you want to capture
4 Hold still and press the Shulter Release out—
ton to take the picture
5 The Heady LED blanS continuously as the 8333" new”
camera captures antmage and processes the m 65” \- ** n-.,_.,_..L..)
image ST—FL T '
6 When the Fleady LED stops blinking, you can amen, Pam, S “with"? Quietly
take the next picture (The Ready LED always
remains lighted up while the camera is on.)
No Fiasn if Auk: Fush
LCD panel in DSC Mod.
Erasing Pictures
You cannot erase pictures from the camera memory while in DSC moder erase pictures. set
the camera to“! mode. For more information, see page 25.
Camera Function Controls
When you're using Multimedia Camera as huss 55.1th
- » - +1 .
a digital camera. use the 4»Way Toggle ”mm“ ,’ ",°" r?" °”"““’°C‘”""V
Control located in front of the camera to ® N" ”3” ° * NWT“ 0m"
5 A Auto Flash t 1 Fine Quality
select options that are suitable for your
picture taking needs.
Flash Mode
The camera has two different llash modes:
® No Flash - The flash is disabled no matter what the ambient brightness of the
surroundings is
'l 4. Auto - The camera automatically fires the flash when lighting in your
surrounding is not bright enough
Press to set the Self-
Timnl on or art
9 Self rme On
Picture Quality
Two different elements determine the quality of the pictures that you lake. The first IS
resolution, The camera can take pictures at 640 X 480 resolution The second element
is the amount of compressron applied to captured images. This camera can capture
images using two types of compression settings, Normal (high compressronl and Fine
(low compression), The lower the compression, the higher the image quality will be but
lesser number of pictures can be taken. Higher compressron allows more pictures to be
taken and the image quality is acceptable
* Normal Quality - 3‘l pictures
** Fine Quality -15 pictures
(The rota/numbers! stored images may be varied With the free space or the card, the
mixture of the image quality mode. and also the complexrty of the subject]
if.) Self-Timer
The Self-Timer creates a “ill-second delay between the time you press the Shutter Re»
lease button and the time the picture is taken. The TOasecond delay is indicated by the
Self-Timer LED flashing once per second for seven seconds. then twrce per second for
the last three seconds.
Alter a picture has been taken, the Self-Timer sets off automatically, Y0u need to set
the SelH'imer on every time you want to use it,
7\ Press to seiner the type
[51 Viewing Pictures
Show olf your pictures to an audience by connecting your camera to a TV. Thts section
shows you how to properly connect the camera to a TV and display your ptctures on
Using the Camera in TV Mode
Set the camera to TV Mode @ when you want to use a TV monitor to view the
pictures you have taken or when you want to erase pictures from the camera memory
TV Function Contorls
White in TV mode, use the lunctlon controls located tn front of the camera to properly
set the TV standard advance forward or backward when vtewing ptctures, and to erase
For details on erastng ptctureav see page 254
Viewing Pictures on your TV
Set the camera to TV Mode Ii] when you
want to use a TV monitor to new the ptctures
you have taken.
Connecting the Camera to your TV
Use the vtdeo cabte comes with the package
to connect the camera to a TV.
1 Connect one end of the video cable to the
video port on the camera
2, Connecl the other end or the cable to the
vtdeo tnput seeker nomally at the back of
your TV,
Press to St! the
TV standard
"Y“ "EC Press to
single, more E, ass
Press to go Press to yo
mama, and wan: forward and
me prlvtcus prc'ure vrew me nex:
Defining the TV Output
Before you can View plctures on your TV. you need to identity first what TV standard
your televtston uses. If you have an NTSC standard TV. set the camera to NTSC» lf vou
have a PAL standard TV. set the camera to PAL. (The figure on page Is illustrates clearly
how to set the TV output for your camera)
Viewing your Pictures
After pru perly connecting your camera to a TV.
you can start viewmg your pictures
1, Turn on your TV.
2. Set the camera to TV mode. lfi’
3. Use the 4-Way Toggle Control ln from 01 [he
MULTIMEDIA CAMERA to select the Pressmamg)
camera's Tv output. Press TV to select NTSC rl/ sfancsrd
or PAL. depenalng on the TV system you are
4. Also use the 4»Way Toggle Control to 59»
Ice: whlch picture 20 dlsplay on the TV
screen. Press Right 1+) to display the next
uicture. or press Let! l-l to dlsplay the previ- _
cus picture. ' “we“
As you advance forwarc and backward ”swamp“? [fire—e"
through your plctures, the LCD 9anel shows ’
the current slcture number you are vlewlrg.
5 If you want to resume taklng plczures. dis-
connect the camera lrorn your TV. Then. set
the camera to DSC mode agaln 511253393
54115”, Power
Tb 3 ar‘da'fl who ~
LCD Panel in TV Made
You can also w your pictures on your computer monitor by downloading them to your PC
For more information about downloadlng picture: into your PC. us page 18.
-_;_;r_=.--'~i--m.u_.. at...
Downloading Pictures into your PC
Once your camera’s. memory or the lnserted Compact Flash Card is lull, you can erase
the plctures and take more pictures. Before you erase the pictures, save them first by
transferring them to your computer. Thls section shows you how to download pictures
into the computer
For details on how to our" pictures. see page 25.
Connecting the Camera to Your PC
Use the provided USB cable to connect the
camera to your PC.
1 Connect one end of the USB cable mo the
USB port on your PC
2 Connect the other end of the USB cable to
the USE port on the camera
3 Turn on the camera
You do not need to use batteries or the power
adapter when you have connected a USB cable be-
(men the camera and your PC. The camera con-
sumes power lrom the PC through lhe USB port.
Camera driver and software installation
The followan software applicatlons and camera orlver are lncludeo m the DSC Appllca’
tron Surte CD
-MGI Photosurle III SE — allows you to enhance the plclures wrth fast, lrlerdlv. fun PC
photography software
oMGI VldeOWave 55+ — is powerful PC Vldeo software allows even novice users to
create professronai videos quickly and easily
oMuItimedla Camera Manager- prowoes vou an ethcrent wav to manage and transfer
olcrures, audlo and MP3 flles between the camera and computer,
oMP3 - convert your musrc CD to MP3 his formal and enjoy your favorite songs anywhere.
In order to transler files between Multrmedia Camera and PC, you need to tnstall the
Muntmedia Camera Manager whrch rs under DSC Application Sutte It IS tmplemented
wrth 8U10‘Selup program, Once you rnsert Dtsk 1 rnto CD-ROM drwe, the DSC ApnlicaA
tion Sutte main menu Window wrll popup. Otherwtse, you sttlI can run "setup exe" file in
the root directory of CD»ROM drive.
1 : Insert the Dtsk 1 mm CD-HOM drtve
2 . Cltck on the checkbox to select the
soltware would fits to be installed
3 Follow the on screen unstructron to
complete drrver and the applicatton
software mstallation.
4 ‘ Restart the computer After restarttng the
computer' a DSC Application Suite shortcut
men has now been created on the desktop
The system requtrements and the opsyation or
each bundled software applrcations may vary, For
more information, please refer to thetr respectrve
soltware help menu.
Getting your Pictures
To get ptctures tram the camera and transfer
them to your PC"
1 Make Sure that the camera rS securely cow
nected to your PC and the camera dnyer ts
2. Set the camera to PC mode
3 Double-click the DSC Applicatron Sutte
Shortcut teen on the desktop
4 Cltck the Multrrnedta Camera Manager but-
5 Drag or copy the image liles in the folder of
Multtmedia Camera Manager to the folder
you spectly tn your hard dtsk
at Once the copy orccess has been completed.
the tmages then successfully have down-
loaded from the camera to your PC.
nscnvumemn Sum: "
To use the MULTIMEDIA CAMERA as an MP3 Player, you need to first transler MP3
songs from your PC into the camera. This section tells you where you can get MP3 files
as well as how to upload them into camera and then play them,
Where to Get MP3 Music Files
There are basically three ways you can do to get MP3 songs:
.From the Internet
Now. there are numerous Web srtes on the Internet which allow you to download MP3
songs for free There are also Web sites whlch sell popular musrc from renowned art-
ists in MP3 lormat. Us-ng your Web browser. you can try to Eearch for such Web sites
and then download MP3 Iiles for tree or by purchasrng them onllne
.M93 CDs
You can purchase MP3 music CDs These CDs are capable ol szonng a whole lot more
songs than traditional musrc CDs because of MP3 compression
. Record from your personal CD collection
Another way of getting MP3 MES is by converting musrc tracks from traditional n'uSic
CDs into MP3 files in your PC You need to use an MP3 encoding soltware in order to co
this, Freeware MP3 encoders are available an the mama, and you can lust download
and use them to transform your favorite CD collection into MP3 files
With MP3 encoding software you may also convert WAV audio files into MP3 format
For more information about the operation of MP3 software. please refer to its respec—
rive software help
Copyright Protection
Music expeciatly 1mm renowned artist: is protecred by copyright
files wrthour authorlzatron IS an infringement against internatro
Fansferring MP3 Files into the Multimedia Camera
To transfer MP3 musrr: files into the MULTlMEDlA CAMERA:
I. Make sure that the camera rs securely connected to your PC using the provrded USB
cable (See page 18 for a clear illustration on how to connect the USB cable.)
2 SetittoPCmodeEL
3. Double-click the DSC Applicalron Surte
shortcut icon on the desktOp
4 Clrck the Mummedta Camera Manager but-
5. Select the MP3 songs you want to transfer
and then drag the MP3 files me (he Multr-
media Camera Manager folder
6 Once the copy process has been completed
the MP3 songs then have successfully up»
loaded from your PC to the camera
You do not need to ma batteries or the power adapter when you have connected I USB cable
between the camera and your PC. The camera consumes power from the PC through the USB
mm «3: new
MP3 Playback Controls
Wmle -n MP3 mode, use the Shutter Release °ress ro Wrasse
button and the 4-Way Toggle Comrol located ”9 ”°“‘""""“"“"
In front of the camera to control the playback
.r of MP3 songs
re acme
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For do on eras-ng MP3 songs, see page 25
Playing MP3 Music
L1 After youhavelmlshed translerrmg MP3filesr
you are ready {0 play the songs now When
playmg MP3 songs‘ make sure that your cam-
era has enough battery power or that the power
adapter rs connected
I»>ll -—.
To play MP3 songs
1. Connect your earphone to the camera.
2 Set the camera to MP3 mode IE]
3. Use the 4-Way Toggle Control an lront of the
camera to adjust the volume. Press Arrow Up
(A lto increase the volume level. or press
Arrow Down l") to decrease the volume
4. Also use the 4~Way Toggle Control to se-
lect the MP3 song you want to play Press
Right [+l to select the next song, or press
Left H to select the DFEWOUS song.
5. To play the selected MP3 song. press the
Shutter Release button.
To pause or resume playback. also press rhe
Shutter Release button.
5. To stop the playhacx, press the Erase/Stop
button located in the front panel
CAMERA as a Audio
Another outstanding feature of the MULTIMEV
DIA CAMERA is its built-tn audio recorder.
which allows you to record notes. interviews
wrthother people. Iec:ures,orconlerences You
can record ar'd then play the audio 'n camera.
as well as transfer the recorded content to your f', ‘.
Recording Controls
Set the camera to Audra Mode l i when
you want [0 use the audio recording feature
Use the Shutter Release button and the button
controls located in front of the camera to start.
pause and stop the recording. play the recorded
audto. or erase the audio
3 GB 3" M93 Sam roamed
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For details on era ng recorded audio, see saga
Recording Audio
1. Set the camera to Audio mode r
2. Press the AUDIO REC/PLAY button to enter
Audio Record Made, the RECORD wili ap»
pear m the LCD panel
3. Press the Shutter Release button to start
4. If you are recording your own vorce, speak
to the microphone that is in from of the
camera Or. it you are recording intervrews.
meetings or lectures, piace the camera in a
location where audio can be recorded. Make
sure that the microphone ls lacing the
speaker to get a clear recording
5 To pause the recording, press the Shutter Rev
lease button
6 To continue recording on the same track,
press the Shutter Release button again.
7 To stop recording press the Erase/Stop but-
ton located in front of the camera,
I! you keep on pwsslng |he Shutter Release Dut-
Ian In between recordings] audio wiIi always be
recorded III the same track. Make sure you press
the Stop button when you want to and an audio
segment and do a new recording on the next
AUG/0 Record-m}
- It:
, cease—40.1.0 tact
ffi i "We
Benefit Povve'
LCD Patel in Audio Mode
.l ...-.. w“.
Playing Recorded Audio
To play the recorded audio;
1. Connect your earphone to the camera
2. Make sure that camera is set to Audio mode
3. Press the Flee/Play button to enter PLAY
mode. the PLAY wrll appear in the LCD panel
4 Use the 4-Way Toggle Control ln front at the
camera to adlust the volume. Press Arrow Up
(A l to increase the volume level. or press
Arrow Down [7 l to decrease the volume
5 Also use the 4-Way Toggle Control to select
the audio track you want to play. Press nght
M to select the next track. or was Lelt H
to select the prevrous track.
6, To pray the selected track. press the Shutter
Release button.
To pause or resume playbackl also press the
Shutter Release button
7 To stop the playback press the Erase/Stop
Transferring Recorded Audio
into your PC
MULTIMEDIA CAMERA records audlo tn WAV
format. After recordlng, you can transfer the
audto lnln your computerl
To trensler recorded audlo tram the Camera
me your PC:
1 Connect the Camera to your PC usmg the pro—
vrded USB cable, (See page ME for a clear l|'
lustratron on how to connect the USB cable]
2. Set the camera to PC model
3, Double-cllck the DSC Application Suite short
cut button icon on the desktop
4, Cllok the Multtmedia Camera Manager but-
/ mar Audra Playaact
E easel—metac-
\_‘_. ,
Battery Power
LCD Panll in Audio Playhack Mode
5. Select the audio track you want to transfer. and then drag the files in the Mutitmedta
Camera Manager folder to the folder you specify in your hard disk.
6, Once the copy process has been completed, the audio then have successfully dOWw
loaded from the camera to you PC
You do not need to use batteries or the power adapter when you have connected 5 USB cable
between the camera and your PC The camera consumes power from the PC through the USB
Erasing Contents from the
When both the camera‘s internal memory and the rrserted Compact Flash Card are
already lull it is time tor you to erase some or all of their contents to free up storage
space. But betore you erase anything make sure that you transfer the contents fi’Sl to
your PC it you still want to use them
Erasing a Single Picture, MP3 Song or Recorded Audio
To erase a Single picture, MP3 song or recorded
1. Set the camera to the proper operat-on mode
.To erase a picture, set to TV mode If] (2
.'o erase an MP3 song. set to MP3 mode
oTO erase a recorded audio set to AUDIO ® ®
2 To enter Erase mode by pressmg the Eraserl
Stop outton located in iron: at the camera.
3 Use the AfWay Toggle Control in lront of the
camera to select the picture. MP3 song, or
atdlo track number you want to erase. Press
Right (+l repeatedly to skip forward or press
Left l-l repeatedly to go backwards, until the
number that you want appears on the LCD
4 Press the Shutter Release button to erase
the selected number.
5. Press the Erase/Stop button to out from
Erase mode. 25
fiim‘BEBB ’
Erasing 5 PH. lure [TV model
Erasing an MP3 Song (W3 mode)
Erasing a Recorded Audio
iAUDlO moce/
Erasing All Pictures, MP3 Songs or Recorded Audio “liacks
To erase all pictures, MP3 songs or recorded
audio tracks:
1. Sel lhe camera to the proper operation mode:
0 To erase all pictures, set to TV mode El
.To erase all MP3 songs, set to M93 mode.
.To erase all recorded audio iracks, set to
AUDIO mode m
2. Switch to Erase mode by pressrng me Eraser
Stop bu‘lton located .n from ol the camera
3. Keep pressing the Right M or let l-J of the
4-Way Toggle Conirol until we message
Erase All appears on the LCD panel,
4 Press the Shurrer Release ouuon lo erase
all pictures, MP3 songs. or recorded audio
tracks, depending on which operaiion mode
you are curremlv In.
an": HA I n I
, Ll. LL
"IE-i . E
Erasmg Arr °-c:ures ieron'e-
E'asrng A ll NP.) Songs IMP] model
Frasmg Alifiscarued Auo-c runs
flow model
This camera features an USB device for PC‘ which complies with Windows 98 piugv
and-play rule. You don't need to turn ofi your PC. Just plug camera’s USB cable connec-
tor into your PC USB port, then everything is ready to go.
1 Make sure the multimedia camera manager is installed. (For details“ see Camera driver
and software installation section on page 18)
2 . Make sure the camera is connected with PC by USB cable. (For details, see Connect-
ing to the computer on page 18)
3 ‘ Set the camera to PC mode
4: Launch your own video conference soltware, such as Microsoft NetMeetrng
For more informal-on about the video confer on application software, please ruler to its ro—
speciive softwoie help menu,
Appendix 1: LCD Icons
E PC mode ERASE Erase Icon
I3 050 Record mode var. Vblume Icon
[55 DSC Playback mode [I Pause Icon
m3 MP3 Mode 8888 Digital Icon
. [IE-T? MP3 Play 5 A Auto Flash
I: Audio Mode ® No Flash
L4 Audio Play * Normal Quality
. Audio Record ** Fine Quality
Full Battery power ML TV (PAL)
{3 Medium Battery power msc TV (NTSCii
(j Low Battery Power 0 Sell—Timer On
Appendix 2: Camera Specifications
Image Sensor CMOS Image Sensor
Image Size leVl 640x480 pixels
Resolution Mode 640x480 pixels
Internal Memory ZMB Flash Memory
External Memory CF Card
Image Storage lZMBl Approximately up to 31 pictures lNormal)
External Connectors AC adapter! USB/ Video Output lNTSC I PAL].
Earphone Output
Optical Viewfinder Built—in
LCD Display B/W LCD for text display
LCD Indicator Self-timer (red, in frontlr Ready (green, in top)
Lens Fixed lens
Power supply 2 AA»srze Alkaline Battery1AC Adapter 5V DC 1 2.4 A; DCSV
lrorn USB Don
MP3 Playback MP3 File
Vance Placard/Playback wav File
Flash Mode Auto, Off
Self-timer lo sec delay
Exposure Auto
White Balance Auto
Shutter Electronic shutter (Auto)
Compression method JPEG base
Auto Power OFF 120 sec after no operation
Weight 136 g [wuhout Battery and CF card)
Dimensrons 91x 80 x 35 mm
Design and specifications are sublact to change without notice.

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