Primax Electronics KKBRFAJ21 Wireless Keyboard User Manual

Primax Electronics Ltd Wireless Keyboard 30500287000A 141220 pin

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User Manual.pdf

1ᤀℬ⼫Ჷ᝱㔰͐ᮢ༆ҩ෨᱿ᅘヅ⟩ⶪЈ 2.4 GHz ᤀℬ⼫㔰⃅ȯ͐ᮢᄲ̤ᤀℬ༬⠛Ŋ˫ᷨΎ⼫ᲷȮ᝱㔰ُヅ⟩⿵᱿ⳇ⤻ʃטぁჟʈʃト↿ℬⳐ࿲ȯ⼫Ჷُ᝱㔰᱿Зⱚ⎞࿲ᄇʃט⤑ಙくӼȯ⥑હ  ⼫ᲷȮ᝱㔰ُ࿲ᄇݽ⿵᱿⭡サʃະ⬢⳧ 10 ҝଙȯ  ⦼խ૽࿲ᄇݽᄍ⇦ᅠ⸉଼⠧ㄇȯ  ⦼խ߱ʁӬ⠧ㄇ͐ᮢ᝱㔰Ř   ᪴ᬶ໣ⲿᆙ  ᛖ⏨  ⽷ૼ໣וૼ  ⁏⁳  ठघ㆞⏨⥑હ᝱㔰ᔎ㊾ 1Řחӛ USB ࿲ᄇݽ ( ⣶ࠣ⚦≟હ )  ༌⿭᝱㔰ㅫὉ᱿ヅᖷᐥ╾ȯחӛ USB ࿲ᄇݽ (1)ȯᔎ㊾ 2Ř૽ヅᖷ⡶Ҙ᝱㔰᝱㔰ト͐ᮢ 1 ㆗ 3 ⚦ (AA) ヅᖷȯ  ૽ 1 ㆗ 3 ⚦ (AA) ヅᖷ (2) တҘヅᖷᐥȯ  ⸅ᅘ⡶ߊヅᖷᐥ╾ȯᔎ㊾ 3Ř༌⿭᝱㔰ヅ᜺  ᷨ⦓᝱㔰ಎⵒ᱿⿭〦 (3) ᣅȵONȶȯ +_+_+_+_AAAAAAAAAAⅺ㋤ʑᄽ1ワイヤレス キーボードおよびマウス ユーザー ガイドߎߩࠦࡦࡇࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߦߪޔ2.4 GHz ࡢࠗࡗ࡟ࠬࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼ߣࡑ࠙ࠬ ࠠ࠶࠻߇ઃ޿ߡ޿߹ߔޕ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞ή✢ᛛⴚߦࠃࠅޔࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼ޔࡑ࠙ࠬޔ߅ࠃ߮ࠦࡦࡇࡘ࡯࠲࡯ࠍࠤ࡯ࡉ࡞ߥߒߢធ⛯ߢ߈߹ߔޕࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼߅ࠃ߮ࡑ࠙ࠬߣࠦࡦࡇࡘ࡯࠲㑆ߩㅍฃାߪޔߤߩࠃ߁ߥⷺᐲߢ޽ߞߡ߽೙㒢ࠍฃߌ߹ߖࠎޕ設定  ࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼ޔࡑ࠙ࠬޔฃାⵝ⟎ߩ〒㔌߇ 10 m ࠍ⿥߃ߥ޿ࠃ߁ߦߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ  ฃାⵝ⟎ࠍ㊄ዻ㕙ߩ਄ߦ⸳⟎ߒߥ޿ߢߊߛߐ޿ޕ  ᰴߩࠃ߁ߥ႐ᚲߢߪߏ૶↪ߦߥࠄߥ޿ߢߊߛߐ޿ޕ   ࠟ࡜ࠬ߹ߚߪㅘ᣿ߥ㕙  ᥧ޿⦡ߩ㕙  ㏜߹ߚߪ෻኿ߔࠆ㕙  ߑࠄߑࠄߒߚ㕙  ࠞ࡜ࡈ࡞ߥ㕙マウスの設定ステップ 1: USB 受信機を外す ( 特定モデルのみ )  ࡑ࠙ࠬߩ਄ㇱߦ޽ࠆࡃ࠶࠹࡝࡯ᩰ⚊ࠞࡃ࡯ࠍ㐿߈߹ߔޕUSB ฃାᯏ (1) ࠍᄖߒ߹ߔޕステップ 2: マウスにバッテリーを挿入するߎߩࡑ࠙ࠬߦߪනਃ㔚ᳰ 1 ୘߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ  නਃ㔚ᳰ 1 ୘ (2) ࠍࡃ࠶࠹࡝࡯ᩰ⚊ᐶߦᝌ౉ߒ߹ߔޕ  ࡃ࠶࠹࡝࡯ᩰ⚊ࠞࡃ࡯ࠍరߦᚯߒ߹ߔޕステップ 3: マウスをオンにする  ࡑ࠙ࠬߩᐩㇱߦ޽ࠆࠬࠗ࠶࠴ (3) ࠍON ߦߒ߹ߔޕ㩷+_+_+_+_AAAAA AAAAA日本語4IFETEL StatementLa operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada㸩䕌㔱Ო㣊Ო㖆䰧ၼ䰧㼶㸩৭ᰵ䭼ژत䕞एੲ䕞एੲ౜౬䕞एੲ䰧㾝Ѻߋ⢳䰧∎䑧ᄰᕓ䰧ᾋネ⤲䓒∁じ࡭θ᷉㊿ಷᐻ㾹㽨ऴᵨͷѺߋ⢳ᄰ䵧䰧ᾋ喏䲊㊿㽝छ喏ژतȟੲ㮋ᝂҫ⩔㔱౳̹ᓃ᧱㜖䂶ᰠ䵧⢳ȟߌ๓ߋ⢳ᝂ䂶ᰠ࣋㽙㼴ͷ➥ᕓࣶߋ㘩Ƞじ࡭ఇ᷉Ѻߋ⢳ᄰ䵧䰧ᾋͷҫ⩔̹ᓃᒝ䴫万㝖Ⴕڔࣶ᎞ᨪऴ∁䕆ԍ啮㊿⮨⤪ᰵ᎞ᨪ⤪䆍᭮喏ᛵ⿷࢟ֈ⩔喏͒ᩥર㜟♍᎞ᨪ᭮᫥ᓃ㎨㎸ҫ⩔Ƞݹ䴱ऴ∁䕆ԍ喏ᠳӉ䰧ԍ∁㺻჆҈ẙͷ♍㌆䰧䕆ԍȠѺߋ⢳ᄰ䵧䰧ᾋ䴴ᓹःऴ∁䕆ԍᝂ጑ẙȟ⻽Ⴄࣶ䛗⭮⩔䰧∎䑧ᄰᕓ䰧ᾋ㽙ׅͷ᎞ᨪȠಯ౪ᶢ䂒㿊CAUTION: Risk of Explosion if Battery is replaced by an Incorrect Type.Dispose of Used Batteries According to the Instructions.3FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) STATEMENTThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Cautioncould void the user’s authority to operate the equiqment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IC StatementThis device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada applicable aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirableOperation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operationL’utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.2キーボードの設定電池を挿入します。  ࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼ߩᐩ㕙ߦ޽ࠆࡃ࠶࠹࡝࡯ᩰ⚊ࠞࡃ࡯ (4) ࠍ⍫ශߩᣇะߦ᛼ߒߡᄖߒ߹ߔޕ  න 4 㔚ᳰ 2 ୘ࠍᝌ౉ߒ߹ߔޕ  ࡃ࠶࠹࡝࡯ᩰ⚊ࠞࡃ࡯ (4) ࠍరߦᚯߒ߹ߔޕ注意:㔚ᳰߪᱜߒߊᝌ౉ߒߥߌࠇ߫῜⊒ߔࠆᕟࠇ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ૶↪ᷣߺߩ㔚ᳰߪᜰ␜ߦߒߚ߇ߞߡಣℂߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕಣℂߩᣇᴺߦߟ޿ߡߪޔޟ㔚ᳰߦ㑐ߔࠆ㊀ⷐߥᖱႎޠࠍ߅⺒ߺߊߛߐ޿ޕマウスとキーボードの使い方マウスߎߩࡑ࠙ࠬߦߪ 2 ୘ߩࡏ࠲ࡦߩ߶߆ߦޔᰴߩࠃ߁ߥ૶޿ᣇ߇ߢ߈ࠆࡎࠗ࡯࡞߽ઃ޿ߡ޿߹ߔޕ 3 ߟ⋡ߩࡏ࠲ࡦߣߒߡ㧦ࡎࠗ࡯࡞ࠍ᛼ߒ߹ߔޕ  ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻߿ࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻ߩࠨࠗ࠻ࠍࠬࠢࡠ࡯࡞ߔࠆ㧦ࡎࠗ࡯࡞ࠍ೨ᓟߦࠬࠢࡠ࡯࡞ߒ߹ߔޕキーボード  ࠠ࡯ߦߟ޿ߡߩᰴߩ⺑᣿ߪޔߎࠇࠄߩᯏ⢻ߦኻᔕߔࠆࠝࡍ࡟࡯࠹ࠖࡦࠣ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߦㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߢߔޕWindows ࠠ࡯ ᛼ߔߣ [ ࠬ࠲࡯࠻ ] ࡔ࠾ࡘ࡯߇㐿߈߹ߔ 㨫ࠕࡊ࡝ࠤ࡯࡚ࠪࡦ ࠠ࡯ࡑ࠙ࠬࠍฝࠢ࡝࠶ࠢߔࠆߣ㐿ߊࠠ࡯ ࡔ࠾ࡘ࡯ߣหߓ߽ߩ߇㐿߈߹ߔޕⓨ⊕↹㕙 㔚ജࠍ▵⚂ߔࠆߚ߼ߦޔ࠺ࠖࠬࡊ࡟ࠗ↹㕙ߩࡃ࠶ࠢ࡜ࠗ࠻ࠍࠝࡈߦߒ߹ߔޕࠠ࡯ࠍߤࠇߢ߽᛼ߔߣరߦᚯࠅ߹ߔޕ ノᐲࠍ਄ߍࠆ ↹㕙ߩノᐲࠍ਄ߍ߹ߔޕノᐲࠍਅߍࠆ ↹㕙ߩノᐲࠍਅߍ߹ߔޕ೨ߩ࠻࡜࠶ࠢ ૶↪ਛߩࡊ࡟࡯ࡗ࡯ߢ೨ߩ࠻࡜࠶ࠢߦᚯࠅ߹ߔޕౣ↢ 㪆 ৻ᤨ஗ᱛ ૶↪ਛߩࡊ࡟࡯ࡗ࡯ߢ࠻࡜࠶ࠢ߹ߚߪേ↹ࠍౣ↢߹ߚߪ৻ᤨ஗ᱛߒ߹ߔޕਛᱛ૶↪ਛߩࡊ࡟࡯ࡗ࡯ߢ࠻࡜࠶ࠢ߹ߚߪേ↹ࠍ⚳ੌߒ߹ߔޕᰴߩ࠻࡜࠶ࠢ ૶↪ਛߩࡊ࡟࡯ࡗ࡯ߢᰴߩ࠻࡜࠶ࠢߦㅴߺ߹ߔޕࡒࡘ࡯࠻ ࠝ࡯࠺ࠖࠝࠍή㖸 /ή㖸⸃㒰ߒ߹ߔޕ㖸㊂ࠍਅߍࠆ 㖸㊂ࠍਅߍ߹ߔޕ㖸㊂ࠍ਄ߍࠆ 㖸㊂ࠍ਄ߍ߹ߔޕࠬ࡝࡯ࡊ ࠬ࠲ࡦࡃࠗ ࡕ࡯࠼ߦಾࠅᦧ߃߹ߔ (BIOS ߹ߚߪࠝࡍ࡟࡯࠹ࠖࡦࠣ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ⸳ቯߦࠃࠅ߹ߔ )ޕᬌ⚝ ࠺ࡈࠜ࡞࠻ߩࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻ /ࡈࠔࠗ࡞ᬌ⚝ᯏ⢻ࠍ᦭ലߦߒ߹ߔޕ㔚ሶࡔ࡯࡞ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓᮡḰߩ㔚ሶࡔ࡯࡞ ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓࠍ⿠േߒ߹ߔޕࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓᮡḰߩࡉ࡜࠙ࠩࠍ⿠േߒ߹ߔޕ2ࣴ᠆ᮁሥఠԗᆀໆˊ  ᣝㆁ༈ᮍ৥᥼ࡼ䬂Ⲭᑩ䚼ⱘ⬉∴ҧⲪ (4) ᇚ݊পߎDŽ  ᦦܹϸ㡖 AAA ⬉∴DŽ  䞡ᮄ㺙Ϟ⬉∴ҧⲪ (4)DŽ༉ଐƳབᵰ᳈ᤶ㉏ൟϡℷ⹂ⱘ⬉∴Ӯ᳝⟚⚌ⱘॅ䰽DŽձ✻㾘ᅮ໘⧚ᑳᓗ⬉∴DŽখ䯙Ā䞡㽕⬉∴ֵᙃāҹ㦋ᕫ໘㕂䇈ᯢDŽҋᅶḂඓڔᮁሥḂඓ䰸ϸϾᣝ䪂໪ˈ哴ᷛ䖬䜡᳝⒮䕂䖯㸠ҹϟ᪡԰˖  ⫼԰㄀ϝϾᣝ䪂˖ᣝϟ⒮䕂DŽ  བ䳔⒮ࡼˈ՟བ೼䯙䇏᭛ḷ៪㾖ⳟ Internet 㔥义ᯊ˖৥ࠡ៪৥ৢ⒮ࡼ⒮䕂DŽᮁሥ  ҹϟᣝ䬂ⱘ䇈ᯢ䗖⫼Ѣᬃᣕ䖭ѯࡳ㛑ⱘ᪡԰㋏㒳DŽWindows 䬂 ᣝϟৃᠧᓔᓔྟ㦰ऩDŽᑨ⫼⿟ᑣ䬂 ᣝᑨ⫼⿟ᑣ䬂ⱘ԰⫼Ϣऩߏ哴ᷛে䬂ҹᠧᓔᔧࠡࡳ㛑㦰ऩⳌৠDŽሣᐩぎⱑ ݇䯁ᰒ⼎ሣ㚠ܝҹ㡖ⳕ⬉䞣DŽ ᣝӏᛣ䬂ᇚᘶ໡ℷᐌᰒ⼎DŽ 䇗催҂ᑺ ᦤ催ሣᐩ҂ᑺDŽ䇗Ԣ҂ᑺ 䰡Ԣሣᐩ҂ᑺDŽϞϔ᳆Ⳃ ৃ䏇䕀ࠄ⌏ࡼ᪁ᬒ఼ЁϞϔ᳆Ⳃⱘ໮ၦԧ䬂DŽ᪁ᬒ / ᱖ذ ᪁ᬒ៪᱖ذ⌏ࡼ᪁ᬒ఼Ё᳆Ⳃ៪㾚乥ⱘ໮ၦԧ䬂DŽذℶ ذℶ⌏ࡼ᪁ᬒ఼Ё᳆Ⳃ៪㾚乥ⱘ໮ၦԧ䬂DŽϟϔ᳆Ⳃ ৃ䏇䕀ࠄ⌏ࡼ᪁ᬒ఼Ёϟϔ᳆Ⳃⱘ໮ၦԧ䬂DŽ䴭䷇ ᣝℸ䬂ৃᇍ䷇乥䖯㸠䴭䷇ /প⍜䴭䷇DŽ䇗Ԣ䷇䞣 ᣝℸ䬂ৃ䇗Ԣ䷇䞣DŽ䇗催䷇䞣 ᣝℸ䬂ৃ䇗催䷇䞣DŽⴵ⳴ ᣝℸ䬂ৃߛᤶࠄᕙᴎ῵ᓣ˄পއѢ BIOS 䆒㕂៪᪡԰㋏㒳Ёⱘ䆒㕂˅DŽ᧰㋶ ▔⌏咬䅸ⱘ Internet/ ᭛ӊ᧰㋶ࡳ㛑DŽ⬉ᄤ䚂ӊ Փ⫼ℸ䬂ৃЎ㋏㒳ਃࡼᷛޚⱘ⬉ᄤ䚂ӊ⿟ᑣDŽInternet ᣝℸ䬂ৃЎ㋏㒳ਃࡼᷛޚⱘ⌣㾜఼DŽ2⥑હ⼫Ჷ⡶Ҙヅᖷȯ  ͩᾺㆊ྆ḻᅞ׿࿴Ւ⼫Ჷಎⵒ᱿ヅᖷᐥ╾ (4) ૽Ңחʁȯ  ⡶Ҙ 2 ㆗ 4 ⚦ (AAA) ヅᖷȯ  ૽ヅᖷᐥ╾ (4) ⡶ߊȯଅൔŘ␵ቍᔌᷨሩဘヅᖷŊר⋱ሳሷᦓᣄ᱿֭るȯ⦼ͩჇ᳈〦྆ḻ⚠᫧೉ፑヅᖷȯ ॖト೉ፑ྆ḻŊ⦼א〇ȵ⸅⣬ヅᖷ⫏⤻ȶȯ͐ᮢ᝱㔰ُ⼫Ჷ᝱㔰ぜʴ 2 Τྈ⸹कŊ᝱㔰ⴒңሷרᮢᅠʁӬԼᮢ᱿ញⱐŘ  ̳ᣅὮ 3 Τྈ⸹Řྈʁញⱐȯ  ᮢᅠ࿉ՒŊॖ〇⩊ᄽ˴໣ᒑ⣶ℐもℐ⭰ㅪㄇŘԊര࿉Ւញⱐȯ⼫Ჷ  ʁӬྈ⼫⦦ᆙ⳺ᮢᅠᄄိ˫ʁԼ⋱᱿̳Ꮘ₇⃥ȯWindows ⼫ ྈʁר⿭ۓ⿭আԼ⋱⠧ȯະᮢỄೣ⼫ ྈʁະᮢỄೣ⼫⎞ྈʁ᝱㔰׬⼫᳈׺Ŋሳ⿭ۓᲿԊ᱿Լ⋱⠧ȯ➔ౡἇᱺ 〦⿬ㆴḻ➔ౡ⋍҆Ŋ˫ῃ᳎ヅԻȯྈʁ˶า⼫֯רⲙߊȯ ⦲㋧ˌಙ ⦲㋧➔ౡˌಙȯ⦲̥ˌಙ ⦲̥➔ౡˌಙȯʀɺ㈪ሧᲿ ߱͐ᮢʑʠႩᄍݽ⭴⎏ʀɺ㈪ሧᲿ᱿घ਄㋤⼫ȯႩᄍ / ᇺϟ ߱͐ᮢʑʠႩᄍݽႩᄍ໣ᇺϟሧᲿ໣ഛᦸ᱿घ਄㋤⼫ȯϟᔋ ߱͐ᮢʑʠႩᄍݽ⃌ታሧᲿ໣ഛᦸ᱿घ਄㋤⼫ȯʁɺ㈪ሧᲿ ߱͐ᮢʑʠႩᄍݽ⭴⎏ʁɺ㈪ሧᲿ᱿घ਄㋤⼫ȯ㄃ㅠ ྈʁᔍྈ⼫⩕ㅠ⤻㄃ㅠ /חᚉ㄃ㅠȯが̥ㅠ⸇ ྈʁᔍྈ⼫רが̥ㅠ⸇ȯဏ㋧ㅠ⸇ ྈʁᔍྈ⼫רဏ㋧ㅠ⸇ȯᴍ᳡ ྈʁᔍ⼫רӡဘ⎏ഩᑨᑁೣ ( ͩ BIOS ʑ᱿⥑હ໣̳Ꮘ₇⃥≟ሷ໽ʃ׺ )ȯ၃ଁ ۓՒㅷ⥑ℐもℐ⭰ /ᒆጊ၃ଁԼ⋱ȯヅઈⵞ˴ ͐ᮢᔍྈ⼫ሳۓՒ෨₇⃥᱿ᐻ᜾ヅઈⵞ˴Ễೣȯℐもℐ⭰ ͐ᮢᔍ⼫רۓՒ෨₇⃥ʑ᱿ᐻ᜾ᡕ⤍ݽȯ1ುᐰᮁሥڔḂඓᅶୗெ׬ᙼⱘᮄ⬉㛥䜡᳝ 2.4 GHz ⱘ᮴㒓䬂Ⲭ੠哴ᷛ༫㺙DŽᅗ䞛⫼᭄ᄫ᮴㒓ᡔᴃˈ⹂ֱ䬂Ⲭǃ哴ᷛϢ⬉㛥П䯈ⱘ䗮ֵ⬙䗮㗠᮴䳔㒓㓚䖲᥹DŽ䬂Ⲭ੠哴ᷛⱘֵোӴ䕧੠᥹ᬊϡফ㾦ᑺ䰤ࠊDŽࣴ᠆  䬂Ⲭǃ哴ᷛ੠᥹ᬊ఼П䯈ⱘ䎱⾏ϡᑨ䍙䖛 10 ㉇DŽ  䇋࣓ᇚ᥹ᬊ఼㕂Ѣ䞥ሲ㸼䴶DŽ  䇋࣓೼ҹϟ㸼䴶ϞՓ⫼哴ᷛ˖   ⦏⩗៪䗣ᯢ⠽  ⏅㡆  䬰䴶៪ডᇘ  ㉫㊭  ໮㡆ᔽࣴ᠆Ḃඓ๣ᴞ 1Ƴ؂λ USB ఉಃݥơЦெࣽ߉ؿƢ  ᠧᓔ哴ᷛ乊䚼ⱘ⬉∴ҧⲪDŽौϟ USB ᥹ᬊ఼ (1)DŽ๣ᴞ 2ƳयᆀໆఠԗḂඓ哴ᷛ䳔ᅝ㺙ϔ㡖 AA ⬉∴DŽ  ᇚϔ㡖 AA ⬉∴ (2) ᦦܹ⬉∴ҧDŽ  䞡ᮄ㺙Ϟ⬉∴ҧⲪDŽ๣ᴞ 3Ƴ୧ਥḂඓ  ⹂䅸哴ᷛᑩ䚼ⱘᓔ݇ (3) ໘ѢĀᓔāԡDŽ +_+_+_+_AAAAA AAAAAᎢѱϔಞ2Setting up the keyboardInsert the battery. Remove the battery compartment cover (4) at the bottom of the keyboard by pushing it in the direction of the arrow. Insert two AAA batteries. Replace the battery compartment cover (4).CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to instructions. Refer to “important Battery information” for disposal instructions.Using the mouse and keyboardMouseIn addition to two buttons, the mouse also has a wheel that can be used as follows: As a 3rd button: Press on the wheel. For scrolling, e.g. in documents or on Internet pages: Scroll the wheel forward or back.Keyboard The following key descriptions apply to the operating systems that support these functions.Windows Key Press to open the start Menu.Application Key Pressing the Application key is the same as clicking the right mouse key to open the current function munu.Screen Blank key to return. Brightness Up Increases the screen brightness.Brightness Down Decreases the screen brightness.Previous Track Multimedia key to skip to the previous track in the active player.Play/Pause Multimedia key to play or pause the track or video in the active player.Stop Multimedia key to end the track or video in the active player.Next Track Multimedia key to skip to the next track in the active player.Mute Press this key to mute/unmute the audio.Volume Down Press this key to decrease the volume.Volume Up Press this key to increase the volume.Sleep Press this key to switch to standby mode (depending on the settings in the BIOS or operating system).Search Email Use this key to start the standard email program for your system.Internet Use this key to launch the standard browser for your system.XXXXX(印前请仔细核对, 本公司不承担印后责任. )TOPCOLOR-友邦-141220-ZZ0087649-ZT  1C
Download: Primax Electronics KKBRFAJ21 Wireless Keyboard User Manual
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Date Submitted2015-01-16 00:00:00
Date Available2015-03-31 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-01-06 15:45:48
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Document Lastmod2015-01-16 11:11:15
Document Title30500287000A-141220-pin
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Document Author: Kevin.Chen

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