Proform 831159342 User Manual CROSS TRAINER Manuals And Guides 99020117
PROFORM Weight System Manual 99020117 PROFORM Weight System Owner's Manual, PROFORM Weight System installation guides
User Manual: Proform 831159342 831159342 PROFORM CROSS TRAINER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your PROFORM CROSS TRAINER #831159342. Home:Fitness Equipment Parts:Proform Parts:Proform CROSS TRAINER Manual
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TABLE OF CONTENTS eQe BEFOREYOU BEGIN:. 'j._ o'e ,'" oe oel i ASSEMBLY.-. " ADJU_rlNG THE CROSS TRAINER• (_I_ERATINGTHE STEPPERCONSOLE D, e s o e eloe e oe ee i el .**ot -:" * leoe6 e le e i e i " e le**ee D* Deo i e i.**..*,***t " i t* e e - e eee e t* e ioooooe e e_o _ee OPERATING THE PERSONAL TRAINERCOMPUTER ..... "-'"-Calories " ° " °> EXERCISEGUIDE ". - " SAFETY i e e • _ • _ e ee e • '- • e " e e ee _ e e ee | _*e ioQQota_im°le_*lt _'-'_-"- D_e . ::, ." "- :_ ' " " TROUBLE SHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE ORDERING REPLACEMENTPARTS U_q'ED WARRANTY..-.-. ;'-.. IMPORTANT e .......... . .....-- ............ .. e ioeoele, "_'_ ...... "°_'" _l • i i i i o D "...... :" e e leoeo e t* e • i t e - D t t ,-'_*_-_'_ m oe le e=le _* le eerie • ooe o " e _l_ e o • o ee • _ , . ".;..'... ,.-: ; -.:..,o, .... :;.,..,_= :-.'._'_- .............. ..... . ........................ . ".... _:_'. -':: -_" --_ " _e _ e _le e e _ _* e _ ...... ."-". ..... e e e ee**e e _ • • • " "= _ " -° " _ :_ ...-... • ; t e • • • o_ • • • • • - .: 2 _l • • • _..- .... 8 _ . 10 ". :..ll -°*"' 12 "_ 16 '_ " "" 25 BackCover Back-Cover PRECAUTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk o| serious injury, read the following important safety precautionsbefore using the CROSS TRAINER e. Before beginning any i_xerci_ program, consult your physician. Thisis'especially im,p_., rtant_r F_ersansover the age o| 35 or personswilh pre-e_sting hea.lthp_oMerns.PROFORM assumesno respons,b,li_ for. personal injury or properly damage sustained bv o_ throuab th'_ _se of this _roduct. i". Readth_s_wner'_manu_and_e_cc_mPany_ngRTN_E_-J_JRNA_carefu_ybaf_reusing_hecR_NERe; _ Use the CROSS TRAINER • only as described. 2.. Inspect and fiQhten'all parts each time you use the _KUbb IKAliN_:Re. Replace any wom parts |mmediatelyt 3. Do not use the transformer it it is damaged. Keep the power cord away trom walkways and healed surfoces. 4. Keep your hands away trom moving paris. Always wear athlehc shoosfor toot protection. 5. Keep small children away from the CROSSTRAINERe at all llmes. 6. To prevent damage, to. the Weight system, do IlO_ F)Lri'a_y-'pl'_ur_on the legdeveloper, a n_ or cables whil_eth? weight setting is ch.a. nging. If thelot bar or rower b_r _'atteched'thehigh_pblley_tefion,_r_.'t"=tin_'rack_'n_the h_ghpulley station. (See OPERATINGTHEPERSONA/.TRAINERcoMPUTER on page 11 o| _th,,"owners ma_aL) 7. Ahvays stand on the foot plate when I:_rformincl-any exercise that could cause the CROSSTRAINER • to fip._: . ,....t o 8. Make sure that the cables'i:ematnin'the_g-robv_ in-the pulleys a_yo_-_se the CROSS "II(_JNER_ 9. The resistance cylinders bacome ve_ hot durlng use. AJIow the resistance cytinders fo €o_!_bafor_ to_ichlng_; =--: them. Cover the floor beneath the stepper for protection; a small amount of o,I leakage _snormal fo_ hydrau|k" cyhnders. When us,ng the stepper, keep yo_ feet_onth_ j_Ja_ at oil limes. If you'lift y_r f_t off the p_dals, the isedals may b_ome separak,d from the resistance_71!_ders, resu!ting m mlury. _.'._ lO.'lf you feel pain or dizziness at any time while exercisincl;stoD immediately and beain coulina down. Find out _ what is wrona before contlnulno. BEFORE YOU BEGIN Congralulations [or purchasingthe revolutionary PROFOP, M_ CROSSTRAJ'NER 4" TheCROSSTRAINERe." c_mbiri_'a": multi-station weightsystemwth a [ull-s_ze stepperIq letyou enlaytruecrossIram0ngwork_JtsIn the convenience oF, yourownhome.And tohelp yougetthemost_ everyy_orkout, the CROSSTRAINERe k,_lui'_"the-6dv_EceclI_EP_-'. ' SONALTP, AI,NER'r_ weighttrainingcomputer.Whetheryour goal is |mprovedcordlovascu/ar fitness,a sha_Jy, ton_ bodyordramatlc'muscle sizeand strength,theCROSSTRA]NEI_ • v_ll belp yo_ to ,_chi_ve th"_'sl_,cific'i'_sults you_t. For your safelyand benefit, read this owner's ' .manualand " the accompanying " FITNESS " " JOURNALcarefelb; " "" " before _- ""using" *" ": the CROSSTRAINER e. IFyou have additional questions, please call our Customer ServTceD.eparlmenttoll-flee at 1-800.999.3756, Monday tt_rbughFriday, 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mountain Time (e_cludin_ holidays).'To help-u_ ass|_i you quicldy,please note the model number and serial number of your CROSS TRAINER• befor_ c-ailing-.The model" number is 831.159342. The serial number can be found on a decal _lt_hed to the CROSSTRA/NER e. The location oF the decal is shown in the drawing below. Write the serialnumber in the following space for reference: BeForereadina turther, please review the draw[nclbelow and familiarize yourselfwith thi_I:_ds-that a_e labelec" Cobb Clio High_lley Station iStepper Console Stepper Handle i CUST6M SMARI"CARn ! o" .I I .- _ackrest Arm Seat LegDeveloper I '_o_ PulleyStation - FootPlate We_nhtCable. ASSEMBLY Assembly requires Iwo persons.To'assembleth_ CRO_ TRAINER e, us":.1_ ind.ud_ vid.ea_:assette or foflow the _-_ instrucffons befow. Due 1othe weTght'oFthe GROSS TRAINER e, it shouldbe assembledin the'location whof'e it will be" used. Pta_e'att Por_ inactea,_ o_;_ed,'_* _ assembly is co_'npleted.Make'sure to lower the'r_islance mot_a!s. Do_ot d_s_se o_thePo_,_,_te_ol_ unto cylinders and pedals before beginning assembly; if the ,._ reslstahce cyllnders foil, Ihey may damage _theslde._ielcls. Read ea.chassemblystepand examine each drawing .-. care[ully. Refer tothe Part IdentificationChart a_componylngthis owner's manual, to help identi_, the h_ardware used in assembly. Make sure that all parts a're oriented as shown in Ihe dr_s. The follow_ngtools "(notindude_ 9m .requ|mdfor assembly:.Iwo 8" Adjustable Wrenches _ Rubber'Mailet and a .A smallanent oFsoapy_vateris alsoreclulred. _ L s_ttheF_t _se(;;)_ndth,iR_ _ (8)on_e 1 fioor as shown. Turn the Rear Baseso the indented holes ore toward the floor. | l_e_ s-_3_ 378_x-2-1 _2"Caarr[age Bolts( 1) up through the indicated holesin the Front and Rear Bases (7, 8}." 1 2..With the help of o secondperson,set Ihe To_er Frame (10) near the indicated endsof the Front and 'Rear Bases(7, 8). The Tower Frame mustbe'turned so the Pedals (75, 76) are on thesame:side _.sthe extension on the Front Base. Raisethe Tower'Frame and lower it onto the two indicated3/8" x 2 1/2" Corriaae Bolts(1) in the Rear Base. -3. Rai.,,ethefr_t oFth_To,_v-e¥ Fr;_ (1O}_ndI"o_ver it: ontothetwo indicated 3/8 '_x 2 1/2' Carria_"l_its _1) iri the_ FrOnt Ba_a (7). _12"__ J_djust the position of the Tower Frame11_O}_'t_e four indite .h.._.. 3/8" x_2._I/__ Carriage Bolts(1) are' cent_r&l'ffithe'slol_J holes_the Tower i_ra_e. _)_ "_,. "'_ III1\ .,-'q_--_/--l_:_:. _ 10 _,-_-_._ 8 Thread a 3/8" Nut {2} with a 3/8" 1.6c_h__(3)_ onto each .Carnage Bolt. Do not I_ghten_ne Nu'_-_:.-'_:_ yet. ! 3 -_ _ _. "-" . Slide the Brace (29) onto the_threadedbolt proh;uding frownthe Tower Frame (I0). Thread a '3/8", Ny_ackNut (6} onto the thr_ded bolt. Do noelI_Qht. en the Nvlack Nut yet. Placeyour foot on the extensionand sligh_ m.ise the front oFthe Tower Frame (10). _ign the Imver end of the Brace (29) with the indicated 3/8" x " 2 1/2" Carriag_ BOlt(1). Lowerthe Tower Frame so the Braceslides onto the Carriage Bolt.Thre_cl a 3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Lack'washer(3) onto the Ca age Bolt. Do.o ,gh oNut yet. . With the help o.Fa secondperson, lift the Ul_right(9) and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (.1)in the Real Base(8). Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) and 3/8" Lac_a'sher (3) onto each Carriafle Bolt. Do not fi_hten the Nuts yet. Altoch !he FrontBase(7} to thee Upright(9) with "3/8" x 3/,_" Boltsr3111s_ th;. ins_tdrm.v[n_l. _" '.tighten Ibe 3/8" N/lack Nut (6) attached in assembly s_p 4: and the .spven3/8" Nuts (2) attached in ,assembly steps 3 through 5. . Atta'ch the"Fo_t Plc_te-(102)to th_ Ul_ight" (9) _-_h two 3/8" x 3/4__ Bolts (31) and 3/8" N_ock Nuts (6). i With the help of q second l_rs_n, lift t_ Front Base (7). Peehhe backi_"_lf th;;ee'Rub,berPads (48)." / ° Paress twoonto the _ndemde of the Front Bose in the |ndlcated Io_'afions, and one onto the unders de of the Upnght (9). Lower the Front Bose." -/ Presstwo Rubber Pads 148| onto the R_r I_e in the some manner. (8) 102 4 7. _Insertthe Iowei. end oFthe LeEArm (15} into the lee : side of the h_ment Ann (74). Make sure that the bracket on the end of the LeftArm is positioned as ! shown in the inset drawing. If the bracket is"_ot i positioned as shown,, the LeftArm will not f_nction proper_y. Tap-a 3/4" PlasticCap (57) onto one oF t_ endsoF a 3/4' x 4" J_e (54). Align the hole in the end oF the Left _ (15} with the holesin the Moment Ann : (74). Insert the AxJeinto the Momenb_-m and the LeftArm. Tea a 3/4" PlasticCaa onto the Axle. •Note: An exlTa 3/4' Plastic Cap (57) hc_ibee'-h_: included with the hardware Pock. If you accldentol. _ly damage one of the Plastic Caps during assembly, use the extra Plastic Cap. Othenvlse, the exh'a •Plastic Cap may be discarded. :,_.tochtheRightArn'l(i6) in thesamemanner. . Wrap the Weight Cable (52) under th_ 3 1/2=! Pu ey (5) on the lower end of the Upright (9). Make 8 .'surethat the Cable is belween _ Cable Tr,_p(67) _nd the Pulley. Tighten the 3/8 I_ock Nut (6) altachlng the Pulleyto the Upright.Make_ure Ihat the Cable Trao is in _a _'7 _'ck_k" ,_osltlon. " I.ay the Weight Cable (52) over a 3 1/2' Pulley(5). _ach a Cable Tra_ (67) and thehlley to the left _ide oEtheuprighi (9) with a 3/8 x 1 3/4 Bolt 40 (40) and 3/8" F._k N_ (6). Make sure that the Cable Trap is in the "12 o'clock" Position. 67 Wrap theWelght Cable (52)a_bUh'da-2_' PUl]_(4). : _ttach the Pulleyto the Left'Arm (15) wit\hla 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt{40) and 3/8" N_4ockNut 16|. 9. Wrap the Weight Cable (52) around a _3/4" Pulle); (13). Attach the Pulley tothe indicated b?acket ontheup ght(g) 3/8-.x13/4" lt 4_oj. and 318" Nvln_.k N,_ I._,1_:'_" _ " _, I l'="i /='1 . 10. Wrap theeWeightCable (52) arounda_2" Pulley(4)• AltochthePulleyto the RightArm (16) with 1 3/4' Bolt(40) and 3/8" N/lock Nut'(6). i _ ar3/8_ .... ! X Jl LaytheWelgl_t'Cable(52)over a3 1/2" Pull_'(5). Attacha CableTrap (67) and _ _lle_, to the'slde of the Uprlghi(9) with a'3/8,':_ 1 3)4" Bolt{46) "-. and 3/8: NylockHut (6)• Make surethat _n_i:able':_-. Trap is in the "12 o'clock"posiffon:.:;-_-_-_ " "'_ 11. Wrap the Weight Cable(52} undera 2" _lley (,_)." : Altoch the Pulleyto thel:_racketon thesideof the : MomentAnn (74) witha 3/8" x 1 3/4_ Bg. It(40) " and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Make suretl_c_t theWeight CableisbelweenthePulleyandthe indicaiedtab. - . Altoch the end oFthe Weigh/Cable (5.2)to the right-..:: sideof theLegDeveloper(23) witha3/8" x 2 1/4" " Bolt(45) and 3/8" I',lyl_k Nut (6). Do".n'ot overfighlen the Nylock Nut; the Cable must be able to sww- elfreely or it will be dama_l._ . . v ,- 12• Insertthethreadedbolton theendof theWeight Cable(52) ratathe AdjustmentBracket(53) Finger tightenthe'5/16" Nut (82) ontothethr_ed bolt until.thereisslighttensionin theCable/ 13. Wet theupperendsoFtheLeftand RightArms(15, 16) andtheinsidesof thetv;oLarg&Pads(17)with :",_, 5"1 soapywater.Slidethe LargePadsontotheArms_-,:.--.o_. Attach the Backrest(19) to the ULbrlght (9) with t_ _-z_= 1/4'_x 2 1/_ Bolts(46).; .-,._'r:_.o_ t_ _'_.._.:::':_% 6 :\\ _\ :.,)):: ;-II _- =_z.I ," , ."" -i q 15. Centerone PodTube(22) othSFF four SmallPads|171 ontothe en'ds'oF the 16. RestI'neLeFtand RightP_) and the on thehooks 16 at the Io_-----r_en_s_F th-eRes|stonceC_in-_'ers(84). Make surethat the hooksare fuJJy|nserled into the sameslo_ under both pedals. PI_ theTronsfo_er (39) into the jacklocatednear the boeom bfthe RightSid.eShield(12). 76 17. Make surethatoil parisare properly tlghtened. "I'VeuseoF all remaln;ng _arts'wiUbe e.,q.plolned in ADJUSI_I_IG THECROSSTRAINERe, boolnnlnaon i_a_e"8 of this owner'smanu01.• 18. Beforeusingthei_.ROSSTRAINERe, t_l_.thecablesa_clth-_l_ulleys.Make'sur-ethat the cablesa_ m the.grooves" m the pulleys.If the cablesdo notmovesmoothlyoverthe pulleys,locale and correctthe problembefore using the CROSSI_-._NER'e. If the cables are not pral_n_ rout,d, they _11 be damaged _en used. 7 €C.ROSS trAINER ADIUSTING.THE the CROss TRAIN.ER e!sdes!gned tobechanged froms._ontostar;on qu!c_and.eas, ly...tha mstruc,_sbelow -5 desc_be ho'weach _rt of_aCROSS tr_ner • canbeadjusted. Ploosa readthese msh'Oction's'c_,reblly beb_e Us;rig theCROSS TRAINER e. re_;Flo'pa..,ges 17 through 24 of_is owner's .rnanual to_ee.h6v;Ih_CRO_ TRAINER ashpuld beset'upfor _ch individual exerci_se. IMPORTANT: For effective exerc|se, the CROSS11_JNER • must be set up co_ect_/for each exerc|se. When ah'ach-_ ing the lot bar, rower ba r or strap, bttach them diredty 1othe CROSSTRAINER • or use thechaln to attach themF make sure that the lat bar, rower baJ; oi"strap is in the correct Starting position for each exercise. If there is any slack in the cable or chain as ),ou perform an exercise, the effedlveness of the exercise will be reduced. 1. CHANGING THE STEPPING RESISTANCE To changethe resistanceoF_e I_eclals(75, 76), first I_fithe Pedals off.the hoo_ at the lower ends of the ResistanceCylinders (84). Move the hooks to different slotsunder the Pedats. Make sure that the hooks are fully inserled inlo the same slots under both Pedals.The farther the hooks are from the Tower Frame (10), the greater the resistancewill be. WARNING: The ResistanceCylinders become very hot during use. Allow the Resistance Cylinders 1o cool before touching them. 2. CHANGING THE ARMS TO THE BUTTERFLY MODE AND PRESSMODE The Arms 115, 16) can be changed to either the butterfly mode or the pressmode..To perform the BUTTERFLYexercise, change the Arms to the buffer'fly mode by turning the SelectorI_ob (55) clockwiseas shownby the decal. To perform the BENCH PRESS exercise,change |he Arms ta the press mode by turning the Selector Knob cour!!erdockwise. 3, ATTACHING THE/.AT BAR, ROWER BAR OR STRAPTO THE HIGH PULLEY STATION Attach the tat Ba.r(36) io the Main Cable (51) with a Cable Clip (33). For some exercises,the Chain (38) should be attached between the tat Bar and the Main Cable with two Cable Clips. Adjust the length of the Cha'in_tween the Lat Bar and the Main Cable sa the Bar is in the correct starting posltion for the exercise to be performed. The RowerBar (34) or the Strap (35) can be attached in the same mannen o. . B ' 4. ATTACHING THE LAT BAR, ROWER BAR OR STRAPTO THE LOW PULLEYSTA'I'ION: • Cable Clip(33). For .sg_ne_e_cl...._, lhe.Chaln (38)_ Ma_n Cable with Iwo Cable Clips. Adjust the length of the Chain between the Eat Bar and the Ma_n Cable so the.Eat.Bar is in the correctslatting posi-._ fion for the exercise to be performed. : ; _,: _ _: :_-'. The Rower Bc_r(34) or the Slra'p(35) can 10e' altacheclin the same manner. 9 OPERATING TH E STEPPER-CON'SOI-E The stepper consoleis des;g.ned to give you in',font [e_fbeck as yo_ _xet:cJseon the d_open'Plea._'r_cJ the_ instruc-"_ tlonscare[uJ_ybe_oreooeralinQ _e console. Note: Removethe clear plastic fr_n the front oFthe a_n,._l_ DIAGRAM OFTHE CONSOLE i i 1. LCDdisplay--Display for all modes. 2. Mode indicalorsuShow which mode is currently seleded and displayed. 3. /vl_/_._'[; DUi'EOiT'OeI_CTS DIS'rANC_ manes. 4. ON/OFF b_tlon.--Tums the _:_W_.r'_,'hZ,:.l,,; MoE, e ,,ncl CALORIE SCAN : ":OWo r :- [----i [----]. resetsthe display. 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSOLE J_ODES SPEED--Displays your.-stepp_ngspeed, in stepsper minute. TIME--DL,_playsthe length oFtime you hc_ve _n'stepplng. Note: .time .willbe counted on_, while yo_ aFe's_opln_l. you stop for ten secondsor Ionaer. _e TIME mode will nn.,._ ,,,',ill,.,,-,, ...... _e stepping. DISTAHCE--DIsokJv;-_tc;tal n6ml_;r _1:_,,;,_ v,,,, k...... I,,_,_1 CALOR!E'--DispI_s the tq.tal__umbe_o(Cglories you hove burned. Nard: If the stepping resistanceis n-_arthe Iowes'l:o_ SCAN-LDisnlavs the SPEED,TIME, DISTANCE and CALORIF modes,for five secondseach, in a receotina cycle. CONSOLE OPERATION 1. "in turnon the cower, or_ssth_ON/OFF k.,',-,n _r sim_Y beain sfecoina. 2. Seled one'oFthe fiw m_l_'_ I a. I SCAH--W_en.' thq _x;wer is lurned _n, the SCAN mode will be seleded automatically. One mode indicator will appear .b); the.'_8?cl "SCJ._..',.1"heSPEED,TIME, DISTANCE and CA.LORIF modes will oil be displayed, for five : seconds each,-in a rel:_'affng-E,/cle.,_ second mode indlcolor will show which mode is currentlydispla),ed. • I b.; SPEED,TIME, DISTAN,CE or CALORIE--The SPEED,TIME, DISTANCE or CALOPJEmode con be seceded for :_n--u_.s _1_. y_el_19 ___s_g_ SPEED,TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIE, SCAN. MOOE button. The m_.s will be _I_ecl in the followln_ order: 3. To rese!the LCD disolov.'lum theoow_offondthenon ogaln by pressingtheON/O-FF_buff_h lyre'e, 4. When. yc_uare Enbhed.ex.e.rc.i_ng,press.lheON/OFF button!o lure off the'power. Note: IFthe p_ols 9re r_otmoved and the cc_nso_e buflonsore cot Dressedfor Fourm|nut_s,the cowerwill turn _ aut_innl;_nllvin _-nn,._w Ik_ knl_-;_" 10 OPERATING THE PERSONAL.--TRAINER COMPUTER Theheart of theCROSSTRAINER• is IheadvancedPERSONAL TP, AJNER_m_ghth_alnln_€omputer.With IbePERSON-_ AL TRAINERcomputer,you can chong'e the weightse!fingwlth'a touchoFa button.As you exerc;se,the compbte? _11 : measureyour range oFmotion,showthe numberofCaloriesyou have burnedand keephack of the repetitions and selsyouhave completed,in the hainer mode,yc;uconselecta-speclficmusclegroup,and the computerwillguideyou_ through a seriesoFexercisesthat will developthe selectedmusclegroup.Usingthe includedCUSTOMSMARTCARD, youcan createcustom-e;xerc;se'F_Fai"hs_:! storethent°in mer_ for_ture workouts.Preprogrammed SMART:'" CARDScan also be purcha._d to helpyou achievespec!ficexercisegoals.Seethe included brochureformoreinFormotion. Pleaseread these ;nslrucffons carefullybefur'e-operafing the €ompu_r. TURNING ON THE POWEI_ Plugthe translbrmer into a 120"voltoultet. All indicatorsand displayson the computer willflashthree fimes.'_ Tolumon the powers pressthe POWERbutton. Thefc;urdislolaysaEd v,_:i_'_i_ic_tc;_ onthe computer will light.The system motor may be heardwhile the weightsystemrecalibroles.Nole: Always tum on the power whenusingthe CROSSTRAINERe.' SELECTINGTHETONE OR STRENGTH MODE - PERSONAL TRAIN._R Computer ! MUSCle cho Displays , The PERSONALI'RAINER computer off.ers.--::_._," Stroke: both a tone mode and a strength mode. If "_'-',:: "-Meter your goal is to tone your musclesand develIndicators _op endurance, the tone mode shouldbe *. "_::_" selected.IFyou want to increase the size and strength of your muscles,the strengthmode s_,o_:ldbe se!cctod. V_en ,,'hepo',ver is hJmed on, the tone mode will be selected automatically. The tone indicator will light. To selectthe strength mode, press the • STRENGTHbutton. The stren.qthindicatorwill Indicators light. USING THE MA.NU.AL MODE 0 When the power is.lamed on, the co_ldui_r'D will be in the mon0al n'_,de.The lower part":'_ 2_ oFthe computer shows 20 exercisesthat can ..... be performedon the CROSSTRAINERe.Theindicator on exercise1 will be flashing.Pressthe right or left arrow on the NEXTbuttonuntilthe indicator is Itashirig_,n.thefirst._r,:ise thatyou v_ant'todo. The-numberof the-exei'_iselh_t_ you selectwill be shownin the CALORIES/EXERCISE _=NO. display.Note:Forhelp selectingan exercise,rear to the musc• charton the uppe_" port oFthe'co_nputer..Pre'_'_on thi__fluscleg_ou'l _ that yah want to exerclse--besureto lihbss-" _ on the circledletter/As longasyou continuet_press_'_the muscl_group,;ndico_rs'willlight on theIowe_I_rt of the_ computerIo show youwhichexercise(s) will developtheselectedmusclegroup. 11 Next, pressthe IUINI: or _RI: .1_K_11-1 button,dependingon whelber you want lee first exerciseto be a lone or a strength exercise.The WEIGHT display will show the recommendedweight se_ng for the exercise that you hove'selected. " ..... WARNING: The recommended weight selffngmay be too high or too low for you, depending upon such faders as = your body size and physical €ondiffon. If you cannotcomplete tee desired numbers of setsanti re_,fiffons th-."weight sailing should be decreased. The weight seltlng can be changed by pressinglEe inc-rea_ or decrease bultori _: beneath the WEIGHT display. Each time one of the buttonsis p_:essed,IEe_welghtsetting_11cl_angeby I pound. The" buttonscan be held down to change the weighticing" qulckty. [Theweight range for the BENCH PRESSexercise i_ 30 _. to 250 pour_s; the weight range for all olEer exercisesis 15 to 125 pounds.) IMPORTANT:While the weight seltlng is changlng, themotor wiil be heard and the SETSand REP5dlsplays-_ll sinew a rapidly rotating indicator. To prevent damage to •the weight system,do nat out any Bressure on the I,_ devele_._4r . • _ 4 r _ /_='•I arms or cables while the we,ght setting ,s changing.If the lat bar or rower bar is affached to lee high pulley sta!i.on, restit in the rack near lee hlgh pulley station, if the computer senses pressure on thewelght system while the wei..ghl sel_ng is changing, the WEIGHT display will show an e'or cede ("EEE")for Iwo seconds, and the.vtelght se_ng will stop changing• The WEIGHT display will then show the current weight set_ng. Make sure that there is no pressure on the leg developer, arms or €_bles. Pressthe increase or decr_se buffon 1_eneaththe WEIGHT dlsplayagaln change the weight se_ng as desired. Wait for'lha souredof the motor !o stop before you'€onffnue. -. ._. The SETSand REPSdisplays will show the recommendednumbersoFsetsand repetitionsfor the exercise thai you hove selected.If Desired, the number of sets or reptilians can be changed by E_ressingthe increaseor decrease button" -' " : beneath the SETSor REPSdisplay. Each tlme one of the buttonsis pressed,the number of setsor repetitionswlJl change toy 1.The range o(se !s e titions is2to20. :, Begin the exercise that _,ou hove selected. (Refer to pages 17 through 20 oF this owner's manual for infor_atiBn al:_t the proper form for the exercise.) During your firstrepetition,the computerwill measure y_ourrange oFmotion-'--_y, ta "°move through the fall range-of motion for the exercise. D _rlng each following repetition, lee STROKE meter;will sho_, : your range oF motion -ify to reach 100% during each repetition.As you exercise, the SETSand REPSdlsplaysw-illshow" the numbersof serf,and repetitionsremaining to be completed.One tone will sound after each repetition is completed, " two tones will sound after each set is completed,and three tones will sound after oil repetitionsand setshov_ b_eh co_plated. In addition, the CALORIESindicator will fight, and the CALORIES/EXERCISENO. displaywill show the number _F Calories lear you have burned. ..- IMPORTANT: For effective exercise, rest for 1 minute after each set if you are doing a tone exercise, and 3 n'llnutes" after each set if yo_ are doing a strength •x-•r-else.Your body will burn Calories at all times--at an increased rate while you are _rformTng repet_l_ons,and at a decreasedran "._;le you are rasing. As soon as you _in '_e f_rst exercise, the computer will begln counting the Caloriesyou are burning, belh wh'le you are performing repetifio_s and while you_are resffng. In order to fin'd the number of Caloriesyou bum during your workout, note the number : that is shownas soon as you _:omp_eteyour lastexerc]_: . e _ ,• . o r you hove - completed all of tee repetitionsand setsfar lee firstexerase that you selected,press the right or left "-" arrow on the NEXT button _ selectthe next exerclse_not);ou wont to do. Repeat the procedure described abo_v'efor the next exercise. (Notei If you ._,elect on exercise the! involves only one arm or leg, such as the SINGLE LEG CURLexercise, the numbersoFrepetitionsand setsshown in lee SETSand REPSdisplays should be performed once using th_ right arm or leg, and once_using_the "left a;'m"orleg. AJter_pleting the repetitionsand setsusing one arm or leg, press'the right arrow on lee NEXT bulton, then press the left arraw-oh lee NEXT button, and I_en repeat therepetitionsand setsuslng'£_ the olE_ arm or.leg.) Sel_ect6s many exercises as desired untilyour workout is completed. USING THE TRAINER MODE Pressthe TRAINER button. The trainer indlcal-or_villlight. Next, refer to the muscle chart on the upi_erport of tee c6m-".: puter. An indicator will be lighted on muscle group "A." If you wont _ exercise a differ•n! muscle group first, l_ress on the deslr_ musclegroul0--_-besure to I_resson the clrcle_letter_ ÷ 1") Once you have selectedthe first musclegroup that you w.ontto _ercise , rek,r to the Icier part of the €._pu_r. One or more indlcato3swill be lighted, showing you which exerase(s)10do to develop the selectedmuscle group, on..eof the indicatorswl befiashinnto_how_ouwhichekercise_todofir_i_f_uw_n_s_dp.`.`_efir_texerdse,_Press`theri_ht ." arrow on the NEXT button until thein°dicator is floshi'ng_n _e _-'r¢!" _"t_' t y._ Wg"n| !o do fir_,i.The'fiomb:erof the" ' _ ?, exercise will be shownin theCALORIES/EXERCISEHal dlipl6y.N_._,_pre_i theTONE0rSTRENGTH bu_;depend- mgonwhetheryouwantthefirstexeraseto bea toneora s_rength exerc!se: The WE!GHI_. d,sp1ay wtllsho_ _ rec •ommended weightse_ngforthefirstexercise. !f deslt:ed,the _elghts_n§ re:anbe.ch_n_ecl. This can be':dgne m the _: same manner'as when the_computer is in the manual m_cle.The s_soafid REPSd!sp!ay_, wi!lshowthe recommen_d. numbers of setsand repetitions for the first exercise. If desi_,d, the nu_nbero[ setsOr ie,_etiffons con be chonaed. This _'_ can be done in the same manner as when the computeris in the manual mode.. Beginthefirstexerclse, A_youexerdse,the"_om_a'_willprovide Ihesamefeedbackaswhenit isinIhemanualmode. After you have c0mpleted all of the repetitlohs0nd setsfor the firste_erclse_pi:essthe fight arrow on the NEXT burn to sebct the next exerase that you want to do. Do as many Qf the indicated exercises as desired." When you ha;,,e"c_p1eted th& desired e._ei:ci_ for the first mu_le -gt:_,upthat you selected, pros on the nexf muscle. group that you V.Gntto exerds_ Do'as many'of the indicated_rclses as desired. Sel_t as many muscleg'_0S'_: desired until your war'out is €ompleted." UStNG TH-E CusTO starer IMPORTANTi Before inserting or remov|ng theCUSTOM SMART CARD, press the POWER button to turn off .thepower. Insert the CUSTOM . SMART CARD'!_I.o the left s,de oFthe _-omputer._ PressthePOWER bu on toturnonthe i IMPORTANT: When the cUSTOM SMART CARD is used, the exercise insert and the decal sheet' mustbe usecl.or some weight se_ngs will n#t, be accurate. : The first step in creating on exercise program is to selectthe exercises that you want to indu_Jein your firstworkout. Lay the_exercise insert down. so the spaces i3umbered I through 20 are on":: lop. Nex b refer to poges ] 7 through 24 o! this , owner's manual and selectabout 6 to 10 _e_'b clsesthat you want to include in the warkout:For each exercise that you select, apply a decal to one o_the first 6 to 10 spaces0n the insert. IF :.: there is a printed decal for the exercise, apply -" the printed decal; if there is not a printed decal, apply a blank decal and write the name 0f _e exerciseor_.the decal.[Note:Whenever _e _;_: BENCH PRESSexercise is included in 0 wo_out, the decal for the exercise mustbe opt_lied to the space numbered 1, 11, 21 or 3 ! on the insert. If the BENCH PRESSexercise is not included, those spacesmust be left emply.) Next, label all of the decals on the insert'bilh a designatior_such as :: "DAY 1 ." A sample workout is.shown at the right. 13 After you have applied a decal to the exercise insert for each of the exerc|sesthat you want to include in your first workout, fit the four tabs on the insertink) the slotsin the lower part of the computer.Make surethe!' I_e i_se_ iS tu_med so the decals are visible, fl_e useoF the remalnin.qspaceson the insertwill be explained below.) Next, a weight,s_tand repetitionseltlngsl_._ldbe pr.ogrammed for _ch o|_a, and _qwOrkout shouldbe.j: storedon theCUSTOMSMARTCARD. Pressthe CREATEPROGRAM button.The indlcator next to the button will light. Pressthe right or left arrow on the NEXT bulton, if necessary,until the indicator is flashing on the first spaceon the exercise insert where a decal has been applied. The number of the exercise will be shown in the CAlORIES/EXERCISENO. display. Next, press the TONE or STRENGTH button,depending on whether you want the first exercise to be a tone or a s_engthexercise. The indicator next to the buttonyou presswill light. The WEIGHT, SETSand REPSdisplayswill show the recommendedweight selling and numbers oFsetsand repetitionsfor the first exercise. WARNING: The recommended weight setting may be too high or too low far you, depending on such factors as your body slze and physical condition. If you cannot complete the recommended numbers of sets and repetitions, the weight setting should be decreased. If desired, the weight, set or repetition settingcan be changed by pressingthe increaseor decrease button below the WEIGHT, SETS or REPSdisplay. The weight setting can be changed in incrementsoF 1 pound;the buttonscan be held down to change the weight settingquickly..Thenumber oF setsor repetitionscan be changed in increments oF 1. The range oF setsis 1 to 9. The range of repetitionsis 2 to 20. After you have programmed the desired weight, set and repetition seltingsfor the first exercise, press the STORE"button.The indicator will remain lightedon the first exercise on the exercise insert, and the indicator will begin flashingon the next exercise on the insert. Pressthe TONE or STRFNGTH button and program weight, set and repetition settings for the next exercise as describedabove. Pressthe STOREbutton. Repeat for each oF the exerciseson the insert.The workout will then be storedon the CUSTOM SMART CARD. o' When you are ready to begin theworlcout, pressthe RUN PROGRAM bulton. The indicator next to the button will light. The indicatorswill light on all oFthe spaces on the exercise insertwhere decals have been applied. The indicator _11 be flashing on the first exercise oFthe workout. Begin the first exerclse. (ReFerto pages 17 through 24 oF this owner's" manual for information about Ihe proper form for the exercise.) As you exercise, the computerwill provide the same feedback as when it is in the manual mode. After you hove completedall of the setsand repetitionsfor the first exercise, press the right arrow on the NEXT button. The indicator will begin flashingon the nextexercise oFthe workout. Perform the next exercise as describedabove. Repeat untilyou have completedall oF the exercises included in the workout. :- The workout can be revisedas your fitnesslevel increasesor your goalschange. To revise the workout, first press CRE.ATEPROGRAM buffon. To revisethe settingsfor an exercise,pressthe right or left arrow an the NEXT button until the indicator is flashing on the exercise that you want to revise. Pressthe increaseor decrease button below the WEIGHT, SETSor REPSdisplay to change the setting. Pressthe STOREbutton. To delete an exercise,press the right or left arrow on the NEXT button untilthe indicator is flashingan the exercise that you Want to delete. Pressthe DELETE button. Re'movethe decal for the exercise from the exercise insert.To add an exercise,attach a decal to the insertand pressthe right or left arrow on the NEXT'button Untilthe indicator is flushingon the ne_, exercise on the insert. Program weight, set and repetition settingsas described above. Pressthe STOREbutton. ..._" Because there are 40 spaceson the exercise insert, a number oFdifferent workoutscan be storedon the CUSTOM SMART CARD at the same time. For'_ample, your exercise program couldinclude three differentworkouts--one [or Mondays, one for Wedne_lays, and one for Fridays.Or, you could createtwo different workoutsusing the spaces numbered 1 thrc_ugh_ on the 10sert,and a Iralnlng partner could createtwo d|fferent workouts us'ng the spa_:esnumbered 21 through'40. To do Oneof the workouis, firstpress the RUN PROGRAM button. Pressthe right Or'ow on the NEXT button until the indicatoris flashing on the first exerciseoFthe workout that you wont to do. Then, €omplete the workout as described above. The CUSTOM SMART CARD can be programmed in a variely OFways to fit your i_:]i-_ vidual needs. " " 14 TURNING OFFTHE POWER To turnoff Ihe powe.r,pressfne}_)WERbulton.Note:If no buttonson thecomputerare pressedfor 30 minutes,the power w_lllure off aut6inafically.Thetransformer shouldbe unpluggedfrom the 120"voltoutletdurin_ _rlods of /1onuse. EXERCISE GUIDE SAFETY TheCROSS "r_NERe1_6k;ol{ond le_fng'ta-u_ it L0_:ep_'y ise_n_ol_i _iy'as wellas=h,_';o'_s_f,_I__, CROSS TRAINERe, Re_mbe& fn&mfo_otion re'this owner'smanual and in the FITNESSJOURNAL is geaeral in _ ,_ nalure. Formore reformation about exerase,consult yourphyslaanor obtaina roputaI01e book aboutexerase,":_::.: WARNING: Beforebeginning any exercise program, consultyour physician. This is esoe
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