Proform Crosswalk 397 831 24843 0 Users Manual
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Page Count: 28
Model No. 831.24843.0
Serial No,
Write 1he serial number in the space
above for reterence,
• Operation
• Maintenance
.Part List and Drawing
Sears, Roebuok and Co.
Hoffman Estates, ]L 60179
User's Manual
WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT ............................................................... 2
IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS .................................................................. 3
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ........................................................................ 5
PART IDENTIFICATION CHART, ............................................................... 6
ASSEMBLY ................................................................................ 7
OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT ................................. _ ........................... t3
HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE TREADMILL ................................................... I9
TROUBLESHOOTING ........ .............................................................. 20
EXERCISE GUIDELINES .................................................................... 23
PART LIST ................................................................................ 24
EXPLODED DRAWING ...................................................................... 25
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS_ .................................................. Back Cover
90-DAY FULL WARRANTY ........................................................... Back Cover
This drawing shows the location[s)
of the warning decal(s), if adecal is
missing or illegible, call 1-888,-533-
1333 and request a free replacement
decal, Apply the decal in the location
shown. Note: The decal(s) may not be
shown at actual size.
Thank you for seleCting the new PROFORM e
CROSSWALK 397 treadmill, The CROSSWALK 397
treadmill provides an impressive selection of features
designed to make your workoutS at home more effec-
tive and enjoyable,
For your benefit, read this manual carefullybefore you
use the treadmill. If you have questions after reading
this manuaJ, p[ease see the back cover ofthis manual.
To helpus assist you, note the productmodel number
and sedal number before contactingus. The model
numberand the location of the serial number decal are
shown on the front cover of this manual.
Before reading further, please familiarize yourselfwith
the parts that are labeled inthe drawing below,
I Length: 5ft, 5in,(165cm) i
Width: 2 ft. 9 in. (84 em)
Walking Belt
Foot Rail
Idler Roller
Adjustment Screws.
Platform Cushion
Use the drawings below to identify small parts used for assembly. The number in parentheses below each draw-
ing is the key number of the part, tram the PART LIST near the end of this manual, The number following 1he key
number is the quantity used for assembly. Note: If a part is not in the hardware kit, check to see if it is preat-
tached, If it is not, carl 1-888-533_1,333. Extra hardware may be included,
I/4" Star Washer
(23)--4 3/8" Star #8 x 1/2" Ground #8 x 3/4" Screw
Washer (3)-t0 Screw (1)-1 (4)-4
#8 x 1" Screw 1/4" x 3 1/2" Screw (56)--4
!iii iii!ii :\iiii
#10 x t 1t2"Ssrew
3,."8"x31/4" Screw (2)-6 D
• Assembly requires two persons.
• Place all parts in a cleared area and remove the
packing materials. Do not dispose of the packing
materials until you finish assembly.
• The underside of the walking belt is coated with
high-pedormance lubricant. After shipping, there
may be some lubricant on fop of the walking belt
or on the shipping carton. This is normal. If there
is lubricant on top of the walking belt, wipe it oN
with asoft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner.
•To identify small paris, see page 6.
• Assembly requires the following tools:
the included hex keys |
one Phillips screwdriver
scissors 8=_
• To avoid damaging parts, do net use power tools,
1. Make sure that the power cord is unplugged.
Remove and discardthe two screws(A) and the
shipping bracket (B) from the r_ghtside ofthe
Base (74). 3"hen,remove and discard the screws
and shipping bracket (not shown) from the left
side of the Base.
2. With the help of a second person, tip the tread-
mill onto its left side. PaPally pivot the Base (74)
to help stabUze the treadmill.
Pull the Upright Wire (63) and the ground wire
through the indicated hole in the Base (74).
Attach the groundwire te the Base (74) with a#8
x1/2" Ground Screw (1).
See the inset drawing, Cut the plastic tie near
the Upright Wire (63). Be careful not to dam-
age the Upright Wire,
2 63
pressedinlothesquareholeintheBase(74). 7O
4.Identifythe Right UPright (76), which is marked
"Right. ° Have a second person hold the Right
Upright near lhe Base (74).
See the inset drawing. Tie the wire tie in the
Right Upright (76) securely around the end of
the Upright Wire (63). Then, insert the Upright
Wire into the lower end of the Right Upright as
you pull the other end of the wire tie through the
Right Upright,
Hold the Right Upright (76) against the Base
(74). Be careful not to pinch the wires,
Partially tighten three 3/8" x 31/4" Screws (2)
with three 3t8" Star Washers (3) into the Right
Upright and the Base; do not fully tighten the
Screws yet.
With the help of a second person, tip the
treadmill onto its right side. Press in a Base
Cap (not shown) and attach the Left Upright
(not shown) as described in steps 3 and 5,
Note: There are no wires on the left side.
6, Identify the Left and Right Handrails (59, 64),
which are marked "Left" and URight." Remove the
four 5f16" x3/4" Screws (5) and four 5/16" Star
Washers (6) from the bottoms and sides of each
Hold the Right Handrail (64) near the Right
Upright (76). Insert the wire tie on the Upright
Wire {63) through the hole in the bottom and
out of the hole in the side of the Left Handrail as
shown. Then, pull the Upright Wire through the
Right Handrail.
Attach the Right Handrail (64) to the Right
Upright (76) with fwo of the 5/16" x 3f4" Screws
(5) and two of the 3/8" Star Washers (6) that
you just removed. Make sure not to pinch the
Upright Wire (63), Start both Screws, and
then tighten them.
Attach the Left Handrail (59) to the Left Upright
(66) as described above. Note: There are no
wires on the left side,
7. Position the Conso[e Crossbar (61) between
the Left and Right Handrails {59, 64) with
the Console Ground Wire (47) pos{tioned as
Attach the Console Crossbar (61) to the Left
and Right Handrails (59, 64} with the other four
5/16" x 3;4" Screws (5) and the other four 5/16"
Star Washers (6) that y_u removed in step 6.
Start all four Screws, and then tighten them.
8. With the help of a second person,hold the con*
soIe assembly near the Right Handrail (64).
Connect the Upright Wire {63} to the console
wire, See the inset drawing. The connectors
should slide together easily and snap into
-place. If they do not, turn one connector and try
THE POWER, Then, remove the wire tie from
the Upright Wire.
Connect the Console Ground Wire (47} on the
Console Crossbar (6l) to the grQund wire on the
8 Console
Insert the wiresinto the Right Handrail (64)
through the indicated holeas you set the con-
sole assembly on the Left and Righl Handrails
(59, 64). Make sure that no wires are pinched.
Attach the console assembly with four #8 x3t'4"
Screws (4). Start el! four Screws, and then
tighten them, Do not overtighten the Screws.
See assembly step 5. Firmly tightenthe six 3/8"
x3 114"Screws (2) on the lower ends of the Left
and Right Uprights (66, 76) (only one side is
10. Attach the two Console Clamps (83) to the con-
sole assembly with four #8 x!" Screws (7), 10 Console
11. Identify the Le'It and Right Upper Body Arms (84,
Make sure that the Left Upper BodyArm (84)
is positioned as shown, Attach the Left Upper
Body Arm to the Left Upright (66) with two 1!4" x
3 1/2" Screws (58), two t/4" Star Washers (23),
and two 3/8" Star Washers (3) as shown. Do not
overtighten the Screws.
Attach the Right Upper BodyArm (85) asde-
scribed above.
12. Attach the Latch Housing (67) with the Latch
Spacer (82) to the Left Upright (66) with two #10
x 1 1/2 _'Screws (8}; make sure that the large
hole in the Latch Housing is on the indicated
side. Start both Screws, and then tighten
them. Be careful not to overtighten the
Locate the Latch Pin Assembly I88). Remove the
knob from the pin, Make sure that the collar and
the spring are on the pin. (Note: If there are two
collars, place one on each side of the spring.)
Insert the pin into the Latch Housing (67). Then,
tighten the knob onto the pin.
13. Make sure that all parts are properly tightened before you use the treadmill, If there are sheets of plas-
tic on the treadmin decals, remove the plastic, To protect the floor or carpet, place amat under the treadmill.
Note: Extra hardware may be included. Keep the included hex keys in a secure place; one of the hex keys is
used to adjust the walking belt (see pages 21 and 22).
Your treadmill,like other electronic equipment, canbe
damaged by sudden voltagechanges inyour home's
power, To decrease the risk of damaging your
treadmill, always use a surge suppressor with your
treadmill (see drawing 1 atthe right), To purchase
a surge suppressor, see precaution 12 on page 3,
Use only a single-outlet surge suppressor that is
UL 1449 listed as atransient voltage surge sup-
pressor (T'v'SS). The surge suppressor must have
a UL suppressed voltage rating of 400 volts or less
and a rain[mum surge dissipation of 450 joules,
The surge suppressor must be electrically rated for
120 volts AC and 15 amps, There must be a moni-
toring tight on the surge suppressor to indicate
whether it is functioning properly. Failure to use a
properly-functioning surge suppressor could dam-
age the control system of the treadmill (see precau-
tion 13 on page 3).
This product must be grounded, If it should mal-
function or break down, grounding provides a path
of ]east resistance for electric current to reduce the
risk of electric shock. This product's power card has
an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug. Plug the power cord into asurge suppressor,
and plug the surge suppressor into an appropri-
ate outlet that is properly installed and grounded
in accordance with el[ Iota| codes and ordinances,
IMPORTANT: The treadmill is not compatible with
GFCl*equipped outlets and may not be compatible
wLLh AFCI-equipped outlets,
This product is for use on anominal 120-volt circuit
(see drawing 1), A temporary adapter maybe used to
connect the surge suppressor to a 2-pole receptacle if
aproperly-grounded outlet is not available (see
drawing 2),
__Grounded Outlet Box
_ _. l. _l_:_ -Surge Suppress°r
11 _ r-_l_ ;=B_;J Grounding Pin
Grounded OuUet Grounding Piug_'_
GroundedOutlet Box
f_ uj I Adapter _
iSurge buppressor
"Grounding Plug
The temporaryadapter shouldbe used only untila
properly-groundedoutlet(see drawing 1) can be in-
stalied by a qualifiedelectrician,
The green-coloreddgid ear, lug, or the like extend-
ing from the adapter must be connected to a perma-
nent ground suchas a groundedoutletbox cover,
The adapter must be held in placeby a metal screw.
Some 2-pole receptacle outlet box covers are not
grounded. Contact a qualified electrician to deter-
mine if the outlet box cover is grounded before
using an adapter.
The treadmilt console offers an impressive array of
features designed to make your workouts more effec-
tive and enjoyable,
When you use the manual mode, you can change the
speed and incline of the treadmill with the touch of a
button, As you exercise, the console will display instant
exercise feedback, "You can even measure your heart
rate using the handgtip heart rate monitor,
tn addition, the console offers sixtee_ preset workouts.
Eight of these use the crosswalk arms, and the other
eight are desfgned to help you meet your weight-loss
goals, Each workout atttomatioally controls the speed
and incline of the treadmill as it guides you through an
effective exercise session.
To turn on the power, see page 15. To use the
manual mode, see page 15. To use apreset work-
out, see page 17o To use the information mode, see
page I8.
IMPORTANT: If there is a sheet of clear plastic on
the console, remove the plastic. To prevent dam-
age to the walking platform, wear clean athletic
shoes while using the treadmill The first time you
use the treadmiU, observe the alignment of the
walking belt, and center the walking belt if neces-
sary (see pages 21 and 22},
Note: The conse]e can display speed arid distance
in either miles or kilometers, To find out which unit of
measurement is selected or to change the unit of mea-
surement, see THE INFORMATION MODE on page
18, Note: For simplicity, aJl instructions in this section
refer to miles.
IMPORTANT: If the treadmill has been exposed to
cold temperatures, allow it to warm to room tem-
perature before turning on the power. If you do not
do this, you may damage the console displays or
other electrical components.
Plug in the power cord [see
page 13). Next, locate the
power switch on the treadmilt
frame near the power cord.
Press the power switch into
the reset position.
IMPORTANT: The console features a dispJ[ay demo
mode, designed to be used if the treadmill is dis-
played in a store, tf the displays light as soon as
you pIug in the power cord and press the power
switch into the reset position, the demo mode is
turned on. To turn off the demo mode, hold down
the Stop button for a few seconds, if the displays
remain lit, see THE INFORMATION MODF- on page
18 to turn off the demo mode.
Next, stand on the foot rails of the treadmill Find the
clip attached to the key (see the drawing on page 14)
and slide the clip onto the waistband of your clothes.
Then, insert the key into the console. After a moment,
the displays will light. IMPORTANT: In an emergency
situation, the key can be pulled from the console,
causing the walking belt to s_ow to aatop. Test the
clip by carefully taking afew steps backward; if the
key is not pulled from the console, adjust the posi-
tion of the slip.
I. Insert the key into the console.
See HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER at the left,
2. Setectthe manual mode.
When the key is inserted, the manual mode will be
selected. If a preset workout has been selected,
remove the key and then reinsert it.
3. Start the walking belt.
To start the walking belt, press the Start button, 1he
Speed increase button, or one of the speed buttons
numbered 1 through 10.
If you press the Start button or the Speed increase
button,the walkingbelt willbegin to move at 1mph.
As you exercise, change the speed of the walking
belt as desired by pressingthe Speed increaseand
decrease buttons. Eacht_meyou press a button,
the speed settingwill change by 0.1 mph; if you
hold downabutton,the speed settingwill change
in incrementsof 0.5 mph. Note:After you pressa
button,itmay take amomentfor the walkingbe_tto
reach the selectedspeed setting,
If you press one of the numbered speed buttons,
the walking bait will gradually change speed until it
reaches the selected speed setting.
To stop the walking belt, press the Stop button.
The time will begin to flesh in the display, To restart
the walking belt, press the Start button or the Speed
increase button.
4. Change the incline of the treadmill as desired.
To change the inctine _2,_- m_
ofthe treadmill,press
the Incline increase
or decrease buttons.
Each time you press
the Incline increaseor
decrease button, the incline wiltchange by 0.5%.
Note: After youpress a button,it may take a mo-
ment for the treadmillto reach the selected ir_ciine
5. Follow your progress with the displays,
The far left display--
When you select the IIm_
manual mode, the matrix D i
wilI disp]ay atrack that m ii!lllJmlil
represents "_/4 mile (400
m). As you e×ercise, the
indicators around the track will appear in succes-
sion until the entire track appears. The track wilt
then disappear and the indicators will again begin
te appear in succession.
The lower left display--
As you exercise, the
lower left disptay can
show the elapsed time
and the distance that
you have walked or run,
The lower left display will also show the incline of
the treadmill each time the incline level changes.
play--The lower right
display can show the I-- _ i "_ CALS_
approximate number of
calories that you have L
burned and the speed of
the we[king belt. The display also shows your head
rate when you use the handgrip heart rate monitor
(see step 6).
The upper
upper display
pan show the
elapsed time,
the distance that
you have walked or ran, the approximate number
of calories that you have burned, or the speed of
the walking heir. Press the Display button repeat-
edly until the upper display shows the informaUon
thai you are most interested in viewing. Note: While
information is shown in the upper display, the same
information will not be shown in the lower displays,
To reset the displays, press the Stop button, re-
move the key, and then reinsert the key,
6. Measure your heart rate if desired,
Before using the
handgrip heart
rate monitor, re-
move the sheets
of clear plastic
from the metal
contacts on the
pulse bar. In ad-
dition, make sure
that your hands
are clean,
To measure your heart rate. stand oa the foot
rails and hold the metal contacts on the handrail,
Avoid moving your hands. When your pulse is
detected, a heart symbol in the lower right display
will flash each time your heart beats, one or two
dashes will appear, and then your heart rate will be
shown. For the most accurate heart rate reading,
continue to hold the contacts for about 15 sec-
When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the console.
Step onto the foot ra_ls, press the Stop bufton, and
adjust the incline of the treadmill to the lowest
setting, The incline must be at the lowest setting
or you may damage the treadmill when you fold
it to the storage position. Next, remove the key
from the console and put it in a secure place.
When you are finished osing the treadmill, press
the power switch into the off position and unplug
the power cord. IMPORTANT; If you do not do
this, the treadmill's electrical components may
wear prematurely.
1. Insert the key into the console.
page 15.
2. Select a preset workout.
To salect apreset work-[_._ _L_ _
out, press the Crosswalk
Workouts button or the
Wt. Loss Workouts but-
ton repeatedly until the
number of the desired
workout appears inthe upper display.
When you select apreset Workout, the incline ]evel
of the workout will flash in the lower ]e_t display, the
speed setting will gash in the lower right display,
and then the workout length will appear in the lower
Ieft display. In addition, a profile of the speed set-
tings of the workout will appear in the far Ieft display,
3. Press the Start button or the Speed _ncrease
button to start the workout.
A moment after you press the button, the treadmill
wiltautomatically adjustto the firstspeed and in-
cline settings of the workout. Hold the handrails and
begin walking.
Each workout is divided into 30 one-minute seg-
ments. One speed setting and one incline setting
are programmed tot each segment, Note: The
same speed setting and/or incline setting may be
programmed for consecutive segments.
During the workout, I .L
the profile wi[I show Current Segment
your progress. The I
IIlIii I
flashing segment of IIIIIMII
the profits represents IIIlIIBiilil=
the current segment
of the workout. The
height of the flashing segment indicates the speed
setting for the cgrrent segment, At the end of each
segment, a tone will sound and the next segment
of the prottIeWIUbegin to flash, If a new speed
and/or incline setting is programmed for the next
segment,the new speedand/or incline setting will
appear in the displays. The treadmillwill then au-
tomaticaUy adjust to the new speedand/or Incline
If you have selected acrosswalkworkout,you will
be promptedto usethe crosswalk arms. When the
crosswalkIndicator on the sonsole lights up, move
the crosswalk arms forward and backward as you
walk on the treadmill. This action exercises your
arms, shoulders,and back for a total body workout,
The workoutwill continueIn this way untilthe last
segment of the profileflashes in the displayand the
last segment ends. The walkingbelt willthen slow
to a stop.
Ifthe speed or inclinesetting is too high orlon low
at any timeduringthe workout, you canmanuaJty
override the settingby pressingthe speed or incline
buttons; however, when the next segment of the
workout begins, the treadmill will automatically
adjust to the speed and incline settings for the
next segment.
To stop the workoutat any time, press the Stop
button.To resta_ the workout,press the Start but-
ion. The walkingbelt winbegin to move at I mph.
When the nextsegment ofthe workoutbegins,the
treadmillwiltautomaltcally adjustto the speedand
inclinesettings for the next segment.
4, Follow your progress with the displays.
See step 5 on page 16.
5. Measure your heart rate if desired.
See step 6 on page 16,
When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the console.
See step 7on page t6.
The console features an information mode that keeps
track of the total distance that the walking belt has
moved and the total number ot hours that the treadmill
has been used. The information mode also allows you
10 select ameasurement system of miles or kilometers,
and to turn the display demo mode on and off,
To select the information mode, hold down the Stop
button while inserting the key into the console and then
release the Stop button. When the information mode is
selected, the following information will be shown;
An "E" for English miles
or an "M" for metric kilo-
meters wiJl appear in the
lower right display. Press
the Speed increase button
to change the unit el mea-
surement if desired,
The lower Iett display will
show the total number of
miles (or kilometers) that
the walking belt has moved,
The upper display will show
the total number of hours
the treadmill has been
...... !
The console features a display demo mode, designed
to be used if the tceadmi]l is displayed in a store. While
the dome mode is turned on, the console will function
normally when you plug in the power cord, press the
power switch into the reset position, and insert the
key into the console. However, when you remove the
key, the displays will remain lit, although the buttons
will not function, if the demo mode is turned on, a "d _
will appear in the lower right display while the informa-
tion mode is selected. To turn on or off the dome mode,
press the Speed decrease button.
To exit the information mode, remove the key from the
As you watk on the treadmilf, you can hold the hand-
rails or use the crosswalk arms. To exercise your
arms, shoulders, and back for a total body workout,
move the crosswalk arms forward and backward as
you walk on the treadmill.
To vary the intensity of your upper body exercise, the
resistance of "ihe crosswalk arms can be adjusted,
To increase the resis'iance, turn the resistance knobs
clockwise; to decrease the resistance, turn the knobs
Before folding the treadmgt, adjust the incline to
the |owest position, if you do not do this you may
damage the treadmill when you fold ft. Remove the
key and unplug the power cord. CAUTION: You must
be able to safely lift 45 Ibs. (20 kg) to raise, lower,
or move the treadmill.
1. Hold the metal frame firmly in the location shown
bythe arrow below. CAUTION: Do not hold the
frame by the plastic foot rails. Bend your legs
and keep your back straight.
2. Hold the frame tirmly with your right hand. Pull the
latch knob to the left and hold it. Raise the frame
until the hole in the platform cushion is aligned with
the latch pin. Then, slowly release the latch knob;
make sure that the latch pin is fully inserted
into the platform cushion.
To protect the fIoor or carpet, p]ass a mat under the
treadmill. Keep the tmadmilI out of direct sunlight.
Do not ]eavethetreadmilI in the storage position in
temperatures above 85 _ F (30 ° C).
Before movingthe tmadmiU, fold it as describedat the
left, CAUTION: Make sure that the latch pin is fully
inserted into the platform cushion, Moving the
treadmill may require two people,
1, Hold the frame andone of the handrails, and place
one footagainst a wheel,
2. Poii backonthe handrailuntilthe treadmillwill roll
onthe wheels,and carefullymove itto the desired
local[on,CAUTION: Do not move the treadmill
without tipping it back, do not pull on the frame,
and do not movethe treadmill over an uneven
3. Place one foot against awheel, and carefullylower
the treadmill,
1. See drawing 2, Holdthe upper end of the treadmill
with your right hand, Pullthe latch knob to the left
and hold it. Next, lowerthe frame until it is past
the latch pin. Make sure that the pin does not hit
against the foot rail, Then, release the latch knob,
2. See drawing 1at the left. Holdthe metalframe
firmlywith beth hands,and lower it to the floor,
CAUTION: Donot hold the frame by the plastic
foot rails, and do not drop the frame. Bend your
legs and keep your baok straight.
Most treadmill prob{ems can be solved by following
the simple steps below. Find the symptom that
applies, and follow the steps listed. If further assis-
tance is needed, see the front cover of this manual
SYMPTOM: The power does not turn on
Make sure that the power cord is plugged into a
surge suppressor and that the surge suppressor is
plugged into a properly-grounded outlet (see page
13). Use or, ly asingle-outlet surge suppressor that
meets all of the specifications described on page
13. IMPORTANT: The treadmill is not compat-
ible with GFCl-equipped outlets and may not be
compatible with AFCl-equipped outlets.
b. After the power cord has been plugged in. make
sure that the key is inssded into the console.
Check the power switch located on the treadmill
frame near the power cord. If the switch protrudes
as shown, the switch has tripped. To reset the
power switch, wait for five minutes and then press
the switch back in,
Tripped Reset
SYMPTOM: The power turns off during use
a. Check the power switch (see the drawing above).
If the switch has tripped, wait for five minutes and
then press the switch back in.
b. Make sure that the power cord is plugged in. If the
power cord is plugged in, unplug if, wait for five
minutes, and then plug it back in.
c. Remove the key from the consols, and then
reinsert it.
d, If the treadmill still wilt not run, please see the front
cover of this manual.
SYMPTOM: The console displays remain lit when
you remove the key from the console
a, 3he console features a display demo mode, de-
signed to be used if the treadmill is displayed in a
store. If the displays remain lit when you remove
the key, the dome mode is turned on. To turn oil
the demo mode, hold down the Stop button for a
few seconds. If the displays are still lit, see THE
INFORMATION MODE on page 18 to turn off the
dome mode.
SYMPTOM: The displays of the console do not
function properly
a. RemovethekeyfromtheconsolsandUNPLUG
THE POWER CORD. Next, remove the five indi-
cated #B x 3/4" Screws (4).
Carefully lift the Motor Hood (48) upward_ and then
slide it forward and off. Make sure that the Motor
Hood does not get caught bythe tabs on Ibe sides
of the Motor Hood.
Locate the Reed Switch (33) and the Magnet (32)
on the right side of the Pulley (31). Turn the Pulley
until the Magnet is aligned withthe Reed Switch,
Make sure that the gap between the Magnet
and the Reed Switch is about 1/8 in. (3 mm).
If necessary, loosenthe #8 x 314"Truss Head
Screw (14), move the Reed Switch slightly, and
then retighten the Screw, Carefully slidethe Motor
Hood (not shown) back on by lining up the guides.
Reattaeh the Motor Hoodwith the five#8 x3/4"
Screws (notshown), Then, plug in the powercord,
insert the key, and runthe treadmill for afew min-
utes to check for acorrectspeed reading,
SYMPTOM: The incline of the treadmill does not
change correetty
a. Hold down the Stop button and the Speed increase
buttes, insert the key into the console, and then
retease the Stop button and the Speed increase
button. Press the Stop button and then press the
[ncline increase or decrease button. The treadmill
will automatically rise to the maximum incline level
and then return to the minimum level. This will re-
calibrate the incliee sysfem. If the incline does not
.begin calibrating, press the Stop button again, and
then press the Incline increase or decrease button
again. When the incline is calibrated, remove the
key from the console.
SYMPTOM: The walking belt slows when walked on
a. Use only asingle-outtst surge suppressor thst
meets all of the specifications described on
page 13.
b. Ifthe walking belt is overtightened, treadmitlper-
formance may decrease and the walking beIt may
become damaged. Remove the key and UNPLUG
THE POWER CORD. Using the hex key, turn both
idler roller screwscounterclockwise, 1/4 of a turn.
When the wal,king belt is propedytightened, you
should be able to lifteach edge of the walking belt
2to 3 in. [5 to 7 cm) off the walking platform,Be
careful to keep the walking beltcentered, Then,
plug in the power cord, tnsed the key, and runthe
treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat untilthe walk-
ing belt is properlytightened,
Idler Relier Screws
c; Your treadmill features a walking belt coated with
high-performancelubricant.IMPORTANT: Never
apply silicone spray or other substances to the
walking belt or the walking pIatform unless in-
structed to do so by an authorized service rep-
resentative. Such substances may deteriorate
the walking heft and cause excessive wear. tf
yoususpectthat the walkingbelt needs morelubri-
cant, see the front cover ofthis manual.
d. If the walking belt still slows when walked on, see
the front cover of this manual.
SYMPTOM: The walking belt is off-center or slips
when walked on
a, If the waiking belt is off-center, first remove the
walking belt has shifted to the taft, use the hex
key to turn the Jeff idler roller screw clockwise 1/2
of aturn', if the walking belt has shifted to the
right, turn the left idler roller screw counterclock-
wise "_/2 of a 1urn. Be careful not to overtighten the
walking bait. Then, plug in the power cord, insert
the key, and run the treadmill for a few minutes.
Repeat until the walking belt is centered.
b. If the walking belt slips when walked on, first re*
move the key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD,
Using the hex key, turn both id[er roller screws
clockwise, 1/4 of a turn, When the walking belt is
correctly tightened, you should be able to lift each
edge of the walking belt 2to 3 in, (5 to 7 cm) oll
the walking pSatform. Be careful to keep the walk-
ing belt centered. Then, plug in the power cord,
insert the key, and carefully walk on the treadmill
for a few minutes. Repeat until the walking bait }s
properly tightened.
SYMPTOM: The upperbody arms squeak during
a. (Note: Correcting this problem requires asmall
amount of marine grease, available at hardware
steres.) Turn the resistance knob (A) counterclock-
wise and remove it, Next, remove the resistance
cone (E_)and the upper body arm {C}, along with
the resistance plate (D), plastic spacer" (E), spring
washer (F), washers (G), and thrust bearing (H).
(Nots: if the resistance plate [D] comes out of the
resistance cone (B), press it back in,) Apply a thin
layer of white marine grease to the outer surface of
the resistance cone (B). Then reattach all parts in
the orde_ shown below.
These gu_elines will helpyou toplan your exercise
program. For detailedexercise information, obtain a
reputable beok or consultyourphysician.Remember.
proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential for
Whether your goal is to burn tat or to strengthen your
cardiovascular system, exercising at the proper inten-
sity is the key to achieving results. You can use your
heart rate as a guide to i'ind the proper intensity feveL
The chart below shows recommended heart rates for
fat burning and aerobic exercise,
165 155 145 140 130 125 115 (_
145 138 I30 I25 118 110 103 C_
125 120 115 110 105 95 90
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
To rind the proper intensity level, find your age at the
bottom of the chart (ages are rounded oN to the near-
est ten years). The three numbers listed above your
age define your 'training zone." The lowest number is
the heart rate for fat burning, the middle number is the
heart rate for maximum fat burning, and the highest
number is the heart rate for aerobic exercise,
Burning Fat--To burn fat effectively, you must exer-
cise at a low intensitylevel for a sustained period 0f
time. Duringthe f_rstfew minutesof exercise, your
body uses carbohydratecaloriesfor energy, On]y after
the f_rstfew minutes of exercise does your body begin
to use storedfat ca!odesfor energy, Ityour goal is to
bum fat, adjust the intensityofyour exercise unti_your
heart rate is near the lowest number in your training
zone. For maximum fat burning, exercise with your
heartrate near the middlenumber inyour training
Aerobic Exercise--if your goal is to strengthenyour
cardiovascularsystem, you mustpedorm aerobic
exercise, which is activitythat requireslarge amounts
of oxygen for prolongedperiodsof rjmeoFor aerobic
exercise, adjust the intensityof your exercise until your
heartrate is near the highest number in your training
Warming Up--Start with 5 to 10 minutes of stretch-
ing and light exercise. A warm-up increasesyour body
temperature,heart rate, and circulationin preparation
for exercise.
Training Zone Exercise--Exercise for 20 to 30 min-
uteswith your heart rate inyour Irainingzone. (During
the firstfew weeks of your exercise program, do not
keep your heart rate in yo6v trainingzone for longer
than 20 minutes.) Breathe regularlyand deeply as you
exercise--nev_ hoidyour breath.
Cooling Down--Finish with5 to 10 minutes of stretch-
ing,Stretching increasesthe flexibilityof your muscles
and helps to preventpost-axemieeproblems.
To maintain or improve your condition,complete three
workoutseach week, w_thatteast one day of rest
between workouts,A_tera few months of regular exer-
cise, you may comp_eteupto five workouts each week,
if desired. Remember,the key to successis to make
examine a regularand enjoyablepart of your everyday
PART LIST Model No. 83£24843.0 R0811A
Key No. Qty. Description Key No. Qty. Description
18 #8 x t/2" Ground Screw 45 1 5/32" Hex Key
2 6 318" x31/4" Screw 46 1 Right Rear Foot
3 t0 3/8" Star Washer 47 1 Console Ground Wire
4 31 #8 x 3/4" Screw 48 1 Motor Hood
5 8 5/16" x 3/4" Screw 49 1 Incline Motor
6 8 5/16" Star Washer 50 2Lift Frame Bushing
74#8 x 1" Screw 51 t Uft Frame
82#10 x 1 1/2" Screw 52 1 Belly Pan
923/8" X2112" Bolt 53 1 Power Cord Grommet
10 1 incline Motor Spacer 54 1 Power Cord
11 2 M6 x 50ram Screw 55 1 Power Switch
12 2 3/8" x 1" Dolt 56 4 1/4" x 3 1/2" Screw
13 3 Hood Clip 57 1 Console
14 19 #8 x3/4" Truss Head Screw 58 1 Console Base
15 1 3/8" x 1 3/4" Dolt 59 1 Left Handrail
16 6 318" Jam Nut 60 2 Lower Handrail Cap
17 2 1/4" x 3/8" Screw 61 1 Console Crossbar
18 4 #8 x t/2" Screw 62 1 Key/Clip
19 4 5116"x t 1/2" 8olt 63 1 Upright Wire
20 4 5/16" Nut 64 1 Right Handrail
21 2 Upper Handrail Cap 65 2 Upper Body Arm Insert
22 2 #8 Star Washer 66 1 Left Upright
23 4 1/4" Star Washer 67 1 Latch Housing
24 2 Drive Roller Washer 68 1 Latch Pin Assembly
25 2 1/4"x I 1/4" Screw 69 2 Warning Decal
26 2 incline Frame Washer 70 4 Base Cap
27 t Left Foot Rail 71 2 Thick Base Pad
28 2 Plagorm Cushion 72 2 Thin Base Pad
29 1 Caution Decal 73 1 Upright Grommet
30 2 Bell G aide 74 t Base
31 1 Drive Roller/Pulley 75 2 Wheel
32 1 Magnet 76 1 Right Upright
33 ! Reed Switch 77 2 Lift Frame Pin
34 t Reed Switch Clamp 78 8#8 x3/4" Tek Screw
35 1 Drive Motor 79 2 1/4" Star Washer
36 1 Controller 80 1 3/8"x 1 t/2" Bolt
37 1 ControIIer Plate 81 2 Wire _e
38 1 Frame 82 1 Latch Spacer
39 1 Walking Platform 83 2 Console Clamp
40 1 Walking Sell 84 1 Left Upper Body Arm
41 1 Right Foot Rail 85 1 Right Upper BodyArm
42 1 Idler Roller 86 2 #10 x3/4" Screw
43 1 Left Rear Foot 87 8 #10 Fiat Washer
44 1 He× Key *- User's Manuel
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. For information about ordering replacement parts, see
the back cover of this manual. *These pads are not illustrated.
EXPLODED DRAWING A Model No, 831.24843.0 R0811A
EXPLODED DRAWING B Model No. 831,24843,0 R0811A
• _15
ModelNo, 831,24843,0 RO811A
44 62
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If this Sears Treadmill Exerciser fails due 1o a defect in material or workmanship within 90 days of 1he
date of purchase, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME • (1-800-469-4663) 1o arrange for free repair (or replacement
_f repair proves impossible), The frame and drive moto_ are warranted fo: five (5) years from 1he date of
This warranty does not apply when the Treadmill Exerciser is used commercially or for rental purposes,
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Part No. 316991 R0811A Printed in China © 2011 ICON IP. Inc.