Promark 9E3UH4 Wireless Microphone User Manual

Nady Systems Inc Wireless Microphone Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID507525
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize324.86kB (4060788 bits)
Date Submitted2005-01-19 00:00:00
Date Available2005-01-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-01-10 14:10:13
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 6.0.1 Paper Capture
Document Lastmod2005-01-10 15:53:43
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorWIA-hp officejet 7100 scanner

(U.S.)Should your Nady Wireless Microphone System require service, please conlact
lhe Nady Service Depanmen! via lelephone at (510) 652-241] or e~rnul| to
sewice© lar a Relum Auillorizulion (R/A) Number and a service quole (ii
out ol warranty). Make sure the RM Number is clearly marked on “W oulsido ol the
package and enclose a caslnors check or money order (ii nat prepaid wilh c crodil
cardl. Ship the unil prepaid to: Nady Syslems, Inc., Service Departmenl, 670l
Shellmound Streel, Emevyviiley CA 94608, Include a brlei descriplion oi me problems
you are uxputienclngi
The warranty card enclosed with this xyxtem contains eddilional valuable
warroniy and service inlormalion. Keep il in a sale place for future possible
reference. Do not attempt to service this unit yoursell us it will void the warranty.
(International) For service] please contact the Nady dislribulor in your country
lhreugh the dealer lrorn whom you purchased lhls producl.
Nady Wireless Systems are type accepted under FCC rules part 74. The
Device complies with RSS-210 oflndusuy & Science Canada. Opeiation
is subject to the following two canfitions: (l) Iliis device may not cause
harmful iliictferexice and (2) tlns device must acccpt any interference
received Including intctfercncc that mnv cause undesired oneralion.
svsrfius' 6701 Shellmound Slreel 0 Emeryville, CA 94608 USA
" Tel: 5l0/652-241l ' Fax: 510/652-5075
Slngle Channel UHF DIngRU Dlverslty W
Wireless System
UHF-4 RECEIVER..........,...
UH-4 HANDHELD MICROPHONE TRANSMITTER.........“......4........<...
Back Cover
Thank you Ior pumllosing c Nady UHF-4 Diversily Wireless Microphone Syslem and
congrolulolions on your choice. The UHF-4 is loaded wilh lop proIsssionul operullng
Iealuros and is lhs besl porIormoncu and mice valuu availablu in UHF diversity
wireless syslems.
This booklel givas lnslluclions lor lhe operation 0! lha UHF-4 wireless, including
handheld, Insllumsnl, lcvolicr, hoodnllc and plug-in lmnsmillsr svtlumsu Please mud
lhe Inslruclions lei your xyslsm complelely belora opemIing unil.
This manual wvll Iirsl Ilsl lhe Ieclures ci’lhe UHF-4 and lhen will lake you slap by slap
lo show you how Io opemm your new syslam. Aller mailing lhe receiver inslruclions,
him It: lhe mlion cl lhe booklellhcl covers Ihe type oI Ironsm‘ii‘ler uaed wilh your new
sysiem, Euch secllon will give you dela‘lled opemling lnslmclions. Also included in llll!
manual are syslem speciliculions and servicing inlormclion.
Fuqu-nsy Rnponsn
Dynumlc Rang.
Tolul Harmonic DisIorllan
sir Currier Frtquency Range
Fuquancy Slubilhy
Opornllng Rang.
R‘C.P"°H Mod.
LED lfldlcolorx
Unwunlld Signal Reletllon
row-r Require-"ems
DImansions anx.)
Anton no
Audio Inputs
LED Indicnlar
RF Power On!
Hurmonlc a SpurIeul Emisslom
Bomry LII-
30 Hz » IE KHz, +/~ 3 dB
120 dB
< 0 696
UHF, choice ol single Irequcnclas in scpololu bonds
wilhin 720-805 MHz
l/» 0.00596, cryxlol controlled
FM (FEE), +I-20KH1 normal
Up In 250 ll. iypicul (depending on sile condilions); up In
500+ Ieel oplimum line-clvsigm
niqimu Diversilf“ (Dual Amarillo)
Exlama' Conltcl, Tor-o Key [30.768 Krlxl
PowM ON/OFF, Volume Conllcl, Squolch (Mum) Miusl
DC in, l/4'«>.3 mm) unbalancnd phone ieiklzbo mV/
no load), XIR balanced oulpul (+/~24 mV/éUO Ohm load)
Powel ON‘ Dlvslxily Na, Audio IED Bins + Punk
will! image and sputlous
DC l5V @ 300 mA, AC/DC qdupler included
1.75' x 7,5' x 8.1' (4.5x 19x 20.6 am)
09 lbs (0441 kg)
3.5“ 19.0 (in), dual Ielescopc
u“ Bedypflzk: 3.5mm Iocklnq mlni~lacl<,
iwllclioblo inpuls: inslmmunl, lmudwmn mic,
or lovaller mic
UH-4 Handheld: liilegiol Nady DM-IOD neodymium
dynamic camidge
Slnglu cola! (rsdl. Unll' ON' (red), law Ballery
Alan (red)
SDmW nominal (maximum allowed by FCC)
< 50dB
UH-4:9V Nkullna Ul-ALW Alkaline
10 Hour:
UB-A Bedypack: 4 25 'x 2,5'x 1.0'
(loam xédcmx256m)
UH'4 Hamill-Id: 9.5'x 2.0'
(24 cmx 5.1ch
ua-A Bodypack: 3,1 oz (98 g) williavi burlary
UH-4 Handheld: 6,5 01 (137 g) wilhoul ballery
i. Snap apen ihe BATTERY DOOR (22) and iiiserl a hash 9v alkallne ballery inlo ihe
BATTERY COMPARTMENT (23) , observing ihe corraci polarity. Flash alkaline
halieries can Iasl up lo 10 hours in use, bul in order la ensure apii‘muni performance,
ii is recommended the! ihe ballery be replaced alior 6-8 hours oi use.
2. The UE~4 is equipped wiih Mo INI‘UT SELECTOR SWITCHES (24) localed undcr lhc
covar crrl ihe circuii board Ior saieciing iha iype oI audio lnpul you will be supplying
lo iha iiansmliler. Salecl lrom iha choice oi ihrea poxliions: INSTRUMENT llor gullar,
bass, aic.)/ HEADWORN MlC/ LAVALIER MIC. (G/H/L).
Thorn am two swiichos, one wilh selcciablc pesilion G, H, Land iho aillcr wilh 0, HL.
To seleci Inpuls: (see chad on page ID)
A. Inslrumoni — bolh swiiches IO"G”
B. Headworn Mic — sel one swilch io”H”and ihe olher Ia "Hi.”
C. Lavulier Mir: — sol one swilch i0”L "and The olliar lo "HL"
3. The UB-4 is provided with a 3.5 mm LOCKING JACK (25) lor connecling The audio
inpui selccied. Connecl cilher iha INSTRUMENT CORD (31) or ihe HEADWORN MIC
(32)or LAVALIER MIC CORD (33) as desired, according lo ihe inpul seleclad.(Noie:
Use only Ilia inpul audio source as pot ihe irlpul scloclcd willi ilia iniernal AUDIO
INPUT SELECTOR SWITCHES (24) or Ihe audio will nol bs apllrlial~a muddy or
dislorisd sound may result.) To secure lha connection, ium ills slip ring on ihe plug
clock wise lo ihread ii an ihe iack. To unplug, reverse ihe process. Slip ihe IransmiIIer
mio a pockei or cur (29) ii an lo your dailies or inslmmeni slrop (iI using ihe UB-4
as an insirurneni Iransrriilier).
4. Turn on ihe UB-4 by sliding Ihe OFF/STANDBY/ON SWITCH (26) lo ihe STANDBY
pasiiien (iransmillei on, audio muied) or ihe ON pesliion (Iransmiiicr and audio baih
on). The BATTERY INDICATOR LED (27) will give a Single quick Ilash, indiculing
usable buiiery slrenglii. In ihe case of a dead or low builery, ihe LED eiiher will noi
go on an all or will sloy an coniinuously, indicaiing Ihai Ihe baiieiy should be
replaced wilh a (rash ana.
5. The UB<4 iransmiilirr is now ready In use. This A or B DIVERSITY LED INDICATORS
(13)an lha UHF-4 receiver should now be Iii, indicaiing a received signal Iram iha
Iransmiiler. Adiusi ihe volume oi Ihe receiver as per ihe Audio Oulpul inslrumenr
Canneciians seclian oi ihe above UHF-4 receiver inslruclians. For opllmum
parlarmanca, an lNPUT LEVEL CONTROL (28) is provided on ihe lap panel ol ilia Ull-
4. Adiusl ihe gain by lurn’ng iha caniral wiih a small slol head screwdriver.
ll is recommended ihal lhis conlrol be luined la maximum gain. However, lar ullrci
high-gain insirumenl sources such a: aciiva bass pickups or even exira hai guiiar
pickups, iurning ihe level down slighily will creole a cleaner sound. (Nola: Turning
dawn Ilrs Inpui gain loo much can compromise llia signal-lo-nai'se rallo and is rial
recommended. Sal i'or ihe maximum possible gain and headroom wiliioui noiiceabia
dislor/ian on ihe high level peaks).
The AF LEVEL LED DISPLAY (I3) on ihe UHF-4 receiver will Iighl up lo 5 LEDs (4
green and i red) Io! all inpul signals. Occasional flickering on and all during use ol
ihe lap red LED indicaiar in lhis display is normal, however iI ihe red LED stays on
conilnuously, him down ihe inslrumeni volume or adiusl ihe INPUT LEVEL CONTROL
(ze)on ihe UB-i liansmiiier, or noiiceabie disioriiori may resuli.
5. Counseling ihe Audio cuipui
The UHF-4 receiver provides bolh a lixed mic level BAIANCED Mic AUDIO OUTPUT
XLR (7)and an ediusieue lino level Aux AUDIO OUTPUT I/4"iack(10) .
(Nola; As whim making any connocil‘an, make sure ihe amplifier ormlxing board
volume is al ihe minimum level Ira/are plugging in Ilia receiver Ia avoid possible
soundsysisrn damage.)
Microphone Cnnnaciion
(using ihe UIM lronsmiiler wilh eilher a headwom or lavaller microphone ar Ihe
UH-4 handheld microphone iransmlller)Formicrophone use, oilher ihe BALANCED
MIC AUDIO ourrur XLR (7) or ihe 1/4“ line Iavei AUX AUDIO OUTPUT (1 Oicon be
used. The XLR aulpui is sal al a nan-adiusiabla microphone laval, similar in hardwired
mic levels, Plug an XlR connecior inlo Ihe XLR ouipui sockei on ihe rear oI lha umi
and plug Ihe olher end Inla your amplifier or mixing board. Malia sura ihe phaniom
power on your mixing board is iurned oil and ihe volume is iurned down when
making conneclions, For your canvanianca, lha XLR oulpul level is prosel al iha
laciorv and is noi adiusiabie wilh ihe receiver volume canirol.
To use ihe i/4' AUX AUDIO OUTPUT sockol, Iollowlhe insiruciions lor ihe lnslmmeni
Canneciion (above), exccpi slari ihe receiver volume ai I/2 MAX and adiusl unlil iho
volume level is oplimal. iI The volume conlral is sel loo high, you may overload your
mixer oromp.
The UHF-4 receiver is equipped willi a 5 sagmoni [ED AF LEVEL DISPLAY (I4).
Occasional flickering oI ihe lop AF Peak LED indicaloron loud lnpuls lo ihe
iransmiiler is normal. Ii ihis lED Iighis coniinuousiy, decrease ihe volume io ihe
iiansmiiier or overload dislonion may resuli.
I. Rackmounting the Receiver
There are 2 options available tar rackmaunting the UHF-4 receiver: singly or sidevby-
side with another UHF-4 Series receiver.
0. Single mounting: Remove the receiver SIDE MOUNT CLIP (I) (tom each side ol
the receive! (as shown) and slide in the optional ERM-3 RACK EARS (2)
b. Side-by-side double mounting: Altar removing the SIDE MOUNT CLIPS (I)trom
both UHF-4 receivers, ioin the two receivers with the EJC-3 JOINING CLIP
(3) and attach the ERM-SS RACK EARS (4) as shown. {Note' Do not mount
the receiver in a rack directly above an amplilier or other source at high heat —
this could degrade the perlormanco at tho UHF-4. Always ensure adequate
airflow and heat dissipation in any rack configuration.)
2. Powering the Receiver
Plug IheI 5V/0.3A AC/DC ADAPTER (5) provided irtlo the DC INPUT JACK”) on the
back at the receiver. Then plug the power supply into an AC outlet. Press the POWER
SWITCH (I I ) once to turn on the receiver. The POWER ON LED (I 1) will new light
and the receiver is operational,
3. Antennas
The UHF-4 receiver is supplied with TELESCOPIC ANTENNAS (I 5). These should be
extended tully to obtain maximum range. Optimal antenna position is 45 degrees
tram the receiver (at 90 degrees tram each other). For maximum range, it is always
best to maintain a line at sight (no obstructions) between the receiver antennas and
the transmitter ol all times whenever possible.
4, Mute (Squelch) Adiustment
ln normal operation, the SQUELCH CONTROL (6) should he set iutly clockwise to the
tactory preset RF level (Max. Sens). However, in areas at high RF activity, the squelch
(or mute, as it is sometimes called) may need to but adiusted to compensate tor the
adverse conditions in a particular location. It, with the transmitter all, the receiver's A
and/or 8 DIVERSITY LED INDICATORS (“t 3) tlictrer or stay on, the squelch control
should be turned counterclockwise Until the A and/or B LEDs extinguish When the
squelch is properly adiusled, the A or B LEDs will only light when the transmitter is
turned on. Turning the squelch control too tar counterclockwise will reduce the range,
but yield a quieter squelch (mute) IUI’ICIIOTI. During operation, especially at ranges
greater than 75 last, one or the other at the A or B LIEDs may alternate brielly. This is
normal- the units DigITRU Diversityw reception ensures that the received audio will
not be interrupted When both LED; extinguish, the transmitter is out at range tor that
given location, and the user should move closer to the receiver to re~eslabtish the
radio link.
6. Instrument Use
Secure the connection tram the GT CABLE (30) by turning the slip ring on the plug
into the transmitter clockwise to thread It on the lack. To unplug, reverse the process.
Plug the V4” phone plug into the instrumant, When ready to play, slide the audio
MUTE SWITCH (26) to STANDBV position Adjust the volume at the receive! as per the
Audio Output Instrument Connection section at the above UHF-4 receiver instruction.
(Note: The INPUT LEVEL CONTROL {28} is deactivated and not used when the UB~4 is
in INSTRUMENT mode. Levels should be adjusted with the volume control olyaur
(Note: Scratchy naisos can somatimos occur when some aleclrl'c guitars with dirty pots
or connections are used with any wirelass system. Therefore, tho supplied
tNSTRUMENT CORD (30) has a laclory installed capacitor inside the VA“ plug This
capacitor provides first order filtering at the RF signal tram Ihe cord into the guitar
and eliminates virtually all scratchy noisas. Should your equipment slill give you
scratchy noises, we suggest these steps to eliminate them-
i) Make sure all guitar volume and Ions pots are clean and all contacts are solid—this
is vary important,
2) A 47pl capacitor soldered across the hot to ground terminals al the guitar's
volume and tone pals will provide extra littering.)
7. Microphone Use (with either a tavalier or headwom microphone]
Secure the connection tom the LAVALIER (sitar HEADWORN MIC CORD (31) by
turning the slip ring on the plug into the transmitter clockwise to thread it on to the
tack. To unplug, reverse the process. To use lhs lavalier ntic, attach it at chest levol.
Do not place it too close to the mouth—a distance ol about six inches usually works
best. To use the headworn mic, place it on the head and adiust the boom so that the
mic is about one inch lo the side at the lront ol the mouth. As the microphone cord
also serves as the antenna, be sure to extend it fully. Rolling up or shortening the card
may reduca the elleclive operating range-keep it as straight as passihle. When ready
to speak, slide the OFF/STANDBY/ON SWITCH (26) to the ON position. Adlust the
volume 01 the receiver as per the Audio Output Microphone Connection saclian ol the
above UHF-4 receiver instruction. (Nora: Observe care in selecting RA. volume,
transmitter location and speaker placement so that acoustic leedbock (howling and
screeching) will be avolded. Please also note the pickup pattern characteristics ol the
microphone selected. Omnidirectional mics pick Up sound equally lrom all directions,
anal are prone to lesdback i/ not used carelully. Unidirectional mics are more
resistant to lace/back, but pick up sound sources best that are directly in front at the
mic. Also, mics that are larther tram the sound source, such as lavaliors, require more
acoustic gain and thus are also more prone to feedback than close-source mics such
as handheld or Iteadworii models tltal are used close to the mouth].
For optimum periorntanco, on lNPUT LEVEL CONTROL (28) is provided. Adiust the
gain by turning the control with a small screw driver. For lavalier mic use, it is
recommended that the level be set at about 1/2 maximum. For headwom mic use, it
may be advisable to turn the gain dawn somewhat, depending on the volume levels
expected. in eitlicr application, experiment and sat tor maximum possible gain
without audible distortion on the high level peaks. (Nate: Turning dawn the gain too
much can compromise the signal-tannin and is not recommended.)
The UHF-4 receiver is equipped with a 5 segment IED AF LEVEL DISPLAY (14).
Occasional flickering at the top AF Peak LED indicator on laud inputs to the
transmitter is normal. It this tED lights continuously, but it the LED stays lit
continuously, turn down the INPUT LEVEL CONTROL (28) on the UB-4 transmitter, or
noticeable distortion may result.
' Unprecedunied value in a Iull»lsulumd single-channel UHF wireless mic syslem
—w'lil1 inierlerence-lree nenrelion In any opplicollon er locale on seleci UHF
Irequenciss lrom 720 ie 305 Mhz
' HalI-rack receiver design wilh relrocleble lronl pancll dual onlennas and
unique snap-cu! ponol locking labs Iol single receiver or dual receiver (side-
by-sicle) opflonol rack mounling
- Nudy's preprzelury compandlng cimuilry for an induslry besl 120dtl
Dynamic Rongn, and ihe clcoresl, mosl nolurol sound ovoilablo
' Tone Squalchl" Icr locking oui pOIOnllfll inierlorcrico
- UHF-4 receiver willi DigITRU Dzirersllym lor maximum range and
drepeui preieclien, Iull LED indicelors, bolh V4“ unbalanced and XLR
balanced oulpuls, and special circuilry lor noiseless Irunsmiller
ON/OFF swilcliing
- Mule [squelch] odiusl conlrol
- Exlsmolly powered by AC/DC power odoplar
Headwom Hc-j
, c c. "A,
~ Feolures lhe Nady DM -I on unidireclionul neodymium dynamic curlridge Ior
oplimum lrue sound, maximum leedback reieclion and minimal handling noise
' OFF / STANDBY / ON swilch allows convonienl audio muling wilh llie
lmnsmilier ”ON”
. Sialus LED indicalor Ilashes once for unil "ow,- lighls sleady Ior
low bullsry clerl
' Easily accessible inpul lnvel adiusl conlrol lor oplimum sound
- 9v ulkulinu or NiMH ballery operallon A rubber mic clip included
' Choice oI lnslmmenl or heodwom/Iovuli’er micrcplmnu bodypuck Iruflsmlller
in a single unil
' OFF / STANDBY / ON swllch allows convenieni audio muling Willi lhe
lransmiilol “ON"
- Slolus LED indicolor Ilaslies once lor unil "ON'; IlgllIS slnody lor
low bolioly eleri
- Locking 35mm mini-lack provides secure connecllon Ior removable
microphone or inslrumonl cable
- Easily accessible lnpul level udlusl conlrol ler oplimum sound
' 9V olkolino or NIMH bullory oporollon
Opufllng Gallery Componmanl
IO 3
I. Unscrew Ihe BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER (16) and remove, exposing Iho
BATTERY HOLDER (I7). Inseri a fresh 9V ALKALINE BATTERY (lfl), obssrving Ihe
mum poloriiy as marked, and screw iho cover back on Io Ilie microphono, Make
sure Ihe cover is screwed an compieialy. Fiesii alkciine boilerias can Iosi up io 10
hours in use, bui in order in unsuro opiimum pnriormance, ii is recommended ihni
you replace iha boliery char every 6-8 hours oi use.
2. Turn on Ihe um bysiidlng ihe OFF/STANDBY/ON swncu (19) I0 Ihs
STANDBY posiiion Iirsi (lronsmiiior on. audio muied) or me on posilion (Imnsmiiier
and audio boih on), The smear INDICATOR LED (20) win give 0 single quick iiosh,
indicoling usubln buiiory sirongiii. In iho case oi a dead or low boliery, Ihe LED will
eiiher noI go on of oil or wiiI sioy on toniinuouxiy, indicoiing ilioi the boivery should
be replaced wiih o ircsh onu. To pmssrvn bclicry Iiie, iurn iho Iransmilier oiI when
nui in use.
3. The microphone is now ready io use. The A or BDIVERSITY lED INDICATORS (13)
on iiie UHF~4 receiver should now be Iii, indicaiing a received signal irom iiie
ironsmiiier. When ready lo speak, siids (he OFF/STANDBY/ON SWITCH (I 9) io ihe
ON posiiion. Adiusi iiie volume oi Ihe receiver as per Ihe Audio OquuI Microphone
Conneciion seciion of ihe above UHF»4 receiver insiruciions,
[NoIei Observe core in scieciing EA. volvme, ironsmiflor Iocoiion and speaker
piucemeni so Ihal acousiic feedback (howling or screeching) win be avoided.)
4. For oplimum poriormancc, on inur LEVEL common (21) is provided, Adiusi iha
gain by IUrning iha conirol wiih 0 mail screw driver. Sci [or maximum possible gain
wiihoui uudiblu disioriion on Iiie high ievci peaks. (Noie: Turning down 016 gain loo
much can compromise ihs signal-Io~noise and is noi recommended.)

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Metadata Date                   : 2005:01:10 15:53:43-08:00
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