QOMO HiteVision QRF300-RET QClick User Manual XQGQRF300 RES ID Report

QOMO HiteVision, LLC. QClick XQGQRF300 RES ID Report

XQGQRF300 user manual Rev2

              Page 17 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    User’s  Manual  Part 1. QRF300 ARS overview  The QRF300 Audience Response System (QRF300 ARS) is an easy-to-use RF response system that obtains immediate feedback from each participant (up to 400 persons) synchronously. QClick is both easy to learn and use as it has the ability to work completely out of Power Point, and in conjunction with any other application. You could even utilize Free Style mode to start a quiz without any prior preparation or documentation. The Free Style instant captured quiz questions and answers can be easily saved to the system after a quiz is finished.   The system is composed of hardware (instructor keypad, student keypad, RF receiver, cable, etc) and software. The QRF300 ARS encourages participation and elicits individual response through the following activities for no Free Style: Normal Quiz, Paper Quiz, Rush Quiz, Elimination, Multiple Mode, Hand-raise, Vote, Roll Call, Survey and Quick Grouping. The oral quiz and any other no prior preparation quiz can be taken under the Free Style mode. The QRF300 ARS displays instant results in the form of a histogram and score board.   Part 2. Hardware & System Installation Illustration 1. Student keypad   1.1. Specifications Dimensions (l w h): 104mm x 49mm x15 mm Buttons on Remote: (3) Rush Quiz, (4) A-F Power required: 2 AAA Batteries Transmission distance: ~200 feet Battery life: >1 year Function: Transmit response signals Each student keypad is labeled with an ID number. The ID number can be set and reset by the manager. This feature is very important, if one student keypad is lost or damaged, don’t worry, you can replace a spare remote by just resetting its ID number.   The working frequency of QRF 300 system  1. Adopting 2424.0-2443.6 MHz ISM/SRD band systems.   2. QRF300 system has 50 carrier wave frequency points(channel) in all and the specific values are as follows:
              Page 18 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   CH           0  2424.0 2428.0 2432.0 2436.0 2440.0 1  2424.4 2428.4 2432.4 2436.4 2440.4 2  2424.8 2428.8 2432.8 2436.8 2440.8 3  2425.2 2429.2 2433.2 2437.2 2441.2 4  2425.6 2429.6 2433.6 2437.6 2441.6 5  2426.0 2423.0 2434.0 2438.0 2442.0 6  2426.4 2430.4 2434.4 2438.4 2442.4 7  2426.8 2430.8 2434.8 2438.8 2442.8 8  2427.2 2431.2 2435.2 2439.2 2443.2 9  2427.6 2431.6 2435.6 2439.6 2443.6   1. 2. Illustration   1- Transmission window  2- Indicator light 3-  Button for “Rush Quiz” and “Hand-raise” activity mode. 4-  Choice buttons, labeled “A” to “F”.  2. Instructor Keypad   2.1. Specifications Dimension (l w h): 104mm x 49mm x 15mm Buttons: 11 Power required: 2 AAA Batteries Transmission distance: ~200 feet Battery life: >1 year   Function: Used by the instructor/presenter    2.2. Illustration  1 - Transmission window, it is used to transmit RF signal.    2 - Indicator light 3 - Laser pointer 4 - “Power”, it used to start/stop the presentation of the PPT files and start/stop an activity.   5 - “F1” function button 6 - “F2” function button 7 - “Report”, it is used to display the Score Board.
              Page 19 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   8 - “Result”, it is used to display histogram of results. 9 - “OK” 10 - “Up” and 11-“Down”, are used to control the presentation of PPT slides: page-up and page-down.  12 - “Start” and “pause”, it is used to start gathering the response information of the audience remotes; when pressed again, it will be used to pause the timer while the receiver continues to gather information. 13 - “Stop”, it is used to stop gathering the response information from the participants’ remotes.    3. Main Receiver and USB Cable   Used to receive signals from the remotes and send information. The main receiver is connected to computer through USB cable.  3.1 Main Receiver Specifications Dimensions (l w h): 76 mm x 23 mm x 10 mm Weight: 26g Operating Temperature: 0-40 degree Operating Relative Humidity: 0-90% Receiving distance: ~200 feet radial Function: Used to receive signals from the remotes, and send information to the computer.  Illustration 1- Antenna Terminal.     2-  Power light (Signal light): when the main receiver is plugged into the USB port of a computer, the power light will light up red. The flashing red light indicates the main receiver is receiving and processing the data.     3-    Antenna: helps pick up weak signal to extend the working distance.
              Page 20 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.      4-  Extension USB cord: extend the connection between the main receiver and the computer.   4. Keypad pack Convenient carrying case that holds student keypad, instructor keypad, receiver, software disk, and cables.                 Part 3.  Software Software overview The QClick Software has 5 main functions: Quiz Genius, Exam Editor, Template Design, Reports and Settings. The Quiz Genius is used to conduct quizzes, games, survey and vote. The Exam Editor is used for creating and editing the power point exam slices, setting the question answers and also used for creating and editing answer sheets for the examinations without using power point files. The Template Design is used for designing and editing the user test templates. The Reports is used to report the results, to grade tests and to generate grade book. The Setting function is used to test the remote keypad hardware, to manage database, to set the ARS system administration and to show the system info, and to set the audience remote ID number.
              Page 21 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   System Requirements: One PC   Intel Pentium 4 or higher processor   One USB port A minimum of 512 MB RAM   At least 200 MB of hard drive space for software   Microsoft Windows XP/Vista   Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (The security level of PowerPoint should be set to “medium”) Screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher   Projection system, i.e. projector, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), or TV (recommended, but not required)    Installation 1.    Place the software disk in your computer drive. 2.    Double click on the “QClick.exe” file in the root directory. 3.  Install by following the prompted displayed.  If the program has been previously installed, we suggest you remove the old program prior to installing the new program.  The default installation path is: C:\QOMO, and it will produce one shortcut icon on the desktop: QClick.  How to Use the Software 1. Quiz Genius There are two important definitions that one should understand for using power point file for an examination: One PPT file = one quiz paper One slide = one question Run the QRF300 (double-click the Qclick shortcut ICON on the desktop), the program will prompt you to enter the log in ID and the password. The default log in ID is “qomo” and default password is “qomo”. In order to enter an exam, you need to set up a class. If the information has not been previously set, or you intend to use it casually, you may choose “Temporary Class”, “Temporary Teacher, “Temporary Subject ”. The ID number and the name of the audience are listed on the right-hand student roster table. Once the application is open, the additional toolbar on the screen will have the following controls: Quiz Genius, Exam Editor, Template design, Reports, and Settings. The default active tab is Quiz Genius.
              Page 22 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   1. Quiz Genius   There are two important definitions that one should understand: One PPT file = one quiz paper One slide = one question  Run the QRF300 (double-click the QClick shortcut menu on the desktop), PowerPoint will start up automatically. In order to enter exam, you need to set up a class. If the information has not been previously set, or you intend to use it casually, you may choose “Temporary Class”, “Temporary Teacher”, “Temporary Subject”, and input the number of the Class (not to include the instructor). The ID number and the name of the audience are listed on the right-hand side.  Once the application is open, the additional toolbar on the screen will have the following controls: Quiz Genius, Exam Editor, Template design, Statistics and Setting. The default active form is Quiz Genius.    1.1 The normal process of using a Quiz Genius:   a) set up a class  b) select a participate mode    c) decide if Free Style or not d) select an activity mode e) load an exam file and or an answer sheet  f) set up the exam title  g) press start button    Depending on the selections, not all the above processes are needed. The following table shows the details:       Free Style Activity Mode Type of file loaded Title Need to load an answer sheet? Need an answer after each test of question? Need an answer sheet after a test finish? No Normal Rush, Elimination,Multiple, HandRaise, Survey System PPT file Default set or can be edited No No  No
              Page 23 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   No Normal, Rush, Elimination, Multiple, Survey Any format of exam files Not needed. The title is embedded in the answer sheet Yes No  No No Paper Quiz, Homework  Hardcopy Not needed if  .sep type of answer sheet loaded Yes* No  No No Vote mode System PPT file Default set or can be edited No No  No No Roll Call, Quick Grouping Not needed Not needed No  No  No Yes Normal, Rush, Elimination Not needed Not needed No  Maybe**  Maybe**  *A system PPT file could be used as an answer sheet. **If answers are not provided during a test, an answer sheet should be loaded after the test.  Not every step is needed for each activity. Let’s introduce them one by one:   1.1.1.   Class: A class must be chosen prior of any examination. The setting up or choosing a class is via clicking the "Class" button.    To setup a new class, a student roster, a teacher information and subject name must be formed. The student information can be entered under the student manager, or imported from a spreadsheet, or imported from the system database.   The teacher information can be entered or imported from a spreadsheet.
              Page 24 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    1.1.2.    Load: The load function is used for the system loading a quiz file or loading an answer sheet. The prepared system power point quiz file contains the quiz answer information. It is no necessary to load an answer sheet after loading a power point quiz file. However, when a no power point quiz file is used, an answer sheet file is required for the activity mode normal, rush, and elimination. When a quiz is performed under hardcopy paper and in homework mode, only the answer sheet needs to be loaded prior of the activity.  1.1.3. Participation Mode: (default is set to individual) Choose either individual or group participation mode. In the individual mode, the test score is taken and reported individually. In the group mode, the test scores and reports are handled in group. The grouping information is set in the class setting. Only the activity mode normal, rush and elimination apply to the group participation mode. 1.1.4. Activity Modes: (default mode can be preset) Choose a corresponding activity mode. Each activity mode will be described in further detail later in this section (Please See Activity Modes).  1.1.5.    Title: A quiz ID and the quiz title information are set in the Title window. When the quiz file loaded is in the format of power point, the quiz ID and quiz title may need to be set. If not set, the system assigns the default ID and title. However, when the quiz file loaded is in the format of no power point (i.e. PDF, MS WORD), the ID and title information is embedded in the answer sheet. The title button will be disabled under this loading.  1.1.6.  Run / Start a quiz: Once the above settings have been established, run the activity by clicking on the "Play" button through use of either your mouse or presenter (instructor) remote keypad control. To begin gathering responses from the participants, click the
              Page 25 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   start/pause button using the instructor remote keypad or by using your mouse control. The keypad number corresponding to each individual clicker appears on the top of your screen.  1-File display: displays the PPT slides or any format graph or text files. 2-Status Bar: displays current page number/total pages for PPT, responses received/total participants. 3-Command Menu: Used to control the presentation slides and overall pace of the quiz; includes the following functions: "Previous Page", "Next Page", "Start/Pause", "Stop", "Result", "Report", "F1", "F2" and "Exit".   4-Activity Mode Indicator: Displays current activity mode.   5-Timer: Countdown timer displays remaining time in seconds. The timer's background color is green when actively gathering response information. Once the timer is at 0 second, the receiver will no longer receive audience/participant responses. The timer window will then illuminate in red. The instructor can always stop the timer ahead of time to stop gathering information or press the start/pause key to stop the countdown temporarily. When paused, the timer window is in Cambridge blue color. 6-Answering Status Bar: Displays audience keypad ID numbers. Each number has a background color, black is the default color, blue indicates response signal received, (the audience can change their choice, the background color will change between navy-blue and Cambridge blue, the system will record the last response received). The status bar can be hidden or re-sized by pressing the instructor keypad F1 and F2 function button. 1.1.7.  Result and Report
              Page 26 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   By pressing the "result" button (using mouse or instructor remote control), the instructor can view the responses to the individual quiz question. Results are displayed in a histogram. Green indicates the correct answer response, red indicates incorrect answer response.     When the "F1" button (using mouse or instructor remote control) is pressed, the detailed responses to the individual quiz questions will be shown as the following:
              Page 27 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.     In this window, when the "F1" button (using mouse or instructor remote control) is pressed, the color of answer response will be changed to show the correct and incorrect answers. The correct answer is in blue and the incorrect answer is in red. The display window can be dismissed by pressing any key (except F1) using instructor remote or by clicking “OK” using mouse. Press the "report" button (using mouse or instructor remote control). The audience score board will be displayed as the following.
              Page 28 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    Simply double click on a student name. The student’s detailed answers will be displayed. 1.1.8. Exit  Press the "esc" remote control button on the instructor keypad or click the "exit" command by using the mouse. The system will then ask whether you intend to exit or not and prompt you to save the records.  1.2   Activity Modes   The system has 10 activity modes: Normal Quiz, Paper Quiz, Rush Quiz, Elimination, Multiple, Hand-Raise, Vote, Roll Call, Survey and Quick Grouping for no Free Style and has 3 activity modes: Normal Quiz, Rush Quiz and Elimination for Free Style. Each mode is described in detail in the following: 1.2.1. Normal Quiz: The Quiz file should be well prepared with a correct answer for each individual question prior of using this mode. The pace of a question answer is controlled by the instructor. The question could be in the format of standardized multiple-choice with one correct answer and the quiz file could be either PPT or no PPT format. 1.2.2. Paper Quiz: There is no quiz file needed in this mode. The quiz is on hardcopy papers. But the answer sheet corresponding to the quiz should be loaded prior of the activity. When the activity is running, the quiz time setting window will pop up. The instructor needs to set up the quiz time for the whole quiz. After the paper quiz starts, the display screen will show each audience keypad ID number and the current indicated number of the question he or she is working on. The indicated number of a question can be moved up or down by pressing the “Raise Hand” or “F” key on the audience keypad. The quiz pace is controlled by the individual
              Page 29 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   participant. 1.2.3. Rush Quiz: This mode is similar to the normal mode. Except that the first audience member who presses the Hand-Raise button gets the power to choose the right answer in a given time. If the answer is right, add score, wrong, subtract score, etc, based on the exam setting. 1.2.5. Elimination: This mode is similar to the normal mode. Except that the audience members who select the right answer can enter the next round of answering questions, but the loser is restricted by the system automatically. 1.2.6. Multiple: Choose this mode, when questions in a quiz are set up as multiple modes. The mode of individual question used in the quiz is based on the question mode set in the exam editor. See the detail in the Exam Editor Session. 1.2.7. Hand-Raise: It is used for the quiz without standardized choice. The instructor displays the paper and press start, the audience who click the "Hand Raise" button first, gets the power to response (answering or asking questions, or do anything else). The instructor selects a score from a list table based on the audience response. The score could be added or deducted. 1.2.8. Survey: The exam editor can be used to create a survey file with the candidate name and the surveying items. Each item can be assigned a different numeric weight which is used in the surveying reports for the purpose of evaluation of the candidate performance. The survey file could be in the PPT or no PPT format. If no PPT format used, the answer sheets with the item weight information should be also loaded prior of the survey activity starting. There is no correct answer for the student response. Each received response is used to evaluate the candidate performance. 1.2.9. Vote: The mode is similar to the survey mode. There are no right answers for the responses. The vote file is only allowed to take the format of PPT. No any answer sheet needed to be loaded prior to the starting a vote. In the activity, the audiences help to choose one successor from many candidates. 1.2.10. Roll Call: This mode is used for helping the instructor to roll call the attendances. There is no need to load in any files to the system prior to starting this activity. The roll call result can be saved to database or instantly shown after the activity. 1.2.11. Quick Grouping: The participation mode is restricted to individual. The audiences who press "A" are arranged into group 1, " B", group 2… "F", group 6, "Rush Quiz", group 7, The audiences who have not pressed any key will be added to group 1. The grouping is over when the instructor presses "stop", and the software will display the member amount and proportion of every group. The answering status bar will show the group number of every audience by displaying different color. 1.2.12.  Free Style Normal/Rush/Elimination: The main difference from no-Free Style to Free Style mode is that in the Free Style mode, an instructor does not need to prepare for a quiz
              Page 30 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   file or hardcopy quiz paper and correct answers for each questions prior to the starting of a quiz. The quiz material could be taken from internet, from any source of text or pictures shown in a file or the showing of white board, or from an instructor oral speech, etc. During a test, the showing question pictures could be cut to form a quiz file and to be edited in the picture manager. The correct answers could be entered from the instructor keypad after each question response finish or the correct answers could be loaded later after the whole quiz finish. The function of Free Style rush and elimination are similar to the function in no-Free Style mode. 1.2.13.  The compares among the above activity modes are shown in the following table: The differences between the 10 activity modes are as follows: Activity modes Standardized multiple-choice Right answerParticipate mode restrict* Result histogram ReportNormal Quiz  √ √   √ √ Rush Quiz  √ √   √ √ Elimination  √ √   √ √ Multiple  √ √   √ √ Hand-raise         √ Oral Quiz  √ √   √ √ Survey  √ √ √  √ Vote     √  √ Roll call      √  √ Grouping     √  √  “√”means yes, this activity mode can support this function. Blank means no, this activity mode cannot support this function. “*”“√” means the group participation mode is restricted.    2. Exam Editor   The ARS software is the Plug-in MS PowerPoint software. All the tools from the PowerPoint for editing the exam file e.g. “open a file”, “insert a picture” or “insert a film, voice, or project slides” can
              Page 31 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   be used in the exam question editing. The exam editor is specially designed for using as to set up a quiz file and an answer sheet. The system template or user defined templates can be used for quicker exam editing.     2.1.   Open: Load a PPT file (a quiz file) prepared. The default load path is:” (Installation Path)\ QClick\User\QRF600\Paper base.”     2.2.   New: The system will produce a blank slide. 2.3. Templates: The drop down template list provides the template models for the exam editing. The system provided template file is default selected when the software is first time running. The user defined template file can be opened by clicking the button "more>>". The system always keeps the same template as the one the last time opened.   2.4.   Add: Add a question (slide) according the template model selected. 2.5.   Del: Delete one current active question slice. 2.6.  Save: Save the current paper. The default path is:” (Installation Path)\QClick\User\ QRF600\Paper base.” 2.7.  Close: Close the current editing PPT exam file. 2.8.  Setup: Clicking the set up button will bring up the PPT question settings window. The detail description of each item function is as following:    • Question#: Selection of a question to be working on • Template: Selection of a template used to design the current question
              Page 32 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   • Question Mode: Selection of the type of answers for the current question • Activity Mode: Selection of the mode for the current question in a multiple activity, and as the function switch for survey and vote editing • Question Title: The editing window for the current question title   • Point & Time Limit: Specify the mark and the time limited of the current question. • Answer options setting: The settings used for the standardized multiple choice answer setting. If the current question is created by the template, the question title and answer options are denominated automatically according to the template setting. In addition to template setting, the answer option can be added or deleted by clicking the button “Add One Option” or “Delete Option”. • Option Operation: The drop down list to select an option to be operated on. • Correct answer selection: The correct answer used for grading and report.   • Difficulty Level: Input the degree of difficulty of the current question.   • Rush Quiz Set: Input the marks/points to deduct if the answer response is incorrect in a given time allotted to respond. • All questions in same settings: To apply the settings to all questions in the quiz, if the box is checked.   • Save Setting: Save all the contents in the question setting window. • Prev Question/Next Question: Select previous or next question to work on. 2.9.  Setup: Clicking the set up button will bring up the answer sheet settings window. The detail description of each item function is as following:
              Page 33 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    • Question#: Selection of a question to be working on • Add A Question: Add one more question right after the current question • Delete A Question: Delete the current display question   • Question Mode: Selection of the type of answers for the current question • Activity Mode: Selection of the mode for the current question in a multiple activity, and as the function switch for survey and vote editing • Quiz ID and Title: The editing window used as input of the quiz ID and title for the report tracking later in the system • Point & Time Limit: Specify the mark and the time limited of the current question. • Correct answer selection: The correct answer is used for the grading and the reporting. In the setting of the answers for the multiple choice question, the number of option should match to the option number in the corresponding multiple choice question in the file or in the hardcopy paper. The option number is controlled by clicking the button “Delete Option” of “Add One Option”. • Difficulty Level: Input the degree of difficulty of the current question.   • Rush Quiz Set: Input the marks/points to deduct if the answer response is incorrect in a given time allotted to respond. • All questions in same settings: To apply the settings to all questions in a quiz, if the box is checked.   • Option Operation: Selection of an option to be operated on in an answer.
              Page 34 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   • Save Setting: Save all the contents in the question setting window. • Prev Question/Next Question: Select previous or next question to work on. 3. Template Design   A good template model would bring a convenience to a question editing. In the template design, an instructor can design various types of models used in the exam editor. 3.1.   Open: Load a PPT template model file (*.POT) to work on. The default loading path is: "(Installation Path)\ QClick\User\QRF600\module". 3.2.   New: Create a new template model file.   3.3.   Save: Save the current template model file (*.POT). The default saving path is "(Installation Path)\QClick\User\QRF600\module".   3.4.   Add: Add a new question model selected from the system template, right after the last question in the template.   3.5.   Del: delete the current display question model (a slide) in the template.   3.6. Template Name: Editing window for re-naming the template model.   3.7. Option Name: Denominate which one is the Question Title, Which one is Option A or Option B and so on. If the question model is created by the system template, the choices will be automatically denominated. Otherwise, the question title and each option should be denominated manually. 3.8.  Close: Close the current working template file  4. Reports   4.1.    Assign Weight: Select a class and then assign the weights (%) to each test. The total weight percentage is 100%. The weight should be assigned before calculating the whole semester final score for a class.
              Page 35 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    1. Select a class to operate with from the Class Name drop down list. 2. The list of all exams in the class shows in the above table with three items “Test Title”, “Activity Date” and “Weight”. The test title and activity were recorded when each test was taken. The weight for each test is assigned to give a percentage attribution of one test to the total final score of a semester. The sum of assigned weight should be no greater than 100%. 3. Export excel: The weighted results can exported to an excel file. 4.2.   Merge: The merge function is to merge multiple tests from multiple classes into one test result.
              Page 36 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    1. By selecting a subject and the test dates, you can specify the tests you may want to merge. 2. The test number and the test title are listed. When a test is selected, all classes taking the test will be listed. 3. In the class list, multiple classes can be selected by checking the box by the class. 4. When clicking on the button “Merge”, the merging will take place and the merged result will be listed in the merge results window. With clicking the button “Export”, the merged results will be exported to an excel file. 5. When merging classes, the results will be listed in the merge results window. In the Merge Results Window, the column class will list merged classes name separated with comma. The column Test Title will list the tests merged separated with comma. The column Mark will list the total marks of merged classes. The column Student No. will list the total number of student in the merged classes. The column Average will list the average mark of the merged classes. The merged classes can be renamed or deleted with the clicking on a merged class. 4.3.1.   Grading: In the Free Style quiz taking, if the correct answer is not provided during a quiz,   the mating answer sheet to the quiz should be entered. The grading window is just used for
              Page 37 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   the entering of a mating answer sheet to the system database. Clicking on the button grading will bring up the grading window. Select the class name, the subject name and the activity mode to find a test that needs to enter the answer sheet and then click on the button Import.   4.5.   Reports: Test results can be reported using different formats.
              Page 38 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    Using the reports window, you can query all activity records by class, subject, and activity mode.   The results queried can be exported to an excel file. To save the test result, you can use the default activity name or provide a new activity name, then click OK to save the test result, or    click Cancel to discard the test result. Follow the steps indicated in the window. It is easy to generate a report with the desired format provided. The activity names and dates are updated when the settings are changed. 1. Using dropdown lists to setup your query settings, the default settings are all classes, all subjects, and all teachers. 2. When an activity is selected, all available formats of report will be listed. 3. Select a report format and then double click on an activity to preview its report in excel application. It the report needs to be saved, or printed, just do the operation on the excel application. If you just want to create the report without previewing, simply click on button “Generate” to generate a report to an excel file. After a report is successfully generated, it will also be displayed. 5. Settings  5.1.  Audio: The audio setup window is used for the selection of your favors sound when the activity entering a quiz, start taking response and stop taking response. If the box is unchecked, the sound will be muted for that activity. 5.2.   Remote ID: Used to set up student remote control’s device ID.
              Page 39 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   Some settings require log in to perform. (1). If you already logged in, you can click to enter Remote ID set up window otherwise you will be prompted to log in before entering Remote ID set up window. Remote ID set up window is shown as below:    To set up student remote ID, select the tab named student and then follow the instructions step by step.  You can type in new ID or use spin buttons to set up a new ID. After entering the new ID, click button “Set” to set the new ID. The green dot indicates a new ID has been set successfully. The red dot indicates a new ID cannot be set. You can also click button “Test” to enter the window where you can test and set a new ID of a student remote control:
              Page 40 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.    Follow the instructions step by step to set up a new ID and test student remote control key stroke. (2). To reset instructor’s remote control, select the tab named teacher and then follow the instructions step by step. If channel number has been reset, you need to reset instructor’s channel.  (3). To change the host machine’s communication channel, select the tab named channel. The
              Page 41 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   host machine’s channel number and band number can be set. Channel No.: The channel number has been preset by the factory. Under very rare circumstance the channel and band need to be changed to avoid the interference with other nearby host. Once the channel number has been changed, the instructor’s remote and all the student remote keypads channel need to be reset in order to make sure the system will work properly. Band: Normally this is used for test purpose. The band is managed automatically by the software. It can be set to default band 0.  5.3.  Hardware test: To test hardware such as host device, instructor’s and student’s remote control.  5.4.  Database Management: It allows you to perform some basic database managements which include database backup and recovery. You can also perform some basic data clean up like deleting test records, deleting student, teacher, class and subject information. Please practice with caution by backing up important information before data clean up because once the records are purged, there is no way to rollback.  5.4.1.  DDBackup: Backup the current database to a file which can be used to recover. Please remember the log in information for later use when you need to recover from this backup file.
              Page 42 of 43  QOMO HiteVision, LLC.  QClick        FCC ID: XQGQRF300-RES      QOMO HiteVision,LLC.   5.4.2.  DBRecover: A previously backed up file can be used to recover the current database. Caution: all records in the current database will be lost after the recovering operation. Also please change the log in information immediately. 5.4.3.  ClearDBCurRecord: To purge all test records in the database. You will be prompted to backup the test records if you need to. 5.4.4.  RemoveDBRecord: This operation will clear all user generated, created records. You will be prompted to backup the database if you need to. 5.5.  Login Setup: You can change the log in information. It is recommended to do so after first time running QRF300. The default login name and password are: login: qomo, password: qomo. 5.6.  System Info: Will display the current Operating System information, MS Office version and host machine firmware version.    Warning:     This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject To the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful Interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received Including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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