QUANTEL 2116-914M IQ Hand Control Unit (RAT) User Manual

QUANTEL LTD IQ Hand Control Unit (RAT) Users Manual

Users Manual

iQ SystemInstallation ManualModel Number: 2116-01-nnnNoticeQuantel Limited accepts noresponsibility for the accuracy of theinformation contained herein andreserves the right to change thecontents without prior notice. Thisdocument does not form part of theproduct’s Technical or FunctionalSpecification and does not form part ofany contractual agreement.This manual is a change controlleddocument. Please quote the revisionstatus of this manual when re-ordering.The revision status is determined by thecontent, any change in any part beingreflected in the manual revision status.This Manual is Revision A.Copyright © Quantel Ltd 2000-20012116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual i
NoticesImportant Product InformationWARNING: Read the Important ProductInformation book before use.Conventions Used☛WARNINGS: Indicate danger to life and limb if the indicated statementsare ignored, or the indicated procedures are not performed correctly.☞Cautions: Indicate possible damage to (or misalignment of) theequipment if the indicated statements are ignored, or the indicatedprocedures are not performed correctly.Maintenance☛WARNING (WM 2) Service Personnel - Maintenance and Calibrationwithin the equipment enclosure is only to be carried out by SERVICEPERSONNEL. (12/97)Equipment Isolation☛WARNING (WI 5) Equipment Isolation - The plug on the power supplycord, for Pluggable Equipment, is considered to be the isolation deviceand therefore the socket-outlet must be installed near the equipmentand shall always be accessible for this purpose. For permanentlyconnected equipment, where the unit’s mains supply inlet ispermanently connected, a readily accessible disconnect device mustbe incorporated in the fixed wiring. (12/97)Trade MarksMost of the product names mentioned in this manual are manufacturer trademarks and are used within this manual only for the purpose of identification.iQ is a registered trademark is of Quantel Limited.ii Content 04/01 2116-58-030 A
About This ManualThis manual was written and produced by the Quantel TechnicalPublications Department.This is a change controlled document. Each page of this document is givenan issue letter (shown at the bottom of each page with the drawing numberand revision date) which represents the status of the page. Revision A onany page indicates that the page is the original.Any changes to any pages will raise the revision status of the document.When re-ordering, always quote the document type, the documents numberand revision status along with the unit’s serial number:A 04/01 E31212 All pagesChapter 1 : OverviewThis chapter provides an introduction to the system.Chapter 2 : PreparationThis chapter details pre-installation advice; including environmental andelectrical supply requirements.Chapter 3 : UnpackingThis chapter details the unpacking and handling of the various system units.Chapter 4 : RackingThis chapter details the rack mounting of the various system units.Chapter 5 : ConnectionThis chapter details the systems inter-connections and cable configurations.Chapter 6 : Start-UpThis chapter details the system power-up and power-down procedures, andalso details the various reset methods for each system unit.Chapter7 : MaintenanceThis chapter provides details of the maintenance required for each of thesystem’s units.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual iii
Installation Check List•Check all packaging for any sign of shipping damage before it isunpacked.•Ensure that installation sites meets the requirements detailed inchapter 2 - “Preparation”.•Unpack boxes in a clear area close to the installation site and followall lifting guidelines.•Keep all paper work and documentation in a safe place as it will berequired later.•Assemble and rack mount the system in accordance with the guidelines in chapter 4 - “Racking”.•Interconnect the system’s units together using the cables provided (orcables meeting the required specifications detailed in the TechnicalSpecification supplied) as detailed in chapter 5 - “Connection”.•Start-up the system for the first time as detailed in chapter 6 -“Start-up” and check basic operation of pen/tablet/menu.•Configure the system as detailed in the Setup and Admin guide.iv Content 04/01 2116-58-030 A
Contents01 - DescriptionOverview 1-3System Components 1-3IQ Platform 1-3Dylan HD Disk Arrays 1-3IQ Workstation 1-3IQ Platform Dimensions(2116-01-nnn) 1-5Dylan HD Dimensions (2110-12-nnnSerial) 1-6Tablet Dimensions 1-7Keyboard Dimensions 1-8Hand Unit & Docking Port Dimensions1-9Control Interface Box Dimensions1-10Fader Panel Dimensions 1-11Jog / Shuttle Panel Dimensions 1-1202 - PreparationGeneral 2-3Equipment Location 2-3System Air Flow 2-5Electrical Supply 2-7Description 2-7Electrical Supply Quality 2-8Environment 2-9Operating Environment 2-9Shipment & Storage Environment2-1003 - UnpackingGeneral 3-3Unpacking Advice 3-3iQ Platform 3-304 - RackingRack Mounting 4-3Important Information 4-3Rack Layout 4-4IQ Platform Rack Mounting Procedure4-5Dylan HD Disk Arrays 4-9Fitting the Rails to the Cabinet4-9Securing the Enclosure to the Rails4-10Fitting the PSU Modules 4-11Fitting the Interface Module 4-12Fitting the Disk Carriers 4-13Workstation 4-15Workstation Layout 4-15Mounting the Tablet 4-15Mounting the Keyboard 4-15Mounting the Fader Panel 4-16Mounting the Jog / Shuttle Panel 4-16Assembling the Hand Unit / Mountingthe Docking Port 4-16Important Battery Information4-162116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual v
05 - ConnectionSystem Connection 5-3System Connection Overview 5-3Electrical Supply Considerations 5-4Cabling Considerations 5-4IQ Platform 5-5Rear Panel Layout 5-5Mains Connection 5-5Digital Video Connections 5-6General 5-6SD Video Inputs and Outputs 5-6HD Video Inputs and Outputs 5-7Serial Control Connections 5-7General 5-7VCR Connections 5-8Workstation Connection 5-8SCSI Port 5-8Locking References 5-9SVGA Monitor Output 5-10Analogue Audio Monitor 5-11Digital Audio Connections 5-11Fibre Optic Connection 5-12Description 5-12Important Information 5-12Connection 5-12Disconnection 5-12Attention Connection 5-13Description 5-13Dylan HD 5-15Back Panel Details 5-15Mains Connection 5-15Host Connection 5-15Workstation 5-17Inter-connection 5-1706 - Start-upStartup & Shutdown Procedures6-3IQ Platform 6-3Initial Start-up 6-3Normal Start-up 6-3Power-down Procedure 6-4Dylan HD 6-5Initial Start-up 6-5Normal Start-up 6-5Power-Down Procedure 6-5System Reset 6-6System Status 6-7Correct Operation 6-7IQ Platform 6-7Dylan HD Status Checks 6-9Interface Panel 6-9Disk Carriers 6-10Workstation 6-10Control Interface Box 6-10Tablet 6-11Fader Panel 6-11Jog / Shuttle Panel 6-11Keyboard 6-11Hand Unit / Docking Port 6-11vi Content 04/01 2116-58-030 A
07 - MaintenanceRoutine Maintenance 7-3Workstation 7-3Tablet Care 7-3Pen Care 7-3Changing the Pen Nib 7-4Fibre Optic Connections 7-4Corrective Maintenance 7-5Important User Information 7-5Information for Service Personnel7-5iQ Platform Configuration 7-5Links and Switches 7-5Image Processor Unit BoardLocations 7-6PC Sub-system 7-6Carrier Assembly 7-7Removing the PC Sub-system 7-8Hot Changing a Dylan HD PSU Module7-9Removing a PSU Module with thePower On 7-9Fitting a PSU Module with thePower On 7-10Hot Changing a Dylan HD Disk Carrier7-10Disk Locks 7-11Removing a Disk Carrier 7-11Fitting a Disk Carrier 7-112116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual vii
viii Content 04/01 2116-58-030 A
iQ SystemInstallation Manual01 - Description2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 01 1Description
01 2 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescription
OverviewSystem ComponentsA IQ PlatformThe iQ Platform is an 8U, 19 inch rack unit containing the system’s majorelectronic circuitry, disk storage and power supply.The rack unit is divided into three compartments; The top compartmentholding a PSU; the front compartment holding the image processing circuitryand the unit’s disk storage and the rear compartment holding an ATX PCmotherboard, CD-ROM drive, ATX power supply and PCI printed circuitboards.☞Note that the Quantel iQ platform and operating system are designedonly to run content creation packages developed using the Quantel iQSDK.B Dylan HD Disk ArraysThe Dylan HD units allow the system to store standard video (SD) and highdefinition video (HD) in the ‘Native Format’ in which it was originated. Thisvideo is processed by the iQ Platform in real time whatever the field/framerate, aspect ratio, bit depth or colour space. Each Dylan HD is a 4U diskarray containing 12 disk drives and two independent power supply modules.C IQ WorkstationThe iQ Workstation consists of a tablet & pen, a qwerty keyboard, a handunit with docking port, a fader panel and jog/shuttle panel. These inconjunction with the systems monitor output for on-screen menu displaysprovide the system’s user interface.Digitising Tablet & Pen: These provide the positional co-ordinates andpressure information for the system for use with the on-screen menus anddirect editing.Keyboard: Provides text entry, macro setup and other shortcuts.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 01 3Description
Hand Unit: A supplementary device allowing additional control to that of themenu structure via the thumb-switch and four buttons. A docking port maybe supplied for remote control and to allow the Hand Unit to re-chargedwhen not in use.☞Note that the docking port can only be supplied where localregulations permit the use of the specific radio frequency employed bythe Hand Unit and docking port. In these cases the Hand Unitconnected via a cable.Fader Panel: A unit providing manual control over audio edits, consisting of8 dynamic level controls, master level control, pan control knobs and trackmute switches.Jog/Shuttle Panel: Another supplementary device which can be used fornavigation through clips freeing up the pen and tablet for menu selection.01 4 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescription
Dylan HD Dimensions (2110-12-nnn Serial)01 6 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescription447 mm571.5mm176.3mm482 mmTESTSERIAL HOSTSYS FANRUNPWRMUTETEMP STANDBY
Tablet Dimensions2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 01 7Description365mm470mm12mm5mm15mm20mm152mm12mm
Keyboard Dimensions01 8 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescriptionShift Shift|\HomeF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F13Insert NumLockDeleteHomeEndF11 F14Home /EndF12 F15PageUp *-+EnterPageDown PgUpPgDnBackspaceEscAltAltCtrl Ctrl7182934056.InsDel485mm90mm60mm210mm
Hand Unit & Docking Port DimensionsNote that the docking port may not be supplied in some countries.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 01 9Description110mm30mm10mm58mm43mm50mm 135mm 105mm
Control Interface Box Dimensions01 10 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescriptionM/FO/LOKO/L W/S60mm233mm160mm
Fader Panel Dimensions2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 01 11Description235mm35mm15mm25mm210mm80mm
Jog / Shuttle Panel Dimensions01 12 Description 04/01 2116-58-030 ADescription115mm35mm15mm15mm210mm 75mm
iQ SystemInstallation Manual02 - Preparation2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 02 1Preparation
02 2 Preparation 04/01 2116-58-030 APreparation
GeneralEquipment LocationThe cabinet required tohouse the system is astandard 19 inch (483mm) width withdimensions as detailedin the diagram.The cabinet must besituated such thatsufficient access space(1 metre if possible) isprovided at both sidesand the rear of thecabinets as detailed inthe diagram. Values of[a] to [e] in the diagrammust be correct to allowthe system’s units to becorrectly installed andto allow maintenance tobe performed.The system is suppliedwith a rack mounting kitfor each unit andincludes rack slides andreinforcing plates to befitted as described inthe “Racking” chapter.Note access toCD-ROM at rear isrequired for servicingpurposes. The CD trayextends 140mm fromthe rear of the unit.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 02 3PreparationRear DoorIf Fitted ShouldBe Ventilated[a] 450 mmMinimum ApertureBetween RackMounting Angles[b] Allow 740 mmFor Cablingand Ventilation[d] 300 mm Minimum500 mm Preferred[e] 60 mmMaximum[c] Allow 400 mmMinimum For SideAccess To PCBSIn MainframeFront of CabinetRear Rack MountingAngles Should BeAdjustable
[a] The smallest aperture into which a unit can be fitted.[b] The internal depth of the cabinet must exceed this value to ensure correctventilation.[c] The distance from the side of the unit and any obstruction (such as a wallor pillar) must be greater than this value to allow access to the side mountedPCBs in the unit.[d] The distance from the rear of the cabinet and any obstruction (such as awall or another cabinet) must be greater than this value to ensure correctairflow through the units and allow access.[e] The distance between the front of the rack mounting bars and theabsolute front of the cabinet must not exceed this value otherwise access tothe side mounted PCBs is not possible.The cabling should be carried out using the cables provided or using theshortest possible lengths, to avoid interference from stray electromagneticfields.The cabinets should be fitted with units from bottom to top to prevent thecabinets falling forward.It is strongly recommended that cabinets with extending feet are used toensure that the cabinet remains stable during installation and during anymaintenance.☛WARNING (WI 2) Rack Slides - Never have more than one equipmentunit on extended rack slides as this may cause the cabinet to fallresulting in personal injury and possible other damage. (12/97)02 4 Preparation 04/01 2116-58-030 APreparation
System Air FlowThe air flow through the iQ Platform is front to back, that is air is drawnthrough the front panels of each unit and expelled at the rear of the unit. Thecabinets that are to hold the system should be located carefully to ensureadequate clearance to provide for the correct cooling of the system.If the system is operated in a confined area, additional external forced aircooling may be required.☞Caution (CI 1) Equipment Ventilation - Ensure that hot air expelled fromone unit is not drawn into another as this may cause overheating andsubsequent damage. (12/97)2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 02 5Preparation
02 6 Preparation 04/01 2116-58-030 APreparation
Electrical SupplyDescription☛WARNING (WI 6) Earthing - The equipment must be reliably connectedto earth. (12/97)The cables supplied with the equipment should be connected directly(shortest cable length) to an earthed electrical supply outlet.American Standard: Black LiveWhite NeutralGreen EarthEuropean Standard Brown LiveBlue NeutralGreen/Yellow EarthThis product is a Class 1 apparatus (as defined in IEC 536) and itsaccessible conductive parts must always be connected to the protective(earthing) conductor of the supply installation by the green or green/yellowconductor of the supplied 3-core cable, to ensure continued safety of bothapparatus and user. The supply installation should be protected so as tosafely interrupt prospective short circuit currents at the apparatus in excessof 300 A.Quantel supplies a 3-core Mains cordset, of the correct current rating, witheach item of equipment it despatches. These are full moulded assemblieswith a socket to IEC 320 sheet C13 or C19 at the equipment end and a plugto either BS 1363 (for the UK market), CEE 7/7 (for much of the Europeanmarket), or NEMA 5-15 (for the US and Japanese markets).Should it prove necessary to replace or modify a Mains cordset provided byQuantel, either through loss, damage or incompatibility with local outlets, doso only with an approved item of equal or higher electrical ratings which alsocomplies with local regulations for materials and construction (for example,the UK IEE regulations or the US NEC).2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 02 7Preparation
In particular, the plug to be used in the following countries should complywith the listed standards:Austria: A5 3112Denmark: Heavy current regulations AFSNIT 107-2-D.DO NOT USE THE STANDARD EUROPEAN CEE 7/7 PLUG; althoughthe live and neutral pins will make contact, THE EQUIPMENT WILL NOTBE GROUNDED.INDIA: BS 546ISRAEL: IS 32ITALY: CEI 23-16/VIIRUSSIA: GOST 7396SWITZERLAND: SEV 1011, SEV 6534-2. 1991The colour coding of the conductors within the cordset supplied by Quantelwill comply with one of 2 colour coded cable types detailed previously.Modifications to the cordset must only be undertaken by suitably qualifiedpersons. Any plug cut off during modification must be disposed of safety;making it unusable and preventing any hazards arising from its re-use suchas accidental insertion into a mains outlet.Electrical Supply QualityIt is recommended that the unit is connected to a “Technical ElectricalSupply”; free from interference and low frequency transients etc. Theelectrical supply should be clean and sinusoidal, to prevent large transientcurrents during the peaks of the supply cycle.02 8 Preparation 04/01 2116-58-030 APreparation
EnvironmentOperating EnvironmentCare should be taken in the choice of installation environment to ensurereliability. The following points should be remembered when installing thesystem, to minimize possible failure:iAvoid installations near sources of direct heat and avoid exposure todirect sunlight or any other strong direct lights. These may cause heatbuild-up within the unit.ii Ensure that good air circulation around the rack is provided to preventheat build-up. Air holes should be given adequate clearance. Ensurethat no ventilation holes on the unit are restricted, because overheating will occur.iii Ensure that power and data cables are not run together and that theyare tied back to avoid obstructing the air flow.iv Avoid areas where large temperature changes are possible as thismay unduly stress components, and may also cause condensationdamage to the system’s magnetic disk media.vAvoid areas subject to vibration and areas where dust contaminationis possible.vi It is recommended that the unit is connected to a “Technical ElectricalSupply”; free from interference and low frequency transients etc. Theelectrical supply should be clean and sinusoidal, to prevent largetransient currents when the unit’s switch mode power supply unit is inoperation.☞Caution (CT 2) Static Discharges - The Integrated Circuits and othercomponents within the equipment can be irreparably damaged bystatic fields or discharge. Therefore, adequate precautions must betaken to prevent possible damage. (12/97)2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 02 9Preparation
Shipment & Storage EnvironmentBefore powering up the equipment it must be given the minimumacclimatization time in the operating environment. Powering up theequipment before it has had time to acclimatize may cause damage due tocondensation.If the equipment has just been received or removed from a climate withtemperatures at or below 50°F (10°C), do not open the container until thefollowing conditions are met, otherwise condensation could occur anddamage to the equipment result. Place packing in the operating environmentfor the time duration indicated below.Previous Temperature Acclimatising Time+40°F +4°C 13 Hours+30°F -1°C 15 Hours+20°F -7°C 16 Hours+10°F-12°C 17 Hours0°F-18°C 18 Hours-10°F -23°C 20 Hours-20°F -29°C 22 Hours-20°F -34°C 27 Hours02 10 Preparation 04/01 2116-58-030 APreparation
iQ SystemInstallation Manual03 - Unpacking2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 03 1Unpacking
03 2 Unpacking 04/01 2116-58-030 AUnpacking
GeneralUnpacking AdviceThe various sections of this document detail the unpacking and handling ofequipment as it was delivered. Use the shipping list and the content guide tocheck that all contents are correct and that no damage has occurred intransit.Care should be taken when unpacking the equipment, to ensure that allpacking material is removed, from around the individual units and theirconnectors.☛WARNING (WT 1) Heavy or Bulky Equipment - This equipment may beheavy or have awkward dimensions. Attempting to lift or move theequipment may cause personal injury if due care and consideration arenot taken. Before attempting, read any unpacking/handling instructionsand always comply with the Health & Safety rules. (12/97).iQ PlatformIt is recommended that three people should remove the iQ Platform from itspacking and to mount it in the cabinet to avoid damage to the unit and thosewho are unpacking it.One person should hold the packing still while two people, one either side ofthe unit, lift it straight up and out of the packing using the handles provided.The packing can then be removed from beneath.☞Caution (CT 1) Disk Drives - This equipment may contain disk driveswhich are prone to mechanical shock damage (12/97).2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 03 3Unpacking
03 4 Unpacking 04/01 2116-58-030 AUnpacking
iQ SystemInstallation Manual04 - Racking2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 1Racking
04 2 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking
Rack MountingImportant InformationThe cabinets required to house the iQ Platform system are standard 19 inch(483 mm) as detailed chapter 2 “Preparation”.This system is delivered with the iQ Platform (8U) and 2 Dylan HD diskarrays (8U in total) which require 16U of contiguous rack space.The system is supplied with a rack mounting kit and includes rack slides andreinforcing plates to be fitted as described in this chapter.It is strongly recommended that cabinets with extending feet are used toensure that the cabinet remains stable during installation and during anymaintenance.The cabinets should be fitted with units from bottom to top to prevent thecabinets falling forward.☛WARNING (WT 1) Heavy or Bulky Equipment - This equipment may beheavy or have awkward dimensions. Attempting to lift or move theequipment may cause personal injury if due care and consideration arenot taken. Before attempting, read any unpacking/handling instructionsand always comply with Health & Safety rules. (12/97)☛WARNING (WI 2) Rack Slides - Never have more than one equipmentunit on extended rack slides as this may cause the cabinet to fallresulting in personal injury and possible other damage. (12/97)☞Caution (CT 1) Disk Drives - This equipment may contain disk driveswhich are prone to mechanical shock damage. (12/97)2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 3Racking
Rack LayoutThe system’s units should be mounted as shown.04 4 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking8U iQ PlatformDylan HDDisk ADylan HDDisk B4U4U
IQ Platform Rack Mounting ProcedureThe system’s rack mounting kit should be fitted to the cabinet in the followingorder.iLocate and fit the two inner slides to the unit as shown below using 4off M4 x 12 pan head screws and wavy washers:2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 5RackingInner SlideM4x12Pan HeadPoz ScrewsRelease Button
ii Assemble the outer slides as shown below:iii Locate four identical mounting bars and fix them to the front and rearof the cabinet using the screws (11-01-3899), washers (10597-126)and nuts (12-01-0508). Ensure that the screw heads do not protrudefrom the mount bar.iv Fit the relevant outer slide assemblies to the cabinet with the clampbars (2047-10-127) using screws (10597-127) and washers(13-01-0170).04 6 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARackingSlide MountBracket(2048-16-101)FRONTSlide Outer Assembly(55-02-0582)Pan Head Poz Screw(11-01-3899)Special Washer(10597-129)Full Nut(12-01-0508)Mount BarM5 Wavey Washer(13-01-0170)Pan Head Poz Screw(11-01-1454)Clamp Bar(2048-15-102)Front MountingAngle of CabinetSpecial Screw(10597-127)Wavey WasherM5 (13-01-0170)
Note that when fixing the clamp bars, loosely secure them in the firstinstance in order that the outer slide assembly may be inserted betweenthe clamp bar and the cabinet frame before tightening completely.vBefore proceeding, first lift off the front panel from the unit. These willbe replaced when the loading operation is complete.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 7RackingSCREW10597-127SCREW10597-127WASHER WAVEY13-01-0170WASHER WAVEY13-01-0170MOUNT BARCLAMP BAR2047-10-127CABINET FRAMESLIDEASSEMBLYCABINETFRONTCABINETLEFT-HANDSIDE
vi When fitting the unit into the cabinet, first line up the inner slides at therear of the unit (left and right), with the outer slides at the front of thecabinet. When the inner and outer slides are aligned, begin pushingthe unit gently onto the rack slides.vii The unit will move onto the rack a short way before the ‘buttons’ oneach side of the unit’s inner slides, will catch against the outer slidesand stop any more movement.viii To continue loading, hold the buttons down and advance the outerslides a short way so that the outer slides themselves hold the buttonsdown. The unit can now be pushed further onto the rack.ix The left and right buttons will stop the unit once more before it is fullyloaded into the cabinet. Again, manually hold the buttons down andgently advance the outer slides a short way so that they press thebuttons down themselves.xContinue pushing the unit all the way onto the rack slides and so intothe cabinet.xi Once on the rack slides and in the cabinet, the unit should be securedto prevent it accidentally being pulled out. The unit can be securedwith the screws (11-01-1454) and washers (13-01-0196). Thesescrews fit through the front of the unit and into the mount bar.Note that when the unit is to be pulled out on the rack slides, thesescrews are released but should always be secured again when work onthe slides is complete.xii Once the unit is successfully loaded onto the rack slides and securedinto the cabinet, the front panel of the unit can be replaced.04 8 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking
Dylan HD Disk ArraysThe Dylan HD disk arrays are rack mounted on the angles provided. .A Fitting the Rails to the CabinetThe unit must be rack mounted on the angles provided. The unit is 19"(483mm) wide and can be mounted into most standard 19" cabinets.iFit 2 locator pins (16931-02) and washers to the end of the left-handrail (16889-1). Fit 1 locator pin and washer into the middle hole in theend of the left-hand support (16891-2)ii Place the left-hand support behind the left-hand rail and extend thepair until they are approximately the same length as the distancebetween the front and back flanges of the cabinet.iii Fit3xM5PanHead screws, washers and nuts finger tight to join theleft-hand rail and left-hand support together.iv Place the location pins (on the front end of the left-hand rail), from theinside, into the correct square slots in the cabinet front flange. Adjustthe length of the left-hand rail/support assemble so that the locator pinon the end of the left-hand support fits into the correct square hole onthe inside of the cabinet’s rear flange.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 9RackingLeft-hand Rail (16889-01)(right-hand 16890-01)For cabinets with holes instead of square slots,fit the locator pins from the outside.Left-hand Support (16891-02)(right-hand 16892-02)Locator Pins
vSecure the rear of the assembly to the cabinet rear flange using 2 xM5 Pan Head screws and washers.vi Ensuring that the assembly is fitted tightly between the front and rearcabinet flanges tighten the 3 M5 Pan Head screws joining together theleft-hand rail and support.vii Repeat for the right-hand side using the right-hand rail (16890-1) andthe right-hand support (16892-2)B Securing the Enclosure to the RailsiSecure Enclosure into rack angles, via the two PSU compartmentsusing2xM5countersunk screws. These fit into the captive nuts in theleft-hand and right-hand rails.04 10 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARackingFix M5 countersunk crossheadscrew through enclosure into rail.Locator Pin& WasherM5 Cross head screwsand Washers
C Fitting the PSU ModulesThere are two identical Power Supply Modules which are fitted into the left(bay 1) and right (bay 4) positions at the rear of the enclosure.☛Warning: Ensure that no mains supply is connected to either PSUmodule before attempting to fit the Interface Module.Hold the latch while pushing the module gently home into the bay, ensurethat it is fully engaged and that the retention latches are engaged into theenclosure bay. Fit and tighten retaining screw on each PSU module panel.☛Warning: The screws must be fitted to prevent unauthorised removalof either PSU module and exposure to energy hazards.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 11RackingHole for PSUretaining screwLEDRetention Latch
D Fitting the Interface ModuleThe Interface Module is fitted into the rear of the enclosure between the 2PSU modules as shown bellow.Before attempting to fit the Interface Module ensure that all packing hasbeen removed from around the connectors and that there is no damage tothe connectors.☛Warning: Ensure that no mains supply is connected to either PSUmodule before attempting to fit the Interface Module.With both hand carefully slide the Interface Module into the enclosurelocating the handle into the guide as shown.Apply a firm pressure the rear panel of Interface Module until the rear panelis flush with the PSU Modules already fitted. The use the handle to lock theInterface Module in position.04 12 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking
☞Caution: Excessive pressure or misalignment of the module can causeirreparable damage to the module and the enclosure.Fit and secure the 4 fixing screws in the 4 corners of the Interface Module’sback panel.☛Warning: The screws must be fitted to prevent unauthorised removalof the Interface module and exposure to energy hazards.E Fitting the Disk Carriers☞When delivered the disk drives within the carriers are formatted buthave no nominated position within the enclosure. Once data has beensaved on these disks, however, their position within the enclosure iscritical.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 13RackingOnce the carrier is in placeuse the security screwdriversupplied to lock carrier intothe enclosure.Push the carrier handle to close.Release by pressing the small indentationon the left of the carrier handle.Push the carrier gentlyuntill it is stopped by thecamming lever on the right.
iCarefully slide the each disk carrier into an empty compartment in theenclosure.ii Push the carrier gently until it is stopped by the camming lever on theright hand side of the carrier handle.iii Push the carrier handle on the left-hand side until it clicks in toposition.iv Secure the carrier in enclosure using the security screw driverprovided. Turning the screwdriver anti-clockwise will lock the carrierand prevent accidental release of the disk carrier during operation.04 14 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking
WorkstationWorkstation LayoutThe workstation consists of a tablet and pen, hand unit (with docking port),fader panel, jog / shuttle panel and a keyboard as shown below. Theconnection between the control system and iQ Platform is via a serial link.The tablet should be situated away from stray magnetic fields andelectromagnetic interference. The workstation requires a VGA monitor todisplay the output of the system, situated in the best position for theoperator.Mounting the TabletThe tablet is normally placed on top of the desk but can be mounted flushwith the desk surface if required. There are no fixing points to secure thetablet to the desk top and therefore desks with steep inclines, or smoothsurfaces should be avoided.☞Caution: Do not dismantle the tablet or its controller as the delicateelectronics can be easily damaged.Mounting the KeyboardThe keyboard is normally placed on the desk. There are no fixing points tosecure the keyboard to the desk top and, therefore, desks with steep inclinesor those with smooth surfaces should be avoided.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 04 15Racking
Mounting the Fader PanelThe fader panel is normally placed on the desk. There are no fixing points tosecure the panel to the desk top and, therefore, desks with steep inclines orthose with smooth surfaces should be avoided.Mounting the Jog / Shuttle PanelThe jog / shuttle panel is normally placed on the desk. There are no fixingpoints to secure the panel to the desk top and, therefore, desks with steepinclines or those with smooth surfaces should be avoided.Assembling the Hand Unit / Mounting  the Docking Port☞The hand unit is designed for wired operation. Where the localenvironment and regulations permitand where the docking port isprovided it can be used in wireless mode.☞Note that the docking port can only be supplied where localregulations permit the use of the specific radio frequency employed bythe Hand Unit and docking port.A Important Battery Information☞Please ensure that this information is made available to installers,users and service personnel.☞Do not fit batteries in the Hand Unit if the cable is connected.☛Warning: Do not open or mutilate a battery, dispose of in a fire, exposeto heat above 54°C (130°F), immerse in water, install improperly orshort battery terminals. These actions may cause the battery tooverheat, leak or explode causing burns and personal injury.☛Warning: Do not solder battery terminals.☛Warning: Do not store or carry batteries in a way that could lead to theterminals being short-circuited.☛Warning: Do not store batteries in a hot or humid place.04 16 Racking 04/01 2116-58-030 ARacking
iQ SystemInstallation Manual05 - Connection2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 1Connection
05 2 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnection
Connect From Using Cable ToIQ Platform “VGA 1” IQ Platform “Video In 1”IQ Platform “CPU A” 31-10-9020 IQ Platform “LINK A”IQ Platform “CPU B” 31-10-9020 IQ Platform “LINK B”IQ Platform “Disk A” 31-10-9015 Dylan Disk A “Serial”IQ Platform “Disk B” 31-10-9015 Dylan Disk B “Serial”Electrical Supply ConsiderationsThe Dylan HD disk arrays have dual independent electrical supply inputs,switching and PSUs to provide fault tolerance. It is therefore recommendedthat the two separate mains inputs to each unit are supplied from a separatemains supply spur (of the same phase) to maintain the fault tolerance of thecompete system.The System Connection schematic shows the left-hand electrical supplyinput of each unit connected to supply 1 and the right-hand connected tosupply 2. It is recommended that supply 1 and supply 2 have separate circuitbreakers so if one of the pair is tripped by a fault condition the system willremain operational.☛WARNING: BOTH OF THE MAINS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONNECTIONS TO EACHUNIT MUST BE REMOVED TO GIVE COMPLETE ELECTRICAL ISOLATION.Cabling ConsiderationsThe cable connections to the rear middle panel of the iQ Platform must belooped and tied back so that the PC Sub-system can be removed formaintenance purposes.05 4 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnection
IQ PlatformRear Panel LayoutMains ConnectionThe iQ Platform’s mains connector and mainsswitch/circuit breaker are situated on the rearpanel. The connector is a 20 amp NuetrikPowercon NAC3FCA type which is supplied witha mating cable (21 amp rated, 13 amp fused).2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 5ConnectionHD INSD INHD OUTSD OUTHD OUTSD OUTSD INHD INDISK A DISK BCPU A CPU BATTENTIONAREF INBREF OUTTXRXVGA 1LINK ARAIDW/SVGA 2LINK BVTR BVTR AKB LMOUSEWORDKBD USB10PARALLELCLOCKMONITORAES/EBU OUTAES/EBU IN1/23/45/67/8VIDEO IN 1Y/G U/B V/R HVEQTENTION
Digital Video ConnectionsA GeneralThe iQ Platform provides the following digital video connections on the rearmiddle panel :2 x SD (standard video) inputs2 x SD (standard video) outputs2 x HD (high definition video) inputs2 x HD (high definition video) outputs☞Caution: This equipment provides full broadcast specification videooutputs when connected to a full broadcast specification studiolocking reference. If the system is operated in ‘free run’ mode it cannotprovide the accuracy of line frequency required for full broadcastspecification video output. The ‘free run’ mode should only thereforebe used for setup, configuration and test purposes.B SD Video Inputs and OutputsThe iQ Platform provides 2 independent SD inputs (”SD IN A” and “SD IN B”)it also provides 2 independent SD outputs (”SD OUT A” and “SD OUT B”).These inputs and outputs are assigned within the iQ applications.These SD bit-serial digital video connections (with embedded audioconforming to ANSI/SMPTE 272M-A) allow the system to be connecteddirectly into bit-serial environments and to equipment conforming to ITU-RBT 606 & 656-2. See iQ Platform Technical Specification for full details.05 6 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnectionINHD SDOUT OUT INHD SD HD SD HD SD
When embedded audio is decoded from the input video “Group 1” is used.When embedded audio is output by the iQ Platform the audio “Group 1” isbe used.Each embedded audio input must have present one packet of 4 channels ofdigital audio (even if it is silent). The audio must be synchronous to 48 kHz.C HD Video Inputs and OutputsThe iQ Platform provides 2 independent HD inputs (”HD IN A” and “HD INB”) it also provides 2 independent SD outputs (”HD OUT A” and “HD OUTB”). These inputs and outputs are assigned within the iQ applications.These HD bit-serial digital video connections (with embedded audioconforming to SMPTE 299M) allow the system to be connected directly intobit-serial environments and to equipment conforming to SMPTE 274M,SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 295M and SMPTE 296M. See iQ Platform TechnicalSpecification for full details.Serial Control ConnectionsA GeneralThe system provides a dedicated workstationcontrol connection (”W/S”) and 2 VTR controlconnections on the rear panel.For the workstation a shielded RJ-45 connector isused and for the VTR connections two 9-wayD-subminiature female (DE-9S) with metric (M3)female screw-lock are used with the followingsignal connections.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 7ConnectionTXRXLINK AW/SLINK BVTR BVTR AKB L
B VCR ConnectionsThe VCR connectors have the following pin-outs.Pin Function Pin Function1 *Chassis Gnd 6 0 V2 Receive - 7 *Receive +3 *Transmit + 8 Transmit -4 0 V Transmit 95A10 metre VTR controlcable is provided. Thisis a screened 6-core (3x twisted pair) cablewith the followingconnections.9-way Male 9-way MalePin 2 Receive - (red) Pin 2Pin 7 Receive + (white) Pin 7Pin 3 Transmit + (brown) Pin 3Pin 8 Transmit - (white) Pin 8Pin 9 Ground (b/w) Pin 9C Workstation ConnectionThis serial connection is designated for use by the workstation and connectsto the “W/S” socket on the Control interface box.A10 metre workstationcontrol cable isprovided. This is ashielded 8-core cablewhich has pin to pinconnections.SCSI PortThe iQ Platform provides a SCSI port for test purposes only.05 8 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnection2.00 m10.00 m
Locking ReferencesThe iQ Platform uses input reference (obtainedfrom the selected input video source) and 2output locking references (A for Standard videoand B for HD video to match the video standardto be output by the system).The SD reference input “A” allows the iQ Platformto accept an analogue reference signalconforming to ITU-R BT 601 & 656-2 and lock thesystem’s output to this standard.This HD reference input “B” input allows the iQPlatform to accept an analogue video referencesignal conforming to SMPTE 274M and lock thesystem’s output to this standard.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 9ConnectionAREF INBREF OUT
SVGA Monitor OutputThe platform provides 2 standard VGA monitoroutputs. The “VGA 1” output is connecteddirectly to the local workstation monitor (or to aremote workstation monitor via the videoequaliser). The “VGA 2” output is for secondaryoutput and diagnostics purposes.On platforms that include a Video Equaliser (for installations where theWorkstation is to be located away from the platform) a monitor qualitystandard SVGA output is provided via 5 BNC connections. These BNCoutputs are connected to the SVGA workstation monitor. On platforms fittedwith the Video Equaliser the “VGA 1” connection is connected directly to the“Video In 1” connection using a short cable.The Video Equaliser has 3 settings which are made using the rotary switchon the panel:0 - cable lengths from 0 to 15m1 - cable lengths from 15m to 50m2 - cable lengths from 50m to 100mNote that the 5 cables must be same length and of the same cable type toensure that the video image that appears on the Workstation monitor is notdistorted.05 10 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnectionSD INHD OUTSD OUTHD OUTSD OUTSD INHD INVIDEO IN 1Y/G U/B V/R HVEQTXRXVGA 1LINK ARAIDVGA 2LINK B
Analogue Audio MonitorThis combination socket provides both ananalogue audio monitor output via an audio jacksocket and an AES/EBU audio monitor output viathe 3-pin XLR socket.The analogue audio is a high impedance connection with a minimum load of15kΩused for diagnostic output only. This output is not clean and shouldnot be used as an analogue output device.☛Warning: If headphones are used on this output an approved audiolimiter must be used.The 3-pin XLR audio connector provide a twin-channel digital AES/EBU 48kHz audio outputs.Digital Audio ConnectionsAES/EBU Inputs: the four 3-pin XLR audioconnectors allow the are iQ Platform to acceptfour twin-channel (stereo) digital AES/EBU 48kHz audio inputs.The system must be provided with synchronousdigital audio, ie; the audio sample rate must besynchronised to the video reference signal thatthe system is receiving, as set out in theAES/EBU standard.AES/EBU Outputs: The four 3-pin XLR audioconnectors provide the iQ Platform’s fourtwin-channel digital AES/EBU 48 kHz audiooutputs.Word Clock Output:: This is the 48 kHz wordclock output used to lock an external analogue todigital converter.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 11ConnectionWORDCLOCKMONITORAES/EBU OUTAES/EBU IN1/23/45/67/8WORDCLOCKMONITOR
Fibre Optic ConnectionA DescriptionA standard SC duplex fibre optic connection isprovided on the rear panel of the iQ Platform for1000base-SX Gigabit Ethernet. This is used toconnect the iQ Platform into a Clipnet network ofQuantel and 3rd party products via 62.5/125 µm(or 50µm) fibre optic cabling. A connection can bemade directly to another unit or via a HUB.Clipnet is implemented using Gigabit Ethernet as a network carrier, withTCP/IP as a low level network protocol, and the Quantel Clipnet Protocol(QCP) as a high level protocol.B Important InformationThe Modules contain a class 1 laser product. Although the standard EN60950 does not require a warning to be made, avoid eye contact with thebeam emitted and follow any special instructions given by the manufacturerwhen attending to the devices.C ConnectionDo not remove dust cover until immediately prior to installation.Clean the connector as detailed in the Maintenance chapter.To insert the connector hold the connector by the strain relief boot directlybehind the connector housing.Insert the connector into the socket in the correct orientation so that keys inthe connector and socket match and both latching arms ‘click’ into place.D DisconnectionGrasp the connector housing and disconnect the housing from the unit.Cover connector ends with clean dust caps when not in use.05 12 Connection 04/01 2116-58-030 AConnectionTXRXLINKRAIDLINK BVTR BRA
Attention ConnectionA DescriptionThe “Attention” port on the rear panel of the iQPlatform provides a remote monitoring facility thatcan be used to raise an alarm if a fault conditionoccurs. This connection should be used to informthe installation engineer that the machinerequires attention.Connections to a change over relay are provided with a fused +5V supplyand 0V.If a ‘loop back’ connector (Pin 7 connected to Pin 9, Pin 3 to Pin 5) isinstalled here, then an alarm device inside the crate will sound whenattention is required.Alternatively, an equivalent device or indicator can be connected externallyand situated in a suitable ‘Engineering’ location.Pin Function Pin Function1 0 V, Relay 6 0 Vcommon 7 +5V, Internal2 buzzer3 Fused +5V 8 Fused +5VSupply Supply4 Relay normally 9 Relay commonopen5 Relay normallyclosedNote (1): The relay rating is 0.25 A.Note (2): Relay state for attention is ‘Normal’.This means that, for an externally wired circuit, the relay of a machine that ispowered off will be in the ‘attention’ state, but the +5V supply from it will beoff. Therefore, if positive indication of a powered off machine is required, anexternal power supply will be necessary.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 13ConnectionATTENTION
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Dylan HDBack Panel DetailsMains ConnectionThe two independent power supply modules require individual Mainsconnections.☞Caution: The PSU Modules are not auto-ranging, therefore failure toselect the correct range will damage the modules.☞Caution: When the Dylan HD is shipped to certain countries anadditional Electrical Supply Filter unit is provided to comply withapplicable standards in those countries. When this filter unit issupplied it must be used.Host ConnectionThe “Host” socket on the rear of the Interface panel is connected to the iQPlatform as detailed in the “System Connection” section.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 15ConnectionTESTHOST SERIALSYS FANRUNPWRMUTETEMP STANDBY
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WorkstationInter-connectionThe Control Interface box is connected to the iQ Platform “W/S” socket(RJ-45) and the Control Interface box “M/F” socket (RJ-45) using the serialcable provided.The components of the Workstation are connected to the Control interfacebox as shown:All Workstation units connect to the Control Interface box using identicalleads provided and can be plugged into any of the “W/S” sockets.☞Note that if the docking port is not provided a cable must be fitteddirectly between the Hand Unit and the Control Interface unit.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 05 17ConnectionM/FO/LOKO/L W/SKeyboardHand Unit / Docking PortFader PanelJog/Shuttle PanelTabletiQ Platform "W/S"
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iQ SystemInstallation Manual06 - Start-up2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 1Start-up
06 2 Start-up 04/01 2116-58-030 AStart-up
Startup & Shutdown ProceduresIQ PlatformThe iQ Platform contains 2 separatepower supply units. One for theImage Processor unit (in the frontcompartment) and the other for thePC sub-system (in the rearcompartment). These are turned onusing the switches on the rear toppanel of the unit.The system is designed to be powered and operating continually. However,when the system is to be powered-down and powered-up, the followingshould be remembered.A Initial Start-upBefore attempting to power-up the system for the first time, ensure that it hasthe correct mains supply and that the system’s components are correctlyconnected together.B Normal Start-upAlways ensure that the control station components are turned on before theiQ Platform is turned on or reset.1. Install power connector. This supplies power to theATX PSU (in the PC sub-system) and activates the ATXstandby DC O/P supplying power to the rear panelillumination LED's. Note that the front panel LED willshow Red as power is connected.2. Switch on the breaker. This activates the standbymode of the Image Processor unit PSU. Note that thefront panel LED will show Red.3. Press the green button. This is the remote poweron/off switch and turns on the ATX PSU to supply powerto the PC sub-system and turns on the Image ProcessorPSU to power to the Image Processor unit the unit’s fans.Note that the front panel LED will flash red during systemstartup then turn solid blue when the iQ program isrunning to indicate that the system is ready for use.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 3Start-up
Note that from power up the windows operating system takes approximately1 minute to boot up then the system is available for use.C Power-down ProcedureAlways ensure that any graphics items have been saved.1. Shut down the iQ operating system.2. Press and hold the green button for five seconds, thisremotely turns off all main outputs returning both PSU'sto Standby.3. Switch off the breaker, this turns off the ImageProcessor PSU. At this point the rear panel illuminationLED's are still on.4. Remove power connector.Note that if the breaker is switched off before the ATX PSU main output,then the PC sub-system remains powered and operating. Only the ImageProcessor unit is powered down. To re-apply power to the Image Processorunit, simply turn on the breaker.06 4 Start-up 04/01 2116-58-030 AStart-upSh t Down...u
Dylan HDA Initial Start-upBefore attempting to power-up the system for the first time, ensure that it hasthe correct mains supply and that the system is correctly connected together.B Normal Start-upThe unit can be set to either enable or disable user power on and off. This isdone using the lockable switch on the Interface panel on the rear of the unit.If this switch is in the “Run” position the unit will be powered up and runcontinuously. If the switch is in the “Standby” position the black button underthe “standby” LED will power up and run the unit. This button must be heldfor several seconds until the unit powers-up.Note that the “standby” LED when lit indicates that there is power connectedto at least one of the PSU modules.Always ensure that all externally connected disk drives are turned on beforethe iQ Platform is turned on or reset.C Power-Down ProcedureThe system is designed to be powered-up and operating continually.However, when the system is to be powered-down and then powered-up,the following should be remembered.If the lockable switch is in the “Run” position it should be moved to the“Standby” position then pressing the black button under the “standby” LEDfor several seconds will run-down the disks then power-down the unit.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 5Start-up
System ResetThe system can bereset by using thesystem’s reset button(inside the front paneland accessed throughthe hole in the front ofthe unit.Resetting will reboot thesystem operatingsoftware after a fewminutes. From powerdown it takes longer.06 6 Start-up 04/01 2116-58-030 AStart-upBlue - System OKBlue Flashing - PC SleepRed - StandbyRed Flashing - FaultSystem ResetS/W Boot Address+12 Volt Rail ok-5 Volt Rail ok+5 Volt Rail ok+3.3 Volt Rail okGreen-PC PoweronFlashing - PC SleepGreen - CPU HappyRed - CPU Unhappy
System StatusCorrect OperationThere are various indications that the system’s individual units are operatingcorrectly. These can give a quick indication of the system status if thereappears to be a failure.IQ PlatformThe status of the iQPlatform itself can bedetermined by thediagnostics LEDsbehind the front paneland via remotely via the“Attention” port on therear of the unit.The light in the bottom right-hand corned of the panel indicates the currentstatus of the iQ Platform:Solid Blue System Happy (ie the unit is powered up and runningcorrectly).Flashing Blue PC Sleep Mode (ie the unit is powered up andoperational but the PC sub-system has entered on of itspower saving sleep modes). Sleep mode is automaticallyinstigated if the PC sub-system has not been used for aperiod of time.Solid Red Standby Mode (ie the Mains is connected to the platformbut the unit’s PSU are not yet operational). A solid redcan indicate that the rear panel Mains switch (breaker) innot in the correct position or that a PSU unit has failed.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 7Start-upBlue - System OKBlue Flashing - PC SleepRed - StandbyRed Flashing - FaultSystem ResetS/W Boot Address+12 Volt Rail ok-5 Volt Rail ok+5 Volt Rail ok+3.3 Volt Rail okGreen-PC PoweronFlashing - PC SleepGreen - CPU HappyRed - CPU Unhappy
Flashing Red Fault Condition (ie a fan has failed in the unit or thesystem has exceeded its normal operating temperature.The four LEDs visible through top hole the on the right-hand side of the frontpanel indicate that all four power rails are present.The three LEDs visible through the bottom hole on the right-hand side of thefront panel indicate the following:Top Green On - PC Powered upTop Green Flashing - PC Sleep ModeMiddle Green On - CPU HappyBottom Red On - CPU Unhappy06 8 Start-up 04/01 2116-58-030 AStart-up
Dylan HD Status ChecksA Interface PanelThe LEDs on theInterface panel, at therear of the unit, indicatethe current operationalstate of the Unit(excluding the diskcarriers). Normaloperation is indicatedby all LEDs beinggreen.SYS This LED when amber indicates that the unit’sdiagnostics have found an unexpected fault condition.FAN This LED when amber indicates that there is a fan fail (orfan stall) condition in one of the two PSU modules. Theamber LED one of the PSU modules identifies which oneis faulty.PWR This LED when amber indicates that there is a powerfailure in one of the two PSU modules. The amber LEDone of the PSU modules identifies which one is faulty. Ifthe power is turned off to one unit or the power cable isdisconnected it will be indicated in this way.TEMP This LED when amber indicates that the unit hasexceeded its safe operating temperature.The 20 green LEDs indicate the activity/status of the disk drives. After thesystem has successfully run up should one or more of the disk LEDs(0,1,2,3,4,5) be lit continuously this indicates a fault.Under most fault conditions the unit will remain operable until the fault canbe cleared or remedial action taken. If any fault condition is detected the unitwill sound an alarm. This can be muted by holding down the “Mute” buttonon the Interface panel. The fault condition will remain as indicated by theamber LED (or LEDs).2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 9Start-upTESTHOST SERIALSYS FANRUNPWRMUTETEMP STANDBY
B Disk CarriersThe two LEDs on eachdisk carrier indicate itscurrent status.When the unit is switched on both the blue and amber LEDs will be lit in all12 disk carriers. Once each individual disk has run-up the amber LED willturn off and the blue LED should be lit to indicate that the disk is runningnormally.During operation the blue LEDs will turn off briefly to indicate disk access.The harder the disks are working the more the blue LEDs will be off. If anamber LED appear on any disk carrier this indicates a fault condition.WorkstationA Control Interface BoxThe green “OK” LED on the Control Interface box should be lit when the unitis connected to the Mains electrical supply to indicate the PSU within the boxis operating.The red “O/L” (overload) LEDs should all be off. If any are lit this indicatesthat the is a fault condition with the channel or with the unit connected to it.06 10 Start-up 04/01 2116-58-030 AStart-upM/FO/LOKO/L W/SBlue LED Disk OKSecurity LockAmber LED Disk Not Ready
B TabletThe LED on the tablet should be lit when the pen is in proximity to the tabletsurface. This indicates that the tablet is powered-up and operating correctly.C Fader PanelThe Quantel Log on this unit should be illuminated. This indicates that theunit is powered-up.D Jog / Shuttle PanelThe Quantel Log on this unit should be illuminated. This indicates that theunit is powered-up.E KeyboardThe Quantel Log on this unit should be illuminated. This indicates that theunit is powered-up.F Hand Unit / Docking PortThe Quantel Log on the docking port (if supplied) should be illuminated.This indicates that the unit is powered-up.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 06 11Start-up
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iQ SystemInstallation Manual07 - Maintenance2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 1Maintenance
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Routine MaintenanceWorkstationA Tablet CareThe tablet itself is made of an expanded foam moulding. The combination ofdifferent plastics and paints used in the production of the tablet restricts theuse of cleaning agents that can be used to ones that are alcohol based.As with any cleaning substances test that no damage is caused to the plasticand metal surfaces by applying the cleaning agent to an unobtrusive partfirst.Never clean the tablet using abrasive materials.☛WARNING (WM 4) Cleaning - Always isolate the equipment from theelectrical supply before cleaning it, especially when using liquidcleaners. Refer to procedures in the Installation and Technical manualwhere supplied. Take note of the types of cleaner that may or may notbe used. (12/97)B Pen CareThe pressure sensitive pen used with the control station is a delicate device,and therefore great care must be taken to avoid damage when it is beingused or when it is stored. The following guide lines should be rememberedso that the full operational life of the pen can be ensured:iDo not attempt to take the pen apart, as this will permanently damagethe pen.ii The only user adjustment on the pen is replacing the nib. (See nextsection).iii Avoid using excessive pressure when using the pen as this will stressthe pen and increase wear on the tablet surface.iv Avoid heavy tapping of the pen on the tablet or any hard surface asthis will cause damage to the delicate moving parts inside the pen.vWhen the pen is not in use for long periods, the pen should be storedaway from areas of strong light as this may cause the plastic todeteriorate and become brittle.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 3Maintenance
C Changing the Pen NibThe pen nib, when worn-out can bereplaced with one of the spare nibssupplied. To do this the nib extractor,also supplied with the pen, should beused as shown.Grip the pen nib with the extractiontool and pull, firmly, in the directionshown by the arrow.The new pen nib can be inserted and gently pressed into place.Fibre Optic ConnectionsThe fibre optic transceivers used by this equipment are precision devicesand therefore care should be taken to extend their life and provide a reliableconnection at all times.Before inserting a fibre optic ferrule into its socket follow these instructions.•Always use a lint-free, isopropyl alcohol dampened cloth to thoroughlywipe the side and end of the ferrule.•Blow dry ferrule with clean compressed air.•Visually inspect the ferrule for lint.•After every de-mating cycle, clean and blow-dry the ferrule beforere-mating.•Do not interchange connectors from one unit to another unit withoutfirst cleaning the connector. Otherwise, ti may cause transferring ofsmall particles, which may cause damage to the device.•If a problem persists, clean the inside of the precision bore by gentlyrotating a lint-free swab with alcohol.07 4 Maintenance 04/01 2116-58-030 AMaintenance
Corrective MaintenanceImportant User Information☛Warning: Unqualified personnel must not remove any panels ormodules from the enclosure as this will expose energy hazards.Disk carriers have been provided with security locking systemsspecifically designed to prevent access to non Service Personnel.Information for Service Personnel☛Warning the information contained in this section is for qualifiedService Personnel only.WARNING: Read the Important ProductInformation book before use.A security screwdriver is provided to lock and unlock the disk carriersto prevent access non Service Personnel. This MUST BE USED.☛Warning: Removing any of the modules with the mains suppliesconnected will expose energy hazzards. Disconnect the Mainselectrical from both PSU modules for complete insolation.iQ Platform ConfigurationThe internal hardware configuration of the iQ Platform is factory preset. Alluser configuration and setup is made using the Configure application.The printed circuit boards within the system are configured both physically(by links and switches) and by software control from the operating system.Any links and switches are factory set for correct operation, therefore thissection should be considered as reference information only.A Links and SwitchesAny hardware links or switches on the printed circuit boards are used forlocal configuration of the printed circuit boards themselves and to configurethe appropriate board addresses so that the operating systems can becorrectly booted and in turn correctly initialise the printed circuit boards.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 5Maintenance
B Image Processor Unit Board LocationsThe hardware configuration of the system is factory pre-set. The printedcircuit boards for the Image Processor unit are located behind the left-handside panel of the iQ Platform.2099-81-005 CPULink642099-76-005 Disk IF2116-76-005 Vid IO2116-75-005 Picstore2116-66-005 PC Disks☞Caution: All boards (except the Pic Store and the PC disk) cannot beremoved from the board frame until the retaining screws on theconnector panels are removed from the rear panel of the unit.C PC Sub-systemThe PC sub-system is mounted on a tray which fits into the rear of the iQPlatform.07 6 Maintenance 04/01 2116-58-030 AMaintenanceHD INSD INHD OUTSD OUTHD OUTSD OUTSD INHD INDISK A DISK BCPU A CPU B
D Carrier Assembly2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 7MaintenanceDisk 1 - SystemDisk 3 - AudioDisk 2 - AudioDisk 0 - System
Removing the PC Sub-systemRemove the mains connector.Remove connections to the PC rear panel.Remove the screws from the PCrear panel and PC top panel asshown in the diagram.Keep the screws safe as they will beneeded later.Remove the PC top panel and slideout the PC tray as shown in thediagram.07 8 Maintenance 04/01 2116-58-030 AMaintenance12
Hot Changing a Dylan HD PSU ModuleThere are two identical power supply modules fitted in the rear of theenclosure. The fans within these units are independent of the actual moduleand the fans in both PSU modules will remain operational even if one PSUmodule fails.If the PSU module or its fans fail the module should be left in place until areplacement is available. The unit must not be run without both PSUmodules fitted.☛Warning energy hazards are exposed if either PSU Module is removed.A Removing a PSU Module with the Power OnOnce a replacementunit is available thefaulty unit can beremoved from theenclosure.iRemove the mains cable from the PSU unit.ii Unscrew and remove the single retaining screw.iii Press the retention latch to the left and pull the module out of theenclosure using the handle.iv Carefully remove the PSU Module form the enclosure and placecarefully in a safe place.2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 9MaintenancePSURetainingScrewRetention Latch
B Fitting a PSU Module with the Power OnCarefully slide the PSU Module into the enclosure until the retention latchclicks into place then secure using the single screw as shown in the diagramabove.☞Caution: Ensure that the connector is not damaged during handlingand is free from any contamination (such as packing material).Hot Changing a Dylan HD Disk CarrierThe unit contains 12 identical disk carriers which contain both data andparity information. Once the unit has been used to store data the position ofthe disk carriers in the enclosure must not be changed otherwise the dataand parity information will become corrupt.If a single disk carrier becomes faulty (indicated by its amber LED being litcontinuously) it can be changed while the unit is running with a replacementdisk carrier. When a new disk carrier is installed the unit will recreate thecorrect data on that disk using the data and parity information from the other11 disk carriers.If more than 1 disk carrier indicates a fault advise should be obtained andunder no circumstances should a disk carrier be changed without instructionfrom Quantel. A multiple disk fault may indicate an underlying problem thatcan be solved without replacing disk carriers.☞Caution: Changing more than 1 disk at a time will cause permanent andirreparable data corruption.07 10 Maintenance 04/01 2116-58-030 AMaintenance
A Disk LocksEach disk carrier islocked in position usinga security screwdriverto prevent uncontrolledremoval and unwantedaccess by unauthorisedor unqualifiedpersonnel.B Removing a Disk CarrierA disk carrier can be removed from the enclosure while the unit ispowered-up and running:iUsing the security screwdriver provided unlock the front latch on thedisk to be removed. Turning the screwdriver clockwise will unlock thedisk carrier.ii Press the handle at the left-hand side until it clicks open.iii Carefully pull the disk carrier from the enclosure using the handle andput in a safe place.C Fitting a Disk Carrier☞Caution: Ensure that the connector is not damaged during handlingand is free from any contamination (such as packing material).2116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 07 11MaintenanceOnce the carrier is in placeuse the security screwdriversupplied to lock carrier intothe enclosure.Push the carrier handle to close.Release by pressing the small indentationon the left of the carrier handle.Push the carrier gentlyuntill it is stopped by thecamming lever on the right.
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IndexAir Flow 2-5Attention ConnectioniQ Platform 5-13ConfigurationCarrier Assembly 7-7Links and Switches 7-5ConnectionWorkstation 5-17Control Interface BoxDimensions 1-10DimensionsControl Interface Box 1-10Docking Unit 1-9Fader Panel 1-11Hand Unit 1-9iQ Platform 1-5Jog / Shuttle Panel 1-12Keyboard 1-8Tablet 1-7Docking UnitDimensions 1-9Dylan HDMains Connection 5-15Electrical Supply 2-7Quality 2-8EnvironmentOperating 2-9Shipment & Storage 2-10Equipment Location 2-3Fader PanelDimensions 1-11Fibre Optic ConnectioniQ Platform 5-12Hand UnitDimensions 1-9iQ PlatformAnalogue Audio Monitor 5-11Attention Connection 5-13Digital Audio Connections 5-11Digital Video Connections 5-6Dimensions 1-5Fibre Optic Connection 5-12Locking References 5-9Mains Connection 5-5Rear Panel 5-5SCSI Expansion Port 5-8Serial Control Connections 5-7System Monitor Output 5-10Jog / Shuttle PanelDimensions 1-12KeyboardDimensions 1-8Mains ConnectioniQ Platform 5-5Mains ConnectionDylan HD 5-15MaintenancePen 7-3Tablet 7-3Workstation 7-3Operating Environment 2-9OverviewSystem Components 1-3Workstation 1-3Power-down 6-4Power-Down 6-5Racking 4-3Procedure 4-5Rear PaneliQ Platform 5-5Reset 6-6Shipment & Storage Environment 2-10Start-up 6-3Initial Start-up 6-3Normal Start-up 6-3SystemReset 6-6System ComponentsOverview 1-3System StatusiQ Platform 6-7Workstation 6-10TabletDimensions 1-7Unpacking 3-3iQ Platform 3-3WorkstationConnection 5-172116-58-030 A Quantel Installation Manual 1Index
2 Index 04/01 2116-58-030 AIndex

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