Qixiang Electron Science and Technology 5188U1 VEHICLE RADIO User Manual 1

Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd VEHICLE RADIO 1


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Document ID963667
Application IDX8JHKpmR3eT1XwT0EUxWiQ==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize132.13kB (1651636 bits)
Date Submitted2008-07-01 00:00:00
Date Available2008-07-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-06-27 17:29:36
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2008-06-30 10:19:33
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - 文档 1
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Randy HE

3. Initial Installing
It set the ignition-key ONIOFF (optional feature), use the optional 000-01 (For direm oonnedlen
to the o'rcut on the vehicle or tor a cigar plug oonnedion) mole. canned one of the cables between
the ABC terminal or a cigar plug that operates with the vehicle ignition orACC swiwh on the vehicle
powerjadt on the rear side critha unit. (NOTE: In many can, the cigaMiyht-rplug is
llttreylpowvd. In thb all, you unnotuu “forth- lgnltlon-hy ON/OFFfuncflon.) Ifeet
this function on. the unit can be turned ONIOFF either manually or automatically in eooordanoe
with the ignition-key Mon.
1. When the ignition-key turns to ACC (speed up) or 0N(start) and the radio is power cfl‘, the
power swltdr lights on. It tumsoft when the ignition key is turned to be ofl.Totum on the unit.
press lhepowerswltoh whiten tem.(whlle Ignition keyhat ACC orON)
1. When the ignition-key turns toACC (speed up) or ON (start) and the radio is power on.the unit
tume on automatically and the power switch light on. Turn the ignition-kayto OFF or manually
turn the power switch 0” to shut down the radio.
The power consumption when using the additional cable is 5 m
For operation without this tunaion. use the power switch in turn the unit ONIOF F.
[Fixed Station Operation)
in order to use this transceiver for fixed station operation, you will need a eeperete13.8 V DC
power supply (not lnoluded).GlXtAlllG Co. otters excellent communication power supply as optimal
ewessorymRP-m], please contact the Iooal authorized QDGANG distributor.
The recommended wrrent capacity of your power supply Is 12 A.
1. Connect the DC powerrahle tothe regulated DC power supply and ensure that the polarities
are correct (Red: positive, Black: negative).
' Do not directly connect the transoaiverto an AC outlet.
' Use the supplied DC power cable to connect the transceiver to a regulated power supply,
a Do not substitute a cable with smellerge wires.
5,777‘ I V,
Rogullbd pom-wry (nae-tn)
2. Connect the trensoeiver‘e DC power connector to the cortneotor on the DC power cable.
I Press the oonneotors firmly together until the looking tat: cllcks.
OBeIoleoonneodngtheDCpoweraupplj/to the trerreoelver, besuretoewitchtheh'aneoelverend
the DC powarwppo' OFE
ODonotplugV-e DCpowersupplylnm enACou‘lslmNyoumake alloonnaodons.
$5 3. lnltlel Installing
(Replacing Fuse]
If the fuse blows, determine the cause, then correct the problem. After the problem is resolved,
replace the fuse." newly installed fuse continue to blow, disconnect the power cable and comact
your authorized m'deaier or an authorized m 'servlge‘ center for assistance.
. met
[lit/l one;
Only use tuse at the specified type and rating: otherwise the transceiver could be damaged.
NOTE: if you use the transceiver for a long period when the vehide battery is not fully charged,
or when the engine is OFF, the battery may become discharged, and will not have sufficient
reserves to alert the vehicle. Avoid using the transceiver under mesa condrh‘one.
Alter connectan the transceiver to the power supply, the supply voltage can be confirmed by
pressingSQLand FUNCatthesamet'lne.Thempplyvoltegedapleysonthewem.metrenmeiver
will return to normal operation when the power Is OFF. The display Immediawa changes as the
voltage supply dramas. It also displays velhge during transmission.
[IMPORIANT] 111- mm. at the duplay-d vellu- I: only item 1v-1av. Bocnuu ot the dlsplmd valu-
h “tin-ted, plum use a veltmmr when I more pr-cln reading I: entree,
Antenna Connection
Before operating, Install an efficient, well-tuned antennaThe success of your Installation will
depend largely on the type of antenna and its correct installationThe transceiver can give excel lent
results lithe antenna system and Its Installation are given catetul attention.
Use a 500 impedance antenna and low-lose ceaidal feed line that has a dlaremerisiic impedance
of 500, to match the transeetver Input Impedance. Coupling the antenna to the transceiver we feed
lines having an impedance other than 500 reduces the efficiency of the antenna system and can
uuse Interference to nearby broadcast televlslon receivers, radio receivers. and other electronic
0Trensmltting Wiommnwmectlnganantema crothelmemhedbedmeydemegethetlenscelver.
Always connect the antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.
OAII fixed sletims should be equipped with a lightning anester to reduce the risk olfire, elecaic
shock, and transceiver damage.
There are many possible antenna locations on a car. Four of the most popular are shown and
discussed on the bllolring:
rs 3. Initial lnstallin
A99§§§9f¥§999€9f971 ________________________________________________________
[External speaker]
lfyou plan to use an external speaker. choose a speakerwith an impedance of so The external
speaker iaok accepts a 3.5 mm (1/8') mono (2-conduotor) plug.
NOTE: Extemal speaker adopt BTL double ports as output, please care about the connectlng way
The speaker can not connect with the ground. otherwise the speaker will be fault. The wrong
connecting way as the following picture:
For voice oommuni-tions, conned a microphone equipped with an Spin modular plug into the
modular socket on the front of the main unit.Press firmly on the plug until the locking tab clicks.
Attach the supplied microphone hanger in an appropriate location using the screws included
in the screw set.
6 MlmpnquMP-ml é
MICW sounder
Exlemal speaker
Getting Acquainted
Front Panel
P’WR (Power) Power ONIOFF
2 VOL uiumeswncn Adjustvclumeluy
am la : : :- -|=.rne sum
_ "mam“ mm
H FUNC'SET Function ML
VIM - MW Swltchaa bemoan VFO mode and memo made
7 TS/DCS- LOCK Set CTCSS and DOS varue
8 CALL' HIL Call ka
_ Squeich adlusflng key
10 Data Terminal Dara reading/writing, dung and burglar alarm funcfions
11 TX Indicates whan bansmilfing
_ Connscflon port for suppllsd mlcrophona
' Frau FUNC, tho mncflonz can In acfivmd whllo. appears.
Confirm to drum function and exit the functions
Store data lo memory drannels
8 MHZ ' SHIFT Set dlrsctlon and frequency of 0M frequency
Tsmcs- LOCK Selkeylock function
8 CAL HIL Switch between HI, MID and LOWpawar nnsmlsalun
9 SQL' E) Enter Imn the com - .ndar wmmumcafion mods
I 4. Getting Acguainted
0 501 function by pressing FUNc and one of the following key: at the
same time
Reset to default setting
5 |VIM' MW | Delete the channel memory
5 | MHZ- SHiFT | switch between widelnerrow band
7 TSIDCS' LOCK Set the auto dialer
_ Euler clone dale function mode
_ Enter fire power supply voltage indiflaliun mode
- Set function: by pressing the key: comlnuously
Press and hold ior2 seconds to enter the selling mode
Press and hold for more lhen 1 second m monitorfundion
Ext, Speaker Terminal Terminal for optional extremal sneaker
Terminal for connecting optional cable for use with
ignition key on/ofi function
Use for connecting the 50 ohm coaxial cable wim
Eu, Power Jack
Anilenne Cnnnemr
m- 4. Gettin Ac uainted
Pililiil i T
‘ MiLo NarA +- new DCSO-rr
SOL Appear! when setljng lhe squelch level
n_ Appears when In memory mode
n_ lndleates the memory channel number In memory mode
n Declmnl palm Appears when setting lhs burglar alamr function
Declmal pelnt Appears when selling ma skip level
Decimal palm lndicates (he dicimal point offrequency and the scanning
lllllll lndlmtae the frequency or memory name
Appears when a signal is being received and monitor
lunalen ls ON
Indicates the relative signal stranglh of trensmfling and
Appears when aettlng CTCSS
_ Appears when setting dlrectlon ofnfleei frequency
lndleates scramble
Ner Indicates narrow band
18 ML lrrdlmtas medium pwrer
19 Appears when presslng FUNc Key
I; 4 Gettin Acquainted
imiease ilequenm/ vaiuememory channel serial mlrberpr seitlrg value
| Beam Mano] value .rnemovy enamel serial numberpr saihg value
Push- To-Talk. get hm Humming stab
n_ 59mm“. hpulVFOfmquarwordhl inn/lam
H DTMF OFF Midi balms" dial-inns fisquawdialiu in! fundinn opening
a LOCKOFF Kay lock (IJyvianhgtums oifMisn Ioddrg)
speak hen; during imnsmiiiing
Mic, Connecinr Diluram (While looking In the front view of me connedor)
GND (Grounding)
Mic (Microphone) G) MIC GND (Microphone Grounding)
P'I'I'(Push-To-Ta|k) ——[(2) Remote (connect in conimi)
Dwm(Dscmase) 3 5 DC 5V
5. Ogerating Basics
Wish nelhgfguergll/OEE .....
Press the pmwer ewilch or turn the Ignlllon key tnACC n"’"‘"‘“" ""'
(spoedupbr 0N(etarup) according to lhe selected mode LISHHB ‘
when Installed to power ON. Piece again the punter swlmh
or turn the ignition key to OFF to power OFF.
Adjusting The Volume mm- vom-
Tum lire VOL eonlml clockwise lo increase the audln
output level and counterclockwise to decrease lhe oumul
level. Set It at me dalred level, E
A919§ll991h9§99§l§h _____________________________________ “f, f"? ______
The purpose of Squslch is m mule m speaker when no elgnals are present. With the squelch
level cunedly eel. you will heer sound only while aduelly receiving signals. The higher the selected
squelch level, the stranger the slgnels mus! be receiveThe approprlete squelch level depends on
the emblem RF noise conditions.
1. Press Sill. Key. SQL icon displays on lhe screen and
the squelch level will be shown where the memory
number is displayed. 21 Ievelsl totstmm 0 to 20)
w is the laweet setting value.
Squeleh Level
2. Adlust deelred squelch level by tumlng lhe meln dlal
or by using the upmowu keys on the mlcriohone.
To return lb normal use mode. press PTT or any key
on lhe front panel. or if there are no operations within
five seconds, the unltwlll alone the selling and wlll
return to its orlginel status.
The new squelch level will be stored In the CPU unlll another adjustment is done,
VFO rumng rs set as a «Maul! mode at lha rectory VFO
(Variable Frequency Oedlletor) allows you to change the
frequency In accordance wlth the selected channel step
aeyeu rulelelhe meindielorbyusingflleUP/DOWNkeys ”15389
on lire microphone. VFO models also used lo prugrem VFO Mode
lhe dale lo be stored In the memory channels.
1. Identify the currenl mode by checking the screen.
"mm 11-
lf “M' or "C' lean Is NOT dlepleyed on lt, lhe unlt ls ‘"" ‘
elreeey in the VFO mods. 955735
2. oflrerwlse press VIllI key unllll lhnse leans are gene.J GD GE E) E]
5. OErating Basics
[Change Frequency By Channel Stepping]
Turn the naln dlal dockwtee to Increase the frequency value, eeunbruleckwlee to decrewe The
UPIDWN km an the microphone act in the same way.
[Change Frequency By 1MHz stepping]
This will enable a quick change at lrequency in 1 MHz
1. mm me key. The digits ethr room: will disappear
on the screen. 1 q 5
2. Tum the main eiel or pm UPIDOWN key on Mic.
Change Channel Stepping
1. Be sure the unit is in VFO mode. Refer to page 23
to enter the SET mode. |- T
2. Select the (flannel step parameter setting by using Diapluwu “mm stepping
the tuning knob, The current channel step will be
displayed as below.
ST P—S STP—83 STP»10 STP-125 STP-15
<— > < > 4 + q >
(SKHZ) (8.33KHz) (10KH1) (12.5!(H2) (15KH1)
t sumo err-30 srp-zs STP-ZO
, < . . . 4 .
(some) (SOKHZ) (25KHz) (20m)
3. Press P'I'T or any key exeepl SQLon the front panel to enter the desired step into memory.
The men wlll then return lathe original stable.
NOTE; Settings below 10KHz may be automatically corrected encoding to Me selected step.
Operating Through Repeaters
Repeaters. which are often installed and me mined
by radio clubs, are usually located en mountain tops or
other elevated locations. They generally operate at higher
ERP (Eflecllve Radleted Power) than a typical station
This eemhinetion of elevetlon and high ERP allows 00m-
municetz'nns aver much greater distances than commun—
icating without using repeaters. . ‘
Meet repeaters use a rewlve and trensmlt frequency "
pair with a standard or non-standard offset (odd-split).ln ‘
addition. some repeaters must receive atone irom the fixfif‘; m m 7mm
transceiver ln be accessed, For details, mutt your local Rx: "SW": TXVW- "SN:
repeater reference. ex. 146 we:
$3“ 5. Ogerating Basics
[Offset Programming Flow]
(1) Select a receive frequency.
0 Select an offset direction.
OSelac‘t an offsatfraquency (only when programming
odd-split repeater frequencies).
OAodvatethe Tone function (If necessary).
flselect a tone frequency (if necessary).
If you store all the above data in a Memory Channel, you will not need to reprogram the par<
ameters every time. Refer to MEMORY CHANNELS'.
[Setting Offset Direction And Offset Frequency]
Repeater receives a signal (UP-LINK) on the frequency and re-transmits on another (DOWN-LINK).
The difference between these two frequencies Is called the offset frequency. The default offset
frequency on VHF hand is 800 kHz; the default offset frequency on UHF bend is 5.0 MHz. if the
UP-LlNK frequency is higher than the DOWN-LINK frequency, the shift direction is positive, and
if it is lower. the shifl direction is negative. The onset is variable between D to 99.995MHz on this
Press the FUNC key. While the screen displays ". "
icon. press In": key. Screen shows the cunent status of
offset direction and offsetfrequency. The default value Is
0.60 MHz (GOOKHZ) in the negative direction. Press MHz
key until the desired offset direction is set. If SlMPLEX at 800ml
mode (without changing transmit and receive frequency)
is desired. select the position where both - and + icons
1. Turn the dial or use UPIDOWN keys on the micro-
phone tc change the offset frequency. It changes
in accordance with the channel step setting value.
0000 4» +0500 —
2. In this mode, if press the FUNC key again. the offset
frequency can be changed in 1 MHz steps for faster
ssffins- Cancel smrt <7
1. Press any other key wept RING or Mi'h to return
to the original statue.

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Metadata Date                   : 2008:06:30 10:19:33+08:00
Creator Tool                    : PScript5.dll Version 5.2
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Title                           : Microsoft Word - 文档 1
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