Qixiang Electron Science and Technology 5188U1 VEHICLE RADIO User Manual 1
Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd VEHICLE RADIO 1
C€0678CD RoHS Soonlene® ST—5I88 VEHICLE RADIO USER'S MQNUQL SAFETYTRAIIIIG INFORMATION Your sr SIIIII radro generals: RF mums-marrow ourm trarmnt "we Thus more nmmmam desalted a! W!!! wow. mom; I Mbe under-01mm“ moi momnwy rmwrflummmmmm, and m Mn no mums such hazards This rad» h NOT mum In use W m ‘GermlPopunion' “m an uncut-rota emrromseu Tm redo has ban mum urll norm-a wrln In: FCC RF arm's Iml; for monoclonal Usu omr In allow", your 51’ slssraon normals um Inn bll'mm Sandal“ onu Gumlm mm rmrolo RF «raw and flamenco: my mm and wuualrarr of war I“ ror mun b human: I FCC OET Bullellrr 65 Eamon 9701 Supplemem c. Evaluate Convince w- FOC Guloelrles lor Hum Exposure lo moo Frequency mm Fields l Amman Mariana! 30mm Immune (0951-1992). IEEE WM for New Levels MI" Respect» Human Exposure (0me mommy woman” Flelm. 3 I“! no 300 GHZ l Amman Nana-ml mm mm (0953-1972). IEEE Renamed Pawn for me Meow of PM" maroon; Emma“; Frem- RF and Mlcmme. l m [fuming locussrx‘m are aulhurrzed fix I: uh Iht produu meoI common: man Imse (land in Ire manual] toe-allied any real in RF exposure mkMWWFCCmmMMWRFWIe To man mal your expose lo RF «moment's my I; mm the Fol: more!” Imula Icr oowpauonal use, were some no Ins lcllmng Who: I no MoToperanelfie raalovmmula murmurs ammo. estrus may Gamma radloaml Mesa cause unnamed FCC RF mm Imus. Autos-er alumna rs the antenna summed wlh rm; raflo lvf me rrnrutauurer or armor-la specially sun-armed By rm mnulaaurer lor use wrm Ins mo l DONOanmlsmmzfianmdml radhlseirlefmdmywda‘) mnmmmemmmhmmumFmRFumremwam reqmentrrls In be uncalled Tm: ram ‘s Ira-grilling Mm Illa "TX ‘ndimlof‘ Em "ad You can -use the 13th lo herald In mam lire “P11- smilm I ALWAYS keep me antenna al lead «an m] from Ike body when narrow-mug Tl! rrrlolnuhon RM abate provides fire “and?! the rrrformalmr nomad lb “be him or hrx we 0! RF mum, and WWI Io do In tonne I!“ Ihs radio onerous mm the FOG RF exposure lmlsom-s radio Eeclromamedlc lrmflemmelComo-nblmy During uammlsslons. your $1613: raulo genomes RF enervy mleen possibly cause lnnerlerenee wm mmevloes of 91mm. Tom sum Interim. mm a! me mm In areas were signs ac posted to do so, DO NOT ooeme me uarrsmmer In areas that are seam/e no creamer-else mam sucr- as moms, drum and owing silos Occuwlomllcwmlld Un 17: run» "summer a used n mm m Much person: are armed a: comm or men empty/men! pfovrded mm persons are lull] more or me manual hr uxpocum and m martin neural our mail “me IMPORTANT READ ALA. mar-warlords wdullt no company mm m a. mm 3le mus lnsmucnon umun- “vi-mason “mumm- ‘nwt-l mac-Mile "nun-firmlm (In: MM Min EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS wow ’ new mamas I inm many. an um's m «saucy-as m was I uunou 1 Enukmal w my new new \ Ildnowmot mm on». Norah a mud nij. flu or Mmm OPERATING NOTES - Wnnlmmmmhmmkupm-mmnlm m— Mvuvheainndhoéy PRECAUflONS wnnmuuz NEVER hold an. mm."- in mm m mum-n n my «no lo. a: mum «pond pm a an. may. upon», mo 1». on qas. mun-mung m lunmfielwilpenmm he: Ilka mm a tu- “mm-mm. WARNING! NEVER opera. nu "mm: van a Market a «rm auto m an M vohnm hula no no! Pm me mm» nu mum flailing w Innsml AVOIDufi-g aphunglh-Iummr hat-cl lunlgM u h cum amp-mum mum (m um mm (am. no not may the "amulet an, m FOO CAUTION: w Chngot or mnmw lhio amino. no! 01le captured by Ghana could void mummrq m 09mm um: «mm-am. um rcc “iguana-s. Thank you very muott (or purctlaalng this excellent transceiver. We adopt the advanced technology. ithas beentaatsdmrefiltyatwrfaotoryforywriangtannm. Please read his mew mm to learn all tum We Mam mm lhiB mama! tobaaeoomprotienerveandeasytoundemidespoeelble. Pieaeenolemateorneofmoeper- afimmaybeexplaheohpreviauafiptersfioifyoureadjmtmpennfue mamai.yourmry not understand the onmpiete uplanstion oftno funfiion. Please observe the following precautions to prevent fro. personal injury. and/or transceiver damage: 'Y\ Do not attanvt to us- your transoaiwrvrtiie driving; it is sirviy mdarrgrrrms. i». This transceiver is designed tor a13.5 V power source Never use a 2A V battery lo power the mirror. it Do not place the transceiver in euoeseweiy dusty. humid or wet areas, not on unambla surface, 4. Please make it away trom lmetterentlai drMoee (won on TV. mentor etc.)men Interfering byatdamal. it Do nataxpoeematranwe‘rvartoiong perioosotdirorx wniiflrt nor at“ It close to heal-Mg ”Silliness. mummmwmuawmrmmm ” x humor. rum OFF the PM! mmmiy. Ensure me transceiver is sate. than ”no It to service station tor oxarnlndlon. ll, Do not transmit with high cutout powwtoremnoed Mott; the trenooefver may overheat. Please contact the local authorized dealer it you have any questions. We are not naponfible tor any lypograptioal errors ltrat may be in this manual. Standard moons; may uhmga without notice, getting your understanding for my inoonverienoee. E Your need is our service purpose! If Contents 1. Functlon And Future- 2. Aeeeueriu --------- Supplied Accessories- Optional Accessories- 3. Initial Insulting-n Mobile Installation DC Power Cable Connection Mobile Operation ------- Fixed Station Operation- Replaclng Fuses ----- Power Supply Voltage DIspIa Antenna Connection -------- Accessory Connections - External speaker-"- Microphone --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Nflmmwmhbm 4. Getting Acquainted Front Panel ------ Rear Panel Screen - --- Microphone" - - 5. Operating Balls: Sw'rlnhing The Power ONIOFF- Adjusting The Volume -------- Adjusting The Squelch VFO Mode ----------- Change Frequency By Channel Stepping Change Frequency By 1MHz Stepping- Change Channel Stepping"- Operating Through Repeaters Oflset Programming Flow -- Setting Offset Direction And Ottset Frequency- CTCSSIDCSIZ—TONE/S—TONE Setting-- 2-TONE/5-TONE(OptlonaI) DTMF ------------ Memory Channels Memory Channels Programming --------- Programmable data In memory channels- CaII Mode -------------------------------- Receiving signals ---- Transmitting Signals-- 6. Parameter Setting ------- Parameter Setting Mode ll: Contents Derairs 0! The Features In Menu ---------------------------------------------------- 19 Channel Slap Safling - -20 Scanning Type 2!) Beep Sound - 20 “ms-Out ‘nmer TOT Resuming Time APO-Aim: Power OFF Tuna-Bum Frequency -- Busy Channel Lockout Burglar/Mann m ~ Alphanumsflc Tag Dlmmer -------- 7. Mane-d Ola-minus CTCSS Sun - DCS Sean —- Key-Lodted Fundlon- Tona bum ------- W‘dalNarrvw Band- Compandar Funcflon- Serambier (Optioanl ANI Function cable crane ------------ Programmi 9 Data By PG- 3. Mlmphonl Oporaflon Kays' Instructlon 4 Funofions Chart- - Inpufling Frequencies 1 Hunt-runn- Reset ..... How To Regal—- Dafaun Setting Aflsr Resefling- Trouble shooting- 10. Specification - 1. Function And Feature This new transceiver has many world advanced and reliable fundions; ii represents the innovation and pram-lily principle of QMANG Company. Funfilone as follows: O Display on a large LCD with adjustable brightness. convenient ier nighttime use. Three dlfierent displaying modes are avalleble. including Frequency Mode, Frequency +Channe| Mode and Channel Mode, 0 Disinbuie buttons reasonably, convenient for operation. Adopt superior quality material. heifer iechnology and high quality radiator to ensure stable and durable operation. ' 100 programmable memorized manuals + 1 called channel, identified by leiters and numbers. ' CTCSSIDCS encode/decode per channel (can be different encode/decode mes), rejecting extre calling from oiher radios. 0 Various seen functions. including CTCSSIDCS seen function. 0 Wm Zions, S-Tone and DTMF erreorfingldecoding function. use {Hone to have Send Message. Emergency. Cell el|,ANI, Stun. Wake". em. 1 Auinmetic Numbering ldentifimfion function by DTMFIANI or S-TonelANl. - scramble iuncilon ( Optional ). t can set oompander ON/OFF. 0 Can Be! different band widlh: wide band: 25K, narrow band 12.5K. ' Burglar alenn providing exlra sefeiy. 2. Su lied And 0 tional Accessories Supplied Accessories Miler carefully unpacking file transceiver, Identify ihe items Ilsled as below. We recomm- end you keep the box and packing. 0 ST-5188 Transceiver [OX-015] - MicmBhone QMP—m - Mobile installing bracket (wilh TMF keypad) [OMB-01] fig'éfl/ 0 Dc power cable with fuse holder - Alarm cable A (wilh wire) 0 Alarm cable B (extension use) [QPHH] [0L-01(A)l [QL-O1(B)] fig“ 0 Hardware kits for brackei Blink mews (mum) Tupphg scrwn (Msfiflmml serene (us-20mm) Ween.“ swunar rime-ml mm!) 4 pa. lesson) 4 pr: (menu A pa- (eeemc; (oseom) 4 pea, (QSSNE) GD» (6m film ©© aur- fuse (- pli) Smll manuh (mum) 2 ml (OF-01) (M01) 0:53) p . USSI’S MENU8| The slanderd accessories may very slightly depending on the version you have purchased. Please contact the local authorized ODGANG dealer should you have any questions. OMANG and authorized dealerare not responsible [or any lypogrephical errors there may be in this manual.Siandard accessories may change without notice. Optional Accessories - ered copy cable (QXPL-01 ) 0 Cigar llghler (ace-01) 3. Initial Installin To nstell the transceiver. select e safe, convenient location side your vehicle that minimizes danger to your passengers and yourself while the vehicle ts in motion. Consider installing the unit et an appropriate position so that knees or legs Mil not strike it during sudden braking at your vehicle. Try to pick a well ventilated location that is shielded from direct sunlight. 1. Install the mounting bracket In the vehicle using the supplted self-tapping screws (A pee), flat washers (4 pee). car washer seIHapplng saw Install the mounting bracket 2. Position the bunsuaiver. then insert and tighten the supplied hexagon SEMS screws (4) and flat washers (4). ' Double check that all hamare Ea tightened to prevent vehicle vibration from loosening the bracket or transceiver. ' Determine the appropriate angle efthe transceiver: using the 3 screw hole positions on the side ofthe mounting bracket. 5:5 3. Initial Installing Dc Power Cable Connection NOT Locate the powe nput connector as close to the bensce verespos [Mobile Operation] The vehicle battery must have a nominal rating of 12 V. Never connect the transceiver lo a 24 V battery. Be sure to use e 12 V vehicle battery that has suiiicient current cepam'ty. If the turnout to the hanweiver is insuiliu‘eni, the display may darken during transmission. orimnsmit output power may drop excessively. 1. Route the DC power cable supplied with the transceiver dirediy to the vehide's battery terminals using the shortest path from the transceiver. v If using a noise filter. it should be installed with en ineuleiorto preventitfmm touching metal on the vehicle. ' We recommend you do not use the cigarette lighter socket as some cigareite lighter sockets Introdum an unewepiable voltage drop. C The entire length arms cable must buttressed so itis isolated from heat. moisture. and the engine secondary (high voltage) ignition system] cables. 2. Alter the cable is in piece. wrap heat-resistant tape around the fuse holder to protect it from moisture and tie down the full run ofceble. 3. To prevent the risk oi short drums. disconnect other wiring from the negative (-) battery terminal before connecting the transceiver. 4. Confirm the correct polarity of the connections, than attach the power cable to the battery terminals: red connects to the positive (+) terminal and black connects to the negative (-) terminal. 0 Use the full length of the cable without cutting oil excess even if the mole is longer than required, In particular. never remove the iuse holders lrom the able. S. Reconnect any wiring removed from the negative terminal. 6. Connect the DC power cable to the tmnscelvef's power supply connector. ’ Press the conneaors firmly together until the locking tab clicks.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2008:06:30 10:19+08:00 Create Date : 2008:06:27 17:29:05+08:00 Metadata Date : 2008:06:30 10:19+08:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - 文档 1 Creator : Randy HE Document ID : uuid:159e3f1b-5596-4132-8af7-fb3b175717e3 Instance ID : uuid:753bbeeb-b7e8-425a-a0ab-63823ce425b1 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows) Page Count : 10 Author : Randy HEEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools