R STAHL HMI Systems GC667032 Trex Device Communicator User Manual UserManual

R. STAHL HMI Systems GmbH Trex Device Communicator UserManual



Quick Start GuideTREX-0045-0001_Draft_6716June 2016Trex™ Device CommunicatorQuick Start Guide
Copyright and trademark information©2016 Emerson Process Management. All rights reserved.FOUNDATION™, HART® and WirelessHART® are marks of the FieldComm Group of Austin, Texas,USA.The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.NoticeImportantRead this manual before working with the Trex unit. For personal and system safety, and for optimumproduct performance, thoroughly understand the contents before using or servicing this product.For equipment service needs, contact the nearest product representative.ImportantThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.WARNING!WARNING - POTENTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING HAZARD - SEE INSTRUCTIONS.AVERTISSEMENT - DANGER POTENTIEL DE CHARGES ÉLECTROSTATIQUES - VOIR INSTRUCTIONSQuick Start Guide June 20162Quick Start Guide
1 Trex Device Communicator overviewThe Trex unit supports HART® and FOUNDATION™ fieldbus devices, so youcan configure or troubleshoot in the field or on the bench. Electronic DeviceDescription Language (EDDL) technology enables the Trex unit tocommunicate with a variety of devices independent of device manufacturer.Depending on the attached communication module, the Trex unit lets you:•Configure HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.•Power one HART or FOUNDATION fieldbus device.•Measure current and voltage.•Perform diagnostics on a 4-20 mA current loop or FOUNDATION fieldbussegment.The Trex unit includes a color LCD touchscreen, a Lithium-Ion power module(battery pack), a processor, memory components, and optionalcommunication modules.NoteWhen the Trex unit communicates with devices, follow all standards andprocedures applicable to the location. Failure to comply may result inequipment damage and/or personal injury. Understand and comply with thesections in this manual.Precautions for the Trex unitBefore operating the Trex unit, ensure the following:•The Trex unit is not damaged.•The power module is securely attached.•All screws are sufficiently tightened.•The communication terminal recess is free of dirt and debris.•The communication module is securely attached.NoteDo not use a screen protector on an IS-approved Trex unit.June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  3
Front view of the Trex unitFront viewFigure 1-1:   A. Power button (side).B. Strap connectors (side).C. Touchscreen.D. Keypad.E. Charger port for the AC adapter (side).Precautions for the power module and AC adapterUnderstand and follow the precautions below before using the powermodule or AC adapter.•When transporting a Lithium-Ion power module, follow all applicableregulations.•Ensure sufficient grounding. Ensure the personnel, working surfaces, andpackaging are sufficiently grounded when handling electrostaticallysensitive parts.•Avoid touching the pins on the connectors or components. Dischargedenergy can affect the power modules.Quick Start Guide June 20164Quick Start Guide
•Protect the power module and AC adapter from moisture, and respectoperating and storage temperature limits listed in the Trex DeviceCommunicator User Guide. The AC adapter is for indoor use only.•Do not cover the power module or AC adapter while charging. Do notsubject it to prolonged periods of direct sunlight, or place it on or next toheat-sensitive materials.•Charge the power module with only the provided AC adapter. The ACadapter should not be used with other products. Failure to comply maypermanently damage the Trex unit and void the IS approval and warranty.•Do not open or modify the power module or AC adapter. There are nouser-serviceable components or safety elements inside. Opening ormodifying them will void the warranty and could cause personal harm.•Clean the AC adapter by clearing the terminal of dirt and debris, ifrequired.•If the AC adapter is used in a manner not specified by Emerson ProcessManagement, the protection provided by the equipment may beimpaired.•The AC adapter comes complete with interchangeable plug heads forcountries UK, USA, EU and AU.•The maximum operating altitude for the AC adapter is 2000 meters.Charge the power moduleFully charge the power module before using it in the field. The Trex unit isfully operable when the power module is charging. An overcharge conditionwill not occur if the AC adapter is connected after charging completes. Youcan charge the power module when it is attached to or detached from theTrex unit.To maintain performance, charge the power module frequently, preferablyafter each use. Limit full discharges, if possible.If you experience communication issues when working with a device, removethe AC adapter from the Trex unit.WARNING!You cannot install, remove, or charge the Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) power modulein a hazardous area environment.1. Plug the AC adapter into a power outlet.2. Attach the AC adapter connector to the side of the Trex unit.A full charge takes approximately three to four hours.June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  5
Communication modulesThe Trex unit has two communication modules you can attach to addfunctionality.Device Communicator communication moduleThe Device Communicator communication module can connect to andcommunicate with HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices on anexternally-powered HART loop or fieldbus segment. The DeviceCommunicator communication module has unique terminals for both HARTand FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.Device Communicator communication moduleFigure 1-2:   A. Connect to externally-powered FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.B. Connect to externally-powered HART devices.Device Communicator Plus communication moduleThe Device Communicator Plus communication module can connect toHART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices, measure current and voltage, andpower a device.Quick Start Guide June 20166Quick Start Guide
Device Communicator Plus communication moduleFigure 1-3:   A. Power a FOUNDATION fieldbus device. You need to connect the FOUNDATIONfieldbus Power Plug to the FF pwr and the positive FF terminals.B. Connect to a FOUNDATION fieldbus device that is externally-powered orpowered by the Trex unit.C. Measure current on a 4-20 mA current loop.D. Power and connect to a HART device. The HART+pwr terminals can measurecurrent output of a connected transmitter or control the current input to aconnected positioner.E. Connect to an externally-powered HART device. The HART terminals also havean optional loop resistor for enabling HART communications on 4-20 currentloop and optional current control for moving a positioner.Precautions•Before you insert or remove a communication module, ensure the Trexunit is powered off.•Ensure sufficient grounding. Ensure the personnel, working surfaces, andpackaging are sufficiently grounded when handling electrostaticallysensitive parts.June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  7
•Avoid touching the pins on the connectors or components. Dischargedenergy can affect the modules.•When you insert/attach the communication module to the Trex unit, donot over tighten the screws. Use 0.5Nm maximum torque load.CAUTION!Remove the USB cable from the Trex unit before connecting to a device.WARNING!•The Trex unit cannot power a 4-wire device. Do not connect Trex unit tothe power terminals of a 4-wire device. This can blow a fuse inside theTrex unit. The repair/replacement will need to be completed at anauthorized service center.•Do not connect lead sets to the HART and HART + pwr terminals at thesame time. If the lead sets are connected to devices, this increases thechance of wiring mistakes and could create a short in the HART loop.•Do not add any external power to the device when the Trex unit ispowering the device. This can blow a fuse inside the Trex unit. The repair/replacement will need to be completed at an authorized service center.Ensure the device is disconnected from the loop/segment and no otherwires are connected to the device before providing power from the Trexunit.•Do not use the Trex unit to power a WirelessHART device. Providingpower to a WirelessHART device may damage the device.•Do not connect the mA terminals (ammeter) in parallel with a powered4-20 mA current loop. Ammeters have low resistance. This can disruptthe loop and cause devices to report incorrect values or positioners tomove unexpectedly.•Do not connect the mA terminals on the Trex unit to a power supply thatis not current limited to 250 mA. This can blow a fuse inside the Trex unit.The repair/replacement will need to be completed at an authorizedservice center.Power on or off1. To power on, press and hold the power button on the upper left side ofthe Trex unit for one second.2. To power off, do one of the following:•Quickly press the power button, and then tap Turn Off.Quick Start Guide June 20168Quick Start Guide
•Tap Settings or the status bar at the top of the screen, and tap More >Power Management > Turn off.Device connectionsUse the provided lead set and the Field Communicator application tocommunicate with a device. The appropriate device description is alsorequired. If the Trex unit does not have the HART device description revision,the device is displayed in generic mode. This mode does not display all devicefunctionality. If the Trex unit does not have the fieldbus device description,the device cannot be configured.See the wiring diagrams in the Trex Device Communicator User Guide for moreinformation.CAUTION!The Trex unit draws approximately 12 mA from the fieldbus segment when itis online. (The Trex unit draws 0 mA when it is offline.) Ensure the powersupply or barrier on the fieldbus segment has the capacity to provide thisadditional current when the Trex unit is online. If a heavily loaded fieldbussegment is drawing near the capacity of the segment’s power supply,connecting the Trex unit may result in loss of communication.Maintenance and repairAny maintenance, repair, or replacement of components not listed belowmust be performed by specially trained personnel at an authorized servicecenter. You can perform common maintenance procedures listed below:•Clean the exterior. Use only a dry, lint-free towel or dampen the towelwith an alcohol or mild soap and water solution.•Clean the touchscreen.•Charge, install, or remove the power module.•Remove and replace the stand.•Ensure that all exterior screws are sufficiently tightened.•Ensure the communication terminal recess is free of dirt and debris.•Install and remove the communication module.Technical supportContact your local representative or go to the Trex Device Communicatorwebsite for technical support contact information.June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  9
2 Product certificationsSee the Trex Device Communicator website for the latest certificates,declaration of conformity, and approval information.Approved manufacturing locationR. STAHL HMI Systems GmbH - Cologne, GermanyLabelsEach Trex unit has a main unit label. An Intrinsically Safe (KL option) Trex unithas another label on the side. If the Trex unit does not have this label, it isconsidered non-IS approved.Certifications and approvalsEuropean directive information - CE complianceATEX(2014/34/EU)This equipment complies with the ATEX Directive. Applicable standards areEN 60079-0:2012 + A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012, and EN 60079-26:2007.Certification No.: II 2 G (1GD) Ex ia [ia Ga] [ia Da IIC] IIC T4 Gb (-10°C < Ta < +50°C) 0158Electro MagneticCompatibility(EMC)2014/30/EUTested to the EN 61326-1:2006 and ETSI EN 301489-17:2002-08specification.Low Voltage Tested to the EN 61010-1:2001 + Corrigendum / Errata specification.International certificationsIECEx Certification No.:Ex ia [ia Ga] [ia Da IIC] IIC T4 (Tambient = 50°C)North American certificationsCanadianStandardsAssociation (CSA)Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I, Ex ia [ia Ga] [ia Da IIC] IIC T4 (-10°C < Ta <+50°C) hazardous locations when connected as indicated in the controldrawing.Quick Start Guide June 201610 Quick Start Guide
Wireless/Spectrum approvalsFCC This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipmentis operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the user’s manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference athis own expense.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by Emerson ProcessManagement may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operatethis equipment.IC This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 duCanada.RED(2014/53/EU)This equipment is in conformity with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)Directive, ETSI EN 300328: 2012-06, and IEC 62209-2:2007 standards.WEEELabel DescriptionProducts with this label comply with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) directive, 2012/19/EU, which applies to European Union (EU) memberstates only.The label indicates this product should be recycled and not treated as householdwaste. Customers in EU member states should contact their local Emerson salesrepresentative for information on discarding any part of the product.For customers in all other world areas, if it is necessary to discard any part of theproduct, follow the waste-disposal regulations applicable in your location.RoHS Label DescriptionRoHSPbProducts with this label are lead-free and comply with the Restriction of the Useof Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)directive, 2011/65/EU, which applies to EU member states only. The EN 50581:2012 is the applicable standard.The purpose of the directive is to limit the use of lead, cadmium, mercury,hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), and polybrominateddiphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants in electronic equipment.Hazardous areasA Trex unit that meets the Intrinsic Safety requirements (IS-approved) can beused in Zone 1, or Zone 2, for Group IIC, and Class I, Division 1 and Division 2,Groups A, B, C, and D locations.June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  11
An IS-approved Trex unit may be connected to loops or segments that areattached to equipment located in Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, for Group IIC; Zone20, Zone 21, Zone 22, and Class I, Division 1 and Division 2, Groups A, B, C,and D locations.An IS-approved Trex unit can be ordered with the KL option. The Trex unit hasa label that lists the approvals.NoteDo not use a screen protector on an IS-approved Trex unit.WARNING!You cannot install, remove, or charge the Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) power modulein a hazardous area environment.WARNING!Explosions can result in serious injury or death.Use in an explosive environment must be in accordance with the appropriatelocal, national, and international standards, codes, and practices. Pleasereview the Technical specifications and Product certifications sections of theTrex Device Communicator User Guide for any restrictions associated with safeuse.Electrical shock can result in serious injury or death.Intrinsically Safe electrical parametersDevice Communicator communication moduleFOUNDATION™ fieldbus FOUNDATION™ fieldbusHART®(non-FISCO) (FISCO)FF + and - FF + and - HART + and -Ui 30 Vdc 30 Vdc 30 VdcIi 380 mA 215 mA (IIC) 380 mA (IIB) 200 mAPi 1.3 W 1.9 W (IIC) 5.3 W (IIB) 1.0 WCi 0 0 0Li 0 0 0Uo 1.89 V 1.89 V 1.89 VIo 32° µA 32° µA 32° µAPo 61 µW 61 µW 61 µWQuick Start Guide June 201612 Quick Start Guide
FOUNDATION™ fieldbus FOUNDATION™ fieldbusHART®(non-FISCO) (FISCO)FF + and - FF + and - HART + and -Co 14.3 µF 14.3 µF 14.3 µFLo 100 mH 100 mH 100 mHDevice Communicator Plus communication modulemAinterfaceFOUNDATION™fieldbusHART®FOUNDATION™ fieldbus(non-FISCO) (FISCO)mAFF pwrand F- FF + and -HART +pwrHART +and -FF pwrand F - FF + and -Ui 30 Vdc 17.5 Vdc 30 Vdc 30 Vdc 30 Vdc 17.5 Vdc 30 VdcIi 200 mA 380 mA 380 mA 200 mA 200 mA 380 mA 215 mA (IIC)380 mA (IIB)Pi 1.0 W 1.3 W 1.3 W 1.0 W 1.0 W 1.3 W 1.9 W (IIC)5.3 W (IIB)Ci 0 231 nF 0 0 0 231 nF 0Li 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Uo0 17.31 V 1.89 V 25.69 1.89 V 17.31V 1.89 VIo 0 199 mA 32° µA 105 mA 1.9 mA 199 mA 32° µAPo0 0.94 W 61 µW 668 mW 3.6 mW 0.94 W 61 µWCo100 µF * nF 14.3 µF ** nF 14.3 µF * nF 14.3 µFLo100 mH * µH 100 mH ** mH 100 mH * µH 100 mH* FF pwr and F -Co [nf] 19 69 115Lo [µF] 100 50 30** HART + pwrCo [nf] 57 64 75 102Lo [µF] 1000 750 500 100June 2016 Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide  13
AC adapter specificationsElectrical SpecificationAC input voltage range 90-264 VACFrequency 47 - 63HzInput current 1.6A max. at low line input and full load outputInrush current 60 A max. at 230VAC input and 25°C ambient temperatureLeakage current <0.25 mAInput protection 1.6A 250VAC FuseNo load power consumption <0.5W max. at nominal input and no load outputOutput voltage 15 VOutput current 4.33 ARipple and noise 1% VoutHold up time 10ms at nominal input and full load outputNo load operation Yes, to protect power supply and system from damageShort circuit protection Auto recovery, cannot exceed 8A max. after 1 minute atnominal input line.Over current protection 150-200%, foldback type, auto recoveryOver voltage protection 110-140%, voltage limiting, recycle input to recoverOperating temperature range 0°C to + 50°COperating humidity 8-90% RH non-condensingOperating altitude Maximum of 2000 metersStorage temperature range -20°C to +70°CStorage humidity 5-95% RH non-condensingCooling Free air convectionDimensions 119 x 54x 36mmWeight 0.33 kgWithstand voltage I/P-O/P (FG): 3kVAC / 10 mA / 1 minuteEMI EN55022: 2006 Class B, EN61000-3-2:2006, EN61000-3-3:1995+A1: 2001+A2:2005 EN55024:1998+A1: 2001+A2:2003, IEC61000-4-2, -3, -4, -5, -6+A1:2004, -8, -11Safety CB (IEC60950-1: 2001), TUV GS (EN60950-1: 2005 +A1 +A2), cUL, CE, VCCIApprovalscUL North America, TUV GS Europe, Japan PSE, IRAM Argentina, Russian EAC,Kazakhstan EAC, South Africa SANS IEC 60 950, Korean EK, China CCC.WEEE 2012/19/EU, RoHS (2011/65/EU)Quick Start Guide June 201614 Quick Start Guide
Quick Start GuideTREX-0045-0001_Draft_6716June 2016Emerson Process Management12001 Technology DriveEden Prairie, MN 55344 USAT 1(952)828-3032F 1(952)828-3033www.EmersonProcess.com©2016, Emerson Process ManagementThe contents of this publication are presented forinformational purposes only, and while every efforthas been made to ensure their accuracy, they arenot to be construed as warranties or guarantees,express or implied, regarding the products orservices described herein or their use orapplicability. All sales are governed by our termsand conditions, which are available on request. Wereserve the right to modify or improve the designsor specifications of our products at any timewithout notice.All rights reserved. The Emerson logo is atrademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.All other marks are property of their respectiveowners.

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