RAE Systems RM900A RAEMesh Radio (RM900A) User Manual SU3RM900A
RAE Systems, Inc RAEMesh Radio (RM900A) SU3RM900A
User Manual
Revision: Dec, 2011 RAEMesh Radio User Manual (for RM2400, RM900, RM900A…) RAE Systems Inc Revision: Dec, 2011 Introduction The RAEMesh Radio module offers a complete microcontroller/transceiver solution Containing all hardware features necessary for development of a low data-rate, low-power wireless application. The primary components include an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant Zigbee-ready transceiver , a microcontroller, a 40-pin interface connector, a MMCS antenna connector, This documentation describes the RAEMesh radio module hardware interface as well as RAE System’s Command Interface. Hardware Specifications Frequency Band 802.15.4 standard. RM2400:16 channels of operation in the 2.4GHz world wide ISM band. 5MHz channel spacing. RM900: 11 channels. 868, 906,908……924MHz RM900A: 11 channels. 868, 906,908……924MHz Power +3.3V + .3V from carrier board, 3.0V to 3.6V from battery pack Interfaces 40-pin surface-mount 2x20 1.27mm pitch RF 250kbps OQPSK Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. Dimensions 46.5 mm x 26 mm x 10 mm Antenna Interface 50-Ohm MMCX female Operating Temperature Range -40ºC to +85ºC Indicators Two LEDs, one red, one blue (DS1, DS2) Current Consumption 0.5 µA Sleep 120 mA TX @ 18 dBm 25 mA RX / Idle RF receive sensitivity -100dBm at at 1% packet error rate for a 20 byte payload. Data Rate 250 kbps Antenna Omnidirectional antenna, 3.5dBi max Revision: Dec, 2011 Mechanical Size Top View The height of the shielding box is 4.3mm from the PCB. 40 Pin header (1.27mm) is used for board to board connection. Corresponding mate connector can be JVE 22P8702-40M00B-01G-4.5 Revision: Dec, 2011 Pin Layout Pin 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Description DGND nRESET TXD1 RXD1 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 TEMP_E/GPIO4 WakeUp/GPIO5 BUZZER/GPIO6 GPIO7/PS_DIR BUTTON0/GPIO8 BUTTON1/GPIO9 GPIO10 RF_SO RF_SI RF_CK SFD +3.3V Pin 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Description DGND DGND TXD0/Bootload. RXD0 GPIO/LED2 GPIO/LED3 GPIO/LED4 GPIO/LED5 GPIO/PS_CS GPIO/PS_FRAME +3.3V AGND AREF ATEMP/ADC1 ADC2 TCK TMS TDO TDI +3.3V Revision: Dec, 2011 Firmware The module is pre-loaded with the bootloader, which supports serial bootloading of firmware update. The module contains RAEMesh application and comply with the RAE System’s RCS protocol. The module also has built-in RAEMesh Module Command Interface(RMCI). This documentation is focused on the instruction on RMCI interface. The RMCI command interface allows customer to easily access to low level mesh functionality without pain to develop the firmware. The module can be configured to a GTW to hook up to a getaway or just a stand alone regular full function node or a Sleepy reduce function node. Make sure to configure the module to right mode before using. Quick Start UART Via the TXD1 and RXD1 pins the command interpreter can be accessed. The RCM can buffer up to 128 bytes of incoming data in a software FIFO buffer and uses XON/XOFF flow control. See the datasheet of the Atmel ATmega1281 for more information about the build-in UART. Connect Pin5 (TXD1) and Pin7 (RXD1) to the customer board. Use the following settings for serial port. RTR and STD: 19200bps, 8N1. GTW: 38400bps, 8N1. Data Packet RCM will transmit any data in the { }, all data in the {} will be transparently sent out without radio’s interpretation. The maximum data packet is 50 bytes including {}. The data in the {} can be any characters including ‘{‘ ‘}’ ’[‘ ’]’ . The interval between 2 data packets must be >200ms for RTR and GTW. The interval between 2 data packets must be >1s for STD. Wakeup If the radio is set to STD mode, the Wakeup pin Pin19 (PE7) is used to make the radio asleep and wakeup. A constant high on this pin will let the radio go to the sleep mode and a low level signal on this pin will wake-up the radio. The Radio sleep mode is the power save mode so the power consumption can be very low. (<40uA) The Wakeup pin must be held up to 10ms before sending a data packet. Power Ground: Pin1, Pin2 and Pin4. VCC: Pin39, Pin40. 3.0V or 3.3V Radio consumes less than 100mW in normal RX/TX mode. Radio consumes 600mW at TX and 100mW at RX for High power module Heartbeat Connect Pin12 to a LED for heartbeat indicator. Reset RST: Pin3 Active Low. Revision: Dec, 2011 PC communication Please has your serial port debug software installed on the PC. For example: sscom32.exe Microsoft Hyper Terminal is not recommended for this application because it is not good to send characters and commands in Hex. Base on correct setting and connection, you will see following display on your screen when power is applied. GTW: [%A]RAEMESH-II RM900A 16MHz FwVer:V1.02b on Sep 28 2011 09:52:14 Stack: BC1.10.0 Type: Coordinator/Gateway Band: 915 EUI: 0001002400001005 Channel: 0x10 TxPwr: Medium PanId: 0x03E5 RTR: [%A ]RAEMESH-II RM900A 16MHz FwVer:V1.02b on Sep 28 2011 09:52:14 Stack: BC1.10.0 Type: FFD/Router Band: 915 EUI: 0001002400001005 Channel: 0x10 TxPwr: Medium PanId: 0x03E5 STD [%A ]RAEMESH-II RM900A 16MHz FwVer:V1.02b on Sep 28 2011 09:52:14 Stack: BC1.10.0 Type: RFD Sleep Sensor Band: 915 EUI: 0001002400001005 Channel: 0x10 TxPwr: Medium PanId: 0x03E5 Revision: Dec, 2011 RAEMesh2 Module Command Interface Format: SOP Byte: Length Command Code Command Data 0~n EOP Byte Number Name Comment SOP Radio Protocol beginning of packet. This is always ‘[‘ (0x5B) Length Total length of packet + 0x20, include ‘[‘ and ‘]’. Command Code 0x20 ~ 0xFF. Excluding:0x5A~0x5F and 0x7A~0x7F. 0xF0~0xFF are reserved for common commands. Even for packet sent from SDTE or RDTE to RCM. Odd for packet response from RCM to SDTE or RDTE. Command Data … … N+3 EOP Hex Radio protocol end of packet.. This is always ‘]’(0x5D) The minimum length for one packet is 4 bytes long. The Length is 0x20 based. E.g. the total length of a packet without command data is 4, the Length byte is 0x20 + 4 = 0x24. The SDTE or RDTE always initiate the communication with Radio module (RRCM, SRCM). Radio Module responses to the command it received. The Command Code for packet sent from SDTE or RDTE to Radio module is even, the response from Radio module to SDTE or RDTE is 1 higher than the command code. Command Data can be empty. No command for 0x5A~0x5F and 0x7A~0x7F. A Section 0xF0~0xFF is reserved for common commands such as help, Version etc. Caution: the maximum packet length from SOP to EOP is 64 bytes. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All commands response in 50ms Check RCM’s information when turn on the radio. Command: 5B 24 60 5D. Wait at least 5s for RCM to finish the initialization after power on. Check the network status of the STD before sending the data for first time. Command: 5B 24 20 5D. It is recommend to add 1s interval between 2 data packets for STD. Check 0x5b 24 27 5d for sending acknowledge with successfully. There is no ACK for transmission failed. 6. For STD, if there is no network, the RCM will automatically wake up every 10 minute to search for a new network. It can be interrupted any time. RCM will keep in asleep if it has joined a network. Command List of RMCI 5B 24 20 5D = Get network status 5B 24 50 5D = Join or form network by scan. 5B xx 26 dd dd 7B .. .. 7D 5D = Send massage in unicast 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2A 3A 60 6C 68 7B 40 4C 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D Get Radio Type Get device application type Get Radio's UID, channel, PANID Get Application's UID, channel, PANID Get parent Network ID Get Last Hop Link Quality (LQI) Get reset reason. GET_FWVERSION 5B 24 30 5D = Enable GTW function 5B 24 32 5D = Enable RTR function 5B 24 46 5D = Enable STD function 5B 24 4A 5D = Restore the radio to factory setting 5B 25 34 America, 5B 25 A0 5B 24 A2 5B 25 A4 5B 24 A6 5B 25 3C minimum) 5B 26 44 5B 2C 4E 5B 25 AC 5B 24 AE 5B 25 B0 5B 24 B2 xx 5D = Set channel number, xx( 0x00 for EURO, 0x01-0x0A for North 0x0B-0x1A for ISM) xx 5D = Enable receiver while idle on STD. 5D = Get receiver on/off on STD. xx 5D = Set region. 5D = Get region. xx 5D = Set Tx power, xx(0xFF for maximum, 0x80 for middle, and 0x00 for xx xx xx 5D XX 5D xx 5D = Set PanId, xxxx(0x0000-0x03E7) xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 5D = Set MAC/UID address 5D = SET_CMDBATCH = GET_CMDBATCH 5D = SET_PMTJOIN, permit or forbid any joining attempt. = GET_PMTJOIN 5B 24 3E 5D = Leave current network 5B 26 42 xx xx 5D = Set routing discovery interval 5B 24 52 5d = Get routing discovery interval 5B 24 38 5D = Report node’s position 5B 24 48 5D = Soft reset 5B 24 56 5D = Access into bootloader 5B 25 FE xx 5D = Set print debug info, xx(00-disable; 01-enable) For Internal Use Only • Command Sets Command Name Effect Area CMD Code CMD Data (bytes) None Response CMD Code 0x21 Response CMD Data(Bytes) STATUS(1) DestNw kID(2) RCS Pack(x) 0x27 None None 0x2B NETWORK_STATU Both Use on: GTW RTR STD 0x20 SEND_MSG_UNI RM Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_MODULE_TY Both PE Use on: GTW RTR STD 0x26 GTW_ENABLE Both 0x30 None 0x31 None Use on: GTW RTR STD RTR_ENABLE Both 0x32 None 0x33 None Use on: GTW RTR STD CHG_RRCM_CHA Both Use on: GTW RTR 0x2A Description Return the radio’s network status 0x00: NO NETWORK 0x02: JOINED NETWORK. Host controller or instrument should call it periodically with certain duty cycle to check the network status. Send message in unicast mode. NwkAddr: Network address Message must in RCS format. Type(1) Return the radio’s type. Type: 0: Bluetooth 1: coRE3-433MHz 2: coRE3-868MHz 3: coRE3-915MHz 4: ZcoRE3-2400 5: UART to Ethernet 6: UART to RS485 7: RM2420 8: RM900 9: Reserve 10: RM2400 11: coRE1-433MHz 12: coRE1-868MHz 13: coRE1-915MHz 14: coRE2-433MHz 15: coRE2-868MHz 16: coRE2-915MHz 17: coRE6-2.4GHz Set the radio as a GTW so that the radio can be use on a Gateway device. Baud rate change to 38400 8N1 Reset automatically. Set radio to RTR. Always on and has router function. Baud rate change to 19200 8N1 Reset automatically. 0x34 Channel Number (1) 0x35 For Internal Use Only None Requests change radio channel to specified channel. Meanwhile, specified channel should be compliance with radio region setting. STD 0x00 for RM900 if region is BAND_868_EU. 0x01 to 0x0A total 10 channels for RM900 if region is BAND_915_NA. 0x0B to 0x1A total 16 channels for RM2400 if region is BAND_2400_ISM. RPT_LOCATION Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_APPTYPE Use on: GTW RTR STD Both 0x38 None 0x39 None Both 0x3A None 0x3B AppType(1) SET_TX_POWER Both Use on: GTW RTR STD 0x3C TxPwr(1 0x3D None LEAVE_NETWORK Both Use on: GTW RTR STD RST_REASON Both Use on: GTW RTR STD 0x3E None 0x3F None 0x40 None 0x41 Reason(1) For Internal Use Only If channel number is not compliance with radio region, do not return response CMD. Reset automatically. Print node’s network information in ASCII. Get application type. AppType: 1 – GTW; 2 – RTR; 3 – Reserved; 4 – STD; 5 – Reserved; other - invalid Set modem transmission power level. For RAEMeshII 0xFF – maximum level, 0x80 – middle level, 0x00 – minimum level, For RAEMesh Power setting from 0xE3(-25dBm) to 0xFF(0dBm). Reset automatically. Leave the current network. Below just list RAEMeshII reset reason, 0x00 = UNKNOW, 0x01 = RESET_ EXTERNAL, 0x02 = RESET_ POWERON_, 0x03 = RESET_ WDT, 0x04 = RESET_BROWNOUT, 0x05 = RESET_JTAG, 0x06 = RESET_WARM, SET_ROUTEINTER RMII VAL Use On: RTR CHG_PAN_ID Use on: GTW RTR STD STD_ENABLE Use on: GTW RTR STD SOFT_RESET Use on: GTW RTR STD FACTORY_RST Use on: GTW RTR STD SET_RECEIVER Use on: STD Both 0x42 0x44 Type(1) Interval( 1) PanID:( 2) XXXX 0x43 0x45 None None Type(1) Bit7~bit2: reverse, Bit1: enable route discovery immediately if set, Bit0: set route discovery interval with the value of Interval(1). Interval(1) Routing interval, range is from 10 to 240, unit is second. If RTR/Router lost connection with its next hop, it should route discovery periodically as per the value of Interval(1). Change GTW Pan ID into XXXX. From 0x0001 to 0x03E7(1-999) Reset automatically. Both 0x46 None 0x47 None Both 0x48 None 0x49 None Put a node into STD. Interrupt enable and active low. Baud rate change to 19200 8N1 Reset automatically. Perform soft reset. Reset automatically. Both RMII 0x4A 0xA0 None 00 Disable 01 Enable 0x4B 0xA1 None None Restore the RCM to factory defaults. PanId: 0x03E7, Device Type: STD. For RM2400, channel is 0x0f and txpower is -6dBm and 17dBm through power amplifier. For RM900, TBD Debug print is disable. STD receiver is disable. GTW or RTR permit joining is enable. Reset automatically. Enable or disable STD’s receiver. STD should receive data packet from parent if enable receiver; STD should use poll to request data packet from parent if disable receiver. Reset automatically. For Internal Use Only GET_RECEIVER Use on: STD SET_REGION Use on: GTW RTR STD RAEMeshII 0xA2 None 0xA3 Status(1) RAEMeshII 0xA4 Region( 1) 0xA5 None GET_REGION RAEMeshII Use on: GTW RTR STD SET_UID RAEMeshII Use on: GTW RTR STD JION_FORM_NET Both WORK Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_ROUTEINTE RVAL Use on: RTR GET_NODE_INFO Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_APPNODE_I NFO Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_PARENT_ID Use on: RTR STD 0xA6 None 0xA7 Region(1) 0x4E UID(8) 0x4F None 0x50 None 0x51 None Return STD receiver’s status, 00 – Disable 01 - Enable Region(1) BAND_868_EU = 0x01, BAND_915_NA = 0x04, BAND_2400_ISM = 0x08, For RM2400, this command is useless because RM2400 always work on BAND_2400_ISM. For RM900, default channel is 0x00 if set region to BAND_868_EU; default channel is 0x06 if set region to BAND_915_NA. Reset automatically. Get modem setting of region. Set radio’s UID(MAC address). Note: The last two bytes must not set to 0x0000, 0xFFF0-0xFFFF Reset automatically. GTW: Form a network using customized PANID to allow the other nodes to join. RTR/STD: Search the network using customized PANID and try to join the network. Return the routing interval. RAEMeshII 0x52 None 0x53 Interval(1) Both 0x60 None 0x61 UID(8) Channel(1) Power(1) PAN ID(2) Get the node information: UID, Channel, Txpower level,, PAN ID, Both 0x6C None 0x6D UID(8) Channel(1) Power(1) PAN ID(2) Both 0x68 None 0x69 Parent radio ID(8) Get the application information: UID, Channel, Power, PAN ID. If the network is not connected, the GET_NODE_INFO will return wrong information, and then use this to get what we set. 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 means that STD or RTR’s parent is coordinator/gateway. 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 mm nn means STD or RTR’s parent is a RTR which short address is mm For Internal Use Only nn. 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 ff fe means that STD or RTR do not have parent. Get RSSI percent, the higher, the better. Best: 240 Worst:0 RTR get next hop rssi; STD get parent rssi. Set display debug information enable/disable. The default setting is disabled. LAST_HOP_RSSI Both Use on: RTR STD 0x7B None 0x7C RSSI(1) SET_DEBUG_PRIN Both Use on: GTW RTR STD GET_FWVERSION Both Use on: GTW RTR STD 0xFE 00,Disa ble 01,Enab le 0xFF None 0x4C None 0x4D Fw Version and Build Time[30] SET_CMDBATCH RAEMeshII Use on: GTW RTR STD 0xAC 00, Disable 01, Enable 0xAD None GET_CMDBATCH RAEMeshII Use on: GTW RTR STD SET_BOOTLOADE Both Use on: GTW RTR STD SET_PMTJOIN RMII Use on: GTW 0xAE None 0xAF 00, Disable 01, Enable 0x56 None 0x57 None Make modem into bootloader mode and wait for new app image. 0xB0 0x01, enable; 0x00, disable 0Xb1 None 0xb2 None 0xb3 0x01, enable; 0x00, disable This command can disable or enable Coordinator or RTR’s join network permission. If modem disable joining permission, it forbid any modem joining attempt. Return status that whether modem permit joining network attempt from RTR or STD GET_PMTJOIN Use on: GTW RMII Return fw version and build time, for example [BMv1.00 Feb 14 2011 10:11:11], this mean fw version is V1.00 and build is on Feb 14 2011 10:11:11. Enable or disable command batch function. If enable, modem will not reset automatically after change panid, channel, power, eui, region , receiver and join permission. They will take effect after reset manually. Batch function will disable after reset. Return command batch configuration. Caution: RCM will save corresponding command data of AT command into its persist data server if this command cause “Reset automatically”, it will take effect after reset. For Internal Use Only • RMII Command Classification There are a lot of RMCI command set in this manual, different application need different command, below is a table that which command must have, which are recommend and which are optional. Table 2 Command Classification MUST HAVE RECOMMENED OPTIONAL ITEM GET_MODEM_TYPE FACTORY_RST CMDS GET_APPTYPE NETWORK_STATUS SET_TXPOWER GET_APPNODE_INFO RST_REASON GTW_ENABLE SEND_MSG_UNI RTR_ENABLE SET_UID STD_ENABLE SET_REGION SET_PANID SET_RECEIVER JOIN_FORM_NETWORK LEAVE_THE_NETWORK SET_CHANNEL GET_PARENT_ID LAST_HOP_RSSI For Internal Use Only SET_DEBUG_PRINT Procedure for Radio Core Setting: A. Configure Software: AVRUSB V2.0.2.231 Hardware: AVRUSB Programmer and RAEMeshII Dev board. 1. Make sure the correct hardware selected 2. Click “Reset”. If a green label is at bottom of AVRUSB framework, go to next step. For Internal Use Only 3. Erase target MCU 4. Read out current fuse setting For Internal Use Only 5. Check the following setting. For Internal Use Only 6. Write back Fuse setting if any changes made, make sure program successfully. B. Firmware Upgrade 1. Select firmware file, *.srec 2. Select correct com port 3. Click “Program”, then Reset RAEMesh2 module in 30 seconds 4. Waiting for program successful For Internal Use Only Terms GTW: A RTR used for gateway. Only one GTW per network. RTR: Full Function Device. Sensor node with routing ability. RTR requires line power all time. STD: Reduce Function Device. A Sleeping node can only talk to a RTR or GTW. Can not relay the message. Can be a battery powered device. RCM :Radio Communications Module RDTE: Reader Data Terminal Equipment. RMCI: RAEMesh Module Command Interface. SDTE : Sensor Data Terminal Equipment. Reference Atmel: www.atmel.com FCC: www.gcc.gov Zigbee Alliance: www.zigbee.org Disclaimer Product and Company names and logos referenced may either be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. We reserve the right to make modifications and/or improvements without prior notification. All information is correct at time of issue. RAE Systems does not convey any license under its patent rights or assume any responsibility for the use of the described product. Warnings FCC Notifications: Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning (Part 15.21) Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device must be operated as supplied by Raesystems. Any changes or modifications made to the device can be jeopardize, but there is one exception. The radio’s antenna can be replaced as long as the specification of the antenna matches the original. Information for the OEMs and integrators This device is intended for OEM integrators only. Please see the full Grant of Equipment document for restrictions. This device must be operated and used with a locally approved access point. For Internal Use Only Label information to the End User by the OEM or integrator If the FCC ID of this module is not visible when it is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID: SU3RM900A” in a visible area. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. For Internal Use Only
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