RCA LED24G45RQD User Manual LED TV/DVD Manuals And Guides 1405179L
User Manual: RCA LED24G45RQD LED24G45RQD RCA LED TV/DVD - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your RCA LED TV/DVD #LED24G45RQD. Home:Electronics Parts:Rca Parts:Rca LED TV/DVD Manual
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Part No,: Flt ce i_e [ i(:et>://_ _Z[ (} c/e,ut )et, or M / d air local refer to l_e user',s guide of set top box, below e such as screws are net suppled whbh digital /',/ute: L_o ot ii g the Ae old connecliorb ,r!i/ ,a , !vaa, ncce,' with tepee er chai_s 1:owal (Figure C), and conn_;t two wal Ihe bolts and anchers )4/u !>e _<( :: )a:_ '//!>e/? i/o_ ::o ?r_e3 of s/ (:_ea;)es o ¢ e e e e ¢ connector will be shared a cernposile AX/device, 2.Connect eutput TV Ante_ma audio. e @ e @ @ e Connecting The outpu_ panel Connecting (_detter Wdeo }(Pb_r Component of olhe_ device device Quality) e a computer [o connect a computer, foNow these sleps: I .Connect he VGA pod eH the back ef Pd to the VGA ouIpuI jack ef device via D-sub 15-pin cable, 2,Connect the PC SOUND jack on he back of IV Io the audio eulput jack of computer with audio cable (3,Smm), e e e ¢ e e [o connect a component these steps: device, such as a DVD player, feNow 1,Connect the COMPONENT iN Y/Pb/Pr jack en the side of TV 1:o the vide(> outpul jacks of device via video cable (green, blue and red). e 2,Connect the I AUDIO R jacks on the side drv 1:othe audio output jacks of device via audio cable, Netice the lef channel jack and plugs are white and the nght ¢ channel Note: If you want Io use your IV as a meifilor, please notice thai the m_ximum resolution fur LED24G45RQD is 1920"1080. Please eel he computer graphic e is an example of a conneclion using your IV as e e e e e jack and plugs are red, Hate: _4_,/>,_'/_t:;ks a/_: :: n_e :>et_/" d,'_piny c u_/i/i up:> e t dd:_ 77_,'_, kkA y/de @ sc,n_# tirar o de monibr y/o lislado pot un laboralorio y monlaje de pared, su monibr de pantala plans, the L-AUDIO-R the /t/ l/ headphene device (Good Wdeo Quality) with Comt enel_t Y connector, such as a DVD playeL foNow jacks on the side ef rv to the audio @ @ e using Ihe comFx>ner 1 @ _igitat cause harrnful left channel jack ,S/_7/),I/ J)e/or_[_i a /eg/ilr and plugs are white and the nght are red, (;t)/ 7;)t) PUS /q!>d O _2oo<: ("/_p/ly 'a_o by ene er mere of the foNowing Composite Video Connection ill 0j. L Aadio oat; Connect a coaxial cable for digilal video jack, is an example of a connection technician fer Device complies with FDA radiation performance CFR subchap or, Caulion: (llMsible) Laser Radialion when open, Do nol slate into beam, standards, 21 SOUH_ : Use 3,5ram slereo mini pin cable te connecl PC divece to PJ, VIDEO s Use video cable to connect video flies 1:o Pd, L=AU#IO=R_ OOI_4POSlT_: Cennect an AV device Ihat has cemposi e video jacks, such as a VCR or a DVD playen [b access device connected to Ihese jacks, press the iNPUT buten on your rernotel then press the up/dewn arrow 1:o selecl/S/. Press the OK bullon at lasl Io confirm, the dealer er an ex }edenced Front Panel About remote cowrol werking dislance and angle, s_ the quick slart gGde, ::::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _ower/Standby slandby mode, R÷_ate r_seives light Indiaatar: out when Light up in red when the IV is on, Co.trot S÷nsar; Rernote corflrol ilfframd r_y sent by remote contrek Codes for Cox Communications: Codes for Comcast: Codes for Dish Codes for Fios Verizon: the TV is in IR sensor, which 0178 10178 Network: 627 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775 AUDIO IN L: left audio channel conneclion, The left audio cennector is usuaNy white. Fer mono audio seurces, be sure to use Ihe b_" AUDIO INPU I. AUDIO IN R; Right audio channel cenneclion, The right audio connactor is usuaNy red, ANT/OABL_ Connect Io receive the signal frem your antenna er cable via coaxial cable, on your device to enjoy purpose), music/pholo fibs Turning On and Off Connect the ACcerd 1:o power IV will enter staHdby button mode the locate your IV to operate After connection is done, ()1"Dd top panel 1:o choose Basic Op_afiol_ press INPUT button the input source on remote control you rleed. S_'_ page 7, LED LeD and power rv,/U iHdicalor this time the will lurn red. Use (O) en the top panel ef IV or en the romete off the fV fer 5 secends, conlrol you can Pd again. Choosing TV Channel remote, many you can use the keypad buttons IV features. T_n[_g To Analag an analog channel Input he @ e measures: radio/IV Y/Pb/_r (Oa_paneat Video}: rh_rt provide good pictur_i_ qualily because Ihe video signal is separated into three components, Use three video grade er cemponen video cables for the connection, When using Y/Pb/Pr: rnake sure you cennect left and right audio cables Io the AUDIO IN R/L jacks, If you cannot e digilal OK bullon iii_!!!i e press Oha_aels has a chanratl number 1:o cenfirm. "S'+ with number numeric Fer example, "1", "OK" o1_ remete ill,ill e Tani_g To Di£i'l:al the main digi .... huron on remoe "A". and press 1:o watch analog channel "AS1 ", in sequence, TY s_gr s/ _p u/u 7/e ir A,'_ _W_:% ox/)ar >sR/_: use Ohanr_els A digi al chart-_el has @ beqhhnh-lg with bu Ions directly conlrol Hat: A/tt a_ g tfe:,'_ is na _s,/o7 '//, / _ sexPe A Tt/ i, f ,cPt eTs io/ some e d ]M @ a channel al number wilh number l_urneric beginning buttons will-_ "1)'. Input directl% hen press e ¢ e @ ¢ 1, Connect Ihe HDMWMHL High Ddinition he L AUDIO jack on the side of IV 1:o the e MHL eutput jack d computer wth audio cabb (dual channel 1:o3.5rnm slemo jack or the L AUDIO R jack). ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Displays o Ihe oource M_NU Displays the CH ± Scans up through the channel Iisl, In Ihe IV menu sya_'em, it acts like Ihe u 7 arrew on he rernote 2, Connect e INI#U"I" Link via MHLcabb. ¢ ¢ e [b connect a HDMI device, such as a DVD player, pk_se Connect the HDMWMHL, jack on the side ()[ [V to the eutput jacks of device via HDMI cable, peal ef Meble For example, e Connecting HDM/ dedce (BestWdeoOualit}_ e @ using er audio Keypad Buttons R jack en the side of Pd Io the audio Select Lisl. Pd Main Menu, e @i h/ate: 7 h/DMI /h/i://_ Ne/}, i#an ,'vTu//ir:}ecr_ i' k:/f_,t: _s /:, n con pet t /_ :_/a,'P/o'Pa /q/P/it/ce /e/ tT>?rsn itlTrTg / co/ Tau:sso!: :2g,;/ni e'7,st_ /; ::)n/77r,'s Wt( > /] 7a_() /fa(:J V/t:'{a [,,'gr, J YD7 /is S/7/rT_: )/77/1: nTd !Tns ff<: £ e:)td/:,s)is V q laNtS OH _ is an example down control e VOt.÷ e ef a cenn_stion using "I "+ "OK" en remote coWrol Chal_ging Directly channel through the channel il acts like Ihe down and can be used o an'ow Cl-_annels number arid CH o channel the HDMI VOL- e li!iii!_; !!!!!_rrrr!! iiiiii}}i_!iii_ i_iiiiiii e (_ 1", press You can use CH button decrease When no OSD (On Screen Display) can also werk as eH/ell buttons, channel al lasl, "3", "1", " ", Io increase number: is used, the up/down Source en the remoe arrows select menu oplions, AV Selecting Input Source used o select menu oplions, Press INPUT Decreases the volume. In the IV menu sy,slem, it acts like the leR arrow on he rernete cenh'el and can be used centrol 1:o display 1:oselect source you need and press OK Io cenfirm, menu options, Ihe fV on and off. Select TV Increases the volume, In the IV menu syslem, it acts like the righ arrew on the remete cenlrol and can be flans "D31 in sequence. Iisl. IH the fM n_el_u e below analog contr_)l arid c_ul be, used to u_ele, cl menu opfiona. Scans system, e HDMI Connection The picture vide() jack. coil rol, and input the sub number 1:owatch e RCA jacks ¢ below to radio help, turn ell ¢ qul/@ interference eutput, OO_71PON_NT Y/_b/_r: Conn_xot a device that has componen video jacks, such as a DVD player, IU access device connected 1:o he Y/Pb/Pr jack, pr_ss the INPUT button on your mrnote; then press the up/down strew to select Component, Press the OK butlon a lasl to confirrn, e How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources e cernposile does VGA_ Cennect yots aomputel or othel device with a VGA output to this jack using a 15pin, Daub sable, USB; Connect your USB slorage en your IV (Also used fer service ¢ @ e via audio cable, jack and plugs picture inlerference Power @ The equipment e e d a conr/_stion a 3.Srnm e PC Connection the picture below a PC monilor, e @ cerrectly, Connect ¢ jacks of dovice channel s/gr LJI for personal e e /',/> e e A V Composite these steps: Notice e h-ia ¢ ¢ n/f tf,e e e h-_slaNation. win nol occur of HL)fa// phase seare_ Cobb particular Ihat h-ltederence e ¢ e Ihem is no Guaranlee ¢ /t/ned/_ I .Connect the COMPOSITE jack on the side of IV to the video eulput jacks ef device via video cabb (yeNow), o%!;et: coneclados pueden por kTs nifSos cudosos, 1:olurn orl he fV, After swilchirlg Connecting e Slop ene: h_se_ the M6 mounling screws inlo the uppel mounting scr_w holes and lasen them (Figure B), However, e @ e ¢ Communications, ¢ and on tirar o agarrar plana para que nese todos de pantalla Los monilores de panlalla plans puede set pesados, Consult to radio e ¢ 1:ocol your cable company use a special interference e ¢ (It///r_ Tt/ Composite [b connect provider: may ca use harmful e radio e jack Box sen/ice in accordance @ ¢ ¢ (Note: The faslenh-_g cernponer_ts with IV), cable radio used @ e J h gh can and @ e VGA and e @ panek You are ready Io receive efl air @ to the inslruction ¢ uses installed @ @ and analog channels, ef D4 according e againsl e ¢ TV wall jack to [V via ceaxial Pd on a slurdy, the ]V ¢ instructions, if not pret¢£stion inslaNation, e MHL TV serdce the cable ¢ e No B. Cable or satette secure J ng t_e TV ÷ the antenna e if possible, atu e accompany @ e de pantalla al monitor Reeriel_t or mloca e Ihe roceiving antel_na, t_craase Ihe separation betweel_ Ihe equipmel_t and the roceiven Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diflerenl frem that to which the receiver is cennected, @ ® eauton; Pushing, pulling or clrnbing on the Pd may cause the [V ff_ling, De no1 bt chldren climb or hang on the IV Always place the And n the lee e ] of and, reasenable the E jack, an anlenna per encaminar conectados FCC e HDMI eabb ¢ ¢ instructions. or splashing, and/or if you use a set top box, you may ne_J weight t iangle generales, energy with ¢ e P/(te C. Set-Top thal can hold he an equilateral equipment the 1:o provide in a residential to comply to Par1 15 of the e e Go to page Nm/s are designed f_armful inledemnce with arid found pursuanl HDMI : (High-Definitbn Multimedia Interface) It provides an uncempressed digital connection that carries both video and audio data by way of an integral(_J mini plug cable, MHL: (Mobte High Ddiitien Link)]o standard HDMI input, transmit the video/audk) frem portable ebc _onk) devbe (ceNphene,digital camera, digital-video camera to TV sel. @ e surtace sock tested B digital dttvice, ¢ ¢ cable These has been ¢ e Audo cable with 3@1m te m nal connecling ofrecidas por el fabricanle de monibr N_AD PNON_: NDP_I b4JNL ¢ Bekae or el fabricante e @ COMPONENT video cable HDMI/MHL analog y cables s US]ED DECIDEA MON FARSU MONI]OR DE PAN]ALLA PLANA LA PARED, SIEiMPRE e @ e ktvel, slable wthm i the u_,e_ to the presence 9 and maintenance(servicing) ¢ see page 5 e PARTH / ¢ @ @ to page 6. The firs1 slop in connecting your Pd is obtaining the signak _ur IV LED24G45RQD has a back panel, which snows you to receive de Pared: @ @ and Using your al castado del camine ni echar ab_go, se tiene que empezar psra que no se puedan agarrar e e e the type of power supply in your home, dealer or local power company, For [V eel shaN not be exposed A Safety Strap Slop two: Inset1 anchors should col/trol _19_@ SYSTEM ale_t operate The pblure bek>w is an example video iack. ¢ unus_£J on pont to ¢ e Nghlning slorms n£es, e iJ age withn the the use_ to the of suf!]dent @ @ ELECTRODE and disconnec_ 16, The ]V cable ¢ may cause Ihe iV and ¢ e Component Video Connection of Quick b¢£_n drepped, remole IM debner al moniter if this equipment ¢ of elect @ provides in[ormalion wih respect Io proper gr_undi_g d he masl and supperting structure, grounding of I[qe lead in wire to an discharge Nn]/s for a Class frequency a rsk ¢ e against Tffis e This thte ¢ e required when the apparah.ls has been darnaged in alv way, such as powepsupply cord er plug is damagexL Nquid has been splled indbaled the plana Fcc Informaffon @ to cons e pretection ef time, it is left unused IU the IV set, Please bNow e e moving the cab'/apparatus surges. 15, lifts when placing your e 2[). If an euts[de alflenna er cable syslem is conr/_;ted to l_e IV, be sur:e the antenna or cable sygem is grounded to previde some the appar_gus. force, and unttven Io everlurn, protection This win pravent exposed Io place Vidse/Aadio @ injury frern lip even combinalion this apparatus lot long periods or objects inslruclior_s See.,ebo_e., ¢ Section tripod, h-ljury, this apparatus must in accerdance with the e 14, Refer safety Io Further h formation , COMPOSITE L-AUOIO-R table devices the table Io yeur device. Cables [i e e [V and cart wan eutbt adapl to other fetow @ @@ ¢ eutlel, receplacbs, a carl is used, use caution or when which box, etc,), Please e accept operalion, 23. WARNING: ]e pravent allached to the floer/wall instructions. anlenna maHufacturer: Fer added the cabbs Stab" Guide Io carry eut stand inslaINng, gable @ antenna 18. Unplug a fiat olher hazards, and a third greur_ding attachmenls/accessodes 12. Use enly with carl A Select e service cheese [M Select TV Location 21, De nel atternpt Io service this rv by yourself because opening or removing covers may expose you 1:o dangerous high vol age er 1:oqualified with your Setop Jacks Setup TV Table Stand e supt ode various connections Slad Guide) e e Re/tit all servbing Ihat are packed e e damage the accesserbs e serious any interktrence n lanufaclurer, When er the to, e ¢ thai or grounding with one wider blades ef the obsolete padicularly at plugs, co_wenbnce thtty ex/frern Ihe apparatus, the yen ta ion is previded have been adhered r IV I ED24G45RQD (such as DVD, VCR, e 20. Do not place this ]V on an unslable cart stand, tripod, bracket, or table, The Pd may fall, causing serious injury to someone, and heat The wide blade er the third preng is provided for your if the provided plug does no1 fit illto yeur eutktt, corlsuN an electrician 11, as radiators ir_h_sAalafion such BeDore Turning On 71/ e plug, A poBrized prong, safely, such ([r_ciudh-_g amplifiers) preper in a bul heal 9, Do net de/e, at the salon type sources apparalus near er ever a rTxdialor or hea not be placed as a bookcase net cause S. De not in,s_aN near any heat never be placed This TV should Choose Yeur Connections Check Accessories est4 de casa y seguro. e e openings parts thai e al vet de pantala @ e ¢ en el/nonRor una ¢ e @ HADE FOR TODAY of u n_nsuJated da_sgerous vol triangle intended to alert endosure that may be _qagn tude e Do no1 use consumidor - Pot Io rnenos dos personas se requbren para la instalacbn, @ @ 18. Unplug the IU fl'orn the wall outbS before cleaning, Nquid or aero cbaners, Use a damp clofl_ fer cbaring, as[ como e @ @ Date of Purchase 2, Keep Ihese inslruclions. ceme escal6n, - Compruebe que la pared adonde se esIA rnontando el rnonilor es adecuada, Algur_os rnonlajes de la pared no son diseC_ados pars set n/ontados a paredes con tachones de acero o la vieja eonstrucci6t_ de bloque de ceniza, Si usted esIi h_seguro, contacte aun instalador profesionak @ can be heavy, Caution:Ts_educethe riskof electric shock,do not remove cove_or back No user-sewceabbparts }nsde Referservking to qual fed sevce personnel ¢ Serial Number' ¢ (son de pantaNa plana en el mueble especialmente - Si usted tlene (xJalquier duds sobre su habitdad pars inslalar seguramenle eonlacle a su dislrbuidor pars la inslalacbn prolesionak e and Warning A @ 14 fire or elec_dc shock. del el enlrelenimienlo - Siga todas los inslrucciones @ ¢ @ could resu/in the %4 e jugar ¢ 13 1. Read these instl uctions, al equipo @ your relater aboul @ @ 17, Never push objfcsts ef any kisd into this ]V threugh as thtty may touch dangerous vo/age or olher eleclrical a subir que kTs nifSes pu(xJen Ilegar a set exdtados les cordones - Use una montura que se ha recomendadop independiente(como U L, CSA, HTL), ¢ @ @ _'_ww.rca.¢om Phase keep your sobs receipl and keep the record d the serial number and the date of purchase in order to rc_eive warranty parts and service, [he serial number is located al: the back of 1:heIM electr6r_ica a hacer Hontaie e @ ¢ Side Panel Buttons }ndustria comprometida ¢ Caution los instruccienes de esle preducto, usar ff]cllmente El cuidado ¢ @ ¢ tedas los monitores Recuerde empqar, @ Jrers. Flal panel displays y entienda y plans "m_r_sgrande que vida'L El cuidade se tiene que elnpezar pot poner o inrdalar el monblr donde no se puede @ for installaIion, siga los segura @ installer, of two people are required plans a kTs nlfies No doque @ ¢ @ O7 - A mhfimum a professional todos, y tebvisbnes. quese puede comoda, @ by an independenl - If you have any doubts aboul your abtily to safely inslall your flat panel display, eonlael professional h_slallation, unsure, eonlact Ne permits una pregramacion, @ suppNed by the display and wall mounl de pantalla para el uso prepio muebles @ watching a program, esposiaty on a "larger than tie" fiat panel dispb.y. Care should be taken to pb?e or"instal the display where il cann(£ be pushed, puled over, or knocked down IF YOU DICIDE TO WALL MOUNT YOUR FL&T PANEL DISP_Y, Lea (;on cuidado aquntas pars de l<':_bdcante papa la inslalacion el uso de su menitor - Los moifitores de panlalla plana que se han instalado inadecuadament en locadores, estanterias, eslanles, eserilorios, oradores, baOle s o carros se pueden eaer y causar el da¢_ocorporak @ - Don't place fiat panel displays on furniture that can easly be u_d as steps, such as a chest of drawers, recomendack)nes embargo los monitores de panlaNa plana no se hart inslalado sbn/pre en los sopod.es adecuados o instalado de aeuerdo con los r_comendaeiones de fabricanle ¢ produeL ¢ e Hasta Seguridad Un tamaF_o file NC) es adecuado - La expedencia de entrel:enimbnlo de cine en casa es una tendencia crecbnle y los grandes monilores de panlaNa piano son muy populates. 08 Picture Menu 05 Nc)-r fil all, Io/ow agradable e Side Panel Connections does - Remember that children can becorne excited whib e e 05 size e However, fiat panel displays are not always supporled on the proper slands o1: inslaled according to the man ul.'actu rer_srecommendalions, ¢ Connection and Using - One your e @ Ajustar @ @ e Posibles Problemeas ¢ e Use up/down button oH remote Source arrows DVD Select list, to highlight Ihe Component HDMI Pc USB s s Channel Bar Quick Menu Press the OK button The Qubk Menu contains menus and provides you a quick way to approach the main settln9s that may be most }ossibly and frequently on the remote control, when CaD {on scrcen display}is not used, t_e cha _nel bar will appear on the Bottom o[ the screen, It displays the current channel's information. The following list descrb.es the items on the channel bar, D!4ot ATSC_t Air 43 Air proceed Stereo 480i Jan01 07:10 Sat CC exampb, D is displayed, the current channel whether the fqnctlon and press lea/right Color Mode to you @ If For QUICK tile sgra} Displays the Display Jane01 07:t0 Sat Video Closed Caption <15_ Move current [s ,_ Off List the VOI I AiO[ If yell want Channel Menu Menu enables you to s_rch, vbw and edit channeB, It is availabb in R/cede only, Prcss MENU and choose CHANNEl from the Main menu. Press the OK/down button to proceed to CHANNEl menu, ratio, - button on tile remote sound date and time, contr_)l to adjust off, press {On Scme_ Displav) is not used, the arrows as VQI AiQ[ _ buttons. MUTE. Show / Nde l£ the When OSD left/rig} t can also work Channel Signal Type < @ Air s _lllGood s @ EPG (Electronic Program Guide) EP(} button guide will appear guide gives the [V arrows to switch on the in the pregraln @ control, the electronic program @ of screen, The electronic pK)gram e remote center playing proj_uct. You can use left/rig} ,_ T t Move @ Use up/down to choose arrow to adjust shown below, the function you need, press OK or right or enter a sub menu, The detailed s s explanat[o/are s Auto Scan Execute an aute channel Show Adjust the OSD Screen Enter you to ap ::soach to the sub-menu @ and press press OK button use left/rig _t arrow to highlight an optbn PICTURE, button, AUDIO, TIME, SETUP on remete from or [OCK QUICK, and cot:tel, of the option the bottom sess of each CHANNEl, the MENU you've highlighted, If available, Signal s s list, It shows the cuaent the _lse the text at inenu, s @ @ Pg signal type: Air or Cable. e s s Press the MENU button The menu will clear from the screen, repeatedly until the menus inatedal, with e s s to ac![w:e audio only mode, The TV will output only ¢ e @ @ Volume The Picture Menu the picture s contains menus appears, and controb The Picture Menu to configure options apply the to the @ @ for the Press disap :)ear, main IV and can be applied MENLI on the Press the OKidowt VIDEO to each remote, button INPUT selections. All picture inpuL Select e s Picture to p"oceed from the Mail to PICTURE menu, s s Jazz) or create your own personal preset (User), Press the left or right arrew to select the frequency (100Hz, 250Hz 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz, 10KHz), you want to adiust, Use the Mode color Normal Rock, up or down arrow to adiust, arrow to choose to adjust Sleep the function or enter a sub menu. explanation are shown 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, PV win automaficaNy enter standby 120, 180,240 mode after times 7-ime Zone ratio, (Available ratio: Wide, choose the ratio that alapNes the country's Eastern, Central, Newfoundland, Auto thne zone. Mountain, you can Set Time zone Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii, dewn the current @ your sess up/ ¢ Set the Wake Up tim< for your FV, after erlters use the up/down adjust OSD and bft/right you can @ control to @ inenu, arrow on the remote inenu(5 Sec, 15 Sec, 30 Sec, 45 Sec, 60 Sec), SETUP from the Main Menu. [\/with your prelerences, Press OK/down button Select to proceed to to choose the func.liot you need, press arrow to adjust or enter a sub inenu. shewn below, are ,!:/r,_itotfe,_ctud a blue backg/our_d your menu language, press the left/right Avatlable arrow until la_gisages_ i AIIChildren i TV-G i GeneralAudience Sexually _xplicit is proceed the lock shown below. wth The menu/nage jFviFantasy Viol ..... sub menu, so t_at they can't be used, @ Clear @ This option Channel LOCK Parental Control special aid i TV-MAi i i MatureAudi ...... Only a i you to execute will reset the whole only reset CaD $itle _esu: Press TOP MENU, you can reset the disk to the ttle cent It equas to eject ng and loading the dsk agan, Clear Channel TV system list Zco_ i_: Press ZOOM, you can zoom in the screen for 2 trees, 3 trees or 4 trees from centre, This h notion provde a better view of the content locate near screen centre, to factory function, default (not menu), Remote select your remote: purpose, DVD mode @ Off, remote1 or remote2, level you want to block, @ [:sess OK to IocWunbck the rating level. If you have blocked a lower level rating, the hig let ratings will be blocked too, For example, when PG I S is blocked, R, NC 17 a_d X will be blocked at the same time, @ @ of _ @ DVD player module, to enk>r DW) modD The renewing which operation guide Pr II/LED24045RQD Press INPUT b£en on remote control, select "DVD" n the Soume Seed menu (see page 7), then p/ess OK or rght arow to enter DVD mode, The DVD wl start paying ac tomaticaly f there is a disk in DVD mo&le, If not, the TV wl dispay a standby s et( ,77.O:ec :c iq: :(:: co!/rt:eqc Audio Set the DVD acdio language, ahou DiD co tT)i/r/tone er <""..... ¸¸ _ssenes a_h t our )) 'mot conic/, _ 6 _/?P _[//o£ ! Subt tie t ga/7: Set the DVD st brits an%age, /' _ @ 7Ee This option s preset as Stereo, 1hat Teans the DVD pays/wil two channel aLdio sgnal (WR) to ]V font speakers (left/ ight), 7P/_:/2 @ @ Menu is accessed page Set the TV type as PAl, A_to or N]SC, _,ate:/_r!(sUSO /_/_ eraoeaf:l K; f,/DC a Adult programming setup TV Type _od_le s P_ogramlningconta ns themeso_content which _ay lot besuitabb for viewersunderage of/4. /4_ 8* After unlocking, a/eras@?/ s Setting with numeric (:hff( @ Control enter youl four digit password the control @ s i/ he DYf) a , ilia/cu [ !li/V ) _nl# 7 SOtV ) / :! Pre_s DVb/BD SETUP bul+en on remote control to disphy General Set'Jp Page, P/ess left/r ght aow to choose Speaker Set@ Page, The operat ng method s ei/iar wth the General Setup Page, Downmix @ @ _c// s .,i) ti _ CL_th il !Y) !r f',/ Ur/ ),_ Ms f i),) r ,/ i ls/(' i liP:r7 e od B. Speaker ¢ you want to block, press OK to IocWunlock the rating have blocked a lower level rating, the higher _atings will too, For example, whe_ PG }s blocked, 14 _ and 18 _ vdll at the same time, 7k £ DiD e Press OK or dght arrow to enter Canada V Chip ratin9s menu, which contains two sub menus: English Ratin9 and French Rating. TV Bisplay Set the 1U disp ay s/ape, Last Memory' Set it oe to memorize tie ast ate) point, Du'ing playing the DVD, i you change to another cede and then come back to DVD mode, t can pay actomatcaly from the ast stop :)oint, @ VCh© 5, DV/) setup menu A, Qel_eral setup paga There exst three sub men is n DVD setup menu, the frst one s Genera Set@ Press SEIUP button on emote centre to dspay Genera Setup Page, Press up/down arrow to seect the tern you want to adjust and )ress rg-/t arrow el OK button te activate t, After activating, tse up/down arrow to set te/T vaue. When you are satis led wth the adjusbr ent, pess el', a/ow to return to the tipper evel of general setL) menu. Press left arrow repeatedly, you can ext the DVD setls _renu. To ext settp men< d/ecly, press DVD/BD SE'I UP, OSD Lang Set the DVD CaD lang age as English, Fench or Spanish, to DVD p/aYDr @ Canada yet can switch the DTD_setl,19 mel_ll: P/ess DVD/BD SEIUP bLtton, a ssecfc setup menL for DVD wil disp ay on screen, This cent s especaly prepared for DVD control, LED24G45RQD has a builtdn you can use to watch DVD disk, gives the DVD module instruction, 7. How Press StJBNNf, you can swit_ h tqe avai ab e st )ti es A_dio language selectis_; Press AUDIO ]RACK, avala) e atdio language in DVD disk. this [s for special e e S!.lbtitl@ selaetio_: n DVD dsk. Repeat: ]wre are two kinds of repeat, one s regu ar repeat and the other s Atop/epeal. For reguar/epeat, peas REP[Yt[ b£ton to swtch between chapler repeat, ttle repeat and al repeat. For AtoB repeat, press AB once to set the repeating orgn and sress t twce to set the repeat ng end. [V [ ED24G45RQD @ content, explanation Remote Change Change the TV's side oanel butte/s Lief allows This funelion or unblock e s Use arrow to block @ @ the detail as follow: this option e V-CHIP you need to enter password s Lock @ @ @ Caption Kej.7>ad _r_etio_ ree_." Press L)ISC MENU, you wil ret _r / to the se ectio / men_ of cc rrent DVD fun(t on, For exampe, you are us-/g "Audio Select o f', and you choose "Cent n _e -)lay ng", then after se ecting, you can pess DISC MENU to go back to "ALdie Selection" menL whe paying, rating data. if available, @ i TM-14 i ParentsStronglyCautoned Input Block @ @ or downloadable Select e csl @ @ Down/oas_'_b/e ¢ When the Pa_ental Conbel @ Gsi_g backward sr tsrv,_ar_: Ycu can )tess FR for fast review and FF for fast iowa d, You can as() press PRIV to retcm to the previous chapter, and pess NEXT to skp tc lext c la/ter, @ i S , Sexual Situations @ @ k_g }nseM the DVD dsk with reflector SLtrace _acing the front of ]M Change Parental r, se Show @ @ w,hen them is no e @ yif/i,eLx_:_uaae @ i i No17 Menu. ®!: ; ;_ffr;gsaeavk_b/,o @ @ s caption Data Activate a Dialogue s Traneparency Press OK to enter closed program. Clear e @ Menu enables you to lock program s @ To choose your menu tra _sparency mode, press the left/right arrow until the transparency you need ap :)ears: 0%, 25%, 75%, 100%, Closed i D i ]%,y Movie Rating Use arrow keys to select the rating panel key board and nput source. Press MENU on the remote and choose Lock Menu from the Main Menu. Press the down button to s OK or rigt explanation Language the language you need appears, English, French and Spanish. Menu The detailed Bloc}< all the unmted @ @ Power Off", The Pd will shut off after that perbd s SETUP menu. To choose to return All the settings Menu The leck @ The Audio Menu lets you adjust audio output, [e access the Audio Menu, [aess MENU on the remote, and then select Audio from the Main Menu, Press OK/down button to proceed to Audio menu, Use up/down to choose the function you need, press OK or right arrow to adjust or enter a sub inenu, Sound Mode Menu press MENU two i TV-@G i Parents Guidance Suggested i V i Violence is on ter too long, Lock @ The Setup Menu lets yeu config the Use up/down contains No Signal Power Off Press lefitdght arrow to selrxst a time period {Off, 1 Min, 5 Min, 10 ¢ Setup Menu Audio Menu @ a which s Duration CaD Unrated e {Default, White, to select FJlue Fgack on or oft, If the 74hie Back e Dveplay Block @ Back @ it, Set the time how bng to display you can adjust s ¢ time, Wake Up _, Solid, ? } 7 Min) for 'No Signal @ e Cyan), will be reset to factory d@ault, hi, Be: T r O ,;l > s ¢_f:>r,_r,_ rce,_n / c Ar,_r, a/)sT)ist_r as follow: White, Red, Green, reset to [M system, turnrxJ, orb the Pd will dis[)lay siqnal input, @ (needs to turn off auto clock), arrow to confi9 to execute /hese @ of time while no signal We suggest you turn on this function when Blue Back is tur _ed on, It Inay hurt the [ED I CD parel if blue time (trom PTV signa0, PV time manually (Ddault, MNe: @ e color (Ddault, Magenta, s s and bit/right Press OK button screen Auto clock helps you synchronize Blue, Yellow, Press OK button Off Clock Set your R_J, Green, Aft reset Opacib': a 7), Cya0, s @ auto clock on/off, Magenta, Blue e IV" Color: Set the CC text color @ Atlantic. rv time to standard Font 0 opacity Samoa, Clock Select Set the CO font {Default, (Ddault, @ Showing CCons: the detail US V--Chip Press OK to enter US V Chip rati _gs menu, sub menus: F\i rating and Movie U;ding, 7]/ Rating Similar with Movie Rating, After adjusting, or press HOME te exit the menu, Mode: Decide whether you can change the settings on the CO Display Style, CO Size: Set the CC bit size (Defauk, Normal, Iarge, Small). Set the CC background @ or Press IdWright arrow to go to digital closed captbn style suba nent_, to select the closed caption style, Select the item you want to adjust in Digital CC S/vie menu with up/down arrews, After changing, you can preview the caption style in the bottom, Solid, Flashing, TransklcelE ] tans :)arent), CC Background: Sot the CC background color @ up, Style CC Background @ @ Min), Caption s s bekwv, Digital V--Ch@ Press OK to enter V Chip sub inenu, Blue, Yellow, @ press OK or right Ty7)e E)xt @ Timer Set t_e sleep timer(Off, The you need, cc on or cc off. @ ¢ The Time Menu lets you change the R/time settings, rc access the Time Menu, press MENU on the mmete, and then sebct Time from the Main Menu, Capffon e @ Use up/down display input Block This option allows you to lock or unlock the input source, The source blocked can not be chosen from input list unless yoc input the correct parental password. Use up/down arrow to select the source press OK to lock or unlock it. Press left/right arrow to select digital closed caption type: Service1, Service2, Service3, Service4, ServiceS, Service6, ¢ s Menu Digital CO Opacity Color: Sot the CC opacity Flashing, Translucent, Fransparen!), s Time to select caption @ s Settings {Off, Pop, s menu. on/off Tie seve_ band graphic equalizer allows you to adjust the audio frequency settings, You can select one of the equalizer presets Bass: Adjust the bass component of Pd sound. [reble: Adjust the treble component ot TV sound, Bala ice: Adjust the balance between the left and right channel, Audio t.anguage Select digital PV audio langaage type: English, French or Spanish (only available fer DR/channel), Analog Audio Output Select analog P,/alldb sound type: Stereo, Mote or SAP (otly available ir [V mode), s Picture Menu options button, stereo @_Return Choose the preset sound mode of your TV: Standard, Soft, User, Dynalnic. Only in User inode Bass, [reble, Balance. @ mer_u; P"ess the HOME Press OK to DTV Signal( In DTV Mode) Db:)lay how strong your [M sigl al s, way button, O$D c anl eb, in sub menu, @ your video "leo exit dire(tly Type Select press OKidewn screen for help, Fo rehan to the sevious or hide the TV channel then Press the up and down arrow to move to a diffarent optbn within each menu, If necessary, press OK or right arrow to display the choices OK to show List Db :)lays a channel menu system, e @ go to IV chanr/ol re use CaD @ search. ! Hide, Channd Select PO Settings (only available ir_ PO mode} Auto Adjust: Adjust the PC p[csure display a itomaticafly, Horizontal Position: Adjust the horizontal position of picture. Vertical Position: Adjust the vertical position of pbture. Clock: Adbst the clock of picture, Phase: Adjust the [)base of piclure, Reset: Reset all the PC pbture settings to factory default, @ Dis )lay) menu enables standard sound and the LED [CD panel will be turned off, R> re.<'tore normal )laying, hold POWER butte/for three seconds. _. Note eoiae redi.'cYon / c// a _, _r (s ,', Je g e Dicb'r e <£gc o ,_ry tif;e efift,*ifranc !!is fa s above, A2 is an Displays option Mode and then you will see the Press the down Use up/doam Picture analog channel, and Dg0 1 is a digital channel{ 1 is a sub channel number). Display on the remote Menu. ®!: is analog, A is dbplayed, t's a digital channel, English/Stereo the Quick AtY' If the channel ATSC-! Pless MENU Menu showinfF on yeur scleen. Picture PICTURE DfV Dt4_t/A2 Quick need, press OK to enter a sub me]u adjust a sub me]u, A2 nglsh 4801 ,Jan 01 0710 Sat ap )roached. Digital Audio Set the audb Disc Menu 4. DVD basic operatkms Set the DVD dsk cent _la_/pallse the diel¢_ Al?er nsert ng the dsk to DVD modue, the TV wl play DVD disk automat caly, Yet can use PAUSE button to suspend the p a#ing, Press P_AY button, the ]V wl rest m%/be weak, dead, or installed incorrectly. Yee are experiencing I search the chal!_els preblerr_s @ s button to s riglt channel cable is red. Please match the cables and jacks according to their colors, The sound selti/gs may not be set correctly, Go to page 9 for more information, Ifyour ::die source has only one jack or is a troche) ::db source, make sure you/ave plugged the corlnection inlo the Audio In L jack {white) on he T\L side panel don't work. The side panel may be locked (disabled), turn on the [M Co_trole. @ @ @ else call Use tile mnlole control to eft a_axpectedly. 6, Do not place any heating it can cause fire, _nd each sub channel of that digi al channel, a cer_h! Tse channel conhol Menu, may be blocked stereo please consult the call our Cu.stomer 7_/" Prob/eme A black peder_a_ce is bad. bex appears a_ the with the H#I'_I Ca_ectie_o M_ke sum the AC cold is plugged in, Check the wan o_tlet, nlake s_ae tile AC output works nornlally and stably The side panel may be locked {disabled). Use tile retools control to tun/orl the 1M Select the Keypad lock funcSorl in the PARENTAl _nd press OK to uncheck the locking sta!us, bat the _ con rcl Menh is a_ a_d there is a "He Are you trying to use an input source with no device connected to it? Fer using other video/u_dio device, make sum the ex er _al Make sure t-e HDMI devbe (IWD, video>garner, etc,} is turls_J orl and the cables ars firmly cohn_v;tsd, If problenls still occur, turn off yo_r device and reconnect it, Reset the power by u-_plugging the power cord and pk_ggihg }t again. If a "No Signal" message appears on screen , the HDMI device sn't responding, Contact the manutacbaer of the HDMI device Ka fuRher assistance, If you have black bars on each side of your picture (which T_eans the rv can not display a fun son-sen image), the device you cennected might have change the picture 720p or 1080i, a switch quality Or else, 8, Do not place liable to happen. output o/a T/enu option allowing that will fix this, Choose you to either L)O T)t flirtOff tie hi,, m T/r or'm:a:o l/ re:>uit i: i,_auv: u, :a 6r u,lr!ac d :6 / > Jc:/tr,6:uiE> where collision or vibration is for @ preferred service, At the time of service proof of pumhase such as origihal receipl, win be roqu/ed, Only 37" ICD size and above se @ @ @ Diagonal Display Size I I @ Television System s Items Not Covered 24 inches Alnerican TV standard ATSC/NTSC sysbrn Your limited warranty ,CATV :1--135 Storage Tempelature is Temperature , Humidity @ i RFinput , I Interface s @ 1 O0 mm , i Connecting a USB storage s s Connect @ Press "INPLtT" a USB sto/age device to tile LtSB pod: in tile back of the IV, "USB Media @ @ and select "USB', , s controls and fuses @ Danlage due to i/lisuse, abuse, hegligence or ieglect inch_dihg but, not Ibked to, damage resuItirlg from exposhre to mobturs, hun lidily or salt, s Inabilily s to receive a sig lal due to problems to the product pumhased not ca_sed by tile producL s dhe to images burnt into the screen, or serviced outside of Co_altry Pby" menu will appear, @ s of Origin d Product @ modified or ncorperated Damage dhe to acts of nature, d _mage or flooding, i Service ill Mexioo/Purch _sed in calls which do not into chef nclud products, s _g but _ot Ii%ted tojightning s any deject ill ma erials @ length MUSIC s_,fots:e sotice 12ram 4,_d :cuff :_o cu/ h fabled ttle aeeessr;m;_ s Y,t: ::,:>. i?s::_::( > bu sn:.':i:r,g r,pecMeas::r, s /f ;..o::_c>'>:7 iv' s :/::is ::% :ni ::,:::e h :d ,:_sc, cone:it i: u'r," P:aying baDk Photo fries Press arrcw ( :.;rs:a,/g. :f/£c>etc: :-e :.poMfi :m" ifo:: , im_p; ,4fi_eq You can directly ::c:!le: e cf r:>pr_:," inef:,B: g mm, ca::., photo P:aying C @ :lass >:W:"_l):_f preview, open and playback the file, View 4,is pg>: :> k ,p.s: r/ t/<_s :,8 :t., O: 4,i>r , back DZus/c Press arrew (4/_ C:,bV!s: fls:(¢e:;(r' ) to select "Music" and press "OK", The file or tolder fist win show up, Press arrcw(A/_') to select a file or folder P_ss "OK" to playback the music file you selected, W_smings Media Support Specification 1, Do not set up the wall mount by yourself, qualified professionals for installation, Please contact • Photo JPG/JPEG files @ 2, The Pd should _ot be mounted on walls or sudaces which have an angle more t_an 10 degrees with vertbal dkection, Otherwise i• Music WAV files @ the I_/set I USB Storage USB flash drive @ may fall. s s s s @ @ Ks files s s to vbw thu'nbnails or play slideshcw, @ s to select a file (:_ s:{:'r >(, _t?s:(' (,r©(a;a/ uh/ect te ci?:/n{/a e s x:/iho/ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSME W/\RRAN [Y APPI ICABI E 10 1HIB PRODUC[ - Labor PAR rlcuI e For a pedod of 12 months from date of purchase of your RCA product, we will pay an authorized RCA sew}ce center the label s charge s s s e e telsvision,lf rdurbished e product, e s i /"ff: e A _ • _ u_ a otros productos. Exclaaio_ Iimit:vJa solo se aplba Collr_e Obtel_er I Spcictt/on; Coverage @ s Co_eroiat nlismo modelo o shperior Use Excladed ON CORP US, INC. DISCI AIMS All.. OTHER WABIV\NTIEB, FXPPEBBED OB IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL IMPI NZD WARRANTIES OF MERONANTABIIJIM OR Frl NESB FOR A PHOTO M8 screws, Uso @ Ce_ercial s , Cebert_ra es rrepamble or @ VESA 100 x 75 S su telev sor es irreparable que le proporoio mace idiciorlada del mismo modelo o superior, o incorporados as Ilamadas de servbio que no hT/pliquen defecto en matedales o mane de obra, Esta qarantia s nvolve THE MANUI-AO FURER OF THIS PRODUCI] s @ @ workmanship, @ i LED24G45RQDi defecto en materi des @ s j @ @ s s USB 20 @ el cargo de mane de obm pare mpamr cualqu}er modificados O I @ 77e @ @ replacement i,e, Purchased USA can not be serviced Mexico can not be serviced ill USA, With starld 22.4W × 14.1"H × 6.7D Dimensions Without stand 22.4W × 13.3"H × 2.7D + + With stand 7.7LBS 3.5KGS Weight Without stand 7.3LBS(3.3KGS) Power Consumption 75 m s iterrls: of customer Cable/Antenna × 1 TAv;_ I @ and adjustnlent fire condensation) @ device and custorner Damage i i AudfoOL@Ut Headphone× 1, DigitalA_dioOut x 1 Resolution , 1920 × 1080 Component/HDML mode 480i, 489p, 729p, 1080i, 1080p @ Warranty Product Purchase, i Videoinput , Component × 1 i HDMI x 1 r A_,dbnFi]_ AV_ _i _ A[_ o n x _ s By Limited @ Balferies , 0'( -+80_( +32_},.. +122_ StorageHumidity : Lessthan88%RH (No condensation) r _peration_umidiN i i essthan%S, RH s s , _-20'( - + 60't -4? --+ 140_J< Operating Temper, rat ure is @ files stored Dumnte uh periodo de 12 tosses desde la re ::r ,' :bi': /<:: ,s : u),:tupc c, c: i,xs__:/, s [V in a location The service mprosehh:¢Ne will review your optic _s for service, As a corlvenier_ce we offer three ways to obtain warranty service, M)u may mail your product to the address provided by the service s r/r>v:< s Oonrlection @ d< vk:e (_,'a(o::r>_ M:_,Rs,}mge representative, you may take your product to ah authorized service center, or yo_ may req_est in home serv ce (servicer will detennine if product is serviceable in home or must be taken back to local service s @ T/or pi y.x.pbe:k:u:,t':r- @ @ @ e_. @ @ @ screen. - Closed captioning might be on, Check Clos_J Caption in the SFIUP menu. Go to page 10 for more instructions, P_bler_s The_ is _c pict_ or sea_d Signal" sig_ e_ screen. sau_d :4:/:/; tf s @ Menu, Cath,_ @ s @ If there are any problems wlqen using the product, lie below, If the lie1 does not solve the problem, Bervice Center inlmediately, be t_med in the PARENTAl s s Keep your Pd u iplugged for about 5 mind,tea, Then plug ill the T\/and turn it on, See if the problem is fixed, If the problem remains, then please visit tile Customer Support Mehu at www,rca,com or updated [7\Qe or co itacl RCA Customer Support al the supporl number provided in your Warranty card, s or nol approved It may be a weak etation, Use the; AUDIO M:_lu a_ld _>atAnalog SouKJ [!} Mono, Identifying Problems The TV ca_t cha_rleL The chanhel may be skipped ih channel list in CHANNEL Check the bier:king and skipping staus of channel The your tebvision, s - The electrenic protection circuit ir!a_/ha_/e been actiw:ed because of a power surge, Wait 30 seconds and then thm tile TM orl agairn If this happens frequently, the voltage your house may be abner hal If the other electronic equipme _t in your home cant work non'aally, corlsuIt a qhalified sewice personnel Car/_t select under 7, Do not :)lace the lY near :_ything dripping, Dansducers and hig_ voltage wires should be ke°)t far away f"om the apparatus too, Or else, it may cause cree:)age, electric shock or bad resonsnoe. s If you have both analog a_d digital channels, the T\/ie looking for all available channeb ill t-_e channel list, If you do ha_/edigital cha inels, the Pd is also searching for scrambled channels, norl scranlbled channels, source I de? s Select the Keypad Lock function ill the PAREN]?\I control Men_ and press OK to uncheck tile locking stalus, Unplug the FV trom the AC power for 10 minut:e; and tll_l plug it back, [urn the TV on and try again, The TV t_ms V-Ch@iParen_l If the raking limits don't work, you must lock the settings, Go to the Main Menu (Mess MENU on your remote,), select P/\REN]?tL oo _trol to check the se tings, @ e_ the with If you've been through the lroubleshoot}ng section and nothing has fixed your problen h try rebooting your [M Note that afer a mboot, you nlay iced to run your TV thre_gh the set_@ process aga}rn If) reboot, unplug the power cord ffem the wall outlet or power strip. @ 5, Befere attaching the base to wall, ensure the holes for anchors are in keeping with the installing rules. Otherwise there may exist some potential problems, Put new batteries in the remote, What @ are to @ @ soon(t, The battans 4. If spare parts of different specifications (such as screws) used duri _g mounting, consult with qualified professionals make sum. these parts are safe and effective, work. s s the MtJI[ doesn't @ is fi_e, [ry pmsdllg Them hm ce_trol s Fer AV i iput, the yellow video cable connects to the yellow Video In jack on the side of your 1\4 For Component input, the throe Y, Pb, Pr video cables (red, blue, _hd green) should be connect to the corresponding input jacks on the side of your YV, Check the antenna conheclions, Make sure all of the c _bles _m is r_e sa_d_ s The Re_ote such as video Oh Demand, Wheh channeb are unavailable, your T\/screen is blank or appears_ like s-_ow, You probably war to remove these cha inels fmnl your channel Ist, Remove these in the Cha u/el list Menu, Go to page 8 fer more nfermafiorn Why does it _ke at first ti_e? is fi_e_ bat s @ - For ushlg /W or Component, remember to e£ai:SO bars s firmly connected to the 1V jack orl side of your r\L hy adjhsting tie color feahses to imprcve, Press the OK button to disphN the Channel Bar, When ne OSD (Oil Screen Dbplay) is usedj.ook at the topright comer of the screen. Why are there device works normally fir_E then press INPUT and choose the dght h/put souI:ce, The Signal [ype open may be set incorrectly, Go to page 8 fer de!ailed instruclions, to repah" any defects in materials or workmanship your tebvision is unlx@ah\qbb we will pr(Mde unit of the same or better model, in your you with a CONTRACrORg, D[!\L[ rls AGENTB, BALEB REPREBEN1?\rlVES, PAR [Y BHALL CRE!VI I. A GUARANTY I}MPI OYEEB, RFTAII OR ANY OIHER THE SCOPE OF THIS lIMITED OR INORF/\gE, THIRD EXPAND OP WARRAN rY, enviar sh producto a la dire< or us() indebick), OF INDIANA, e s ir)oluyendo pete no Ih nitado :_,los danes deriwvJos d<_,la cxposbiorl a la hun'ledrM, la humedad o la sal, rOR rH ABOVE, THIS W/\RRANIM GIVES YOU SPECIFIC lEGAl AND YOU AIBO MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS %b\ RIGHTS VAPY FROM S IXrE TO S I?XrE. F[(.i _ iS _!_S and ursd ', ef FT{W ft:I:i :r /:k unc_s iicesee hy ON C0rporation s Incapacidad S s (]ue r)o f_or) causadEie COMERCIAI P/\RTICUIJ\R mencionado de repuesto peru recibir la serial debklo o c%scuick) antedormente, Esta gaes itia le otorga derrv;hos e e D:mos en e,I producto erl la parltalla, Productos comprados a lae imaqsr)ee e de compra s Ej: Comprado s s s servbies en Mexico/Coraprado en Mexico prestar servicios en Estados LJnidos, o prestar servbios QUE PUEDEN VARIAR DE ES I?tDO. de FlOe Hn7 rv/m, [fJ/e_'d;: de ON Corp tJS, In<, 1D920 Via Frontera, Ste 540 San Diego, CA 92127, U,S,A, d2014 ON Corporation no puede ROA is SAS ilsed a trade_ark iir_der ot ROA Iieel/se Trade_ark ts ON lYtar_agemerlt ¢orporatior_. de rfrabadas fuera del paLq original, Unides }egales y UBIED TAMBIEN PUEDE TENER OTROS DERECHOS, a los problemas [)or el prc)ducto, erl Estados FY\RA UN PROPOBITO IW FARA LIMg?\DA A I..IMI[?\DA periodo de gamntia (S) al clb, r!te, abuse, negligoncia debido en el POR E, CUAI GUIER GARAN rlA IMPI ICrB\ DE IZACION O IDONI-IDAD del clients e PURPOBE IS lIMITED TO APPL ICABI E LIMITED WARRAN rY PERIOD(B) BF[ y ajuste de controles e EXOEP r TO THE EXIENT PRONIBITED BY APPI ICABI E lAW, ANY IMPLIED W/\RRAN rY OF MERONAN [ABIIJIM OR FITNEBS FOB A PAR rlOULAR de 3/ ' pulgadas CON I/\INED ON THkg PRODUC I, IA IEY APHCABI per la garantia Iimitada Su REMEDY [Y)R THK CONSUMER OF REPAIR OR REPI ACIZMEN1()F of purchase RCA par_ el contenida original, o ..olo ee lea data servicio a Domicilio a %lew;oree t _mano y mas grandee, THIg I IMrl ED W/\RRAN [M PROVIDES THL} BOlE AND bXOI USIVE date _las instrucciones s Y RESPONBABIIJI)/\DES se rigs per las keyes del Estado de Indiana, SAI VOPROHIFYDO especificos RCA from pay an authorized per e for the we will proporcionada el representante de servicio, usted puede Ilevar su produc o a un oehtro de servicio autorizado, o puede solicitar en el eerv}c}o a domioiNo (adnlh/istrador detemlh_ara si el producto se encuehtre en funcionan@nto en casa o debe set Ilev _do de vuelta a servicio Iocd s INDEPENDEN1 puede ÷ s s e NO VERBAL OR WRlYTEN INFORMATION Rg, WHOLE BALI[ DIBTRIBUTORS MODI[Y Coverage - Parts for a period of 12 months AR PURPOS[), GIVEN BY ON CORP UB, INC. Usted expmsa o implicita de este prcduclo, ESTA GARANTIA IJMrlt\DA garantia. gamntia prestar no puede RGA es una mat
Source Exif Data:File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 2 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Fri May 16 07:01:19 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools