RF DataTech ZRT170 VHF Data Modem User Manual 02

RF DataTech VHF Data Modem 02


User Manual 02

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Document DescriptionUser Manual 02
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Date Submitted2011-08-01 00:00:00
Date Available2011-08-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-03-02 15:54:31
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Document TitleUser Manual 02

Configuration Software
Programming Manual
Radio Modems
CRX Receiver
WinA4P Manual
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Rev. G - 2 March 2009
WinA4P Manual
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Rev. G - 2 March 2009
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................4
PRODUCTS COVERED............................................................................... 4
IMPORTANT NOTICES.............................................................................. 4
PRODUCT OVERVIEW .....................................................................5
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ..........................................................6
GETTING STARTED..........................................................................8
USING THE PROGRAM..................................................................12
CONVERSION TABLES ..................................................................36
REVISION HISTORY .......................................................................37
WinA4P Manual
GENERAL .................................................................................................... 5
OPERATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 5
PC HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................5
MENU STRUCTURE ................................................................................... 5
CONNECTING TO THE RADIO................................................................ 8
SELECTING REQUIRED COMMS PORT ON PC ..................................... 9
SELECTING RADIO MODEL ..................................................................... 9
READING THE RADIO............................................................................. 10
EDITING PARAMETERS .......................................................................... 10
REPROGRAMMING THE RADIO ........................................................... 11
MAIN SCREEN.......................................................................................... 12
FILE MENU ................................................................................................ 13
EDIT MENU ............................................................................................... 15
TOOLS MENU ........................................................................................... 30
OPTIONS MENU ....................................................................................... 35
VIEW MENU.............................................................................................. 35
HELP MENU.............................................................................................. 35
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This manual covers the installation and operation of the WinA4P configuration software, which
is a Windows based program allowing local configuration of RF DataTech radio modems.
The software is suitable for configuration of ART, SRT, URT, XRT, ZRT & CRX series radios.
At the date of issue of this manual, Version 2.3 was the latest version of the WinA4P software
available and the manual is based on that release. Subsequent releases of the software may
differ from the version described.
Right to Change
All rights to this manual are the sole property of R.F. Technologies Ltd. The copying of the
manual in whole or in part by any method without written permission is strictly prohibited.
In the interest of improvement, R.F. Technologies reserves the right to change the technical
specifications or functions of its products without notice.
R.F. Technologies Ltd software is delivered “as is”. R.F. Technologies Ltd does not grant any
kind of warranty or guarantees on its saleability or it’s suitability for use in specific
Under no circumstances is R.F. Technologies liable for any damages arising from using the
The copyrights relating to all software is the sole property of R.F. Technologies Ltd
Any coping, editing, translating, reverse engineering or modifying is strictly forbidden without
prior written consent from R.F. Technologies Ltd
Safety Critical Applications
The software and the radios with which it can be used have not been designed for, nor are they
intended for, use in safety critical or life support applications. No functional warranty is given if
the products are used in such applications.
The software is intended for use in conjunction with radio modems which have been designed
to work on various licensed and license-free frequency bands in use around the world. In the
license-free bands, the user must ensure that the radio modem is used under the terms &
conditions applicable to the use of the bands concerned.
In licensed bands, the radio user must obtain permission and the necessary licenses from the
local authorities.
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The WinA4P software has been produced as a universal programming tool suitable for
programming and configuring a broad range of radios manufactured by RF DataTech. Models
currently covered include the CRX Receiver and the ART, SRT, URT, XRT & ZRT ranges of
radio modems.
Different radio models have different functionality, and some of the programming options
shown in this manual may not be applicable to every model. Where particular radio types do
not support an option, it will either be greyed out or completely removed from the screen when
the program is used with those models.
WinA4P is designed to operate correctly with the following operating systems:Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows 2000
Windows XP
It will run in Windows Vista, but operates in a compatibility mode due to the storage locations
of the configuration files. It can also be run under Wine in Linux systems.
The WinA4P software is designed to operate on a broad range of hardware platforms provided
that they are fitted with an external serial port to allow communication with the radios. Many
modern machines do not have RS232 serial ports, but are only fitted with USB ports. With
those machines it would be necessary to use some form of USB to RS232 adaptor to connect to
the radios.
Select Radio
Modem / TOX
/ Protocol
Save as
Ping Pong
Program Radio
Verify Product
& Firmware
WinA4P Manual
Select Com
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Release Notes
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Before starting to install the program, it is important to note that if you are re-installing the
software on a machine on which it has already been installed, or if you are updating to a newer
version of the software on a machine already running an old version, you should un-install the
original version before installing the new version. Failure to do this may result in some files
failing to update correctly. The old program should be de-installed using the Add/Remove
Programs feature in the Windows “Control Panel” which can be accessed via the Windows
“Start” button.
The WinA4P software is generally supplied as a .zip file on a CD ROM or as a file downloaded
via the internet. In either case, extract the contents of the .zip file to a suitable directory on the
hard drive of the PC. This can be a temporary directory if preferred, since once the software is
fully installed, the extracted setup files are no longer required for day-to-day operation.
Amongst the extracted files, there will be a file called “setup.exe”. Running this executable file
will install the WinA4P software.
Before running setup.exe, it is strongly recommended that you shut down all other Windows
programs which may be running on the machine, as the installation program cannot update any
shared files which may be in use by another program.
When you run setup.exe, the following screen will appear:-
By default the setup program will create the directory C:\Program Files\WinA4P then install
WinA4P into that directory. The user may change the directory if preferred, but this is not
recommended, since any future re-installations or upgrades will expect the program to be in the
directory shown. Pressing the large button with the picture on it will start the install.
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During the installation, the setup program will attempt to write a number of files to the
Windows System directory. These are shared files which may be used by a number of
programs and may already exist on your machine. If the setup program finds that your
machine has a more up-to-date version of a shared file it is trying to write, it may warn you of
this and suggest that you keep your newer file. In this situation, it is recommended that you
keep the newer version already on your machine by clicking “Yes” in the box which appears.
By default, the setup program will create a “WinA4P” entry in the list of programs in the start
menu accessed by clicking on the “Start” button on the windows toolbar.
Once the installation is complete, a desktop shortcut can be added by the user if required. To
do this, click on the “Start” button and open the program menu. Locate the WinA4P folder in
the list, and within it, the WinA4P program entry. Press and hold the right mouse button to
drag the entry onto a free area of the desktop, then release the mouse button and select “copy
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Connect the radio to be configured (or investigated) to the PC serial port via the appropriate
For the ART, SRT, XRT & ZRT Series radio modems this is a standard 9-Way Male to 9-Way
Female straight-through cable (pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc) obtainable from many sources.
On the version of the ZRT with the combined RS232/RS485/RS422 interface, the interface
automatically switches back to RS232 when programming mode is selected by setting “00” on
the channel switches. This allows programming from the PC with a standard RS232 cable, even
if the radios are configured for RS485 or RS422 operation.
For the 5V TTL version of the ZRT, an external RS232 to TTL adaptor is needed between the
computer and the radio.
For the URT, a product specific 9-Way to 25-Way programming cable is required. With this
particular model, there is a possibility of damage to the PC and/or radio if cables not designed
specifically for the purpose are used.
For the CRX receiver, an external RS232 to TTL adaptor is needed between the computer and
the radio and a custom cable assembly is also needed to allow the +12V supply to be connected
to pin 9 of the D-Type connector and to allow pin 4 to be grounded to select programming
Details of pin-outs, etc. are given in the separate radio operating manuals. For programming,
the only connections to the PC which are required are Tx Data, Rx Data and Ground.
To put most types of radio into local programming mode, select “00” on the two front panel
switches. On the CRX receiver, which does not have any switches, you should ground pin 4 to
select programming mode.
Programming mode ensures that the radio recognises any data on the serial port as
programming instructions and not as data for transmission. The SYS LED on the front panel
will stay on continuously while the radio is in this mode. After programming is complete,
ensure the switches are reset to the required RF channel (or that pin 4 on the CRX is left open
circuit) and that the SYS LED goes out.
On the XRT Series radios, there is a front panel programming port in addition to the traffic
serial port on the rear. Either port can be used for programming, but the above instructions
only apply when using the rear traffic port for programming. When using the dedicated front
panel programming port, it is not necessary to set the switches to 00 since this connection is
only ever used for programming and the radio automatically recognises data on this port as
programming data.
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To select which communications port on the PC the software will use for communicating with
the radio, click on “Options” in the Menu-bar at the top of the WinA4P main window and then
click on “Select Comms Port”
A small sub-window will appear with a pull-down menu allowing selection of port Com 1 to
Com 16. Once the required port is selected, press OK to proceed. On most PCs with a single
serial port, this port will be Com1.
On the main screen, there is a graphic showing the type of radio that the program is set up for.
Below the graphic, there is a pull-down list of available radio types that are supported by the
program. Click on the arrow to expand the list, then click on the model required. The program
will load a suitable set of default data for the selected model.
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At this stage it is possible to select a radio type which differs from the radio you are connected
to, so that you can create or edit configuration files for different models, but as soon as you try
to read a radio or program data into it, an alert box will appear if the settings are inappropriate
for the attached model.
The ZRT modems are available with a number of different serial interfaces. For the RS232 Only
(Full Handshaking) version or the 5V TTL version, the Device Selection should be just “ZRT
Series”. For the combined RS232/RS485/RS422 version, the Device Selection should be “ZRT
It is strongly recommended that the first action you take once you are successfully connected to
a radio is to read it. This ensures that the information displayed on the screen reflects the
factory set parameters such as the frequency range for which the unit has been aligned and the
power output range of the particular radio concerned.
To read the radio, go to the “File” menu and click on “Read Radio”. A small screen will briefly
appear showing the progress of the data transfer, the connected Device Type, the Firmware
Version of the radio, the Compatibility Code of the radio and a scrolling display of the actual
data blocks being transferred.
Immediately after the radio has been read, the configuration details shown in the various
screens reflect the current configuration of the radio.
These values can now be changed from within the program, but it is important to note that
changing parameters on the screen only changes the configuration data held within the
computer and does not affect the radio unless you specifically upload the changed
configuration into the radio. If you exit the program without saving the configuration file or
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without actively programming the new data into the radio, the changes will be lost and the
radio will remain as it originally was.
Once all the desired changes have been made, the radio needs to be reprogrammed with the
amended configuration.
To upload the amended configuration data into the radio, go to the “File” menu and click on
“Program Radio”. As in the case when reading the radio, a small screen will briefly appear
showing the progress of the data transfer, the connected Device Type, the Firmware Version of
the radio, the Compatibility Code of the radio and a scrolling display of the actual data blocks
being transferred.
After programming is complete and the radio is disconnected from the computer, ensure the
switches are reset to the required RF channel (on radios which have switches) and that the SYS
LED goes out.
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The main screen is split into a number of discrete areas:-
The Menu Bar
The menu bar at the top of the window provides access to all the programming and
configuration options within the program. Clicking on any menu item will open up the related
list of options.
The Device Selection Area
This area includes a graphic box showing the radio model which the program is currently
configured for. Below the graphic, there is a pull-down list of available radio types that are
supported by the program. Click on the arrow to expand the list, then click on the model
required. The program will load a suitable set of default data for the selected model.
Should you set the program for a radio which is different from that which you are physically
connected to, the program will not allow you to read from, or write to, the radio and an alert
box will appear to explain the problem.
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The Data Summary Area
This gives an at-a-glance summary of the key parameters of the configuration file loaded.
Parameters cannot be edited directly in this area. To change settings it is necessary to use the
screens accessed through the “Edit” menu.
Miscellaneous Text Fields
At the foot of the window, there are three fields which can display additional data.
The Serial Number and Alignment Range entries are factory set in the radio and cannot be
changed by the user. The Alignment range shows the range of frequencies that the unit has
been physically tuned to operate over and the channel spacing. Within that range, the
operating frequencies can be selected by the user with this program. To operate on a frequency
outside this range, it would be necessary to return the radio to the factory for re-alignment and
The Notepad field is user accessible and allows the user to store a text string of up to 48
characters in the configuration file. This will in turn be stored in the radio once it has been
programmed. Possible uses include saving the date of installation, site names, application
notes, etc.
Simply erases the parameters selected by the user or imported from a file or a radio and returns
to the default program parameters for the particular radio model selected on the front screen
Save as Default
Allows the user to load a previously saved configuration file. On selecting “Open” from the
menu, a window opens allowing you to browse your computer for suitable configuration files.
These will generally have a .dat suffix. If you attempt to open a configuration file which is for a
different radio model from the one selected on the main screen, the file will not load and an
alert box will appear to explain the problem.
Allows the user to save the currently displayed configuration file. On selecting “Save” from the
menu, a window opens allowing you to browse your computer for a suitable location to save
the file. By default, configuration files will be saved with a .dat suffix.
Allows the user to save the current configuration file as the default configuration which will be
loaded whenever the program is started with the current radio model selected. On selecting
“Save” from the menu, a warning window will appear to advise you that this operation cannot
be undone and to ask you to confirm that you wish to permanently overwrite the saved default
settings. The default configuration files are always stored in the same directory as the main
program and have .def suffixes.
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Read Radio
This allows you to read the configuration parameters from a connected radio into the program.
A small screen will briefly appear showing the progress of the data transfer, the connected
Device Type, the Firmware Version of the radio, the Compatibility Code of the radio and a
scrolling display of the actual data blocks being transferred.
If new fields are added or changes are made to the PC configuration program, the version
number changes, but in most cases a new program will program older radios. To complicate
matters more, over time there will be changes and upgrades to the firmware in the radio which
may not be compatible with older PC programming software. To overcome this, each modem
has a compatibility code which is changed at the factory if and when the firmware changes. If
the radio and PC software are not compatible, as a safety precaution the PC will not read or
write to the modem but will display a compatibility error message. If this happens a different
edition of PC programming software with the same compatibility number as the radio may be
Program Radio
This allows you to upload the displayed configuration data into a connected radio. As in the
case of reading a radio, a small screen will briefly appear showing the progress of the data
transfer, the connected Device Type, the Firmware Version of the radio, the Compatibility Code
of the radio and a scrolling display of the actual data blocks being transferred.
This closes the program. If the displayed configuration has been changed since you last saved
the file or programmed a radio, you will be warned that you are about to lose the displayed
data and given the option to return to the program.
Clicking on “Yes” will close the program, discarding any changed data. Clicking on “No” will
return you to the running program.
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Main Configuration
Operating Mode Area
The Operating Mode area selects the interface and type of signals handled by the radio and can
be set for the following:“Internal Modem”, which sets the radio to use the RS232 serial port as a direct interface to the
internal 150-9600bps modem.
“External Modem” which disables the RS232 serial data interface and instead selects the audio
line interface (Only available on ART, URT & XRT models) and routes the audio via internal
level amplifiers to & from the transmitter & receiver modules respectively. The radio will now
transmit audio tones produced by an external modem. The interface level is normally factory
set for –13dBm, but can be adjusted between –20 to +3dB from the CALIBRATE MENU.
“Switched Internal/External Modem” allows either the audio line interface or the RS232 serial
data interface to be selected under the control of a digital input. Change of mode is set by
digital input DI1. When inactive (open circuit) the internal modem operates, when active
(pulled low) the radio switches to external audio mode. This applies only to ART, XRT and URT
models. On the ART & XRT radios, DI1 is one of the auxiliary connections, while on the URT
the input is available at pin 15 of the 25 way D connector.
When “External Modem” or “Switched Internal/External Modem” is selected, a second field
appears in this area allowing the user to select how the radio keys up into transmit mode when
using the audio interface.
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“Ext TX on Hardware PTT” sets the radio to key up when a “Push to Talk” signal is applied to
the appropriate input pin. The PTT input connection arrangement differs between the various
radio models which can accept external audio, but full details are given in the individual radio
manuals. In particular, the URT Series has a two different options available with regard to
which pins on the 25-way connector are used for PTT. These can be selected from the “Edit |
Modem/TOX/Protocol” menu.
“Ext TX on audio TOX” routes the audio input via a Tone Operated Switch (TOX) which can
be set to detect V23 or BELL202 formats in the “Edit | Modem/TOX/Protocol” menu.
Detection of the selected format will key up the transmitter and forward the incoming data. To
ensure that the radio does not key-up on noise, the TOX circuit checks for valid modem tones,
not just the presence of some audio, before keying the radio.
TX Power Area
This area of the screen has 2 entry fields. The upper field is factory set and shows the range of
acceptable power values which the radio can be set to. The lower field allows the user to set a
value within that range. Any desired power within the allowed range can be typed directly
into the box in Watts (e.g. 725mW would be entered as 0.725), or one of the preset power levels
can be selected from the pull-down menu.
Note: Programming a radio to an RF power level exceeding local regulations is strictly forbidden
and may lead to prosecution. R.F. Technologies is not responsible for any illegal use of it’s
products and is in no way responsible for any claims or penalties arising from its operation in
ways that contravene local regulations.
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Power Saving Area
If “Auto Power Save” is enabled by clicking to get a tick in the check-box, then the radio will
power up and down automatically under the control of it’s own internal timers. If disabled by
clearing the check-box, the timer values will be greyed out and the timers will not operate.
The save on, save off and resume time are all programmable parameters to allow the power
consumption of the units to be reduced by using internal timers to put the radio into “sleep
mode” for predetermined times.
“Save On Time” sets the time that the transceiver is switched off for during the power save
cycle (Power Save On). The Save On Time is programmable from 0 – 63.75 Seconds in 250ms
(1/4 second) steps.
“Save Off Time” sets the time the transceiver is switched on for during the power save cycle
(Power Save Off). The Save Off Time is programmable from 50 - 2550ms in 10ms steps. The
default setting is 50ms.
“Save Resume Time” is the time the receiver stays active after a received carrier has dropped
out, i.e. the time for which re-entry to power save mode is deferred. This is programmable
between 0 - 255 seconds in 1 second steps. When a carrier is received during one of the “Save
Off Time” periods, the unit will remain fully operational while the carrier is present and will
continue to remain operational for the “Save Resume Time” after the carrier drops out. If a
further carrier is detected during the “Save Resume Time”, the “Save Resume Time” timer will
be reset and will start again from the time that the last carrier dropped out.
“Power off if DTR inactive” allows the user to control the power save mode of the radio
externally rather than using the internal timers. When this option is activated by clicking to
place a tick in the checkbox, the DTR line is used for external power save, with the on/off ratio
of the radio controlled externally via the DTR line. In this mode more of the modem's circuits
are shutdown (including the microprocessor), this saves more power but care must be taken to
ensure that the modem is enabled when a transmission is to take place. Note that there is a
hardware link option to allow the serial port to shut off when DTR is not active, this allows the
radio current to be reduced to its bare minimum. In applications where DTR is not connected
this link option must of course be disabled.
“Transmitter Power Save Enable” (additional option on ART & XRT Series radios only, as they
have separate TX and RX synthesizers) completely shuts down the transmitter’s synthesizer
section when it is not required. This saves current, but does slow down the transmitter key-up
time slightly.
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Frequency Range Selection Area
“Frequency Range” allows the operator to select from a number of pre-programmed standard
band-plans or a more general section of the spectrum within which discrete channels can be
programmed. The menus show the compete range of frequencies for which the radios can be
supplied, but you should check the “Alignment Range” shown on the Main Screen for the
particular tuning range of the radio with which you are working. If you require to operate on
frequencies out-with the alignment range, it would be necessary to return the radio to the
factory for re-alignment.
Where a pre-programmed band-plan is selected, all other fields associated with defining the
allowed channels will be greyed-out and cannot be edited.
If you have selected a more generic allocation such as UHF 406-512MHz, the channel defining
options become available again.
“Selection Mode” allows the choice of either “Discrete” or “Incremental. In “Incremental”
mode, a start frequency for both RX and TX is set up along with a channel increment and the
desired number of channels. For example, entering 450MHz as the RX and TX start frequency,
5 as the number of channels, and 12.5KHz as the channel increment, will result in frequencies of
450.0000, 450.0125, 450.0250, 450.0375, and 450.0500 being allocated to channels 1 to 5 of the
modem, the TX and RX frequencies can be offset from each other by entering different start
frequencies in the Rx and Tx start frequency fields. Up to 80 incremental channels can be
programmed in this way.
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In “discrete” mode, up to 32 channel frequency pairs may be individually entered in the
channel data table and do not have to conform to any regular spacing. Pressing the “Edit/View
Channels” button will open up the channel data table (See Section 5.3.4).
“Radio Mode” allows selection of “Full/Half Duplex” or “ Simplex” operation. Only the ART
& XRT Series radios can support full duplex operation, and this option is greyed out for all
other versions.
“Channel Switch Override Setting” allows the operator to force the radio always to operate on
the override channel selected and to ignore the channel selection on the front panel channel
selection switches. If “Override Off” is selected, the front panel switches control the selected
channel. This facility is particularly useful in conjunction with the Network Management
option in that it allows remote channel selection under software control.
Even if a channel override is applied, setting the front panel switches to 00 will still select local
programming mode.
The CRX receivers do not have any front panel switches for channel selection. On that product,
you can still program a number of frequencies into the different channel numbers in the same
way, but the “Channel Switch Override” becomes the primary method of selecting the desired
operating channel. The labelling changes to “Rx Channel” to reflect this.
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Lockout Timer Area
The transmitters have a time-out timer which can be enabled by clicking to place a tick in the
check-box. This allows a maximum transmission time to be set, in order to prevent possible
channel blocking due to a fault occurring in connected equipment which causes continuous
data to be applied to the radio. The timer works for both internal and external modem
“Lockout Timer Mode” allows either resettable or cumulative mode to be selected. In
resettable mode, transmission will cease after the programmed time and will not restart until
the action that normally causes transmission is removed then re-applied. The timer resets and
starts counting up again each time a transmission starts.
In cumulative mode, the timer counts up during transmission and counts down during receive.
If the timer manages to count up to the “Lockout Time”, an indefinite lockout is applied. This
can only be reset by removing power from the radio and re-applying it.
The “Lockout Time” can be set between 0 and 255 seconds in 1 second steps.
The SYS LED on the radio front panel will flash continuously while a lockout is being applied.
Audio Area
This area of the screen is only available for ART, URT & XRT Series radios which have an audio
interface available.
By placing a tick in the ”Mute Audio” check-box, the receive audio path can be set to mute
when no incoming carrier is detected. If this option is not selected, background noise could
cause connected modems to generate spurious characters at extremely low RF signal levels.
There is also the option to set the response of the transmitter and receiver audio paths to either
flat or de-/pre-emphasised.
WinA4P Manual
For “Internal Modem” operation, the audio response should be set to FLAT.
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Internal Modem/TOX/Protocol (External Modem)
Different screens appear when this menu item is selected depending on whether Internal
Modem or External Modem has been selected on the Main Configuration Screen. The “External
Modem” options only apply to the ART, URT & XRT Series radios.
When the Operating Mode is set for External Modem on these radios, the following screen
appears when you select Internal Modem/TOX/Protocol in the Edit menu.
The “TOX audio trigger parameters” is greyed out unless TOX (Tone Operated Switch)
operation has been selected on the Main configuration screen. When active, it allows the user to
programme which modem tone set will operate the TOX circuit. Detection of the selected
format will key up the transmitter and forward the incoming data. To ensure that the radio
does not key-up on noise, the TOX circuit checks for valid modem tones, not just the presence of
some audio, before keying the radio. The radios can be set to detect either V23 or Bell 202
modem tones.
The “PTT Source” area is only visible on URT Series radios which have a choice of which input
pins will trigger transmission when using an external modem.
The “Lead out delay” is the time the transmitter stays up after the audio data finishes, this is to
avoid mute noises that could corrupt data that is not framed, not packetised and does not have
an end of message character. This is programmable between 0 & 256 milliseconds
Internal Modem/TOX/Protocol (Internal Modem)
As mentioned above, different screens appear when this menu item is selected depending on
whether Internal Modem or External Modem has been selected on the Main Configuration
When the Operating Mode is set for Internal Modem, the following screen appears when you
select Internal Modem/TOX/Protocol in the Edit menu.
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Radio Signal Modulation
This area allows the user to configure the signal format which is transmitted over air. This
format does not need to be the same as that set for the interface connector, but it is
recommended that the radio baud rate be set the same as, or slower than, the serial port rate.
The radio baud rate should be set at the minimum possible to maintain the required
throughput, lower speeds will give better results in poor signal conditions.
The “Baud Rate” of the internal radio modem can be set for a variety of rates between 150 baud
and 9600 baud within a 12.5kHz channel.
“Bits per Character” can be set to 7 or 8
If packetisation is activated (see Section ) then the radio “bits per character”
should always be set for 8, even if the serial interface bits per character is set to 7.
“Parity” can be set to None, Even or Odd
“Stop Bits” can be set to 1 or 2
The “Tone Set” used in the internal modem can be selected to be either Bell 202 or V23 to allow
compatibility with other modems at baud rates up to and including 1200 baud,. At higher rates,
no options are available and the window will grey out and display the default modulation
scheme being used.
“Timing” allows either synchronous or asynchronous operation of the modem to be selected
for speeds up to and including 1200baud. Above 1200 baud the format is fixed as Synchronous.
For best performance synchronous mode is suggested. This is a parameter affecting the mode
of operation of the modem and does not relate to the nature of the serial data presented on the
traffic interface. The external traffic interface is always asynchronous.
“Lead In Delay” selects the time the RF carrier is raised before the transmission of data via the
internal modem takes place, for more detail see the section of radio manual describing
transmit/receive timing. The delay is programmable from 0 to 2500ms in 10ms steps.
“Lead Out Delay “ selects the time the transmitter remains up after the data has been sent.
Used sometimes to give a finite quiet pause after the data has been sent, for more detail see the
section of the radio manual describing transmit/receive timing. The delay is programmable
from 0 to 2500ms in 10ms steps.
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Serial Port Settings
The “Baud Rate” of the external serial port can be set independently of the radio baud rate but
for reliable operation should always be the same speed or higher than the radio baud rate. It can
be set for a variety of rates between 150 baud and 38,400 baud.
“Bits per Character” can be set to 7 or 8
“Parity” can be set to None, Even or Odd
“Stop Bits” can be set to 1 or 2
“DCD Operation” allows the behaviour of the “Data Carrier Detect” line on the receiver to be
customised. It can be set to activate on receipt of just a carrier, which can be useful if a busy
lockout function is required. As a second option it can additionally check for the presence of
both carrier and a valid data signal before activating, thereby reducing the likelihood that it will
respond to an interfering carrier. Finally, as a third option, it can be set to activate at any time
that there is data in the receive buffer, even if the carrier has already disappeared. This option
ensures that all data has been output before DCD is released and therefore allows the DCD line
to be used as a wake-up signal to externally connected equipment if required.
Protocol Settings
While all the radios can be programmed to operate transparently, just transmitting whatever
data is applied to the input, the radios can also be programmed to operate using specific
Depending on the type of radio involved, the program allows selection from a list including
some, or all of:- NONE, HAYES AT, MODBUS RTU, MODBUS ASCII, RF Technologies Own
Protocol, DNP3 & IEC870. At the time of writing this version of the manual DNP3 & IEC870 are
still under development and they have not been fully implemented in the software.
In these protocol specific modes, the radio recognises a complete message frame and only
transmits data which conforms to the specified format. These modes also allow routing modes
to be enabled in which messages can be passed down a chain of radios using “Store & Forward”
“RTS/CTS Handshaking” option allows the user to set the desired key-up behaviour of the
transmitter. If this option is selected, transmissions will be initiated by the RTS line on the
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interface connector. If the option is not selected, transmission will be initiated by valid data
appearing on the TX Data pin on the interface connector. The CTS line on the radio remains
active in both cases.
“Message Packeting” switches on an option to add framing characters at the start and end of
the user’s message prior to transmission. The additional information is stripped off the
messages at the receiver prior to passing the data to the interface connector. Packetisation can
be useful in getting rid of any spurious characters which may otherwise be generated at the end
of messages by squelch noise as the receiver mutes and which can affect old or non-tolerant
protocols. This field is enabled automatically when certain protocols are selected which require
the packetisation mode.
It is important to note that packetisation must be set the same on all radios operating together.
All radios must have it selected or all radios must have it de-selected.
If packetisation is activated, then the radio “bits per character” should always be set for
8, even if the serial interface “bits per character” is set to 7.
“Forward Error Correction” is a programmable option at 9600bps and will improve the BER in
areas of poor performance, however there is an associated data throughput overhead of
approximately 30%. It is not available at lower over-air data rates since it offers no significant
performance advantage at these rates.
It is important to note that forward error correction must be set the same on all radios operating
together. All radios must have it selected or all radios must have it de-selected.
“Network ID” is a number between 0 and 65535, and differentiates one network or a sub
network from another. This field is only visible if the packetisation option is switched on.
“Radio Address” is a number in the range 0 to 255 and is the actual address of the radio modem
as used in MODBUS and the other supported routing protocols, as well as for remote
programming when using a network manager. This field is only visible if the packetisation
option is switched on.
If no protocol is selected (transparent operation), a normal packeted data message contains no
address information. Only the network management messages themselves incorporate the
addresses. Therefore, if network management is not being used and no protocol is selected, it
is acceptable to set all radios to the same address even if packetisation is on.
When a specific protocol mode is selected, or if a network management system is being used,
the “Network ID” and “Radio Address” fields must be filled out such that every radio in a
given system has the same network ID, but a different radio address.
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Depending on the protocol selected, a number of additional data entry fields may appear:-
“Min Power Save Address” & “Max Power Save Address” define the limits of the range of
radio addresses for which power save mode will be active when Modbus or RFT Routing
Protocols are selected. Radios with addresses outside this range will not use power-save.
If power save operation is not required set both these fields to zero.
If power save operation is required it is enabled by setting the radio address to a value greater
or equal to “Min Power Save Address” and less than or equal to “Max Power Save Address”.
The radio will then enter low power standby mode for the time programmed in the “Power
Save On” field in the main configuration edit screen, it will then wake up and check for an
incoming signal, if none is present it will return to sleep and repeat the cycle. If a signal is
detected the radio will stay awake until a reply to the outward bound message has been
When the master station or relay radios send an outward bound message, the address of the
radio to which the message is being sent is checked against the min and max power save
addresses, if a power saved radio is indicated a cyclic wake up message is sent for the period
indicated by the programmed power save on time before the actual data message is sent, if a
power saved radio is not indicated the data message is sent immediately. These parameters
along with some others are also used to calculate a timeout time in the event that no reply is
received. It is therefore essential that all radios in a system are programmed with the same
parameters even if not power saved, otherwise communications will fail.
Note that if “DTR Shutdown” is enabled a radio remains completely shut down while DTR is
inactive, it will not wake up according to the power save timer to see if any incoming messages
are present. This mode should therefore only be used in conjunction with real time message
“Host Inactivity Time” defines a time limit for the Modbus or RFT Routing Protocol device to
assert DTR in response to RI, if this time limit is exceeded RI is dropped and the radio sends
back a reply indicating the destination device failed to respond and the link is cancelled. This
time is also used to define the time limit for the connected device (e.g. an RTU) to reply to the
incoming message, if the time limit is not exceeded the reply is sent back to the master station
and RI is dropped.
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“Routing Table Enable” is a checkbox which allows the user to activate the routing table for
the selected protocol.
The “Edit Routing Table” button appears for all protocols which support store & forward
routing of messages and open up the routing table for editing when clicked. It will be greyed
out if the “Routing Table Enable” checkbox has not been activated.
To edit an entry in the table, highlight the row for the device address concerned (which may be
either a radio or a connected device such as an RTU), then type the intermediate repeater site
addresses into the entry field separated by commas and click on “Change”. Addresses should
be entered in the order in which they are connected, starting from the Master Station and going
to the Outstation.
As an example, if the device with protocol address 4 is physically connected to the radio with
radio address 34, and radio 34 is accessed from the base station via relay radios 23, then the row
for address 4 should be loaded with the route “23,34” as shown in the screenshot above.
If no routing table is loaded or a protocol address cannot be found in the routing table the radio
assumes that the destination radio address is the same as the protocol address and that no
relays are required. This can be taken advantage of in simple schemes where no more than one
device is connected to any one radio.
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“Address Byte Offset” field is only available when using “RF Technologies Routing” Protocol
and can be set to any number in the range 0 –255. This specifies the position of the address in
the protocol field. A setting of 0 specifies zero offset, i.e. the address is the first byte in the
message, an offset of 6 specifies the 7th message byte and so on. 16 bit addressing or more is
not supported as a maximum of only 256 destinations can be supported by the routing table. If
the protocol message format does use 16 bit addressing specify the offset for the least significant
byte and try to ensure that no two devices use the same l.s.b. in their address.
“Auto Answer Time” field is only available for Hayes AT protocol. If a radio receives a request
to set up a link with itself as the destination it will raise RI to wake up its host, if auto answer is
disabled (“AUTO ANSWER TIME”=0), it will wait for the "HOST INACTIVITY TIME" for the
host to accept the call by raising DTR and issuing an ATO command, DSR will be raised in
immediate response to DTR. If auto answer is enabled the radio will wait for the number of
seconds programmed as the “AUTO ANSWER TIME”, it will then enter transparent mode
automatically but only if DTR has been raised. In either scenario DCD is raised as soon as
transparent mode is entered and the calling radio is informed that the link is valid. The link
will normally be terminated by the calling party, the radio will inform its host that this has
happened by dropping DCD, the host should then use the AT escape code to terminate
transparent mode or drop DTR. If DTR is not active DSR will be dropped and the radio will
return to sleep.
“Escape Character Code” field is only available for Hayes AT protocol and allows the user to
define the desired escape code.
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“Escape Guard Time” field is only available for Hayes AT protocol and sets the time in 20ms
units required to separate the escape code sequence from other data.
“AT Master Auto Connect” checkbox is only available for Hayes AT protocol and activates
“AT Master Auto Connect” if ticked.
For ZRT models with combined RS232/RS485/RS232 serial interfaces, there is an area to select
the required serial interface configuration.
Using the 2 pull-down boxes, the combinations which can be selected are:RS232
Full Duplex
RS485 (or RS422)
Full Duplex (4-wire)
RS485 (or RS422)
Half Duplex (2-wire)
If the channel selection switches on the front panel are set to “00” to select programming modes,
the interface will automatically revert to RS232, even if RS485 mode is selected. This is to allow
connection to a PC for programming without requiring an interface converter.
Channel Frequencies
The Channel Data Edit screen is displayed when "Channel Frequencies" is selected from the
main edit menu. It also appears when the “Edit/View Channels” button on he Edit Main
Configuration” screen is pressed.
The channel numbers shown correspond to the channel switch settings on the radio modem.
Up to 32 channels may be edited in discrete channel selection mode, and up to 80 channels may
be viewed, but not edited, in incremental mode. In incremental mode, the channels are fully
defined by the start frequencies and increment programmed on the main configuration screen
and are displayed for information purposes only.
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In discrete mode, the program will allow you to edit the data in the frequency table. To add a
new channel, highlight the position in the table where you would like to add the new channel,
type the required TX and RX frequencies in the small entry fields, then click on the “Add”
button. To delete a channel, simply highlight the relevant row in the table, then click on the
delete button (or press “Delete” on the keyboard).
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Calibrate Radio (also allows RSSI monitoring)
The calibration and test window which opens if you select this item is primarily used for factory
programming and in certain cases, workshop re-alignment. It also allows receive signal level to
be measured on any programmed channel. In the standard-user version of the software, many
of the facilities have been inhibited. Selected parameters can be checked and temporarily
changed, but the storage of calibration values, alteration of serial number, etc. is disabled. Only
the Line Input Level & Line Output Level settings (applicable to ART, URT, XRT only) can be
stored by the normal user.
Options not applicable to the radio being tested will be greyed out.
In many of the tests, the transmitter may operate. Ensure that you are
conducting the tests in an environment where transmission on full power will
be safe and legal, and that the RF port of the radio is connected to a suitable
matched load before pressing the button to start a test. The Tx tests operate
using whichever frequency is set as channel 1 in the configuration saved in the
Max Power and Mod Balance
This selects the maximum power for TX alignment and modulates the Transmitter with a 50Hz
square wave to test the balance of the modulation point. When the Start button is clicked, the
radio will transmit on full power on Channel 1. Ensure that the radio RF port is connected into
a suitably matched load before starting test.
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Set TX Frequency
This option is only available for ART and XRT radios.
It adjusts the transmitter’s frequency by varying the voltage to the transmitter VCTCXO.
It is normally set to the mid point (around 50% on the scale), the frequency is then set up as
accurately as possible with the variable capacitor in the VCTCXO and then fine tuned with the
PC control. This enables later electronic adjustment to be carried out via a PC or over the radio
link. In the user version of the software, the oscillator can be electronically tuned with the PC to
confirm correct operation, but the tuning value cannot be stored in the radio. The capacitor
should NOT be adjusted using the standard user-version of the software.
Set RX Frequency
This option is only available for ART and XRT radios.
It adjusts the receiver’s frequency by varying the voltage to the receiver VCTCXO.
It is normally set to the mid point (around 50% on the scale), the frequency is then set up as
accurately as possible with the variable capacitor in the VCTCXO and then fine tuned with the
PC control. This enables later electronic adjustment to be carried out via a PC or over the radio
link. In the user version of the software, the oscillator can be electronically tuned with the PC to
confirm correct operation, but the tuning value cannot be stored in the radio. The capacitor
should NOT be adjusted using the standard user-version of the software.
Calibrate TX Power
Following the on-screen instructions, the operator adjusts the power output using the PC until
the requested power levels are measured on an external instrument. These level settings are
stored in the radio and used to calibrate the particular RF power profile of the individual
product. This profile is then used to accurately select the required RF power level via the PC
program or over the radio link.
Set Peak Deviation
This allows the peak deviation level to be set for the required channel spacing. The level of an
internally generated 1kHz test signal is adjusted while the output from the radio is connected to
a suitable deviation meter.
Internal Mod and TX Tuning
The internal modulation level adjustment sets the normal modulation level for the product
when using the internal modem. The level of an internally generated 1kHz test signal is
adjusted while the output from the radio is connected to a suitable deviation meter.
Set Line Input Level
This option is only available on ART, URT and XRT Series radios which have line inputs and
outputs. It allows the line input level to be adjusted between –20 and +3dBm. Default input
level setting to give 1.5kHz deviation is -13dBm for a 1kHz external test tone.
Set Line Output Level
This option is only available on ART, URT and XRT Series radios which have line inputs and
outputs. It allows the line output level to be adjusted between –20 and +3dBm. Standard test
input signal is 1kHz modulation at 1.5kHz deviation and the default output level setting is
Calibrate RSSI (& RX Tuning)
With a single generator connected to the radio modem, the operator adjusts the output level as
requested by the program and each level is entered into the products memory.
These levels are used to build up a calibration profile of the RSSI response of individual
products. The profile is then used to accurately measure the RSSI level of the received signal
and display the value in dBµV on a PC.
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RSSI (& RX Tuning) Test
Will read the incoming signal level (RSSI) and will display the value within the range -15 to
+30dBµV for antenna alignment and range testing. A conversion table to assist in converting
between dBm, dBµV and µV is included at the end of this manual.
For this option, the pull-down window allowing you to select the desired test channel number
is activated. This allows the receive level on any programmed channel to be monitored which is
useful for testing and for antenna alignment etc. Select the channel on which you wish to
measure the receive level before pressing the Start button.
When you click the Start button on screen (or press the Enter key), the receive signal level will
be shown as a bar-graph with a digital readout above it.
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Network Manager
This option, which will become available in future releases of the software, applies when the
program is on a PC connected to a master station in a scanning network, rather than used on a
local connection to a radio. It enables the user to remotely program the radio and configure the
network over the radio links, it also contains some very powerful diagnostic and re-alignment
RSSI Monitor
This test function allows the RSSI to be monitored in real time while the radio is in service
carrying live traffic. It will only work with ART and XRT radios with internal firmware version
4.5 or higher (used in units manufactured after October 2007). The SRT, URT and ZRT modems
do not currently support this feature, although a similar but less comprehensive RSSI indicator
is available in the “Calibrate Radio” menu on those models.
For this real-time “RSSI Monitor” feature to work, the computer running WinA4P must be
connected to the front panel RS232 management port on an XRT or to the I2C port on an ART
through a suitable RS232 to I2C adaptor. The radio should be in normal operation with the
desired operating channel set on the front panel switches.
It is not designed to work when connected to the main data port with the radio in configuration
mode. In this situation it is necessary to use the alternative RSSI test in the “Calibrate Radio”
The screen shows 3 horizontal bar indicators, one showing the instantaneous receive level, one
showing a moving average of the RSSI and one with “peak hold” to show the highest recent
level. The averaging period for the moving average graph and the hold time for the peak hold
graph are set with slider controls.
Generate Carrier
This test function will only work on radios with internal firmware version 4.5 or higher (used in
units manufactured after October 2007).
When selected, it allows the operator to initiate a test transmission on any of the preprogrammed channels at a range of selectable transmit powers. If you leave the settings in this
screen at “default”, then the test transmission will go out on the channel selected by the
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switches on the front panel of the unit at the power programmed into the unit. If you select
values other than default, then the selected values will over-ride the normal settings for the
duration of the test.
When you press the Start/Stop Carrier button, the radio will start transmitting and the box on
the right will change to show that the carrier is ON and will also show the selected channel and
power. Pressing the Start/Stop Carrier button again will stop the test transmission.
Note that you are advised to “Read” the radio before using this function to ensure that the
channel settings selected agree with those programmed in the radio.
When the “Enable Modulation” box is ticked, the test transmission is modulated with the
equivalent of an “All 1s” data signal. If the box is not ticked, then an un-modulated carrier is
Ping-Pong Test
This option, which will become available in future releases of the software, allows the
generation and checking of test transmissions over a link involving two radios. The test
program can be configured as a master, which originates a string of configurable messages and
checks that they are accurately repeated back to it from the far end of the test link, or as a slave,
which operates at the far end of the link and listens for transmissions, which it then echoes back
to the originating end of the test link. On machines with dual serial ports it is possible to set up
the test program so that one port is the master and the second port on the same machine is the
The test program can also be set up to simply transmit blocks of test data at programmed times
or to just listen for received data and display it when it is received.
Firmware Download
Verify Product & Firmware
This option, which will become available in future releases of the software, allows the radio
firmware to be locally upgraded using the configuration program. Firmware download will be
available to all radio models having firmware version 3.3 or later.
This option will become available in future releases of the software and will perform the same
initial product checking exercise that you see every time you perform a read or write operation
on a radio, the difference being that the display window will remain open allowing the user
more time to check the result. The main purpose is to check the firmware version.
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Select Comms Port
When you select this option, a small sub-window will appear with a pull-down menu allowing
selection of port Com 1 to Com 16. Once the required port is selected, press OK to proceed. On
most PCs with a single serial port, this port will be Com1.
Eeprom Data
This opens a window which allows you to view the raw hexadecimal configuration data which
equates to the configuration which is visible on the main screens. These are the blocks of data
which are written to (or read from) the radios. The data can be viewed in this window to assist
in troubleshooting any problems, but not edited from here.
About WinA4P
Release Notes
This displays a small window giving details about the program, including the version number.
Displays a text file giving release history.
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Version 1.0
Released 29 September 2004
First release of new software.
Version 1.1
Released 14 January 2005
1) Release notes added to help menu.
2) IF offset for VHF bands corrected from -45MHz to +45MHz.
Previously radios programmed for VHF would indicate a synthesiser
lock error.
3) Lead in delay in all default files changed from 0 to 40ms. Previously
the internal modem would fail to operate correctly if radio
programmed using default file.
Version 1.2
Released 7 February 2005
1) Fixed bug from v1.1 which prevented com port selection menu from
being shown.
Version 1.3
Released 3 August 2005
1) Feature added to calibration menu to allow selection of which
channel to use in RSSI test.
2) Bar-graph and up/down test controls in calibration menu now
protected from over-range values returned from radios with corrupt
eeprom which previously caused program to crash.
3) Hot keys added to test routines in calibration menu.
4) Fixed bug which resulted in program crash when out-of range value
entered in the TX Timeout Timer field.
5) Pre-loaded frequencies for UK MPT1411 proposed new bandplan
deleted (disabled) since new bandplan abandoned.
Version 1.4
Released 18 January 2006
1) Extended range of programmable UHF frequencies
Version 1.5
Released 28 April 2006
1) 0.5 to 10W Power range added to support 10W versions.
Version 1.6
Released 4 May 2006
1) 350-512MHz band changed to 404-485MHz, 350-410MHz band
added. Previous band definition could result in out of range pll code
calculation warning. N.B. radios programmed with frequencies below
404MHz using earlier software versions will cause WinA4P to report an
error when reading the radios. These radios must be re-programmed
with the newer version to correct the band information.
Version 1.7
Released 18 January 2007
1) Support for RS485 version of ZRT radio added.
Version 1.8
Released 19 January 2007
1) Bug fixed in setting of serial port 7/8 bit format. This setting was
incorrectly read from the radio signal setting instead of the serial port
setting causing alteration of the radio signal 7/8 bit selection to set the
serial port format as well. Altering the serial port setting had no effect.
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Version 1.9
Released 1 March 2007
1) Interface type (RS232/RS485/RS422) and half/full duplex selection
added for issue B RS485 ZRT.
2) RTS/CTS handshake option is now suppressed only if RS485
3) ZRT and ZRT485 now have MODBUS and rftech routing protocol
options enabled.
4) ETSI 868 MHz band title changed to PAN EURO 868 MHz,
frequency range changed from 11 incremental channels starting at 869.4
MHz to discrete channels from 863.0 to 870.0 Mhz.
Version 2.0
Released 12 October 2007
1) RSSI monitor and CW generator tests added to Tools menu.
2) Now supports up to 16 com ports rather than just 4.
3) Bug fixed that caused "run time error 5" when out of range power or
start frequency values entered in main configuration menu.
4) Selection of 7 bit format for radio modulation now inhibited if any
packet protocol options selected.
5) User is now requested to stop a test if it is still running when closing
the calibrate menu.
Version 2.1
Released 9 June 2008
1) 800MHz bands now use frequency resolutions of 12.5 or 10.0kHz
instead of 6.25 or 5.00kHz.
2) Changes to 868MHz band edges.
Version 2.2
Released 14 October 2008
1) VHF 138MHz-155MHz band extended down to 130MHz.
Version 2.3
Released 16 January 2009
1) CRX series receiver support added.
2) VHF ranges extended to cover frequencies above 225MHz.
Known Outstanding Issues :1)
WinA4P Manual
The following Menu Items have not yet been implemented:- Tools / Network Manager
- Tools / Ping-Pong Test
- Tools / Firmware Download
- Tools / Verify Product & Firmware
The following protocols have not yet been fully implemented:- DNP3
- IEC870
Help screens have not yet been included.
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RF DataTech
is a trading division of:-
R.F. Technologies Ltd
27 – 29 New Road
Kent BR8 7LS
Tel: +44 (0) 1322 614 313
Fax: +44 (0) 1322 614 289
E-Mail: info@rfdatatech.co.uk
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