RF Technology M7 Bluetooth wireless earphones User Manual 1

Shenzhen RF Technology Co., Ltd Bluetooth wireless earphones 1

User Manual

1操作提示:开机 关机防水运动蓝牙耳机 长按多功能键2秒至蓝色指示灯闪2次语音提示:“开机"长按多功能键2秒至灯色指示灯闪1次语音提示:“关机"音量"+"短按音量"+"键语音提示: 最大音量时提示”嘀嘀”长音音量"-"短按音量"-"键语音提示: 最大音量时提示”嘀嘀”长音上一曲长按音量"+"键2秒下一曲长按音量"-"键2秒接听电话短按多功能键一下挂断电话短按多功能键一下拒接来电短按多功能键两下重拨电话短按多功能键两下语音提示:“重拨"语音控制长按音量“+”或者“-”键3秒进入提示控制, 再长按3秒结束语音控制此功能需手机支持语音控制才能使用播放/暂停音乐短按多功能键一下"播放/暂停"音乐耳机提示音选择开机状态下,同时长按音量"+"和"多功能"键约5秒至红蓝灯同时亮,可切换"中文/英文"提示音配对长按多功能键3秒直到蓝牙指示灯红蓝交替闪烁打开手机/平板电脑的蓝牙开关, 并确定它处于可搜索状态手机上选择耳机型号"M7"语音提示:“进入配对", "配对成功,已连接"如未配对成功, 请重复以上步骤如需输入密码, 请输"0000"配对第二台手机(一拖二)如需配对第2台手机, 关闭第一台手机的蓝牙, 按照以上步骤操作注: 第一次配对的手机定为电话1,耳机需关机后再开机才能自动回连电话2, 电话1需手机连接。耳机充电:请使用5V,2.1A以下的充电器给耳机充电充电,红灯长亮;充满电,蓝灯长亮;低电,闪红灯,语音提示:“电量低”。温馨提示:1、 请使用标准的5V直流充电器或直流供电源给蓝牙耳机充电;2、 三个月未使用请及时给蓝牙耳机充满电,以延长电池使用寿命;3、 首次使用蓝牙耳机请把电池电量用完再充满电,这样可以延长电池的使用寿命;4、 充电时请勿将蓝牙耳机放在易燃、易爆物品7、长时间不使用耳机,充电时红色充电指示灯有可能延迟数秒再亮起,这不影响正常使用;8、耳机无任何设备连接情况下,10分钟将会自动关机,进入节能状态;9、新使用M7耳机建议将音量调到80%左右连续播放3个小时,这样反复2~3次后喇叭音质效果更佳。5PARI NG 1. Press  and  hol d  the  “POWER” k ey  for  3 sec ond s to put the earphones  in to  pari ng mode. You will hea r the vo ice prompt “PARING” and the LED light will flash in red and blue. 2. Enable your bluet ooth devices such as mobile p hones, tablets or oth er bluet ooth media and make  sure  it is in searching  mode. 3. Select “M7” in th e lis t shown on the Bluetoot h device.4. Once selected , you wil l hear a voice  promp t “ParingSuc cess”Con nected“”. The earphone could c onne ct to mult iple Blueto oth devices  at the same time. 5. Input “0000 ” if any pin cod e need edIMP ORTANT: When you need  to conn ect your earphone with another Bluet ooth enable d audi o device,turn off the bluetoo thin  the 1st mobil e device, hol d the pairing butt on unti l the Bluet ooth LED in dic ator flashes in red and blue quickl y. This will put the headphone  into pairing mode.ChargingBefore using your ear phones, ple ase charge it usin g the micro USB charging cable included in the pac kage .Note: Most USB chargers are compatiblewith M7. For optimal AC charging, please use a 1.0A USB charger.1. Charging: LED in red2. Charging finished: LED in blue3. Low Battery: LED flashes in redPOWER ONPress “POWER” KEY for 3 seconds, LEDflashes in blue slowly.Voice prompt: “Power on”POWER OFFPress the “POWER” KEY for 3 seconds. LED will turn off.Voice prompt: “Power OFF” VOLUME UPShort press “+”  for volume up. Voice prompt: “Maximum Volume”VOLUME DOWNShort press “-“ for volume down.Voice Prompt:  “ MINIMUM VOLUME” Answer CallPress the ”POWER” KEY  once while a call is incoming.End CallPress the “POWER” KEY once to end call. Reject CallDouble press “POWER” KEY for 2 seconds to reject a callPREVIOUS TRACKPress and hold “+” KEY for 2 second for previous track.NEXT TRACKPress and hold “-“ KEY for 2second for the RedialDouble press 'POWER' KEY to redial the last number .Voice Prompt: “ Redialing” Voice CommandPress volume “-” or “+”KEY for 3 seconds to use the voice command.Note: Please ensure your mobile phone supports voice command function for this feature.Play/Pause MusicPress the “POWER” KEY once to play/pause musicChoose Voice Prompt LanguageTurn on earphones, press and hold the “POWER” and “+“ KEY  for 5  seconds until the LED in blue and red at the same time to choose English or Chinese voice prompt.  TROUBLE SHOOTINGNo powerEnsure the earphone is charged and with enough power for operation.The earphones can't be used when it is in charging mode.No soundEnsure the earphone is on. Ensure your Bluetooth device is on. If the volume of the earphones is too low, adjust the volume to an appropriate level.Unable to connectTurn off M7 and turn it back on. The Bluetooth earphones will go into pairing mode. Select M7 on your Bluetooth enabled device.Poor sound quality Ensure placing the earphones and Bluetoothdevice within 33ft. (10m) sensing distance and with no barriers.使用说明书NOTESDo not expose the built-in battery to excessive heat, including direct sunlight and fire. This earphones is in compliance with the specified Bluetooth version. It does not guarantee compatibility of all functions on every Bluetooth enabled device. Please check with your mobile phone's user manual for compatibility and functionality.15      保 修 卡保修期: 本产品自购买日期起保质12个月.以下情况不在保修范围:1. 无保修卡或产品维修标签被破坏2.消  费者自行拆卸造成损坏.3. 因人为跌落而造成的故障及人为机械损坏且位伴匶产品型号产品颜色购买日期维修日期客户名称联系地址联系电话耳机音效选择本耳机支持高、中、低三种音效模式,播放音乐时同时按音量“+”和“-”键至 红蓝灯同时亮可循环切换旁边;5、将蓝牙耳机放进口袋前请先关闭蓝牙耳机,以免误碰到多功能键,造成手机意外拨号;6、请将蓝牙耳机远离水源和火源,并避免长时间曝露在阳光下以及温度过高的地方;恢复出厂设置开机状态下,同时长按音量"-"和"多功能"键约5秒至红蓝灯同时亮,然后重新开关机,即可恢复出厂设置,清空所有配对过的蓝牙设备。next track.Factory Reset Turn on earphones, press and hold the “POWER” and “-“ KEY  for 5  seconds until the LED in blue and red at the same time,  The paring information is empty, re-start the ear-phone then it will be in paring mode again.1234561234561多功能键2音量+/上一曲3音量-/下一曲4MIC5右耳 6左耳SMSML左边耳挂(大中小) 右边耳挂(大中小)LSMSMLL1POWER2Vol+3Vol -4MIC5Right6LeftEarbuds Left (S.M.L)   Earbuds Right (S.M.L)充电时长:1.5-2小时FCC Statement6 7 8Bluetooth wireless earphones

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