RSI VIDEOTECHNOLOGIES XT06 Alarm Panel User Manual UserManual



2XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUALDescription  The XTO-iP is a fully wireless alarm system. It can be powered by standalone batteries or connected to a power supply. This panel has been designed for outdoor installations, with its weatherproof casing and extended operating temperature range. With  the Motion Viewers™ and Videofied® range of products, the XTO-iP panel provides video verification in case of intrusion.The XTO-iP panel has three wired programmable inputs and two wired programmable outputs. Thanks to the Mapping feature, the programmable inputs can be configured to trigger a video. For specific applications, the XTO-iP alarm system offers the possibility to increase its Radio and/or GPRS performances through the connection of externally wired antennas.TechnologyThe XTO-iP alarm panel, like all Videofied devices, uses the S2View® patented technology. Which is an interactive wireless and AES encrypted technology ensuring signal integrity and optimal security. The reliability of the signal is guaranteed thanks to the two-way radio frequency transmissions with all the peripherals of the Videofied® product line. The integrated antennas allow the system to be totally wireless, thus preventing from the system beeing inelegant and cumbersome, and eliminating the installation problems.The jamming detection feature identifies any intentional jamming from a third party. On the other hand, the supervision feature consists of transmitting signals between every device of the system and the alarm panel XTO-iP. Through the supervision, the detectors transmit every 8 minutes a presence signal.The entire RSI VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES team wishes you a successful installation.INTRODUCTION
3XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL SUMMARYIntroduction............................................................................................................2Summary..................................................................................................................31. XTO-iP panel setup..........................................................................................................41.1 SIM card installation.............................................................................................................41.2 Ethernet cable connection......................................................................................................41.3 Panel bracket mounting..........................................................................................................41.4 Powering and initialization......................................................................................................51.5 Pairing the keypad..................................................................................................................61.6 Cover locking..........................................................................................................................62. XTENDER mode........................................................................................................................73. XTO-iP panel programming.....................................................................................................8ETHERNET parameters configuration.............................................................................................12XTENDER mode configuration......................................................................................................144. XTO-iP features guide......................................................................................................164.1 Get to access level 4..........................................................................................................164.2 How to Arm/Disarm the system.............................................................................................164.3 How to enable the External RF Antenna..............................................................................174.4 Arming and Siren Mode Configuration................................................................................184.5 Manage badges and access codes........................................................................................194.6 Delete the keypad or any other device................................................................................214.7 Read the event log................................................................................................................224.8 Programmable inputs and outputs.........................................................................................224.9 Golden rules..........................................................................................................................235. Ethernet parameters.........................................................................................................246. Transmitted events list.....................................................................................................257. 2G3G error codes...........................................................................................................268. Technical specification  and security notes...................................................................27
4INSTALLATION MANUAL 1. XTO-IP PANEL SETUPXTO-IP Alarm panel1.3 Panel bracket mountingThe four screwholes here opposite are intended to mount the bracket, the latter beeing used to attach the panel to the wall or a pole.Mounting the panel is not required for programming.Screwholes1.2 RJ45 cable connectionConnect the RJ45 cable to the Ethernet port.When the panel attempts a transmission via Ethernet, a red LED on the connector will flash. This will allow the installer  to check whether the panel is connected to a valid network.Do not touch the RJ45 cable when the panel is powered.1.1 SIM card installationBefore removing the front cover from its box, Put the SIM card on the plastic base (Take care to respect the right direction).DO NOT insert or remove the SIM card while the panel is powered.
5INSTALLATION MANUAL 1. XTO-IP PANEL SETUPXTO-IP Alarm panelOption 11.4 Powering and initialization•  The panel is powered either with a mains power supply with 4 backup LR20 Alkaline batteries Option 1 recommended) or with 4 LSH20 Lithium batteries (Option 2). •  Always replace all 4 batteries at once. Mixing new and used batteries can severely damage the panel (risk of explosion).•  Press and hold the PROGRAMMING BUTTON for 10 seconds, until the indicator LED blinks twice.•  The panel is now reset, a CMA, XMA or XMB has to be enrolled to configure the panel.Option 2Mains power supplyProgramming buttonTHE CONTROL PANEL MUST BE CONNECTED TO AN EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY (OPTION 1) WHEN USING THE RINGTONE FEATURE OR SMARTPHONE APP.
6INSTALLATION MANUAL 1. XTO-IP PANEL SETUPXTO-IP Alarm panel1.6 Cover lockingPlace and screw the cover on its support.Screw locking•  Press the XTO programming button and release for the enrollment of a programming keypad.•  Insert all LS14500 Lithium batteries into the keypad.•  Do not mount the keypad. It will display one of the following screens:1.4 Pairing the remote keypadRSI (c) 2013video <=========XX=========>or•  Press on both CLR and ESC NO keys at the same time and release. The indicator LED on the keypad will blink rapidly. Wait for the keypad to pair.•  If the keypad doesn’t pair up with the panel and shows «XX», it certainly means that it is still paired to another system and needs to be reset. Take the batteries out, and press repeatedly on the keypad tamper switch. Then proceed to the above steps.
7XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL2.1 Standalone mode2.2 XTENDER modeIn this functioning mode, the XTO panel works as a standard hybrid alarm system with 25 wireless peripherals and 3 programmable inputs. It is a fully standalone alarm system.Arming O/P 1Arming O/P 2Existing Host panelThe XTO-iP panel can be used as standard standalone alarm system but it can also be connected to an existing alarm system capable of latching a 9-12Vcc* voltage used for its arming/disarming. When the XTO-iP panel is used in XTENDER mode, the system will only be able to arm and disarm by latching 9-12Vcc  to its arming inputs Arming Input 1 and/or  Arming Input 2. When the voltage switches to 0V, the panel will disarm automatically.On a programed panel, you can choose between standalone and XTENDER modes from the menu : CONFIGURATION (LVL 4) > GENERAL PARAMETERS > XTENDER*When using an XTO in XTENDER mode, the panel has to be powered by the mains power supply.2. XTENDER MODE
8INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelKeypad Display Actions and commentsKEYPAD 1RECORDEDRADIO RANGE TEST?RF TESTx/9RF TEST9/9RADIO RANGE TEST?INSTALLER CODE4 TO 6 DIGITSTHEN OK/YESINSTALLER CODE :< - LANGUAGE :  - >ENGLISH (UK)The system can also be programmed in : french, italian, german, dutch, spanish, swedish, portuguese, danish, czech and polish.The language can be changed at any time once the panel is programmed in the MAINTENANCE menu.The Radio Range test must be run during the device learning process in order to ensure proper pairing with the control panel.  This test measures the strength of communication between the device and the control panel.  The keypad will display a real time radio range value on a scale of 9.To receive the most accurate results you must run the radio range test for at least 30 seconds.Result must be 8 out of 9 or better for reliable transmission.Using the Alphanumeric Keypad, enter the Installer Code of your choice.The Installer Code will be used for all future maintenance and configuration.This code is important to keep track of. There is no back door or Default codes to the systemPlease refer to the restriction rules for codes (Chapter 4.5). Some codes are already used by default and therefore cannot be used.OK or YESOK or YESPlease waitOK or YESESCNOfor language selectionOK or YESCONFIRM CODEOK or YESOK or YES
9INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelKeypad display Actions and commentsCODE NAME : OK or YESACCESS 1REGISTEREDYou may name the installer code using the Alphanumeric Keypad.If using automatic setting (called installer default list), enter the name of the list. Warning : If the wrong installers list name is used it cannot be set later, the system must be defaulted.Leaving the name blank by pressing ESC NO, it will be named ‘ACCESS 1’ by default.Please waitADJUSTING DATE AND TIMEDATE ( YEAR):12/ /To set the yearOK or YESDATE (MONTH):13/01/To set the monthOK or YESYou may proceed in the same way for:Day, Hour and Minutes.13/10/14 10:47ENTRY COMPLETE !ACCOUNT NUMBER :CONNECTED TO MONITOR. STATION?OK or YESUse the Alphanumeric Keypad to enter in a 4-8 digit account number provided by the Central Station.ACCOUNT NUMBER :567001OK or YESESCNO
10INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelTEST (hour) :04:CODE/STATE MODIFICATION?Test Periodicity: 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days or no tests. We suggest a 24 hours periodic test call.PERIODIC TESTPERIODIC TEST :   24 HOURSTo select periodicityOK or YESOK or YESTEST (minutes) :04:15OK or YESOK or YESCODE/STATE MODIFICATIONKeypad display Actions and commentsThe CODE/STATE MODIF. menu is to configure the transmitted events to the monitoring station,  use the arrow keys to toggle between events and OK or YES to modify.ALARM: event transmitted upon occurrence.ALARM/END: event is transmitted on occurrence and on event restoral.NOT TRANSMITTED: event is not transmitted, however it will appear on the keypad. Please liaise with your Monitoring Station to ensure that the requested events to transmit are correctly set.Events listESCNOSERVER ADDRESSES ?OK or YESWaitESCNO
11INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelSERVERADDRESSES ?The IP1 address, Domain name 1 and/or Port 1 are provided by the monitoring station. Leave Port details at 888 unless otherwise instructed. Press OK or YES to enter/modify the parameter then OK or YES for validation.WARNING : You will use either an IP address or a Domain name but not both, leave the Domain name blank if an IP address  has already been entered.Press on the right arrow to configure IP/Domain name 2 and PORT2 (for the back-up server), and IP/Domain name TMT and PORT TMT (to configure remote maintenance server).ESCNOOK or YESThe APN Code (Access Point Name), User Name and Password are supplied by the mobile operator. Please make sure you have entered the code exactly as indicated by your local SIM card operator.Press OK or YES to enter/modify the parameter then OK or YES for validation.Note: When entering your SIM card settings, both APN codes, username and password fields are case sensitive! It makes a difference between UPPER and lower case letters.To switch between UPPER and lower case, use the M/m key from CMA keypad or hold a digit key (0-9) for XMA/XMB.ESCNOSTR AT EGY:ETH+2G3G2G3GPARAMETERS ?ESCNOOK or YESTEST IN PROGRESSEND = OK/YES2G3G LEVEL5/52G3G LEVEL ?2G3G LEVEL ?OK or YESOnce the 2G3G test completed, the keypad will display one of the following results :- A level between 0/5 and 5/5.- A GPRS Error code (please see Chapter 6 : 2G3G errors codes and contact your technical support).If the screens shuts down, press any key to light it up except OK or YES, ESC NO or CLR.The 2G3G level test can last several minutes.  Do not interrupt the test or remove the SIM card during the test.IMPORTANT : Videofied will require a 3/5 grade or better for reliable transmission of Video alarms.ESCNO2G3GPARAMETERS ?OK or YESHow the alarms and videos are transmitted to the monitoring station ?ETH+2G3G : Ethernet transmission with GPRS backup.2G3G : GPRS transmission only (if the Ethernet connection is not used).ETH : Ethernet transmission only (only if GPRS is not used).Warning : the transmission mode “Ethernet only” is not recommended.ESCNOIP1 ADDRESS NAME 1 PORT 1888APN CODEinternet-entreprUSER NAMEorangePASSWORDorange
12INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelIPPARAMETERS ?OK or YESETHERNET parameters configurationDHCP :ENABLED PANEL IPDHCP :DISABLEDOK or YESIP MASKGATEWAYPRIMARYDNSSECONDARYDNSIPPARAMETERS ?ESCNOETH. STATUS?TEST IN PROGRESSEND = OK/YESESCNOOK or YESPANEL IPXXX.XXX.XXX.XXXETH. STATUS?ESCNOESCNODuring this test, the panel tries to connect to the local Ethernet Network. The result of this test can be:•  If the connection is successful: the local IP of the panel will be displayed (you can display other Ethernet parameters with the arrows         ).•  ETHERNET OFF NO STATUS : the Ethernet module is switched off. Please verify that the Ethernet cable is connected and try again.•  NETWORK/CABLE MISSNG : the panel doesn’t detect Ethernet Cable or Network.By setting the DHCP as ENABLED, a new IP address will be assigned dynamically to the panel every time it connects to the network.  Network parameters will not be asked.If the router forces a static IP address for the panel, there will then be a need to define DHCP as DISABLED. You will then need to fill in the following network parameters fields : Panel IP, IP Mask, Primary DNS, Gateway and Secondary DNS.Warning: Verify that the IP address selected is available on the Network and accepted by the router.OK or YES
13INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelYour choice will depend on how you are arming the system :Standalone : Will make the XTO-iP a completely independant system controlled by arming and disarming using Videofied peripheral devices(keyfobs, keypads, badge,readers).From the host : Will make the XTO-iP panel a piggyback/xtender system that will only arm and disarm off the latching of 9-12V on the arming inputs 1 & 2.COMPATIBILITYEN 50131 NORMS ?AREAS CONFIGURATIONAREA 1 NAME :ESCNOOK or YESOK or YESOK or YESARMING PROFILE :STANDALONEARMING PROFILE :FROM THE HOSTEXIT DELAY :45 secFor the selectionOK or YESENTRY DELAY :15 secFor the selectionPlease go to page 15 if you choseSTANDALONEOK or YES Please go to page 14 if you choseFROM THE HOSTFor full compatibility with EN50131, press OK or YES.Otherwise, press ESC NO.Press ESC NO to default the area names. Enter the name of the area 1 and OK or YES.Repeat the procedure for areas 2,3 and 4. For further details, please refer to chapter 4.4.Other values are available: 2 min, 1 min, 45 sec.Other values are available: 2 minutes, 1 minutes, 45 seconds,30 seconds or 15 seconds.
14INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelXTENDER mode configurationARMING PROFILE :FROM THE HOSTMODE SLOW : :  The panel will arm each device one at a time saving battery life. We recommend this mode.MODE FAST : The panel will arm all devices at the same time. This mode increases significantly the battery consumption.OK or YES to choose the parameter.ENTRY DELAYVALUE (0-255) :(000) : _Enter the value for your Entry Delay up to 255 seconds and press  OK or YES. Note : In From the Host mode, the entry/exit delay are dealt by the master system.TRANSMISSION DELAYVALUE (0-600) :(000) : _ARMING CONFIRMATIONVALUE (0-240) :(0) : _Arming Confirmation is the number of seconds the system will wait to arm aer voltage is latched on the arming input.  This feature can be used as an exit delay, we suggest you to enter the same value as your master system exit delay.Enter the value you would like for the Arming Confirmation and press  OK or YES.OK or YESARMING MODEMODE :SLOWMODE :FASTOK or YESOK or YESOK or YESThe transmission delay value sets the delay between the detection of an event and its transmission to the monitoring center.Except when specifically required, please enter 0.Enter the value you would like for the Transmission Delay and press OK or YES.For further information about the programmable inputs and outputs, please consult the following application notes available on our support website:240-XT - APP NOTE - XTENDER CONFIGURATION MODE
15INSTALLATION MANUAL 3. XTO-IP PANEL PROGRAMMINGXTO-IP Alarm panelPRESS PROGRAM BUTTON OF DEVICERECORDING DEVICES ENTERING A NEW DEVICE ?BADGE ENTERED ?RECORDING A NEW BADGE ?END OF  CONFIGURATIONEach device has a unique programming button or a specific manipulation. Please refer to the Installation Sheet for the device you would like to program.Please check the radio level of each device on its final location. The result must be 8 out of 9 as a minimum (Please refer to the Radio Range section, page 8 for further details).Each system can embrace a maximum of 25 devices, programming keypad included.Press OK or YES to enter a new device  or ESC NO to move to the next step.ESCNOESCNOESCNOAfter initial programming has been completed, the system cannot be armed or disarmed until a user code or badge is entered (the installer code cannot arm or disarm the system).Press OK or YES to register one or more badges. ESC NO  if you’re not using any badges.If you wish to use an user code, please skip this step and when initial programming is completed go to the BADGES/ACCESS CODES menu (please refer to chapter 4.5 for further details).Badges and codes are limited to 19 for user (level 2 or 3) + 1 installer code.OK or YESOPERATIONCOMPLETED ?SYSTEM CHECK IN PROGRESSINSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL !Before completing programming make sure that no device is tampered. Each device must be closed and its LED indicator shall be turned off.Aer initial programming has been completed, make use of the menu overview document (available on our technical support website), to see full programming options.OK or YES
16INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panel4.2 How to Arm/Disarm the SystemWhen in standby mode, the system can be armed with the remote keypad, the remote keyfob and/or the remote badge reader.Full arming with user code Full arming with badge Special Arming 1 Special Arming 2With remote keypadEnter your user code and press OK or YESPresent your badge on the keypad( XMB model only)Press             /               enter your user code and press OK or YESPress             /               press OK or YES  and enter your user codeWith remote badge reader BR250N/A Present your badge on the badge reader  N/A N/AWith remote keyfobN/A N/A                Press                Press4.1 Get to Access level 4Tue 29/10    11:23DISARMED LVL:1ACCESS LEVEL1ACCESS LEVELLEVEL : 1ACCESS LEVELLEVEL : 4OK or YESOK or YESTo unlock and get access to the installer level 4, you need to successively enter TWO codes (in any order) :•  INSTALLER CODE (entered during intial programming).•  USER CODE (Level3): the user must authorize the installer to get access to the configuration of his panel.OK or YESBADGE OR CODE
17INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panelRF (radio) AntennaGPRS AntennaGENERAL PARAMETERSCONFIGURATIONOK or YESRADIO OPTION EXTERNALScroll through the menus until you find :OK or YES4.3 How to enable the External RF AntennaThe XTO control panels have built in High Gain RF and GPRS antennas.  The GPRS external comes pre-activated and hooked up, while the RF antenna is hooked up but needs to be activated in Configuration after you have completed initial programming.  The following steps will walk you through how to enable the High Gain RF antenna after initial programming.
18INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panelWhen in the ‘Arm From Host’ mode, the Videofied system will only arm and disarm when 9-12v is supplied and sustained.  When both arming inputs are supplied voltage at the same time the Videofied Keypad display will show ‘SYSTEM ARMED.  When only one arming input is supplied voltage the Videofied Keypad display will show ‘PART LVL #’ •  Arming Input 1 will arm/disarm Areas 1 & 2 – Area 1 is delayed by default•  Arming Input 2 will arm/disarm Areas 3 & 4–  Area 3 is delayed by default4.4 Arming and Siren Mode ConfigurationFor each arming mode, it is possible to specify how each of the 4 areas will be armed and how the system will behave during an alarm.  Areas :  1  2  3  4  Each time you press the corresponding number, the system will toggle the arming              state for the respective area.State :  A A A A  Press  OK / YES  aer this configuration step. The system will then display what siren mode            will be in effect for this special profile.  Select the siren mode using the direction arrows then         press OK / YES. A  ArmedDDisarmedPPerimeter(by default : all opening contacts*)EExternal (by default : all opening contacts with external access*)* You can set your devices as : External, Perimeter, ou External +Perimeter. Please go to the menu:CONFIGURATION (LVL 4) -> AREAS AND DEVICES -> DEVICES -> DEVICES CONFIGURATION -> DEVICE TYPESiren Immediate triggering of all sirensDelay Beeps Entry/Exit delay beeps, then triggering of all sirensSilent No Sirens, No BeepsWithout Siren Beeps on the keypad only• Use the        to go to menu :CONFIGURATION (LEVEL 4) > SPECIAL ARMING MODES  > FULL ARM, SP1 or SP2 use direction arrows to select the arming mode you want to modify and OK / YES.• There are 3 different arming modes :FULL ARM :  Arming of all areas and all devices. Use a badge or a user code and press OK  /               on  the   XMA/XMB keypad or the YES key on the CMA keypad.SP1 : Partial Arming (1) is enabled by entering the user code and pressing                on the XMA/XMB keypad,  the               key on the CMA keypad or            on the remote keyfob RC.SP2 : Partial Arming (2) is enabled by pressing the                 key on a XMA/XMB keypad,                  on a CMA keypad, or               on the remote keyfob RC.
19INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panel4.5 Manage badges and access codesCodes and badges get rights access to one of the 4 available levels of access.Access Level Definition & RightsLVL 1 Standby LevelLVL 2Restricted USER level, where it is only possible to arm/disarm the system.LVL 3USER level, where it is possible to arm/disarm the system, check the event log, test the devices.Modifications of the settings are not possible at this level.User Level 3 can create Level 2 or Level 3 access codes or badges. LVL 4INSTALLER level, where it is possible to modify the setup of the panel. . To access Level 4, the approval of a Level 3 oe Level 2 user is required. Installer Level 4 can create the first Level 3 access code only. How to return to the LVL1?   •  Aer 1 min of no use of the keypad and no tests running, the display returns to the standby display and LVL1.    •  When standby display, if the  ESC NO key is held during 5s, the level is changed to LVL1.Access Level
20INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panelEnter a new end user Badge/Code Delete an end user Badge/CodeENTER A BADGE/CODEPress twice on the right arrowDELETING BADGES/CODESBadges/codes listSelect badge/code thenOK or YESDELETING CODEACCESS 5CODEDELETEDBADGE OR CODECODE NAME :CONFIRM THE  CODEACCESS 2  ENTRY COMPLETEBADGESACCESS CODESENTER A BADGE/CODEEnter a 4-6 digit user code andOK or YESor present a badge in front of the reader until you hear the registration beep.OK or YESOK or YESOK or YESOK or YES OK or YESOK or YESWhen a code is created (1000 for example), the 2 next codes and previous codes (0998, 0999, 1001 and 1002) will be automatically reserved.The  +1 code (1001) is used for disarming under duress. The +2 code (1002) is used for panic. The -1 and -2 codes (0998 et 0999) are reserved to prevent conflicts when creating a new user code.Reserved Codes000000From 9998 to 9999From 99998 to 99999From 999898 to 999999From 314157 to 314159All user codes  +1All user codes  +2All user codes  -1All user codes  -2Reserved CodesUp to 19 codes (or badges) can be registered into the panel with the engineer code. A code has 4 to 6 digits (0 to 9).The table presents the reserved code possibilities that cannot be used.Those codes are used for maintenance or as panic/duress codes.A total of 186 codes are forbidden.
21INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panel4.6  Delete the keypad or any other deviceYou can now remove the batteries from the deviceACCESS LEVEL4CONFIGURATIONGENERALPARAMETERSOK or YESto select the device and pressOK or YES< = = = = XX = = = = >DELETEAREAS ANDDEVICESDEVICESADD A NEWDEVICEDEVICECONFIGURATIONA1 : KEYPADKEYPAD 1OK or YESOK or YESOK or YESDevices listOK or YESOK or YES
22INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panelProg. Out. COMProg. Output2Prog. Output1Ref GNDProg. Input3Prog. Input2Prog. Input1Ref+Ref GNDArming Input2Arming Input1Ref+PWR AC2/DC-PWR AC1/DC+Prog. Out. COMProg. Output2Prog. Output1Ref GNDProg. Input3Prog. Input2Prog. Input1Ref+Ref GNDArming Input2Arming Input1Ref+PWR AC2/DC-PWR AC1/DC+IMPORTANT :Ces sorties ne peuvent connectées qu’à des circuits Très Basses Tension de Sécurité (TBTS) soit au maximum 30VAC ou 60VDC.4.8 Programmable inputs and outputsThe XTO control panel has 3 programmable inputs and 2 programmable outputs. Please note that we advise to connect the panels to a power supply when using programmable inputs. These functions allow the linking of Videofied® security systems to auxiliary equipment such as panic buttons, pepper spray, smoke generator, hard-wired door contact, light curtain, etc.PROGRAMMABLE INPUT 1, PROGRAMMABLE INPUT 2 and PROGRAMMABLE INPUT 3 are triggered by voltage between 9V and 15V and an intensity between 1,5mA (@9V) and 3mA (@15V). If a dry contact is used to trigger the programmable inputs, the REF+output can be used to supply this dry contact. PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT 1 and PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT 2 can be triggered either by a panel event, by a peripheral device or by an external event such as a programmable input or a arming input.The XTO control panel  also offer a mapping feature. Mapping option allows the input to generate a video-clip via a MotionViewer when a programmable input is triggered and/or when an event occurs.For further information about the programmable inputs and outputs, please consult the following application notes available on our support website:240-XV-XT - PROG INPUTS - APP NOTE 240-XV-XT - PROG OUTPUTS - APP NOTEWhen user disarms the system, the keypad indicates the last event. In case of the user needs to read the full log file, use the keypad to go in EVENT LOG, press  OK or YES on SELECT LAST EVENTS and use arrow to list the events.4.7 Read the event logPress OK or YES for more information about an eventEVENTLOGSELECT LAST EVENTSOK or YES 15/10/13  11:29MODIFIED PARAMETOK or YES 15/10/13  11:10SYSTEM DISARMED
4.9 Golden rules1   Area 1 is always delayed.When you register a keypad or a badge    reader into an area, that area will automatically be delayed. 2 Never position a panel next to a high voltage electrical cabinet .3 Press CLR to erase a typing mistake.4 Never register the same device twice (delete from the system first).5 Registration of  up to 25 devices (including the keypad).6  Respect indoor infrared devices installation height (2m10 to 2m30).7 Outdoor cameras have to be installed at 2m60 to 3 meters    height. Those devices needs to to protect an access and not a zone.8 Do not fix the keypad at the beginning of the installation as it will    need to be portable during programming. Always clean the lens of the cameras aer the installation      (Use a clean, dry cloth, taking care not to exert pressure on      the lens).910  To switch between UPPER and lower case, use the M/m      key from the CMA keypad or hold a digit key (0 to 9) for     XMA/XMB.11   Internal components are fragile, be careful opening or      closing the panel.  LCD screen goes dark aer 30 seconds of inactivity, press an    arrow or numeric key to light it up.13   Use only batteries provided by Videofied (siren : Alkaline     batteries). 14   Infrared detectors should never be installed in stairs or close      to stairs (false alarm risks).15  A colon display [:] means that the parameter can be     changed.1223INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.  XTO-IP FEATURES GUIDEXTO-IP Alarm panel
24XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUALTo configure or modify Ethernet Parameters, go to: •  IP Parameters: If you wish to use the Ethernet transmission mode, two options are available:1.  DHCP Enable: IP address is assigned by the DHCP service on the network. (Dynamic IP address). This is the default option. 2.  DHCP Disable: IP address must be defined in Ethernet parameters.  IP address will NOT be automatically obtained from DHCP service on the network. Each connection from the panel to the network (alarms transmission), the XT-iP will have the same connection parameters. You must first connect to the router in order to get the network parameters and all available IP addresses. The following parameters must be filled in the IP PARAMETERS sub-menu: PANEL IP, IP MASK, GATEWAY, PRIMARY DNS, SECONDARY DNS. •  Constant Ethernet:Three options are available: 1.  “Auto” Mode - We recommend this mode. If main powered, the panel will be connected constantly to the local Network. In case of an alarm, the alarm will be sent in few seconds to the monitoring station. When the main power is cut, the Ethernet module will switch off aer a delay (DELAY BEFORE OFF – 30 by default) in order to save battery life. In case of an alarm, the panel will at first connect to the local Network. It adds few seconds to the total process of sending an alarm.    You can set the delay in this menu :  CONFIGURATION (LVL 4) -> GENERAL PARAMETERS  -> ETHERNET -> CONSTANT ETH.  -> DELAY BEFORE OFF. 2.  “ON” Mode - The panel will be connected constantly to the local Network. This option will impact back-up battery life. 3.  “OFF” Mode - For each transmission of alarm and video, the panel will connect to the local Network.•  PING reply, Time Out Server, Max Seg. Size: •  PING REPLY: Enables ping response.•  Time Out Server: In case of disconnection to the local Network, the panel will try aer that time to re-connect.•  Max Seg. Size: Maximum size of packet sent.ETHERNETGENERAL PARAMETERSLvl. 4CONFIGURATIONTo configure Ethernet parameters, using the direction arrows, go to the menu : OK or YES OK or YES5. ETHERNET PARAMETERS
25XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL 6. TRANSMITTED EVENTS LISTThe  XTO-iP panel can be configured to enable or disable the transmission of events like alarms or defaults.The installer can modify the default sending settings for those events, although it will end the EN50131 standard compliance. How to modify the transmission state • At initial programming,  right aer the PERIODIC TEST CALL step: • Aer initial programming, using a remote keypad  : Example : If the monitoring station system is set to receive arms and disarms, the ARM / DISARM parameter must be changed from NOT TRANSMITTED to ALARM / END.Press OK or YES to access EVENT TRANS. MODIFICATION menu.CODE/STATE MODIFICATIONUse the arrows                     to access :CONFIGURATION  (level 4) > CONFIGURATION MONITOR. STATION > MONITORING PARAMETERS > EVENT TRANS. MODIFICATIONThen use the arrows        to determine the event to modify. Press OK or YES  to edit.These are the default transmitted events  :DEVICE (intrusions)  ALERT (Panic Buttons)PANEL LOW BATT.TAMPERDEVICE LOW BATT.PERIODIC TESTDURESS CODEFIREMEDICAL ASSIST.ETHERNET CABLE AC POWER LOSS (AC Power supply) The following events are not sent by default :PANEL RESETPHONELINE FAULT RADIO JAMMINGSUPERVISION5 WRONG CODESALARM CANCELARM/DISARM  (On/Off)ZONE BYPASS (bypass function enabling/dsiabling)SWINGER SHUTDOWNThere is 3 different transmission states :ALARM : event transmitted upon occurrenceALARM/END :  event is transmitted on occurrence and on event restoralNOT TRANSMITTED : event is not transmitted, however it will appear on the keypad.
26XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL 7. 2G3G ERROR CODES2G3G LEVEL :ERROR XXXIn case of  2G3G (GPRS) errors during initial programming, we strongly suggest to continue with the installation and perform the 2G3G (GPRS) level test again once achieved. IMPORTANT: The PIN of the SIM card has to be deactivated or 00000.Codes Errors     03 ou 04LP No network coverage or no SIM card inserted003 SIM card not detected/not inserted010 SIM not inserted011 PIN code necessary                                                                                                                                                                   -> PIN code must be deactivated012 PUK code necessary, SIM card blocked013 Default SIM card014 SIM card busy015 Error on SIM030, 043, 057,  102, 132, ...•  No network coverage •  Typographical error in the APN Code, username, password •  SIM card not activatedThis error checklist is provided for information purposes only. This is not a comprehensive list, but it is representative of most cases. Some events or codes are subject to change by SIM card operators. However, the GPRS level test errors  results in the majority of cases  have the following causes :•  SIM Card activation Delay:    Some operators require an additional delay up to 48 hours to  activate automatic data transmission. Please check with your operator prior to installation.•  APN CODE, USERNAME and PASSWORD : The GPRS (2G3G) settings are supplied by the operator. Please make sure you have entered the code exactly as indicated by your local SIM card operator.Note: When entering your SIM card settings, both APN codes, username and password fields are case sensitive! (It makes a difference between UPPER and lower case letters).To switch between UPPER and lower case, use the M/m key from CMA keypad or hold a digit key (0-9) for XMA/XMB.•  Insufficient GPRS Network: When the panel is unable to find any signal, proceed to GPRS level test in another location on site. You can also find the network state or condition of use by directly contacting your local operator.The following is a list of error codes that can appear aer the 2G3G test.
27XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL 8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SECURITY NOTESFCC Regulatory Information for USA and CANADAFCC Part 15.21 Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by RSI Video Technologies may void the FCCauthorization to operate this equipment.FCC Part 15.105 Class BThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:>  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.>  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.>  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.>  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Radio frequency radiation exposure information according 2.1091 / 2.1093 / OET bulletin 65This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement non contrôlé.Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1  This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2  This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1  L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et 2  L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettrele fonctionnement.Notes de sécurité / (EN) Security notes / (DE) Hinweise zur SicherheitFrançais•  Retirez les piles avant toute opération de maintenance !•  Attention ! Il y a un risque d'explosion si l'une des piles utilisées est remplacée par une pile de type incorrect !•  Respectez la polarité lors de la mise en place des piles !•  Ne jetez pas les piles usagées ! Ramenez-les à votre installateur ou à un point de collecte spécialisé.English•  Remove battery before any  maintenance !•  WARNING, there is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type!•  Observe polarity when setting up the batteries!•  Do not throw used batteries!  Bring them to your installer or a collection point.Deutsch•  Batterien vor jeglichen Wartungsarbeiten entfernen!•  Vorsicht, es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn eine Batterie durch eine Batterie falschen Typs ersetzt wird!•  Achten Sie beim Einsetzen der Batterien auf die Polung! •  Entsorgen Sie Batterien nicht im normalen Haushaltsmüll! Bringen Sie Ihre verbrauchten Batterien zu den öffentlichen Sammelstellen.
28XTO-IP Alarm panelINSTALLATION MANUAL 8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SECURITY NOTESSTANDARDS & CERTIFICATIONS868MHz ( XTO-iP 210)Compliant with the annex IV from the R&TTE 1999/5/CE DirectiveThis symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product should not be treated as household waste. It must be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more information about recycling of this product, please contact your local municipality, your waste disposal service or the company that installed the product.915MHz ( XTO-iP 630) USA FCC (Part 15C , 22H, 24E and 27)  Canada IC (RSS-210 Issue 8, RSS-132, RSS-133 and RSS-139) 920MHz ( XTO-iP 730)Australia C-Tick(AS/NZS4268, , AS/CHS42 and AS/NZS 60950)The EC declaration of conformity of this product is available by flashing this QR code.
INSTALLATION MANUAL29www.videofied.com8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SECURITY NOTESPower requirements (option 1)Power supply Type B 9-12VDC / 1,2ALow voltage limit 5.15 VBackup 6V with 4 x 1,5 V  D  Alkaline batteries /LR20Low battery limit 4.2 VBattery life (average) 1 yearAverage current consumption 450µA (over 1h)Max current 1.2 APower supply (option 2)Power supply Type C 14,4V with 4x3,6V Lithium batteries /LSH20Low battery limit 12 VBattery life (average) 4 yearsELECTRICAL DATATamperAutoprotection Cover  tamperRF S2View® technologyRadio type Bidirectional RFOperating frequency868MHz - XTO-iP 210 (Europe, South Africa, Asia)915MHz - FHSS - XTO-iP 620 (USA, Canada, South America)920MHz - FHSS - XTO-iP 730 (Australia, South America)Transmission security AES encryption algorithmRadio jam detection YesSupervision YesRadio Antenna integratedExternal RF antenna Yes via MMCX connectorCommunicatorCommunicator type 2G3G/EthernetSecurity protocol FrontelIP stack TCP/IPVideo transmissionBy Frontel protocol to central monitoring station or App servers2G3G Antenna IntegratedExternal 2G3G antenna Yes via MMCX connectorTRANSMISSIONVideoVideo Format WMV or MPEGImages per second 5Image size 320x240 or 640x480 pixelsVideo length 4 to 12 secondsMiscellaneousProgramming KeypadMax number of devices 24Max number of codes/badges 19Arming modes 4Areas 4Event log4000 events stored on  flash memoryEvents memory storage delayInfiniteBOXPhysical and Environmental DataOperating temperature -28°/+60°CMaximum relative humidity 95%, sans condensationInternational Protection Marking IP65 / IK06Material ABS—ULV0DimensionsPanel 272 mm x 276 mm x 96mmInstallation / MountingControl panel / Base4 screws to close the cover4 screws on panel base for brackets mountingProgrammable wired inputsNumber 3Input voltage 12 VDC (15 VDC max)Programmable wired outputsNumber 2Max switching voltage 24VDC /30VACMax switching current 1 AMax switching power 30 W

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