Radio Shack 1501244 User Manual 61885
RadioShack Corporation 61885
RmImS'hz/rk I‘YY'II) AJUISlI/JJJ EI'T R1~'_\/mlulumr Exhibit E User’s Manual Rm X0] 0 Cat. No. 164244 OWNER’S MANUAL Please read before usmg thxs eqmpmem, RF MODULATOR ‘ ® RadioShack@ Warning: To reduce the risk of lire I or shock hazard, do not expose I this procuct to rain or moisture. I ms! or lumlc necx ae war open CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE FIISK CF ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT FIEMCVE COVER OF BACK. NO USER-SERVICE— AELE PARTS INSIDE. FIEFEFI SEEVIC~ ING TO CUALIFIED PERSONNEL, Thls symbol IS mteneeo to alert you to me presence oI unmsulated dangerous voltage wrlnrn the RF . Modulators enclosure that might be or sufficzem magmtude to cansdtute a nsk of electric shcck. pa nut open the RF Mudulalars case operating and maintenance Instructions are lnclud< ed in me Iiterature accempanying Inrs HF Modula- tor. t This symbol Is lnlenCEG Io inlorm you that Emccflanr Notice : The changes or mod'ficafions not expressly approved by the party responsrble for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment Haurushuk is a registered tndemalk usen by fancy Earpurinen. INTRODUCTION Your HadioShack RF Modulator IS desrgned lo canverr the separate audio and video Signals (lrcm a vicec camera, computer, portable VCR, satellite recerver. etc.) into normal VHF TV stgnals that you can see on any regular TV set. THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW Thls devrce complies with Pan lS of the FCC Rules Operatlon rs subrect to the Iollcwtng two ccnailiuns. (ll Tms device may not cause harmlul interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received. including mterr’erence that may cause undesired oper- anon. Your RF Modulator might cause TV or radio Interfer- ence even when It Is eperatmg properly. To determme whether your RF Modulator rs causing the interrer~ ence, turn it all If the interference goes away, your RF Modulator is causxng It, Try to eliminate the interference by: - Movmg your FiF Modulator away lrorn the receiver ~ Connecting your HP Modulator (a an outlet that is on a different electrical circuit irom the receiver - Contacting your local RadioShack store tor neip it you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop usmg your RF Modulator Modifying or tampering With your RF Modulators internal components can cause a malfunction and might invali- date the HF Modulator‘s warranty and mid your FCC au- thorization to operate it, it your RF Modulator is not performing as it should, take it to your local RacioShack stare tor assrsience. PARTS REQUIRED You need the following items, not supplied With your RF Modulator, to connect it between a video input source [video camera, satellite receiverr etc.) and your TV. - Two audiC/VidED (not stereo] shielded cables With phono connectors - Two 75-ohrri coaxial cables With F~type connectors ‘ if your TV does not have a VHF 75-ohm F~cznnec' tor, you Will also need a 75-ohrn-to-300~chrn ri'iatch- ing translormer Your local RadioSnacx sells a wide selection oi each at these items. Note to CATV installer: This reminder is provided to call the CATV system thIali' efs attention in Article 820-40 ol the NEC that provides guidelines ior proper grounding and, in particular suecx- lies that the cable ground shall be connected to the build- ing's grounding system‘ as close as practical to the point where the cable enters the house. in ‘CONNECflONS Follow these steps to cunnect your RF Madulator 1. Connect an audio/video cable between the video output tack on your VldEO source and the RF Modu~ lawns VlDEO input iack. ._.. w. ”My 7 Mun} , . , r o “c“ fee a; e ”i”, low 11 n nu mm m Van 5mm 2. Cunnect another audio/video cable between the au— dio output Jack on your Vldeo source and the RF Modulators AUDIO lnput jack. 2.1 1! audio input is monojconnected as shown. 2.2 ll‘ audio inputs are stereo L and R, connected as shown. 3. Connect the 75-ohm ccaxval cables to the RF Mucu~ later iollowing these guidelines: - 1! your TV is already connected to ancther Vl—F input source (such as cable TV, VCR, etc)- w Mal-w 4— $1: Hm? har- | teamed _] Lf___ a. Dlsconnec'. the input source's 75-ohrn cable lrnm me TV’s 75rchm VHF inpm termlnal, and recan~ heat it tn the HF Modulators ANT IN termmal. b,Th(en add a 75mm coaxial cable ccnnectec between the To TV termlnal on the HF Modula- lor and 75-uhm VHF input terminal an your TV, W F? um 75mm mama 96 Miami, e: - ll your TV is not already connected to ancther VHF source: ;M 75 mm Jan mm: a. Cannecl the lnput source's (antenna cable TV, VCR, etc.) 75-chm cable to the RF Modulators ANT IN termmal, b. Connect a 75-ohm coaxial cable between the To TV termmal on the RF Modulator and the 75-0hm VHF input terminal on your TV, Note: If your TV has only BOO-ohm VHF screw ter- minals, use a 75-chm-te-300-ohm matchmg trans- lormer to complete the connection. Plug the HF Modulators power cord mto a standard AC outlet. OPERATION l, Turn on the TV and set ll to elther Channel 3 or at whlchever ol me two S not used tor regular broad- casts in your area. Set the RF Modulator‘s CHANNEL 3/4 swnlch to the same channel you set on the TV (3 or 4)‘ RF Modulator (Bock Vlew) From From Audio Video Out Source Out Source Turn on the lnput source (such as video camera or VCR etc.) and set arms 7snk an the RF Modulator to the posmon that gtves the best picture. Note: For the best results, try both positions to find the best settlng. Domg so does not harm your equipment. 4. The ON LED indicator on Iron! panel will Ilgnl when AN jacks are active and be turn cf! when the antenna input is actwe. SPECIFICATIONS Video Carrier Output Level. RF Output Channels RF Output Impedance“ Video Inpm Impedance (Switchable) Audio Input Impedance 13 $3 kOhms TV to ANT Insemon Loss 50 - 506 MHz ..—-2 dB Speclflcalicns are ty'pmal; Individual unlIs might vary. Specifica- finns are suhiecl no change and lmuqumenl wwhoul notice If)
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:20 09:54:17 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 61885.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:20 09:54:22-04:00 Page Count : 7EXIF Metadata provided by