Radio Systems 050241 M024100 Transmitter User Manual Manual

Radio Systems Corporation M024100 Transmitter Manual


Invisible Fence®I n s t a l l - I t - Yo u r s e l fPet ContainmentS y s t e mI F - 1 0 0Operation GuideThank  you  for  purchasing  the  IF-100  PremiumContainment System.This  electronic  dog  containment  system  is  among  thes a fest, most humane and effe c t i ve training products yo ucan bu y. Once your dog is properly trained, he will enjoyhours of freedom within his new boundari e s , and you wille n j o y the comfo rt of knowing that he has learned to stays a fely in your ya r d .Please take a few minutes to read the instruction manu a lp rior to your first use and retain the manual for future refe r-e n c e. This instruction manual contains important progra m -ming and set-up info rmation to help your training proceedas successfully as possibl e. For best results, fo l l ow thesei m p o rtant ru l e s :I M P O R TANT SAFEGUARDS1. Obey all warnings contained in this manual.2. The electronic dog collar is intended only for use on dogs.Never attempt to use this product for any purpose not specifi-cally described in this manual.3. If you have any reason to believe that your dog may pose adanger to others, or that it may harm itself if it is not kept fromcrossing the IF-100 containment field wire, you should not relysolely on this product to contain your dog.4.Do not leave the collar on your dog for more than 12 hours perday.5. Never perform set-up procedures when the collar is on yourdog.6. Never call or pull your dog into the containment field.7. Keep all system components out of the reach of children.8. The IF-100 containment system will not contain your dogunless:A.You train your pet as prescribed in the IF-100 training plan(Section 7, pg.15).B. The transmitter is on, connected to the containment loopwire, and producing a signal along the loop wire.C.The IF-100 collar receiver is worn properly by your dog.D. The IF-100 collar receiver is adjusted so that the probesare touching your dog's skin.E. There is an adequate charge on the IF-100 collar receiverbattery. Do not use if you suspect the charge is low.F. The 24-volt adapter is plugged into the transmitter and isconnected to a 110-volt household outlet.9.The following precautions should always be taken:A. Never service or install a system or any equipment duringa thunder or electrical storm.B. Never install the transmitter where it could be exposed tothe elements, doing so will void the manufacturer's warranty.C. Monitor the transmitter periodically to ensure that the unitis operating properly and is producing a signal along the loopwire.D. Always remove your dog's collar receiver before makingany adjustments to your IF-100 containment system.E. Use the lowest correction necessary to get the desiredbehavior.F. Allow your dog to get used to the collar before you begintraining. You want your dog to accept the collar as part of aroutine, not to associate the collar with the correction.10. To prevent the elimination of an adequate safe zone in youryard, any adjustments to the field width must be tested prior tousing the system with your dog.Once the field width has beenset and tested, turning the knob in a clockwise direction willincrease the correction zone and may eliminate the safe zone,thus causing correction to be present throughout your entireyard.If you have any questions, please contact invisible Fenceat 1-800-688-4364, before using the system with your dog.11. Read all instructions before using this product. If you haveany questions or concerns after reading this information, contactInvisible Fence at 1-800-688-4364.IMPORTANTRealize that because individual dogs have unique tempera-ments, there is no way of knowing how your dog will react to itsintroduction to this product. For the safety of your dog, initialtraining should take place using a six foot or retractable leash tokeep you in control of the situation. Also realize that an aggres-sive animal could turn against the handler upon receiving thecorrection. Therefore, if you feel your dog has an aggressivetemperament and/or he has a history of aggressive behavior,you should consult a certified animal behaviorist before usingthis product. Please refer to the Section 5.B.Setting theTransmitter Controls, Section 5.C.Important Notes about theCollar,  and Section 6.Tips for Containment Training before pro-ceeding.1.IMPORTANT NOTICE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre-quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip-ment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Caution:Changes or modifications to any component, not expressly approved byInvisible Fence, Inc., could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry ofCanada technical specifications were met.
I N T R O D U C T I O NYour new electronic containment system contains fourmajor components: a wall-mount transmitter, a collarreceiver, a lightning/power surge protection module,and boundary wire.The wall-mount transmitter gener-ates an electronic signal that is transmitted onto theboundary wire and is received by the collar receiverwhen your dog approaches the boundary wire. Whenthe collar receiver senses your dog is approaching thecontainment boundary, the receiver will sound a warn-ing tone followed by a harmless, but effective electron-ic correction. When trained properly, your dog willquickly learn where his boundaries are. The system isdesigned to contain dogs within a perimeter of up to4175 feet (enough for a square containment area of 25a c r e s ) . This  package  contains  insulated  wire  fo renclosing a yard approximately one-half acre in size.Additional  boundary  wire  can  be  purchased  fromInvisible Fence by calling 1-800-688-4364. The systemis also capable of containing multiple dogs simultane-ously. Although the IF-100 is sold with one collarreceiver, additional IF-100 collar receivers can be pur-chased from Invisible Fence by calling 1-800-688-4364.This manual includes a Quick Start Guide for peoplewho are already familiar with electronic containmentsystems. Additionally, a detailed description of thetransmitter, receiver and lightning protector, a detailedinstallation procedure, a usage and training guide, anda troubleshooting guide is included.C O M P O N E N T SA. One waterproof collar receiver with reflective nylonstrap and quick-release buckleB. One wall-mount transmitter with installation hard-wareC. One 24-volt, 400 milliamp AC adapter to power thecontainment systemD. One lightning/power surge protectorE. One test lamp for testing the collar receiverF. One hundred boundary flagsG. Green insulated containment boundary wire (700feet)H. White insulated pre-twisted containment wires (100feet)I. Interchangeable collar receiver probes for longhairedand shorthaired dogs (one set each).J. Black plastic training probes for use in the first train-ing lesson.K. Four waterproof splices (wire nut and waterproofcapsule)L. One probe wrenchM. Owner's manual with instructional videoQUICK START GUIDEREAD THE IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS SECTION OFTHIS MANUAL AND ALL CAUTIONS AND WARNINGSPRIOR TO INSTALLING AND USING THIS SYSTEM.IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU READ THE ENTIREMANUAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR USE OF THISSYSTEM.This Quick Start Guide is provided for people who arealready familiar with electronic containment systems. Italso serves as a quick visual index to the detailed instal-lation procedure included in this guide.If you find youneed more detail while using this Quick Start Guide,simply refer to the procedure section referenced fordetailed instructions.1. Layout your containment boundary(See Section4.A, pg 7 for details)Sketch your yard on a piece of graph paper and decidewhere you would like to contain your dog. Section 4.A.shows some sample layouts and provides some helpfuldesign tips. Before you decide where to bury your con-tainment wire have your utility companies mark utilitylines 2. Install the Wall-Mount Transmitter (See Section4.B, pg 8 for details)Select a dry, indoor location for the wall-mount trans-mitter that is within five feet of a standard, grounded110-volt household outlet.Attach the transmitter mount-A. B.H. G.M.D.F.L. E.I. C.K.2.J.
ing plate to the wall using the supplied hardware.Making sure the POWER switch on the transmitter is inthe OFF position, place 8 AA alkaline backup batteries(optional, but recommended) in the battery compart-ment on the back of the transmitter. Snap the transmit-ter onto the mounting plate.Remember to mount yourtransmitter in a location where you will be able to hearany alarms.3.Set Up the Collar Receiver  (See Section 4.C, pg 9for details)In preparation for setting up your boundary loop, ther e c h a r g e a ble  collar  receiver  must  be  given  a  fullcharge. Set the transmitter POWER switch to OFF, setthe FIELD SIZE switch to SM, turn the FIELD WIDTHknob to MIN, and position the collar receiver in thecharging cradle located on the top of the wall transmit-ter. Orient the light on the collar receiver toward the endof the charging cradle marked with an arrow. Cut ashort piece of the green boundary wire (about 6 inches)and strip about 3/8 inch of insulation from both ends.Insert the wire ends into the LOOP terminals on thetransmitter. Plug the AC adapter into the power jack onthe transmitter and plug the adapter into a nearby 110-volt  household  outlet. Set  the  transmitter  POW E Rswitch to the ON position to charge the collar. Thetransmitter light will flash green approximately everytwo seconds while charging. A full charge requires 14hours. When charging is complete, the light on thetransmitter will appear solid green. If the green light isnot blinking, make sure the receiver is oriented proper-ly in the charging cradle, be sure the transmitter isturned on and check all connections. After the receiverhas been fully charged, set the POWER switch to theOFF position, remove the short piece of boundary wire,and unplug the AC adapter from the wall outlet.NOTE: The transmitter will not recharge the collarreceiver if the loop wire is not installed.4. Plan the BoundaryWire Placement (See Section4.D, pg 9 for details)For the system to work properly, the wire must makeone continuous loop.When placing the wire, keep inmind that you will want at least an 8- to 12-foot contain-ment field (8 to 12 feet on each side of the wire). Usethe pre-twisted wire from the transmitter to the LightningProtector and from the Lightning Protector out to theexterior loop wire.5.Place the Wire (See Section 4.E, pg 10 for details)Place your boundary wire on top of the ground followingthe tips listed in Section 4.D.Use the supplied water-proof splices to make proper connections. To use thesplices, strip 5/8” of insulation from the ends of thewires you are joining.With the ends of the wires evenand together, place the wire nut over the wire ends andturn the wire nut clockwise until it is securely fastened.Snap open the hinged lid of the gell filled capsule andinsert the wire nut as deeply as possible into the water-proof gel.Snap the lid shut, making sure the wires exitthe splice on either side.Tie a knot in the wires asshown in the diagram to prevent them from pulling outof the gell filled capsule when the wire is buried.DO NOT BURY THE WIRE UNTIL YOU HAVE TESTED3.Twisted pair to transmitter;cancels containment fieldBoundary wireContainmentfield (invisible);8 - 12’width;follows loop ofwire alongentire lengthWire nutWireGell filledcapsuleWire
THE SYSTEM AND ARE SURE IT IS WORKINGPROPERLY. TAKE CARE NOT TO NICK OR SCRAPETHE WIRE INSULATION DURING INSTALLATION. ANINTERMITTENT  SIGNAL  OR  NO  SIGNAL  MAYOCCUR.6. Make the Final Connections (See Section 4.F, pg10 for details)Determine where the boundary wire will enter the build-ing and drill a 1/4 inch hole through the wall, makingsure there are no wires, cables or pipes in the area youare drilling. Plug the Lightning Protector into a nearbystandard, grounded 110-volt household outlet. Use thesupplied white twisted pair wire to connect your bound-ary wire to the LOOP terminals on the LightningProtector and to connect the TRANSMITTER terminalson the Lightning Protector to the LOOP terminals on thetransmitter. Making sure the power switch on the trans-mitter is in the OFF position, plug the power adapterinto the Lightning Protector and plug the other end ofthe power adapter into the POWER jack on the trans-mitter. Set the FIELD SIZE switch to SM if you areusing less than 1000 feet of boundary wire or to LG ifthe boundary wire is longer than 1000 feet.Verify thatyour dog is not wearing the collar and no one is touch-ing the collar receiver probes, set the FIELD WIDTHknob to MIN and slide the transmitter POWER switchinto the ON position. A green indicator light should illu-minate on the transmitter indicating a properly connect-ed boundary loop. If the green indicator light does notilluminate, refer to the Section 8, pg 16 to troubleshootthe installation.7.Test the system (See Section 4.G, pg 11 for details)Make sure no one is touching the collar receiverprobes. Set the transmitter's FIELD WIDTH adjustmentknob to the 9 o'clock position and set the transmitterPOWER switch to the ON position. Attach the test lightto the probes and slowly walk the collar receiver towardthe center of a 50 foot straight section of the boundarywire with the collar receiver held at the height of yourdog's neck with the probes pointed upward. Listen forthe warning sound and watch for the test light to illumi-nate. The containment field should extend at least 8 to12 feet on each side of the wire. To increase the fieldwidth, rotate the FIELD WIDTH adjustment knob clock-wise and recheck the distance the signal is broadcast-ing from the wire.To decrease rotate Field Width count-er clockwise; recheck.Repeat this procedure until youare satisfied with the width of the correction fieldthroughout the installation.8. Bury the BoundaryWire and Place Flags (SeeSection 4.H, pg 12 for details) Turn off the transmitter and disconnect the AC adapterfrom the Lightning Protector. Bury the wire about 3 to 4inches deep where the wire first enters the ground nearthe transmitter and continue around the path of the loopwire at a depth of at least 1 inch (you may wish to renta slit trencher for this purpose). Be careful you don'tnick the wire insulation as you place the wire in theground. Leave some slack in the wire to compensatefor  expansion  and  contraction  due  to  tempera t u r echanges. Repeat the test from Step 7 until you are sat-isfied with the field width setting.As you approach theboundary wire, place a flag 3 to 4 feet inside the pointwhere the receiver first detects the warning sound.Continue placing the flags at 6 to 8 foot intervals aroundthe entire containment area using this technique. Don'tforget to caulk and seal the interior and exterior holesyou made for the wire to prevent damage from mois-ture. You are now ready to proceed with Sections 5through 7 for detailed instructions on using the systemand training your dog.SECTION 1.THE WALL-MOUNT TRANSMITTERThe wall-mount transmitter is your system's control cen-ter and works with the collar receiver and boundary wireto keep your dog safely contained within an area youselect. The front cover of the wall transmitter lifts up toreveal switches that will customize your containmentsystem.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8. 9.4.Containment FieldSafe Zone
1.Correction Level - Positioning the STIM LEVEL switch toLOW, MED, or HI selects the correction level your dogreceives as he enters the containment field. The LOW settingadministers a 2-second warning sound, followed by a lowlevel of correction if your dog does not return to a safe area.The MED setting administers a 2-second warning sound, fol-lowed by a medium level of correction if your dog does notreturn to a safe area. The HI setting delivers an immediatehigh level of correction without any warning sound prior to thecorrection.2.Field Size-The FIELD SIZE switch allows you to select theappropriate setting based on the size of your installation. TheSM setting is for properties using 1000 feet of wire or less.The LG setting is for all installations using over 1000 feet ofwire.3. Field Width Adjustment -The FIELD WIDTH knob con-trols the distance from the wire that your dog will receive thewarning sound and correction. With the supplied test light onthe collar receiver, always test this function at multiple loca-tions in your containment area before putting the collar onyour dog.4.Charge Reminder -The REMINDER switch allows you toselect a reminder interval of 60 (Labeled A) or 30 (Labeled B)days or turn the function OFF. The timer starts when the col-lar receiver is removed from the charger. This switch shouldbe set at a time interval that will remind you to check the col-lar receiver and verify that it has an adequate charge to con-tain your dog. You should check the collar receiver for a lowbattery indication before you put it on your dog.5.Alarm Volume -The volume of the alarm indicator can beadjusted using the ALARM VOLUME knob.6. Power  -The containment system can be turned on or offby sliding the POWER switch to the ON or OFF position.7. Battery Backup Monitor - If power to the home is inter-rupted, backup power is provided by installing eight AAAlkaline batteries (not included) in the holder on the backsideof the transmitter housing. Only use Alkaline batteries. TheBattery Backup Monitor will sound to indicate the AA batteriesneed to be changed. This alarm can be turned ON or OFF bythe switch inside the transmitter. For the safety of your dog,this feature should be turned on and the batteries kept inworking order at all times.8.Wire Terminals-The two containment loop wires from theLightning Protector connect to the wall transmitter through thebottom of the case. They slide into the terminal block locatedinside the transmitter in the area marked LOOP. When thecontainment loop is properly connected, the green transmitterlight will illuminate to indicate the power is on and the loopwires are properly connected9. Power Connection - The power for the containment sys-tem is provided by a supplied 24-volt, 400-milliAmp ACadapter. This adapter plugs into the supplied LightningProtector, which in turn is plugged into a nearby 110-volthousehold outlet. The other end plugs into the power con-nector located inside the transmitter through the bottom of thetransmitter case.10.Indicator Light and Alarm -The light located on the frontface of the transmitter will indicate the following conditions:Notes:1. Alarm tone twice per second.2. Three one second reminder tones every minute. Reset byplacing the receiver on the charge cradle for more than 5 min-utes. May be turned off by placing charge REMINDER switchin the OFF position.3. Alarm tone once per second when BACKUP BATTERYmonitor switch is set to ON.4. Alarm tone once per second.May be turned off by placingswitch in OFF position.A chart of the indicator light and alarm conditions has beenplaced inside the transmitter cover for your convenience.5.IF-100 TRANSMITTER STATUS INDICATIONSSTATUS LIGHT ALARM  CONDITIONTONESOLID GREEN NO POWER ON / SYSTEM OKFLASHING GREEN NO RECEIVER CHARGINGFLASHING RED YES1BOUNDARY WIRE BROKEN OR DISCONNECTEDFLASHING RED AND GREEN YES2RECEIVER RECHARGE REMINDERFLASHING YELLOW YES3BACKUP BATTERIES LOWNONE YES4AC POWER DISCONNECTEDOPERATING ON BATTERYNONE NO TRANSMITTER IS OFF  OR POWER IS DISCONNECTED
SECTION 2.THE COLLAR RECEIVERThe collar receiver is waterproof, rechargeable, and canbe mounted on any non-metal strap.The probes areavailable in long and short lengths to be used on long-haired and shorthaired dogs, respectively.Note: The collar receiver is always on and ready torespond to the containment field when the battery isproperly charged.A.Special Features to Increase the Effectiveness ofthe System 1.The Warning Tone  -With the STIM LEVEL switchset to LOW or MED your dog will hear a two secondwarning tone when he reaches the edge of the contain-ment field in the yard.If your dog does not return to thesafe part of the yard, he will receive a continuous cor-rection (at the Low or Medium correction level switchsetting) until he re-enters the safe part of the yard.Note: If the STIM LEVEL switch is set on HIGH, therewill be no warning tone prior to the correction.2. Run-Through Prevention - Special features areincorporated in the IF-100 system so your dog cannot"run-through" the containment field without activating astrong correction. The receiver automatically increasesthe correction when your dog continues more than 1/3of the way through the containment field, regardless ofthe transmitter correction level setting. For example, ifthe signal is detected 12 feet from the wire and your dogenters the containment field, this feature is activatedwhen he is approximately eight feet from the wire. Atthis point, your dog automatically receives the highestlevel of correction for a minimum of three seconds.3.Over-Correction Prevention - In the unlikely eventthat your dog becomes "trapped" in the containmentfield, this feature limits correction duration to 10 sec-onds. The system shuts off for 10 seconds beforeresuming correction for another 10 seconds. This pat-tern will repeat for a maximum of three cycles, a dura-tion of 60-seconds.The light on the collar receiver will pulsate red whencorrection is delivered, appear solid green when cor-rection is locked out, and flash yellow if the 60-secondperiod has expired and the dog remains in the contain-ment field.B.Receiver Indicator Lights The receiver includes an indicator light and a tone gen-erator that allow the user to distinguish the variousoperational conditions of the receiver.These conditionsare summarized in the following table:SECTION 3.THE LIGHTNING PROTECTORYour system includes a lightning protection unit, whichhelps  protect  the  transmitter  from  electrical  powe rsurges and lightning strikes near your boundary loop. Anearby lightning strike can induce damaging high volt-age on the boundary wire loop and electrical powerlines, which can damage an unprotected containmenttransmitter. The lightning protector protects your sys-tem in two ways. Lower level voltage spikes from near-by lighting strikes and power line surges are sup-pressed to a level that will not damage your transmitter.Severe lightning strikes may result in damage to theLightning Protector, which is designed to be a sacrificiallink  in  the  system. Your  transmitter  will  remainu n h a rmed  and  your  Lightning  Protector  can  bereplaced under the terms of the Lightning Protector life-time warranty (see Limited Warranty Section pg. 22).System components which are not properly protectedby the supplied Lightning Protector will not be coveredfor lightning damage under the warranty (see LimitedWarranty Section pg 22).Your Lightning Protector has agreen power light that indicates the unit is receivinghousehold power.Note that this Lightning Protector is specifically designed for electronic dogcontainment systems and will not protect other kinds of equipment againstlightning damage or AC surges.INDICATOR LIGHTGREEN FLASHING (ONCE EVERY SECOND)GREEN PULSATINGRED PULSATINGRED FLASHING(ONCE EVERY 2 SECONDS)SOLID GREENYELLOW FLASHING (ONCEEVERY 2 SECONDS)NONECONDITIONCOLLAR IS READYTO RESPOND TO THE CONTAINMENT FIELDWARNING TONEIS OCCURRINGENTRY LEVEL CORRECTION ISBEING DELIVEREDRUN-THROUGH CORRECTION ISBEING DELIVEREDRECEIVER BATTERY IS LOWCORRECTION IS LOCKED OUT (OVERCORRECTION PREVENTION IN EFFECT)OVER-CORRECTION PREVENTION HAS EXCEEDED THREE CYCLES ( S T I M U L ATION IS LOCKED OUT UNTIL YOUR DOGRETURNS TO THE SAFE ZONE)RECEIVER BATTERY IS COMPLETELY DISCHARGED6.TONE PITCHNONEINTERMITTENT LOW PITCHINTERMITTENT MEDIUM PITCHINTERMITTENT HIGH PITCHNONECONTINUOUS LOW PITCHNONENONE
SECTION 4.I N S T ALLING THE IF-100 CONTA I N M E N TS Y S T E MA. Creating the Layout -When selecting a layout for yourcontainment system, keep it simple;complex installations aremore difficult for dogs to learn. Here are some key points toremember:• Consider all the obstacles -- gardens, play areas, driveways,sidewalks, pools, porches, and water crossings.• Utility companies must be contacted to mark the buried util-ity lines.• To avoid future wire breaks caused by landscaping efforts,the lawn should never be aerated in the vicinity of the con-tainment wire.• For your dog's safety, it is recommended to keep the con-tainment wire at least ten feet from the street.• Keep in mind that you will want at least an 8- to 12-foot con-tainment field (8 to 12 feet on each side of the wire).• It is possible to cancel the containment signal in a portion ofthe containment loop by twisting the wires as illustratedbelow. This allows the containment wire to cross safe areasof the yard without causing your dog's collar receiver to deliv-er correction. A spool of pre-twisted wire is included in yoursystem for this purpose.If you need additional twisted wire,the single containment wire (green) can be twisted at 3 to 4twists per foot to achieve the same result.Described below are several popular containment installa-tions. You may find these helpful in planning the layout thatwill best meet your needs.The perimeter loop is the most common installation. The wireis placed just inside the property line and usually forms asquare or rectangle.The hourglass design allows your dog to be contained ineither the front or back yard. This layout is similar to theperimeter loop, except the wire is run close to the house ontwo sides. When positioning the wire parallel to itself as itgoes toward the side of the house from the perimeter, keep ita distance equal to the field width plus three feet from itself.To prevent your dog from playing in the side yard, keep thewire a distance equal to the field width less one foot from thehouse.The back yard loop encloses the back yard and uses the backportion of the house as part of the barrier. After laying wire onthe three sides of the back yard, bring the wire a distance ofthe field width less one foot from the back corner of the houseto prevent your dog from playing in the side yard. When run-ning the containment wire parallel to the side and around thefront of the house, keep the wire a distance from the houseequal to the field width plus three feet to prevent sending acorrective signal through the walls of the house. Continueplacing wire at this distance from the home until it reaches theentry hole leading to the wall transmitter. Encircling the housecontains your pet if he bolts out of the front entrance or thegarage door. These areas are usually not flagged.A double loop installation will provide a barrier in the backyard without running wire into the front yard. Beginning at thewall transmitter, lay the containment wire to the nearestperimeter and proceed around the back yard until you are atthe opposite side of the house.When at a distance from thecorner of the house equal to the containment field width lessone foot, do a hairpin turn and continue positioning the wire adistance of the field width plus three feet away from itself.7.splicecontainment signalcancelled in this areasplicesplice
Proceed around the back yard until you return to the openingleading to the wall transmitter. This design will keep the backentrances to the house free from corrective signals.Your containment installation can be customized to protectareas such as gardens, pools, and specific landscaping. Toaccomplish this, encircle the protected area with containmentwire. Cut a length of white twisted wire equal to the distancebetween the protected area and the containment perimeter.Use waterproof splices to connect the twisted wire to the con-tainment wire at the perimeter and at the protected area. Thecontainment signal is cancelled where the twisted wire islocated thus allowing your dog to run around the garden orpool without receiving correction. The containment signalaround the protected area will keep your dog out just as theperimeter containment wire keeps him in.Once you are satisfied with the layout of your containmentsystem, it is time to choose a proper location for the wall-mount transmitter.B.Installing the Wall-Mount Transmitter1. Select a Location for the Wall-Mount Transmitter.Select a location for the wall-mount transmitter that is withinfive feet of a standard, grounded 110-volt household outletand will provide easy access to an exterior wall where thecontainment wire can penetrate.When selecting a location,keep in mind that you will need easy access to the transmitterfor recharging the receiver. If possible, avoid plugging the unitinto an outlet that is protected by a ground fault current inter-rupter (GFCI). The GFCI will not interfere with the normaloperation of your system, but in rare cases lightning strikesmay cause a GFCI outlet to trip (disconnect power), and youwould need to reset the GFCI to restore household power tothe system. If you must use a GFCI protected outlet, makesure you take advantage of the system's battery backup fea-ture (described in Step 3 of this procedure). Also check thelocation where you want to bring the outside wires through thewall and into the wall transmitter to avoid electrical or tele-phone wires, television cables, or water pipes.Even afterchecking, there may be unknown wires or pipes inside thewall. Therefore, consider going through a windowsill or doorframe whenever possible. Mark the desired location with apencil.The transmitter may be mounted on a hollow wall or directlyto a wall stud using the provided mounting hardware. Thewall-mount transmitter must be located in a dry, enclosed areawhere the temperature range will be between 32˚F and 110˚F(0˚C to 45˚C). Preferable locations are the garage, laundryroom, office, or finished basements.These areas are usedfrequently, so the system information generated by the walltransmitter is likely to be checked more regularly. For ease inmonitoring this information, mount the transmitter at least fourfeet from the floor.2. Install the Mounting Plate.Remove the mounting plate from the back of the transmitterby lightly depressing the dot on the top tab (see illustration)and lifting the transmitter housing off the mounting plate.Making sure the mounting plate is level, use the mountingplate as a template to transfer the position of the two mount-ing holes onto the mounting location by tracing the holes witha pencil.Make sure there are no electrical wires or other objects direct-ly behind the mounting-hole locations that might be damagedwhen the mounting screws are installed.For hollow wall installations, drill 1/4-inch diameter holes atthe marked locations and tap in the hollow wall fasteners witha hammer. For installation of mounting screws directly into a8.splices splicessplice6 ft.splices
wall stud, drill 3/32-inch diameter pilot holes at the markedlocations.Fasten the mounting plate to the mounting location using thesupplied screws.3 . Install  Power  Backup  Batteries  (Optional  bu tRecommended).Your system's transmitter includes the means for installingbackup batteries so the system will remain functional for a lim-ited time, even if your home experiences a power failure.Set the POWER switch under the transmitter's front cover tothe OFF position. With the mounting plate removed, turn thetransmitter over to reveal the backup battery compartment.Install eight (8) AA alkaline batteries according to the polaritymarkings inside the battery compartment.Set the BATTERY BACKUP MONITOR switch to the ON posi-tion. If you choose not to install the backup batteries, set theBATTERY BACKUP MONITOR switch to the OFF position todisable the low battery alert.4. Install the Transmitter on the Wall.Snap the transmitter onto the mounting plate.At the pre-marked location where the containment wires will enter thehome, drill a 1/4-inch hole from the inside through the wall orcorner of a windowsill or door frame. A slight downward anglewill help the wire to curve downward outside and keep waterout.A masonry bit can be used to drill through cinderblock orthrough the joint crack on brick or stone walls. A regular 1/4-inch drill bit can be used if the house is of wooden construc-tion with vinyl or aluminum siding. In these cases, you maywant to drill from the outside for exterior aesthetics.C.Setting Up the Collar Receiver - In preparation for settingup your boundary loop, the rechargeable collar receiver mustbe given a full charge.1. Set the transmitter POWER switch to OFF.2. Set the FIELD SIZE switch to SM.3. Turn the FIELD WIDTH knob to MIN.4.Position the collar receiver in the charging cradle located onthe top of the wall transmitter.Orient the light on the collarreceiver toward the end of the charging cradle marked with anarrow and identified on the label.5. Cut a short piece of the green boundary wire (about 6 inch-es long) and strip about 3/8 inch of insulation from both ends.Insert the wire ends into the LOOP terminals on the transmit-ter.NOTE:This wire is temporarily installed to perform the ini-tial set up charging of the collar receiver.The transmitter willnot charge the collar receiver if the loop wire is not installed.6. Plug the AC adapter into the POWER jack on the transmit-ter and plug the adapter into a nearby 110-volt household out-let.7. Set the transmitter POWER switch to the ON position tocharge the collar. The transmitter light will flash green approx-imately every two seconds while charging and a high fre-quency charge tone will be heard from the transmitter. If thegreen light is not blinking, make sure the receiver is orientedproperly in the charging cradle, be sure the transmitter isturned on and check all connections.A full charge requires14 hours. When charging is complete, the light on the trans-mitter will appear solid green. After the receiver has been fullycharged, set the POWER switch to the OFF position, removethe short piece of boundary wire and unplug the AC adapterfrom the wall outlet.D.Planning the Placement of the BoundaryWire -With thewall transmitter installed and the hole drilled for the wires,begin positioning the boundary wire according to your layout.Listed below are some helpful instructions and tips.1. Amount of Wire  Your system includes 700 feet of boundary wire and 100 feetof pre-twisted wire. For yards requiring more wire, boundarykits are available from Invisible Fence at 1-800-688-4364. Itis important that the same gauge wire be used throughout theinstallation. Here are some examples of wire coverage:The above figures assume a rectangular layout and actualfootage may vary.9.collar receiver light to this endAcres Linear Feet Needed1 8502 12003 15004 17005 1900
2. Placing the Wire For the system to work properly, the wire must make one con-tinuous loop. The signal is transmitted from one terminal ofthe transmitter, through the wire, and back to the other termi-nal. When placing the wire, keep in mind that you will want atleast a 8- to 12-foot containment field (8 to 12 feet on eachside of the wire). Avoid making passageways too narrow oryour dog may be hesitant to use them (i.e.along the sides ofa house).3. Using Twisted Wire Use the twisted wire from the transmitter to the LightningProtector and from the lightning protector out to the exteriorloop wire. The twisted wire cancels the signal and allows yourdog to cross this area. It can also be used to connect the con-tainment system to internal areas that should be protectedlike gardens, pools, and special landscaping.4. Rounding Corners  Use gradual turns at the corners with a minimum of 2.5-footradius. This will produce a more consistent containment fieldand avoid confusing your dog in these areas.5. Crossing Driveways, Sidewalks, and Water Features When crossing an asphalt driveway, make a 1/2-inch deep cutacross the driveway using a circular saw and masonry blade.Place the wire in the crack and seal with asphalt sealant. Ondriveways and sidewalks, if an expansion joint is available,simply place the wire in the joint and seal with an outdoorcaulk. When crossing gravel, bury the wire at least 3 inchesdeep. Use a piece of garden hose or plastic PVC piping toprotect the wire.In water, anchor the wire with large rocks.Protect the wire with a piece of garden hose or plastic PVCpiping. The wire does not have to be buried, but to minimizethe potential for wire damage, it is advisable to bury it at leastone inch underground.E.Placing the BoundaryWire1. Listed below are important tips about placement and burialof the boundary wire:• Do NOT bury the loop within 10 feet parallel to electrical,telephone, cable TV, or other buried wire in the yard.• Do NOT bury one section of wire within 10 feet of anothersection or the signal may cancel.• Do NOT bury your wire within 10 feet of a neighboring con-tainment system's boundary wire.2. Position the Wire in the YardThe above recommendations may cause you to modify yourlayout, but it will be time well spent. When your layout is final-ized, place the wire around your property according to yourdiagram. The wire loop should begin and end at a perimeterlocation closest to the location of the transmitter. This will min-imize the amount of twisted wire needed to connect theboundary loop wire to the transmitter.DO NOT BURY THE WIRE UNTIL YOU HAVE TESTED THESYSTEM AND ARE SURE IT IS WORKING PROPERLY.TAKE CARE NOT TO NICK OR SCRAPE THE WIRE INSU-LATION DURING INSTALLATION. AN INTERMITTENT SIG-NAL OR NO SIGNAL MAY OCCUR.F. Making the Final ConnectionsAfter the transmitter has been installed on the wall and theboundary wire is in place, the final connections must bemade.1. Installing the Lightning ProtectorIf possible, avoid plugging the unit into an outlet that is pro-tected by a ground fault current interrupter (GFCI). The GFCIwill not interfere with the normal operation of your system, butin rare cases lightning strikes may cause a GFCI outlet to trip(disconnect power), and you would need to reset the GFCI torestore household power to the system. If you must use aGFCI protected outlet, make sure you take advantage of thesystem's battery backup feature. Plug the Lightning Protectorinto a nearby standard, grounded 110-volt household outlet.The green light on the Lightning Protector should illuminate,indicating it is connected to household power. If the light doesnot illuminate, check the fuse or circuit breaker that protectsthe outlet.2. Bringing the Outside Wire to the Lightning ProtectorPlace the spool of white twisted wire outside and push thetwisted pair of wires through the hole in the exterior wall. Asmall piece of electrical tape wrapped around the end of thewire will keep it from untwisting in the wall. Push a sufficientlength  of  wire  through  the  wall  to  reach  the  LightningProtector. Strip about a 1/4 inch of insulation from each whitewire and insert them into the LOOP terminal on the LightningProtector by depressing the tabs on the terminals and insert-ing one wire in each terminal. Dress the wire along the wallas desired, and push excess wire back out through the hole inthe wall.3. Splicing to the Boundary WirePull the white twisted pair wire to the perimeter location of theboundary wire.Make sure that the wire length is adequate to10.
route wire along the outside wall and bury before cutting.Splice the ends of the white twisted wire to the ends of theboundary wire with the supplied waterproof splices. Do notuntwist the wire any more than necessary to splice the wirestogether.WARNING: Use only the waterproof splices (approved fordirect burial) supplied with this system. If additional splicesare required, they may be purchased from Invisible Fence at1-800-688-4364.Using non-waterproof electrical tape, solder,or twisted wire nuts will cause an intermittent signal or disablethe system.The waterproof splices included in your contain-ment system are designed to provide a sealed connectionbetween the wires.Use the supplied waterproof splices to make properconnections. To use the splices, strip 5/8” of insulationfrom the ends of the wires you are joining.With the endsof the wires even and together, place the wire nut overthe wire ends and turn the wire nut clockwise until it issecurely fastened.Snap open the hinged lid of the gellfilled capsule and insert the wire nut as deeply as pos-sible into the waterproof gel.Snap the lid shut, makingsure the wires exit the splice on either side.Tie a knotin the wires as shown in the diagram to prevent themfrom pulling out of the gell filled capsule when the wireis buried.4. Connecting the Lightning Protection Unit to the Transmitter  Cut a length of the supplied white twisted pair wire longenough to reach from the transmitter LOOP terminals to theLightning Protector TRANSMITTER terminals. Do not untwistthe wire.Strip about 1/4 to 3/8 inch of insulation from both ends of eachtwisted white wire. Connect the transmitter terminals labeledLOOP to the Lightning Protector terminals labeled TRANS-MITTER. Push the orange release levers on the connectoraway from the wire terminal holes to insert or release the wire.Depress the tab on the Lightning Protector terminal to insertor release the wire.5. Plugging in the Power AdapterMake sure the POWER switch on the transmitter is in the OFFposition. Plug the power adapter into the power outlet on theright side of the Lightning Protector. Plug the other end of thepower adapter into the POWER jack on the transmitter. Placethe power cord wire under the wire retention tab on the housing.6. Checking Out the InstallationMake sure your dog is not wearing the collar and no one istouching the collar probes.Slide the transmitter POWERswitch to the ON position. A green indicator light should illu-minate on the transmitter indicating a properly connectedboundary loop. If the green indicator light does not illuminate,refer to the transmitter problems table in the TroubleshootSection (Section 8 pg 18).G.Testing the SystemWith the boundary wire in place and properly connected andthe collar receiver fully charged, it is time to set the contain-ment field and test the system.Note: The collar receiver should NOT be on your dog whenthe system is tested.1. Setting the FIELD SIZE SwitchIf you are using a total boundary wire length of 1000 feet orless, set your FIELD SIZE switch to SM. Otherwise, set it toLG.2. Adjusting the Containment FieldThe width of the containment field is adjusted using the trans-mitter's FIELD WIDTH adjustment knob. Start with a low set-ting. Move the knob to the 9 o'clock position and test the fieldwidth of the system. For the safety of your dog, the field widthof the system must be tested whenever an adjustment ismade to the containment field. Please follow the instructionsbelow.3. Field Width Testing the System Select a section of straight boundary wire that is at least 50feet long and perform the containment field test at the centerof the selected section. To test the containment field, attachthe test light to the probes and slowly walk the collar receivertoward the boundary wire. The collar receiver should be heldat the height of your dog's neck with the probes pointedupward. Listen for the warning sound and watch for the testlight to illuminate.The wider the containment field, the lesschance that a dog can run through the field.Boundary WireSpliceTo Lightning Protector11.
The containment field should extend at least 8 to 12 feet oneach side of the wire.This helps make the Run-ThroughPrevention more effective. To increase the field width, turn theField Width Adjustment Knob clockwise and recheck the dis-tance the signal is broadcasting from the wire. To decrease,turn counterclockwise.Repeat this procedure until you aresatisfied with the location of the correction throughout theinstallation.Note: When testing the field width, the collar receiver maydemonstrate the over-correction prevention safety featuredescribed in Section 2.A.3 on page 64. Verifying the Safe Part of the YardOnce the field is set, slowly walk the collar receiver around theentire boundary perimeter maintaining a distance from thewire that is at least three feet farther than the field width set-ting selected in the previous step. Verify the collar receiverdoes not activate.Inconsistencies in the field width may occurwhere there are buried electrical, telephone, cable TV or otherwires or metallic objects in the yard.The containment signalfrom the boundary wire can couple onto the buried wires andextend the signal into the safe part of the yard.Repositioningthe boundary wire in these areas can minimize the unwantedsignal coupling;however, you may not be able to completelyeliminate the effect. The unwanted signal coupling can beminimized by orienting the boundary wire so that it is perpen-dicular to the buried wire for approximately ten feet on eachside of the buried wire (see graphic below).H.Burying the Boundary Wire Tools  You may need the following tools for efficient installation:Straight-edged spade, pliers, and wire cutter/stripper. If youplan to run the wire across concrete, you will also need acaulk gun, silicone caulking, and a circular saw with a mason-ry blade.1. Ensure the system is turned OFF Make sure the wall transmitter is turned OFF and the ACadapter is disconnected from the Lightning Protector.2. Burying the wire To bury the wire, dig about 3 to 4 inches deep where the wirefirst enters the ground near the transmitter and continuearound the path of the loop wire. A 30˚ to 45˚ angle cut madewith a flat blade spade will be the easiest to close and heal.Allow for slack in the wire throughout the boundary wire loopto compensate for expansion and contraction due to temper-ature changes.When covering a large area, you may wish to use a lawnedger or trenching machine to cut into the ground.However,we recommend that the wire be placed in the trench by hand.A commercial wire-placement machine may break the wire ordamage the wire insulation.3. Checking the system field width and placing the flags Repeat the test from Step G.3 until you are satisfied with thefield width setting.As you approach the boundary wire, placea flag 3 to 4 feet inside of where the receiver first detects thewarning sound. Continue placing the flags at 6 to 8 foot inter-vals around the entire containment area using this technique.If the field adjustment knob position is altered, you must testthe containment field for the desired setting and reposition theflags as necessary.4. Plug the holesWith the twisted wire in place near the wall transmitter, caulkand seal the interior and exterior holes to prevent damagefrom moisture and insects.SECTION 5.USING THE IF-100 PREMIUMC O N T AINMENT SYSTEMA.Fitting the Collar Receiver to Your Dog1. ProbesUse short probes for shorthaired dogs.Use longprobes for longhaired dogs. Finger tighten the probes,then turn one additional revolution with the probewrench. Do not over-tighten the probes.2. Collar StrapThe collar receiver should fit snugly at the top of yourdog's neck where the neck is most narrow and has theleast fur. Adjust the collar so it's just snug enough toslide one finger between the probe and your dog's neck.To work properly, both probes must contact your dog'sskin. Periodic adjustment of the collar's fit may be nec-essary as your dog's coat, weight, and age change.You may think a properly fitted collar receiver is too tightor too high. Although this is a collar, it is not like anyother, and to work properly it must fit high and snug.For the safety of your dog, we recommend that you per-12.Safe AreaBoundaryWire10’10’90˚
form this check each time you place the collar receiveron your dog.B.Setting the Transmitter Controls1. Correction Level SettingsAlways use the lowest correction level necessary tocontain your dog. The goal is for your dog to associatean unpleasant consequence with ignoring the trainingand straying outside the boundary you have defined.2. Charge Reminder SettingsYour transmitter's built-in charge reminder allows you toset  a  timer  to  remind  you  that  it  is  time  tocheck/recharge the receiver battery. The REMINDERswitch allows you to select a reminder interval of 60(Labeled A) or 30 (Labeled B) days or turn the functionOFF. The timer starts when the collar receiver isremoved from the charger. This switch should be set ata time interval that will remind you to check the collarreceiver and verify that it has an adequate charge tocontain your dog. During the initial training period or ifyour dog frequently "challenges" the containment sys-tem  boundary,  we  recommend  that  you  set  thereminder switch to the B position and check the collarreceiver indicator light weekly for a low battery indica-tion.Once your dog is trained or rarely "challenges" thesystem boundary, you may be able to set the reminderswitch to the A position and charge the collar receiverless frequently.NOTE: The timer is automatically reset when the collarreceiver is placed in the charging cradle for greater than5 minutes.3. AlarmVolume SettingYour transmitter contains an audible alarm to warn youif there is a break in your boundary wire, a low backupbattery condition, a transmitter power outage or toremind you to check your receiver battery status. Thevolume of the alarm tone can be adjusted using theALARM VOLUME knob. Set the alarm volume at a levelthat you can easily hear when you are in the vicinity ofthe transmitter. To test the alarm volume, disconnectone of the loop wires at the transmitter.This will causethe wire break alarm to activate and produce an alarmtone. Reconnect the loop wire after you have set thealarm volume.4. Charging the receiverYour transmitter includes a built-in battery charger forthe collar receiver. For the transmitter's built-in batterycharger to function, the transmitter must be plugged in,turned ON and have boundary wire attached to theLOOP terminals on the transmitter.By placing thereceiver on top of the transmitter in the charge cradlewith the receiver indicator light aligned toward the endof the charge cradle marked with an arrow a 14-hourbattery charging cycle will be initiated. During this 14-hour charging cycle, the transmitter indicator light willflash green and a high frequency tone will be heardfrom the transmitter. After the 14-hour charge cycle thebattery charger will continue to provide a trickle chargeto maintain the receiver battery at a full charge.NOTE: Removing the receiver from the charge cradlefor longer than 15 seconds during the 14-hour chargecycle (transmitter light flashing green) will result in thebattery charger restarting the 14-hour charge cyclewhen the receiver is returned to the charge cradle.Resetting the 14-hour charge cycle in this manner willnot damage your receiver or transmitter.To charge additional receivers, wait until the chargecycle  has  completed  and  the  indicator  light  hasreturned to a solid green. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween removing one receiver and placing the nextreceiver on the charge cradle to initiate a new 14-hourcharge cycle for subsequent receivers.5. Battery BackupYour transmitter includes the capability to install eightstandard AA alkaline batteries to provide your contain-ment system with backup power in case householdpower fails or the transmitter power adapter is uninten-tionally disconnected. Your system will function withoutthe backup batteries installed, but we recommend youtake advantage of this feature for added security andthe safety of your dog.The condition of the backup batteries is monitored bycircuitry in your transmitter. If the battery voltage dropsbelow the monitor threshold, an audible alarm soundsand a yellow light flashes on the transmitter.If youchoose not to maintain backup batteries in the trans-mitter, you can silence this alarm and turn off the flash-ing yellow light by setting the BATTERY BACKUP MON-ITOR switch to the OFF position.When operating on battery power, the status indicatorlight on the transmitter is disabled in order to conservebattery life. An audible alarm will sound once per sec-ond to remind you that the system is operating on bat-13.collar receiver light to this end
tery power.When the system is using battery power, areduction in the containment field width may occur andis dependent on the length of wire being used and thecontainment field width distance setting.For example, atypical installation using 700 feet of boundary wire witha normal field width setting of 10 feet will experienceapproximately 25% reduction in field width on batteryb a ckup  with  a  fresh  set  of  AA  Alkaline  batteri e sinstalled.This equates to a containment field width ofapproximately 7.5 feet.This field width will continue toreduce over the life of the batteries. After approximate-ly 20 hours of battery use, the containment field widthwill be approximately 6 feet.The batteries will power thetransmitter for approximately 40 hours.At the end of 40hours of battery use, the containment field width maybe as short as 4.5 feet.The low battery detection mon-itor built into the transmitter will produce a warningalarm when the battery life has been reduced byapproximately 50%.C.Important Notes About the Collar1. Always use the rubber insulators between the collarstrap and probes to provide insulation in damp condi-tions.2. If needed, a small amount of hair removal or thinningwill improve probe contact with the skin.3. Check your dog's neck at least weekly for skin irrita-tion.4.This product is not recommended for dogs under fourmonths of age.5. Check the tightness of the probes regularly and fre-quently  to  prevent  loss  of  the  receiver  box . L o s treceivers are not covered under manufacturer warranty.6. To prevent accidental correction inside the home,remove the collar from your dog's neck when it comesinside.7. If your dog challenges the system frequently, a fullcharge on the receiver will provide approximately 2-4weeks of use between charges.A full charge will lastover 60 days when the receiver is rarely activated.8. Check the collar receiver once a week to make surethe collar receiver has an adequate charge. A greenflashing light once every two seconds indicates that thecollar receiver is adequately charged. A red flashinglight once every two seconds or no flashing light indi-cates that the collar receiver needs to be recharged.Ifthe collar receiver will not be used for an extended peri-od of time (more than 3 months), we recommend youstill charge the collar receiver at least once every 3months to maximize battery life.9.Test the collar receiver in the containment field week-ly to verify that the system is functioning properly. Totest, hold the supplied test light to the collar receiverprobes. Holding the receiver by the case, NOT by theprobes, walk into the containment field.With the receiv-er held at the height of your dog’s neck with the probesfacing upward, verify the warning sound is present andthe test light illuminates.SECTION 6.TIPS FOR CONTAINMENT TRAININGTo get the most out of your containment system, keepthese tips in mind:1.The collar receiver must be properly fit to ensure ade-quate contact between your dog's skin and the receiverprobes. Place the collar high and snug on your dog'sneck.2 . A l ways  use  the  lowest  correction  level  on  theadjustable wall transmitter necessary to contain yourdog. Proceed to higher correction levels only if necessary.3. Never leave the collar receiver on your dog for longerthan 12 hours a day. Leaving the collar on your dog forextended periods could result in irritation around theneck or at the site where the probes make contact withthe skin.Check your dog’s neck weekly for signs of skinirritation.4. Begin training when your dog has reached at leastfour months of age.5. Always make sure the collar is functioning properlyBEFORE putting it on your dog. Verify the containmenttransmitter is operating properly and the field width isappropriate. To test the containment field, refer toSection 11  Field Width Testing the System.6. If a metal slip collar is used for training it must beproperly positioned low on your dog's neck when hewears the Invisible Fence®collar receiver. Slip collarsare not safe for casual wear and must be removed aftereach lesson. Metal tags on collars must be positionedto prevent any contact with the containment receiverprobes. Any metal contacting the probes may preventthe correction from affecting your dog.7. Place the training flags 3 to 4 feet inside the perime-ter of where the warning sound is heard. This will adda visual cue to the audio warning sound and help yourdog learn the boundary.8. Never call or pull a dog into the containment field.9. Keep training sessions brief (10 to 15 minutes) andstop the session before your dog has lost interest. Endthe session with play.10. Do NOT become overly confident that your dog hasbecome conditioned sooner than expected. Completeall of the steps in the Training Plan before allowing yourdog to run free.11. ALWAYS praise your dog for appropriate behavior.14.
neck and snug with the probes touching the skin.Start every session with play and praise.Make sure thedog is comfortable--have fun! Laugh! and praise him.Most importantly, review the previous day's lesson tosee if your dog is learning on schedule.Do not proceedto the next step until your dog understands what isexpected.Do boundary work at locations all around theproperty.End the session with relaxing play.Bring your dog indoors and remove both the trainingcollar and the collar receiver.If you're training more thanone dog, train each dog at separate training sessions.D.Training Lessons Lesson 1: Before you start to train - Make sure the collar receiveris fully charged. Remove the standard probes andinstall the training probes.The training probes are theblack plastic probes.The training probes ensure thatyour dog does not receive a correction until he learns toretreat from the boundary.Put the collar receiver on your dog.Make sure the walltransmitter is turned on.Lesson 1- Day 1.The goal for day 1 is to introduce yourdog to the boundary and to help him understand heshould retreat when he hears the warning sound.Depending on the lead there are several ways to dothis.Using a 6-foot lead, casually walk your dog to theboundary.When the dog reaches the containment fieldlet go of the slack in your left hand, immediately spin toyour right, and instantly grasp the lead under your righthand and retreat. Your dog will continue forward andthen feel the tug. As he runs back towards you, praisehim.Using a retractable or 15-foot lead, casually walk yourSECTION 7.THE TRAINING PLANThe goal of Invisible Fence®training is:• To teach your dog to identify and retreat from theboundaries.•To make the training fair--so your dog will understandthe consequences of leaving the yard.• To make the training fun--so your dog will enjoy stay-ing and playing on your property.This training plan is divided into four parts: trainingequipment, the schedule, rules and routine, and traininglessons.A.Training Equipment You'll need a training collar.Choose either a flat or slipcollar. Use a flat collar on a mild mannered dog.A slipcollar works best on a hard to handle or easily distract-ed dogs.You'll need a lead.Invisible Fence training allows you towork with a 6-foot, 15-foot, or retractable lead.B.The Schedule The six Invisible Fence dog-training lessons take placeover the course of about 4 weeks. For total success it isnecessary to complete the entire course.Practice sessions are 10-15 minutes each, 2 times perday. Short, fun sessions are more effective. Anythinglonger will cause your dog to mentally tire.Lesson 1: The retreat pattern - 6 Sessions.Lesson 2: The correction - 1 Session.Lesson 3: Distractions - 7-8 Sessions.Lesson 4: Off Lead Supervised - 1 Week Lesson 5: Off lead Unsupervised - 2 Weeks Lesson 6: Flag Removal - Every other day until gone.Use the calendar only as a guideline.Your dog's behav-ior tells you when to move to the next lesson.C.Rules and Routine The rules and routine of the typical training sessioninclude putting the collar receiver and lead on your dogmaking sure the collar receiver is high on your dog's 15.MTWT      F      S      SWeek 1 Retreat DistractionsWeek 2 Off       Lead             SupervisedWeek 3 Off       Lead          UnsupervisedEveryOther Flag RemovalDayProper Fit:The collar receiver shouldfit snugly at the top of your dog's neck .Adjust the collar so it's just snu genough to slide one finger betwe e nthe probe and your dog's neck .
dog toward the boundary. Your dog may indicate hehears the warning sound by tilting his head or twitchinghis ears.The instant the dog hears the warning sound,give a tug on the lead and bring him back.On a retractable lead, press the brake.This will redirectthe dog back into the safe area. Have fun and praisehim.On days two and three repeat the lesson of day one.As the training sessions progress through the threedays of lesson one, you'll see that your dog will begin toanticipate the signal and retreat without prompts.Day three is successful if your dog retreats with noprompt from you or he refuses to approach the bound-a ri e s. Remember  to  pra i s e,  pra i s e,  praise  properbehavior.Lesson 2: - The Correction:A dog may be tempted to break the rules. To preventthis, he must understand that there are consequencesfor inappropriate behavior.When your dog retreats fromthe boundaries on his own, or won’t go into flaggedareas, he is ready to receive the correction.Before you begin this lesson remove the training probesand install the standard probes.Make sure the walltransmitter is turned ON and functioning properly.Use a 15-foot or a retractable lead.Have a family mem-ber run through the containment field.Let your dog fol-low. The distracter must not stop, look back, or call thedog. After your dog receives the correction, pull himback to you and lavish him with loud, happy praise.Tryit again.If he responds correctly, praise him, then moveto another boundary area.Lesson 3 - Distractions: If your dog is avoiding the boundary, he is ready for dis-tractions. This is the most important but often short-changed part of the training.This lesson teaches yourdog that he must resist temptations. When practicingdistractions, never call or pull your dog into the contain-ment field.Most dogs have a hard time generalizing concepts soyou can't assume that if your dog won't chase a ball hewon't chase a bicycle.You have to go through a list ofdistractions that will tempt your dog the most.Dogs willlearn specifics. If your dog likes to chase, distract withballs, bikes--anything that moves.If your dog is attract-ed by children, family members, other dogs--use themas temptations.Lesson 4 - Off Lead Supervision: After several sessions of distractions, your dog shouldbe ready for off lead play.You must stay in the yard foroff lead training.In fact, it's wise to spend more quality time in the yardwith your dog.The more your dog stays on the proper-ty for the first month, the less confused he will be.If you wish to take your dog off the property, remove thecollar receiver and take him off and back onto the prop-erty in the car.Lesson 5 - Off Lead Unsupervised: When your dog resists distraction of any kind, both onand off lead, he can be left unattended in the yard butobserved from inside the home.This freedom should bebrief at first.You must frequently go out and check onyour dog. Over the next several weeks, unsupervisedfreedom can be gradually increased.Before and after each unsupervised session, you mustcontinue the play and praise routine so that your dogunderstands that the yard is a happy place to be.Lesson 6 - Removing the Flags: After 2 weeks of successful unsupervised containment,you can begin removing the flags.Start by removingevery other flag every other day until all are gone.The leads, trainers, flags and the collar receiver signalsare all training clues for your dog.During the last threeweeks of training --one by one--all but the collar receiv-er will be removed.As the training clues are removed it is essential that youcontinue to use distractions to make sure your dogretreats from the unmarked boundary.The  correction  teaches  the  consequences  of  theimproper response.Know your dog and what temptshim.Gradually extend the amount of unsupervised free-dom, and finally remove the flags when you are confi-dent that your dog is fully trained.If you have any questions about your containment sys-tem, or about training your dog, please review the videoincluded with this product.If you still have questions orconcerns, please call us at 800-688-4364.SECTION 8.T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GThe fo l l owing table identifies the solutions to common prob-lems associated with pet containment systems. If a prob-lem occurs, first check this table and try to determine whatthe problem may be.I f, for any reason, your Inv i s i ble Fe n c esystem still does not operate as described in this manual orif you have any questions or problems not included in thism a nual, please call Inv i s i ble Fence at 1-800-688-4364.16.
Dog Response Problems:1. Dog appears to not "feel"the correction.2.Dog appears to "feel" thecorrection but still constantlyenters or stands in the con-tainment field.-or-Dog "feels" the correction, butattempts to run through thecontainment field often.3.Dog receives an intermittentsignal.4.Dog acts fearful of goinginto the yard.5.Dog receives corrections inthe safe part of the yard.Possible Solutions:1.Collar fit is not tight enough to make good skin contact.See Section5.A page 12.2.Collar probes not long enough to make good skin contact.Use longprobes supplied with system.3.Dog’s hair too long or thick.Trim the hair in the appropriate area orcall Invisible Fence®at 1-800-688-4364 for special thick hair probes.4.Receiver battery not charged.If the receiver LED is flashing red orthere is no light, recharge battery. See Section 5.B.4, page 13.5.Correction level too low. Set the Correction level switch to the nexthigher level.6.Collar receiver may have loosened over time and may not be tightenough to make good skin contact.See Section 5.A page 12.7.Ve rify that the transmitter power is turned on and functioning properl y.8.Remove any metal collars from the dog.9.Make sure any metal tags cannot contact the collar probes.1.Collar fit is not tight enough to make good skin contact. See Section5.A page 12.2.Correction level too low. Set the Correction level switch to the nexthigher level.3.Field width setting is not wide enough.Increase the containment fieldwidth and re-verify the detection distance.See Section 11.4.Remove any metal collars from the dog.5.Make sure any metal tags cannot contact the collar probes.6.Additional training is needed in the presence of outside distractions.See Section 7 page 15.1.Use of non-waterproof connections in containment installation. SeeSection 4.F.3 Splices, page 10.2.A nick or scrape in wire insulation. Perform the Wire Break LocationTest Procedure. See Section 19.1.Correction level too high.Set the Correction level switch to the nextlower level. See Section 13.2.Dog has received a correction too soon during the training.Stoptraining and play with dog in the safe area.Resume training when dogis no longer fearful in the safe area.3.Field width set too high.Re-verify the detection distance and adjustfield width if necessary. See Section 11.4.Check yard’s safe area for unexpected containment signal due to sig-nal coupling.See Section 12.1.Field width set too wide.Decrease the containment field width andre-verify the detection distance. Change field size switch to SM if nec-essary. See Section 11.2.Check for buried cables, wires, or metallic objects in the yard.See17.
18.6.Dog receives correction insidethe homeTransmitter Problems:1. Transmitter alarm is operatingand status light is flashing.2.Transmitter status light indicatesthe boundary wire is broken ordisconnected.3.No status light on the transmit-ter and alarm is silent.4.No status light on the transmit-ter and the alarm is on.(Systemon battery backup power.)Section 12.3.Reposition boundary wire away from fixed metal objects such asmetal buildings, chain-link fences, large satellite dishes, etc.4.Move large metal objects such as swing sets and trampolinesfarther away from the boundary wire.1.Remove the collar receiver when the dog enters the home.2.Field width too wide.3.Reposition the boundary wire farther from the house. SeeSection 4.A page 7.4.Place transmitter and lightning protector away from areas wherethe dog may be confined.A low level containment signal is radiatedfrom these components and can cause the collar receiver to func-tion.Verify that the containment wire remains tightly twisted at eachcomponent connection point.Possible Solutions:Check the status indication table located on transmitter and inSection 1 page 5 to determine cause and corrective action.1.Check boundary wire connections at transmitter and lightningprotection module for proper connection.2.Check for broken or damaged wires at outside entry into house.3. Perform Transmitter Loop Test Procedure to locate and correctthe problem. Section 19.4.PerformWire Break Location Test Procedure and correct theproblem.Section 19.1.Verify the transmitter POWER switch is ON.2.Check that the adapter and lightning protector are plugged inproperly.3.If system is plugged into a GFCI outlet, check to see if the circuithas been tripped.Reset GFCI circuit if required.4.If the green power light on the lightning protector is not illuminat-ed, verify that the outlet is working properly by plugging in a knownworking item such as a radio.5.Unplug the lightning protector and plug the power adapter direct-ly into the 110-volt outlet.If the transmitter operates when bypass-ing the lightning protector, contact Invisible Fence for a warrantyreplacement lightning protector. Do not use the system until areplacement lightning protector has been provided.6.If possible, check the voltage of the power adapter using a digitalmultimeter. It should read greater than 24 volts AC.1.Check that the adapter and lightning protector are plugged inproperly.2.If system is plugged into a GFCI outlet, check to see if the circuithas been tripped.Reset GFCI circuit if required.Dog Response Problems: Possible Solutions:
Always remove your dog’s collar receiver before per-forming any transmitter testing.A.Transmitter Loop Test ProcedureThe transmitter loop test procedure is use to determinethe  cause  of  a  "Boundary  Wire  Broken  orDisconnected" alarm indication.You will need a short 6-5. Transmitter status/alarm priori-ty sequence.Collar Receiver Problems:1.Collar Receiver does notappear to be operating in con-tainment field area.2.Collar Receiver is not taking acharge.3. Receiver is not working andcase is damaged or "chewed" bydog.3.If the green power light on the lightning protector is not illuminat-ed, verify that the outlet is working properly by plugging in aknown working item such as a radio.4.Unplug the lightning protector and plug the power adapterdirectly into the 110-volt outlet.If the transmitter operates whenbypassing the lightning protector, contact Invisible Fence for a war-ranty replacement lightning protector. Do not use the system untila replacement lightning protector has been provided.5.If possible, check the voltage of the power adapter using a digi-tal multimeter. It should read greater than 24 volts AC.Under multiple operating/fault status conditions, the operating/faultalarm priority sequence is as follows:1.Boundary wire broken or disconnected.2.AC power disconnected operating on battery backup power.3.Receiver charging.4.Receiver charge reminder.5.Backup batteries low.Possible Solutions:1.Verify the transmitter is turned on and the status light is solidgreen.2.Check the collar receiver for a green flashing indicator light.Iflight is flashing red or there is no light, recharge battery. SeeSection 5.B.4, page 13.3.Perform the field width test of Section 4.G.3 page 11 using thetest light and determine if the test light is illuminating.4.Perform System Test procedure to determine which componentis malfunctioning.Section 8.C. pg 20.1.Check that the collar is proper positioned in the charging cradleon top of the transmitter.When properly positioned the transmitterstatus light will flash green and a high frequency charge tone willbe heard.2.Check that the adapter and lightning protector are plugged inand either the boundary loop wire or a short test loop wire is con-nected.A loop wire must be connected for the charger to function.Contact Invisible Fence®at 1-800-688-4364 to purchase a newcollar receiver.Transmitter Problems: Possible Solutions:foot piece of green boundary wire with 3/8-inch of theinsulation stripped from both ends.Verify the transmitteris  plugged  into  lightning  protector,  the  tra n s m i t t e rPOWER switch is ON, and all boundary wire connec-tions at the lightning protector and transmitter are prop-erly connected.If the status light is still flashing red andthe alarm is on, continue with the following steps.19.
1. Remove the existing pre-twisted wire pair from thelightning protector LOOP connector by pressing the redrelease levers on the connector and pulling the wiresfree from the unit.2. Insert both ends of the 6-foot wire into the LOOPconnector on the lightning protector and recheck thetransmitter status light and alarm.a. If the status light is green and the alarm is off, theproblem is in the boundary wire.Check for visibledamage to the wire at the entry into the house.If noneis observed, perform the Wire Break Location TestProcedure to find and correct the wire break (Sec.B).b. If the status light is still flashing red and the alarmis on, remove the 6-inch wire, reconnect the bound-ary wire to the lightning protector and continue withthe following steps.3. Remove the existing pre-twisted wire pair from thetransmitter LOOP connector by pushing the orangerelease levers on the connector away from the wiresand remove the two wires from the transmitter.4. Insert both ends of the 6-foot wire into the LOOPconnector on the transmitter and recheck the transmit-ter status light and alarm.a. If the status light is green and the alarm is off, theproblem is in the lightning protector.The lightning pro-tector has a lifetime warranty.Contact Invisible Fenceat 1-800-688-4364 for a warranty replacement.b. If the status light is still flashing red and the alarmis on, the malfunction is in the transmitter. ContactInvisible Fence at 1-800-688-4364 for assistance.B.Wire Break Location Test ProcedureThe wire break location test procedure is used to locatebroken or damaged sections of the containment bound-ary wire. To locate wire breaks in the loop installation,you will need a portable AM radio and a RF Choke(available at Radio Shack®;part number 273-102).Once you have these items, follow these steps:1. Disconnect the transmitter power by unplugging thepower adapter from the outlet.2. Disconnect the boundary wires from the LightningProtector LOOP terminals.(If you have a digital multi-meter available, confirm the existence of a completewire break by measuring the continuity between the twowires.If the wire is intact the total resistance measuredfor 18 AWG wire should be 0.00639 Ohms per foot mul-tiplied by the total length of the wire in feet that youinstalled in your system, i.e. 0.00639 Ω/ft x 700 feet =4.473 ohms.NOTE: Measuring the continuity will notdetect the presence of nicks or scrapes in the wire insu-lation.) The following tests must be performed to locatethese damaged sections.3. Bend the leads of the RF Choke into the shapeshown in figure.4. Carefully wrap the RF Choke leads around theboundary wire leads as shown.5.Plug the RF Choke and boundary wire leads into theloop terminals on the lightning protector as shown.6. Plug the power adapter back into the LightningProtector outlet.7. Set the portable AM radio to AM-60 or AM-600(whichever one has no station).8. Adjust the transmitter FIELD WIDTH knob highenough to obtain a signal on the portable radio whenholding the radio over the containment boundary wire.The signal that you receive is short static pulses.9.The signal should be absent on the twisted wire por-tions because twisting cancels the signal.10. Hold the radio 1 to 2 feet off the ground and swingthe radio (side to side, left to right) over the wire as youwalk along the boundary.20.1/4”
11. If the pulsating static stops, weakens, or changespitch, mark the spot with a flag or stick. No sound indi-cates a complete break in the wire. If the signal fadesor changes in pitch, look for a nick in the wire insulation.Note: Do not confuse straying from the boundary wirepath for a wire break. Make sure you follow the knownlocation of your boundary wire.12.Continue around the remaining boundary and markany additional signal change with a flag or stick.13. After completing the entire boundary, return to themarked spots. Examine the wire for 3 to 4 feet in eachdirection.14. Replace the wire using the same gauge wire usedin the original installation and use waterproof splices tomake the connections.Contact Invisible Fence for addi-tional wire and waterproof splices if needed.C.System Test Procedure:The system test procedure is used to determine theprobable cause of system problems that have not beenaddressed elsewhere. You will need a 10 foot piece ofgreen boundary wire for use as a test loop wire. Strip3/8-inch of the insulation from both ends of the wire.Toperform the System Test Procedure, please follow thesesteps:1. Remove the collar receiver from your dog prior toperforming the following tests.2. Slide the transmitter POWER switch to the OFF posi-tion.3. Set the FIELD SIZE switch to SM.4. Disconnect the existing pre-twisted pair boundarywire from the LOOP connector on the transmitter.5. Insert the two ends of the test loop wire into theLOOP connector on the transmitter.6. Note the original position of the FIELD WIDTHAdjustment  Knob  and  turn  the  FIELD  W I D T HAdjustment Knob to the minimum setting (MIN).7. Slide the transmitter POWER switch to the ON posi-tion.21.8. Place the test light on the collar receiver. With thecollar strap in hand, back up to be outside the field andapproach the test loop. Make a mental note of the dis-tance between you and the wire when the collar acti-vates.9.Turn the FIELD WIDTH adjustment knob to 10 o'clockor a medium setting.10. Back away from the wire and approach it again.Determine the distance between you and the wire whenthe collar activates. The distance should be greater onthe 10 o'clock range setting than on the minimum set-ting.11. If more than one collar receiver is used on the sys-tem, repeat the above test on each collar.12. Interpreting the Resultsa. If there is no light on the transmitter or a red flash-ing light with an alarm, the transmitter is malfunction-ing.b. If the green light is solid on the transmitter but thecollar does not activate on the test loop wire, the col-lar receiver is not working.c. If the green light is solid on the transmitter and thecollar receiver is activating at different distances onthe test loop wire, the problem is in either the yardwire or the Lightning Protector. Reconnect the trans-mitter to the Lightning Protector and connect the testloop to the Lightning Protector LOOP terminals.Repeat test Steps 6 through 11. If the green light issolid on the transmitter and the collar receiver is acti-vating at different distances on the test loop wire, theproblem is the boundary wire.Perform the Wire BreakLocation Test Procedure.If there is a red flashing lightwith  an  alarm  on  the  tra n s m i t t e r,  the  LightningProtector is malfunctioning. The Lightning Protectorhas a lifetime warranty. Contact Invisible Fence®at 1-800-688-4364 for a warranty replacement lightningprotector.13. When testing is complete return the FIELD SIZEswitch to its original position (SM for 1000 feet or less ofboundary wire and LG for over 1000 feet). Turn theFIELD WIDTH Adjustment Knob to its original setting.14. Repeat the field width testing from Step G.3 page11, until you are satisfied that the field width setting hasbeen returned to your desired detection distance.SECTION 9.GENERAL MAINTENANCE TIPSYour system requires very little maintenance. The walltransmitter is not waterproof and must be protectedfrom the weather. It should never be immersed in anyliquid. To clean the transmitter, unplug the AC adapter.
Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a soft cloth,slightly dampened with water if necessary, to clean yourtransmitter.The collar receiver is waterproof and will continue tofunction after being submerged in water. To removedirt, simply wipe with soap and water. Never place thecollar in a dishwasher.Do not attempt to dismantle or repair any of the systemcomponents;this will void the manufacturer's warrantyin full. These components contain computerized cir-cuitry that should be serviced only by a factory author-ized expert.EXTRA RECEIVER COLLARSAny number of collar receivers may be added to thiscontainment system. For extra collars call InvisibleFence 1-800-688-4364.IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THEUSE OF YOUR CONTAINMENT SYSTEM, DONOT RETURN IT TO THE PLACE OF PUR-CHASE.  CALL INVISIBLE FENCE AT 1-800-688-4364 (US). SPRING/SUMMER HOURS: MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY  8 AM TO 5 PM, CENTRAL TIMES AT U R D AYS  8 AM TO 4 PMFALL/WINTER HOURS: MONDAY THROUGHF R I D AY  8 AM TO 5 PM, EASTERN TIMES AT U R D AYS  8 AM TO 4 PMLIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYInvisible Fence®, Inc. warrants that its IF-100 pet con-tainment system ("System") will be free from defects inmaterial and workmanship, under normal use, for aperiod of one year from the date of the original retailpurchase. If you are not satisfied with the performanceof this product, please call 800-688-4364 for returninstructions. Please do not return the product to yourretailer. After one year from date of original consumerpurchase, a prorated parts and labor schedule providesadditional warranty coverage.Please call 800-688-4364for details.The IF-100 Pet Containment System is also covered bythe Invisible Fence 30-day money-back guarantee. Ifyou are not satisfied with the performance of thisSystem, please call 1-800-688-4364, to obtain instruc-tions on how to return your System and receive arefund.During the 12-month period, Invisible Fence will eitherrepair, or replace any defective components, subject toa $15.00 processing fee. Prior to returning any compo-nent to Invisible Fence, the purchaser is urged to call 1-800-688-4364 to obtain instructions on returning com-ponents.This Limited Warranty extends to and is enforceableonly by the original retail purchaser during the periodsuch original purchaser resides at and owns and occu-pies without interruption the real estate upon which theSystem is installed. This Limited Warranty covers onlythe components manufactured by Invisible Fence, Inc.Invisible Fence, Inc.neither assumes, nor do we author-ize any other person to assume for us, any other liabili-ty in connection with the sale of products of InvisibleFence, Inc. The Limited Warranty of Invisible Fence,Inc.shall not apply to any product that has been subjectto accident, neglect, alteration, or misuse. This LimitedWarranty is void if any attempts are made to alter orrepair any component prior to returning it to our facility.This Limited Warranty specifically excludes lost parts orcomponents, broken probe studs, damage as a result ofdog chews, or lightening damage caused by improperinstallation of the supplied Lightning Protector.The Lightning Protector is warranted to be free fromdefects in design, material and workmanship under thesame terms and conditions as provided in this LimitedWarranty pertaining to other components within thesystem. In addition, Invisible Fence will replace anydefective Lightning Protector component and/or repairany Lightning Protector component that has suffereddamage as a result of a lightening surge or line over-vo l t a g e. The  Lightning  Protector  is  specificallydesigned for electronic dog containment systems andwill not protect other types of electrical equipment or ACsurges.THE REMEDIES AS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIESAVAILABLE TO THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHAS-ER, AND INVISIBLE FENCE, INC.SHALL NOT BELIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTALOR  CONSEQUENTIAL  DA M AGES  RESULT I N GFROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT COVERED BYTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR CAUSED BY ANYDEFECT, FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE SYS-TEM, WHETHER A CLAIM IS BASED UPON WAR-R A N T Y,  CONTRAC T,  NEGLIGENCE  OR  OT H E R-WISE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of inci-dental or consequential damages, so this limitation may22.
not apply in your particular state. This limited warrantygives you specific legal rights, and you may have otherrights which vary from state to state.To the extent permitted by applicable law, THIS LIMIT-ED  WARRANTY  SPECIFICALLY  EXCLUDES  ANYAND  ALL  IMPLIED  WARRANTIES  OF  MER-CHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE. Otherwise all implied warranties arelimited in duration to one year from the date of originalretail  purchase. THERE  ARE  NO  OTHER  WA R-RANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANYKIND OR NATURE WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THEDESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF.This System is not a substitute for traditional obediencetraining. Invisible Fence does not warrant the effective-ness of this product due to variances in canine person-ality, temperament and influences beyond the control ofInvisible Fence.If a warranty claim is to be made, please call 1-800-688-4364  to  obtain  a  Return  Materials  Au t h o ri z a t i o nNumber (RMA) and instructions on how to return thep r o d u c t . D e fe c t i ve  components  or  the  completeSystem should be sent by insured U.S. mail, or UPS tothe address specified below. All returns are subject toa $15.00 processing fee and such processing fee mustbe included with the returned product.INVISIBLE FENCE INSTALL-IT-YOURSELF1000 FULLER DRIVEGARRETT, IN  46738IMPORTANT WARNINGSWARNING 1:Occasionally an animal cannot be trained to avoidcrossing the containment boundary. Sometimes even ap r o p e rly  trained  animal  may  cross  the  boundary.Therefore, Invisible Fence Inc.and its Distributors can-not guarantee that the system will, in all cases, keep theCustomer's animal within the established boundary.Accordingly, if the Customer has reason to believe thathis or her animal may pose a danger to others or harmitself if it is not kept from crossing the boundaries, thecustomer should not rely solely upon the system tokeep the animal from crossing the boundary. US Patent No.6,184,790Invisible Fence is a registered trademark of Invisible Fence, Inc.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© 2002, Invisible Fence. All rights reserved. 210020223.IMPORTANT NOTICE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre-quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip-ment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Caution: Changes or modifications to any component, not expressly approved byInvisible Fence, Inc., could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry ofCanada technical specifications were met.WARNING 2:The control panel of the wall transmitter includes visual andaudio signals to warn of a system malfunction, and is there-fore intended to be installed in a place where such signalsmay be easily seen and heard. If the control panel is installedin an enclosed box or in a place not readily accessible to theCustomer, the Customer will forfeit the benefits of the sys-tem's warning functions for which Invisible Fence Inc.and itsdistributors assume no responsibility.WARNING 3:The user of this system is hereby warned to be alert for growl-ing, snarling, biting, or other aggressive behavior by an animalusing the system, especially during training. If any suchbehavior is observed, particularly if it appears to be associat-ed in any way with the system, the Customer should immedi-ately stop using the system, unplug the transmitter, and con-tact Invisible Fence at 1-800-688-4364.
LightningProtectorInstructionsThe Lightning Protector is designed to protect electronic pet containmentsystem wall-mounted transmitters against damage from lightning.Lightning Protector contains two protectors.One stops lightning currentsfrom entering through the loop wire;the other stops lightning from enter-ing through the AC power connection.2100156
LightningProtectorInstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSThe Lightning Protector takes only minutes to install:1.Turn off your containment system.If your pet is in the containment area, makesure that it is otherwise contained, or bring it inside.2. Do not begin installation if there is visible lightning in the area  or if you hearthunder.3. Plug the Lightning Protector into a grounded (3-prong) household outlet (120VAC) within five feet (5') of where you want to position the transmitter.The greenpower light should illuminate, indicating the Lightning Protector is powered.If thegreen light does not illuminate, recheck all connections.NOTE: Avoid using an AC outlet protected with a ground fault current interrupter(GFCI).The containment system and the Lightning Protector will function properlyin a GFCI outlet, but in rare cases lightning strikes may cause the GFCI to trip,and you will have to reset it in order for your containment system to function prop-erly.4. Cut the in-ground loop wires near the Lightning Protector and strip 1/4" insula-tion from their ends.5. Insert the stripped ends of the in-ground loop wire into the left two red connec-tor holes on the bottom of the Lightning Protector.Use your finger to depress thetab, then insert the wire and release the tab (see diagram).Insert the ends of the two transmitter wires into the right two black connector
holes on the bottom of the Lightning Protector.WARNING: Verify the loop and transmitter wires are connected to the properLightning Protector terminals. Damage to the Lightning Protector and transmittercan occur if connections are reversed.6. Plug the transmitter power AC adapter into an AC outlet on the side of theLightning Protector (see diagram).The AC adapter cord may be secured to thebottom of the Lightning Protector using the included wire tie.Turn on the contain-ment system.If you have added the Lightning Protector to an existing containment system,check the signal field for width and continuity.Adjust as necessary. If theLightning Protector is being installed with a new system, follow the signal fieldadjustment procedures given in the containment system's owner's guide.
INVISIBLE FENCE®STANDARD LIFETIME WARRANTYInvisible Fence warrants to the purchaser of this Lightning Protector, for his or herlife, that this Lightning Protector shall be free of defects in design, material, orworkmanship and that Invisible Fence will replace any defective unit and repairany unit that has suffered damage from a lightning surge or line overvoltage.Note that this Lightning Protector is specifically designed for electronic dog con-tainment systems and will not protect other kinds of equipment against lightningor AC surges.There is no warranty for any equipment connected to this LightningProtector.

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