Rapoo Technology 0F003 2.4G Audio Transmitter User Manual H3070 aap

Shenzhen Rapoo Technology Co., Ltd 2.4G Audio Transmitter H3070 aap

Users Manual

H3070Wireless sZKXKUNKGJYKZ7[OIQ9ZGXZ-[OJK(V1.0)无线立体声麦克风耳机快速开始指南無線立體聲麥克風耳機快速開始指南무선 스테레오 헤드셋사용자 설명서8'655ப߭䤚ذ֘ -஺栴䤚ذ֘-'[JOU:XGTYSOZZKֺ垹͹,
1123BDCAon/off1 2on/off0F003' ֺ垹E.!դ䱺E䐘俠ॹ檥利湬ұ梏৶㷬=OXKRKYYYZKXKUNKGJYKZ( ֺ垹E,!դ䱺E-஺栴䤚ذ֘-'[JOU:XGTYSOZZK
4 56 7Windows 7/ Vista2×
8 910 11Windows XP
IndexLanguage PageEnglish 1234简体中文繁體中文한국의
1 23InstallationConfigurationTrouble Shooting noituloSmelborPIf your problem is not solved, please contact the helpdesk at www.rapoo.com/H3070/faq  2A. HeadsetB. TransmitterC. USB charging cableD. 3.5mm to USB cableNo sound at allMy friend on msn/skype does not hear what I’m sayingBad sound qualitySound drop out when changing the volumeVolume control under wired modeYou can not rotate the ear cover-Before using the headset and the transmitter need to be fully charged.-Connect the USB charging cable to the headset, the transmitter and a  computer to charge them.-The red LED on headset or transmitter will be on when charging.-The corresponding red LED will go off when the headset or the transmitter is fully charged.-The corresponding red LED will blink when the headset or transmitter is low battery.      Wireless mode-Connect the transmitter to an audio device with a 3.5mm audio hole or USB port.-Turn on the transmitter and the headset.-The green LED will blink and then stay on when the headset is connected.-Make sure you have charged the headset.-Make the headset as your default audio device.Refer to step “5” and “10”.-Restart the media player.-Connect the transmitter to another USB port.-Check if the headset is under USB mode.-Check if the headset is set as your default device.Refer to step “5” and “10”.-Increase the microphone volume and increase the volume from the msn/skype software.-Check if the headset is set as your default device on msn/skype software.-Maximum wireless range is 8m, but walls or big objects may reduce the range.-Move other working wireless devices away from the transmitter and headset.-This is normal behaviour. But if it is bothering, you can use the volume control of  your media playing software.-Please push the headband to the bottom and then rotate the ear cover to flat them.4567891011Go to “Playback Devices” to configure the microphone.Set the “Rapoo Wireless Audio” as your default device.- Select the “Recording” tab.- Double click on the “Microphone”.Set the level to 100%.Windows XPGo to “Adjust Audio Properties” to configure the microphone.- Set the “Rapoo Wireless Audio” as your default device.- Go to the “Voice” tab.Click on the “Volume” of the Voice recording.Set the level to 100%.Windows 7/ Vista     Wired mode-Connect the headset to an audio device with a  3.5mm to USB audio cable.Note:It is recommended to turn off the headset under wired mode.21-Under wired mode, the volume control on the headset can not work. You can use the  volume control of your PC or media playing software.
123Ҿጎօየ!ದዃ2ۙবᅼଉ้܏ᅼᆶ၍ఇ๕-ॽ4/6nnገVTCᅼೕ၍ᇑܺ஛ࢅᅼೕยԢ૶থă!ጀǖॺᅱሞᆶ၍ఇ๕ူ࠲Կܺ஛ă࿮၍ఇ๕-ॽ݀พഗ૶থڟټ4/6nnᅼೕথ੨ईVTC܋੨ڦᅼೕยԢă-ٶਸ݀พഗࢅܺ஛ڦۉᇸਸ࠲ă-૶থׯࠀ้Ljܺ஛ࢅ݀พഗڦ୴ڨ෻ຮࢫ׉ଋă124567891011-ۅऍĐխݣยԢđದዃ஛ਖ਼ޅă-ॽĐSbqpp!Xjsfmftt!BvejpđยྺఐණยԢă-჋ስĐ୤዆đ჋ၜă-ມऍĐ஛ਖ਼ޅđă-ॽᅼଉยྺ211&ăWindows XPWindows 7/ VistaB/ܺ஛!C/݀พഗD/VTC؊ۉ၍E/4/6nnገVTCᅼೕ၍-๑ᆩമܺ஛ࢅ݀พഗۼႴ؊஢ۉă-ॽVTC؊ۉ၍ݴ՚ᇑܺ஛Ă݀พഗࢅۉస૶থन੗؊ۉă-ܺ஛ई݀พഗڦࢤڨ׉ଋ՗๖ኟሞ؊ۉă-ܺ஛ई݀พഗڦࢤڨ௶՗๖؊ۉྜׯă-ܺ஛ई݀พഗڦࢤڨ෻ຮ՗๖၎ᆌۉ׾ۉଉփፁă-ۅऍĐۙኝᅼೕຌႠđದዃ஛ਖ਼ޅă-ॽĐSbqpp!Xjsfmftt!BvejpđยྺఐණยԢă-ۅऍĐᇕᅼđ჋ၜă-ۅऍĐᅼଉđă-ॽᅼଉยྺ211&ăࠤቱݴဆ࿚༶ ঴ਦӸ݆ுᆶำᅼ-ඓԍܺ஛ᅙ؊ۉă-ॽܺ஛ยྺఐණᅼೕยԢă൩֖੊ڼ6օࢅڼ21օă-ዘႎਸഔܠ௃༹խݣഗă-ॽ݀พഗ૶ڟۉసڦഄ໱VTC܋੨ăವᆷሞnto0tlzqfฉདփڟ࿢ڦำᅼ-൩ॠֱܺ஛๟ޏتᇀVTCఇ๕ă-൩ॠֱܺ஛๟ޏ๟ఐණยԢă൩֖੊ڼ6օࢅڼ21օă-ۙٷ஛ਖ਼ޅᅼଉࢅnto0tlzqfᅼଉă-൩ॠֱܺ஛๟ޏ๟nto0tlzqfఐණยԢăᅼዊփࡻ-ܺ஛ڦፌٷد๼ਐ૗ྺ9nLjڍ഻Մईٷڦ࿿༹੗ీࣷ३ၭد๼ਐ૗ă-ॽഄ໱ኟሞ߾ፕڦ࿮၍ยԢᇺ૗݀พഗࢅܺ஛ă-ኄ๟ኟ׉၄ၡLj౞੗ᅜ๑ᆩᅼೕխݣ෉ॲۙবᅼଉăᆶ၍ఇ๕ڦᅼଉۙব-ᆶ၍ఇ๕ူLjܺ஛ڦᅼଉۙবփీ๑ᆩă౞੗ᅜ๑ᆩۉసईܠ௃༹խݣ෉ॲۙবᅼଉăܺቸփీገۯ-൩ॽཀྵټླྀ዁ڹևም჉ገݣೝăස౞ڦ࿚༶࣏ு঴ਦLj൩ک୤xxx/sbqpp/dpn0I41810gbră
3123ᙔ恀、糭ದዃ⤽丒ⷱ᳊-ᝍOO欭75$磮祫丒唛列莇઴磮祫拂ұ沬⏕ă!ጀǖᲦ敮ົ⤽丒ⷱ᳊č疨甝列莇뺔㣣丒ⷱ᳊ᝍ䆺ᝉඅ沬⏕ܧ᬴OO磮祫⏕৑ⅾ75$䤑৑䇂磮祫拂ұ뺔⇦甠䆺ᝉඅ઴列莇䇂睛㒼甠疨뺔沬⏕ⅶߗ쩪뺕列莇઴䆺ᝉඅ䇂䶙㧲甗㩛ᶭᬷǩ뺔124567891011Windows XPWindows 7/ Vista́㽡ݓ列莇઴䆺ᝉඅ湍睠׉㕿睛뺔ᝍ75$׉睛丒ۮܙ唛列莇뺓䆺ᝉඅ઴睛同沬⏕पৠ׉睛뺔列莇ⅾ䆺ᝉඅ䇂䱔㧲ᬷǩ彜䗨⿽ົ׉睛뺔列莇ⅾ䆺ᝉඅ䇂䱔㧲㔙彜䗨׉睛ᙚⅶ뺔列莇ⅾ䆺ᝉඅ䇂䱔㧲甗㩛彜䗨䉱⃾睛ㆋ睛濞ď梦뺔䔕·列莇᫓׉睛뺔ᝍ列莇拂㡓菩掄磮祫拂ұ뺔搈ঠ净䥮、઴䥮、뺔濜✤甠௧ᆪᑲ綗▇♷අ뺔ᝍ䆺ᝉඅ沬ܧ睛同䇂ؗȠ75$ྼ뺔#列莇$䆺ᝉඅ%75$׉睛丒&OO欭75$磮祫丒菴▲q▇♷拂ұr滢傢莇ב稄뺔ᝍq4CRQQ9KTGNGUU#WFKQr拂㡓菩掄拂ұ뺔浫▯q熣ܲr浫礔뺔眞▲q莇ב稄r뺔ᝍ磮濞拂㡓뺔菴▲q揰⛅磮祫៤Ẍr滢傢莇ב稄뺔ᝍq4CRQQ9KTGNGUU#WFKQr拂㡓菩掄拂ұ뺔菴▲q措磮r浫礔뺔菴▲q磮濞r뺔ᝍ磮濞拂㡓뺔⚀皮ۮ⨀ொ禆 戮ㆴ殧㈰㇖⤽劖磮⤿ভົOUPUM[RGČ励ďܧⅸ䇂劖磮搈⺹⩰列莇⟶ਤ쭅✺75$ⷱ᳊뺔搈⺹⩰列莇⟶ਤ⟶菩掄拂ұ뺔搈ঠ净䥮、઴䥮、뺔揰ᆼ莇ב稄磮濞઴OUPUM[RG磮濞뺔搈⺹⩰列莇⟶ਤ⟶OUPUM[RG菩掄拂ұ뺔磮枎ďቃ列莇䇂⤱ᆼӢ欍棟眱㡓O뺕ʴ㪼ᄥⅾᆼ䇂㫹綗ৠ印⤵㐆᝚Ӣ欍棟眱뺔ᝍؗȠ⿽ົᫀː䇂㣣丒拂ұ洱眱䆺ᝉඅ઴列莇뺔揰䩂磮濞좹✱磮沓⟶⿽ᬷ㵊暸뺕ὁৠȵ́㽡磮祫▇♷檃綗䇂磮濞揰䩂뺔⤽丒ⷱ᳊䇂磮濞⏙ܲ⤽丒ⷱ᳊č뺕列莇䇂磮濞⏙ܲď印́㽡뺔ὁৠȵ́㽡睛同ⅾᆪᑲ綗▇♷檃綗⏙ܲ磮濞뺔列傛ď印欭ࠤ搈ᝍ祗᬴⏚哶ᯓ温ض❘欭♷ᮔ뺔቎ὁ䇂ொ禆涊㇖戮ㆴ뺕搈䆸熣YYYTCRQQEQO*HCS뺔
1234유선 모드-헤드셋을오디오장치의OO75$오디오케이블에 연결하십시오  참고:유선모드에서는헤드셋을끄는것이좋습니다무선 모드-트랜스미터를오디오장치의OO오디오구멍또는75$포트에 연결하십시오-트랜스미터와헤드셋을켜십시오-헤드셋이연결되면녹색.'&가깜박거린후계속켜져있습니다124567891011Windows XPWindows 7/ VistaA. 헤드셋B. 트랜스미터C. USB 충전 케이블D. 3.5mm - USB 오디오 케이블구성설치 -"Playback Devices"(재생 장치)로 가서 마이크를 구성하십시오.-"Rapoo Wireless Audio"(Rapoo 무선 오디오)를 기본 장치로 설정하십시오.-"Voice"(음성)탭으로 가십시오.-음성 녹음의 "Volume"(볼륨)을 클릭하십시오.-레벨을 100%로 설정하십시오.-"Adjust Audio Properties"(오디오 속성 조정)로 가서 마이크를 구성하십시오.-"Rapoo Wireless Audio"(Rapoo 무선 오디오)를 기본 장치로 설정하십시오.-"Voice"(음성)탭으로 가십시오.-음성 녹음의 "Volume"(볼륨)을 클릭하십시오.-레벨을 100%로 설정하십시오.문제 해결문제 해결책소리가 나지 않음MSN/SKYPE의 내 친구가 내 말을 들을 수 없음음질 나쁨볼륨 변경 시 소리가 약해짐유선 모드 하의 볼륨 조절이어 커버를 돌릴 수 없음 -헤드밴드를 아래로 누른 다음 이어 커버를 돌려 평평하게 하십시오.문제가 해결되지 않을 경우 www.rapoo.com/H3070/faq에서 헬프데스크에 문의하십시오.-헤드셋을사용하기전에트랜스미터를완전히충전시켜야합니다-75$충전케이블을헤드셋트랜스미터및컴퓨터에연결하여충전하십시오-충전시헤드셋또는트랜스미터의적색.'&가켜집니다-헤드셋또는트랜스미터가완전히충전되면해당적색.'&가꺼집니다-헤드셋또는트랜스미터의배터리전원이부족하면해당적색.'&가깜박거립니다-헤드셋을충전했는지확인하십시오-헤드셋을기본오디오장치로설정하십시오단계에서를참조하십시오-미디어플레이어를재시작하십시오-트랜스미터를다른75$포트에연결하십시오-헤드셋이75$모드에있는지확인하십시오-헤드셋이기본장치로설정되어있는지확인하십시오-마이크볼륨을높인후/505-;2'소프트웨어의볼륨을높이십시오-/505-;2'소프트웨어에서헤드셋이기본장치로설정되어있는지확인하십시오-최대무선동작거리는O이지만벽또는커다란물체가있을경우동작거리가줄어들수있습니다-작동하는다른무선장치를트랜스미터및헤드셋과떨어져있게하십시오-이것은정상적동작입니다거슬릴경우미디어재생소프트웨어의볼륨조절기능을사용할수있습니다-유선모드에서헤드셋의볼륨조절버튼은작동할수없습니다2%또는미디어재생소프트웨어의볼륨 조절기능을사용할수있습니다
ƻ 㸼⼎䆹᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼೼䆹䚼ӊ᠔᳝ഛ䋼ᴤ᭭Ёⱘ৿䞣ഛ೼6-7ᷛޚ㾘ᅮⱘ䰤䞣㽕∖ҹ下。⊼˖⦃ֱՓ⫼ᳳ䰤ⱘখ㗗ᷛপއѢѻકℷᐌᎹ԰ⱘ⏽ᑺ੠⑓ᑺㄝᴵӊDŽ铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(VI))多溴联苯(PBB)多溴二苯醚(PBDE)部件名称耳麦/发射器有毒有害物质或元素塑料部件Plastic parts○○ ○ ○ ○○塑料外壳○○ ○ ○ ○○电路板组件PWAs○○ ○ ○ ○○电缆Cable○○ ○ ○ ○○金属部件Metal parts○○ ○ ○ ○○橡胶部件Rubber parts○○ ○ ○ ○○产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量根据中国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办 法 》Company nameAddressTel#Vim Yield Company 香港九龍官塘成業街20號怡生工業大廈2字樓全層AV FUTURE LINK SDN BHD12$-$/$17$0$13(5,1'8675,$128*38&+21*.8$/$/803850$/$<6,$Hongkong臺灣中国大陆Việt NamMalaysiaDescriptionInformationCountry(or area)Company nameAddressTel#Tên công tyđịa chỉđiện thoại公司名称地址电话公司名称地址电话CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHỆ NAM THÀNHSố 7, lô 14A, khu đô thị mới Trung Yên, đường Trung Hòa, quậnCầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam 連鈺電子有限公司新北市汐止 區 新台五路一段號樓深圳雷柏电子有限公司深圳市福田中心区益田路4068号卓越时代广 场 41层M/N:Rating:Approval No:                  CMIIT ID:补偿质保限制在保质期内,您享有以下售后权利(1)7天内出现质量问题,根据国家"三包"规定于产品外观与包装完整的情况下,将硬件退还给买 地点或者雷柏 指定地点,凭购买的有效凭证,退回您所支付的硬件产品货款。(2)60天内出现产 品 质量问题,您可 以到购 买 地点或者雷柏指定地点更换硬件产品,或者到雷柏 指定的 维修网 点保修。更换之后的硬件保质期为 原 保质期的 剩 余 天数。 (3)1年内出现产品 质量问题,您可 以到雷柏 指定的 维修网 点保修。 (4)凡购买N系列产品的客户,1年内产 品 出现质量问题,您可 以前往 雷柏经销商处更换新品。本有限质保不涵盖由于以下原因导致的问题或损 坏 : (1)意 外、误用、操作不当或任何未授权的维修、改装或者拆卸 。 (2)或维护不当,使用过程中违反产品说明或连接到不适当的电(3)或者适用并非由雷柏提供的消耗品(如备用电池),但适律禁止此类限制的情况除外。但是万一发生此类情况,您可有偿 维修服 务 。M/N:Rating:Approval No:                  CMIIT ID:本设备提供自购买之日起1年的有限产品硬件保修服务,具体查 阅 www.rapoo.com/warranty。质保条款質保條款本設備提供自購買之日起1年的有限產品硬件保修服務,具體詳情請查閱www.rapoo.com/warranty。보증이 장치에는 구매일로부터 1년간의 유한 하드웨어 보증이 제공됩니다. 자세한 내용은 www.rapoo.com/warranty을 참조하십시오.备注:请将各条填写清楚,请勿擅自涂改,并妥善保管好本保修服务卡,以维护 您的合法权益。如需服务或有任何疑问,      请咨询当地经销商或与我们联系。The device is provided with RQHyear limited hardware warranty fromthe purchase day. Please see www.rapoo.comwarranty for moreinformation.WarrantyPlastic enclosureRAPOO根據交通部低功率管理辦法規定:第十二條經形式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,并改善至無干擾時方的繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信規定作業之無線電信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。
5606-01601-222www.rapoo.comIt is forbidden to reproduce any part of this quick start guide without the permission of Rapoo Technology Co., Ltd.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. (Example- use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices).This equipment complies with Part 15 of FCC RF Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause interference and2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Caution!The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment. Canada Statement  This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

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