Raytheon Anschuetz High Seas MTX5 User Manual Manual

Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH High Seas Products Manual


PathfinderRadarScannersOwner’sHandbookDocument number: 81154_2Date: 14th May 1999154_2cvr.p65 13/05/99, 13:171
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Pathfinder Radar ScannersOwners HandbookMay 1999SAFETY NOTICESThis radar equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with theinstructions contained in this manual. Failure to do so can result in personalinjury and/or navigational inaccuracies. In particular:1.  HIGH VOLTAGE. The scanner unit contains high voltages. Adjustmentsrequire specialised service procedures and tools only available to qualifiedservice technicians – there are no user serviceable parts or adjustments. Theoperator should never remove the scanner unit cover or attempt to service theequipment.2.  ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY. The radar scanner transmitselectromagnetic energy. It is important that the radar is turned off wheneverpersonnel are required to come close to the scanner to perform work on thescanner assembly or associated equipment.It is recommended that the radar scanner is mounted out of range of personnel(above head height).Do not look directly at the antenna at close range as your eyes are the mostsensitive part of the body to electromagnetic energy.When properly installed and operated, the use of this radar will conform to therequirements of ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 Standard for Safety Levels withRespect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 Hzto 300 GHz and NRPB, Board Statement on Restrictions on Human Exposureto Static and Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation, Doc NRPB,No. 5 (1993).3.  NAVIGATION AID. This radar unit is only an aid to navigation. Itsaccuracy can be affected by many factors, including equipment failure ordefects, environmental conditions, and improper handling or use. It is the user’sresponsibility to exercise common prudence and navigational judgements.This radar unit should not be relied upon as a substitute for such prudence andjudgement.154_2saf.p65 13/05/99, 13:171
Pathfinder Radar ScannersRAYTHEON MARINE products are supported by a network of AuthorizedService Representatives. For information on Raytheon products and services,contact either of the following:UNITED STATES Raytheon Marine Company676 Island Pond RoadManchester, NH 03109-5420Telephone: (603) 647-7530800 539-5539Fax: (603) 634-4756EUROPE Raytheon Marine LimitedAnchorage ParkPortsmouthHampshire PO3 5TDEnglandTelephone: 01705 693611Fax: 01705 694642Copyright © Raytheon Marine Company 1999The technical and graphical information contained in this handbook, to the bestof our knowledge, was correct as it went to press. However, the Raytheonpolicy of continuous improvement and updating may change productspecifications without prior notice. As a result, unavoidable differencesbetween the product and handbook may occur from time to time, for whichliability cannot be accepted by Raytheon.Raytheon is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company.SeaTalk is a registered trademark of Raytheon Marine Europe Limited.HSB is a trademark of Raytheon Marine Company.Pathfinder is a trademark of Raytheon Marine Company.This product contains technology provided under license by Acorn Group plc.The copyright of this intellectual property is acknowledged by RaytheonMarine Company, as are Acorn’s trademarks and patents. Acorn’s world wideweb address is http://www.acorn.com.154_2saf.p65 13/05/99, 13:172
Preface iiiPrefaceThis handbook describes the following Pathfinder radar scanners fromRaytheon:2D 18"  2 kW Radome Scanner4D 24"  4 kW Radome Scanner5S 48"  4 kW Open Array ScannerCAUTIONThe 5S 48" Open Array Scanner must not be used with the SL70 orAutohelm 7” LCD Display Unit. This may result in damage to the displaydue to the high power requirements of the open array scanner.The handbook contains very important information on the installation andoperation of your new equipment. In order to obtain the best results in operationand performance, please read this handbook thoroughly.Raytheon’s Product Support representatives or your local dealer will beavailable to answer any questions you may have.WarrantyTo register your Pathfinder Radar Scanner ownership, please take a fewminutes to fill out the warranty registration card found at the end of thishandbook. It is very important that you complete the owner information andreturn the card to the factory in order to receive full warranty benefits.EMC ConformanceAll Raytheon equipment and accessories are designed to the best industrystandards for use in the leisure marine environment.Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate ElectromagneticCompatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation configuration isessential to maintain EMC performance.Note: Then 5S 48” Open Array Scanner has NOT been tested with the SL70 orAutohelm 7” LCD Display Unit for EMC conformance.154_2pre.p65 13/05/99, 13:173
iv Pathfinder Radar Scanners154_2pre.p65 13/05/99, 13:174
Contents vContentsChapter 1: Overview ............................................................................ 11.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 1EMC installation guidelines ......................................................... 21.2 Unpacking and inspecting the components .................................... 3Radome scanners ................................................................... 3Open array scanners ............................................................... 41.3 Selecting the scanner unit site........................................................ 5Mounting surface: sailboats .................................................... 8Mounting surface: power boats ............................................... 9Setting the radiation plane ....................................................... 91.4 Cable runs...................................................................................10Rejoining Cables ...................................................................10Inter-unit cable ...........................................................................11Radome scanner cable ...........................................................11Open array scanner cable .......................................................12Power cable - radome scanners ....................................................13Power cable - open array scanners ...............................................1512 V systems .........................................................................1524 V and 32 V systems ..........................................................16Chapter 2: Installing the Scanner ...................................................... 172.1  Radome scanner .........................................................................17Securing the radome scanner to the mounting surface ...................17Connecting the radome scanner inter-unit cable ...........................182.2   Open array scanner ....................................................................21Securing the pedestal to the mounting platform ............................21Connecting the open array scanner inter-unit cable .......................23Fitting the open array to the pedestal ............................................26154_2con.p65 13/05/99, 13:175
vi Pathfinder Radar Scanners2.3   System connections ...................................................................27DC power connection .................................................................27Scanner connection ....................................................................28Display unit connection ..............................................................29Chapter 3:System Tests and Post Installation Alignment ................ 31System check .............................................................................31Set up, alignment and timing checks ............................................31Appendix A: Specification ................................................................. 332D 18" Radome Scanner Unit .....................................................334D 24" Radome Scanner Unit .....................................................34..................................................................................................355S 48" Open Array Scanner Unit .................................................35Index ................................................................................................... 37154_2con.p65 13/05/99, 13:176
Chapter 1: Overview 1Chapter 1: Overview1.1 IntroductionThis handbook provides instructions to assist you in the installation and set upof the following radar scanners:18" Radome Scanner24" Radome Scanner48" Open Array ScannerA typical Pathfinder Radar system is illustrated below.NMEASeaTalkDisplay UnitDistribution PanelD4288-2Scanner12/24V Supply12V Supply 12V SupplyJunctionBoxGPSCompassCAUTIONDo not use the 48" Open Array Scanner with an SL70 or Autohelm 7”display unit. Failure to observe this may result in permanent damage tothese display units.This handbook is divided into three chapters as follows:Chapter One provides an overview of the scanner installation. It includessections on Unpacking and Inspecting the Components, Selecting the ScannerSite and a description of the Cable Runs.Chapter Two provides detailed instructions on how to mount and connect eachtype of scanner.Chapter Three provides instructions on how to perform the system checks,alignment and adjustments.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:171
2Pathfinder Radar ScannersEMC installation guidelinesAll Raytheon equipment and accessories are designed to the best industrystandards for use in the leisure marine environment.Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate ElectromagneticCompatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation configuration isessential to maintain EMC performance and CE compliance. Although everyeffort has been taken to ensure that they will perform under all conditions, it isimportant to understand what factors could affect the operation of the product.To avoid the risk of operating problems, all Raytheon equipment, and cablesconnected to it, should be installed as follows:• Ensuring you follow the installation instructions in Chapter 2, particularlywith reference to earthing details.• With at least 1 m (3 ft) from any equipment transmitting or cables carryingradio signals e.g. VHF radios, cables and antennas. In the case of SSB radios,the distance should be increased to 2 m (7 ft).• Avoiding the beam from another radar scanner. A radar beam can normallybe assumed to spread 20 degrees above and below the radiating element.• The equipment should be supplied from a different battery than the one usedfor engine start. Voltage drops below 10.7 V in the power supply to ourproducts can cause the equipment to reset. This will not damage theequipment, but will cause the loss of some information and can change themode of operation.• Genuine Raytheon cables must be used at all times. Cutting and rejoiningthese cables can degrade EMC performance and must therefore be avoidedunless specifically detailed in this handbook.• If a suppression ferrite is attached to a cable, this ferrite must not be removed.If the ferrite has to be removed during installation it must be reassembled inthe same position. Section 2.1 Installing the Radome Scanner includesinstructions on fitting a ferrite.The following illustration shows a typical range of suppression ferrites fitted toRaytheon equipment.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:172
Chapter 1: Overview 3If your Raytheon equipment is going to be connected to other equipment usinga cable not supplied by Raytheon, a suppression ferrite MUST always be fittedto the cable close to the Raytheon unit.1.2 Unpacking and inspecting the componentsUnpack your system carefully, to prevent damage to the equipment. It is goodpractice to save the carton and packing for future use, in case you need to returnthe unit for service.Check that you have all the correct system components. These depend on yoursystem package, as detailed in the following tables.Radome scannersItemItemItemItemItem Part No.Part No.Part No.Part No.Part No. SuppliedSuppliedSuppliedSuppliedSupplied OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionwith:with:with:with:with: for:for:for:for:for:Radome ScannersRadome ScannersRadome ScannersRadome ScannersRadome Scanners2D    18" 2 kW Radome Scanner M92650 US Version  -2DE 18" 2 kW Radome Scanner M92650E European Version  -4D    24" 4 kW Radome Scanner M92652 -  -Radome Scanner Accessories Radome Scanner Accessories Radome Scanner Accessories Radome Scanner Accessories Radome Scanner Accessories (2D & 4D Variants)Inter-unit cable 15 m heavy M92668 4D -Inter-unit cable 25 m heavy M92669 - BothInter-unit cable 10 m light M92692 2D (US version)  -Inter-unit cable 15 m light M92720 2D (Europe version)  -Extension cable 5 m M92699 - BothExtension cable 10 m M92700 - BothMast Mount 18" Scanner M92722 - 2DMast Mount 24" Scanner M92698 - 4DRadar Interface adapter M92721 - 2DTo fit radome to M88390 type 18" mast mountRadome mounting interface plate M92731 - 2DSupplied with HSB Series Display UnitSupplied with HSB Series Display UnitSupplied with HSB Series Display UnitSupplied with HSB Series Display UnitSupplied with HSB Series Display UnitFerrite Clamp R55007 - Both154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:173
4Pathfinder Radar ScannersOpen array scannersItemItemItemItemItem Part No.Part No.Part No.Part No.Part No. SuppliedSuppliedSuppliedSuppliedSupplied OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionwith:with:with:with:with: for:for:for:for:for:5S  4 kW Scanner Pedestal M92654 5S -48" Open Array M92693 5S -Inter-unit cable 5 m heavy E55017 - 5SInter-unit cable 15 m heavy M92728 - 5SInter-unit cable 25 m heavy M92706 - 5S (24/32Vsystem only)Open Array Scanner Accessories Open Array Scanner Accessories Open Array Scanner Accessories Open Array Scanner Accessories Open Array Scanner Accessories (5S Variant)  - 24/32V systems onlyExtension cable 5 m M92699 - 5SExtension cable 10 m M92700 - 5SCable kit: 5 m +10 m extension - 5S154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:174
Chapter 1: Overview 51.3 Selecting the scanner unit siteThis section provides information that affects the possible locations of thescanner, and its position relative to the display unit and to the power supply.The dimensions of the each scanner unit are shown in the following diagrams.D3224_3Weight: 6.5 kg (14.3lbs)Compass Safe Distance: 1m (33")18" Radome ScannerD3228_4Weight: 7.5 kg (16.5lbs)Compass Safe Distance: 1m (33")24" Radome Scanner154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:175
6Pathfinder Radar ScannersCentre of rotation Centre of rotation1306 mm (51.4 in)100 mm(4 in)427 mm (16.8 in) 296 mm (11.65 in)406 mm (16 in)D4572-1Weight:   Pedestal      24 kg (53.0 lbs)               Open Array    6 kg (13.2 lbs)Compass Safe Distance: 1 m (33 in)4' Open Array Scanner140 mm (5.5 in)Minimum clearance height 510 mm (20.1 in)150 mm (6 in)Minimum clearance 630 mm (24.8 in)70 mm (2.75 in)154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:176
Chapter 1: Overview 7Selecting the best location for the scanner unit requires careful consideration ofthe following points, to ensure reliable and trouble free operation:Note: In order to minimise potential interference to other systems on boardship (EMC), it is advisable to mount the scanner on a part of the boat that isinsulated from the ship’s battery negative. If you cannot do this, and encounterproblems, you can fit insulating bushes between the scanner and its mountingbracket.•Height: The scanner unit should normally be mounted as high as practicalabove the waterline, for three reasons:- Safety -the scanner should above head height of personnel. This avoidsmechanical danger and  electromagnetic contact, particularly with theeyes.- Radar operates at the line-of-sight, so a high mounting position givesbetter long range performance.- Surrounding large objects, in the same horizontal plane, can interfere withthe radar signal and cause blind areas or shadow sectors and false targetson the radar screen (see below).However, do not mount the scanner so high that it is affected by the pitchingand rolling of the vessel. In addition, you may need to lower the scanner toavoid creating a shadow sector.•Access: The scanner unit site should be easily accessible to allowmaintenance to be carried out safely.•Magnetic compass: Mount the scannner unit at least 1 m away from amagnetic compass.•Cable run: The maximum length of cable between the display unit and thescanner unit should not normally exceed 20 m (60 ft) for radome scanners, or15 m (45 ft) for open array scanners. If you need to use a longer cable powercable lengths must be considered, refer to Section 1.4 Cable Runs.•Shadow sectors and false echoes: Mount the scanner away from largestructures or equipment, such as the fly bridge, large engine stacks,searchlights, horns, or masts. It is particularly important to avoid shadowsectors near the bow. Raising or even lowering the scanner may help toreduce these effects.In shadow areas beyond the obstruction there will be a reduction of the beamintensity, although not necessarily a complete cut-off; there will be a blindsector if the subtended angle is more than a few degrees.In some shadow sectors the beam intensity may not be sufficient to obtain anecho from a very small object, even at close range, despite the fact that alarge vessel can be detected at a much greater range. For this reason the154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:177
8Pathfinder Radar Scannersangular width and relative bearing of any shadow sector must be determinedat installation. Sometimes shadowing can be seen by increasing the radargain until noise is present. Dark sectors indicate possible shadowed areas.This information should be posted near the display unit and operators mustbe alert for targets in these blind sectors.It should also be noted that wet sails create shadow areas and thus sail boatoperators should be aware that radar performance may reduce in rain.If you mount the scanner on a mast, echoes from the mast may appear on theradar display. These can be minimised by placing absorbing material, suchas a block of wood, between the scanner and mast.•Platform rigidity/stability: The scanner platform should not twist (causingbearing errors) or be subject to excessive vibration.•Heat/fumes: Mount the scanner away from the top of exhaust stacks, sincethe scanner and cables can be damaged by excessive heat and the corrosiveeffects of exhaust gases.For open array scanners you should also consider the following points:•Mounting Platform: The platform must be mechanically secure andcapable of supporting the mass and inertia of the open array scanner. Thecomplete unit weighs 30 kg.• The site must be clear of ropes and moving rigging.• Sufficient clearance must be allowed to fully open the open array pedestalfor maintenance.Mounting surface: sailboatsThe scanner unit can be installed on a mast platform, an arch, or a bridgestructure. Make sure that the platform surface is flat and the scanner unit drainhole (radome scanners) is not obstructed. Raytheon recommends that radomescanner units are best suited for sailboat operation as open array systems aremore difficult to protect from ropes and sails.For sailboat installations, Raytheon offers a universal mast mount kit for eachradome scanner type. This optional mount is used to fit a radome scanner to aflat surface on a mast with a minimum diameter of 60 mm (2½ in). When usingthe mast mount kit, appropriate hardware should be used for the style andstructure of the mast aboard the vessel.  If there is any doubt concerning theappropriate type of hardware, consult your boat dealer or representative fortheir recommendations.Depending on the type of sailboat, a radar scanner guard should be installed ifthe sails could touch the scanner or platform. Without a proper radar guard themounting platform and the radar scanner could be severely damaged.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:178
Chapter 1: Overview 9Mounting surface: power boatsOn many small vessels the scanner unit can be installed on a mast platform, anarch, or a bridge structure, but take care to follow the scanner site guidelines,particularly regarding height. If necessary, construct a radar mounting platformto obtain a sufficiently high mounting position. Make sure that the platformsurface is flat and the scanner unit drain hole (radome scanners) is notobstructed. Ensure the platform is strong enough to support the maximumshock loads likely to occur.Setting the radiation planeThe scanner unit should be mounted so that the array rotates parallel to thewaterline. The radar beam is approximately 25° wide in the vertical direction,providing good target detection during the vessel’s pitching and rolling.Planing hull vessels, and some displacement hull vessels, adopt a higher bowangle when the vessel is at its cruising speed. In many cases this substantiallyalters and raises the radar’s main radiation plane, and can cause poor detectionof nearby targets. It may be helpful to lower the radar beam back towards theparallel, by shimming the rear of the radar, so that the beam points slightlydownwards with respect to the waterline when the vessel is at rest.The shims may be made from aluminium plate wedges, simple flat washers, oran angled wooden block. For thick shims, you may need longer securing boltsthan the M8x40 bolts supplied with the radome scanner, or the M10 studdingsupplied with the open array scanners.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:179
10 Pathfinder Radar Scanners1.4 Cable runsYou need to consider the following before installing the system cables:– You need to fit the inter-unit cable and the power cable.– All cables should be adequately clamped and protected from physicaldamage and exposure to heat - avoid running cables through bilges ordoorways, or close to moving or hot objects.– Acute bends must be avoided– Where a cable passes through an exposed bulkhead or deckhead, awatertight gland or swan neck tube should be used.– Avoid cutting and re-joining cables (if necessary, refer to the notes below)You need to run the following cables:CAUTIONDo not pull the cable through bulkheads using a cord attached to theconnector. This could damage the connections.•Inter-unit cable . A vinyl-covered and shielded cable is supplied with theradome scanner unit. The cable has a connector plug at one end forconnecting to the display unit or extension cable; the other end of the radomescanner cable is fitted with an 8-way plug and power cores (covered by aclear protective sleeve) for connecting to the scanner.For open array scanners, various length cables are available. These cableshave a connector plug at one end for connecting to the display unit orextension cable; the other end is prepared ready to fit to the power and signalconnectors (see Section 2.2)• Power cable, the scanner receives power via the display unit. The powercable is supplied with the display unit. However, cable details are provided inthis section.Rejoining CablesYou should avoid cutting and re-joining cables. If this is necessary you must:• Fit a ferrite on each side of the join. The specific ferrite to use depends on thecable type - contact Raytheom Marine for details.• Take care not to damage any of the wires. Make sure that all the wires and, inparticular, the screen are reconnected correctly.If you are mounting the scanner on the mast of a sailboat, and will need tounstep the mast, you should install a suitable junction box inside the boat.On a radome scanner, the junction box should provide an 11- or 13-wayterminal strip, depending on the number of power cores in your cable, with a10 A rating. Also, you should keep the length of the un-screened coaxial coresto less than 30 mm to maintain EMC conformance.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1710
Chapter 1: Overview 11On an open array scanner, the junction box should provide a 13-way terminalstrip with a 20 A rating for power cores. It is essential that all 4 power cores areconnected and that the connection is of very low resistance as considerablepower passes through this connection. Also, you should keep the length of theun-screened coaxial cores to less than 30 mm to maintain EMC conformance.Inter-unit cableThe inter-unit cable entrance is at the rear of the scanner unit. If the unit ismounted on a hollow mast the cable may be run inside the mast and then fedthrough the radar’s cable entrance. Make sure that the cable does not chafewhere it enters and exits the mast.Note: Route the cable from the display up to the scanner, since this will requirethe smallest clearance hole.CAUTIONThe display connector on the inter-unit cable is a moulded plug thatcannot be replaced. DO NOT remove this moulded plug.The inter-unit cable, for connecting the scanner to the display unit, depends onyour scanner package as follows:Scanner PackageScanner PackageScanner PackageScanner PackageScanner Package Inter-Unit CableInter-Unit CableInter-Unit CableInter-Unit CableInter-Unit Cable2D (US) 10 m light (2 power cores)2DE (European) 15 m light (2 power cores)4D 15 m heavy (4 power cores)5S 5 m, 15 m or 5 m + 10 m extension25 m heavy (24/32 V systems only)The minimum bends permitted are:Minimum bend, light cable 60 mm (~2.5 in) radiusMinimum bend, heavy cable 82 mm (~3.75 in) radiusRadome scanner cableThe length of the supplied cable should be sufficient to complete the cable runrequired on most small vessels. For longer runs, additional or replacementcables are available, which have 4 power cores to minimise voltage drops overthe longer cable run: these optional cables include 5 m and 10 m extensioncables, and a 25 m replacement cable.The maximum inter-unit cable length is limited by the minimum supplyvoltage, the scanner type (18" radome or 24" radome), and the cable type (2 or 4154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1711
12 Pathfinder Radar Scannerspower cores): if a mix of light and heavy cables is used, only 2 power cores areconnected through.Note: For vessels with 24 V power systems, any combination of inter-unitcables can be used.For vessels with 12 V power systems, the recommended cable(s) for differentrun lengths are given in the following table, which assumes a minimum supplyvoltage of 10.7 V (the lowest voltage likely to be reached by a 12 V battery innormal marine use). Do not use cable combinations that are not included inthe table.Recommended Radome Inter-Unit Cable(s) for Vessels with 12 V PowerSystemsInter-Unit Cable Scanner PackageLength Required (m) 2D (US) 2DE (Eur) 4D10 Std 10 m light N/A N/A15 Std + 5 m ext Std 15 m light Std 15 m heavy20 Std + 10 m ext 25 m assembly Std + 5 m ext25 25 m assembly 25 m assembly Std + 10 m ext30 25 m + 5 m ext 25 m + 5 m ext 25 m + 5 m ext35 25 m + 10 m ext 25 m + 10 m ext 25 m + 10 m extRefer to the packing list in Section 1.2 for cable part numbersNote: This table applies to systems using the standard 1.5 m power cable. If youextend the power cable you may need to select different inter-unit cable(s), asdiscussed in the following section Power Cable.Open array scanner cableHeavy duty cables are available in 5 m, 15 m and 25 m lengths which should besufficient to complete the cable run required on most small vessels. For longerruns, 5 m and 10 m extension cables are available, both have 4 power cores tominimise voltage drops over the cable run and incorporate in-line mouldedplugs .The maximum inter-unit cable length is limited by the minimum supplyvoltage and the scanner type.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1712
Chapter 1: Overview 1312 V SystemsFor vessels with 12 V power systems, the recommended cable(s) for differentrun lengths are given in the following table, which assumes a minimum supplyvoltage of 10.7 V (the lowest voltage likely to be reached by a 12 V battery innormal marine use). Do not use cable combinations that are not included inthe table.Recommended Open Array Inter-Unit Cable(s) for Vessels with 12 V PowerSystemsInter-Unit Cable 4 kW ScannersLength Required (m)5 5m heavy15 15 m heavy15 5 m heavy + 10 m  extensionNote: This table applies to systems using the standard 1.5 m power cable. If youextend the power cable you may need to select different inter-unit cable(s), asdiscussed in the following section Power Cable.Refer to the packing list in Section 1.2 for cable part numbers24 V and 32 V SystemsFor vessels with 24 V and 32 V power systems, any combination of inter-unitcable up to a maximum length of 35 m can be used.Power cable - radome scannersThe radome radar systems are intended for use on ships’ DC power systemsoperating in the 10.7 to 32 V DC range (that is, 12 V and 24 V systems, not 32 Vsystems). A 1.5 m (5 ft) power cable is supplied (with the display unit) forconnecting the ship’s DC power to the radar scanner via the display unit. Referto the HSB Series Display Owner’s Handbook for details on connecting thiscable. This section provides details for extending the length of the power cable.If a longer power cable run is required, use the supplied power cable to connectto the display unit. Then use a suitable connector block to connect the free endto the extension cable. The supplied power cable has a cross-section of2.0 mm2.Note: For vessels with 24 V power systems, the power cable may be extendedby up to 20 m using a wire gauge of 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16) or greater, irrespectiveof the inter-unit cable length.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1713
14 Pathfinder Radar ScannersFor vessels with 12 V power systems, longer power cable runs may requirelarger wire gauges to minimise any voltage drop in the cable. The scanner typeand the length and type of the inter-unit cable (see tables) also affect the wiregauge required for the extension power cable. In order to determine the correctsupply cable size if the power cable must be extended, estimate the length ofcable between the ship’s main power source and the connector block, and thenselect the wire size indicated by the distance and inter-unit cable in theappropriate table following.For example, you might have a 24" scanner, with 20 m between the scanner anddisplay unit, that you plan to connect by extending the supplied 15 m heavyinter-unit cable with a 5 m extension cable. In addition, your 12 V power supplymight be 10 m from the display unit, requiring an extension of 8.5 m. Todetermine the wire gauge required for the power cable extension, refer to thetable for the 24"  scanner, go to the row labelled 15 m Heavy + 5 m ext, and readacross until you come to a maximum cable length greater than 8.5 m. This is the10 m entry, in the column for 4.0 mm2 wire gauge.Maximum Extension Power Cable Lengths (m), 12 V Systems with 18"Radome ScannerInter-Unit Cable(s) Power Cable Coremm2: 1.5 2.0 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0AWG: 16 15 14 11 10   710 m Light 5.0 7.0 9.0 14.0 20.0 35.010 m Light + 5 m ext 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.5 7.0 12.010 m Light + 10 m ext Do NOT extend the power cable15 m Light 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.5 7.0 12.015 m Heavy 7.0 10.0 13.0 20.0 30.0 50.015 m Heavy + 5 m ext 5.0 7.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 40.025 m Heavy 4.5 6.0 8.0 12.0 20.0 35.025 m Heavy + 5 m ext 3.5 4.5 6.0 9.0 15.0 25.025 m Heavy + 10 m ext 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 9.0 15.0Note: If you have an 18"  radome scanner, and the wire gauge required foryour extended power cable is unacceptably large, you should replace thesupplied light (2 power core) inter-unit cable with the 25 m heavy (4 powercore) inter-unit cable assembly (see table).154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1714
Chapter 1: Overview 15Maximum Extension Power Cable Lengths (m), 12 V Systems with 24"Radome ScannerInter-Unit Cable(s) Power Cable Coremm2: 1.5 2.0 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0AWG: 16 15 14 11 10   715 m Heavy 5.0 7.0 9.0 14.0 20.0 35.015 m Heavy + 5 m ext 4.0 5.0 6.0 10.0 15.0 25.015 m Heavy + 10 m ext 2.0 3.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 17.025 m Heavy 2.0 3.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 17.025 m Heavy + 5 m ext 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 8.025 m Heavy + 10 m ext Do NOT extend the power cablePower cable - open array scannersThe 48" 4 kW open array scanner is intended for use on ships’ DC powersystems operating in the 10.7 to 44 V DC range (that is, 12 V, 24 V and 32 Vsystems). Open array scanners draw considerable power from the vesselspower source, especially in high wind speeds. It is essential for reliableoperation that the unit is supplied with a low resistance power cable system,especially when operated from a 12 V power system.CAUTIONDo not use the 48" Open Array Scanner with an SL70 or Autohelm 7”LCD display unit. Failure to observe this may result in permanent damageto the display unit.12 V systemsExtensions to the supplied power cable must be kept to a minimum and thepower should be fed directly from the output of the battery isolator switch viaits own dedicated cable system. It is recommended that no additional powerswitch is included in this power cable.CAUTIONThe display unit does not include a fuse for scanner power, so an in-linefuse or circuit breaker rated at 20 A MUST be included in the power cable.All power connections must be of high quality to minimise their resistance andto remove the risk of accidental shorts. Recommended maximum power cableextensions are given in the table below. These figures relate to the total cableextension, from the end of the supplied 1.5 m power cable to the system batteryterminals. Do not exceed these lengths as unreliable operation may result.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1715
16 Pathfinder Radar ScannersMaximum Extension Power Cable Lengths (m),12 V Systems with 48" 4 kW ScannersPower Cable Core Size (each core)mm2: 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0AWG: 11 10  8 7<3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5Note: If the required extension results in unacceptably large diameter cables,use two or more smaller gauge wires to achieve the required copper wire cross-section. For example, using two pairs of 2 mm2  is equivalent to using two single4.0 mm2 cables.24 V and 32 V systemsThese systems are less sensitive than 12 V systems to voltage loss in the powercables. However, it is still necessary to use adequate cables to prevent excessivepower loss. The table below gives the recommended wire gauge for differentpower cable extension lengths. Raytheon recommends that power is feddirectly from the output of the battery isolator switch via its own dedicatedcable system.CAUTIONThe display unit does not include a fuse for scanner power, so an in-linefuse or circuit breaker rated at 10 A MUST be included in the power cable.Maximum Extension Power Cable Lengths (m),12 V Systems with 48" 4 kW ScannersPower Cable Core Size (each core)mm2: 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0AWG: 14 11 10  8  7<8.0 16.0 24 32 35Note: If the required extension results in unacceptably large diameter cables,use two or more smaller gauge wires to achieve the required copper wire cross-section. For example, using two pairs of 2 mm2  is equivalent to using two single4.0 mm2 cables.154_2c1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1716
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 17Chapter 2: Installing the Scanner2.1  Radome scannerSecuring the radome scanner to the mounting surfaceCAUTIONThe drain tube must always be used, but may be shortened if necessary1. Using the paper template supplied with the scanner mounting kit, mark theflat mounting surface with the mounting holes and drain tube hole, and drillthe holes as indicated on the template.If it is impractical to drill a hole for the drain tube, then the scanner unitshould be mounted on 4 suitable spacers 10 mm high and the drain tubelength reduced by 10 mm. It will then be clear of the flat surface and canstill perform its function.Note: If you are using a Raytheon mast mount bracket, the surface is pre-prepared.Note: If you are mounting the scanner on a flat surface, you may find  iteasier to fit the drain tube, as described in the following section, beforesecuring the scanner.2. Position the scanner on the mounting surface, ensuring that the cable inlet ispointing aft.3. Locate the bolts and washers supplied with the scanner, grease the bolts,and secure the scanner to the mounting surface as shown in the followingdiagram.Scanner baseMounting bracketor mounting surfaceGreased mounting boltD3995-2Bitumen washerYou may need to use longer M8 mounting bolts to secure the scanner if youhave used shims to lower the radar beam.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1717
18 Pathfinder Radar ScannersConnecting the radome scanner inter-unit cableCAUTION:Before wiring the scanner unit, make sure that the inter-unit cable is notconnected and power is not applied to the display unit.When you have run the inter-unit cable to the scanner location, connect thecable as follows:1. Loosen the 4 (18") or 7 (24") screws securing the scanner cover. Thesescrews are captive and should remain assembled to the lower flangeassembly. Press the radome inwards to release the top. This breaks the sealand makes removal easier.2. To avoid losing the scanner cover, tie the cord, attached to the inside of thebase of the scanner, to the eye provided in the cover.3. If you have a 24" scanner, unscrew and remove the inner cover:D4006-1Inner cover4. Remove the drain tube from inside the base of the scanner, and insert it intothe drain hole as shown in the following diagram. Pull the tube gently fromoutside the scanner so that it clips into place.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1818
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 195. Referring to the following illustration, remove the securing nut (1) from thewatertight gland and grommet (2), where the inter-unit cable (3) will enterthe base.D3230-310459White wire631211781 Securing nut  2 Gland  3 Inter-unit cable  4 Eight-way plug  5 Eight-way socket  6 Powercores (2 or 4)  7 Terminal clamp  8 Screwdriver  9 Cable clamp  10 Cable clamp screws 11Ferrite clamp6. Slide the gland nut onto the inter-unit cable (3), and insert the cable, stillcovered by its protective sleeve, through the gland into the base.7. Cut and remove the protective sleeve to expose the 8-way plug (4) andpower cores (6).8. If the scanner is connected to an HSB Series Pathfinder Radar display, fitthe ferrite clamp (11), supplied loose with the display unit, as follows:CAUTIONIf any wires are damaged when the clamp is fitted, the scanner unit willnot function correctly.- the ferrite clamp is supplied open. If the clamp has been closed, insert asmall, flat-blade screwdriver into the slots at the end of the clampopposite the hinge and twist gently.- Position one-half of the clamp around the eight cores of the inter-unitcable between the 8-way plug (4) and the cable clamp, as close to the 8-way plug as possible. (It may be necessary to fit the clamp over the154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1819
20 Pathfinder Radar Scannerscable tie closest to the 8-way plug – this will not affect the ferriteclamp’s function).Note: on the 24" scanner, the clamp must be contained inside the innercover.- With the clamp positioned correctly, close the clamp ensuring none ofthe cores are trapped by the hinge, latch or the ferrite itself.9. Connect the 8-way plug (4) to the connector (5). The correct fitting is withthe small arrow marked on the body of the plug facing upwards and to theleft hand side. The grey wire will then be at the left hand side and the whitewire will be at the right hand side.10. Connect the red and black power cores (6).If you have a 10 m or light 15 m inter-unit cable, there is one pair of cores.Connect the red cable lead to one of the terminal sockets marked “+”, andthe black cable lead to one of the sockets marked “-”.If you have a heavy 15 m inter-unit cable, there are two pairs of cores.Connect the red cable leads to the terminal sockets marked “+”, and theblack cable leads to the terminal sockets marked “-”, with one lead in eachsocket.The terminal clamps (7) are operated using a screwdriver (8), as shown inthe inset diagram on the previous page.CAUTION:Do not earth the cable screen to the scanner. The radar system is earthedvia the display unit.11. Secure the nut (1) on the watertight gland, making sure that it grips thecable’s outer sheath.12. Secure the cable with the cable clamp (9), using the two screws (10)provided. The clamp can be installed either way up, depending on thethickness of the cable: use the position that matches the profile of the cable.CAUTIONIt is essential that the drain tube is fitted and that the nut on the watertightgland is adequately tightened. If this is not done, water could becometrapped in the scanner and cause irrepairable damage.13. Tighten the securing nut (1) again to ensure a waterproof seal.14. If you have a 4D scanner, replace the inner cover over the connectors.15. Untie the cord from the scanner cover, and coil it up in the base of thescanner unit so that it cannot foul the rotating antenna.16. Replace the scanner cover, aligning the mark on the cover with the mark onthe scanner base above the cable gland, and tighten the 4 or 7 captivescrews. Do not over-tighten these screws.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1820
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 212.2   Open array scannerInstallation of the open array scanner should only be undertaken by a competentinstaller. If you have any difficulty with the installation, please contact yourlocal Raytheon Marine dealer.The open array scanner is supplied in two sections; the pedestal unit and theantenna. The pedestal unit is secured from below the mounting platform. Theopen array is then secured to the pedestal. Full details for mounting the scannerare given below.CAUTIONThe pedestal unit has a protective cap fitted over the open array mountingshaft. This cap must be left in place until the open array is fitted to thepedestal in order to protect the co-axial pin which protrudes from thepedestal.WARNINGThe open array scanner weighs 30 kg. For safety reasons it isrecommended that the unit is not lifted by one person.The unit is fitted with lifting eyes (maximum SWL. 40 kg) to facilitate theuse of standard lifting accessories, e.g. rope, chain or strop. The safeworking load (SWL) of the lifting accessories should be 150 kg. Suitablelifting equipment could include a crane, hoist, or an appropriate rigid,overhead structure.Alternatively, the unit is suitable for a two person lift. Care should betaken to ensure that each person is standing on a stable surface, and thatthe pedestal is held carefully to esure it cannot slip.The T-bar beneath the open array antenna can be used to aid lifting.You should never lift the scanner by holding onto the open array antenna.Securing the pedestal to the mounting platform1. Using the paper template supplied with the scanner mounting kit, mark theflat mounting surface with the holes and drill as indicated on the template.Refer to Section 1.2 when selecting the scanner unit site.2. Stick the four self-adhesive bitumen washers over the mounting holes.3. Ensure the lifting eyes are securely fitted to the top of the pedestal, and theyellow protective cap is in place.4. Grease the studs. Using two nuts locked together on the stud, screw eachstuds into the pedestal until they bottom out.  Remove these two nuts andsecure the studs with the fixings as shown in the following illustration.Note: If the studding supplied is not long enough, use M10 stainless steel, gradeA4 studding of a suitable length. Refer to the following illustration for details.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1821
22 Pathfinder Radar Scanners5. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the pedestal over the mountingsurface. Carefully lower into position, taking care that the studs passthrough the holes without damaging the threads. Ensure that the cable inletis pointing aft.WARNINGSupport the pedestal unit until it has been secured to the mountingplatform. It is important that all four sets of nuts and washers are used tosecure the pedestal to the mounting platform.6. Referring to the following illustration, use the four nuts and associatedwashers supplied to secure the pedestal.Grease the nuts.If required, cut-off any excess stud.Pedestal25mm (1in)Bitumen washer,sticky side downon platformMountingplatformLifting eyeM10 plain washerM10 spring washerM10 studlength = 52 mmplus platform depthM10 nutD4573-1154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1822
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 23Connecting the open array scanner inter-unit cableCAUTION:Before wiring the scanner unit check that it is securely mounted to theplatform, then make sure that the inter-unit cable is not connected andpower is not applied to the display unit. The scanner switch must be in theOFF position.1. Loosen the four self-retaining bolts securing the pedestal lid to the base.Pull-up and turn the bolts anti-clockwise to lock them in the uprightposition. Remove the lifting eyes.Note: Retain the lifting eyes: they will be required if the scanner is removedfrom its platform.2. Open the pedestal lid. Ensure the securing stay has automatically lockedinto position.3. Referring to the following illustration, remove the cable gland nut, washerand grommet from the watertight gland, where the inter-unit cable willenter the base.4. Slide the cable through the gland nut, washer and grommet, then into thebase. Clamp into position, ensuring the section of main cable covered inyellow heatshrink is clamped.D4575-120mm (0.8in)40mm (1.6in)20mm (0.8in)5mm (0.2in) 5mm (0.2in)Heatshrink154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1823
24 Pathfinder Radar Scanners4. The cable is supplied prepared and ready to fit to the signal and powerconnectors. If you need to cut the cable to length, strip off the protectiveouter sleeve then use the supplied kit to prepare the cable as detailed in theillustration below.500mm ± 10mm500mm ± 10mmBlack power wires Data wires (6 off) Coaxial signalCoaxial screenRed power wires 25mm10mmSee Note B35mm5mm maximum25mm20mmSee Note ASee Note C40mm1. Preparation of Wires2. Heat Shrinking of Wires3. Heat Shrinking of Cable/WiresNotesA.  Aluminium screen/polyester tape screen to remain.B.  Heat shrink sleeving fitted to keep the aluminium/polyester tape screen from unwinding      from the coaxial signal insulation.C.  The wires must be formed into two bundles with heat-shrink tubing (one containing the     four power wires and the other containing the eight signal wires).D4579-15-6mm strip length5-6mm strip lengthCAUTION:If any of the wires are incorrectly fitted, the scanner will not functioncorrectly.Remove the 8-way plug from the signal connector and fit to the cable asshown in the following diagram. The terminal clamps are operated using ascrewdriver as shown in the diagram. Alternatively, you can leave theconnector in position whilst connecting the cable, you should then removethe connector and visually check each wire connection.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1824
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 25Re-connect to the plug. When correctly fitted the white wire (co-axial) willbe at the outer edge of the unit.GreyPurpleBlueGreenYellowOrangeCoaxial Screen (Black)Coaxial Inner (White)Signal connectorPower connectorD4576-15. Connect the red and black power cores. Connect the red cable leads to theterminal sockets marked “+”, and the black cable leads to the terminalsocket marked “-”, with one lead in each socket. The terminal clamps areoperated using a screwdriver as shown in the inset diagram.CAUTION:Do not earth the cable screen to the scanner. The radar system is earthedvia the display unit.6. Using the tie-wrap fitting on the pedestal lid, secure the cable.7. Close the pedestal lide, ensuring that the cable does not become trapped.Tighten the four self-retaining bolts.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1825
26 Pathfinder Radar ScannersFitting the open array to the pedestalCAUTIONThe pedestal unit has a protective cap fitted over the open array mountingshaft. This cap must be left in place until the open array is fitted to thepedestal in order to protect the co-axial pin which protrudes from thepedestal.1. Remove the yellow cap from the open array shaft. Retain the cap, it will berequired if the open array is removed from the pedestal.2. Grease the four securing studs.CAUTIONIf the pin is damaged during the following operation you should contactyour service dealer.3. Lift the open array into position. Carefully lower the array - to preventdamage to the mounting pin, ensure the array remains parallel to thepedestal so that the studs slot into the holes on the pedestal mountingbracket.Note: The open array mounting bracket is designed so that the array can onlybe fitted to the pedestal in the correct orientation.4. Use the four nuts and associated washers supplied to secure the array to thepedestal as shown in the diagram below.D4580-1M8 plain washerM8 spring washerM8 nutArrayPedestal154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1826
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 272.3   System connectionsDC power connectionPower is supplied to the scanner via the display unit; the power cable is suppliedwith the display unit, refer to your display unit Owner’s Handbook for detailson connecting power. However, you should be aware of the following.The DC system should be either:• Negative grounded, with the negative battery terminal connected to theship’s ground.• Floating, with neither battery terminal connected to the ship’s ground.CAUTION:This radar is not intended for use on “positive” ground vessels.The power cable Earth screen connections must be connected to the ship’sground.Grounding the radar systemIt is important that an effective RF ground is connected to the radar system. Youmust ground the radar by connecting the drain wire (screen) of the Power/NMEA Input cable to the nearest ground point of the ship’s RF ground system.Refer to your display unit Owner’s Handbook for details.Note: Use only this ground connection.Radome systemsThe Radome radar system is intended for use on ships’ DC power systemsoperating in the 10.7 to 32 V dc range (12 V and 24 V systems, not 32 Vsystems). The connections should be made at a DC power distribution panel,through an isolation switch or circuit breaker that is fused or trips at not greaterthan 10 A. Check that all connection terminals are clean.CAUTION:If you do not have a breaker in your power circuit, you must fit an in-line6.3 A quick-blow fuse to the positive (red) lead of the power cable.Open array systemsThe 5S 48" open array radar system is intended for use on ships’ DC powersystems operating in the 10.7 to 44 V DC range (that is, 12 V, 24 V and 32 Vsystems). Raytheon recommends that power is fed directly from the output ofthe battery isolator switch via its own dedicated cable system.CAUTIONThe display unit does not include a fuse for scanner power so an in-linefuse or circuit breaker, rated at 20 A for 12 V systems or 10 A for 24 V and32 V systems, MUST be included in the positive supply lead (red) of thepower cable.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1827
28 Pathfinder Radar ScannersThe open arrray scanner has a power switch fitted to the pedestal. This switchcan normally be left ON. However, if the scanner is being serviced or if anypersonnel are in the vicinity of the open array, the switch should be set to OFF.Scanner connectionThe inter-unit cable is connected to the scanner as described in Sections 2.1 and2.2. If you are using an inter-unit extension cable, connect this to the displayunit, and connect the supplied cable to the extension cable. The scannerconnector pins  are shown in the following diagram, together with theconnections and core colours.CAUTIONThe display connector on the inter-unit cable is a moulded plug thatcannot be replaced. DO NOT remove this moulded plug.1235 47101186913 12WhiteBlackOrangeBlackBlackGreenYellowShieldRedRedVioletBlueGreyVideoVideo RTN*Battery --veTx Trigger +Battery --veData I/O +Tx Trigger --    Battery +veData I/O --*Battery +veAzimuth +Azimuth -- 1234567    8910111213WhiteBlackOrangeYellowGreenBlueViolet    GreyRedRedBlackBlack 8765432    1VideoVideo RtnTx Trigger +Tx Trigger --Data I/O +Data I/O --Azimuth +    Azimuth --Battery +ve*Battery +ve*Battery --veBattery --ve Not fitted on Open Array Scanners(refer to Section 2.2)D4290-2Front view ofDisplay Cable Connector Front view of RadomeScanner Cable Connector2 14 36 58 7Display Scanner* Not present on 'light', 11 core cables.   Battery +ve/--ve = 12 or 24v.154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1828
Chapter  2: Installing the Scanner 29Display unit connectionCAUTIONDo not use the 48" open array scanner with an SL70 or Autohelm 7” LCDdisplay unit. Failure to observe this may result in permanent damage tothe display unit.The rear of the Pathfinder display provides the following connection sockets:•Scanner connection•HSB, for connecting to another HSB Series display (such as a chartplotter orsecond radar display) – not available on SL70 display•SeaTalk, for SeaTalk data input and output and connecting to another HSBSeries display (such as a chartplotter or second radar display)•NMEA Output – not available on SL70 display:Note: For the SL70 display, NMEA OUT can be selected instead of SeaTalk.•Power/NMEA Input, for 12 V, 24 V or 32 V (open array) DC powerconnection, two NMEA 0183 inputs and one RF ground (screen)connection.Connect the scanner cable to the scanner connector (5) and power to the power/NMEA input connector (3).Power and all other connector details are supplied in the display unit Owner’sHandbook.POWER/NMEA ANTENNA/TRANSDUCERNMEA SeaTalkDISPLAYFUSEHSB12345LCD Display Connector PanelCRT Display Connector PanelD4597_11 NMEA Output  2 HSB   3 Power and NMEA Input  4 SeaTalk  5 Scanner 154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1829
30 Pathfinder Radar Scanners154_2c2.p65 13/05/99, 13:1830
Chapter  3: Systems Test and Post Installation Alignment 31Chapter 3:System Tests and Post Installation AlignmentOnce you have installed your radar scanner and display unit, and made all theconnections, you need to check your installation. You can then set up the radarsystem, align the scanner and check the display timing.Set up, alignment and timing checks are performed from the radar systemdisplay unit. The procedures are outlined below; full details are provided in thedisplay unit Owner’s Handbook. You should read the Pathfinder radar displayunit Owner’s Handbook and familiarise yourself with the operation of theradar.System checkBefore performing the functional test, check the following:• All securing bolts are fully tightened and mechanical locking arrangementsas specified are in place• All connections have been made• All connecting wires are secured and protected as necessaryNote: If you are the boat owner and have performed the installation yourself,ask your authorised installation dealer to check the installation before going tosea.Set up, alignment and timing checksSwitch on and initial set upOn the 48" open array scanner, ensure the power switch on the pedestal is set toON.To switch on the display unit, press and hold the POWER key until the unitbeeps. The magnetron warm-up sequence should start, after which the unitshould enter Standby mode.If necessary, adjust the lighting and contrast.If required, change the default language settings.Checking transmissionWARNING:The radar scanner transmits electromagnetic energy. Ensure that thescanner has been installed according to the recommendations given inChapter 1, and that all personnel are clear of the scanner, before switchingto transmit mode.154_2c3.p65 13/05/99, 13:1831
32 Pathfinder Radar ScannersRun through the radar operations described in the display unit Owner’sHandbook and check that all the expected data is displayed.Bearing alignmentWhen the system is correctly installed, you must check the bearing alignment toensure that targets appear at their correct bearing relative to the ship’s bow, andadjust the alignment if necessary.Display timing adjustmentThe display timing can be affected by the length of the cable used to connect thescanner to the display unit. This in turn affects the short range accuracy shownon the display.If you have extended your inter-unit cable, you will need to check the displaytiming before using the system for navigation.154_2c3.p65 13/05/99, 13:1832
Appendix 1: Specification 33Appendix A: Specification2D 18" Radome Scanner UnitGeneralApprovalsCE - conforms to 89/336/EEC (EMC), EN60945:1997FCC - conforms to Part 80 (47CFR) and Part 2 (47CFR)Dimensions Φ468 x 227 mm (18.4 x 8.9 in)Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs)Input Voltage 8.7 - 32 V DC (from display unit)Power Consumption 28 W  (9 W Standby)Environmental Waterproof to CFR46Temperature range: -10° to +55°CHumidity limit: up to 95% at 35°CMaximum wind speed for satisfactory operation: 100 KtsMaximum Range Scale 24 nmTransmitterTransmitter Frequency 9410 +/– 30 MHzPeak Power Output 2.0 kW (nominal)Transmitter Solid-state modulator driving MagnetronPulse Length/PRF 0.08µs/2250Hz (0.75 nm or less)0.25 µs/1500 Hz (above 0.75 nm and less than 6 nm)0.70 µs/750 Hz 6 nm or greater)Standby Mode Magnetron heater and control left on, all other services offDuplexer CirculatorAntennaAntenna Type Patch arrayBeam Width (nominal) 5.1° horizontal, 25° verticalPolarisation HorizontalAntenna Side lobes Less than -22 dBRotation Rate 24 rpm (nominal)154_2ap1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1833
34 Pathfinder Radar ScannersReceiverIF Frequency 60 MHz (nominal)Receiver Characteristic Semi-logReceiver  Noise Figure Less than 5 dB (including Low Noise Converter/Limiter)Receiver Bandwidth Bandwidth 12/3/1 MHz4D 24" Radome Scanner UnitGeneralApprovalsCE - conforms to 89/336/EEC (EMC), EN60945:1997FCC - conforms to Part 80 (47CFR) and Part 2 (47CFR)Dimensions Φ599 x 227 mm (23.6 x 8.9 in)Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs)Input Voltage 8.7 - 32 V DC (from display unit)Power Consumption 34 W (10 W Standby)Environmental Waterproof to CFR46Temperature range: -10° to +55°CHumidity limit: up to 95% at 35°CMaximum wind speed for satisfactory operation: 100 KtsMaximum Range Scale 48 nmTransmitterTransmitter Frequency 9410 +/– 30 MHzPeak Power Output 4.0 kW (nominal)Transmitter Solid-state modulator driving MagnetronPulse Length/PRF 0.08µs/2250Hz (0.75 nm or less)0.25 ms/1500 Hz (above 0.75 nm and less than 6 nm)0.70 ms/750 Hz (6 nm or greater)Standby Mode Magnetron heater and control left on, all other services offDuplexer Circulator154_2ap1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1834
Appendix 1: Specification 35AntennaAntenna Type Patch arrayBeam Width (nominal) 3.9° horizontal, 25° verticalPolarisation HorizontalAntenna Side lobes Less than -22dBRotation Rate 24 rpm (nominal)ReceiverIF Frequency 60 MHz (nominal)Receiver Characteristic Semi-logReceiver  Noise Figure Less than 5 dB (including Low Noise Converter/Limiter)Receiver Bandwidth 12/3/1 MHz5S 48" Open Array Scanner UnitGeneralApprovalsCE - conforms to 89/336/EEC (EMC), EN60945:1997FCC - conforms to Part 80 (47CFR) and Part 2 (47CFR)Dimensions Pedestal: 427 x 296 x 406 mm (16.8 x 10.5 x 16 in)Array: 1306 mm (51.4 in) lengthWeight Pedestal: 24 kgArray: 6 kgInput Voltage 7 - 44 V DC (from display unit)Power Consumption 9.2 W Standby46 W  Typical operation in light winds61 W  Max. operation in 50 Kt winds96 W  Max. operation in 100 Kt windsEnvironmental Waterproof to CFR46Operating Temperature range:  -10° to +55°CHumidity limit: up to 95% at 35°CMaximum wind speed for satisfactory operation: 100 KtsMaximum Range Scale 72 nm154_2ap1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1835
36 Pathfinder Radar ScannersTransmitterTransmitter Frequency 9410 +/– 30 MHzPeak Power Output 4 kW (nominal)Transmitter Solid state modulator driving magnetronPulse Length/PRF 0.06 µs/3,000 Hz (0.125 nm,  0.25 nm)0.09 µs/3,000 Hz (0.50 nm, 0.125 nm exp, 0.25 exp)0.15 µs/3,000 Hz (0.75 nm, 0.50 nm exp)0.25 µs/3,000 Hz (0.75 nm exp)0.35 µs/2,000 Hz (1.5 nm)0.45 µs/1,600 Hz (3.0 nm, 1.5 nm exp)0.60 µs/1,200 Hz (3.0 nm exp)1.00 µs/740 Hz (6.0 nm or greater)Note:Note:Note:Note:Note:If the scanner is bought to use with an existing display, contact your dealer/service agent for the latest software.Standby Mode Magnetron heater and control left on, all other services offDuplexer CirculatorAntennaAntenna Type Slotted waveguide arrayBeam Width (nominal) 1.85°Polarisation HorizontalAntenna Side lobes Less than -22 dBRotation Rate 24 rpm (nominal)ReceiverIF Frequency 60 MHz  (nominal)Receiver Characteristic Semi-logReceiver  Noise Figure Less than 5 dB(including Low Noise Converter/Inverter & IF Receiver)Receiver Bandwidth 12/3/0.7/0.5 MHz154_2ap1.p65 13/05/99, 13:1836
Index 37IndexSymbols18" RadomeSpecification 3324" RadomeSpecification 3448" Open ArraySpecification 35AAlignment 31Bearing 32BBearing Alignment 32CCable Runs 10CablesExtension 3, 4Extension - 18" Radome 14Extension - 24" Radome 15Extension - Open Array 13, 16Extension - Radome 11, 12Inter-unit 3, 4, 10Inter-unit - Open Array 13, 24Inter-unit - Radome 11, 12, 18Power 10Power - Open Array 15Power - Radome 13ConnectionsDisplay Unit 29Open Array Scanner 23Power 29Radome Scanner 18Scanner 28System 27DDisplay Timing Adjustment 32EElectromagnetic Energy i, 31EMC iiiConformance iiiInstallation Guidelines 2FFerrite 2, 3, 19GGrounding the System 27HHigh Voltage iLLocation 5MMountingOpen Array Scanner 21Radome Scanner 17Scanneron Power Boats 9on Sailboats 8NNavigation Aid iOOpen Array Scanner48" iii, 1, 4Connecting 23Mounting 21Power Connection 27154_2idx.p65 13/05/99, 13:1837
Pathfinder Radar Scanners38PPowerCable 10Cable - Open Array 15Cable - Radome 13Connection - Open Array 27Connection - Radome 27Connections 29RRadar SystemConnections 27Grounding 27Item List 3Typical System Diagram 1Radome Scanner18" iii, 1, 324" iii, 1, 3Connecting 18Mounting 17Power Connection 27SSafety iElectromagnetic Energy iHigh Voltage iNavigation Aid iScanner i.See also Open ArrayScanner; Radome ScannerConnections 28Location 5Mountingon Power Boats 9on Sailboats 8Set Up 31Specification 3318" Radome 3324" Radome 3448" Open Array 35System Check 31System Test 31TTiming Adjustment 32Timing Checks 31Transmission Check 31WWarranty iii154_2idx.p65 13/05/99, 13:1838
Limited Warranty CertificateRaytheon Marine Company warrants each new Light Marine/Dealer Distributor Product to be of good materialsand workmanship, and will repair or exchange any parts proven to be defective in material and workmanshipunder normal use for a period of 2 years/24 months from date of sale to end user, except as provided below.Defects will be corrected by Raytheon Marine Company or an authorized Raytheon dealer. Raytheon MarineCompany will, except as provided below, accept labor cost for a period of 2 years/24 months from the date of saleto end user. During this period, except for certain products, travel costs (auto mileage and tolls) up to 100 roundtrip highway miles and travel time of 2 hours, will be assumed by Raytheon Marine Company only on productswhere proof of installation or commission by authorised service agents, can be shown.Warranty LimitationsRaytheon Marine Company Warranty policy does not apply to equipment which has been subjected to accident,abuse or misuse, shipping damage, alterations, corrosion, incorrect and/or non-authorized service, or equipmenton which the serial number has been altered, mutilated or removed.Except where Raytheon Marine Company or its authorized dealer has performed the installation, it assumes noresponsibility for damage incurred during installation.This Warranty does not cover routine system checkouts or alignment/calibration, unless required by replacementof part(s) in the area being aligned.A suitable proof of purchase, showing date, place, and serial number must be made available to Raytheon MarineCompany or authorized service agent at the time of request for Warranty service.Consumable items, (such as: Chart paper, lamps, fuses, batteries, styli, stylus/drive belts, radar mixer crystals/diodes, snap-in impeller carriers, impellers, impeller bearings, and impeller shaft) are specifically excluded fromthis Warranty.Magnetrons, Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), hailer horns and transducers are warranted for 1 year/12 months fromdate of sale. These items must be returned to a Raytheon Marine Company facility.All costs associated with transducer replacement, other than the cost of the transducer itself, are specificallyexcluded from this Warranty.Overtime premium labor portion of services outside of normal working hours is not covered by this Warranty.Travel cost allowance on certain products with a suggested retail price below $2500.00 is not authorized. When/or if repairs are necessary, these products must be forwarded to a Raytheon Marine Company facility or anauthorized dealer at owner’s expense will be returned via surface carrier at no cost to the owner.Travel costs other than auto mileage, tolls and two (2) hours travel time, are specifically excluded on all products.Travel costs which are excluded from the coverage of this Warranty  include but are not limited to: taxi, launchfees, aircraft rental, subsistence, customs, shipping and communication charges etc..Travel costs, mileage and time, in excess to that allowed must have prior approval in writing.TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAW:(1)  THIS WARRANTY IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS INDICATED HEREIN, AND NOOTHER WARRANTIES OR REMEDIES SHALL BE BINDING ON RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANYINCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABLE OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.(2)  Raytheon Marine Company shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or special (including punitiveor multiple) damages.All Raytheon Marine Company products sold or provided hereunder are merely aids to navigation. It is theresponsibility of the user to exercise discretion and proper navigational skill independent of any Raytheonequipment.44592-49th November 1998warranty.p65 13/05/99, 13:1839
Purchased from Purchase dateDealer AddressInstalled by Installation dateCommissioned byOwner’s nameMailing addressThis portion of card should be completed and retained by the owner.Factory Service CentersUnited States of AmericaRaytheon Marine Companyaddress as aboveUK, Europe, Middle East, Far EastRaytheon Marine Companyaddress as aboveUnited States of AmericaRaytheon Marine Company Tel 603-647-7530Recreational Products Fax 603-634-4756676 Island Pond RoadManchester, NH 03109-5420U.S.A.UK, Europe, Middle East, Far EastRaytheon Marine Company Tel (44) 1705 693611Recreational Products Fax (44) 1705 694642Anchorage Park, Portsmouth Fax Customer support  (44) 1705 661228PO3 5TD, EnglandCommissioning dateStick barcode label herewarranty.p65 13/05/99, 13:1840
Attn: Warranty DepartmentRaytheon Marine CompanyRecreational Products676 Island Pond RoadManchester NH 03109-9953USABUSINESS REPLY MAILFIRST CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 369 MANCHESTER NHPOSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEENO POSTAGENECESSARY IF MAILEDIN THEUNITED STATESRaytheon Marine CompanyRecreational ProductsFreepost PT 1127PortsmouthPO3 5BREnglandNote: This information is held by Raytheon Marine only and shall not be made available to any other companies. Raytheon Marine may send you mailshots/details of any new products.Please tick this box ❐ if you do not wish to receive any further information from Raytheon Marine.NO STAMP REQUIRED IF POSTED IN THE UK.warranty.p65 13/05/99, 13:1841
Purchased fromDealer addressInstalled by Installation dateOwner’s nameMailing addressNorth and South AmericaDetach and mail this portion within 48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.To validate the warranty, the customer or dealer must fill inthe requested information below and mail to address shownon front.Retain other portion for your records.Commissioned by Commissioning datePurchase datePurchased fromDealer addressInstalled by Installation dateOwner’s nameMailing addressUK, Europe, Middle East and Far EastDetach and mail this portion within 48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.48 hours.To validate the warranty, the customer or dealer must fill inthe requested information below and mail to address shownon front.Retain other portion for your records.Commissioned byBoat’s name/Boat type/LocationCommissioning datePurchase dateStick barcode label hereStick barcode label hereOwner’s occupationBoat’s name/Boat type/LocationOwner’s occupationwarranty.p65 13/05/99, 13:1842
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