Raytheon Anschuetz High Seas RAY53 VHF-FM Marine Band Transceiver with DSC User Manual ray53 Manu
Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH High Seas Products VHF-FM Marine Band Transceiver with DSC ray53 Manu
1. OPERATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Your RAY53 has the capability to transmit and receive on all available US,International and Canada Marine VHF radiotelephone channels. There are channels that are FCC approved but may only be used by authorized stations for specific purposes, depending on the type of vessel (commercial or noncommercial.) Refer to Table 1-1 . These table list all of themarineVHFchannelsavailablein yourRAY53for Canada,International and U.S. radiotelephone use. Full familiarization with this table is essential when selecting your channels. The International frequencies were agreed upon by the attending countriesat the1968International Telecommunication UnionmeetinginGenevaandare inactiveusearoundthe world.TheUSchannelsarethosechannelsauthorized for use in the U.S.A. by the FCC. 1.2 CONTROLS AND LCD DISPLAY 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 2) 3) 1.2.1 Controls 1) Channel Selection (Knob) -. Turning to the right can increase the channel number and it canbe decreased by turning to the left. -. WhentheChannel SelectionKnobisrotatedto the right at “ 88CH”, thechannel number becomes “ 01CH” -. WhentheChannel SelectionKnobisrotated to the left at “ 01CH” , thechannel number becomes “ 88CH” VOL SQL NMEA (UP) VOL SQL NMEA Rotate clockwise (DOWN) Rotate counter clockwise 2) Squelch Knob -. WhenSquelch knob is rotated, the squelch level isadjusted. If theknobis rotated completely clockwise,all bars will illuminate. VOL SQL NMEA VOL SQL NMEA Rotate Clockwise 3) Volume Knob -. The volumeknobcontrolstheaudio volumeandis alsoswitchedto turn power on andoff. Whentheknobis rotated clockwise from the “OFF”position,thepower becomes“ Turned On” . Being rotated clockwise,theaudio volumewill be increased. Being rotated counterclockwise,theaudio volumewill be decreased. VOL SQL NMEA (VolumeUP) VOL SQL NMEA Rotate clockwise (VolumeDOWN) Rotate counter clockwise -. Whenthepower isturned on, the receiving mode is in use after the following initial setting. Initial setting at power on. Frequency mode--------: thefrequencymodeat powerOFF Channel --------: 16CH(Working CH) PriorityCH --------: PriorityCHat powerOFF Weather CH --------:WeatherCHatpowerOFF Transmitter Power---- : 25 Watt -. When the power isturned on withpushingonSCAN/MEMkey,all the memory canbeclear. 4) SCAN/MEM key -. WhenSCAN/MEMkeyis pressed and released,Alarm 1 is heard and Scan starts/stop. (Tocancel thescanmode, press and releasewhile radiois scanning. Tostart thescanmode, press and releasewhile radiois not scanning.) -. If one or more channelsare stored inmemory, theradio will beginMemory Scan. If nochannelsare stored in memory,theradio will beginAll Scan. -. TobeginAll Scanwhilememory are being stored in,All Scancanbebegunby pressing once more duringflashing on the LCD. -. WhenSCAN/MEMkeyis continuing to be pressed for more than three seconds, Alarm 1 is heard and Memory of the current channel canbe stored/canceled.(Whenthe current channel is stored,the current channel will be canceled. Whennoother channel isstored, the current channel will bestored. 5) WX/INT key -. WhenWX/INTkeyis pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Working CH /Weather CH are toggledeachother. -. WhenWX/INTkeyis continued to be pressed for more than 2 seconds, Alarm1is heard and frequencyselectionmode(US,International or Canadian) can be changed. There are 3 types of frequenciesselectionmodes,US,International and Canadian. The frequenciesselectionmodeis changed likeUSA--à CAN--à INT. -. Whilethemonitor operation is in use,Dual monitor and Triplemonitor can be changed. 6) MON/ 1/25 Key -.WhenMON/ 1/25 is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Monitor operation start.(Dual Monitor) -. WhenMON/ 1/25continuestobepressed for more than2seconds, Alarm1is heardandTransmitter power can be changed. When transmitter power is 25W, it canbe1W. When transmitter power is 1 W, it canbe25W. 7) 16/9 Key -. When16/9keyis pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard andChannel canbe changedasfollows. The current channel isWorking CH---------------à BecomesPriorityCH The current channel isWeather CH---------------à BecomesPriorityCH The current channel isPriorityCH---------------à BecomesWorkingCH -. When16/9keycontinuesto be pressed for more than 2 seconds, Alerm 1 is heard and priorityCHcanbetoggled.Whentheprivate channnel is16CH,it canbechangedto 9CHandwhenthe private channel is9CH,it canbechangedto16CH. 8) PTT Key(Microphone) -. Whenpressed,puts the radio into the transmit mode If thecurrent channel isWeather CH or the channel prohibitted fromTX, Alerm 2 is heard and PTT key cannot be used. If thePTTkeyis pressed continuouslyfor over fiveminutes,transmission is forciblyinhibitedandAlarm 2 is heard until thePTTkey is released. 9) UP key(Microphone) -. TheUPkeyis used to movethe channel numbers up(+1). If theUPkeyis continuouslypressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel numbers can be continuouslyupevery 100msec. 10)DOWN key(Microphone) -.TheDOWNkeyis used to movethe channel numbers down(+1) If theDOWNkeyis continouslypressed for over 0.5 seconds,thechannel numbers canbecontinueouslydownevery100msec. 11) 16/9 key(Microphone) -. When16/9keyis pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Channel canbe changedasfollows. The current channel isWorking CH---------------à BecomesPriorityCH The current channel isWeather CH---------------à BecomesPriorityCH The current channel isPriorityCH---------------à BecomesWorkingCH -. When16/9keycontinuesto be pressed for more than 2 seconds in Priority CH mode, Alerm1is heard and priorityCHcanbetoggled. When the private channnel is16CH,it canbechangedto9CHandwhenthe private channel is9CH,it canbechangedto 16CH. 12) DISTRESS key -. DISTRESSkeyisusedtosendaDSCDistressCall whenpressed and heldfor 4 seconds. 1.2.2 LCD Display Theitemsof LCDdisplayonthe Front panel are described as follows 1) DSC display: Will be displayedwhenDSCmodeis entered. 2) WX display : Will bedisplayedwhenWeather CH is entered. Will bedisplayedwhenTri monitor modeis entered. 3) INT display : Will be displayedwhenInternational channelsare programmed for use. “ INT”isnot displayed when US or Canadian channelsare programmedfor use. 4) CAN display: Will bedisplayedwhenCanadian channels are programmedfor use. “CAN”is not displayedwhenUSor International channelsare programmedfor use. 5) MEM display: Will be displayedwhendisplayedCHis memory-registered. Will blink at ScanStand-byandbedisplayedat MemoryScan. 6) SCAN display: Will bedisplayedat Scan mode Will blinkat Scan at Scan mode and be displayedwith“MEM”at MemoryScan. 7) ACK display : Will bedisplayedat DSCmodewhentheresponse to individual calls are received afterDSCcall istransmitted. 8) MON display: Will bedisplayedat Monitor mode (Dual monitor or Triplemonitor) 9) TX display : Will be displayedwhentransmitter power is detected at transmitter mode. 10) 1 W display: Will bedisplayedwhenthe transmitter circuits are providing 1 Watt of power to the antenna. Whenthe transmitter is supplying25Watt totheantenna, “ 1W”will beextinguished. 11)VOL, Bar Graph display: The Vol. bar graph showsthe level of volumeof theaudio output tothespeaker. Thevolumemeansto be larger whenthe dot of the bar graph becomeincreased to the right. 12) SQL,AUTO : The Squelch bar graph showsthe depth of squelch. Bar graph “ AUTO”will bedisplayedwhenAuto-Squelchis activate. display Thenumber of dot of SQLBar graph will beincreased whenSQL knob is turned to the right to make Squelchdeeper. (WhenSQLknobisfurthermore turned to right from the maximum squelch, thesquelchbecomesAUTOSquelch and “AUTO”will be displayed. 13) NMEA display: will bedisplayedat all of themodeswhilevalidNMEAdata is being received. WhenNMEAdata is invalid or is not received,”NMEA”is extinguished. Applicabledata: GLL,GGA,RMA,RMC,APA,APB 14) Channel display: Will displaychannel number inuse. (Large) WhenOwnShip’ sMMSI IDis entered,etc,Channel display(Large) showsitssituation. 15) Channel display: Will display Priority CH number in use. (Small) WhenOwnShip’ sMMSI IDis entered,etc, Channel display(Small) showsitssituation. 1.3 OPERATING PROCEDURES 1.3.1 Turning the Power On 1) Rotate the VOLUMEknobclockwisetoturn the radio on. 1.3.2 Setting the Volume 1) Rotate the VOLUMEknobfor thedisired volumelevel. 1.3.3. Setting the Power Output 1) Simply press the “ MON1/25”keyfor twosecondstotogglebetween1Watt output and25Watt output. When“ 1WATT”is displayed,theoutput power is1Watt. If “ 1WATT”isextinguished, 25watts is being output. The choice of power output is dependent upon thedistance of transmission and transmittingconditions. In certain USharbors and on certain channels, theFCCrequiresthe power tobelimitedto 1Watt. Onthese “ required “channels,theradio automaticallyselects 1 Watt power output whenthe channel isselected. 1.3.4 Selecting the Channel 1) To select the appropriate channel, rotate CHANNEL SELECTION Knob clockwise / counterclockwiseor also press UP/DOWNkeyof themicrophone. 2) The channelswhich are not set on the frequency mode are skipped . 3) When UP/DOWN key is continuously pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel is continuously changed(+1 or –1) every 100msecduring pressingUP/DOWNkey. 1.3.5 To select the frequency mode 1) Thefrequencymode(group) can be selectedfromUSmode, International modeand Canadian Mode. ThefrequencymodecanbeshownontheLCDasfollows. USAfrequencymode----------------------------à “ INT”and “CAN”are eliminated CANADIANfrequencymode------------------à “CAN”isdisplayedand“ INT”is eliminated. INTERNATIONALfrequencymode----------à “ INT”isdisplayedand“CAN”is eliminated. WhenWX/INTkeyispressed andheldfor over 2 seconds, one frequencymode canbechangedtothe other frequency mode and Alerm 1is heard.: For example: WhenUSAmodeis in use,it can be changed toCANADIANmodebydoing above operation. WhenCanadianmode, it canbewchangedto International mode. When International mode,it canbechangedto USAmode. Thelast changed frequency modecanbememorized. Whenthe power isturned on,thelast memorized frequency mode can be used.(Channel number is16CHat that time.) 1.3.6 To Transmit 1) Press thePush-To-Talkswitch(PTT switch) and speak into the microphoneusinga clear normal voice. 2) If thecurrent channel isWeather CH or the Tx prohibited channel, PTTswitchcannot beusedandAudible beep sound 2 is heard. 3) RAY53is designedto meet thenewFCCRulesPart 80.203, which states,if the PTT switch is pressedcontinuouslyfor over five minutes,transmission is forcibly inhibited. If thisoccurs,audiblebeepsound2will beheard until thePTTswitchisreleased. 1.3.7 To select a Weather Channel 1) Simply press the WX/INT,thenuseChannel SelectionKnoborUP/DOWNkeyto select thedesiredWeather Channel from0to 9. Whenthis mode is selected,the transmitter is always inhibited. 2) WhentheWeatherCHisfinishedbypressingWX/INTkey,thelastusedWeatherCH number ismemorized 3) Whenthe power isre-turnedon,thememorized Weather CH number can be activate on the WeatherCHmode. 1.3.8 Priority Channel 1)When16/9 is pressed and released, Alarm1is heard and PriorityChannel isin use then Channel Display(Small) shows“ P”onthe LCD.(“ P”displaymeans“ PriorityCH” .) 2) When16/9 key ispressed and releasedagain during “ P”is diplayed, Alerm 1 is heard andthe channel will be returned to the privious Working CH. Whenthechannel is changedbyUP/DOWNkeyduringPriorityCHis displayed, “ P”displaywill be eliminated and WorkimgCHwill be in use. 3) When16/9 is continueouslypressed for over 2 seconds, Alerm1is heard and Priority channel canbechangedeither16CHor9CH.(WhenPriorityCHis16CH, it canbe changedto 9CHandwhenPriorityCHis9CH,it canbechangedto 16CH.) 1.3.8 Channel Memory 1) TheRAY53hasthecapabilityof memorizingall US,International andCanadian Channels. The channelsmemorizedwill bescannedintheMemoryScanmode. 2) Channel Memory: WhenSCAN/MEMkeyispressed and heldfor over 3 seconds,the audiblebeepsound1is heard and theselected current channel can beput into memory. Whenthe displayedchannel on theLCDismemorized, “ MEM”is displayedonthe LCD. MemoryClear : Topressandholdfor 3 seconds whenthe memory channel is stored, the audiblebeepsound1is heard and thechannel canbe cleared Whenthedisplayed channel isnot memorized,” MEM”is not displayedonthe LCD. 1.3.9 Scan Modes The RAY53 is equipped with two types of scan options, All-scan and Memory Scan. How these options are accessed is dependent upon whether there are any channels stored in memory. 1) All-Scanmode If nochannels are stored in memory,when the SCAN/MEMkeyispressed and released, theaudible beep sound 1 isheardand” SCAN”will begin to flash on the LCD for three seconds. If no other keys are pressed in these three seconds,the radio will begin scanning all channels(except weather channels) as long as no signal is received. If a signal is received,the scan will stop on the receiving channel. If the signal is lost for five seconds, the radio will resumescanning. While theradioisscanningALL-Scan,” SCAN”is displayedonthe LCD. Tocancel thescanmode,press theSCAN/MEMkeywhilethe radio is scanning. 2) MemoryScanmode If oneor more channelsare stored inmemory,whentheSCAN/MEMkeyis pressed and released, the audible beep sound 1 is heard and “SCAN”and “MEM”will begin to flash simultaneously on the LCD for 3 seconds. If no other key is pressed in these three seconds, the radio will begin scanning all channels currently in memory.(Begin Memory scanning) As with All-Scan, If a signal is received,the scan will stop on the receiving channel until thesignal islost for fiveseconds, the radio will resumescanning. Whilethe radio is scanning MemoryScan, “ SCAN”and“MEM”are displayed on the LCD. Tocancel memory scan,press theSCAN/MEMkeywhiletheradiois scanning. WhenSCAN/MEMkeyispressed again during “MEM”flashing within these three seconds, the audiblebeepsound1is heard and “ SCAN”will flash ontheLCDand the radiowill begin ALLScanmode. “ MEM”will disaprear fromtheLCDleaving only“ SCAN” flashing. 1.3.10 Monitor operations 1) The RAY53is equipedwith2typesof monitor operations, Dual Watchopeartionand Tri Watchoperation. Working CHandPriorityCHcanbemonitored alternately in Dual Watch operation. Working CH, PriorityCHandWeatherCHcanbemonitored by turns in Tri Watch operation. 2)Dual Watch and Tri Watch can be changed each other by usingWX/INTkey. WhenWX/INTkeyis pressed and released in themonitor mode, Alerm 1 is heard andDual Watch and Tri Watch can be changed each other alternately. VOL SQL NMEA VOL SQL NMEA WX MON VOL SQL NMEA MON MON WX Dual Monitor WX Tri Monitor Dual Watch operation -. “MON”isdisplayedonthe LCD. -. WorkingCHnumber isdisplayedatChannel Display(Large) on the LCD. -. PriorityCH(16CHor 9CH) number isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) on the LCD. . If thesignal of Working CH is detected, the Channel Display(Small) will be extinguishedandthemonitor will stop temporarily. Then the Receiver will be done for 7seconds.( Evenif there is no carrier for these7seconds, themonitor will stopfor 7 seconds.) After 7 seconds is passed,theradiowill monitor Priority CH. -. If the carrier of Private CHis detected , the Priority CH number is displayed at the Channel Display(Large) and theChannel Display(Small) will beextinguished and the monitor will stoptemporarily. Tri Watch operation -. “MON”isdisplayedonthe LCD. -. Working CHnumber isdisplayedatChannel Display(Large) on the LCD. -. PriorityCH(16CHor 9CH) number isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) on the LCD. -. “WX”isdisplayedontheLCD -. If the carrier of Working CH isdetected, theChannel Display(Small) will be extinguished and themonitor will stop temporarily. Then the Receiver will be done for 7 seconds.( Evenif there is no carrier for thse 7 seconds, the monitor will stop for 7 seconds.) After 7 seconds is passed,theradiowill monitor Priority CH. -. If the carrier of Private CH is detected, the Priority CH number is displayed at the Channel Display(Large) and theChannel Display(Small) will beextinguished and the monitor will stoptemporarily. 7secondshasbeenpassed after the carrier is eliminated, theradiowill monitor Weather CH. -. If the carrier or the alert of Weather CH is detected, the monitor operationwill stop and Weather CH wil become in use with “WX”flashing every 0.5 sec and Alerm3is heard for 5 seconds. TheVariationbycarrier detectionduring Monitor operation Carrier Detectionat Working CH VOL SQL NMEA MON VOL SQL NMEA MON VOL SQL NMEA MON Carrier is detected 7 seconds ispassed at Working CH after the carrier is OFF Carrier Detection at Priority CH VOL SQL NMEA MON VOL SQL NMEA MON VOL SQL NMEA MON Carrier isdetected 7 seconds is passed at Priority CH after thecarrier isOFF Carrier Detectionat WeatherCH(Alert isreceived) VOL SQL NMEA VOL SQL NMEA VOL SQL MON MON MON WX WX WX Carrier is detected Alert is not detected NMEA at Weather CH VOL SQL NMEA WX Alert isdetected "WX" flash Exit Monitor mode 1.3.11 The key opeartion during the monitor operation. -. WhenPTTkeyis pressed,themonitor will stop and the transmission will be done at the stopped channel. Whiledetectingthe carrier of Weather CH or detecting Weather Alert, thetransmission will bedoneat Workimg CH. VOL SQL NMEA VOL SQL MON NMEA TX WX Press PTT key at PriorityCH PriorityCHis transmitted VOL SQL NMEA TX Press PTT key at Working CH Press PTT key at Weather CH WorkingCHistransmitted -. WhenSCAN/MEMkey, MON/1/25keyorUP/DOWNkeyispressed, Alerm1is heard andthe monitor will stop and then WorkimgCHwill be in use. VOL SQL NMEA MON Stop monitor mode VOL SQL NMEA Switch to Working CH -. When16/9 key is pressed, Alerm1is heard and Scan operation will stop and then Priority CHwill be in use. VOL SQL MON NMEA Stopmonitor mode Switch to PriorityCH VOL SQL NMEA -. Evenif theChannel Selectionknobis operated,there is no change. 1.3.12 The operation for Weather Alert detection(Alert Tone : 1050 Hz) Alert detection checks the output power fromAlert detection ICasfollowing timing. 100msec10msec 25msec 0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -. Whenthealert isreadytobedetected(whenthe carrier is detected), the detection will start to be checked after 100msec. -. The detectionischecked11timesper every 10msec and then the detectionis checked 8 timesper every 25msec. If the alert isdetected at all thecheckingpoints, it meansthat WeatherAlert can be detected. Thedetection are checked with timing changed during total 300msec. -. If noneof detection is detected between 0 and 18 with the abovetiming, re-start at first 100msec. -. If thealerts are not detected at someof theabovetimingbetween0and18,the following scanning will be done. Whenalert tone is detected at Tri Watch monitor, “WX”displayflashesevery secandAlarm 3 is heard for 5 seconds. VOL SQL MON NMEA Alert tone is detected VOL SQL NMEA "WX" flash and Alarm3is heard WX WX 2. Whenalert tone is detected at Weather CH, “WX”displayflashesevery 0.5sec. (Alarm3is not heard) VOL SQL NMEA Alert tone is detected VOL SQL "WX" is flashing WX WX NMEA Theoperationbyanykeysafter alert detection. -. Wheneither PTT key,SCAN/MEMkeyorMON/1/25 key ispressed, Alarm 2 is heard to prohibit keys fromusing. -. WhenWX/INTkey,16/9keyorUP/DOWNkeyispressed, “WX”displaywill be eliminated and thekeyoperation will bein use. -. Evenif theChannel Selectionknobis operated,there are no changes. 1.3.13 DSC (Digital Selective Calling) The DSC mode enables you to contact or be contacted by another vessel digitally,without voicecommunications. DSCcanbeusedtoreplacethenormal routineof verballycontacting another vessel on CH16,then proceeding to a working channel for further communications. Your radiomust be set to CH70 to transmit or receive DSC cals. The three DSC cal modes are described in the following section. 1) Own Ship’s ID Entry(Own Ship’s MMSI Entry) To operate the RAY53 in the DSC mode,Own Ship’ s IDmust be registered in advance. The registration procedure isasfollows. 1. * If theformer IDhasbeenentered, OwnShip’ sID cannot be enteredandAlarm 2 is heard. There shouldbenoMMSI number intheunit whenshipped. It is necessary for re-enterOwnship’ sID to delete the former ID by Own Ship’ sID Clear. *If there is no former ID, Alarm 1 is heard and Own Ship’ sIDcanbeentered. 2. Toenter DSCsettingmode, press and holdtheSCAN/MEMandWX/INTkeys simultaneouslyfor 2 seconds. ----à “ DSC”isdisplayed, which means the unit isin DSCmode. ----à “MEM”is displayed, which meansOwnShip’ sMMSI can be entered in DSC mode. 3. MMSI number canbeput by the following operation -. “ 0”is displayedat Channel Display(Large) on theLCDand“ 1”is displayedat Channel Display(Small) ontheLCD. Channel Display(Large) isrepresentative theMMSI number itself andChannel Display(Small) isrepresentativeof theposition in the 9 digit. -. WhentheChannel Selectionknobis rotated, Channel Display(Large) shows the MMSI number isincreased/decreased as “ 0”base.( 0to9canbeselected) -. MMSI number isselectedbyknobbeingrotated. WhenDSCkeyispressed, the audible beep sound 1 is heard and the selectednumbercanbememorized.(“ 2”is nd displayedatChannel Display(Small) ontheLCDwhich meansthat 2 (second) digit is readytobeinput. Andthe rest of the digits are entered in the samemanner. -. Onceall of thedigitshavebeenentered, the unit will redisplay ID numbers every 1second. -. If thenumber was entered incorrectly, thecustomer performthe entry again by pressing andreleasingDSCkey. At that time“ 0”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Large) and “ 1”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small). -. If thenumber isentered correctly, theentered numberbecomesOwnShip’ MMSI by pressingDSCkeyfor 2 seconds and the audiblebeepsound1isheard,then theDSCmodeis exited and returned to WorkingCH. 4. Entryof number isdonebyChannel Selection knob. The number cannot be input by UP/DOWNkeyontheMicrophone. Thestoreddata can be memorizedonlybyDSCkey Thestored data cannot be memorizedbytheother key operations and cannot be done whenthe power is turned off on the way. 5. The wayto CLEAROwnship’ sID No. Toturn the unit on withpressingandholdingSCAN/MEM+16/9 key simultaneously. Theaudiblebeepsound1is heard and “CL”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Large). 2) Individual Ship’Call” 1. “Individual Ship’ sCall”specifiesother Ship’ sNumber and thechannel number. UnlessOwnShip’ sMMSI IDis entered, Individual Ship’ sCall cannot be used. 2. WhenSCAN/MEMkeyandWX/INTkeyare simultaneouslypressed and released, Individual Ship’ sCall will bein use. ---à “DSC”is displayedontheLCDwhich meansthe unit is in DSC mode. ---à Channel 70is displayedat Channel Display(Large) (Programming for PLL data of 70CH.) ---à “ In”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) which meanstheunit isin Individual Ship’ sCall mode. 3. WhenSCAN/MEMkey(“DSC”key) ispressed and released, theaudible beep sound1 is heard and the other ship’ sNumber can be set. -. “0”is displayedat Channel Display(Large) on the LCD and “1”isdisplayedat Channel Display(Small) onthe LCD. Channel Display(Large) is representative of the MMSI number itself andChannel Display(Small) isrepresentative of the position in the 9 digit. -. WhentheChannel Selectionknobisrotated, Channel Display(Large) showsthe MMSI number isincreased/decreased as “ 0”base.( 0to 9 can be selected) -. MMSInumber is selected by knob being rotated. WhenSCAN/MEMkey(DSC key) is pressed, theaudiblebeepsound1is heard and the selected number can be nd memorized.(“ 2”is displayedat Channel DisplayontheLCD, which means that 2 (second) digit, is ready to beinput. Andthe rest of the digits are entered in the same manner. -. Once all of thedigits have been entered, the unit will redisplayID numbers every1second. -. If thenumberwasentered incorrectly, thecustomer canperformthe entryagain by pressing and releasingSCAN/MEMkey(DSCkey). At that time“ 0”isdisplayedat Channel Display(Large) and “1”isdisplayedat Channel Display(Small). 4. Entryof number isdonebyChannel Selectionknob. UP/DOWNkeyonthe Microphonedoesnot enter the number. 5. If thenumber isentered correctly, theentered number becomes “Other Ship’ Number”bypressingSCAN/MEMkey(DSCkey) for 2 seconds and the audible beep sound1is heard. Thestored datacanbememorized onlybySCAN/MEMkey(DSCkey). The stored data cannotbememorized by the other key operationsandcannot be done whenthe power isturned off onthe way. 6. After entry of “Other Ship’ snumber” , Other Ship’ sChannel Number isready to be entered. ---à ” --- ---“is displayedat Channel Display(Large) whichmeansChannel number isready to be entered. ---à “W”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) which meansthe workingchannel isto be selected. 6’If theoperator wouldlike to resistor Other ship’ sMMSI No.only without attempt of transmission, the last used(before registration of MMSI) CHwill be displayedby pressing 16/9 key at this stage. 7. -. WorkingChannel canbeselected by rotating Channel Selectionknob. -.WhenSCAN/MEMkey(“DSC”key) is pressed and released, theaudiblebeepsound is heard and theselected number can be memorized as Working Channel number. 8. If the operator would like to resistor Other ship’ s MMSI No.only without attempt of transmission, the lastused(beforeregistrationof MMSI) CHwill bedisplayedbypressing 16/9 key at 9. After entry of “Channel number” ,“ Individual Ship’ sCall”isready to transmit. ----à “ TX”is flashing on the display(Instruction to be ready to transmit) ----à Channel 70is displayedat Channel Display(Large) (Programming for PLL data of 70CH.) ----à “ In”is displayed at Channel Display(Small) (Instruction for Individual Ship’ Call) -. While “ TX”isflashing,Individual Ship’ sCall can transmit at70CHbypressing PTTkey. -. After transmission, when an acknowledgement fromthe target ship is received, the audiblebeepsoundis heard and “ ACK”is displayedontheLCD. -.When2secondsispassedafter receipt of acknowledge, the unit will switch to selectedChannel number and “DSC”modewill beexited. WhenDSCmodeisexited,”DSC”and“ ACK”will beeliminated. Channel Display(Large) displays the selected Channel number. Channel Display(Small) iseliminated. -. If anacknowledgefromthe target ship is not received, “ Individual Ship’ sCall”at 70CHisstill remainingin use. (“ Individual Ship’ sCall”cantransmit againbypressing PTT key) 10. Thewayto CLEAROther ship’ sMMSI No. There are twowaysto clear Other Ship’ sMMSI No. 1) Toturn the unit on withpressingandholdingSCAN/MEMkeysimultaneously. Alarm1is heard and “CL”is displayedat Channel Display(Large). Or 2) Toturn the radio on with pressing and holdingSCAN/MEMkeyand16/9 key Simultaneously. Alarm1is heard and “CL”is displayedat Channel Display(Large). (OwnShip’ sID No. is also CLEAR by doing this operation.) 3) Other ship’s MMSI previously entered. Whenthe other ship MMSI numberhasbeenentered,the operator does not have to register the other ship’ sMMSInumberbydoing the following procedure. 1. PressSCAN/MEMkeyandWX/INTkeysimultaneously 2. Then “MEM”, “ DSC” , “ 70” (Large channel display), “In” (Small channel display) are displayedonLCD. -“MEM”meansthat the other ship’ sMMSI number has been registered. -.”DSC” means that the unit is in DSC mode. -.”In”meansthat theunit isin DSCmode. 3. Press and releaseDSCkey. 4. “MEM” ,”DSC”“0”(Large channel display) and “ 1” (Small channel display) are displayed on the LCD. 5. Press and releaseMONkeyif youwouldlike to check theMMSI number. 6. The MMSI number of eachdigit isdisplayedevery 1 sec from1st digit to9th digit. MMSI number itself isdisplayedontheLarge Channel Display. The number of digit is displayed on the Small Channel Display. 7. After all MMSI number(total 9digits) are displayed, topressDSCkeyfor 2 second, theLCDdisplays“DSC”, “--- ---“ ,(Large Channel Display) and “w”(Small Channel Display) which means the unit isready and waitingfor input of CallingCH. 5’ Press and releaseWX/INTkeyif youdonot have to check the MMSI number again, 6’ theLCDdisplays“DSC” , “--- ---“ ,(LargeChannel Display) and “w”(Small Channel Display) which means the unit isreadyandwaitingfor input of CallingCH. 8. (If youwouldliketoenter thedifferent Other Ship’ sMMSInumbermanually), 1. To rotate channel selection knob from the stage of the above 4(“MEM” ,”DSC”,” 0”and “ 1” ) ,then the different other ship’ sMMSI number can be set. The LCD displays “DSC”, “ 3” (LargeChannel display)and“ 1”(Small Channel display)whichmeansthatthenumber st of 1 digit is 3. 2. TopressandreleaseDSCkeyforconfirmation,Alerm1isheardandthe MMSInumberof nd digit will be ready to be input. “MEM” , “DSC”,” 0” (Large Channel Display) and “ 2” (Small Channel display) are displayed on the LCD. To rotate Channel Selection nd Knob,theMMSI number of 2 digit is selected. 3. The rest of the digits are entered in the same manner. 4. Once all of the digits have been entered,the unit re-display MMSI Number every 1 sec from1st digit to 9th digit. Whenthe operator confirmedMMSI number, “DSC” “ --- ---“and “w”are displayedontheLCDbypressing and holdingDSCkeyfor 2 seconds. If theoperator wouldliketodoublecheckthe MMSInumberagain or to change the MMSI number, theLCDdisplays “MEM” ,”DSC”,” 0”and“ 1”bypressing and releasingDSCkey. 4) Receiving Individual Ship’s Call Response 1. The receivableChannel is only70CH. It canbedoneevenin working CH, Monitor modeandScanmode. 2. Whenthe unit receive the signal, the unit will becomeautomatically“DSC”mode. If thereceivedsignal isfor the unit itself,the unit will respondthe signal. If thereceivedsignal isnot for theunit itself, theunit will not respond and Monitor ModeorScanmodewill continue to be inuse. 3. Theoperation whenthe received signal isfor the unit itself. Whenthe unit receives “ Individual Ship’ sCall”at70CH,Alarmtone will sound. ----à “DSC”is displayedwhich meansthe unit is in DSC mode. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays70CH. ----à “ In”isflashingatChannel Display(Small) which meansthe unit is ready to receiveIndividual Ship’ sCall. ----à “ TX”isflashing, which meanstheunit isreadytoreceiveIndividual Ship’ sCall. 4. To transmit theresponsebypressingPTTkey. After transmission,the unit will switch to instructed Channel numberandDSC modewill beexited. ----à WhenDSCmodeis exited, “DSC”iseliminated. ----à Channel Display(Large) displaytheselectedChannel number. ----à Channel Display(Small) iseliminated. 5. The transmitter/receiver can be done at theselected channel number. 5) “All Ship’s Call” 1. “ All Ship’ sCall”does not specifythe other ship. “ All Ship’ sCall is general call toanyship to initiate contact on channel 16. Unless“OwnShip’ sID”is entered,”All Ship’ sCall”cannot be done. 2. WhenSCAN/MEMkey and WX/INTkeyare simultaneouslypressed and released, “ All Ship’ sCall”will beinuse. ----à “DSC”is displayedontheLCDwhichmeansthe unit isin DSCmode. ----à Channel 70 is displayedat Channel Display(Large) (Programming forPLLdata of 70CH.) ----à “ In”is displayedat Channel Display(Small) which means the unit is in Individual Ship’ sCall mode. 3. “ All Ship’ sCall”canbeselectedbyrotating Channel SelectionKnob. Channel Display(Small) displays“ AS” Whether “ Individual Ship’ sCall”or “ All Ship’ sCall”can be selectedbyChannel Selection Knob. When“ Individual Ship’ sCall”is selected, Channel Display(Small) displays“ In” When“ All Ship’ sCall”is selected,Channel Display(Small) displays“ AS” 5. After selection of All Ship’ sCall” ,whenSCAN/MEMkey(“DSC”key) is pressed, the audiblebeepsound1is heard andthe unit is ready to transmit “All Ship’ sCall” ----à “ TX”is flashing on the LCD which means that Transmission is ready. ----à Channel 70 is displayedat Channel Display(Large). ----à “ AS”is displayedat Channel Display(Small) whichmeansthat theunit isin All ship’ sCall mode. 6. While “ TX”is flashing, All Ship’ sCall cantransmit at 70CH by pressing andreleasingPTTkey. Transmitter output power islimitedto 1W. 7. After transmission,the unit will switch to 16CH of WorkingCHandDSCmodewill beexited. WhenDSCmodeisexited, ”DSC”will be eliminated. Channel Display(Large) displays16CH of Working CH.. Channel Display(Small) iseliminated. (“ Individual Ship’ sCall”cantransmit againbypressing PTT key) 5) Receiving All Ship’s Call The receivableChannel isonly70CH. It canbedoneeveninworking CH, Monitor modeandScanmode. Whentheunit receivethe signal, theunit will becomeautomatically“DSC”mode 1. When the unit receives “ All Ship’ sCall”at70CH,Alarm tone will sound. ----à “DSC”is displayedwhichmeansthe unit isin DSCmode. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays70CH. ----à “ As”isflashingatChannel Display(Small) which meansthe unit is ready to receiveAll Ship’ sCall. 2. After theunit received “ All Ship’ sCall”, whenSCAN/MEMkey(“DSC”key) is pressed, theaudible beep sound 1 isheard and the unit will switchto the 16CH of Working CHandthen “DSC”modewill beexited. ----à When“DSC”modeis exited, “DSC”iseliminated from the LCD. ----à Channel display(Large) displays16CHof Working CH. ----à Channel Display(Small) iseliminated. 6) “ Distress Call” The“DistressCall”is to be initiated by pressing and holding the “DISTRESS”key onthe rear of themicrophone for 4 seconds.The Distress call hashighest priority of all the operations. UnlessOwnShip’ sMMSI IDisentered, Distress Call is not available. 1. WhenDistress key is continuouslypressed, “DistressCall”can start to operate. ----à “ DSC”isdisplayedwhich meanstheunit isin DSCmode. ----à Channel Display(Large) displaysCounts downtime(4,3,2,1). Countsdownwill beshownevery1secondonChannel Display(Large) ----à “ d”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) 2. “ Distress”keyhasto be pressed continuouslyfor over 4 seconds. WhileDistresskeyis being pressed,Channel Display(Large) isshowing Count downtimeslike 4à 3à 2à 1. If “Distress”key is releasedonthewaybefore4seconds, “DistressCall” operation will be cancelled. 3. After Count downis finished,”DistressCall”can start to be transmitted. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays70CH. ----à “ d”isdisplayedatChannel Display(Small) which meansthe unit is in DistressCall mode. ----à Distresssignal canbeautomaticallytransmitted.( “ TX”is displayedonthe LCDduringtransmitting.) 4. After transmitting Distress signal,the unit will wait for an acknowledgement from the other ship. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays70CH. ----à Channel Display(Small) displays“ 16”whichmeansthe channel after receipt of anacknowledgement will be 16CH. ----à “TX”will be eliminated. 5. If theunit doesnot receiveanyacknowledgement fromthe other shipsfor Distress Call evenafter Distress Call wastransmitted, Distress signal can be transmitted automaticallyrandomlyevery 3.5 –4secuntil receiving acknowledgement fromtheothers. Whenthe acknowledgement isreceived,theautomatic transmissionwill not be necessary. 6. Onceanacknowledgement isreceived fromthe other ship, Alerm tone will sound and“DistressCall”modewill beexitedandtheunit automaticallyselect 16CH. ----à ” ACK”is displayedbyreceivingacknowledgement. (“ ACK”will beeliminated after16CHis selected.) ----à ”DSC”is eliminated. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays16CHof Working CH. ----à Channel Display(Small) iseliminated. 7) Receiving “Distress Call” The receivableChannel isonly70CH. It canbedoneeveninworkingCH, Monitor modeandScanmode. Whentheunit receivethesignal, theunit will becomeautomatically“DSC”mode (1)Whentheunit receives“DistressCall”at 70CH. ----à “DSC”is displayedwhichmeansthe unit is in DSCmode. ----à Channel Display(Large) displays70CH. ----à “ d”isflashing at Channel Display(Small) which means the unit is ready to receive Distress Call. After the unit received“ Distress Call” ,when“DSC”key is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and theunit will switch to the 16CH of WorkingCHandthen “DSC”modewill beexited. ---à When“DSC”modeisexited, “DSC”is eliminated fromtheLCD. ---à Channel Display(Small) is eliminated3. DSC Watch mode can be activate by doing followingoperat. 8) DSC WATCH Mode/ON OFF operation 1.DSCWATCH operation is defined that the radio is searching for CH70(DSC Channel) in ReceivingWorkingChannel , ScanOperation mode, and Monitor Operationmode. 2. DSC Watch operation can be selected withON/OFFbypanel operation. DSC WATCH shouldbeOFFwhenthe unit is ex-factoried. 1) PressandholdSCAN/MEMkeyandWX/INTkeysimultaneouslyfor 2 seconds. 2) “DSC”, “ 70”(Large CHdisplay) and ‘ In” (Small CHdisplay) are displayed on the LCD. Theunit isintheselectionmodefor Individual Ship’ sCall. 3) Rotate Channel SelectionKnobto the right. 4) “DSC”, “70” (LargeCHdisplay) and “ As” (Small CHdisplay) are displayedonthe LCD. The unit isintheselectionmodefor All Ship’ sCall. 5) Rotate Channel SelectionKnobto the right. 6) “DSC”, “ 70” (Large CH display) , and“ 0F” (Small CHdisplay) are displayedonthe LCD. At this stage, DSC Watchmodecanbeselected. “ 0F”ontheSmall CH displaymeansthatDSCWatchisOFF. Further to rotate CH selectionKnobtotheright,theunit repeat tobedisplayedfrom the above 2) . The displaywill bedoneas6)à 2) à 4) à 6). To rotate Channel SelectionKnobto the left, the unit will bedisplayedbacktothe Above4). The displaywill bedoneas6) à 4) à 2) à 6). 7) BypressingSCAN/MEMkey,DSCWatch modecanbeselected either ON or OFF. 8) TopressSCAN/MEMkeyandWX/INTkeysimultanously, the unit return to the last Useddisplaybefore the above 1) display. 9) WhenPower isre-activate on, the unit will start inthemodelast used.(Onor OFF). 2. SPECIFICATIONS Transmitter Channels All availableUS,International andCanadaVHFMarine band FrequencyStability +/- 10PPM(+/- 0.001%) (-20°C °C FrequencyRange 156.025 to157.425MHz Channel Spacing 25 kHz Increments PowerOutput 25Wattsswitchableto 1 Watt into 50 Ohmsat 13.6 VDC Modulation Frequencymodulated 16F3 (+/-4.5kHz at 1000Hz) ModulationAudioResponse Shall not vary +1/-3dBfromtrue6dBpre-emphasis from 300 to 2500Hz, reference 1000Hz. Audiofrequencies3-20kHz shall be attenuated(at 1 kHz by 60 logf/3dB.Above20kHz by50dB) FMHum&Noise level Lessthan–40dBbelowaudio Audio Distortion Less than 10%at 1kHz for 3kHzdeviation Spurious&Homonic Attenuated at least 43+10logPo(belowratd radiated carrier Emissions power) per FCCRules Part 2&80 Antenna Impedance 50Ohm Transmitter Protection Shall surviveopenor short circuit of anttena system without damage(10 min.test) Receiver Channels All availableUS,International,CanadaVHFMarineBand FrequencyRange 156.025 to 163.275 MHz in 25 kHz increments FrequencyStability +/- 10PPM(+/- 0.001%) from-20° UsableSensitivity 0.3µVfor 12dB(SINAD) SquelchSensitivity 0.2µVor better Threshold 1.0µ full squelch AdjacentCHRejection ° 70dB SpuriousImageRejection 70dB IntermodulationRejection 70dB Audio Output 2Watt or more at 10%or lessdistortion into 8 Ohm load(INTERNAL) Hum&Noise in Audio Lessthan –40dB Operating Requirement Input Voltage 13.6VDC+/- 15%(11.6to15.6 VDC) Current Required Lessthan 5.8ampat 25 Watts Transmit Lessthan 1.5 ampat 1 Watt OperatingTemperature -20 °Cto +50°C DutyCycle Continuous, 80%receive, 20%transmit (max10min, @25°C) Humidity 100%at 50°Cfor 8 hours Radio Dimensions Height 55 mm(2.17 inches) Width 145mm(5.7 inches) Depth 160mm(6.3 inches) Weight Approx. 868g 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 10.1 General TheRAY53canbeconsidered as consistingof twomajor sections. -. The control section(consisting of thefront panel controls,LCDdisplay,and CPU -. The transmitter/Receiver/PLLsection. 10.2 The Control Section . Theheart of thecontrol section is the CPU,which is IC201 located on the CNTLPCB.TheCPUcontrolsall of thefollowingitems: nd -. ControlstheSquelch circuit bydetecting a busy signal fromthe2 IF circuit IC3 on theRFPCB. -.Generatesabeeptonewhenakeyis activated on the keyboard. -. Mutes the transmitter modulation circuit whenreceiving. -. Controlsthe output power of thetransmitter High/Low. -. Controlsthe dividing ratio N of the PLLcircuit. -. SwitchesOn/Off the transmitter power. -. MutesAFaudio. -. Detects a weather alert signal(wheninMonitor Mode) -. ControlstheLCDdisplay. 3. 3 The transmitter/Receiver/PLL Sections In reading through the following circuit descriptions, it maybehelpful to refer toBlock Diagram of theTX/RX/PLL circuits. 10.3 1. PLL(Phase Lock Loop) Circuit PLL circuit of this radio is PLL IC(IC2) and is composed of VCO circuit which is for Transmitter and for Receiver independently. PLL IC(IC2) generates the setting frequencybasedonthecontrol data of CPU(IC201). Thereferenceoscillatingfrequency of thePLLcircuit is21.25MHzandisconsistingof crystal resonator X1andIC2.Thisoscillatingfrequency21.25MHzisdivided into 1/850 to make25KHz-reference frequency. Transmit frequency is generated on the Inductor and Capacitor circuit with connected to IC2pin 4,5. Thefrequencycontrol voltage, whichisoutput fromIC2pin7, will beinput into Variable CapacitanceDiode(D6) on InductorandCapacitor circuit. Thereceiver local frequencyisgenerated on the Inductor and Capacitancecircuit with connected to IC2 pin 20, 21. The frequency control voltage, which is output from IC2 pin 18, will be input into VariableCapacitanceDiode(D5)composedon Theoscillatingfrequency21.25MHzwhichisoutputfromIC2pin11willbeusedforthe secondlocal frequencyof Receiver and it will be input into IF IC(IC2) pin 1. 10.4 Transmitting Circuit Operation 3.4.1 Microphone Amplifier Circuit: Voice signal fromthe mocrophonegoesthrough pre-emphasis circuit consisting of C147,R104andisamplifiedinMICAMPIC8(A). Pre-emphasis can be output by Diode(D10). The level of thesignal islimitedbyD7 andadjusted in the VR4. Limiter output is amplified by IC8(B),then it goes through the active 4-stage LPF consistingof IC8(C) and IC8(D). 4-stage LPF output goes intoVariableCapacitance Diode(D7) and then it makesFrequencymodulation. 3.4.2 Transmit FrequencyPowerAmplifier Circuit RFsignal fromthePLLIC(IC2) pin 1 goes through the 10dB attenuator consisting of R37,R38,R39 and will beamplifiedbyQ11. Output fromQ11will amplifydrivepower necessary for the Q4andQ3. powermodule(IC5) will be amplified and the RF signal will beoutput totheantennaswitching circuit. 4-stage LPF consisting of L21and L1-L3is used to improvethelevel of Transmission SpuriousEmission. RFoutput fromthe powermodule(IC5) canbechangedbychangingthe voltageof IC5pin2. 3.4.3 APCCircuit DiodeD4is monitoringapart of thepowermodule’ s(IC5) output. Themonitoring signal will be output to IC5via switchingtransistor Q8 and displaythe “TXON”and theLCD. Theoutput voltagefromIC5controlsthe RF power to keep theRFoutput at a constant level. 3.4.4 DSCSignal Treatment In DSCmodeat CH70,a sequence signal fromCPUisinput to MODEMIC(IC11) and convertedto an analogsignal. AsaMODEMTXsignal,this signal switchesthe analog switch(Q20) frommicrophone input positionto DSCposition.ThenDSCsignal is sent out tothe transmitter microphone amplifier. If NMEAinformationare input to P501 connector through GPSor other devices connected to it,these information are taken into CPU through photo-coupler of Q22 andcanbetransmittedwithDSCtoprovideinformationsuchaspositionandtime. 3.5 RECEIVER CIRCUIT 3.5.1 Antenna Switching Circuit Asignal receivedat the antenna connector J501 goes to high frequency amplifier circuit via 4-stage lowpassfilter consisting of coilsL1-L3 and L21. 3.5.2 High Frequency Amplifier Circuit RF signal goes to the 1st mixer circuit through 2-stage BPF(consisting of coil L5,6) and will be high frequency amplified by Q1 and then 3-stage BPF(consisting of L8,L10,and T3) . The 1st image spurious frequency will be rejected to the adequate level in the 5-stage BPF inside the high frequency amplifier circuit. 3.5.3 1st Intermediate Frequency Amplifier Circuit. st Adoublebalancedmixer(DBM) of IC1isusedfor 1 mixer of Receiver. RFsignal fromRFAmplifier circuit input to IC1pin6. Receiver local frequency input from PLLIC(IC2) pin 20 to IC1 pin3 and then converts the frequency. The converted 1st IF signal(the frequency of 1st IF is 21.7MHz) goes through 1-stage crystal filter(F1) and isamplifiedintransistor(Q2) 3.5.4 nd Intermediate Frequency Circuit st The 1 IF signal is added to IC3 and converted to 2nd IF signal. The 2nd IF signal goes through F2 and amplified in the IC3 and then through discriminator CD1 and the demodulatedAFsignal isoutput fromIC3. 3.5.5 Low Frequency Circuit TheAFsignal demodulatedintheIC3goesthroughthede-emphasis circuit consisting of operational amplifier IC4(A) and R127 and C45. A 3 stage active HPF consisting of IC4(B),C48,C49C50,R23,R24andR25isusedtorejectAFsignalbelow300Hz.TheAF signal fromthe 3-stageHPFgoesthroughAFVolumeVR301andisinput to the speaker amplifier circuit IC9. 3.5.6 Audio Muting Circuit TheQ18to mutetheaudio is controlledbyinput of squelch’ sBUSYsignal andthe mute output of theCPU(IC201). 3.5.7 WX Alert Detection Thetone selector IC10detects the 1050Hz alert tineif it iscontained in the re-modulated AF and WXalert tonewill beoutput fromthe speaker. 3.5.8 DSC Signal Treatment If the re-modulated signal arriving is a DSCsignal, it is input toMODEMIC(IC11) as an RXMODEMsignal, andconvertedtodigital signal. Undergoing the treatment in the CPU circuit, thisdigital signal changestheoperation state to DSC mode. 4. ALIGNMENT for RAY53 4.1 PLL Adjustment(Receiver) 1.1 Connect thepower supply(13.6V, 10) to the power line. 1.2 Set theradio on CH16(156.800MHz) and set it to Receivermode. 1.3 Connect the reed terminal of a digital voltmeter or high impedance tester to Test point(TP2) on RFPCBandset it toDCvoltagerange. 1.4 Adjust variable coil (T1) in the RF PCB(in the VCO shield case) and set the DC voltageto1.3V+/-0.1V. 4.2 PLL Adjustment(Transmitter) Connect thepower supply(13.6V,10A) to the power line. ConnectRFPowerMeter(40W50ohm, 150-200MHz) to antenna connector. Set the radio on CH16(156.800MHz) and set it toTransmitter mode. Connect the reed terminal of a digital voltmeter or high impedance tester to Test point(TP3)onRFPCBandset it toDCvoltagerange. Adjustvariablecoil(T2)intheRFPCB(intheVCOshieldcase)andsettheDCvoltageto 2.0V+/-0.1V. 4.3. Frequency Adjustment(Transmitter) 4.3.1 Connect thepower supply(13.6V,10A) tothe power line. 4.3.2 ConnectRFPowerMeter(40W50ohm, 150-200MHz) to antenna connector. UseCoupler in order todividethe transmitter output power and then connect to frequency counter. 4.3.3 Set the radio on CH16(156.800MHz) and set it toTransmitter mode. 4.3.4 Adjust Trimmer Capacitor(TC1) in the RF PCB(in the VCO shield case) and set theFrequencyCounter to 156800.000Hz+/-100Hz. 4.4 Modulation Adjustment(Transmitter) 4.4.1 Connect thepower supply(13.6V,10A) tothe power line. 4.4.2 Connect RF Power Meter(40W50ohm, 150-200MHz) to antenna connector. Use Coupler in order to divide the transmitter output power and then connects to FM linear detector. 4.3.3 Connect the audio oscillator and PTT test Assy to Connector (J203) No.1 pin in CNTLPCB. Set theaudio oscillator to –18dBmandset thefrequencyto1KHz Andthen set it totransmitter mode. 4.4.4 Adjust VariableResistor(VR4) intheRFPCBtoset thedeviationdisplayedonFM linear detector to 4.2kHz+/-0.1kHz. 4.4.5 Set theaudio oscillator to –38dBmandset thefrequencyto 1kHz. Confirm that the deviationonFMlinear detector shouldbe3.0kHz+/-0.5kHz. 4.5 4.5.1 Output Power Adjustment(Transmitter) Connect thepower supply(13.6V 10A) tothe power line.and connect Power Meter(40W,50 ohm, 150-200MHz) to antennaconnector. 4.5.2 Set theradioonCH16(156.800MHz) and tobetransmittermodeat Lowpower mode. 4.5.3 Adjust theoutput power to 1.0W+/-0.1WbyVariableResistor (VR2)ontheRFPCB. 4.5.4 Changethetransmitter output selector Switch into Hi Power mode. 4.5.5 Adjust theoutput power to 2.5W+/-1WbyVariableResistor(VR3) on the RF PCB. 4.6 4.6.1 RF Sensitivity Adjustment(Receiver) Connect a RF signal generator to the antenna connector andaSINADmeter to theExternal speaker line. 4.6.2 Select the WeatherChannel . 4.6.3 SetRFgenerator as follows: Frequency : 163.275 MHz. Modulation: 1.0 kHz Deviation : 3.0kHz 4.6.4 AdjustT3onRFboardandmakethe best of SINADsensitivity 5. ELECTRICALCONNECTIONS 5.1 DCPower, External SpeakerConnectionsandNMEAInput The 6 feet longpower cableassemblyconsists of the DC power cable and the external speaker cable.TheDCpowercableiscomposedof RED(+) and BLACK(-) wires, and the external speaker cablehasYELLOW(+) and GREENTHICK(-) wiresandNMEAInputhasGREENTHIN(+)andBROWN(-). The RED(+) wirewith anin-linefuse(10 amps.) andthe BLACK(-) wire of the 6 pin connector cable are used for connecting the RAY53to the ship’ s 13.6VDCpower system. Inmost cases this length shouldbeadequateenoughto reach the DC power source. If additional wirelength is required,the cablecanbeextendedbyaddingmore cableasnecessary. However,for power cableruns longer than15feet,larger wirediameter size shouldbeusedtoprevent voltagelineloss. YourRAY53radio should be connected to the nearest primary source of ship’ sDCpower. Atypical source may be a circuit breaker on the power panel or a fuse block near theunit. Whenconnecting to either of these sources, thecircuit breaker or other in-linefuse shouldberated at 10 amps. It isrecommendedthat lugs be used to connect thepower cableto the DC supplyand the lugconnections shouldbeboth crimpedandsoldered. This is very important in order to insure adequate currect drawto the equipment. intermittent operation mayresult if aninsufficient connectionismadetothe power source. the connectionterminal should be clean, with no sigh of corrosion. TheRED(+) wireis connected to the positive terminal of the power source or battery.TheBLACK(-) wire is connected to the negative(ground) of the power source or battery. Shouldthepower connectionsbeinadvertentlyreversed,the 10amp.in-line fuse locatedin the RED(+) wirewill open. Check the input power leadsfor correct polaritywithaVOM(volt/ohmmeter),reconnect the leadsobserving correct polarity,andreplacethe fuse. Use the same rateand type fuse. -TheRAY53acceptsNMEA0183data from a GPS or Loran navigator to provide Lat/Lonposition informationthat is transmit duringDSCDistressCall mode. The NMEAsentences that couldprovide positional data,by order of priority are: GGA.RMC,RMA,and GLL. 5.2 AntennaConnections The coaxial cable to your VHF antenna is intended to be connected to the antenna jackontherearpanel usingaPL259VHFtypeconnector.Theantennacablemaybe cut totherequiredlength at installation. If alongercablelengthisrequired,RG-58 50 ohm coaxial cable or equivalent cable may be used for runs up to a maximumof 50 feet. If the distance required is even greater,then we recommend using low loss RG-213 or equivalent cable for the entire run in order to avoid excessive losses in power output. If the antenna RF connector islikelyto be exposed tothemarineenvironment, a protective coating of grease(similar to Dow Corning DC-4) can be applied to the connetor before connecting it to the radio. Any other extensions or adapters in the cable run should also be protected by silicon grease and then wrapped with a waterproofing tape. 5.3 Antenna MoutingSuggestions Thebest radio in the worldis useless without a good antenna location. Mounting the VHFantennaproperlyisvery importantbecauseit will directlyaffect theperformance of your VHF radio. Astandard VHF antenna which is designed to use aboard boats shouldbeused. -. Since VHF transmission are essentiallyLine-of-Sight,mount theantenna at the highest possiblelocationonthe vessel and freeof obstructioninorder to obtain maximumrange. -. Use an antennawithhighest possiblegaincharacteristics. -. If youmust extend the lengthof thecoaxial cablebetweenthe antenna and the Radio, use a coaxial cabledesignedfor theleast amount of power loss over the entirecablelength. -. Keep the coaxial cable betweenthe radio and antennaasshort aspossible. 5.4 Grounding While special grounding is not generally required for VHF radiotelephone installations, it is good marine practice to properlyground all electronic equipment to the ship’ s ground system. The RAY53 can be connected to ground by attaching a wire to one of the screws on the unit’ s rear panel and then to the nearest ship’ ground connection point. The recommended wire to be used or such grounding is #10AWG. RAY53’ s cabinet was specially designed and die-cast from aluminum to insure maximumnoiserejection fromexternal sources USA Frequency DATA CH TXFrequency 156.050 RX PWR Frequency 156.050 156.150 156.150 156.250 156.300 156.350 156.250 156.300 156.350 CH TXFrequency 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 156.675 156.725 156.875 156.925 156.975 RX PWR Frequency 156.675 156.725 156.775 156.825 156.875 156.925 156.975 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 156.400 156.450 156.500 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 157.200 157.250 157.300 157.350 157.400 156.400 156.450 156.500 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.750 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 161.800 161.850 161.900 161.950 162.000 156.075 156.075 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 157.025 157.075 157.125 157.175 157.225 157.275 157.325 157.375 157.425 157.025 157.075 157.125 157.175 161.825 161.875 161.925 161.975 157.425 WX Frequency DATA CH RX Frequency 163.275 162.550 162.400 162.475 162.425 162.450 162.500 162.525 161.650 161.775 INT Frequency DATA CH TXFrequency RX PWR Frequency 156.050 160.650 156.100 160.700 156.150 160.750 156.200 160.800 156.250 160.850 156.300 156.300 156.350 160.950 156.400 156.400 156.450 156.450 CH 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 TXFrequency RXFrequency PWR 156.675 156.725 156.875 156.925 156.975 157.025 157.075 156.675 156.725 156.775 156.825 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 156.500 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 157.200 157.250 157.300 157.350 157.400 156.025 156.075 156.125 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 156.500 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.750 156.800 156.850 161.500 161.550 161.600 161.650 161.700 161.750 161.800 161.850 161.900 161.950 162.000 160.625 160.675 160.725 160.775 160.825 160.875 160.925 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 157.125 157.175 157.225 157.275 157.325 157.375 157.425 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 156.875 CAN Frequency DATA CH TXFrequency 10 156.050 156.100 156.150 156.200 156.250 156.300 156.350 156.400 156.450 156.500 RX PWR Frequency 156.050 156.100 156.150 156.200 156.250 156.300 156.350 156.400 156.450 156.500 CH 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 TXFrequency RXFrequency PWR 156.675 156.725 156.875 156.925 156.975 157.025 157.075 157.125 156.675 156.725 156.775 156.825 156.875 156.925 156.975 157.025 157.075 157.125 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 157.200 157.250 157.300 157.350 157.400 156.025 156.075 156.125 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.750 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 161.800 161.850 161.900 161.950 162.000 156.025 156.075 156.125 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 83 84 85 86 87 88 157.175 157.225 157.275 157.325 157.375 157.425 NOTE: 1. Transmitter is automatically disable on channel 15,75 and 76 in all modes. 2. 1 Watt initially. User can override to 25Watts via front panel controls. 3. 1 Watt Only 4. Channel 70 is now used for Digital Selective Calling only. 157.175 161.825 161.875 161.925 161.975 157.425
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 46 Creator : Create Date : 2000:01:25 10:41:03 Title : ray53_Manu.PDF Author : Bill Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 3.02 for Windows NT Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools