Realtek Semiconductor RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n RTL8188CE miniCard User Manual
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11b/g/n RTL8188CE miniCard Users Manual
- 1. User Manual
- 2. Warning Statements inside Users Manual
- 3. Users Manual
- 4. Manual host
- 5. manual module
- 6. user manual I
- 7. user manual II
- 8. User Manual module
Warning Statements inside Users Manual
Lenovo(Japan), Ltd., Date: July 15, 2010 Document Number: UY610-03-0063-53 Userâs Manual The attachment is the userâs manual for the specific Lenovo host PC device in this application that consists of the following three sections. 1. The regulatory notice concerning the FCC Part 2 /15B /15C and IC RSS-102/210, ICES-003 for the applying WLAN transmitter device (FCC ID: TX2-RTL8188CE, IC: 6317A-RTL8188CE). 2. Reference only: The regulatory notice concerning the FCC Part 2 /15B /22H /24E and IC RSS-102/132 /133, ICES-003 for a WWAN transmitter device incorporated in the host PC device. 3. Screen copies of electronic userâs guidance referred to in the above regulatory notices, which are displayed on the LCD screen of the host PC device. ďŹ1. Regulatory notice for WLAN / Bluetooth transmitter devices 7KLQN3DG 5HJXODWRU\ 1RWLFH $ERXW WKLV PDQXDO 7KLV PDQXDO FRQWDLQV UHJXODWRU\ LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU WKH IROORZLQJ 7KLQN3DGĹŞ SURGXFWV ĹĄ 7KLQN3DG ;H DQG 7KLQN3DG 0LQL 5HDG ÄąUVW Ĺ UHJXODWRU\ LQIRUPDWLRQ 5HDG WKLV GRFXPHQW EHIRUH XVLQJ \RXU FRPSXWHU 7KLV FRPSXWHU FRPSOLHV ZLWK WKH UDGLR IUHTXHQF\ DQG VDIHW\ VWDQGDUGV RI DQ\ FRXQWU\ RU UHJLRQ LQ ZKLFK LW KDV EHHQ DSSURYHG IRU ZLUHOHVV XVH ,QVWDOO DQG XVH \RXU FRPSXWHU DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH IROORZLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV ,I \RXU FRPSXWHU FRQWDLQV D ZLUHOHVV :$1 DGDSWHU EH VXUH WR DOVR UHDG 7KLQN3DG 5HJXODWRU\ 1RWLFH IRU WKH :LUHOHVV :$1 $GDSWHU LQFOXGHG ZLWK \RXU FRPSXWHU 7KH ODWHVW 5HJXODWRU\ 1RWLFH KDV EHHQ XSORDGHG RQ WKH :HE VLWH 7R UHIHU WR LW JR WR KWWSZZZOHQRYRFRPWKLQNVXSSRUW FOLFN 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ DQG WKHQ FOLFN 8VHU V JXLGHV DQG PDQXDOV 9HXLOOH] OLUH OH SUĂVHQW GRFXPHQW DYDQW G XWLOLVHU YRWUH RUGLQDWHXU &HW RUGLQDWHXU HVW FRQIRUPH DX[ QRUPHV GH IUĂTXHQFH UDGLR HW GH VĂFXULWĂ GH WRXV OHV SD\V RX UĂJLRQV GDQV OHVTXHOV VRQ XWLOLVDWLRQ VDQV ÄąO D ĂWĂ KRPRORJXĂH ,QVWDOOH] HW XWLOLVH] O RUGLQDWHXU HQ UHVSHFWDQW OHV LQVWUXFWLRQV TXL VXLYHQW 6L YRWUH RUGLQDWHXU FRQWLHQW XQH FDUWH GH UĂVHDX ĂWHQGX :$1 VDQV ÄąO YHLOOH] Ă OLUH ĂJDOHPHQW OD FRQVLJQH UĂJOHPHQWDLUH 7KLQN3DG 5HJXODWRU\ 1RWLFH IRU WKH :LUHOHVV :$1 $GDSWHU IRXUQLH DYHF YRWUH RUGLQDWHXU /D YHUVLRQ OD SOXV UĂFHQWH GH OD 1RWLFH UHODWLYH Ă OD UĂJOHPHQWDWLRQ D ĂWĂ FKDUJĂH VXU OH VLWH :HE 3RXU OD FRQVXOWHU DFFĂGH] Ă KWWSZZZOHQRYRFRPWKLQNVXSSRUW FOLTXH] VXU 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ SXLV VXU 8VHU V JXLGHV DQG PDQXDOV 86$ Ĺ )HGHUDO &RPPXQLFDWLRQV &RPPLVVLRQ )&& , $SSURYHG ZLUHOHVV GHYLFHV 7KLV VHFWLRQ SUHVHQWV WKH )&& ,' DQG PRGHO QXPEHU RI HDFK ZLUHOHVV GHYLFH L 8VHU LQVWDOODEOH ZLUHOHVV /$1:L0$; DGDSWHU ĹĄ )&& ,' 7;57/6(/ 0RGHO 57/6( ĹĄ )&& ,' 7;57/&( 0RGHO 57/&( ĹĄ )&& ,' 4'6%5&0 0RGHO %&0+06 ĹĄ ĹĄ )&& ,' 3'$1;+8 0RGHO $1;+0: )&& ,' 3'%1+8 0RGHO %1+0: 1RWH 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUGV IRU D ZLUHOHVV /$1 PDUNHWHG LQ WKH 86$ DQG &DQDGD GR QRW VXSSRUW RU IXQFWLRQ LQ WKH H[WHQGHG FKDQQHOV FK FK ĹĄ 7KH 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUG 0RGHO $1;+0: LQFRUSRUDWHV WZR IXQFWLRQV /$1 DQG :L0$; 7KHVH IXQFWLRQV RSHUDWH H[FOXVLYHO\ DQG GR QRW WUDQVPLW UDGLR IUHTXHQFLHV VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ LL 3UHLQVWDOOHG LQWHJUDWHG %OXHWRRWK GHYLFH ĹĄ )&& ,' 4'6%5&0 0RGHO %&00'B/(12 ,, 8VHU LQVWDOODEOH ZLUHOHVV /$1:L0$; DGDSWHU L 8VH RI WKH ZLUHOHVV /$1:L0$; DGDSWHU ,I QR LQWHJUDWHG 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUG KDV EHHQ SUHLQVWDOOHG LQ \RXU FRPSXWHU \RX FDQ LQVWDOO RQH SURYLGHG E\ /HQRYRĹŞ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ÄąQG DQ LQGLFDWRU SRLQWLQJ WR WKH ORFDWLRQ RI WKH )&& ,' RQ WKH ERWWRP RI \RXU FRPSXWHU 7KH )&& ,' LV DIÄą[HG RQ WKH DSSURYHG DGDSWHU LQVWDOOHG LQ WKH 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUG VORW DQG WKH )&& ,' LV YLVLEOH SULRU WR LQVWDOODWLRQ )RU WKH ORFDWLRQ RI WKH )&& ,' LQGLFDWRU DQG WKH VORW VHH /RFDWLRQ RI WKH )&& ,' DQG ,& &HUWLÄąFDWLRQ QXPEHU ODEHO LQ $FFHVV +HOS LLL )&& 5) ([SRVXUH FRPSOLDQFH 7KH UDGLDWHG HQHUJ\ IURP WKH DQWHQQD V FRQQHFWHG WR WKH 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUG FRQIRUPV WR WKH )&& OLPLW RI WKH 6$5 6SHFLÄąF $EVRUSWLRQ 5DWH UHTXLUHPHQW UHJDUGLQJ &)5 3DUW VHFWLRQ ZKHQ WKH FRPSXWHU ZDV WHVWHG LQ WKH FRQYHQWLRQDO RULHQWDWLRQ 7KH WUDQVPLVVLRQ DQWHQQDV IRU WKH 3&, ([SUHVV 0LQL &DUG DUH ORFDWHG LQ WKH /&' FRYHU 6HH /RFDWLRQ RI WKH 8OWUD&RQQHFWĹŤ ZLUHOHVV DQWHQQDV LQ $FFHVV +HOS LY 5DGLR )UHTXHQF\ LQWHUIHUHQFH UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KH ZLUHOHVV /$1 WUDQVPLWWHU GHYLFH KDV EHHQ WHVWHG DQG IRXQG WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH OLPLWV IRU D &ODVV % GLJLWDO GHYLFH SXUVXDQW WR )&& 3DUW 6XESDUW % 5HIHU WR (OHFWURQLF HPLVVLRQ QRWLFHV RQ SDJH :KHQ \RX XVH D ZLUHOHVV /$1:L0$; DGDSWHU LQ WKH DQ WUDQVPLVVLRQ PRGH ĹĄ (DFK GHYLFH LV UHVWULFWHG WR LQGRRU XVH GXH WR LWV RSHUDWLRQ LQ WKH WR 0+] IUHTXHQF\ UDQJH )&& UHTXLUHV WKHVH SURGXFWV WR EH XVHG LQGRRUV IRU WKH IUHTXHQF\ UDQJH WR 0+] WR UHGXFH WKH SRWHQWLDO IRU KDUPIXO LQWHUIHUHQFH WR FRFKDQQHO 0RELOH 6DWHOOLWH V\VWHPV ĹĄ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Äą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ÄąFDWLRQ SURFHVVHV IRU ERWK UXOHV 7KXV WKH )&& ,' RI WKH %OXHWRRWK GHYLFH LQFOXGHV ERWK FHUWLÄąFDWLRQV RI 3DUW 6XESDUW % DQG & ,9 6LPXOWDQHRXV XVH RI 5) WUDQVPLWWHUVAll Programs --> ThinkVantage --> Access Connections, and follow the instructions on the screen. Note: Before you start setting up wireless networking connections by using Access Connections, obtain a Network Name (SSID) and your encryption information from your network administrator. Access Connections, a connectivity assistant program, can easily enable one network adapter and disable the other adapters on demand. After setting up your wireless networking connection, you can use the program to quickly switch the network settings. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/wireset.htm 2009/10/02 Using wireless WAN connections 1/1 ăăźă¸ Using wireless WAN connections Wireless Wide Area Network (wireless WAN) enables you to establish wireless connections over remote public or private networks. These connections can be maintained over a large geographical area, such as a city or an entire country, by use of multiple antenna sites or satellite systems maintained by wireless service providers. Some ThinkPadÂŽ Notebooks come with a built-in wireless WAN card integrating some wireless WAN technologies, such as 1xEV-DO, HSPA, 3G or GPRS. You can connect to the Internet or your company network with the built-in wireless WAN card and the configuration utility to make a wireless WAN connection and monitor its status. Note: Wireless WAN service is provided by authorized service providers in some countries. To use the wireless WAN feature, start Access Connectionsâ˘. For WindowsÂŽ 7: To start the Access Connections wizard, see Getting started with Windows 7, and follow the instructions on the screen. For Windows XP: To start the Access Connections wizard, click Start --> All Programs --> ThinkVantage --> Access Connections, and follow the instructions on the screen. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/usewan.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 1/6 ăăźă¸ Using Bluethooth feature For WindowsÂŽ 7 For Windows XP For Windows 7: If your computer is equipped with the Integrated Bluetooth features, you can enable or disable the features by pressing Fn+F5. If you press Fn+F5, a list of wireless features is displayed. You can enable or disable the Bluetooth features with a single click. To configure a Bluetooth device or manage connection settings, you can use Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel. 1. Click Start --> Control Panel. 2. Click Hardware and Sound. 3. Click Devices and Printers. To send data to a Bluetooth-enabled device, do as follows: 1. Right-click data that you want to send. 2. Select Send To --> Bluetooth Devices. For details, refer to the Windows online help. Note: If you use the wireless feature (the 802.11 standard) of your computer simultaneously with a Bluetooth option, data transmission speed can be delayed and the performance of the wireless feature can be degraded. For Windows XP: If your computer is equipped with the Integrated Bluetooth features, you can enable or disable the features by pressing Fn+F5. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 2/6 ăăźă¸ If you press Fn+F5, a list of wireless features is displayed. You can enable or disable the Bluetooth features with a single click. In Windows XP, you can use either ThinkPadÂŽ Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software, or the MicrosoftÂŽ Bluetooth software. By default, ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software is installed on your computer. Using Bluetooth for the first time on your computer Using the Microsoft Bluetooth software Using ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software Installing the Microsoft Bluetooth software in Windows XP Installing ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software in Windows XP Using Bluetooth for the first time on your computer If this is the first time Bluetooth has been used on your computer, use either of the following procedures: 1. Double-click the My Bluetooth Places icon on the desktop, or the Bluetooth icon in the task bar. The Start Using Bluetooth window opens, and some virtual device drivers are installed automatically. 2. Wait until the installation of the drivers is complete. OR 1. Right-click the My Bluetooth Places icon on the desktop, or the Bluetooth icon in the task bar. 2. Select Start Using Bluetooth. The Start Using Bluetooth window opens, and some virtual device drivers are installed automatically. 3. Wait until the installation of the drivers is complete. Some other virtual device drivers will be installed on demand when you use certain Bluetooth profiles for the first time. Using the Microsoft Bluetooth software If you are using Windows XP and want to use the Microsoft standard Bluetooth features, install the software by following the instructions in Installing the Microsoft Bluetooth software in Windows XP. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 3/6 ăăźă¸ For information about how to use the Bluetooth function, do as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press Fn+F5 to turn on Bluetooth. Click Start --> Control Panel. Click Printers and Other Hardware. Click Bluetooth Devices. Click the Options tab. Click Learn more about Bluetooth Settings. Using ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software If ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software is installed on your computer, two icons are displayed on the screen: My Bluetooth Places on the desktop Bluetooth Configuration in the system tray of the taskbar My Bluetooth Places To use the Bluetooth features, do the following: 1. Double-click the My Bluetooth Places icon on the desktop. 2. Go to Bluetooth Tasks and double-click View devices in range. A list of the devices on which Bluetooth has been enabled appears. 3. Click the device to which you want access. A list of the services available on that device appears, as follows: Bluetooth keyboard and mouse (Human interface devices) Printer (HCRP) Audio gateway Headset PIM synchronization Fax File transfer PIM item transfer Dial-up networking Network access mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 4/6 ăăźă¸ Bluetooth Imaging Hands Free AV profile 4. Click the service you want. For more information, press the F1 key to open the online help for Bluetooth. Bluetooth Configuration To use the configuration features of Bluetooth, right-click the icon. A pop-up menu appears. Select Bluetooth Setup Wizard or Advanced Configuration. The Bluetooth Setup Wizard has the following capabilities: Finding all Bluetooth-enabled devices that can provide services Finding a specific Bluetooth-enabled device that you want to use, and configuring the services on that device Configuring the Bluetooth-enabled services on your computer that are provided for remote devices Configuring the name and device type of your computer The Advanced Configuration has the following functions: Configuring the name and device type of your computer Configuring your computer settings so that remote Bluetooth-enabled devices can find your computer Configuring your computer settings so that your computer can find remote Bluetooth-enabled devices Configuring, on your computer, the Bluetooth-enabled services provided for remote devices Configuring the services on remote Bluetooth-enabled devices Displaying information about Bluetooth hardware For details, refer to the help for Bluetooth. To see the help, double-click My Bluetooth Places, and click Help and then Bluetooth help. Another way to start the help is to right-click Bluetooth Configuration in the system tray of the taskbar, and click Advanced Configuration and then Help. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 5/6 ăăźă¸ Installing the Microsoft Bluetooth software in Windows XP If you want to use the Microsoft Bluetooth software, do as follows: First uninstall the ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software. 1. Turn Bluetooth power off. 2. Click Start --> Control Panel. 3. Click Add/Remove Programs. 4. Select ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software; then click Change/Remove to uninstall the software. 5. Follow the instructions on the screen. Next install the Microsoft Bluetooth software, as follows: 1. Turn Bluetooth power on. Microsoft Bluetooth software is loaded automatically. 2. If the Found New Hardware Wizard window pops up, do the following: 1. Select No, not this time, and then click Next. 2. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced); then click Next. 3. Select Search for the best driver in those locations. 4. Select Include this location in the search:, and type "C:\SWTOOLS\Drivers\MSBTooth," or specify the location in which you placed the extracted INF file. Then click Next. 3. Click Finish. Installing ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software in Windows XP If you are using the Microsoft Bluetooth software and want to use ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software instead, replace the Microsoft Bluetooth software with ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software as follows: 1. Press Fn+F5 to turn the Bluetooth power on. 2. Click Start --> Run. 3. Type "C:\SWTOOLS\Drivers\TPBTooth\Setup.exe" (or specify the full path to the setup.exe file you have downloaded from mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Using Bluetooth feature 6/6 ăăźă¸ then click OK. 4. Click Next. 5. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement; then click Next. 6. Click Next to select the default destination folder. If you need to change the destination folder, click Change, select or enter the name of the destination folder in the Change current destination folder window, and click OK. 7. Click Install to begin installation. 8. Click OK to accept the driver signature. 9. Click Finish. 10. Restart the computer if necessary. If you did not turn the Bluetooth power on before installing ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software -- that is, if you skipped step 1 -- replace the Bluetooth driver, as follows: 1. Click Start --> Control Panel. 2. Click Performance and Maintenance; then click System. 3. Click the Hardware tab; then click Device Manager. 4. Double-click Bluetooth Radios to extract the Bluetooth Radios device tree. 5. Double-click the ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate icon to open the Properties window. 6. Click the Driver tab; then click Update Driver. 7. Click No, not this time, and then click Next. 8. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced), and then click Next. 9. Select Don't search. I will choose the driver to install; then click Next. 10. Select the driver that has no "Digital Signed" icon; then click Next. 11. Click Finish. Note: If you use the wireless feature (the 802.11 standard) of your computer simultaneously with a Bluetooth option, data transmission speed can be delayed and the performance of the wireless feature can be degraded. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/bluetoo.htm 2009/10/02 Checking wireless connection status 1/3 ăăźă¸ Checking wireless connection status Access Connections⢠Gauge (WindowsÂŽ 7) Access Connection icon and wireless status icon Access Connections Gauge (Windows 7) If your computer is running Windows 7, the Access Connections Gauge in the task bar displays the signal strength and status of your wireless connection. Note: To display Access Connections Gauge in the task bar, see the Help in Access Connections. You can find more detailed information about the signal strength and status of your wireless connection by opening Access Connections or by right-clicking the Access Connections Gauge in the task bar and selecting View Status of Wireless Connection. Access Connections Gauge states: wireless LAN Power to the wireless radio is off or no signal. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is poor. To improve signal strength, move your system closer to the wireless access point. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is marginal. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is excellent. Note: For more information about Access Connections Gauge, see the Help in Access Connections. Access Connections Gauge states: wireless WAN No signal Signal level 1 mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/WIRESTAT.HTM 2009/10/02 Checking wireless connection status 2/3 ăăźă¸ Signal level 3 Access Connections icon and wireless status icon The Access Connections icon displays general connection status. The wireless status icon displays the signal strength and status of your wireless connection. You can find more detailed information about the signal strength and status of your wireless connection either by opening Access Connections or by double-clicking the Access Connections wireless status icon in the task bar. Note: If your computer is running Windows 7, to display the Access Connections icon and wireless status icon, click Show hidden icons in the task bar. To add it to the task bar permanently, click Customize and proceed to customize the settings. For more information about the icon, see the Help in Access Connections. Access Connections icon states No location profile is active or none exists. Current location profile is disconnected. Current location profile is connected. Wireless status icon states: wireless LAN Power to the wireless radio is off. Power to the wireless radio is on. No association. Power to the wireless radio is on. No signal. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is excellent. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is marginal. Power to the wireless radio is on. The signal strength of the wireless connection is poor. To improve signal strength, move your system closer to the wireless access point. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/WIRESTAT.HTM 2009/10/02 Checking wireless connection status 3/3 ăăźă¸ Note: If you have trouble in making a connection, try moving your computer closer to your wireless access point. Wireless status icon states: wireless WAN Power to the WAN radio is off. No association No signal Signal level 1 Signal level 2 Signal level 3 mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/WIRESTAT.HTM 2009/10/02 Enabling or disabling the wireless feature 1/1 ăăźă¸ Enabling or disabling the wireless feature To enable or disable the wireless feature, press Fn+F5. A list of wireless features is displayed. You can turn the feature on and off with a single click. You can also enable or disable the feature by the following procedures. To enable the wireless feature, do as follows: 1. Click the Access Connections⢠wireless icon in the system tray. 2. Click Power On Wireless Radio. To disable the wireless feature, do as follows: 1. Click the Access Connections wireless icon in the system tray. 2. Click Power Off Wireless Radio. Note: You can use the wireless radio switch to disable the wireless radio of all the wireless devices on your computer. Note: If your computer is a WindowsÂŽ 7 model, click Show hidden icons in the task bar. The Access Connections wireless icon is displayed. To add it to the task bar permanently, click Customize and proceed to customize the settings. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\wireless.chm::/Wlenab.htm 2009/10/02 Wireless related information 1/2 ăăźă¸ Wireless related information Wireless interoperability Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Card is designed to be interoperable with any wireless LAN product that is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Complementary Code Keying (CCK), and/or Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) radio technology, and is compliant to: The 802.11b/g or 802.11n draft 2.0 standard on Wireless LANs, as defined and approved by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) certification as defined by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Bluetooth device is designed to be interoperable with any Bluetooth product that is compliant to Bluetooth Specification 2.1 + EDR as defined by the Bluetooth SIG. Following profiles are supported by Bluetooth device: Generic Access Service Discovery Serial Port Dial-up Networking FAX LAN Access using PPP Personal Area Network Generic Object Exchange Generic Object Push File Transfer Synchronization Audio Gateway Headset Printer Human Interface Devices (Keyboard/Mouse) Basic Image Handsfree AV Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP) (WindowsÂŽ 7) VDP-Sync Profile (Windows 7) mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\masteraibl.chm::/wiinfo.htm 2009/10/02 Wireless related information 2/2 ăăźă¸ Usage environment and your health Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Card, Wireless WAN PCI Express Mini Card, and Bluetooth device emit radio frequency electromagnetic energy like other radio devices. However, the level of energy emitted is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones. Due to the fact that Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Card, Wireless WAN PCI Express Mini Card, and Bluetooth device operate within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, Lenovo believes the integrated wireless cards are safe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature. In some situation or environment, the use of Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Card, Wireless WAN PCI Express Mini Card or Bluetooth device may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization. These situations and areas may for example include: Using the integrated wireless cards on board of airplanes, in hospitals or near petrol stations, blasting areas (with electro-explosive devices), medical implants or body-worn electronic medical devices, e.g. pace makers. In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is perceived or identified as harmful. If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization (e.g., airport or hospital), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Card, Wireless WAN PCI Express Mini Card or Bluetooth device prior to turning on the computer. mk:@MSITStore:C:\ďź´ď˝ ď˝ď˝\MKCHM_1stDraft\MKCHM_1stDraft\masteraibl.chm::/wiinfo.htm 2009/10/02 1/1 ăăźă¸ Verifying the connection of replaceable or upgradable devices You can replace or upgrade the following devices for your ThinkPadÂŽ Notebook. If you experience a problem, click each of the following in turn, and verify that each device is correctly and securely installed on and connected to the computer. Battery PCI Express Mini Card for wireless LAN connection PCI Express Mini Card for wireless WAN connection Hard disk drive Memory SIM card AC adapter and power cord (refer also to the Setup Instructions.) TrackPointÂŽ cap file://C:\DOCUME~1\Murota\LOCALS~1\Temp\2T9ZZ2MC.htm 2009/10/13
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