Remanco a subsidiary of Geac Computers ESPIII Electronic Server Pad User Manual testesp

Remanco International, Inc., a subsidiary of Geac Computers, Inc. Electronic Server Pad testesp

User Manual

The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 1ADVANTAGE SERIESThe Electronic ServerPad (ESP) System GuideGeac Computers, Inc.  Part # 90102804345
2                                             The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideNo part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in retrieval system, ortranslated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,manual, or otherwise without the prior written consent of Geac Computers Incorporated.Geac Computers, Inc. makes no representation or warranties in respect to the contents of this documentand specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purposes.Furthermore, Geac reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to timewithout being obligated to notify any person of such revisions or changes.The Software described in his document is furnished under a Software License Agreement. The Softwaremay be used only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement.It is against the law to copy the Software on tape, disk, or any other medium for purposes other than thatdescribed in the license agreement.FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC)RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENTWARNINGNOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.  This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  Operation of this equipment ina residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correctthe interference at his own expense.NOTICE: This documentation may include information about optional ADVANTAGE software packages.Inclusion of this information does not imply that it is part of the standard ADVANTAGE software. Theseoption software packages include, but are not excluded to, Hotel Interface, Labor Analysis, CreditAuthorization, Beverage Dispenser Interface, ADVANTAGE Polling Manager, and ADVANTAGECommunications Manager.©Copyright 1999, Geac Computers, Inc., Restaurant Systems Division . All rights reserved.VISION is a trademark Geac Computers, Incorporated.Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.UNIX is a registered trademark of Bell Telephone Laboratories.Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.SCO is a registered trademark of the Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 3Introduction to the Electronic Server Pad (ESP) SystemRemanco's revolutionary Electronic Server Pad (ESP) is the ultimate in portable, order entry technologyfor table service restaurants.  Each ESP contains a battery powered radio transmitter and receiver thatsends information back and forth to the system through a radio base station, which operates off a radiofrequency.  This compact terminal allows the server to send order s directly from the guest's table to thekitchen or the bar.  The ESP is backlit making the keypad easily accessible in dimly lit environments.The ESP's single order entry system eliminates waiting in line for stationary terminals and speeds thedelivery of food and drink orders.  The result is improved customer service and more table turns.The ESP reduces entry errors, and there is no need to write down the order before entering it on astationary terminal.  Add-on sales such as coffee and desserts are always captured.  Each course on theorder can be timed by the server, and sent to print when the guest is ready.Managers with the ESP can discretely open checks to be sure drinks have been added, or to see what acustomer having before approaching a table to ask "How is your Filet Mignon?".  ESP's provide morecontrol for a busy floor manager to effectively manage the restaurant.Servers can provide more attentive service by spending more time with each customer.  A larger numberof guests can be served, tables are turned faster, and servers operate more efficiently.  The ESP allowsextra time for upselling that results in more revenues for the restaurant and better tips for the servers.Drinks can be delivered to the table by a runner before the server has even left the table side.  Server canbe notified at the table if an item is out of stock, or about the number of specials left.  Alternatives can besuggested and ordered on the spot.Each server is assigned a Remanco ESP terminal prior to his/her shift.  Ordering capabilities can beindividually programmed.  The ESP's server assignments can easily be changed by a manager at any time.The Remanco ESP is the ultimate tool for hospitality business owners for increasing sales, lowering food,beverage, and labor costs, enhancing server productivity, and providing repeat business from very satisfiedcustomers.Key Features• Orders are entered quickly using alphabetic, numeric, or price lookups (PLU's).• If using alpha entry, servers need only enter the first few letters (or a mnemonic abbreviation) of theitem to be ordered (i.e. if ordering coffee, the server might enter "cf...").  The system will search foran item which matches the alpha-entry.• Servers are notified right at the table if an item is out of stock, or if the quantity ordered is available.• The ESP can be configured to print checks at a nearby printer.• Durable, hand-held unit, can be carried easily.• The quiet and unobtrusive ESP does not compromise the ambiance of the restaurant.
4                                             The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideESP DocumentationThe ESP Guide provides information on the ESP system hardware, software configuration requirements,operational information, and some troubleshooting techniques for the most common ESP systemproblems.The ESP Pocket Reference Guides provide quick access to all ESP terminal functions forservers/bartenders and managers.  These reference guides are pocket-sized for easy access. ADVANTAGE     SERIES©Copyright 1994 Remanco International, Inc.Electronic Server Pad (ESP) Manager Reference Guide - Release 5.0    ©Copyright 1994 Remanco International, Inc.Electronic Server Pad (ESP) Server Reference Guide - Release 5.0     ADVANTAGE     SERIES
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 5ESP System HardwareThe ESP hardware consists of the Radio Base Station with an attached antenna, the ESP battery poweredunits,  a battery charger and battery packs.The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) EquipmentBattery PackRBSBattery ChargerESPLAN Block KitOFFICEBattery ChargerBattery PackRBSESP(s)LAN Block DINING ROOMTelco CableThe Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System
6                                             The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideThe Radio Base Station (RBS) and AntennaThe Radio Base Station (RBS) is a 110 (or 220) Volt AC powered radio base station.  The frequency rangeis 450-470MHz.  Each base station covers up to 150,000+ square feet.  The RBS can supportapproximately 12 ESP's at one time.  If necessary, an additional RBS may be used for further coverage orto increase the number of ESP's.  The number of radio base stations required for sufficient coverage andthe number of ESP's that can be supported must be determined by the local hardware support personnel.The RBS must be centrally located, clear of any large metal objects, for sufficient coverage of all ESP's.The RBS has a 250 Volt fuse which may need to be replaced from time to time.  Call your local hardwaresupport for replacement fuses.The flexible "whip style" antenna is designed to operate in the 450-470MHz range.  It is connected to theend of the RBS at a right angle (shown below) so that the antenna can swivel to accommodate either ahorizontal or vertical mounting of the RBS."Whip" Style AntennaSide View of the RBS (Not Actual Size)
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 7The Electronic Server Pad (ESP)The ESP cover protects the keypad and display as well as lowering the power to the ESP which saves thebattery pack usage.  The ESP cover has an internal antenna.  The antenna is positioned so that each timethe cover is opened the antenna is turned away from the server ensuring a clear signal.  Preset cards ormenu item lists can be stored inside the cover for easy reference.The backlit display has a two-line, sixteen characters alphanumeric display.  The keyboard is also backlitso the ESP works well in all lighting environments.  The rubber keyboard makes the ESP resistant tospills.ESP Dimensions: 1.25" x 3.64" x 7.00" (3.18cm x 9.25cm x 17.8cm)ESP Weight: (with Battery): 20.5 oz. (.58 kg)Each ESP has a unique serial number located on the back for easyidentification.MODELS/NFCC ID:1001AA(Unique Serial #)LD8RIIESPIIESP BackBattery Door
8                                             The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideThe Battery Charger and Battery Pack(s)The battery door is located on the back of the ESP and snaps on and off for easy access to the NiCadbattery pack.  The pack consists of five 600 milliamp-hour AA size cells which are all shrink-wrappedtogether.Top View of Battery Charger (Shown 1/2 size)Battery PackGreen LEDRed LED(Not actual size)Each ESP requires a special battery pack which should be purchased through your local hardware support.When the ESP is displaying a flashing block it is necessary to charge the battery pack.  Battery packs arecharged by placing them into the AC powered battery charger.  The battery charger will hold up to 12battery packs at one time, one pack per slot. Once the battery pack has been placed in the charger, thegreen LED light will be on solidly.WARNING!!!  Place only Remanco approved battery packs into the battery charger.  Non-approvedbatteries or battery packs may burst causing personal injury and damage.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 9The Battery Charger and Battery Pack(s) (continued)If the red LED lights up when the battery pack is placed into the charger:1. Remove and re-insert the battery pack at least 3 times (this will often correct the problem).2. If the red LED is still lit, discard the battery pack and replace it.If there is no red or green LED light lit, the contacts between the charger and the battery pack are notgood.1. Remove and re-insert the battery pack at least 3 times (this will often correct the problem).2. If there is still no light, try another slot.3. If no slot will light, discard and replace the battery pack.The battery pack must remain in the battery charger for a period of about 1 1/2 hours if it needs to be fullycharged (less if it needs only a partial charge).  Once the battery pack is fully charged the green LED willflash.If the battery charger indicates that a battery pack has been fully charged after only 15 minutes the batterypack is not fully charged.  Therefore, the battery pack will not last very long in the ESP.  Do not assumethat there is a problem with the battery charger.  Simply recharge the battery and it will receive a fullcharge the second time in the battery charger.Charged battery packs should last the duration of one shift (about 8 hours).  The amount of time that acharged battery pack will last may vary depending on use, therefore, it is recommended that thebattery pack be removed from the ESP and recharged after each shift.Each battery pack can be charged over and over at least 400-500 times before it should be discarded andreplaced.If the battery charger indicates a faulty battery pack (either a RED indicator light or no indicator light atall), remove the battery pack from the charger for a period of 1/2 hour.  After 1/2 hour place the batterypack back into the charger.  If there is a RED indicator light or no light at all remove the batter packagain.  Wait 1/2 hour.  Place the battery pack into the charger.  Perform this procedure for a total of threetimes.  This procedure will often correct the problem.  If not, the battery pack should be discarded.The ESP System Software RequirementsAfter the system hardware has been installed it is necessary to make changes to the software from theBack of House screens.  These changes include Screen Security, Download File Definition, and ESP toEmployee ID Assignment.Screen SecurityThe screen number shown below must be assigned to each Screen Security Privilege level.  If the screen isnot assigned to each Screen Security Privilege level, ESP to Employee ID Assignment will not beaccessible.Refer to The Feature Guide for instructions on updating Screen Security.
10                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide•  f126 ESP to Employee ID AssignmentDownload File DefinitionOnce the node number for the RBS and ESP's has been determined by the local hardware supportpersonnel, the node must be configured in Download Files for Network Nodes (screen #122).1. Select 1, "Configuration Update" from the main menu. Then, select 2, "Equipment and PresetOverlay Definition".  Select 2, "Download Files for Network Nodes" from the equipmentmenu.Download Files for Network Nodes (Screen #122)1. Press F7 (CLEAR TO ADD) Enter 1in the "Net" field and press RETURN.2. Enter the appropriate node number in the "Node" field and press RETURN.3. Type in the download file for the ESP node exactly as follows:/usr/cheshire/pcv/rlan 4. Press F9 (ADD/UPDATE) to 'save' the change.Device DefinitionEach ESP that is going to be used must be configured as a device in Device Definition (Screen#123).To configure an ESP:
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 111. Select 1, "Configuration Update" from the main menu.  Select 2, "Equipment and PresetOverlay Definition", from the configuration menu.  Then select 3, "Device Definition", fromthe equipment menu.Device Definition (Screen #123)2. Press F7 (CLEAR TO ADD), enter a unique Device ID# (i.e. "5" for the node number andany unique number i.e. 30, shown above) and press RETURN.3. Enter the number of the network in the "Net" field (1 if there is only one network for thesystem) and press RETURN.4. Enter the "Node" number that has been designated by hardware support personnel and pressRETURN (This number must match the node number in Download Files for Network Nodes(Screen #122).5. Enter any unique port number (it may be helpful to stay within a range as shown above and/orto use the unique number from  the Device ID) and press RETURN.  In the screenshown above, the ESP Device ID's and the port numbers both start at 30 although thisconfiguration is not mandatory.6. Enter 11 for the "Device Type" and press RETURN.  All ESP's must have Device Type 11.7. Enter a unique "Name" for each ESP and press RETURN.8. Enter 0 for the "Parent" and press F9 (ADD/UPDATE) to 'save' the changes.  All ESP's musthave Parent 0.Ensure that every ESP to be used has a line entry in Device Definition.  ESP's without DeviceDefinition configuration will not be operable.
12                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideUsing the ESPAssigning an Electronic Server Pad (ESP) to an EmployeeIf servers use Electronic Server Pads (ESP's), one must be assigned to them either prior to their shift, to bereturned at the end of their shift, or at the onset of there employment, to be kept permanently.The number of ESP assignments depend upon the number of ESP's available and the number of serversworking.  Server's employee ID numbers are configured to specific ESP serial numbers.  Only oneemployee may be assigned to each ESP serial number.Assigning ESP's to servers should be part of the opening routine.  Throughout the business day, it may benecessary to change ESP assignments.  If there are not enough ESP's for all of the servers who will beworking on a given business day, ESP's may be shared by changing the employee ID assigned to an ESP.To assign Electronic Server Pads:1. Select 1, “Configuration Update”, from the main menu, 2, “Equipment and Preset OverlayDefinition”, from the Configuration Update menu, and 7, “ESP to Employee ID Assignment”, fromthe Equipment and Preset Overlay Definition menu.ESP to Employee Assignment (Screen #126)2. Assign an ESP to a server by changing the employee ID number configured to an ESP serial number.Use the arrow keys or F13 (CLEAR TO FIND) and F3 (FIND) to search for the appropriate ESPserial number.3. Use RETURN to place the cursor on the employee ID number.  Type the new employee ID numberover the existing employee ID number.  Press F9 (SAVE) to “save” the change.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 13Be sure to configure each ESP serial number to a Device ID so that guest checks and order chits willprint properly.  Press F9 (SAVE) to “save” the changes.  If an ESP is not being used, configure itsemployee ID to be 0.4. Press F9 (ADD/UPDATE) to “save” the change.5. Use F1 (PREVIOUS FORM) to return to the Configuration Update menu.6. To Activate the changes select 12, “Activate Configuration Changes”, from the Configuration Updatemenu.Note: Configure all ESP assignments to "0" prior to configuring new assignments.  By doing this, you willavoid assigning an employee twice or forgetting to assign "0" to an employee that should not have anassignment.
14                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideESP to Employee Assignment Sheet MasterMake copies of this sheet to be used for keeping track of the ESP to Employee ID Assignments.  Date:___________               Shift:___________                        ESP to Employee ID AssignmentNODE SERIAL NO. SERVER NAME/EMPLOYEE ID # RETURNED
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 15The ESP KeypadDISPNEWOPEN*C/CE 142536SENDVOIDPAYMOVE 0ORDMODYN/-789AGMTBHUCIODJEVFKRWLSXZQPPRTSTCKCALLCASHF1TOTF2ADJSHIFTBacklit DisplayESP KeypadS I G N Many of the ESP keys perform two separate functions.  The large horizontal labels are the primaryfunctions, the small vertical labels are the secondary functions.  Secondary functions are performed usingthe SHIFT key.The preset keypad is located on the bottom half of the ESP keypad, letters A-Z.  120 preset keys can beconfigured, with a preset card,  for the ESP.  See Using Preset Cards.Note: Some keypad labels are the same as the ADVANTAGE  Server Terminals (i.e. IN/OUT for SIGN,MGR for CALL, FIRE for F1, etc.).  Commands within this document will reference both.
16                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideESP Key DefinitionsDISP/VIEW Displays any ordered items.C/CE To clear the last entry performed.SEND To send the order to the preparation site just as lifting the key on a TST orAEST.  The key must be pressed and released to send the order.NEW To open a new guest check.VOID To void the displayed menu item, payment, etc.ORD To order a menu item.OPEN To reaccess a guest check.PAY To pay out a guest check.MOD To modify an ordered item.*The asterisk (*) key changes the ESP from Preset mode to Alpha Entry mode.When the * appears in the lower right corner  of the display, the ESP is inAlpha Entry mode.  Nothing but alpha entries will be recognized.  In AlphaEntry mode, the alpha (letter) keys, and the Y and N/- keys, are used forordering items and modifiers by Alpha Entry.You can put the ESP's lower 24 keys in either Preset or Alpha Entry  mode.  InPreset mode, the keys correspond to menu items, modifiers, or other serverterminal functions.  There are five levels to each of the 24 Preset keys, whichgives you a total of 120 Presets.   The layout of your presets will be in the lid ofyour ESP.  Notice that each level is numbered and each Preset has a letter.  Ifthe item you want to order is in Preset Level 3 and is Key "S", you would  enter3 S and then press ORDER.  If other items that you want to order are also inLevel 3, you need only to enter the appropriate letter, as the ESP will  remain inthat level until you specify otherwise.MOVE To move ordered items from one check to another.SHIFT Key FunctionsSHIFT  After pressing SHIFT, a small rectangle will appear on the lower right-handcorner of the display to indicated that the ESP is in "shift mode."  Next, pressthe desired secondary function indicated by a small vertical label next to theykey.  For example, to select the cash function, press SHIFT and then CASH.The ESP automatically goes back to primary mode after one keystroke in shiftmode.SIGN/ To sign in/out or print a server summary.IN/OUTSTCK/ To stock menu items in/out or display a stock quantity.STKPRT To print a guest check.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 17CALL/MGR The call key is used for manager functions when the ESP is in the "shift" mode.F1/ To fire a course or change an item's course number.FIRETOT To display the number of guests and the current total of an open guest check.CASH To cash out employees.F2/ To clear/change passcodes or display system date and time.BREAKADJ To perform adjustments on guest checks.
18                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideServer Reference Guide for the ESPSigning In Enter key number, press N/-, enter job class, and pressSHIFT SIGN(IN/OUT).Creating a Guest Check Enter the table number, press NEW, enter the guest count (ifasked), and press NEW.Creating Separate Groups Enter the table number, press N/-, enter the groupon a Table number,  and press NEW.  Enter the guest count (if asked)and press NEW.Reaccessing a Check  Enter the table number, press OPEN or if groups  exist, enterthe table number, press N/-,enter the group number and pressOPEN.  (Optional, enter last 4 digits of check number, pressOPEN.Ordering Items by PLU Access check, enter PLU number, and press ORD. Repeat asnecessary.  To order multiple quantities, enter the quantity,press N/-, enter PLU number and press ORD.Ordering Items by Alpha Access check, press * to put the ESP into Alpha Entry mode.Enter letters to spell the item.  "If- - ?" displays, press ORDor MOD, or continue spelling the desired item.Ordering Items by Preset Find the menu item on the preset card.  Determine itslocation, (i.e. page # 1-5  and letter A-Z.  Press thecorresponding letter A-Z)Ordering Open Priced  Access check, order open priced item, enter priceItems without decimal and press ORD.Modifying Items Display the item to be modified, enter PLU number for themodifier and press MOD, find the modifier by spelling it(Alpha), or find the modifier on the preset card.Using Forced Modifiers If an item is ordered and displays with a ">", pressDISP/VIEW to view the forced modifiers associated with theorder item.  When the desired modifier is displayed, pressMOD.  Repeat as necessary.  Now, when modifying iscomplete press ORD to complete the order.  Unforcedmodifiers may added well once the forced modifiers havebeen selected.Displaying Items/Check Access check, press DISP/VIEW.  To reverse the displaysequence press N/- DISP/VIEW.Displaying/Changing Guest Access check, press N/- SHIFT TOT to displayCount guest count, or enter new count and press SHIFT TOT tochange.Displaying Date/Time of  Access check and press 99 DISP/VIEW.  TheCheck check creation time and date is displayed.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 19Displaying Check ID Access check, enter 24 and press SHIFT CALL/MGR.Printing Check Access check and press SHIFT PRT.Firing Course Access check, enter course number to be fired, press SHIFTF1/FIRE, enter Y and press SHIFT F1/FIRE.Changing Course Access check, display item whose course is to be changed.Press N/- enter new course number, and press SHIFTF1/FIRE.Voiding Items Display item and press VOID.  When the terminal displays"VOID ITEM?", press Y VOID.Voiding Checks Access check and press DISP.  Void any items exist  on thecheck.  When the ESP displays "NO ITEMS" press VOID.Then the terminal displays "VOID CHECK?", press YVOID.Moving Checks Create or open a new check, enter the old table number andpress MOVE.Moving Items Create or open a new check.  Enter the original table number,press Y, enter the group number and press MOVE.  PressDISP/VIEW to display item to be moved.  Press MOVE.Repeat as needed.  If multiple quantities of the same item areto be moved, enter the quantity and press MOVE.  Tocomplete the order press Y MOVE, Y MOVE.Displaying Check Total Access the check and press SHIFT TOT.Displaying Payment  Access the check, press N/- , press PAY.Methods Continue pressing N/- PAY until the desired payment methodis displayed, then press PAY to start the payment sequence.Performing Cash Payments Access the check, and press SHIFT TOT.  Enter the paymentmethod ID number, press PAY.  Enter the payment amountor Y, if the same, and press PAY.  Press Y PAY to close thecheck (if prompted).Performing Other Payments Access the check, and press SHIFT TOT.  Enter the paymentmethod ID number and press PAY.  Enter responses to theterminal prompt(s) and press PAY after each entry.  If thetotal is correct, press Y PAY.  If requested, press Y PAY toclose the check.Performing Rapid Entry Rapid entry allows items to be ordered without opening atable.  Order items and press SEND.  To pay the check, pressSHIFT TOT.  Enter the payment method ID number andpress PAY. Enter the card/room number and tip, if necessary,pressing PAY between entries.  Check total, if correct, pressY PAY.  If requested, press Y PAY to close the check.
20                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuidePerforming Multi-Payments Access the check, and press SHIFT TOT.  Enter the firstpayment method ID number and press PAY.  If necessary,enter card/room number and tip, pressing PAY betweenentries.  Enter the payment amount, including tip, to be paidto this payment method and press PAY.  Enter secondpayment method ID number and press PAY, if necessary,enter car/room number and tip, pressing PAY betweenentries.  The ESP displays the total. (Enter the paymentamount to be paid to the second payment method, continuepayout sequence).                                         -or-If the balance is to be paid to cash, press Y PAY.  Ifrequested, press Y PAY to close the check.Voiding Payments When the "CLOSE CHECK?" prompt displays on theterminal press N/- PAY then press DISP until the paymentmethod to be voided displays on the terminal.  Press VOID,the terminal displays "VOID (PAYMENT METHOD)?".Press Y VOID.  Press SHIFT TOT to ensure that the checktotal is correct.Link Inquiry Press 25 SHIFT CALL/MGR.  Enter the room number,press SHIFT CALL/MGR.  Enter N/- to abort or Y forcredit detail, press C/CE to abort.Obtaining a Server Media Press N/- SHIFT SIGN(In/Out).  The ServerReport Summary Report Media Summary will print.Signing Out Press SHIFT SIGN(In/Out).  If requested, enter cash tipsand press SHIFT SIGN(In/Out).  A verification will print.Keyless Clockout Enter the key number, press Y, enter the tip amount andpressSHIFT SIGN(In/Out).Rapid Cashout Press 7 SHIFT CASH.  Enter the amount of tips paid that islisted on the server summary, press SHIFT CASH.  Ifrequested, enter the cash tip amount and press SHIFTCASH.Identifying the ESP Press 17 SHIFT CALL/MGR.  The ESP displays the DeviceID number, network, and node number (i.e. 121    1/12).Printing a Printer  Press 104 then press SHIFT CALL/MGR.  TheStatus Report report will print on the pre-designated printer.  (Any printerthat has not been used since Front of House was started willshow as down on this report until it prints something).To Print Another Press N/-, enter the server's key number andEmployee's Sign-Out press SHIFT SIGN(In/Out).SummaryTo Sign In Another  Press N/-, twice, enter the employee's key #,
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 21Employee and press N/-, enter the employees job class, and pressSHIFT SIGN(In/Out).To Sign Out Another Press N/-  twice, and enter the server's keyEmployee number, press SHIFT SIGN(In/Out).To Change a Pass Code Enter the old pass code, press N/- twice, enter the new passcode, and press SHIFT F2/BREAK.
22                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideTo Reset a Pass Code to Press N/- twice, enter the Employee ID numberthe Employee ID Number and press SHIFT F2/BREAK.To Assign Manager's  Press 99 SHIFT CALL/MGR.  Enter thePrivileges to a Server  manager's ID key number and press SHIFT CALL/MGR.Enter the manager's pass code and press SHIFTCALL/MGR.  The ESP displays "NEW PRIV".To Remove Manager's Press 99 SHIFT CALL/MGR.Privileges from a ServerTo Reopen a Closed Check Press N/-, press OPEN, enter the reason code number forreopening the check and press OPEN.  Enter the checknumber and press OPEN.To Stock an Item In Press N/-, enter PLU number to stock in, press SHIFTSTCK/STK, press Y, then SHIFT STCK/STK. Whenprompted for a quantity, enter 0 (for unlimited amount) orenter a number (if the quantity of the item is limited), andpress SHIFT STCK/STK.To Display a Stock Quantity Enter the PLU number and press SHIFT STCK/STK (Theremust be a stock quantity set for this function to work).To Stock an Item Out Press N/-, enter the PLU number for the item that is to bestocked out, press SHIFT STCK/STK. Press N/- thenSHIFT STCK/STK.  (There must be a stock quantity set forthis function to work).To Delete a Stock Record Press N/-, twice, enter the PLU number and press SHIFTSTCK/STK.To Display ESP ID Press 17 SHIFT CALL/MGR.  The ESP displays the DeviceID number, network, and node number (i.e. 121    1/12).To Print a Floor Report Enter 22 and press SHIFT CALL/MGR.  Enter the reportnumber and press SHIFT CALL/MGR, or if an argument isrequired, press N/-, enter argument, press SHIFTCALL/MGR.To Reprint a Hard Check Access the check, enter 23 and press SHIFT CALL/MGR.Printing a Printer  Press 104 then press SHIFT CALL/MGR.  TheStatus Report report will print on the pre-designated printer.  (Any printerthat has not been used since Front of House was started willshow as down on this report until a print job has beenprinted).To Display Check ID Access the check, enter 24 and press SHIFT CALL/MGR.To Display Creation Access the check, enter 99 and press DISP/VIEW.Time of CheckTo Check the Press SHIFT F2/BREAK.Date and Time
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 23
24                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideTo Adjust a Check Access the check, enter the adjustment ID number and pressSHIFT ADJ.  If an amount is requested, enter the adjustmentamount and press SHIFT ADJ. (Automatic adjustment donot prompt for an amount).To Void a Press DISP/VIEW until the item to be voided is Previously displayed and press VOID.  If a passcode isOrdered Item requested, enter the passcode and press VOID.  Enter reasoncode and press VOID.  Enter Y if correct, and press VOID.To Void a Payment Press DISP/VIEW until the payment method to be voided isdisplayed and press VOID.   If a pass code is requested, enterthe pass code and press VOID.  Enter  Y if correct, andpress VOID.To Void an Adjustment Press DISP/VIEW until the adjustment to be voided isdisplayed and press VOID.  If a pass code is requested, enterthe pass code and press VOID.  Enter Y if correct, and pressVOID.To Void a Check Access check and press DISP/VIEW.  Void any items existon the check.  When the ESP displays "NO ITEMS", pressVOID.  Then the ESP displays "VOID CHECK?", press YVOID.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 25Common Alpha Entry Problems1. Two items are configured with the same item name and the same spelling.Example: If a Coke is configured in the system once as an order item and again as a modifier, thesystem will only find the first item that is configured with that name.Solution: Enter the order item for Coke as GLASS COKE so that it's spelling is different fromthe modifier COKE. -or-Enter Coke as 'M' Maybe in the "Aln" Alone field in Item Definition.  The server  can then pressORD or MOD to differentiate the order item from the modifier.2. There is more than one item configured whose name starts with the same word.Example: One item is configured as BURGER and another item is configured as BURGERFRIES.Solution: If BURGER is spelled in Alpha Entry mode, the ESP will display  "BURGER--?".Press ORD to order BURGER, or enter 'F' to display "BURGER FRIES--?" then press ORD.3. Only the numbers 1-9 can be used when configuring a mnemonic.Example: The menu may include 10 different glasses of wine.  The mnemonics for these could beconfigured as G1, G2, G3, etc.  However, the tenth glass of cannot be configured as G10.Therefore, a different mnemonic must be used.4. The system performs alpha searches from the same database configuration whether searching forthe item "Name" or the item "mnemonic".Example: If "it" is entered as a modifier and "Ice Tea" is entered as an order item with themnemonic "it", the system will find "it" only find the modifier and the  Iced Tea order item willnot be allowed with that mnemonic.
26                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideUsing Preset CardsIf ordering by PLU or Alpha Entry, it may not be necessary to configure preset boards for the ESP.However, if presets are configured for the ESP, it will be necessary to create preset cards to be used atreference when ordering.  The preset cards can be stored in the ESP cover.The preset card is divided into five sections, numbered 1-5 which signifies the page number.  Each sectioncontains squares lettered A-Z.  The names of the preset items can be typed below the numbers/letters.To select a menu item from the preset, locate the item on the preset card located inside the ESP cover.Identify the item's page number (1-5) and letter (A-Z).  For example, "coffee" might be located on thesquare labeled "1A".  Then, select coffee by pressing "1" on the keypad, for page one and "A" for coffee.Only one item per section, per letter, can be configured.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 271A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Use this chart to learn the ESP presets.   Thechart can be reduced (65%) so thatit fits inside the cover of the ESP.1G 1H 1I 1J 1K 1L1M 1O 1P 1Q 1R 1S1T 1U 1V 1W 1X 1Z2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F2G 2H 2I 2J 2K 2L2M 2O 2P 2Q 2R 2S2T 2U 2V 2W 2X 2Z3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F3G 3H 3I 3J 3K 3L3M 3O 3P 3Q 3R 3S3T 3U 3V 3W 3X 3Z4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F4G 4H 4I 4J 4K 4L4M 4O 4P 4Q 4R 4S4T 4U 4V 4W 4X 4Z5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F5G 5H 5I 5J 5K 5L5M 5O 5P 5Q 5R 5S5T 5U 5V 5W 5X 5Z
28                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideUse this chart to type in your menu items.  Thechart can be reduced (65%) so that it fits inside the cover of the ESP.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 29Troubleshooting the ESP SystemDisplayed Error MessagesThe following error messages may be displayed on the ESP(s).  Possible solutions are also listed.  If youhave a problem that is not mentioned, or the solution mentioned does not rectify your problem, call yourlocal support personnel.No Signal! If displayed on all ESPs, the ESPs are not receiving signals from the RBS.Solution: Press C/CE.  If nothing happens reset the RBS, turn the power switchto OFF "o" then ON "|".  Ensure that the RBS dipswitches are set correctly.  SeeRBS Dipswitch Settings. in this manual.  If the problem persists call your localsupport personnel.No Signal!-If displayed one ESP, the ESP is not receiving signals from the RBS.Solution: Press C/CE.  If nothing happens remove and re-insert the batterypack.  Check configuration of the ESP in Device Definition and ESP toEmployee ID Assignment. If nothing happens call your local support personnel.Chk System Setup The ESP serial number is not configured in ESP Assignment, or the ESP is notconfigured in Device Definition, or there is a hardware problem (i.e. RBSnetwork cable is disconnected, 1/1 PCV is down).  If it is a hardware problem,more than one ESP would be displaying this message.Solution:  If the message is displayed on one ESP, check that the ESP has beenproperly configured in ESP Assignment and Device Definition.  If the messageis displayed on more than one ESP call your local hardware support personnel.Connecting.... The system recognizes the RBS but the ESP is not communicating with theRBS.Solution: ESP may respond, otherwise the next message is displayed.Reposition Unit-The system recognizes the RBS but the ESP is not communicating with theRBS.Solution: ESP may respond, if not, reposition the ESP and/or yourself toreceive a better signal from the RBS.  The following message may be displayed.Reposition Unit->C/CE The system recognizes the RBS but the ESP is not communicating with theRBS.Solution: Press C/CE.  If nothing happens reposition the ESP and/or yourselfto receive a better signal from the RBS.  Remove and re-insert the battery pack.Check configuration of the ESP in Device Definition and ESP to Employee IDAssignment.  If nothing happens call your local hardware support.Blank Display Could be the battery pack, or the ESP itself.
30                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideSolution: Press C/CE.  If no response, remove and re-insert the battery pack.Replace the battery pack.  If no change, call your local support personnel.Check configuration of the ESP in Device Definition and ESP to Employee IDAssignment.Bat Batteries are LOW.Solution: Replace the battery pack.  After 5 minutes, if the battery pack is notreplaced, the next message is displayed.Change Batteries Batteries are LOW.Solution: Replace the battery pack.Test Mode Someone may have inadvertently pressed the top three keys on the left side ofthe keypad which puts the ESP into test mode.Solution: Press SEND to clear the screen.  If the problem persists remove andre-insert the battery pack.
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 31RBS Dipswitch SettingsYour local hardware support personnel will determine the node number for the Radio BaseStation.  Once the node number has been determined and configured in Download Reasons forNetwork Nodes (screen #122), the switches on the RBS must be set.The purpose of these switches is to address the RBS.  This is how the node number of the RBS isdesignated.  In turn, each ESP is configured for that same node number.  Therefore, it isimperative that the configuration and setting are correct.The dipswitch panel is located on the end of the RBS.  The same end as the antenna connection.Switches that are UP are considered to be ON.  Switches that are DOWN are considered to beOFF.  Switches 1 and 2 are designated for the network.  However, switch 1 is always UP or ON,and switch 2 is always DOWN or OFF, regardless of the network number.   The value of theremaining switches 3-7 are as follows:Telco PortDipswitches Antenna ConnectionSwitch Value3 14 25 46 87 16        1   2   3    4     5    6   7   Sample Dipswitch Panel
32                                              The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System GuideRBS Dipswitch Settings (continued)12345 61  2  3  4  5  6 7 1  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 7 1  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 7 91  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 77810161  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 7 1  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 7 1  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6  71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 7 1  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 71  2  3  4  5  6 713 181514191217112720 22 242521 2326313029281  2  3  4  5  6 7The first switch is always up, the second switch is always down, regardless of node number.       RBS Dipswitch SettingsNote: If you are having problems with the ESP's or the RBS verify that the RBS switch settings arecorrect.  The switches may have been changed inadvertently.To reset the RBS dipswitches:1. Using the chart above set the RBS dipswitches according to the node number that is configured inDownload Files for Network Nodes (screen #122) set (or reset) the dipswitches in the correct position.Power PlugPower SwitchOFFONFuse2. Turn the power switch on the end of the RBS OFF "o" then ON "|".
The Electronic Server Pad (ESP) System Guide 33Troubleshooting the ESP System (continued)IF ALL the ESP's on the network stop working.Check to see that Front of House is running.  Are there any printers or server terminals working?  If not,you may need to “Start Front of House operations” from the System Management menu.  If Front of Houseis running, check to see that the ESP's are assigned:1. Preset Overlay Definition” then 7, “ESP to Employee ID Assignment”.  Press F13 (CLEAR TOFIND) then F3 (FIND).  All of the ESP assignments that have been saved in this screen will bedisplayed.  Ensure that all of the ESP's that you are currently using appear in the “Device ID” field,and that they are assigned to an employee in the “Employee 1. Select 1, “Configuration Update”from the main menu.  Select 2, “Equipment and ID” field.  If the ESP's are not assigned, follow theinstructions for assigning an ESP to an Employee.2. Is there anything displayed on the ESP?  If so, use the troubleshooting section earlier in thisdocument.If you need further assistance, call the Customer Response Center at:1-800-REMANCO (1-800-736-2626).If ESP Orders Do Not ChitThree common reasons for orders not chitting are:• The ESP case was closed before the ESP was set to the "READY" mode. Make sure that the serverpressed the SEND key BEFORE closing the ESP case.  Orders do not chit unless this key is pressed.Open the case and press the SEND key.  Then, close the case.  The order should now chit in theproper preparation area.Make sure that the server opened a table using a table number that is assigned to an area that chits.For example, if the server accidentally opened a table assigned to an area that is not supposed to chit,such as a bar, the order wouldn't chit.  Use the Server Media Activity report or the Flash report to seewhere the open  checks are located.• The preparation/kitchen printer may not be working properly.  The system may have automaticallyredirected the server's order to the alternate printer.• If your restaurant is using the Coursing feature, check to see that all the courses have been fired.

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