Renishaw plc RMP60V2 sensor for machine tools User Manual

Renishaw plc sensor for machine tools H 2000 5219 05 A RMP60 UG EN cvr

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User Manual

Installation and user’s guideH-2000-5219-05-ARMP60 - radio machine probe
© 2006 Renishaw.  All rights reserved.This document may not be copiedor reproduced in whole or in part,or transferred to any other media orlanguage, by any means, without theprior written permission of Renishaw.The publication of material within thisdocument does not imply freedomfrom the patent rights of Renishaw plc.Renishaw Part no:   H-2000-5219-05-AIssued: 01.06DisclaimerConsiderable effort has been made to ensurethat the contents of this document are freefrom inaccuracies and omissions. However,Renishaw makes no warranties with respectto the contents of this document and specificallydisclaims any implied warranties. Renishawreserves the right to make changes to thisdocument and to the product described hereinwithout obligation to notify any person of suchchanges.TrademarksRENISHAW® and the probe emblem used inthe RENISHAW logo are registered trademarksof Renishaw plc in the UK and other countries.apply innovation is a trademark of Renishawplc.RENISHAW® is a registered trademark ofRenishaw plc in the UK and other countries.All brand names and product names used in thisdocument are trade names, service marks,trademarks, or registered trademarks of theirrespective owners.
1ContentsEC declaration of conformity ........................... 2FCC declaration ............................................... 3Safety ............................................................... 3Installation and User’s guide ........................... 4Typical probe system withradio transmission ........................................... 5System performance ....................................... 6Operating envelope ......................................... 8RMP60 dimensions ......................................... 9Stylus weak link ............................................. 10Operating mode ............................................. 11Probe settings................................................ 12Multiple probe mode ...................................... 14Reviewing current probe settings .................. 16Changing probe settings ............................... 18RMP60-RMI partnership................................ 22RMP60 batteries ............................................ 24Battery life expectancy .................................. 26RMP60 shank mounting ................................ 28Stylus on-centre adjustment.......................... 29Stylus trigger force and adjustment .............. 30Diaphragm replacement ................................ 31RMP60M system ........................................... 33RMP60M dimensions .................................... 34RMP60M screw torque values ...................... 35Fault finding ................................................... 36Parts list ......................................................... 41Probe settings record table ..........................  44Contents
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Document ID631737
Application IDuMRU8ELmq7mlKNkv8eKG5Q==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize65.14kB (814201 bits)
Date Submitted2006-02-27 00:00:00
Date Available2006-04-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-01-13 10:36:37
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 6.0.1 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2006-01-13 10:40:49
Document TitleH-2000-5219-05-A (RMP60) {UG} [EN] cvr
Document CreatorAdobe PageMaker 7.0
Document Author: dc0080

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