Ringway Tech AP-120E DIGITAL PIANO User Manual 7 15
Ringway Tech(Jiangsu) Co.,Ltd. DIGITAL PIANO 7 15
- 1. Users Manual 1
- 2. Users Manual 2
- 3. Users Manual 3
Users Manual 2
This piano offers 100 rhythm styles and a variation of each style pattern to choose from. There is a complete list ofall 100 styles.(Reference: Appendix (Style List) P60) Selecting A Style Your instrument has 4 direct style groups, Press the appropriate Style Select button on the left side ofthe front panel and you can use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select the desired styles. BALLAD COMBO POP LATIN @CFDCDG) Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knobto selectthefunction,see the table below: LCD Display Range Default MainreverbLevel 0"]27 18 SplitReverbLevel 0~127 18 LayerReverbLeve 0~127 18 MainChmusLevel o~127 110 SplitChqusLevel 0427 110 LayerChqusLevel ON] 27 110 VoiceSplitPoim 0~87(A—l ~C 7) #F2 ChordSplitPoint 0~87(A-1 ~C 7) #F2 Chord Type Single , Fingmd Fingered 1/4,2/4/,3/4,4/4,5/4,5/4, Me‘wmmflype 3/8,6/8,7/8,9/8,12/8 4’4 Metmnome Vol ““127 100 Main Voice Pan ‘64~+63 0 Split Voice Pan -64~+63 0 Layer Voice Pan -64~+63 O Transpose -12~+12 0 MainOclave ‘2’“‘+2 0 SplitOctave -2~+2 0 ‘1! Function Type Range Default LayerOctave -2~+2 0 Tune -64~+63 0 Song (handing On/off 0,, Song Volume 0427 127 Single,p1ayallsongs, USB Play Mode playallsongs random USB Play Speed 50~200 100 USB Play Vol 0~l27 127 MuteTrackl-Track USB mute Track 16‘? Yes/no A11 Hacks No Local MIDI On/off on MIDI In On/ off on MIDIOut Off,1~16 1 HalfSuslain On / off On Blucloolh On / off Off Rcsct AutnPowerOffTime Oftfizo~60minutes 30 minutes l Main Voice Reverb Level Press the FUNCTION] button and use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to se ect "MainReverblevel". FuNmoN ~st \ O ENT /N0 GO mmwum Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe main voice reverb level value. Range: 00~127. FLlN(TlON +IVES OO ENTER r/NO C O Press the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default settingzl 8‘ DATA WHEEL l Split Voice Reverb Level Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATAWHEEL] knob to select "SplitReverblevel," EuNmON -/vEs \‘ G %0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES][-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe split voice reverb level value‘ Range: 00~1 27‘ DATAWHEEL FLlN(TlON +IVES OO ENTER r/NO C O Press the[+/YES] and [*lNO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default settingzi 8. DATA WHEEL l Layer Voice Reverb Level Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "layerReverbLevel", FUN(TiON v/VES ‘0 %0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe layervoice reverb level value, Range: OO~1 27. DATAWHEEL EuNcnoN +/VES OO ENTER VINO ego Press the [+/YES]and [-/NO] buttons simultaneouslyto restore the default setting:i 8. DATAWHEEL l Main Voice Chorus Level Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the [+/YES] [-/N0] buttons orthe [DATAWHEEL] knob to select "MainChoruslevel". FUN(TiON v/VES \ 0 $% Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and usethe [+/YES] [e/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knobto set the main voice chorus level value. Range: 00~127. DATAWHEEL EuNEnoN +/VES 0%? ENTER % DATA WHEEL Press the [+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneouslyto restore the default settingzi 10. a; l Split Voice Chorus Level Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "MainChoruslevel". FUN(TlON -/vEs \ O ENT IND DATA WHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe Split voice chorus level value. Range: 00~l 27, FUNCTlON l/VES ENTER mo EiPi -i tEIhor‘usLeuei O O 1. 18" S- EhoLeve fig DATAWHEEL Press the[+/YES] and [*/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting:l 10. I Layer Voice Chorus Level Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "LayerChoruslevel", FUN(TlON A/VES $0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe layer voice chorus level value. Range: 00~‘| 27. DATA WHEEL FLlN(TlON +IVES ENTER r/NO C 0 Press the[+/YES] and [i/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default settingzi 10. OZ) anice Split Point This function allows you to set the Split point for the Split Mode. Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Voice Split Point EuNmaN A/VES ‘ O %> M _ I my: I emu : : I . _. 1'_r I3 In t DATA wnm Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe Split Pointvalue. Range: o~87(A-] ~C 7)‘ FUNCT]ON +NES O O i llliF’Ir—‘il‘lfl ENTER r/No _ i. ' 1-.Puj int C 0 Press the [+/YES] and [E/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting:34(GZ). om WHEEL l Chord Split Point This function allows you to set the Chord point for the chord mode. Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Chord Split Point". EuNcnoN v/VES ‘ 92 $30 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [E/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe Chord Point value. Range: U~87(Ar1~C 7)t DATAWHEEL FUNCTOlON CNS ENQER $0 MAME Press the[+/YES] and[ [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting:34(GZ)t l Chord Type Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [7/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Chord Type", EuNUloN WES C§>C J ENT r/NO ' ' "' O O - VIBE?!" Ed DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [7/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the chord type value. Range: 1 Single ,2 Fingered. FuN(Tl0N WE: QQ ENTER DATAWHEEL Press the[+/YES] and [»/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: Fingered. l Metronome Type Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [7/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "MetronomeType". EuNmON ~/vEs \‘ Q %0 DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [P/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the metronome type value. Range: 1/4,2/4/,3/4,4/4,5/4,6/4,3/8,6/8, 7/8,9/8,‘|2/8. FUNCTlON +NES en l‘lm-‘Ifil‘lll - runn I ulur: §®No WWW Press [+ and[-]buttons Simultaneouslyto restorethe defaultsetting: 4/4 I MetronomeVolume Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [P/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "MetronomeVol". FUN(TlDN -NES éi>o Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe metronome volume value, Range: 0~127. DATAWHEEL FU NCTlON l NES ENTER mo DATA WHEEL @‘QQ Press the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 100, l Main Voice Pan Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Main Voice Pan". Fl/N(TlON -/vEs \‘ 0 $0 DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the main voice pan values Range: -64~+63. FuN(Tl0N +IVES 90 Q 8&0 DATAWHEEL Press the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0, l Split Voice Pan Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "SplitVoice Pan'C FUN(TlON A/vss $0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe main voice pan value, Range: 764~+63. DATA wnm FUNC©lON ONES ENQER $9 MAME Pressthe[+/YES]and[ /NO]buttons simultaneouslytorestorethedefaultsetting: 0. l Layer Voice Pan Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [a/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "LayerVoice Pan" FUN(TlON A/vss $0 DATA WHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [i/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe layer voice pan value. Range: 764463. (mi) DATAWHEEL Press the [+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. I Transpose Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Transpose". FUN(TiON 7M5 %> M Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthetranspose value. Range: 712~+12. FUNC©iON ONES ENQER \HHF‘; T fil‘lu O . 'EI’TELPU' :5:- mm WHEEL Press the [+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. I Main Octave Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Main Octave". FUNETlON A/vss H ' ENT r/ND . u». tab-'5? DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the main voice octave value. Range: -2~+2. FUNCTlON +NES GO ENTER r/NO C 0 Press the[+/YES] and [MO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. DATA WHEEL l Split Octave Press the [FUNCTION] buttonand use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA Wl— EEL] knob to select "Split Octave". FUN(TlON A/VES $0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the DATA WHEEL] knob to set the split voice octave value. Range: 72~+2. "" ' NI‘IFI T D .-i_ UL: cave DATA wHEEL FUNCTlON +NES GO ENTER r/NO (9&0 Press the[+/YES] and [7/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. om WHEEL l Layer Octave Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Layer Octave". CID EuNcrioN A/VES 5% Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the layer voice octave value. Range: -2~+2. DATA WHEEL FUNCTlON +/VES 09 ENTER % mama Press the[+/YES] and HNO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. lTune Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA W-IEEL] knob to select "Tune ”. FVN(TlON -NES §1>o Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the DATA WHEEL] knob to set the split voice octave value. Range: 764~+63. DATAWHEEL FUNCTlON +NES QC) ENTER r/NO C 0 Press the[+/YES] and [»/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 0. DATA WHEEL l Song Grading This function is in the song learning mode, when playing songs, it Will automatically score based on your performance. Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Song Grading". EuNcnoN 7/vEs 5% Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to turn on/offthis function. DATA WHEEL FUNCTlON [NB 0 O :ERFHHIJF‘ I PINE} WE“ “‘3 Dn E-[JHEi EEERIIIIl‘iE DATA WHEEL ego lSong Volume Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Song Volume", EuNcnoN WES ENT r/NE) ()0 DATA WHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe song values Range: 0~127. FUNCTlON +NES §®No WWEL Press the[+/YES] and [*/NO] buttons simultaneouslyto restore the default setting: 127. I USE Play mode Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "USB Play Mode'l FUNCTlON -NES be DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe play mode :1 Single, 2p|ay all songs, 3Random. FUNCTlON +NES : : BEIi iuRl—IHIIFj‘IPlt-lfl ENTER C OO 2- Hamill. _ .10ne1: DATAWHEEL I USE Play Speed Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [—/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "USB Play Speed". FUN(TlON A/vss \ O m r/NO 831 i ERFIHEIF" I lit-ll} USE Flam iipee-d DATA WHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [a/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe USB play speed value. Range: $0200. FUNCTQON ONES 51$ @ nmwmsgt Press the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 100, I USE Play Volume Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA W-lEEL] knob to select "USB Play Volume”. FUNUlON ~st \‘ O 5% Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe USB play volume values Range: 0-127. 1 = ERHHBP E3 Pléi‘d' I l—‘Il‘ifi BB US '01 DATAWHEEL bylcnow ONES €Q§><5 @ DATAWHEEL Press the [+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 127. (I) l USB Mute Track Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "USB Mute Track ". FUNCTION r/VES $0 Press the [ENTER]buttonto confirm and usethe[+/YES] [E/NO]buttonsorthe DATA WHEEL]knobto setthe USB Mutetrack.Range:"MuteTrackIETrackIG?" DATA WHEEL FUNCTION +/VES OO ENTER r/NO C\‘ 0 Press [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] or [-/NO] button to setthe Mute Track yes or not DATAWHEEL l Local MIDI Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Local MIDI". EuNmON -/vEs \‘ 0 %0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the [+/YES] [E/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe Local MIDI On or Offs DATAWHEEL FUNCTION WE: GO ENTER mo 6&0 DATA WHEEL I MIDI IN Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "MIDI IN", FUN(TION -NES $0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe DATA WHEEL] knob to set the MIDI On or Off. DATAWHEEL FUNCTION WES OO ENTER r/NO Egg/O l MIDI Out DATAWHEEL Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "MIDI Out". FUN(TION A/VES O 3? I P: N I} w m _ . _ DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [7/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the MIDI Out track. Range: Off,1 ,1 6. ‘7) FUNCTlON +/VES OO ENTER r/NO (W 0 Press the[+/YES] and [*/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting:1. ED Gil ”IF-tl‘lfl l Half Sustain Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATAWHEEL] knob to select ”HalfSustain”, FUN(TlON -/vEs \‘ O $0 Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to setthe halfsustain On/Off. DATAWHEEL FUNCTlON WES OO ENTER mo C O igg DATAWHEEL NOTE: When the piano is turned off, the Half sustain an or off can be restored. l Bluetooth Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [E/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Bluetooth". FuN(TlON WE: “O om WHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [7/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the bluetooth On/Off. FUNCTION +/VES O O r)- T A M n ENTER r/NO J ‘ H' "" th DATA WHEEL ego NOTE: When the piano is turned off, the set of bluetooth on or off can be restored. l Reset Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [i/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Reset". EuNEnoN MVES TO §>o Press the [ENTER] button to restore factory set. DATA WHEEl FUNCTION «MS 00 5%?) I Auto Power Off Time DATAWHEEL Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons orthe [DATAWHEEL] knob to select "Auto Power OffTime". EuNmoN WES \ 0 $30 DATAWHEEL Press the [ENTER] button to confirm and use the[+/YES] [e/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to set the Auto Power OffTime value .Range: Off,20760minutes. FUNCT‘ON +NES ENTER r/NO DATAWHEEL Press the[+/YES] and [-/NO] buttons simultaneously to restore the default setting: 30 minutes. Your piano has 100 accompaniment styles which can be used to provide Fully—orchestrated Auto Accompaniment When the Auto Accompaniment function is turned on, your piano will create fully—orchestrated rhythm, bass and chord accompaniment based on chords you play with the left hand in the Auto Accompaniment section ofthe keyboard(i‘e. all keys to the left ofthe Auto Accompaniment split point)‘The right-hand section ofthe keyboard is available for normal playing. The default Auto Accompaniment split Auto Accompaniment point is the “F2 key The Auto ‘— ' ' Accompaniment section of the keyboard Consists ofall keys to its left. l Selecting A Style Your piano has 4 direct style groups, Press the appropriate Style Select button on the left side ofthe front panel and you can use the [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons or the [DATA WHEEL] knob to select the desired styles. BALLAD coMBo POP LATIN @CDCDC”) l Immediate Start Press the [START/STOP] button to start the style and the indicator will light up. CHORD/0T5 SVNCHRO INTRO/ENDING mar/310v FILLlNI van ELIA 'Iol ON ®®@¢ —ACCOMPANIMENT CON
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:40+08:00 Create Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:33+08:00 Metadata Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:40+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW Version 9.397 Format : application/pdf Title : ˵Ã÷Êé 7.15 Creator : onegreen Document ID : uuid:d84c81bc-0773-4cd6-96a2-1710c91a662b Instance ID : uuid:19a8c520-da1f-40dd-8c46-837c9ad4707a Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version 9.397 Page Count : 22 Author : onegreenEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools