Ringway Tech AP-120E DIGITAL PIANO User Manual 7 15
Ringway Tech(Jiangsu) Co.,Ltd. DIGITAL PIANO 7 15
- 1. Users Manual 1
- 2. Users Manual 2
- 3. Users Manual 3
Users Manual 3
l Using Synchro Start Press the [SYNCHRO] button.The indicator will light and it's called synchronized start standby. The auto accompaniment will start as soon as you play a chord with your left hand. CH®ORDIOTS sYNCHRO mad/ENDING mar/310? mum 3&ng EDQ/ €>FANIMENT CONTROL l Starting the Accompaniment with an Introduction Any of your instrument accompaniment patterns can be started with an appropriate introduction by pressing the [INTRO/ENDING] button. lfyou press the [SYNCHRO] button and then press the [INTRO/ENDING] button, the accompaniment will start from the introduction as soon as a chord is played in the auto accompaniment section ofthe keyboard. (HoRD/OTS 51mm mmmwamwop mm *5ng —ACCOMP:M>NTROL — l Using FILL IN start lfyou press the [SYNCHRO] button and then press the [FILL IN 1] or [VARIATION/FILL IN 2] button, the accompaniment will start from the FILL IN I or FILL IN 2 as soon as a chord is detected in the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT section ofthe keyboard. cHoRD/ors 51mm wwmwasmnsmp mm $5ng ./'\. , J 1 mg? \\ / \ — ACCOMPANIMENT (ONTRDL // l Variaion While the style is playing, you can add variation in the rhythm/accompaniment by pressing the [VARIATION/FILLZ] button.This switches between the Main A and Main B sections automatically playing a Fillein pattern to smoothly lead into the next section. Q) (HORD/OTS svucHno lNWO/ENDING srARt/srov mum V‘gwa @®®®©®> ACCOMPA NlMENT CONTROL I Stop immediately Press the [START/STOP] button to stop the accompaniment at any time. mom/ms stcHno .mm/moma mar/cm New. Vgilijg N —ACCOMPANIMENTCON l Ending Stop Press the [INTRO/ENDING] button while the style is playing, the style stops after ending section is finished. CHORD/0T5 svwcnno INTRO/ENDING mar/stop mum #ng l Pressing the [SYNCHRO] button This immediately stops style and automatically enables Sync Start, letting you re-start the style by simply playing a chord or key in the auto accompaniment area ofthe keyboard. cum/ms stcHwo imm/momasmwop mum nggn &PQMMENT CONTROL— This function allows you to set the rhythm tempo by tapping in tempo on [TAP/TEMPO] button.Tap on the button 2 times while rhythm is playing, The rhythm tempo are set as yourdesired speed. If you want to set the tempo before starting rhythm, you have to tap the button 4 times‘ Press the [TAP/TEMPO] button, the indicator is lit, use [+/YES] / [- / NO] button to change the tempo value range from 20 to 280 BPM (beats per minute). ammo course POP mm METRONOME TAP/TEMPO ®®®®®®§> Metronome is a convenient feature for practice, and it can also provide a solid rhythmic guide when recording. Press [METRONOME] button can turn offorturn on the Metronome mode, The time signature ofthe metronome can be set by using [+/YES] and [»/NO] buttons while turning on the metronome function/Reference: Metronome Type P27) Time signature: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4,6/4, 3/8, 6/8,7/8, 9/8,'| 2/8. BALLAD (OMEO POP LATIN METRONOME TAP/TEMF‘O ®@®®%® Turn on this mode, the specified left-hand section ofthe keyboard becomes the “Auto Accompaniment” section, and chords played in this section are automatically detected and used as a basis for fully automatic accompaniment with the selected style CHORD/0T5 SVNCHRO lN’I’RO/ENDlNG START/STOP mum vlthLlAlldN ACCOMPAN/MENTCONTROL— I SINGLE Mode SINGLE Mode fingering makes it simple to produce beautifully orchestrated accompaniment using major , seventh , minor and minoreseventh chords by pressing a minimum number of keys in the Auto Accompaniment section ofthe keyboard .The accompaniment produced is perfectly matched to the currently selected accompaniment style. I Major Chords C lfyou press a “C” key in the left-hand section ofthe keyboard, for example, a C-major accompaniment will 1] be played, Press another key in the left hand section of the keyboard to select a new chordtThe key you press will always determine the ”root" ofthe chord played Cm (ie. “C" for a C chord). 1] l Minor Chords Simultaneously press the root key and a black key to its left. — =2 l Seventh Chords Simultaneously press the root key and a white key Cm7 to its left. 1] Minor-Seventh Chords ,E Simultaneously press the root key and both a white and black key to its left, I Fingered Mode Fingered Mode is ideal if you already know how to play chords on a keyboard, since it allows you to supply your own chords for the Auto Accompaniment feature. The instrument will recognize the following chord type: Example for C chords Mm: Mnmiwicmg Display C CE CM I M “ “T"? in", T”, W ”3*” C6 . . . . . .. . . . . [Vl7] 17145177 arrow CM7 CMW‘ 7 HM dds 7 CM 5 7 [wrinm CM‘fll) 1'" H1" 1“ Tm] (3(9) ... . . . . . [W91] \rurisw ( Mm qu 7 Can 7 Cm 7 [om] errTHSH» cm» “1" m 1“ [aug] refs Cong a. . . . [mi 17"375 Cm cm 7 CW 7 Crmas 7 [1116] less (‘m6 “1“ “m m [um Husm ttm7 - r: 7 - .77 7 77777 [m7b5] 17 in "57”7 Cm7 ‘5 C9 7 Cmg 7 7 [m(9)] 1.2. "1.5 Cm(’~l , “m “I" m lm7i9tl 14'“ (5V7 Cm7L9) " ‘ " ‘ " " [m7(l 1)] 17(2) "3475707) Cm7(l I7 (2va 7 CmMg 7 Cdim 7 lmM7l HHSH CmVl7 1" Hm I" [mMm] irzrl'zrrsw (:mwm ' I ’ ~' ‘ ' - [du'ni 1" "s Cdim Cdllm 7 07 7 st 7 [mm 17 "37 «576 (mm “I" “m m [7] 17‘371r5)7"7:7ox c7 . . . ,, . .. [75m] 1747(5)” cum QIV-ic-I-"fi (iii—"Ire ‘ 1-”? [7(9)] Lzatsy‘v cm) 7" I "7 7 7 7 '7 WW] "5311'""‘51111°' W” (:th 07W C1” mm] 1737(53 *7 mm) “Tl-Ir, “m7 “I”, [7019)] insisyn c7r'9) . . . . . . . . . mbm] L 1757‘s 97 C7i‘”) Oman 7 C7au 7 Csusa 7 m 1 Hum 0709) “Th "3m 1“" imaugi , , CM7aug . . . . . . .. [7mg] Wang .5 7 isutai Cans-1 m [llZlS] 17275 c - This instrument will be able to detect certain chord inversions, however since some chords can be named differently depending on the inversion, certain chords such as m7, m7 b5, 6, m6, sus4, aug, dim7, 6(9), m7(11), i+2+5 need to be played in the root position to correctly produce the desired chord. (An example ofthis is a chord A minor 7 shares the same notes as a C6th chord, the difference being the order ofthe note positions). O.T.S Function This function is actually a convenient feature which automatically selects a suitable voice for you when you select a style. In addition, various panel settings (such as voice, effect, Tempo, etc.) that match the selected style can be recalled with just a single button [O.T.S]. Press the [OTS] button and hold for 2 seconds can turn on One Touch Setting and the LCD will display: "On: 04T.S". CHORD/0L5 stcho INTRO/ENDINGSYARY/STDV FILLlNl Vfi'kh'r'ng AcmMPANiMENT CONTROL — Press the [O,T.S] button again and hold for 25econds to turn offOne Touch Setting and the LCD will display: "Off: O.T‘S" . Press the [Acc.Vo|] button and then use the [+/YES] /[-/N0] button or [DATA WHEEL] knob to adjust the accompaniment volume. Act VOL KBD VOL: 2 RBMI‘diflg This digital piano lets you record your performances and Registration settings to a USB Diskt Each user song lets you record up to sixteen independent tracks.These include not only the voices for the keyboard performance. but also the auto accompaniment parts. It provides two different ways to record: USB Recording and MelodyTrack Recording. MelodyTrack Recording, which can save into local memory, Two Tracks recording can be save into USB disk as a MIDI File and the MIDI file in the USB disk can be load to local memory, I USB Recording 1. Insert the USB Diskinto the USBTerminal and the indicator ofthe [MEMORY] button will light up. If your USB disk is plugged in ,but the [MEMORY] button indicator is turned off, then you can press the [MEMORY] button again to restore the USB mode. 2. Start Recording Press the [RECORD] button and the button indicator is flashing, then you can start recording. TRACK! TRIKKZ MULTI LEFT mom RECORD SELECITON SONG 3. Stop Recording Press [RECORD] button again to stop recording and the indicator will be light. Recording stops and your performance is written to the song.The song to which your performance is recorded is automatically named “xxx: SONG xxx" (xxx indicates this file's sequence Num in USB Disks Xxx indicates the recording file number).You can edit the song as desired by computer or midi edit softt mm R‘K KI/f Mum lEFT mom RECORD SELECTlON SONG I Multi Recording 1‘ Insert the USB Disk into the USBTerminal and the indicator ofthe [MEMORY] button TRACK] TRACK 2 will be light, 2 You can use the[ [+ /YES] and[ [-/NO] buttons or [DATA WHEEL] knob to select the base file. FUNCTION +IVES DATA WHEEL Press [RECORD] button and the [TRACK] button simultaneously to start recording, the [RECORD] buttons indicator is flashing and the [TRACK] button indicator will be light. DELETE cho\ QW (r Mum \ > lEFT mom SONG RECORD SELECTlON mm mm Eilal = SUN—:81 - ii. Press [RECORD] button again to stop recording and the indicator will be unlighted. The Name ofthe New FileWilI be Saved in Sequence DELETE k? es. TRACK l TRACKz Mum lEFT mew RECORD SELECT/ON SONG I Play Button You can use the [+ /YES] / [- / NO] buttons or [DATAWHEEL] knob to select your desired MIDI file. Press the [PLAY/STOP] button to play the song ofthe USB disk. DELEYE Mrvokv El RECORD rumm- TRACKV mm 1 rmcxfl Mum LEFY mam RECORD SELECT/ON SONG Press the [PLAY/STOP] button again to stop playing the song and the indicator will be unlighted, l Select Recording Track Press the [TRACK] button repeatedly can select4 Track modes: Auto RecTrack (default), M.RecTrack, S.RecTrack, L.TecTrack. DELEIE El mum El mama» RHORD TRACKi TRACK 2 rMch Mum LErr mew REcoRD SELEcrip/v SDNG 0 Auto Recording Track can change automatically 0 Main voice recording track set (Aftersetting the main voice recording track, separation voice andlayer-voice recordingtrackwillchangeinto main-voice recordingtrack+i and main-voice recording track +2 . For example: lfthe main voice recording set is 3, then separation voice recording track will change into 4 automatically and double-voice recording trackwillchangeintosautomatically) 0 Split voice recording track set (Main voice and layer-voice recording trackwill not change automatically) 0 Layer voice recording track set (Main-voice and separation voice recording trackwill not change automatically) l Delete Song Insert the USB Disk into the USB terminal. Use the [+ /YES] and [, INO] buttons to select " xxx:SONGxxx " file you want to delete, then hold down the [RECORD] button and press the [MEMORY] button. LCD shows: Delete? DELEIE El RECORD Mir/vow rme LEFT mam RECORD SELECTiON SONG Press the [+/yes] button to confirm delete the file. Press the [-/No] button to cancel. l Melody Track Recording MelodyTrack1 Recording Hold down the [RECORD] button, and then press the [TRACKi] button, the [TRACK1]and the [RECORD] indicatorflashes to indicate ready to record.You can start recording simply by playing the key board or playing styles. DELEIE El mom 'mxz YMEKD (U . i lEFT RiGHT RECORD SELECTiON SONG El RECORD PL/mxrop Press the [RECORD] button again to stop recording and the data will save to local memorytrack. NOTE: If the TRACK 2 has data recorded, the indicator will light and it will play when the record is started. You can press the [TRACK 2] button to mute it, then the indicator will be unlighted. a: MelodyTrackZ Recording Hold down the [RECORD] button, and then press the [TRACKZ] button, the [TRACK2]and the [RECORD] indicatorflashes to indicate ready to record,You can start recording simply by playing the key board. DELEIE LEFT mow RECORD SELECTlDN SONG Press the [RECORD] button again to stop recording and the data will save to local memorytrack 2. NOTE: If the TRACK 1has data recorded, the indicator will light and it will play when the [T RA CK2] is started. You can press the [T RA CK 1] button to mute it, then the indicator will be unlighted. - Play the Local Track Recording During song playback, ifthe [MEMORY] button is light, you should press the [MEMORY] button again to turn off it. Press the [PLAY] to play the local recording. During song playback you can select which track you wish to hear by press the [TRACK 1]or [TRACKZ] button. DELEIE :. El 2. 2. WWW RECORD PLAV/XY TRACK] TRACKZ ruch Mum [Err RlGHT RECORD SELECTlON SONG Press the [PLAY/STOP] button again to stop playing the song. I Delete local recording Ifthe TRACK 1 has data recorded, hold the [TRACK 1] button for 3 seconds and the LCD will display: Delete Track1.Then press the [+/YES] to delete the file. Press [Me] button to cancel. DELEYE :. u Mmow El pumm- mom E161 : 'SUHIEui eleme- T'r-ac man RECORD SELECTION Ifthe TRACK 2 has data recorded, hold the [TRACK 2] button for 3 seconds and the LCD will display: Delete Track 2,Then press the [+/YES] to delete the file. Press [-/No] button to cancel, You also can press the [RECORD] and [MEMORY] button simultaneously to delete two tracks. Teaching Fllllfliflll There are 55 learning songs built into this Piano for your musical enjoyment. These songs have separate left and right—hand parts that can be turned on and off as required so you can practice the corresponding part on the piano. 1. Selecting A Song Turn on the song mode by pressing both the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] buttons simultaneously. The song number will appear on the LCD display. Both Right and Left indicator are OFF(lt means no track need to learn), DELETE / l RECORD SELECTlON Use the [+/YES] and [a/NO] buttons to select a song, Press the [DEMO] button to start play the song, press the [PLAY/LOAD] button to start learn. 2. Listening To The Entire Song 1). With the play along song mode engaged, press the [DEMO] button to hear both hand parts playing the entire song. 2). Press the [DEMO] button again to stop. DEMO 3. Practicing The Right Hand Of The Selec;ed Song 1). With the play along song mode engaged, press the [RIGHT] button to mute the right hand part. The right indicator lights up. DELETE RECORD SELECTlDN 2). Press the [PLAY/LOAD] button. Its indicator lights up and you will hear the metronome “ count in” the song.You will then hearthe leftihand part. 3). Play the right-hand part of your selected song while the left-hand part plays, 4). Press the [PLAY/LOAD] button again to stop. Otherwise, playback will stop automatically at the end of the song, 4. Practicing The Left Hand OfThe Selected Song Follow steps 1-5 listed above, substituting the LEFT button whenever RIGHT button is mentionedYou will hear the right-hand part of your selected song. Play the left-hand part of your selected song while the right»hand part plays. 5. Practicing The Both Hand OfThe Selected Song 1), Press the [RIGHT] and [LEFT] buttons simultaneously, the play along song mode is engaged. 2). Press the [LEFT] button first, then the [RIGHT] button. 3). Press the [PLAY/LOAD] button. Its indicator lights up and you will hear the metronome “countin” the song. 4). Play the leftehand and rightehand parts of your selected song. The metronome will continue to play to assist you in keeping time. 5). Press the [PLAY/LOAD] button again to stop, 6).Press both the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] button simultaneously to exit. Gllll'll RESIN 1. Press the [FUNCTION] button and use the[+/YES] [-/NO] buttons crthe [DATA WHEEL] knob to select "Reset". FUNCTION mes 8% Press the [ENTER] button to restore factory set 881: ERF HHIJP I r—‘IHIJ p.35. om WHEEL FUNCTION +st Q Q a 1 : ENTER on u: 3 : . DATA WHEEL NOTE: The local recording will not be deleted. 2. Press the [+/YES] and [-/NO] button and hold down the [STANDBY/0N] button to turn on the piano, then all settings are restored. GRHNIJF’IRNE) semen ? ruNcrroN +st STANDB ENTER -/No i) * a: * NOTE: The local recording will be deleted. Percussnon Voice List New Nuke Sunda'clfi) Roam“ Warm Ehcl'omo’zm Smmzfi] Juz‘az“ inswifl musswcufi] ENmsIss) 14 C Seq Cm H 4 4 4 4 4 25 GE Bmxh Top 26 D Brush Mr , 4 4 4 4 27 «D Bmxh Sm 4 4 u E Brush w 4 4* ‘— Rmv is 0mm Raw x2 mna‘ 4— 4— 4— 29 F Shave 7M 4 EC 4F Comm 4* (7 >- H H 9 4* 4* 4* 34 a Shave, 4* SDEMM Snu'el suEecHz 94me awsm 4* 12 «G 8107.: 4 4 33 A Buss Dmn‘ , 4* 4— 4* 4* 4* 4* Basstr L3 SM GA Open mm 659' 4 4 35 B Bass Dmrr \A 4— ‘— B) 709k BI) Annoy 7. 4* (— Gm Case 26 [1 Bass Dru/7‘ 7 4— ED km E) 70:42 ED Anuog H Elma 37.1w Gm Cm w; 37 4!) Eve 570k 4* (7 4* Nam 3m max 4* 4* 4* {19 D Shave M SD 7750'“ , SD ka SD He: M in New H» SDEmL 511ansz Mmmng SD M as «D Harm c up 4 4 4am 40 E Shave 4 SD 7700'“ 4 SD RM RM SD Hen 7- SD M1709 H 5mm N 3114173]; Muvmng SD H Skin 44 F Hwy mmL Raw ‘um 1 mm mm E m 7 Meg mm x 4* 214mm 4 4— 5:7ch mm 42 «F +4er Cased 4* 4— 4* New EH 6mm 4* 4— 4* Sermon M 43 G Hoovmm 7- Raw 'nm 2 anTer E rum 2 New 70m 2 4* E1151 Tan] 4— suck: 4: «G Am leca‘ 4* 4— 4* meg w 0959412 4* 4— 4* Shave c7744 45 A Law ‘0' New 'om 3 Ram Tm! E Tom 3 M1709 Tom 3 4— Eusw 7m] 4— mm mm 46 «A HEHm Open 4* <— 4* N‘a‘ng PH 70;)? 4* 4— 4* Mmm Be 47 B Nd Term 7750'“ 'om 1. Rank“ E Tom L Nam Tom A 4— Eusflnmd 4— GWOho‘z 46 C N d mm H R00" ‘m 5 Ram TcnS E Tom 5 New 70m 5 4* 51M Tans 4* G'Cmowse 49 at cm mm 1 4* 4— 4* Nam mm 4* 4— Hand om .Open mums SC I] ngh 70'“ Run" ‘um A [4.1chan E mm b New 70m 5 4* Hum Tune 4— 57mg Smp 54 «D Rme 0mm 4* 4— 4* 4* 4* 4— Hand W" .Cmc H Keychu 52 E 0mm 0mm 4 4 4 mgmng 53 F Rme 0mm c.a cheammg 54 a; WWW 4 4 4 4 4 pm 55 6 Spain WWW Hen" Bem 36 «a Coma 4* 4— 4* Nabg when 4* 4* 4* rcomem 1 57 A 510371 mea‘ 2 4— 4— 4— 4— 4— 4— Hand Lyn 4 0w Foomcpx 2 44 «4 mm 4 Name 59 B Rule cram; 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* Hand Lyn 457473454 DoovCeak‘g 60 C Emgo -4 4 Doc! m «c ao~go. 4 4 4 4 4 chmm 92 u Cungu 4 N46 4* 4— 4* mwog Cmga H 4* 4* 4* Wm mm a: m Cangn mm 4* 4— 4* mm Cmgu u 4* 4* 4* c me M E Conga r 4— 4— 4— meg Cmgm 4— 4— 4— Cw 2-49 as F 7mm: F 4 4 Cu' ’05: 56 1F 7mm“ 4 4 4 01' Cum 57 G Agogu >— Shun 66 «G A0090 l 4 4 4 4 4 mm 69 A CHOOSE Evans 75 «A Name; 4* 4— 4* WWW Mamas 4* 4* 4* He‘mome' 74 B Summ Wynne -4 54213?va 72 C Su'm wmm . 4 4 Gun 3m 73 4C Cum Swn 4 4 Machv‘e Gun 74 11 Cum Long may 75 AD (Haves 4* 4— 4* Am‘og Owes 4* 4* 4* Emown 75 E Waco Sham >— Dog 77 F Woon 5mm 4 4 4 4 HomGaHop 79 «F Cum Mme 4— S Sermon Push Sc'mch Push 4— 4— 4— End 79 6 Gwen 09L“ 1— ‘7 Sermon M Scmch M 4— 1— 4— Ram so as Wang‘s Mn 4 mum, m A mm Open Wm 82 4A Smkev 4 4 4 4 4 Snaxmm a: B . "9‘9 39“ snecm 84 C as Wee 4 4 4 4 Bums Nummz BANK voch NAME Momma/AN voch NAME No WWDWBAN voch NAME Farm 5‘ 50 0 SW Smugs‘ m2 101 0 Fx 6 mmm m L, a Resume emu Pm 52 5‘ a 51mm SW5 2 m: ‘02 0 FX 71mm» (,2 7 0 sum Acumlwl mm; 53 52 o cmms ma w: 0 Fx a $qu on 2 a gem mm vam 54 53 o ‘10ch om a n m c 04 3 a Hunxwonx vam 55 5a a Synm Vow: m5 ma 0 my 05 4 L, E‘ncmc puma ‘ 55 55 a 0mm HM 105 105 0 am 05 5 0 game We 2 Brass 107 ms 0 Shamxaen 07 5 0 Harpmm s7 ss 0 Ymmpe‘ ms ‘07 a mu as 7 a mew ss 57 o Tmmbane mg mg 0 mm Chmmnncpcvcussmn 5; 59 a mum no we a aagmpe as a a cum so 59 o Muted Trumpel N no a name m a o C‘ockensw s< so 0 magnum m m 0 Shaw u m 0 MW Bax e2 5‘ a Bvassseclmn chcusswn <2 n a vmpm», 5:1 52 a sym ausw m H2 0 mm: Eeu m ‘2 a Manmba 54 53 o Synm Evass 2 m m a Agugn m I: o xwuvhm Reeu H5 m a Slee‘Dmms ‘5 u a WWW Ms 65 6a 0 Sovranu Sax Ms Us a Woudb‘ock 1s 15 a Duwme- ss 65 a Alla Sax H7 Ms 0 rm Drum ngan 67 se a mums“ Ms H7 0 Me‘uflmTam ‘7 m a Dvawbar mean as 67 o Eanmnn Sax H9 us a Symh mm ‘5 .7 L, Pcvcusswa mm 59 ea a 0mm ‘20 Us a Fevavse Cymba‘ ‘9 ,3 L, flackorgan m 69 o Enghsthm suunaEvvects m .5 a Chmch nraan 7‘ 70 a Bassoon m ‘20 o Gmtar m: Nmse 27 an 0 Ram 07w 72 7< a manner <22 121 0 math News 22 2‘ a Acmmmn F‘ p E m 722 a Seashme 2, 22 L, Hay/women 7:1 72 0 mm m ‘23 q and Twncl 24 2: L, Tanqc Accumwn 74 73 a m ‘25 m a Ye‘ephone Rm 5 unar 75 7A a Recovdev ‘25 ‘25 a Hehcw‘e' 25 24 0 mm; Gmava‘om 75 75 o m Hum 127 ‘ 25 L, App‘auss 1‘, 25 0 mm. mm, (swab 77 76 o Eluwn Home <23 m o Gunsnm 27 25 a E‘acmcemmruau) 7a 77 o snamm Pcrcusswc 29 27 L, mm my man) 79 7a a wmsue ‘29 ‘27 a swam 29 23 a gem emmmm) so 79 a Ocavma no ‘27 9D Ruam 30 25 o Ovemrwen Gnuar Synm mu m ‘27 99 power 3‘ an a Mum (3mm 57 go a ma ‘ (Squaw) ‘32 ‘ 27 9. mum 32 3‘ 0 Emmy ‘ mmms 32 m 0 ma 2 5“"me m m 99 smn Bass :33 32 a Lead “CalhoveI m <27 0 Jazz 33 32 o Acousuc Bass 34 as 0 Lead 4 {cm ‘35 ‘27 a 5mm 3:: 33 o Fmgev 5355 as 84 a Lead 5 {Charanw ‘35 ‘ 27 a China 35 34 a um am as 55 a Lead 5 (Vmcel m ‘27 99 Ewm 35 35 a mum am 57 as a ma 7 (Fm) 37 35 L, 5m Bass ‘ as 37 a Lead a «saw many as 37 L, S‘apBassZ Systhad 39 33 a Synm 53551 as as 0 P361 (New Age) 40 35 0 Synlh am 2 so as o Pad 2 (Wavm) Slrmgs 91 so a paaswmmm m w 0 Wm 92 91 o mucmm 42 u o W: 93 92 o m s (swear 43 .2 0 Cam 9., 9: a Pad 6 (Mewhc? 4,, “a 0 Qumran» 95 94 o m 7 (Hum) 45 M a new“ 3mm 35 55 o m a (5mm ‘5 ‘5 L, Pancake 5mg; gym sum; 47 ‘5 L, 0mm anp 97 as a m (Ram) 48 .7 0 mm 95 97 0 Fx 2 (swam) [niamb‘a 99 95 0 mmqu 49 A5 a Smngc Ememh‘c1 um 99 o a 4 (Axmosvncrcw 5o 49 a Smngs Ensemb‘e 2 m m o n 5 (augnmessy Style Llst N0 STYLE NAME NO. STYLE NAME NO. STVLE NAME BaHad 53 am my ‘ Pmuo emu 54 D‘snoFevw 2 Lawn mum 55 NY cho 3 Love Song 56 Comm POD A m BaHad 57 cm swnq 5 B‘gBMdEa‘ad sa CnumryZBl 5 7m mm 55 Bmegrass 7 mnemmnuan so cm WaHz a swam Comm) 9 «a mm 51 Madam Jazz m «a am 2 52 mm; m Cnumryfia‘ad a: camnmm <2 smw ane‘ 54 Jaucmb <3 S‘ow Country 55 Swmg 14 Modern 2,77,.“ 56 Bxgusnddam 75 5m Bauad 57 579 am POP 55 Dms ‘5 Mcvscy am 59 BwEandDanm w mm: 70 OmckFaxtm m .1311 am 7‘ am Step 19 Pop Rock 72 Jwe 20 pm Shume 7: Resume 2‘ Gmlaqun 74 smmwu, 22 Swmq mm 75 2m Mavch 2: Van‘s Fem 76 am Mavch 24 survjop 77 romm, 25 a arm 75 Enghsh Wm 25 nus Rock 75 Vxenns WaMz 27 am so Swmg WaHz 23 swm» Rack 5‘ JaI/WH/ 29 Synm m 32 Web 30 59m 3:: 757m Fuvcv m Delrml 709 so 24 Puma :2 w m? as 575 Puma as Sow mm Law 15 BEAT as arm 34 mm 37 Merengue 35 [AM Rank as Mamba 36 Beam Wooqw as Rhumba :7 am Ewes an sm :3 GnspE‘Shm 91 Samba as Dance 92 aegmne 40 am 9 Pop 5: anaana 41 Hausa 94 tango 42 Swmq Hsc 95 Yangm \abenev 43 Cum Dance 95 Pasodamc 44 cum Law 97 cm Cha 45 Garag! as Swmg Regan: 46 7mm 99 mums 47 Damek m mo Manscm 48 Hm Hard 49 cm out so mom 5‘ Laun Dsco 52 mm 5:: Dbrnvafly 54 DMnnFm/w Troubleshooting Hints -When the instrument is turned on or off, a Popping sound is temporarily produced. This is normal and indicates that the instrument is receiving electrical power. -When using a mobile phone, noise is produced Using a mobile phone in close proximity to the instrument may produce interference. To prevent this, turn off the mobile phone or use it further away from the instrument. - Not all of the voices seem to sound, or the sound seems to cutoff. The instrument is polyphonic up to a maximum of 32 notes including Dual voice, Split Voice, auto accompaniment, song, and Metronome. Notes exceeding this limit will not sound. -The Auto Accompaniment does not sound properly. Make sure that the Auto Accomp Volume Function is set to an appropriate level. Is the Split Point set to an appropriate key for the chords you are playing? Set the Split Point to an appropriate position on the keyboard. Is the chord indicator showing in the LCD display? If it is not showing, press the CHORD button so that it does show. - No sound produced by the keyboard, but the lights and screen work. Check that the master volume control is not set to minimum. Check that nothing is plugged into the headphone socket. 'The sound of the voice changes from note to note. This is normal. The digital tone generation uses multiple recordings (samples) of an instrument across the range of the keyboard; The actual sound of the voice may be slightly different from note to note. -The volume is too soft. -The sound quality is poor, -The rhythm stops unexpectedly or will not play. -The recorded data of the song, etc. does not play correctly. -The LCD display suddenly goes dark, and all panel settings are reset. The batteries are low or dead. Replace all six batteries with completely new ones, or use the supplied AC adaptor. If you have lost or damaged yourAC adaptor. please contact your nearest store for a correct replacement adaptor. An incorrect AC mains adaptorwhich is not rated sufficiently can cause malfunction or damage. -To completely restore all settings as per factory settings Perform a factory reset, Please refer to content in this owner's manual. All of the user setting will be erased and the default factory settings will be applied to the instrument. . Power suddenly and unexpectedly turns off, after a period of not touching the keys. This is normal and the Auto Power Off function may have been activated. If you need to disable the Auto Power Off function, please see how to do this in the owner's manual. -The sustain pedal or footswitch seems to produce the opposite effect. Example pressing the footswitch deactivates the sustain, and releasing the footswitch triggers the sustain. The polarity of the footswitch needs to be correctly detectedMake sure the jack plug for the footswitch is connected. Switch the instrument on whilst not touching the pedal. Turn the adjustable Pedal Board support, until it is in firm contact with the floor. Before moving the piano to a new location, always rememberto raise the level of the Pedal Board support so that it is not touching the floorl Once the piano is in place. you can adjust it so it is in firm contact with nuanmwm ”""'"' the flooragam. FCC STATEMENT 1.This device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:54+08:00 Create Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:49+08:00 Metadata Date : 2014:09:06 10:57:54+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW Version 9.397 Format : application/pdf Title : ˵Ã÷Êé 7.15 Creator : onegreen Document ID : uuid:1d20e45a-064f-469a-9b3d-bbb75190bed3 Instance ID : uuid:a26badda-3bf8-48ec-9d21-3a6a1f392a7a Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version 9.397 Page Count : 23 Author : onegreenEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools