Robert Bosch Car Multimedia AUFPK20 Instrument cluster with immobilizer User Manual part 2

Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH Instrument cluster with immobilizer Users Manual part 2

Users Manual part 2

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual part 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2018-05-22 00:00:00
Date Available2018-05-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-03-02 16:05:49
Document Lastmod2018-04-23 16:37:14
Document TitleUsers Manual part 2

D r iving
- Do not drive faster than walking speed.
Breaking in
A new vehicle must be broken in for the first
1,000 mi les (1,500 km). For the first 600 mi les
(1,000 km), do not drive at speeds that are more
than 2/3 of the maximum permitted RPM, avoid
full acce leration, and do not tow a trailer . You
may gradually start increasing the RPM and the
speed between 600 miles (1,000 km) and 1,000
miles (1,500 km) .
During the first hours of use, the engine has a
higher internal friction than later on when all
moving parts have settled into place with each
How the vehicle is driven during the first 1,000
miles (1,500 km) also affects the engine quality.
Drive at moderate engine speeds after the initia l
break-in period, particularly when running a cold
engine . This will reduce eng ine wear and improve
the m ileage .
Do not drive at too low of an engine speed (RPM).
Shift down if the engine stops running "smoothly". Extremely high eng ine speeds are automatically reduced.
Reducing the risk of vehicle damage
Driving through water on roads
After driving through water or mud, the effectiveness of the brakes may be reduced due to
moisture on the brake rotors and brake pads.
A few careful brake applications should dry
off the brakes and restore the full braking effect .
Vehicle components such as the engine,
transmission, suspension or electrical system
can be severely damaged by driving through
- Determine the depth before driving through
- Do not stop the vehicle, drive in reverse or
switch the engine off when driving through
- Keep in mind that oncom ing vehicles may
create waves that raise the water level and
make it too deep for your vehicle to drive
through safely.
- Avoid dr iving through salt water, because
this can cause corrosion .
Economical and environmentally-friendly
When driving on poor roads, by curbs and on
steep ramps , make su re that low-hang ing
components such as the spoi ler and exhaust
system do not come into contact with these
or they could be damaged. This especially applies to vehicles with low ground clearance
and vehicles that are heavily loaded.
Note the following to reduce the risk of vehicle
damage when driving through water, for example
on flooded roads :
- The water must not be any higher than the bottom of the vehicle body.
The amount of fuel consumption, the environmental impact and the wear to the engine,
brakes and tires depends mostly on your driving
style. With an anticipatory and economic driving
style, fuel consumption can be reduced by approximately 10-15% . The following tips will help
you conserve the environment and your money at
the same time .
Anticipatory driving
A vehicle uses the most fuel when accelerating.
When you drive with anticipation, you do not
need to brake as often and so you accelerate less .
When possible, let your vehicle coast with a gear
engaged, for examp le when you notice that the
next t raffic light is red. This produces an engine llll-
Dr iv ing
braking effec t , which he lps to protect the brakes
and tires and reduces the emissions and fuel consumpt ion to zero (fuel shut-off during dece leration) .
Shift effici ent ly
Upshift ing earlier is an effective way to save fuel.
Staying in a gear too long uses fue l unnecessari ly.
driven .
3,0 0 0 miles (S,000 km) have been
Avoid short trips
The eng ine and exhaust clean ing system mus t
reach t heir optima l operating temperature to ef fe ct ively reduce consump ti on and emissions.
Press down o n t he acce le rat or peda l slowly and
avoid "kick-down " .
A cold engine uses a d isp roportionately high
amount of fue l. The engine reac hes operat ing
temperat ur e and cons umption no rmal izes on ly
after approximate ly 2.5 m iles (4 km) .
Avoid full acceleration
Check the tire pressure
You should rare ly trave l at the maximum vehicle
speed. High speeds cause a d isproportionately
high inc rease in fuel consump t ion, emissions and
tr affic no ise. Slower driving saves fuel.
To save fuel, make sure the t ires are always inflated to the correct pressu re ~ page 175. The
fuel consumpt ion can increase by 5% if the pres sur e is on ly 0.5 bar t oo low. Due to the increased
rol ling resis t ance, low tire pressures w ill also
lead to greater tire wear and will affect driving
behavior .
Reduce idling time
There are benefits to stopp ing the engine, for example when at railroad crossings or traffic lights
with longer red lights. Stopping the engi ne for
30 -40 seconds already saves mo re fuel than the
amount of extra fuel needed to restart the eng ine.
It takes a very long time in idle to wa rm the eng ine up to ope rat ing t empe ratu re. Wea r and
emissions ar e especially high in the wa rm -up
phase . Therefore, yo u should begi n driving immediately after starting the engine. Avoid high
RPMs while doing t his.
Have maintenance performed regularly
By having m ai nten ance perfo rmed regu larly on
your ve hicle, yo u can he lp to reduce fuel consumpt ion befo re yo u even start to dr ive. The
maintenance condition of your vehicle not only
affects traffic safety and long-te rm value but a lso impacts fuel consumpt ion . A poorly maintained engine can lead to fuel consumption that
is 10% higher than normal.
Also check th e oil level when refueling . The oil
consumption depends large ly on the engine load
and speed. It is normal for the oil consumpt ion
of a new eng ine to reach its lowest point only af ter a certain amount of use. Therefo re, the oil
consumpt ion can only be properly judged after
Do not d rive on winter tires ye a r-r ound, as t his
will consume up t o 10% more fuel.
Eliminate unnecessaryweight
Since every po und of ext ra weight increases fuel
consump t ion , a quick inspect io n of the luggage
compartmen t may be wo rth it t o avoid unneces sar y we ight.
When not be ing used, a roof rack shou ld be removed to decrease the w ind resistance of the vehicle. This will save yo u ap prox imately 12% fue l
at speeds from 6 2 - 75 mph (100 - 12 0 km/h).
Save energy
The eng ine drives the generator, which generates
electric ity; the fuel consumpt io n also increases
with t he demand for e lectricity . The refore, sw itch
electrica l eq uipm ent off whe n you no longe r
need it . Exa mples of eq uipme nt t ha t uses a lot of
energy a re air blowe rs at a high setting, t he rea r
window defogger and seat heating* .
- Do not leave engine idling un attended aft e r
sta rt ing. If warn ing ligh ts should come on
to ind icate improper ope ration, they wou ld
go unheeded . Extended idling also pro du ces
heat , which could result in overheating or
other damage to the vehicle or other property.
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and
in accordance with the service recommendations in your Warranty & Maintenance booklet. Lack of proper maintenance as well as
improper use of the vehicle will impair the
function of the emission control system and
could lead to damage .
- Do not alter or remove any component of
the Emission Control System unless approved by the manufacturer .
- Do not alter or remove any device, such as
heat shields , switches, ignition wires,
valves, which are designed to protect your
vehicle's Emission Control System and other
important vehicle components .
The consumpt ion estimates as published by
(EPA) and Transport Canada may not correspond to your actual consumption on the
road, which will vary depending upon vehicle
load and speed, road and weather conditions,
trip length, etc.
Adjusting the steering wheel position
The steering wheel position is adjustable up and
down and forward and back.
.,. Press the lever upward again until it locks in
place .
Incorrect use of the steering wheel adjustment and an incorrect seating position can
cause serious injuries.
- Only adjust the steering column when the
vehicle is stationary so that you do not lose
control of the vehicle.
- Adjust the driver's seat or steering wheel so
that there is at least 10 inches (25 cm) distance between your chest and the steering
wheel ¢ page 98, fig. 98 . If you do not
maintain this d istance, the airbag system
will not be able to provide its full protection . ~ page 98, fig. 98 .
- If your physical characteristics prevent you
from sitting at least 10 inches (25 cm) or
more away from the steering wheel, see if
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility can provide adapters
that will help.
- If your face is level with the steering wheel,
the airbag does not provide as much protection during a collision. Always make sure
that the steering wheel is level with your
chest .
- Always hold the steering wheel with your
hands in the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions to reduce the risk of injury if the airbag
- Never hold the steering wheel in the 12
o'clock position or with both hands on the
rim or the center of the steering wheel.
Holding the steering wheel incorrectly significantly increases the risk of injury to the
hands, arms and head if the airbag deploys.
Fig. 67 Lever un de r t he stee ring column
.,.Tilt the lever downward ¢ .&,.
.,.Bring the steering wh eel into the d esired position.
Dr iv ing
and stopping
the engine (vehicles
an ignition
Starting the engine
Applies to: vehicl es with igni tio n lock
The ignition is switched on and the engine started with the key in the ignition .
Avoid high engine speed, full throttle, and
heavy engine load if the engine has not
reached operat ing temperat ure yet. You could
damage the engine.
For the sake of the environment
Do not let the engine run wh ile parked to
warm up. Begin driving immed iately. This reduces unnecessary emissions .
- If it is difficult to turn the key to position
(D, turn the steering wheel back and forth
slightly to release the steering wheel lock.
- Some noise after starting the engine is norma l and is no cause for concern.
Fig. 68 Ignit ion lock: position of the ignit ion key
Stopping the engine
Switching the ignit ion on/ off
Applies to: vehicles with ignition lock
• To switch the ignition on, turn the ign ition key
to posit ion (D.
• To switc h the ignition off, turn the ignit ion key
to posit ion @ .
Stop ping the engine
Starting the engine
Engaging the ste ering lock
• Press the brake pedal and move the selector
lever to the P or N position.
• Turn the key to posit ion @ . The ignition key automat ically returns to position (D. Do not press
the accelerator pedal when doing this.
Requirement: the selector lever m ust be in P.
Equipment that uses a lot of electricity is switched off temporari ly when you start the engine.
If the engine does not start immediate ly, stop
the starting procedure by turning the ignition key
to position @ and repeat after 30 seconds.
- To reduce the risk of poisoning, never allow
the engine to run in confined spaces.
- Never remove the ign it ion key from the ign it ion lock while the vehicle is moving. Otherwise the stee ring lock w ill engage and you
will not be able to steer t he vehicle, whi ch
increased the risk of an accident .
• Bring the vehicle to a full stop.
• Turn the key to position @ copage 60, fig. 68.
• Remove the ign ition key in position @
copage 60, fig. 68 co,& .
• Turn the steering whee l until yo u hear the
steer ing whee l lock.
The locked steer ing helps prevent vehicle t heft .
- Never turn off the engi ne bef ore the vehicle
has come to a complete stop. The full function of the brake booster and the power
steer ing is not guaranteed. You must use
more force to turn or brake. Because you
cannot steer and brake as you usually
wou ld, this could lead to accidents and serious injuries.
- Never remove the ignition key from the ignition lock while the vehicle is moving . Otherw ise the steering lock will engage and you
will not be able to st eer the vehicle.
D r ivi ng
- Always take the key with you whenever you
leave your vehicle. Otherw ise, the engine
could be started or electrical equ ipment
such as the power windows could be operated . This can lead to serious injury.
- For safety reasons, always park the vehicle
with the se lector lever in the P position .
Otherwise, there is the ris k that the vehicle
cou ld roll unintentionally.
and stopping
the engine (vehicles
a convenience
Starting the engine
Applies to : vehicles with convenience key
The !START ENGINE STOPI button switches the
ignition on and starts the engine.
If the engine has been under heavy load for
an exte nded per iod of t ime, heat bu ilds up in
the engi ne compartment after the engine is
sw itched off an d there is a risk of damaging
t he engi ne. For t his reason, let t he eng ine run
for at idle fo r ap proxim ately two minu t es before shutting it off .
Fig. 69 Center console: START ENGINE STOP butto n
For up t o 10 minu t es after stopp ing the eng ine, the radiat or fan may t urn on again automatically or it may con t inue to run (eve n if
the ignition is switched off) for the following
reasons :
- The coolant tempera tu re is increasing due
to trapped heat .
- If the engine is warm and the engine compartment also heats up from strong sunlight .
Starting the engine
• Press the brake pedal and move the selector
lever to the P or N posit ion .
• Press t he !START ENGINE STOP ! button. The
eng ine will start.
If the engine does not start immediately, stop
the starti ng procedure by pushi ng the
!START E N GINE STOP ! button aga in and repeat
after 30 seconds .
Switching the ignition on/ off
If you would like to sw itch the ignition on without sta rting the engine, follow these steps:
• Press the !ST ART ENGINE STOP ! button without press ing the brake pedal.
• To switch t he ignit ion off, press the button
aga in.
-To reduce the risk of poisoning,
never allow
t he eng ine to run in confined spaces .
Avoid high engine speed, full thrott le, and
heavy engine load if t he eng ine has not
Dr iv ing
reached operating temperature yet. You could
damage the engine .
For the sake of the environment
Do not let the engine run while par ked to
warm up . Begin driving immediately . This reduces unnecessary emissions .
Some noise after sta rti ng the engine is normal and is no cause for concern.
Stopping the engine
Applies to: vehicles with convenience key
Bring the vehicle to a fu ll stop.
~ Move the selector lever into the P position.
~ Press the ISTART ENGINE STOPI button
¢ page 61, fig. 69 .
Engaging the stee ring lock1)
The steering locks when you turn the engine off
using the !START ENGINE STOPI button and
open the dr iver's door.
could be started or electrical equipment
such as the power windows could be operated. This can lead to serious injury.
- For safety reasons, always park the vehicle
with the selector lever in the P position.
Otherwise, there is the risk that the vehicle
could roll unintentionally .
If the engine has been under heavy load for
an extended period of time, heat builds up in
the engine compartment after the engine is
switched off and there is a risk of damag ing
the engine. For th is reason, let the engine run
for at idle for approximately two minutes befo re shutti ng it off.
For up to 10 minutes after stopping the engine, the radiator fan may turn on again automatically or it may continue to run (even if
the ign it ion is switched off) for the following
- The coolant temperature is increasing due
The locked steering helps prevent vehicle theft.
Emergency off function*
If it is absolutely necessary, the engine can also
be turned off while driv ing at speeds starting at
4 mph (7 km/h). To switch the engine off, press
the lSTART ENGINE STOPlbutton twice in a row
briefly or press and hold for longer than two seconds .
- Never turn off the engine before the veh icle
has come to a complete stop. The brake
booster and power steering only work when
the engine is running. If the engine is off,
you have to use more force when steer ing or
braking . Becauseyou cannot steer and brake
as you usually wou ld, this could lead to accidents and serious injuries.
- Always ta ke the key with you whenever you
leave you r vehicle. Othe rwise, the engine
This fun ct ion is not availabl e in all coun tri es.
to trapped heat.
- If the eng ine is warm and the engine compartment also heats up from strong sunlight.
D r ivi ng
Starting the engine when there is a
Applies to: vehicles with conven ience key
Other circumstances can cause the engine not to
start, such as the battery in the remote control
key has drained , there is interference with the
key or there is a system malfunction .
Please engage Nor P.
This message appears when sta rt ing o r stopping
t he e ngine if t he se lecto r lever is not in the N o r P
pos ition. The e ngine will not star t /stop.
IS Is key in the vehicle?
The ind icator light turns on and this message appears if the convenience key* was removed from
t he veh icle when the e ngine was ru nning. If the
convenience key is no longer in the veh icle, you
cannot sw itch the ignition on or sta rt the eng ine
once you stop it . You also canno t lock t he vehicle
from t he outside.
Shift to P, vehicle can roll away . Doors can only
be locked in P.
Fig. 70 Steering column /re m ote contro l key: st ar ti ng t he
en gi ne if t here is a m alfunc t ion
Requiremen t : the message No key identified .
See owne r's manual must be disp layed and the
indicator light must be on.
.,.Hold the remo t e contro l key vert ically in t he location ind icated y>l)c::>fig. 70 .
.,.Press the brake peda l.
.,.Press the IST AR T ENGINE STOP I button. The
engine will start.
.,.Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the mal function corrected .
You ca n view the message again by pressing
the ISTART ENGINE STOP ! button.
This message appears for safety reasons if the
selector lever for the au t omatic transm ission is
not in the P position after the ignition is switched
off . Move the selector leve r to the P posi t ion.
Otherwise the vehicle is not pro t ect ed from rolling and it cannot be locked .
II No key identified.
See owner's manual.
This message appears if there is no conven ience
key* inside the vehicle or if the system does not
recognize the key. The convenience key may not
be recognized, for example, if it is covered by an
obje ct tha t disrup ts the signa l (such as a br iefcase), or if t he key batt ery is we a k. Electro nic devices such as cell phones can a lso inte rfe re wit h
the signal.
To still be ab le to start or stop t he engine, refer
page 63 .
to i=:>
Tur n off ignit ion. Battery discharging
This message appears and a warning tone sounds
if you open the driver's doo r when the ignition is
switched on .
Press brake pedal to start engine
This message appears if you do not step on the
brake pedal to sta rt the eng ine o n a vehicle wit h
a n autom atic transm ission.
Fig. 71 Cent er conso le: pa rking brake
Dr iv ing
Your vehicle is equipped with an electromechanical parking brake @ c> fig. 71. The parking brake
is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling
un intent ionally and replaces t he hand brake .
Setting / manuall y releasing the parking
... Pull the(®) switch to set the parking brake . The
(USA modLED in the sw itch turns on. The els) .
(Canada models) indicator light also
turns on in the instrument cluster display .
.,.To release the parking brake manually, press
the brake or accelerato r pedal whi le the ignition is switched on and press t he C®)
switch at
the same time. The LED in t he button and t he
indica t or light in the display turn off .
Releasing the parking brake automatically
Req uirement: the dr iver's door must be closed,
the dr iver's safety be lt must be latched and the
pa rking brake must be set.
...To start driving and re lease the park ing brake
automat ica lly, press the accele rato r pedal as
us ua l.
In addi t ion to releasing the park ing brake automat ically, other convenience and safety funct ions
are available whe n you start driving c>page 65,
Starting from a stop .
Preventing the automatic parking brake
The vehicle could begin rolling unintentionally ,
dependi ng on the hill or if towing a trailer .
...To preve nt the parking brake from releasing automat ica lly, pull and hold the ® ) sw itch and
press the accelerator pedal. The park ing brake
remains set and prevents the veh icle from ro lling backward.
.,.You can re lease t he(®) swi t ch aga in once you
are sure that you are g iving eno ugh dr iving
force to the wheels by pressing the accele rator
Emergency braking function
You can use t he emergency bra king funct ion in an
emergen cy situ at ion , or if the stand a rd bra ke opera t ion mal func t ions or is disabled.
... Pull and ho ld t he C®)
swit ch.
switch or acceler...As soon as you re lease the C®>
ate, the braking stops.
Pulli ng and ho ld ing t he C®)
switch wh ile driving
the veh icle activates the eme rgency braking func tion . The ve hicle is bra ked at a ll four wheels by
activating the hydraulic brake system . The bra king effect is sim ilar to heavy brak ing c>,&..
To reduce the risk of act ivat ing t he emergency
bra king by mista ke, a warning tone (buzzer)
sounds when the C®)
sw itch is pulled . Eme rgency
braking stops as soon as the© switch is released
or the accelerator pedal is pressed.
... Press t he brake peda l t o stop the ve hicle.
switch to set the par king brake .
... Pull the C®>
... Place the selecto r lever in the P position .
...Turn the engine off c>,&..
...Turn the steering w heel when parking on inclines so that the w heels w ill roll into the curb
if the vehicle starts moving.
- Do not press t he acce le rat or peda l inadve rtently if a ge ar is selected whe n t he vehicle
is st ationary an d t he engine is running . Otherwise, the vehicle will st art to move imme diate ly and this could result in an accident.
- Eme rgency brak ing s hou ld only be used in
an emergency, when the norma l bra ke pe d al
has failed or the bra ke peda l is obstructed .
During eme rgency brak ing, your vehicle will
brake s imilar to heavy braking. ESC and the
associated components (ABS, ASR, EDL)
cannot ove rcome the laws of physics .
Around curves a nd whe n road or wea t her
conditions a re bad, a full brake applicat io n
can ca use th e veh icle to skid or the rear end
to swerve, w hich incr eases t he ris k of an accident.
- If th e power supply fail s, you cannot set t he
parking br ak e if it is released. In this case,
pa rk the vehicle on leve l ground and secure
it by placing the selector leve r in the P position. See an authorized Audi dealer or au thorized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
D r iving
- Always take the vehicle key with you when
leaving your vehicle, even if for a short pe riod of time. This app lies particu larly when
children rema in in the vehicle. Otherwise,
children could start t he engi ne, release the
par king brake or operate elect rical equipme nt su ch as powe r windows, which increases t he risk of an accident.
- No one, esp ecially chi ldren, sho uld rema in
in t he vehicle when it is locked. Locked
doo rs m ake it more difficul t for emergency
wor ke rs to ge t into the vehicle, which puts
lives at risk.
(D} Tips
- When stop ping at a t raff ic signa l or stopping in city tr aff ic, you can se t the par king
br a ke ma nu ally . The vehi cle does not have
to be held with the b rake pedal. The park ing
brake elim inates the tendency to cree p
when a selector lever position is engaged.
As soon as you press the accelerator pedal,
t he pa rking brake releases automatically
and your vehiclestarts to move
c:>page 65.
- Occasiona l noises when the park ing brake is
set and re leased a re normal and are not a
cause for concer n .
- The park ing brake goes th rough a se lf-test
cycle at regular intervals when t he vehicle is
stoppe d . Any noises associated w it h this a re
no rma l.
- If there is a power fa ilure, the pa rking brake
will not set if it is re leased, a nd it w ill not
rele ase if it is set c:>.&.. See a n auth orized
Audi dealer or aut horized Aud i Service Facility for assista nee .
a stop
The braking force of the parking b rake does not
release a utomatically until the whee ls bui ld up
enoug h d riving force .
Starting on hills with hill hold assist
Hill ho ld assis t makes it easier t o sta rt on hills.
Requirement: the driver's door must be closed
and the engine must be runn ing .
.,. To act ivate hill hold assist, press and hold the
brake pedal for severa l seco nds. The vehicle
m ust be in an uphill d irec t ion of travel.
After re leas ing the brake pedal, the braking power is maintained for a brief moment¢ &. to prevent the veh icle from ro lling back when start ing .
During this t ime, you can easily begin to move
you r vehicle .
Applies to: veh icles with hill hold assist
- If you do not beg in d riving immed iate ly or
the engi ne stalls after releasing the bra ke
pedal, your veh icle may begin to roll bac k-
ward. Pressthe brake pedal or set the parking brake immediately .
- The intelligent technology of hill hold assist
cannot ove rcome the limitat ions imposed by
natural phys ica l laws. The increased comfort
offe red by hill ho ld assist should not cause
you to ta ke safety risks.
- Hill hold ass ist cannot hold the vehicle in
place on a ll hills (for example, if t he groun d
is slippery or icy).
- To reduce the risk of an accident, always
make sure th e vehi cle is s ituated safe ly
while st at ionary.
General information
Various conven ien ce a nd safety functions may be
ava ila ble when the vehicle begins driv ing, de pending on vehicle equipment .
Starting on hills with the parking brake set
Req uirement: the dr iver's doo r must be closed.
8 .,.To start
driving comfortab ly when o n a hill, set
the parking brake and begin dr iving as usual.
Applies to : vehicles with offroad mode
The elect ronic stab ilizat io n control (ESC) functions we re enhanced for d riving offroad . ESC offroad mode can be activated in driving sit uat ions
in which a whee l lock or a d ifferential lock func t io n is needed ¢ page 90 . The hill descent assist is a lso available, wh ich au t omatically brakes
Dr iv ing
the vehicle and maintains a constant speed as a
result r=>page 91 .
However, your Audi is not an offroad vehicle.
Only drive in terrain th at is suitable for th e vehicle and your driving abilit y. Never tak e any unnecessary risks!
After driving offroad
- After dr iving offroad, remove branches and
other debr is from the radiator gr ille, unde rbody, and whee ls. Look especially for foreign
objects (such as stones) that may be stuck in
the tire tread.
- Clean the vehicle body and underbody and inspect the vehicle for possib le damage.
- Clean the windows, headlights, tail lig hts and
the license plate if they are dirty.
- Perfo rm a brake test (especially after dr iving
through water).
- Be especially aware and attent ive when driving under difficult conditions. Vehicle dam-
age and injuries may occurwhen driving at
excessively high speeds or with incorrect
dr iving maneuvers .
- Always adjust your speed and driving style
to the roads, terra in, traffic and weather
condit ions. Drive especially slowly if there is
low visibility when offroad .
- Please note that the wheels can spin more
and the vehicle can swerve when in ESCoff road mode, especially when the road is slippery or has loose surface mate rial.
- Driving stability is reduced in the ESCOffroad mode .
For the sake of the environment
Avoid harming the environment and show
considerat ion for nature.
Only dr ive where it is all owed and always stay
on the provided roads and paths.
Driving information
Applies to: vehicles with offroad mode
There is only one right way to drive in difficult
conditions: slo wly and with caution!
Observe the following when driving on unpaved
roads :
.,.Only driv e in terrain that is suitable for the vehicle and your driving ability. Never take any
unnecessary risks!
.,.Drive slowly and caut iously!
.,.Pay attent ion to the ground clearance of your
veh icle . The clearance may vary depending on
the load, ground compos ition and the environment. The ground clearance is reduced for special suspension systems, such as sport suspension. The dr iver is therefore responsible f or deciding whether a vehicle can handle a specif ic
situation .
.,.Activate the ESC off road mode as needed
r=>page90 .
.,.Use the hill descent assist when driving down
steep hills r=>
page 91 .
Difficult terrain
When driving in unfamiliar areas and offroad,
drive slowly and keep on the watch for unexpected obstacles (such as potholes, rocks, tree
stumps , etc .) .
To prevent th e vehicl e from bottoming out and to
reduce the risk of underbody damage, you should
drive across uneven ground on only one side of
the veh icle so that only two of your wheels cross
the uneven area, instead of driving across the
cente r of the uneven area with all four wheels .
Drive quickly through sandy or marshy off-ro ad
sections and do not stop, if at all possible.
Driving through wat er on road s
Also read the information found in r=>
page 57.
The automatic transmission is controlled electroni cally. Upshifting and downshifting occur automat ically .
D rivi ng
When a moderate driving style is used, the
transmission selects the most economical driving
mode. The transm iss ion upsh ifts at a lower RPM
and downshifts at a higher RPM to improve fuel
efficiency .
The transmission switches to a sporty mode after
a kick-down or when the driver uses a sporty
driving style character ized by quick accelerator
pedal movements, heavy acceleration, frequent
changes in speed and traveling at the maximum
speed .
If desired , the driver can also select the gears
manually (tipt ronic mode) ¢ page 70, Manual
shifting (tiptronic mode) .
Power is transferred
using a torque converter.
Selector lever positions
.. Move the selector lever into t he des ired position. The engaged se lector lever position is
shown in the shift gate .
Selector lever lock
The selec t or leve r lock prevents you from selecting a gear accidentally, causing the vehicle to
The selector leve r is locked in the P and N positi o ns when the ignit ion is switched on. You mus t
press the brake peda l to sele ct another position.
You must also press the interlock button if you
are moving from the P and N position.
The selec t or leve r lock o nly functions when t he
vehicle is stat ionary or at speeds be low approximately 1 mph (2 km/h) . At higher speeds, the
lock is automatically deactivated in the N position.
The selec t or leve r is not locked whe n shifting
quick ly through N, for example from R to 0/S.
This makes it possib le to free the vehicle when it
is stuck by "rocking" it. The selector lever lock engages if the lever stays in the N pos ition longer
than approximately 2 seconds when the brake
peda l is not pressed .
Fig. 72 Inst rument cluste r: selector lever pos itions
If the selector lever does not engage, there is a
malfunction . The engine is disabled to prevent
the vehicle from driving off un intent ionally. Press
the brake pedal to have the se lector lever lock
engage again . Place the selector lever in the P or
N position and then engage a dr iving gear.
Ignition key safety interlock*
Applies to: vehicles with ignition lock
Fig. 73 Selector lever
The selected selector lever position is shown next
to the selector lever ¢ fig. 73 and in the instrument cluster display ¢ fig . 72. The current gear
will also be d isp layed in the instrument cluster.
.. Switch the ign ition on.
.. In the P/N position, you must release the selector lever lock ¢ page 67.
You can only remove the key from the ignition after switching the ignition off if the selector lever
is in the P position . The selector leve r will be
locked in the P position as long as the key is not
in the ignit ion.
Interlock button
The interlock button in the selector lever handle
prevents you from movi ng the selector lever inadvertently wh ile in some selector lever posi tio ns. The positions that requ ire the interlock
button to be pressed a re marked in color in the il.,.
lustrat io n ¢ fig. 73.
P - Park
This selector lever position prevents the vehicle
from rolling. You can only shift into Park when
the vehicl e is stationary ¢ &..
To shift in and out of the P selector lever posi tion, press the interlock button in the selector
lever while pressing the brake pedal.
R- Reverse
Only shift into reverse gear when the vehicle is
stationary and the engine is running at idle
speed ¢ &, .
To select the R selector lever position, press the
interlock button while pressing the brake pedal.
N - Neutral
The transmission
is in idle in this position.
To engage the N selector lever position, press the
button on the selector lever and shift into the N
To move from selector lever position out of N,
you must press the brake pedal and the vehicle
must be traveling less than 1 mph (2 km/h) or be
DIS - Normal position for driving forward
In the D/S selector lever position, the transmission can be operated either in the normal D mode
or in the S sport mode. To select the S sport
mode, pull the selector lever back briefly. Pulling
the lever back again will select the normal D
mode. The instrument cluster display shows the
selected driving mode .
In the normal mode D, the transmission automatically selects the suitable gear ratio. It depends on engine load, vehicle speed and driving
The engine's power reserves are used fully in the
Sport mode S. Shifting may become noticeable
when accelerating.
To move from selector lever position N to D, you
must press the brake pedal and the vehicle must
be traveling less than 1 mph (2 km/h) o r be stat ionary ¢ &, .
Read and follow all WARNINGS.
-The vehicle can roll even if the ignition is
switched off.
- Never select R or P while driving, because
this increases the risk of an accident.
- Power is still transmitted to the wheels
when the engine is running at idle . To prevent the vehicle from "creeping", you must
keep your foot on the brake in all selector
lever positions (except P) when the engine is
running .
- Do not inadvertently press the accelerator
pedal when the vehicle is stopped if a gear is
engaged . Otherwise, the vehicle will immediately start to move - sometimes even if
the parking brake is firmly applied. This increases the risk of an accident.
- To reduce the risk of an accident, do not
press the accelerator pedal when changing
the selector lever position while the vehicle
is stationary and the engine is running.
- Never leave your vehicle with the engine
running while in gear. If you must leave
your vehicle when the engine is running, set
the parking brake and move the selector lever to the P position.
- Before you or other persons open the hood
and work on a running engine, the selector
lever must be in the P position and the parking brake must be applied to reduce the risk
of an accident . Always read and follow the
applicable warnings ¢ page 155, Working
in the engine compartment.
- Read and following all WARNINGS ¢ &. in
Driving tips on page 69 .
Never let the vehicle roll downhill with engine
off and the selector lever in the N position,
because this could damage the automatic
transmission and catalytic converter.
- If you accidentally select N while driving,
take your foot off the accelerator pedal and
wait for the engine to slow down to idle
before selecting Dor S.
- If there is a power failure, the selector lever
will not move out of the P position. The
emergency release can be used if this happens ¢ page 72.
Driving tips
Starting the engine
The selector lever must be in the P or the N position.
Starting from a stop
Press and hold the brake pedal.
~ Press and hold the lock button in the selector
lever handle, select the desired selector lever
position such as D ¢ page 67 and release the
lock button.
~ Wait a moment until the transmission shifts .
You will notice a slight movement when the
gear engages .
~ Release the brake pedal and press the accelerator pedal ¢ ,&. .
Various convenience functions are available for
starting on hills ¢ page 65 .
Stopping temporarily
Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle, for
example at a traffic light. Do not press the accelerator pedal when doing this .
~ To prevent the vehicle from rolling when you
start driving, set the parking brake when stopping on steep hills ¢ 8. and ¢ 0.
~ The parking brake will release automatically
and the vehicle will start moving once you press
the accelerator pedal.
If the selector lever is not in the P position when
you open the driver's door, the vehicle could roll.
In vehicles with a convenience key*, the message
Shift to P and turn off ignition, or vehicle can
roll away appears.
~ Press and hold the brake pedal ¢ ,&. .
Set the parking brake .
Select the P selector lever position .
Under certain circumstances, (such as driving in
the mountains or towing a trailer), it may be useful to switch temporarily to the manual shift program in order to adjust the gears to the driving
conditions by hand ¢page 70.
On inclines, activate the parking brake first and
then move the selector lever to the P position
¢ page 64. This prevents the locking mechanism
from being loaded too heavily and will make it
easier to move the selector lever out of the P position.
- The vehicle can roll even when the engine is
switched off.
- Unintended vehicle movement can lead to
serious injuries .
- Never leave your vehicle with the engine
running while in gear. If you must leave
your vehicle when the engine is running, set
the parking brake and move the selector lever to the P position.
- Power is still transmitted to the wheels
when the engine is running at idle. To prevent the vehicle from "creeping", you must
keep your foot on the brake in all selector
lever positions (except P) when the engine is
- Do not inadvertently press the accelerator
pedal when the vehicle is stopped if a gear is
engaged. Otherwise the risk of an accident
increases because the vehicle will start to
move immediately, even if the parking brake
is set.
- To reduce the risk of an accident, do not
press the accelerator pedal when changing
the selector lever position while the vehicle
is stationary and the engine is running.
- Never engage the R or P selector level positions while driving. It could cause a crash.
- Before driving down a steep slope, reduce
your speed and shift into a lower gear in tiptronic mode.
- Do not ride the brakes or press the brake
pedal too often or too long when driving
downhill. Constant braking causes the
brakes to overheat and substantially
reduces braking performance, increases
braking distance or causes complete failure
of the brake system.
- If you must stop on an incline, always hold
the vehicle in place with the foot brake or
parking brake to prevent it from rolling
- Never hold the vehicle on an incline with a
slipping clutch. The clutch opens automatically when it becomes too hot from the
overload . The . indicator light turns on
and a message appears ~ page 71 when
the clutch is overloaded.
- Read and following all WARNINGS 9 &, .
technical limitations. If may still be necessary to
adjust the speed with the brake pedal.
Hill descent control switches off once the hill levels out or you press the accel erator pedal.
Hill descent control cannot overcome physical
limitations, so it may not be able to maintain
a constant speed under all conditions. Always
be ready to apply the brakes .
Manual shifting (tiptronic mode}
The tiptronic mode allows the driver to shi~ the
gears manually .
- When stopping on an incline, do not try to
hold the vehicle in place by pressing the accelerator pedal while a driving gear is selected . This can cause the automatic transmission to overheat and can damage it . Set
the parking brake or press the brake pedal
to prevent the vehicle from rolling.
- Allowing the vehicle to roll when the engine
is stopped while the selector lever is in the
N position will damage the automatic transmission, because it is not lubricated under
those circumstances ~ page 205, Towing
Fig. 7 4 Center conso le: sh ift ing manually with the selector
with a tow truck.
- The transmission can overheat and be damaged under certain driving and traffic conditions s uch as frequent starts, creeping for a
long time, or stop-and-go traffic. If the .
indicator light turns on, stop the vehicle at
the next opportunity and let the transmission cool down ~ page 71.
Hill descent control
The hill descent control system assists the driver
when driving down hills.
Hill descent contro l is activated when the selector lever is in the Dor S position and you press
the brake pedal. The transmission automatically
selects a gear that is suitable for the hill. Hill descent control tries to maintain the speed achieved at the time of braking, within physical and
Fig. 75 Steering whee l: shift ing ma nually with the s hift
Shifting with the selector lever
You can shift into tiptronic mode while stat ionary
and while driving .
.. To shift int o tiptronic mode, push the selector
lever from the 0/S setting to the right in the
tiptronic shift gate. Once the transmission has
switched modes, the selector lever position M
is shown in the instrument cluster display
¢ page 67, fig. 72. For example, M4 means the
fourth gear is engaged.
~ To shift up a gear, tap the selector lever forward 0 ¢ fig. 74.
~ To shift down a gear, tap the selector lever to
back Q .
Shifting with the shift paddles*
You can operate the shift paddles in the D/S or M
(tiptronic shift gate) selector lever positions.
~ To shift up one gear, tap the shift paddle
¢ fig. 75.
~ To shift down one gear, tap the shift paddle Q .
If the shift paddles are tapped while in the D/S
selector lever position, automatic mode switches
off briefly. To switch from manually shifting back
to automatic shifting immediately, tap the shift
paddle 0 c:>fig. 75 for 1 second.
To keep shifting using the shift paddles, move
the selector lever to the right out of the D/S position into the tiptronic shift gate.
The transmission automatically shifts up or down
before critical engine speed is reached.
The transmission only allows manual shifting
when the engine speed is within the permitted
Kick-down enables maximum acceleration .
When you press the accelerator pedal down beyond the resistance point (called kick-down), the
automatic transmission downshifts into a lower
gear, depending on vehicle speed and engine
RPM. It shifts up into the next higher gear once
the maximum specified engine RPM is reached .
Please note that the wheels could spin on
slick or slippery roads when kick-down is active.
Emergency mode
Applies to: vehicles with automatic transmissions
In the event of a system malfunction, there is an
emergency program .
If all of the selector lever positions are highlighted with a light background in the instrument
cluster display, there is a system malfunction and
the S tronic transmission is running in the emergency program . The vehicle can still be driven in
emergency mode, but only with reduced speed
and not in all gears . In some cases, the vehicle
cannot drive in reverse.
If the transmission runs in emergency mode,
drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected.
Transmission malfunction
Applies to: vehicles with automatic transmissions
• Transmission overheating! Please stop vehicle!
The transmission is too hot and can become damaged. Stop and let the transmission cool with the
engine running (at idle) in the P selector lever position. Then the indicator light and the message
turn off, drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected . If the indicator light
and the driver message do not turn off, do not
continue driving. See an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
Dr iv ing
Selector lever emergency release
Applies to: vehicles with automat ic tra nsm issions
If the vehicle's power supply fails, the selector
Levercan be released in an emergency.
Selecto r lever emergency release
.,. Press and hold t he ye llow release button
fig. 77 .
.,.Press the button on the selector lever and move
the lever into N pos ition .
.,.Clip the frame to the cover again.
Fig. 76 Selector lever: remov ing th e cover
Fig. 77 Selec tor lever: eme rgency release
To maneuver or tow the vehi cle, the emergency
release must be used to move the selector lever
from the P position.
Using t he emergency rele ase can be compli cated.
We recommend contacting an a uthorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as sistance , if necessary .
A ma intenance tool from t he vehicle tool kit
must be used to re lease ¢ page 191 .
.,.To preve nt your vehicle from ro lling u nintent iona lly, set t he par king brake(®) or press the
brake peda l r:!.>
,& .
.,.Inse rt the fla t side of t he maintenance too l
sideways in the s lot near the s hift cover and pry
off the shift cover ¢ fig. 76 .
.. Pull the frame and the cover upward. You can
fold the cover up over the shifter knob.
- Only activate the emergency release while
on a level surface or a slight slope .
- Only move the selector lever out of the P position when the parking brake is set. If it is
not f unct io ning, secu re the ve hicle from
ro lling using the bra ke pedal or other suitable mea ns, such as blocking a front and a
rear wheel. An unsecured vehicle may roll
away, which increases t he risk of a n accide nt .
Engine cooling system
a trailer
General information
Driving with a trailer means a higher load on the
engine and the cooling system. The cooling system must be designed for additional load and
contain enough coolant c::>
Your vehicle is primarily intended for transporting people and luggage . However, if you drive
with a trailer , follow the technical requirements,
the operation and driving tips, and the legal regulations.
Do not transport any people in a trailer due to
the risk of fatal injury.
Technical requirements
Certain requirements must be met when towing
a trailer.
Never mount a trailer hitch on the bumper. The
trailer hitch must be mounted in a way that does
not impair the function of the bumper. Do not
make any changes to the exhaust system and the
brake system.
Check regularly if the trailer hitch is securely
mounted. Always follow the instructions given by
the trailer hitch manufacturer.
Trailer brakes
If the trailer has its own brake system, then follow the manufacturer specifications. However,
the brake system on the trailer must never be
connected to the vehicle brake system.
Longer inclines cannot be driven without a
suitable cooling system, especially if the outside temperatures are high. otherwise, this
increases the risk of engine damage.
Trailer hitch
Only use a trailer hitch with a removable ball
hitch mount and ball hitch. The trailer hitch must
be permitted for the vehicle , the trailer and the
permitted total weight of the trailer being
pulled. Above all, it must be securely and safely
attached to the vehicle trailer.
- Never mount a "weight-distributing" or
"load-balancing" trailer coupler as the trailer hitch . The vehicle was not designed for
these types of trailer hitches . The trailer
hitch can malfunction and the trailer can
break off from the vehicle.
- If the trailer is equipped with electronic
brakes, these brakes cannot be activated by
a factory-installed control system, which increases the risk of an accident.
- To reduce the risk of injury, always remove
the ball hitch mount if no trailer is mounted.
Driving with a trailer affects the vehicle's fuel
consumption, performance and wear. It also requires higher concentration from the driver.
Operating instructions
Several things must be noted when towing a
Towing capacity
The permitted towing capacity for trailers without brakes is 1,650 lbs (750 kg).
The permitted towing capacity for trailers with
brakes is 2,200 lbs (1,000 kg) .
These values apply to roads with up to 12% incline.
Tongue weight
The maximum permitted tongue weight of the
trailer drawbar on the trailer hitch ball head may
not be exceeded.
T r ailer
If the tongue we ight is too low, this affects the
trai ler's handling. For driving safety, we recommend to always utilize the maximum permitted
tongue we ight, but not exceed it. You can reach
it, for example, by d istributing the cargo in the
tra iler cor rectly .
You can determ ine the tongue we ight, for example, with a bathroom scale or a public weigh station .
The permitted tongue weight for your vehicle is
220 lbs (100 kg) .
Load distribution
Poor cargo load and dist ribution can negatively
impact veh icle ha ndling. To have the lowest impact as possib le, load the trai ler according to
these criteria :
- Store objec t s prefe rab ly in t he vehicle lugg age
compartment . The vehicle shou ld always carry
the heaviest possible load and the trai ler
sho uld have the lightest possible load .
- Distribute the load in the tra iler so t hat the
heavy objects are as close to the axle as possible .
- Secure objects from sliding out of place.
- Utilize t he max imum perm itted tongue we ight
if poss ible .
Set the tire pressure on your vehicle for a "full
load"; see the t ire pressu re sticker r=:;,page 176 .
If ne cessa ry, also adjust t he tire pressure on the
tr ailer according to t he manufactu rer's recommendation.
Winte r ti res s hou ld be mounted on the vehicle
a nd on the trailer dur ing winte r temperatures.
Outside mirrors
If you cannot see the traff ic be hind the tra iler
with the standard exterior mirrors, then you
must attach addit ional exte rior m irrors. Adjust
them so you have a sufficient visibility behind
you .
Exterior lighting
Follow the legal regulat ions regarding the light ing eq uipment on your trailer. Contact an author74
ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Service Facility for more information .
Befo re st art ing to dr ive, check all lighting eq uipment on the hitched trailer.
The head light range cont rol adj usts automat ically to the light range of the headlights .
Safety chains
Make sure the safety chains are correct ly applied
whe n pu lling a trailer . The cha ins should hang
enough so that the trailer can drive around
curves. Howeve r, they must not touch the
- Use chocks when park ing on inclines if the
t railer is loaded .
- We recommend also having the vehicle inspected between t he inspection intervals if
you a re towing a trailer frequently.
- Avoid driving with a tra iler dur ing the veh icle break-in per iod.
Driving with a trailer
Driving with a trailer requires extra caution .
Adhere to the lega l speed limits. Follow the legal
regu lations specific to the country.
As the speed increases, the dr iving stab ility of
the trai ler decreases . Therefore you should not
exceed the maximum lega l speed limit when
there are unfavorable road, weather and/or wind
cond it ions. This especially applies when driving
downh ill.
You m ust always reduce your speed as soon as
you notice even the slightest swinging motion of
the tra iler . Never try to "stra ighten out" the trai ler by acce lerating.
The weight d istribution is very poor if the vehicle
is empty and the trai ler is loaded. However if you
must drive under these circumstances, then dr ive
especially slowly .
Tra iler towing
Brake in a t imely man ner. Downsh ift before driving downhill so that t he engine can assist wit h
braking ~ .&..
When using a tra ile r with ove rrun brakes, first
bra ke gen t ly the n qu ickly . This red uces th e risk of
je rking wh ile braking if the trailer wheels loc k up.
Engine coolant temperature
Pay att ention specifica lly to t he coolant temperature d isp lay when t here are high ou t side tempe ratures, a nd when dr iving on long inclines
~ page 8. Shift to a highe r g ear in a t imely m a nne r.
Constant braking causes the brakes to ove rheat and substant ia lly reduces braking performance, increases braking distance or causes complete fa ilure of the brake system .
A ss is tance
s y s tems
Switching on
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
The cruise control system makes it possible to
drive a constant speed that is 30 km/h or higher .
Applies to: veh icles with speed warning system
The speed warning system helps you to stay below a specified maximum speed that can be set,
changed or deleted in the Infotainment system.
The speed warning system warns you if you are
exceeding the maximum speed that you have set .
A warning tone will sound as soon as your speed
exceeds the stored value slightly. The
(Canada mode ls) indicator light
models) I
and a message appear in the instrument cluster
d isp lay at the same time . ThP
light and the message turn off if the speed falls
back below the stored maximum speed .
Sett ing a threshold is recommended if you would
like to be reminded when you reach a certa in
maximum speed. Situations where you may want
to do so include driving in a country w ith a general speed limit or if there is a specified maximum
speed for winter tires.
Sett ing the w arning thresho ld
Ifunction button> (Car) System s*
Select: !CAR
control button > Driver assist > Speed w arning .
Regardless of the speed warning system, you
should always monitor your speed using the
speedometer and make sure you are following
the legal speed limit.
page 76,
fig. 78.
Switching off
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
Deactivating temporarily
• Press the brake pe dal, or
• Press the lever into position @ (not clicked into
place) c>page 76, fig . 78, or
• Drive for longer t han five minutes at more than
6 mph (10 km/h) above the sto red speed .
Switching off completely
• To increase or decrease the speed qu ickly, hold
the leve r in the 0 10 direction un t il the de sired spee d is displayed .
Overriding the speed
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
You can a lso press the accelerator pedal down to
increase you r speed, for example if you want to
pass someone. The speed you set earlier w ill resume as soo n as you release the accelerator ped a l.
However, if you are driving cons iderably faster
than the stored speed for a long period of time,
the cruise cont rol system will temporarily switch
off . The
(USA models)
(Canada mode ls) indica t or light in the inst rument cluste r
turns off and t he stored speed is main t aine d .
• Press the lever into position @ (clicked into
place), or
• Switch the ignit ion off.
The speed you stored will be maintained if the
cruise contro l has been switched off temporarily.
To resume the stored speed, re lease the bra ke
pedal and pull the lever into pos ition © Switching t he ignition off will erase the stored
You should only resume the sto red speed if it
is not too high fo r existing t raff ic conditions.
Ot he rwise you can increase the risk of an accident.
Preselecting a speed
Applies to : vehicles with cruise control system
You can pre-select your desired spe ed when the
vehicle is stationary.
.,.Switch the ign ition on .
.. Pull the lever into position © c>page 76,
fig . 78 .
.,.To increase or decrease the speed, push t he lever towar d
.. To store t he speed disp laye d, release the lever .
0 10 .
This funct io n ma kes it poss ible, for examp le, to
save t he spee d you wan t before dr iving on the
hig hway. Once on t he highw ay, act ivat e the
A ss is tance
s y s tems
side assist
Applies to: vehicles with Audi side assist
Warning stage
If you activate the turn signal, side assist warns
you about vehicles that are detected and classified as critica l. The d isp lay in the respective mirror blinks bright ly. If this happens, check traffic
by g lancing in the exter ior mirrors and over your
shou lder c:>.& in General information on
page 79.
Fig. 79 Sensor detection range
- You can adjust the brightness on of the dis·
play on the rea rview mirror c:>page 80 .
- Please refer to the instructions for towing a
trailer located in ¢ page 79.
General information
Applies to : vehicles with Audi side assist
Fig. 80 Display on t he exterio r mirr or
Side assist helps you monitor your blind spot and
traffic behind your vehicle . Within the limits of
the system, it warns you about vehicles that are
coming closer or that are traveling with you within sensor range (D ¢ fig. 79: if a lane change is
classified as critical, the display @ in the exter io r
mirror ¢ fig. 80 turns on.
The display in the left exter ior mirror provides assis t ance whe n mak ing a lane change to the left,
while the disp lay in t he right exterior mirror provides assistance when making a lane cha nge to
the right .
Fig. 81 Dri ving sit uati ons
Information stage
As long as you do not activate the turn signal,
side assist informs you abou t veh icles t hat a re
detected and class ified as crit ical. The disp lay in
the mi rror turns on, but is dim .
The display remains dim in t he info rmat ion stage
so that your view t oward the front is not distur bed.
Fig. 8 2 Rear of t he vehicle: posit ion of the sensors
Side assist functions at speeds above approximately 19 mph (30 km/h).
@ Vehicles that are approaching
In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itica l for a la ne change even if it is still somewhat far away . The faste r a vehicle approaches,
the sooner the display in the exterior mirror will
turn on.
@ Vehicles traveling
with you
Vehicles traveling with you are indicated in the
exterior mirror if they are classified as critical for
a lane change. All vehicles detected by side assist
are indicated by the time they enter your "blind
spot", at the latest.
© Vehicles you are passing
If you slowly pass a vehicle that side assist has
detected (the difference in speed between the
vehicle and your vehicle is less than 9 mph (lS
km/h)), the display in the exterior mirror turns
on as soon as the vehicle enters your blind spot .
The display will not tu rn on if you quickly pass a
vehicle that side assist has detected (the difference in speed is greater than 9 mph (15 km/h)).
Functional limitations
The radar sensors are desig ned to detect the left
and right adjacent lan es when the road lanes are
the normal width . In some situations, the display
in the exterior mirror may turn on even though
there is no vehicle located in the area that is criti cal for a lane change. For example:
- If the lanes are narrow or if your are driving on
the edge of your lane. If this is the case , the
system may have detected a vehicle in another
lane that is not adjacent to your current lane.
- If you are driving through a curve . Side assist
may react to a vehicle that is one lane over
from the adjacent lane .
- If side assist reacts to other objects (such as
high or displaced guard rails).
- In poor weather conditions . The side assist
functions are limited.
jects, because they will impair the function. Do
not use side assist when towing a trai ler. For information on cleaning, see c!:>page 185 .
- Always pay attention to traffic and to the
area around your vehicle. Side assist cannot
replace a driver's attention. The driver alone
is always respons ible for lane changes and
similar dr iving maneuve rs .
- In some situations, the system may not
function or its function may be limited. For
examp le:
- If vehicles are approaching or being left
behind very quickly. The disp lay may not
turn on in time.
- In poor weather conditions such as heavy
rain, snow or heavy mist.
- On very wide lanes, in tight curves, or if
there is a rise in the road surface. Vehicles
in the adjacent lane may not be detected
because they are outside of the sensor
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody. This can impair the system. Have
an authorized Audi dealer or author ized Audi
Service Facility check their funct ion .
- If the window glass in the dr iver's door or
front passenger's door has been tinted, the
display in the exterior mirror may be incorrect .
- For an explanation on conform ity with the
FCCregulat ions in the United States and the
Industry Canada regulat ions, see
c!:>page 215.
Do not cover the radar sensors c!:>fig. 82 w ith
stickers, deposits, bicycle whee ls or other ob-
Switching on and off
Applies to: vehicles with Aud i side assist
- Side assist is not active while you are making the adjustment.
- Your settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the remote control key bei ng
Appli es to : vehicles wi th Audi side assist
Fig. 83 Driver's door : side assist butto n
.,.Press the button to switch the system on and
off <=> in General information on page 79 .
The LED in the button turns on when side assist
is swit ched on.
Adjusting the display brightness
Applies to: vehicles with Audi side assist
The display brightness can be adjusted in the In fotainment system .
.,.Select : the ICARI
function button > (Car) Systems* control button > Driver assist > Audi
side assist.
The display brightness adjusts automatically to
the br ightness of the surroundings, both in the
information and in the warning stage. In very
dark or very br ight surroundings, the automat ic
adjustment will set the display t o the min im um
or maximum level. I n such cases, you may not ice
no change when adjusting the brightness, or the
change may only be noticeable once the surroundings change.
Adjust the brightness to a level where the display
in the information stage will not disrupt your
view ahead. If you change the brightness, the display in the exter ior mirror wi ll briefly show the
brightness level in the information stage . The
brightness of the warning stage is li nked to the
brightness in the information stage and is adjusted along with the information stage .
If side assist switches off by itself, the LED in the
button turns off and a message will appear in the
instrument cluster display:
Audi side assist: Unavailable . Sensor vision
The radar sensor vision is impaired. Do not cover
the area in front of the sensors with bike whee ls,
stickers, dirt or other objects. Clean the area in
front of the sensors, if necessary i::>page 78,
fig. 82 .
Audi side assist: Unavailable.
Side assist cannot be switched on at this time because there is a malfunction (for example, the
battery charge level may be too low).
Audi side assist: System fault!
The system cannot guarantee that it will detect
vehicles correct ly and it has switched off . The
sensors have been moved or are fa ulty . Have the
system checked by an authorized Audi dealer or
authorized Audi Service Facility soon .
Audi side assist: Unavailable when towing
Side assist switches off automatically when a factory- installed trailer hitch is connected to the
electrical connector on the trailer. There is no
guarantee the system will switc h off when using
a retrofitted trailer hitch. Do not use side assist
when towing a trailer .
Appl ies t o : vehicles wit h Audi drive select
Drive select makes it possible to exper ience different types of vehicle sett ings in one vehicle.
The driver can select from three modes, Comfort, ..,.
Auto and Dynamic, using the r:l.l'e'i
button in the
center console or by using the Infotainment system . This allows you to switch between a sporty
and a comfortable driving mode, for examp le.
Selecting the driving mode
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
The following systems, among other things, are
influenced by drive select:
Engine and automatic transmission
Depending on the mode, the engine and automat ic transmission respond more quickly or in a
more balanced manner to accelerator pedal
movements. In the sporty dynamic mode, the
transmission shifts at higher speed ranges .
Suspension control*
The suspension control uses sensors to record information regarding steering movements, braking and accelerat ion operations by the driver, as
well as information about the road surface, dr iving speed, and load. With dr ive select, you can
adjust the suspension control to sporty (dynamic), comfortable (comfort) or balanced (auto).
The steering adapts in terms of steering assistance . Indirect steering that moves easily as in
comfort mode is especially su ited to long dr ives
on a highway. In contrast, dynamic mode provides sporty, direct steering.
Cornering light*
The cornering light adapts to driving on curves.
The pivot ing action and the lighting also adapt to
the mode.
Fig. 84 Center console : drive select button
.,.To set the mode, press the ~:1;:e'i
button repeatedly until the desired mode is d isplayed in the
instrument cluster. Or
.,.Select in the Infotainment system: ICARlfunction button > Comfort, Auto or Dynamic.
You can change the driving mode when the vehicle is stationary or while driving . If traff ic permits, after changing modes, briefly take your
foot off the accelerator pedal so that t he recently
selected mode is also activated for the engine.
Comfort - prov ides a comfort-or iented vehicle
setup and is suited fo r long drives on h ighways.
Automatic - provides an overall comfortable yet
dynamic driving feel and is suited for everyday
Dynamic - gives the driver a sporty driving fee l
and is suited to a sporty driving style.
Pay attention to traffic when operating the
drive select to reduce the risk of an accident.
The S selector lever position automatically engages if the dynamic mode is selected.
For additional information on cleaning, see
¢page 185 .
Applies to: vehicles with a rea r parking syste m/pa rking system plus/rearv iew camera
Depending on your vehicle's equipment, various
parking aids will help you when parking and maneuvering.
The rear park ing system is an audible parking aid
that warns you of obstacles behind the vehicle
¢ page 83.
The parking system plus assists you when park ing by audibly and visually indicating objects detected in front of and behind the veh icle
¢ page 83.
The rearview camera shows the area behind the
vehicle in the Infotainment system display . The
lines in the rearview camera image help you to
park or maneuver ¢ page 84.
- Always look for traff ic and check the area
around your vehicle by looking at it directly
as well . The parking system cannot replace
the driver's attention. The driver is always
responsible when entering or leaving a parking space and during similar maneuvers.
- Please note that some surfaces, such as
clothing, are not detected by the system.
- Sensors and cameras have blind spots in
which people and objects cannot be detected. Be especially cautious of small children
and animals.
- Always pay attention to the area around the
vehicle - using the rearview mirror, too.
- The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
damage to the radiator grille, bumper,
wheel housing and the underbody . The parking system may be impaired as a result.
Have an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility check their funct ion.
- Make sure the sensors are not obstructed by
stickers, deposits or other materia ls. If they
are, the sensor function could be impaired.
- Some objects are not detected or displayed
by the system under certain circumstances:
- objects such as barrier chains, trailer draw
bars, vertical poles or fences
- objects above the sensors such as wall extensions
- objects with certain surfaces or structures
such as chain link fences or powder snow
- If you continue driving closer to a low object, it may disappear from the sensor
range. Note that you will no longer be
warned about th is obstacle.
- The system may provide a warning even
though there are no obstacles in the coverage area in some situations, such as:
- certain road surfaces or when there is tall
- external ultrasonic sources such as from
cleaning vehicles
- in heavy rain, snow, or thick vehicle exhaust
We recommend that you practice parking in
a traffic-free location or parking lot to become familiar with the system . When doing
this, there should be good light and weather conditions.
The sensors must be kept clean and free of
snow and ice for the parking aid to operate .
For information on cleaning, see
¢page 185.
You can change the volume and pitch of the
signals as well as the display ¢ page 87.
Please refer to the instructions for towing a
trailer located in ¢ page 88.
What appears in the infotainment display is
somewhat time-delayed.
Rear parking
Applies to: vehicles with rear parking system
Applies to: veh icles with park ing system plus
The rear parking system is an audible parking
aid .
Parking system plus provides audio and visual
signals when parking.
There is a sensor in the rear bumper cover . If
these detect an obstacle, audible signals warn
you .
Make sure the sensors are not covered by stickers, deposits or any other obstructions as it may
impair the sensor function. For information on
cleaning , see ¢ page 185 .
The range at which the sensors begin to measure
is approximately:
3 ft (0.90 m)
5.2 ft (1.60 m)
The closer you get to the obstacle, the shorter
the interval between the audible signals . A continuous tone sounds when the obstacle is less
than approximately 1 foot (0.30 meters) away.
Do not cont inue back ing up ¢ .& in General information on page 82, c:>(D in General information
on page 82!
Fig. 85 Illust rat io n:
Sensors are located in the front and rear bumpers. If these detect an obstacle, audib le and visual signals warn you .
Make sure the sensors are not covered by stickers, deposits or any other obstructions as it may
impair the sensor function. For information on
cleaning, see c:>page 185.
The display fie ld begins approximately at :
If the distance to an obstacle remains constant,
the volume of the distance warning gradually
drops after about four seconds (th is does not ap ply in the continuous tone range) .
4 ft (1.20 m)
3 ft (0 .90 m)
5.2 ft (1.60 m)
3 ft (0 .90 m)
The close r you get to the obstacle , the shorter
the int erval between the audible signals . A continuous ton e sounds when the obs ta cle is less
than approximately 1 foot (0.30 meters) away .
Do not continue driving forward or in reverse
The parking system activates automatically when
the reverse gear is selected. A br ief confirmation
tone will sound .
¢ .& in General information on page 82, ¢ (D in
General information on page 82!
If t he distance to an obstacle remains constant ,
the volume of the distance warn ing gradually
drops after about four seconds (this does not apply in the continuous tone range).
Switching on/off
Applies to: vehicles with park ing system plus
Applies to: vehicles with parking system plus with rearview
came ra
Fig. 86 Center conso le: park ing aid button
Fig. 88 Illu strat ion: cross parking
Fig. 87 Infota inm ent system: visua l dista nce display
Switching on
.. Shift into reverse, or
.. Press the P"'Abutton in the center console
c> fig. 86. A short confirmat ion tone sounds and
the LED in the button tur ns on .
Switching off
.. Drive faster than 6 mph (10 km/h), or
.. Press the p,,.,A
button, or
.. Switch the ignition off .
Segments in the visual display
The red segments in front of and behind the vehicle 9 fig. 87 help you to determine the distance
between you and a detected obstacle. As your vehicle comes closer to the obstacle, the segments
move closer to the vehicle. The collision area has
been reached when the next to last segment is
displayed . Do not continue driving forward or in
reverse q .&.in General information on page 82,
q (J) in General information on page 82!
Fig. 89 Illust rat ion: para llel parking
In addition to parking system plus r=>
page 83,
this parking system also has a rearview camera.
You can use cross parking for example, to park in
a parking space or in a garage q fig. 88. You can
use parallel parking if you would like to park on
the side of the road q fig. 89 .
General information
Applies to: vehicles with parking system plus with rearv iew
Fig. 90 Area covere d (D and are a not covered @ by the
rea rview camera.
Fig. 91 Luggage compartment
lid : locat ion of the rear ·
syst ems
- Only use the rearv iew camera to ass ist you if
it shows a good, clear picture. For example,
the image may be affected by the sun shin·
ing into the lens, by dirt on the lens, or if
there is a malfunction .
- Use the rearv iew camera on ly if the luggage
compa rtment lid is comp letely closed . Make
sure any objects you may have mounted on
the luggage compar t ment lid do not block
the rea rview camera.
- The camera lens enlarges and d istorts the
f ield of vision . The object appears both a lt ered and inac cur ate on the screen.
- In ce rt ain s itu ations, people or objects in
the display appea r closer or fa rther away:
- For objects that do not touc h the grou nd,
such as the bumper of a parked vehicle, a
trailer hitch or the rear of a truck . Do not
use the orie ntation lines in this case .
- If driven from a level s urface onto an incline, or a downward slope .
- If driven toward protruding objects.
- If the vehicle is carrying too much load in
the rear.
view camer a
The rearview camera is located above the rear lice nse plat e bracket. Make sure t hat the lens for
the park ing system c>fig. 91 is not covered by deposi t s or any other obstructions because t his can
affect the function of the parking system . For information on clean ing, see c>page 185 .
Area (D represents the rearview camera coverage
area c>fig . 90 . Only this area is shown in the Infotainment display. Objects that are in area @ ,
which is not covered, are not d isplayed .
page 82.
- If the position and the installat ion ang le of
- Always read and follow the applicable wa rnings c>(D in General information on
page 82.
- The orange-co lored orientation lines in t he
Infotainment display show the vehicle path
based on the steering wheel ang le . The
front of the vehicle swings out more than
the rear of the vehicle. Maintain plenty of
distance so that a n exterior m irror or a corner of the vehicle does not coll ide with any
- Always read and follow the applicable warnings c>.&.in General information on
the rearview came ra was changed, for examp le after a collis ion, do not contin ue to
use the system for safety reasons. Have it
checked by a n author ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility.
Switching on/off
Applies to: vehicles with parking system plus with rearview
Switching on
...Shift into reverse, or
... Press the Pw.A.
but t on in t he center console
c>page 84, fig . 86 . A short confirmation tone
sounds and the LED in the butto n tur ns on.
Switching between the rearview camera and
optical display
.. Press the Graphic control button ®
t=:>page 86, fig. 92 to see the optical display.
• Press the Rearview control button to see the
rearview camera image.
Switching off
.. Drive faster than 6 mph (10 km/h), or
.. Press the p,,.,.6.button, or
• Switch the ignition off .
.. The orange orientation lines (D show the direction of travel of the vehicle. Turn the steering
wheel unt il the orange orientation lines appear
in the parking space t=:>fig . 92 . Use the markings @ to help you estimate the distance from
an obstacle . Each marking represents approx imately 3 ft (1 m). The blue area represents an
extension of the vehicle's outline by approximately 16 ft (5 meters) to the rear .
.. While driving in reverse gear, adjust the steering wheel angle to fit the park ing space using
the orange orientation lines for assistance
¢ A in General information on page 85, ¢ (D
The visual display in the left part of the display should help you detect the critical veh icle
Perpendicular parking
in General information on page 85 . @ marks
the rear bumper . Stop the veh icle, at the latest,
when the red orientation line © borders an object .
Parallel parking
Applies to: vehicles with parking system plus with rearv iew
This view may be used when parking in a garage
or in a parking space.
Fig. 92 Infota inme nt system: aimin g at a parking space
Applies to : vehicles with parking system plus with rearview
This view may be used when parallel parking
along the side of a street.
Fig. 94 Infotainment : blue surfaces aligned in the pa rking
Fig. 93 Info t ainme nt system: align ing the veh icle
Fig. 95 Infotai nm ent: contact of t he blue curved line with
.. Turn the Infotainment
reverse gear.
system on and shift into
the curb
Parking on the right is described here . It is identical when parking on the left.
If the re is an obstacle next to the pa rking space
(such as a wa ll), refer to "Information for par king
next to obstacles" ¢ page 87.
Activate the tu rn signal.
~ Pos ition your vehicle next to a parked veh icle in
front of the desired parking space. The d istance
to this vehicle should be approximately 3 ft. (1
m) .
Turn the Infotainment system on and sh ift into
reverse gear. The parking system is turned on
and the Cross parking view is displayed.
~ Press the control button on the Infotainment
unit (D ¢ fig. 94 . The Parall el parking view is
displayed .
~ Backup and align you r vehicle so the blue a rea
@ borders on the rear end of the veh icle behind you or on the parking space line ¢ .&. in
General information on page 85, ¢ -Ol)in General information on page 85 . The bl ue area represents an extension of the veh icle's outline by
approxim ately 16 ft (5 meters) to the rear. The
long side of t he blue area shou ld be on the
curb . The entire blue area must fit into the
park ing space.
~ With the veh icle stopped, turn the steer ing
whee l to the right as far as it w ill go.
~ Back int o the park ing space unti l the blue curve
¢ fig. 95 tou ches the curb ¢ .&. in General in-
formation on page 85, ¢ (Din General information on page 85 . Stop the vehicle.
With the veh icle stopped, turn the steer ing
wheel to the left as far as it will go .
Cont inue to back into the parking space unt il
the veh icle is parked parallel to the curb ¢ &.
in General information on page 85 , ¢ (Din
General information on page 85 . @ ma rks the
rea r bumpe r. Stop t he veh icle, at the lat est,
when the red or ien t at io n line @ bo rders an object . Keep an eye on the front of your vehicle
whi le doing this.
sy stem s
from the obstacle. The surface must not be
touching . You will a lso need to start turning the
stee ring wheel earlier . The bl ue curve r:=:>fig. 95
must not touch the obstacle and shou ld have sufficien t room .
Keep eno ugh distance from the curb to reduce the risk of damage to the rims.
The left or right orientation lines and surfaces
will be d isp layed , depend ing on the tu rn signal be ing used.
the display
and the warning
Applies to : vehicles wit h parking system pl us/rearview camera
The display and warning tones can be adjus ted in
the Infotainment.
~ Select: the
Ifunct ion button
> (Car) Systems * control butt on > Driver assist > Parking
On* - an optical display is shown for the parking
system plus, a rearview came ra image is shown
for parking system plus with rearview camera*.
Off - when the parking system is switched off,
only audib le signals are given .
Signal tones
Front volum e* - vol ume for the front area
Rear volume - volume for the rear area
Front frequency* - frequency for the front area
Rear frequency - frequency for t he rea r a rea
Music volume while parking - when t he par king
system is turned on, the volume of t he audio/v ideo source is lowered
Parking next to obstacles
If the re is an obstacle (such as a wall) next to the
pa rking space, pos ition t he vehicle so t here is
mo re space on t hat side. Posi t ion the long side of
the blue surface so that the re is sufficient space
The newly se lected level is demonstrated
by the sound gene rat or.
sy stem s
Park ing system plus and rearview camera *
- The warning tones can also be adjusted d irect ly from the visua l display or the rearv iew
camera image*. Simply press the Settings
control button.
- Changed settings are act ivated when the
parking system is switched on again.
- The settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the remote control key that is in
Applies t o: vehicles with parkin g system plus/rearview cam·
There is an error in the system if the LED in the
P,#Abutton is blinking and you hear a continuous
alarm for a few seconds after switching on the
parking system or when the parking system is already act ivated. If the error is not corrected before you switch off the ignit ion, the LEDin the p,,;A
button will blink the next t ime you sw itch on the
pa rking system by s hift ing into reverse .
If a sensor is faulty, the~
symbol will appear in
front of/behind the vehicle in the Infotainment
d isplay. If a rear sensor is faulty, only obstacles
that are in areas @ and @ are displayed
¢ page 83, fig. 85. If a front sensor is faulty, on ly
obstacles that a re in areas © and @ are displayed.
Drive to an authorized Audi dea ler or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have t he
malfunct io n corrected.
App lies to: vehicles with parkin g system plus/rearview camera and t rail er hitc h
For veh icles using the trailer socket, the parking
system rear sensors are not activated when you
shift into reverse gear or whe n you press the p,,;A
button . This results in the follow ing restr ictions .
Parking system plus*
There is no d istance warning for the rear. The
front sensors remain activated . The visual display
sw itches to tra iler mode .
There is no distance warning for the rear. The
front sensors remain activated . The visua l display
switches to trailer mode . The rearview camera
image will not show the orientation lines and the
blue surfaces.
Tra iler hitches that are not installed at the
factory may cause the parking system to malfunct ion or they may restr ict its function.
Electronic stabilization control (ESC)supports
driver safety . It reduces the risk of slipping and
improves driving stability. ESC detects critica l sit uations such as the vehicle oversteering and understeer ing or the wheels are spinning. The vehicle is stabilized by apply ing the brakes or reducing engine torque . When the ESCengages, the
indicator light blin ks in the instrument cluster.
The follow ing systems are integrated in the ESC:
Ant i-lock braking system (ABS)
ABS prevents the whee ls from locking when braking. The vehicle can still be steered even during
hard brak ing. Apply steady pressure to the brake
pedal. Do not pump the pedal. A pulsing in the
brake pedal indicates that the system is act ing to
stabilize the vehicle .
Brake assist system
The brake assist system can decrease braking distance. It increases brak ing power when the driver
presses the brake pedal quickly in emergency situations . You must press and hold the brake pedal
unti l the dangerous sit uat ion is over.
Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR)
ASR reduces engine power when the drive wheels
begin spinning and adapts the force to the road
conditions . This makes it easier to start, accelerate and dr ive up hills .
Electronic differential lock (EDL)
The EDL applies the brakes to a whee l that starts
spinning and transfers the drive power to the
other driving wheel or wheels (if the vehicle is
equipped w ith all wheel dr ive*) . This function is
not available at higher speeds.
In extreme cases, EDL automatically switches off
to keep the brake on the braked wheel from overheat ing . The vehicle is still work ing correctly . EDL
e nt Technology
will switch on again automatically when conditions have returned to normal.
Steering recommendation
The ESChelps to st abilize t he vehicle by changing
t he steer ing torque .
Selective wheel torque control
Selective wheel torque control is used when driving on curves. The front whee l on the inside of
t he curve or both wheels on the inside of the
curve are braked selectively as needed. This allows mo re precise dr iving in curves.
Automatic post-collision braking system
The "automat ic post -collis ion braking system"
can help to reduce the risk of sliding and of additiona l collisions after an accident. If the air bag
contro l modu le detects a collision above a certa in
vehicle speed, the vehicle is braked by the ESC.
The vehicle does not brake automatically if:
- the dr iver presses the accelerator pedal, or
- the braking fo rce generated by the pressed
brake pedal is greater than the braking force
that would be initiated by the system, or
- the ESC, the brake system or the vehicle electrical system are not functioning.
- The ESCand its integrated systems cannot
overcome the lim its imposed by natura l
physical laws. This is especially impo rtant
on slippery or wet roads. If the systems begi n acting t o st abilize your vehicle, you
should immedi at ely alter your speed to
match t he road and t raffic conditions. Do
not let the increased safety provided tempt
you into taking risks. This could increase
your risk of a collis ion.
- Please note the risk of a coll ision increases
when dr iving fast, especially t hrough curves
and on slippery or wet roads, and when dr iving too close to objects ahead. The ESCand
its integrated systems cannot always prevent collisions - t here is st ill a risk of accidents!
condition. Different tire sizes can lead to a
reduction in engine power.
- You may hear noises when the systems described are working .
- Press the accelerator pedal carefully when
accelerating on even, slippery surfaces such
as ice and snow. The drive wheels can spin
even when these control systems are installed and this can affect driving stability and
increase the risk of a co llision.
{D) Tips
- The ABS and ASR only function correctly
when all four wheels have a similar wear
Switching on/off
£SC turns on automatically when you start the engine .
The following examples are unusual situations
where it may make sense to switch offroad mode
on to allow the wheels to spin:
- Rocking the vehicle to free it when it is stuck
- Driving in deep snow or on loose ground
- Driving on rough te rrain when much of the car's
we ight is lifted off the wheels (axle artic ulation)
- Driving downh ill wh ile braking on loose g round
Fig. 96 Center console : OFF~ button
The ESC is designed to function in levels. Depending on the level selected, the ESC stabilization
function is limited or switched off . The amount of
stabilization control wi ll differ depending on the
For your safety, sw itch the offroad mode off in
ESC levels
Offroad mode on
Offroad mode off or
The ESC and ASR stabilization functions are limited
The stabilization function is
not available ¢ .&.. ESC and
ASR are switched off.
The fu ll stabilization function of the ESC and ASR is
availab le again.
Press and hold the C;button
longer than three seconds.
Press the
Press the
turns on.
turn on.
turns off or
turn off .
Stabilization control (ESC): Stabilization control (ESC): Stabilization control (ESC):
offroad. Warning! Reduced Off . Warning! Reduced sta- On
You should only switch offroad mode on or
switch ESC/ASR off if your driving abilities
and the traffic conditions perm it. There is a
risk of slid ing.
- The stabilization function is limited when
offroad mode is switched on. The driving
wheels could spin and the vehicle could
swerve, especially on slick or slip pery road
- There is no vehicle stabilization when ESC/
ASR are switched off.
Hill descent assist
Applies to : vehicles with hill hold assist
Hill descent assist makes it possible to drive
down a hill at a constant speed.
the vehicle speed within these limits by pressing
the accelerator or brake pedal.
However, there must be enough tract ion. Hill descent assist cannot function as expected, if for
example the hill is icy or if the surface is loose
¢ ,&..
A blinking indicato r light.
in the instrument
cluster w ill indicate if the system if actively regulating a specific speed up to approximately
19 mph (30 km/h). The indicator light stays on
continuously when in the ready mode.
The system does not work at speeds between 19
and 37 mph (30 and 60 km/h) . The system is
then in ready-mode . This is indicated by the LED
in the button turning on. The system automat ically switched off when you drive faster than 37
mph (60 km/h) . The LEDwill also turn off in this
scenario .
Hill descent assist is automatically activated under the following conditions:
- the LED in the button turns on
- the vehicle speed is lowe r than 19 mph (30 km/
- the incline angle is at least around 10%
Fig. 97 Center console : hill descent assist butto n
• To switch the hill descent assist on, press the
~ button in the center console c} fig. 97. The
LED in the button turns on.
• Press the button again to switch it off. The LED
in the button turns off .
Hill descent assist brakes all four whee ls auto matically in order to limit speed when driving either forward or reverse on hills with a grade up to
approximately 50% .
When hill descent assist is on, the speed your vehicle was traveling when it entered the hill is
maintained . It is only possible to switch on the
assist when driving slower than 37 mph (60 km/
h). The assist begins shortly after you start driving and continues up to approximate ly 19 mph
(30 km/h) . The driver can increase or decrease
- Always adapt your speed to the weather,
road and traffic conditions. Do not let the
increased safety provided tempt you into
taking risks, because this increases the risk
of an accident.
- The hill descent assist system cannot overcome the laws of physics. Your driving style
must always be adapted to the current road
and traffic conditions .
- Hill descent assist may not be able to hold
your vehicle at a constant speed under all
conditions while dr iving on a hill (for example if ground under the vehicle is loose).
New brake pads
New brake pads do not achieve their full braking
effect during the first 250 mi (400 km) . They
must be "broken in" first . However, you can
Inte l ligent
compensate for the slightly reduced brak ing
force by pressing firmly on the brake peda l. Avoid
heavy braking during the break -in per iod .
Brake system malfunction
W ear
if you no t ice th at the brake peda l t ravel has suddenly gotten larger, then a brake circuit may have
failed ¢ .&..
Brake pad wear depends largely on t he way the
Low brake fluid level
veh icle is driven and on operat ing cond it ions.
This is especially t rue if you are driving frequently
in the city and on curves or with a sporty driving
When the brake fluid level is low, malfunctions in
t he brake system may occur. The brake fl uid leve l
is e lect ron ically moni t ored.
Operating noise
Noises may occur when bra king depend ing on the
speed, braking force and outs ide cond itions such
as temperature and humidity.
Effect of water or road salt
In ce rtain situations, fo r example after driving
through water, in heavy ra in, afte r ove rnig ht condensat ion or after washing your car, the braking
effe ct can be red uced by moisture or ice on the
brake rotors and brake pads. The brakes must be
"dr ied" first with a few careful brake applica tions.
At highe r speeds and with the windshie ld wipers
turned on, the brake pads press against the brake
rotors for a short amount of time . This action,
which is not felt by the driver, happens at regular
intervals and ensures a better reaction time for
the brakes in wet weather.
The braking effect can also be reduced if you are
driving on salted roads and you do not apply the
brakes for long periods of time. The laye r of salt
on the brake rotors and brake pads must be worn
off first when t he brakes a re applied ¢ ,& .
Leaving the vehicle par ked for long periods of
time, low mi leage and avo id ing heavy brak ing
can contribute to corrosion on the brake rotors
and to d irty brake pads .
If you usually avoid heavy braking or if there is
corros ion present, occasional heavy braking at
high speeds is recommended to clean the brake
rotors and pads¢ ,& .
Brake booster
The brake booster amplifies the pressure you apply to the brake pedal. It only works when the engine is runni ng ¢ ,& .
- Only app ly t he bra kes for t he purpose of
cleaning the brake sys t em w hen road and
t raffic conditions permi t. You mus t not endanger other roa d users . This increases the
risk of an accident.
- Never let the ve hicle roll whi le the engine is
stopped because t his increases the risk of an
accident .
- Never let the brakes "rub'' by pressing the
peda l lightly when braking is not actually
necessary . This causes t he brakes to over heat and increases braking distance and
causes wear.
- Before driving downhill a long d istance on a
steep hill, decrease your speed and select a
lower gear. This makes use of the engine
brak ing effect and relieves the brakes . If
you need to bra ke add it iona lly, bra ke in inte rvals and not cont inuous ly.
- If the brake booster is not working, you
must press the brake peda l with much more
forc e than normal.
- If you retrofit your veh icle with a front spo iler , wheel covers or sim ila r items, make su re
t hat the air flow to t he fro nt wheels is not
inter rup t ed. Ot herwise t he brake system
can be come too hot.
In all wheel drive, all four wheels are powered.
Applies to: vehicles with all wheel drive
General information
In all whee l dr ive, the dr iving power is divided between all fou r wheels . This happens automatically depending on yo ur driving behavior as we ll as
the cur rent road conditions . Also see ¢ page 89 .
Steering fault! Do not drive vehicle!
If th is ind icator lig ht tu rns on and stays on a nd
this message appears, the power steer ing may
have failed.
Do not cont inue d riving. See an authorized Aud i
dea ler or autho rized Aud i Serv ice Facility fo r as sis t ance.
If the indicator light turns on, the steering wheel
may be more diff icult to move or more sensitive
than usual. The steering wheel may also be at an
angle when dr iving straight .
in the electronic steering
Have the system malfunction corrected as
soon as possible by an author ized Audi dealer
or authorized Aud i Service Facility, as this increases the risk of a n accident .
By using all whee l dr ive, your veh icle has good
forward motion w ith standard tires in winter conditions . However, using winter or all season tires
on all four wheels in the winter is recommended,
because th is w ill improve the braking effect.
¢ page 181, Snow chains .
Replacing tires
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or aut horized
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected.
Winter ti res
If there a re snow chain laws, snow cha ins m ust
also be used on ve hicles with all wheel drive
lock: System fault ! Please contact
There is a malfunction
The all whee l dr ive concept is des igned for high
engine power. Your vehicle is except iona lly powerfu l and has excellent driving characteristics
both under normal driving conditions and on
snow and ice. Always read and follow safety precautions q .&,.
Snow chains
Drive s low ly to an author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Se rvice Facility to have the malfunction co rrected.
The electromechanical steering supports the
driver's steering movements.
All wheel
Ind icator lights and messages
e nt Technology
Power steering adapts electronically based on
the veh icle speed .
If the . or i1:.ij
indicator light only stays on
for a short time, you may continue dr iving.
For vehicle s wit h a ll wheel d rive, o nly wheels wit h
the same roll ing circu mfe rence sho uld be used.
Avoid using tires with diff eren t tread depths
page 173, New tires or wheels.
- Also, in vehicles with all whee l drive, adapt
your driving style to the current road and
traffic cond itions. Do not let the increased
safety prov ided tempt you into taking risks,
because t his increases the risk of an acc ident.
- The braking ab ility of your vehicle is limited
to the tr ac t ion of t he wheels. In this way, it
is not different from a two w heel d rive vehi cle. Do no t be t empte d to accelerate to a
high speed when t he ro ad is s lippery, be cause t his increases t he risk of an acci den t.
Inte l ligent
- Note that on wet streets, the front wheels
can "hyd roplane" if driving at speeds that
are too high. Unlike front whee l drive
vehicles, the engine does not rev highe r suddenly when the vehicle begins hydroplaning.
For this reason, adapt your speed to the
road conditio ns to reduce t he risk of an accident.
The starting ability is optimized
The energy management system manages the
electrical energy distribution and optimizes the
availability of electrical energy for starting the
When a vehicle w ith a conventional energy system is not driven f or a long time, the vehicle battery is drained by equipment (for example, the
immobilizer) . In certain circumstances, there
could may not be enough energy to start the engine .
Your vehicle is equipped with an intelligent energy management system for distr ibut ing electric ity . This significantly improves the sta rting ability
and increases t he vehicle battery life .
The energy management system Is made up of
battery diagnosis, idling current management ,
and dynamic energy management .
Battery diagnosis
The batte ry diagnosis determines the vehicle battery charge level. The sensors dete rmine the battery voltage, the battery cur rent, and the battery
temperature. The current charge level and the
performance of the vehicle battery are deter mined based on th is.
Idling current management
The idling current management decreases the
energy used wh ile parked . With the engine
switched off, it manages the energy distribution
to the differe nt elect rical components. Data from
t he batte ry diagnos is is taken into account fo r
Depending on t he vehicle batte ry charge level,
electrica l equip ment is switched off one item afte r the other to prevent t he vehicle battery from
draining and to ma inta in the starting abili ty.
Dynamic energy management
W hile driv ing, dynam ic energy manageme nt distribu t es the appropr iate amo unt of energy to t he
electrica l equip ment . It contro ls t he battery
charge level so that the amount of energy is not
greater than the amount being generated in order to maintain an opt imal vehicle battery charge
- Energy management cannot overcome the
laws of physics. Not e that the charge level
and length of the vehicle bat te ry life are
limited .
- Wh en the sta rting ability is endangered, the
(•) indicator light t urns on c::>
pag e 13.
What you should know
Maintaining the starting ability is the highest
A lot of st ress is placed on the vehicle battery
whe n driving short distances, during city driving,
and at cold times of t he year. A lot of energy is
used but lit t le is generated . It is also critical
whe n the engi ne is not running but electrical
equipmen t is swit ched on . In t his case, energy is
used but none is generate d.
In situ ati ons like t his, energy management w ill
act ively regulate the distr ibution of energy.
Long periods without use
If you do not dr ive your vehicle f or several days or
weeks, electrica l equipment is gradually scaled
back or switched off . This reduces energy use and
ensures t he vehicle will be able t o st art aft er long
periods of t ime. Some convenience f unct ions,
such as int erior lig htin g, may not be available under cert ain circumsta nces. These convenience
f unct ions w ill be available again once you switch
t he ignit ion on and sta rt the engine.
With th e engine switched off
The vehicle battery will d rain if yo u use Inf ota inment functions such as listening to the radio
while the engine is switched off .
The vehicle 's ability to start may be impaired by
the energy use, a message will appear in the Infotainment system disp lay .
The message ind icates that the system will
switch off au t omati cally soon. If you wou ld like
to continue using the funct ions, you must st art
the engine.
With the engine running
Although electrical energy is gene rated whi le
d riving, the vehicle battery can drain. This can
happen if little energy is gene rated but much is
used, and the charge leve l of the veh icle ba t tery
is not optima l.
To restore the ba lance of energy, components
that requ ire large amo un ts of energy are temporar ily scaled bac k or switched off. Heating systems in part icular requi re a g reat deal of energy.
If you notice, for example, that the seat heating*
or rear window defogger is not working, then it
has been temporarily reduced or switched off.
These systems are available again as soon as the
e nergy supply has been restored.
In addition, you may notice that the idle speed
has slightly increased. That is norma l and no
cause for concern. By increasing the idling speed,
the add itional required energy will be generated
and the vehicle battery will be cha rged.
Notice about data
by the Event
Data Recorder
vehicle control
Event Data Recorder
This vehicle is equipped with an Event Data Recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR is to
record, in certain crash or near crash-like situations, such as an a irbag deployment or hitting a
road obstacle, data that will assist in understanding how a veh icle's systems performed. The EDR
e nt Technology
is des igned to record data related to vehicle dynamics and safety systems for a short period of
t ime, typ ica lly 30 seconds or less. The EDR in this
vehicle is designed to record such data as:
- How various systems in your vehicle were oper ating;
- W het her or not t he drive r and passenge r safety
be lts were buckled/fastened;
- How far (if at al l) the driver was depressing the
accelerator and/or brake pedal; and,
- How fast t he vehicle was traveling.
These data can help provide a better understanding of the circumstances in wh ich crashes and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR da t a a re recorded by your
vehicle on ly if a non-trivial crash situation occurs;
no data are re corded by t he EDR under normal
driving conditions and no persona l data (e .g .,
name, gender, age, and crash location) are recorded. However, other parties, such as law enforcement, could comb ine the EDR data with the
type of personally identifying data rout inely acquired during a crash investigation .
To read data recorded by an EDR, special equipment is required, and access to the vehicle or the
EDR is needed. In addition to the ve hicle manufact urer, other pa rt ies, such as law e nforcement,
that have t he special eq uipment, can read the info rmat ion if they have access to the vehicle or the
Some state laws restrict the retrieval o r download ing of data sto red by EDRs installed in a ve hicle for t he exp ress purpose of retriev ing data afte r an accident or cras h event without the ow ner's consent .
Audi will not access the EDR and/or sim ila r data
or give it t o others - unless the ve hicle owner (or lessee if the vehicle has been leased) agrees; or
- upon the official request by the police; or
- upon the order of a court of law or a government agency; or
- for the defense of a lawsuit thro ugh t he judicia l
discovery process.
- Audi may a lso use the data for research abo ut
veh icle operation and safety performance or
Inte l ligent
provide the data to a third party for research
purposes without identifying the specific vehicle or information about the identity of its owner or lessee and only after the recorded vehicle
data has been accessed.
Vehicle control modules
Your vehicle is also equipped with a number of
electronic contro l mod ules for various vehicle
systems, such as engine management, emission
control, airbags, and safety belts.
These electronic control modules record data
du ring normal vehicle operation that may be
needed by trained technicians for diagnostic and
repair purposes. The recording capability of these
modules is limited to data (no sound is recorded) . Only a small amoun t of data is actually recorded over a very limited per iod of time, or stored when a system fau lt is detected by a control
modu le. Some of the data sto red may relate t o
vehicle spee d, direct ion, or braking, as well as rest raint system use and perfo rmance in t he event
of a crash. Stored data can also only be read and
downloaded with special equipment that is directly connected to the vehicle.
Your vehicle may be equipped with Audi connect . Your use of certain Audi connect features requires wireless se rvices that are provided by a third party wireless te lecommunications provider. For detai ls regarding how informa t ion obtained th rough Audi connect is
collected, processed, t ransmitte d, used , and
shared, please see your contrac t with the
wireless t elecommunic at ions provider an d the
"About Audi connec t " t ab in your vehicle's
MMI: ! ME N UI button> Audi connect > About
Audi connect.
Important things to do before driving
Safety is everybody's job! Vehicle and occupant
safety always depends on the informed and careful driver.
Safe driving habits
Please remember - safety first!
The individual safety features of your vehicle can
work together as a system to help protect you
and your passengers in a wide range of accidents.
These features cannot work as a system if they
are not always correctly adjusted and correctly
This chapter contains important information,
tips, instructions and warnings that you need to
read and observe for your own safety, the safety
of your passengers and others . We have summarized here what you need to know about safety
belts, airbags, child restraints as well as child
safety. Your safety is for us priority number 1. Always observe the information and warnings in
this section - for your own safety as well as that
of your passengers.
The information in this section applies to all
model versions of your vehicle. Some of the features descr ibed in this sections may be standard
equipment on some models, or may be optional
equipment on others. If you are not sure, ask
your authorized Audi dealer.
- Always make sure that you follow the instructions and heed the WARNINGSin this
Manual. It is in your interest and in the interest of your passengers .
- Always keep the complete Owner's Literature in your Audi when you lend or sell your
vehicle so that this important information
will always be available to the driver and
- Always keep the Owner's literature handy so
that you can find it easily if you have questions.
For your safety and the safety of your passengers, before driving always:
.. Make sure that all lights and signals are operating correctly.
.. Make sure that the tire pressure is correct .
.. Make sure that all windows are clean and afford
good visibility to the outside .
.,.Secure all luggage and other items carefully
¢ page 102, ¢ page 45.
.,.Make sure that noth ing can interfere with the
.. Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors
correctly for your height.
.. Instruct passengers to adjust the head restraints according to their height.
.. Make sure to use the right child restraint correctly to protect children ¢ page 134, Child
.,.Sit properly in your seat and make sure that
your passengers do the same ¢ page 42, Front
.. Fasten your safety belt and wear it properly. Also instruct your passengers to fasten their safety belts properly ¢ page 106 .
What impairs driving safety?
Safe driving is directly related to the condition of
the vehicle, the driver as well as the driver's ability to concentrate on the road without being distracted.
The driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle and all of its occupants. If your ability to
drive is impaired, safety risks for everybody in the
vehicle increase and you also become a hazard to
everyone else on the road ¢ _&.. Therefore:
.. Do not let yourself be distracted by passengers
or by using a cellular telephone .
.. NEVERdrive when your driving ability is impaired (by med ications, alcohol, drugs, etc .).
.. Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road and
speed limits and plain common sense .
Dr iv ing sa fety
• ALWAYSadjust your speed to road, traffic and
weather conditions.
• Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not drive
for more than two hours at a stretch.
• Do NOTdrive when you are tired, under pressure or whe n you are stressed .
Impaired dr iving safety increases t he risk of
ser ious persona l inju ry and death whenever a
vehicle is being used.
Proper seating position for the driver
The proper driver seating position is important
for safe, relaxed driving .
Fig. 9 8 Correct seating pos it ion
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of injury in the event of an accident, we recommend
that you adjust the driver 's seat to the following
position :
• Adjust the dr iver's seat so tha t you can easily
push the pedals all the way to the floor whi le
keeping your knee(s) s light ly bent ~ ,A .
• Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in
an upright position so that your back comes in
full contact with it when you drive.
• Adjust the steering wheel so that there is a distance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between the
stee ring wheel and your breast bone ~ fig . 98 .
If not possib le, see you r authorized Audi dea le r
about adapt ive eq uipment.
• Adj ust the steering wheel so that the steer ing
wheel and airbag cover points at your chest and
not at your face .
• Grasp the top of the steering wheel with your
elbow(s) slightly bent.
• Adjust the head restraint so the uppe r edge is
as even as possib le with the top of your head . If
tha t is not possib le, try to adjust the head restrai nt so t hat it is as close to this pos it io n as
• Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
• Always keep both feet in the footwell so that
you are in contro l of the veh icle at all t imes .
For de tailed informa t ion on how t o adju st t he
page 42 .
dr iver's seat, see r=!)
Drivers who are unbelted, out of position or
too close to the airbag can be seriously injured by an airbag as it unfo lds. To help reduce the risk of serious personal injury:
- Always adju st the driver 's seat and the
steering whee l so that there are at least
10 inches (25 cm) between you r breastbone
and the steering wheel.
- Always hold the steering wheel on the outside of the steering wheel rim with your
hands at t he 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions to help reduce t he risk of personal injury if the driver's air bag inflates.
- Never hold t he stee ring wheel at the
12 o'clock position o r wit h you r hands at
ot her posi t ions ins ide the steer ing whee l
rim o r on the steeri ng wheel hub. Holding
the steering wheel the wrong way can cause
serious inju ries to the hands, arms and head
if the drive r's airbag dep loys.
- Pointing the steering wheel towa rd your
face decreases the ability of the supplemental d river's airbag to protect you in a coll ision.
- Always sit in an upright pos ition and never
lean aga inst or place any part of your body
too close to the area where the airbags are
- Before driving, always adjust the front seats
and head restraints properly and make sure
that all passengers are properly restrained.
- Never adjust the seats while the vehicle is
moving. Your seat may move unexpectedly
and you could lose control of the vehicle.
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests are
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due
to incorrect positioning of the safety belt
and improper seating position .
- Children must always ride in child safety
seats ¢ page 134 . Special precautions apply when installing a chi ld safety seat on the
front passenger seat ¢ page 114 .
Proper seating position for the front
The proper front passenger seating position is
important for safe, relaxed driving.
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of injury in the event of an accident, we recommend
that you adjust the seat for the front passenger
to the following position:
• Adjust the ang le of the seatback so that it is in
an upright position and your back comes in full
contact with it whenever the vehicle is moving.
• Adjust the head restraint so the upper edge is
as even as possible with the top of your head. If
that is not possible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it is as close to this position as
possible ¢ page 43.
• Keep both feet flat on the floor in front of the
front passenger seat .
• Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
¢ page 109.
For detailed information on how to adjust the
front passenger's seat, see ¢ page 42 .
Front seat passengers who are unbelted, out
of pos ition or too close to the airbag can be
ser iously injured or killed by the airbag as it
unfolds . To help reduce the risk of serious
personal injury:
- Passengers must always sit in an upright position and never lean against or place any
part of their body too close to the area
where the airbags are located .
- Passengers who are unbelted, out of position or too close to the airbag can be seriously injured by an airbag as it unfolds with
great force in the blink of an eye.
- Always make sure that there are at least
10 inches (25 cm) between the front passenger's breastbone and the instrument
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat of
their own and properly fasten and wear the
safety belt belonging to that seat .
- Before driving, always adjust the front passenger seat and head restraint properly .
- Always keep your feet on the floor in front
of the seat . Never rest them on the seat, instrument panel, out of the window, etc. The
airbag system and safety belt will not be
able to protect you properly and can even increase the risk of injury in a crash.
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests are
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due
to incorrect positioning of the safety belt
and improper seating position.
- Childr en must always ride in child safety
seats ¢ page 134. Special precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on the
front passenger seat ¢ page 114.
Proper seating positions for passengers in
rear seats
Rear seat passengers must sit upright with both
feet on the floor consistent with their physical
size and be properly restrained whenever the vehicle is in use .
To reduce the risk of injury caused by an incorrect
seating position in the event of a sudden braking
maneuver or an accident, your passengers on the
rear bench seat must always observe the following :
• Make sure that the seatback is securely latched
in the upright position ¢ page 47 .
• If there is a passenger on the rear center seat ing position, slide the center head restraint up ward at least to the next notch ¢ page 44.
• Keep both feet flat in the footwell in front of
the rear seat .
• Fasten and wear safety belts properly
¢ page 109.
• Make sure that children are always properly restrained in a child restraint that is appropriate
for their size and age¢ page 134.
Passengers who are improperly seated on the
rear seat can be seriously injured in a crash.
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat of
their own and properly fasten and wear the
safety belt belonging to that seat.
- Safety belts only offer maximum protection
when the seatback is securely latched in the
upright position and the safety belts are
properly positioned on the body. By not sitting upright, a rear seat passenger increases
the risk of personal injury from improperly
positioned safety belts!
- Always adjust the head restraint properly so
that it can give maximum protection.
Proper adjustment of head restraints
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an important part of your vehicle's occupant restraint system and can help to reduce the risk of injuries in
accident situations .
• Adjust the head restraints so the upper edge is
as even as possible with the top of your head. If
that is not possible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it is as close to this position as
possible ¢ fig. 99.
• If there is a passenger on the rear center seat ing position, slide the center head restraint upward at least to the next notch .
Adjusting head restraints¢
page 43.
All seats are equipped with head restraints .
Driving without head restraints or with head
restraints that are not properly adjusted increases the risk of serious or fatal neck injury
dramatica lly. To help reduce the risk of injury:
- Always drive with the head restraints in
place and properly adjusted.
- Every person in the vehicle must have a
properly adjusted head restraint.
-Always make sure each person in the vehicle
properly adjusts their head restraint. Adjust
the head restraints so the upper edge is as
even as possible with the top of your head.
If that is not possible, try to adjust the head
restraint so that it is as close to this position
as possible.
- Never attempt to adjust head restraint
while driving. If you have driven off and
must adjust the driver headrest for any reason, first stop the vehicle safely before attempting to adjust the head restraint.
- Children must always be properly restrained
in a child restraint that is appropriate for
their age and size ¢page 134.
Examples of improper seating positions
The occupant restraint system can only reduce
the risk of injury if vehicle occupants are properly
Fig. 99 Head restraint: viewed from the front
The head restraints must be correctly adjusted to
achieve the best protection.
Improper seating positions can cause serious injury or death . Safety belts can only work when
they are properly positioned on the body. Improper seating positions reduce the effectiveness
of safety belts and will even increase the risk of
injury and death by moving the safety belt to
critical areas of the body . Improper seating positions also increase the risk of serious injury and
death when an airbag deploys and strikes an occupant who is not in the proper seating position.
A driver is responsible for the safety of all vehicle
occupants and especially for children . Therefore:
Never allow anyone to assume an incorrect
seating position when the vehicle is being used
The following bulletins list only some sample positions that will increase the risk of serious injury
and death. Our hope is that these examples will
make you more aware of seating positions that
are dangerous .
Therefore, whenever th e vehicle is moving:
of the
- never
- never
stand up in the vehicle
stand on the seats
kneel on the seats
ride with the seatback reclined
lie down on the seats
lean up against the instrument panel
sit on the edge of the seat
sit sideways
lean out the window
put your feet out the window
put your feet on the instrument panel
rest your feet on the seat cush ion or back
ride in the footwell
ride in the cargo area
Improper seating positions increase the risk
of serious personal injury and death whenever
a vehicle is being used.
-Always make sure that all vehicle occupants
stay in a proper seat ing pos ition and are
properly restrained whenever the vehicle is
being used.
The pedals must always be free to move and
must never be interfered with by a floor mat or
any other object.
Make sure that all pedals move freely without interference and that nothing prevents them from
returning to their original positions .
Only use f loor mats that leave the pedal area free
and can be secured with floor mat fasteners .
If a brake circuit fails, increased brake pedal travel is required to bring the vehicle to a full stop.
-Pedals that cannot move freely can cause lossof vehicle control and increase the risk of serious injury.
- Never place any objects in the driver's footwell. An object could get into the pedal area
and interfere with pedal funct ion. In case of
sudden braking or an accident, you would
not be able to brake or acce lerate!
-Always make sure that nothing can fall or
move into the driver's footwell.
Floor mats on the driver side
Always use floor mats that can be securely attached to the floor mat fasteners and do not interfere with the free movement of the pedals.
Make sure that the floor mats are properly secured and cannot move and interfere with the
pedals c>&,.
Use only floor mats that leave the pedal area unobstructed and that are firmly secured so that
they cannot slip out of position . You can obtain
suitable floor mats from your author ized Audi
Floor mat fasteners are installed in your Audi .
Floor mats used in your vehicle must be attached
to these fasteners . Properly securing the floor
mats will prevent them from sliding into positions that could interfere with the pedals or impair safe operation of your vehicle in other ways.
Pedals that cannot move freely can result in a
loss of vehicle control and increase the risk of
serious personal injury.
- Always make sure that floor mats are properly secured.
- Never place or install floor mats or other
floor coverings in the vehicle that cannot be
properly secured in place to prevent them
from slipping and interfering with the pedals or the ability to control the vehicle.
- Never place or install floor mats or other
floor coverings on top of already installed
floor mats. Addit ional floor mats and other
coverings will reduce the size of the pedal
area and interfere with the pedals.
- Always properly reinstall and secure floor
mats that have been taken out for cleaning.
- Always make sure that objects cannot fall
into the driver footwell while the veh icle is
moving. Objects can become trapped under
the brake pedal and accelerator pedal causing a loss of vehicle control.
.,. Distribute the load even ly in the luggag e compartment.
.,.Always place and properly secure heavy items in
the luggage compartment as low and as far forward as possible ¢fig . 100 .
.,.Secure luggage using the t ie-downs provided
¢ page 47 .
.,. Make sure that the rear seatback is securely
latched in place.
Loading the luggage compartment
All luggage and other objects must be properly
stowed and secured in the luggage compartment.
and as far forward as possible.
Improperly stored luggage or other items can
fly through the vehicle causing serious personal injury in the event of hard braking or an
accident. To help reduce the risk of serious
personal injury:
- Always put objects, for example, luggage or
other heavy items in the luggage compartment.
-Always secure objects in the luggage compartment using the tie-down eyelets and
suitable straps.
Fig. 100 Safe load positio ning : place heavy objects as low
Loose items in the luggage compartment can
shift suddenly, changing vehicle handling characteristics. Loose items can also increase the risk of
serious personal injury in a sudden vehicle maneuver or in a collision.
Heavy loads will influence the way your vehicle handles. To help reduce the risk of a loss
of control leading to serious personal injury:
-Always keep in mind when transporting
heavy objects, that a change in the center of
gravity can also cause changes in vehicle
- Always distribute the load as evenly as
- Place heavy objects as far forward in the
luggage compartment as possible.
- Never exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating
or the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating specified
on the safety compliance sticker on the left
door jamb. Exceeding permissible weight
standards can cause the vehicle to slide and
handle differently.
- The tire pressure must correspond to the
load. The tire pressure is shown on the tire
pressure label. The t ire pressure label is located on the driver's side B-pillar . The tire
pressure label lists the recommended cold
tire inflation pressures for the vehicle at its
maximum capac ity weight and the tires that
were on your vehicle at the time it was manufactured. For recommended tire pressures
for normal load conditions, please see chapter ~ page 176.
- Please observe information on safe driving
~ page 97.
To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from
being drawn into the vehicle, always keep the
rear lid closed while driving .
- Never transport objects larger than those
fitting completely into the luggage area because the rear lid cannot be fully closed .
- If you absolutely must drive with the rear lid
open, observe the following notes to reduce
the risk of poisoning:
- Close all windows,
- Close the Panoramic sliding sunroof*,
- Open all air outlets in the instrument panel,
- Switch off the air recirculation,
- Set the fresh air fan to the highest speed .
Always make sure that the doors, all windows, the Panoramic sliding sunroof* and the
rear lid are securely closed and locked to reduce the risk of injury when the vehicle is not
being used.
- After closing the rear lid, a lways make sure
that it is properly closed and locked.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended especially w it h the rear lid left open. A chi ld
could crawl into the vehicle through the luggage compartment and close the rear lid becoming trapped and unable to get out. Being trapped in a vehicle can lead to serious
personal injury.
- Never let children play in or around the vehicle .
- Never let passengers ride in the luggage
compartment. Vehicle occupants must always be properly restrained in one of the vehicle's seating positions.
- Air circulation helps to reduce window fogging. Stale air escapes to the outside
through vents in the trim panel. Be sure to
keep these slots free and open.
The luggage compartment is equipped with four
tie-downs to secure luggage and other items.
Use the t ie-downs to secure your cargo properly
~ page
102, Loading the luggage compartment.
In a collision, the laws of physics mean that even
smaller items that are loose in the veh icle will
become heavy m issiles that can cause serious injury. Items in the vehicle possess energy which
vary w ith vehicle speed and the weight of the
item. Vehicle speed is the most significant factor.
For example, in a frontal collision at a speed of
30 mph (48 km/h), the forces acting on a 10- lb
(4.5 kg) object are about 20 times the normal
weight of the item. This means that the weight
of the item would sudden ly be about
200 lbs. (90 kg). You can imagine the injuries
that a 200 lbs. (90 kg) item flying freely through
the passenger compartment could cause in a collision like th is.
Weak, damaged or improper straps used to
secure items to tie-downs can fail dur ing hard
braking or in a collision and cause serious persona l injury.
- Always use suitable mounting straps and
properly secure items to the tie-downs in
the luggage compartment to help prevent
items from shifting or flying forward as dangerous missiles .
- When the rear seat backrest is folded down,
always use suitable mounting straps and
properly secure items to the tie-downs in
t he luggage compartmen t to hel p prevent
items from f lying forwa rd as dangerous
missiles into the passenger compartment .
- Never at tach a child safety seat tethe r strap
to a tie-down.
Applicable to U.S.A.
If you believe that your vehicle
has a defect which could cause a
crash or could cause injury or
death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA)in
addition to notifying Audi of
America, Inc.
If NHTSAreceives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety
defects exists in a group of
vehicles, it may order a recall and
remedy campaign . However,
NHTSAcannot become involved in
individual problems between you,
your dealer , or Audi of America,
To contact the NHTSA,you may
either call :
Tel.: 1-888-327 -4236 (TTY:
1-800-424-9153 ) or
1-800 -424 -9393
or you may write to:
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
West Building
Washington, DC20590
You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from:
http:/ /www.
Applicable to Canada
If you live in Canada and you believe that your vehicle has a defect that could cause a crash, injury or death, you should immedi-
ately inform Transport Canada,
Defect Investigations and Recalls.
You should also notify Audi Canada .
Canadian customers who wish to
report a safety-related defect to
Transport Canada, Defect Investigations and Recalls, may either
call Transport Canada toll -free at:
Tel.: 1-800-333-0510 or
Tel.: 1-819-994-3328 (Ottawa region and from other countries)
TTYfor hearing impaired:
1-888-67 5-6863
or contact Transport Canada by
mail at:
Transport Canada
Motor Vehicle Safety Investigations Laboratory
80 Noel Street
Gatineau, QC
For addit ional road safety informat ion, please visit the Road
Safety website at:
http:/ /
roadsafety/menu .htm

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