Robert Bosch Car Multimedia AUFPK20 Instrument cluster with immobilizer User Manual part 3
Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH Instrument cluster with immobilizer Users Manual part 3
- 1. Users Manual part 1
- 2. Users Manual part 2
- 3. Users Manual part 3
- 4. Users Manual part 4
- 5. Users Manual part 5
Users Manual part 3
S a fety belt s Safety General belts information - Be sure everyone riding in the vehicle is properly restrained with a separate safety be lt or ch ild restraint. Always wear safety belts! Wearing safe ty belts correctly saves lives! This chapte r explains why safety be lts a re necessary, how they work and how to adjust and wear them correct ly. Safety belt warning light Your vehicle has a warning system for the driver and front seat passenger to remind you about the importance of buckling-up.fig. 104. This impact with the vehicle interior has all the energy they had j ust before the crash. plied to the body in an accident , and help prevent the uncontrolled movement that can cause serious injuries. In add ition, sa fety belts red uce the danger of being thrown out of the vehicle. Never rely on airbags alone for protection . Even when they deploy, airbags provide only additional protection. Airbags are not supposed to dep loy in all kinds of accidents. Although your Audi is equipped w ith airbags, all vehicle occupants, including the driver, must wear safety belts cor rectly in order to minimize the risk of severe injury or death in a crash . Safety be lts attach passengers to the car and g ive them the benefit of being slowed down more gently or "soft ly" thro ugh the "give" in the safety belts, crush zones and other safety feat ures engineered into today's vehicles. By "absorbing" the kinet ic energy over a longer per iod of t ime, the safety belts make the forces on the body more "tole rab le" and less likely to cause inju ry. Remember too, that airbags will deploy only once and that your safety belts are always there to offer protect ion in those accidents in wh ich airbags are not supposed to deploy or when they have a lready deployed . Unbel ted occupants can also be thrown out of the veh icle where eve n mo re severe or fatal injuries can occur . Although these examples are based on a frontal collision, safety be lts ca n also substantially reduce the risk of injury in ot her kinds of crashes . So, whethe r you're on a long trip or just goi ng to the cor ne r store, a lways buckle up and make sure othe rs do, t oo. Acciden t st at ist ics show that veh icle occupants prope rly wearing safety bel t s have a lowe r risk of being injured and a much better chance of surviving an acc ident . Properly using safety be lts also great ly increases the ability of the supp lemental airbags to do their job in a collis ion. For this reason, wearing a safety belt is legally required in most countries including much of the United States and Canada . It is also important for the rear pass engers to wear safety belts correctly. Unbelted passengers in t he rear seats endanger no t on ly themse lves but also the drive r and other passengers ~ fig. 1 OS. In a frontal collision they will be thrown forward violently, where they can hit and inj ure the driver and/or front seat passenger. Safety belts protect People think it's possible to use the hands to brace the body in a minor collision. It's simply not true! Although your Audi is equipped with airbags, you still have to wear the safety belts provided. Front airbags, for examp le, are activated only in some frontal collisions. The front airbags are not act ivated in all frontal collisions, in side and rear collis ions, in roll overs or in cases where the re is not eno ugh deceler ation t hroug h impa ct t o the front of t he vehicle . The same goes for the other a irbag systems in your Audi. So, always wear your safety belt and make sure everybody in your vehicle is properly rest rained! Important safety instructions about safety belts Fig. 10 6 Driver is corr ectly restrai ned i n a sudden brak ing m aneuver Safety belts used properly can make a big d ifference. Safety belts help to keep passengers in their seats, gradually reduce energy levels ap108 Safe ty belts must always be correctly positioned across the strongest bones of your body. .,.Always wear safety belts as illustrated and de scribed in this chapter. .,. Make sure that your safety be lts are always ready fo r use a nd are not damaged . Safety co ...... r--. WARNING Not wearing safety belts or wearing them improperly increases the risk of serious personal injury and death. Safety belts can work only when used correctly. -Always fasten your safety belts correctly before driving off and make sure all passengers are correctly restrained. - For maximum protection, safety belts must always be positioned properly on the body. - Never strap more than one person, including small children, into any belt. - Never place a safety belt over a child sitting on your lap. - Always keep feet in the footwell in front of the seat while the vehicle is being driven. - Never let any person ride with their feet on the instrument panel or st icking out the window or on the seat. - Never remove a safety belt while the vehicle is moving . Doing so will increase your risk of being injured or killed. - Never wear belts twisted. - Never wear belts over rigid or breakable objects in or on your clot hing , such as eye glasses, pens, keys, etc., as these may cause injury. - Never allow safety belts to become damaged by being caught in door or seat hardware. - Do not wear the shoulder part of the belt under your arm or otherwise out of position . - Several layers of heavy clothing may interfere with correct positioning of belts and reduce the overall effectiveness of the system. - Always keep belt buckles free of anything that may prevent the buckle from latching securely . - Never use comfort clips or devices that create slack in the shoulder belt. However, special clips may be required for the proper use of some child restraint systems. - Torn or frayed safety belts can tear, and damaged belt hardware can break in an accident. Inspect belts regularly. If webbing, bindings, buckles, or retractors are dam- belts aged, have belts replaced by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. - Safety belts that have been worn and loaded in an accident must be replaced with the correct replacement safety belt by an author ized Audi dealer. Replacement may be necessary even if damage cannot be clearly seen. Anchorages that were loaded must also be inspected. - Never remove, modify, disassemble, or try to repair the safety belts yourself. -Always keep the belts clean. Dirty belts may not work properly and can impair the function of the inertia reel~ table Interior cleaning on page 187. Safety belts Fastening safety belts Safety first - everybody buckle up! Fig. 107 Belt buckle and tongue on the driver's seat To provide maximum protection, safety belts must always be positioned correctly on the wearer's body . .. Adjust the front seat and head restraint properly ¢ page 42, Front seats. .. Make sure the seatback of the rear seat bench is in an upright position and securely latched in place before using the belt ¢ ,&. . .. Pull the safety belt evenly across the chest and pelvis¢ ,&. . .. Ins ert the tongue into the correct buckle of your seat until you hear it latch securely. .. Pull on the belt to make sure that it is securely latched in the buckle . '"' ::, co 109 IIJ,, Sa f e ty belts Autom atic safet y belt retractors Every safety belt is equ ipped with an automa t ic be lt retractor on the shoulder belt. This feature locks the belt when the belt is pulled out fast, during hard braking and in a n accident . The belt may a lso lock when you drive up or down a steep hill or through a sharp curve. During normal driving the belt lets you move freely . Safety belt pret ensioners of the body into critical areas like the abdomen. - Always lock the convertible locking retractor when you are securing a child safety seat in the vehicle ¢ page 146. Safety belt position Correct belt position is the key to getting maximum protection from safety belts . Safety belts with pretensioners he lp to tighten the safety belt and remove s lack when the pretensioners are activated ¢ page 112 . The function of the pretensioner is monitored by a warning light ¢ page 14 . .... "' ... a, Convertible locking retractor Every safety belt except the one on the driver seat is equipped with a convertible locking retractor that must be used when the safety belt is used to attach a child safety seat. Be sure to read the impo rtant information about this feature ¢ page 144 . .&_WARNING Improperly pos itioned safety be lts can cause ser ious injury in an accident ¢ page 110, Safety belt position. - Safety belts offer optimum protection only when the seatback is upright and belts are properly positioned on the body. - Always make sure that the rear seat bac krest to which the center rea r safety belt is attached is secure ly latched whenever the rear center safety belt is being used. If the backrest is not securely latched, the passenger will move forward with the backrest during sudden braking, in a sudden maneuver and especially in a crash. - Never attach the safety belt to the buckle for another seat. Attaching the belt to the wrong buckle will reduce safety belt effect iveness and can cause serious persona l injury. - A passenger who is not properly restrained can be seriously inj ured by the safety be lt itself when it moves from the stronger parts 110 Fig. 108 Safety belt posit ion Standard features on your vehicle help you adjust the position of the safety belt to match your body size. - belt height adjustment for the front seats, - height-adjustab le front seats . .&_WARNING Improperly positioned safety belts can cause serious pe rsonal injury in an acc ident . - The shoulder belt should lie as close to the center of the collar bone as possib le and should fit well on the body. Hold the belt above the latch tongue and pull it evenly across the chest so that it s its as low as possib le on the pe lvis and t here is no pressure on the a bdomen . The belt sho uld a lways f it snug ly ¢ fig. 108. Pull on the belt to tig hten if necessary . - The lap be lt portion of the safety belt must be positioned as low as possible across pelvis and never over the abdomen. Make sure the belt lies flat and snug ¢ fig. 108. Pull on the belt to tighten if necessary. - A loose-fitting safety belt can cause serious injuries by sh ifting its position on your body ..,_ Safet y bel ts from the strong bones to more vulnerable, soft tiss ue and cause serious injury. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important information 9 page 108. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important informat ion c::>A in Fasten- ing safety belts on page 110. Unfastening safety belts Pregnant women must also be correctly restrained Unbuckle the safety belt with the red release button only o~er the vehicle has stopped. The best way to protect the fetus is to make sure tha t expectant mothers always wear safe ty belts correctly - throughou t the pregnancy . Fig. 1 10 Releasi ng t he to ngue from t he buckle Fig. 10 9 Safety belt positio n during pregnancy To p rovide max imum p rotection, safety belts must always be positioned correctly on the wearpage 110 . e r's body c::> • Adjust the front seat and head restra int correct ly c::> page 42, Front seats . • Make sure the seatback of the rear seat bench is in a n upright position and secure ly latched in place before using th e belt. • Pull the safety belt evenly across the chest so that it sits as low as possible on the pelv is and there is no pressure on the abdomen c::> fig. 109, c::>.&_. • Inse rt the to ngue into the cor rect buckle of you r seat until you hea r it latch secure ly. • Pullon the be lt to ma ke sure that it is secu rely latched in the bu ckle. .,. Push the red re lease but t on on the buck le c::> fig. 110 . The belt tongue will spr ing out of t he buck le c::>_&.. • Let the belt wind up on the retra ctor as you guide the belt tongue to its stowed posit ion. _& WARNING Never unfasten safety belt whi le the vehicle is moving . Doing so will increase your risk of being injured or killed . Adjusting safety belt height With the aid of the safety belt height adjustment, the three point safety belt strap routing can be fitt ed to the shoulder area, according to body size . ... ... a, _& WARNING co ...... r--. .-< Improperly posit ioned safety be lts ca n cause serious personal injury in an accident . - Expec t ant mot hers mus t a lways wear the lap portion of the safety belt as low as possible across the pelvis and below the rounding of the abdomen . Fig. 11 1 Safety belt height adju stm ent for t he fro nt seat s Ill> - loop -around fitt ings ::, co 111 S a fety belts The shou lder belt should lie as close to the center of th e collar bone as possib le and should fit well on the body c::> in Safety belt position on page 110. "' Push the loop -a round fittings up c::>fig. 111 @, or "'squeez e together the (D button, and push the loop-around fittings down@ . "'Pull the belt to make sure that the upper attachment is properly engaged . WARNING Always read and heed all WARNINGS and othpage 108 . er important informat ion c::> (D Tips With the front seats, the height adjustment of the seat can also be used to adjust the po sition of the safety belts. Improperly worn safety belts Incorrectly positioned safety belts can cause se vere injuries . Wearing safety belts improperly can cause serious injury or death . Safety belts can only work when they are correctly positioned on the body. Improper seating positions reduce the effect iveness of safety belts and will even increase the risk of injury and death by mov ing the safety belt to crit ica l areas of the body. Improper seating positions a lso increase the risk of serious injury and death when an airbag deploys and strikes an occupant who is not in the correct seating pos ition . A drive r is responsible for the safety of all veh icle occupants and especially for children. Therefore : "' Never permit anyon e to assume an incorrect sitting position in the vehicle while traveling c>_&. WARNING Improperly worn safety belts increase the risk of serious personal injury and death whenever a vehicle is being used. 112 - Always make sure that all vehicle occupants are correctly restrained and stay in a correct seating position whenever the vehicle is being used. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS and page 108 . other important informat ion c::> Belt tensioners How safety belt pretensioners work Seat belts with pyrotechnic safety be lt pretensioners are tensioned automatically in severe collisions, depending on the circumstances . This helps to reduce the forward motion of the occupants. WARNING - It is possible for the pretensioners to deploy incorrectly . - Any work on the tensioner system or removal and installation of system components for other repairs must be performed by a qualified workshop . - The pyrotechnic system can only provide protection for one collision. If the pyrotechnic pretens ioners deploy, the pretensioning system must be replaced. (D Note Never let the belt remain over a rear seatback that has been folded forward. (D Tips - A fine dust is released when the pyrotechnic safety belt pretensioners deploy . This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the veh icle. - The relevant safety requirements must be observed when the vehicle or components of the system are scrapped . A qualified dealership is familiar with these regulations and will be pleased to pass on the information to you. S a fet y b e lts Service and disposal of safety belt pretensioner that you have your dealer perform this service for you . The safety belt pretens ioners are parts of the safety be lts on your Audi. Installing, removing, servicing or repairing of belt pretensioners can damage the safety belt system and prevent it from working correctly in a collision . There are some important things you have to know to make sure that the effectiveness of the system w ill not be impaired and that discarded components do not cause injury or pollute the environment. WARNING Improper care, serv icing and repa ir procedures can increase the risk of personal injury and death by preven t ing a safety be lt pretensioner from activating when needed or activating it unexpectedly: - The be lt pretensione r system can be act ivated only once. If belt pretensioners have been act ivat ed, the system must be replaced. - Never repair, adjust, or cha nge any parts of the safety be lt system . - Safety belt systems includ ing safety belt pretens ioners cannot be repaired. Specia l procedures are req uired for removal, insta llation and disposa l of this system. - For any work on the safety bel t system, we strongly recommend that you see your authorized Aud i dea ler or qualified technician who has an Audi approved repair manual, train ing and spec ial equ ipment necessary. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' For the sake of the environment Undep loyed airbag modu les and pretensioners might be classified as Perch lorate Material -spec ia l handling may apply, see When the veh icle or parts of the restraint system including air bag modules safety belts with pretensioners are scrapped, all app licabl e laws and regula t ions must be observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is familiar wit h these req uirements and we recommend :::, 00 113 Airb a g syste m Airbag system Important information Importance of wearing safety belts and sitting properly Airbags are only supplemental restraints . For airbags to do their job, occupants must always properly wear their safety belts and be in a prop er seating position. For your safety and the safety of your passenge rs, before driving off, always : "' Adjust the dr iver's seat and steering wheel properly ¢ page 98, "' Adjust the front passenge r's seat properly ¢ page 99 , "' Wear safety belts properly ¢ page 108 , "' Always properly use the proper child restraint to protect children ¢ page 134 . In a coll isio n ai rbags must inflate wit hin the blink of an eye and with cons iderable force . The sup plemental airbags can cause injuries if the driver or the front seat passenger is not seated proper· Ly. Therefore in order to help the airbag to do its job, it is important, both as a dr iver and as a passenger to sit properly at all t imes . By keeping room between your body and the steering whee l and the front of the passenger compartment, the a irbag can inflate fully and completely and provide supplemental protect ion in certain frontal coll is ions ¢ page 98, Correct passenger seating positions . For details on the operation of the seat adjustment controls ¢ page 42. It's especially important that children a re proper ly restra ined ¢ page 134 . There is a lot that the driver and the passengers can and must do to help the ind ividual safety features installed in your Audi work together as a system . Proper seating posit ion is important so that the front airbag on the drive r side can do its job. If you have a physical impairment or cond ition that prevents you from sitting properly on the driver seat with the safety be lt properly fastened and 114 reaching the peda ls, special modifications to your vehicle may be necessary. Contact your autho rized Audi dea le r, or call Audi Customer Relat ions at 1-800 -82 2 -2834. When the airbag system dep loys, a gas generator will fill the airbags, break open the padded covers, and inflate betwee n the steeri ng wheel and the driver a nd between the inst rument panel and the front passenger . The a irbags will deflate immediate ly after dep loyment so t hat the front occupants can see through the windsh ie ld again without interruption. All of th is takes place in the blink of an eye, so fast that many people don't even realize that the airbags have deployed. The airbags a lso inflate with a great deal of force and nothing should be in the ir way when they deploy. Front airbags in combination with properly worn safety belts slow down and lim it the occupant's forward movement . Together they he lp to prevent the driver a nd front seat passenger from hitti ng pa rt s of t he ins ide the veh icle while reducing the fo rces acti ng on the occupant dur ing the cras h. In th is way they help to reduce the risk of inju ry to the head and uppe r body in the crash. Airbags do not protect the arms or the lower parts of the body. Both front airbags will not inflate in all frontal collisions. The trigge ring of the airbag system de pends on the vehicle deceleration rate caused by the collis ion and registered by the electronic contro l unit . If this rate is below the reference value programmed into the contro l unit, the airbags will not be trigge red, even though the car may be badly damaged as a resu lt of the collision . Vehicle damage, repa ir costs or even the lack of vehicle damage is not necessari ly an indica t ion of whethe r an a irbag should inflate or not. It is not possib le to define a range of vehicle speeds that w ill cove r every possible kind and angle of impa ct that will always tr igger the airbags, since the circumst an ces w ill vary cons iderably between one collision and another. Important factors include, for example, the natu re (hard or soft) of the object which the car hits, the angl e of impact, vehicle speed, etc . The front airbags will ..,_ Airb a g sys tem also not inflate in side or rear coll isions, or in roll-overs. Always remember: Airbags will deploy only o nce, and on ly in certain kinds of coll isions. Your safety be lts are always there to offer protection in those situations in which airbags are not supposed to deploy, or when they have a lready deployed; for examp le, when your vehicle str ikes or is struck by another after the first collis ion. This is just one of the reasons why an airbag is a supp lementary restraint and is not a substitute for a safety belt. The airbag system works most effect ively when used with the safety belts. Therefore, always properly wear your safety belts r:::;,page106 . co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' WARNING Sitting too close to the steer ing whee l or inst rument panel will decrease the effect iveness of the airbags and will increase t he risk of persona l injury in a collision. - Never sit closer than 10 inches (25 cm) to the steering wheel or instrument panel. - If you cannot sit mo re than 10 inches (2 5 cm) from the steering wheel, inves t igate whethe r adaptive equipment may be available to help you reach the pedals and increase your seating distance from the steering wheel. - All veh icle occupants and especially children must be restrained properly whenever riding in a vehicle. An unrestrained or improperly restra ined child could be injured by stri king the inte rior or by being ejected from the vehicle d uring a sudden maneuver or impact. An unrestrained or imp roperly restrained child is also at greate r risk of inju ry or death through contact with an inflating airbag . - If you are unrest rained, leaning fo rwa rd, sitt ing s ideways or out of pos ition in any way, your risk of inju ry is mu ch higher. - You will also receive serious injur ies and cou ld even be killed if you are up ag ai nst the airbag or too close to it w hen it inf lates even with an Advanced Airbag. - To reduce the ris k of injury when an airbag inflates, always wear sa fety belts prope rly r:::;, page 109, Safety belts. - Always make certain that children age 12 or younger always ride in the rear seat. If children are not properly restrained, they may be severely injured or killed when an airbag inflates. - Never let children ride unrestrained or improperly restrained in the vehicle. Adj ust the front seats properly. - Never ride with the back rest recl ined . - Always sit as far as possible from the steering wheel or the instrument panel r:::;, page 98. - Always sit upright with your back against the backrest of your seat . - Never place your feet on the instrument panel or on t he seat. Always keep both feet on the floor in front of the seat to help prevent ser ious injuries to the legs and hips if the airbag inflates. - Never recl ine the front passenger's seat to transport objects, Items can also move int o the area of the side a irbag or the front airbag d uring braking or in a sudden maneuver. Obje cts ne ar the airbags can be come project iles and cause injury when an airbag inflates . ,.___ WARNING Airbags that have deployed in a crash m ust be replaced. - Use on ly original equipment airbags approved by Audi and installed by a t rained technician who has the necessary tools and d iagnostic equipment to properly replace any airbag in your vehicle and assure system effect iveness in a crash . - Never permit salvaged or recycled airbags to be installed in your vehicle. Child restraints on the front seat - some important things to know .,. Be sure to read the impo rt an t info rmat ion and he ad the WARNINGS for impo rtant deta ils :::, 00 115 Airbag system about children and Advanced Airbags c:>page 134. Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag System, make certain that all chi ldren, especially those 12 years and younger, always ride in the back seat proper ly restrained for their age and size. The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat a potentially dangerous place for a child to ride. The front seat is not the safest place for a child in a forward-facing child safety seat . It can be a very dangerous place for an infant or a child in a rearward-fac ing seat. The Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle has been cert ified to comply with the requirements of United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 208, as well as Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) 208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was manufactured. According to requirements, the front Advanced Airbag System on the passenger side has been certified for "suppression" for infants of about 12 month old and younger and for "low risk deployment" for children aged 3 to 6 years old (as defined in the standard) . The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light in the instrument panel tells you when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been turned off by the electronic control unit. Each time you switch on the ignition, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will come on for a few seconds and: - will stay on if the front passenger seat is not occupied, -will stay on if there is a small chi ld or child restraint on the front passenger seat, - will go off if the front passenger seat is occ upied by an adult as registered by the weightsensing mat c:>page 124, Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on when the control unit detects a tota l we ight on the front passenger seat that requires the front airbag to be turned off. If the total weight on the front passenger seat is more than that of a typical 1 year-old child but 116 less than the weight of a sma ll adult, the front airbag on the passenger side can dep loy (the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on). If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on, the front airbag on the passenger s ide has not been turned off by the electron ic control unit and can deploy if the control unit senses an impact that meets the conditions stored in its memory. For example, the airbag may deploy if: - a small ch ild that is heav ier than a typica l 1 year-old child is on the front passenger seat (regardless of whether the child is in one of the child safety seats listed c:>page 136), or - a child who has outgrown ch ild restraints is on the front passenger seat. If the front passenger airbag is turned off, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on in the instrument cluster and stays on. The front airbag on the passenger side may not deploy (the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not illuminate and stay lit) even if a small adult or teenager, or a passenger who is not sitting upright with their back against a non-reclined backrest with the ir feet on the vehicle floor in front of the seat is on the front passenger seat c:>page 98, Proper seating position for the driver. If the front passenger a irbag deploys, the Federal Standard requires the airbag to meet the "low risk" deployment criteria to reduce the risk of injury th rough interact ion w it h the airbag. "Low risk" dep loyment occurs in those crashes that take place at lower decelerations as defined in the e lectronic control unit c:>page 125, PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light. Always remember, a child safety seat or infant carrier inst alled on th e front seat may be struck and knocked out of position by the rapidly inflating passenger's airbag in a frontal collision . The airbag could greatly reduce the effectiveness of the child restraint and even seriously injure the child during inflation. For this reason, and because the back seat is the safest place for children - when proper ly restrainIll> ed according to their age and size - we strongly Airb a g sys tem recommend that children a lways sit in t he back seat ~ page 134, Child safety . WARNING A child in a rearward-faci ng chi ld safety seat installed on the front passen ger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System . - The inflating a irbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the ch ild safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door or roof. - Always install rear-facing child safety seats on the rear seat. - If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild safety seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptiona l circumstances and t he PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immed iate ly install the rear-fac ing ch ild safety seat in a rear seating posit ion and have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi dea ler. - Forward-fac ing ch ild safety seats installed on the front passenger's seat may interfere with the deployment of the airbag and cause serious personal injury to the child. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, WARNING If, in except ional circumstances, you must install a forward-facing chi ld restraint on the front passenger's seat: - Always make sure the forward-fac ing seat has been designed and ce rt ified by its manufacturer fo r use on a fron t seat with a passenger front and s ide a irbag. - Never put the forward-facing child restraint up against or very near the instrument panel. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest position in t he up an d down adjustment range and move it back to t he rear most position in the se at's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the air bag as possib le, before insta lling the forward-facing child restraint . - Always make sure that the safety be lt upper anchorage is behind the ch ild restraint and not next to or in front of the child restraint so that the safety be lt will be properly positioned . - Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on a ll the time wheneve r the ignit ion is switched on. WARNING To reduce the risk of serious injury, ma ke sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ligh t will be d isplayed whenever a child rest raint is inst alle d on the front passenger seat a nd the ignit ion is switched on. - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not stay on, perform the checks de scribe d q page 124, Monitoring the Advanced Air bag System . - Take the child restra int off the front passen ger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR BAG O FF light does not stay on. - Have the airbag system inspected by your author ized Audi dealer immed iate ly. - Always carefully follow instructions from child restraint manufacturers when installing child restra ints. WARNING If, in exceptional circumstances, you must install a forward or rearward-facing child restra int on the front passenger's seat : - Improper installat ion of child restraints can reduce the ir effectiveness or even prevent them from providing any protect ion. - An improperly installed child restra int can interfere with the airbag as it deploys and serio us ly injure or even kill the chi ld - even with an Advanced Airbag Syst em. - Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instr uctions provided with the child safe ty seat o r ca rrie r. - Never place add itiona l items on the seat that can increase t he total weight registered by t he weight-sensing mat and can caus e injury in a crash . 00 117 Airbag Front syste m airbags Description of front airbags The airbag system can provide supplemental protection to properly restrained front seat occupants. for your safety and the safety of your passengers, especially infants and small children. Fig. 113 Location of fro nt passenger's airbag: in t he instrument panel Your veh icle is equipped with an "Adva nced Airbag System " in compliance with United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 208 , as well as Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) 208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was manufactured. The airbag for the driver is in the steer ing whee l hub~ fig. 112 and the airbag for the front passenger is in the instrument panel ~fi g. 113. The general location of the airbags is marked "AIRBAG". There is a lot you need to know about the airbags in your vehicle . We urge you to read the detailed information about airbags, safety belts and child safety in this and the other chapters that make up the owner 's literature. Please be sure to heed the WARNINGS - they are extreme ly important 118 Never rely on airbags alone for protection. - Even when they deploy, airbags provide only supplemental protection. - Airbag work most effectively when used with proper ly worn safety belts. - Therefore, always wear your safety be lt s and make sure that everybody in your veh icle is proper ly restrained. Fig. 112 Location of driver airbag: in steering whee l WARNING WARNING A person on the front passenger seat, especially infants and small chi ldr en, will receive serious injuries and can even be killed by being too close to the airbag when it inflates. - Although the Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle is designed to turn off the front passenger airbag if an infant or a small child is on the front passenger seat, nobody can absolutely guarantee that deployment under these special conditions is impossible in all conceivable situations that may happen during the useful life of your vehicle. - The Advanced Airbag System can dep loy in accordance wit h the "low risk" option under the U.S. Federal Standard if a chi ld that is heavier than the typical one-year old chi ld is on the front passenger seat and the other conditions for airbag deployment are met. -Accident statistics have shown that children are generally safer in the rear seat area than in the front seat ing position. - For their own safety, all children, especially 12 years and younger, should always ride in the back properly restrained for their age and size. Advanced front airbag system Your vehicle is equipped with a front Advanced Airbag System in compliance with United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208, as well as Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standa rd (CMVSS) 208 as applicable at the t ime your vehicle was manufactured . Airb a g sys tem The front Advanced Airbag System supp lements the safety belts to provide additional protection for the driver's and front passenger's heads and upper bodies in frontal crashes. The airbags inflate only in frontal impacts when the veh icle decelerat ion is high enough. The front Advanced Airbag System for the front seat occupants is not a substitute for your safety belts. Rather, it is part of the overall occupant restraint system in your vehicle. Always remember that the a irbag system can only help to protect you, if you are sitting upr ight, wear ing your safety belt and wear ing it properly. This is why you and your passengers m ust always be properly restra ined, not just because the law requ ires you to be . The Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle has been certified to meet the "low risk" requ irements for 3 and 6 year-o ld children on the passenger side and very sma ll adults on the driver side . The low risk dep loyment criteria are intended to he lp reduce the risk of injury through interaction with the front a irbag that can occur, for examp le, by being too close to the steering wheel and instrument panel when the airbag inflates . In addition, the system has been certified to comp ly with the "suppression" requirements of the Safety Standard, to turn off the front a irbag for infants 12 months old and younger who are restrained on the front passenger seat in child restra ints that are listed in the Standard ~ page 136, Child restraints and Advanced Airbags. "Suppress ion" requ ires the front a irbag on t he passenger side to be turned off if: co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, - a ch ild up to about one year of age is restra ined on the front passenger seat in one of the rearfacing or forward-fac ing infant restra ints listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with wh ich t he Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle was ce rtified. For a listi ng of the ch ild restraints t hat were used to certify your vehicle's compliance with the US Safety Standard ~ page 136, - weight less than a threshold leve l stored in the control unit is detected on the front passenger seat. When a person is detected on the front passenger seat, weigh ing more than the total weight of a chi ld that is about 1 year old restrained in one of the rear -facing or forward-fac ing infant restraints (listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with which the Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle was certified), the front airbag on the passenger side may or may not deploy. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on when the electronic control unit detects a tota l we ight on the front passenger seat that requ ires the front a irbag to be turned off. If the PASSEN · GER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on, t he front airbag on the passenger side has not been turned off by the con t rol unit and can dep loy if the control unit senses an impact that meets the conditions stored in its memory. If the to t al weight on the front passenger sea t is more than that of a typ ical 1 year-old, but less than the weight of a small adult, the front airbag on the passenger side may deploy (the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on). For example , the airbag ma y deplo y if: - a small ch ild that is heav ier than a typ ica l 1 yea r-old child is on the front passenger seat (regardless of whethe r the child is in one of the child safety seats liste d ~ page 136), - a child who has outgrown child rest raints is on t he front passenge r seat. If the front passenger a irbag is turned off, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light in the center of t he instr ument pane l will come on and st ay on. The front airbag on the passenger side may not deploy (the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not illumi nate and st ay lit) if: - a small adult or teenager is on the front passenger seat - a passenger who is not s itting upright with their back against a non -reclined backrest with their feet on the vehicle floor in front of the seat is on the front passenger seat . .,,. 00 119 Airb a g syste m If the front passenger airbag deploys , the Feder al Standard requires the airbag to meet the "low risk" deployment criteria to help reduce the risk of injury through interaction with the airbag. "Low risk" deployment occurs in those crashes that take place at lower decelerations as defined in the electronic control un it . ~ page 124 - If you must install a rearwa rd facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat be cause of exceptional circumstances and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immediately install the rea r-facing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your authori zed Audi dealer. Always remember: Even though you r veh icle is equipped with Advanced Airbags, the safest place for children is properly restrained on the back seat. Please be sure to read the important informat ion in the sections that follow and be sure to heed a ll of the WARNINGS. _& WARNING If, in exceptional circums t ances , you must install a forward-facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat : - Always make sure the forward-facing sea t has been des igned and certified by its man ufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger front and side airbag. - Never put the forward -facing child restraint up against or very near the instrument panel. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest posit ion in the up and down ad justment range and move it back to the rearmost posit ion in the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the a irbag as poss ible, before installing the for ward-facing chi ld restrain t . - Always make sure that the safety be lt upper anchorage is behind the ch ild restraint and not next to or in front of the child rest raint so that the safety be lt will be properly positioned. - Always move the passenge r seat into its rearmost posit ion in t he seat's fo re and aft adj ustmen t range, as far away from the a irbag as poss ible, before install ing the for ward-facing chi ld restraint. The backrest must be adjusted to an upright position. - Make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ign it ion is switched on. _& WARNING To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag inflates, a lways wear safety belts properly . - If you are unrestrained, leaning forwa rd, s itt ing s ideways or out of pos ition in any way, yo ur risk of injury is much higher . - You will also receive serious injur ies and could even be killed if you are up aga inst the airbag or too close to it when it inflates evenwith an Advanced Airbag r:!>page 114. _& WARNING A child in a rearward-facing chi ld safety seat installed on the front passenger seat will be ser iously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - even w ith an Advanced Airbag System . - Although the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle is designed to turn off the front airbag when a rea rward-facing child restraint has been insta lled on the front passenger seat, nobody can absolutely guarantee that deployment is impossible in all conceivable s ituations that may happen during the useful life of you r vehicle . - The inflating a irbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the chi ld safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door, or roof. - Always install rearward-facing chi ld restraints in the back seat. 120 Advanced Airbag System components The front passenger seat in your veh icle has a lot of very impo rtant parts of the Advanced Airbag System in it . These parts include the weightsensing mat, sensors , wir ing, brackets, and .,. Airb a g sys tem more. The function of t he system in the front passenger seat is checked by the electronic control unit when the ignition is on . The control unit monitors the Advanced Airbag System and turns the airbag indicator light on when a malfunct ion in the system components is detected . The func tion of the airbag indicator light is descr ibed in greater detail below . Because the front passenge r seat contains important parts of the Advanced Airbag System, you m ust take care to prevent it from being damage d. Damage to the seat may prevent the Advanced Airbag for the front passenger seat from doing its job in a crash. The front Advanced Airbag System consists of the following : co ...... :::, - Crash sensors in the front of the vehicle t hat measure vehicle acceleration/deceleration to provide information to the Advanced Airbag System a bout the severity of the crash. - An electronic control un it, with integrated crash sensors for front and side impacts. The contro l unit "decides" whether to fire the front airbags based on the information received from the crash sensors. The control unit a lso "de cides " whether the safety be lt pretens ione rs sho uld be activated . - An Advanced Airbag with gas generator and contro l valve for the d river ins ide the st eer ing whee l hub. - An Advanced Airbag with gas generator and contro l valve inside the instrument pa ne l for the fron t passenger. - A weig ht-sensing mat unde r the upho lstery padding of the front passenge r seat cushion that meas ures the to tal weight on the sea t . The informa t ion registered is sen t continuously to the e lectronic cont rol unit to reg ulate dep loyment of the front Adva need Airbag on the passenger side. - An airbag monitoring system and indicator light in the instrument cluster ¢ page 124 . - A sensor in each front seat reg isters the dis tance between the respective seat and the steering wheel or instrument pane l. The information reg istered is sent continuously to the electronic control unit to regulate deployment of the fro nt Advanced Airbags . - The PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF ligh t comes on and stays on in the center of the instrument pane l ¢ page 125, fig. 115 and te lls you when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been turned off. - A sensor below the safety be lt latch for the front seat passenger to measure the tension on the safety belt. The t ension on the safety belt and the we igh t registered by the weight -sensing mat help the contro l unit "decide" whethe r the front airbag fo r t he fron t passe nger seat should be tu rned off or not ¢ page 115, Child restrain ts on the front seat - some impor tant things to know. - A sensor in t he safety be lt latch for the dr iver an d for the front seat passenger that senses whether tha t safety be lt is lat ched or not and transmits this information to the e lectronic control un it. ,- WARNING Damage to the front passenge r seat can prevent the front airbag from working properly. - Improper repair or disassembly of the front passenger and driver seat will prevent the Advanced Airbag System from f unct ion ing properly . - Repairs to the front passenger seat must be performed by qualified and proper ly trained wo rkshop personne l. - Never remove the front passenger or d river seat from the vehicle. - Never remove the upholstery from the front passenger seat. - Never d isassemble or remove parts from the seat or disconnect wires from it. - Never carry sharp objects in your pockets or place them on the seat . If the weight-sensing mat in the passenger seat is punctu red it cannot work proper ly. - Never carry things on your lap or carry objects on the passenge r seat . Such items can increase the weight reg istered by the weight-sensing mat and send the wrong information to the a irbag control unit. - Never store it ems unde r the front passenger seat. Parts of the Advanced Airbag System un d er t he passenger se at could be 00 121 Airb a g syste m damaged, preventing them and the airbag system from working properly. Never place seat covers or rep lacement upholstery that have not been specifically approved by Audi on the front seats . Seat covers can prevent the Advanced Airbag System from recognizing child restraints or occupants on the front passenger seat and prevent the side a irbag in the seat backrest from deploying properly. Never use cush ions, pillows, blankets or similar items on the front passenger seat. The add it ional padding will prevent the weight-sens ing mat in the seat from accurately reg istering the ch ild restraint or person on the seat and prevent the Advanced Airbag System from funct ioning properly. If you must use a child rest raint on the front passenge r seat and t he child restraint manufacturer 's instructions require the use of a towel, foam cushion or something else to properly position the ch ild restraint, make certain that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on whenever the child restraint is installed on the front passenger seat. If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immed iately install child restraint in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected by yo ur autho rized Audi deale r. eration as well as the mass and stiffness of the vehicle or object involved in the crash . On the passenger side, regard less of safety be lt use, the airbag will be turned off if the weight on the passenger seat is less than the amount programmed in the electronic control unit . The front airbag on the passenger side will also be turned off if one of the child safety seats that has been certified under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 has been recogn ized on the seat . The PASSENGERAI R BAG OFF light comes o n and stays on to te ll you when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been turned off page 115, Child restraints on the front seatsome important things to know. WARNING To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag inf lates, always wea r safety belts properly. - If you are un restrained, leaning forward, sit ting sideways or out of position in any way, your risk of injury is much higher. - You will a lso receive serious injuries and could even be killed if you are up against the airbag or too close to it when it inflates even with an Advanced Airbag q page 114. More important things to know about front airbags How the Advanced Airbag System components work together The front Advanced Airbag System and the side airbags supplement the protection offered by the front three-po int safety belts and the adjustable head restraints to help reduce the risk of injury in a wide range of acc ident and crash s ituations . Be sure to read the important information about safety and heed the WARNINGS in th is chapter. Deployment of the Advanced Airbag System and the act ivat ion of the safety belt pretensioners depend on the deceleration measured by the crash sensors and registered by the electronic control un it. Crash severity depends on speed and de cel- 122 Fig. 114 Inflated front airbags Safety be lts are important to help keep front seat occupants in the proper seated position so that airbags can unfold properly and prov ide supplemental protection in a fronta l collision . ..,. Airb a g sys tem The front airbags are designed to provide additional protection for the chest and face of the driver and the front seat passenger when: - safety belts are worn prope rly, - the seats have been positioned so that the occupant is properly sea t ed as far as possible from the airbag, - and the head restra ints have been properly adjusted. Because airbags inflate in the blink of an eye w ith g reat fo rce, things you have on your lap or have placed on the seat cou ld become dangerous projectiles, and be pushed into you if the airbag inflates. When an a irbag deploys, fine dust is released. This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the vehicle. This dust is made up mostly of a powder used t o lubricate the airbags as they deploy. It could irritate skin. It is important to remember that whi le t he supplemental air bag system is designed t o reduce the likel ihood of ser ious injuries, other inj uries, for example swelling, bruising and minor abrasions, can a lso happen when airbags inflate . Airbags do not protect the arms or the lower parts of the body. Front airbags only supplement the three po int safety belts in some frontal collisions in which the ve hicle decelerat io n is high enough to deploy the airbags . Front airbags will not deploy: - if the ignit ion is switched off when a crash occurs, - in side collisions, - in rear-end collisions, - in rollove rs, - when the crash decelerat ion meas ured by the airbag system is less t han the minimum t hresho ld needed for airbag deployment as registered by the electronic contro l unit. The front passenger airbag will also not deploy: co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' - when the front passenger seat is not occ upied, - when the we igh t on t he fron t passenge r seat as sensed by t he Advanced Airbag System indi- cates that the front a irbag on the passenger side has to be turned off by the e lectronic control unit (the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on). WARNING Sitting in the wrong position can increase the risk of ser ious injury in crashes . - To reduce the risk of injury when the airbags inflate, the driver and passengers must always sit in an upright posit ion, must not lean aga inst or place any part of their body too close to the area where the airbags are located. - Occupants who are unbelted, out of posit ion or t oo close to the airbag can be serio us ly injur ed by an airbag as it unfolds with g reat force in t he blink of an eye r=>page 115. WARNING A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat insta lled on the front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - evenwith an AdvancedAirbag System. - The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carr ier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child aga inst the backrest, center armrest, door or roof. - Always install rear-fac ing child safety seats on the rear seat. - If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immedia t ely insta ll the rea r-facing child safety se at in a rear seating posi t ion and have t he air bag system inspected by your au t horized Audi dealer. WARNING Objects between you and the airbag will increase the risk of injury in a crash by interfering with the way the airbag unfolds or by being pushed into you as the airbag inflates. :::, 00 123 Airb a g syste m - Never hold things in your hands or on your lap whe n the vehicle is in use. - Never transport items on or in the area of the front passenger seat. Objects could move into the area of the front airbags during brak ing or other sudden maneuver and become dangerous projectiles that can cause serious personal injury if the a irbags inflate. - Never place or attach accessor ies or other objects (such as cupholders, telephone brackets, large, heavy or bulky objects) on the doors, over or nea r the area marked "AIRBAG"on the steering wheel, instrument pane l, seat backrests or between those areas and yourself. These objects could cause injury in a crash, especially when the airbags inflate. - Never recline the front passenger's seat to transport objects. Items can also move into the area of the side airbag or the front a irbag dur ing braking or in a sudden maneuver. Objects near the airbags can become projectiles and cause injury, particularly when the seat is reclined. WARNING The fine dust created when airbags deploy can cause breathing problems for people with a his t ory of a sthma or ot her breathing conditions . - To reduce the risk of brea t hing problems, those w ith asthma or ot her respiratory conditions should get fresh air right away by getting out of the vehicle or o pening windows or doors. - If you are in a collision in which airbags de ploy, wash your hands and face with mild soap and water before eat ing. - Be careful not to get the dust into your eyes, or into any cuts or scratches. - If the resid ue should get into your eyes, flush them with water . 124 Monitoring Advanced the Airbag System !f Airbag monitoring indicator light Two separate indicators monitor the function of the Advanced Airbag System: the airbag moni toring indicator light and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light. The Advanced Airbag System as well as the side airbags and s ide curta in a irbags w ith ejection mitigation features (including the electronic con tro l unit, sensors and system wiring) a re all monitored cont inuo usly to make sure that they are functioning properly whenever the ignition is on. Each time you turn on the ignit ion, the airbag w ill come on for a monitoring indicator light few seconds (self d iagnostics) . The system mu st be inspected when the indicator light E,I: - does not come on when the ignition is sw itched on, - does not go out a few seconds after you have sw itched on the ignit ion, or - comes on while driv ing. If an airbag system malfunction is detected, the indicato r light will come on to serve as a constant reminder to have the system inspected immediate ly. If a ma lfunction occurs that turns the front airbag on the passenger side off, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will come on and stay on whenever the ignition is on. WARNING An airbag system that is not functioning properly cannot provide sup plemental pro t ect ion in a fro nta l crash. - If the airbag ind icator light ¢ page 14 comes when the veh icle is being used, have the system inspected immediately by your author ized Audi dealer. It is possib le t hat t he air bag will inflate when it is not sup posed t o, or will not inflate when it should . Airb a g sys tem PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light AIR BAG OFF light will stay on. Never install a rearward-facing child restraint on the front passenger seat, the safest place for a ch ild in any kind of child restraint is at one of the seating positions on the rear seat ¢ page 115, Child re- straints on the front seat - some important things to know and ¢ page 134, Child safety. If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on Fig. 115 Section from the instrument panel: PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF lig ht The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ligh t is located in the center of the instrument pane l ¢ fig. 115 . The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will come on and stay on to tell you when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been tu rned off by the electronic control unit . Each time you turn on the ignition, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will flash for a few seconds and: - will stay on if the front passenger sea t is not occupied, - will stay on if the re is a small child or child restraint on t he front passenger seat, - will go out if the front passenge r seat is occupied by an adul t as reg istered by the weightsensing mat. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light mu st come on and stay on if t he ignition is on and co ...... r--. '"' - a car bed has been installed on t he front seat, or - a rearward-facing child restraint has been installed on the front passenger seat, or - a forward-facing child restra int has been installed on the front passenger seat, or - the weight registered on the front passenger seat is equal to or less than the combined weight of a typical 1 year-old restrained in one of the rear-facing or forward-fac ing infant restraints listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Sta ndard 208 with which the Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle was certified. If the front passenger seat is not occupied, the front a irbag will not deploy, and the PASSENGER when one of the conditions listed above is met, be su re to check the light regularly to make cer ta in that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light stays on continuously whenever the ignition is on. If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not appear and not st ay o n a ll the time, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and - reactivate the system by turning the ignit ion off and then t urn ing it on again; - remove and re insta ll the child restraint . Make sure that the child restraint is properly insta lled and t hat the safety belt for the fro nt pa ssenger seat has bee n correct ly routed around the child rest raint as desc ribed in the child restra int man ufactu rer's instructions; - make sure that the convert ible locking retract or on the safety belt for the front passenger seat has been activated and that the safety belt has been pulled tight. The belt must not be loose or have loops of slack so that the sensor below the safety belt latc h on the seat can do its job¢ page 144 . - make sure that things that may increase the weight of the child and ch ild safety seat are not be ing transported on the front passe nger seat; - make sure that the safety be lt tens ion sensor is not blocked . Shake the safety belt latch on the front passe nger seatback and forth; - If a strap or tether is being used to tie the child safety seat to the front passenger seat, make sure that it is not so tight that it causes the weight-sens ing mat to measu re more weight t han is actually on the seat. I f th e PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light still does not come on and does not stay on continuously (whe n the ignition is switc hed on), - take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and insta ll it properly at one of the rear ::, co 125 Iii-- Airb a g syste m seat positions. Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi dealer immediately . - move the chi ld to a rear seat position and make sure that the child is properly restrained in a child restraint that is appropriate for its size and age . The PASSE NGER AIR BAG OFF light shou ld NOT come on when the ignition is on and an adult is sitting in a proper seating position on the front passenger seat. If the PASSENGER AI R BAG OFF light comes on and stays on or flashes for about 5 seconds while driving, under these circumstances, make sure that: - the adu lt on the front passenger seat is properly seated on the center of the seat cushion with his or her back up aga inst the backrest and the backrest is not recl ined c>page 98, Correct pas - senger seating positions, - the adult is not taking weight off the seat by holding on to the passenger assist handle above the front passenger door or supporting their we ight on the arm rest , - the safety belt is be ing properly worn and that there is not a lot of slack in the safety belt webbing, - accessory seat covers or cushions or other th ings that may cause an inco rrect read ing o r imp ression on t he weight-sens ing mat under the upho lst ery of t he seat have been removed from the front passenger seat, - a safety be lt extende r has not been left in the safety belt latch for the front passenge r seat . In addition to the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light in the center of the inst rument panel, the message PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF or PASSENGER AIR BAG ON will briefly appear in the inst rument cluster display . This is to inform the driver of th e current front passenger airbag status. Important safety instructions on monitoring the Advanced Airbag System _& WARNING An airbag system that is not funct ion ing proper ly cannot provide supplemental protection in a frontal crash. 126 - If the airbag indicator light c>page 14 comes when the veh icle is being used, have the system inspected immediately by your author ized Audi dealer. It is possible that the airbag will inflate when it is not supposed to, or will not inflate when it should. _& WARNING If the front a irbag inflates, a ch ild without a chi ld restraint, in a rea rward-facing chi ld safety seat or in a forward -fac ing chi ld restrain t that has not been proper ly inst alled will be seriously injured and can be killed . - Even tho ugh you r vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag System, make certain that a ll children, espec ia lly 12 years and younger , always ride on the back seat properly restrained for their age and size . - Always install forward or rear-facing child safety seats on the rear seat - even with an Advanced Airbag System . - If you must insta ll a rearward-facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat be- cause of exceptionalcircumstancesand the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not appear and stay on, immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear seat ing position and have t he a irbag system inspected by yo ur a utho rized Audi dea le r. - A t ight tether or other strap on a rearwardfacing chi ld restraint attached to the front passenger sea t can put too much pressure on the weight-sensing mat in the seat and register more weight than is actually on the seat. The heavier weight registered can make the system work as though an adu lt were on the seat and deploy the Advanced Airbag when it must be suppressed causing serious or even fatal injury to the child . - If, in exceptional circumstances, you must install a forward-facing child restraint on the front passenger seat, always move the seat into its rearmost position in the seat 's fore and aft adj ustment range, as far away from the air bag as poss ible. The back res t must be adjus t ed to an upr ight position. Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG Airbag OFF light comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on. WARNING - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not go out when an adult is sitting on the front passenger seat after taking the steps described above, make sure the adult is properly seated and restrained at one of the rear seating positions . - Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi dealer before transporting anyone on the front passenger seat. {D) Tips If the weight -sensing mat in the front passen ger seat detects an empty seat, the front airbag on the passenger side will be turned off, and PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF will stay on. Repair, care and disposal of the airbags Parts of the airbag system are installed at many different places on your Audi. Installing, removing, servicing or repairing a part in an area of th e vehicle can damage a part of an airbag system and prevent that system from working properly in a collision . There are some important things you have to know to make sure that the effectiveness of the system will not be impaired and that discarded components do not cause injury or pollute the environment. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, WARNING Improper care, servicing and repair procedures can increase the risk of personal injury and death by preventing an airbag from deploying when needed or deploying an airbag unexpectedly: - Never cover, obstruct, or change the steering wheel horn pad or airbag cover or the instrument panel or modify them in any way. - Never attach any objects such as cupholders or telephone mountings to the surfaces covering the airbag units. system - For cleaning the horn pad or instrument panel, use only a soft, dry cloth or one moistened with plain water . Solvents or cleaners could damage the airbag cover or change the stiffness or strength of the material so that the airbag cannot deploy and protect properly. - Never repair, adjust, or change any parts of the airbag system. -All work on the steering wheel, instrument panel, front seats or electrical system (including the installation of audio equipment, cellular telephones and CB radios, etc.) must be performed by a qualified technician who has the training and special equipment necessary. - For any work on the airbag system, we strongly recommend that you see your authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. - Never modify the front bumper or parts of the vehicle body. - Always make sure that the side airbag can inflate without interference: - Never install seat covers or replacement upholstery over the front seatbacks that have not been specifically approved by Audi . - Never use additional seat cushions that cover the areas where the side airbags inflate. - Damage to the original seat covers or to the seam in the area of the side airbag module must always be repaired immediately by an authorized Audi dealer. - The airbag system can be activated only once. After an airbag has inflated, it must be replaced by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified technician who has the technical information, training and special equipment necessary. - The airbag system can be deployed only once. After an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced with new replacement parts designed and approved especially for your Audi model version. Replacement of complete airbag systems or airbag compo nents must be performed by qualified workshops only. Make sure that any airbag 00 127 Ill- Airbag syste m service action is entered in your Audi Warranty & Maintenance book let under AIRBAG - Never use tire-rim combinations that have not been approved by Audi. REPLACEMENT RECORD. For the sake of the environment Items stored between the safety belt buckle and the center conso le can cause the sensors in the buckle to send the wrong information to the electronic control module and prevent the Advanced Airbag System from wo rking properly. -Always make sure that nothing can interfere w ith the safety belt buckles and that they are not obstructed. Undeployed airbag modules and pretensioners might be classified as Perchlorate Material -special handling may apply, see When the vehicle or parts of the restraint system including airbag modules safety belts with pretens ioners are scrapped, al l applicable laws and regulat ions must be observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is familiar with t hese requ irements and we recommend that you have your dealer perform this service for you. Side airbags Description of side airbags The airbag system can provide supplemental protection to properly restrained occupants. Other things that can affect Advanced Airbag performance Changing the vehicle's suspension system can change the way that the Advanced Airbag System performs in a crash. For examp le, using t ire-r im combinations not approved by Audi, lower ing the veh icle, changing the stiffness of the suspens ion, including the springs , suspension struts, shock absorbers etc . can change the forces that are measured by the airbag sensors and sent to the electronic control unit. Some suspension changes can, for example, increase the force levels measured by the sensors and make the airbag system deploy in crashes in which it would not deploy if the changes had not been made . Other kinds of changes may reduce the force levels measured by the sensors and prevent the airbag from deploying when it should . WARNING Changing the vehicle's suspension including use of unapproved tire-rim combinations can change Advanced Airbag performance and increase the risk of serious personal inj ury in a crash. - Never install suspension components that do not have the same performance characteristics as the components originally installed on your veh icle . 128 WARNING Fig. 116 Side airbag location in the dr iver's seat The side airbags are located in the s ides of the front seat backrests ~ fig. 116 facing the doors . They are identified by the word "AIRBAG". The side airbag system basically consistsof: - the electronic control module and external side impact sensors - the two airbags located in the sides of the front backrests - the airbag warning light in the instrument cluster. The airbag system is mon itored electron ically to make certain that it is functioni ng properly at a ll times. Each time you turn on the ignition, the air bag system indicator light will come on for a few seconds (self diagnostics). .,,_ Airb a g sys tem The side airbag system suppl e ments the safety be lts and can help to reduc e th e risk of injury to the dr iver's and front passenge r's upper torso on t he side of t he vehicle th at is struck in a side collision . The airbag deploys on ly in s ide impac t s and only when the vehicle acceleration reg istered by the control unit is high enough. If this rate is be low the reference va lue programmed into the control unit, the side airbags will not be tr ig gered, even t hough the car may be badly dam aged as a result of the collision. It is not possib le to define an airbag triggering range that will cover every possible angl e of impact, since t he circumstances will vary conside rably between one coll is ion a nd another . Important factors include , for example , t he nature (hard or soft) of the impacting object, the ang le of impact, vehicle page 130 , Important safety inspeed , etc . r::;;, structions on the side airbag system . Aside from their normal safety fun ction, safety be lts work to he lp keep the driver or front pas senger in pos it ion in the event of a side collision so that the s ide a irbags can provide protection . The airbag sys t em is no t a substitu t e for your safety belt . Rather, it is part of the overall occu pant restraint system in your veh icle . Always remember that the side airbag system can only he lp t o protect yo u if you a re wea ring your safety be lt and wea ring it properly. This is another reason why you shou ld always wear your saf ety be lts, not just because the law requi res you to do page 106 , General information. so r::;;, you r safety belts are always there to offer protection in those accidents in which airbags are not supposed to deploy or when they have already deployed . The side airbag system w ill not deploy: - when t he ignit io n is t urned off - in side collisions whe n the acceleration measured by the sensor is too low - in front -end coll isio ns - in rear-end col lisions - in rollovers . In some types of accidents the front airbags, side curtain airbags and side airbags may be triggered together . WARNING - Safety belts and the airbag system will only provide protect ion when occupants are in page 130 . the prope r seat ing pos ition r::;;, - If the airbag ind icator light r::;:, page 14 comes when the veh icle is being used, have the system inspected immedia t ely by your author ized Audi dealer. It is possib le t hat t he airbag will inflate when it is not supposed to, or w ill not inf late w hen it should. How supplemental side airbags work Side airbags deploy ins tan tly and can help reduce the risk of upper torso injuries for occupants who ore properly restrained. It is important t o remember that while the s up- plemental side ai rbag system is designed to reduce the likelihood of serious injur ies, oth er injuries, for example, swe lling , bru ising, and minor abrasions can a lso be associated with deployed side airbags. Remember too , side airbags will deploy only once and only in certain kinds of accidents - your safety belts are always t here to offer protection . r--. Vehicle damage , repair costs or even the lack of vehicle damage are not necessarily an indication of over -sensitive or failed airbag activation . In some coll is io ns, both front and s ide a irbags may inflate. Remember too, that airbags will deploy only once and only in cert ain kinds of coll is ions - Fig. 117 Inflated side airba gs on left side of vehicle When the system is triggered, the airbag is filled with prope lla nt gas and breaks through a seam in the seat s urface area marked "AIRBAG". It expands between the side trim panel a nd the .,. (X) 129 Airb a g syste m passenger. In order to he lp provide this add itional protection, the side airbag must inflate within a fraction of a second at very high speed and w ith great force. The supplemental side airbag could injure you if your seating position is not proper or upright or if items are located in the area where the supplemental side airbag expands . This applies especially to children q page 134, Child safety. Supplemental side ai rbags inf late be tween the occ upan t and the door pane l on the side of the vehicle that is struck in certa in side collision q fig . 117. Although they are not a sof t pillow, they ca n "cushion" the impact and in t his way they can he lp to reduce the risk of injury to the upper part of the body . A fine dust may deve lop when the airbag deploys. This is normal and does not mean there is a fire in the vehicle. Important safety instructions on the side airbag system Airbags ore only supplemental restraints . Always properly wear safety belts and ride in a proper seating position. There is a lot that you and your passengers must know and act accord ingly to help the safety be lts and airbags do the ir job to provide supplemental protection. WARNING An inflating side airbag can cause serious or fatal injury. Improperly wearing safety belts and improper seating positions increase the risk of se rious personal injury and death w henever a vehicle is being used. - In order to reduce the risk of injury when the supplemental side airbag inflates: - Always sit in an upright position and never lean aga inst the area where the s upplemental side airbag is located. - Never let a chi ld or anyone else rest their head against the side trim panel in the area where the supp lemental s ide airbag inflates. 130 - Always make sure that safety belts are worn correctly, - Do not let anyone sitting in the front seat put their hand or any other parts of their body out of the window. - Always make sure that the side airbag can inflate w ithout interference. - Never install seat covers or replacement upholstery ove r the front seatbacks that have not been specifica lly approved by Audi. - Never use addi t ional seat cus hions that cover the areas where the side airbags deploy . - Damage to the orig inal se at cove rs or to the seam in the area of t he side airbag module must a lways be repaired immedi ate ly by an authorized Audi dealer. - Objects be tween you and t he airbag can increase the ris k of injury in an acc ident by interfering with the way the airbag unfolds or by being pushed into you as the airbag inflates. - Never place or attach accessor ies or other obje cts (s uch as cupholders, telephone bracke t s, or even la rge, bu lky objec t s) on the doors, over or near the area marked "AIRBAG" on the seat backrests . - Such objec t s and accessories can be come dange rous projecti les and cause injury when the supplemental side airbag deploys. - Never carry any objects or pets in the deployment space between them and the airbags or allow children or other passengers to trave l in this position. - Always use the built-in coat hooks only fo r lightweight clothing. Never leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets that may inte rfere with s ide a irbag deployment a nd can cause personal injury in an accident . - Always prevent the side airbags from being damaged by heavy objects knocking against or hitting the sides of the seatbacks. - The a irbag system can only be triggered once . If the airbag has been triggered, the system must be replaced by an autho rized Audi dea le rship. Airb a g sys tem - Damage (cracks, deep scratches etc.) to the original seat covers or to the seam in the area of the side a irbag module must always be repaired immed iately by an authorized Audi dealer . - If children are seated improperly, their risk of injury increases in the case of an acc ident ¢ page 134, Child safety . - Never attempt to modify any components of the a irbag system in any way. - In a side collision, s ide airbags will not function properly if sensors cannot correctly measure increasing air pressure inside the doo rs when air escapes through larger, unclosed open ings in the door panel. - Never drive with interior door trim pane ls removed. - Never drive when parts have been removed from the inside door panel and the openings they leave have not been properly closed. - Never drive when loudspeakers in the doors have been removed unless the speaker ho les have been properly closed. - Always make certain that openings are covered or filled if additiona l speakers or other equ ipment is installed in the inside door panels. - Always have work on the doors done by an author ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. co ...... r-,. Side curtain airbags Description of side curtain airbags The side curtain airbag system can provide supplemental protection to properly restrained occupants. Fig. 118 Side curta in system, driver 's side: side curtain air - bag location The side curtain airbags are located on both sides of the inter ior above the front and rear side w indows ~ fig. 118. They a re identified by the word "AIRBAG"on the windshie ld frame and the cente r roo f pilla r. The side curtain airbags contain features that provide ejection mitigation to help prevent veh icle occupants or parts of their bodies from be ing complete ly or part ially ejected from the veh icle interior in certain side impacts and vehicle roll overs. The side curtain airbag system supplements the safety belts and can help to reduce the risk of injury for occupants' heads and upper torso on the side of the vehicle that is str uck in a side collision . The side curtain airbag inflates in side impacts and only when the vehicle acce leration registered by the control unit is high enough. If this rate is be low the reference va lue programmed into the control unit, the side curtain airbag will not be t riggered, even though the car may be badly damaged as a resu lt of the collision . It is not possible to define an airbag triggering range that will cover every possible angle of impact, since the circumstances w ill vary considerably be tween one collision and another. Important factors include, for example, the nature (hard or ..,. .... ::, co 131 Airbag syste m soft) of the impacting object, the angle of impact, vehicle speed, etc . q page 132, How side curtain airbags work. Aside from their normal safety function, safety belts work to help keep the driver or front passenger in position in the event of a collision so that the side curtain airbags can provide protection . The airbag system is not a substitute for your safety belt. Rather, it is part of the overa ll occupant restraint system in your vehicle. Always remember that the airbag system can only help to protect you if you are wearing your safety belt and wearing it properly . This is another reason why you should always wear your safety belts, not just because the law requires you to do so page 106, General information. WARNING - Safety belts and the airbag system will only provide protect ion when occupants are in the proper seating position ~ page 42, Front seats . - If the airbag ind icator light q page 14 comes when the veh icle is being used, have the system inspected imm edia t ely by your authorized Audi dealer. It is possible t hat the airbag will inflate when it is not supposed to, or will not inf lat e when it should. How side curtain airbags work Side curtain airbags can work together with side airbags to help reduce the risk of head and upper torso injuries for occupants who are properly restrained. It is important to remember that while the side curtain airbag system is des igned to help reduce the likelihood of serious injuries, other injuries, for example, swe lling, bruising, and m inor abrasions can also be associated with these airbags. Remember too, these airbags w ill dep loy o nly once and only in certain kinds of accidents - your safety belts are always there to offer protection . The side curtain airbag system basically consists of: - The electronic control module and external side impact sensors - The side curtain airbags above the front and rear side windows with ejection mitigation features - The airbag indicator light in the instrument panel The airbag system is monito red electronically to make certa in it is fun ction ing properly at all times. Each time you turn on the ignition, the airbag system indicator light will come on for a few seconds (self diagnostics) . The side curtain airbag is not activated: - if the ignit ion is tu rned off, - in s ide collisions when the accelerat io n measured by the sensor is too low, - in rear-end collisions . 132 Fig. 119 Illustratio n of principle: Inflated s ide curta in air- bags on t he left side The side curtain airbags inflate between the occupant and the w indows on the side of the veh icle that is struck in a side collision ~ fig. 119. When the system is tr iggered, the side curta in airbag is filled with propellant gas and breaks through a seam above the front and rear side windows identified by the AIRBAGlabel. In order to help provide this additional protection, the side curtain airbag must inflate within the blink of an eye at very high speed and with great force . The side curtain airbag could injure you if your seat ing position is not prope r or upright or if items a re located in the area where the supplemental side cu rtai n airbag inflates. This applies especially to children ~ page 134 . Although they are not a soft pillow, side curtain airbags can "cush ion" the impact and in this way .,. Airbag they can help to reduce the risk of injury to the head and the upper part of the body. A fine dust may develop when the airbag deploys. This is quite normal and does not mean there is a fire in the vehicle. Important safety instructions on the side curtain airbag system Airbags are only supplemental restraints. Always properly wear safety belts and ride in a proper seating position. There is a lot that you and your passengers must know and do to help the safety belts and airbags do their job to provide supplemental protection. WARNING Improperly wearing safety belts and improper seating positions increase the risk of serious personal injury and death whenever a vehicle is being used . - Never let occupants place any parts of their bodies in the area from which the side curtain airbags inflate. -Always make sure that the side curtain airbags can inflate without interference. Unsuitable accessories fitted inside the expansion range of a head airbag can dangerously interfere with its function. A deploying head airbag develops enough force to catapult any piece of add-on component out of its path of inflation and into the passenger compartment. An occupant hit by such a projectile can suffer serious injury or death system - Only use factory-installed sun shades or, in the case of shades installed after the vehicle leaves the factory, only Audi roll-up page 214, Addisunscreens may be used <=> tional accessories and parts replacement. - Always sit in proper seating position and wear safety belts while traveling so that the side curtain airbags can help provide protection . - The airbag system can only be triggered once . If the airbag has been triggered, the system must be replaced by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. -Always have work involving the side curtain airbag system, removal and installation of the airbag components, or other repairs performed by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. Otherwise the airbag system may not work correctly. - Never attempt to modify any components of the airbag system in any way. <=> page 215, Technical Modifications. - Do not swivel the sun visors to the side if co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' you have any objects clipped onto them (for example pens) . If the airbag should deploy, you could be injured by these objects. - Use the built-in coat hooks only for lightweight clothing . Never leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets that may interfere with airbag deployment and can cause personal injury in an accident. - Never use hangers to hang clothing from the hooks. :::, 00 133 Ch ild safety Child safety Important information Introduction The rear seat is generally the safest place in a collision. The physical principles of what happens when your vehicle is in a crash apply also to children page 10 7, What happens to occupants not wearing safety belts? . But unlike adults and ¢ teenagers, their muscles and bones are not fully developed. In many respects children are at g reater risk of serious injury in crashes than adults . Because children's bodies are not fully developed, they require restraint systems especially des igned for their size, we ight, and body structure. Many countries and all states of the United States and provinces of Canada have laws requiring the use of approved child restraint systems for infants and small children . In a frontal crash at a speed of 20-35 mph (30-56 km/h) the forces acting on a 13 -pound (6 kg) infant will be more than 20 times the weight of the child. This means the weight of the child would suddenly be more than 260 pounds (120 kg) . Under these conditions, only an appropriate child restraint properly used can reduce the risk of serious injury . Child restra ints, like adu lt safety belts, must be used properly to be effect ive. Used improperly, they can incr ease the risk of serious injury in an acc ident. All ch ildren, especially those 12 years and younger must always ride in the back seat properly restra ined for their age and size. If you must insta ll a child restraint on the front passenger seat in exceptional circumstances, be sure to read and heed the important information and warnings ¢ page 115. Infants and other children who are properly restrained in an appropriate child restraint that is for their size and age can benefit from the protection that supplemental side airbags provide in some kinds of crashes . For more information please see information provided by the: 134 - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), currently at: http :/ / (for the USA) - Transport Canada Information Centre, currently at: (for Canada) Consult the ch ild safety seat manufacturer's instructions in order to be sure the seat is right fo r your chi ld's size ¢ page 137, Important safety instructions for using child safety seats . Please be sure to read and heed all of the important information and WARNINGS about child safety, Advanced Airbags, and the installation of child restra ints in this chapter . There is a lot you need to know about the Advanced Airbags in your vehicle and how they work when infants and children in child restraints are on the front passenger seat . Because of the large amount of important informat ion , we cannot repeat it all here. We urge you to read the detailed information in this owner's manual about airbags and the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle and the very important information about transporting children on the front passenger seat. Please be sure to heed the WARNINGS - they are extremely important for your safety and the safety of your passengers, especially infants and small children . WARNING - Accident statistics have shown that children are generally safer in the rear seat area than in the front seat ing pos ition. Always restrain any child age 12 and unde r in the rear. -All vehicle occupants and especially children must be restra ined prope rly whenever rid ing in a vehicle. An un restrained or improperly restrained child could be injured by striking the interior or by being ejected from the vehicle during a sudden maneuver or impact. An unrestrained or improperly restrained child is a lso at greater risk of injury or death through contact w ith an inflating airbag. -A suitable ch ild restraint properly installed and used at one of the rear seating positions provides the highest degree of protect ion for infants and small children in most acc ident situat ions. Ch ild safety WARNING Child ren on the front seat of any car even w ith Advanced Airbags can be seriously injured or even killed when an airbag inflates. A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat installed on the front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates. - The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the ch ild safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, or door. - Always install rear-facing child safety seats on the rear seat. - If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild safety seat on the front passenger seat in exceptiona l circumstances and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immediately insta ll the rearfacing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected immediately by your Audi dealer. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, WARNING If, in exceptional circumstances, you must install a forward-facing chi ld restraint on the front passenger's seat : - Always make sure the forward-fac ing seat has been designed and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger front and s ide a irbag . - Always follow the manufacturer's instruct ions prov ided with the ch ild safety seat or carrier. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest position in the up and down adjustment range and move it back to the rea rmost position in the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as fa r away from the airbag as possib le, before insta lling the forward-facing child restraint . - Always ma ke sure that the safety bel t upper anchorage is behind the child restraint and not next to or in front of the chi ld restraint so that the safety belt will be properly posit ioned. - Always make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on. Tips Always replace child restraints that were installed in a vehicle during a crash. Damage to a child restraint that is not visible could cause it to fai l in another collision situat ion. Advanced front airbag system and children Your vehicle is equipped with a front "Advanced Airbag System" in compliance with United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standa rd (FMVSS) 208, as we ll as Canada Moto r Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS)208 as app licab le at the time your vehicle was manufactured. The Advanced Airbag system in you r vehicle has been certified to meet the "low- risk" requirements fo r 3- and 6-year old ch ildren on the passenger side and sma ll adu lts on the driver side. The low risk deployment criter ia are intended to reduce the risk of injury t hrough interaction with the airbag that can occur, for example, by being too close to the steering wheel and instrument panel when the airbag inflates . In addition, the system has been cert ified to comply with the "supp ression" requirements of the Safety Standard, to t urn off the front a irbag fo r infants up to 12 months who are restrained on the front passenger seat in child rest raints t hat are list ed in the Standard. Even though your veh icle is eq uipped wit h an Advanced Airbag system, all ch ild ren, especially those 12 yea rs and younger, should a lways ride in the back seat proper ly restrained for their age and size . The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat a potentially dangerous place for a child to ride. The front seat is not the safest place for a ch ild in a forward-fac ing ch ild safety seat. It can be a very dangerous place for an infant or a larger ch ild in a rearward-facing seat . 00 135 Child safety Advanced Airbags and the weight-sensing mat in the front seat The Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle detects the presence of an infant or child in a child restraint on the front passenger seat using the weight -sensing mat in the seat cushion and the sensor below t he safety belt latch on the front passenger seat that measures the tension on the safety belt . The weight-sensing mat measures total weight of the child and the child safety seat and a child blanket on the front passenger seat . The weight on the front passenger seat is related to the design of the child restraint and its "footprint ", the size and shape of the bottom of the child restraint as it sits on the seat. The weight of a child restraint and its "footprint" vary for different kinds of child restraints and for the different models of the same kind of child restraint offered by child restraint manufacturers. The weight ranges for the individual types, makes and models of child restraints that the NHTSAhas specified in the Safety Standard together with the weight ranges of typical infants and typical 1 year-old child have been stored in the control unit of the Advanced Airbag System . When a child restraint is being used on the front passenger seat with a typical 1 year-old child, the Advanced Airbag System compares the weight measured by the weight sensing mat with the information stored in the electronic control unit. The electronic control unit also registers the tension on the front passenger safety belt. The tension on the safety belt for the front passenger seat will be different for an adult who is properly using the safety belt as compared to the tension on the belt when it is used to attach a child restraint to the seat. The sensor below the latch for the safety belt for the front seat passenger measures the tension on the belt. The input from this sensor is then used with the weight to "decide" , whether there is a child restraint with a typical 1 year-old child on the front passenger seat and whether or not the airbag must be turned off. 136 · Child restraints and Advanced Airbags Regardless of the child restraint that you use, make sure that it has been certified to meet Safety Standards and has been certified by its manufacturer for use with an airbag. Always be sure that the child restraint is properly installed at one of the rear seating positions . If in exceptional circumstances you must use it on the front passenger seat, carefully read all of the information on child safety and Advanced Airbags and heed all of the applicable WARNINGS. Make certain that the child restraint is correctly recognized by the weight-sensing mat inside the front passenger seat, that the front passenger airbag is turned off and that the airbag status is always correctly signaled by the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light. Many types and models of child restraints have been available over the years, new models are introduced regularly incorporating new and improved designs and older models are taken out of production. Child restraints are not standardized. Child restraints of the same type typically have differen t weights and sizes and different 'footprints,' the size and shape of the bottom of the child restraint that sits on the seat, when they are installed on a vehicle seat. These differences make it virtually impossible to certify compliance with the requirements for advanced airbags with each and every child restraint that has ever been sold in the past or will be sold over the course of the useful life of your vehicle. For this reason, the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has published a list of specific type, makes and models of child restraints that must be used to certify compliance of the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle with the suppression requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. These child restraints are: Subpart A - Car bed child restraints Model Manufactured on or after Angel Guard Angel Ride AA2403FOF September 25, 2007 Child safety Subpart B - Rear-facing child restraints Model Manufactured on or after Century SmartFit 4543 December 1, 1999 Cosco Arriva 22-013PAW and base 22-999WHO September 25, 2007 Evenflo Discovery Adjust Right 212 December 1, 1999 Evenflo First Choice 204 December 1, 1999 Graco Infant 8457 December 1, 1999 Grace Snug ride September 25, 2007 (D Peg Perego Primo Viag- September 25, 2007 gio SIP IMUNOOUS Subpart C - Forward-facing and convertible child restraints Model Manufactured on or after Britax Roundabout E9L02xx September 25, 2007 Cosco Tour iva 02519 December 1, 1999 Cosco Summit Deluxe High Back Booster 22-262 September 25, 2007 Cosco High Back Booster 22-209 September 25, 200 7 Evenflo Tribute V 379xxxx September 25, 2007 Evenflo Medallion 2S4 December 1, 1999 Evenflo Generations 352xxxx September 25, 2007 Grace ComfortSport September 25, 2007 Grace Toddler Safety Seat Step 2 September 25, 2007 Grace Platinum Cargo September 25, 2007 co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, - Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFFlight does not stay on. - Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi dealer immed iately. Tips The child seats listed in categor ies A to C have been statically tested by Audi only for the Advanced Airbag function. Important safety instructions for using child safety seats Correct use of child safety seats substantially reduces the risk of injury in an accident! As the driver, you are responsible for the safety of everybody in the vehicle, especially children: .,.Always use the right child safety seat for each child and always use it properly ¢ page 140 . .,.Always carefully follow the chi ld safety seat manufacturer's instructions on how to route the safety belt properly through the child safety seat. .,.When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety seat, you must first activate the convertible lock ing retractor on the safety belt to prevent the chi ld safety seat from moving ~page 144 . .,. Push the chi ld safety seat down with your full weight to get the safety belt really tight so that the seat cannot move forward or sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm). .,.If a strap or tether is being used to tie the child safety seat to the front passenger seat, make sure that it is not so tight that it causes the weight-sensing mat to measu re more weight than is actually on the seat. .,.Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat ~page 139 . WARNING To reduce the risk of serious injury, make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFFlight comes on and stays on whenever a child restraint is installed on the front passenger seat and the ignition is switched on. Always remember: Even though your veh icle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag system, all children, especia lly those 12 years and younger, shou ld a lways ride in the back seat proper ly restrained for their age and size. 00 137 liJJ.. Child safety WARNING Not using a child safety seat, using the wrong child safety seat or improperly installing a child restraint increases the risk of serious personal injury and death . - All vehicle occupants and especially children must be restrained properly whenever riding in a vehicle. An unrestrained or improperly restrained child could be injured by striking the interior or by being ejected from the vehicle during a sudden maneuver or impact. An unrestrained or improperly restrained child is also at greater risk of injury or death through contact with an inflating airbag . - Commercially available child safety seats are required to comply with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 213 (in Canada CMVSS213). - When buying a child restraint, select one that fits your child and the vehicle. - Only use child restraint systems that fully contact the flat portion of the seat cushion. The child restraint must not tip or lean to either side. Audi does not recommend using child safety seats that rest on legs or tube-like frames. They do not provide adequate contact with the seat. -Always heed all legal requirements pertaining to the installation and use of child safety seats and carefully follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the seat you are using. - Never allow children under 57 inches (1.45 meters) to wear a normal safety belt. They must always be restrained by a proper child restraint system. Otherwise, they could sustain injuries to the abdomen and neck areas during sudden braking maneuvers or accidents . - Never let more than one child occupy a child safety seat . - Never let babies or older children ride in a vehicle while sitting on the lap of another passenger . - Holding a child in your arms is never a substitute for a child restraint system. 138 - The strongest person could not hold the child with the forces that exist in an accident. The child will strike the interior of the vehicle and can also be struck by the passenger. - The child and the passenger can also injure each other in an accident. - Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the front passenger seat . A child will be seriously injured and can be killed when the passenger airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System. - Make sure there is enough space in front of the child in the child seat. If necessary, adjust the angle and position of the seat in front of the child seat. - The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door or roof. -Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the rear seat. - Forward-facing child safety seats installed on the front passenger's seat can interfere with the airbag when it inflates and cause serious injury to the child. Always install forward-facing child safety seats on the rear seat . - If exceptional circumstances require the use of a forward-facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat, the child's safety and well-being require that the following special precautions be taken: - Make sure the forward-facing seat has been designed and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger front and side airbag. - Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions provided with the child safety seat or carrier. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest position in the up and down adjustment range and move it back to the rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from Child safety the airbag as possible, before installing the forward-facing child restraint. - Always make sure that the safety belt upper anchorage is behind the child restraint and not next to or in front of the child restraint so that the safety belt will be properly positioned . - Always make sure that nothing prevents the front passenger's seat from being moved to the rearmost position in its fore and aft adjustment range . - Always make sure that the backrest is in the upright position . - Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a child is not sitting in it. A loose child safety seat can fly around during a sudden stop or in a collision. -Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used ¢ page 106, Safety belts, ¢p age 114, Airbag system and ~ page 134, Child safety. _& WARNING To reduce the risk of serious injury, make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on whenever a child restraint is installed on the front passenger seat and the ignition is switched on. - Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not stay on. - Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi dealer immediately. co ...... r--. .-< Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat Fig. 120 Schema tic overview: keep unu sed safety belts away from children in child safety seats. @ - outer rear safety belt , @ - center rear safety belt If a child safety seat is used on the rear bench, especially with LATCHuniversal lower ancho rages, the unused safety belts must be secured so that the child in the child restraint cannot reach them ~ .&.- Guide the safety belt webbings @ and @ behind the head restraint of the seat where the child restraint is installed c::>fig. 120 . When doing so , do not engage the convertible locking retractor! You should not hear a "clicking" sound when winding up the safety belt. - Let the belt retractor wind up the safety belt webbing. WARNING A child in a child safety seat installed with the LATCHlower anchorages or with the standard safety belt or a child in a booster seat on the rear seat could play with unused rear seat safety belts and become entangled. This could cause the child serious personal injury and even death. - Always secure unused rear seat safety belts out of reach of children in child seats such as by properly routing them around the head restraint of the seat where the child restraint is installed . - Never activate the convertible locking retractor when routing the safety belts around the head restraints. - Never let anyone s it at the center rear seating position if the center rear safety belt has been routed around a rear head restraint . ::, co 139 Child safety Child safety seats Infant seats Babies and infants up to about one year old and 20 lbs . or 9 kg need special rearward -facing child restraints that support the back, neck and head in a crash. Fig. 121 Schema tic overview: rearwa rd-facing infan t seat , properly installe d on the rea r seat • When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety seat, you must first activate the convertible locking retractor on the safety belt to prevent the child safety seat from moving c::> poge 144 or install the seat using the LATCH attachments. • Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to get the safety belt really tight so that the seat cannot move forward or sideways more than one inch (2 .5 cm) . • Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat c::> page 139. Infants up to about one year (20 lbs . or 9 kg) are best protected in special infant carriers and child safety seats des igned for their age group. Many experts believe that infants and small children should ride only in spec ial restraints in which the child faces the back of the veh icle. These infant seats support the baby 's back, neck and head in a fig . 121 . crash c::> The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat a potentially dange rou s place for a child to ride . The front seat is not the safest place for a child in a forward -facing child seat. It is a very dangerous place for an infant or a larger child in a rearward-facing seat. 140 WARNING Not using a child safety seat, using the wrong child safety seat or improperly installing a child restraint increases the risk of serious personal injury and death in a crash . - Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the front passenger seat - even w ith an Advanced Airbag System . A child will be serio usly injured and can be killed when the inflating airbag hits the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and smashes the child safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door or roof c::> page 115, Child restraints on the front seat - some important things to know . - Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the rear seat . - Never install a rear-facing child restraint in the forward-facing direction. Such restraints are designed for the special needs of infants and very small children and cannot protect them properly if the seat is forward-facing. - If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, imm ediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer. -Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used c::> page 106, Safety belts, c::> page 114, Airbag system and c::> page 134, Important information. Child safety Convertible child safety seats Properly used convertible child safety seats can help protect toddlers and children over age one who weigh between 20 and 40 lbs. (9 and 18 kg) in a crash. Toddlers and children who are older than one year up to about 4 years old and weigh more than 20 lbs. (9 kg) up to 40 lbs . (18 kg) must always be properly restrained in a child safety seat certi fied for their size and weight Q fig. 122 and q fig. 123. The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat a potentially dangerous place for a child to ride. The front seat is not the safest place for a child in a forward -facing child safety seat. It is a very dangerous place for an infant or a larger child in a rearward-facing seat . _&.WARNING Fig. 122 Schemat ic overview: installatio n of the attac h- ments app licable to a LATCH seat Fig. 123 Schematic overview: installat ion of t he seat using the vehicle's safe ty belt syste m .. When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety seat, you must first activate the convertible locking retractor on the safety belt to prevent the child safety seat from moving Q page 144 or install the seat us ing the LATC attachments . .. Push the child safety seat down with your fu ll weight to get the safety be lt really tight so that the seat cannot move forward o r sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm) Q page 144. .. If the child safety seat is equipped with a tether strap, attach it to the tether anchors Qpage 149. .. Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat Qpage 139 . r--. ;; A toddler or child is usually too large for an infant restraint if it is more than one year old and weighs more than 20 lbs . (9 kg). Not using a child safety seat, us ing the wrong child safety seat or imprope rly instal ling a child restraint increases the risk of serious personal injury and death in a collision or oth er emergency situation. - Children on the front seat of any car, even with Advanced Airbags, can be seriously injured or even killed when an airbag inflates. A child in a rearward-facing ch ild safety seat installed on the front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System . - The inflating airbag will hit the ch ild safety seat or infant carr ier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door or roof. -Al ways install rear-fa cing child safety seats on the rear seat . - If you must insta ll a rearward facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immediately install the rea r-facing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the a irbag system inspected by your Audi dealer . - The rear side of the ch ild safety seat shou ld be positioned as close as possible to the backrest on the veh icle seat. Adjust or remove the rear seat head rest raint if it is difficult to install the ch ild seat with the head ::, (X) 141 91> Child safety restraint in place 9 page 44. Install the head restraint again immediately once the child seat is removed. Driving without head restraints or with head restraints that are not properly adjusted increases the risk of serious or fatal neck injury dramatically . - Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used 9 page 106, Safety belts, 9page 114, Airbag system and page 134, Important information. _& WARNING If exceptional circumstances require the use of a forward-facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat, the child's safety and well-being require that the following special precautions be taken: - Make sure the forward-facing seat has been designed and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger front and side airbag. - Always follow the manufacturer's instructions provided with the child safety seat or infant carrier. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest position in the up and down adjustment range and move it back to the rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the airbag as possible, before installing the forward-facing child restraint. - Always make sure that the safety belt upper anchorage is behind the child restraint and not next to or in front of the child restraint so that the safety belt will be properly positioned. - Always make sure that nothing prevents the front passenger's seat from being moved to the rearmost position in its fore and aft adjustment range. - Always make sure the backrest is in an upright position. - Make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFFlight comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on. 142 - If the light does not stay on, perform the checks ¢ page 124, Monitoring the Ad- vanced Airbag System. -T ake the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFFlight does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched on. Booster seats and safety belts Properly used booster seats can help protect children weighing between about 40 lbs. and 80 lbs. (18 kg and 36 kg) who are less than 4 ft. 9 in. (57 inches/1.45 meters) tall. Fig. 124 Rear seat: child proper ly restrained in a booster seat The vehicle's safety belts alone will not fit most children until they are at least 4 ft. 9 in. (57 inches/1.45 meters) tall and weigh about 80 lbs. (36 kg). Booster seats raise these children up so that the safety belt will pass properly over the stronger parts of their bodies and the safety belt can help protect them in a crash. .,. Do not use the convertible locking retractor when using the vehicle's safety belt to restrain a child on a booster seat. .,.The shoulder belt must lie as close to the center of the child 's collar bone as possible and must lie flat and snug on the upper body. It must never lie across the throat or neck. The lap belt must lie across the pelvis and never across the stomach or abdomen . Make sure the belt lies flat and snug . Pull on the belt to tighten if necessary. .,.If you must transport an older child in a booster seat on the front passenger seat, you can Ill>- Ch ild safety use the safety belt height adjustment to help adjust the shoulder portion properly . ~ Secure unused safety be lts on the rear seat ¢ page 139. Children up to at least 8 years old (over 40 lbs. or 18 kg) are best protect ed in child safety s eats designed for their age and weight. Experts say that the skeletal structure, particularly the pelvis, of these children is not fully developed, and they must not use the vehicle safety belts without a suitable child restra int . It is usually best to put these children in appropriate booster seats . Be sure the booster seat meets all applicable safety standards . Booster se ats raise the seating position of the child and reposition both the lap and shoulder parts of the safety belt so that they pass across the child's body in the right places. The rout ing of the belt over the child's body is very important for the child's protection, whether or not a booster seat is used. Child ren age 12 and unde r must a lways ride in the rear seat . Children who are at least 4 ft . 9 in. (57 inches/ 1.45 mete rs) tall ca n genera lly use the veh icle's three po int lap and shoulder be lts. Never use the lap belt po rtion of the vehicle 's safety belt alone to restrain any child, regardless of how big the chi ld is. Always remember that children do not have the pronounced pelvic structure required for the proper function of lap belt port ion of the vehicle 's three point lap and shoulder be lt s. The chi ld 's safety absolutely requires that a lap belt port ion of the safety belt be fastened snugly and as low as possible around the pelvis . Never let the lap belt portion of the safety belt pass over the child's stomach or abdomen. In a crash, a irbags must inflate within a blink of an eye and wit h considerable force . In order to do its job, the airbag needs room to inflate so that it will be there to protect the occupant as the occupant moves forward into the a irbag. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, 00 A vehicle occupant who is out of position and too close to the airbag gets in the way of an inflating airbag. When an occ upant is too close, he or she will be struck violently and will receive ser ious or possibly even fatal injury. In order for the a irbag to offer protection, it is important that a ll vehicle occupants, especially any children, who m ust be in the front seat because of exceptiona l circumstances, be properly res t ra ined and as far away from the airbag as poss ible. By keeping room between the child 's body and the front of the passenger compartment, the a irbag can inflate completely and provide supplementa l protec t ion in certain frontal collisions. WARNING Not using a booster seat, using the booster seat improperly, incorrect ly installing a boos ter seat or using the vehicle safety belt improperly increases the risk of serious personal injury and death in a collision or other emergency situation. To help reduce the risk of serious personal injury and/or death: - The shou lder belt must lie as close to the center of the ch ild's collar bone as possible and must lie flat and snug on the upper body. It must never lie across the throat or neck. The lap belt must lie ac ross the pelvis and never across the stomach o r abdomen. Make sure the bel t lies flat and sn ug. Pull on the belt to tighten if necessary. - Fail ure to properly route safety bel t s over a child's body will cause severe injuries in an accident or other emergency situation ¢ page 106. - The rear side of the chi ld safety seat should be positioned as close as possible to the backrest on the vehicle seat. Adjust or remove the rear seat head restraint if it is diff icult to insta ll the ch ild seat with the head restraint in place¢ page 44 . Install the head restraint again immed iately once the child seat is removed . Driving without head rest raints or with head restra ints that a re not properly adj usted increases the risk of serio us or fatal ne ck inj ury dramatically . - Never let a chi ld put the shoulder belt under the arm or behind t he ba ck, because it could cause severe injuries in a crash . - Child ren on the fron t seat of a ny car, even with Advanced Airbags, can be seriously injured or even killed when an airbag inflates . 143 Ill> Child safety - Never let a child stand or kneel on any seat, for example the front seat. - Never let a child ride in the cargo area of your vehicle. - Always remember that a child leaning forward, sitting sideways or out of position in any way during an accident can be struck by a deploying airbag. This will result in serious personal injury or death. - If you must install a booster seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light must come on and stay on, whenever the ignition is switched on. - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, perform the checks described Q page 124, Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System. - Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched on. -Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used Q page 106, Safety belts, Qpage 114, Airbag system and page 134, Important information. Securing seats child safety Securing a child safety seat using a safety belt Safety belts for the rear seats and the front passenger can be locked with the convertible locking retractor to properly secure child safety seats . The safety belts emergency locking retractors for the rear seats safety belts and for the front passenger's seat safety belt have a convertible locking retractor for child restraints. The safety belt must be locked so that belt webbing cannot unreel. The retractor can be activated to lock the safety belt and prevent the safety belt webbing from loosening up during normal driving. A child safety seat can only be properly installed when 144 the safety belt is locked so that the child and child safety seat will stay in place. Always remember : Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag system, all children, especially those 12 years and younger, should always ride in the back seat properly restrained for their age and size. WARNING Improperly installed child safety seats increase the risk of serious personal injury and death in a collision . - Always make sure that the safety belt retractor is locked when installing a child safety seat. An unlocked safety belt retractor cannot hold the child safety seat in place during normal driving or in a crash . - Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a child is not sitting in it . A loose child safety seat can fly around during a sudden stop or in a collision . - Always make sure that the rear seat backrest to which the center rear safety belt is attached is securely latched whenever the rear center safety belt is being used to secure a child restraint. - If the backrest is not securely latched, the child and the child restraint will be thrown forward together with the backrest and will strike parts of the vehicle interior. The child can be seriously injured or killed . - Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the front passenger seat. A child will be seriously injured and can be killed when the passenger airbag inflates. - The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, door or roof. -Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on the rear seat . - Forward-facing child safety seats or infant carriers installed on the front passenger's seat may interfere with the deployment of Ch ild safety the airbag and cause serious injury to the child. - It is safer to install a forward-facing child safety seat on the rear seat. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used¢ page 134. Special precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front passenger seat ¢ page 115, Child restraints on the front seat- some important things to know . WARNING Always take spec ial precaut ions if you must install a forward or rearward-fac ing child restraint on the front passenger's seat in exceptional situations: - Whenever a forward or rearward-facing child restraint is installed on the front passenger seat, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light must come on and stay on whenever the ignition is switched on. - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, perform the checks described ¢ page 124, Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System. - Take the ch ild restraint off the front passenger seat and install it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSEN GER AIR BAG OFF light does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched on . - Improper installation of ch ild restraints can reduce their effect iveness or even prevent them from providing any protection . - An improperly installed ch ild restraint can interfere with the airbag as it deploys and seriously injure or even kill the child . - Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions provided with the child safety seat or carrier. - Never place additional items on the seat that can increase the total weight registered by the weight-sensing mat and can cause injury in a crash. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, WARNING Forward-fac ing child rest raints : - Always make sure the forward-facing seat has been designed and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger front and side airbag . - Never put the forward-facing child restraint up, against or very near the instrument panel. - Always move the front passenger seat to the highest posit ion in the up and down adjustment range and move it back to the rearmost posit ion in the seat's fore and aft adj ustment range, as far away from the airbag as possible, before installing the forward-facing ch ild restraint. - Always make sure that the safety be lt upper anchorage is behind t he ch ild rest raint and not next to or in front of the child restraint so that the safety be lt will be properly positioned. - Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on all the time wheneve r the ignit ion is switched on . _& WARNING Rearward-facing ch ild restraints: - A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat installed on the front passenger seat will be serious ly injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System. - The inflating airbag will hit the ch ild safety seat or infant carr ier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child aga inst the backrest, center armrest, door or roof . - Always be especia lly careful if you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the front passenge r seat in except iona l circumstances. - A t igh t tether strap on a rearwa rd-facing child restraint attached to the front passenge r seat can put too much pressure on the weight-m at in the seat and reg ister a heav ier weight in the Advanced Airbag System . The heavier weight reg istered can make the system work as though an ad ult were on the seat and deploy the Advanced Airbag when 00 145 Ill> Child safety it must be suppressed causing serious or even fatal injury to the child. - Make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on. - If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer . Using the wrong child restraint or an improperly installed child restraint can cause serious personal injury or death in a crash . - Always make sure that the safety belt retractor is locked when installing a child safety seat . An unlocked safety belt retractor cannot hold the child safety seat in place during normal driving or in a crash. -Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a child is not sitting in it. A loose child safety seat can fly around during a sudden stop or in a crash. - Always make sure the seat backrest to which the child restraint is installed is in an upright position and securely latched into place and cannot fold forward. Otherwise, the seatback with the child safety seat attached to it could fly forward in the event of an accident or other emergency situation. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a vehicle is being used c>page 134. Special precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front passenger seat ~ page 115, Child Activating the convertible locking retractor Use the convertible locking retractor to secure a child restraint. Always heed the child safety seat manufacturer's instructions when installing a child restraint in your vehicle. To activate the convertible locking retractor: Place the child restraint on a seat, preferably on the rear seat. ~ Slowly pull the belt all the way out. ~ Route it around or through the child restraint belt path ~ &_. ~ Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to get the safety belt really tight. ~ Insert the belt tongue into the buckle for that seating position. ~ Guide the safety belt back into the retractor until the belt lies flat and snug on the child safety seat. ~ You should hear a "clicking" noise as the belt winds back into the inertia reel. Test the convertible locking retractor by pulling on the belt . You should no longer be able to pull the belt out of the retractor . The convertible locking retractor is now activated. ~ Make sure that the red release button is facing away from the child restraint so that it can be unbuckled quickly. ~Pullon the belt to make sure the safety belt is properly tight and fastened so that the seat cannot move forward or sideways more than one inch (2 .5 cm). WARNING restraints on the front seat - some important things to know. · Deactivating the convertible locking retractor The convertible locking retractor for child restraints will be deactivated automatically when the belt is wound all the way back into the retractor. Press the red button on the safety belt buckle. The belt tongue will pop out of the buckle. ~ Guide the safety belt all the way back into its stowed position. Always let the safety belt retract completely into its stowed position. The safety belt can now be used as an ordinary safety belt without the convertible locking retractor for child restraints. If the convertible locking retractor should be activated inadvertently, the safety belt must be unfastened and guided completely back into its .,. 146 Ch ild safety stowed position to deactivate this feature. If the convertible locking retractor is not deactivated, the safety belt w ill gradually become tighter and uncomfortable to wear. _&.WARNING Improperly installed child safety seats increase the risk of serious personal injury and death in a collision. - Never unfasten the safety belt to deactivate the convert ible locking retractor for child restraints while the vehicle is moving. You would not be restrained and could be serious ly injured in an accident. - Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child restrained in a veh icle is being used~ page 134. Spec ia l precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front passenger seat ~ page 115, Child restraints on the front seat - some important things to know. LATCH system (lower anchorages and tethers for children) Child Restraint System anchors and how are they related to child safety To prov ide a simpler and more practicable way to attach the child restra int on the vehicle seat, Federa l regulat ions require specia l lower ancho rages in vehicles and devices on new child restraints to attach to the vehicle anchorages. In the United States, the combination of the tether anchorages and the lowe r anchorages is now genera lly called the LATCH system for "Lower Anchorages and Tethers for Ch ildren" . In Canada, the terms "top tether" with "lower universal anchorages" (or "lower un iversal anchorage bars") are used to describe the system. new per formance requirements make a tether necessary on most new chi ld seats. Installing a ch ild rest raint that requires a top tether without one can seriously impa ir the performance of the child restraint and its ab ility to protect the child in a collision. Installing a child restra int that requires a top tether without the top tether may be a violat ion of state law. Child restraint manufacturers offer LATCHlowe r anchorages on their child seats with hook-on or push-on connectors attached to adjustable straps. In addition to the LATCHlower anchorages, these child restraint systems usua lly require the use of tether straps to help keep the child restra int firmly in place. _&.WARNING Improper installation of child restra ints w ill increase the risk of injury and death in a crash. - Always follow the instructions prov ided by the manufacturer of the child restraint you inte nd to install in your vehicle. - Never install a chi ld restraint without a proper ly attached top tether strap if the child restraint manufacture r's instructions require the top tether strap to be used. - Improper use of child restraint LATCHlower anchorage points can lead to injury in a col lision. The LATCH lower anchorage points are des igned to w ithstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints . - Never mo unt two child rest raint systems on one LATCH lower anchorage point. - Never secure or at t ach any luggage or othe r item to the LATCH lower anchorages. In other countries the term "ISO FIX" is used to describe the lower anchorages . co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, Forward-facing child res t ra ints man ufactu red after September 1, 1999, are required by U.S. federal regulations to comply with new child head movement performance requirements. These 00 147 Child safety Location a: ex, a, Remove the covers c::>fig . 126 to access the lower anchorage attachment po ints. The lower anchorage attachment po int s are vis ible c::>fig. 12 7 . Lower anchorages secure the child restra int in the seat without using the vehicle's safety bel t s. Ancho rages prov ide a secure a nd easy-to- use attachment and minimize the possib ility of improper child restraint installat ion . Fig. 125 Schem at ic overview: LATCH anchorage point locations The illustration shows the seating locat ions in your vehicle w hich are equipped with the lower anchorages system. Description The lower anchorage positions are marked for quick locating. All child restraints manufact ured after September 1, 2002, must have lower anchorage attachments for t he LATCH system. Remember that the lower ancho rage points are on ly intended for insta llation and attachment of ch ild rest raints spec ifically certif ied for use wit h LATCH lower anchorages. Child restraints t hat are not eq uipped with the lower anchorage attachments can still be installed in compliance with the chi ld restraint manufacturer's instructions on us ing vehicle safety belts. Fig. 126 Rear seats: lowe r an chorages, covers ma rked Fig . 127 Rear se ats: lowe r an chorage bracket locatio ns Lower ancho rages The lower anchorage attachment points are located between the rear seatback and rear seat cushion . 148 WARNING Improper use of LATCHlower anchorages can cause ser ious persona l injury in an accide nt. - Always carefully follow the ch ild restraints manufacturer's instructions for proper installation of the child restraint and proper use of the lower ancho rages or safety belts in your vehicle. - Never secure or attach any luggage or othe r items to the LATCH lower anchorages. -Always read and heed the important informat ion about child restraints in this chapter page 134, Child safety . and WARNINGS c::> Ch ild sa f ety Installing a child restraint with LATCH lower anchorages Whenever you install a child restraint always follow the child restraint manufacturer's instruc tions. - Always make sure that you hear a click when latching the seat in place . If you do not hear a click the seat is not secure and could fly forward and hit the inter ior of the vehicle, or be ejected from the veh icle. Fig. 128 Lower anchorages: p roper mount ing Mounting .,.Make sure the seatback of the rear seat bench is in the upright position and securely latched in place. .,.Attach both hook-on connectors with the spring catch release on the child safety seat onto the LATCHlower anchorage so that the connectors lock into place ¢ fig. 128 . .,.Pull on the connector attachments to make sure they are properly attached to the LATCH lower anchorage . .,.Pull straps tight fo llowing the child restraint manufacturer's instructions. WARNING Improper installation of child restra ints will increase the risk of injury in an accident. -Always follow the ch ild restraint system manufacturer's instructions for proper installat ion of the child restraint system a nd proper use of tether straps as well as the lowe r ancho rages or safety belts in your vehicle. - Always read and heed t he important info rmat ion and WARNI NGS abou t ch ild safety a nd the installat ion of child restraint systems¢ page 134, Child safety. Tether anchors and tether straps Releasing Fig. 129 Tether ancho rs: attac hm ent hook locatio ns be- .,.Loosen the tension on the straps following the child restraint manufacturer's instructions. .,.Depress the spring catches to release the anchorage hooks from the lower anchorages . Remember: Use tether straps to he lp keep the child restraint firmly in place. co ...... r--. '"' WARNING Improper use of the LATCHsystem can increase the risk of serious personal injury and death in an accident. - These anchors were deve loped only for child safety seats using the "LATCH"system. - Never attach other child safety seats, belts or other objects to these anchors. hind the rear sea tbacks The tether anchors for the rear seating positions are located on the backside of the rear seatbacks ¢ fig . 129 . A tether is a straight or V-shaped strap that attaches the top part of a child restraint to special anchorage points in the veh icle. The purpose of the tether is to reduce the for ward movement of the child restraint in a crash, in order to help reduce the risk of head injury that could be caused by striking the vehicle interior. ::, co 149 liJ, Child safety Forward facing child restraints manufactured after September 1, 1999, are required by U.S. federal regulations to comply with new child head movement performance requirements. These new performance requirements make a tether necessary on most new child safety seats . Installing the upper tether strap on the anchorage WARNING Improper installation of child restraints will increase the risk of injury and death in a crash. - Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the child restraint you intend to install in your Audi. - Improper use of child restraint anchors (including tether anchors) can lead to injury in a collision. The anchors are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. - Never mount two child restraint systems on one LATCHlower anchor point. - Never attach two child restraint systems to one tether strap or tether anchorage. - Never attach a tether strap to a tie-down hook in the luggage compartment. - Never use child restraint tether anchorages to secure safety belts or other kinds of occupant restraints. - Never secure or attach any luggage or other items to the LATCHlower anchorages or to the tether anchors. - If a tether or other strap is used to attach a child restraint to the front passenger seat, make sure that it is not so tight, that it causes the weight-sensing mat to measure more weight than is actually on the seat. - The heavier weight registered can make the Advanced Airbag System work as though an adult were on the seat and deploy the Advanced Airbag when it must be suppressed caus ing serious or even fatal injury to the child . - If you must install a rearward fac ing child safety seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF light does not come on and stay on, immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear 150 seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer. Fig. 130 Tether strap: proper routing and mounting Fig. 131 Tether strap: proper rout ing and mount ing Installing the tether strap .,. Release or deploy the tether strap on the child restraint according to the child restraint manu facturer's instructions. .,.Guide the upper tether strap under the rear head restraint and into the rear cargo area r:::;, fig. 131 (raise the head restraint if necessary). For child restraints with V-tether straps, always make sure that the head restraint guide rods do not interfere with any part of th e top tether strap. .,.Slide the tether strap hook over the anchor bracket. .,. Pull on the tether strap hook so that the spring catch of the hook engages . .,.Tighten the tether strap f irmly following the child restraint manufacturer's instructions. Releasing the tether strap .,. Loosen the tension following the child restraint II> manufacturer's instr uctions. Child Depress the spring catch on the hook and release it from the anchorage. Using tether straps on rearward-facing child restraints Current ly, few rear-facing child restraint systems come with a tether. Please read and heed the child restraint system manufacturer's instructions carefully to determine how to properly install the tether. co ...... ,.... "' ...... "' :::, the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer. Note If you leave the ch ild restraint with the tether strap firmly installed for several days, this could leave a mark on the upholstery on the seat cushion and backrest in the area where the tether strap was installed. The upholstery would also be permanently stretched around the tether strap . This applies especially to leather seats . safety WARNING A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat installed on the front passenger seat will be ser iously injured and can be killed if the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System. - The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and child against the backrest, center armrest, or door. - A tight tether or other strap on a rearwardfacing child restraint attached to the front passenger seat can put too much pressure on the weight-mat in the seat and register a heavier weight in the Advanced Airbag System. The heav ier weight registered can make the system work as though an adult were on the seat and deploy the Advanced Airbag when it must be supp ressed causing serious or even fatal injury to the child. - If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild safety seat on the front passenger seat becaus e of exceptiona l circumstances and the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, immed iate ly install Additional information Sources of information about child restraints and their use There are a number of sources of additional information about child restraint se lection, installation and use : NHTSA advises that the best child safety seat is the one that fits your child and fits in your vehicle, and that you will use correctly and consis tent ly. Try before you buy! U.S National Highway Traffic Safety Administra tion Tel.: 1-888 -327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153) http:/ / http:/ / National SAFEKIDS Campaign Tel.: (202) 662-0600 http:/ / fekids .org Safety BeltSafe U.S.A Tel.: (800) 745-SAFE (English) Tel.: (800) 747-SANO (Spanish) http:/ / Transport Canada Information Centre Tel.: 1-800 -333-0371 or call 1-613-998-8616 if you are in the Ottawa area eng/roadsafety/men u. htm Audi Customer Relations Tel.: (800) 822-2834 00 151
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