Robert Bosch FM4 Telemetry Radio Modem User Manual 3AS UserGuide Version20

Robert Bosch GmbH Telemetry Radio Modem 3AS UserGuide Version20

Users Manual

SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.01IMPORTANT NOTICEAll rights to this manual are owned solely by SATEL OY (later called also SATEL). All rightsreserved. The copying of this manual without the written permission from the owner of the rightsby printing, copying, recording or by any other means or the full or partial translation of themanual to any other language including all programming languages using any electrical,mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or other methods or devices is forbidden.SATEL reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products or todiscontinue the manufacture of any of its products or to discontinue the support of any of itsproducts without any written announcement and urges its customers to ensure, that theinformation at their disposal is valid.SATEL software and programs are delivered ”as is”. The manufacturer does not grant any kindof warranty including guarantees on saleability and guarantees pertaining to applicability to acertain application. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer or the developer of a programresponsible for any possible damages caused by the use of a program.  The names of theprograms as well as all copyrights relating to the programs are the sole property of SATEL.  Anytransfer, licensing to a third party, leasing, renting, transportation, copying, editing, translating,modifying into another programming language or reverse engineering for any intent is forbiddenwithout the written consent of SATEL.SATEL PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNED, INTENDED NOR INSPECTED TO BE USEDSATEL PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNED, INTENDED NOR INSPECTED TO BE USEDIN ANY LIFE SUPPORT RELATED DEVICE OR SYSTEM RELATED FUNCTION NOR AS A PARTIN ANY LIFE SUPPORT RELATED DEVICE OR SYSTEM RELATED FUNCTION NOR AS A PARTOF ANY OTHER CRITICAL SYSTEM AND ARE GRANTED NO FUNCTIONAL WARRANTY IFOF ANY OTHER CRITICAL SYSTEM AND ARE GRANTED NO FUNCTIONAL WARRANTY IFTHEY ARE USED IN ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS MENTIONED.THEY ARE USED IN ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS MENTIONED.Salo, FINLAND 2000
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.02RESTRICTIONS ON USESATELLINE-3AS (d) radio modems have been designed to operate on frequency ranges, theexact use of which differs from one region and/or country to another. The user of a radiomodem must take care that the said device is not operated without the permission of the localauthorities on frequencies other than those specifically reserved and intended for use without aspecific permit. For this reason, the notice mark has been attached to the radio modem.The model SATELLINE-3AS(d) 869 MHz is designed to operate on the licence free frequencyband of 869.400 – 869.650 MHz according to recommendation CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03. Thisrecommendation has been drawn up by the European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC)under CEPT. The transmit/receive duty cycle of the individual unit is limited to 10% on this band,and a single transmission period must not exceed 36 s. In addition, the maximum allowedradiated output power is 500 mWERP.WARNING!WARNING! Users of SATELLINE-3AS (d) radio modem in North America should be aware, thatdue to the allocation of the frequency band 406.0 – 406.1 MHz for government use only, theuse of radio modem on this frequency band without a proper permit is strictly forbidden.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.03WARRANTY AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSRead these safety instructions carefully before using the product:• Warranty will be void, if the product is used in any way, which is in contradiction with theinstructions given in this manual, or if the housing of the radio modem has been opened ortampered with.• The radio modem is to be used only on frequencies allocated by local authorities andwithout exceeding the given maximum allowed output power ratings. SATEL is notresponsible, if any products manufactured by it are used in unlawful ways.• The devices mentioned in this manual are to be used only according to the instructionsdescribed in this manual. Faultless and safe operation of the devices can be guaranteed onlyif the transport, storage, operation and handling of the devices is appropriate. This alsoapplies to the maintenance of the products.• To prevent damage both the radio modem and any terminal devices must always beswitched OFF before connecting or disconnecting the serial connection cable. It should beascertained that different devices used have the same ground potential. Before connectingany power cables the output voltage of the power supply should be checked.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.04TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTNT NOTICE............................................................................................. 1RESTRICTIONS ON USE....................................................................................... 2WARRANTY AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................... 3TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... 4INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 81SATELLINE-3AS AND SATELLINE-3ASD RADIO DATA MODEMS................. 101.1 SATELLINE-3AS Technical specifications (380...470 MHz)....................... 101.2 SATELLINE-3AS Technical specifications (869 MHz) ............................... 111.3 SATELLINE-3ASd EPIC Technical specifications (400...470 Mhz) ............. 121.4 Basic configuration and installation...................................................... 131.4.1 Basic configuration............................................................................................ 132CONNECTIONS......................................................................................... 152.1 D15-connector functions........................................................................ 152.1.1 Pin configuration ............................................................................................... 162.1.2 RS-232 -Interface .............................................................................................. 172.1.3 RS-422 -Interface .............................................................................................. 182.1.4 RS-485 -Interface .............................................................................................. 192.1.5 Termination....................................................................................................... 192.2 RF Interface ........................................................................................... 192.2.1 Transmitter........................................................................................................ 202.2.2 Receiver............................................................................................................ 212.2.3 RSSI-signal........................................................................................................ 212.2.4 Error correction ................................................................................................. 222.2.5 Error checking................................................................................................... 223USER INTERFACE....................................................................................... 233.1 LED-indicators ....................................................................................... 233.2 Configuration mode............................................................................... 233.2.1 Changing the settings........................................................................................ 243.2.2 Restoring factory settings.................................................................................... 25
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.053.3 Display and push buttons (SATELLINE-3ASd)......................................... 254TRANSPARENT DATA TRANSMISSION....................................................... 274.1 RS-Interface, data format...................................................................... 274.2 Handshake lines ................................................................................... 284.2.1 CTS-line............................................................................................................ 284.2.2 CD-line............................................................................................................. 284.2.3 RTS-line ............................................................................................................ 294.3 Timing and delays during data transmission ........................................ 294.3.1 Data buffering in the radio data modem............................................................. 294.3.2 Optional start delay in transmit mode................................................................. 304.4 Tests …………………………………………………………………………………….305REPEATER MODE AND ADDRESSESING..................................................... 315.1 Repeater................................................................................................ 315.2 Addressing ............................................................................................ 325.2.1 Connection between two points.......................................................................... 345.2.2 System of one base station and several substations ............................................. 345.3 Using repeaters and addresses in the same system.............................. 355.3.1 System with several repeaters ............................................................................. 355.3.2 Repeater chain using address pairs .................................................................... 365.3.3 Repeater chain using dual addressing ................................................................ 376MESSAGE ROUTING ................................................................................. 386.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 386.1.1 Advantages of routing........................................................................................ 386.1.2 SaTerm (brief description) .................................................................................. 396.2 Operating modes of message routing................................................... 396.2.1 Source mode .................................................................................................... 406.2.2 Virtual mode ..................................................................................................... 406.2.3 Protocol configuration ....................................................................................... 406.3 Detailed description of routing operation ............................................. 416.3.1 Source mode .................................................................................................... 416.3.2 Virtual mode ..................................................................................................... 426.3.3 Overhop function in Source mode...................................................................... 436.3.4 Network ID ....................................................................................................... 446.4 Example of expanding the network coverage by using message routing…………………………………………………………………………………………….45
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version Designing the network using SaTerm .................................................................. 456.4.2 Adding a mobile station..................................................................................... 476.4.3          Transferring the settings to radio data modems .................................................. 477DIVERSITY RECEIVER (ONLY SATELLINE-3AS EPIC) .................................... 487.1 Multipath fading.................................................................................... 487.2 Antenna installation.............................................................................. 498SETTINGS ................................................................................................. 508.1 Changing parameters using a terminal device ..................................... 508.1.1 Changing frequency (active radio channel frequency).......................................... 508.1.2 Changing radio settings (transmitter output power and receiver sensitivity)............ 528.1.3 Changing addressing settings (primary and secondary RX- and TX-addresses)....... 538.1.4 Changing serial port settings (Port 1Port 1 and Port 2Port 2)................................................. 558.1.5 Modification of handshaking functions ............................................................... 588.1.6 Special functions ............................................................................................... 598.1.7 Modification of routing ...................................................................................... 608.1.8 Activating tests................................................................................................... 648.1.10 Saving modified settings into the permanent memory .......................................... 648.2 Changing parameters using the LCD-display ........................................ 658.2.1 Changing frequency (frequency of the active radio channel) ................................ 668.2.2 Changing radio settings (transmitter output power and receiver sensitivity)............ 688.2.3 Changing addressing ........................................................................................ 698.2.4 Changing serial port settings (Port 1Port 1 and Port 2Port 2)................................................. 708.2.5 Modification of handshaking functions ............................................................... 718.2.6 Selecting special functions ................................................................................. 728.2.7 Activating tests................................................................................................... 728.2.8 Restoring factory settings.................................................................................... 738.2.9 Adjusting the contrast of the LCD-display............................................................ 738.2.10 Saving modified values into the internal memory................................................. 748.3 Changing parameters using the SL-COMMANDS .................................. 748.3.1 Frequency......................................................................................................... 758.3.2 Addressing........................................................................................................ 758.3.3 Other functions ................................................................................................. 768.3.4 SATELLINE-2ASx/2ASxE –compatible SL-commands............................................ 769INSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 779.1 Installation of a Radio Data Modem...................................................... 779.2 Connection cables.................................................................................. 789.2.1 RS-232 -wiring.................................................................................................. 789.2.2 RS-422 -wiring.................................................................................................. 809.2.3 RS-485 wiring ................................................................................................... 81
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version Power supply..................................................................................................... 819.3 Antenna installation.............................................................................. 829.3.1 Hand-held equipment........................................................................................ 829.3.2 Mobile equipment ............................................................................................. 829.3.3 Base stations..................................................................................................... 829.3.4   General antenna installation instructions................................................................... 8310 DESIGNING SYSTEMS ............................................................................... 8610.1 Factors affecting the quality and distance of the radio connection........ 8610.2 Radio field strength............................................................................... 8710.3 Remarks concerning the 869 MHz frequency band ............................... 8711 CHECK LIST............................................................................................... 8812 ACCESSORIES............................................................................................ 8912.1 RS-232-cables and adapters ................................................................. 8912.2 RS-485/422-cables and adapters.......................................................... 8912.3 RF-cables............................................................................................... 8912.4 Antennas ............................................................................................... 9012.5 Filters .................................................................................................... 9012.6 Power supplies ...................................................................................... 9012.7 Batteries................................................................................................ 9013 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................. 9114 APPENDIX B............................................................................................. 9214.1 Functional delays................................................................................... 9214.2 Transmission related delays.................................................................. 9214.2.1 Transmission delays when using a 12,5 kHz radio channel.................................. 9314.2.2 Transmission delays using a 25 kHz radio channel.............................................. 95
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.08INTRODUCTIONSATEL OY is a Finnish electronics and Telecommunications Company specialised in the designand manufacture of wireless data communication products. SATEL designs, manufactures andsells radio modems intended for use in applications ranging from data transfer to alarm relayingsystems. End users of SATEL products are the industry, public organisations and private persons.SATEL is the leading European manufacturer of radio modems. SATEL radio modems have beencertified in most European countries and also in many non-European countries.The amount of data transferred using local area networks is increasing constantly. On the otherhand also the average size of a local area network is growing. SATEL has addressed thesemarket requirements by introducing the SATELLINE-3AS radio modem family, which is the firstSATEL manufactured radio modem to reach the wireless data transfer speed of 19,2 kbps. Thespeed of the RS-interface is selectable between 300 … 38 400 bps.In addition to increased data transfer speed the SATELLINE-3AS offers the user also other newfeatures. For the first time, built-in support is included for RS-422- and RS-485 -interfaces inaddition to the RS-232 -interface.SATELLINE-3AS radio modem is also available as a model called the SATELLINE-3ASd, whichincludes a built-in LCD-display. The display offers the user new features, e.g. fieldprogrammability without a terminal device using a special mode (SET-UP-mode). The displaymay also be used as an aid in testing the radio connection between radio modems.SATELLINE-3AS facilitates the construction of large radio networks using the built-in routing function.Routing is fully transparent to the user and can be used with most system protocols.SATELLINE-3AS also offers the possibility to use an error correction function, which utilises the FEC-method (Forward Error Correction). FEC can be used to minimise errors caused by noisy channels.SATELLINE-3AS radio modem has three (3) basic modes of operation: Data Transfer Mode,Configuration Mode and Test Mode. The SATELLINE-3AS configuration settings are changedusing a PC as a terminal device via the RS-Interface. In the model with the built-in LCD-display(SATELLINE-3ASd) the changing and programming of configuration settings can also beperformed without a PC using the built-in LCD-display and four (4) pushbuttons. In addition toallowing easy configuration of settings, the LCD-display is useful for checking the integrity of theradio connection.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09• SATELLINE-3AS radio modem largest data transfer speed is 19,2 kbps, channel spacingselectable as 25 kHz or 12,5 kHz (defined at the time of ordering).• SATELLINE-3AS radio modem is compatible with RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 –interfacestandards.• SATELLINE-3ASd radio modem has a built-in LCD-display, which facilitates the changing ofsettings without the need for an external terminal device (typically a PC).• SATELLINE-3AS radio modem software includes a special routing function, which simplifiesthe construction of large networks.• SATELLINE-3AS/(d) radio modem software can be updated easily directly through the RS-Interface of a PC.• SATELLINE-3AS radio modem software contains an optional error correction routine (FEC),which improves the reliability of the radio interface under interference conditions.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0101 SATELLINE-3AS AND SATELLINE-3ASD RADIO DATA MODEMS1.1 SATELLINE-3AS Technical specifications (380...470 MHz)SATELLINE-3AS and SATELLINE-3ASd (380…470 MHz) comply with the following internationalstandards: ETS 300 113 and EN 300 220-1 (radio requirements) and ETS 300 279 and ETS300 683 (EMC-requirements).RADIO TRANSCEIVERFrequency RangeChannel SpacingNumber of ChannelsFrequency StabilityType of EmissionCommunication Mode380...470 MHz12,5 kHz/25 kHz160/80< ± 1,5 kHzF1DHalf-DuplexRADIO TRANSMITTERCarrier PowerCarrier Power StabilityAdjacent Channel PowerSpurious Radiation’s10 mW...1 W / 50 Ω+ 2 dB / - 3 dBaccording to EN 300 220-1/ETS 300 113according to EN 300 220-1/ETS 300 113RADIO RECEIVERSensitivityCommon Channel RejectionAdjacent Channel SelectivityIntermodulation AttenuationSpurious Radiation’s- 116... –110 dBm  (BER < 10 E-3) *> - 12 dB> 60 dB @ 12,5 kHz, > 70 dB @ 25 kHz> 65 dB< 2 nWMODEMInterfaceInterface ConnectorData speed of RS-InterfaceData speed of Radio InterfaceData formatRS-232 or RS-485, RS-422D15, female300 – 38400 bps19200 bps (25 kHz channel)9600 bps (12,5 kHz channel)Asynchronous RS-232 or RS-422 or RS-485GENERALOperating VoltagePower Consumption (average)Operating Temperature RangeAntenna ConnectorHousingSize H x W x DInstallation PlateWeight+ 9 ...+ 30 VDC1.7 VA (Receive)5.5 VA (Transmit)0.05 VA (in STAND-BY –mode)-25 °C...+55 °CTNC, 50 Ω, femaleAluminium enclosure137 x 67 x 29 mm130 x 63 x 1 mm250 g* Depending on Receiver settings, see Chapters 2.2.2, 8.1.2 and 8.2.2.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0111.2 SATELLINE-3AS Technical specifications (869 MHz)SATELLINE-3AS and SATELLINE-3ASd (869 MHz) comply with the following internationalstandards: EN 300 220-1 (radio requirements) and ETS 300 683 (EMC-requirements).RADIO TRANSCEIVERFrequency RangeChannel SpacingNumber of ChannelsFrequency StabilityType of EmissionCommunication Mode869,400 ... 869,650 MHz25 kHz10< ± 2,5 kHzF1DHalf-DuplexRADIO TRANSMITTERCarrier PowerCarrier Power StabilityAdjacent Channel PowerSpurious Radiation’s10 mW...500 mW / 50 Ω+ 2 dB / - 3 dBaccording to EN 300 220-1according to EN 300 220-1RADIO RECEIVERSensitivityCommon Channel RejectionAdjacent Channel SelectivityIntermodulation AttenuationSpurious Radiation’s-113... -110 dBm  (BER < 10 E-3) *> - 12 dB> 60 dB> 60 dB< 2 nWMODEMInterfaceInterface ConnectorData speed of RS-InterfaceData speed of Radio InterfaceData formatRS-232 or RS-485, RS-422D15, female300 – 38400 bps19200 bps (25 kHz channel)9600 bps (12,5 kHz channel)Asynchronous RS-232 or RS-422 or RS-485GENERALOperating VoltagePower Consumption (average)Operating Temperature RangeAntenna ConnectorHousingSize H x W x DInstallation PlateWeight+ 9 ...+ 30 VDC1.7 VA (Receive)4.0 VA (Transmit)0.05 VA (in STAND-BY –mode)-25 °C...+55 °CTNC, 50 Ω, femaleAluminium enclosure137 x 67 x 29 mm130 x 63 x 1 mm250 g* Depending on Receiver settings, see Chapters 2.2.2, 8.1.2 and 8.2.2.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0121.3 SATELLINE-3ASd EPIC Technical specifications (400...470 MHz)SATELLINE-3ASd EPIC (400…470 MHz) complies with the following international standards:ETS 300 113 (radio requirements) and ETS 300 279 (EMC-requirements).RADIO TRANSCEIVERFrequency RangeChannel SpacingNumber of ChannelsFrequency StabilityType of EmissionCommunication Mode400...470 MHz12,5 kHz/25 kHz160/80< ± 1,5 kHzF1DHalf-DuplexRADIO TRANSMITTERCarrier PowerCarrier Power StabilityAdjacent Channel PowerSpurious Radiation’s1W...10 W / 50 Ω+ 2 dB / - 3 dBaccording to ETS 300 113according to ETS 300 113RADIO RECEIVERSensitivityCommon Channel RejectionAdjacent Channel SelectivityIntermodulation AttenuationSpurious Radiation’sDiversity- 116... -110 dBm  (BER < 10 E-3) *> - 12 dB> 60 dB @ 12,5 kHz, > 70 dB @ 25 kHz> 65 dB< 2 nWPositional diversityMODEMInterfaceInterface ConnectorData speed of RS-InterfaceData speed of Radio InterfaceData formatRS-232 or RS-485, RS-422D15, female300 – 38400 bps19200 bps (25 kHz channel)9600 bps (12,5 kHz channel)Asynchronous RS-232 or RS-422 or RS-485GENERALOperating VoltagePower Consumption (average)Operating Temperature RangeAntenna ConnectorHousingSize H x W x DWeight+10...+30 VDC3 VA (Receive)25 VA (Transmit)0.1 VA (in STAND-BY –mode)-25 °C...+55 °CTNC, 50 Ω, femaleAluminium enclosure151 x 123 x 29 mm550 g (without additional cooling parts)* Depending on Receiver settings, see Chapters 2.2.2, 8.1.2 and 8.2.2.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0131.4 Basic configuration and installation1.4.1 Basic configurationThe radio modem is shipped with the following default settings (unless specifically ordered withsettings other than those listed below):FIXED SETTINGS DEFINED AT THE TIME OF ORDERFIXED SETTINGS DEFINED AT THE TIME OF ORDERRadio Frequency Range According to Customer Order, between 380–470 MHz or 869.5 MHz (1)Channel Spacing 12,5 kHz or 25 kHz (2)RS-Interface Type RS-232 or RS-422 and RS-485ADJUSTABLE SETTINGSADJUSTABLE SETTINGSRadio Settings 500 mW (3)  /  -110 dBm (25 kHz) or -112 dBm (12,5 kHz)Addressing RX Address OFF  /  TX Address OFFSerial Port 1 ON  / 19200 / 8 bit data / None / 1 stop bit (4)Serial Port 2 OFF / 19200 / 8 bit data / None / 1 stop bit (4)Handshaking CTS Clear to send / CD RSSI-threshold / RTS IgnoredAdditional settings Error Correction OFF / Error check OFF / Repeater OFF / SL-Commands OFFRouting OFFTests OFFMessage Routing OFF(1) Taking into account the regulations set by local authorities.(2) 869.5 MHz only available as 25 kHz version(3) SATELLINE-3AS EPIC 10W(4) At 12,5 kHz channel spacing the default data speed is 9600 bps.Connect the power cables (+Vb and GND) to a power supply with an output voltage of 9 – 30VDC and with a minimum output current of 1 A (in case of SATELLINE-3AS EPIC the minimumoutput current or the power supply is 5A). Connect also the DTR–pin of the RS-connector to apositive voltage. Detailed installation instructions can be found in Chapter 9.When creating a test connection, you can use the SaTerm terminal program, available for freefrom authorised SATEL dealers or directly from SATEL Customer Support. You can also use theHyperTerminal-program, which is included in most the Windows™ based operating systempackages, or almost any other terminal program. Basic settings for the serial port of the hostcomputer when using a terminal program to communicate with SATEL radio modems are asfollows: ”COM1, 19200 bps, 8-bit data, none parity, 1 stop bit”. If the serial port designated asCOM1 in the host computer is reserved, any other free serial port in the host computer can beused (with the settings listed).If the DTR-pin is not connected, the radio modem will remain in STAND-BY mode and willtherefore not send or receive any data.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.014Basic connection between a radio modem and the serial port COM1 (RS-232) of a PC isdepicted in the schematic below.When using the SATELLINE-3AS EPIC model, the operating voltage must be connected to pins14 AND 15, and the power supply ground to pins 7 AND 8, due to larger current consumption.Fuse size is 4A (slow).If you want to change the settings of a radio modem using the SET-UPmode of the radiomodem with the help of an external terminal, the terminal data speed must be 9600 bps.325TDRDSGND9-PIN D-CONN.237TDRDSGND25-PIN D-CONN.TDRDSGND11RADIO MODEM97114,157, 8DTR+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow+VbGND
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0152 CONNECTIONS2.1 D15-connector functionsThe radio modem is referred to as DCE (Data Communication Equipment) whereas the PC isreferred to as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). SATELLINE-3AS radio modem includes a 15-pin‘D’-type female connector, which contains all the connections required to establishcommunication between the radio modem, acting as the DCE, and the PC, acting as the DTE.All EMC-requirements set forth by authorities have been taken into account in the design of theradio modem. The user of the radio modem is thereby not required to take any special actionsregarding EMC-shielding (of the radio modem).The radio modem contains two separate RS-ports, which are designated Port 1Port 1 and Port 2Port 2. Onlyone port at a time can be used for communication.Port 1Port 1 complies always with the RS-232 –standard. Port 2Port 2 can comply either with the RS-232 orRS-422 and RS-485 –standards. RS-422 and RS-485 differ only in the external connections.Port 2Port 2 interface type (RS-232 or RS-485/422) is fixed at the factory at the time of manufactureaccording to the customer order. It is not possible to change the interface type of port 2afterwards.NOTE!NOTE!WHEN THE MODE-PIN (PIN 12 OF THE D-CONNECTOR) IS CONNECTED TOGROUND (CONFIGURATION MODE), THE RADIO MODEM IS IN THE SET-UP MODEAND Port Port 11 (PINS 7,9,11) IS THEN IN USE! If you normally use PortPort  22 for datatransmission, the serial cable must be changed to a suitable type when switching over tothe configuration mode.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0162.1.1 Pin configuration           D-15 female connector in the radio modemDirection ININ is data from DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) to the radio modem.Direction OUTOUT is data from the radio modem to the DTE.PORT AND TYPE PIN DIRECTION NAME EXPLANATIONPORT1, both models 6OUT CTS *9OUT RD1 Receive data (Port1)11 IN TD1 Transmit data (Port1)13 IN RTS *PORT2 RS-232 –model 2OUT CD *3OUT RD2 Receive data (Port2)4IN TD2 Transmit data (Port2)5OUT RSSI *PORT2 RS-422/485 –model2OUT A’ Receive data positive3OUT B’ Receive data negative4IN ATransmit data positive5IN BTransmit data negativeCOMMON PINS 1IN DTR ON (Vb) / STAND-BY (NC)10 OUT DSR12 IN MODE DATA (NC) / SETUP (GND)7, 8 -GND Power Ground14, 15 -VbOperating Voltage*) Optional connections do not need to be connected in normal use.*) Handshake signal connections remain the same irrespective of the port used (Port 1 or Port 2).     NC = Not Connected.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.017Description of pins:Description of pins:RD = RReceive DData. Output of the data received. Data from the radio modem to the DTE.TD = TTransmit DData. Input of the data to be transmitted. Data from the DTE to the radiomodem.CTS = CClear TTo SSend. See Chapter 4.2.1.CD = CCarrier DDetect. See Chapter 4.2.2.RTS = RRequest TTo SSend. See Chapter 4.2.3DTR = DData TTerminal RReady. Terminal in operation. When the DTR-line is connected to apositive voltage (e.g. to the operating voltage, Vb), the radio modem is ON, if not, the radiomodem is in the STAND-BY mode.DSR = DData SSet RReady. Indicates that the radio modem is switched ON.RSSI = RReceived SSignal SStrength IIndicator. Indicates the strength of the received signal. Can beused to approximately determine the received signal strength. See Chapter 2.2.3.MODE = operating mode. When the MODE-line is connected to ground (GND), the radiomodem enters the SET-UP mode (configuration mode). On the other hand, if the MODE-line isnot connected, the radio modem will enter the DATA TRANSFER MODE, in which data can betransmitted and received. The configuration mode is used only when installing a radio modemwhen changing the operating parameters of a network. Normally the radio modem is always inthe DATA TRANSFER MODE. See Chapter 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.GND = both the negative pole of the operating voltage and the signal ground.Vb = positive pole of the operating voltage.2.1.2 RS-232 -InterfaceRS-232 –standard defines the method of serial data transfer between a computer and itsperipherals. The method definition includes both the interface type and signal levels. Mostcomputers and peripherals contain one or more RS-232 type serial ports. The RS-232 standarduses transmission lines, in which each single signal line level is referenced, to a common groundlevel. RS-232 has been designed to be used in serial transfer of data in cases where the distancebetween communicating equipment is less than 15 m. The otherwise useful RS-232 standard isunfortunately applied in a multitude of slightly differing ways (e.g. different pin configurations)and for this reason different computers and peripherals are not necessarily directly compatiblewith each other (see also Chapter 9.2.1 for more information on RS-232 –wiring).
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0182.1.3 RS-422 -InterfaceRS-422 –standard defines a serial data transfer method, which is very similar to the RS-232standard. In RS-422 however, the signal lines are balanced (or differential) transmission lines. Abalanced (or differential) transmission line is formed by using two signal wires together to conveyeach single signal. Because the state of the signal is defined by the mutual voltage difference(hence the name differential), any common mode disturbances induced into the lines will cancelout. The effect of different signals moving in the same cable will also be smaller than in the caseof the RS-232. Transmission distance can be considerably longer than when using RS-232 typeof connection, and distances of 1 km are possible. (See also Chapter 9.2.2 for moreinformation on RS-422 –wiring).As an example, let’s examine the TX-signal: TX-signal will be transmitted using two lines (A andB). A logical ”1” corresponds to a situation, where the voltage on line A is greater than thevoltage on line B. Correspondingly a logical ”0” corresponds to a situation, where the voltageon line A is smaller than the voltage on line B.RT 120 ΩRTRT 120 ΩRTB B'AA'B'BA'ARadio modem Cable TerminalCable
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0192.1.4 RS-485 -InterfaceRS-485 is an extension of the RS-422 standard and enables the connection of more than twodevices on to the same bus. Communication that is half-duplex, in which case the number ofcable pairs is only one compared to two when using the RS-422. The RS-485 standard definesthe electrical characteristics of the connections in such a way as to prevent possible datacontention states as well as cable shorts etc. from harming the devices themselves. (See alsoChapter 9.2.3 for more information on RS-485 -wiring).2.1.5 TerminationEach differential pair of wires is a transmission line. A transmission line must be terminatedproperly to prevent or at least minimise harmful reflections formed between the transmitting andreceiving end of the transmission line. A common method of terminating an RS-485 type oftransmission line is to connect a so-called termination resistor between the wires and at bothends of the transmission line. Even when there are more than two devices on the sametransmission line, the termination resistors are needed only at the ends of the transmission line.The termination resistor must be selected so that its resistance matches the characteristicimpedance of the transmission line as close as possible (typical values range from 100 to 120Ω). When using an RS-422 type of connection the termination resistor is connected only at eachof the receiving ends.Termination resistors are especially important when using long transmission lines and/or highdata transfer speeds.2.2 RF InterfaceThe antenna connector is of the TNC-type with impedance of 50 Ω. There are two antennaconnectors on Satelline-3AS Epic model. Transmitter and the other receiver is connected to theleft side connector, while the other receiver to the right.When ordering the radio modem, a center frequency, to which the radio modem will be tunedto at the factory, must be defined. The user can afterwards change the frequency of the radioRT 120 ΩRadio modem Cable TerminalCableRT 120 ΩRTBAB'A'TRB'A'BA
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.020modem by ±1 MHz from the center frequency (basic tuning range, taking into consideration alllocal regulations set forth by the authorities).The data speed of the radio interface depends on the chosen radio channel spacing. A channelspacing of 25 kHz enables a data speed of 19200 bps and a channel spacing of 12,5 kHzenables correspondingly a data speed of 9600 bps. The data speed of the radio interface isalways fixed (19200 bps or 9600 bps) irrespective of the data speed of the RS-Interface. If thedata speeds of the radio interface and the RS-Interface differ from each other, the radio modemwill buffer the data in transfer temporarily, so no data loss will occur. The radio channel spacingis set at the factory and cannot be changed afterwards.2.2.1 TransmitterThe output power of the transmitter is adjustable. The greatest allowable power depends onlimits set by local authorities, which must not be exceeded. The output power of the transmittershould be set to the smallest possible level which still ensures error free connections undervariable conditions. Large output power levels using short connection distances can in the worstcase cause disturbances to the overall operation of the system.OUTPUT POWER dBm 3AS 3AS 869 MHz 3AS EPIC10 mW +10 • •20 mW +13 • •50 mW +17 • •100 mW +20 • •200 mW +23 • •500 mW +27 • •1 W +30 • •2 W +33 •5 W +37 •10 W +40 •Possible output power settings of the SATELLINE-3AS –line of radio modems.NOTE!NOTE!Setting the radio data modem output power level to levels exceeding regulations set forth bylocal authorities is strictly forbidden. The setting and/or using of non-approved power levelsmay lead to prosecution. SATEL is not responsible for any illegal use of its radio equipment,and is not responsible in any way of any claims or penalties arising from the operation of itsradio equipment in ways contradictory to local regulations and/or requirements and/or laws.NOTE!NOTE!SATELLINE-3AS EPIC radio modem is shipped with two different cooling elements. If thetransmitter of the radio modem is to be ON full power over 20 % of the operating time,additional cooling is required.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0212.2.2 ReceiverThe sensitivity of the receiver depends on the channel spacing of the radio modem (=dataspeed of the radio interface) and on error correction mode according to the table below:FEC OFF FEC ON25 kHz -110 dBm -113 dBm12,5 kHz -112 dBm -115 dBmEffect of settings on the receiver sensitivityThe Signal Threshold Level setting of the receiver determines a level, above which the search forthe actual data transfer signal is active. It is usually recommendable to use a value given in thetable. If the Signal Threshold Level setting is set too low (the CD-LED is ON constantly), it ispossible that the receiver is trying to synchronise itself with noise, in which case the actual datatransmission might remain unnoticed. In the opposite case weak data transmissions will berejected, although they would be otherwise acceptable.SATELLINE-3AS EPIC –radio modem contains two separate receivers, and a selection is madebetween the signals received by these two receivers so that the stronger/better signal is used. Bythis way the signal fading caused by multipath propagation will be smaller than in the case ofusing just one antenna and receiver. The recommended distance between receiving antennas is¾ wavelength, which at a frequency of 450 MHz corresponds to a distance of 50 cm.2.2.3 RSSI-signalRSSI-signal (RReceived SSignal SStrength IIndicator) (pin 5 of the D-type connector) gives anindication of the strength of the received radio signal. This signal can be used to determine theapproximate signal level. The curve on the following page describes a typical relationshipbetween the received signal strength and the voltage at pin 5.00,511,522,533,544,5OFF -120 -118 -116 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30RSSI-pin voltage level / VSignal level / dBm
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0222.2.4 Error correctionSATELLINE-3AS includes the possibility to utilise an error correction method called the FEC-method (FForward EError CCorrection). FEC-function is switched ON (or OFF) by using theconfiguration mode (SET-UP-mode). When activated, the FEC-function will cause theSATELLINE-3AS to automatically add additional error correction information, which increasesthe transmitted data by 30 %. It is used by the receiving radio modem to correct erroneous bitsas long as the ratio of correct and erroneous bits is reasonable.Error correction improves the reliability of data transfer via the radio interface especially inunfavourable conditions. FEC-function should be used when link distances are long and/or ifthere are many disturbances in the radio channels used. The use of the FEC-function willhowever decrease the data transfer throughput of the actual information data correspondinglyby about 30 %. For a listing of exact delays (throughput decrease) introduced by using FEC-function, see Chapters 14.1 and 14.2.Switching the FEC-function ON in configuration mode (SET-UP-mode):1) Error correction   ON2.2.5 Error checkingWhen the error checking is switched on, the radio modem will add a checksum to thetransmitted data. In the receiving radio modem, the checksums are first checked before theactual data is allowed to be forwarded to the serial port. Erroneous data will be rejected.Switching the Error checking ON in configuration mode (SET-UP-mode):2) Error check        ONNOTE!NOTE!All radio modems which are to communicate with each other must have the same setting forFEC (ON or OFF). If the transmitting radio modem and the receiving radio modem havedifferent settings, data will not be received correctly.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0233 USER INTERFACE3.1 LED-indicatorsThere are five (5) LED-indicators on the front panel of the radio modem, and they give anindication of the status of the RS-port and the radio interface:LED Indication OFF Red Orange GreenRTS RTS-line status Inactive ActiveCTS CTS-line status Inactive ActiveTD TD-line status No data DataRD RD-line status No data DataCD Radio status No signal Transmission Noise ReceptionDescription of the LED-indicators:Description of the LED-indicators:RTS indicates the status of D-connector pin 13.CTS indicates the status of D-connector pin 6.TD indicates that the radio modem is receiving data via RS-port.RD indicates that the radio modem is sending data via RS-port.CD indicates the status of the radio interface. The status of the CD-signal on the RS-interfacemay differ from the status of the LED-indicator.3.2 Configuration modeSATELLINE-3AS radio modem settings are fully configurable in configuration mode (SET-UP-mode) by using a suitable terminal program.  The most recommendable set-up is ARS-1Fconnection cable adapter, CRS-9 cable, power supply and the SaTerm-terminal program.  ARS-1F contains a switch to enable easy shifting into the configuration mode. Other suitable terminalprograms and cables may also be used.The radio modem will shift into the configuration mode (SET-UP-mode) by connecting the D-connector pin 12 to ground (GND). When using the ARS-1F this can be accomplished bymoving the slide switch downwards. When using the configuration mode, the radio modem willuse serial port PORT1PORT1, with settings 9600 bps, N, 8,1 (data transfer speed 9600 bps, no parity,length of 8 bits and 1 stopbit). For more detailed instructions for changing each setting, seeChapter 8.1 and 8.2.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0243.2.1 Changing the settings• Connect cables (RS-232 –cable to PC COM-port, power supply cable to power supply).• Switch on the PC and start SaTerm program.• Open a terminal window and select with the right mouse button a menu and choose  ”ProgSettings”.• Connect PROG-pin to ground (if using the ARS-1F, slide the switch downwards), and theLCD-display should look similar to the one shown in the picture below.• Make desired changes.• Save changes by pressing ”E” in the main menu. If you don’t want to save changes, press”Q”.• Disconnect PROG-pin from ground (if using the ARS-1F, slide the switch upwards), the radiomodem should now return to the data transfer mode.***** SATEL 3AS *****  SW Version x.yz--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current settings----------------1) Radio frequency   468.2000 MHz [ CF 468.2000 MHz, spacing 25 kHz ]2) Radio settings    Tx power level 500 mW / Signal threshold level -110 dBm                     TX start delay 0 ms3) Addressing        RX address OFF / TX address OFF4) Serial port 1     ON  / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit5) Serial port 2     OFF / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit (RS-485)6) Handshaking       CTS Traditional / CD RSSI-threshold / RTS Ignored7) Additional set-up  Error Correction OFF / Repeater OFF / SL-commands OFF /                     Diversity mode OFF / CRC check OFF8) Routing           Source routing9) Tests             OFFA) Restore factory settingsE) EXIT and save settingsQ) QUIT without savingEnter selection >
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0253.2.2 Restoring factory settingsSelecting menu selection “A” may restore factory settings.Enter selection >ARestore factory settings------------------------ Do you want to restore factory settings? (Y/N)>Factory settings are restored by selecting ”Y” (YES). By pressing any other button current settingswill remain active. The modem will ask this question two times to make sure that the user reallywants to restore factory settings.3.3 Display and push buttons (SATELLINE-3ASd)SATELLINE-3ASd radio modem includes a LCD-display (Liquid Crystal Display) with a backlight.In the data transfer mode the display will show the operating settings of the radio modem, actualradio field strength and the charge remaining in the SatelSet-battery. Using the push buttons andthe LCD-display, it is possible to change most of the settings of the radio modem without theneed for an external terminal. The backlight of the display activates itself automatically whenpressing any of the push buttons.The radio modem will shift into the configuration mode (SET-UP-mode) by pressing the SET-UP-push button ( y). The LCD-display will then show shortly the model of the radio modem and theversion number of the installed software, after which the main menu appears. The main menu isa listing of the changeable parameters.With the help of the main menu sub-menus can be selected which in turn can be used tochange the actual settings.  You can always return to the previous higher level of the menustructure by pressing the CANCEL (or BACK) push button.  Pressing the ý or þ button changessettings. Selections are confirmed by pressing the SELECT or SET button. In case of numericalvalues the digit to be changed is selected by pressing the NEXT button (see following page).
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.026SATELLINE-3ASd AND EPIC LCD-DISPLAY AFTER POWER-UPSATELLINE-3ASd AND EPIC LCD-DISPLAY AFTER POWER-UPDisplay in DATAMODE(transmit/receivemode)öÄÄÄÖÖ  äÄÄÄÖÖ468.2000 MHzCOM1:19200N81                 Set-upDisplay of the softwareversionSATELLINE-3ASVersion 1.XXDisplay in SET-UPMODE (configurationmode) RF frequency>Addressing Port 1CANCEL  ý þ  Set-upSelect-buttonCancel/Back -buttonUp-buttonDown-buttonCurrent frequencySerial port settingsPush button functiondescriptionsCursor indicatesactive lineField strengthof the lastreceivedtransmissionBattery levelindicatorilmaisin
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0274 TRANSPARENT DATA TRANSMISSION4.1 RS-Interface, data formatThe SATELLINE-3AS radio modem serial interfaces use asynchronous data format. No externalsynchronising signal is needed, since necessary timing information is acquired from the start andstop bits transmitted before and after each data field bits (byte).The data transfer speed of the serial interfaces can be set to 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,9600, 19200 or 38400 bps (bbits pper ssecond). The length of the data field must be 7, 8 or 9bits. When using a data field length of 7 or 8 bits, a parity bit may also be used.One character to be transmitted will thus contain a start bit; the data bits (which define theactual character in question); an optional parity bit and one or two stop bits. The overall lengthof one character is therefore 10, 11 or 12 bits. This should be taken into account whencalculating the data throughput capability of a system. In other words, also the number of start,stop and parity bits must be considered. A useful rule of thumb is that at a data transfer speed of9600 bps, the transmission of one character will require roughly one millisecond (1 ms).Start Data Parity EndAsynchronous character data formatExample:Example: With an 8-bit data character length and taking for example a decimal value of ”204”,which corresponds to a binary value of  ”11001100” and with a start bit value of ”0”, parity bitset to either “NO” (NONE), ”0” or ”1” and with a stop bit value of ”1”, the possiblecombinations are listed in the table below:DATA FORMAT CHARACTER CHARACTER LENGTH8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit 0110011001 10 bit8 bit, even parity, 1 stop bit 01100110001 11 bit8 bit, odd parity, 1 stop bit 01100110011 11 bit8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bits 01100110011 11 bit8 bit, even parity, 2 stop bits 011001100011 12 bit8 bit, odd parity, 2 stop bits 011001100111 12 bitIf the settings of data speed, character length, parity or the number of stop bits differ betweenthe radio modem and the terminal, errors will be introduced into the transferred data. The serialport settings of each individual radio modem in a system can be different except for the datalength setting (7, 8 or 9 bits), which must always be the same in each individual radio datamodem. (7,8 or 9). In other words, the serial port used the data transfer speed, parity andnumber of stop bits can be different in different parts of a same system. This is especially usefulin cases where one part of the system uses an RS-485 type of serial port and another part usesthe RS-232 type of serial port. In other words, radio modems may also be utilised as serial portadapters in addition to the more common role of wireless data transfer.Using the configuration mode (SET-UP-mode) can change serial port settings.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0284.2 Handshake linesWhen using the RS-232 serial interface, handshake signals can be used to control data transfer.Handshake signals are used for example by the radio modem to inform the terminal that theradio channel is busy and that it cannot initiate transmission. Also the terminal can control theradio modem via RTS-line.Line DirectionCTS To terminalRTS To modemCD To terminalA common way of using handshake signals is to monitor the CTS-line and ignore the others.Usually the terminal is fast enough to handle the data received by the radio modem, so the useof RTS-line is not necessary.Handshaking is not needed if the system protocol is designed to prevent collisions (datacontention) by the use of polling or if there is little traffic and if there is no harm from occasionaldata contention situations (several radio modems try to transmit at the same time).4.2.1 CTS-line1) Clear To SendClear To SendOperation is similar to SATELLINE 2ASxE. CTS is active when the radio modem is ready toaccept data for transmission. CTS will shift into inactive state during data reception and when apause (packet end) is detected in transmitted data. CTS shifts back into active state whenreception ends or the radio modem has finished transmission. CTS shifts into inactive state alsoin cases when the serial interface data transfer speed is greater than the radio interface transferspeed and when the transmit buffer is in danger of overflowing.2) TX buffer stateTX buffer stateCTS will shift into inactive state only if the radio modem transmit buffer is in danger ofoverflowing.4.2.2 CD-line1) RSSI-thresholdRSSI-thresholdOperation is similar to SATELLINE 2ASxE. CD is active whenever a signal with a level exceedingthe level required for reception exists on the radio channel. It doesn’t make any difference if thesignal is an actual data transmission, a signal of a radio transmitter not belonging to the systemor an interference signal caused for example by a computer or a peripheral device. CD is alsoactive when the radio modem in question is transmitting.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0292) Data on channelData on channelCD will switch to active state only after recognition of a valid data transmission. CD will notreact to interference signals.3) Always ONAlways ONCD is always in the active state. This option can be used with terminal equipment, which use theCD-line as an indicator of an active connection (the radio modem can transmit and receive atany time).4.2.3 RTS-line1) IgnoredIgnoredRTS-line status is ignored.2) Flow controlFlow controlThe radio modem transmits data to the terminal device only when the RTS-line is active. Non-active state of the RTS-line will force the radio modem to buffer the received data. This option isused if the terminal device is too slow to handle data received from the radio modem.3) Reception controlReception controlRTS-line controls the reception process of the radio modem. Active state of RTS-line enablesreception (as normal).   Non-active state of the RTS-line will interrupt reception processimmediately, even if the radio modem is receiving a data packet. This option is used to force theradio modem into WAIT State for an immediate channel change.4.3 Timing and delays during data transmissionWhen using a radio modem for data transmission, certain delays will be formed due to the useof a radio interface and from the radio modem circuitry itself. These delays exist when the radiomodem switches from STAND-BY to DATA mode and during reception and transmission of data.For detailed delay values in each case see tables in Chapter 14.2.1 and Data buffering in the radio data modemWhenever the radio modem is in Data Transfer mode it monitors both the radio channel and theRS-Interface. When the terminal device starts data transmission the radio modem switches totransmission mode. At the beginning of each transmission a synchronisation signal is transmittedand this signal is detected by the radio modem, which then switches into receive mode. Duringthe transmission of the synchronisation signal the radio modem buffers data into its memory.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.030Transmission ends when a pause is detected in the data sent by the terminal device, and after allbuffered data has been transmitted. When the serial interface speed is the same or slower thanthe speed of the radio interface, the internal transmit buffer memory cannot overflow. On theother hand, when the serial interface speed exceeds the speed of the radio interface, data willeventually fill the transmit buffer memory. In this case it will take a moment after the terminaldevice has stopped transmission of data for the radio modem to empty the buffer and before thetransmitter switches off. The maximum size of the transmit buffer memory is one kilobyte (1 kB). Ifthe terminal device does not follow the status of the CTS-line and transmits too much data to theradio modem, the buffer will be emptied and the transmission is restarted.In the receive mode the buffer works principally in the above described way thus evening outdifferences in data transfer speeds. If the terminal device transmits data to a radio modem inreceive mode, the data will go into the transmit buffer memory. Transmission will startimmediately when the radio channel is available.4.3.2 Optional start delay in transmit modeThe radio modem can be configured to delay the beginning of a radio transmission by1...65000 ms. This function can be used to prevent packet contention in a system, where allsubstations would otherwise answer a poll of a base-station simultaneously. During this delaydata sent to the radio modem is buffered. If this function is not needed, the delay time should beset to 0 ms.4.4 TestsThe radio modem can be switched to a test mode, in which it will send a test packet on theradio channel every second. The test packet is a normal data transmission, which can be usedfor example when directing antennas during system installation.When test packet transmission has been switched on from the configuration mode, thetransmitting radio modem needs only a power supply and an antenna. The test mode can beconfigured to send either short or long packets. The length of the short packet is 52 characterswhereas the length of the long packet is 988 characters.The strength of the received signal can be monitored using the LCD-display of the receivingradio modem or by following the voltage level of pin RSSI. Error-free reception of data can bechecked using a suitable terminal program. When the test mode is no longer needed it must beswitched off using the configuration mode.Example of a test transmission:Example of a test transmission:  00 This is a testline of SATELLINE-3AS radio modem  01 This is a testline of SATELLINE-3AS radio modem  02 This is a testline of SATELLINE-3AS radio modem
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0315 REPEATER MODE AND ADDRESSINGRepeaters and addressing may be used to extend the coverage area of a radio modem networkand to direct messages only to selected radio modems in the network. In large systems withseveral repeaters and thus formed repeater chains it is often practical to use routing instead ofplain addresses. For more information on routing, see Chapter 6.5.1 RepeaterIn cases where it is necessary to extend the coverage area of a radio modem network,SATELLINE-3AS radio modems can be used as repeater stations.The maximum size of a repeated data packet is 1 kB (kilobyte). The repeater function is switchedon using the configuration mode (SET-UP-mode). In the repeater mode the radio modem willfunction as a totally independent unit, which means that only a power supply and a suitableantenna are needed. Other devices are not necessary.A radio modem acting as a repeater can also be used to receive and transmit data. In repeatermode the radio modem will transmit the received data to the RS-Interface in a normal fashion.The difference to operation in normal operation is that the received data will be buffered into thebuffer memory. After reception the radio modem will retransmit the buffered data using the sameradio channel as in reception. Data received through the RS-Interface a radio modem inrepeater mode will transmit as normally.The same network may include several repeaters, which operate under the same base station.Repeaters may also be chained; in which case a message is transmitted through severalrepeaters. In systems with more than one serially or parallel chained repeater addressing orrouting protocol must be used to prevent having a message ending up in a loop formed byrepeaters and to ensure that the message finally reaches only the intended radio modem.MASTER STATIONREPEATTER 1REPEATTER 2SLAVE STATION
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0325.2 AddressingAddresses can be used to route a data message to the desired destination or to separate twoparallel networks from each other. In networks with repeaters it is usually necessary to useaddresses to prevent data messages from ending up in loops formed by repeaters.SATELLINE-3AS radio modem facilitates the use of individual addresses both for the receptionand transmission. Addresses can be switched on separately or simultaneously in both datatransfer directions.The radio modem contains two transmission and two reception addresses, which are calledprimary (primary address) and secondary (secondary address). Primary address is used wheneverdata from the RS-Interface is transmitted. At the receiving end the radio modem will receiveusing either of the two receive addresses.Secondary transmit address is normally not used, and is only used in repeaterapplications.Radio modems set up to function as repeaters will repeat data messages using either the primaryor secondary address depending upon which address was used during the reception of the datamessage.If only one address pair is needed in a network, both addresses must be set the same(TX1 = TX2 and RX1 = RX2).It is also possible to transfer the received address onto the RS-Interface.The address is composed of two characters (totalling 16 bits), by which two characters totalling16 bits), by which over 65 000 different address combinations can be formed can form over 65000 different address combinations. The address consisting of two characters is attached in thebeginning of each data packet sent by the radio modem. When using addressing mode inreception the radio modem will check the first two characters of each received data packet tocheck if the packet in question was intended for the said radio modem.ADD H ADD L DATAAddress may be selected between 0000h…FFFFh (h = hexadecimal, corresponding decimalnumbers are 0-65535).Example:Example: address 1234h (4660 in decimal format), where 12h is ADD H and 34h is ADD L.Example:Example: address ABFFh (44031 in decimal format), where ABh is ADD H and FFh is ADD L.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.033Transmission:Data Address DataDataDataTransmission address has been set OFF.Radio modem will transmit the datapacket as such.Transmission addressing has been setON. The radio modem will add theprimary TX address to the beginning of thedata packet.Reception:Address DataDataAddress DataReception addressing has been set ON andeither the primary or secondary RX address ofthe radio modem is identical to the address ofthe received data packet.The radio modem will remove the addressand send the actual data to the RS-232interface.However, if the ”RX Address to RD-line”(configuration mode) is on, the radiomodem does not remove the address.Reception addressing has been set ON,but both the primary and secondary RXaddresses of the radio modem aredifferent from the address of the receiveddata packet.Data does not appear on the RS-232 -inter-face.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.034DataDataDataAddress DataAddress DataERRORReception addressing hasbeen set OFF.The radio modem willtransfer all receiveddata to the RS-232 -interface.Reception addressing hasbeen set OFF.The radio modem willconsider the characters ofthe address as a part of thedata and will send all thecharacters to the RS-232 -interface.Reception addressing hasbeen set ON but there is noaddress in the data packet.Data will appear on the RS-232 -interface ONLY if thefirst 2 characters of thedata match either of its ownRX address. The radiomodem will remove those 2characters of data.5.2.1 Connection between two pointsWhen forming a connection between two points it is recommendable to set both the receptionaddresses and transmission addresses to be identical in both radio modems. This is the easiestway to control addresses and the risk caused by interference from other systems operating in thesame area is minimal.Example:Example: by setting all addresses of both radio modems to a value ´1234´, they will acceptonly those messages which contain this address, and they will use this same value whentransmitting data.If the channel is reserved to be used only by the said network or if the terminal devices areresponsible for addressing, it is not necessary to use addressing in the radio modems.5.2.2 System of one base station and several substationsIn systems with several substations the base station must know to which substation each messagemust be sent and from which substation each received message originates. Usually terminaldevices handle addressing completely, but it is also possible to use the addressing of the radiomodems.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.035For example, if the substation terminal devices are not able to check and form addresses bythemselves, addressing may be accomplished with the help of the addresses of the radiomodems attached to these terminal devices. The base station may in such a case define thedestination of a message by adding the address of the corresponding radio modem into thebeginning of the data packet. The substation radio modem(s) will check the address and thecorresponding radio modem will identify and remove the address characters. In a similar way,the substation will add when transmitting to the base station its address characters into thebeginning of the data packet, thus defining the origin of the sent data packet. In the base stationradio modem, addresses have been switched OFF, so that they are transmitted as is to the basestation terminal device for further processing.5.3 Using repeaters and addresses in the same systemIn systems with several repeaters, a substation and a base-station, addresses must be used inradio modems. Is possible to realise also a system with only one repeater without addressing. Insuch a case, the base station will however hear the message both from the substation and fromthe repeater, in other words the message is duplicated as it moves along the route.There are at least two ways of realising such a system depending on the capabilities of theterminal devices in question and on the number of repeaters to be used and on their relativepositions to each other.5.3.1 System with several repeatersIn systems with several serially or parallel chained repeaters addressing must be used. This is toprevent messages from ending up in loops otherwise formed by repeaters and to ensure thatonly the desired (addressed) radio modem receives the data intended for it.All radio modems in the network must be set to a state, in which the RX-addressing is switchedON and TX-addressing is switched OFF. Base-station and all substations add an address stringin the beginning of the data to be transmitted. In the relaying of the message addressing is usedin the following way:R1 ADD R2 ADD S ADD DATA- The above is the data received from the base station terminal device, containing repeateraddresses (R1 ADD, R2 ADD) and the substation address (S ADD). Two characters define eachaddress.R2 ADD S ADD DATA- The above is the same message after being relayed from repeater 1 to repeater 2.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.036S ADD DATA- The above is the same message after being relayed from the last repeater in the chain(repeater 2) to the substation.DATA- The above is the same message being relayed via the RS-Interface of the substation radiomodem to the terminal device.In a case in which the substation transmits data towards the base-station the address is formedin a similar way, but the order of the addresses is opposite:R2 ADD R1 ADD M ADD DATA-In the above, R2 ADD is address of repeater 2, R1 ADD is address of repeater 1 and M ADD isthe address of the base-station.5.3.2 Repeater chain using address pairsIn a case where the terminal devices and substations cannot form address fields but are able torecognise messages addressed to them, alternating address pairs may be used. Transmitaddress (TX) and receive address (RX) alternate in the order shown in the table below.Address type Base-station address Repeater 1 and theaddresses of thesubstations of the base-stationRepeater 1substationsaddressesTX-address Address 1 Address 2 Address 1RX-address Address 2 Address 1 Address 2In a network where alternating addresses are utilised, the exact route, which is used to relay amessage to a certain radio modem is fixed at the time of installation and configuring the system.The order of the addresses must be the same as the order of the route, which is used to relay themessage to the said radio modem. It is to be noted however that in networks where alternatingaddresses are used the base-station and substations will hear their own messages repeated.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0375.3.3 Repeater chain using dual addressingIf the terminal devices cannot add address chains to the beginning of the data packets, anetwork with several repeaters may still be realised by using dual addressing.In dual addressing each link (see arrow in figure) is given a unique address, which will preventduplication of messages and endless loops in the network. The terminal devices need not addanything to the data.Usually the primary transmit address is used in transmission (TX1). The secondary transmitaddress (TX2) is used only if the repeater function is used and the packet to be repeated wasreceived using the secondary reception address (RX2).In the following example two repeaters are used. It is to be noted how each link (arrow) may beuniquely defined with the help of radio modem numbers and data transfer directions. Therepeater function should be switched ON only in the radio modems acting as repeaters toprevent the packets from remaining in endless loops in the network.Repeaters may also act as ordinary substations. In the case of the example the master stationmust be connected to radio modem 4, otherwise the messages sent by terminal devicesconnected to radio modems 2 and 3 shall not arrive at the intended destination.2112(21)(12)122332213443(34)(43)23344332txdrxd rxdtxdModem 1master Modem 2repeater Modem 3repeater Modem 4RX1TX1RX2TX2Addresses:
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0386 MESSAGE ROUTING6.1 IntroductionMessage Routing is a mode of operation in which radio modem pick a destination address fromthe data received via the RS-Interface and then relay the message address over the radionetwork to the destination device. This function facilitates the construction of a networkcontaining several repeaters almost as easily as a network with one base-station and severalsubstations. Any radio modem may be set to operate as a router, so that usually a separaterouting network is not needed.The design and maintenance of radio modem networks requires especially in complicated casesvery precise planning. Generally the implementation process consists of planning and drawingthe network with the help of SaTerm PC-program, which has a graphical user interface for easyuse. All required communication settings can also be defined and the program also hasfunctions to enable the transfer of settings to each actual radio modem. Routing will work withmost network protocols assuming that the position of the address field is fixed.MRRSSSSSSSSSSSSConnection between routersPossible over jump between routersConnection between substation and routerPossible over jump between substation and router6.1.1 Advantages of routingWith the help of routing it is easier to design, implement and maintain radio modem networks.Also connection distances can be increased substantially by chaining repeaters. By utilisingrouting radio modem networks with quite large coverage areas may be realised by using justone radio channel. Also the use of mobile substations is possible. By the use of routing a fullydeterministic system may be realised, in other words delays are always fully predictable.  Inaddition the logical structure of the network may be changed from the base station. The use ofrouting also introduces redundancy, because a failed radio modem can in certain cases bebypassed with the help of another radio modem positioned in the same coverage area.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0396.1.2 SaTerm (brief description)SaTerm 3 is a PC-based program, intended to be used by network designers and constructors.With the help of SaTerm 3 it is possible to monitor serial interface traffic, send various testpackets; change the settings of a radio modem, copy settings to several radio modems and alsoto update the internal software of a radio modem with a newer revision.Version 3 of the program also includes the possibility to define the structure of a radio networkusing routing by just drawing. An advantage of using the SaTerm-program is that the plannednetwork may be sketched very fast and easily in graphical format. When the network includes alldesired elements and their relative dependencies are defined, common as well as individualsettings of the radio modems in the network can be defined. Finally, each radio modem of thenetwork can be programmed via the serial interface with just one command.The structure of the network may also be input to the radio modems using the configurationmode. This manual method is recommended only in cases where the network structure is verysimple, or when it is desirable to define such special functions, which are not possible to realiseusing the graphical interface of SaTerm 3. Examples of such cases are defining other than tree-structured networks, or the use of same repeaters in several overlapping networks.6.2 Operating modes of message routingMessage routing may be realised by using two different operating modes:• Source mode• Virtual modeThe most important differences of the two modes are shown in the table below.Source VirtualSummary Slower, more functions Faster, less functionsProtocol header size (bytes/jump) 6+2*number of jumps 5Fault tolerance Yes, if allowed by radio interface(Overhop function) No, but can be realised atnetwork levelSupport for mobile stations Built-in Must be realised at networklevelAddition of substations to anetwork Only base station reconfigured Repeaters reconfiguredChanging routes Only base station reconfigured All radio modems reconfiguredMaximum length of route 16 jumps No limitMax. length of repeatable packet 1kB – size of the protocol header 1kB – size of the protocolheaderOverhop function Yes NoNetwork ID Yes YesStoring of routing information Centralised DispersedMax. number of substations No limit No limit
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0406.2.1 Source modeIn the Source method all routing information has been saved into the radio modem of the base-station and for this reason it is easy to add substations to a Source method based network alsoafterwards. The changing of routes is also easy. In the Source method all routing information isincluded and transferred together with the packet itself and substations send a reply message tothe base station using a reverse route. Operation is a little slower than when using the Virtualmode routing, but makes it possible to use the overhop function. Mobile substations can beconfigured to use several routers, but the transfer delay is still predictable and independent ofthe location of the mobile substations. The maximum number of allowed serially linked routers is15, and the number of different routes is limited to 50-80 depending on the length of theroutes.6.2.2 Virtual modeThe virtual mode is the fastest data transfer method (using known routes). In Virtual routingpackets only one virtual link ID is added to the user data, and this is changed after eachrepetition. The portion of the added routing information of the total packet size is thereforesmaller, but overhop function cannot be used. The routing table is dispersed among the radiomodems operating as routers, which means that changing of routes necessitates also thereconfiguration of the radio modems stationed in the coverage area of the network. The numberof serially linked routers is unlimited. A drawback of this method is the fact that it does notsupport the use of mobile substations. The maximum number of different routes is Protocol configurationThe radio modem will detect the address used by the network from the packet received via theserial interface. On the basis of this address used by the system protocol all necessaryinformation relating to the relaying of the message is fetched from the routing table. Theprotocol used in each instance is not interpreted; instead, the address is searched according toits location. The beginning of the packet is located by a preceding pause. Routing can thereforebe applied to most protocols.The position and length of the address is defined with the help of Offset and Length settings.Offset defines the number of bytes (0…15) preceding the address and Length is the length of theaddress expressed in bytes (1…4).Offset LengthByte lengthUSER ADDRESSStart of data packet
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0416.3 Detailed description of routing operation6.3.1 Source modeThe above figure represents a network containing four (4) radio modems. Each radio modem isgiven a unique address (0…3). A terminal device has been attached to three of the four radiomodems and they communicate with each other using addresses X, Y and Z, respectively. Radiomodem 0 and terminal device X together constitute the base station of the network and allrouting information of the network has been programmed into this base station.When the terminal device X transmits a packet to (e.g.) terminal Y, radio modem 0 will detectthe address Y from the data received through the serial port. From the routing table a route 1,2can be found to which the radio modem also adds its own address to define the route for returndata. Radio modem 1 repeats the packet and radio modem 2 removes the address informationfrom the received data packet thereby transferring only the original data to the serial interface.The address information received together with the packet is reversed (2,1,0) and saved to beused in the transmission of subsequent reply packets.0132XYZSystem ModemY1, 2Z1, 3
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0426.3.2 Virtual modeThe above figure represents the same network, which has now been realised using the Virtualmode. The difference is that logical links are numbered instead of radio modems. Operation iseasy to understand by thinking of a telephone network realised with traditional overhead wiring.Each radio modem contains a routing table in the internal memory, which defines all the relativedependencies of the said radio modem in relation to the links to which it forms with other radiomodems in the network, as well as terminal device addresses and link depends. Terminal deviceX transmits a packet to terminal device Y. The routing table of radio modem contains therequired route and the packet is transmitted with link ID 2 attached to it. Of the radio modemsin reception mode, only the routing table of radio modem B contains a link ID 2, and becauseof this match will receive the packet. Re-sending (relaying) will be made with ID 4. In the case ofradio modem C, routing table information defines that link 4 is connected to a serial interface,which means that radio modem C will transfer the packet to the serial interface and the terminaldevice attached to it after first removing the link ID added by radio modem A. All links are bi-directional, so the reply message will arrive back to the terminal device X via radio modem A ina similar way.ABCDXYZY <-> 2Z <-> 1 1<-> 32<-> 4X<-> 3X<-> 41234
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0436.3.3 Overhop function in Source modeMaster TDRadioSubstation RDMR1R2STDRDtMaster R1 R2When using routers the same packet is sent on a (radio) channel several times. A radio modemsituated in the router chain will often hear other radio modems in addition to the immediateneighbouring radio modems. In the Source mode the complete address information senttogether with the packets enables also the use of these secondary routes. Usually routers havebetter antennas (and/or antennas placed higher) than normal substations, which means that thedistance between two routers can be much longer than the distance between a router and asubstation.Connections to other than the neighbouring stations of the router are not necessarily reliableunder all possible (radio) conditions, but they can often be used to keep the network up andrunning at least partly in case a router somewhere in the middle of the chain fails. In addition tothis, the likelihood of a transmission error decreases if it is possible to listen to more than onetransmission, since in this case it is more likely that at least one of them will be received error-free.  It is also possible, that the radio connection is asymmetrical due to the greater outputpower of a router or due to local interference, in which case data can in fact travel in oppositedirections using different routes.When a router receives a message, which contains its address but not as the first address in theaddress field, the packet is stored in a buffer. If the relayed message from the router, betweenthe said router and the one having sent the message originally, is not received due for examplebecause of radio modem failure (or if it has an erroneous checksum), the packet alreadybuffered into the memory is resent without any change to the timing (no additional delays areintroduced). Because of this, relatively short hop distances can be used, without the likelihood oferrors being increased due to the added number of repeats. A possible error in one of therouters does not necessarily cause a total breakdown of traffic.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.044The overhop function facilitates the use of mobile substations. In the example, a mobilesubstation is first located in the coverage area of repeater R2. The route is defined as M, R1, R2and vehicle.  When the vehicle moves to the coverage area of repeater R1, the radio modempicks the packet already from the transmission of R1, but is then transferred to the serial portusing an additional delay, so that the timing does not differ from the first case when the radiomodem of the vehicle was in the coverage area of router R2. In this way a collision of the replytransmission and the transmission by repeater R2 is prevented. When the mobile station istransmitting, it is correspondingly enough that at least one radio modem defined to be a part ofthe route receives the transmission.6.3.4 Network IDThe Network ID is a string of characters with a maximum length of eight (8) characters. NetworkID prevents reception of messages sent by radio modems, which are not part of the saidnetwork.  All radio modems, which are intended to operate within the same network, must beconfigured to have the same Network ID. A radio modem which is configured to use routing willaccept a packet only, if the Network ID included within the packet data structure matches theone configured into the memory of the receiving radio modem. Because the Network ID is nevertransmitted on the radio interface, it is very difficult to find out, thus adding to the security ofnetwork.MR2R1
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0456.4 Example of expanding the network coverage by using message routingIn the following example a network which utilises polling is explained. The network has originallyconsisted of one base station and several substations. This type of a network can usually beadapted to operate with message routing without any changes to the terminal devices.The protocol used contains a one byte long recipient address at position 1, thus the settings ofthe radio modems should be Offset=1 and Length= Designing the network using SaTermThe design flow of a network using SaTerm program is initiated by starting the program andchoosing from the main menu File->Routing Set-up and then File->New Project. The window,which opens now, is used to define those settings, which are common to the whole network.The address type is selected to be Decimal, which means that all addresses of the network willbe given to the SaTerm program in decimal format. Also the Network ID (NetID) is defined. Therouting mode is selected to be Source, because a mobile substation will also be defined in theexample network.A radio modem is created on the screen by choosing Modem->New Modem->3AS from themenu and by dropping the radio modem to the desired location. A name is given to each radiomodem, which eases the identification of radio modems, and it is usually recommendable to useOffset = 1 Length = 1
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.046either the serial number of the radio modem or a descriptive name defining the physical locationof the radio modem. Serial interface settings are configured to correspond to those of theterminal device. It is to be noted that the frequency must be configured to be the same in eachradio modem of the network. The design flow continues by adding and defining the rest of theradio modems to the network.The following step is to define all routes between all the radio modems. Clicking the right mousebutton when the cursor is over the desired radio modem icon and then by choosing from thepop-up menu Connect does this. Before drawing any of the actual routes it is howeverrecommended to choose and define the radio modem which will act as the base station radiomodem of the network. This is done by clicking the right mouse button when the cursor is overthe desired radio modem icon and then by choosing the selection Master from the pop-upmenu. It is possible to change the Master setting later, but in this case all routes except thosedirected away from the (new) Master are cleared.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0476.4.2 Adding a mobile stationRouting information of mobile substations often differs from the more common ”optimal” routes.A mobile substation is added by choosing Project->Mobile routes from the main menu, and nowall previously defined routes will disappear from the screen. A mobile substation is now addedinto the network by choosing Modem->New mobile->3AS from the main menu. The route isdefined as for fixed radio modems (see Chapter 6.4.1), and the mobile substation is attached tothe last router in a chain. This way the mobile substation will be able to transmit data through allrouters belonging to the chain.6.4.3 Transferring the settings to radio data modemsThe design has now progressed to a point where the settings, definitions and configurationsmade according to instructions of the previous chapters can be transferred into actual radiomodems with which the network will be defined. First, however, the serial port to be used mustbe selected from the serial port menu. Also, when transferring settings from the SaTerm programmemory into the radio modems all radio modems must be set into the configuration modeduring the transfer process. In other words the pin 12 of the serial port connector of the radiomodem must be connected to ground (GND). (When using the ARS-1F adapter the red switchshould be moved to a position away from the radio modem).Each radio modem in turn is connected to the ARS-1F adapter and then the icon of the sameradio modem is selected by moving the mouse cursor over the icon, clicking the right mousebutton and by then choosing from the pop-up menu Transmit values. After all radio modems areprogrammed they are ready to be taken to the mounting sites for further installation.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0487 Diversity receiver (only SATELLINE-3AS Epic)SATELLINE-3AS Epic model has two antenna connectors, the other being used for reception andthe other for reception and transmission. Diversity receiving means that the radio modem selectsthe best signal from those received by the two antennas. In this way the reliability of theconnection is improved especially in those cases which are subject to a high level of reflectionsand multipath fading.7.1 Multipath fadingIn radio systems (operating at suitable frequencies) it is not necessary to have a direct line-of-sight connection between the master station and a moving substation because the radio signalpropagates by reflecting from buildings and terrain contours e.g. hills. These useful reflectionsdo however cause fading, which can occur when the radio signal experiences a number ofreflections on the way to the receiving antenna. Radio signals propagate at the speed of lightbut if the signal is reflected from several different objects before reaching the receiving antennathe different total path lengths of these reflected signals will cause them to be detected at slightlydifferent times. This means that these detected reflected signals are in different phases. In theworst case scenario, two equally strong signals are in exactly opposing phases thus cancellingeach other out and causing the signal level to drop.The received signals from two antennas. The selected signals are marked in grey.Received signal, dBTimeThe chance that two fades occurat the same time is lowQuality measurement every 1 or 12 bytesSignal threshold level
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0497.2 Antenna installationSignal fading appears at half wave intervals. Because of this, best result is achieved by installingthe two antennas of SATELLINE-3AS Epic apart from each other, so that the minimum separationdistance is ¾ x wavelength used (min. 0.75 m). It is not recommendable to use Miniflex –antennas together with the SATELLINE-3AS Epic model.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0508 SETTINGSThe configuration of SATELLINE-3AS radio modems can be easily changed. By connecting pin12 of the D-connector to ground (GND) the radio modem will switch over into configuration(SET-UP) mode. Serial port PORT 1PORT 1 is used whenever the radio modem is in the configurationmode. The serial port settings are 9600 bps, N, 8,1 (data transfer speed 9600 bps, no parity,character length 8 bits and one (1) stop bit).SATELLINE-3ASd model contains push buttons and a LCD-display, which can be used to modifyconfiguration settings without the help of an external terminal device. The radio modem willswitch over into configuration (SET-UP) mode by pressing the ”SET-UP” button (y).If the SL-command function has been activated active radio channel and addresses can bechanged without switching the radio modem into configuration mode. Serial port settings willremain as those defined previously when the radio modem was in configuration mode.8.1 Changing parameters using a terminal devicePORT 1PORT 1 of the radio modem is connected to a terminal device or a PC, which is in terminalemulation state. (This can be accomplished by using a suitable program such as the SaTermprogram or the Windows™ Hyper Terminal program). Check the wiring of the serial portconnection cable. Terminal device serial port settings must be set to 9600 bps, N, 8, 1 (datatransfer speed 9600 bps, no parity, data length 8 bits and one (1) stop bit). Mode-pin (pin 12 ofthe D-connector on the radio modem) is then connected to ground (GND). Following this theradio modem will transmit the following message to the terminal (certain configuration settingsmight differ from the ones shown):8.1.1 Changing frequency (active radio channel frequency)The frequency of the active radio channel can be changed by selecting main menu selection”1”. In the example below the frequency is changed (465,5000 MHz ⇒ 465,5250 MHz).Enter selection >1Radio frequency set-up---------------------Active channel        465.5000 MHzLower limit band 1    467.2000 MHzUpper limit band 1    469.2000 MHzLower limit band 2    467.2000 MHzUpper limit band 2    469.2000 MHzChannel spacing       25 kHzEnter new frequency (MHz) or ESC to previous > 465.5250
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.051A list of frequency values will appear on the screen updated with the new active radio channelfrequency value:Radio frequency set-up---------------------Active channel        465.5250 MHzLower limit band 1    467.2000 MHzUpper limit band 1    469.2000 MHzLower limit band 2    467.2000 MHzUpper limit band 2    469.2000 MHzChannel spacing       25 kHzEnter new frequency (MHz) or ESC to previous >Maximum adjustment range of the active radio channel frequency is ± 1 MHz counting from thefactory set center frequency. Because of possible deviations in each country and/or regionconcerning the authorised use of the frequency spectrum local authorities may limit thisadjustment range. SATELLINE-3AS radio modem can be supplied with the adjustment rangedivided into two bands (Band 1Band 1 and Band 2Band 2), and this feature can be utilised in case it isrequired to limit the arbitrary adjustment of the active radio channel accidentally to a forbiddenvalue. The center frequency and the frequency band limiting values are factory set and the usercannot change them. The active channel is selected by entering a numerical value.NOTICENOTICE ! !Adjustment of the active radio channel of the radio modem to frequencies other than thoseallocated and/or allowed by local authorities is strictly forbidden. Use or intended use offorbidden frequencies may lead to prosecution and penalties. SATEL  is not responsible for anyillegal use practised with any devices manufactured and/or sold by SATEL and is not liable topay any damages or compensation caused by such illegal use.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0528.1.2 Changing radio settings (transmitter output power and receiver sensitivity)Radio settings which consist of transmitter output power and receiver sensitivity can beconfigured by selecting main menu selection ”2”. In the following example both the transmitteroutput power (10 mW ⇒ 20 mW) and the receiver sensitivity (-110 dBm ⇒  –90 dBm) arechanged.Enter selection >2Radio set-up-----------1) TX power level           10 mW2) Signal threshold level   –110 dBm3) TX start delay           0 msEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1TX power level set-up--------------------1) 10 mW2) 20 mW3) 50 mW4) 100 mW5) 200 mW6) 500 mW7) 1000 mWEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Signal threshold level set-up----------------------------Signal threshold level –110 dBmEnter new value (80 – 118) or ESC to previous menu > -90Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >3Set TX start delay set-up------------------------TX start delay 0 msEnter new value (0 - 65535 ms) or ESC to previous menu > 100The new values are updated in the LCD-display:Radio set-up-----------1) TX power level           20 mW2) Signal threshold level   –90 dBm3) TX start delay           100 msEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.053The maximum useable sensitivity of the receiver is determined by the channel spacing used(=radio interface data transfer speed) and also by error correction (utilised or not). For furtherinformation see Chapter 9.3, 10.1 and 10.2.In environments with high levels of interference and when connection distances are short it isoften beneficial to use a ”Signal threshold level” value which is approximately 10 – 20 dBmabove the maximum sensitivity level. This will prevent unnecessary receive attempts caused bynoise.8.1.3 Changing addressing settings (primary and secondary RX- and TX-addresses)Addressing can be switched ON or OFF with the help of main menu selection ”3”. In thefollowing example a primary RX-address (transmitter address) is switched ON and thecorresponding hexadecimal address value is modified (”0000” ⇒ ”0020”). The current valuesof the parameters are displayed and changed in toggle-type fashion by selecting the appropriateparameter selection number from the list displayed. The next menu level will then enable themodification of the values (within allowed limits). Modification of all other primary andsecondary transmitter and receiver addresses is done in similar way.Enter selection >3Addressing set-upToggle ON/OFF values. Current value shown.------------------------------------------1) RX address                   OFF2) TX address                   OFF3) RX address to RS port        OFF4) Change primary RX address5) Change primary TX address6) Change secondary RX address7) Change secondary TX addressEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1NOTNOTICEICE ! !The setting of the transmitter output power of the radio modem to levels in contradiction withtransmitter power levels regulated by local or other governmental authorities is strictlyforbidden. Use or intended use of forbidden transmitter power levels may lead to prosecutionand penalties. SATEL  is not responsible for any illegal use practised with any devicesmanufactured and/or sold by SATEL and is not liable to pay any damages or compensationcaused by such illegal use.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.054Addressing set-upToggle ON/OFF values. Current value shown.------------------------------------------1) RX address                   ON 0000/00002) TX address                   OFF3) RX address to RS port        OFF4) Change primary RX address5) Change primary TX address6) Change secondary RX address7) Change secondary TX addressEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >4RX address set-up----------------RX Address ON 0000/0000Enter new address (HEX) or ESC to previous menu >0020The new value is displayed in the LCD-display:RX address set-up----------------RX Address ON 0020/0000Enter new address (HEX) or ESC to previous menu >The address is given in hexadecimal format with four digits and the number of differentaddresses is thus over 65 000.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0558.1.4 Changing serial port settings (Port 1Port 1 and Port 2Port 2)The settings of serial port PORT 1PORT 1 can be modified by selecting main menu selection ”4” andthe settings of serial port PORT 2 2 by selecting choice ”5”. In the following example PORT 1 1 willbe switched to a non-active state and after this the data transfer speed is modified (19200 bit/s⇒ 9600 bit/s), the number of data bits is modified  (8 ⇒ 7), the number of parity bits ismodified (NONE ⇒ EVEN) and finally the number of stop bits is changed (1 ⇒ 2).Enter selection >4Serial port 1Settings---------------1) Port status       ON2) Data speed        19200 bit/s3) Data bits         8 bit data4) Parity bits       None parity5) Stop bits         1 stop bitEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1Serial ports 1 and 2 status set-up---------------------1) Port 1 ON  / Port 2 OFF2) Port 1 OFF / Port 2 ONEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Serial port 1Settings---------------1) Port status       OFF2) Data speed        19200 bit/s3) Data bits         8 bit data4) Parity bits       None parity5) Stop bits         1 stop bitEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Serial port 1 data speed--------------1) 300   bit/s2) 600   bit/s3) 1200  bit/s4) 2400  bit/s5) 4800  bit/s6) 9600  bit/s7) 19200 bit/s8) 38400 bit/sEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >6
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.056Serial port 1Settings---------------1) Port status       OFF2) Data speed        9600 bit/s3) Data bits         8 bit data4) Parity bits       None parity5) Stop bits         1 stop bitEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >3Serial port 1 data Bits--------------1) 7 bit data2) 8 bit data3) 9 bit dataEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1Serial port 1Settings---------------1) Port status       OFF2) Data speed        9600 bit/s3) Data bits         7 bit data4) Parity bits       None parity5) Stop bits         1 stop bitEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >4Serial port 1 parity bits--------------1) None  parity2) Even  parity3) Odd   parityEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >3Serial port 1RS-232 Settings---------------1) Port status       OFF2) Data speed        9600 bit/s3) Data bits         7 bit data4) Parity bits       Odd parity5) Stop bits         1 stop bitEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >5
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.057Serial port 1 stop bits--------------1) 1 stop bit2) 2 stop bitsEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Now all of the modifications of the example have been performed and the new values aredisplayed:Serial port 1Settings---------------1) Port status       OFF2) Data speed        9600 bit/s3) Data bits         7 bit data4) Parity bits       Odd parity5) Stop bits         2 stop bitsEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >The settings of the serial port must be modified to correspond with the settings of the terminaldevice that is to be connected to the radio modem. Modification of the settings of serial portPORT 2PORT 2 is done according to the principle described above and by first selecting from the mainmenu selection ”5”.NOTICE!NOTICE!It should be noted that switching the radio modem into configuration mode (SETUP) byconnecting the MODE-pin (pin 12 of the D-connector) to ground (GND) will change the settingsof serial port PORT 1PORT 1 to ”9600,8,N,1” automatically irrespective of the serial port PORT 1PORT 1 DATA-mode settings.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0588.1.5 Modification of handshaking functionsHandshaking related configuration settings can be modified by selecting selection from the mainmenu ”6”. In the following example characteristics of the CTS-line (CLEAR TO SEND ⇒ TXBUFFER STATE), CD-line (RSSI-THRESHOLD ⇒ DATA ON CHANNEL) and RTS-line (IGNORED⇒ FLOW CONTROL) are changed.Enter selection >6Serial port 1 and 2 Handshaking-------------------------1) CTS line property     Clear to send2) CD line property      RSSI-threshold3) RTS line property     IgnoredEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1Select CTS line action property-------------------------------1) Clear to send2) TX buffer stateEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1Serial port 1 and 2 Handshaking-------------------------1) CTS line property     TX buffer state2) CD line property      RSSI-threshold3) RTS line property     IgnoredEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Select CD line action property-------------------------------1) RSSI-threshold2) Data on channel3) Always ONEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Serial port 1 and 2 Handshaking-------------------------1) CTS line property     TX buffer state2) CD line property      Data on channel3) RTS line property     IgnoredEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >3
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.059Select RTS line action property-------------------------------1) Ignored2) Flow control3) Reception ControlEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Serial port 1 and 2 Handshaking-------------------------1) CTS line property     TX buffer state2) CD line property      Data on channel3) RTS line property     Flow controlEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >ESCNow all of the modifications of the example have been performed and the new values aredisplayed on the LCD-display (see above):8.1.6 Special functionsSpecial functions are modified by selecting from the main menu selection ”7”. (For furtherinformation see the relevant Chapters describing the said functions). The current values of theparameters are displayed and can be modified in toggle-type fashion by selecting theappropriate parameter selection number (as described in Chapter 8.2) from the list displayed.The next menu level will then enable the modification of the values (within allowed limits).Enter selection >7Additional set-upToggle ON/OFF values. Current values shown.------------------------------------------1) Error correction   OFF2) Error check        OFF3) Repeater           OFF4) SL-commands        OFFEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0608.1.7 Modification of routingConfiguration settings defining routing can be changed by selecting main menu selection ”8”.Enter selection >8Routing Set-up-------------1) Mode              Source routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  01  013) Address           00094) Net id            testnet5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1Routing mode set-up------------------1) Disabled2) Source routing3) Virtual routingEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >3Routing Set-up-------------1) Mode              Virtual routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  01  013) Address           00094) Net id            testnet5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >2Protocol set-up--------------1) UserdefinedEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >1User defined address position set-up-----------------------------------1) Start position     012) Length             01Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >1
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.061User defined address start position set-up-----------------------------------------Current value: 01Enter new start position (0-16) >02User defined address start position set-up-----------------------------------------Current value: 02Enter new start position (0-16) >ESCUser defined address position set-up-----------------------------------1) Start position     022) Length             01Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >2User defined address length set-up---------------------------------Current value: 01Enter new length (1-4) >3User defined address length set-up---------------------------------Current value: 03Enter new length (1-4) >ESCUser defined address position set-up-----------------------------------1) Start position     022) Length             03Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >ESCThe display has now returned to the main menu of the routing settings and it can be seen thatthe routing mode (VIRTUAL ROUTING) as well as the protocol (USERDEFINED 02 03) havebeen modified.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.062Following this, a new address will be modified (”0009” ⇒ ”0002”) and a new Network ID isdefined (”testnet” ⇒ ”newname”):Routing Set-up-------------1) Mode              Virtual routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  02  033) Address           00094) Net id            testnet5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >3Address set-up-------------Current routing address 0009Enter new address (HEX) or ESC to previous menu >0002Address set-up-------------Current routing address 0002Enter new address (HEX) or ESC to previous menu >ESCRouting Set-up-------------1) Mode              Virtual routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  01  013) Address           00024) Net id            testnet5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >4Net id------Net id current value: testnetEnter net id (8 char) or ESC to previous menu >newnameNet id------Net id current value: newnameEnter net id (8 char) or ESC to previous menu >ESC
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.063Routing Set-up-------------1) Mode              Virtual routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  01  013) Address           00024) Net id            newname5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >Selection ”5” will produce a list of the routes:Route list----------xxxxxxxxxPress any key to return >Selection ”6” enables the addition of a route:Route add---------Enter destination address (HEX) >Selection ”7” enables the removal of a route:Route delete------------Enter destination address (HEX) >Selection ”8” enables erasure of ALL routing information simultaneously. The LCD-display willthen display the following text:Routing Set-up-------------1) Mode              Virtual routing2) Protocol          Userdefined  02  033) Address           00094) Net id            testnet5) Route list6) Route add7) Route delete8) Delete all routesEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >8Do you really want to delete all routes?Press Y key to delete or ESC to cancel >
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0648.1.8 Activating testsTests can be activated by selecting main menu selection ”9”. For more information on tests, seeChapter 4.4. Tests are activated by setting the status of the desired test to ”ON” and will remainactive until the value of the selection in the menu is returned to the value ”OFF”.Enter selection >9Tests set-up-----------1) Short block test     OFF2) Long block test      OFFEnter selection or ESC to previous menu >8.1.9 Restoring factory settingsSelecting main menu selection “A” can restore factory settings.Enter selection >ARestore factory settings------------------------ Do you want to restore factory settings? (Y/N)>Restoring is confirmed by pressing ”Y” (Y=YES) or cancelled by pressing ”N” (N=NO) in thecase restoring is not wanted after all. Also the pressing of ”ESC” button at any point in theprocedure will return the display to the previous (next higher) menu level without restoring factorysettings.8.1.10 Saving modified settings into the permanent memoryAll modified settings must be saved into the permanent non-volatile memory of the radio modembefore switching out of configuration (SET-UP) mode. Selecting the main menu selection “E”does saving:Enter selection >EConfiguration saved!Please turn off program mode switch!NOTICE!NOTICE! To switch the radio modem back into DATA mode from the SET-UP mode the MODE-pin of the D-connector (D-15 pin 12) must be disconnected from ground (GND).
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0658.2 Changing parameters using the LCD-displaySATELLINE-3ASd contains a LCD-display that facilitates the modification of the configurationsettings of the radio modem without the use of an external terminal device. This is especiallyconvenient when modifying or reinstalling radio modems in the field. The radio modem isswitched into configuration mode (SET-UP) by pressing the ”SET-UP-button (y). First, the LCD-display will shortly display the model of the radio modem and the software revision informationafter which it will automatically display the main menu, which is a list of the modifiableconfiguration settings.The main menu is used to select the desired submenus and the actual modifications areperformed using these submenus. It is possible to jump back at any time to the previous (higher)level in the menu hierarchy by just pressing the ”CANCEL”-button (or in some cases the”BACK”-button). Pressing the ý modifies parameters with numerical values consisting of digits orþ –buttons until the said digit (with the cursor blinking under it) has reached the desired value. Inthe case of numerical values the ”NEXT-button is used to move on to the next digit in thenumerical value and then the above described process is used to modify it. The process isrepeated until all digits in the value have been edited. Toggle-type parameters (typically withON/OFF choices modifications have to be confirmed by pressing the ”SELECT”- or ”SET”-button.This is the display in DATAmode. Serial port PORT 1PORT 1settings are 19200,N,8,1.Frequency is set to468,5000 MHz. Signalstrength is displayed on theupper left-hand corner andbattery level respectively onthe upper right corner.öÄÄÄÖÖ  äÄÄÄÖÖ468.5000 MHzCOM1:19200N81       Set-upAfter pressing the ”SET-UP-button the display will shortlyshow the model of the radiomodem and the revision ofthe software.SATELLINE-3ASVersion 1.XXThe display willautomatically then show themain menu, which is a list ofmodifiable parameters.Pressing the ý and þ buttonscan move the cursorupwards and downwards.When the cursor > is placedbeside the desired selection,entry into sub-menu is doneby pressing the SELECT-button.>RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up ContrastEXIT  ýþ SELECT
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0668.2.1 Changing frequency (frequency of the active radio channel)Press ý or þ untilthe cursor >points to “RFfrequency” –selection andpress ”SELECT” tomove onto thenext submenu.>RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up ContrastEXIT   ýþ SELECTPress ”CHANGE”if the frequency isto be modified.NOTICE:NOTICE: If you want to check possiblefrequency band limits and the centerfrequency (factory set values), press 6and follow instructions given on page 66(Checking the center frequency).Active channel 468.5000 MHzBACK    þ ChangeThe cursor > will now blink under thefirst digit of the value indicating thecenter frequency (this first digit cannotbe edited). To move onto the next digit,press ”NEXT”. CF 468.5000 MHz>468.2000 MHz ^CANCEL þ    NextPress ý or þ until the said digit hasreached the desired value. Press ”NEXT”to move on to the next digit and repeatthe above-described steps.CF 468.5000 MHz>468.5000 MHz  ^CANCEL ýþ   nextPrevious steps are repeated four (4)times. ::Press ý or þ, until the last changeabledigit has the desired value and confirmchanges by pressing ”SET”.CF 468.5000 MHz>468.2000 MHz       ^CANCEL ýþ    SETThe radio modem will acknowledgechanges if they are within acceptablelimits (± 1 MHz from the centerfrequency and within optional bandlimits) with a similar message as shownon the right (frequency value dependson entered value) and will automaticallyreturn to display the main menu (if theentered frequency is not acceptable anerror message will be displayed).Ch accepted>468.2000 MHz
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.067CHECKING THE CENTER FREQUENCYCHECKING THE CENTER FREQUENCYPress ý or þ until thecursor > points to “RFfrequency” selection andthen press ”SELECT” tomove to a submenuwhich can be used tocheck (or modify) thefrequency.>RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up Contrast EXIT  ýþ SelectThe current activechannel frequency settingis shown in the display.To check other relatedvalues press þ.(To change the activechannel frequenciespress ”CHANGE”).> Active channel  468.5000 MHzBACK    þ ChangeIf þ was pressed thedisplay will now show thelower and higher limits offrequency Band 1Band 1 (thesevalues cannot bechanged). (To changethe active channelfrequency value press”CHANGE”). Band 1 limitsLo 467.2000 MHzHi 469.2000 MHzBACK  ýþ  CHANGEBy pressing þ again thedisplay will show thelower and higher limits offrequency Band 2Band 2 (thesevalues cannot bechanged). (To changethe active channelfrequency value press”CHANGE”). Band 2 limitsLo 467.2000 MHzHi 469.2000 MHzBACK  ýþ  CHANGEPress þ again and thedisplay will return toshow the centerfrequency (this valuecannot be changed). (Tochange the activechannel frequency valuepress ”CHANGE”). Center freq.Cf 468.2000 MHzBACK  ýþ  CHANGE
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0688.2.2 Changing radio settings (transmitter output power and receiver sensitivity)Press ý ori þ untilthe cursor > pointsto “Radio settings”selection and press”SELECT” to moveon to the submenu. RF frequency>Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up ContrastEXIT   ýþ SELECTPress ý or þ until thecursor > points tothe setting to bemodified and press”CHANGE”.>TX level Sig. Threshold TX start delayBACK    þ ChangeMODIFYING TRANSMITTER OUTPUTPOWER:The displayed list consists off all possiblevalues of transmitter output power. Press ýor þ until the cursor > points to thedesired value and press ”SET”.NOTICE:NOTICE: The starting position of thecursor indicates the previously set value.>10mW 20mW 50mW 100mW 200mW 500mW 1000mWCANCEL þ     SETMODIFYING RECEIVER SENSITIVITY:The displayed list consists off all possiblevalues of receiver sensitivity. Press ý or þuntil the cursor > points to the desiredvalue and press ”SET”.NOTICE:NOTICE: The starting position of thecursor indicates the previously set value. min>-118 dBm -117 dBm  .  . -81  dBm -80  dBmmaxCANCEL  ýþ  SETMODIFYING THE TRANSMIT STARTDELAY:The display will show the current value ofthe delay. Press ”SET” to modify the value.TX start delayCurrent value:0 msCANCEL  ýþ  SETPress ý or þ until the first digit of the valuehas reached the desired value and thenpress ”NEXT” to move on to the next digit.TX start delay>00000 ^CANCEL ýþ   NextRepeat the above described five (5) times. ::Press ý or þ until the last changeable digithas the desired value and finally confirmchanges by pressing ”SET”.TX start delay>01234     ^CANCEL ýþ   SET
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0698.2.3 Changing addressingPress ý or þ untilthe cursor >points to“Addressing”selection andpress ”SET-UP” tomove on to thesubmenu. RF frequency Radio settings>Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Additional Test Factory set-up Contrast EXIT  ýþ Set-upSelect the desiredsubmenu (RX or TXaddress) bypressing ý or þand finally press”CHANGE”.>RX addr OFF TX addr OFF BACK  þ ChangePress ý or þ until the first digit of theaddress has reached the desired valueand move on to the next digit by pressing”NEXT”.RX address>0000 0000 OFF  ^CANCEL ýþ   NextRepeat the above described eight (8)times. ::Press NEXT again to jump to the togglefield (ON/OFF) and change the status tothe desired value by pressing ý and þuntil correct status is reached. Confirmthe new address and status (ON/OFFstate) by pressing ”SET”.The display will return to the previous(higher) level submenu.RX Address>0123 0123 ON           ^CANCEL ýþ    SETNOTICENOTICE: Both RX and TX address modifications are done in the same above described way.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0708.2.4 Changing serial port settings (Port 1Port 1 and Port 2Port 2)Press ý or þ until the cursor >points to the desired port (in thisexample to Port 1Port 1) and move onto the submenu by pressing”SELECT”. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing>Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up ContrastEXIT  ýþ SELECTPress ý or þ until the cursor >points to the setting to bemodified and then press”CHANGE”.>ON 19200 bit/s 8 bit data None parity 1 stop bit BACK  ýþ  ChangeMODIFICATION OF PORT STATUS:Press ý or þ until the cursor > points to the desired portstatus. Confirm selection by pressing ”SET”. The displaywill return to the previous (higher) level submenu.NOTICENOTICE: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value.>P1 ON  / P2 OFF P1 OFF / P2 ON CANCEL  ýþ  SETMODIFICATION OF DATA TRANSFER SPEED:Press ý or þ until the cursor > points to the desireddata transfer speed value (X bit/s). Confirm the selectionby pressing ”SET”. The display will return to the previous(higher) level submenu.NOTICE:NOTICE: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value. 300   bit/s 600   bit/s 1200  bit/s 2400  bit/s4800  bit/s9600  bit/s>19200 bit/s 38400 bit/sCANCEL ýþ   SETMODIFICATION OF THE NUMBER OF DATA BITS:Press ý or þ until the cursor > points to the desirednumber of data bits (7 or 8 or 9 bit data length).Confirm the selection by pressing ”SET”. The display willreturn to the previous (higher) level submenu.NOTICENOTICE: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value. 7 bit data>8 bit data 9 bit dataCANCEL ýþ   SETMODIFICATION OF PARITY BITS:Press ý and þ until the cursor > points to the desiredparity bit status. Confirm the selection by pressing”SET”. The display will return to the previous (higher)level submenu.NOTICE 1NOTICE 1: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value.NOTICE 2NOTICE 2: If the number of data bits is set to 9, thevalue of parity bits must be set to NONE (no parity).>None  parity Even  parity Odd   parityCANCEL ýþ   SET
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.071MODIFICATION OF THE NUMBER OF STOP BITS:Press ý or þ until the cursor > points to the desirednumber of STOP bits. Confirm selection by pressing”SET”. The display will return to the previous (higher)level submenu.NOTICENOTICE: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value.>1 stop bit 2 stop bitsCANCEL ýþ   SETNOTICE:NOTICE: Port 2Port 2 settings are modified correspondingly.8.2.5 Modification of handshaking functionsPress ý or þ until thecursor > points to“Handshaking” selectionand move on to thesubmenu by pressing”SELECT”. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2>Handshaking Additional Tests Factory set-up Contrast EXIT  ýþ SelectThere are three (3)submenus relating tohandshaking parameters.Press ý and þ until thecursor > points to thedesired submenuselection and press”CHANGE”.>CTS Clr to send CD  RSSI RTS IgnoredBACK   þ   ChangeDEFINING CTS-LINE FUNCTIONS:Press ý and þ until the desired function isindicated by the cursor > and confirm selectionby pressing ”SET”. The display will return to theprevious (higher) level submenu.>CTS Clr to send Buff stateCANCEL  ýþ   SETDEFINING CD-LINE FUNCTION:Press ý and þ until the desired function isindicated by the cursor > and confirm selectionby pressing ”SET”. The display will return to theprevious (higher) level submenu.>RSSI Data Always ON RDCANCEL  ýþ   SETDEFINING RTS-LINE STATUS:Press ý and þ until the desired function isindicated by the cursor > and confirm selectionby pressing ”SET”. The display will return to theprevious (higher) level submenu.>Ignored Flow Cont. Recept ctrlCANCEL  ýþ   SET
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0728.2.6 Selecting special functionsPress ý or þ until the cursor > points to“Additional” selection and press”SELECT” to move on to the submenu. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2>Additional Test Factory set-up Contrast EXIT  ýþ SelectPress ý or þ until the cursor > points tothe setting to be modified. Press”CHANGE” to toggle the status of thesaid parameter from ”ON” to ”OFF”and vice versa. Press ”CHANGE” untilthe parameter has the desired status.Repeat for all special functions to bemodified and finally confirm all changesby pressing ”BACK”. The display willreturn to the previous (higher) levelsubmenu.>Error corr.  OFF Error check  OFF Repeater     OFF SL-commands  OFF BACK  ýþ  Change8.2.7 Activating testsPress ý or þ until cursor > points to“Tests” selection and press ”SELECT” tomove on to the submenu. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Handshaking Additional>Tests Factory set-up ContrastEXIT  ýþ SelectPress ý or þ until cursor > points to thetest that is to be initiated. Press”CHANGE” to toggle the status of theselected test from ”ON” to ”OFF” andvice versa. Press ”CHANGE” until theparameter has the desired status. Afterthe tests have been set to desired statesconfirm all changes by pressing ”BACK”.The display will return to the previous(higher) level submenu.>Short Block OFF Long Block  OFFBACK   ýþ Change
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0738.2.8 Restoring factory settingsPress ý or þ to move cursor >to point to “Factory set-up”selection and press ”SELECT” tomove on to the submenu. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Additional Test>Factory set-up ContrastCANCEL ýþ SelectPress ”YES” and all radiomodem configuration settingswill return to factory settings.NOTICE:NOTICE: The display will showthe question two (2) times tomake sure that restoring factorysettings is actually intended. Do you want to restore factory settings? NO         YES8.2.9 Adjusting the contrast of the LCD-displayPress ý or þ to move the cursor> to point to “Contrast”selection and press ”SELECT” tomove on to the submenu. RF frequency Radio settings Addressing Port 1 Port 2 Additional Test Factory set-up>ContrastCANCEL ýþ SelectThe display will show the currentvalue of contrast. To modifycontrast setting press”CHANGE”.Display contr.3BACK     ChangePress ý or þ until the cursor > points to the desiredcontrast level value. Confirm selection by pressing”SET”. The display will return to the previous (higher)level submenu.NOTICE:NOTICE: The modified contrast value will actuallytake effect only after the radio modem is switched outfrom the configuration mode back into data mode.NOTICE:NOTICE: The starting position of the cursor indicatesthe previously set value. 1 2>3 4 5CANCEL  ýþ  SET
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0748.2.10 Saving modified values into the internal memoryAfter all desired modifications have been performed they have to be saved in order to makethem permanent (until next modification). This is accomplished by choosing selection ”EXIT”from the main menu. The display will then show a message (see below) asking a confirmation ofthe performed modifications.By choosingBy choosing ”YES” all modifications are saved into the non-volatile memory inside the radioYES” all modifications are saved into the non-volatile memory inside the radiomodem. modem. By choosing ”NO” all modification performed are cancelled and previous settingsremaining in the non-volatile memory.Press ”YES” to save allmodifications into the non-volatile memory and ”NO”,if modifications are to becancelled.Do you want tomake changespermanent?No     þ    YES8.3 Changing parameters using the SL-COMMANDSThe terminal device controlling it can change the configuration settings of a radio modem. Thisis accomplished with the help of SL-commands, which can be used during data transfer. SL-commands can be used to change e.g. the frequency or addresses. It is also possible tointerrogate a radio modem in order to gain information concerning current settings that are inuse. The terminal device is either a PC or a programmable logic (PLC) together with suitable(terminal) program. SL-commands much be enabled using configuration mode before they canbe used.SL-commands are given using a continuous programming packet, which is separated from otherdata by pauses that are at least three (3) characters long. No extra characters are allowed at theend of such a programming packet. Serial interface settings are the same as in data transfer andpin 12 of the serial connector MUST NOT be connected to ground (GND). SL-commandsthemselves always end with ASCII character number 13 (CR, Carriage Return, 0x0d)*.When the power of a radio modem is switched off the configuration settings of a radio modemalways return to values defined initially using the configuration mode, thus resetting any settingschanged using SL-commands during power on. It is however possible to save settings changedby using SL-commands and to make them the new configuration settings.The radio modem will acknowledge all commands by returning an OKOK (command carried out oraccepted) message or an ERRORERROR (command not carried out or interpreted as erroneous)message.                                           * SATELLINE-2ASx –type SL-commands are provided for compatibility reasons.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0758.3.1 FrequencyCommand Effect and description of commandSL&F=nnn.nnnn Set frequency to nnn.nnnn MHzSL&F? Display current frequency (response 'nnn.nnnn MHz')SL&C? Display center frequency (response 'nnn.nnnn MHz')SL&+=nn Set frequency nn channels above center frequencyFrequency = Center frequency + nn * Channel spacing, where nn=[0...Number ofchannels/2]SL&-=nn Set frequency nn channels below center frequencyFrequency = Center frequency – nn * Channel spacing, where nn=[0…Number ofchannels/2]SL&N? Display current frequency deviation from center frequency as channels(Frequency – Center frequency)/Channel spacing8.3.2 AddressingCommand Effect and description of commandSL#I=xxxx Set all addresses (RX1, RX2, TX1, TX2) to value xxxxSL#I? Display both primary addresses (TX1, RX1) (response ’xxxx;xxxx’)SL#T=xxxx Set both transmit addresses (TX1, TX2) to value xxxxSL#T? Display primary transmit address (TX1)SL#R=xxxx Set both receive addresses (RX1, RX2) to value xxxxSL#R? Display primary receive address (RX1)xxxx = address in hexadecimal format (0000 … FFFF)8.3.3 Radio parametersCommand Effect and description of commandSL@R? Display field strength of the last received message (the value is an average of manymeasurements made during the same reception).Response ”-xx dBm;-xx dBm”, where xx is a decimal value of the field strength.  Twovalues returned only if there is a diversity receiver in the device.SL@P=xxxxx Set the RF output power, where xxxxx is the decimal value of the intended power inmilliwatts. If the given value does not correspond to one of the programmed powerlevels, the output power is set to the nearest possible value.SL@P? Requests the RF output power.Response ”xxxxx mW”, where xxxxx is a decimal value the output power of thetransmitter.SL@T=-xxx Set the minimum power level of the signal to be received (="Signal Treshold level),where xxx is a decimal value of the new intended level in dBm.SL@T? Request of the current "Signal Treshold Level". Response is "-xxx dBm.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0768.3.4 Other functionsCommand Effect and description of commandSL**> Save current settings as permanent settingsSL%V? Display software revision information (response ’Vn.nn’)8.3.5 SATELLINE-2ASx/2ASxE –compatible SL-commandsThe commands listed in the table below are included only to ensure compatibility and their useis not recommended in new networks. The commands do not need a CR-character (carriagereturn) at the end of the command string.Command Effect and description of commandSLHxx Set frequency xx channels above center frequency.Frequency = Center frequency + xx*Channel spacing, where xx=[00…99]SLLxx Set frequency xx channels below center frequency.Frequency = Center frequency - xx*Channel spacing, where xx=[00…99]SLAxx Set all addresses (RX1, RX2, TX1, TX2) to value xx, where xx=[00h...FFh]SLTxx Set both transmit addresses (TX1, TX2) to value xx, where xx=[00h...FFh]SLRxx Set both receive addresses (RX1, RX2) to value xx, where xx=[00h...FFh]SLS0S Save current settings as permanent settings
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0779 INSTALLATION9.1 Installation of a Radio Data ModemThe radio modem should be installed with the installation accessories supplied with the radiomodem. There is also an installation part for mounting the radio modem to DIN rail available.1. Installation with theinstallation plate suppliedwith the radio modem. Theinstallation plate is fastenedto the backside of the radiomodem.The installation plate canbe mounted using the holesprovided on the plate.2. Installation using theVelcro-tape provided withthe radio modem.3. Installation can also bemade directly to customerequipment.NOTENOTE!!When selecting a suitable location for the radio modem it must be ensured that no water canget into the radio modem under any conditions. Direct sunlight is also to be avoided. It is notrecommendable to install the radio modem on a strongly vibrating surface. Suitabledampening and/or isolation materials should be used in cases where the installation surfacewill be subjected to vibration.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0789.2 Connection cables9.2.1 RS-232 -wiringBasic RS-232 connection between the radio modem (PORT1) and a typical PC (COM-port):NOTENOTE!!When installing RS-Interface cables operating voltage of all devices must be off (POWEROFF condition).Due to the greater current consumption of SATELLINE-3AS EPIC operating voltage must beconnected to pins 14 AND 15, and ground to pins 7 AND 8. Correct fuse rating is in thiscase 4 A (SLOW FUSE).325TDRDSGND9-PIN D-CONN.237TDRDSGND25-PIN D-CONN.TDRDSGND11RADIO MODEM97114,157, 8DTR+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow+VbGND
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.079Basic RS-232 connection between the radio modem (Basic RS-232 connection between the radio modem (PORT1) and a typical PC (COM-port)using handshaking:RS-232 connection between a radio modem (PORT2 in RS-232 mode) and a typical PC(COM-port):9-PIN D-CONN. 25-PIN D-CONN. RADIO MODEM14,157, 8+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow3 2 TD 11+VbGND2 3 RD 97 4 RTS 138 5 CTS 666DSR 105 7 SGND 71 8 CD 24 20 DTR 1TDRDRTSCTSDSRSGNDCDDTRTDRDRTSCTSDSRSGNDCDDTR325TDRDSGND9-PIN D-CONN.237TDRDSGND25-PIN D-CONN.TDRDSGND4RADIO MODEM37114,157, 8DTR+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow+VbGND
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0809.2.2 RS-422 -wiringPORT2 RS-422 connection:PORT2 RS-422 connection:If the transmission lines are long the receiving end of the lines must be terminated using aseparate termination resistor (typical values range from 100 -120 Ω depending on thecharacteristic impedance of the transmission line).A' 2RADIO MODEM114,157, 8DTR+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow+VbGNDB' 3A4B5RD positiveRD negativeTD positiveTD negativeTerminationresistor
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0819.2.3 RS-485 wiringPORT2 RS-485 connection:PORT2 RS-485 connection:Both ends of the transmission line must be terminated by connecting a separate terminatingresistor (typical value range from 100 – 120 Ω depending on the characteristic impedance ofthe line) between the positive and negative signal wire.9.2.4 Power supplyThe allowed operating voltage is 9 - 30 VDC. Power supply cables must be connected only to apower supply with adequate current output (power rating minimum is 10W, with the EPIC-model50W). The pin 15 of the D-connector is connected to the positive power supply line. Negativepower supply line (ground) is connected to pin 8 of the D-connector. The DTR-line of the radiomodem which is connected to pin 1 can be used as an ON/STAND-BY –switch, by which theradio modem can be switched either ON (operational state) or OFF (stand by). The logical state"1" (+5...+30 V) of the DTR-line corresponds to ON-state and a logical state "0" (0 V... -12 V)corresponds to a STAND-BY –state.Especially in applications, where the radio modem is used as a portable device (meaning batteryoperation), the DTR-line (pin 1) should be connected to a logical state "0" always when it ispossible to conserve battery power and prolong operational time between battery charging.A' 2RADIO MODEM114,157, 8DTR+VbGNDFuse 630 mA slow+VbGNDB' 3A4B5Data positiveData negativeTerminationresistor
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0829.3 Antenna installation9.3.1 Hand-held equipment• ¼-wave antenna (wavelength at frequency of 450 MHz is approximately 70 cm)• Helix-antennaAntennas are installed directly to the TNC-type antenna connector at the upper part of the radiomodem.9.3.2 Mobile equipment• ¼-wave antenna• ½-wave antennaThe ideal installation position is vertical and there should be at least 0.5 m of free space aroundthe antenna. In small systems a ¼-wave antenna is sufficient. A separate ground plane shouldbe placed under the antenna (vehicle rooftop or the engine hood or trunk door are usuallysuitable). In problematic cases the most suitable type is a ½-wave antenna. It can be installeddirectly at the top of a pipe with the added benefit of gaining as much as free space around theantenna as possible. In cases which the antenna cannot be directly connected to the TNC-connector of the radio modem, a coaxial cable with 50 Ω impedance must be used between theantenna and the TNC-connector.9.3.3 Base stations• omnidirectional antennas ( ¼- , ½- or 5/8-wave antenna)• directional antennas (yagi/multielement antenna or corner antenna)The antenna should be installed in a vertical position. The exact location of the antennadepends on several factors, such as the size of the overall system and the coverage area terraincontours. A rule of thumb is that the base station antenna should be located at the highest pointof the coverage area and as close to the center of the coverage area as possible. The basestation antenna can also be located inside a building, if the walls of the building do not containmetal.NOTICE!NOTICE!Because of the great transmission power of SATELLINE-3AS EPIC radio modem, only anexternal antenna is allowed. A whip-antenna directly connected to the antenna connectormust not be used.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.0839.3.4   General antenna installation instructionsIn cases where connection distances are long or in otherwise unfavourable cases the reliability ofthe radio connection depends on the antennas and the way they are installed. Antenna andcable connectors should also have gold-plated pins and sockets. Use of low quality connectorsusually leads to eventual oxidation of the connector surfaces that will degrade the contact andcause additional attenuation. Only first class tools and materials must be used when installingradio modems, antennas and cables. One factor to consider is also the weather tolerance of thematerials used. Installed materials must withstand all foreseeable weather conditions (frost,excess sun, direct UV-radiation, seawater etc.). Also possible environmental pollution must beconsidered (acids, ozone etc.).Antennas must be installed far enough from metallic objects. In the case of small antennas thisdistance should be at least ½ m. With large antennas the distance should be >5 m and in caseof repeater antenna combinations >10 m.If the system contains a large number of radio modems, the best location for an antenna is thehighest point of a building and possibly an additional antenna mast. If a separate antenna mastis used, the antenna can, if necessary, be installed sideways about 2…3 m from the mast itself.When installing an antenna possible interference sources must be considered. Such interferencesources are, for example:• mobile telephone network base station antennas• public telephone network base station antennas• television broadcast antennas• radio relay antennas• other radio modem systems• PC-related devices (approximately 5 m radius from antenna)When ordering antennas we request you to note that antennas are always tuned to a specificfrequency range. Simple antennas and antennas, which have been constructed of stacked yagi-antennas, are typically rather broadband. As the number of yagi-elements increases thefrequency range becomes narrower.When designing and installing a system it is advisable to prepare to test the system and also toconsider serviceability of the system. Especially cabling should be planned to allow easy accessto different parts and to allow changing of parts. It is usually practical to use rather long antennacables, so that the radio modem can be installed far enough from the antenna itself to alocation that is easily accessible.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.084The type of the antenna cable is dependent on the length of the antenna cable, and thefollowing table can be used to select a suitable type:Length Type Attenuation 10m/450MHz<5m RG58 3.0dB0…20m RG213 1.5dB>20m NK Cable  RFF 1/2"-50 0.7dB>20m AirCom+ 0.8dB**) AirCom+ cable is partially air insulated, so the use of this cable requires that the connectionbetween the cable and the connectors are fully airtight. If there is a line-of-sight path between the antennas a 6 dB power marginal is usually adequate.Instead, if the connection is built on the reflection and/or the knife-edge diffraction the path losscan vary even 20 dB depending on the weather conditions. In this case a short test can give atoo positive result of the quality of the connection. Thus the height of the antennas andtopographical obstacles must be surveyed with great care. From time to time a marginalconnection can be used if the data transmission protocol is well prepared for this and the datatransmission that occasionally slows down does not cause any problems to the system.  Vertical polarised antennas (antenna elements are in vertical position) are often used in radiosystems. In a system between a base station and substations the vertical polarisation is generallyrecommendable. The antenna of the radio modem can not be mounted on the same level withthe other substation antennas in the same building. The best way to distinguish from the otherantennas situated in the neighbourhood is to mount the antennas as far as possible from eachother on the altitude level. The best result is generally obtained when all the antennas are in thesame mast. With an extra ground plane between the antennas more distinction can be obtainedbetween the antennas in the mast.  Horizontal polarisation can be used in data transmission between two points. With thepolarisation attenuation more distinction is obtained to vertical polarised systems. The influenceof the directional patterns of the antennas must, however, be taken into consideration. If adistinction to another interfering antenna is wanted with the horizontal polarised antennas theremust be a good attenuation of the back lobe. In addition to this the interfering radiator shouldbe situated behind the antenna.  When a system does not demand the use of an omnidirectional antenna it is recommendable touse directional antennas e.g. two-element yagis in firm external installations. As the antennaamplification increases the setting of the direction of the antenna demands for a greater care.  The base stations in high places should be supplied with 4...6 degree band-pass filters. Pleasenote that the higher the antenna the larger the coverage area. The disadvantages of a too highantenna installation at the base station are that interference from a larger area affects the basestation and that the base station occupies the channel for a too large area.SATEL recommends the use of a bandpass filter with a large Q in the antenna cable of the basestation.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.085Example of an antenna installation:Example of an antenna installation: by using amplifying antennas (G=Gain) and by installingthe antenna high, long connection distances can be realised using the SATELLINE-3AS radiomodem.Low lossCableG > 6 dBi30 mMasterStationDataTerminal5 mG > 6 dBiRS InterfaceG > 12 dBi30 km15 km5 kmAntennaFilterRS InterfaceRS InterfaceDataTerminal
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.08610 DESIGNING SYSTEMS10.1  Factors affecting the quality and distance of the radio connection• power of the radio transmitter• sensitivity of the radio receiver• tolerance of spurious radiation’s of the radio modulating signal• amplification of transmitting and receiving antennas• antenna cable attenuation• antenna height• natural obstacles• interference caused by other electrical equipment  The transmitter power of the base model of SATELLINE-3AS is 1 W (maximum) and the sensitivityof the receiver better than -115 dBm. Thus in a flat area and in free space with a 1/4 waveantenna (antenna amplification 1dBi) and antenna height of 1 m communication distances of 3to 4 km can be achieved. Distances may be considerably shorter in situations where there aremetallic walls or other material inhibiting the propagation of radio waves.  Over long distances, increasing the height of antennas can often solve problems caused bynatural obstacles. A ten-fold increase in distance can be achieved with the use of amplifyingantennas. Frequent topographical variations over long distances may require that at least one ofthe antennas be raised to a height of 10 to 20 m.  If the antenna cable is more than 10 meters long it is necessary to use a low loss cable (< 0.7dB /10 m) in order not to waste the antenna amplification. Adding a repeater station can alsosolve problematical radio connections. In systems with many base stations the RSSI-signal canbe used to assist in choosing the base station with the best signal. A communications networkcan also be built with a combination of cables and radio data modems.  The SATELLINE-3AS radio data modem operates in the 450 MHz band, where man madeinterference is insignificant. Long distance interference need not to be taken into account even inspecial weather conditions.  The SATELLINE-3AS tolerates normal levels of interference that occur. However, exceptionallyhigh levels of interference can break through the safeguards and thus cause errors in datatransfer. In mobile vehicle applications the range of operation can be increased by dividing thetransmitted data into e.g. 50...500 byte long blocks and by re-transmitting the defected blocks.  A sufficient safety margin can be obtained by testing the communication path using extra 6 dBattenuation at the antenna connection and with slightly less effective antennas than those to beused in the final system.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.08710.2  Radio field strength Radio signal strength must be good enough for successful data transfer. Where field strength isabove a certain level the operational results are very good. Below this level, a few dB marginalareas occur in which errors begin to be generated by noise and interference that will eventuallylead to loss of connection.  The field strength is at its optimum level in open space, although increasing distance will stillreduce it. It must also be remembered that one open space has different environmental andexternal factors to another, and that the effects on transmission quality must be taken intoaccount when planning the system.  Ground, ground contours and buildings cause attenuation (loss of energy through absorption)and reflection of radio waves. Buildings reflect radio waves and therefore the affects ofattenuation are not as acute when transmission is over a short distance.  However, the reflected waves will often be a bit delayed, and when they combine with the directradio waves they interact in either a weakening or a strengthening way. This causes the fadingeffect in mobile systems. In reality very sharp signal drops spaced about 35 cm apart may occur.The attenuation may even reach 40 dB, normally less.10.3 Remarks concerning the 869 MHz frequency bandAccording to a recommendation of ETSI, the frequencies range 869.4…869.65 MHz is reservedfor use of license free radio appliances. The application of this recommendation varies in eachcountry, and for this reason local regulations concerning this frequency range must always bechecked.In frequency range 869.4…869.65 MHz, the maximum allowed radiated power of an antennais 500 mW erp (+27dBm). When calculating the power antenna cable attenuation and antennagain must be taken into account. For example, if the gain of the antenna is 10 dBd and theattenuation of the antenna cable used is –3dB, the maximum allowed transmission power is 100mW (+20 dBm). It should be noted that by increasing the gain of the antennas, connectiondistance could be increased. This is due to the fact that the output power of the transmissionremains constant, but the added antenna gain of the receiving end will enable reception ofweaker signals than otherwise possible.System designers must also take into account that at the frequency range of 869.4…869.65MHz the transmitter is allowed to be ON only 10% of the time. Whether this limit is exceeded ornot, depends on the protocol used. At a frequency range of 869 MHz there are in addition tothe frequency channel 869.4…869.65 MHz also other ranges, but at these ranges themaximum allowed radiated power is 25 mW and the transmitter is allowed to be ON only 1 %or 0.1 % of the time.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.08811 CHECK LISTThe following points must be taken into account when installing and configuring a radiomodem:1. All operating voltages of all the equipment concerned must always be switched OFF beforeconnecting the RS-interface cable.2. When considering the exact placement of a radio modem and/or its antenna, the followingpoints must be taken into account to guarantee optimal results:• The antenna should be installed in open space as far as possible from any possible sourcesof interference• The radio modem should not be installed onto a strongly vibrating surface• The radio modem should be installed in such a way as to minimise exposure to directsunlight or excessive humidity.3. To ensure reliable operation the voltage output of the power supply used must be stableenough and the current capability of the power supply must be sufficient.4. The antenna must be installed according to instructions.5. Settings of the radio modem must correspond to settings of the terminal.6. All radio modems in the same system must be configured using same settings (radiofrequency, channel spacing and data field length). See Chapter 4.1.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.08912 ACCESSORIES12.1 RS-232-cables and adaptersType Description Length NoteARS-1F Interface cable adapter D15 m / D9 f -including 2 m power supply cables aand programming switchCRS-9 Interface cable D9 m / D9 f 2 m -CRS-1M Interface cable D15 m / D25 m 2 m including power supply cablesCRS-1F Interface cable D15 m / D25 f 2 m including power supply cablesCRS-2M Interface cable D15 m / D9 m 2 m including power supply cablesCRS-2F Interface cable D15 m / D9 f 2 m including power supply cablesNote! In the description, m=male, f=female connector type.12.2 RS-485/422-cables and adaptersType Description Length NoteARS-2 Interface cable adapter D15 m / screwterminals -Screw terminals for RS-485/422 andpower supply12.3 RF-cablesType Description Length NoteCRF-1 Cable with TNC m/TNC f-connectors 1 m RG58     (3 dB/10 m)CRF-5F Cable with TNC m/TNC f-connectors 5 m RG58     (3 dB/10 m)CRF-5M Cable with TNC m/TNC m-connectors 5 m RG58     (3 dB/10 m)CRF-20 Cable for connecting a booster and aradio modem 20 cmRG213 Low loss cable X1,5 dB/10 mAIRCOM+ Low loss cable X0,7 dB/10 mNote! In the description, m=male, f=female connector type.
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09012.4 AntennasType DescriptionGAINFLEX 400-430 Half-wave antennaGAINFLEX 430-470 Half-wave antennaCA420Q Sleeve fed quarter wave whip, 2dBi, 405–440 MHzCA450Q Sleeve fed quarter wave whip, 2dBi, 440-475 MHzMINIFLEX 400-430 Helix antennaMINIFLEX 430-470 Helix antennaSATEL antenna selection includes also directional and/or omnidirectional antenna. These can besupplied separately on request. Antennas are also available for the 869 MHz frequency range.12.5 Filters and lightning protectorsIf a radio modem system is installed in an environment that contains high-power transmitters orsources of radio frequency interference, it is highly recommendable to insert suitable filtersbetween each radio modem and its antenna. If a station is installed to a location exposed tolightning, it is recommended to insert a lightning protector to the feed-line outside the protectedzone. SATEL Customer Support can give guidance in the selection of suitable filters orprotectors.12.6 Power suppliesType DescriptionMAS-2 220 Vac/12 Vdc/1AMAS-4 220 Vac/12 Vdc/5A12.7 BatteriesType DescriptionSATELSET-60 Battery Pack with a 60 mm Belt ClipSATELSET-90 Battery Pack with a 90 mm Belt ClipSET-BC Battery Cassette, 1800 mAh capacitySET-C ChargerSET-IC Installation Cradle12.8 Installation and enclosuresType DescriptionI-DIN Installation plate for DIN rail mountingH-WP Weather proof housing IP54H-EX Housing for potentially explosive environment, EEx d IIC T6  (also IP67)
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09113 APPENDIX AASCII CHARACTER TABLED H AD H AD H AD H AD H AD H A0 0 43 2B +86 56 V129 81 172 AC 215 D71 1 44 2C ,87 57 W130 82 173 AD 216 D82 2 45 2D -88 58 X131 83 174 AE 217 D93 3 46 2E .89 59 Y132 84 175 AF 218 DA4 4 47 2F /90 5A Z133 85 176 B0 219 DB5 5 48 30 0 91 5B [134 86 177 B1 220 DC6 6 49 31 1 92 5C \135 87 178 B2 221 DD7 7 50 32 2 93 5D ]136 88 179 B3 222 DE8 8 51 33 3 94 5E ^137 89 180 B4 223 DF9 9 52 34 4 95 5F _138 8A 181 B5 224 E010 A53 35 5 96 60 `139 8B 182 B6 225 E111 B54 36 6 97 61 a140 8C 183 B7 226 E212 C55 37 7 98 62 b141 8D 184 B8 227 E313 D56 38 8 99 63 c142 8E 185 B9 228 E414 E57 39 9 100 64 d143 8F 186 BA 229 E515 F58 3A :101 65 e144 90 187 BB 230 E61610593B;10266f14591188BC231E717 11 60 3C <103 67 g146 92 189 BD 232 E818 12 61 3D =104 68 h147 93 190 BE 233 E919 13 62 3E >105 69 i148 94 191 BF 234 EA20 14 63 3F ?106 6A j149 95 192 C0 235 EB21 15 64 40 @107 6B k150 96 193 C1 236 EC22 16 65 41 A108 6C l151 97 194 C2 237 ED23 17 66 42 B109 6D m152 98 195 C3 238 EE24 18 67 43 C110 6E n153 99 196 C4 239 EF25 19 68 44 D111 6F o154 9A 197 C5 240 F026 1A 69 45 E112 70 p155 9B 198 C6 241 F127 1B 70 46 F113 71 q156 9C 199 C7 242 F228 1C 71 47 G114 72 r157 9D 200 C8 243 F329 1D 72 48 H115 73 s158 9E 201 C9 244 F430 1E 73 49 I116 74 t159 9F 202 CA 245 F531 1F 74 4A J117 75 u160 A0 203 CB 246 F632 20 75 4B K118 76 v161 A1 204 CC 247 F73321!764CL11977w162A2205CD248F834 22 "77 4D M120 78 x163 A3 206 CE 249 F935 23 #78 4E N121 79 y164 A4 207 CF 250 FA36 24 $ 79 4F O122 7A z165 A5 208 D0 251 FB37 25 %80 50 P123 7B {166 A6 209 D1 252 FC38 26 &81 51 Q124 7C |167 A7 210 D2 253 FD39 27 '82 52 R125 7D }168 A8 211 D3 254 FE40 28 (83 53 S126 7E ~169 A9 212 D4 255 FF41 29 )84 54 T127 7F 170 AA 213 D542 2A *85 55 U128 80 171 AB 214 D6
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09214 APPENDIX B14.1 Functional delaysFunctionFunction Delay (ms)Delay (ms)Wakeup time DTR STAND-BY/ON 500RS interface turnaround time RS-232 0RS interface turnaround time RS-485 <1Intercharacter delay max. 2-3 characters14.2 Transmission related delaysDelay from the end of transmission to the end of reception on the RS-interface:Modem 1TD-lineModem 2RD-lineDelay  TimestartendstartendDATADATA
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09314.2.1 Transmission delays when using a 12,5 kHz radio channelTransmission delays without FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                         Number of bytes sentNumber of bytes sentBpsBps 11 1010 100100 50050012001200 40 40 41 4648004800 32 32 33 3496009600 31 31 31 311920019200 30 34 65 1953840038400 30 35 88 322Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.12.5 kHz radio channel without error correction0501001502002503003501 10 100 500Number of BytesDelay / ms1200480096001920038400
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.094Transmission delays with FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                  Number of bytes sentNumber of bytes sentBpsBps 11 1010 100100 50050012001200 50 51 53 5848004800 44 45 45 4696009600 43 45 67 1261920019200 43 43 105 3643840038400 42 43 128 490Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.12.5 kHz radio channel with error correction01002003004005006001 10 100 500Number of BytesDelays / ms1200480096001920038400
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.09514.2.2  Transmission delays using a 25 kHz radio channelTransmission delays without FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                  Number of bytes sentNumber of bytes sentBpsBps 11 1010 100100 50050012001200 30 30 31 3748004800 22 22 23 2396009600 20 20 20 211920019200 20 20 20 203840038400 20 21 39 102Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% marginal.25 kHz radio channel without error correction 0204060801001201 10 100 500Number of BytesDelay / ms1200480096001920038400
SATELLINE-3ASUser Guide, Version 2.096Transmission delays with FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                  Number of bytes sentNumber of bytes sentBpsBps 11 1010 100100 50050012001200 35 35 36 4148004800 28 29 30 3296009600 28 27 28 281920019200 27 27 36 653840038400 26 27 57 186Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.25 kHz radio channel with error correction0501001502001 10 100 500Number of BytesDelay / ms1200480096001920038400

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