Robert Bosch RK225 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter User Manual gkflhma 1a p65

Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd Low Power Communication Device Transmitter gkflhma 1a p65


User manual Pt3

1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI35 1. Speedometer 2. Turn Signal Indicator Light 3. Odometer 4. Automatic Transaxle Position Indicator Light (If installed) 5. Coolant Temperature Gauge 6. Trip  odometer 7. Fuel Gauge 8. Tachometer 9. Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Indicator Light (If installed)10. Trip Odometer Reset Knob11. Charging System Warning Light12. Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Service ReminderIndicator (SRI)13. Seat Belt Warning Light14. High Beam Indicator Light15. Low Oil Pressure Warning Light16. Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)17. Low Fuel Warning Light18. Parking Brake/Low Brake Fluid Level Warning Light19. CRUISE Indicator Light (If installed)20. CRUISE SET Indicator Light (If installed)21. Tail Gate Open Warning Light22. Door Ajar Warning Light23. ABS Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) (If installed)gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM35
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI36B260G01A-AATLow Oil Pressure Warning LightCAUTION:If the oil pressure warning light stays onwhile the engine is running, serious enginedamage may result. The oil pressure warn-ing light comes on whenever there is insuf-ficient oil pressure. In normal operation, itshould come on when the ignition switchis turned on, then go out when the engineis started. If the oil pressure warning lightstays on while the engine is running, thereis a serious malfunction.If this happens, stop the car as soon as it issafe to do so, turn off the engine and checkthe oil level. If the oil level is low, fill theengine oil to the proper level and start theengine again. If the light stays on with theengine running, turn the engine off imme-diately. In any instance where the oil lightstays on when the engine is running, theengine should be checked by a Hyundaidealer before the car is driven again.!!WARNING AND INDICATOR LIGHTSB260P02Y-GATABS Service Reminder Indica-tor (SRI) (If Installed)When the key is turned to the "ON" position, theAnti-Lock Brake System SRI will come on andthen go off in a few seconds. If the ABS SRIremains on, comes on while driving, or does notcome on when the key is turned to the "ON"position, this indicates that there may be aproblem with the ABS.If this occurs, have your vehicle checked byyour Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. Thenormal braking system will still be operational,but without the assistance of the anti-lock brakesystem.WARNING:If the both ABS SRI and Parking Brake/Brake fluid level warning lights remain "ON"or come on while driving, there may be aproblem with E.B.D (Electronic Brake ForceDistribution).If this occurs, avoid sudden stops  and haveyour vehicle checked by your Hyundai dealeras soon as possible.B260D01A-AATTurn Signal Indicator LightsThe blinking green arrows on the instrumentpanel show the direction indicated by the turnsignals. If the arrow comes on but does not blink,blinks more rapidly than normal, or does notilluminate at all, a malfunction in the turn signalsystem is indicated. Your dealer should beconsulted for repairs.B260F01A-AATHigh Beam Indicator LightThe high beam indicator light comes on when-ever the headlights are  switched to the highbeam  or flash position.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM36
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI37B260H01GK-AATParking Brake/Low Brake FluidLevel Warning LightCAUITON:If you suspect brake trouble, have yourbrakes checked by a Hyundai dealer assoon as possible. Driving your car with aproblem in either the brake electrical sys-tem or brake hydraulic system is danger-ous, and could result in a serious injury ordeath.Warning Light OperationThe parking brake/low brake fluid level warninglight should come on when the parking brake isapplied and the ignition switch is turned to "ON"or "START". After the engine is started, the lightshould go out in three seconds.If the parking brake is not applied, the warninglight should come on when the ignition switch isturned to "ON" or "START", then go out in threeseconds. If the light comes on at any other time,you should slow the vehicle and bring it to acomplete stop in a safe location off the roadway.The brake fluid level warning light indicates thatthe brake fluid level in the brake master cylinderis low and hydraulic brake fluid conforming toDOT 3 or DOT 4 specifications should beadded. After adding fluid, if no other trouble isfound, the car should be immediately and care-fully driven to a Hyundai dealer for inspection.If further trouble is experienced, the vehicleshould not be driven at all but  taken to a dealerby a professional towing service or some othersafe method.Your Hyundai is equipped with dual-diagonalbraking systems. This means you still havebraking on two wheels even if one of the dualsystems should fail. With only one of the dualsystems working, more than normal pedal traveland greater pedal pressure are required to stopthe car. Also, the car will not stop in as short adistance with only half of the brake systemworking. If the brakes fail while you are driving,shift to a lower gear for additional engine brakingand stop the car as soon as it is safe to do so.!B260J01A-AATCharging System Warning LightThe charging system warning light should comeon when the ignition is turned on, then go outwhen the engine is running. If the light stays onwhile the engine is running, there is a malfunc-tion in the electrical charging system. If the lightcomes on while you are driving, stop, turn off theengine and check under the hood. First, makecertain the generator drive belt is in place. If it is,check the tension of the belt. Do this as shownon page 6-23 by pushing down on the center ofthe belt. Have the system checked by yourHyundai dealer as soon as possible.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM37
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI38B260E01L-AATSeat Belt Reminder Light AndChimeSeat belt reminder light comes and stays on untilthe seat belt is fastened when the ignition key isturned "ON" or "START".And, the warning chime will also sound for about6 seconds.B260K01F-AATTail Gate Open Warning LightThis light remains on unless the tail gate iscompletely closed and latched.B260M01A-AATLow Fuel Level Warning LightThe low fuel level warning light comes on whenthe fuel tank is approaching empty. When itcomes on, you should add fuel as soon aspossible. Driving with the fuel level warning lighton or with the fuel level below "E" can cause theengine to misfire and damage the catalyticconverter.B260L02HP-GATDoor Ajar Warning Light andChime (If Installed)The door ajar warning light warns you that a dooris not completely closed and the chime warnsyou that the key is in the ignition switch.NOTE :The warning chime only sounds wheneverthe key is in the ignition switch and thedriver's side front door is open simulta-neously. The chime sounds until the key isremoved from the ignition switch or thedriver's side front door is closed.B260B01JM-AATSRS (Airbag) ServiceReminder Indicator (SRI)The SRS service reminder indicator (SRI) comeson for about  6 seconds after the ignition key isturned to the "ON" position or after the engineis started, after which it will go out.This light also comes on when the SRS is notworking properly. If the SRI does not come on,or continuously remains on after coming on forabout 6 seconds when you turned the ignitionkey to the "ON" position or started the engine,or if it comes on while driving, have the SRSinspected by an authorized Hyundai Dealer.B260N02A-AATMalfunction IndicatorLightThis light illuminates when there is a malfunctionof an exhaust gas related component, and thesystem is not functioning properly so that theexhaust gas regulation values are not satisfied.This light will also illuminate when the ignition keyis turned to the "ON" position, and then it will goout in a few seconds after the engine is started.If it illuminates while driving, or does not illumi-nate when the ignition key is turned to the "ON"position, take your car to your nearest autho-rized Hyundai dealer and have the systemchecked.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM38
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI39B260Q01E-GATCRUISE Indicator Light(If Installed)The cruise indicator light in the instrument clus-ter is illuminated when the cruise control mainswitch on the end of the barrel is pushed.The indicator light does not illuminate when thecruise control main switch is pushed a secondtime.Information about the use of cruise control isbeginning on page 1-63.B270A01A-AATBRAKE PAD WEAR  WARNING SOUNDThe front disc brake pads have wear indicatorsthat should make a high-pitched squealing orscraping noise when new pads are needed. Thesound may come and go or be heard all the timewhen the vehicle is moving. It may also be heardwhen the brake pedal is pushed down firmly.Excessive rotor damage will result if the wornpads are not replaced. See your Hyundai dealerimmediately.B260R01E-GATCRUISE SET Indicator Light(If installed)The set indicator light in the instrument clusteris illuminated when the cruise control switch ispushed downward to "SET (COAST)".The set indicator light does not illuminate whenthe control switch is in the "CANCEL" position.B265C01LZ-AATElectronic StabilityProgram Indicator Lights(If installed)The electronic stability program indicatorschange operation according to the ignition switchposition and whether  the system is in operationor not.They will illuminate when the ignition key isturned to the "ON" position, but should go outafter three seconds. If the ESP or ESP-OFFindicator stays on, take your car to your autho-rized Hyundai dealer and have the systemchecked. See section 2 for more informationabout the ESP.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM39
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI40!B290A02A-AATENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATUREGAUGEWARNING:Never remove the radiator cap when theengine is hot. The engine coolant is underpressure and could erupt and cause severeburns. Wait until the engine is cool beforeremoving the radiator cap.The needle on the engine coolant temperaturegauge should stay in the normal range. If itmoves across the dial to "H" (Hot), pull over andstop as soon as possible and turn off the engine.Then open the hood and after the engine hascooled,  check the coolant level and the waterpump drive belt. If you suspect cooling systemtrouble, have your cooling system checked bya Hyundai dealer as soon as possible.B300A01A-AATSPEEDOMETERYour Hyundai's speedometer is calibrated inmiles per hour (on the outer scale) and kilome-ters per hour (on the inner scale).HGK2060HGK2058AINSTRUMENT CLUSTERB280A01A-AATFUEL GAUGEThe needle on the gauge indicates the approxi-mate fuel level in the fuel tank. The fuel capacityis given in Section 9.HGK2059gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM40
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI41!B330A03E-AATTACHOMETERThe tachometer registers the speed of yourengine in revolutions per minute (rpm).B330A01GKCAUTION:The engine should not be raced to such aspeed that the needle enters the red zoneon the tachometer face. This can causesevere engine damage and may void yourwarranty.B310B01GK-GATOdometer/Trip odometerFunction of digital odometer/trip odom-eterPushing in the reset switch on the right side ofspeedometer when the ignition switch is turned"ON" will display the following sequence:HGK028BType AType BHGK2061-1HGK055CType AType Bgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM41
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI42 MULTI GAUGEB330C01GK-GAT(If installed)Multi gauge is consists of torque gauge, instan-taneous fuel consumption gauge and volt gauge.B330C01GKTorque gaugeIt shows instantaneous change of the torque byrpm.Instantaneous fuel Consumption gaugeIt shows instantaneous fuel consumption ac-cording to the driving condition. The more indi-cated figure is low, the more it indicates efficientdriving situation.B330C04GK1. OdometerThe odometer records the total driving distancein kilometers or miles, and is useful for keepinga record for maintenance intervals.NOTE:Any alteration of the odometer may voidyour warranty coverage.2,3 Trip odometerRecords the distance of 2 trips in kilometers ormiles.TRIP A: first distance you have traveled fromyour origination point to a first destination.TRIP B: Second distance from the first destina-tion to the final destination.To shift from TRIP A to TRIP B, press the resetswitch. When pressed for 1 second, it will resetto 0.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM42
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI43Volt gaugeIt shows moment volt change and makes fordiver correspond to low volt situation.B330C03GKMULTI-FUNCTION LIGHT SWITCHB340A01A-AATCOMBINATION TURN SIGNAL,HEADLIGHT AND HIGH-BEAMSWITCHTurn Signal OperationPulling down on the lever causes the turnsignals on the left side of the car to blink. Pushingupwards on the lever causes the turn signals onthe right side of the car to blink. As the turn iscompleted, the lever will automatically return tothe center position and turn off the turn signalsat the same time. If either turn signal indicatorlight blinks more rapidly than usual, goes on butdoes not blink, or does not go on at all, there isa malfunction in the system. Check for a burned-out fuse or bulb or see your Hyundai dealer.B340B01A-AATLane Change SignalTo indicate a lane change, move the lever up ordown to a point where it begins flashing.The lever will automatically return to the centerposition when released.HGK2079gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM43
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI44Parking light auto cutIf you do not turn the parking lights "OFF" afterdriving, the parking lights will automatically shut"OFF" when the driver's door is opened.To turn them "ON" again you must simply turnthe ignition key to the "ON" position.B340D01A-AATHigh-beam SwitchTo turn on the headlight high beams, push thelever forward (away from you). The high beamindicator light will come on at the same time. Forlow beams, pull the lever back toward you.B340G01LZ-GATAuto Light (If installed)To operate the automatic light feature, turn thebarrel on the end of the multi-function switch. Ifyou set the multi-function switch to "AUTO",  thetail lights and headlights will be turned automati-cally on or off according to external illumination.NOTE:Switch on car light manually in foggy, cloudyand rainy conditions.HGK2075B340C03E-AATHeadlight SwitchTo operate the headlights, turn the barrel on theend of the multi-function switch. The first posi-tion turns on the parking lights, sidelights, taillights and instrument panel lights. The secondposition turns on the headlights.NOTE:The ignition must be in the "ON" positionto turn on the headlight.HGK2074gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM44
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI45B340E01A-AATHeadlight FlasherTo flash the headlights, pull the switch levertoward you, then release it. The headlights canbe flashed even though the headlight switch isin the "OFF" position.HGK2077NOTE:o Never place anything over sensor lo-cated on the instrument panel, this willensure better auto light system control.o Don't clean the sensor using a windowcleaner.o If your vehicle has window tint or othertypes of coating on the front windshield,the AUTO light system may not workproperly.B340G01GKAuto Light SensorWINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHERSWITCHB350A01A-AATThe windshield wiper switch has three posi-tions:(1)Intermittent wiper operation(2)Low-speed operation(3)High-speed operationNOTE:To prevent damage to the wiper system, donot attempt to wipe away heavy accumula-tions of snow or ice. Accumulated snowand ice should be removed manually. Ifthere is only a light layer of snow or ice,operate the heater in the defrost mode tomelt the snow or ice before using the wiper.HGK042Agkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM45
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI46B350B01O-AATWindshield Washer OperationTo use the windshield washer, pull the wiper/washer lever toward the steering wheel. Whenthe washer lever is operated, the wipers auto-matically make two passes across the wind-shield. The washer continues to operate untilthe lever is released.NOTE:o Do not operate the washer more than 15seconds at a time or when the fluidreservoir is empty.o In icy or freezing weather, be sure thewiper blades are not frozen to the glassprior to operating the wipers.o In areas where water freezes in winter,use windshield washer antifreeze.HGK044AB350C01S-AATAdjustable Intermittent Wiper OperationTo use the intermittent wiper feature, place thewiper switch in the "INT" position. With theswitch in this position, the interval betweenwipes can be varied from 2 to 10 seconds byturning the interval adjuster barrel.HGK043AHGK045AMist Wiper OperationIf a single wipe is desired in mist, move thewindshield wiper and washer control lever up.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM46
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI47B390A01E-AATRear Window Wiper And Washer Switch1. : The rear window wiper starts to oper-ate three times after the washer fluidsprays onto the rear window.2.OFF3.INT : The interval between wipes operatesevery 5 seconds intermittently.4.ON : The rear window wiper starts to oper-ate continuously.5. : The washer fluid will be sprayed ontothe rear window and the wiper operateswhile the rear window wiper barrel isplaced in this position.HGK046ADo not operate the washer continuously formore than 15 seconds or when the fluid reser-voir is empty; this could damage the system. Donot operate the wiper when the window is dry;this can result in scratching as well as prema-ture wiper blade wear.For the reason stated above,do not operate thewasher when the washer fluid reservoir isempty.FRONT FOG LIGHT SWITCHB360A01F-AAT(If Installed)To turn on the front fog lights, push the switch.They will light when the headlights are turned on.HGK142Agkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM47
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI48 REAR WINDOW DEFROSTERSWITCHHGK2090-1B380A01A-AATThe rear window defroster and heated outsiderearview mirrors are turned on by pushing in theswitch. To turn the defroster off, push the switcha second time. The rear window defrosterautomatically turns itself off after about 15 min-utes. To restart the defroster cycle, push in theswitch again after it has turned itself off.NOTE:The ignition must be in the "ON" positionfor the rear window defroster to operate.CAUTION:Do not clean the inner side of the rearwindow glass with an abrasive type of glasscleaner or use a scraper to remove foreigndeposits from the inner surface of the glassas this may cause damage to the defrosterelements.!Type AType BHAZARD WARNING SYSTEMB370A01A-AATThe hazard warning system should be usedwhenever you find it necessary to stop the carin a hazardous location. When you must makesuch an emergency stop, always pull off theroad as far as possible.The hazard warning lights are turned on bypushing in the hazard switch. This causes allturn signal lights to blink. The hazard warninglights will operate even though the key is not inthe ignition.To turn the hazard warning lights off, push theswitch a second time.HGK140Agkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM48
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI49CIGARETTE LIGHTERINSTRUMENT PANEL LIGHTCONTROL (RHEOSTAT)B410A01A-AATThe instrument panel lights can be made brighteror dimmer by turning the instrument panel lightcontrol knob.HGK2150B420A02A-AATFor the cigarette lighter to work, the key mustbe in the "ACC" position or the "ON" position.To use the cigarette lighter, push it all the wayinto its socket. When the element has heated,the lighter will pop out to the "ready" position.Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed in. Thiscan damage the heating element and create afire hazard.If  it is necessary to replace the cigarette lighter,use only a genuine Hyundai replacement or itsapproved equivalent.HGK2118DIGITAL CLOCKB400A01A-AATThere are three control buttons for the digitalclock. Their functions are:HOUR - Push "H" to advance the hour indi-cated.MIN - Push "M" to advance the minute indi-cated.RESET - Push "R" to reset minutes to ":00" tofacilitate resetting the clock to thecorrect time. When this is done:Pressing "R" between 10 : 30 and 11 : 29changes the readout to 11 : 00.Pressing "R" between 11 : 30 and 12 : 29changes the readout to 12 : 00.HGK143A!CAUTION:Do not use electric accessories or equip-ment other than the Hyundai genuine partsin the socket.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM49
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI50 DRINK HOLDER!B450A02GK-AAT(If Installed)The drink holder is used for holding cups orcans.To use the passenger's drink holder, push thedrink holder.HGK2123WARNING:o Use caution when using the drink hold-ers. A spilled beverage that is very hotcan injure you or your passengers. Spilledliquids can damage interior trim andelectrical components.o Do not place objects other than cups orcans in the drink holder. Such objectscan be thrown out in the event of asudden stop or an accident, possiblyinjuring the passengers in the vehicle.ASHTRAYB430A01GK-AATThe front ashtray may be opened by pushingand releasing the ashtray door at its top edge.To remove the ashtray in order to clean it, themetal ash receptacle should be lifted out fromthe ashtray door. Do not attempt to remove theentire ashtray door assembly or damage willresult. To reinstall it, place it in the properposition and press it down in the ashtray door.The ashtray lamp will only illuminate when theexterior body lights are switched on.HGK2120Driver's Passenger'sgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM50
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI51!WARNING:o Do not close a sunroof if anyone’s hands,arms or body are between the slidingglass and the sunroof sash, as this couldresult in injury.o Do not place your head or arms out of thesunroof opening at any time.CAUTION:o Do not open the sunroof in severely coldtemperature or when it is covered withice or snow.o Periodically remove any dirt that mayhave accumulated on the guide rails.!SUNROOFB460A01S-AAT(If Installed)The sunroof can be operated with the ignitionkey in the "ON" position.!SUNSHADEB470A01S-AAT(If Installed)The sunshade can be opened and closed bysliding it forward or rearward when the sunroofis closed. The sunshade will open automaticallywhen the sunroof is opened, but it must beclosed manually.HGK2026WARNING:Never adjust the sunshade while driving.B460B02GK-GATOpening the Sunroof SystemThe sunroof can be electrically opened or closedwith the ignition key in the "ON" position. Thesunroof is moved to its fully open position bypushing the "       " switch, and to stop at the desiredposition, push in any switches (      ,       , Up, Down).To close, press and hold the "    " button.Release the button when the sunroof reachesthe desired position.HGK2022gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM51
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI522. Insert the hexagonal head wrench providedwith the vehicle into the socket. This wrenchcan be found in the vehicle’s trunk or glovebox.3. Push and turn the wrench clockwise to closeor counterclockwise to open the sunroof.HGK2025B460C01S-AATTilting the Sunroof SystemThe sunroof can be tilted by pushing the "UP"button with the sunroof closed. Release thebutton when the sunroof reaches the desiredposition. To close the sunroof, press the"DOWN" button.NOTE:After washing the car or after there is rain,be sure to wipe off any water that is on thesunroof before operating it.HGK2023B460D03GK-AATManual Operation of SunroofIf the sunroof does not electrically operate:1. Remove the cap located in the rear roofpanel by using a coin or screw driver.HGK2024gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM52
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI53HGK2087B460E03GK-GATResetting the Sunroof SystemIf the battery has been recharged, discon-nected or is manually with operating the hex-agonal head wrench, you may need to reset thesunroof.To do this;1. Turn the ignition switch "OFF".2. With pressing "      " "up" button at the sametime, turn the ignition switch "ON".The resetting is failed when the ignitionkey to the "OFF" within 1.5 seconds.3. If the sunroof is set like this, the sunroof isreset with tilting up/down automatically oncefor all.CAUTION:If the sunroof is not reset, it may not operatenormally.!INTERIOR LIGHTB480A01GK-GATMAP LIGHT(1) Push in the map light switch to turn on thedriver side light.(2) In the "DOOR" position, the interior cour-tesy light comes on when any door isopened regardless of the ignition key posi-tion. The light goes out gradually 6 secondsafter the door is closed.(3) Push in the map light switch to turn on thedriver side light.(1) (2)(3)SPECTACLE CASE!B491A01F-AATThe spectacle case is located on the frontoverhead console.Push the end of the cover to open or close thespectacle case.HGK2122WARNING:Do not open the spectacle case while thevehicle is moving.The rear view mirror of the vehicle can beblocked by an open spectacle case.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM53
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI54!2. Next, adjust the mirror angle by depressingthe appropriate perimeter switch as illus-trated.CAUTION:o Do not operate the switch continuouslyfor an unnecessary length of time.o Scraping ice from the mirror face couldcause permanent damage. To removeany ice, use a sponge, soft cloth orapproved deicer.WARNING:Be careful when judging the size or dis-tance of any object seen in the passengerside rear view mirror. It is a convex mirrorwith a curved surface. Any objects seen inthis mirror are closer than they appear.!GLOVE BOX MIRRORB510B01A-AATOUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRRORElectric TypeHGK2053The outside rearview mirrors can be adjustedto your preferred rear vision, both directly be-hind the vehicle, and to the rear of the left andright sides.The remote control outside rearview mirrorswitch controls the adjustments for both theright and left outside mirror.To adjust the position of either mirror:1. Move the selecting switch to the right or leftto activate the adjustable mechanism for thecorresponding door mirror.!B500A01A-AATWARNING:To avoid the possibility of injury in case ofan accident or a sudden stop, the glove boxdoor should be kept closed when the car isin motion.HGK2121o To open the glove box, pull on the glove boxrelease lever.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM54
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI55DAY/NIGHT INSIDE REAR VIEWMIRRORB510D01Y-AATOUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR HEATER(If Installed)The outside rearview mirror heater is actuatedin connection with the rear window defroster. Toheat the outside rearview mirror glass, push inthe switch for the rear window defroster. Therearview mirror glass will be heated for defrost-ing or defogging and will give you improved rearvision in inclement weather conditions. Push theswitch again to turn the heater off. The outsiderearview mirror heater automatically turns itselfoff after 15 minutes.HGK2090-1Type AType B!B510C01A-AATFOLDING THE OUTSIDE REAR VIEWMIRRORSTo fold the outside rear view mirrors, push themtoward the rear.The outside rear view mirrors can be foldedrearward for parking in narrow areas.HGK2055WARNING:Do not adjust or fold the outside rear viewmirrors while the vehicle is moving. Thiscould result in loss of control, and an acci-dent which could cause death, serious in-jury or death.B520A01A-AATYour Hyundai is equipped with a day/night insiderear view mirror. The "night" position is selectedby flipping the tab at the bottom of the mirrortoward you. In the "night" position, the glare ofheadlights of cars behind you is reduced.HGK2052gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM55
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI56 HIGH-MOUNTED REAR STOP LIGHTB550A01S-GATIn addition to the lower-mounted rear stoplightson either side of the car, the high mounted rearstoplight in the center of the rear window orinserted in the rear spoiler also lights when thebrakes are applied.B550A02GKType A Type B Type CPARKING BRAKEB530A01A-AATAlways engage the parking brake before leav-ing the car. This also turns on the parking brakeindicator light when the key is in the "ON" or"START" position. Before driving away, be surethat the parking brake is fully released and theindicator light is off.o To engage the parking brake, pull the leverup as far as possible.o To release the parking brake, pull up thelever and press the thumb button. Then,while holding the button in, lower the brakelever.HGK3019B520B01O-GAT(Electric type) (If installed)The electric type day/night inside rearview mir-ror automatically controls the glare of headlightsof the car behind you. Adjust the rearview mirrorto the desired position.HGK2051Sensorgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM56
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI57FRONT DOOR EDGE WARNINGLIGHTB620A01S-AATA red light comes on when the front door isopened. The purpose of this light is to assistwhen you get in or out and also to warn passingvehicles.B620A01GK!HOOD RELEASEB570A01GK-GAT1. Pull the release knob to unlatch the hood.HGK20192. Press the safety hook lever up and lift thehood.3. Raise the hood by hand.When closing the hood, slowly close the hoodand make sure it locks into place.HGK2020WARNING:o Always double check to be sure that thehood is firmly latched before drivingaway. If it is not latched, the hood couldopen while the vehicle is being driven,causing a total loss of visibility, whichmight result in an accident.o Do not move the vehicle with the hoodin the raised position, as vision is ob-structed and the hood could fall or bedamaged.Hood Release Levergkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM57
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI58WARNING:o The fuel cap must be tightened until capclicks, otherwise "        " light willilluminate.o Gasoline vapors are dangerous. Beforerefueling, always stop the engine andnever allow sparks or open flames nearthe filler area. If you need to replace thefiller cap, use a genuine Hyundai re-placement part.o If you open the fuel filler cap during highambient temperatures, a slight "pres-sure sound" may be heard. This is nor-mal and not a cause for concern.Whenever you open the fuel filler cap,turn it slowly.o Make sure the fuel filler cap is replacedand securely seated after fueling. Failureto replace or fully seat the fuel filler capwill result in fuel vapors escaping intothe atmosphere and the MIL indicatorilluminating.o Do not "TOP-OFF" after the first nozzleshut off when refueling.o Automotive fuels are flammable/explo-sive materials. When refueling, pleasenote the following guidelines carefully.!NOTE:If the fuel-filler lid will not open because icehas formed around it, tap lightly or push onthe lid to break the ice and release the lid. Donot pry on the lid. If necessary, spray aroundthe lid with an approved deicer fluid (do notuse radiator anti-freeze) or move the ve-hicle to a warm place and allow the ice tomelt.HGK2018QREMOTE FUEL-FILLER LIDRELEASEB560A02JM-AATThe fuel-filler lid may be opened from inside thevehicle by pulling up on the fuel-filler lid openerlocated on the front floor area on the left side ofthe vehicle.HGK2017gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM58
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI59o Before touching the fuel nozzle or fuelfiller cap, have one's hands in contactwith metal parts away from the filler neckto discharge static electricity.o Do not get back in the vehicle whilerefueling. Do not operate anything thatcan produce static electricity. Static elec-tricity discharge can ignite fuel vaporsresulting in explosion.o When using a portable fuel container besure to place the container on the groundwhile refueling. Static electricity dis-charge from the container can ignite fuelvapors causing a fire. While starting re-fueling contact should be maintaineduntil the filling is complete.o Do not use cellular phones around a gasstation. The electric current or electronicinterference from cellular phones canignite fuel vapors causing a fire.o When refueling always shut the engineoff. Sparks by electrical equipment ofthe engine can ignite fuel vapors caus-ing a fire. After refueling, check to makesure the fuel filler cap is securely closed,and then start the engine.o Do not smoke or try to light cigarettesaround a gas station. Automotive fuelsare flammable.!TAIL GATEB540A01F-AATRemote Tail Gate ReleaseTo open the tail gate without using the key, pullup the lid release lever located on the driver'sdoor panel.To close, lower the tail gate, then press down onit until it locks. To be sure the tail gate is securelyfastened, always try to pull it up again.HGK2012WARNING:The tail gate should always be kept com-pletely closed while the vehicle is in motion.If it is left open or ajar, poisonous exhaustgases may enter the car resulting in seriousillness or death to the occupants. See addi-tional warnings concerning exhaust gaseson page 2-2.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM59
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI60!WARNING:Do not close an open tailgate (rear hatch)while a person(s) is sitting upright on therear seat. The tailgate or tailgate glass maycontact the head of a person sitting uprighton the rear seat. Closing the tailgate onto aperson's head may cause serious injuries,including death.B540D01GK-GATwhen you close the tailgateHGK1034HGK227B540C01F-AATTo Unlock Using the KeyTo open the tail gate, insert the key and turn itclockwise to unlock. The tail gate compartmentlight illuminates when the tail gate is opened.HGK2011gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM60
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI61!STEERING WHEEL TILT LEVERB600A01HP-AAT(If installed)To adjust the steering wheel:1. Pull the lever toward you and hold it to unlock.2. Raise or lower the steering wheel to thedesired position.3. After adjustment, release the lever.WARNING:Do not attempt to adjust the steering wheelwhile driving as this may result in loss ofcontrol of the vehicle and serious injury ordeath.HGK2049!B580A02A-AATYour Hyundai is equipped with sun visors to givethe driver and front passenger either frontal orsideward shade. To reduce glare or to shut outdirect rays of the sun, turn the sun visor down.A vanity mirror is provided on the back of the sunvisor for the front passenger.NOTE:The Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)label containing useful information can befound on the front of each sun visor.Vanity mirrorHGK2119SUN VISORWARNING:Do not place the sun visor in such a mannerthat it obscures visibility of the roadway,traffic or other objects.HORNWorking ZoneB610A01S-GATPress the pad on the steering wheel to sound thehorn.HGK2050gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:41 PM61
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI62!WARNING:o Make sure the floor mat is properly placedon the floor carpet. If the floor mat slipsand interferes with the movement of thepedals during driving, it may cause anaccident.o Don't put an additional floor mat on thetop of the anchored mat, otherwise theadditional mat may slide forward andinterfere with the movement of the ped-als.B990A03Y-AATFloor Mat AnchorWhen using a floor mat on the front floor carpet,make sure it attaches to the floor mat anchor inyour vehicle. This keeps the floor mat fromsliding forward.HGK129!LUGGAGE NETB540D02HP-GAT(if installed)Some objects can be kept in the net in theluggage compartment.Use the luggage net on the floor(If installed) orat the back of the luggage compartment toprevent objects from sliding.WARNING:Avoid eye injury. Do not overstretch. Al-ways keep face and body out of recoil path.Do not use when strap has visible signs ofwear or damage.HGK2126Type BCAUTION:To prevent damage to the goods or thevehicle, care should be taken when carryingfragile or bulky objects in the luggage com-partment.!Type Agkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:42 PM62
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI63CRUISE CONTROLB660A01S-AAT(If Installed)The cruise control system provides automaticspeed control for your comfort when driving onfreeways, tollroads, or other noncongestedhighways. This system is designed to functionabove approximately 25 mph (40 km/h).B660A01GKB660B01GK-AATTo Set the Cruise Speed1. Push in the cruise control main switch on theend of the barrel. The "CRUISE" indicatorlight in the instrument cluster will be illumi-nated. This turns the system on.2. Accelerate to the desired cruising speedabove  25 mph (40 km/h).3. Push the control switch downward to "SET(COAST)" and release it.The "SET" indicator light in the instrumentcluster will illuminate.4. Remove your foot from the accelerator pedaland the desired speed will automatically bemaintained.B660B01GK!5. To momently increase speed, depress theaccelerator pedal enough for the vehicle toexceed the preset speed. When you removeyour foot from the accelerator pedal, thevehicle will return to the speed you have set.WARNING:To avoid accidental cruise control engage-ment, keep the cruise control main switchoff when not using the cruise control.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:42 PM63
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI64B660E01E-AATTo Reset at a Faster Speed1. Push the control switch upward to "RE-SUME (ACCEL)" position and hold it.2. Accelerate to desired speed and release thecontrol switch. While the control switch isheld, the vehicle will gradually gain speed.B660F02E-AATTo Reset at a Slower Speed1. Push the control switch downward to "SET(COAST)" and hold it. The vehicle will decel-erate.2. When the desired speed is obtained, releasethe control switch. While the control switchis pushed, the vehicle speed will graduallydecrease.B660B01GKB660D01E-AATTo Resume the Preset SpeedThe vehicle will automatically resume the speedset prior to cancellation when you push thecontrol switch upward to "RESUME (ACCEL)"position and release it, providing the vehiclespeed is above 25 mph (40 km/h).B660D01GKB660C01GK-AATTo Cancel the Cruise SpeedTo disengage the cruise control system, pull thecontrol switch toward the steering wheel to"CANCEL" position.Additionally, the following actions will disengagethe system :o Depress the brake pedal.o Depress the clutch pedal (Manual transaxle).o Shift the selector lever to "N" position (Auto-matic transaxle).o Decrease the vehicle speed lower than thememorized speed by 9 mph (15 km/h).o Decrease the vehicle speed to less than 25mph (40 km/h).o Release the main switch.B660C01GKgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:42 PM64
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI65!! WARNING:o Keep the main switch off when not usingthe cruise control.o Use the cruise control system only whentraveling on open highways in goodweather.o Do not use the cruise control when itmay not be safe to keep the car at aconstant speed, for instance, driving inheavy or varying traffic, or on slippery(rainy, icy or snow-covered) or windingroads or over 6% up-hill or down-hillroads.o Pay particular attention to the drivingconditions whenever using the cruisecontrol system.o During cruise-control driving with amanual transaxle vehicle, do not shiftinto neutral without depressing theclutch pedal, or the engine will beoverrevved. If this happens, depress theclutch pedal or release the main switch.o With the cruise control engaged, whenthe brake pedal is applied, it is normal tohear the cruise control system deacti-vate. This is an indication of normalsystem operation.o During normal cruise control operation,when the "SET(COAST)" is activated orreactivated after applying the brakes,the cruise control will energize afterapproximately 3 seconds. This delay isnormal.WARNING:AUDIO REMOTE CONTROLSWITCHB610A01GK-GAT(If installed)The steering wheel audio remote control switchis installed to promote safe driving.POWER ON/OFF SwitchPress the POWER ON/OFF switch to selectRadio, Tape, CD (compact disc) and CDC(compact disc changer).Press the POWER ON/OFF switch once againto cancel Radio, Tape, CD (compact disc) andCDC (compact disc changer).B610A01GKgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:42 PM65
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI66SEEK (UP /    ) SwitchPress the SEEK UP (    ) switch 1 sec. or more.1. RADIO modeWhen the SEEK UP (      ) switch is pressed, theunit will automatically tune to the next higherfrequency.2. TAPE modePressing the SEEK UP (      ) switch  will play thebeginning of the next music segment.3. CD (compact disc)/CDC(compact disc changer) modePress the SEEK UP (     ) switch once to skipforward to the beginning of the next track.VOL (      /      ) Switcho Press the VOL (     ) button to increasevolume.o Press the VOL (     ) button to deceasevolume.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:42 PM66

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