Rohde and Schwarz TMU91 500 Watt UHF ATSC Transmitter User Manual Setup Manual

Rohde & Schwarz Inc 500 Watt UHF ATSC Transmitter Setup Manual

Setup Manual

R&S®Tx9Transmitter SystemOperating ManualOperating Manual(E9é:2)2109.9110.02 ─ 07BroadcastingFor information only! This manual, dated April 25, 2014 reflects the technical status as of that date. There may have been technical changes since that time.
© 2014 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGMühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, GermanyPhone: +49 89 41 29 - 0Fax: +49 89 41 29 12 164E-mail: info@rohde-schwarz.comInternet: www.rohde-schwarz.comSubject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.Trade names are trademarks of the owners.The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual: R&S®XYZ1234 is abbreviated as R&S XYZ1234.
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ContentsR&S®Tx93Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Contents1Information about this Manual..............................................................92Safety Instructions...............................................................................112.1 Safety Instructions for Transmitter Systems and Equipment................................ 112.2 General Safety Instructions....................................................................................... 122.2.1 Safety Instructions.........................................................................................................122.3 Special Hazard Information........................................................................................192.3.1 Hazards from AC Supply Voltage................................................................................. AC Power Supply.......................................................................................................... Changing Fuses............................................................................................................ 192.3.2 Hazards from High‑Energy Electric Circuits..................................................................192.3.3 Hazards from RF Radiation........................................................................................... Obligation to Instruct Personnel.................................................................................... RF Shielding.................................................................................................................. Rules When Operating an Amplifier.............................................................................. Rules When Working on an Open Amplifier..................................................................212.3.4 Conditions for Assembly Work on Cooling System.......................................................212.3.5 Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances............................................................223Introduction to Operation....................................................................233.1 Operation via R&S TDU900........................................................................................ 233.1.1 Opening Display............................................................................................................233.1.2 Closing Display............................................................................................................. 233.1.3 Using Touchscreen Function........................................................................................ 233.2 Operation via Browser................................................................................................243.2.1 Connection Setup and Login.........................................................................................263.3 Structure of User Interface.........................................................................................263.3.1 Elements of User Interface............................................................................................263.3.2 Views.............................................................................................................................273.3.3 Basic Functions on Menu Bar....................................................................................... Logbook........................................................................................................................ Help............................................................................................................................... Local/Remote................................................................................................................ 29
ContentsR&S®Tx94Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ Login/Logout................................................................................................................. Device View.................................................................................................................. Task View......................................................................................................................303.3.4 Navigation..................................................................................................................... 303.3.5 Input Fields....................................................................................................................303.3.6 Editors........................................................................................................................... 303.3.6.1 Numeric Editor.............................................................................................................. 313.3.6.2 Text Editor.....................................................................................................................313.3.7 Special Tasks................................................................................................................313.3.7.1 Finding an Error............................................................................................................ 313.3.7.2 Managing Users............................................................................................................ 323.3.8 Logbook........................................................................................................................ 323.3.8.1 Intelligent Filtering......................................................................................................... 323.3.8.2 Chronological View....................................................................................................... 333.3.8.3 Manual Filter (Filter/Options).........................................................................................353.3.8.4 Scroll Function.............................................................................................................. 364 Device View Description......................................................................394.1 System Overview........................................................................................................ 394.1.1 Forward Power..............................................................................................................394.1.2 Reflected Power............................................................................................................404.1.3 Transmitter.................................................................................................................... 404.1.4 N+1 Redundancy.......................................................................................................... 414.1.4.1 Manual Switchover........................................................................................................414.1.4.2 Automatic Switchover....................................................................................................414.1.4.3 Configuring N+1 Automatic Function............................................................................ 414.2 Transmitter.................................................................................................................. 434.2.1 Automatic Switchover....................................................................................................444.2.1.1 Automatic Input Signal.................................................................................................. 444.2.1.2 Automatic Exciter Switchover........................................................................................474.2.2 Transmitter Status.........................................................................................................484.2.3 Amplifiers...................................................................................................................... 494.2.4 Rack.............................................................................................................................. 644.2.5 Output Stage................................................................................................................. 65
ContentsR&S®Tx95Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.3 Exciter DVB-T2............................................................................................................ 654.3.1 Coder for DVB-T2......................................................................................................... 654.3.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power............................................................ 744.3.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................... 754.3.3.1 Configuring Physical Inputs...........................................................................................754.3.3.2 Input Signal Switchover.................................................................................................804.3.4 Controlling Time of Transmission in Single-Frequency Networks (SFN)...................... 824.3.4.1 Settings......................................................................................................................... 844.3.5 Using Frequency Control.............................................................................................. 864.3.6 Precorrection at ATV.....................................................................................................884.4 Exciter DVB-T.............................................................................................................. 924.4.1 Coder for DVB-T........................................................................................................... 924.4.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power............................................................ 964.4.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................... 964.4.3.1 Configuring Physical Inputs...........................................................................................964.4.3.2 Input Signal Switchover...............................................................................................1014.4.4 Controlling Time of Transmission in Single-Frequency Networks (SFN).................... 1044.4.4.1 Settings....................................................................................................................... 1064.4.5 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 1084.4.6 Precorrection...............................................................................................................1104.5 Exciter ISDB-T........................................................................................................... 1164.5.1 Coder for ISDB-T........................................................................................................ 1164.5.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power.......................................................... 1214.5.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................. 1224.5.3.1 Configuring Physical Inputs.........................................................................................1224.5.3.2 Input Signal Switchover...............................................................................................1274.5.4 Controlling Time of Transmission in Single-Frequency Networks (SFN).................... 1294.5.4.1 Settings....................................................................................................................... 1324.5.5 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 1344.5.6 Precorrection...............................................................................................................1364.6 Exciter ATSC............................................................................................................. 1424.6.1 Coder for ATSC...........................................................................................................1424.6.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power.......................................................... 144
ContentsR&S®Tx96Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.6.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................. 1454.6.3.1 Configuring Physical Inputs.........................................................................................1454.6.3.2 Input Signal Switchover...............................................................................................1504.6.4 Controlling Time of Transmission in Single-Frequency Networks (SFN).................... 1524.6.4.1 Settings....................................................................................................................... 1554.6.5 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 1574.6.6 Precorrection...............................................................................................................1604.7 Exciter DTMB.............................................................................................................1654.7.1 Coder for DTMB.......................................................................................................... 1654.8 Exciter ATV................................................................................................................ 1694.8.1 Coder for ATV............................................................................................................. 1694.8.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power.......................................................... 1754.8.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................. 1764.8.4 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 1794.8.5 Precorrection at ATV...................................................................................................1814.9 Exciter DAB............................................................................................................... 1874.9.1 Coder for DAB.............................................................................................................1874.9.2 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 1894.9.3 Precorrection...............................................................................................................1914.10 Exciter FM.................................................................................................................. 1974.10.1 Coder for FM............................................................................................................... 1974.10.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output Power for FM...............................................1994.10.3 Signal Feed................................................................................................................. 2004.10.3.1 Configuring Physical Inputs.........................................................................................2004.10.3.2 Input Signal Switchover...............................................................................................2034.10.4 Using Frequency Control............................................................................................ 2044.11 Switchless Combiner................................................................................................2074.11.1 Settings....................................................................................................................... 2084.12 Cooling System......................................................................................................... 2104.12.1 Liquid Cooling (High‑Performance).............................................................................2104.12.1.1 Configuring Switching Thresholds (Pressure) and Flow Volumes.............................. 2104.12.1.2 Configuring Fans and Pumps......................................................................................2134.12.1.3 Status of Cooling System............................................................................................214
ContentsR&S®Tx97Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.12.2 Small Cooling – Simplified Liquid Cooling System (FM Transmitter)..........................2144.12.2.1 Configuration of Cooling System.................................................................................2154.12.2.2 Status.......................................................................................................................... 2154.12.3 Air Cooling (Medium‑Power)....................................................................................... 2175Task View Description....................................................................... 2195.1 Basic Settings........................................................................................................... 2195.2 Parameters: Input Configuration............................................................................. 2275.3 System Control..........................................................................................................2295.3.1 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)......................................................... 2295.3.1.1 General....................................................................................................................... 2295.3.1.2 Settings on Transmitter End........................................................................................2295.3.1.3 Settings on Manager End............................................................................................2305.3.1.4 Which MIBs Must Be Used?....................................................................................... 2325.3.1.5 Which OIDs from a MIB Must Be Used?.....................................................................2335.3.1.6 Setting Alarms.............................................................................................................2345.3.1.7 Testing the SNMP Communications........................................................................... 2355.3.1.8 Setting Alarms Using SNMP....................................................................................... 2365.3.1.9 Type plates - the ENTITY MIB.................................................................................... 2385.4 Maintain Software..................................................................................................... 2405.4.1 Software Update......................................................................................................... 2405.4.2 Backup/Restore...........................................................................................................2425.5 Options.......................................................................................................................2446Operating the Device Manager......................................................... 2476.1 Basic Settings........................................................................................................... 2477User Administration...........................................................................2577.1 Creating New User Profiles...................................................................................... 2577.2 Changing User Profiles (Users and Access Rights)..............................................2577.3 Deleting User Profiles...............................................................................................2587.4 Closing Active Sessions.......................................................................................... 258
Information about this ManualR&S®Tx99Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 071 Information about this ManualThis manual is part of the documentation for the R&S THU9 transmitter family fromRohde & Schwarz. The individual manuals for the transmitter family have a modularstructure and complement each other.StructureThe system manual, which is the central and overarching part of the overall documen-tation, describes all the steps involved in installing a transmitter.Operation of the transmitter system after installation and the steps required to put thesystem into operation are described in the operating manual.The service manual describes all maintenance, troubleshooting and service tasks thatcustomers can carry out themselves. At certain points in the transmitter manual, thereader is referred to the appropriate operating manual or service manual.ContentsThe manuals for the transmitter family describe all activities required for installation,startup, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and servicing of the transmitter andits component parts. The appendix contains the interface descriptions and the techni-cal documentation.SafetyAll skilled personnel working with a transmitter or its components have a duty to readthe associated manuals and to follow the safety measures described in the section"Safety" and given at appropriate points in the manual. It must be ensured that thetransmitter and the individual components of the transmitter are used only for theirintended use. All activities connected with the transmitter or individual transmitter com-ponents must be carried out by skilled personnel. If activities require additional skillsand qualifications, this is indicated at the appropriate points in the manual.Symbols and notationThe "warning triangle" symbol refers the reader to potential hazards. The degree ofdanger is indicated by different signal words next to the warning symbol.Instructions are given in numbered steps. All other formatting options are intended toimprove clarity and are self‑explanatory.
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx923Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 073 Introduction to OperationThe R&S TDU900 is a display unit with a touchscreen function and a graphical userinterface for configuring Tx9 transmitter systems.3.1 Operation via R&S TDU9003.1.1 Opening DisplayWhen in the idle state, the display is inside the R&S TDU900 operating unit.1. Unlock the display by pressing firmly on the trapezoidal area.2. The display slowly slides forward out of the instrument.3. Tilt the display until you have reached the most ergonomically comfortable anglefor operation.3.1.2 Closing Display1. Tilt the display to a horizontal position until you feel the display engage.2. Push the display all the way into the R&S TDU900 housing until the displayengages in the transport lock.3. The display illumination automatically switches off in this state.Tip: Close the operating unit during long periods of inactivity to prolong the servicelife of the backlighting.3.1.3 Using Touchscreen FunctionThe display has a touchscreen function for operating all of the transmitter functions.Using sharp‑edged objects can damage or destroy the surface. Therefore only useyour finger to operate the touchscreen.1. A light touch on a button is enough to trigger a user action.2. A button lights up orange for as long as your finger remains there. The action is notcarried out until you remove your finger from the button.     Operation via R&S TDU900
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx924Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Tip: To cancel an inadvertently selected action, slide your finger to the side awayfrom the button highlighted orange and then lift your finger off the touchscreen.3.2 Operation via BrowserThe graphical user interface (GUI) of the Tx9 transmitter series has been implementedin JAVA to ensure optimum user experience. Java technology provides maximum com-patibility between different versions of operating systems and browsers.Supported operating systems●Windows XP, Windows Vista (32 bit version)●Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit version)●Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit version)Supported browsers●Google Chrome●Mozilla Firefox●Internet Explorer 7●Internet Explorer 8●Internet Explorer 9 (32 bit version)●Internet Explorer 10 (32 bit and 64 bit desktop version)Supported JAVA virtual machines●Oracle (previously: Sun) JRE 7 in 32 bit versionTroubleshootingYou can ensure trouble‑free operation of the GUI in a browser by installing the browserand the Java VM with their default settings on a computer configured with its factorysettings.The following solutions are available if the computer settings differ from the standardinstallation and there are problems:●The 64 bit version of Internet Explorer 9 is not supported–The 32 bit version, which is also installed, must be used– Use another browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.●Internet Explorer 10 is to be used on a 64 bit operating system (Windows 7/8):"Enhanced Protection Mode" must be disabled in the browser under "Tools >Options > Advanced" (this is the default setting).●Windows 8 Modern UI (previously: Metro) does not support Java.– Start the desktop version of Internet Explorer 10 from the desktop.– Start Google Chrome or Firefox from a link in Modern UI.●The error message "Application blocked by security settings" appears on the loginpage. Operation via Browser
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx925Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Set the security level to "High" in the Java Control Panel and restart the browser.●Only a 64 bit Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed.Remove the 64 bit JRE and install the 32 bit version.●A 64 bit JRE is installed and required by another application (unlikely)Install a 32 bit JRE to run in parallel with the 64 bit version.You can determine the Java version (32 or 64 bit) as follows:●Open an input prompt window (Start > Run > Open, insert "cmd" and press <OK>)●Enter: java -d32 -version●The version number is shown if a 32 bit JRE is installed, otherwise an error mes-sage appears.Java securityIn order to ensure the optimum protection against malicious software (malware), theuser interface for the Tx9 transmitter series has been implemented in Java. Java tech-nology eliminates the need to run potentially unsafe ActiveX or Flash plug‑ins in yourbrowser. Java offers numerous security functions:●Java security settingsThe security level in the Java Control Panel should be set to "High". A correspond-ing security warning appears then appears when opening a website with Java con-tents; you have to acknowledge this message. This prevents Java programs fromuntrusted websites from being started unintentionally.●Detecting a secure browserThe Java version installed on the computer should be displayed at the bottom leftcorner of the login page only after the security notice for running Java code hasbeen confirmed. If the Java version is displayed without confirming the securitynotice, then you are using an unsecured browser or an outdated version of Java onyour computer.●Detecting the right web serverThe security notice for running the Java code shows the IP address of the transmit-ter that loaded the Java code to the browser.Transmitters in the Tx9 series are protected against malware by various security meas-ures. Nevertheless, it is important to follow this general information on security to pro-tect other computers in the same network against malware:●Always keep your browser updated to the latest version!●Always update your Java runtime environment to the most recent version immedi-ately after starting your browser.●Avoid using unsecured browsers, such as MS Internet Explorer 7.●Always use a firewall to display Internet pages from servers outside your LAN.●The transmitter should be accessible within its protected intranet at all times. If thisis not technically feasible, take additional measures to secure communicationsbetween the transmitter and browser (e.g. via a VPN).Operation via Browser
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx926Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 073.2.1 Connection Setup and Login1. Create a physical network connection to the transmitter. The following options areavailable:a) Remote access via WAN (Wide Area Network)b) Local access directly to a transmitter using a LAN cable2. Start the browser and enter the following information in the address bar:a) IP address of the transmitterThe website for operating the transmitter is called (login page).3. Enter your user name and password.Note: The following login information is preconfigured at the factory● User name: QueryPassword: 1234● User name: OperationPassword: 1234● User name: MaintenancePassword: 1234● User name: ConfigurationPassword: 1234Change the user names and passwords after logging in for the first time chap-ter, "Managing Users", on page 32.After successfully logging in, the actual user interface is displayed.3.3 Structure of User Interface3.3.1 Elements of User InterfaceThe user interface is composed of the following elements:●Menu bar:The menu bar provides access to the most important functions.●System status:This display provides a constantly visible, general overview of the entire systemstatus.●Path bar:The path bar shows the current position within the menu structure and provides theability to quickly return to higher menu levels.●Working area:The various tasks and configuration steps are carried out in the working area.   Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx927Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 071 = Menu bar2 = System status3 = Path bar4 = Working area3.3.2 ViewsThe user interface provides two different views of the transmitter system:●Device View●Task ViewDevice ViewIn this view, all of the transmitter's functions are structured in the form of block dia-grams. All parameters relevant to operation are accessible. Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx928Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 3-1: Hierarchical structure of a transmitter system1 = View at transmitter system level2 = View at single transmitter level3 = View at exciter levelTask ViewThis view combines certain, frequently recurring tasks. A task includes exactly thosecross‑instrument parameters which are required for working on this task. All of theparameters relevant to startup and maintenance are accessible.Certain parameters are only accessible in the Task View.3.3.3 Basic Functions on Menu BarAll of the functions of a R&S TDU900 required for basic operation of a transmitter arecombined on the menu bar.The following functions are available:●Logbook●Help●Local/Remote●Login/Logout Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx929Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07●Device View●Task View. LogbookThe logbook is used for logging all system events and for troubleshooting and erroranalysis. HelpThis button is used to activate the help function. The following steps must be per-formed:1. Press the Help button.All of the elements for which help information is available are identified by a blueframe.2. Select the desired element.The corresponding help information is shown in a separate window. Local/RemoteThe transmitter can be operated via both local access and via remote access.The Local/Remote button allows you to toggle between the two types of access.The transmitter can be switched from remote operation to local operation from at anytime.For safety reasons, remote operation is not possible if the system is currently beingoperated locally.The current status (L = Local, R = Remote) is shown directly on the Local/Remote but-ton. The corresponding status of each transmitter is shown individually for multi‑trans-mitter systems. Login/LogoutThe login dialog allows a user to log in or log out of the system. Device ViewThis button is used to switch to the Device View.     Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx930Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ Task ViewThis button is used to switch to the Task View.3.3.4 NavigationThe Device View is used to navigate through the transmitter menus. Pressing one ofthe visibly raised block diagram elements allows you to navigate further into the trans-mitter structure. Parameters that may be spread out over multiple tabs are located onthe lowest menu level. A path bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. :This has two functions:●Displaying the current menu level●Returning to higher menu levels3.3.5 Input FieldsAdditional information regarding the editability of respective parameters is visualizedusing icons on the display and input fields. The various display forms have the follow-ing meaning:●This value can be edited without restriction.●This value can be edited, but has no effect in the current configuration.●This value has been changed and has not yet been stored in a preset.●This value cannot be edited with the user rights currently in effect.3.3.6 EditorsAll of the functions of a R&S TDU900 required for basic operation of a transmitter arecombined on the menu bar.The following functions are available:    Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx931Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ Numeric EditorThe numeric editor features the following functions.1 = By pressing one of these buttons, the value is changed directly in the display without the use of the enterbutton.2 = The value entered using the numeric keypad is accepted by the system by pressing this button.3 = Pressing this button discards all of the changes made in this window and restores the original value.Violating the allowed value ranges causes an error message to appear and disablesthe input elements (Increase/Decrease/Enter). Text EditorThe text editor allows letters, digits and special characters to be entered.3.3.7 Special Tasks3.3.7.1 Finding an ErrorThere are two ways of locating an error:●Block diagramsYou can use the traffic light signaling of the elements in the block diagrams to findthe cause of an error in just a few steps, as long as the error is currently active.    Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx932Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Valuable information about an error's cause and tips for correcting the error can beretrieved using the help function of the respective error message.●LogbookComplex error situations including behavior over time can be analyzed using thelogbook. The help function again provides a multitude of valuable information. Managing UsersUser management is only available if the R&S TDU900 is operated using a browser.The following login must be selected for this purpose:User name: SuperuserPassword: 1234For more details, see chapter 7, "User Administration", on page LogbookAll system events are recorded in the logbook. The following functions are available forsimplifying troubleshooting and error analysis:●Intelligent filteringEvents are intelligently prefiltered based on the context of the menu currently open.●Chronological viewEvents are shown in their chronological order. Associated events are markedaccordingly.●Manual filter (Filter and Options)Events or event groups can be chosen selectively with the help of specific criteria.●Scroll functionEnables fast navigation in long event lists3.3.8.1 Intelligent FilteringDepending on which menu is used to open the logbook, only events relevant in thecontext of the respective menu are displayed. These filters significantly increase clarityin the logbook.●System overviewOpening in the system overview: With MultiTX and N+1 systems, shows all of theevents affecting the core components (e.g. cooling, N+1 automatic switchover) aswell as the most important messages from individual transmitters within the sys-tem. With SingleTX systems, all of the detailed messages from the transmitter arealso shown.●Transmitter level:Opening in a transmitter-specific menu: Shows in detail all of the events that affectthe respective transmitter (incl. exciters).   Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx933Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Depending on which menu is used to open the logbook, only events relevant in thecontext of the respective menu are displayed. These filters significantly increaseclarity in the logbook.●Exciter levelShows in detail all of the events that affect the respective exciter.A total of up to 500 events is logged in the logbook. Chronological ViewAll of the event messages are listed here in strictly chronological order. The mostrecent messages are always shown at the top of the list.Fig. 3-2: Logbook – chronological viewA thread consists of a group of messages that refer to the same event. The color of thethread is determined by the most critical message within the thread. Clicking a threadmarker opens a window containing the associated messages. Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx934Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 3-3: Logbook – thread1 = Thread marker2 = Click to open detail viewFor most messages there is an entry indicating when the message occurred and whenit disappeared.Each entry consists of the following information:●Alarm level– Error– Error no longer present/remedied–Warning– Warning no longer present– Info●Error message text●System component (control, amplifier, exciter, etc.)●TimeClicking an entry within the thread view displays a detailed description with the follow-ing contents.Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx935Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07●From: / To:Displays the time when an event starts or ends.●State:Indicates whether an event is still active or already remedied.●Duration:Indicates how long an event was active.●Component:Indicates the system components affected by an event.●Description:Displays a detailed description of an event. Manual Filter (Filter/Options)Fig. 3-4: Logbook – filter/optionsThe filter function allows filtering of the messages according to the following criteria:●Level filter: Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx936Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07The messages can be filtered selectively according to individual or multiple levels(Info | Warning | Fault) at the same time by selecting/deselecting the checkboxes"Show Infos", "Show Warnings" and "Show Faults".Selecting the "Show open issues only" checkbox will cause only messages that arestill active to be displayed, in other words, messages that still have not been rem-edied,●Component filter:The messages can be filtered selectively according to individual or multiple systemcomponents (System | Exciter A/B | Output Stage) at the same time by selecting/deselecting the checkboxes.●Options:The following options are available:– Clear logbook"Clear Logbook" is used to completely delete the contents of the logbook.– Restore logbook"Restore Logbook" is used to restore the logbook after it has been inadvertentlydeleted.– MessagesThe "Messages" display shows the number of entries in the logbook.– Close"Close" is used to close the entire filter function. Scroll FunctionThe scroll function enables navigation within a long event list and the selection anddetailed view of specific events. Structure of User Interface
Introduction to OperationR&S®Tx937Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 3-5: Scroll functions1 = Scroll box2 = Scroll thumb3 = Entry up4 = Page up5 = Entry down6 = Page downClicking inside the scroll box moves the "scroll thumb" directly to the correspondingposition. Entry down: This button is used to scroll down by one entry in the direction of theoldest date. Entry up: This button is used to scroll up by one entry in the direction of the mostrecent date. Page down: This button is used to scroll by one page at a time in the direction of theoldest date. Page up: This button is used to scroll by one page at a time in the direction of themost recent date.Structure of User Interface
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx939Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074 Device View Description4.1 System OverviewThe screenshot below shows the Device View Home menu view. It represents thetransmitter system level. The function of the individual buttons and the meaning of spe-cific parameters are explained in the following chapters.Fig. 4-1: Device View Home menu view4.1.1 Forward Power●Path:Device View Home > TX AnThe "Forward Power" field shows the forward power of the transmitter system in kW.This field lights up green provided that the forward power is above the user‑selectablewarning threshold. If the forward power drops to the warning level, the field lights upyellow. If the forward power drops below the user‑selectable fault threshold, the fieldlights up red.Pressing the green area opens the "Power and Limits" view. The following user‑select-able values are displayed in the Forward Power field:●Power (in percent)Forward power: can be set between 0 % and 130 %. The nominal transmitterpower corresponds to 100 %.●Warning Limit (in dB)Warning threshold: can be set between 0 dB and ‒20 dB.   System Overview
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx940Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07●Fault Limit (in dB)Fault threshold: can be set between 0 dB and ‒20 dB.●RF Fail Timeout (in s).Delay time: can be set between 0 s and 10 s. This is the time between undershoot-ing of the "Fail Limit" fault threshold and indication of the fault in the transmitter sta-tus display.4.1.2 Reflected Power●Path:Device View Home > TX AnThe "Reflected Power" field indicates the reflected power of the transmitter system inW. This field lights up green provided that the reflected power is below the user‑select-able warning threshold. If the reflected power exceeds this threshold, the field lights upyellow. If the reflected power exceeds the user‑selectable fault threshold, the fieldlights up red.Pressing the green area opens the "Power and Limits" view. The following user‑select-able values are displayed in the Forward Power field:●Warning Limit (in dB)Warning threshold: can be set between ‒28 dB and ‒17 dB.●Fault Limit (in dB)Fault threshold: can be set between ‒17 dB and ‒14 dB.4.1.3 TransmitterThe icons and buttons for the TX A1 to TX An and TX B transmitters (depending on thesystem configuration) are shown in the "Device View Home" menu overview.The function of the buttons is explained in the next chapter, see chapter 4.2, "Transmit-ter", on page 43.Name Description Value range Access rightProgram On Switch used to switch the components in the program pathof the transmitter on and off.Off; On OperationReserve On Switch used to switch all components in the standby path ofthe transmitter on and off (standby exciter with "dual drive"redundancy concept and standby output stage with "activePA Reserve" redundancy concept).Off; On OperationReset Faults Switch used to reset all faults stored in the transmitter.Stored faults are: Reflection Fail.Resetting stored faults can cause automatic redundancyfunctions, which are currently in the switched-over state, toswitch back to their original preselected state. Operation  System Overview
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx941Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07ProgramThe currently active program 1 can be switched off using the "Program 1 – ON/OFF"button.4.1.4 N+1 RedundancyThe task of the N+1 automatic function is to provide a B standby transmitter for up toeight A transmitters. This B transmitter takes over the program of an A transmitter if anA transmitter signals a fault. The output of the B transmitter is normally connected to adummy antenna. The B transmitter is connected to an antenna by the N+1 automaticfunction as soon as the B transmitter takes over the program of the A transmitter. Manual SwitchoverManual switchover of a program from an A transmitter to the B transmitter is performedby connecting the A transmitter concerned to the dummy antenna (button: To Load onthe corresponding A transmitter). As a result of this switchover, a) the A transmitterbecomes the standby transmitter for the B transmitter and b) the B transmitter is nowno longer available as the standby transmitter for other A transmitters (exception: prior-ity control). Automatic SwitchoverIf the N+1 automatic function is active and ready for operation and the A transmitter isavailable for the N+1 automatic function, a fault in the A transmitter causes the pro-gram to switch over to the B transmitter. The N+1 automatic function signals theswitchover by changing its status to "changed". The user can now either acknowledgethe switchover by pressing the "Accept changeover" key and adopt it as the new oper-ating state, or attempt by pressing the "Reset Faults" key to reset the N+1 automaticfunction to the original state and to delete the fault which caused the switchover. Configuring N+1 Automatic FunctionThe switching behavior of the N+1 automatic function with regard to checkout timesand automatic switchback can be configured according to individual requirements. Fur-thermore, for the B transmitter it is possible to define the A transmitter from which theprogram settings are to be adopted when the B transmitter operates as a standbytransmitter.Configuring Program‑Specific SettingsThe B transmitter must store all program‑specific settings of all A transmitters internallyso that they can be activated immediately in the event of a fault. Program‑specific set-tings are all settings which directly affect the signal path through the transmitter, i.e.settings for the coder, the exciter inputs and outputs, the transmit frequency and theoutput power. The program‑specific settings are made at the A transmitters and storedusing the menu item "Save Preset" in the Task View of the A transmitter. The settings    System Overview
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx942Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07stored for the A transmitters are synchronized with the B transmitter automatically evenif the B transmitter was switched off when the settings were stored. If the program‑spe-cific settings are changed at A transmitters without these settings being stored as pre-sets, the changes will not be available on the B transmitter in the event of a switchover.Presets can only be stored on the A transmitters.Configuring Power‑Specific SettingsAll settings which have been stored on an A transmitter as presets and synchronizedwith the B transmitter can be overwritten individually in the B transmitter. This can beused to calibrate the power test points of the B transmitter to the frequency and outputpower of the respective A transmitter. To do so, the "Program Settings" of the A trans-mitter concerned must be activated in the B transmitter ("Load Program Settings") andthen the corresponding settings must be made in the menus of the B transmitter.Finally, the changed settings must be stored in the B transmitter ("Save Tx B Set-tings"). This must be repeated for all programs that the B transmitter can take over.Settings that have been changed directly at the B transmitter are no longer synchron-ized with the B transmitter using the "Save Preset" function on the A transmitters. It istherefore recommended to overwrite the preset settings of the A transmitters at theB transmitter only for purposes of calibrating the power test points, and never to makeprogram‑specific settings directly at the B transmitter.If a setting has been inadvertently changed on the B transmitter and stored for anA transmitter, automatic synchronization can be reactivated for this setting value in thefollowing way:●On the B transmitter, set the setting value to the same value as on the A transmit-ter.●Press "Save Tx B Settings" in the menu of the N+1 automatic functionThis setting value is now synchronized again together with all program‑specific settingvalues of the A transmitter."N+1 Automatic" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Automatic" > "n+1 Automatic"Name Description Value range Access rightAutomatic (AutoSwitch)Used to activate the n+1 automatic function. If the n+1 automatic func-tion is active, a fault within an A transmitter causes a switchover andthe program of the A transmitter is taken over by the standby B trans-mitter.On, Off Read / Write(Operation)Guard Time (AutoSwitch)Checkout time which must pass before an A transmitter is replaced bythe standby B transmitter. A long Guard Time suppresses switchoveroperations caused by brief faults, but also reduces the availability ofthe program.0 s to 60 s Read / Write(Maintenance)System Overview
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx943Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightSwitch Mode(Auto Switch)Used to define the switching behavior of the N+1 automatic function.Single switch: Switchover of an A transmitter to the B transmitter canoccur once only. Multiple switch: Following a switchover operation, thesystem can switch back to the A transmitter automatically when theA transmitter no longer signals a fault but the B transmitter indicates afault. If priority control is active, this switch should be set to MultipleSwitch.Single, Multiple Read / Write(Maintenance)Load ProgramSettings (AutoSwitch)Used to load the program‑specific settings of an A transmitter to theB transmitter.Tx A1, Tx A2, TxA3, Tx A4, Tx A5,Tx A6, Tx A7, TxA8Read / WriteSave Tx B Set-tings (AutoSwitch)Used to save settings, which have been changed relative to the loadedA transmitter, in the B transmitter.   Automatic (Sta-tus)Indicates the status of the N+1 automatic function by means of threeelements. If the N+1 automatic function is on, it can be "ready"/"notready" and at the same time "changed"/"not changed".On, Off, Ready,Not Ready,ChangedRead OnlyTx B is Reservefor (Status)If a switchover operation has taken place, this indicates which programof an A transmitter the B transmitter has taken over.Tx A1, Tx A2, TxA3, Tx A4, Tx A5,Tx A6, Tx A7, TxA8Read OnlyRF Switch (Sta-tus)Indicates a fault if in the event of a switchover one of the RF switchescould not be turned correctly or if one of the jumpers has not beenpositioned correctly on the patch panel (if used).Ready / NotReadyRead Only4.2 TransmitterThe screenshot below shows the Transmitter menu view. It represents the single trans-mitter level. The function of the individual buttons and the meaning of specific parame-ters are explained in the following chapters. Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx944Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.2.1 Automatic Switchover4.2.1.1 Automatic Input SignalThe R&S®TCE900 in the R&S®TCE900 exciter configuration has an automatic switch-over function which, in the event of a signal failure at one logical input, switches over tothe other logical input (provided that a valid input signal is available at the other logicalinput). Before a failure occurs, the preselected input is active. The way in which thisautomatic switchover function operates is determined by the following factors:Automatic input switchover ON/OFFIf automatic switchover is OFF, the preselected input remains active even if the inputsignal fails. If automatic switchover is ON and there is a failure at the (preselected)input, switchover to the standby input takes place.Input priority (Preferred Input = Logical Input 1/2)Following switchover of the priority logical input to the standby input, the automatic sys-tem switches back to this priority input as soon as a signal returns. All switchover oper-ations are delayed for the set delay times. If the signal fails at both the operating inputand the standby input, the priority input always remains active.Inputs with equal priority (Preferred Input = none)Following switchover of the active logical input, the second input with the same priorityremains active until the input signal fails on this input also. The automatic systemswitches back to the preselected input, but only if a signal is present on it once again(and if "Switch to" is set to "reserve & back"). All switchover operations are delayed forthe set delay times.  Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx945Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Selecting this operating mode minimizes the number of switchover operations and, incertain cases, the number of breaks in transmission.Direction of switchover (Switch to)The "to reserve and back" switch position enables switchover in both directions, i.e. toand from the standby input, depending on which of the two logical inputs is currentlyfaulty.The "reserve" switch position ensures that switchover takes place once only. Followingswitchover, the automatic system switches to "switched" and the "Active" indicator dis-appears.Switchback to the preselected input takes place when the active input is switched overby pressing the input selector switch (Selector) and then selecting the preselectedinput.If the switch is set to "reserve", the switchback to the preselected input is suppressed.Manual switchover between inputsThe input can be switched over in the "Home" > "Transmitter" > "Exciter" menu bypressing the input selector switch ("Selector") and then selecting the desired input.Depending on the configuration and switching state (ON/OFF) of the automatic inputsignal switchover function, this menu contains either the switch used to change thepreferred input or the switch used to switch over the active input.The automatic input signal switchover function is configured in the following way:1. Navigate to the following destination using the menu bar:"Devices" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A|B" > "Input Auto"2. The following parameters must be defined on the Automatic tab:a) for Configuration:●Automatic:●Preferred Input:●Guard Time to Reserve:●Guard Time Back:●Switch to:b) for Reserve Control:●If Reserve Input Fails.c) for Seamless Switching:●Seamless Switching:●Delay between Inputs●Pre-Delay:Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx946Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07d) for Input Control:●Force Exciter Changeover:●Mute on Input Fail●If Reserve Input fails"Automatic input signal switchover" parametersName Description Value range Access rightAutomatic (State) Indicates the state of the automatic input signal switchover function.●Not Ready:The automatic switchover function is not ready. An input signal isnot present at the standby input or a switchover has already takenplace and the automatic switchover function is configured suchthat automatic switchback is not permitted.●Ready:The automatic switchover function is ready to switch the currentlyactive input over to the input currently not in use as soon as theinput signal of the currently active input fails.●Changed:The automatic switchover function has switched over from thepreferred input to the standby input.undefined, NotReady, Ready,Changed+Ready,Changed+NotReadyRead onlySeamless Switch-ingIndicates whether seamless switching of the input signal is possible."Not Possible" always appears if only one input signal is supplied or incases where two different data streams are present at the two inputs. Ifseamless switching is possible, it always takes place immediatelywhen required, regardless of whether a "Guard Time to Reserve" or"Guard Time Back" has been set.undefined, notPossible, Possi-bleRead onlyAutomatic Activates automatic switchover of the input signal to the standby inputif the preferred input fails.Off, On OperationPreferred Input Used to select the preferred input which the automatic input signalswitchover function should use whenever possible.Input 1, Input 2,No PreferenceOperationActive Input Used to select the active input to be used when the automatic inputsignal switchover function is off. If the automatic switchover function ison, the input can only be switched over using this switch if PreferredInput is set to "No Preference" or a switchover to the standby input hastaken place.Input 1, Input 2 OperationSwitch to Used to set the operational response of the automatic switchover func-tion.●"To Reserve Only":The automatic switchover function switches over once from thepreferred input to the standby input and then assumes the "notready" state". Switching the active input over manually to the pre-ferred input reactivates the automatic switchover function.●"To Reserve and Back":Following successful switchover to the standby input, the auto-matic switchover function can also switch back automatically if thesignal at the standby input fails.Reserve Only,Reserve & BackMaintenanceGuard Time toReserveUsed to set a guard time which must elapse before the automaticswitchover function switches over to the standby input if the input sig-nal at the preferred input fails. The set guard time has no effect ifseamless switching is possible. In this case, the switchover alwaystakes place immediately without interruption (i.e. seamlessly). MaintenanceTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx947Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightGuard Time Back Used to set a guard time which must elapse before the automaticswitchover function switches back to the preferred input if the input sig-nal at the standby input fails. If seamless switching is possible, switch-over always takes place immediately without interruption regardless ofthe set guard time. If "to Reserve Only" was selected as the "Direc-tion", the set guard time has no effect. MaintenanceIf Reserve Fails Used to determine whether the signal at the standby input is to bemonitored.●If the transmitter is operated with only one input signal or thestandby input is connected only temporarily, "Do Not Show Warn-ing" must be selected.●If two redundant input signals are normally supplied to the trans-mitter, "Show Warning" must be selected.Do Not ShowWarning, ShowWarningMaintenance4.2.1.2 Automatic Exciter SwitchoverThe automatic exciter switchover function enables a faulty exciter to be automaticallyswitched over to a functional standby exciter.In the "Exciter Automatic" menu it is possible to switch automatic switchover betweentwo exciters on and off and to select the basic operating behavior of the function. The"Switch Mode" switch is used to select whether automatic switchover to a standbyexciter is to take place once only (Single Switch) or whether a switchback is also to beperformed if the standby exciter signals a fault, but the preselected exciter is no longerfaulty (Multiple Switch).It is also possible to set a guard time which must always expire before a switchovercan take place. This prevents unwanted switchover operations resulting from brief faultevents.OperationOne of the two exciters can be preselected for operation by pressing the exciter selec-tor switch (or via the ExciterAuto -> Exciter Switch tab). This exciter is switched ontogether with the output stage by pressing the "Program Path On" switch (in the"Transmitter" menu). If necessary, the RF of the standby exciter can be switched on formeasuring and monitoring purposes by pressing the "Reserve Path (on)" switch (in the"Transmitter" menu). A switchover operation causes the standby exciter to become themain exciter and vice versa. The ON/OFF switches then act on the other exciter ineach case."Single Switch" ModeIf a fault occurs in the preselected exciter, the automatic switchover function will swapthe main and standby exciter and display an "Automatic changed" message.Either the new state can now be accepted by changing the "preselected exciter"("Automatic changed" disappears) or the automatic switchover function can be reset toits original state by pressing "Reset Faults" (in the "Transmitter" menu). Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx948Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Multiple Switch" ModeThis mode is identical to "Single Switch", except that following a double switchoveroperation the "preselected" exciter becomes the active exciter again. The "AutomaticChanged" message is still displayed in this case. To delete this message, either thenew state of the automatic switchover can be adopted by pressing the "RecommandSelection" button (in the "Transmitter" > "Exciter Auto" menu, "Exciter Switch" tab) orthe original state can be assumed again by pressing "Reset Faults" (in the Transmittermenu).4.2.2 Transmitter StatusName Description Value range Access rightProgram On Indicates whether all components in the program path of thetransmitter have been switched on or off (reserve exciterwith "Dual Drive" redundancy concept and reserve outputstage with "active PA reserve" redundancy concept).Off; On Read OnlyReserve On Indicates whether all components in the reserve path of thetransmitter have been switched on or off (reserve exciterwith "Dual Drive" redundancy concept and reserve outputstage with "active PA reserve" redundancy concept).Off; On Read OnlyOverall LED Gray: OffGreen: OKYellow: WarningRed: FaultRead OnlyRF LED Gray: OffGreen: OKYellow: WarningRed: FaultRead OnlyReflection LED Gray: OffYellow: WarningRed: FaultRead OnlyAutomatic (Backup Drive /Dual Drive)Indicates whether the automatic exciter switchover functionhas been activated. If the automatic switchover function isactive, the system will switch over to the standby exciter ifthe active exciter fails.Off; On Read OnlyReady (Backup Drive / DualDrive)Indicates whether the automatic exciter switchover functionis ready. If "not ready" is indicated, either the automaticexciter switchover function has already switched over to thestandby exciter or a fault has occurred in the exciter switch.Yes; No Read Onlychanged Over (BackupDrive / Dual Drive)Indicates whether the automatic exciter switchover functionhas switched over to a reserve exciter. Read Onlyswitch Failed (BackupDrive / Dual Drive)Indicates that switchover to the reserve exciter has failed.  Read Only Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx949Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.2.3 AmplifiersFig. 4-2: "Amplifiers" menu view (Multi‑Tx)R&S PHU901/R&S PHU902/R&S PHV902: "Status" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Status"Name Description Value range Access rightAmplifier Indicates whether the amplifier has been switched on or off by the R&STCE900 Tx control.Off, On Read onlyLink Indicates the status of the communication link between the amplifierand the R&S TCE900 Tx control.The status is indicated as follows:●OkA link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol.●WarningNo link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol. Check the power supply of the amplifier.Ok, Warning Read onlyRF In Fail Indicates that the amplifier is receiving an input signal, the level ofwhich is too low.●If this message occurs at all amplifiers at the same time, the fault islocated at the exciter switch, splitter or exciter.●If this fault occurs at only some of the amplifiers, the output level ofthe exciters and splitter must be checked.●If the fault occurs at only one amplifier, the self‑engaging connec-tor of the RF signal on the rear panel of the amplifier must bechecked for mechanical damage.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read only Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx950Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightMute Indicates that the amplifier is suppressing its output signal.This indicator appears in the following cases:●No input signal is present●During bias adjustment●An external absorber signals via connector X11 that it is overheat-ing.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyInit Fail Indicates a fault if the amplifier detects an internal fault at power ON. Ifother faults are indicated at the same time, the cause of these faultsmust be rectified first. If the "Init Fail" fault still exists after other faultshave been rectified, the amplifier must be replaced.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyReflection Indicates whether the reflection at the RF output is becoming too great.In this case, the antenna as well as the link between the amplifiers andthe antenna via the coupling switches and output stage switches (ifpresent) must be checked.The occurrence of reflection is stored in a nonvolatile memory. After thereason for the reflection has been rectified, this message must be resetmanually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" button or "ResetFaults System" button.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyRF Power Fail Indicates that the output power of the amplifier is more than 3 dB belowthe nominal value.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTemp. Fail Indicates that the amplifier has overheated internally.The shut‑off taps for the coolant must be checked. They must be open.The occurrence of this message is stored in a nonvolatile memory. Afterthe reason for the overheating has been rectified, this message must bereset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" button or"Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransistor Fail Indicates that one or more driver or power transistors are defective.NOTE: Only personnel with the relevant special service training arepermitted to change the transistors.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyBIAS Fail Indicates a fault if the quiescent current of one or more transistors can-not be adjusted.●"No Error": Automatic quiescent current adjustment has been per-formed properly.●Abort Adjust: Adjustment has been aborted because a constanttemperature has not settled in the amplifier. In this case, adjust-ment should be started again immediately after the fault has occur-red.●"Error on PA On" or "Adjust Error": There is a technical fault in theamplifier; the amplifier should be replaced.No Error, AbortAdjust, Error onPA On, AdjustErrorRead onlyDoherty Active Indicates whether the Doherty mode of the amplifier is active or not (notvalid for R&S TCE900).Off, On Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx951Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightFreq. ID With R&S PHU902 only:Indicates the frequency ranges in which the amplifier can be operatedin Doherty mode.B2: 575 MHz to 660 MHzB4: 470 MHz to 500 MHz; 660 MHz to 715 MHzB5: 500 MHz to 530 MHz; 715 MHz to 750 MHzB6: 530 MHz to 575 MHz; 750 MHz to 790 MHzIf the option is not suitable for the transmit frequency, the amplifier auto-matically switches to broadband mode.With R&S PHV902 only:Indicates the frequency ranges in which the amplifier can be operatedin Doherty mode.D1: 170 MHz to 179 MHzD2: 179 MHz to 193 MHz; 224 MHz to 239 MHzD3: 193 MHz to 207 MHz; 239 MHz to 254 MHzD4: 207 MHz to 224 MHzBB: Amplifier can only be operated in the broadband mode.If the option is not suitable for the transmit frequency, the amplifier auto-matically switches to broadband mode.String Read OnlyRegulation Fail Indicates that the internal power regulation of the amplifier has reachedthe limit of its control range.This is an indication that one or more power transistors are defective.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAmplifier Temp. Indicates the temperature of the amplifier.The amplifier temperature is usually a few degrees higher than the cool-ant temperature. If it is more than 15 °C higher, either the shut‑off tapsfor the coolant are closed or the flow rate of the coolant is too low(chapter 4.12, "Cooling System", on page 210).0 °C to 150 °CRead onlyAbsorber Fail Indicates that overheating of the rack absorber has been detected.Normally, this warning is signaled by all amplifiers of a transmittersimultaneously. If the warning is signaled by only one amplifier, checkthe rack cabling.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyCoolant Temp. Indicates the temperature of the coolant flowing out of the transmitterrack toward the heat exchanger. The temperature must not exceed amaximum value of 65 °C. Read onlyRF Monitor Indicates the coupling attenuation of the "RF Monitor" test point on theamplifier at 205.5 MHz (VHF amplifier) resp. 650 MHz (UHF amplifier).0.00 dB to+99.99 dBRead onlyAC Fail Indicates a fault if the mains voltage has been interrupted.The circuit breakers must be checked in this case.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyDC Fail Indicates whether one of the internal power supply units of the amplifieris not delivering DC voltage.Detection of a fault is only possible if the RF of the transmitter has beenswitched on (Program on).No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply Fail Indicates that one of the internal power supply units is probably notworking.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx952Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07R&S PHR901 (VHF, Band II): "Status" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Status"Name Beschreibung Wertebereich ZugriffsrechtAmplifier Indicates whether the amplifier has been switched on or off by the R&STCE900.Off, On Read OnlyMute Indicates that the amplifier is suppressing its output signal.This indicator appears in the following cases:●No input signal is present●During bias adjustment●An external absorber signals via connector X11 that it is overheat-ing.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyRF Power Fail Indicates that the output power of the amplifier is more than 3 dB belowthe nominal value.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyTemp. Fail Indicates that the amplifier has overheated internally.The shut‑off taps for the coolant must be checked. They must be open.The occurrence of this message is stored in a nonvolatile memory.After the reason for the overheating has been rectified, this messagemust be reset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" but-ton or "Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply Fail Indicates that one of the internal power supply units is probably notworking.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyLink Indicates whether a communication link exists between the amplifierand the R&S TCE900 Tx control.If no link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx control,check the power supply of the amplifier.On, Off Read OnlyRegulation Fail Indicates that the internal power regulation of the amplifier has reachedthe limit of its control range.This is an indication that one or more power transistors are defective.This fault can also occur if the amplifier performs a system check fol-lowing a TRANSISTOR_FAIL and then continues to run at reducedpower.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyRF In Fail Indicates that the amplifier is receiving an input signal, the level ofwhich is too low.●If this message occurs at all amplifiers at the same time, the faultis located at the exciter switch, splitter or exciter.●If this fault occurs at only some of the amplifiers, the output levelof the exciters and splitter must be checked.●If the fault occurs at only one amplifier, the self‑engaging connec-tor of the RF signal on the rear panel of the amplifier must bechecked for mechanical damage.No, Yes (Warn-ing)Read OnlyAmplifier Temp. Indicates the temperature of the amplifier. The amplifier should only beswitched on at temperatures above 0 °C.0 °C to 150 °C Read OnlyAC Fail Indicates a fault if the mains voltage has been interrupted. The circuitbreakers must be checked in this case.No, Yes (Warn-ing)Read OnlyDC Fail Indicates whether one of the internal power supply units of the amplifieris faulty (e.g. no DC voltage is being delivered).Detection of a fault is only possible if the RF of the transmitter hasbeen switched on (Program on).No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx953Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Beschreibung Wertebereich ZugriffsrechtInit Fail Indicates a fault if the amplifier detects an internal fault at power ON. Ifother faults are indicated at the same time, the cause of these faultsmust be rectified first. If the "Init Fail" fault still exists after other faultshave been rectified, the amplifier must be replaced.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyReflection Indicates whether the reflection at the RF output is becoming too great.In this case, the antenna as well as the link between the amplifiers andthe antenna via the combiners and output stage switches (if present)must be checked.The occurrence of reflection is stored in a nonvolatile memory. Afterthe reason for the reflection has been rectified, this message must bereset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" button or"Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (Warn-ing)Read OnlyCoolant Temp. Indicates the temperature of the coolant.The coolant temperature is usually a few degrees lower than the ampli-fier temperature.0 °C to approx.150 °C AC 1 Indicates that the AC voltage of power supply unit 1 is in the permissi-ble range.No, Yes Read OnlyDC 1 Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 1 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 1.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyTransistor Fail Indicates that one or more driver or power transistors are defective.NOTE: Only personnel with the relevant special service training arepermitted to change the transistors.No, Yes Read OnlyAbsorber Fail Indicates that overheating of the rack absorber has been detected.Normally, this warning is signaled by all amplifiers of a transmittersimultaneously. If the warning is signaled by only one amplifier, checkthe rack cabling.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyAC 2 Indicates that the AC voltage of power supply unit 2 is in the permissi-ble range.No, Yes Read OnlyDC 2 Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 2 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 2.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyBIAS Fail Indicates a fault if the quiescent current of one or more transistors can-not be adjusted.●"No Error": Automatic quiescent current adjustment has been per-formed properly.●Abort Adjust: Adjustment has been aborted because a constanttemperature has not settled in the amplifier. In this case, adjust-ment should be started again immediately after the fault hasoccurred.●"Error on PA On" or "Adjust Error": There is a technical fault in theamplifier; the amplifier should be replaced.No Error, AbortAdjust, Error onPA On, AdjustErrorRead onlyRF Monitor Indicates the coupling attenuation of the "RF Monitor" RF test point onthe amplifier (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz).52,6 dB to 58,6dBRead OnlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx954Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Beschreibung Wertebereich ZugriffsrechtAC 3 Indicates that the AC voltage of power supply unit 3 is in the permissi-ble range.No, Yes Read OnlyDC 3 Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 3 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 3.No, Yes (Fault) Read OnlyR&S PMU901: "Status" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Status"Name Description Value range Access rightAmplifier Indicates whether the amplifier has been switched on or off by the R&STCE900.Off, On Read onlyLink Indicates the status of the communication link between the amplifierand the R&S TCE900 Tx control.The status is indicated as follows:●OKA link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol.●WarningNo link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol. Check the power supply of the amplifier.Ok, Warning Read onlyRF In Fail Indicates that the amplifier is receiving an input signal, the level ofwhich is too low.●If this message occurs at all amplifiers at the same time, the faultis located at the exciter switch, splitter or exciter.●If this fault occurs at only some of the amplifiers, the output levelof the exciters and splitter must be checked.●If the fault occurs at only one amplifier, the self‑engaging connec-tor of the RF signal on the rear panel of the amplifier must bechecked for mechanical damage.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyMute Indicates that the amplifier is suppressing its output signal.This indicator appears in the following cases:●No input signal●During bias adjustment●An external absorber signals via connector X11 that it is overheat-ing.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyInit Fail Indicates a fault if the amplifier detects an internal fault at power ON. Ifother faults are indicated at the same time, the cause of these faultsmust be rectified first. If the "Init Fail" fault still exists after other faultshave been rectified, the amplifier must be replaced.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyRF Monitor Indicates the coupling attenuation of the "RF Monitor" test point on theamplifier at 650 MHz.0.00 dB to+99.99 dBRead onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx955Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightReflection Indicates whether the reflection at the RF output is becoming too great.In this case, the antenna as well as the link between the amplifiers andthe antenna via the combiners and output stage switches (if present)must be checked.The occurrence of reflection is stored in a nonvolatile memory. Afterthe reason for the reflection has been rectified, this message must bereset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" button or"Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyRF Power Fail Indicates that the output power of the amplifier is more than 3 dB belowthe nominal value.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTemp. Fail Indicates that the amplifier has overheated internally.The shut‑off taps for the coolant must be checked. They must be open.The occurrence of this message is stored in a nonvolatile memory.After the reason for the overheating has been rectified, this messagemust be reset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" but-ton or "Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransistor Fail Indicates that one or more driver or power transistors are defective.NOTE: Only personnel with the relevant special service training arepermitted to change the transistors.No, Yes Read onlyBIAS Fail Indicates a fault if the quiescent current of one or more transistors can-not be adjusted.●"No Error": Automatic quiescent current adjustment has been per-formed properly.●Abort Adjust: Adjustment has been aborted because a constanttemperature has not settled in the amplifier. In this case, adjust-ment should be started again immediately after the fault hasoccurred.●"Error on PA On" or "Adjust Error": There is a technical fault in theamplifier; the amplifier should be replaced.No Error, AbortAdjust, Error onPA On, AdjustErrorRead onlyAmplifier Temp. Indicates the temperature of the amplifier. The amplifier should only beswitched on at temperatures above 0 °C.‒30 °C to 120 °C Read onlyFrequency Fail This fault occurs if the tunit (tuning unit) used in the amplifier is not suit-able for the RF of the exciter. The tunit is a plug-in module and is onthe top side of the amplifier. Please check that the used tunit is suitablefor the frequency which is set in the Output menu of the exciter, andwhether it has been installed in the amplifier in the "Doherty" or "Broad-band" position corresponding to the setting in the "Basic Config" menu.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx956Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightFreq. ID Shows the ID of the tunit (tuning unit) which is installed in the amplifier.The operating frequency which is set for the transmitter, and the result-ing center frequency of the operating channel must be suitable for theoperating frequency range of the tunit.The ID "BB" is shown if the tunit is fitted in the position (slot) "BB" (=broadband mode). "Missmatch" is shown if no tunit is built in.1: 502 MHz to 518 MHz; 614 MHz to 630 MHz; 750 MHz to 758 MHz2: 470 MHz to 486 MHz; 574 MHz to 598 MHz; 710 MHz to 726 MHz;830 MHz to 854 MHz3: 558 MHz to 574 MHz; 686 MHz to 710 MHz; 814 MHz to 830 MHz4: 550 MHz to 558 MHz; 670 MHz to 686 MHz; 790 MHz to 814 MHz5: 534 MHz to 550 MHz; 646 MHz to 670 MHz; 774 MHz to 790 MHz6: 518 MHz to 534 MHz; 630 MHz to 646 MHz; 758 MHz to 774 MHz7: 486 MHz to 502 MHz; 598 MHz to 614 MHz; 726 MHz to 750 MHz;854 MHz to 862 MHz1 to 7, BB, mis-matchRead onlyRegulation Fail Indicates that the internal power regulation of the amplifier has reachedthe limit of its control range.This is an indication that one or more power transistors are defective.This fault can also occur if the amplifier performs a system check fol-lowing a TRANSISTOR_FAIL and then continues to run at reducedpower.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyBlower Fail Indicates a fault if one of the fans of the amplifier module has failed. No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAbsorber Fail Indicates that overheating of the rack absorber has been detected.Normally, this warning is signaled by all amplifiers of a transmittersimultaneously. If the warning is signaled by only one amplifier, checkthe rack cabling.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAir Inlet Indicates the inlet air temperature of the amplifier module.It should always be in the range +1 °C to +45 °C.‒30 °C to+120 °CRead onlyAC Fail Indicates a fault if the mains voltage has been interrupted. The circuitbreakers must be checked in this case.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyAC 1 Ok Indicates that the mains AC voltage at power supply unit 1 is in the per-missible range (only valid for PMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes  AC 2 Ok Indicates that the mains AC voltage at power supply unit 2 is in the per-missible range (only valid for PMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes  DC Fail Indicates whether one of the internal power supply units of the amplifieris faulty (e.g. no DC voltage is being delivered).Detection of a fault is only possible if the RF of the transmitter hasbeen switched on (Program on).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyDC 1 Ok Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 1 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 1 (only valid forPMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx957Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightDC 2 Ok Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 2 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 2 (only valid forPMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply Fail Indicates that one of the internal power supply units is probably notworking.No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply 1 Fail Indicates that power supply unit 1 (right) is probably faulty (only validfor PMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply 2 Fail Indicates that power supply unit 2 (left) is probably faulty (only validfor PMU901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAir Outlet Indicates the outlet air temperature of the amplifier module. ‒30 °C to+120 °CRead onlyR&S PMV901: "Status" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Status"Name Description Value range Access rightAmplifier Indicates whether the amplifier has been switched on or off by the R&STCE900 Tx control.Off, On Read onlyLink Indicates the status of the communication link between the amplifierand the R&S TCE900 Tx control.The status is indicated as follows:●OKA link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol.●WarningNo link exists between the amplifier and the R&S TCE900 Tx con-trol. Check the power supply of the amplifier.Ok, Warning Read onlyRF In Fail Indicates that the amplifier is receiving an input signal, the level ofwhich is too low.●If this message occurs at all amplifiers at the same time, the faultis located at the exciter switch, splitter or exciter.●If this fault occurs at only some of the amplifiers, the output levelof the exciters and splitter must be checked.●If the fault occurs at only one amplifier, the self‑engaging connec-tor of the RF signal on the rear panel of the amplifier must bechecked for mechanical damage.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyMute Indicates that the amplifier is suppressing its output signal.This indicator appears in the following cases:●No input signal●During bias adjustment●An external absorber signals via connector X11 that it is overheat-ing.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyInit Fail Indicates a fault if the amplifier detects an internal fault at power ON. Ifother faults are indicated at the same time, the cause of these faultsmust be rectified first. If the "Init Fail" fault still exists after other faultshave been rectified, the amplifier must be replaced.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx958Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightRF Monitor Indicates the coupling attenuation of the "RF Monitor" test point on theamplifier at 650 MHz.0.00 dB to+99.99 dBRead onlyReflection Indicates whether the reflection at the RF output is becoming too great.In this case, the antenna as well as the link between the amplifiers andthe antenna via the combiners and output stage switches (if present)must be checked.The occurrence of reflection is stored in a nonvolatile memory. Afterthe reason for the reflection has been rectified, this message must bereset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" button or"Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyRF Power Fail Indicates that the output power of the amplifier is more than 3 dB belowthe nominal value.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTemp. Fail Indicates that the amplifier has overheated internally.The shut‑off taps for the coolant must be checked. They must be open.The occurrence of this message is stored in a nonvolatile memory.After the reason for the overheating has been rectified, this messagemust be reset manually by pressing the "Reset Faults Transmitter" but-ton or "Reset Faults System" button.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransistor Fail Indicates that one or more driver or power transistors are defective.NOTE: Only personnel with the relevant special service training arepermitted to change the transistors.No, Yes Read onlyBIAS Fail Indicates a fault if the quiescent current of one or more transistors can-not be adjusted.●"No Error": Automatic quiescent current adjustment has been per-formed properly.●Abort Adjust: Adjustment has been aborted because a constanttemperature has not settled in the amplifier. In this case, adjust-ment should be started again immediately after the fault hasoccurred.●"Error on PA On" or "Adjust Error": There is a technical fault in theamplifier; the amplifier should be replaced.No Error, AbortAdjust, Error onPA On, AdjustErrorRead onlyAmplifier Temp. Indicates the temperature of the amplifier. The amplifier should only beswitched on at temperatures above 0 °C.‒30 °C to 120 °C Read onlyDoherty Active Indicates whether the Doherty mode of the amplifier is active or not. No, Yes (Fault) Read onlyFreq. ID Indicates the frequency ranges in which the amplifier can be operatedin Doherty mode.D1: 170 MHz to 179 MHzD2: 179 MHz to 193 MHz; 224 MHz to 239 MHzD3: 193 MHz to 207 MHz; 239 MHz to 254 MHzB4: 207 MHz to 224 MHzBB: Amplifier can only be operated in the broadband mode.If the option is not suitable for the transmit frequency, the amplifierautomatically switches to broadband mode.D1 to D4, BB,mismatchRead onlyRegulation Fail Indicates that the internal power regulation of the amplifier has reachedthe limit of its control range.This is an indication that one or more power transistors are defective.This fault can also occur if the amplifier performs a system check fol-lowing a TRANSISTOR_FAIL and then continues to run at reducedpower.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx959Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightBlower Fail Indicates a fault if one of the fans of the amplifier module has failed. No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAbsorber Fail Indicates that overheating of the rack absorber has been detected.Normally, this warning is signaled by all amplifiers of a transmittersimultaneously. If the warning is signaled by only one amplifier, checkthe rack cabling.No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAir Inlet Indicates the inlet air temperature of the amplifier module.It should always be in the range +1 °C to +45 °C.‒30 °C to+120 °CRead onlyAC Fail Indicates a fault if the mains voltage has been interrupted. The circuitbreakers must be checked in this case.No, Yes (warn-ing)Read onlyAC 1 Ok Indicates that the mains AC voltage at power supply unit 1 is in the per-missible range (only valid for PMVU901 with power supplystandby).No, Yes  AC 2 Ok Indicates that the mains AC voltage at power supply unit 2 is in the per-missible range (only valid for PMV901 with power supply standby).No, Yes  DC Fail Indicates whether one of the internal power supply units of the amplifieris faulty (e.g. no DC voltage is being delivered).Detection of a fault is only possible if the RF of the transmitter hasbeen switched on (Program on).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyDC 1 Ok Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 1 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 1 (only valid forPMV901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyDC 2 Ok Indicates whether the DC voltage of power supply unit 2 is in the per-missible range.This message is only output if an ON command has been issued andthe AC voltage is present at power supply unit 2 (only valid forPMV901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply Fail Indicates that one of the internal power supply units is probably notworking.No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply 1 Fail Indicates that power supply unit 1 (right) is probably faulty (only validfor PMV901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlySupply 2 Fail Indicates that power supply unit 2 (left) is probably faulty (only validfor PMV901 with power supply standby).No, Yes (fault) Read onlyAir Outlet Indicates the outlet air temperature of the amplifier module. ‒30 °C to+120 °CRead only"Supply" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Supply"Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx960Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightV Aux In (Supply) Indicates the supply voltage of the amplifier control board.This auxiliary voltage is generated directly by the power supply unit.This voltage should be present at the amplifier control board even if theamplifier has been switched off by the R&S TCE900. If no voltage isindicated, the miniature circuit breakers of the power distribution unit aswell as the self‑engaging contacts on the rear panel of the amplifiermust be checked first of all. If no fault can be found in the energy feed,the amplifier must be replaced. Read onlyV+ Mon (Supply) Indicates the voltage supplied to the transistor blocks by the powersupply unit.If the displayed voltage is 0 V, either the power supply unit is faulty orthe amplifier has not been switched on by the R&S TCE900. Read onlyI DC (Amplifier) Indicates the total current flowing through the internal power supplyunits.If the display shows 0 A, the amplifier may not have been switched onby the R&S TCE900.Other possible faults are:●RF In Fail●Temperature Fail●DC Fail Read onlyI Pre (Amplifier) Indicates the current flowing through the transistors of the preamplifiermodule. Read onlyV5V ACB (Ampli-fier ControlBoard)Indicates the 5 V auxiliary voltage which is generated on the amplifiercontrol board from the auxiliary voltage (V_AUX_IN) of the power sup-ply unit.If no voltage is indicated, the miniature circuit breakers of the energydistribution unit and also the self‑engaging contacts on the rear panelof the amplifier should be checked first of all.If no fault can be found in the energy feed, the amplifier must bereplaced. Read onlyV 3V5 (AmplifierControl Board)Indicates the 3.5 V auxiliary voltage which is generated on the amplifiercontrol board from the auxiliary voltage (V_AUX_IN) of the power sup-ply unit.If no voltage is indicated, the miniature circuit breakers of the energydistribution unit and also the self‑engaging contacts on the rear panelof the amplifier should be checked first of all.If no fault can be found in the energy feed, the amplifier must bereplaced. Read onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx961Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightV 12 Mon (PreAmplifier)Indicates the 12 V auxiliary voltage.●R&S PHU901, R&S PHU902, R&S PHV902, R&S PHR901: Theauxiliary voltage is generated on the preamplifier board from the20 V supply voltage (V PRE MON). If the amplifier has not beenswitched on by the R&S TCE900 the voltage is approx. 8 V.●R&S PMU901, R&S PMV901: The auxiliary voltage is generatedon the amplifier board from the 20 V supply voltage(V_PRE_MON). If the amplifier has not been switched on by theR&S TCE900, the voltage is 0 V. Read onlyV Pre Mon (PreAmplifier)Indicates the 20 V supply voltage of the preamplifier.●R&S PHU901, R&S PHU902, R&S PHV902: In the ON state, thevoltage is approx. 20 V and is generated on the preamplifierboard. The displayed voltage is 0 V if the amplifier has beenswitched off by the R&S TCE900. If no voltage is indicated in theON state, the miniature circuit breakers of the energy distributionunit and also the self‑engaging contacts on the rear panel of theamplifier should be checked first of all. If no fault can be found inthe energy feed, the amplifier must be replaced.●R&S PMU901: As for PHU901, except that here the 20 V voltageis generated on the amplifier board.●R&S PMV901: not existing. Read onlyR&S PHU901/R&S PHU902/R&S PHV902: "Transistors" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Transistors"Name Description Value range Access rightI PRE Indicates the current flowing through the transistors of the preamplifiermodule.0 A to 5 A Read onlyI DRV Indicates the current flowing through transistors V12A and V12B of thedriver module.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 1A Indicates the current flowing through transistors V14 and V15 of outputstage module 1 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 2A Indicates the current flowing through transistors V16 and V17 of outputstage module 2 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 3A Indicates the current flowing through transistors V18 and V19 of outputstage module 3 in transistor block A (not valid for R&S PHV902).0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 1B Indicates the current flowing through transistors V24 and V25 of outputstage module 1 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 2B Indicates the current flowing through transistors V26 and V27 of outputstage module 2 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 3B Indicates the current flowing through transistors V28 and V29 of outputstage module 3 in transistor block B (not valid for R&S PHV902)..0 A to 40 A Read onlyR&S PHR901 (VHF, Band II): "Transistors" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Transistors"Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx962Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightI DRV Indicates the current flowing through transistors T1000 and T1050 ofthe preamplifier/driver.0 A to 5 A Read onlyI 101 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V101 of output stagemodule 1 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 102 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V102 of output stagemodule 1 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 103 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V103 of output stagemodule 2 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 104 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V104 of output stagemodule 2 in transistor block A.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 105 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V105 of output stagemodule 3 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 106 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V106 of output stagemodule 3 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 107 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V107 of output stagemodule 4 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyI 108 Indicates the current flowing through transistor V108 of output stagemodule 4 in transistor block B.0 A to 40 A Read onlyR&S PMU901/R&S PMV901: "Transistors" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Transistors"Name Beschreibung Wertebereich ZugriffsrechtI PRE Zeigt den Strom durch die Transistoren des Vorverstärkermoduls an. 0 A bis 5 A Read OnlyI DRV Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V401 an. 0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 1A Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V500 im Transistorblock A an. 0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 2A Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V1500 im Transistorblock A an. 0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 3A Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V2500 im Transistorblock A an(gilt nicht für R&S PMV901).0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 1B Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V600 im Transistorblock B an. 0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 2B Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V1600 im Transistorblock B an. 0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyI 3B Zeigt den Strom durch den Transistor V2600 im Transistorblock B an(gilt nicht für R&S PMV901).0 A bis 40 A Read OnlyR&S PHU901/R&S PHU902/R&S PHV902/R&S PMV901: "RF Levels" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "RF Levels"Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx963Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightPower A Indicates the measured voltage of the RF detector in transistor block A. 0 V to 8 V Read onlyPower B Indicates the measured voltage of the RF detector in transistor block B. 0 V to 8 V Read onlyPower V Ref Indicates the nominal value which is predefined by the R&S TCE900for internal regulation of the output power.0 V to 6 V Read onlyPower Out Indicates the measured voltage of the RF detector at the output of theamplifier.0 V to 8 V Read onlyReflected Out Indicates the measured voltage of the RF detector for reflected powerat the output of the amplifier.0 V to 8 V Read onlyR&S PMU901: "RF Levels" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "RF Levels"Name Beschreibung Wertebereich ZugriffsrechtPower V Ref Zeigt den Sollwert an, der durch die R&S TCE900 für die interne Rege-lung der Ausgangsleistung vorgegeben wird.0 V bis 6 V Read OnlyPower Out Zeigt die gemessene Spannung des RF-Detektors am Ausgang desVerstärkers an.0 V bis 8 V Read OnlyReflected Out Zeigt die gemessene Spannung des RF-Detektors für die Rücklaufleis-tung am Ausgang des Verstärkers an.0 V bis 8 V Read OnlyR&S PHR901 (VHF, Band II): "RF Levels" parameters●Pfad: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "RF Levels"Name Description Value range Access rightPower In Shows the measured power at the amplifier input. 0.000 W to0.101 WRead onlyPower Driver Shows the measured power at the amplifier driver stage. 0.0 W to 126.0 W Read onlyPower A Indicates the measured power of the RF detector in transistor block A. 0.00 W to10334.00 WRead onlyPower B Indicates the measured power of the RF detector in transistor block B. 0.00 W to10334.00 WRead onlyPower V Ref Indicates the nominal value which is predefined by the R&S TCE900for internal regulation of the output power.0 % to 100.00 % Read onlyPower Out Shows the measured power of the RF detector at the output of theamplifier.0.00 W to7500.00 WRead onlyReflected Out Shows the measured power of the RF detector for the reflected powerat the output of the amplifier.0.00 W to1500.00 WRead onlyTransmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx964Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Type Plate" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx <n>" > "Output Stage" > "Amplifiers" > "Ampli-fier <n>" > Tab "Type Plate"Information about the amplifier is set at the factory.Name Description Value range Access rightName Instrument designation  Read onlyPart Number R&S material number and order number of the instrument. Specify thisnumber when reporting faults. Read onlyVariant Instrument variant  Read onlyProduct Index Production index (parts change index)  Read onlySerial Number Serial number  Read onlyProduction Date Production date  Read onlySW/FW/BiosNumberSoftware, firmware or BIOS number  Read only4.2.4 Rack"Status Rack" parametersName Description Value range Access rightAbsorber With multi‑rack transmitters, this indicates whether oneof the rack absorbers is overheating. This fault canoccur if several amplifiers of a rack fail and additionallythere is a fault in the cooling system.Green: OKRed: too hotRead OnlyCabinet Door Indicates whether the rear rack door is open or closed(does not apply to TMU9).Green:ClosedYellow: OpenRead OnlyOvervoltage Protectors Indicates whether the overvoltage protection for therespective component is still functioning.Green: OKRed: FaultRead Only Transmitter
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx965Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.2.5 Output Stage"Commissioning" parametersName Description Value range Access rightAbsorber With multi‑rack transmitters, this indicates whether oneof the rack absorbers is overheating. This fault canoccur if several amplifiers of a rack fail and additionallythere is a fault in the cooling system.Green: OKRed: too hotRead OnlyCabinet Door Indicates whether the rear rack door is open or closed. Green:ClosedYellow: OpenRead Onlyexternal Fault Indicates whether an external fault message exists atterminal X41 of the mains distribution board. This func-tion is only available if the "use external faults" checkmark has been set in the Commissioning dialog box forthis rack.Green: noFaultRed: FaultRead Only12V Control Indicates whether a backup power supply unit connec-ted to terminal X42 of the mains distribution board isstill working. This function is only available if the "con-trol external 12V supply" check mark has been set inthe Commissioning dialog box for this rack.Green: OKRed: FaultRead OnlyOvervoltage Protectors Indicates whether the overvoltage protection for therespective component is still functioning.Green: OKRed: FaultRead Only4.3 Exciter DVB-T24.3.1 Coder for DVB-T2To operate the transmitter in DVB‑T2 mode, an appropriate software option must beactivated using an option kex.This function is used to set the DVB transmission parameters required for coding andmodulation and to check the used (TPS) settings (TPS = transmission parameter sig-naling) that are signaled during transmission.The network configuration parameters are used to set the higher‑level parameters forDVB‑T2 that comply with the standard and are valid for all physical layer pipes (PLP).The L1 frame information parameters are used to configure the "L1 post signaling".The PLP parameters are used to make various settings for the possible PLPs. Whenstreaming via TS (TS Stream setting), the PLP parameters can be configured forexactly one PLP. If, however, T2MI is active (T2MI = On), several PLPs from the T2MI   Exciter DVB-T2
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9142Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightTest Signal (Non-linear Extension)Generates signals with different modulation in order to increase thevideo S/N ratio using an external measuring instrument. Measurementof the video S/N ratio and adjustment of the associated slopes allowsthe S/N ratio to be optimized for various picture contents.Black, Grey,White, OffMaintenanceBlack Slope(Nonlinear Exten-sion)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at high levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "Black" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenanceGrey Slope (Non-linear Extension)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at medium levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "Grey" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenanceWhite Slope(Nonlinear Exten-sion)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at low levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "White" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenancePhase Correction(FM Carrier 1/2)Indicates whether the sound phase shifter for carrier 1 and carrier 2 isswitched on.The setting can be changed here.Off, On MaintenanceTrigger Point 1/2(FM Carrier 1/2)Indicates the position defined for the respective onset point of thephase shifter (referenced to modulation of the picture signal).The setting can be changed here.0% to 100% MaintenanceSlope 1/2 (FMCarrier 1/2)Indicates the value that has been set for the slope at the respectiveonset point of the phase shifter.The setting can be changed here.-50% to 50% Maintenance4.6 Exciter ATSC4.6.1 Coder for ATSCTo operate the transmitter in ATSC mode, an appropriate software option must be acti-vated using an option key.The ATSC TV standard can be used both in single frequency networks (SFN) and inmultiple frequency networks (MFN). In an SFN, the time at which an ATSC symbol istransmitted is set automatically via the transmission control protocol (TCP). The net-work mode is selected in the SFN menu. Whether a TCP is present in the data streamis indicated in the two Input menus.In the Configuration menu, it is possible to activate transmission to mobile terminalequipment and also to set the transmitter IDs for operation in a network.  Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9143Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Configuration" parameters●Path: Device View (Home) > Transmitter > Exciter > ATSC Coder > ConfigurationTo operate the transmitter in Mobile DTV (MDTV) mode, an appropriate softwareoption must be activated using an option key.Name Description Value range Access rightMobile DTV (Con-figuration)Indicates whether the coding for Mobile DTV is switched on or off. Off, On MaintenanceMHE PID (Config-uration)Indicates which MHE PID is set.The setting can be changed here.The packet ID that is set is the one containing the Mobile DTV datastream. The MHE PID is only available if Mobile DTV has been set to"On".0 to 8191 MaintenanceFrame Status(Configuration)Indicates whether the ATSC coder is synchronized using the TCPframes contained in the data stream.A fault can occur if the fed transport stream does not contain a TCP. Inthis case, the status display of the active input would signal a corre-sponding TCP fault.Locked,UnlockedRead onlyMobile Content(Configuration)Indicates whether mobile data is contained in the input data stream.This display is only available if Mobile DTV has been set to "On".Found, Not found Read onlyRF Watermark(Localization)Indicates the set RF watermark level.The setting can be changed here.It is the level of the RF watermark signal relative to the useful signal.If "Off" is set, no RF watermark signal is generated. The RF watermarkallows a distinction to be made between the RF signals of individualtransmitters in single‑frequency networks for measuring purposes. Toenable this, the transmitter ID, for example, is transmitted cyclically inthe watermark.‒21 dB to ‒39 dB in steps of3 dB, OffMaintenanceNetwork ID(Localization)Indicates the set network ID.The setting can be changed here.Using the network ID, several transmitters in a single‑frequency net-work can be combined to form a group. All the transmitters in a groupmust be assigned different Tx addresses.0 to 495 MaintenanceTx Address(Localization)Indicates the set transmitter address.The setting can be changed here.The transmitter address allows a distinction to be made between theindividual transmitters in a single‑frequency network.0 to 31 MaintenanceExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9144Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Test" parametersName Description Value range Access rightGenerate TestSignalIndicates which test signal is to be generated.●OffSwitches off test signal generation.●PRBSGenerates a PRBS sequence instead of the payload.●Single CarrierGenerates an unmodulated single carrier.The frequency of the single carrier is at the center of the band andtherefore deviates from the vision carrier frequency.This test signal can be used to measure the phase noise of thesynthesizer. The phase noise must be measured via the RF Moni-tor Out connector (X61). The cable connected to RF Out (X60)must be removed. In order to protect the amplifiers, this test signalis only generated if the output of the exciter is open.The setting can be changed here.Off, PRBS, Sin-gle CarrierMaintenanceTestmode Indicates whether one of the test signals is activated.If a test signal is activated, decoding of the transmitted signal by thetransmitter will not be possible.Off, On Read only4.6.2 Setting Transmit Frequency and Output PowerThe transmit frequency is configured separately for each R&S TCE900 exciter with anaccuracy of ±1 Hz. For the DVB‑T and DVB‑T2 transmission standards, the channelcenter frequency must be set during this process.The output power of the R&S TCE900 exciters is regulated internally to +13 dBm forDTV. It can be attenuated via an integrated attenuator by up to 9 dB (in steps of 3 dB).Depending on the number of amplifiers that a transmitter has, the attenuator in theR&S TCE900 exciter has to be configured as described below.The transmit frequency and output power are configured in the following way:► Navigate to the following using the menu bar:"Device View (Home)" > "TX<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Output" > "Attenuation" (0 dB,3 dB, 6 dB, 9 dB).Attenuation setting for R&S THU9●Transmitter with 1 amplifier: 9 dB●Transmitter with 2 or more amplifiers: 0 dBAttenuation setting for R&S TMU9/R&S TMV9●Transmitter with 1 amplifier: 9 dB●Transmitter with 2 or more amplifiers: 0 dB Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9145Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.6.3 Signal FeedThe TCE900 Exciter has a number of physical inputs depending on the modules andsoftware options installed. Up to two of these inputs can be used parallel to each otherfor signal feed. They are referred to below as logical inputs. The assignment of physi-cal inputs to logical inputs takes place in a special task during startup of the system. Allavailable physical inputs can also be configured within this task. In normal operation,the two selected logical inputs are visible in the Device View of the exciter. All settingsrelevant for the logical inputs can be made directly in the Device View. The two logicalinputs are available for automatic input switchover in the event of a fault along the feedpath. Configuring Physical InputsThe physical inputs are configured at startup of the system in the menu "Device View"> "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Task View" > "Configure Inputs".This function allows you to define two logical inputs from the number of available inputsused for the redundancy of the input signal. For each logical input, you can optionallyassign a name for the fed program multiplex. This name is displayed in the transmitterand system overview screens.TS FeedEvery TCE900 Exciter which is suitable for the transmission of digital TV has two trans-port stream inputs (connector X20 and X21). The data format (ASI/SMPTE/Auto) canbe set separately for both inputs. The gross data rate and the packet length are alsodisplayed.IP FeedDepending on the installed software options, up to two independent IP feeds are avail-able in the TCE900 Exciter. During startup, each Ethernet socket (X30, X31) must beassigned an IP address in the menu "Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "TaskView" > "Configure TS LAN". The two Ethernet sockets are linked to two logical IPstreams which contain additional configuration parameters. Both IP streams supportunicast and multicast streams. For multicast streams, the IP address of the multiplexerwhich makes the stream available in the network must also be specified. It is possibleto assign both logical IP streams to the same physical socket, but to specify differentmulticast addresses. This provides maximum flexibility with regard to different redun-dancy scenarios in the feed path.The IP addresses for the Ethernet sockets are configured in the "Configure TS LAN"task and only become effective after the TCE900 Exciter has been restarted.  Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9146Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Settings for Input 1/2 (Transport Stream and IP Stream)"Transport Stream (TS 1/2)" parametersName Description Value range Access rightStream Status Indicates whether a valid serial data stream is beingfed to the transmitter via the TS1/2 IN sockets (X20/X21). If a fault is displayed here, first check the settingof the TS type (ASI/SMPTE).OK, NoStreamRead OnlyPacket Length Indicates the detected packet length of the transportstream. Read OnlyMIP (SIP, IIP) Indicates whether the control information required forSFN mode is contained in the data stream. The dis-played name depends on the modulation standard. Anerror can also be displayed in MFN mode if the codersettings are to be automatically controlled via the trans-port stream.OK, No, Fail Read OnlyGross data rate Shows the total data rate at the TS feed including stuff-ing bytes.1200000 bps Read OnlyPayload data rate Indicates the information data rate without stuffingbytes on the TS feed. This value is only available ifMFN is set (multiple‑frequency network), i.e. SFN mode(single‑frequency network) must be set to OFF. Read OnlyData rate Indicates whether the data rate of the payload matchesthe selected coder settings.OK, TooLow, TooHigh, No Sig-nalRead OnlyMultiplex Name Here, you can assign any desired name for the multi-plex contained in this transport stream. This name isdisplayed in the transmitter overview and, in the caseof n+1 systems, in the automatic transmitter switchoverfunction.<20 charac-ters>Read / Write"IP Stream (IP 1/2)" parametersName Description Value range Access rightStream Status (Status) Indicates whether a valid data stream is being fed tothe transmitter via the IP feed. If a fault is indicated,check the settings of the IP stream and the Ethernetinterface.OK, NoStreamRead OnlyPacket Length (Status) Indicates the detected packet length of the IP stream.  Read OnlyGross data rate (Sta-tus)Indicates the total data rate (gross data rate) on the IPfeed.1200000 bps Read OnlyPayload data rate (Sta-tus)Indicates the information data rate of the multiplex con-tained in the IP stream. Read OnlyData rate Indicates whether the data rate of the payload matchesthe selected coder settings.OK, TooLow, TooHigh, No Sig-nalRead OnlyExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9147Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightMIP (SIP, IIP) Indicates whether the control information required forSFN mode is contained in the data stream. The dis-played name depends on the modulation standard. Anerror can also be displayed in MFN mode if the codersettings are to be automatically controlled via the trans-port stream.OK, No, Fail Read OnlyRJ45 Connector (Set-tings)Used to define the physical network interface to whichthe logical IP stream is bound. Normally, the TS LAN 1socket (X30) is coupled to IP stream 1 and the TS LAN2 socket (X31) to IP stream 2. This allows you to usemultiple redundant servers that can be selected auto-matically using the automatic input signal switchover.However, it is also possible to feed several multicaststreams via the same physical Ethernet socket. In thiscase, too, the automatic input signal switchover func-tion can toggle automatically between two datastreams.TS LAN1, TSLAN2MaintenanceProtocol (Settings) Used to select the used network protocol.●UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for easy, connec-tionless communication.●RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol) for packet‑ori-ented communication.Auto, UDP,RTPMaintenanceStreaming Mode (Set-tings)Used to set the used type of network streaming.●Unicast: The multiplexer sends the suitable IPstream to the IP address of the TV transmitter.●Multicast: The TV transmitter subscribes to a mul-ticast IP stream that can be provided by the multi-plexer in the feed network to several transmittersat the same time.Multicast,UnicastMaintenancePort (Settings) Used to set the port number under which the transportstream is expected.0 to 65535 MaintenanceIP Address (Settings) Displays the IP address of the generator in Multicastmode. In Unicast mode, the IP address of the selectedRJ45 socket of the TCE900 is displayed here. In Multi-cast mode you can change the IP address here. Maintenance (Read Only)Multiplex Name (Set-tings)Here, you can assign any desired name for the multi-plex contained in this transport stream. This name isdisplayed in the transmitter overview and, in the caseof n+1 systems, in the automatic transmitter switchoverfunction.<20 charac-ters>Read / WriteExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9148Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Settings" parametersName Description Value range Access rightMute on Input Fail(Input Control of Input1 / Input 2)Used to determine whether the output signal of theexciter is to be shut down if the input signal of all avail-able inputs fails, or whether "null packets" are to besent. This switch is available in multiple‑frequency net-works (MFN) only. In single‑frequency networks (SFN),the exciter will always mute if no decodable input signalis fed.No, Yes Read / WriteInput Fail Delay (InputControl of Input 1 /Input 2)Used to set the length of the checkout time which mustexpire after detection of an input signal fault before theexciter displays a fault. If a short checkout time is set,the system can quickly switch over to a standby exciterif all input signals of the exciter fail. If a long checkouttime is set, there will be enough time in the event of afault to switch to an alternative feed path so that theexciter is prevented from switching over to a redun-dancy component.0 s to 600 s Read / WriteForce Exciter Change-over (On loss Of InputSignal)Used to determine whether switchover to anotherredundant exciter is to take place if the input signalfails. This function is available for all redundancy sys-tems (dual drive, backup exciter and n+1). In the "Yes"position, an exciter fault is signaled to the higher‑levelredundancy control unit, which decides whether toswitch over to another exciter or transmitter. In the "No"position, no switchover takes place.No (CreateWarning),Yes (CreateFault)Read / Write"Task View Config" parameters"Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Task View" > "Configure Inputs" > "Con-fig"Name Description Value range Access rightLogical Input 1/2 Used to configure the input interfaces used for twoinputs, independently of each other. To test the "seam-less switching" function, it is possible to select thesame input interface for both inputs. The selectionoptions for the data sources are determined by theinstalled input interfaces and option keys.Variable MaintenanceMultiplex 1/2 Name Here, you can assign any desired name for the multi-plex contained in this transport stream. This name isdisplayed in the transmitter overview and, in the caseof N+1 systems, in the automatic transmitter switchoverfunction. MaintenanceMonitor Out For measuring purposes, any input signal can beswitched to the TS Monitor-Out socket (X22). Theselection options for the data sources are determinedby the installed input interfaces and option keys. MaintenanceIP MUX 1/2 Indicates whether a valid data stream is being fed tothe transmitter via the IP feed. If a fault is indicated,check the settings of the IP stream and the Ethernetinterface.Stream OK,No StreamQueryExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9149Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Task View TS Feed" parameters"Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Task View" > "Configure Inputs" > "TSFeed"or: "Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Input 1 | 2" > "Transport Stream"Name Description Value range Access rightsTS 1/2 Type Used to set the data format for the data streams at X20and X21.●Auto: The data format is detected automatically●ASI: Manual setting for an ASI transport stream●SMPTE: Manual setting for an SMPTE transportstreamAuto, ASI,SMPTEMaintenanceGross data rate Indicates the total data rate on the IP feed.  Read OnlyStream Status Indicates whether a valid serial data stream is beingfed to the transmitter via the TS1/2 IN sockets (X20/X21). If a fault is displayed here, first check the settingof the TS type (ASI/SMPTE).OK, NoStreamRead OnlyPacket Length Indicates the detected packet length of the transportstream. Read OnlyMIP/IIP/TCP+DB Depending on the selected TV standard, this indicateswhether additional information for operation in sin-gle‑frequency networks (SFN) is present in the datastream. Read Only"Settings" parameters"Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Input 1 | 2" > "Settings"Name Description Value range Access rightMute (on Input Fail) Used to define the operating behavior when the activeinput fails. This parameter is available in MFN modeonly.●No – In this mode, the output signal is not sup-pressed if the active input fails. Null packets areoutput instead.●Yes – If the active input fails, the output signal issuppressed.No, Yes MaintenanceInput Fail Delay Used to set a delay time which must elapse followingan input signal failure before the output signal is sup-pressed and a sum fault is generated.0 s to 600 s MaintenanceForce Exciter Change-overUsed to determine whether switchover to anotherredundant exciter is to take place if the input signalfails. This function is available for all redundancy sys-tems (dual drive, backup exciter and N+1).●Yes – In the "Yes" position, an exciter fault is sig-naled to the higher‑level redundancy control unitwhich decides whether to switch over to anotherexciter or transmitter.●No – In the "No" position, no switchover takesplace.Yes, No MaintenanceExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9150Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ Input Signal SwitchoverThe R&S®TCE900 in the R&S®TCE900 Exciter configuration has an automatic switch-over function which, in the event of a signal failure at one logical input, switches over tothe other logical input (provided that a valid input signal is available at the other logicalinput). Before a failure occurs, the preselected input is active. The way in which thisautomatic switchover function operates is determined by the following factors:Automatic input switchover ON/OFFIf automatic switchover is OFF, the preselected input remains active even if the inputsignal fails. If automatic switchover is ON and there is a failure at the (preselected)input, switchover to the standby input takes place.Input priority (Preferred Input = Logical Input 1/2)Following switchover of the priority logical input to the standby input, the automatic sys-tem switches back to this priority input as soon as a signal returns. All switchover oper-ations are delayed for the set delay times. If the signal fails at both the operating inputand the standby input, the priority input always remains active.Inputs with equal priority (Preferred Input = none)Following switchover of the active logical input, the second input with the same priorityremains active until the input signal fails on this input also. The automatic systemswitches back to the preselected input, but only if a signal is present on it once again(and if "Switch to" is set to "reserve & back"). All switchover operations are delayed forthe set delay times.Selecting this operating mode minimizes the number of switchover operations and, incertain cases, the number of breaks in transmission.Direction of switchover (Switch to)The "reserve and back" switch position enables switchover in both directions, i.e. toand from the standby input, depending on which of the two logical inputs is currentlyfaulty.The "reserve" switch position ensures that switchover takes place once only. Followingswitchover, the automatic system switches to "switched" and the "Active" indicator dis-appears.Switchback to the preselected input takes place when the active input is switched overby pressing the input selector switch (Selector) and then selecting the preselectedinput.If the switch is set to "reserve", the switchback to the preselected input is suppressed. Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9151Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Seamless switchingThe automatic input signal switchover function has an operating mode which permitsseamless switching between two inputs. Seamless switching is activated using the"Seamless" switch. If seamless switching is possible, the switchover always takesplace immediately, irrespective of the set guard times. Seamless switching is availablewithout restriction for operation in single‑frequency networks (SFN). For operation inMFNs, it is necessary to set the maximum expected delay time between the two signalfeeds. The signal which arrives earlier is delayed by the set time and the signal whicharrives later is adjusted to the earlier signal. The currently measured delay between thetwo inputs is displayed to provide an adjustment aid. In SFN and MFN mode, signalscan be fed via two different media (e.g. ASI and IP).Manual switchover between inputsManual switchover is possible when the automatic input signal switchover function isboth on and off.●Switchover with automatic input signal switchover OFFThe input can be switched over in the "Home" > "Transmitter" > "Exciter" menu bypressing the input selector switch ("Selector") and then selecting the desired input"Selected Input".●Switchover with automatic input signal switchover ONThe input can be switched over in the "Home" > "Transmitter" > "Exciter" menu bypressing the input selector switch ("Selector") and then selecting the desired input"Selected Input" if the two inputs are configured with equal priority (Preferred Input= None).If one of the inputs is configured as having priority, switchover is performed bychanging the priority input "Preferred Input" in the same menu."Automatic input signal switchover" parametersName Description Value range Access rightAutomatic (State) Indicates the state of the automatic input signal switchover function.●Off:The automatic switchover function is switched off.●Active:The automatic switchover function is ready to switch the currentlyactive input over to the input currently not in use as soon as theinput signal of the currently active input fails.●Changed:The automatic switchover function has switched over from thepreferred input to the standby input. "Changed" is only displayed ifswitchback is not permitted. ("Switch to" = reserve)Off, Active,ChangedRead OnlySeamless Switch-ingIndicates whether seamless switching of the input signal is possible."Not Possible" appears if only one input signal is fed, if two differentdata streams are present at the two inputs or if in MFN mode the set"Max Delay between Inputs" is not sufficient to align the two signalswith each other. If seamless switching is possible, it always takes placeimmediately when required, regardless of whether a "Guard Time toReserve" or "Guard Time Back" has been set.not Possible,PossibleRead OnlyAutomatic Activates automatic switchover of the input signal to the standby inputif the preferred input fails.Off, On OperationExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9152Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightPreferred Input Used to select the preferred input which the automatic input signalswitchover function should use whenever possible.Input 1, Input 2,NoneOperationSelected Input Used to select the active input to be used when the automatic inputsignal switchover function is off. If the automatic switchover function ison, the input can be switched over using this switch if Preferred Input isset to "No Preference" or a switchover to the standby input has takenplace. Switchover of the input is otherwise performed using the "Prefer-red Input" switch.Input 1, Input 2 OperationSwitch to Used to set the operational response of the automatic switchover func-tion.●"To Reserve Only":The automatic switchover function switches over once from thepreferred input to the standby input and then assumes the "notready" state. Switching the active input over manually to the pre-ferred input reactivates the automatic switchover function.●"To Reserve and Back":Following successful switchover to the standby input, the auto-matic switchover function can also switch back automatically if thesignal at the standby input fails.Reserve Only,Reserve & BackMaintenanceGuard Time toReserveUsed to set a guard time which must elapse before the automaticswitchover function switches over to the standby input if the input sig-nal at the preferred input fails. The set guard time has no effect ifseamless switching is possible. In this case, the switchover alwaystakes place immediately without interruption (i.e. seamlessly). MaintenanceGuard Time Back Used to set a guard time which must elapse before the automaticswitchover function switches back to the preferred input if the input sig-nal at the standby input fails. If seamless switching is possible, switch-over always takes place immediately without interruption regardless ofthe set guard time. If "to Reserve Only" was selected as the "Direc-tion", the set guard time has no effect. MaintenanceIf Reserve Fails Used to determine whether the signal at the standby input is to bemonitored.●If the transmitter is operated with only one input signal or thestandby input is connected only temporarily, "Do Not Show Warn-ing" must be selected.●If two redundant input signals are normally supplied to the trans-mitter, "Show Warning" must be selected.Do Not ShowWarning, ShowWarningMaintenance4.6.4 Controlling Time of Transmission in Single-Frequency Networks(SFN)For operation in single-frequency networks (SFN), the R&S®TCE900 exciter has afunction which allows the time at which the signal is transmitted to be controlled. In theSFN, time synchronization of all exciters in the network is performed using a secondspulse (PPS), which is generally obtained at the exciter site via GPS satellites.Controlling time of transmissionControl of the time of transmission is switched on and off in the "Device View (Home)"> "Transmitter" > "Exciter" > "SFN Regulation" menu ("Time Synchronization" tab) bymeans of the "SFN Sync" switch (On (SFN) / Off (MFN)). This function can only beused if the exciter has a time reference. Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9153Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07To operate the transmitter with an integrated GPS receiver, an appropriate softwareoption must be activated using an option code.The following options are available:●Feed of an external PPS signal (pulse per second)●Use of an integrated GPS receiver (requires option key)If the time reference fails during operation, the exciter can revert to its integrated fre-quency control function (see the chapter "Frequency Control") and calculate a highlyprecise PPS internally.To do so, the exciter only needs to be able to synchronize with aPPS once for a few seconds after it has started.If the time and frequency reference fail at the same time, Holdover Mode becomesactive. In this operating mode, the accuracy of "time of transmission" control dependson the frequency stability of the integrated, temperature‑stabilized 10 MHz crystal oscil-lator (OXCO).Since, in Holdover Mode, calculation of the time of transmission becomes increasinglyinaccurate over time, the output signal of the exciter can be switched off after a config-urable Guard Time.Special featuresWith ATSC, up to three different synchronization types are supported.An appropriate software option must be activated using an option code for the respec-tive synchronization type.●R&S MobileIf mobile content is transmitted and a Rohde & Schwarz AEM100 EmissionMux/SFN inserter is used, the "RSMobile" synchronization type must be selected.●R&S A53If normal content is transmitted and a Rohde & Schwarz AEM100 EmissionMux/SFN inserter is used, the "RSA53" synchronization type must be selected.●A/110In the case of the standard‑conforming SFN synchronization corresponding toATSC A/110B, the "A/110" synchronization type must be selected. It contains acompatible expansion to allow use of Mobile DTV.With the synchronization types "R&S Mobile" and "A/110", a distinction is also made asto whether the time of transmission is to be synchronized primarily using data from theTCP information or using data from the dummy bytes.Setting and display of time of transmissionIn the "Device View (Home)" > "Transmitter" > "Exciter" > "SFN Regulation" menu("SFN Delay" tab), the time of transmission is displayed relative to the reference time.The time of transmission can be adapted individually by setting an additional staticdelay.Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9154Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07The following delays occur:●Maximum DelayTime taken for the signal to travel from the playout center (MIP inserter) to thetransmit antenna for regular transmission. This delay is set in the SFN adapter andis the default for all transmitters of the SFN.●Network DelayTime taken for the signal to travel from the playout center (SFN adapter) to theinput of the exciter. With IP feed, the time for forward error correction (FEC) andpacket reordering is added to the Network Delay. This delay depends on the usedtransmission path.●Processing DelayMinimum transit time of the signal through the exciter. This delay depends on theset transmission parameters.●Dynamic DelayPeriod of time by which signal processing is delayed artificially in order to achievethe desired time of transmission.●Total DelayActual transit time of the signal through the exciter. This time is the sum of Pro-cessing Delay plus Dynamic Delay.●Static SFN DelayPositive or negative offset (set manually for the individual transmitter location) ofthe time of transmission relative to the regular time of transmission preset underMaximum Delay. The Static SFN Delay is used to compensate for differencesbetween transmission systems from different manufacturers.●Dispatch TimeThis is the actual time of transmission. It is the network‑wide Maximum Delay plusthe transmitter‑specific Static SFN Delay.Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9155Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 4-6: Delays in SFN1 = Time of the signal infeed (MIP inserter)2 = Signal feed at the exciter (Ts x IN)3 = Regular time of transmission for the station (Tx)4 = Individually corrected time of transmission for the station (Dispatch Time) Settings"Time Synchronization" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx<n > " > "Exciter A | B" >"SFN Regulation" >"Time Synchronization"Name Description Value range Access rightSource The suitable signal source for synchronizing the time oftransmission can be selected in this list.ExternalPPS, InternalGPSMaintenanceExt. PPS Indicates whether a seconds pulse is present at the1PPS_IN socket (X23) at the TCE.No Signal,Inaccurate,OKRead onlyInt. GPS PPS Indicates whether the integrated GPS receiver isreturning a stable seconds pulse (PPS). This functionmust have been enabled by installing an option key inthe TCE.No Signal,Inaccurate,OKRead only Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9156Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightSFN Sync Used to activate time synchronization.●Off (MFN): The time of transmission is not control-led.●Dynamic (SFN): The time of transmission of asymbol is the same for all the transmitters of a sin-gle‑frequency network (SFN).Off (MFN),Dynamic(SFN)MaintenanceSFN Sync Mode Used to define the type of time synchronization. Thisswitch is available only after the appropriate softwareoptions have been enabled.●RSMobile: For transmitting mobile content andwhen using a Rohde & Schwarz AEM100 Emis-sion Mux/SFN inserter.●RSA53: When transmitting normal content andwhen using a Rohde & Schwarz AEM100 Emis-sion Mux/SFN inserter.●A/110: For standard‑conforming SFN synchroniza-tion corresponding to ATSC A/110B. It contains acompatible expansion to allow use of Mobile DTV.With the synchronization types "R&S Mobile" and "A/110", a distinction can also be made as to whether thetime of transmission is to be synchronized primarilyusing data from the TCP information or using data fromthe dummy bytes.RSMobile,RSA53,A/110MaintenancePPS State Indicates whether the internally formed PPS isphase‑synchronized with the frequency control.●OK: The PPS is phase‑synchronized with the fre-quency control.●Holdover: The PPS and the reference frequency ofthe frequency control have failed. Time synchroni-zation is now performed with the accuracy of theintegrated crystal oscillator (OCXO).●Holdover Expired: The maximum time for whichthe transmitter is permitted to remain in holdovermode has expired (see the Frequency Controlmenu).●Missing: No PPS signal has been detected sincethe TCE900 exciter was last started.If "OK" is not displayed, the signal source of the fre-quency control must be checked.OK, Hold-over, Hold-over expired,MissingRead onlyMax. Deviation Used to select the maximum permitted deviation of thetime of transmission relative to the internally controlledreference frequency. If the set value is exceeded, theabsolute time of transmission is recalculated. This cau-ses a brief signal failure (mute).0 s to 100 μsRead onlySFN State Indicates whether or not the fed signal can be transmit-ted in a time‑synchronous manner. If the "No Time Ref-erence" fault message is displayed, the reference feedof the Time Synchronization and the Frequency Regu-lation must be checked. If the "No Time Information"fault message is displayed, it must be checked whetherthe control information for the time of transmission iscontained in the data stream. (See the "Input" menu.)SFN Resync,No TimeInformation,No Time Ref-erence, SFNResync, InTimeRead only"SFN Delay" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx<n > " > "Exciter A | B" >"SFN Regulation" >"SFN Delay"Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9157Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightsMaximum Delay Time taken for the signal to travel from the playout cen-ter to the transmit antenna for regular transmission.This delay is set at the SFN adapter and is the defaultfor all transmitters of the dynamic SFN.0 s to 1 s Read onlyNetwork Delay Time taken for the signal to travel from the playout cen-ter to the input of the signal processing unit. This delaydepends on the used transmission path. If an IP feed isused, the FEC processing time is a component of theNetwork Delay.0 s to 1 s Read onlyProcessing Delay Indicates the internal transit time for signal processingin the exciter. It depends on the configured modulationparameters.0 s to 1 s Read onlyDynamic Delay Indicates the signal delay controlled by the SFN (sin-gle‑frequency network) synchronization which isrequired in order to meet the desired time of transmis-sion exactly. The displayed value contains the setStatic Delay Offset as well as the Tx Time Offset (ifavailable).0 s to 1 s Read onlyTotal Delay Indicates the total transit time of the signal through thetransmitter. It is the sum of Processing Delay plusDynamic Delay.0 s to 1 s Read onlyStatic SFN Delay Positive or negative offset (set manually for the individ-ual transmitter site) of the time of transmission relativeto the regular time of transmission preset under Maxi-mum Delay. The Static Delay is used to compensatedifferences between transmission systems from differ-ent manufacturers.0 s to 1 s MaintenanceDispatch Time Time from the point at which the signal leaves the play-out center until its actual transmission at the transmitantenna. This delay corresponds to the MaximumDelay (compulsory for all transmitters in an SFN) plusStatic Delay Offset plus Tx Time Offset (if available).0 s to 1 s Read only4.6.5 Using Frequency ControlThe R&S TCE900 in the R&S TCE900 exciter configuration has a transmit frequencycontrol function.Depending on the accuracy and stability requirements, one of two operating modescan be selected for the transmitter.To operate the transmitter with an integrated GPS receiver, an appropriate softwareoption must be activated using an option code.●Free‑wheeling modeHere the transmit frequency is formed from a temperature‑stabilized 10 MHz crys-tal oscillator (TCXO).The frequency stability is sufficient for continuous operation in multiple frequencynetworks (MFN). Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9158Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07●Operation with reference frequencyHere the transit frequency is stabilized by means of a reference frequency. The fol-lowing options are available:–External 10 MHz reference frequency– External PPS (pulse per second)– Built-in GPS receiver.The frequency stability and frequency accuracy which can be achieved in this wayfulfill the increased requirements for operation of the transmitter in single‑frequencynetworks. If several reference signals are available at the same time, automaticselection of the most suitable reference frequency is possible.If the reference signal fails, the transmitter switches over to Holdover Mode and fre-quency control operates with the accuracy of the temperature‑stabilized 10 MHz crystaloscillator (OXCO).Since, in Holdover Mode, frequency control becomes increasingly inaccurate overtime, the output signal of the exciter can be switched off after a configurable GuardTime.In the case of reference signals with major fluctuations (jitter), e.g. with non‑controlledexternal GPS receivers, a jitter correction function can be activated.For measuring purposes, the used reference signal or one of the reference signals pro-cessed internally in the exciter can be output via the Monitor-Out socket (X24)."Frequency Regulation" parameters●Path:"Device View (Home)" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter" > "Frequency Regulation" > Tab"Frequency Regulation"Name Description Value range Access rightExt. 10 MHz (Input) Indicates whether an external 10 MHz reference ispresent at the REF_IN (X64) socket on the R&STCE900.No Signal,Inaccurate,OKRead onlySource (Input) The suitable signal source for the frequency referencecan be either detected automatically or preselected inthis list. If multiple signal sources are connected simul-taneously in "Auto" position, an external reference isgiven preference for selection before the internal GPS.In "Manual" position, the internal crystal oscillator(OCXO) is calibrated manually and the transmitter canbe operated completely without an external referencesource (not suitable for single-frequency networks).Manual, Ext.5 MHz, Ext.10 MHz, Ext.PPS, Int.PPS GPS,AutoRead onlyExt PPS (Input) Indicates whether a seconds pulse is present at the1PPS_IN socket (X23) at the R&S TCE900.No Signal,Inaccurate,OKRead onlyCurrent Source (input) Shows the signal source used currently for frequencyregulation.Manual, Ext.5 MHz, Ext.10 MHz, Ext.PPS, Int.GPSRead onlyExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9159Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightInt. GPS PPS (Input) Indicates whether the integrated GPS receiver isreturning a stable seconds pulse (PPS). This functionmust have been enabled by installing an option key inthe TCE.No Signal,Inaccurate,OKRead onlyManual OCXO (regula-tor)Enables manual adjustment of the internal crystal oscil-lator. To allow this, a frequency counter which issynchronized via a highly accurate reference must beconnected via the monitor output.0 to 65535 MaintenanceReference (regulator) Indicates the state of the reference used. In single‑fre-quency networks, a failure of the reference can cause amalfunction and thus lead to switchover of the exciter.Fault, Warn-ing, OKRead onlyFreq. Stability (regula-tor)Indicates the frequency accuracy of the regulator. Thehighest possible accuracy ("Excellent") is only reachedat least 24 hours after switching on the exciter. Thisensures that if the reference fails, there are no faults insingle‑frequency networks before the guard time runsout.Unknown,Inaccurate,Good, Excel-lentRead onlyMonitor Out (regulator) Used to select the signal to be output at the MonitorOut socket (X24).Off, Internal5 MHz, Inter-nal 10 MHz,Internal 1PPS, Internal1 PPS GPS,CurrentSourceOperationOn Ref. Fail Mute (reg-ulator)Used to define the behavior if the reference sourcefails.●"Never": Muting never takes place. This causesfaults in single‑frequency networks, especiallyafter power failures.●"At Startup": After a power failure, muting takesplace until the regulator is synchronized. If the ref-erence fails, the transmitter will continue runningas long as possible.●"After Guard Time": Muting takes place not onlyafter power failures, but also after failure of the ref-erence and expiry of the set Guard Time.Never, AtStartup, AfterGuard TimeMaintenanceGuard Time (regulator) This value defines for how many hours the signal pro-cessing should continue running without synchroniza-tion if the reference connection fails. The Guard Time isactive only if the "Freq Stability" was "Good" at the timeof the failure. The longer the time selected is, thepoorer the accuracy of the transmitting frequency willbecome. In addition, the time of transmission of the sig-nal shifts. If this uses up the guard interval, receptionproblems occur in single‑frequency networks.0 to 24 hours MaintenanceJitter Correction (GuardTime)When using an external reference source with high jit-ter, activating this function can provide better frequencystability. With "Good" reference signals, this functionshould be disabled as the regulator takes significantlylonger to attain its maximum frequency stability. Whenthe internal GPS is used, this function is enabled auto-matically.On, Off MaintenanceExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9160Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.6.6 PrecorrectionEach R&S®TCE900 Exciter is equipped with an adaptive precorrector, which continu-ously compensates for nonlinear distortions of the amplifiers and linear distortions ofthe output filter so that, in both cases, a high‑quality signal is present at the output ofthe transmitter.Adaptive nonlinear precorrectionFor adaptive nonlinear precorrection, enter a minimum shoulder distance that must notbe undershot. The precorrector will calculate a new precorrection curve as soon as ashoulder distance below the set value is measured.The adaptive precorrection can be stopped if necessary (Adaptive Predistortion =Stop). The current precorrection curve remains in effect.For measuring purposes, the adaptive nonlinear precorrector can be bypassed (Adap-tive Predistortion = Bypass) so that the R&S®TCE900 Exciter returns an undistortedsignal at its RF output.The precorrector can be restarted manually (Reset), making it possible to calculate abetter precorrection curve, even if the shoulder distance has not yet been undershot.The current precorrection curve is lost as a result.Adaptive linear precorrectionWith adaptive linear precorrection, limit values for amplitude (Amplitude Ripple) andgroup delay (Group Delay Ripple) must be set. The precorrector will calculate a newprecorrection curve as soon as the limit values are exceeded.The adaptive precorrection can be stopped if necessary (Adaptive Predistortion =Stop). The current precorrection curve remains in effect.For measuring purposes, the adaptive linear precorrector can be bypassed (AdaptivePredistortion = Bypass) so that the R&S®TCE900 Exciter returns an undistorted signalat its RF output.The precorrector can be restarted manually (Reset), making it possible to calculate abetter precorrection curve, even if the shoulder distance has not yet been undershot.The current precorrection curve is lost as a result.The adaptive adjustment of nonlinear precorrection is not available for analog TVstandards.Crest factor reductionAvailable as an option for all COFDM standardsThe crest factor feature provides the possibility of improving the signal parameters"MER" and "Shoulder Distance" separately. Additionally, the signal can be improvedand the DC supply voltage reduced at the amplifier to increase efficiency; this simulta-neously reduces the crest factor of the transmitter. Exciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9161Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Sound phase shifterOnly available for analog TV standardsThe sound phase shifter modifies the phase of the sound subcarrier as a function ofthe low-frequency modulation of the picture signal.When the sound phase shifter is switched on, its characteristic is determined using twoonset points.The reference for setting the position is initially a value of 37.5 % for the back porch.Smaller values are in the range of the sync pulse, whereby a value of 15 % corre-sponds to a sync‑pulse amplitude of 300 mV. Larger values are in the picture range,whereby a value of 90 % corresponds to a picture amplitude of 700 mV.An additional condition is that the setting for onset point 1 must always be greater thanthat of onset point 2. The sharpness of the two onset points is determined by the slopeof the characteristic at these points. The magnitude of the setting determines the mag-nitude of the phase shift, whereby a setting of 50 % specifies the maximum value. Thesign of the setting value determines whether the phase is shifted in the positive or neg-ative direction.When the characteristic is calculated, it is divided into three linear areas by the twoonset points.No phase shift takes place for modulation of the picture signal in the area between thetwo onset points, i.e. a correction phase of 0° is set.A correction phase unequal to 0° is set in the case of picture signal modulation which isgreater than the position of onset point 1. The characteristic in this area begins with acorrection phase of 0°, with modulation corresponding to the position of onset point 1,and increases linearly up to the maximum phase set with slope 1, with 100 % modula-tion of the picture signal.Similarly, a correction phase unequal to 0° is also set in the case of picture signal mod-ulation which is smaller than the position of onset point 2. The characteristic in thisarea begins with a correction phase of 0°, with modulation corresponding to the posi-tion of onset point 2, and increases linearly up to the maximum phase set with slope 2,with 0 % modulation of the picture signal."Non Linear" parameters●Path:Device View (Home) > Transmitter > Exciter > Pre-Correction > Non LinearExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9162Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightAdaptive Precor-rection (Settings)The nonlinear precorrector is used to compensate amplifier faults. Thequality of precorrection affects the shoulder distance of the output sig-nal.The setting can be changed here.●BypassThe nonlinear precorrector is deactivated. The signal is not modi-fied inside the exciter.●StopAdaptive precorrection is deactivated. The correction curve thatwas determined last is active inside the exciter.●RunDigital TV standards only: The adaptive precorrector is active.The best possible precorrection curve to compensate amplitudeand phase errors of the amplifiers is determined continuously.Analog TV standards only: The automatic precorrector is active.The best possible precorrection curve to compensate amplitudeand phase errors of the amplifiers is determined once. The pre-corrector then enters "Stop" mode. The program is interruptedduring precorrection.In certain situations, it may be advisable to have a suitable precorrec-tion curve determined automatically first and then to switch adaptiveprecorrection to "Stop" so that the found precorrection curve can nolonger change.Calculation of a new precorrection curve can be forced by performinga reset.Bypass, Stop,RunMaintenanceStatus (Settings) Indicates the status of the nonlinear precorrector.●IdleThe precorrector is not active.●AcquisitionThe precorrector is currently recording new measurement values.●CalculationThe precorrector is currently calculating a new precorrectioncurve.Idle, Acquisition,CalculationRead OnlyInput Level (Set-tings)Indicates whether the level of the input signal is sufficient. "No Input"appears if the transmitter is off or if the connection to the RF test pointis interrupted.OK, Too Low,Too High, NoInputRead OnlyReset (Settings) Resets the precorrection. If the precorrector is in "run" mode, a newprecorrection curve is calculated. MaintenanceShoulder Distance(Shoulders)Indicates the minimum shoulder distance that is to be achieved by theadaptive nonlinear precorrector.The setting can be changed here.The precorrector will calculate a new precorrection curve as soon as ashoulder distance below the set value is measured.30 dB to 45 dB MaintenanceShoulder Left(Shoulders)Indicates the shoulder distance attained by the circuit for automaticswitchover, measured in the left part of the signal spectrum. Read OnlyShoulder Right(Shoulders)Indicates the shoulder distance attained by the circuit for automaticswitchover, measured in the right part of the signal spectrum. Read OnlySignal Limiter(Limiter)Limits the signal at the input of the nonlinear precorrector.The setting can be changed here.6 dB to 12 dB MaintenanceExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9163Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07"Linear" parameters●Path:Device View (Home) > Transmitter > Exciter > Pre-Correction > LinearName Description Value range Access rightAdaptive Precor-rection (Settings)The linear precorrector is used to compensate output filter faults. Thequality of precorrection affects the amplitude and group delay ripple ofthe output signal.The setting can be changed here.●BypassThe linear precorrector is deactivated. The signal is not modifiedinside the exciter.●StopAdaptive precorrection is deactivated. The correction curve thatwas determined last is active inside the exciter.●RunDigital TV standards only: The adaptive precorrector is active.The best possible precorrection curve to compensate for ampli-tude and group delay errors caused by the output filter is deter-mined continuously.Analog TV standards only: The automatic precorrector is active.The best possible precorrection curve to compensate for ampli-tude and group delay errors caused by the output filter is deter-mined once. The precorrector then enters "Stop" mode. The pro-gram is interrupted during precorrection.In certain situations, it may be advisable to have a suitable precorrec-tion curve determined automatically first and then to switch adaptiveprecorrection to "Stop" so that the found precorrection curve can nolonger change.Bypass, Stop,RunMaintenanceStatus (Settings) Indicates the status of the linear precorrector.●IdleThe precorrector is not active.●AcquisitionThe precorrector is currently recording new measurement values.●CalculationThe precorrector is currently calculating a new precorrectioncurve.Idle, Acquisition,CalculationRead OnlyInput Level (Set-tings)Indicates whether the level of the input signal is sufficient. "No Input"appears if the transmitter is off.OK, Too Low,Too High, NoInputRead OnlySlope (Settings) Indicates the asymmetry compensation caused by the RF cable usedbetween the RF test point downstream of the output filter and the inputof the linear precorrector.The setting can be changed here.-1 dB to 1 dB MaintenanceReset (Settings) Resets the precorrection. If the precorrector is in "run" mode, a newprecorrection curve is calculated. MaintenanceAmplitude RippleLimit (AmplitudeRipple Limiter)Indicates the desired maximum amplitude ripple at the output of the fil-ter. If the circuit for automatic switchover is switched on, the precorrec-tor attempts to modify the signal to such an extent that the amplituderipple remains below the specified limit.The setting can be changed here.0 dB to 2 dB MaintenanceExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9164Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightAmplitude Ripple(Amplitude RippleLimiter)Indicates whether the limit set for the amplitude ripple can be achievedby the linearity corrector.If the limit was chosen too low, a warning is displayed. In this case, thecorrector will retain the last-calculated curve.Limit OK, limitunreachableRead OnlyAmplitude Ripple(Amplitude RippleLimiter)Indicates the residual ripple in the amplitude frequency responseattained by the circuit for automatic switchover in dB. Read OnlyGroup Delay Limit(Group Delay Lim-iter)Indicates the desired maximum group delay ripple at the output of thefilter. If the circuit for automatic switchover is switched on, the precor-rector attempts to modify the signal to such an extent that the groupdelay ripple remains below the specified limit.The setting can be changed here.10 ns to 500 ns MaintenanceGroup Delay(Group Delay Lim-iter)Indicates whether the limit set for the group delay can be achieved bythe linearity corrector.If the limit was chosen too low, a warning is displayed. In this case, thecorrector will retain the last-calculated curve.Limit OK, limitunreachableRead OnlyGroup Delay Rip-ple (Group DelayRipple)Indicates the residual ripple in the group delay attained by the circuitfor automatic switchover in ns. Read Only"Crest Factor" parametersAvailable as an option for all COFDM standards●Path:Device View (Home) > Transmitter > Exciter > Pre-Correction > Crest FactorName Description Value range Access rightReduction Activates manual crest factor reduction. This function is used to opti-mize the efficiency of the transmitter.●BypassDeactivates the crest factor reduction.●ManualActivates manual crest factor reduction.Bypass, Manual MaintenanceCrest Factor Used to set the crest factor of the exciter's output signal. Setting a lowcrest factor allows the efficiency of the transmitter to be increased as aresult of the lower operating voltage of the amplifiers. This can lead toan increase in intermodulation products outside the frequency bandand to a reduction in MER.7 dB to 15 dB MaintenanceInband Noise Increasing this value results in a lower crest factor. This, however,reduces MER.10% to 100% MaintenanceOutband Noise Increasing this value produces a lower crest factor; however, thisresults in an increase in intermodulation products outside the fre-quency band.0% to 50% Maintenance"Advanced Precorrection" parametersAvailable for analog TV standards●Path:Device View (Home) > Transmitter > Exciter > Pre-Correction > AdvancedPrecorrectionExciter ATSC
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9165Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightTest Signal (Non-linear Extension)Generates signals with different modulation in order to increase thevideo S/N ratio using an external measuring instrument. Measurementof the video S/N ratio and adjustment of the associated slopes allowsthe S/N ratio to be optimized for various picture contents.Black, Grey,White, OffMaintenanceBlack Slope(Nonlinear Exten-sion)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at high levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "Black" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenanceGrey Slope (Non-linear Extension)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at medium levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "Grey" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenanceWhite Slope(Nonlinear Exten-sion)Used to optimize the video S/N ratio at low levels.The value can only be changed if the nonlinear precorrector is in"Stop" mode and the test signal "White" has been activated.-50% to 50% MaintenancePhase Correction(FM Carrier 1/2)Indicates whether the sound phase shifter for carrier 1 and carrier 2 isswitched on.The setting can be changed here.Off, On MaintenanceTrigger Point 1/2(FM Carrier 1/2)Indicates the position defined for the respective onset point of thephase shifter (referenced to modulation of the picture signal).The setting can be changed here.0% to 100% MaintenanceSlope 1/2 (FMCarrier 1/2)Indicates the value that has been set for the slope at the respectiveonset point of the phase shifter.The setting can be changed here.-50% to 50% Maintenance4.7 Exciter DTMB4.7.1 Coder for DTMBTo operate the transmitter in DTMB mode, an appropriate software option must be acti-vated using an option key.The DTMB transmission parameters required for coding and modulation as well as theTPS settings (TPS = transmission parameter signaling) used and signaled duringtransmission can be checked in the "Config" and "Modulation" menu fields.The DTMB standard can be used both in single frequency networks (SFN) and multiplefrequency networks (MFN). In SFNs, the TPSs are usually set automatically by themegaframe information packet (MIP) or second frame initialization packet (SIP); inMFNs, the TPS parameters are usually set manually.  Exciter DTMB
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9207Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightGuard Time (regulator) This value defines for how many hours the signal pro-cessing should continue running without synchroniza-tion if the reference connection fails. The Guard Time isactive only if the "Freq Stability" was "Good" at the timeof the failure. The longer the time selected is, thepoorer the accuracy of the transmitting frequency willbecome. In addition, the time of transmission of the sig-nal shifts. If this uses up the guard interval, receptionproblems occur in single‑frequency networks.0 to 24 hours MaintenanceJitter Correction (GuardTime)When using an external reference source with high jit-ter, activating this function can provide better frequencystability. With "Good" reference signals, this functionshould be disabled as the regulator takes significantlylonger to attain its maximum frequency stability. Whenthe internal GPS is used, this function is enabled auto-matically.On, Off Maintenance4.11 Switchless CombinerThe switchless combiner couples the RF output signals of two racks and feeds the totalpower to the antenna. If a rack has a power drop, the switchless combiner ensuresmaximum output power at the antenna by a continuous shift of the phase angle.Operating principleThe switchless combiner consists of two 90-degree couplers and an RF tube of varia-ble length (referred to as a trombone). Changing the length makes it possible to gener-ate a variable phase shift between the two inputs. If there is a complete power drop atan input, the power of the other input can be fed to the antenna without loss. If there isa partial power drop at one of the two inputs, the power dissipation in the absorber isminimized by adjusting the phase angle.CommissioningDuring commissioning, the position of the trombone has to be calibrated for differentphase angles. To do so, connect an external power meter to the absorber of theswitchless combiner.The calibration process consists of the following work steps:●Start the calibration process.●Set the switchless combiner to "local".●Switch the signal of input 1 off.●Press the up/down buttons on the switchless combiner to set the trombone so thatthe power dissipation at the absorber is minimal.●Press "Save Position".●Switch the signal of input 1 on and of input 2 off.●Press the up/down buttons on the switchless combiner to set the trombone so thatthe power dissipation at the absorber is minimal. Switchless Combiner
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9208Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07●Press "Save Position" again.●Switch the signal of input 2 back on.●End the calibration process and set the switchless combiner to "remote".Finally, use the phase shifter in rack 2 to set a power maximum at the antenna.The calibration process has to be carried out again after changing the frequency. Inaddition, the switchless combiner has to be reprogrammed beforehand according tothe manufacturer's instructions.OperationIn "Automatic" mode, the switchless combiner responds to power losses at its inputsindependently. In "Manual" mode, one of three fixed positions of the trombone can bemoved to, for example, to switch off a rack.4.11.1 Settings"Overview" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx<n >" > "Output Stage" >"Switchless Combiner"> "Overview"Name Description Value range Access rightAutomatic (Control) Switches the automatic power control of the rackcombiner on and off.Off, On MaintenancePosition (Control) Indicates which input was switched to the antennawhen automatic is switched off.The setting can be changed here.1, 2, 1+2 Read onlyCurrent Position (Regu-lation)Indicates the current effective phase angle between thetwo inputs. If the coupling is symmetric, the phaseangle is 90 degrees. If the switchless combiner has notyet been calibrated for the current transmitter fre-quency, the display shows a %.0 degrees to180 degrees,0 % to 100 %Read onlyStatus (Regulation) Indicates whether the control is currently working:●Hold: The phase angle is constant.●Phase decreasing/Phase increasing: The phaseangle is currently being changed.Hold, Phasedecreasing,PhaseincreasingRead onlyCalibration (Regulation) Indicates whether the switchless combiner has beencalibrated for the current transmitter frequency.●OK: The switchless combiner is calibrated.●Warning: The switchless combiner has not yetbeen calibrated.Ok, Warning Read onlyAccess (Device Status) Indicates whether the switchless combiner is in "Local"mode or "Remote" mode. For the control to work, theswitchless combiner has to be in "Remote" mode.Local/RemoteRead only Switchless Combiner
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9209Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightLink (Device Status) Indicates whether there are data communicationsbetween the transmitter and switchless combiner.SFN Resync,No TimeInformation,No Time Ref-erence, SFNResync, InTimeRead onlyWarning (Device Sta-tus)Indicates whether the switchless combiner signals awarning. This indication is identical to the indication onthe control panel of the switchless combiner.Off, Yes Read onlyFault (Device Status) Indicates whether the switchless combiner signals anerror. This indication is identical to the indication on thecontrol panel of the switchless combiner.Off, Yes Read onlyRF Probe (Device Sta-tus)Indicates whether the test point at the antenna outputfunctions.OK, Fail Read onlyRCB (Device Status) Indicates whether the redundancy control board in theR&S TCE900 system control functions without errors.OK, Fail Read only"Calibration" parameters●Path: "Device View (Home)" > "Tx<n >" > "Output Stage" >"Switchless Combiner"> "Calibration"Name Description Value range Access rightCalibration (Calibration) Starts the calibration process. The calibration steps tobe carried out are displayed in the "Instruction" fieldafter the calibration process has been started.Off, On MaintenanceSave Position (Calibra-tion)Saves the upper or lower position of the trombone dur-ing the calibration process. MaintenanceForward Power (Cali-bration)Indicates the power at the antenna. 0 kW to100 kWRead onlyTransmitter (Calibra-tion)Indicates whether the transmitter is switched on.The setting can be changed here.Off, On MaintenanceInstruction (Calibration) Indicates the next step after starting the calibrationprocess. Read onlyRack 1-4 (Calibration) Indicates whether the respective rack is switched on.During the calibration process, the RF at the inputs ofthe switchless combiner can be switched off using thisswitch.Auto/Off MaintenanceAccess Combiner (Sta-tus)Indicates whether the switchless combiner is in "Local"mode or "Remote" mode. For the control to work, theswitchless combiner has to be in "Remote" modeLocal/RemoteRead onlyStatus (Status) Indicates whether the switchless combiner has beencalibrated for the current transmitter frequency.Calibrated,UncalibratedRead onlySwitchless Combiner
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9210Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightPosition (degree) (Sta-tus)Indicates the currently set phase angle. This display isavailable only if the switchless combiner has been cali-brated.0 degrees to180 degreesRead onlyPosition (raw) (Status) Indicates the position of the trombone (unitless). 0 to 1024 Read only4.12 Cooling System4.12.1 Liquid Cooling (High‑Performance)The following illustration shows the "Cooling" menu for liquid cooling. Configuring Switching Thresholds (Pressure) and Flow Volumes●Path:Device View (Home) > Cooling   Cooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9211Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightType A distinction must be made between the following types:●R&S StandardIf the transmitter is connected to a 9000 series cooling sys-tem, select "R&S Standard".●If the transmitter is connected to an existing site coolingsystem, select the "Site Cooling" setting. In this case,warning and fault signaling lines which are routed to termi-nal x8000 of the mains distribution board (MDB) are evalu-ated.●If an FM single transmitter is connected to a simplifiedcooling system without temperature control, select the"R&S Small" setting.R&S Standard,Site Cooling,R&S SmallConfigurationHeat Exchangers /RackEither 1 or 2 redundant heat exchangers can be used in eachrack. The set value affects fan monitoring and also the indica-tors on the user interface.1 or 2 ConfigurationFans / HeatExchangerEither 1 or 2 fans can be used for each heat exchanger. The setvalue affects fan monitoring and also the indicators on the userinterface.0, 1 or 2 ConfigurationSet Point Tempera-tureAt this temperature, the temperature control system will attemptto adjust the coolant temperature by changing the fan speed atthe heat exchangers. If the temperature drops below orexceeds the control range, the actual coolant temperature canbe higher or lower.25 to 65 ConfigurationFault Limit (CoolantTemperature)If the coolant temperature exceeds this value, a fault is trig-gered and the rack is shut down. In N+1 systems, this eventcan lead to switchover of the transmitter.50 to ‒65 ConfigurationWarning Limit (Cool-ant Temperature)If the coolant temperature exceeds this value, a warning is trig-gered. The fault threshold is permanently set to 65 °C.40 to 65 Configuration(Coolant Pressure)Warning LimitIf the coolant pressure drops to this value or lower, a warning istriggered. Normally, this value should be set higher than thevalue for the corresponding "Fault Limit".0 to 4 Configuration(Coolant Pressure)Fault LimitIf the coolant pressure drops to this value or lower, a fault istriggered. Normally, this value should be lower than the valuefor the corresponding "Warning Limit".0 to 4 ConfigurationMax Fan Speed If necessary, the maximum speed of the fans at the heatexchanger can be decreased in order to reduce noise. This can,however, result in an increase in coolant temperature or even inshutdown of the transmitter.50 % to 100 % ConfigurationIf TemperatureExceeds WarningLimit (Fans)If a speed limit has been activated for the fans, this switch canbe used to select how the cooling system is to respond if thewarning threshold for the return temperature is exceeded.●"Keep Fans Quiet"The speed limit for the fans remains activated. The trans-mitter is shut down when the fault threshold for the returntemperature is reached.●"Rise Noise Level of Fans"The set speed limit for the fans is deactivated and the fanspeed is automatically increased to max. 100 % of thenominal speed.Keep FansQuiet1 = Rise NoiseLevel of FansConfigurationCooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9212Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightIf TemperatureExceeds WarningLimit (RF)Automatic reduction of the output power can be performed inorder to reduce the temperature level of cooling when the warn-ing threshold is exceeded. In this case, the amplifiers are auto-matically precorrected corresponding to their lower power.Keep NominalRF PowerReduce RFPower to 80 %Reduce RFPower to 60 %ConfigurationExtra Flow Rate In addition to the minimum flow rate predetermined by the num-ber of amplifiers, the flow can be increased in two stages ifadditional components which require cooling (e.g. dummy load)are installed.0+10+20ConfigurationHide Pump Errors During registration of pumps on the pump bus, this switch canbe used to hide fault messages which could otherwise causethe transmitter to shut down. This makes it possible to discon-nect pumps from the bus without interrupting operation.OffOnMaintenanceHide Fan Errors During registration of fans on the fan bus, this switch can beused to hide fault messages which could otherwise cause thetransmitter to shut down. This makes it possible to disconnectfans from the bus without interrupting operation. The switchacts on all fans of an output stage.OffOnMaintenanceSite Cooling Warning Warnings from the site cooling system are displayed here. Thismessage only functions if the appropriate signals from the sitecooling system are supplied via terminal x8000 of the mainsdistribution board (MDB).OKWarningRead onlySite Cooling Fault Faults at the site cooling system are displayed here. This mes-sage only functions if the appropriate signals from the site cool-ing system are supplied via terminal x8000 of the mains distri-bution board (MDB).OKFaultRead onlyPump (State) Indicates whether the pump has been correctly registered onthe pump communication bus by the transmitter control unit.Not FoundInstalledRead onlyMotor (State) Indicates whether the pump motor can run freely or is mechani-cally blocked. To rectify this fault, the pump must be disassem-bled and checked for foreign objects.BlockedOKRead onlyOperating Hours(Pump)Indicates how long the pump has been in operation. 0 to 999999 Read only(Pump) Type Indicates the used pump type. The displayed type is identical tothe type specified on the type plate of the pump.●The type "40‑100" should be used for transmitters with upto 6 amplifiers.●The type "32‑120" should be used for transmitters withmore than 6 amplifiers."40‑100","32‑120"Read onlyFlow Indicates the currently measured flow through the pump. 0 to 200 Read onlySpeed Indicates the currently measured speed of the pump motor. 0 to 100  Fan (State) Indicates whether the assigned fan is correctly registered on thefan communication bus.not foundinstalledRead only(Fan) Motor Indicates whether the fan motor is ready for operation or ismechanically blocked.BlockedOKRead onlyCooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9213Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access right(Fan) Supply If this message appears, the fan is disconnected from thepower supply.Check the position of the maintenance switch on the heatexchanger; also check the circuit breaker of the fan in the mainsdistribution unit of the rack.OKFailureRead onlyInlet Temp. Indicates the temperature of the coolant flowing into the trans-mitter rack.‒30 °C to+90 °CRead onlyOutlet Temp. Indicates the temperature of the coolant flowing out of the trans-mitter rack toward the heat exchanger. The temperature mustnot exceed a maximum value of 65 °C.‒30 °C to+90 °CRead onlyPressure Indicates the pressure of the coolant. With the pumps switchedoff, this pressure can be slightly lower than when the pumps arerunning. The correct pressure depends on the delivery head ofthe pumps, the temperature of the coolant and the altitude ofthe operating location.Precise pressure tables can be found in the manual.0 to 6 Read onlyAntifreeze Used to define whether or not the fans at the heat exchangerare to switch off if the temperature drops well below the speci-fied temperature. Off: The fans switch off. This setting is recom-mended in order to reduce the energy consumption of the cool-ing system. On: The fans continue to run even at low outsidetemperatures. This setting is recommended if the risk of fanseizure due to freezing is to be reduced. Note: Even if anti-freeze mode is active, the condensation protection function ofthe transmitter will still switch off the fans at an inlet tempera-ture below approx. +10 °C. The fans are designed in such away that they are not damaged if they seize up due to freezing.Off; On ConfigurationAuto/On If the switch is set to "On", the cooling system is switched onirrespective of whether or not the transmitter is on. This settingshould only be used when putting the system into operation. Ifthe switch is set to "Auto", the cooling system is switched on/offwhen the transmitter is switched on/off.Cooling isalways On;Cooling isswitched on byParameter "On"Configuration4.12.1.2 Configuring Fans and PumpsThe settings for fans are made in the following way:For a standard cooling system with one transmitter rack, one pump unit and one heatexchanger, configuration is performed automatically. Manual configuration is only nec-essary in the following cases:●More than one rack●More than one heat exchanger per rack1. Ensure that no pumps and fans are connected to the mains distribution board(MDB).2. Press the following buttons: Task View > Setup Cooling > Scan Devices.3. In the Scan Control field, switch Scan Device to "On". Cooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9214Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074. Follow the dialog step by step by connecting one fan after the other and one pumpafter the other in the specified sequence to the mains distribution board (MDB) onthe rear of the transmitter rack.Note: The status of this process is signaled by the status display in the Scan Con-trol field:●off (gray) = Scan Devices is switched off.● In progress (yellow) = configuration is running● Finished (green) = configuration has been successfully completed; all displaysin the Rack 1 and Rack 2 fields are set to Nothing to do.5. Switch Scan Device to "Off". Status of Cooling SystemCooling status parametersName Description Value range Access rightSensor for inlet temper-atureIndicates the status of the temperature sensor at theinlet of the rack. If a fault is indicated, first check theconnecting cable between the sensor and the coolinginterface card in the R&S TCE900 system control unit.Green: OKRed: SensorFaultRead onlySensor for outlet tem-peratureIndicates the status of the temperature sensor at theoutlet of the rack.Green: OKRed: SensorFaultRead onlySensor for coolantpressureIndicates the status of the pressure sensor. If a fault isindicated, first check the connecting cable between thesensor and the cooling interface card in theR&S TCE900 system control unit.Green: OKRed: SensorFaultRead onlyStatus of coolant filter Indicates that the pump power is not sufficient todeliver the required flow. With a correctly dimensionedand installed cooling system, this only occurs if thecoolant filter is blocked.Green: OKYellow: FilterWarningRead onlySensor for overall sta-tusIndicates whether the temperature sensors and pres-sure sensor are OK. A malfunction at the pressure sen-sor results in a fault; a malfunction at a temperaturesensor results in a warning.Green: OKYellow:WarningRed: FaultRead only4.12.2 Small Cooling – Simplified Liquid Cooling System (FM Transmitter)The following illustration shows the "Cooling" menu for "Small Cooling".  Cooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9215Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ Configuration of Cooling SystemThe "Small Cooling" mode (simplified cooling) is used only for FM single transmitters.●Path:Device View (Home) > Cooling > Task View > Setup CoolingName Description Value range Access rightType The following cooling system types can be configured:●R&S StandardIf the transmitter is connected to a 9000 series cooling sys-tem, select the "R&S Standard" setting.●Site CoolingSet this configuration if the FM transmitter system is to beconnected to the existing site cooling system.●R&S SmallIf an FM single transmitter is connected to a simplifiedcooling system without temperature control, use the"R&S Small" setting.R&S Standard,Site Cooling,R&S SmallConfiguration4.12.2.2 Status●Path:Device View (Home) > CoolingPressing the buttons●Outlet Temp.●Pressure●Sensor Status●Inlet Temp.  Cooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9216Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07switches to the "Sensors" view or tab."Sensors" parametersName Description Value range Access rightOutlet Temp.(Outlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the temperature of the coolant flowing out of the transmitterrack toward the heat exchanger. The temperature must not exceed amaximum value of 65 °C.‒30 °C to +90 °C Read onlySensor Status(Outlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the status of the temperature sensor at the outlet of the rack. Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlyWarning Limit(Outlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the threshold value for a temperature warning.If the coolant temperature exceeds this value, a warning is triggered.The threshold value can be set here (in steps of 1 degree).40 °C to 65 °C ConfigurationFault Limit (OutletTemperature)Indicates the threshold value for displaying a temperature fault.If the coolant temperature exceeds this value, a corresponding temper-ature fault is displayed and the rack is shut down. In N+1 systems, thisevent can lead to switchover of the transmitter.The threshold value can be set here (in steps of 1 degree).50 °C to 65 °C ConfigurationInlet Temp. (Inlettemperature)Indicates the temperature of the coolant flowing into the transmitterrack.‒30 °C to +90 °C Read onlySensor Status(Inlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the status of the temperature sensor at the inlet of the rack.If a fault is indicated, first check the connecting cable between the sen-sor and the cooling interface card (CIF) in the R&S TCE900 systemcontrol unit.Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlyPressure (Cool-ant Pressure)Indicates the pressure of the coolant.With the pumps switched off, this pressure can be slightly lower thanwhen the pumps are running. The correct pressure depends on thedelivery head of the pumps, the temperature of the coolant and the alti-tude of the operating location. Precise pressure tables can be found inthe system manual for the transmitter.‒500 Pa to+500 PaRead onlySensor Status(Coolant Pres-sure)Indicates the status of pressure sensor 1. If a fault is indicated, firstcheck the connecting cable between the sensor and the air coolinginterface card in the R&S TCE900 system control unit.Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlyWarning Limit(Coolant Pres-sure)Indicates the threshold value for a pressure warning.If the coolant pressure drops to this value or lower, a warning is trig-gered. This value should be set higher than the value for the corre-sponding "Fault Limit".The threshold value can be set here (in steps of 1 bar).0.0 bar to 4.0 bar ConfigurationFault Limit (Cool-ant Pressure)Indicates the threshold value for displaying a pressure fault.If the coolant pressure drops to this value or lower, a correspondingpressure fault is displayed. This value should be set lower than thevalue for the corresponding "Warning Limit".The threshold value can be set here (in steps of 1 bar).0.0 bar to 4.0 bar ConfigurationCooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9217Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 074.12.3 Air Cooling (Medium‑Power)The following illustration shows the "Cooling" menu for air cooling.●Path:Device View (Home) > CoolingPressing the buttons●Rack Pressure●Outlet Temp.●Sensor Statusswitches to the "Sensors" view or tab."Sensors" parametersName Description Value range Access rightInlet Temperature Indicates the temperature of the air flowing into the transmitter rack(only for ducted intake air with an optional intake air kit).‒30 °C to +90 °C Read onlySensor Status(Inlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the status of the temperature sensor at the inlet of the rack. Ifa fault is indicated, first check the connecting cable between the sen-sor and the air cooling interface in the R&S TCE900 system controlunit (only for ducted intake air with an optional intake air kit).Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlyOutlet Tempera-tureIndicates the temperature of the air flowing out of the transmitter rack. ‒30 °C to +90 °C Read onlySensor Status(Outlet Tempera-ture)Indicates the status of the temperature sensor at the outlet of the rack. Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlyRack Pressure Indicates the pressure in the rack. Two differential pressure sensors(Sensor 1 and Sensor 2) measure the differential air pressure insideand outside the rack. If a sensor fails, the remaining sensor continuesto indicate the pressure inside the rack.‒500 Pa to+500 PaRead only Cooling System
Device View DescriptionR&S®Tx9218Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightSensor 1 (Pres-sure 1)Indicates the status of pressure sensor 1. If a fault is indicated, firstcheck the connecting cable between the sensor and the air coolinginterface card in the R&S TCE900 system control unit.Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead onlySensor 2 (Pres-sure 2)Indicates the status of pressure sensor 2. If a fault is indicated, firstcheck the connecting cable between the sensor and the air coolinginterface card in the R&S TCE900 system control unit.Off, Sensor Fault,OKRead only"Status Fan 1/2" parametersName Description Value range Access rightCommunication Indicates whether the data transfer from fans 1/2 to the air coolinginterface (ACIF) is OK.OK, Fault Read onlySpeed Indicates the speed of fans 1/2 read out from the air cooling interface(ACIF).0 % to 100 % Read onlyCooling System
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9219Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 075 Task View Description5.1 Basic SettingsThe structure of the transmitter system is configured in the "Basic Setup" menu. EachR&S TCE900 is assigned its logical function together with the other R&S TCE900units, the physical installation position of the individual R&S TCE900 units is set andthe distribution of transmitters and R&S TCE900 units in the racks is described.The basic settings are made for each R&S TCE900 in the system and must be enteredin the specified sequence:●Hardware equipment ("Boards" menu tab)The hardware modules which each R&S TCE900 contains and at which positionthese modules are inserted in the R&S TCE900 base unit must be configured foreach R&S TCE900.●Definition of the logical functionThe task that each R&S TCE900 is to fulfill in the system must be defined.●Integration of the R&S TCE900 in the transmitter systemDepending on their function, some R&S TCE900 units require additional informa-tion regarding:–system variant (MultiTX, N+1)– transmitter variant (Redundancy, Modulation, Amplifier Type)– assignment to a transmitter (TX Number, Exciter A/B)●Physical structure of the transmitter systemDepending on their function, some R&S TCE900 units require additional informa-tion regarding:– total number of transmitter racks– number of racks per transmitter●Physical installation location of the R&S TCE900 unitsEach R&S TCE900 must be assigned the following:– number of the rack in which the R&S TCE900 is installed– number of the installation slot within a rack●Assignment of transmitters to racks ("Racks" menu tab)Each R&S TCE900 with the "Rack Control" function must be assigned those trans-mitters which are installed in the racks that the "Rack Control" function monitors.Changes to the basic settings only become effective when the R&S TCE900 has beenrestarted.In the tables below, "?" means that it must be taken into consideration whether an aircooling interface (ACIF) or a TX interface is installed. See the detailed description ofthe "Cooling Control" and "Rack Control" parameters in the table "Description of set-ting values".  Basic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9220Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Assignment of logical functionsTable 5-1: "Functions" for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolSingle driveExciter X X X ? ?Backup driveExciter A X X X ? ?Exciter B - X X - -Dual driveSystem Control X - - ? ?Exciter A - X X - -Exciter B - X X - -Table 5-2: "Functions" for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter Cooling Con-trolRack Con-trolSingle driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter (TX <n>) - X X - -Dual driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter A (TX <n>) - X X - -Exciter B (TX <n>) - X X - -Table 5-3: "Functions" for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB: <n> = 9)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolSingle driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter (TX A<n>, TX B) - X X - -Rack Control (whereapplicable)- - - - XDual driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter A (TX A<n>, TXB)- X X - -Basic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9221Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolExciter B (TX A<n>, TXB)- X X - -Rack Control (whereapplicable)- - - - XTable 5-4: "Setup" for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveExciter SingleTX/MultiTX A1 A Single drive 1Backup driveExciter A SingleTX/MultiTX A1 A Backup drive 1Exciter B - A1 B Backup drive 1Dual driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - 1Exciter A - A1 A Dual drive -Exciter B - A1 B Dual drive -Table 5-5: "Setup" for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - <n>Exciter (TX <n>) - A<n> A Single drive -Dual driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - <n>Exciter A (TX <n>) - A<n> A Dual drive -Exciter B (TX <n>) - A<n> B Dual drive -Table 5-6: "Setup" for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB <n> = 9)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveSystem Control N+1 TX - - <n>  Exciter (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> A Single drive -Basic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9222Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersRack Control (where appli-cable)- - - -  Dual driveSystem Control N+1 TX - - - <n>Exciter A (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> A Dual drive -Exciter B (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> B Dual drive -Rack Control (where appli-cable)- - - - -Table 5-7: IP addresses for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  Exciter drive  Exciter A B drive  System Control A B 5-8: IP addresses for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  System Control (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>1Dual drive  System Control A (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>1Exciter B (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>2Basic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9223Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Table 5-9: IP addresses for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB <n> = 9; <m> = 2 to 9, No. of Rack Con-trols)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  System Control (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>1Rack Control (where applicable)<m>Dual drive  System Control A (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>1Exciter B (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>2Rack Control (where applicable)<m>Table 5-10: Description of setting valuesName Description Value range Access rightSystem Con-trolSet this check mark if this cassette of the R&S TCE900 isto function as a system control unit. In this case, allremote control interfaces and (if present) a R&S TDU900display unit must be connected to this R&S TCE900. ThisR&S TCE900 can also perform the function of the N+1automatic system. In addition to functioning as a systemcontrol unit, other functions can also be assigned to thesame R&S TCE900 depending on the modules it con-tains.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationTX Control Set this check mark if this cassette of the R&S TCE900cassette is to function as a transmitter control unit. Thetransmitter control unit contains, for example, the functionfor monitoring the output power and an automatic exciterswitchover function (optional). In addition to functioningas a transmitter control unit, other functions can also beassigned to the same R&S TCE900 depending on themodules it contains. This function must always be activa-ted together with the "Exciter" function on the sameR&S TCE900.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationExciter Set this check mark if this R&S TCE900 cassette containsat least one coder board and one RF board. With aR&S TCE900 which is configured as an exciter, the "TXControl" function must be activated at the same time,unless the R&S TCE900 exciter is to be operated as astandalone instrument. In addition to functioning as anexciter, other functions can also be assigned to the sameR&S TCE900 depending on the modules it contains.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationCooling Con-trolSet this check mark if this R&S TCE900 cassette containsat least one cooling interface or one air cooling interface.In addition to functioning as a cooling control unit, otherfunctions can also be assigned to the same R&S TCE900depending on the modules it contains. The "Cooling Con-trol" function must always be activated together with the"Rack Control" function on the same R&S TCE900.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationBasic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9224Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightRack Control Set this check mark if this R&S TCE900 is to monitor rackcomponents (e.g. overvoltage protection) or door con-tacts. A "TX Interface" module must be installed in theR&S TCE900. With most system configurations, the RackControl function is together with the System Control func-tion on the same R&S TCE900. The only exception aremultirack N+1 systems in which more than one RackControl are installed. With THx9, the "Rack Control" func-tion must always be activated together with the "CoolingControl" function on the same R&S TCE900.With TMx9, the Rack Control function must be activated ifan air cooling interface is installed in the R&S TCE900and the "Cooling" function is activated.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationSystem Var-iantIndicates whether the system is a SingleTX, MultiTX or N+1 system.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.Single/MultiTX, n+1ConfigurationTX Number Indicates the transmitter to which this R&S TCE900 isassigned.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.TX A1 to TXA8 + TXBConfigurationExciter Indicates whether this R&S TCE900 is to operate asexciter A or exciter B. The displayed value must corre-spond to the cabling of the two exciters at the exciterswitch. Exciter A is shown in the case of single drivetransmitters.The setting can be changed here if the "Exciter" functionis active.Exc A, Exc B ConfigurationParIO Indicates whether remote control has been activated bymeans of parallel contacts. ParIO 32/80 corresponds to aparallel remote control interface card with 32 inputs and80 outputs. ParIO 9/12 corresponds to a parallel remotecontrol interface card with 9 inputs and 12 outputs.Remote control can be connected to a R&S TCE900 withthe System Control function. In the case of N+1 systems,it is also possible to connect remote control to aR&S TCE900 with the TX Control function, but certainrestrictions will then apply.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"or "TX Control" function is active.Off, 32/80,9/12ConfigurationRedundancy Indicates which redundancy method is supported by thistransmitter.●Single Drive:The transmitter contains one exciter.●Dual Drive:The transmitter contains two exciters. If the activeexciter fails, an automatic switchover functionswitches the system over to the standby exciter.●Only available with some system variants:Backup Drive:The transmitter contains two exciters. If the activeexciter fails, an automatic switchover functionswitches the system over to the standby exciter.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.Single Drive,Dual Drive,Backup DriveConfigurationBasic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9225Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightTransmitters Indicates how many transmitters the system contains.The B transmitter of an N+1 system is not included here.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.1 to 8 ConfigurationModulation Indicates the modulation mode of the exciter. An appro-priate software option must additionally be installed forthe displayed modulation mode.Either the modulation modes for TV/DAB or those for FM/FMHD are available.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.DVB‑T2,DVB‑T,ISDB‑T,ATSC, ATV,DAB, FM,FMHDConfigurationRack Number Indicates the rack in which the R&S TCE900 module isinstalled. The left-hand rack is assigned the number 1.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control","TX Control" or "Exciter" function is active.1 to 18 ConfigurationAmplifierModeIndicates whether the amplifiers are to be operated inbroadband or Doherty mode. To operate the amplifiers inDoherty mode, the frequency ranges of the amplifiersmust be set to the transmit frequency. This display onlyapplies to amplifier types which support Doherty mode.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.Broadband,DohertyConfigurationAmplifiers Indicates the total number of amplifiers per output stageof this transmitter. Whether the amplifiers are housed inone or more racks is irrelevant. Up to 24 amplifiers peroutput stage are supported (FM: up to 8 amplifiers).The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.1 to 24 ConfigurationAmplifierTypeIndicates the amplifier type used in the transmitter.●PHU901:High‑power amplifier, UHF, liquid‑cooled.●PMU901:Medium‑power amplifier, UHF, air‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PHU902:High‑power amplifier, UHF, liquid‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PHV902:High‑power amplifier, VHF, liquid‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PMV901:Medium‑power amplifier, VHF, air‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.PHU901,PMU901,PHU902,PHV902,PMV901,PHR901,PMR901ConfigurationSlot Number Indicates the position at which the R&S TCE900 is instal-led in the respective rack. In the THU9, position 1 is theleft-hand slot; in the TMU9, position 1 is the top slot.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control","TX Control" or "Exciter" function is active.1 to 12 ConfigurationBasic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9226Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightRacks/RackControlIndicates how many racks are monitored by thisR&S TCE900. Transmitters with more than 12 amplifiersmonitor 2 racks with one rack control. With all other trans-mitters, this value must be set to 1.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.1 or 2 ConfigurationCooling Type Indicates the type of cooling system.The displayed value must be suitable for the amplifiertype. Further settings are made in the "Home" > "Cooling"> "Task View" > "Setup Cooling" menu.Liquid, Air ConfigurationRacks/SystemIndicates the total number of racks contained in the sys-tem.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.1 to 18 ConfigurationRacks/TX Indicates the number of racks that the transmitter consistsof. This setting is only relevant for THU9 transmitters withmore than 12 amplifiers. In all other cases, the value 1must be set here.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.1 to 4 ConfigurationNumber ofRack ControlsIndicates the total number of rack controls which areactive in the system.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.1 to 9 ConfigurationInt. RF Sen-sorIndicates whether the internal RF test point of the ampli-fier is to be used for measuring the transmit power.The setting is only relevant for "Amplifier Type =PMU901". The value "On" should be set if the transmitterconsists of exactly one amplifier and no CAN bus testpoint is installed in the transmitter.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.Off, On ConfigurationConfiguration Indicates whether the selected combination of settings isvalid and nonconflicting.The setting can be changed here.OK, not Valid Read onlyReboot Reboots this R&S TCE900. Changes to settings in thisand the other menu tabs of the Basic Config menu onlybecome effective after a reboot. ConfigurationIP Address(Local IP Set-tings)Used to set the IP address of the R&S TCE900 for inter-nal communications with other R&S TCE900 units in thissystem. When the system is supplied, the internal IPaddresses begin with 192.168.58. The last group of digitsdiffers according to the following rule:●System Control: 100●TX Control + Exciter: 11/12 (= TXA1, Exciter A/B) to81/82 (= TXA8, Exciter A/B); 91/92 (= TXB, ExciterA/B)●Rack Control (second rack): 101The setting can be changed here. ConfigurationBasic Settings
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9227Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightIP Address(Remote IPSettings)Used to set the IP address of the R&S TCE900 systemcontrol. The settings depend on the network infrastruc-ture.   Slot Config Used to determine which module is contained in eachinstallation slot of the R&S TCE900 unit. Basically, anymodule can be inserted into any installation slot. The rackcabling has, however, been optimized for installation ofthe modules in the following slots:●Slot A (bottom left): RF board or TX interface●Slot B (top center): Cooling interface (CIF or ACIF)or ATV interface●Slot C (bottom center): Reserved for receiver module●Slot CD (top right): Coder board or LAN switchThe setting can be changed here.Coder Board,RFBoard,TXIf, Coolin-gIf, LAN-SwitchIf,ATVIf, CIF,ACIFConfiguration5.2 Parameters: Input ConfigurationGUI name(external)Help text (English) Value range Value accessInput Source Here, you can configure the input interfaces used for two inputs, inde-pendently of each other. To test the "seamless switching" function, it ispossible to select the same input interface for both inputs. The selec-tion options of the data sources are determined by the installed InputInterfaces and option keys.variable MaintenanceMultiplex Name Here, you can assign any desired name for the multiplex contained inthis transport stream. This name is displayed in the transmitter over-view and, for n+1 systems, in the automatic transmitter. MaintenanceMute (on InputFail)Here, you can configure the operating behavior when the active inputfails. This parameter is available in MFN operating mode only.●No – In the operating mode, the output signal is not suppressed ifthe active input fails. Null packets are output instead.●Yes - If the active input fails, the output signal is suppressed.No, Yes MaintenanceInput Fail Delay Used to set a delay time which must elapse following an input signalfailure before the output signal is suppressed and a sum fault is gener-ated. MaintenanceForce ExciterChangeoverHere it can be determined whether switchover to another redundantexciter is to take place if the input signal fails. This function is availablefor all redundancy systems (dual drive, backup exciter and n+1).●Yes - In the "Yes" position, an exciter fault is signaled to thehigher‑level redundancy control unit which decides whether toswitch over to another exciter or transmitter.●No - In the "No" position, no switchover takes place.Yes, No MaintenanceMonitor Out Here, for measuring purposes, you can send any input signal to the TSMonitor-Out jack (X22). The selection options of the data sources aredetermined by the installed Input Interfaces and option keys. MaintenanceIP Stream Indicates whether a valid data stream is fed to the transmitter via the IPfeed. If an error is indicated, check the settings of the IP stream and theEthernet interface. Query Parameters: Input Configuration
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9228Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07GUI name(external)Help text (English) Value range Value accessTS Stream Indicates whether a valid serial data stream is fed to the transmitter viaTS1/2 IN (X20/X21). If an error is displayed here, first check the settingof the TS type (ASI/SMPTE). QueryRJ45 Connector Here, define the physical network interface to which the logical IPstream is bound. Normally, the TS LAN 1(X30) jack is coupled to IPStream 1 and TS LAN 2(X31) is coupled to IP Stream 2. This allowsyou to use multiple redundant servers that can be selected automati-cally using the automatic input signal switchover. However, it is alsopossible to select multiple multicast streams via the same physicalEthernet jack. In this case, too, the automatic input signal switchovercan toggle automatically between two data streams.●TS LAN1●TS LAN2MaintenanceStreaming Mode This configures the type of network streaming.●Unicast: The multiplex sends the suitable IP stream to the IPaddress of the TV transmitter in a targeted manner.●Multicast: The TV transmitter subscribes to a Multicast IP streamthat can be provided by the Multiplexer in the feed network to mul-tiple transmitters at the same time.●Unicast●MulticastMaintenanceMulticast Address The function of this menu item varies depending on the selectedstreaming mode:●for Unicast: displays the local IP address of the selected input X30or X31.●for Multicast: used to set the multicast address of the requiredgateway server (data transmitter). MaintenancePort Used to set the port number under which the transport stream is expec-ted. MaintenanceProtocol Select the network protocol used here.●UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for easy connectionless communi-cation.●RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol) for packet-oriented communi-cations. MaintenancePacket Lock Indicates that a signal has been detected at this input.  Read onlyPacket Length Indicates the dedicated packet length of the transport stream.  Read onlyGross IP datarateShows the total data rate at the IP feed.  Read onlyTS State Indicates whether a valid serial data stream is fed to the transmitter viathe TS1/2 IN (X20/X21) jacks. If an error is displayed here, first checkthe setting of the TS type (ASI/SMPTE). Read onlyType Used to set the data format for the data streams at X20 and X21.●AUTO: Data format is detected automatically●ASI: Manual setting for an ASI transport stream●SMPTE: Manual setting for an SMPTE transport stream●Auto●ASI●SMPTEMaintenanceGross TS Data-rateShows the total data rate at the TS feed.  Read onlyParameters: Input Configuration
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9229Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 075.3 System Control5.3.1 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)To operate the transmitter in SNMP mode, an appropriate software option must beactivated using an option key. GeneralSimple network management protocol (SNMP) is used for monitoring and controllingdifferent devices in a network. A description of the device must be loaded in the centralunit ("manager"; management information base (MIB)), from which the transmitters aremonitored. A monitored device contains a program ("agent") that can answer queriesfrom the manager and execute commands. Furthermore, it is possible that the agent ofits own accord generates a message (called a notification, alarm or trap) and sends itto the manager. In this way, the central unit can be informed of a fault. The MIBsrequired for monitoring and controlling a transmitter are stored as a ZIP archive inevery R&S TCE900. From there, they can be downloaded with any web browser.When the transmitter is put into operation, both the agent in the transmitter and themanager must be configured. Additional steps may be necessary if the transmitter isconnected via routers, firewalls or similar devices, as they may block data packets. Settings on Transmitter EndYou can make settings yourself via the local R&S TDU900 display (if available), via theweb server or in part via SNMP. The Task View > System Control > SNMP menu con-tains all the settings that are required for accessing a transmitter.Changes to these settings are adopted immediately. The device does not need to berestarted.    System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9230Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-1: SNMP menuThe XX9 transmitter family supports the versions SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. Alarms canbe sent as v1Traps, v2Traps or v2Informs. Several destinations for error messages(trapsinks) and several communities can be set with read only authorization and read/write authorization. SNMP is a protocol for remote control and is offered only at theremote Ethernet interface (X2 – 1000 BaseT). The system or transmitter has to be setto remote to execute SET commands. Settings on Manager EndThe basic SNMP settings (port, community) on the manager end and transmitter endhave must match. You typically define these settings for each IP address in your pro-gram (e.g. MIB browser). The SNMP version is also set in the manager; the transmitterthen detects this automatically. Subsequently, SNMP communications should alreadybe functioning at a basic level. System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9231Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-2: SNMP manager settingsBeing able to monitor and control a transmitter with SNMP requires the device's MIBon the manager end and a program that can interpret the MIB. You can load all availa-ble MIBs from any device using a web browser.●Log in using the WebGUI and select the menu Task View > System Control >Downloads > Download SNMP MIBs●Save the file to your computer●Load the following MIBs in the MIB browser:–RS-COMMON-MIB– RS-XX9-SMI-MIB and RS-XX9-TC-MIB– RS-XX9-COMMON-MIB– MIB of the standby concept, standard or optionA detailed description of the MIBs, the information that they contain and the associatedoptions is given below.MIBs from Rohde & Schwarz and the Munich-based Broadcast Technology Institute(IRT) are available. MIBs from IRT allow transmitters to be linked using SNMP irre-spective of the manufacturer. They are, however, limited with respect to their function-ality. Some particular features to keep in mind when using IRT MIBs are listed in thedocument "SoftwareMiniSpecification – SNMP for XX9".The MIBs have the naming convention RS-XX9-<TV/radio standard>-<function/option>-MIB. Examples include: RS-XX9-DVBT2-MIB for DVB-T2 and RS-XX9-AIR-COOLING-MIB for air cooling.System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9232Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Examples of MIBs and contentsMIB DescriptionRS-COMMON-MIB Contains general Rohde & Schwarz definitionsRS-XX9-SMI-MIB Contains top-level definitions of other XX9 MIBsRS-XX9-TC-MIB Contains definitions for textual conventions used in other MIBsRS-XX9-COMMON-MIB Contains definitions that comply with all of the transmitters from the XX9 family(e.g. configuration)RF-XX9-TX-MIB Contains definitions for single transmitters not dependent on the TV standardRF-XX9-MTX-MIB Contains definitions for MultiTx and N+1 systems5.3.1.4 Which MIBs Must Be Used?The device can be queried by SNMP in order to find out which MIBs have been imple-mented. This information is contained in the table "sysORTable"(OID .iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).mgmt(2).mib-2(1).system(1).sysORTable(9) ofthe SNMPv2 MIB). There is a corresponding MIB for each type of modulation.Fig. 5-3: sysORTable display System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9233Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07MIB DescriptionRS-COMMON-MIB This MIB contains general Rohde & Schwarz definitions.RS-XX9-AIR-COOLING-MIB This MIB contains parameters for air-cooled transmitters.RS-XX9-COMMON-MIB This MIB contains general data that supports every device:●Transmitter configuration●Option keys●Software update●SNMP configuration●Releasing a test notificationThis information always applies to the device using SNMP.RS-XX9-LIQUID-COOLING-MIB This MIB contains parameters for liquid-cooled transmitters, eitherwith internal Rohde & Schwarz cooling or with (external) station cool-ing.RS-XX9-MTX-MIB This MIB contains parameters independent of the type of modulationfor:●MultiTx●N+1RS-XX9-SMI-MIB This MIB contains top-level definitions of other XX9 MIBs.RS-XX9-TC-MIB This MIB contains definitions for textual conventions used in otherMIBs.RS-XX9-TX-MIB This MIB contains parameters independent of the type of modulationfor:●Single drive standby concepts●Passive dual drive●Active dual output stageThis applies to all power classes in the medium- and high-powerrange.RS-XX9-ATSC-MIB This MIB contains parameters for ATSC signal processing.RS-XX9-ATV-MIB This MIB contains parameters for ATV signal processing.RS-XX9-DAB-MIB This MIB contains parameters for DAB signal processing.RS-XX9-DTMB-MIB This MIB contains parameters for DTMB signal processing.RS-XX9-DVBT-MIB This MIB contains parameters for DVBT signal processing.RS-XX9-DVBT2-MIB This MIB contains parameters for DVBT2 signal processing.RS-XX9-FM-MIB This MIB contains parameters for FM signal processing.RS-XX9-ISDBT-MIB This MIB contains parameters for ISDBT signal processing. Which OIDs from a MIB Must Be Used?Different parameters are available depending on the system being queried. For exam-ple, txExcAutoOperationMode (in RS-XX9-TX-MIB) returns the response NoSuch-Name when you query a single transmitter, since it has no automatic exciter switch-over. It is easy to find out which parameters are valid by checking the conformancestatements. In the example for automatic exciter switchover above, the OID txExcAu-toOperationMode is contained in the txObjsExciterAutomatic object group. System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9234Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07For N+1 systems this also means that unavailable parameters may receive theresponse NoSuchName, e.g. parameters from the transmitter A8 if only a 4+1 systemis present.Fig. 5-4: Groups display5.3.1.6 Setting AlarmsParameters that allow configuration of the transmitter alarms can be found under theOID "commonSnmpConfiguration". For example, it is possible to switch off the IRTalarms (factory default setting: on) and to switch on Rohde & Schwarz alarms (factorydefault setting: off). The transmitter-specific alarms offer an extensive range of configu-ration possibilities. In addition, it is also possible to assign a user-selectable priorityand to check the current status. Since the Rohde & Schwarz MIBs contain a largenumber of alarms, three predefined groups for faults, warnings and information exist, to System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9235Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07which all alarms are assigned. For each alarm, the respective alarm class is given inthe binding AlarmClass.A possible and recommended configuration would therefore be to disable the IRTalarms and to enable the Rohde & Schwarz alarms of the fault class:●irtNotificationsAllOff: OID●rsNotificationsAllFaultsOn; OID example shows alarm class fault (1) for the alarm "txSummaryFault" (transmittersum fault).Alarms are always collected in the Notifications branch in the MIBs. They always haveat least three bindings.●Alarm Class: Predefined, fixed alarm class●Priority: User-selectable priority●State: Current state of the alarm"State" is defined in NotificationState in the MIB RS-XX9-TC-MIB:undefined(1) State is not availableoff(2) Alarm is inactive or not availablefault(3) Alarm corresponds to an errorwarning(4) Alarm corresponds to a warningok(5) Alarm does not correspond to either an error or a warning or alarm is OKMatching the alarms, there are one or more notification tables in the MIBs on theObjects branch. Information is displayed together there. Testing the SNMP CommunicationsIn the following example, a transmitter with the IP address queries theOID sendTestNotification ( The response fromthe agent is "idle(1)". Using a further test, you can check whether the transmitter sendsan alarm message in the event of an error and whether this message reaches thealarm destinations. To do so, set an OID sendTestNotification to the value of 2 (trig-ger), which triggers a commonTest trap ( Thisalarm is sent to all receivers that have been entered for the alarms (trapsinks, seeabove). This type of error message functions in a slightly different way than that usedfor querying and setting values (default: UDP Port 161 for SET/GET and UDP Port 162for alarms).The following image shows that the testTrap has been received correctly by thetce900-100100 device (serial number 100100). System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9236Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-5: testTrap display5.3.1.8 Setting Alarms Using SNMPAs an alternative to a web browser, you can also configure trapsinks with SNMP aswell. The procedure is described in RFC 3413. System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9237Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-6: TargetTables displayThere are three tables to be used, contained in SNMP-TARGET-MIB and SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB: snmpNotifyTable, snmpTargetAddrTable and snmpTargetPar-amsTable:●snmpNotifyType: trap(1) or inform(2)●snmpTargetAddrTDomain / snmpTargetAddrTAddress: Address snmpTarge-tAddrTDomain: (snmpUDPDomain), this makes snmpTargetAddrTAd-dress six octets; the first four octets correspond to the IP address and the last twoto the UDP port●snmpTargetAddrTimeout, snmpTargetAddrRetryCount: Additional settings forinform●snmpTargetParamsMPModel: 0 (SNMPv1) or 1 (SNMPv2c)●snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel: Currently just 2 (SNMPv2c)●nmpTargetParamsSecurityName: Example: public●snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel: Currently just noAuthNoPriv(1)The SNMP agent uses the following default values:snmpNotifyName rsdef1 rsdef2snmpNotifyTag trap inform trap informsnmpNotifyType trap(1) inform (2) trap(1) inform (2)snmpNotifyStorageType nonVolatile(3)nonVolatile(3)nonVolatile(3) nonVolatile(3)snmpNotifyRowStatus readOnly (5)readOnly (5)readOnly readOnly(5)System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9238Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07getAddrName target1 to target5snmpTargetAddrTDomain 0x0101010100a2  0x0101010100a2snmpTargetAddrTimeout 1500  1500snmpTargetAddrRetryCount 3  3snmpTargetAddrTagList trap  trapsnmpTargetAddrParams param2  param2snmpTargetAddrStorageType permanent(4)  permanent(4)snmpTargetAddrRowStatus notInService(2)  notInService(2)snmpTargetParamsName param1 param2snmpTargetParamsMPModel 0 1snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel 1 2snmpTargetParamsSecurityName public publicsnmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel nNoPriv(1) noAuthNoPriv(1)snmpTargetParamsStorageType permanent(4) permanent(4)snmpTargetParamsRowStatus active(1) active(1) Type plates - the ENTITY MIBThe ENTITY MIB contains information on type plates. The table commonEntPhysicalT-able in RS-XX9-COMMON-MIB serves as an extension of this. It includes values suchas operating hour meters and the number of restarts.The following figure shows an excerpt from the table entPhysicalTable of the ENTITYMIB. System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9239Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-7: entPhysical display (excerpt)The extension of the entPhysicalTable in RS-XX9-COMMON-MIB (commonEntPhysi-calTable):System Control
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9240Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Fig. 5-8: commonEntPhysical display5.4 Maintain Software5.4.1 Software UpdateThe software of the R&S®TCE900 can be updated. Installing a new version will makenew features available and will improve the functionality of the transmitter. New soft-ware versions are supplied as a file which can be run under MS Windows. Apart fromthe instrument software, this file also contains the "R&S Software Distributor" toolwhich allows the software to be installed on several R&S®TCE900 units at the sametime. The software supports all R&S®TCE900 modules within a transmitter system.The R&S®TCE900 must be prepared for the software update before installation is star-ted. To ensure that a R&S®TCE900 is found in the network by the R&S Software Dis-tributor, the software update must be started in the "Task View" > "Maintain SW" >"SW Update" menu of the respective R&S®TCE900. Alternatively, "Update Mode" can  Maintain Software
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9241Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07be set to "Permanent" in this menu. This allows the software to be updated at any timewithout preparation.The software update can then be performed on a Windows PC which is connected tothe transmitter via the network.●Deactivate the energy-saving option of the network card in the PC:–Under Windows, call the Device Manager by selecting Start > Control Panel >System > Hardware > Device Manager.– In the Device Manager, select the correct network adapter and double-click tocall the associated Properties window.– In the Properties window, select the Power Management tab and (if neces-sary) deactivate the Allow computer to turn off this device to save poweroption.●On the PC, start the installation software. The start window of the R&S SoftwareDistributor appears.●Confirm the default setting Remote Installation with Next.The installable software updates are displayed. To obtain additional informationabout an update, mark the update with the cursor and then click the Info button.●Search for updatable devices in the network by clicking Next. After a few secondsa list of the found devices is displayed.●If no devices are found even though the network settings are correct , the settingsof the R&S Software Distributor must be checked under Options and corrected ifnecessary.–Enable VISA must be deactivated using the checkbox.–Device Group must match the device group displayed in the Software Updatemenu of the TCE.– Save the changed settings by clicking Save Options and then search again byclicking Rescan.●In the Device List, select the device to be updated by marking the checkbox.●Start the update by clicking Install.●When the update is complete, a message is displayed in the info field at the bottomleft of the window. The TCE900 is rebooted automatically.If the update stops prematurely (i.e. the message "Copying/Installing ... %" stopsbefore the 100 % mark is reached), abort the update by clicking Cancel and thenrestart the R&S Software Distributor."SW Update" parameters●Path: Task View (Home) > Maintain SW > SW UpdateMaintain Software
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9242Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightUpdate Status(Software Update)Indicates whether the R&S®TCE900 is ready for the device softwareupdate.●Stopped:The R&S®TCE900 cannot be found in the network by the Soft-ware Distributor. It is not possible to update the software.●Started:The R&S®TCE900 is listed in the update list of the R&S Software Dis-tributor and the software can be updated.Stopped, Started Read onlyUpdate Mode(Software Update)Indicates how the software of the TCE can be updated.●Manual:The R&S®TCE900 can be found by the Software Distributor forapprox. 90 seconds after the "Start Update" button is pressed.●Permanent:The R&S®TCE900 can be found by the Software Distributor at anytime. The software can be updated at any time without theR&S®TCE900 needing to be prepared for a software update.The setting can be changed here.Manual, Perma-nentMaintenanceSW Version (Soft-ware Update)Shows the software version currently installed on the TCE. The firstnumber of the displayed SW version must be identical on allR&S®TCE900 units of a system to ensure that the system operatescorrectly.- Read onlyDevice Name(Software Update)Shows the device name under which this R&S®TCE900 appears inthe list of the Software Distributor.The setting can be changed here.Up to 20 charac-tersMaintenanceStart Update(Software Update)Starts the enable phase of a software update if "Update Mode" is setto "Manual".The enable phase is active for approx. 90 seconds. During this time,the R&S®TCE900 can be found in the network by the Software Dis-tributor.- MaintenanceDevice Group(Software Update)Shows the device group. The displayed device group must be thesame as the device group set in the Software Distributor so that thisR&S®TCE900 is displayed in the list of devices found by the SoftwareDistributor.DEFAULT Read onlyReboot (SoftwareMaintenance)Reboots the R&S®TCE900. - Maintenance5.4.2 Backup/RestoreThis function is used to make a complete backup of the currently installed software ver-sion as well as all settings of the R&S®TCE900. This backup is created in the file sys-tem of the R&S®TCE900 and can then either be downloaded to an external storagemedium or restored at a later time.Backups of the same R&S®TCE900 and also of other R&S®TCE900 units can beuploaded from an external storage medium and then restored.If a backup is made before the software of the R&S®TCE900 is updated, it is then pos-sible to revert to the old software version after the software has been updated byrestoring the old version from the backup. Maintain Software
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9243Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07In order to download a backup to an external storage medium or to upload a backupfrom an external storage medium, there must be a direct network connection betweenthe R&S®TCE900 and a PC. This function is not available for R&S®TCE900 unitswhich can be reached only indirectly via a TCE900 SysCtrl."Backup/Restore" parameters●Path:Task View (Home) > Maintain SW > Backup/RestoreName Description Value range Access rightBackup State(Backup/Restore)Indicates the action which has just been performed.●ReadyThe backup/restore functions can be started.●Backup in ProgressA backup has been started and will then be stored in the internalfile system of the R&S®TCE900.●Check in ProgressThe backup uploaded to the R&S®TCE900 is being checked.●Restore in ProgressThe backup stored in the internal file system is being restored onthe R&S®TCE900.●Download in ProgressThe backup stored in the R&S®TCE900 is being copied to anexternal storage medium.●Upload in ProgressA backup is being copied from an external storage medium to theTCE900.Ready, Backup/Check/Restore/Download/Upload in Pro-gressRead onlyStart Backup(Backup/Restore)Starts the creation of a backup. The backup is stored in the internal filesystem of the R&S®TCE900 and contains the current program versionas well as all setting values of the R&S®TCE900. The creation of abackup causes the R&S®TCE900 to reboot.- MaintenanceStart Restore(Backup/Restore)Restores the program version as well as all settings of theR&S®TCE900 from the backup which was stored in the file system ofthe R&S®TCE900.Restoring a backup causes the TCE to reboot.-MaintenanceDownload File(Backup/Restore)Copies the backup stored in the file system of the R&S®TCE900 to anexternal storage medium. This function is only available if theR&S®TCE900 is operated via a web browser.- MaintenanceUpload File(Backup/Restore)Copies a backup from an external storage medium to theR&S®TCE900. This function is only available in the case of operationvia a web browser.- MaintenanceMaintain Software
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9244Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightFile State (FileInfo)Indicates the status of the backup stored on the R&S®TCE900.●Available Backup OKThe backup is OK.●No Backup AvailableNo backup has yet been made on or uploaded to theR&S®TCE900.●Invalid BackupThe backup is faulty. The backup cannot be used.●Invalid DeviceThe backup was not made on a R&S®TCE900. It is not compati-ble with this device. None of the files from this backup can berestored on this R&S®TCE900.●Invalid ChecksumThe check routine performed on the backup returned a checksumerror. The backup cannot be used in this case.●Not CompatibleThe backup loaded from an external storage medium is not com-patible with the R&S®TCE900. The backup cannot be used inthis case.●Invalid Software VersionTo be able to operate, the R&S®TCE900 requires a more recentsoftware version than that contained in the backup.- Read onlyTx Name (FileInfo)Shows the name of the transmitter from which the backup originates. - Read onlyName (File Info) Shows the name of the device from which the backup originates. If thedevice name is not TCE900, the backup cannot be restored. The Inva-lid Device fault is displayed in this case.- Read onlyPart Number (FileInfo)Shows the part number of the R&S®TCE900 from which the backuporiginates. The backup can only be restored if the displayed part num-ber is identical to the part number of the R&S®TCE900. The NotCompatible fault will otherwise be displayed.- Read onlyDate Time (FileInfo)Indicates when the backup was made. - Read onlySerial Number(File Info)Shows the serial number of the instrument from which the backup wasmade.- Read onlySW Version (FileInfo)Shows the software version which the backup contains. - Read only5.5 OptionsUnder "Options" it is possible to activate additional features on a transmitter. The fea-tures requested when a transmitter was ordered are activated at the factory before thetransmitter is delivered. Additional features can be purchased at any time from yourlocal Rohde & Schwarz sales partner.Options are stored on a SIM card inside the R&S®TCE900 and are always valid for theR&S®TCE900 in which the SIM card is installed. Options can be transferred to anotherR&S®TCE900 by swapping the SIM card.The Task View (Home) > Options > Status menu provides an overview of the availableor installed options. Options
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9245Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07In addition to permanent options, there are also temporary options. These optionsdeactivate automatically after a certain period of time. The period of validity of tempo-rary options is shown in the Task View (Home) > Options > Details menu.Features are enabled by installing a valid activation key in the Task View (Home) >Options > Manage Keys menu."Manage Keys" parameters●Path:Task View (Home) > Options > Manage KeysName Description Value range Access rightOption Key(Install/Deinstall)Used to enter an activation key. 30 characters MaintenanceMessage (Install/Deinstall)●Please enter a keyPrompt to enter a key.●Key OKThe key has been entered successfully (the display changes backto "Please enter a key" after a few moments).●Invalid formatThe entered key was invalid.Please enter akey, Key OK,Invalid formatRead onlyOptions
Task View DescriptionR&S®Tx9246Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Options
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9247Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 076 Operating the Device ManagerUsing the Device Manager, the device type plates of all TCE900 units and the typeplates of the modules they contain can be polled.The type plates contain information about the current software version of programma-ble modules and all necessary information for spare parts procurement.The Device Manager is started using the "Device Manager" button on the system,transmitter or exciter level.6.1 Basic SettingsThe structure of the transmitter system is configured in the "Basic Setup" menu. EachR&S TCE900 is assigned its logical function together with the other R&S TCE900units, the physical installation position of the individual R&S TCE900 units is set andthe distribution of transmitters and R&S TCE900 units in the racks is described.The basic settings are made for each R&S TCE900 in the system and must be enteredin the specified sequence:●Hardware equipment ("Boards" menu tab)The hardware modules which each R&S TCE900 contains and at which positionthese modules are inserted in the R&S TCE900 base unit must be configured foreach R&S TCE900.●Definition of the logical functionThe task that each R&S TCE900 is to fulfill in the system must be defined.●Integration of the R&S TCE900 in the transmitter systemDepending on their function, some R&S TCE900 units require additional informa-tion regarding:–system variant (MultiTX, N+1)– transmitter variant (Redundancy, Modulation, Amplifier Type)– assignment to a transmitter (TX Number, Exciter A/B)●Physical structure of the transmitter systemDepending on their function, some R&S TCE900 units require additional informa-tion regarding:– total number of transmitter racks– number of racks per transmitter●Physical installation location of the R&S TCE900 unitsEach R&S TCE900 must be assigned the following:– number of the rack in which the R&S TCE900 is installed– number of the installation slot within a rack●Assignment of transmitters to racks ("Racks" menu tab)Each R&S TCE900 with the "Rack Control" function must be assigned those trans-mitters which are installed in the racks that the "Rack Control" function monitors.  Basic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9248Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Changes to the basic settings only become effective when the R&S TCE900 has beenrestarted.In the tables below, "?" means that it must be taken into consideration whether an aircooling interface (ACIF) or a TX interface is installed. See the detailed description ofthe "Cooling Control" and "Rack Control" parameters in the table "Description of set-ting values".Assignment of logical functionsTable 6-1: "Functions" for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolSingle driveExciter X X X ? ?Backup driveExciter A X X X ? ?Exciter B - X X - -Dual driveSystem Control X - - ? ?Exciter A - X X - -Exciter B - X X - -Table 6-2: "Functions" for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter Cooling Con-trolRack Con-trolSingle driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter (TX <n>) - X X - -Dual driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter A (TX <n>) - X X - -Exciter B (TX <n>) - X X - -Table 6-3: "Functions" for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB: <n> = 9)Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolSingle driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter (TX A<n>, TX B) - X X - -Basic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9249Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Transmitter type SystemControlTX Control Exciter CoolingControlRack Con-trolRack Control (whereapplicable)- - - - XDual driveSystem Control X - - ? XExciter A (TX A<n>, TXB)- X X - -Exciter B (TX A<n>, TXB)- X X - -Rack Control (whereapplicable)- - - - XTable 6-4: "Setup" for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveExciter SingleTX/MultiTX A1 A Single drive 1Backup driveExciter A SingleTX/MultiTX A1 A Backup drive 1Exciter B - A1 B Backup drive 1Dual driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - 1Exciter A - A1 A Dual drive -Exciter B - A1 B Dual drive -Table 6-5: "Setup" for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - <n>Exciter (TX <n>) - A<n> A Single drive -Dual driveSystem Control SingleTX/MultiTX - - - <n>Exciter A (TX <n>) - A<n> A Dual drive -Exciter B (TX <n>) - A<n> B Dual drive -Basic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9250Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Table 6-6: "Setup" for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB <n> = 9)Transmitter type System Variant TXNumberExciter Redundancy No. ofTransmit-tersSingle driveSystem Control N+1 TX - - <n>  Exciter (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> A Single drive -Rack Control (where appli-cable)- - - -  Dual driveSystem Control N+1 TX - - - <n>Exciter A (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> A Dual drive -Exciter B (TX A<n>, TX B) - A<n> B Dual drive -Rack Control (where appli-cable)- - - - -Table 6-7: IP addresses for SingleTX systems (for TMU9 and TMV9 only)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  Exciter drive  Exciter A B drive  System Control A B 6-8: IP addresses for MultiTX systems (<n> = 1 to 8)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  System Control (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>1Dual drive  System Control A (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>1Exciter B (TX <n>) 192.168.58.<n>2Basic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9251Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Table 6-9: IP addresses for N+1 systems (<n> = 1 to 8; TXB <n> = 9; <m> = 2 to 9, No. of Rack Con-trols)Transmitter type Ethernet LocalSingle drive  System Control (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>1Rack Control (where applicable)<m>Dual drive  System Control A (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>1Exciter B (TX A<n>, TX B) 192.168.58.<n>2Rack Control (where applicable)<m>Table 6-10: Description of setting valuesName Description Value range Access rightSystem Con-trolSet this check mark if this cassette of the R&S TCE900 isto function as a system control unit. In this case, allremote control interfaces and (if present) a R&S TDU900display unit must be connected to this R&S TCE900. ThisR&S TCE900 can also perform the function of the N+1automatic system. In addition to functioning as a systemcontrol unit, other functions can also be assigned to thesame R&S TCE900 depending on the modules it con-tains.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationTX Control Set this check mark if this cassette of the R&S TCE900cassette is to function as a transmitter control unit. Thetransmitter control unit contains, for example, the functionfor monitoring the output power and an automatic exciterswitchover function (optional). In addition to functioningas a transmitter control unit, other functions can also beassigned to the same R&S TCE900 depending on themodules it contains. This function must always be activa-ted together with the "Exciter" function on the sameR&S TCE900.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationExciter Set this check mark if this R&S TCE900 cassette containsat least one coder board and one RF board. With aR&S TCE900 which is configured as an exciter, the "TXControl" function must be activated at the same time,unless the R&S TCE900 exciter is to be operated as astandalone instrument. In addition to functioning as anexciter, other functions can also be assigned to the sameR&S TCE900 depending on the modules it contains.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationCooling Con-trolSet this check mark if this R&S TCE900 cassette containsat least one cooling interface or one air cooling interface.In addition to functioning as a cooling control unit, otherfunctions can also be assigned to the same R&S TCE900depending on the modules it contains. The "Cooling Con-trol" function must always be activated together with the"Rack Control" function on the same R&S TCE900.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationBasic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9252Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightRack Control Set this check mark if this R&S TCE900 is to monitor rackcomponents (e.g. overvoltage protection) or door con-tacts. A "TX Interface" module must be installed in theR&S TCE900. With most system configurations, the RackControl function is together with the System Control func-tion on the same R&S TCE900. The only exception aremultirack N+1 systems in which more than one RackControl are installed. With THx9, the "Rack Control" func-tion must always be activated together with the "CoolingControl" function on the same R&S TCE900.With TMx9, the Rack Control function must be activated ifan air cooling interface is installed in the R&S TCE900and the "Cooling" function is activated.Disabled,EnabledConfigurationSystem Var-iantIndicates whether the system is a SingleTX, MultiTX or N+1 system.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.Single/MultiTX, n+1ConfigurationTX Number Indicates the transmitter to which this R&S TCE900 isassigned.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.TX A1 to TXA8 + TXBConfigurationExciter Indicates whether this R&S TCE900 is to operate asexciter A or exciter B. The displayed value must corre-spond to the cabling of the two exciters at the exciterswitch. Exciter A is shown in the case of single drivetransmitters.The setting can be changed here if the "Exciter" functionis active.Exc A, Exc B ConfigurationParIO Indicates whether remote control has been activated bymeans of parallel contacts. ParIO 32/80 corresponds to aparallel remote control interface card with 32 inputs and80 outputs. ParIO 9/12 corresponds to a parallel remotecontrol interface card with 9 inputs and 12 outputs.Remote control can be connected to a R&S TCE900 withthe System Control function. In the case of N+1 systems,it is also possible to connect remote control to aR&S TCE900 with the TX Control function, but certainrestrictions will then apply.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"or "TX Control" function is active.Off, 32/80,9/12ConfigurationRedundancy Indicates which redundancy method is supported by thistransmitter.●Single Drive:The transmitter contains one exciter.●Dual Drive:The transmitter contains two exciters. If the activeexciter fails, an automatic switchover functionswitches the system over to the standby exciter.●Only available with some system variants:Backup Drive:The transmitter contains two exciters. If the activeexciter fails, an automatic switchover functionswitches the system over to the standby exciter.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.Single Drive,Dual Drive,Backup DriveConfigurationBasic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9253Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightTransmitters Indicates how many transmitters the system contains.The B transmitter of an N+1 system is not included here.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.1 to 8 ConfigurationModulation Indicates the modulation mode of the exciter. An appro-priate software option must additionally be installed forthe displayed modulation mode.Either the modulation modes for TV/DAB or those for FM/FMHD are available.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.DVB‑T2,DVB‑T,ISDB‑T,ATSC, ATV,DAB, FM,FMHDConfigurationRack Number Indicates the rack in which the R&S TCE900 module isinstalled. The left-hand rack is assigned the number 1.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control","TX Control" or "Exciter" function is active.1 to 18 ConfigurationAmplifierModeIndicates whether the amplifiers are to be operated inbroadband or Doherty mode. To operate the amplifiers inDoherty mode, the frequency ranges of the amplifiersmust be set to the transmit frequency. This display onlyapplies to amplifier types which support Doherty mode.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.Broadband,DohertyConfigurationAmplifiers Indicates the total number of amplifiers per output stageof this transmitter. Whether the amplifiers are housed inone or more racks is irrelevant. Up to 24 amplifiers peroutput stage are supported (FM: up to 8 amplifiers).The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.1 to 24 ConfigurationAmplifierTypeIndicates the amplifier type used in the transmitter.●PHU901:High‑power amplifier, UHF, liquid‑cooled.●PMU901:Medium‑power amplifier, UHF, air‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PHU902:High‑power amplifier, UHF, liquid‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PHV902:High‑power amplifier, VHF, liquid‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.●PMV901:Medium‑power amplifier, VHF, air‑cooled with Doh-erty mode.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" or"Exciter" function is active.PHU901,PMU901,PHU902,PHV902,PMV901,PHR901,PMR901ConfigurationSlot Number Indicates the position at which the R&S TCE900 is instal-led in the respective rack. In the THU9, position 1 is theleft-hand slot; in the TMU9, position 1 is the top slot.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control","TX Control" or "Exciter" function is active.1 to 12 ConfigurationBasic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9254Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightRacks/RackControlIndicates how many racks are monitored by thisR&S TCE900. Transmitters with more than 12 amplifiersmonitor 2 racks with one rack control. With all other trans-mitters, this value must be set to 1.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.1 or 2 ConfigurationCooling Type Indicates the type of cooling system.The displayed value must be suitable for the amplifiertype. Further settings are made in the "Home" > "Cooling"> "Task View" > "Setup Cooling" menu.Liquid, Air ConfigurationRacks/SystemIndicates the total number of racks contained in the sys-tem.The setting can be changed here if the "System Control"function is active.1 to 18 ConfigurationRacks/TX Indicates the number of racks that the transmitter consistsof. This setting is only relevant for THU9 transmitters withmore than 12 amplifiers. In all other cases, the value 1must be set here.The setting can be changed here if the "TX Control" func-tion is active.1 to 4 ConfigurationNumber ofRack ControlsIndicates the total number of rack controls which areactive in the system.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.1 to 9 ConfigurationInt. RF Sen-sorIndicates whether the internal RF test point of the ampli-fier is to be used for measuring the transmit power.The setting is only relevant for "Amplifier Type =PMU901". The value "On" should be set if the transmitterconsists of exactly one amplifier and no CAN bus testpoint is installed in the transmitter.The setting can be changed here if the "Rack Control"function is active.Off, On ConfigurationConfiguration Indicates whether the selected combination of settings isvalid and nonconflicting.The setting can be changed here.OK, not Valid Read onlyReboot Reboots this R&S TCE900. Changes to settings in thisand the other menu tabs of the Basic Config menu onlybecome effective after a reboot. ConfigurationIP Address(Local IP Set-tings)Used to set the IP address of the R&S TCE900 for inter-nal communications with other R&S TCE900 units in thissystem. When the system is supplied, the internal IPaddresses begin with 192.168.58. The last group of digitsdiffers according to the following rule:●System Control: 100●TX Control + Exciter: 11/12 (= TXA1, Exciter A/B) to81/82 (= TXA8, Exciter A/B); 91/92 (= TXB, ExciterA/B)●Rack Control (second rack): 101The setting can be changed here. ConfigurationBasic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9255Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Name Description Value range Access rightIP Address(Remote IPSettings)Used to set the IP address of the R&S TCE900 systemcontrol. The settings depend on the network infrastruc-ture.   Slot Config Used to determine which module is contained in eachinstallation slot of the R&S TCE900 unit. Basically, anymodule can be inserted into any installation slot. The rackcabling has, however, been optimized for installation ofthe modules in the following slots:●Slot A (bottom left): RF board or TX interface●Slot B (top center): Cooling interface (CIF or ACIF)or ATV interface●Slot C (bottom center): Reserved for receiver module●Slot CD (top right): Coder board or LAN switchThe setting can be changed here.Coder Board,RFBoard,TXIf, Coolin-gIf, LAN-SwitchIf,ATVIf, CIF,ACIFConfigurationBasic Settings
Operating the Device ManagerR&S®Tx9256Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07Basic Settings
User AdministrationR&S®Tx9257Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 077 User AdministrationThe user administration facility is available in conjunction with browser-based opera-tion. The settings that you enter in user administration are also valid for opening menusin local operation. You can use the user administration facility to perform the followingtasks.●Create new user profiles●Change user profiles (users and access rights)●Delete user profiles●Close active sessionsThe "Superuser" ID with the factory‑set password 1234 gives you extensive useradministration rights.7.1 Creating New User ProfilesProceed as follows to create a new user profile:1. Log on as Superuser via the web interface.User name: SuperuserPassword: 1234The processing options and a list of existing users are displayed.2. Select the Add new user option.3. Enter a user name and password and the desired permissions for this user.The password must be at least 6 characters long.4. Click "Add user" if the settings are correct.Click "Reset" if the settings are not correct, and enter the settings again.7.2 Changing User Profiles (Users and Access Rights)Proceed as follows to modify an existing user profile:1. Log on as Superuser via the web interface.User name: SuperuserPassword: 1234The processing options and a list of existing users are displayed.2. From the list of existing users, select the user to be modified from the Select col-umn.3. Select the Change selected user option.4. Change the user's profile according to your requirements.   Creating New User Profiles
User AdministrationR&S®Tx9258Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 075. Click "Change user" if the settings are correct.Click "Reset" if the settings are not correct, and enter the settings again.For the default users, you can change the passwords only; you cannot change accessrights.7.3 Deleting User ProfilesProceed as follows to delete a user profile:1. Log on as Superuser via the web interface.User name: SuperuserPassword: 1234The processing options and a list of existing users are displayed.2. From the list of existing users, select the user to be deleted from the Select col-umn.3. Select the Delete selected user option.4. The profile is removed from the user list.7.4 Closing Active SessionsTo obtain information about existing sessions and end active sessions, follow this pro-cedure.1. Log on as Superuser via the web interface.User name: SuperuserPassword: 1234The processing options and a list of existing users are displayed.2. Select the Show session list option.A list with information about the active sessions is displayed.3. From the list of existing sessions, select the session to be closed from the Selectcolumn.4. Select the Delete selected session option.The selected session is closed.5. Select the Option Show user list option.The list of existing users is displayed again.  Deleting User Profiles

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