Rosslare SP-03V2G Professional Wireless Elderly Assist combined with alarm system User Manual SP 03V2

Rosslare Enterprises Ltd Professional Wireless Elderly Assist combined with alarm system SP 03V2



SP – 03V2  Elderly Care Telephone -  Wireless Emergency System   User Manual     June 2011
Table of Contents SP-03V2 User Manual Page ii  Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................. 6 2. Telephone Description ............................................. 7 2.1 Front Panel ........................................................................... 7 2.2 Front Panel Keys ................................................................... 8 2.3 LED Indicators .................................................................... 10 2.4 LCD Display ........................................................................ 10 2.5 Sound Indicators ................................................................ 11 3. Making Telephone Calls ........................................ 12 3.1 Standard Dialing ................................................................ 12 3.2 Quick Dialing ..................................................................... 13 4. Programming Interactive Voice Response ............. 16 4.1 IVR General Options .......................................................... 17 4.2 IVR Arming Submenu ......................................................... 17 4.3 IVR Voice Operation Submenu .......................................... 18 4.4 IVR Two-way Voice Activation Submenu ............................ 18 4.5 Receiving IVR Status Report ............................................... 18 5. User Menu Options ................................................ 19 5.1 Accessing the User Menu .................................................. 19 5.2 Changing the Master Code .............................................. 20 5.3 Defining User Codes .......................................................... 21 5.4 Setting Date and Time ....................................................... 22 5.5 Setting Private Telephone Numbers ................................... 23 5.6 Viewing Logs ...................................................................... 24 6. Pill Reminder .......................................................... 27 7. Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation .. 32 7.1 Alarm Mode ....................................................................... 32 7.2 Arming Options .................................................................. 33 7.3 Disarming Process ............................................................. 36 7.4 Bypass/Un-bypass Zone ..................................................... 37
Table of Contents SP-03V2 User Manual Page iii  7.5 Entry/Exit Delay Options ...................................................... 40 8. Emergency and Panic Functionality ...................... 42 8.1 Siren ................................................................................... 42 8.2 Performing an Emergency Call ......................................... 42 8.3 Entering the Duress Code .................................................. 43 8.4 Enabling Forced Hang up ................................................. 43 Appendix A. Limited Warranty .................................... 45 Appendix B. Technical Support .................................. 47
Notice, Copyright and Disclaimer SP-03V2 User Manual Page v  COPYRIGHT ׃ 2011 by rosslare All rights reserved. This manual and the information contained herein are proprietary to Rosslare. Only Rosslare and its customers have the right to use the information.   No part of this manual may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Rosslare. Rosslare owns patents and patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter in this manual.  TEXTS, IMAGES, AND ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDING THEIR ARRANGEMENT IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO THE PROTECTION OF COPYRIGHT LAWS AND OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS WORLDWIDE. THEIR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND TRANSMITTAL TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION MAY RESULT IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. The furnishing of this manual to any party does not give that party or any third party any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights, except as expressly provided in any written agreement of Rosslare. Rosslare reserves the right to revise and change this document at any time, without being obliged to announce such revisions or changes beforehand or after the fact.     Caution: Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (Rosslare Ltd.) could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Introduction SP-03V2 User Manual Page 6  1. Introduction The SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone by Rosslare Enterprises, Ltd. is the ideal wireless security system for home or small office providing intrusion protection. The SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone is also the wireless panel used to control, program and operate the security monitoring and IVR (Interactive Voice Response) messaging, with all of the regular features of a home telephone. The SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone uses the latest RF technology and enables the smooth and easy operation of a large number of security and communication options.   Figure 1 The SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone This manual contains the following sections: • Telephone Description • Making Telephone Calls • Configuring the phone setup • Programming the Pill Reminder • Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation • Emergency and Panic Functionality
Telephone Description SP-03V2 User Manual Page 7  2. Telephone Description This chapter describes the following: • Front Panel • Front Panel Keys • LED Indicators • LCD Display • Sound Indicators 2.1 Front Panel  Figure 2: SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone Front View The front panel is used as a standard keypad for making regular telephone calls and is also used to enter information when programming other functions including alarms and emergency alerts.
Telephone Description SP-03V2 User Manual Page 8  2.2 Front Panel Keys The keys on the front panel are as follows: Name Key Function Emergency   • Triggers an emergency call • Sounds a standard panic alarm Disarm/ Cancel   • Disarms the system when armed (requires code) • Cancels emergency calls and actions Arm (Away)/ Redial  • Idle mode - Arms the system in "Away" mode (requires Code) • Phone mode - Redials last called telephone number  Arm (Home)/ Flash  In idle mode - Arms the system in "Home" mode (requires code) Alphanumeric keys 1-9  • Enter/edit numbers 1-9 to dial or quick dial • Enter alphanumeric characters (keys 2-9 to corresponding to the indicated letters) • When entering letters, each push on the same key changes the letter to the next letter indicated or number on the key. For example 3 - D - E - F - 3 etc. • During a call it sends a DTMF code of the pressed number during a call
Telephone Description SP-03V2 User Manual Page 9  Name Key Function 0 Key   • Enter/edit number 0 to dial or quick dial • enters trouble display which displays problems experienced by the system when trbl indication appears on the LCD # Key  • Clears Access Codes • Clears last entered digit in Phone Number/Numeric Value • Transmits '#' DTMF code during a Manual Call Þ Key  • Enters a comma ',' as a Dialing Delay in a Phone Number (during editing) • Transmits '*' DTMF code during Manual Call Menu/Up  • Accesses the Menu • Navigates "Up" in the menus Quick Dial/Down  • Phone mode - Enter Quick Dial mode • Idle mode - Navigates "Down" in the menus Speaker  • Switches the phone speaker on or off Volume  • Increase/decrease speaker volume • Enter No/Yes (same as Cancel/Enter)
Telephone Description SP-03V2 User Manual Page 10  2.3 LED Indicators The table below describes the various LED indicators. Name LED Function Status Indicator  Red – the system is armed. Off –the system is disarmed. Flashing – there is an entry or exit delay (based on the beep rate). Communication Indicator  Green – Handset is off the hook. Off – communication is disabled. Flashing – communication is via a PC, in phone mode speaker is on.  2.4 LCD Display The LCD display clearly shows the system status in two rows, displaying the system status and events. When in idle mode the first line displays the system's time and date while the second line shows the system status. For example, the second line displays Ready. System status is displayed on the left, while events are displayed to the right of the system statuses. The event display toggles every two seconds when there is more than one event.  The display options are described in the table below: System Status Description Ready Indicates that the system is ready for arming. Not ready Indicates that the system is not ready for arming, and that there are zones which are detecting something. These are active zones.  Press   to view active zones. If there is more than one active zone, press   to display the next active zone or press the  button to see more details.
Telephone Description SP-03V2 User Manual Page 11  Event Display Description TRBL The system has one or more of the following problems: • Low battery (system or sensor) • Power failure • Supervision failure • RF jamming • Tamper (system or sensor) MEM There is an alarm in memory.  2.5 Sound Indicators The system and keypad emit the following sounds: Sounds Action Single beep A key is pressed. This feature is activated by the installer. Long beep An invalid entry is entered. Four short beeps a minute Indicates that there is a problem. This feature is activated by the installer. Two short beeps A key is not pressed for 30 seconds or more (except during Test mode). The system automatically exits the current menu.  Short beep every second An exit/entry delay is activated. A beep is sounded every 0.5 seconds during the last 10 seconds of delay. Nine short Beeps The system arms when one or more zones are active. The installer must program this feature. Chime A chime is activated. The system supports three chime sounds which can be selected to be heard when a zone is activated (violated) during disarming or when receiving a status update. For example the chime is sounded when the zone is triggered.
Making Telephone Calls SP-03V2 User Manual Page 12  3. Making Telephone Calls Although the SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone has many features it still works as a standard phone.   Note: When setting up the system telephone, use a comma (,) to indicate a delay when dialing a number. 3.1 Standard Dialing To make a call: 1.  Pick up the receiver. The dial tone is heard on the receiver and the DIAL screen is displayed.  2.  Use the numeric keypad to enter the telephone number. If a wrong key is entered, place back the receiver, pickup and dial again.    To call the same number again: 1.  Pick up the receiver. The dial tone is heard on the receiver and the DIAL screen is displayed.  2.  Press  . The previous number is displayed. The call is initiated.   To make a hands free call: 1.  Press  . A prompt for the telephone number to call is heard. The dial tone is heard and the DIAL screen is displayed.  2.  Use the numeric keypad to enter the telephone number.
Making Telephone Calls SP-03V2 User Manual Page 13  3.2 Quick Dialing Commonly used numbers, or emergency numbers can be stored on the phone. Each stored numbers is associated with a Quick Dial Number. Each Quick Dial Number is represented by the number 0 – 9 with an alphanumeric name of up to 16 characters.  The SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone allows storage of 10 memorized telephone numbers. To set Quick Dial Numbers: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press . The code prompt is displayed and the system announces "Please enter code".  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". On completing the code, the EDIT MASTER CODE screen is displayed. If the incorrect code is entered, the system displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again" and announces "Illegal Code". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode.  4.  Press  until the option Q-DIAL PHONES is displayed. If  is pushed too many times, go back in the menus by pressing .  5.  Press  . The Quick Dial Number option is displayed.  6.  Press   until the Quick Dial Number being set is displayed.
Making Telephone Calls SP-03V2 User Manual Page 14  7.  Press  . The option to enter the name assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  8.  Press  . The screen to enter the name assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  9.  Enter the name associated with the Quick Dial Number.  10. Press  . The option to enter the name assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  11. Press . The option to enter the number assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  12. Press  . The screen to enter the number assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  13. Use the numeric keypad to enter the telephone number. Press   to delete the last entered digit. The   key inserts a comma. Press   to save the number.  14. Press  . The option to enter the number assigned to the Quick Dial Number is displayed.  15. Press   to go back to step 6 where more Quick Dial Numbers can be programmed.  16. To store more Quick Dial Numbers repeat steps 7 – 15. To finish storing numbers, press  twice. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
Making Telephone Calls SP-03V2 User Manual Page 15  To dial Quick Dial Numbers: 1.  Press  . The Quick Dial number stored in slot #0 is displayed with the number.  2.  Press   and   to scroll through the stored Quick Dial numbers until the required number is located.  3.  Press   to initiate the call.
Programming Interactive Voice Response SP-03V2 User Manual Page 16  4. Programming Interactive Voice Response IVR (Interactive Voice Response) feature includes Voice Assistance, where the SP-03V2 Elderly Care Telephone uses a voice to prompt the user. An IVR session can be initiated either by the system or though a remote private telephone call by the user. During voice menu mode, the system announces the menu options and any relevant instructions. To start an IVR Session by a remote telephone user: 1.  Call the system's line telephone number. The system answers the call after a preset number of rings. The system plays the "Press Star” announcement and waits for the  to be pressed. 2.  Press   to start the session. Once the connection is made a site description is announced and a request for entry code is made. 3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code to start the session. The session is started and the IVR menu is opened.   To start an IVR Session by the system: This option must be enabled by the technician who installed the system. The session is usually started by a predefined event. The system accesses a private number configured in the system. Up to three private numbers can be programmed. (See Setting Private Telephone Numbers, on page 23) 1.  The system calls the first programmed private number. The systems requests   is pressed. If there is no answer after approximately 50 seconds the system hangs up. The system then attempts to call the private telephone number again. If there is no response the system then attempts the second private the predefined number of times, and if the system still does not succeed, the third private number is attempted.
Programming Interactive Voice Response SP-03V2 User Manual Page 17  2.  Press   to start the session. Once the connection is made a site description is announced and a request for entry code is made. 3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. The session is started and the IVR menu is opened. The system switches to voice menu mode when a valid master code is entered.  4.1 IVR General Options The IVR menu has the following options: Option Description  Enters the Arming submenu.  Enters the Voice Operation submenu. The private Two-Way Voice feature must be enabled.  Receives a status report.  Exits the menu and disconnects the system.  4.2 IVR Arming Submenu The IVR Arming submenu has the following options: Option Description  Sets the panel status to "Arm Away".   Sets the panel status to "Arm Home".  Disarms the panel.  Returns to the previous menu.  When it is arming, the system announces its status only after the exit delay timeout period.
Programming Interactive Voice Response SP-03V2 User Manual Page 18  4.3 IVR Voice Operation Submenu The IVR Voice Operation submenu has the following options: Option Description  Enables Two-way Voice Activation submenu.   Returns to the previous menu.  4.4 IVR Two-way Voice Activation Submenu The IVR Two-way Voice Activation submenu has the following options: Option Description  Enables listening in to the call.   Enables listening in and talking on the call.  4.5 Receiving IVR Status Report On the IVR Arming submenu press . The report is heard on the telephone.
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 19  5. User Menu Options Once the SP-03 Elderly Care Telephone has been installed there are certain settings which are managed by the user. To manage these settings the telephone provides a set of menus which are displayed on the telephones display panel.  5.1 Accessing the User Menu The User Menu is the base menu from which all the settings are started. This is the only menu requiring a log in code or password.  To open the User Menu: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". On completing the code, the EDIT MASTER CODE screen is displayed. If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode.   Once in the MASTER MENU use the  and   keys to browse the submenus. Press  to select a menu or submenu item. The sub menu options are as follows:
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 20  Option Description Edit Master Code The master code can be used no matter what is set as the user code. User Codes User codes are only used to arm/disarm the system. Set Date &Time The system date and time is set. The system time is used by the telephone for logging calls, events and by the pill reminder feature. Private Numbers Private numbers are used by the system to contact the user. Q-Dial Phones Up to 10 numbers can be stored as Quick Dial numbers. Forced Hang Up The telephone can automatically hang up and close a conversation in the event of an emergency where the telephone is needed for emergency purposes. Logs Call and event logs can be cleared or viewed. Bypass Options Certain preset security zones can be bypassed when activating the alarm.  5.2 Changing the Master Code   Note: This feature is only for master users.  The default master code is 1234. Once the master code is changed, the default code is Unusable.  To change the master code: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 21  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". On completing the code, the EDIT MASTER CODE screen is displayed. If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode.  4.  Press  . The prompt to enter the new master code is displayed.   5.  Using the numeric keypad enter the new master code and press  . The master code is changed and the EDIT MASTER CODE screen is displayed.  6.  Press  . The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   5.3 Defining User Codes Up to 16 users can be defined.   Note: This feature can only be programmed by users with the master code.  To define user codes: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*".   On completing the code, the EDIT MASTER CODE screen is displayed. If the incorrect code is entered, the system will
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 22  not accept it. If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press  . The USER CODES screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The SELECT USER CODE screen to set the first user code is displayed.  6.  Press   and   to scroll to the user code being set.  7.  Press   to select the user code. The screen to enter the code is displayed.  8.  Using the numeric keypad enter the four digit user code and press  . Press   to delete an existing number. The code is entered and the SELECT USER CODE screen is displayed. Repeat steps 7-8 as required.  9.  Press   twice. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   5.4 Setting Date and Time    Note: This feature can only be programmed by users with the master code.  To set the date and time: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid master code.  While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*".
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 23  If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the SET DATE & TIME screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The ENTER TIME screen is displayed.  6.  Press   to set the time. The current time is displayed.  7.  Enter the new time and press . The ENTER TIME screen is displayed.  8.  Press  . The DAY OF THE WEEK screen is displayed.  9.  Press . The screen to set the day is displayed.  10. Press   and   to scroll to the day set.  11. Press   to set the day. The DAY OF THE WEEK screen is displayed.  12. Press   twice. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   5.5 Setting Private Telephone Numbers Up to three private telephone numbers can be set for use when an event occurs. The private telephone number is called by the system to alert the user. To set private telephone numbers: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 24  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*".  If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   three times. The PRIVATE NUMBERS screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The screen to select the number to set is displayed.  6.  Press   and   to scroll to the private number being set.  7.  Press   to select the number to set. The screen to enter the number is displayed.  8.  Using the numeric keypad enter the number and press  . Press  to delete an existing digit. The number is entered and the screen to select the number to set is displayed. Repeat steps 7-8 as required.  9.  Press   twice. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   5.6 Viewing Logs Event and history logs can be viewed.  There are three options available under Logs: • History Log – Used to view the history log such as alarms, trouble warnings, etc. • Clear History Log – Used to clear the history log. • Event Log – Used to view the event log.
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 25  To view the history logs: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the LOGS screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The screen to select the logs option to use is displayed.   6.  Press   or   toggling between the Log options until the HISTORY LOG screen is displayed.  7.  Press  . The log is displayed.  8.  Press   and   to toggle between the Log entries. Master events are indicated by the word MASTER on the bottom line of the screen, user events are indicated by the word PANEL.  9.  Press   three times. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
User Menu Options SP-03V2 User Manual Page 26  To view the event logs: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the LOGS screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The screen to select the logs option to use.  6.  Press   and   to toggle between the Log options until the EVENT LOG screen is displayed.  7.  Press  . The event log is displayed.  8.  Press  . The Event Time Stamp is displayed.  9.  Press   and   to toggle between the Log entries. Master events are indicated by the word MASTER on the bottom line of the screen, user events are indicated by the word PANEL. 10. Press   three times. The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
Pill Reminder SP-03V2 User Manual Page 27  6. Pill Reminder Up to eight different pill reminders can be set. The setting specifies the time to take each dosage, up to eight different times for each day of the week.   There are four options to set as pill reminders: • Activate the pill reminder. • To set the number of times the alert is repeated. • To set the pill reminder times. • The failed reporting to the CMS.  To activate the pill reminder: 1.  Press   until the day is displayed on the screen.  2.  Press  . The PROGRAM REMINDER screen is displayed.  3.  Press  . The FAIL REPORT screen is displayed.  4.  Press  . The screen to enable/disable the pill reminder is displayed.  5.  Press   and   to toggle between the two options. The default is DISABLED.  6.  Press   to enable the pill reminder option. The FAIL REPORT screen is displayed.  7.  Press  . The PROGRAM REMINDER screen is displayed.  8.  Press  . The EXIT screen is displayed.  9.  Press  . The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
Pill Reminder SP-03V2 User Manual Page 28  To set the number of times the alert is repeated: 1.  Press   until the day is displayed on the screen.  2.  Press  . The PROGRAM REMINDER screen is displayed.  3.  Press  . The FAIL REPORT screen is displayed.  4.  Press  . The screen to enable/disable the pill reminder is displayed.  5.  Press  . The ALERT REPEAT screen is displayed.  6.  Press   and   to toggle between the number of times the alert is to be repeated.  7.  Press   to select the number of alerts. The ALERT REPEAT screen is displayed.  8.  Press  . The PROGRAM REMINDER screen is displayed.  9.  Press  . The EXIT screen is displayed.  10. Press  . The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   To set the pill reminder times: 1.  Press   until the day is displayed on the screen.  2.  Press  . The PROGRAM REMINDER screen is displayed.  3.  Press  . The FAIL REPORT screen is displayed.
Pill Reminder SP-03V2 User Manual Page 29  4.  Press   and   until the SET REMINDERS screen is displayed.  5.  Press . The ENTER REMINDER # screen is displayed.  6.  Press   and   to toggle between the alert reminder number. Up to eight reminders can be set.  7.  Press  . The screen to begin entering the reminder details is displayed. The CLEAR REMINDER screen is displayed.  8.  If there is already a reminder set and a new reminder is required, the existing reminder can be cleared. Press  to clear the reminder. The CLEAR REMINDER confirmation screen is displayed.  9.  Press   to confirm the reminder deletion. Press   to cancel the reminder deletion. The CLEAR REMINDER screen is displayed.  10. Press  . The DAY OF THE WEEK screen is displayed.  11. Press   to select the day of the week for the reminder. The screen to select the day of the week is displayed.  12. Press   and   to scroll to the day to be set.  13. Press   to select the day. The screen to enable/disable the day is displayed.  14. Press   and   to toggle between the enable/disable options.
Pill Reminder SP-03V2 User Manual Page 30  15. Press   to enable/disable the day of the week for the reminder. The screen to select the day of the week is displayed.  16. Press  . The DAY OF THE WEEK screen is displayed.  17. Press  . The screen to enter the pill details is displayed.  18. Press   to enter the pill name. The screen to enter the pill name is displayed.  19. Using the numeric keypad to enter the telephone number. Press   to delete the last entered digit. The   key inserts a comma.  20. Press . The screen to enter the pill details is displayed.  21. Press  . The screen to enter the pill dosage is displayed.  22. Press   to enter the pill dosage. The screen to enter the pill dosage is displayed.  23. Press   and   to select the dosage.  24. Press   to set the pill dosage. The screen to enable/disable the dosage is displayed.  25. Press   and   to toggle between the enable/disable options.  26. Press   to enable the dosage. The screen to set the alert time is displayed.
Pill Reminder SP-03V2 User Manual Page 31  27. Enter the alert time and press . The screen to enter the pill dosage is displayed.  28. Press   until the EXIT screen is displayed.  29. Press  . The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 32  7. Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation This chapter describes the operating conditions for the system and instructs the user how to place the security system in its various security operational modes.  7.1 Alarm Mode The SP-03v2 system enters Alarm Mode according to the various events, zone types and arming mode defined during system setup.  7.1.1. Alarm Mode Armed When armed the system monitors zones for any violations or intrusion events. Any zone violation or intrusion detection puts the system into Alarm Mode. When there is some system failure or system inconsistencies the system enters into Trouble Mode. If the system enters Trouble Mode and the system is armed the system also enters Alarm Mode. Upon entering Alarm Mode, or when trouble conditions occur, the system performs the following possible actions as defined by the system installer during system setup.  Upon entering alarm mode, the system: • Reports an event to the central station • Performs other reporting (cellular, private phone) • Activates a siren (silent, local siren, external siren) • Uses backup/secondary reporting options
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 33  7.1.2. Alarm Mode Disarmed When disarmed, the system enters into the following status: • Alarm Mode for all 24 hour zones • Alarms trigger only for panic, emergency, fire, 24H audible and silent conditions. In the Alarm Mode Disarmed state, the system continuously checks zone status and remains in the Ready status. This Ready status determines whether the system is ready to arm. The system becomes Ready to Arm when zones are either closed or bypassed, or Force Arming is enabled. In all other cases, including if the No-Supervision of RF devices parameter is enabled, the system status is Not Ready. In the Not Ready condition, the system is unable to arm unless the system has been configured to arming or if Force Arming is enabled.  7.2 Arming Options When the user enters a code or remote command, the system responds as follows: • If the code or command (armed away/home, disarmed) is valid and correctly entered, the arming/disarming operation succeeds. The system then sends the panel a signal to sound a confirmation notification or generates a confirmation sound on the local siren. This can be set to either enabled or disabled. By default it is enabled. • On entering a wrong code, the system enables immediate code re-entry and also signals an error indication to the user. • Where there are 5 sequential wrong DISARM code entries, the system ignores further attempts for 30 seconds before accepting a new code entries.  Once armed, the system functions as follows: • The system ignores arming commands, except Disarm, through either panel, or remote during an alarm condition. • The system sends error indication signals if zones are either not ready or not bypassed (assuming that a bypass or forced options are not enabled).
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 34  • The system exits the Alarm Mode if the alarm is triggered by an alarm or tampering while the system was disarmed. • The system enters Alarm Mode if any zone is violated during entry and exit delay periods, unless the walkthrough feature is enabled and the violated zones are defined as walkthrough path. To arm the system: 1.  Press  . A prompt to enter the code is heard.  2.  Enter the code. The code being entered is indicated by “*”.  3.  The panel starts beeping for the period configured as the Exit Delay. The   indicator begins flashing red. The user must now exit the secure area within the Exit Delay time period.   4.  The system is armed. The   indicator displays solid red.   7.2.1. System Home Arming When configuring the system the installer can configure the Arm Mode to HOME. This enables the user to enter the secured area within the Entry Delay time and the system automatically changes being in AWAY mode to HOME mode. The effect is that all perimeter zones remain armed. During the Entry Delay time, the system ignores zone violations. When the Entry Delay time has ended, the system ignores interior zone violations. Once the system is armed Home, it functions as follows: • The system enters Alarm Mode immediately on a violation of a perimeter type zone. • The system activates an entry delay. • The system enables switching between arming modes. If the system is currently Armed Home, it accepts an Arming Away command and switch modes without disarming. When the user is at home, the alarm can be set for HOME mode.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 35  To arm the system to HOME mode: 1.  Press  . A prompt to enter the code is heard.  2.  Enter the code. The code being entered is indicated by “*”.  3.  The panel starts beeping for the period configured as the Exit Delay. The   indicator begins flashing red. The user must now exit the secure area within the Exit Delay time period.   4.  The system is armed. The   indicator displays solid red.   7.2.2. System Away Mode In AWAY mode, the system enters Alarm Mode if there is any zone violation, regardless of perimeter or interior type. 7.2.3. Instant Arming  If Instant Arming mode is enabled (by the installer, during configuration), the system will skip the exit delay as well as cancel the entry delay configured, and will initiate the Alarm instantly causing an alarm to go off upon violation of any zone.   To instantly arm the system: 1.  Verify that the system is ready for arming. 2.  Press either the Home or the Away arming key. 3.  Enter your user code. 4.  Press the same arming key once again.  7.2.4. Forced Arming If Forced Arming is enabled, the system is able to arm when zones are in violation (open) but not defined as bypassed. The system treats zones of this type automatically as bypassed zones for the arming period. These bypassed definitions expire
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 36  either upon disarming or once the zones are closed or supervised (again) during the arming period.  The system acknowledges this condition by indicating a bypass state when armed. Depending on how the feature is defined during setup, a report can be sent to the central station. By default Forced Arming is disabled and is enabled by the installer during system setup. 7.2.5. Quick Arming Setting this parameter ON allows AWAY arming without code entry. The system does not accept home arming when already armed AWAY. When Quick Arming is enabled (during setup), a long press on the AWAY arming button on the panel activates Quick Arming. By default Quick Arming is OFF and is set to ON by the installer during system setup. 7.3 Disarming Process Users can disarm an armed system by entering their code using the panel, or using an RF keys/remotes. Disarming causes the system to function as follows: • Disarming a system both disarms it and stops an alarm condition. • When an alarm condition occurs during the disarming process, the system triggers a full alarm. The alarm stops on the next disarming operation. To disarm the system: 1.  Press . A prompt to enter the code is heard.  2.  Enter the code. The code being entered is indicated by “*”.  3.  The system is disarmed.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 37  7.4 Bypass/Un-bypass Zone The SP-03v2 system can be set to enable or disable zone bypass. In auto bypass, the system functions as follows: • If disabled (default) and zones are opened (doors, windows) or unsupervised, the system does not allow arming until all zones are closed. All incoming detections are handled according to the selected alarm options for zone type and setting. • Each zone can be set as bypassed. The system ignores incoming detections from a bypassed zone, and is able to arm regardless of their condition. • Zone bypassing behavior is dependent on the general system bypass enable setting.  7.4.1. Setting Zone Bypass When the system is installed, the secured area is divided in up to 16 security zones. Each zone is set by the person installing the system.  When arming the system certain zones can be bypassed. This is used to deal with various situations, such as when the sensor battery is low and sends an event, or when the system is armed while someone is still on the premises.    Note: This feature is available to User and Master level users, and is only active if it is enabled by the installer.  Up to 16 zones can be bypassed when arming the system.  To define the bypass zones: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 38  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*".  If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the BYPASS OPTIONS screen is displayed.   5.  Press   and   to toggle between the bypass options until the SET BYPASS MAP is displayed.  6.  Press  . The screen to select the zone to bypass is displayed.  7.  Press   and   to toggle between the zone to select or by entering the zone number 01 - 16. Press  to select the zone.  8.  Press   and   to toggle between the zone bypass options. Press  to select the option.  9.  Press   until the standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   To clear the bypass zones: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 39  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*".  If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the BYPASS OPTIONS screen is displayed.   5.  Press   and   to toggle between the bypass options until the CLEAR BYPASS MAP is displayed.  6.  Press  . The screen to select the bypassed zone to be cleared is displayed.  7.  Press   and   to toggle between the bypassed zone numbers or by entering the zone number 01 - 16. Press  to select the zone.  8.  Press   and   to toggle between the zone bypass options. Press  to select the option.  9.  Press   until the standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.   To activate the bypass zones: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 40  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the BYPASS OPTIONS screen is displayed.   5.  Press   and   to toggle between the bypass options until the SET ACTIVATION is displayed.  6.  Press  . The screen to select the zone to be activated is displayed.  7.  Press   and   to toggle between the zones to activate or by entering the zone number 01 - 16. Press  to select the zone.  8.  Press   until the standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.    Note: If the system is armed the Bypass indicator and the bypassed zones flash briefly before entering the armed condition.   7.5 Entry/Exit Delay Options Entry and Exit actions delay the alarm mode and allow the system to ignore zone violations, as described below.  7.5.1. Entry Delay Entry delay allows the user time to open the door and reach the panel to disarm the system.
Security Panel Behavior and Modes of Operation SP-03V2 User Manual Page 41  If a zone of type Delay is violated while the system is armed (except Instant Arming), the system does not enter Alarm Mode during the Entry Delay period setting. If the delay period finishes and the system still has not been disarmed, the system enters Alarm Mode. During Entry Delay, the system signals the panel to sound warning beeps at two rates: slower rate and faster rate during the last 10 seconds of the delay period. The Entry Delay period is configurable from 1 second up until 99 seconds. The default Delay period is 30 seconds.  7.5.2. 3.6.2. Exit Delay Exit delay allows the user time to reach the door from the panel when arming the system upon exit. When arming a panel, the system ignores zone violations during the Exit Delay period. Once the delay period is finished the system enters armed mode. The system may be disarmed during the Exit Delay period. During Exit Delay, the system signals the panel to sound warning beeps at two rates: slower rate and faster rate during the last 10 seconds of the delay period. The Exit Delay period is configurable from 1 second up until 99 seconds. The default Exit Delay period is 30 seconds.
Emergency and Panic Functionality SP-03V2 User Manual Page 42  8. Emergency and Panic Functionality 8.1 Siren There are two siren type, the Internal siren which is from the panel, and the Emergency siren which is set up and configured by the installer. • Internal Siren – This is used in an emergency situation where the user needs to urgently contact the Control Center and is activated by pushing the Emergency button on the panel. • External Siren – The External siren is activated upon alarm, emergency or violating a 24-hour zone, siren timeout is set by the installer and turns off upon the disarm command being entered. The siren also features momentarily pulses (Squawk) for the following events that can be enable according to the requirements to: o Arm Away (single pulse) o Arm Home (single pulse) o Disarm (dual pulse) o Emergency alarm o Trouble alert  8.2 Performing an Emergency Call The SP-03v2 system enables the definition of an emergency number (during installation) that is called when the user triggers the emergency function. To activate the emergency function: 1.  Press   for 2 or more seconds. The system executes an emergency response according to the panel’s emergency definitions, as set up during installation. Typical responses include: • Activating the sounder at any of the function options • Reports an Emergency Event to the central station • Reports to private telephone
Emergency and Panic Functionality SP-03V2 User Manual Page 43  The system responds to the panic event regardless of the systems arming condition. Once a Panic alarm has been entered, the system can be reset by disarming. To reset the system by disarming: 1.  Press  . A prompt to enter the code is heard. 2.  Enter the code. The code being entered is indicated by “*”.  8.3 Entering the Duress Code The SP-03v2 system provides a duress code function that is used to disarm the system when it is under threat. The specific and unique code is defined during installation and given to the user to memorize. Once entered, the system immediately reports a duress situation (Contact ID)—without entering the alarm mode or activating the sounder and outputs. The silent alarm generated acts as an ‘Ambush’ to report that the user is being forced to disarm the system. When the system receives a Duress alarm from the panel, the system sends a DURESS alarm report to the central station and to private phone numbers as defined, however no alarm is sounded.  8.4 Enabling Forced Hang up In an emergency a telephone call can be forcibly terminated to allow for emergency options to be made available.  By default this feature is disabled. To enable forced Hang Up: 1.  Press  . The Master Menu option is displayed.  2.  Press  . The code prompt is displayed.
Emergency and Panic Functionality SP-03V2 User Manual Page 44  3.  Using the numeric keypad enter a valid user or master code. While entering the code each number entered is indicated by an "*". If the incorrect code is entered, the system announces "Illegal Code" and displays "Wrong Code, Please Try Again". If there is no activity for 10 seconds, the system returns to normal operating mode. 4.  Press   until the FORCED HANGUP screen is displayed.   5.  Press  . The screen to enable/disable forced hang up is displayed.  6.  Press   and   to toggle between the two options.  7.  Press   to set the forced Hang Up feature. If DISABLED is selected the standard FORCED HANGUP screen is displayed. If ENABLED is selected the DURATION screen is displayed.  8.  Using the numeric keypad set the time to force the phone to remain out of use for standard telephone calls. Up to 20 minutes can be set.  9.  Press   to set time. The FORCED HANGUP screen is displayed.  10. Press . The standard screen is displayed and the system returns to normal operating mode.
Limited Warranty SP-03V2 User Manual Page 45  Appendix A. Limited Warranty  ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LIMITED S (Rosslare) TWO YEARS LIMITED WARRANTY is applicable worldwide. This warranty supersedes any other warranty. Rosslare's TWO YEARS LIMITED WARRANTY is subject to the following conditions:   Warranty Warranty of Rosslare's products extends to the original purchaser (Customer) of the Rosslare product and is not transferable.   Products Covered By This Warranty and Duration  ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND / OR SUBSIDIARIES (ROSSLARE) warrants that the SP-03V2 Advanced Wireless Phone system panel, to be free from defects in materials and assembly in the course of normal use and service. The warranty period commences with the date of shipment to the original purchaser and extends for a period of 2 years (24 Months).  Warranty Remedy Coverage  In the event of a breach of warranty, ROSSLARE will credit Customer with the price of the Product paid by Customer, provided that the warranty claim is delivered to ROSSLARE by the Customer during the warranty period in accordance with the terms of this warranty. Unless otherwise requested by ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND / OR SUBSIDIARIES representative, return of the failed product(s) is not immediately required.  If ROSSLARE has not contacted the Customer within a sixty (60) day holding period following the delivery of the warranty claim, Customer will not be required to return the failed product(s). All returned Product(s), as may be requested at ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND /OR SUBSIDIARY’S sole discretion, shall become the property of ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND /OR SUBSIDIARIES. To exercise the warranty, the user must contact Rosslare Enterprises Ltd. to obtain an RMA number after which, the product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured In the event ROSSLARE selects to perform a product evaluation within the sixty (60) day holding period and no defect is found, a minimum US$ 50.00 or equivalent charge will be applied to each Product for labor required in the evaluation. Rosslare will repair or replace, at its discretion, any product that under normal conditions of use and service proves to be defective in material or workmanship. No charge will be applied for labor or parts with respect to defects covered by this warranty, provided that the work is done by Rosslare or a Rosslare authorized service center.
Limited Warranty SP-03V2 User Manual Page 46  Exclusions and Limitations  ROSSLARE shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss resulting from the operation or performance of any Product or any systems in which a Product is incorporated. This warranty shall not extend to any ancillary equipment not furnished by ROSSLARE, which is attached to or used in conjunction with a Product, or to any Product that is used with any ancillary equipment, which is not furnished by ROSSLARE. This warranty does not cover expenses incurred in the transportation, freight cost to the repair center, removal or reinstallation of the product, whether or not proven defective.  Specifically excluded from this warranty are any failures resulting from Customer's improper testing, operation, installation, or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner, or any maintenance, modification, alteration, or adjustment or any type of abuse, neglect, accident, misuse, improper operation, normal wear, defects or damage due to lightning or other electrical discharge. This warranty does not cover repair or replacement where normal use has exhausted the life of a part or instrument, or any modification or abuse of, or tampering with, the Product if Product disassembled or repaired in such a manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent adequate inspection and testing to verify any warranty claim. ROSSLARE does not warrant the installation, maintenance, or service of the Product. Service life of the product is dependent upon the care it receives and the conditions under which it has to operate.  In no event shall Rosslare be liable for incidental or consequential damages.   Limited Warranty Terms  THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH THE FULL EXTENT OF ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND IT’S SUBSIDIARIES’ WARRANTY THE TERMS OF THIS WARRANTY MAY NOT BE VARIED BY ANY PERSON, WHETHER OR NOT PURPORTING TO REPRESENT OR ACT ON BEHALF OF ROSSLARE.  THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ROSSLARE BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, OR FOR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, COMMERCIAL LOSS, INCONVENIENCE, AND LOSS OF PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE INSTALLATION, USE, OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. THIS WARRANTY SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID IN THE EVENT OF A VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
Technical Support SP-03V2 User Manual Page 47  Appendix B. Technical Support Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa Rosslare Security Products Headquarters 905-912 Wing Fat Industrial Bldg,  12 Wang Tai Road,  Kowloon Bay Hong Kong  Tel:    +852 2795-5630  Fax:   +852 2795-1508  E-mail:  United States and Canada  1600 Hart Court, Suite 103 Southlake, TX, USA 76092 Toll Free: +1-866-632-1101 Local: +1-817-305-0006 Fax:   +1-817-305-0069 E-mail:  Europe Global Technical Support & Training Center  HaMelecha 22 Rosh HaAyin, Israel 48091  Tel:    +972 3 938-6838  Fax:   +972 3 938-6830  E-mail:  South America Presbitero Actis 555, Oficina 31.  San Isidro. Buenos Aires.  Argentina Tel:    +5411-5273-6383  Tel:     +305-921-9919 E-mail:    Web Site:

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