S and C Electric SPEEDNET FHSS Radio User Manual 1072 510 4 9 08

S&C; Electric Company FHSS Radio 1072 510 4 9 08

User Manual

 S&C SpeedNet® Radio Installation Instructions TABLE OF CONTENTS Section  Page INTRODUCTION  Qualified Persons............................................................. .2  Read this Instruction Sheet.............................................. .2   Retain this Instruction Sheet............................................ .2   Latest Document Release. ............................................... .2  Warranty........................................................................... 2 SAFETY INFORMATION  Understanding Safety-Alert Messages............................. .3  Following Safety Instructions.......................................... .3  Replacement Instructions and Labels. ............................. .3   Section Page INSTALLATION  Overview. .........................................................................4 Pre-Installation Checklist................................................. .4 IP Setup.............................................................................4 Network Example.............................................................8 Routing Options..............................................................10 Regulatory Information...................................................12 Antenna Requirements................................................... .13 Antenna Cable Requirements..........................................13 Interface Pinouts ............................................................ .14 Cable Installation........................................................... .15 Installation Types............................................................15  Excellence Through Innovation S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY Instruction Sheet    1072-510April 9, 2008    ©2008        New Publication
 INTRODUCTION Qualified Persons Read this Instruction Sheet Retain this Instruction Sheet Latest Document Release Warranty   WARNING The equipment covered by this publication must be installed, operated, and maintained byqualified persons who are knowledgeable in the installation, operation, and maintenance of localarea networking and routing functions along with the associated hazards. A qualified person isone who is trained and competent in: •  Radio technicians must be qualified to install transmission power limited radio equipment,per FCC Part 15. •  The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from non-live parts ofelectrical equipment. •  The skills and techniques necessary to determine the proper approach distancescorresponding to the voltages to which the qualified person will be exposed. •  The proper use of the special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment,insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools for working on or near exposedenergized parts of electrical equipment. These instructions are intended only for such qualified persons. They are not intended to be asubstitute for adequate training and experience in safety procedures for this type of equipment. Thoroughly and carefully read this instruction sheet before programming, operating, ormaintaining your S&C SpeedNet Radios. Familiarize yourself with the safety information on page 3. This instruction sheet is a permanent part of your S&C SpeedNet Radio. Designate a location where you can easily retrieve and refer to this publication. This documentation is also available atthe S&C website: www.sandc.com.The latest release of this instruction sheet is available online at www.sandc.com. Select: Support/Product Support Documents. Documents are posted in PDF format. The standard warranty contained in S&C's standard conditions of sale, as set forth in Price Sheet150, applies to the S&C SpeedNet Radio, except that the first paragraph of said warranty isreplaced by the following: (1) General: Seller warrants to immediate purchaser or end user for a period of 10 years from thedate of shipment that the equipment delivered will be of the kind and quality specified in thecontract description and will be free of defects of workmanship and material. Should any failure toconform to this warranty appear under proper and normal use within ten years after the date ofshipment the seller agrees, upon prompt notification thereof and confirmation that the equipmenthas been stored, installed, operated, inspected, and maintained in accordance withrecommendations of the seller and standard industry practice, to correct the nonconformity eitherby repairing any damaged or defective parts of the equipment or (at seller's option) by shipment ofnecessary replacement parts. The seller's warranty does not apply to any equipment that has beendisassembled, repaired, or altered by anyone other than the seller. This limited warranty is grantedonly to the immediate purchaser or, if the equipment is purchased by a third party for installationin third-party equipment, the end user of the equipment. The seller's duty to perform under anywarranty may be delayed, at the seller's sole option, until the seller has been paid in full for allgoods purchased by the immediate purchaser. No such delay shall extend the warranty period. Replacement parts provided by seller or repairs performed by seller under the warranty forthe original equipment will be covered by the above special warranty provision for its duration.Replacement parts purchased separately will be covered by the above special warranty provision.1072-510  2
 SAFETY INFORMATION Warranty of the SpeedNet Radio is contingent upon the installation, configuration, and use ofthe SpeedNet Radio and software in accordance with S&C's applicable instruction sheets. Thiswarranty does not apply to major components not of S&C manufacture, such as batteries, and other communication devices. However, S&C will assign to immediate purchaser or end user all manufacturer's Warranties that apply to such major components. Understanding Safety-Alert Messages There are several types of safety-alert messages which may appear throughout this instruction sheet as well as on labels attached to the SpeedNet Radio. Familiarizeyourself with these types of messages and the importance of the various signal words, asexplained below.DANGER"DANGER" identifies the most serious and immediate hazards which will likely result in serious personal injury or death if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not followed. WARNING"WARNING" identifies hazards or unsafe practices which can  result in serious personal injury or death if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not followed.CAUTION"CAUTION" identifies hazards or unsafe practices which can result in minor personal injuryor product or property damage if instructions, including recommended precautions, are notfollowed. "NOTICE" identifies important procedures or requirements that can  result in product orproperty damage if instructions are not followed.Following Safety Instructions  If you do not understand any portion of this instruction sheet and need assistance, contact yournearest S&C Sales Office or S&C Authorized Distributor. Their telephone numbers are listed on S&C's website www.sandc.com. Or call S&C Headquarters at (773) 338-1000; in Canada, call S&C Electric Canada Ltd. at (416) 249-9171.  DANGERRead this instruction sheet thoroughly and carefully beforeinstalling or operating your S&C SpeedNet Radio. Replacement Instructions and Labels If you need additional copies of this instruction sheet, contact your nearest S&C Sales Office, S&C Authorized Distributor, S&C Headquarters, or S&C Electric Canada Ltd. It is important that any missing, damaged, or faded labels on the equipment be replacedimmediately. Replacement labels are available by contacting your nearest S&C Sales Office, S&C Authorized Distributor, S&C Headquarters, or S&C Electric Canada Ltd. 3 1072-510NOTICE
 INSTALLATION Overview  These instructions describe steps you should complete in the shop prior to field installation, and field installation steps that are specific to the SpeedNet Radio. Pre-Installation Checklist  Before you install the SpeedNet Radio, carry out the following steps. This is best done in the shopbefore you leave for the installation site. 1. Choose a location.   The SpeedNet Radio should be securely mounted. For remote antenna installations, S & C recommends lightning protection. 2. Plan your network. SpeedNet Radio can be used in a wide variety of network configurations. Planning yournetwork in advance is recommended. You can develop a logical IP addressing scheme foryour particular application. Depending on your type of network, several factors may influence your planning: •  Point-to-point vs. mesh vs. Point-to-Multi Point  •  Standalone Network Connection Once the network topology is determined, the SpeedNet Radios can be configured appropriately.IP Setup  AODV SpeedNet Radios use a proprietary AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) routing system,that works dynamically to maintain message routing. New routes are established with a routerequest/route reply query cycle. When a source node needs to contact a destination that is notstored in its route lookup table, it broadcasts a route request (RREQ) packet across the network.Nodes receiving this packet update their information for the source node and create reversepointers to the source node in their route tables. If a receiving node is either the destination node orhas stored a route to the destination with a corresponding sequence number greater than or equal tothat contained in the RREQ, it will send a route reply (RREP) to the source node. Otherwise, itrebroadcasts the RREQ. Nodes keep track of the RREQ’s source IP address and broadcast ID. Ifthey receive a RREQ that has already been processed, they discard the RREQ and do not forwardthe packet. As the RREP propagates back to the source, nodes create forward pointers to thedestination. Upon receiving the RREP, the source node will begin forwarding data to thedestination. If the source node later receives a RREP containing a greater sequence number or thesame sequence number with a smaller hop count, it may update its routing information for thatdestination and use the better route. A route is maintained as long as it remains active, and is considered active when dataperiodically travels that route. When the source stops sending data packets, the route will time out,and eventually be deleted from the destination and intermediate node routing tables. If a linkbreakage occurs while the route is active, the node upstream of the break propagates a route error(RERR) message to the source node, informing it of the now unreachable destination(s). Afterreceiving an RERR, the source node can reinitiate route discovery, if the route is still required. Thereceived signal strength (RSSI) and number of hops required by the path are also recorded in thelookup table, and these are considered when a node selects a route from its lookup table.1072-510 4 CAUTION
 INSTALLATION The AODV protocol generates fewer transmissions, and conserves network capacity. Each route request has a sequence number tracked by the nodes, so that they will not repeat a previousroute request. Route requests also have a time-to-live indicator, that restricts the number of times they will be transmitted. AODV also creates no route discovery transmissions when a message istraveling an existing route. Distance vector routing is simple, and doesn't require much memory orcalculation. Because standard AODV requires extra time to establish a connection, the SpeedNetalgorithm remembers its critical routes, such as the peer-to-peer IED routes within the power-grid distribution infrastructure. IP Basics An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the unique identifier for a node (host connection) on an IPnetwork. The IP address is a 32 bit binary number, usually shown as 4 decimal values separated bydecimal points. Each value represents 8 bits in the range 0 to 255 (known as octets), and this iscalled "dotted decimal" notation. For example: can be viewed in binary form: 172              .26                .220            .200 10 1 0 11 00.000 11 0 1 0.11 0 11100.11 00 1 000   Every IP address consists of two parts that identify the network and the node. The addressclass and subnet mask determine which part belongs to the network address and which partbelongs to the node address. There are five address classes. You determine the IP address class by examining the first 4 bits of the IP address. •  Class A addresses begin with Oxxx, or 1 to 126 decimal. •  Class B addresses begin with IOxx, or 128 to 191 decimal.  •  Class C addresses begin with 110x, or 192 to 223 decimal.  •  Class D addresses begin with 1110, or 224 to 239 decimal.  •  Class E addresses begin with 1111, or 240 to 254 decimal. Addresses beginning with 01111111, or 127 decimal, are reserved for loop back and internaltesting on a local machine. You can test this by pinging, which points to your localmachine. Class D addresses are reserved for multicasting, and Class E addresses are reserved forfuture use, and should not be used for a host address. This is how the class determines, by default, which part of the IP address belongs to the network (N) and which part belongs to the node (n). •  Class A - NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn •  Class B - NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn •  Class C - NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn In the example, is a Class B address so by default the Network part of the address (known as the Network Address) is defined by the first two octets (172.26. x.x) and the node part is defined by the last 2 octets (x.x.220.200). To specify the network address in an IP address, the node section is entered as zeros. In our example, specifies the network address for When the node section is set to all "1"s, it specifies a broadcast that is sent to all nodes on the network, and is indicated:, which is the broadcast address for our example. Note that this is true for all classes, regardless of the length of the node section. 51072-510
 INSTALLATION Private Subnets There are three IP network addresses reserved for private networks. The addresses are, Subnet Mask,, Subnet Mask, and, Subnet Mask These addresses are also notated,, and;. They can be used by anyone setting up internal IP networks, such as a lab or home LAN behind a NAT or proxy server or a router. It is always safe to use these because routers on the Internet by default will never forward packets coming from these addresses. Subnetting an IP Network can be done for a variety of reasons, including organization, use of different physical media (such as Ethernet, FDDI, WAN, etc.), preservation of address space, and security. The most common reason is to control network traffic. In an Ethernet network, all nodes on a segment see all the packets transmitted by all the other nodes on that segment. Performance can be adversely affected under heavy traffic loads, due to collisions and the resulting retransmissions. A router is used to connect IP networks to minimize the amount of traffic each segment must receive. Subnet Masking Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows you to identify the network and node parts ofthe address. The network bits are represented by the “1”s in the mask, and the node bits arerepresented by the “0”s. Performing a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask results in the Network Address or Number. For example, using our test IP address and the default Class B subnet mask, we get: 10001100.00011010.11110000.11001000 Class B IP Address 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Default Class B Subnet Mask 10001100.00011010.00000000.00000000 Network Address Default subnet masks: •  Class A - -11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 •  Class B - -11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 •  Class C - - 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 MAC Address In networking, the Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique identifier programmed into each network device. This number acts like a name for a the device, and all SpeedNet Radios have unique MAC addresses. Some devices have user configurable MAC addresses, but the SpeedNet Radio MAC address is configured at the factory and cannot be changed. Most protocols use MAC addresses that are globally unique, but not all protocols use MAC addresses, or require that they be unique. Unlike IP addresses, MAC addresses do not have node and Network sections, and a receiving node cannot determine any network information from the MAC address. The length of a MAC address is 6 bytes and an IP address is 4 bytes long, therefore the MAC address cannot be represented using an IP address. So an IP address must be mapped to its corresponding MAC address. Address Restoration Protocol (ARP) is used to locate a specific MAC address. ARP broadcasts an ARP request packet, which contains the source MAC address, the source IP address, and the destination IP address. Each node in the local network receives this packet. A node that has the specified destination IP address, returns an ARP reply packet with its IP address to the originating host. Eventually the path will extend to the destination IP address, and that device will return the ARP packet that includes its MAC address. 1072-510  6
            INSTALLATION On broadcast networks, such as Ethernet, the MAC address allows each node to be uniquely identified and allows frames to be marked for specific nodes. It thus forms the basis of most ofthe layer 2 networking upon which higher OSI Layer protocols are built, to produce complexfunctioning networks. 71072.510OSI Model       Data Unit  Layer  Function Data Application  Network process to application. IntelliRupter/IntelliTEAM   Presentation  Data representation and encryption  Session Interhost communication Host lED (Intelligent Electronic Device) Layers Segments Transport  End-to-end connections and reliability (UDP/TCP) Packets Network Path determination and logical addressing (IP) Frames  Data Link  Physical addressing (MAC & LLC) Media SpeedNet Layers Bits  Physical  Media. Wireless, Fiber Optics and Wire
      INSTALLATION Network Example  Use of private IP addresses is strongly recommended when configuring a SpeedNet Radionetwork. The following example of a SpeedNet Radio network uses several private IP subnetsfrom the block of private addresses. The SpeedNet Radio network, depicted in Figure 1, contains three Ethernet segments. Thefirst segment uses the Class C subnet, encompassing a range of addresses from192.168.200.1 to The second segment uses the Class C subnet,encompassing a range of addresses from to The third segmentuses the Class C subnet, encompassing a range of addresses from to192.168.202.254. All three segments share the Class C subnet for their wirelessinterfaces. It is over this common subnet that traffic is routed between Ethernet segments. Figure 1. Multi-Network SpeedNet Radio Example, with Automatic Switch Controls (lED). Once the individual data networks are established, it is recommended that you plan an IP addressing scheme. In Figure 1 each SpeedNet Radio host ID is 1, while the IED's host ID is 2. Following a numbering scheme such as this will make it easier to keep track of which IP addresses are used for each device. The SCADA network in this example uses the subnet. This subnet is different than the subnets used for the Ethernet segments. The wireless interface of the SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 1 is assigned an address of The wireless interface of the SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 2 is assigned an address of The wireless interface of the SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 3 is assigned an address of You may find it helpful to draw a diagram as a planning aid when designing your SCADA network. Such a diagram will not only help in planning the networks, it will be a reference guide. 1072.510  8
        INSTALLATION 91072-5101072-510 Figure 2. Example of a Network Using SpeedNet AODV.
                           Routing Options  As a router, SpeedNet Radios provide a wireless connection between two or more separate Ethernet subnets. Data is then routed between the Ethernet subnets. Route information can beentered manually, or can be processed automatically by AODV, the SpeedNet Radio algorithm. The type of network you are designing will help determine the best routing mode to use. Ifthe network consists of stationary SpeedNet Radios that are communicating either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, choose "Off”' for Ad Hoc Routing mode. This allows you to insert staticroutes for each SpeedNet Radio and its connected network. If routes are not required to changedynamically, "Off” is likely the best Ad Hoc Routing mode to choose. See Figure 3. If the network consists of meshed SpeedNet Radios, choose "AODV," the Ad Hoc Routing mode. This mode allows the SpeedNet Radios to automatically find their neighbors and update theroute tables to reflect this. AODV allows SpeedNet Radios to quickly and dynamically update the route tables as the network topology changes. For environments where routes are required tochange dynamically, AODV is typically the best Ad Hoc Routing mode to choose. Using Static Routes Figure 3 is an example of a point-to-point SpeedNet Radio network. In this example, Subnet 1 has been assigned the Class C subnet, while Subnet 2 has been assigned the C subnet. For the wireless network the Class C subnet has been assigned. In order to route traffic between subnets, several things must happen. First, it isrecommended that all hosts on a given subnet use the attached SpeedNet Radio as their defaultgateway. As an alternative, manual routes can be entered in each host's routing table. Hosts fromSubnet 1 will list as their default gateway. It is also necessary to add static routes ineach SpeedNet Radio. The SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 1 must have a static route to Subnet 2,using the SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 2 as the gateway. The route should be set up like this:                      NetworkNetmaskGateway 10 1072-510INSTALLATION Figure 3. Wireless Network Using SpeedNet Radios with Static Routes.
 INSTALLATION It is recommended that all hosts from Subnet 2 use as their default gateway. As an alternative, manual routes can be entered in each host's routing table. The SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 2 must have a static route to Subnet 1, using the SpeedNet Radio from Subnet 1 as the gateway. This route should be set up like this: Network Netmask Gateway NOTE: It is important to understand that there are actually three subnets in this example:  Subnet 1, Subnet 2 and the radio network.1072-510  11
 INSTALLATION Regulatory Information  FCC Warning This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   Any changes or modifications to this device without the express written consent of S&C Electric Co, may void the user's authority to operate the device. This device must be professionally installed. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that proper antenna and cable combinations are used in order to remain within FCC Part 15 limits.The SpeedNet is specifically designed to close the longest possible links. This goal is accomplished in part by delivering the highest permissible RF output power to the antenna per theFCC Part 15 Rules. In August 1996, the FCC adopted RF exposure guidelines that establishedsafety levels for various categories of wireless transceivers. Those limits are consistent with safety standards previously published by the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Report 86, §17.4.1, §, §17.4.2, and §17.4.3 as well as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in §4.1 of "IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3kHz to 300GHz," ANSVIEEE C95.1-1992. The SpeedNet complies with these FCC exposure guidelines when the following precautionsare obeyed: •  Only install the exact antennas recommended in this User Manual. •  The cable run for the selected antenna must exceed the minimum length quoted in thisUser Manual. •  All persons must maintain a minimum separation of 12" (30.48cm) from any SpeedNetantenna.    You should disconnect the AC/DC input power source from the SpeedNet whenever repositioning the antenna. You are responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure that theseguidelines are communicated to all persons that may come near the SpeedNet antennas. Class A Digital Devices NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  12 1072-510
 INSTALLATION Antenna Cable Requirements     (Need the S&C part numbers) SpeedNet Radios must be installed by a professional, in order to comply with FCC Part 15radiated power limits. Only antennas supplied by S & C Electric company may be used with theSpeedNet Radios. The FCC mandates that Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) may not exceed +36 dBm.This is equivalent to a radio running at full output power (1 watt +30 dBm) with a +6 dBi antenna.The antenna cable must have sufficient loss to bring the EIRP below +36 dBm if a higher gainantenna is used. For example, using a +8 dBi antenna with a radio transmitting at full powerwould result in an EIRP of +38 dBm. In this situation, the antenna cable must provide at least 2dB loss in order to bring the EIRP into compliance. SpeedNet Radios have the ability to decrease transmit power. Any confirmed decrease in output power should be considered when calculating EIRP. The following table shows the amount of loss incurred with several common antenna cables. Table 1. Antenna Cable Loss.Type of Antenna Cable  Loss per 100' of Cable LMR-400 3.9 dB LMR-600 2.5 dB LMR-900 1.7 dB Table 2. Antenna Cable Loss Examples with LMR-400 Cable. Antenna Gain  Cable Type/length/loss  EIRP +8.2 dBi  60' LMR-400, 2.3 dB loss  +35.9 dBm +10.2 dBi  110' LMR-400, 4.3 dB loss  +35.9 dBm +12.1 dBi  135' LMR-400, 5.3 dB loss  +35.9 dBm NOTE: Table 2 assumes 1 watt output power from the SpeedNet Radio. 1072-510 13Antenna Requirements  SpeedNet Radios have been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having amaximum gain of 3 dBd (5.15 dBi) and 10 dBd (12.15 dBi) respectively. Antennas not includedin this list or having a gain greater than 3 dBd and 10 dBd are strictly prohibited for use with thisdevice. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.  Antenna List: Omni-directional fiberglass Antenna:  Antenex FG9023 or equivalent – 3 dBd (5.15 dBi) Uni-directional Yagi Antenna:  Kathrein TY-900 or equivalent – 10 dBd (12.15 dBi)  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permittedfor successful communication.
 INSTALLATION Interface Pinouts  The RS-232 Interface of the SpeedNet Radio is configured as Data Communications Equipment (DCE).  Pin Function Description 1 NC No Connection 2 TXD RS-233 Transmit 3 RXD RS-233 Receive 4 NC No Connection 5 GND Signal Ground 6 NC No Connection 7  CTS  Clear to Send 8  RTS  Request to Send 9 NC No Connection Figure 4. SpeedNet Radio RS-233 Interface Pinout. 14 1072-510If you are using different cables, always verify cable loss prior to installation. NOTE: Table 4 assumes 1 watt output power from the SpeedNet Radio. Antenna Gain  Cable Type/length/loss  EIRP +8.2 dBi  135' LMR-900, 2.3 dB loss  +35.9 dBm +10.2 dBi  250' LMR-900, 4.3 dB loss  +36.0 dBm +12.1 dBi  310' LMR-900, 5.3 dB loss  +35.9 dBm Table 4. Antenna Cable Loss Examples with LMR-900 Cable. NOTE: Table 3 assumes 1 watt output power from the SpeedNet Radio. Antenna Gain  Cable Type/length/loss  EIRP +8.2 dBi  90' LMR-600, 2.3 dB loss  +36.0 dBm +10.2 dBi  170' LMR-600, 4.3 dB loss  +36.0 dBm +12.1 dBi  210' LMR-600, 5.3 dB loss  +36.0 dBm Table 3. Antenna/Cable Loss Examples with LMR-600 Cable.
 Figure 5. SpeedNet Radio Ethernet interface Pinout (RJ-45).     Pin Function Description 1  TXD+ Transmit 2 TXD- Transmit 3 RXD+ Receive 4 NC No Connection 5 NC No Connection 6 RXD- Receive 7 NC No Connection 8 NC No Connection Need Types of installation inserted here:  IR Internal Repeater - pole - streetlight - gateway  Need photos and diagrams. INSTALLATION Installation Types  Connection Cables •  Connect antenna to SpeedNet Radio. •  Connect Ethernet cable to SpeedNet Radio and PC used for configuration.  •  Connect power supply to the SpeedNet Radio. Cable Installation 1072-510  15

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