
Quick Start Guide 1

Digital Wireless Microphone SystemsQuick Start GuideSeng Up Pre-Engineered SACOM Systems for Opmal PerformanceOpen the Cartons:  Conrm everything on the packing slip is enclosed. Set up the Docking Staon:1.    SACOM transmiers are shipped with rechargeable baeries. Plug in the charging dock, put the baeries in the transmiers, then place the transmiers in the dock while you set up the rest of the system. Mount the Receivers in the Rack2.   and connect them to power.  Conrm the displays light up.                                                                           Pre-engineered Antenna Design: 3.  If you provided SACOM with a oor plan, you will nd a marked up version in the box (or, in your Email in-box) showing the antenna design along with the antennas and pre-made cables.  Place the antennas according to the drawings. Your Own Design: A.   If you did not request an antenna design, place the antennas according to the enclosed Antenna Applicaons Guide or download it from > Downloads.  Improper antenna placement is the main cause of poor RF performance. Dipole Antennas: B.   Dipole antennas mounted to the rack equipment can easily be locked away in a closet/rack cabinet. This results in poor RF performance because there is no line of sight between the transmier and receiver antenna. Therefore, remote antennas are preferred.  See the Antenna Applicaon Guide for details.           Connect the Antennas:4.    The receiver that connects to the antennas should be set as the Antenna Master receiver.  Master is the factory default.  If your system daisy-chains antennas together, the downstream receivers should be set as Slaves. Terminators are used on the last system in the daisy-chain. Use SACOM Remote’s Antenna Setup Wizard, which opens automacally the rst me you connect.  You can also nd the wizard under the SETTINGS tab of the main page. If connecng Sacom acve remote antennas, make sure the red LED lights up. If not, check the receiver’s antenna phantom power seng using the Sacom Remote Control Soware.             Connect the analog outputs to the mixer:5.    The system is shipped with either XLR or Euro block connectors.  The default output level is set to +4 dBu. Note that factory default for the front panel headphone jack is set for mixed line-level out. Use SACOM Remote>Sengs>Headphone, to reset for headphones. CAUTION! Turn o phantom power from the mixer.  Phantom power distorts the audio quality of your  microphones.           System Test:6.    In most cases, the system is now ready to use.  Conrm all channels pass audio perfectly.MasterSlave TerminatorsSABINE INC. l 13301 NW US Highway 441 l Alachua, Florida 32615-8544 USA l Phone: +USA (386) 418-2000 l Fax: +USA (386) 418-2001 l www.SacomUSA.comModicaons (FCC 15.21)Changes or modicaons to this equipment not expressly approved by Sabine, INC may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operaon is subject to the following two condions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operaon of the device.   On site, remote commissioning of SACOM Systems is available at no addional cost.   For support please call USA (+1) (386) 418-2000 between the hours of 9 - 5 EST., Monday thru Friday.   Note: SACOM oers free pre-engineering so that the systems arrive at your job site ready to plug and play. Applies to DS80-T:Under Industry Canada regulaons, this radio transmier may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmier by Industry Canada. To reduce potenal radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communicaon.This radio transmier (DS80-T) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.Monopole antenna, 0dbi gain, 50 ohm impedance.Le présent émeeur radio (DS80-T) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonconner avec les types d’antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l’impédance requise pour chaque type d’antenne. Les types d’antenne non inclus dans cee liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l’exploitaon de l’émeeur.
For Full ControlSelect the new parameter values and click OK to save changes to the receiver.Editing Transmitter Parameters:  The easiest and most intuitive way to set the parameters of SACOM™ transmitters and receivers is with SACOM™ Remote software. Load SACOM™ Remote (from disk or download from onto a computer running Windows XP or Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit) and connect to the receiver via USB or RS232. Then open SACOM™ Remote and select ONLINE.Open The Channel Edit Window: 1) The [Click to Edit] function opens the edit window of the channel you wish to edit. 2) Select the functions you want to edit and enter the parameter. (The various functions are described below.) Click [OK] to save the changes and close the Channel Edit window. 3) You will notice that the [Needs to Sync] alert is lit. This indicates that one or more parameters are in queue in the receiver ready to be downloaded and implemented with the next transmitter Sync of the channel.1)2)Digital Wireless Microphone SystemsUsing the SACOM remote soware:Click to Edit the channel’s parameters3)The “Need To Sync” alert is lit. Sync the transmitter to apply the selected parameters.SACOM Remote provides the following funcons:File:1.   Save a PDF image of the screen.Sengs:2. Phantom Power:A.   Turn antenna phantom power on or o. Default = ON.Redundancy: B.  Set adjacent pairs of receivers to redundancy mode. Default = OFF.Headphone Mode:C.    Toggles the mixed output jack from headphone mode to a balanced line output. Default = Balanced line output.Ethernet Sengs: 3.  If using Ethernet, assign the proper IP address to the Sacom Receiver. RF Scan - RF Plot: 4.   Shows the RF strength of each antenna in a SACOM system and shows if there is outside interference.Presets: 5.   Save or load preset system parameters conguraons. Default = As Ordered.GPIO:6.    Assign contact closure funcons and setup for RS232 control. Default = RS232 - Output mutes.Security: 7.   Password to prevent unauthorized changes:  (Under construcon). Default = none.Alerts: 8.   Send alerts to authorized personal when prevenve maintenance is required of if there is a fault. Default = none.Update System: 9.   Checks to see if the system has the most current rmware and provides a wizard for updang the rmware.Help:10.    Tutorials:A.   Seng parameters, Antenna Applicaon Guide, etc.About:  B.  Shows vital stascs for each component of the system SABINE INC. l 13301 NW US Highway 441 l Alachua, Florida 32615-8544 USA l Phone: +USA (386) 418-2000 l Fax: +USA (386) 418-2001 l Transmier + Last 4 digits of serial Number Default Transmier Preamp GainBLT XXXX 10 dBHH XXXX H18 = 0dB  /  H10 = 10dBPDM XXXX 10dBBDM XXXX 20dBDefault Transmier Preamp Gain Sengs:BLT = BeltpackHH = Handheld MicPDM = Podium MicBDM = Boundary MicKey:
1) Locate the IR (infrared) Sensor on the transmier3) Hold transmier about 6 inches from the corresponding receiver module with the IR sensor aimed at the receiver module.4) Simultaneously press  the  two buons on  the  boom  of  the  corresponding receiver module  to start sending  the  IR  signal. “SYNCING” shows on  the  receiver OLED  when  the IR signal starts. “SYNC OK” shows  when  the sync is successful. Repeat the procedure if the receiver display shows “SYNC FAILED”. It is not necessary to press any buons on the transmier during the procedure. Note: You may get a “Sync Failed” message if the receiver antennas are not in the same room as the receiver. In this case verify that either the transmier display shows “Sync Good” OR the green LED on the transmier ashes. Also make sure to dock each transmier aer syncing to avoid 2 transmiers being synced to the same receiver frequency. IRIR USBON / OFFIRIRIRON/OFFIR USBHow to sync transmiers with the receiver:The OLED shows the baery status1.  The Gooseneck or            Boundary Mic is in use:2.   The Gooseneck Baery Cassee and           Boundary Mic are in the docking staon:3.   When the Hand-held Mic and the          Belt-pack are in the Docking Staon:NOTE: The transmier and receiver are assigned a new, random AES 256-bit encrypon key every me they are synced.SABINE INC. l 13301 NW US Highway 441 l Alachua, Florida 32615-8544 USA l Phone: +USA (386) 418-2000 l Fax: +USA (386) 418-2001 l www.SacomUSA.comDigital Wireless Microphone SystemsHow to read the LED:RED = AUDIO MUTEGREEN = AUDIO PASSESBLINKING RED = BATTERY IS LOWBLINKING GREEN = SYNC SUCCESSFULRED = CHARGINGOFF/OR GREEN = FINISHED CHARGINGBLINKING RED = CHARGING ERROR (RE-SEAT THE TRANSMITTER AND CHECK THE BATTERIES)2) Power on the transmier.NOTE: All transmiers placed in the charging dock will “RF MUTE”.
Digital Wireless Microphone SystemsReceiver:Made In USAPOWERDS8800DIGITAL SPECTRUM SERIESPHONESUSBTM124 5 63Antenna Front Mounng Hole:  Use back-to-front TNC cables included.1. Receiver Module.  See details below2. Mixed audio volume control.3. USB Port.  Connect to computer for SACOM4.  ™ Remote control.  Run soware to monitor/edit system parameters, scan for RF interference and download rmware upgrades. Mixed audio output, 1/4” (5.  See headphone mode - Pg. 2) phone jack for monitoring individual channels or mixed channels.Power Switch.6. SACOM™ receiver main-frames hold either four or eight, independent, 24-bit digital audio receiver modules. There is a front-panel mixed audio output for headphones or direct recording. Each module shares the main-frame’s two antennas for full-diversity. Up to eight receiver main-frames can be daisy-chained together into an antenna network that shares two antennas. This eliminates the need for external antenna distribuon amps. Main-frames can be connected to form an Ethernet network that monitor and control the system via a computer.  Main-frames also have USB and RS233 connecons for serial monitor and control. AES/EBU digital audio output and word clock sync is oponal.1.   Select Next Funcon:  Move the cursor to the next menu funcon on the display(Under construcon)2.   IR Sync LED:  Sends IR informaon to SYNC the receiver and transmier (SYNC pg3)3.   Select Previous Funcon:  Move the cursor to the previous menu funcon(Under construcon)4.   So Key Le:  Select the choice displayed in the boom le of the display4 & 6 pressed at the same me: Sends SYNC signal from receiver to transmier (SYNC pg3)5.   Status LED:  Green --> The channel is ON and un-muted  •   Red --> The channel is OFF•  Flashing Red --> Encrypon key mismatch, Re-sync receiver with transmier•  Amber --> The receiver is muted or GPIO is triggered• Modules are designed for quick and easy eld replacement for added redundancy.1234 5 6STATUSSELECTFUNCTION(SYNC)IRRECEIVER MODULE:FRONT PANNEL:SABINE INC. l 13301 NW US Highway 441 l Alachua, Florida 32615-8544 USA l Phone: +USA (386) 418-2000 l Fax: +USA (386) 418-2001 l www.SacomUSA.com6.   So Key Right:  Select the choice displayed in the boom right of the displayBATTERY AUDIOSLOT  3CH  1 ON AES256RF BARSAUDIO LEVELBATTERY LEVELCHANNEL NAMEENCRYPTIONSTATUS:ON = GreenOFF = RedMUTE = AmberKEY = Flashing Red (“KEY” = mismatched encrypon key)MODULE:FREQUENCY12ANTENNA DIVERISITY(Colored text indicates status)

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