SAMSUNG DLP Television Manual L0902265
User Manual: SAMSUNG SAMSUNG DLP Television Manual SAMSUNG DLP Television Owner's Manual, SAMSUNG DLP Television installation guides
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Chassis • L65A(N)=Excalilbur Basic Model • HLRS078WX/XAA Model • HLR6768WX/XAA (HL-R6768W) Manual HD Built in TV m NTSC/ATSC/QAM Tuner Embedded m AV network system (Anynet, D-Net) m TV Guide On Screen TMsystem (Gemstar EPG) m Digital Audio output (OPTICAL) jack m Cable CARDTMslot m Firmware upgrade by USB Port Tableof Contents Chapter 1 Precaution 1-1SafetyPrecautions........................................................... 1-1 m 1-2ServicingPrecautions ........................................................ 1-3 m 1-3StaticElectricityPrecautions ................................................... 1-4 m 1-4 InstallationPrecautions....................................................... 1-5 Chapter 2 Product Specification m 2-1 ProductFeatures ............................................................ 2-1 m 2-2 KeyFeatures ............................................................... 2-2 m 2-3 SpecificationsAnalysis........................................................ 2-4 m 2-4 Accessories ................................................................ 2-5 Chapter 3 Alignment & Adjustment m 3-I ServiceInstruction ........................................................... 3-1 m 3-2 Howto AccessServiceNode ................................................... 3-2 m 3-3 FactoryData ................................................................ 3-3 m 3-4 ServiceAdjustment .......................................................... 3-15 m 3-5 SoftwareUpgrade ........................................................... 3-18 m 3-6 Replacements& Calibration.................................................... 3-19 Chapter 4 Exploded View & Part List m 4-I HLR6768VVX/XAA ........................................................... 4-I m 4-2 L680EngineAss'y ........................................................... 4-2 Chapter 5 Electrical Part List m 5-1 HLR6768VVX/XAA ServiceItem ................................................. 5-1 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting m 6-I Checkpointsby Error Mode .................................................... 6-1 m 6-2 TroubleshootingProceduresby ErrorModes....................................... 6-7 m 6-3 TroubleshootingProceduresbyASS'Y ........................................... 6-8 Chapter 7 Block Diagram m 7-1 OverallBlockDiagram ........................................................ 7-1 m 7-2 PartialBlockDiagram......................................................... 7-2 Chapter 8 Wiring Diagram m 8-I OverallWiring ............................................................... 8-1 m 8-2 ConnectionbetweenAnalogand Digital Board ..................................... 8-2 Chapter 9 PCBDiagram m 9-1 PowerBoard ............................................................... 9-1 m 9-2 DigitalBoard................................................................ 9-3 m 9-3 AnalogBoard ............................................................... 9-6 m 9-4 DMDBoard................................................................ 9-9 Chapter 10 Schematic Diagram m 10-1Analog Board .............................................................. 10-I m 10-2DigitalBoard ............................................................... 10-10 m 10-3DMD ..................................................................... 10-28 m 10-4Power .................................................................... 10-39 m 10-5Detect .................................................................... 10-40 m 10-6PowerLED ................................................................ 10-41 m 10-7RMC ..................................................................... 10-42 Chapter 11 Operation instruction & installation m 11-1ProductFeaturesand Functions ............................................... 1I-1 m 1I-2 New Features.............................................................. 1I-5 Chapter 12 Disassembly & Reassembly m 12-1OverallDisassembly& Reassembiy ............................................ 12-1 Chapter 13 Circuit Description m 13-I OverallBlockDescription..................................................... 13-1 m 13-2PartialBlockDescription ..................................................... 13-2 m 13-3New CircuitDescription ...................................................... 13-7 Chapter 14 Reference information m 14-I Otherissuesrelatedto other products........................................... 14-I m 14-2TechnicalTerms ............................................................ 14-3 Precaution 1. Precaution Toavoidpossibledamagesor electricshocksor exposureto radiation,followthe instructionsbelowwith regardto safety, installation,serviceand ESD. 1-1 Safety Precautions Makesureall protectivedevicesare properlyinstalled includingnon-metallichandlesand compartmentcovers wheninstallingor re-installingthe chassisor chassis assemblies. , Warningfor EngineeringChanges: Nevermake any changesor additionsto the circuit designor the internalpartfor this product. Ex: Do notadd any audio or videoaccessory connectors.This mightcause physicaldamage. Furthermore,anychangesor additionsto theoriginal design/engineering will invalidatethe warranty. Makesurethat no gapsexist betweenthe cabinetsfor childrento inserttheirfingers in to preventchildrenfrom receivingelectricshocks. Warning- Hot Chassis: SomeTV chassisare directlyconnectedto one end of theAC powercordfor electricalreasons. Withoutinsulated transformers,the productcanonly be repairedsafelywhen thechassis is connectedto the earthedend of theAC powersource. , Errorsmay occurwhenthe resistanceis below1.0 M_or over 5.2 M_. Inthese cases, makesure that the deviceis repaired beforesendingit backto the customer. , Checkfor ElectricityLeakage(Figure 1-1) Warning:Donot use an insulated transformerfor checking the leakage.Use only thosecurrentleakagetesters or mirroringsystemsthat complywithANSIC 101.1and the UnderwriterLaboratory'sspecifications(UL1410, 59.7). LEAKAGE CURRENT DEVICE UNDER i i \ measurethe voltagebetweenthe chassisand the earthedground.If the measurementis over 1.0V,unplug theAC powercord and changethe polaritybeforereinsertingit. Measurethe voltagebetweenthe chassis and the groundagain. (READING SHOULD NOT BE ABOVE SomeTV chassisare shippedwith an additional secondarygroundingsystem.Thesecondarysystemis adjacentto theAC powerline.These two grounding systemsare separatedin the circuitusingan unbreakable/unchangeable insulationmaterial. 0.5mA) TESTER TEST ALL EXPOSED METAL .............. i Tomake suretheAC powercord is properlyconnected, followthe instructionsbelow.Use the voltmeterto I SURFACESi 2-WIRE CORD ...... -- ' ALSO TEST WtTH PLUG REVERSED (USING AC ADAPTER PLUG AS REQUIRED) Whenany parts,materialor wiringappearoverheatedor damaged,replacethem with new regularones immediately.Whenany damageor overheatingis detected,correctthis immediatelyand makea regular checkof possibleerrors. , ........ GROUND Fig. 1-1AC LeakageTest , A highvoltage is maintainedwithin the specifiedlimits usingsafety parts,calibrationand tolerances.When voltageexceedsthe specifiedlimits,checkeachspecial part. SamsungElectronics , Checkfor the originalshapeof the lead,especiallythat of the antennawiring, anysharpedges,the AC power and the high voltagepower.Carefullycheck if the wiring is too tight, incorrectlyplacedor loose. Neverchangethe space betweenthe partand the printedcircuitboard. ChecktheAC powercordfor possibledamages.Keep the partor the lead away from any heat-emitting materials. 1-1 Precaution 10. SafetyIndication: Someelectricalcircuitsor devicerelatedmaterials requirespecialattentionto their safetyfeatures,which cannotbe viewedby the nakedeye. If an originalpart is replacedwith anotherirregularone,the safety or protectivefeatureswill be lost even if the newone hasa highervoltageor morewatts. Criticalsafetyparts shouldbe bracketedwith _ Z_ ). Useonly regularpartsfor replacements(in particular, flame resistanceand dielectricstrengthspecifications). Irregularparts or materialsmaycause electricshockor fire. 11. Payadditionalattentionto the current leakageas the voltagebetweenthe powerboard and the ballastis 220 to 440v,i.e. very high. And also bewareof possibleelectricshockfrom the primarypowersource. 1-2 SamsungElectronics Precaution 1-2 Servicing Precautions Warning1: Firstcarefullyreadthe "Safety Instruction"in this servicemanual, Whenthereis a conflictbetweenthe serviceand the safetyinstructions,follow the safetyinstructionat all times, Warning2:Any electrolyticcapacitorwith the wrongpolaritywill explode, The serviceinstructionsare printedon the cabinet,and shouldbe followedby any servicepersonnel, , , , , Makesureto unplugtheAC powercordfrom the power sourcebeforestartingany repairs, (a) Removeor re-installpartsor assemblies, (b) Disconnectthe electricplug or connector,if any, (c) Connectthe test partin parallelwith the electrolytic capacitor. Someparts are placedat a higher positionthan the printedboard.Insulatedtubes or tapes are usedfor this purpose.The internalwiringis clampedusing bucklesto avoidcontactwith heat emittingparts,Theseparts are installedbackto theiroriginalposition. 6, InsulationCheckProcess:Unplugthe powercord from theAC sourceand turnthe switchon. Connectthe insulatingresistancemeter (500v)to the AC plug blade, The insulatingresistancebetweenthe blade of theAC plug and that of the conductivematerialshouldbe more than 1 M_, 7, , Any B+interlockshouldnot be damaged, If the metal heatsink is not properlyinstalled,no connectionto theAC powershouldbe made, Make surethe groundinglead of the testeris connected to the chassisgroundbeforeconnectingto the positive lead.The groundlead of the testershouldbe removed last. After the repair,make sureto checkif the screws,parts or cablesare properlyinstalled.Makesure no damageis causedto the repairedpartand its surroundings, 9, Checkfor insulationbetweenthe bladeof the AC plug and that of anyconductivematerials(i,e, the metal panel,inputterminal,earphonejack, etc), 10, The sharpedgesof the metal materialmay cause physicaldamage,so ensurewearingprotectivegloves duringthe repair. SamsungElectronics Bewareof risksof any currentleakagecoming into contactwith the high-capacitycapacitor, 1-3 Precaution 1-3 Static Electricity Precautions Somesemi-conductive("solidstate")devicesare vulnerableto staticelectricity.These devicesare known as ESD.ESDincludesthe integratedcircuitand thefield effecttransistor.To avoidanymaterialsdamagefrom electrostaticshock,follow the instructionsdescribed below. , , , 5. , anti-staticfeaturecan store enoughstatic electricityto causedamageto the ESD. Do not removethe ESDfrom the protectivebox untilthe replacementis ready.MostESD replacementsare coveredwith lead,whichwill cause a short to the entire unit due to the conductivefoam,aluminumfoil or other conductivematerials. Removeany staticelectricityfrom your bodyby connectingthe earthgroundbeforehandlingany semi-conductivepartsor ass'ys.Alternatively,weara dischargeablewrist-belt. (Makesure to removeany staticelectricitybefore connectingthe powersource- this is a safety instruction for avoidingelectricshock) Removethe ESDass'yand placeit on a conductive surfacesuch as aluminumfoil to preventaccumulating static electricity. Donot use any Freon-basedchemicals. Suchchemicalswill generatestatic electricitythat causesdamageto the ESD. Use only anti-staticsolderremovaldevices. Mostsolderremovaldevicesdo not supportan anti-staticfeature.A solderremovaldevicewithoutan , g, Removethe protectivematerialfrom the ESD replacementlead immediatelyafter connectingit to the chassisor circuitass'y. Takeextremecautionin handlingany uncoveredESD replacements.Actionssuch as brushingclothesor lifting your leg from the carpetfloorcan generateenoughstatic electricityto damagethe ESD. Useonly grounded-tipironsfor solderingpurposes. CAUTION Theseservicinginstructionsare for use by qualifiedservicepersonnelonly. Toreducethe risk of electricshockdo not performany servicingotherthanthat containedin the operatinginstructionsunlessyou are qualifiedto do so. 1-4 SamsungElectronics Precaution 1-4 Installation Precautions Forsafetyreasons,morethan two peopleare required for carryingthe product. Make sureto turn the poweroff and unplugthe power cordfrom the outlet beforerepositioningthe product. Alsocheckthe antennacable or the externalconnectors if they are fully unplugged.Damageto the cordmay causefire or electricshock. , , , , Keepthe powercord awayfrom any heat emitting devices,as a meltedcoveringmaycause fire or electric shock. Wheninstallingthe product,makesureto keepit away from thewall (morethan 10cm/4inches)for ventilation purposes. Poorventilationmaycause an increasein the internal temperatureof the product,resultingin a shortened componentlife and degradedperformance. Keep theantennafar awayfrom any high-voltagecables and install it firmly.Contactwith the high-voltagecableor the antennafallingover maycause fire or electricshock. Whenconnectingthe RF antenna,checkfor a DTV receivingsystemand installa separateDTV reception antennafor areaswith no DTV signal. , Checkthe basicsof the screentest. - Imageposition/size,Tilt adjustment,Actuatoractivation Bendthe externalantennacablewhen connectingit to the product.This is a measureto protectit from being exposedto moisture.Otherwise,it may cause a fire or electricshock. SamsungElectronics 1-5 Product Specification 2. ProductSpecification 2-1 Product Features Block DMDRE I SpeCfication PanelResolution' 1920x1080 -Integrated HDTVTuner (NTSC/ATSC/QAM TUNEREmbedded) Power '- InputVoltageAC120V - Stand-By under 25W Video sOUndCabinet I Major tC I Remark xHD3DMD Panel ATI NXT2004,QAMLink Stand-by(KA1M0565) - DNle4-NTSC,ATSC-HDMI,PC - 3D Combfilter ADV7401,ATI X226B, uD64083 speaker' 20Wx 2 - TrusurroundXT, DolbyDigital MSP4440 L6 Design ChipDescription - ATI x226B: Xilleon226 is the most advancedand highlyintegratedcomponentfor digitalset-topboxes,informationappliances, and televisions.Xilleon226 providesdual-streamhigh-definitiondecodeand display,an assortmentof peripheral devicecontrollers,and an embeddedmicroprocessor. - ADV7401: The ADV7402is an integratedvideodecoderthat automaticallyindicatesand convertsHigh Definitionor Standard Definitionanalog basebandtelevisionsignal intoa 4:2:2 componentdigitalvideodata streamcompatiblewith 20/16bit or 10/8-BitCCIR601/CCIR656 outputsfor standarddefinition& SMPTE293M/296M/274M & ITU-R.BT1358for Highdefinition.All RGBgraphicssignals are outputas 30-bit4:4:4 RGBor 20-bit4:2:2 YCrCb. - MSP4440: The MSP44x0Gfamilyof single-chipMultistandardSoundProcessorscoversthe soundprocessingof all analog TV-Standardsworldwide,as well as the NICAMdigitalsoundstandards. - ATI NXT2004: The NXT2004is a VSB/QAMreceiverdesignedto operatein boththe ATSCterrestrialand cableTV environ ments.Thedevice is intendedfor use in set-topapplications,PCbasedapplicationsand DTV systems.ForVSB or QAMchannelsthe NXT2004samplesa 44 MHz IF signal,and presentsMPEGdata packetsat the output. - QAMLink: The BCM3125combinesan in-band256-QAMreceiver,an out-of-bandQPSKreceiver,a 4/16-QAMtransmitterand tunerinterfacefunctions. - uPD64083: uPD64083realizesa high precisionY/C separationand a noise reductionby the three-dimensionsignal processingfor NTSCsignal. SamsungElectronics 2-1 Product Specification 2-2 Key Features Model HL-R5668W Voltage AC 110- 120V~ AC 110- 120V~ 60mz 60mz 60mz 230 watts 230 watts 230 watts 52.36x 15.30x 37.86inches 1330x 388.5x 961.7mm 56.93x 18.37x 41.59 inches 1446x 466.5x 1056.5mm 62.36x 19.76x 45.06inches 1584x 502 x 1144.5mm 38.5 Kg/84.77 Ibs 45 Kg/99.21 Ibs 49.8 Kg/109.79 Ibs Powerconsumption Weight HL-R6768W AC 110- 120V~ Frequencyof operation Dimensions (WxDXH) HL-R6168W II H/WConfiguration - DMDPanel: 0.85"(1920x1080p,TI) - 1 OpticalEnginefor the Panel: Slimand Cost-effective - ColorWheel : R/G/BColorImplementation - Lamp: 120W: 56", 61",67" - 2 NTSC/ATSC/QAM Tuners: NTSC/DTVReception,GemstarEPG & IR Transmitter - SupportHDMIInterface:Adopts DVI/HDMIsystemsfor digitalHDsincludingSTB. - DNle4 : Highquality imageimplementation - AnyNetFeature: An enhancedinterfacefor variousexternaldevices - USBInterface: Use the USBinterfacefor servicepurposes(S/W Upgrade) II S/W Configuration - MCU: Built-in300 MHz MIPSX226BCPU - 4-LayeredArchitecture: DeviceDriver/OS/Hardware Abstraction/Application - OSD : 32BitTrue ColorGraphicsOSD - Enhancedsystemstabilityby separatingthe DTV controland the applicationcontrolsystemsintomulti-processes. II Picture - DMDPanel * Panel Size:0.85" * Panel Resolution: 1920x 1080 - Tuner: IntegratedHDTVTuner(NTSC/ATSC/QAM TUNEREmbbeded) - DisplayFormat: 1920x 1080 II Sound - Sound System: TruSurroundXT,Dolby Digital - Amp/Channel: 2 ChannelDigitalAmp - SpeakerSystem& Output(RMS) * Main L/R: 15W+ 15W * Sound(RMS) : 15W+ 15W II In/OutTerminals - Rear: 2 RF In, 3 CVBSIn, 3 S-VHSIn, 2 ComponentIn, I PC D-SUBIn, 2 HDMI In(DVlComportableWithAdaptiveJackOnly), 1 Anynetport, 2 IEEE1394,1 GemstarIR out, 1 Opticalaudio, 1 PODCardslot, 1 RS-232Cport 2-2 SamsungElectronics Product Specification II Feature - ComponentInterface(480i/480p/720p/1080i, Y/Pb/Pr) - DigitalInterface: HDMI - GraphicInterface: PC - Language: English/French/Spanish - PiP: HD/SDPiP - PictureSize : 4:3/16:9/Zoom1/Zoom2/Panorama - V-CHIP - ClosedCaption - Sleep Timer: 180 Min, - AnynetInterface -IEEE1394 - Opticalsoundoutput - GemstarIR output - POD - RS-232C m Remocon - TM76A II PowerSupply - 120V II PIPSettings(X : PIPdoesn'toperate, _: PIPoperateand swap doesn'toperate,__: PIPand swap operate) ATSC QAM NTSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,_ X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,_ A A O O O O O O O O O A X ,_ A A O X O O O O O O O A X A AV2 A A O O X O O O O O O A X A AV3 ,_. ,_. O O O X O O O O O ,_ X ,_ S-Video1 A, A, O O O O X O O O O ,_ X ,_ S-Video2 A, A, O O O O O X O O O A X ,_ S-Video3 ,_. ,_. O O O O O O X O O ,_ X ,_ Component1 A, A, O O O O O O O X O ,_ X X Component2 ,_. ,_. O O O O O O O O X ,_ X X SamsungElectronics 2-3 Product Specification 2-3 Specifications Analysis Model HL-R5078W HL-R5668W HL-R6168W HL-R6768W HL-R5087W N! Design DisplayDevice DLP DLP DLP DLP DLP DLP Built-tnTuner ATSC, NTSC ATSC, NTSC ATSC,NTSC ATSC,NTSC ATSC,NTSC ATSC,NTSC 1080i, 720p, 480p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 1080p, 1080i,720p, Screen Size 480i 50 inch 480i 56 inch 480i 61 inch 480i 67 inch 480i 50 inch 480p,480i 56 inch 16:9 DisplayFormat Picture Aspect ratio 16:9 16:9 16:9 16:9 16:9 Progressivescan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Digital Comb Filter 3D Comb 3D Comb 3D Comb 3D Comb 3D Comb 3D Comb FirstSurface Mirror Yes Brightness 800cd/T; Contrast 10000:1 Color Wheel Size/Bearing 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing Connections 2-4 10000:1 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing Yes 500cd/,: 10000:1 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing Yes 500cd/, 10000:1 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing Yes Yes 800cd/r; 800cd/T; 2500:1 10000:1 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing 7segment/65¢, Air Bearing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Screen Pitch 0.098mm 0.098mm 0.098mm 0.098mm 0.098mm 0.098mm Image enhancer DNle4 DNle4 DNle4 DNle4 DNle3 DNle4 DMD xHD3 xHD3 xHD3 xHD3 xHD2 xHD3 Base/Tremble/Balance No No No No No No Equalizer 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band SurroundSound Speaker system Features Yes 600cd/r; Anti-glare Sun Screen Auto Volume Leveler Audio HL-R5688W Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Dolby Digital 2 Way 4 Speaker 2 Way 4 Speaker 2 Way 4 Speaker 2 Way 4 Speaker 2 Way 4 Speaker 2 Way4 Speaker Output Power 15Wx2 15Wx2 15Wx2 2-Tuner Split-ScreenPIP Yes(HD/SD/QAM) Yes(HD/SD/QAM Yes(HD/SD/QAM) 15Wx2 Split-screen Side-by-Side Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MTS with dbx Noise Reduction/SAP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Still Picture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plug & Play Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EPG Gemstar EPG Gemstar EPG Gemstar EPG Gemstar EPG Gemstar EPG Gemstar EPG Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes S-Video In Rear 2/Side 1 Rear 2/Side 1 Rear 2/Side 1 Rear 2/Side 1 Rear 2 Rear 2 HDTV Component Video Input (Y, Pb, Pr) 1080i/480P/480i Rear 2 Rear 2 Rear 2 Rear 2 Rear 2 Rear 2 Yes(HD/SD/QAM) 15Wx2 15Wx2 Yes(HD/SD) Yes(HD/SD/QAM) PC Yes Yes Yes Yes No No HDM] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DigitalSound Optical 1 Optical 1 Optical 1 Optical 1 Optical 1 Optical1 SamsungElectronics Product Specification 2-4 Accessories Accessories i ¸ oa _ooOi Item Remocon I ttem€ode AlkalineBattery BP59-00071B 4301-000103 Manuai BP68-00520A I Remark ? SamsungServicecenter iii _ i ANYNETcable BN39-00518B G-LinkCable MD96-00036A il i i ii Video Cable/ Audio Cable AntennaCable Internalshoppingmall ComponentCable OpticalCable SamsungElectronics 2-5 Alignment & Adjustment 3. Alignment& Adjustment 3-1 Service Instruction Checkitemslisted after changingeach _::- _. Check !terns L ....::: Rep aced terns Digital ; _/vv version I PromLUU imaex uelay I Board • Actuator ^ ' £5.aln • V-Positi0n' H-Position • CCA • Board • Analog Board • • PowerBoard • • optical Engine • • • DMD Board T'!tFOCUS • • • • • Lamp • • Color Wheel • Front LEDAssy • Actuator SubdetectorBoard • • 1. Softwareversioncheck: After Enteringthe Servicemode, Checkthe list below * S/W Notation "T_EXCAAUSO_00XX" indicates"EXCALIBURBASICMODELUSA,ver. 0001". T_EXCAAUSO_00XX 2005 XX XX T-DTVUCOM5-00XX T-XMENAUS0_00XX 2. FrontInformationWindowcheck : See page 6-7. 3. IndexDelayadjustment: See page 3-15. 4. ActuatorGain adjustment:See page 3-17. 5. Vertical/Horizontal Positionadjustment: See page 3-15. 6. CCA: See page 3-16. 7. BoardLEDcheck : Checkall the LEDare turnedon. (in the Analog,DetectBoard) 5VA 5,7VB R7 1K 3 .R6 1.2Kohm J 1/10W 0P1 5VA 12VB 0P2 b PowerCheckIndicatorLED (AnalogBoard) 12VB R8 2K 0Ps P1 (i I PowerCheckIndicatorLED (DetectBoard) 8. Tilt/Focusadjustment See page3-19. SamsungElectronics 3-1 Alignment & Adjustment 3-2 How to Access Service Mode 1,Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode, 2, In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press "Mute"--> "1" _ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonon the RemoteControl, Incase entry into SERVICEMODEis unsuccessful,repeatthe proceduresabove, 3, InitialDISPLAYStatein timesof ServiceModeSwitchovers DDPlOll(LS) DNle ADV7401(M) ADV7401(S) Xilleon226 uPD64083 MSP4440 CCA(ON) Cinema CCA SP Actuator ESP GM1601 CHECKSUM OPTION SERVICE T_EXCAAUSO_00XX 2005 XX XX T-DTVUCOM5-00XX T-XMENAUS0_00XX 4, Buttonsoperationswithin ServiceMode MENU Directionkeys Directionkeys 41 source 3-2 Full MenuDisplay/ Moveto ParentMenu v ItemSelectionby Movingthe Cursor Data Increase/Decrease for the SelectedItem Cyclesthroughthe activeinputsourcethat are connectedto the unit SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 3-3 Factory Data . The underlined are items applied during the service adjustment. None of the others should be adjusted. 1. DDP1011 1 V-Position 0 ~ 60 30 Screenupper and loweradjustment 2 H-Position 0 ~ 120 60 Screenleft and rightadjustments 3 LAMPSync Type Pulse/Pass Pulse INDEXDELAY 0 ~ 1023 166 Synchronizesthe basepositionof the colorwheelwith the correspondingcolorsignal. This is criticalto the naturalcolordisplay.If the indexdelay is not properlyset, eventhe correctCCAcordinateswill not helpwhen displayingnaturalcolors. 5 SEQSELECT 6 V-FLIP Normal/Flip Flip Vertical FlipOperation 7 H-FLIP Normal/Flip Flip HorizontalFlip Operation 8 Gamma 0 ~ 15 2 GammaTableSelection 9 SLR 0 ~1 OFF 10 DMD_BIAS 0 ~4 E DMDBiaspin voltageselection 11 LampBoost 0 ~ 63 20 LampBoostvalueselection 12 LampSync Delay 0 ~ 4095 0/120 LampSyncdelay valueselection 13 FPGA xHD3 xHD3/xHD4selection 14 LampWatt 132W 120W/132W 15 LampSelect Phiiips Philips,Osram,Ushio 16 TestPattern SamsungElectronics 0X05 Pulse(P),Pass(T) 0 SequenceSelection SLR FuncionOn/Off This displaysthe built-inpatternof the DDP1011chip. DDP1011drives the DMDpanel,so displayingthis pattern meansthereis no error in the DDP1011projectionfunction and the panel itself. 3-3 Alignment & Adjustment 2. DNle 1 TestPattern 2 NR 3 SNI_PROC_CEA ON/OFF ON 4 SNI_PROC_CEP ON/OFF OFF 5 SNI_PROC_DEP ON/OFF ON 6 SNI_PROC_DCE ON/OFF ON 7 SNI_PROC_CCS ON/OFF ON 8 SNI_PROC_BWS ON/OFF ON 9 SNI_PROC_PCC ON/OFF ON 10 SNI_PROC_WTC ON/OFF ON 11 SNI_PROC_CTE ON/OFF OFF 12 SNI_PROC_CVD ON/OFF OFF 13 SNI_PROC_OUTP ON/OFF ON 14 CUTOFF 0~255 32 15 UPPER 0~255 240 16 LCE_GAIN 0~255 0 17 ALPHAL 0~255 170 18 ALPHAU 0~255 170 19 DCE_ALPHA 0~255 50 20 B_RATIO 12000 Lowlevel informationfor the minimumvalue 21 W_RATIO 6000 Highlevelinformationfor the minimumvalue 22 BLACK_TILT 0~255 90 BlackStretchArea 23 WHITE_TILT 0~255 240 WhiteStretchArea 24 GAIN_X1 0~63 70 Gain of horizontalhigh frequencyregion 25 GAIN_X2 0~63 35 Gain of horizontalmiddlefrequencyregion 26 GAIN_Y1 0~63 10 Gain of verticalhigh frequencyregion 27 GAIN_Y2 0~63 10 Gain of verticalmiddlefrequencyregion 28 SUP_LIFT_SEL ON/OFF OFF 29 EXT_SEL ON/OFF OFF 30 BOOL_SUPP_SELXl ON/OFF ON 31 BOOL_SUPP_SELX2 ON/OFF ON 32 BOOL_SUPP_SELY1 ON/OFF OFF 33 BOOL_SUPP_SELY2 ON/OFF OFF 34 BOOL_ENH_SEL ON/OFF ON 35 LOG_MODE ON/OFF ON 36 R_MR 37 CORING_ON 38 39 3-4 0 Testpatternselection 60 ON/OFF ON RTHI 0~31 0 RTH2 0~31 3 SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 4O NDON ON/OFF ON 41 M_CCT_FAC 0~1022 75 42 SCALE_ALPHA 0~255 224 43 WB RED C COEFF 0~255 128 44 WB_GRN C COEFF 0~255 128 45 WB BLU C COEFF 0~255 128 46 WB RED B COEFF 0~1023 512 47 WB_GRN B COEFF 0~1023 512 48 WB BLU B COEFF 0~1023 512 49 R_Coring_TH1 3 5O R_Coring_TH2 3 51 R_Coring_TH3 3 52 R_Coring_TH4 3 53 H_FILTER1 0~11 0 54 H_FILTER2 0~10 0 55 V_FILTERI 0~4 0 56 V_FILTER2 0~3 0 57 Sub Color 58 DNle On/Off 59 Sub Contrast 60 ContrastOffset 5 61 Sub Brightness 235 SamsungElectronics 53 OFF 50~150 105 Brightnessadjustmentfor the high-lightpartsof the screen Brightnessadjustmentfor the low-light partsof thescreen 3-5 Alignment & Adjustment 3.ADV7401(M) 1 AUTO COLOR Auto Colorfunctionexecution 2 SOG_SYNC_LEV EmbeddedSyncTriggerLevel 3 AGC_TIM AGC Time ConstantSelection 4 GAIN_MAN ON,OFFManualGain ControlEnable 5 A_GAIN ManualGain Valuefor ChannelA 6 B_GAIN ManualGain Valuefor ChannelB 7 C_GAIN ManualGain Valuefor ChannelC 8 A_OFFSET ChannelA Offset 9 B_OFFSET ChannelB Offset 10 C_OFFSET ChannelC Offset 11 YPM 12 64 Y PeakingFilter Mode YSFM 1 Y ShapingFilterMode 13 WYSFM 19 WideBandTY ShapingFilter Mode 14 CSFM 0 C ShapingFilter Mode 15 Contrast 128 ContrastAdjust 16 Brightness 128 BrightnessAdjust 17 Hue 128 HueAdjust 18 CKILLTHR 19 3 ColourKill Threshold SD_OFF_Cb 128 SD OffsetCb Channel 20 SD_OFF_Cr 128 SD OffsetCr Channel 21 SD_SAT_Cb 125 SaturationCr Channel 22 SD_SAT_Cr 125 SaturationCb Channel 23 IFFILTSEL 3 IF FilterSelect 24 LTA 0 LumaTimingAdjust 25 CTA 2 ChromaTimingAdjust 26 DNR_THI 0 DNRNoiseThreshold 27 DCT 0 DigitalClampTiming 28 LAGC 0 LumaAutomaticGain Control 29 LAGT 3 LumaAutomaticGain Timing 30 LMG 1184 31 CAGC 2 ChromaAutomaticGain Control 32 CAGT 3 ChromaAutomaticGain Timing 33 CMG 2458 34 CTI AB EN 35 CTI_AB 3-6 ON 3 LumaManualGain ChromaManualGain ON,OFFChromaTransientImprovementAlpha Blend Enable ChromaTransientImprovementAlpha Blend SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 36 CTI C TH 8 CTI ChromaThreshold 37 NSFSEL 0 Split FilterSelectionNTSC 38 CTAPSN 2 ChromaCombTapsNTSC 39 CCMN 0 ChromaCombmodeNTSC 40 YCMN 0 Luna CombModeNTSC 41 HSSLICE 42 VSSLICE 43 DLL_PH 44 ST_NOISE 45 ALIAS_FILTER_EN 46 DNR-TH2 SamsungElectronics 0 SamplePhaseAdjustment OFF 3-7 Alignment & Adjustment 4. ADV7401(S) 1 AUTO COLOR 2 SOG_SYNC_LEV 3 AGC_TIM 4 GAIN_MAN 5 A_GAIN 6 Auto Colorfunctionexecution 0~31 11 EmbeddedSyncTriggerLevel 0~7 0 AGC Time ConstantSelection ON ON,OFFManualGain ControlEnable 0~1024 275 ManualGain Valuefor ChannelA B_GAIN 0~1024 287 ManualGain Valuefor ChannelB 7 G_GAIN 0~1024 287 ManualGain Valuefor ChannelC 8 A_OFFSET 0~1024 0 ChannelA Offset 9 B_OFFSET 0~1024 512 ChannelB Offset 10 C_OFFSET 0~1024 512 ChannelC Offset 11 YPM 0~255 64 Y PeakingFilter Mode 12 YSFM 0~32 1 Y ShapingFilterMode 13 WYSFM 0~32 19 WideBandTY ShapingFilter Mode 14 CSFM 0~7 0 C ShapingFilter Mode 15 Contrast 0~255 128 ContrastAdjust 16 Brightness 0~255 128 BrightnessAdjust 17 Hue 0~255 128 HueAdjust 18 CKILLTHR 0~7 5 ColourKill Threshold 19 SD_OFF_Cb 0~255 128 SD OffsetCb Channel 20 SD_OFF_Cr 0~255 128 SD OffsetCr Channel 21 SD_SAT_Cb 0~255 125 SaturationCr Channel 22 SD_SAT_Cr 0~255 125 SaturationCb Channel 23 IFFILTSEL 0~7 3 IF FilterSelect 24 LTA 0~3 0 LumaTimingAdjust 25 CTA 0~7 3 ChromaTimingAdjust 26 DNR_THI 0~255 0 DNRNoiseThreshold 27 DCT 0~3 0 DigitalClampTiming 28 LAGC 0~7 0 LumaAutomaticGain Control 29 LAGT 0~3 3 LumaAutomaticGain Timing 30 LMG 0~4096 1064 31 CAGC 0~7 2 ChromaAutomaticGain Control 32 CAGT 0~3 3 ChromaAutomaticGain Timing 33 CMG 0~4096 2458 34 CTI AB EN 35 CTI_AB 3-8 ON 0~3 3 LumaManualGain ChromaManualGain ON,OFFChromaTransientImprovementAlpha Blend Enable ChromaTransientImprovementAlpha Blend SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 36 CTI C TH 0~255 8 CTI ChromaThreshold 37 NSFSEL 0~3 0 Split FilterSelectionNTSC 38 CTAPSN 0~3 2 ChromaCombTapsNTSC 39 CCMN 0~7 0 ChromaCombmodeNTSC 40 YCMN 0~7 0 Luna CombModeNTSC 41 HSSLICE 42 VSSLICE 43 DLL_PH 44 ST_NOISE 45 ALIAS_FILTER_EN 46 DNR-TH2 SamsungElectronics 0xFFFF SamplePhaseAdjustment OFF 3-9 Alignment & Adjustment 5, Xilieon226 1 Main/Sub Main 2 Y/UV 3 H Filter gh121a 4 V Filter 128v05f 5 226 TESTPATT Y/UV Y 6, Upd64083 1 DYCOR 0~15 2 DYdetectioncoringlevel 2 DYGAIN 0~15 9 DYdetectiongain 3 DCCOR 0~15 3 DC detectioncoringlevel 4 DCGAIN 0~15 6 DC detectiongain 5 YHCOR 0~15 1 Y output highfrequencycomponentcoring 6 CDELAY 0~15 4 C signaloutputdelay 7 YPFT 0~15 3 YPFT adjustment 8 YPFG 0~15 7 YPFGadjustment 7, MSP4440 1 MDB Effect 0~127 56 MicronasDynamicBass 2 SRS Dialog 0~127 50 SRSDialogclarityadjustment 3 PLL Pilotlow adjustment 4 PLH Pilothigh adjustment 3-10 SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 8,CCA 1 CCA On/Off ON CCAOn/OffSelection 2 Red-x 0~32768 640 Red-xadjustment 3 Red-y 0~32768 340 Red-yadjustment 4 Red-Y 0~32768 86 Red-Yadjustment 5 Green-x 0~32768 300 Green-xadjustment 6 Green-y 0~32768 620 Green-yadjustment 7 Green-Y 0~32768 300 Green-Yadjustment 8 Blue-x 0~32768 150 Blue-xadjustment 9 Blue-y 0~32768 60 Blue-yadjustment 10 Blue-Y 0~32768 53 Blue-Yadjustment 11 White-x 0~32768 291 White-xadjustment 12 White-y 0~32768 300 White-yadjustment 13 White-Y 0~32768 439 White-Yadjustment 14 WBSpread SpreadCCAvalueto all mode 15 Move HDMI Moveto the HDMIMode 16 DRedX 640 TargetRed X valuefor CCA 17 DRedY 340 TargetRedY valuefor CCA 18 DGreenX 300 TargetGreenX valuefor CCA 19 DGreenY 620 TargetGreenY valuefor CCA 20 DBlueX 150 TargetBlue X valuefor CCA 21 DBlueY 60 TargetBlue Y value for CCA 22 DCyanX 205 TargetCyan X valuefor CCA 23 DCyanY 270 TargetCyanY valuefor CCA 24 DMagentaX 290 TargetMagentaX valuefor CCA 25 DMagentaY 140 TargetMagentaY valuefor CCA 26 DYellowX 425 TargetYellowX valuefor CCA 27 DYellowY 515 TargetYellowY valuefor CCA 28 [COOL2]DWhiteX 264 29 [COOL2]DWhiteY 267 30 [COOL1]DWhiteX 269 31 [COOL1]DWhiteY 274 32 [NORMAL]DWhiteX 285 33 [ NORMAL]DWhiteY 293 34 [WARM1]DWhiteX 291 35 [ WARM1]DWhiteY 300 36 [WARM2]DWhiteX 313 37 [ WARM2]DWhiteY 329 SamsungElectronics 3-11 Alignment & Adjustment 9, CinemaCCA 1 DRedX 640 TargetRed X valuefor CCA 2 DRedY 340 TargetRedY valuefor CCA 3 DGreenX 300 TargetGreenX valuefor CCA 4 DGreenY 620 TargetGreenY valuefor CCA 5 DBlueX 150 TargetBlue X valuefor CCA 6 DBlueY 60 TargetBlue Y value for CCA 7 DCyanX 205 TargetCyan X valuefor CCA 8 DCyanY 270 TargetCyanY valuefor CCA 9 DMagentaX 290 TargetMagentaX valuefor CCA 10 DMagentaY 140 TargetMagentaY valuefor CCA 11 DYellowX 425 TargetYellowX valuefor CCA 12 DYellowY 515 TargetYellowY valuefor CCA 13 D-White-X 313 TargetWhiteX valuefor CCA 14 D-White-Y 329 TargetWhiteY valuefor CCA 10,SPActuator 1 ActuatorGain [Pattl] 0~175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 2 ActuatorGain [Patt2] 0~175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 3 ActuatorON/OFF ON ActuatorOn/Offselection 4 DBON/OFF 5 DBGain 6 DBAperture 7 DBGain ON/OFF ON 0~3 1 MINIMAX 0~255 0 11,ESP(EnhanceSmooth Picture) xHD3/xHD4Option(Thismodelis notused,) 3-12 SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 12,GM1601 1 ADC_RED_GAIN 128 2 ADC_GRN_GAIN 128 3 ADC_BLU_GAIN 128 4 ADC_RED_OFFSET 50 5 ADC_GRN_OFFSET 50 6 ADC_BLU_OFFSET 50 7 MADI_QUANT_TH0 4 8 MADI_QUANT_THI 7 9 MADI_QUANT_TH2 64 10 GAMMA_CONTROL OFF 11 AUTO_COLOR OFF 12 TEST_PATTERN 0 13 SP_AMP 0 14 SP_PERIOD 0 13,OPTION 1 LampClear Initializelampusagetime, LampLife is set to zero 2 User Reset All user settingsare set to default 3 WB Reset 4 EERReset Clearthe EEPROM 5 LampLife Lampon time counter 6 AUTO POWER 7 DNle Demo 8 LampControl 9 MUTETIME 10 EDIDWRITE 11 DDCProtection ON/OFF OFF DDCwrite ON/OFFselection 12 LNADefault Auto!OFF Auto LNAsettingOFF/Autoselection 13 PROTECT ON ProtectionON/OFFselection 14 WATCHDOG OFF WatchDog ON/OFFselection 15 WD COUNT 0 16 DEBUGMODE 17 DSUBMODE 18 BUSSTOP 19 DIGITAL-->DMD Totrans the CCAdataform DIGITALto DMD 20 DMD-->DGITIAL Totrans the CCAdataform DMDto DIGITAL SamsungElectronics OFF Initializethe WhiteBalancevalue ON Thesets turns on automaticallywhen the powercord is pluggedin ON/OFF ON DNIeDemofunctionselection DynamidNormal Dynamic 400ms ATI226/GM1601 Dynamic,Always Timewhich thescreenwill be black whileswitching channels Countfor WatchDogevent ATI226 RS232 OFF 3-13 Alignment & Adjustment 14,SERVICE 1 V-Position 0 ~ 60 30 Screenupper and loweradjustment 2 H-Position 0 ~ 120 60 Screenleft and rightadjustments 3 LAMPSYNC 4 ActuatorGain[_ 0~175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 5 ActuatorGain[_ 0~175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 6 INDEXDELAY 0 ~ 1023 173 Indexdelayadjustment 7 FPGA xHD3 8 LampWatt 132W 9 LampSelect Phiiips 10 AUTO COLOR 11 CCA CCAmenu 12 LampClear InitializeLampusagetime 13 User Reset All user settingsare set to default 3-14 OFF xHD3/xHD4selection Auto Colorfunctionexecution SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 3-4 Service Adjustment 3-4-1 Vertical / Horizontal Position Adjustment 1.Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. 2. In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press "Mute"_ "1" _ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonson the RemoteControl. 3. Select"Service"on the first displayof the Servicemodemenu. 4. SelecttheV-positionfor verticalpositioningand H-positionfor horizontalpositioningby usingthe A 'v' (Up& Down) buttons. Pressthe _ i_ (Left or Right)buttonsto adjustthe screenposition. Do notset theV-positionvalueto 34 or 35. (Settingto these valueswill cause horizontallines on the right sideof the screen.) 3-4-2 INDEX DELAYAdjustment 1.Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. 2. In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press "Mute"_ "1" _ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonson the RemoteControl. 3. Select"Service"on the first displayof the Servicemodemenu. 4. Pressthe A v' (Up or Down)buttonto moveto INDEXDELAY,then press ENTERto select. 5. The INDEXDELAYsetup screen(witha red bar at the bottomof the screen)will be displayed. 6. Pressthe _ _ (Left of Right)buttonsto adjust.Checkthe red color at the bottomof the screenat its minimumand maximum valuesof changingfrom redto magenta,thenadjust to the meanvalue. SamsungElectronics 3-15 Alignment & Adjustment 3-4-3 CCA Adjustment Service Methods : CCAAdjustmentis neededafter changinga light engine,digital boardor ColorWheel. II CCA: In DLPTV, eventhe same RGBcolormay differ dependingon the light engine.CCA (ColorCoordinateAdjustment) correctsthe colorto achievethe coloraccuracy.CCA performscolor correctionafter measuringand inputtingthe current light engine'sdata on actual colorcoordinatesfor displayedRed,Green,Blue,and Whitecolor patterns,usingcolor coordinatemeasuringequipment. At this moment,colorcorrectionis performedon the basisof previouslyinputtedDesiredColorCoordinatesand MeasuredColorCoordinates. 1. Conditionof the ServiceEngine 2. CCAServiceProcedures ToexecuteCCA adjustment,performthe followingsteps : 1) Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. 2) In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press "Mute"_ "1"_ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonson the RemoteControl. 3) Fromthe FactoryServiceModeMenu,selectOPTION> DMD_ DIGITAL.(Thisis for gettingthe cca dataof newengine.) 3-1)After Light Engineis changed - selectOPTION> DMD_ DIGITAL 3-2)After Digital PCBis changed - selectOPTION> DMD_ DIGITAL 3-3)After DMD PCBis changed - selectOPTION> DIGITAL_ DMD 3-4)After colorwheelis changed - selectDDP1011> INDEXDELAY (Youcanonly adjustthe INDEXDELAY.Youcan't adjustthe CCAwithoutCCAequipment(CA210).) 3-16 SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 3-4-4 ACTUATOR GAIN Adjustment 1. BeforeAdjustment 1) Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. 2) In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press"Mute"_ "I" _ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonon the RemoteControl. 3) Select"Service"on thefirst displayof the Servicemodemenu. 4) Pressthe A 'v (Upor Down)buttonto moveto ACTUATORGAIN1,2,then press ENTERto select. - ActuatorGain1' In case of controllingwith CrossPattern. BeforeAdjusting AfterAdjusting J_ - ActuatorGain2' In case of controllingwith CrosshatchPattern. CROSSHATCHPATTERN ............. CAUSTION:GAIN2 is just controlledbyyour eye becausecontrol valuedoesn't appear In picture. ................. ÷bl ..... ..................... ....... _........... +,_,_,, ............... ......4 ........ 2. MakingAdjustments 1) As shownin the pictureabove,changetheactuatorvaluesto eliminatesaw toothshapes. - Tofine tune, increasethe data valueensuringthat you getthe center betweenthe startingand endingpointsof the disappearingsaw toothshape. SamsungElectronics 3-17 Alignment & Adjustment 3-5 Software Upgrade 1. Preparethe USBmemorystick with the built-infirmware. 2. Whilethe TV is off, insertthe USBstick into the SERVICEterminal. 3. Whenturningon the TV, thereshouldbe a long beepingtoneand thefirmwaredownloadprocessshouldstart. If thereis no soundfrom the TV,turn it off and then on again. 4. Whenthe downloadis complete,therewill be anotherlong beepingtoneand theTV will go into standbymode. Checkfor the FirmwareVersion 1) Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. 2) In orderto enterthe ServiceMode,Press"Mute"--> "1" _ "8" _ "2"_ "POWER"buttonson the RemoteControl. 3) In case entryinto SERVICEMODEis unsuccessful,repeatsteps 1 and 2 directlyabove. 4) You cancheckthe firmwareversionat the bottomof the Factorymenu, T_EXCAAUSO_00XX 2005XX XX T-DTVUCOM5-00XX T-XMENAUS0_00XX 3-18 SamsungElectronics Alignment & Adjustment 3-6 Replacements & Calibration 3-6-1 Tilt the Screen 1. Removethe 12 pointscrews.Removethe Bottomcover. Fix thesafety switchon the rightwith tape so that the set can be turnedon after removingthe bottomcover. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK, SWRCH18A 2. Removethe 3 pointsscrews. * Left 2 pointsscrews : PWH,S,M3,L8,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH18A * Right 1 pointsscrew : PWH,S,M3,L7,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A 3. Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND-BYmode. Inorder to enter the ServiceMode, Press"Mute"_ "1" _ "8" _ "2" _ "POWER"buttonson the RemoteControl. Select "DDP1011(L8)"on thefirst displayof the ServiceModemenu.Pressthe A 'v (Upor Down)buttons,then press ENTERto select.Pressthe !_ (Right)buttonuntil yousee the CROSSHATCHPATTERN. Then,adjust the screenposition,by holdingbothof the uppercornersof the DMD board. CROSSHATCHPATTERN .......# == l Fix the safetyswitchon the rightwith tape so that the ] set can be turnedon after removingthe bottomcover. J -_ Evenwhen thosescrewsare removed,the boarddoesnot separateit can be movedwithin the adjustablerange becausethere are springscrewsat the centerholdingit. -_ Whenadjustingthe screen,it is betterfor two peopleto work together. One personshouldadjust the picturepositionwhile the otherpersonlooksat the screen. -_ The movementdirectionof the boardand the pictureare opposite. - Whenthe board is lifted upward,the screendescendsdown. - Whenit is tilted to the left,the screentilts to the right. -_ Whenthe pictureadjustmentis completed: First,tightenthe two screwson the left of the DMDboardand then slowlytightenthe one screwon the bottomright. Be carefulnot to touch the boardwhiletighteningthe screws. (Whenusingan electric-poweredscrewdriver,be carefulthat the torqueis not too high.) SamsungElectronics 3-19 Alignment & Adjustment 3-6-2 Align the Focus 1. Removethe 7 screws. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A 2. Pull out the holderChassis 3. Adjustthe Lens Focus 1) Inputa Crosshatchpatternor enterservicemodeand use the internalgeneratedpatterns. 2) Adjust the focusalignmentdial of the ProjectionLens Clockwiseor CounterClockwise(See picturein step4) until the pictureis clear. 3) Sincethe alignmentis donefrom the rear usea mirroror a second personto confirmthe adjustmentis complete. 4. Adjustthe Lensfocus. 3-20 5. InsertEngineAss'ywith accuracy. SamsungElectronics Exploded View & Part List 4. Exploded View & Part List 4-1 HLR6768WX/XAA Yoncan searchfor the updatedpart codethroughITSELFwebsite, URL: Loc.Nol MO006i iT0852 Code N01 Q'ty SA/SNA SPRING ETC-CS -,SUS304,-,-,OD6,N7,OD6,-, 1 S.N.A BP63-00431A COVER-REAR 67L6,HIPS,HB,GRAY, TOP 1 S.A BP63-00401A COVER-REARBOTTOM 50L6,HIPS,V0,GRAY 1 S.N.A M0013 BP96-009380 ASSY COVER P-REARBOTTOM L6,HIPS V0,GR50 1 S.A M0107 BP61-00892A BRACKET-PCB 50L3,SECC,TI.O,NTR,TOP(BUILT 1 S.N.A M0107 BP61-00893A BRACKET-PCB 50L3,SECC,T1.0,NTR,BOT(BUILT 1 S.N.A M0112 BP63-00429D COVER-FRONT 67L6,HIPS,HB,BLK,BKM1326R1,S 1 S.N.A M0119 BP41-00124B PCB CONTROL HLP5063W,FR-4,2L,A,1.6T,245 1 S.N.A M0256 BP96-00849F ASSY BRACKET P-MAIN PCB L3,L6,L7,SECC,T1 1 S.A T0002 BP96-01024A ASSY COVER P-FRONTBOTTOM 67L6,HIPS,HB,G 1 S.A T0003 BP96-0103OD ASSY COVER P-FRONT 67L6,SEA(L65A),HIPS,H 1 S.A T0024 BP64-00384B KNOB-FAMILY L6,ABS,HB,GRAY,SVM-3012 1 S.N.A T003O BP96-01027B ASSY COVER P-SIDE 67L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,LEF 1 S.N.A T003O BP96-01028B ASSY COVER P-SIDE 67L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,RIG 1 S.N.A T0053 BP67-00187A SCREEN FRESNEL 67W,1524*875,T2.0 1 S.A T0054 BP67-00186A SCREEN LENTI 67W,1524*875,T2.1 1 S.A T0057 BP64-00179A BADGE-BRAND ALL,ALT1.5,83,14,,BLK,SILIV 1 S.N.A T0061 BP64-00385A WlNDOW-REMOCON 50L3,PC,VlOLET 1 S.N.A T0062 BP61-00530A HOLDER-POWER 50L3,HIPS HB,GRAY 1 S.N.A T0066 BP96-00535E ASSY COVER P-DUCT L6,HIPS HB,GRY 1 S.N.A T0071 BP64-00382A INDICATOR-LED 50L3,ABS CLEAR (LG) 1 S.N.A T0074 BP59-00071B REMOCON T0082 BP64-00309B WINDOW LED T0091 BP94-01713A T0120 BP94-02215B T0129 DIS7 AA61-60003J M0006 M0006 I Description Specification Remark r HURRICANE,TM76A,2OO*54*3O,ZlLOG 1 S.A 50L3,ACRYL,2.0,half-mirror, SE 1 S.N.A ASSY PCB MISC-A/V SIDE HLR6768WX/XAA,L65 1 S.N.A ASSY PCB POWER HLR5067,HURRICANE,L64B,11 1 S.A BP96-01198D ASSY ENGINE P-DLP 67L8,PHILIPS 132W,E22, 1 S.A T0130 BP96-01061A ASSY COVER P-TERMINALBOARD 50L8,HIPSV0 1 S.N.A T0132 BP94-02229A ASSY PCB MISC-DIGITAL HLR5078(L8),L65A,E 1 S.A T0138 BP64-00383B KNOB-HOLDER L6,ABS,HB,GRAY, SVM3012 1 S.N.A T0145 BP94-02228A ASSY PCB MISC-ANALOG HLR5078(L),L65A,EXC 1 S.A T0158 BP96-009370 ASSY COVER P-MAIN L6ALL,HIPS, V0,GR503 1 S.A T0175 BP96-01278A ASSY SPEAKER P 8ohm,L6(DLP)_VE,15W 2 S.A T0186 BP96-01025B ASSY COVER P-GRILLE 67L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,S 1 S.N.A T0245 BP94-01714A ASSY PCB MISC-KEYCONTROL HLR6768WX/XAA, 1 S.N.A T0260 BP67-00215A MIRROR-FRONT Front mirror67",glass,1510 1 S.A T0267 BP61-00938A BRACKET-MIRRORTOP 67L6,AL6063EXTR 1 S.N.A T0268 BP94-01758D ASSY PCB MISC-RMCLED HLR6768WX/XAA,L65A 1 S.N.A T0268 3903-000144 CBF-POWERCORD DT,US,BP3/Y,U(IEC013-RA) 1 S.A T0514 BP61-00916A BRACKET-SUPPORT 67L6,SECC-1,T1.2,NTR,BAC 2 S.N.A T0514 BP61-00918A BRACKET-SUPPORT 61L6,SECC-1,T1.6,NTR 2 S.N.A T0524 BP63-00433A COVER-GRILLE 67L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,SV012P 1 S.N.A T0527 BP61-01045A BRACKET-COVER L6,SECC-1,T1.2,NTR,BOTTOM 1 S.N.A T0852 BP96-01026B ASSY COVER P-MIDDLE 67L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,S 1 S.N.A T0903 BP61-00528A HOLDER-DUST 50L3,HIPS HB,GRAY 2 S.N.A T0952 BP63-00294B COVER DUST-ASSY L6,HIPS,HB,GRAY 2 S.N.A T0i58j / SamsungElectronics 4-I Exploded View & Part List 4-2 L680 EngineAss'y L680 EngineExplodedViewList \\ \ No. Loc: No. 1 T0129 ASSY ENGINE P-DLP 2 BP63-00522A 3 BP67-00222A 3-1 3-2 S.A COVER-P-J LENS L680,ABS,T2.5 1 S.N.A LENS-P/J-ASSY Excalibur, GLASS,NTR,FOV=93 1 S.N.A BP64-00548A GLASS-ACTUATOR EXCALIBUR,MIRROR,39,34,VC 1 S.N.A BP96-00984A ASSY DYNAMIC BLACK P-SEM Dynamic Black,S 1 S.N.A 4 BP63-00520A COVER-MIRROR L680,PC GIF20,T2.5 1 S.N.A 5 BP61-01033A BASE-ENGINE L680,PPS GtF30,T3.0 1 S.N.A 5-1 BP61-01037A BASE-ENGINE L680,MG D/C,T3.0,TOP 1 S.N.A 6 BP96-01103A ASSY COLOR WHEEL P L6,SERVICE 1 S.A GLASS-COLOR WHEEL 65mm NDF,FLOAT GLASS,T 1 S.N.A 6-1 T0593 BP64-00475A 7 T0530 BP63-00510A COVER-LAMP SVP-50L6HR,PPS GtF30,T2.5 1 S.N.A BP63-00517A COVER-DUCT DOT SVP-50L6HR,PC GtF20,T3.0 1 S.N.A BP61-00726A HOUSING-LAMP, BOTTOM 23 1 S.N.A BP47-00021A LAMP-BALLAST EUC 120 P/H11,120W,130mm ca 1 S.A BP61-00728A HOLDER-BALLAST 23 SVP-50L3HR,PC GtF20 1 S.N.A BP63-00537A COVER-LAMP HURRICANE 720P, PC 1 S.N.A S.N.A T0049 9-1 10 T0530 SVP-50L3HR,AL D/ 11 BP61-01014A BRACKET-ENGINE BASE SVP-50L6HR,SECC,T1.6 1 12 BP96-01073A ASSY LAMP P L6,L8(L620,L680),- 61",Philips 120W 1 S.A 12-1 BP47-00018A LAMP UHP 100W/120W 1.0,E22,65"70 1 S.N.A 13 BP91-00775A ASSY MISC-DETECTOR S/W HLP5063WX/XAA,L62 1 S.N.A 14 BP61-01116A HOLDERqNTERFACE L680,ABS,T2.5,BLACK 1 S.N.A HLR5078(L8),EXCA 1 S.N.A 1 S.A 15 BP94-02230B ASSY POD S-DETECTOR-BID 16 T0286 BP31-00011A FAN-DC 17 T0027 BP94-02230A ASSY POD S-DMD HLR5078(L8),EXCALIBUR,L65 1 S.N.A BP61-01043A BRACKET-COOLER L680,AL D/C,T4.0 1 S.N.A BP67-00218A MIRROR-LIGHT TUNNEL Excalibur, GLASS,5.7* 1 S.N.A 17-1 18 4-2 ' Q'ty' SA!SNA 1 9 \, SpeCification 50L8,PHILIPS 120W, E22 8 \ Description BP96-01198A 7-1 \ Code No., T0134 AD0612LB-D72GL,RB.T UL94-Vo,Wire 19 BP67-00219A LENSqLL-E1 Excalibur,NBFD13,NTR,R1:INF, 1 S.N.A 20 BP67-00220A LENSqLL E21E3 Excalibur, FD60,BACED5,NTR 1 S.N.A 21 BP67-00221A LENSqLL E4 Excalibur,BACED5,NTR,R1:57.6 1 S.N.A SamsungElectronics Electrical Part List 5. Electrical Part List 5-1 HLR6768WX/XAAService item Yon can searchfor theupdatedpart codethroughITSELFwebsite. URL: Loc. No. Code No. Description I specification Q'ty SA!SNA M0003 BP96-00990A ASSY COVER P-STAND 61L6,HIPS,HB,GR503,SV 1 S.A M0013 BP96-00938C ASSY COVER P-REAR BOTTOM L6,HIPS V0,GR50 1 S.A M0018 BP97-00954A ASSY MICOM L65A,29DL32,T_SCALER_0083,050 1 S.A M0114 BP39-00205A CBF SIGNAL X-MEN,24/24P,UL20276,400mm,UL 1 S.A T0002 BP96-01024A ASSY COVER P-FRONT BOTTOM 67L6,HIPS,HB,G 1 S.A T0003 BP96-01030D ASSY COVER P-FRONT 67L6,SEA(L65A),HIPS,H 1 S.A T0049 BP47-00022A LAMP-BALLAST EUC 132d P/31,132W,130mm ca 1 S.A T0053 BP67-00187A SCREEN FRESNEL 67W,1524"875,T2.0 1 S.A T0054 BP67-00186A SCREEN LENTI 67W,1524*875,T2.1 1 S.A T0074 BP59-00071B REMOCON HURRICANE,TM76A,200*54*30,ZILOG 1 S.A T0120 BP94-02215B ASSY PCB POWER HLR5067,HURRICANE,L64B,11 1 S.A T0128 BN39-00518B CBF SIGNAL-STEREO SVP-50L3HR, 1P,UL2464#2 1 S.A T0129 BP96-01198D ASSY ENGINE P-DLP 67L8,PHILIPS 132W, E22, 1 S.A T0132 BP94-02229A ASSY PCB MISC-DIGITAL HLR5078(L8),L65A, E 1 S.A T0145 BP94-02228A ASSY PCB MISC-ANALOG HLR5078(L),L65A, EXC 1 S.A T0175 BP96-01278A ASSY SPEAKER P 8ohm,L6(DLP)_VE,15W 2 S.A T0703 BP96-01315A ASSY DMD BOARD P L8 Philips,DMD BOARD,SE 1 S.A T0888 BP96-01099A ASSY LAMP P L6,L8 (L620,L680),67 INCH -, 1 S.A T0889 BP96-01103A ASSY COLOR WHEEL P L6,SERVICE 1 S.A SamsungElectronics Remark 5-1 Troubleshooting 6. Troubleshooting 6-1 Checkpoints by Error Node 1, PowerLight:Checkthe masterswitch(ON/OFF)and the fuse to see if they are operating, 2, LEDBlinking:See the basic LEDchecklistin 6-2-1, < BlinkingTemp& Timer LED> Yes Yes No Yes < Blinking Lamp and Temp LEDs > No Yes No No SamsungElectronics 6-1 Troubleshooting < BlinkingTempLED> Yes A blinkinglampLED is the mostcommonfailureindication.It can be causedby no lamp,no colorwheel,no fan(s),or other defectivecomponents. Yes _e 1 6-2 1_obs _o SamsungElectronics Troubleshooting 3, Noise: Internalnoisemay be causedby a foreignsubstanceon the fan or drivingdevice. For a DLPTV,the lampfan, DMDboardfan and colorwheelare vulnerableto noise.Sometimesthe connectorwire aroundthe lampor DMDfan makescontactwith thefan, whilethe colorwheelis protectedinsidethe moduleand cannotmake contactwith any nearbywires. Howeverthe colorwheelsensoror the drive motormay causenoiseby makingcontactwith the colorwheel. As the colorwheeluses an air bearingsystem,it hasa very slight possibilityof creatinginternalnoise. Whenirregularnoiseoccursfor no particularreason,checkthe insideof the TV for anyforeignsubstances. The DLPprojectionTV may causenoiseas the physicalscreenis emptyinside,causinga resonanceto a particularfrequency. Thus a lowvibrationis nota malfunction. Any 'creaking'noiseis mostlyfrom the structureof the device itself.A short, harshnoisemay occurfrom a distortionor malformationdue to thermalexpansionbetweenthe metaljoints,screwsand loaded parts,respectively.Any intermittent'creaking' noisecan be removedby looseningthescrews. 4. A blackscreenwith the lampon: Replacethe DMDboard. 5. Line Pattern:Regularline patternsoccur verticallyor horizontally:Replacethe DMDboard. 6. VoiceDistortion:Replacethe analogboard. 7. OutsideLight:This is not a productmalfunction,buta possibleinstallationor humanerror.This occurswhen the projectedlight from the surroundingilluminationreflectsontothe screen.This disappearsas the TV starts operatingand theTV lampgets brighter.However,youcan avoidoutsidelight by changingthe positionof the TV or the installationangle. Decreasingthe illuminationor changingthe indoorlightingmaywork. 8. ScreenFlip-over: Enter Factorymodein DDP1011and performH-Flip(flip horizontally)and V-Flip(flipvertically). The screenwill flip overhorizontallyor vertically. SamsungElectronics 6-3 Troubleshooting 9, OtherScreenErrors: i_ 40 Verticallines 16 pixelswide: DDP1011or BGA,DMDpanelinterference, Replacethe DMDboard i_ HorizontalBar or No Raster: Error in DDP1011or the DMP panel, Replacethe DMDboard i_ DottedVertical Bar: Error in RambusDram(IC403) or the soldering Replacethe DMDboard i_ Beehivemosaicpatternsall over the screen: Error in the LVDSReceiver(IC 601) or the soldering The H syncsignalsare nottransferredto DDP1011, Replacethe DMDboard, 6-4 SamsungElectronics Troubleshooting 6-1-1 Video Circuit Error Checking m Basics: - The DDP1011on the DMDboard hasa featureto display internaltest patterns. - DNle,which is an end port in the digital board,has a featureto display internaltest patterns. - The analogboardsends signalsto ADV7401on the digitalboard. - The analogboard is thefirst output and the digitalboardis the secondone,followedby DMD,which is the final one. [] DiagnosisBy Module 1.AccessServiceMode (In Standbymode, press"Mute","1", "8", "2" and "Power"to turn the screenon and enterservicemode) 2. Checkif thereis an error in the DMDboard DDP1011-->TEST PATTERN_ Pressthe rightarrowkey: Optionsof FULLWHITE,BLACK,RED,GREENand BLUEPATTERNare displayedon the screen. If "Pattern"doesnot appear,this is a DMDboarderror. 3. Checkif thereis an error in the digitalboardbeforethe DMD. Whenthe DMDboard hasbeen determinedto be error free basedon the test patterns: FACTORYMODE_ DNle _ TEST PATTERNnormaldisplay:no error in the digitalboard. If "Pattern"doesnot appear,you haveto checka Analogboardfirst, and checka DMDBoardsecond,next checka Digital Board. 4. Checkif thereis an error in theAnalog Board. Checkfor a powersignalfrom the analogto the digitalboards.(Seethe circuitdiagrambelow). _A 57_/R 70VB 33VB Iltl] CN4 - I i ,_ " '-ta_'----'1' 7'27Z1 _uF t 'X I _ii _ SamsungElectronics 6-5 Troubleshooting 6-1-2 Flow Chart for Malfunction Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes 1) DVI Cable No No 2) Analog Board Yes No OP1 ' Stand-by5V OP2 : 5VB OP3: 12VB 6-6 SamsungElectronics Troubleshooting 6-2 Troubleshooting Procedures by Error Modes 6-2-1 Installation & Connection POWER Pressto turnthe TV on and off. Remote Control Sensor Aimthe remotecontrol towardsthis spot on the TV. • ' Lightis On (D ' Lightis Blinking :) ' Lightis Off TIMER LAMP: STANDBY/TEMP:' indication (b (b • Standbystate. (b (D (b The picturewill automaticallyappear in about 15 seconds. • (D (_ AutoTimer ON/OFFhasbeen set and the set will automaticallybe turnedon in about25 seconds. (D (:) (D A coolingfan insidethe set is not operatingnormally. (_ (D (D Lampcover on rear of the set is not properlyshut. Checkif the ventilationhole on the rear of the set is blocked,becauseif the inner temperatureis too high,the powerwill shut off. (D (D (D Lampmay be defective. * It takesabout 30 secondsfor the TV to warm up, so normalbrightnessmay not appearimmediately. * The TV hasa fan to keepthe insidelampfrom overheating.You'lloccasionallyhear it working. 6-2-2 Protect Status 1.Whenthe rear cover is opened A sensor detectswhen the rear coveris openedand turnsthe set off and theninto Standbymode. If you closethe cover or fix the switch,you canturn the set on by pressingthe Powerbutton on the unit or the remotecontrol. The set will thenoperatenormally. 2. Whenthe temperaturesensoroperates Whenthe set is overheated,the internaltemperaturesensorturnsthe set off and the set goesto Standbymode. Whenthe internaltemperatureof the set returnsto a normalrange(95°C), turn the poweron by pressingthe Powerbuttonon the unit or the remotecontrol.Theset will thenoperatenormally. 3. Attemptingto turn the lampon fails repeatedly If turningthe lampon fails, the set automaticallytries turningthe lampon 3 times. If all attemptsfail, all LED'son thefront panel will blink. Checkthe lamp and the ballastand replacethem, if necessary. SamsungElectronics 6-7 Troubleshooting 6-3 Troubleshooting Procedures by ASS'Y 6-3-1 Check Lamp & Ballast 1.Whenthe lamp is not on, checkif there is anythingwrongwith the ballast. Removethe lamp. Fix the safetyswitchon the rightwith tapeand turn on the power. Checkto see if a blueflame starts ignitingin the arc gap insidethe ballastmomentarilyduringstart-up. Thereis no problemwith the ballast if thereis a flame.Whenthe ballast hasno error,replacethe lamp. A blue flame occurs momentariiy during startup. ,/,, cf 6-8 _, Ja, SamsungElectronics Troubleshooting 6-3-2 When the lamp and the ballast are normal but the lamp does not turn on or turns off right after quickly lighting up 1. Checkthe colorwheel Checkif the colorwheel is running.+ Checkthe DMDboard and the ballastfor the signals. Checkthe secondCN503pin for inputsignals.When3.5V,180Hzis output,the colorwheelis operatingnormally. DGT3.3V DGT5V L750 R760 10Kohm 1 5uH C755 _" CN750 DDP FT750 ACN2012-900-2P_ CW_NDEX C756 100nF 10uF IC75I LM393D 3.5V 180Hz File _di Vetical Hodzlbcq !ri_ Disr,la_ 11n_GFi417 04 _7 cu_sl Pos C_2 Pes /2 168ms i_ , u-vl, -_ DMDBoardCheckDiagram DGT5V R775 LAMPEN CN752 [_L_R778 53398-0590 _AA_ _ _L R779 I 3 3Kohn, i I<_1 t 0Kohm i 10W R780 OB LAMPLITZ (LAMPENSCI) LAMP_RX C767 10nF 7_ T SamsungElectronics 72 6-9 Block Diagram 7. Block Diagram 7-1 Overall Block Diagram Anynet, G-Link HDMI/PC IEEE1394/Anynet Optical/Gemstar-IR RF In(Air,Cabl_ CableCard AlVIn 1 2 3 S-Video 1 2 3 Component ,,_ A/V 1,2 Out RS-232C PC/DVI In Audio In AC SamsungElectronics 7-1 Block Diagram 7-2 Partia{ Block Diagram 7-2-1 Power Board Block Diagram 70VB : 30mA T30VB : 0 ~SmA] 1 S-mute : - 6V 0 ~ 2mA ] S15VB : 0-o4:0A 6.0V_B : 0.93~1:8A POWER CTL 7-2 ] J ] SamsungElectronics Block Diagram 7-2-2 Digital Board Block Diagram 12S_1394 12S_OUL1394 ScrambleTS Unscramble TS TS_I_OATA[/:0] CLK,VLD,SYNC TS_A_DATA[7:0] CLK,VLD,SYNC CLK,VLD,SYNC TS_2_DATA[7:0] TS_B_DATA[7:0] CLK,VLD,SYNC CLK,VLD,SYNC MAIN-V suB-Y(V)/C NR_Out 16bit COMP1 DDR 12bit MAIN-V NROut NR In 161 16bit COMP1 bNle NR EN COMP2 HDMI TMDS 1 6bit(4:2: 2/,CLK,HS,VS HDMI TMDS PDIF_OUT 12S OUT 12S 13941 L1/R1 L2?R2 Side-L/R SamsungElectronics 7-3 Block Diagram 7-2-3 Analog Board Block Diagram Main-Y(V)-Out Main-Y(V) Main-C Main-Y-Out $1/$2/$3-Y S1/$2/S3-C Sub-Y-Out Main-C-Out Sub-C Sub-YOut CaD-Y-Out Sub-COut Comb-Y-Out Sub-Y(V) Sub-C-Out Mort-Mixed-V-Out Comb-C-Out Side-Y/C 7 _ Cap-CVBS L__ Mon-Vout Main-V-Out MTNR-CVBS STNR-CVBS DTV-CVBS Sub-V-Out V1N2 Cap-V-Out Mon-V-Out Side-V Mon-L/Rout Gain0/Gain 1 L1/R1 Main-L/R L2/R2 Side-L/R Compl-L/R Comp2-L/R PC-L/R MTNR-StF STNR-StF DVt(HDMI2)-L/R Amp-ln-L/R 7-4 SamsungElectronics Block Diagram 7-2-4 DMD Board Block Diagram Lamp En Lam -- Lamp Litz -- CW Index Power Good Reset M DMD Ctrl _et Lvds Bus Master A/B Lvds Bus Slave A/B CLKRX TMDS DATRX RGB ODD 100Mhz >l VCM =_l _l Detector [ 3.3 V output SamsungElectronics Actuator DB Actuator Circuit 24 P con ] 7-5 03 Dynamic Black 3 O3 0 [77 0 O3 KEY CONTROL ACTUATOR ANALOG DMD 3 FRONT LED COLOR WHEEL DETECT TEMP SENSOR FAN BALLAST FAN1 FAN2 POWER DIGITAL ,oo SIGNAL ED POWER r_ r_ C_ o c_ O _D _D CD O €_ C1R c_ €_ U_J O Cll Go 3 CQ m PCB Diagram 9. PCB Diagram 9-1 Power Board 9-1-1 Assy Power Board m DC PowerSupply (SuppliesDC powerto the analog PCB,Theanalog boardis responsiblefor the powersupplyto the digital/DMDboard,) 9-1-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts * CN801' Suppliespower(DC220-400v)to the ballast * GT801' Anti-lightningwire connectedto the digital board.The anti-lightningwire shouldbe installedfor safety purposes. * PD802S' Inlettype of terminalthat is connectedto theAC powercable. SamsungElectronics 9-1 PCB Diagram 9-1-3 Power Board Connector Pin CN805 CN804 Connecting Power to Analog Board Connecting Power to Analog Board Pin No...... 9-2 Pin Name Pin Name , PIN Nol Pin Name 1 STD 5V STD 5V 1 2 S-MUTE 2 GND GND 3 4 S14.5V 3 STD 5V 33V 5 6 GND 4 GND GND 7 8 S14.5V 5 12VA POWER-SW 9 10 GND 6 GND 5.5VB 11 12 5.5VB 7 12VA GND 13 14 GND 8 GND 12VB 15 16 12VB 9 33VA GND 17 18 GND 10 POD-SW 12VB 19 20 12VB GND 21 22 GND GND 23 24 80VB SamsungElectronics PCB Diagram 9-2 Digital Board 9-2-1 Assy Digital Board III All DigitalVideo Processing II OSD/ Menu II ResetSwitch(Resetto the CPU) II Connectedwith PODchannelBoard. 9-2-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts * CableCard: CableCARDis a nationwidestandardsystemthat allows yourlocalcable TV providerto supplyyou with an accesscard customizedto your account.This card allowsthe TV to receive,decodeand unscramblethe premiumdigitalchannelsincludedin yourcableTV subscriptionwithoutthe use of a cable box. * HighDefinitionMultimediaInterface: The HDMITM (High DefinitionMultimediaInterface)supportsuncompressedstandardand high definitiondigitalvideoformatsand existingdigitalmulti-channelaudio formats. * G-Link: This jack is usedby the TV GuideOn screen systemof the TV to control externalanalogdevicessuch as VCRs,cableboxes, satellitereceivers. * D-Net(IEEE1394): Thesejacks allowtheTV to connectto externalIEEE 1394digitalproductsby meansof a singlecable. SamsungElectronics 9-3 PCB Diagram 9-2-3 Digital Board Connector Pin CN17 CN500 Pin Name (Buit,ln)N ' I N0- Pin Name (Built'In) Pin Name (Built-In) I Pin Name (Built-In) N NO MD2.3V 1 2 B33V MAIN_Y 1 2 GND GND 3 4 GND MAIN_C 3 4 GND MD2.3V 5 6 MD2.3V SUB_Y_V 5 6 GND GND 7 8 GND SUB_C 7 8 GND D2.5V 9 10 D2.5V COMPI_Y 9 10 GND GND 11 12 GND COMPI_Pb 11 12 GND D4.7V 13 14 D2.5V COMPI_Pr 13 14 GND GND 15 16 GND COMP2_Y 15 16 GND D4.7V 17 18 D4.7V COMP2_Pb 17 18 GND GND 19 20 GND COMP2_Pr 19 20 GND MD5.7V 21 22 MD5.7V MTNR_CVBS 21 22 GND GND 23 24 GND MTNR_SIF 23 24 GND 5VA 25 26 5VA STNR_CVBS 25 26 GND GND 27 28 GND STNR_SIF 27 28 GND D5.7V 29 30 MD9V DTV_CVBS 29 30 GND CN29 Pin Narne (Built-In) i [:: EI1'_ r_o I Pin Name (Built-In) RS232_TxD 1 2 MICOM_TxD RS232_RxD 3 4 MICOM_RxD GND 5 6 GND ANYNET_TxD 7 8 SDA_A ANYNET_RxD 9 10 SCL_A GND 11 12 GND SPDIF_ATI 13 14 nRESET_S GND 15 16 nRESET_ANALOG 12SCLK NTSC 17 18 LAMP_ERROR GND 19 20 DDP_READY 21 22 PWRGOOD 12SWS NTSC 23 24 GND 12S_CLK_ATI 25 26 nDEBUG_EN 27 28 nRESET_CPU 29 30 nRESET_DRV 31 32 DLP_SYNCVAL 12S_DATA_NTSC GND 12S_DATA_ATI 12SWS ATI 9-4 SamsungElectronics PCB Diagram CN26 PiNNo. Pin Name PiNNo.' Pin Name PiN Nol ' PinName 1 TMDS_TX0+ 9 TMDS_TXI+ 17 TMDS_TX2+ 2 TMDS_TX0- 10 TMDS_TX1- 18 TMDS_TX2- 3 GND 11 GND 19 GND 4 TMDS_TXC+ 12 NO 20 SYNOVAL 5 TMDS_TXC- 13 NO 21 nRESET_DRV 6 SOL_PANEL 14 NO 22 GND 7 SDA_PANEL 15 LAMP TXn 1 23 DDP_READY 8 NO 16 LAMP_RX 24 POWERGOOD SamsungElectronics 9-5 PCB Diagram 9-3 Ana(og Board 9-3-1 Assy Analog Board m m m m m Distributessupplyvoltagefrom the PowerBoardto Digital Boardand DMDBoard. TransfersTurn-onCommand to Digitaland PowerBoard. Encompassesthe majorityof theAudio Circuit AnalogVideo Switching/ Processing AnalogAudio Switching/ Processing 3D CombProcessing 9-3-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts * CN260: Connectedto the detectboard * * * * CN4,CN5 : Connectedto the powerboard- receivesthe secondpowersourcegeneratedon the powerboard. CN259: Sendsthe powersourcefrom the analogto the digitalboard. CN20: This is a controlsignalterminalthat connectsbetweenthe analogand digitalboards. CN257: This is an AVsignalterminalthat connectsbetweenthe analogand digital boards. 9-6 SamsungElectronics PCB Diagram 9-3-3 Analog Board Connector Pin CN259 CN257 Pin Name (Buit,ln)N ' I N0. Pin Name (Built'In) Pin Name (auittqn) I N N0. Pin Name (Built-In) MD2.3V 1 2 B33V MAIN_Y 1 2 GND GND 3 4 GND MAIN_C 3 4 GND MD2.3V 5 6 MD2.3V SUB Y V 5 6 GND GND 7 8 GND SUB_C 7 8 GND D2.5V 9 10 D2.5V COMPI_Y 9 10 GND GND 11 12 GND COMPI_Pb 11 12 GND D4.7V 13 14 D2.5V COMPI_Pr 13 14 GND GND 15 16 GND COMP2_Y 15 16 GND D4.7V 17 18 D4.7V COMP2_Pb 17 18 GND GND 19 20 GND COMP2_Pr 19 20 GND MD5.7V 21 22 MD5.7V MTNR_CVBS 21 22 GND GND 23 24 GND MTNR_SIF 23 24 GND 5VA 25 26 5VA STNR_CVBS 25 26 GND GND 27 28 GND STNR_SIF 27 28 GND D5.7V 29 30 MD9V DTV_CVBS 29 30 GND CN4 CN20 Pin Name (Buit'ln)N ' I N0. Pin Name (Built'In) Pin Name, 5VA 1 2 POWER_MUTE GND 3 4 S16VB 33VB 5 6 GND GND 7 8 S16VB POWER_SW 9 10 GND 5.7VB 11 12 5.7VB GND 13 14 GND 12VB 15 16 12VB RS232_TxD 1 2 MICOM_TxD RS232_RxD 3 4 MICOM_RxD GND 5 6 GND ANYNET_TxD 7 8 SDA_A ANYNET_RxD 9 10 SCL_A GND 11 12 GND SPDIF_ATI 13 14 nRESET_S GND 15 16 nRESET_ANALOG 12S CLK NTSC 17 18 LAMP_ERROR GND 19 20 DDP_READY 12S_DATA_NTSC 21 22 PWRGOOD 12S WS NTSC 23 24 GND 12S_CLK_ATI 25 26 nDEBUG_EN GND 27 28 nRESET_CPU 12S_DATA_ATI 29 30 nRESET_DRV 12S WS ATI 31 32 DLP_SYNCVAL SamsungElectronics PIN Nol Pin Name GND 17 18 GND 12VB 19 20 12VB GND 21 22 GND GND 23 24 70VB 9-7 PCB Diagram CN5 CN9 Pin Nol I Pin Name 1 5VA 2 GND 3 5VA 4 GND 5 12VA 6 GND 7 12VA 8 GND 9 NC 10 POD_SW CN11 No. Pin Name Pin Name 1 GND 2 L-OUT 3 GND 4 L-OUT Connectingthe Powerand ControlSignalto the PODFan PinNol PinName 1 LED1 1 FAN_ERROR 2 KEY1 2 GND 3 KEY2 3 8VA_FAN 4 SDA_M1 5 SCL_M1 6 12VB 7 GND Pin No: Pin Name CN17 CN260 Connectingthe IR signal Pin Nol 9-8 Pin No. CN16 Connectingfront LED indicators Pin Connecting and transmitting Audio signal to Speaker I Pin Name 1 IR 2 GND 3 5VA 1 GND 2 GND 3 12VB 4 12VB 5 GND 6 SDA_M1 7 SCL_M1 8 GND 9 5VA 10 GND 11 70VB 12 GND SamsungElectronics PCB Diagram 9-4 DMD Board 9-4-1 Assy DMD Board Controlsthe lamp(ON/OFF) m Drivesthe colorwheelmotor m Drivesthe panel m Controlsthe sensors 9-5-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts * * * * * * CN751: This receivesthe powersourcefrom the detectboardand communicateswith the 12C, CN601: This sends a 60Hzsignalto the detect board, CN600: This suppliesthe powerto drivethe colorwheel, CN750: This receivesthe colorwheel rotatingsignals. CN752: This sends signalsto the ballast. CN100: The DVlcable terminal.This receivesthe imagedatafrom thedigitalboard. * DMDPANEL: This is protectedwith a heat sink and fixtures, * DDP1011: This processesthe DMDdriveand the signals. SamsungElectronics 9-9 Schematic Diagram 10. Schematic Diagram 10-1 Analog Board 10-1-1 PowerSignal This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. 5VA 5.7VB Power 33VB from Signal SM S16VB PS Board 70VB VIN S16VB 12VB [1:1 [ s>l FTr---- _ .... F__ SW ,;oo- T _XREF 7y_o qT_o -- --_ _ o .......... -- c5 17 POWER VOUI S14VB_R USE BP96-OO882A 162 MUTE o: usED _C4 li R1 c1 ;R2 C3 T.ow 220uF 35V 20 220uF 35V I 100nF Jl/10W R4 187ohm I/low 2T O...... o o 18 47uF 50V • C6 100uF 16V []]]:>-_xREr +C807 o o-qT' OO--_ 19 V1N S16VB -rl _7} POWER VOU[ S14VB_L USE BP96-00882A ICl 7_ 'J F 25V MATERIAL MATERIA't C'_ ' . for Audio Amp-L Regulator for Audio Amp-Right eft _MC_ ,e_ !;ou_MATER,AL USA OPTION 35V IC3 9VB LM317SX 12VA I_ USA OPTION 9VA 12VA FAN SW _ 5VA 12VA CIC21J601NE 5VA 5.7VB BA178M09FP R90 ! C15 33uF 25V -ZKo,m 02o 11,10w _o°uF C21 :11 c12 3uF 5V 100nF 25V _r LZ_ OP3 OP1 100nF 25V MO _1 R901 51Kohm R902 1/10W 9 1Kohm G_D T 8VA_FAN 100nF AC797 ! ......... ADJ 11::;_ m >R8 _2K 7 CN5 I 12VB IC5 IC4 BD721 MO _A_ER,AL Power Check .... <::::::::::::] PODSW C798 100nF 25AVERIAT Indicator LED C10 100nF 5.7VB 5VB -- -- 100uF 16V 25V MATERI + c22 100uF KIA78D05F 25V Power Signal from SM PS Board (only for USA) SamsungElectronics 10-1 Schematic Diagram 10-1-2 AV_Input This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. Power JA1 UJ%19901H Signal >Sl c Y >R1 > VI_DET > Sl_DET > S2_DET R2 >V2 L2 > V2 DET C > S2Y MON MON MON COMP2 DET_ .... L 10_6_10uH VOUT ROUT LOUT _DET Y _Pb Pr R L L R Pr OMP2_-Y L60_ PC_LIN PC_RIN DVLRIN _OUT DVI_LIN I 112{ ANYNET_RX 100 RS232 TX R102 > ANYNET TX 100 RS232 From SideAV Board Assy RX 5VB CN258 JA2 SIDE_Y SIDE_C SIDE_V OPTICAL OUT [_:_0 \/_/ R104 03 0114 100nF _vr OP [](:AL OUl SIDE_L SIDE_R SIDE_SDET SIDE_VDET 10-2 SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-1-3 AV_Switching This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. 12V_OPTION Power 8V_6425 Signal L3OO 01021J60 G 8V_6425 5 8V_6425 M AT E RIALTfT 7_T 7_T 7_T T_ MATERIAL Use in PAL mode(, _;3Icd_I,}6olNEY/C ' to bypass 3D Comb block _5_[[[_> SUB Y _R_[[][_> SUB C _ MAIN Y _[[[[3> MAIN C I _ CAPY OUT ADDR:96h _ ,.z _ MON MIXED V OUT _z 7 [NoL in Usedl 9VB ..... 8V_6425 L304 C:[C21J60 MTNR STNR SDA A _ SCL A []_ CVBS CVBS R343/V_0° [_:>5_ cs30 188uF _0331 IC3042'_iv lov_ 10uF 16V _ _o_F_+ _XRE_ _ .... we> _ N I _346_/_?_ x_F TEA6425D I 0334 0337 _3_,0003,0 ,0_ _w _,_ 1 L _ 7/7 _ _o _ i_ _ T/_T _ _iii° i_ L1 L_VV__ L2 _r-_;4_ ^^_K c_ X_R_39 R3_!V_[[[[> IT _c_o_ __,oo _00nF ...... [................. MAIN V OUT XREF c>su_vo_m _3_ _>CA_V°_m CVBS _ I xR_ SIDE V /W_!..................... R360 100 0343 :_V_,o_ 03. D_'9 ;°/vn_ SamsungElectronics ' A..1K IDVI_LIN___',AA Si DTV AUDIO SWITCHING D ELL _1_+1 COMPI_I_ __ COUP2_l_ __ I ..... C324 _ 10UF ,ooF C %1_F ..... CVBS Switching _ =A_ _ o-,o............................ -_-c_---_#V_ [ _'#V_ _°° _ _°_ __ ............... ' L2 R2 _..... LN3C .... _ 1_90 L5 R5 "18 L6 R6 .... o I LOUT3 ............ ADDR :98H 2 ___"2 ......... R4 RPU _3,0 _, "_COMP2 Pr _ ........................ CVBS _ 1::.7: ..................... .... MTNR 00_ 1_ .................................................................................................. O O-- STNR CVBS o o- ................................................................... O 0-': .......................................................................... 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Power Signal I/IGW R405 :4 7K lOuF ........ c4o_ Q4Ol KSAl/82 /V_A/ 1/16W Q402 KSC1623 _ 188rF _VV 220 1/16W R449 / I16W SDA A x_E_ SCL A x_E_ nRESET ANALOG 3.3VB 18(,)uF /6V 3.3VB COMB Y OUT 18 _ NC GND M OUT NC GND M ,. SamsungElectronics /uF 5VB R452 Y x_E_ C403 18uF 16V > _ R407 _w/88 R408 I//6W R406 100R404 08 Y s ® oo_ s 16V 16V _ 9 _ 10-5 Schematic Diagram 10-1-6 DC-DC D4.7V This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. Power D2.5V 12VB 12VB C501 Signal C502 L501 lOnF L502 lOnF BLM41P600S FT404 T +C503 _C505 _C504 _ BLM41P600S 1 R504 22Kohm IC501 + C508 _C507 _82uF 63V R503 6 8Kohm 1/10W 1% 8 2 +C506 82uF 63V 1/10W MP1583DN 1 BLM41P600S L504 L503 1% 7 aSS340 R507 R510 R509 9Kohm D501 6 34Kohm F 7 5Kohm 1/10W 1/10W .......... 33nF C792 ................... 50V C513 15gpF .... 1% C516 1% 820pF NO C515 'tgnF useSS340 DCDC Converter for Power of ATI-CPU MD2.3V USA : STD power DCDC Converter for Power of ATI-CPU KOR :B+power USA/KOR C517 12VB B+power L505 10nF 12VA Common BLM41P600S L506 12V_OPTION +C520 _82uF MD3.3V 63V 6 04Kohm R511 2_ i BD156 I USA BD184 O 1 !uF lOOnF }V 25V 1% X BLM41P600S L508 12V_OPTION _SS340 O lOOnF J 6 8Kohm R513 523 Z_ IC504 1/10W C528 522_ C801 ----100nF --16V 82uF O i L L507 lOnF R512 X 18Kohm KOR C521 1/10W R514 16V 524 MO 16V MO 16V 11Kohm 1% MP1583DN t/t0W 820pF 2 1% 7 DCDC ConverterforPowerofATI-CPU D4.7V 5.7VB 5VA USA : STD power MD3.3V MD2.3V 33VBD2.5V KOR:B+power u: _SS340 e515 7Kohm 6 34Kohm C532 1/10W 33nF 16V CN259 IN-30-BR200 1 = -- 100nF "C802 16V NO To Digital 806 7_T [100n F 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 ' NO for Power of Channel Board Only for USA ' = = f Board Assy (Power Signal) AngleandEMIShieldingType _c _ 10 [2N:2N-1] t i'0533 560pF 3 DCDC Converter __ 1% F 1 4 2 | R516 9VB 9VA _ __ _c __ _c 805 lOOnF 804 lOOnF 16V NO 10-6 SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-1-7 Sound Processor/Amp 5VB This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. Power R_74/V_¢ Signal # .... _ 12S DATA NTSC 5VB l_SCLK ATI_v _[11R_2 n R_4 _,_ _ SHUTDOWNn nRESETS_ _*_ I :::! o 12VB 5.7VB 5VA R_12 .... C_ 22_ R_14 _611 IC601 C_3 in<<1 .... i_wi,....... ' ' SSV C_ C_1_ .c M S P4440G_QA_C 12_500 AUDCLOUT Sound Pr ocessor 1/15g 1204-002179 R_21 R_ _ ,,_ out _@_ Z_ sp_ _v x_ ×TALI. 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M1 5VA Power 3.3VA Signal M1 ClC21JBO1NE R910 R923 _IK _47K C810 33uF ANYNET TXD ANYNET RXD C779 25V .........._a;1_/. _BnE5v RS232 $EL2 25V _8232 / \ SELl ANYNET TX ANYNET RX 25V IC713 MC74VHC244DTR2 1C714 M C74VHC244DTR2 DSUB TXD BSUB RXD R912 ................c;_ ................. 120 /_/ R911 0 J 'VW_AR¥ ? i4 IOOnF RSRXO /VV_/ ANY RS /T_ IOOnF C781 25V //7 /T_ C783 2_v TXD R922 16 0 01 !5 I5 D2 OSUB TXO_ .... _!V R917 70VB 5VA 12VB 1!__ I7 //_/c Nii? WV _'Z_ ........ _,_/_ DEBUG i GT1 _ 11:1 TXD .......... o R920 8VA FAN 7ZT // io! SDA SOL BD712 5VA Front IR/LED PCB - IR CN16 _ ....... _XREF XREF C A ClC21JBO1NE M1 / Side Key C789 100nF C77_F loon CIC2 ! 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SamsungElectronics L3 A+B,C L5 A,B,C L7 A,D B Front IR/LED PCB - LED L7 CABINET D Front KEY/LED 10-9 Schematic Diagram 10-2 Digital Board 10-2-1 Digital-I D5.7V This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. MD:k3V D4.7V MD2.3V TU 33V D2.5V STB 5V MD9V Power Signal _C16!6 _ 100nF 100uF 16V 100nF 25V 100uF 16V 100nF 25V 25V _ C1609 100nF 25V ,T T- FT1200 C ) C ) C ) C ) C ) 25....... 2:7- C 2TFT1203 BLM41 P600S 100nF 25V C16!2 C16t0 <_ ca C ) 15 47uF 16V 25V 25V 2 ) --100nF FT400 z T FT1201 47uF 16V 100nF 50V C16!4 CN17 IN-30-BR200 FT!202 BLM41 P600S FT1204 BLM41P600S _@-o _< C (_)_ 29 ca z FT401 BD1005 ClC21J601NE 777 777 A5V _R1383 CN29 _!0K ClC21J601NE FW20010-32 BD1006 i 1/16W RS232RxD RS232 TxD 3 55 oo 6 R3280 __ TxDM RxDM R599 SCL oo ANYNET ANYNET SPDIF TxD RxD ATI _ NT 12S DATA NT 12S LRCLK 12SSCK 12SSD OUTA OUTA _swsOUTA _! o o ....... 12 <_ (_ 14 oo 16 -o0 18 oo R2_W_-0 .... 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MDOV Power _ OOB STB5V PLL3.3V Signal L1001 ClC21J_OINE L611 C_C21J601NE ..... I.............. I......... 0::)B lo,,F loo,,F STB 5V L613 MPZ2012S300A _B L C6_F0 ...... C2u57 LC689 T _T T Z_ 16V _'_ TU 33V GEM C_C21J601NE hSOO TUNER 1 csol ......IO,,F > _ 5V TOGEMSTARSheet9 ........ CiC21 ALPSN_MTUNER + cso2 I_F S0V _ JOOINE J SEC N_MTUNER S0V STB TUI DNVD3_BV401A 5V POD I OOB_PLL3.3V L211 C_C21J601NE 5V I BDIO_I ClC21J_OINE TU2 TUIS I M AFT R534 R1017 100 _ _ 100 RS41 _ 100 RS43 0 OOB TU nRESET TS_ ERR PLL3.3V STB5V ...... 0_ R535 1 XTALON OFF 1 MTNR S_F DRX I _C67_ I _ ..... CH2.5V 1 MD3.3V I TSI ] TU nRESET ERR NEW 1 ITEM > ETX R_40 0 CRX MD3.3V MD3.3V LS02 C_C21J601NE SECPOD_NER SECNIMTUNER MD3.3V CH1.8V1 CH1.8V 1 I ...... 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DELETE ®1®1®1®1 i i Power HDMI Signal 3.3V DELETE HDMI OVCC3.3 HDMI HDMI CVCCl.8 _,_w I DACVCC3.3 IC 103 :: o o_ o_ ":% SIL9021 _!:_i:! c HDMI x1_1_ ' TMDS CVCCl., : 60h (Video) 68h (Audio) -t: D4.7V H_MISSClK ADDRESS 3.3V HbMISpATA TO TMDS HDMI Sheet17 3.3V ::::_: DELETE HDMI DVCC1.8 c: HDMI DVCC1.8 HDMI 3.3V HDMI ;ot__,':_:: .................................................................... HDMI HDMI HDMI DACVCC33 GM1601 Sheet15 OVCC3.3 REGVCC 3.3V I ,GMA 3.3V TO D4.7V HDMI STB 5V HDMI 1 5V HDMI HDMI 1 5V HDMI 3.3V 3.3V T_ ..... HDMI _,_::_ ........... EEPROM HDMI ._o_ ___t, STB 5V HDMI HDMI PVCC3.3 Ill XTALVCC 3.3V .... . .......... HDMI 2 5V HDMI 3.3V F 2 5V .... t t:.... HDMI_1.8V D2.5V _i_i_ .......... it SamsungElectronics10-15 AVCC3.3 t HDMI 3.3V NEW ITEM HDMI_1.8V HDMI CVCC1.8 T ' Schematic Diagram 10-2-7 Digital-7 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. Power Signal STB 5V PC DDC VCC D5V LRlOO 3 _4.ZK RLZJ9.1B TEl2 I.......................... Dl19 _1 1/16W PC JACK ID !3 PC DDC SDA BD1034 PcGIN_ BD1035 R354 ......... R355 BD1036 0 R£25_/_,/-_ 0 • _W....... R356 Default Delete protect impulse protect shock PC R _ PC G 0 _> Default _ u.> u. © © Delete impulse shock //T77 _ STB 5V PC DDC VCC - .1414 PMLL4148 D123 PC DDC SCL 1:)122 1_1200 _ TMDS 3.3V TP2620 CLC21J601NE BD400 N°o _R1209 R1208 C836 I 10K_ 1/16W "_> 1171_W _010100 _ 100nF 25V TMDS 3.3V 2_OvF IC800 R1205 PC DDC SDA _:_ TP2621 10C _2_ \\\\ 74LCX14MX R817_ PcvsYNc C::> _4.ZK _'_VV _ R1206AA1/_0C0C D1201 CDS3C30GTH 1/16Wvv ;cOuF oo ......................... 16V TR1203 PC 2 I_ °czb VS _ _ R401 _ 4 b" Pc.sYNc K l !) _ /_l_, 1/16W 1/16W I _J 2N7002L _1 TP2619 _ DDC EEPROM WP R4oo__A/WoCD>Pc.s Q1200 10-16 SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-2-8 Digital-8 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. USB us_ _ I,..... 5V I_w _2 LTC147 MD3.3V GEM USB vcc CHECK 0S8 3.3V T c_® _sp GEM GEM 5V 3.3V GEMSTAR IR lR_o2 GEM5V 0N203 1,1_w IR OUT G Tx 3.3V _GEMSTAR _'_ANYNET _a,_GEMSTA _'_ANYNET TxD TxD GEMSTAR RxD R RxDRxD GEM_3.3V ] I IR HDMI CEC _-: _o_ 4,'W_ i CN101 I HDMI CEC J 1 3.3V I'1_w DELETE GEM GEM_3.3V _ 1,1_w SamsungElectronics10-17 G Rx RS232 TxD 3.3V 1 i 165a-n-sdisg-10-s2.qxd 2005-05-23 o_ 12:03 ............................... t............................... qlol_l10-18 Schematic Diagram 10-2-9 Digital-9 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. MD2.3V Power Signal 1394 1394 t.5V NEW ITEM MD3.3V ..... _10_221_6o_N_ D5V SC1566 BDI01 SC1566t5M-X X T IC1215 1 vfN _[ CIC21J60tNE L203 CIC21J601NE vo 5 _1 l+ 1 li!°o_m _°o°v_ £v_ _ c91_c912 100nF R889 13Kohm MO 25V 7_ 1/10W CIC21J601NE R236 IC208 I ',TO IO Sheet18 MD3.3V 1394_MD3.3V', V_O IO_MD3.3V , REFRBYT TL_ 2L _ i_ C226 -- 100nF --25V ITLC29321 R237 100 R238 1/16W 1/16W 13 12 11 s 4 _oo7 _,_ow MO >_/_6w _d0K .C217 100uF 02_3 £ _002 10V _o_o_, , T R219 2.2K --- 100 1/16w 25V MO -- 1/16W _00 C154 CIC21J601NE BD1023 100uF 100nF 10V 25V 0 _oo6.. _0_222 _vZ---_OT 2 1/16W f H \ _II_ 4 _,,I | | 5 \ F_ _-..--2_ _-_---4 _6 ......_ _l '7 \ ] B \ _ 1394S R903 33 _ R899 dVV_ 33 R898 33 12SSD ...... WS6W 1394S ......................... DATA OUTA SCLK ,,,ow _oo4 ..,_ssc. OUTA _ o6\'I%> ........... I-8_ I S3 1/16W 17 I o_ I Rg00 OS2 r--_d---qt_ _s ws6w _ 1/16W R905 _ 33 1394S LRCLK 12SWS OUTA ...... 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Power POD MD3.3V MD3.3V POD BD1033 ClC21J601NE 3.3V US_Olny_Page CARD 3.3V BDI032 MPZ2012S300A Signal PoD vcc CHECK_V_/- MOCLK SamsungElectronics 10-19 Schematic Diagram 10-2-11 DigitaM1 This Document can not be used without Samsung's _uthorization. MEM X226 IC51 M AA8 _D MM AAI MFM_^P MFM_^4 _A_A_ MENVREF mo_4 :IK 1_16W MEM 27 _4 M M AAR A25 MFM_ m _114 _2Z MFM _2B _A_A 14 , MEMD2.5V t 1146 ........ L L ..... 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ATI FLASH MD3.3V MD3.3V 28F128J3 IC406 SUPLECODE IOOnF • .... 2 MD3.3V IO1.8V PC_r,_NTA FLEXDA-AO £: '* - _2 FLEXDA_ FLEXDA_A: FLEX_A_A_ FLEXDA_A, FLEXDA_A, FLEXDA_A14 FLEX_A_A_ FLEX_LE_ J EQ1 PCl _REQO PCl _PERR PCl WEF _U CL_OUTI(ONEPINNEn _P7 ........ ?2":f' /,,. 1,1_W FLEX FLEX_LE1 _E_ FLEX_E1 FLEXDA_A_ FLEXDA_A FLEXDA_A_ FLEXDA_A, FLEXDA_A1, FLEXDA_A1 PC_r,_NTC PCl_SmP PCl_SERR 1,1_W FLEX_A_A_ sYs _RESEr FIF_ _nm 1,1_W FLEX_A_A_ FLEX_A_A_ FEmALe FLEXDA_A_ FLEXDA_A 7 1,1_W Pcl _F_ME FLEX_A_A_ FLEX_A_A_ FLEX_A_A_ IC1002 ......... ATI Zl_H_lAGBll 1gO, _ :2 _1048 1,1_W ,,S;_' ............. R1087 a_ Pcl eLK IN PCl PAR lJl_W U4 _,RST --/VW .... R1081 ATI MD3.3V g_ i_ 1116W :il FLEXDA_AI: FLEXDA_AI: _W_r :::ii ..... 1/16W R10_2 FLEXDA_A1, 74 hC_16373M FLASH FLASH MD3.3V Pc__GNm TDX MD3.3V Pcl ADO PCl AD1 PCl AD2 PCl ADB ,;I ? ? 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ATL2.5V Power ATI MD3.3V MD3.3V FLASH MD3.3V L1217 ClC21J6OINE Signal MD3.3V NEW ITEM ATL2.5V IC511-2 215H31AGB11 Cla71 1_nF 2_VMO _VMU MD2.3V ATL 1.5V NEW ITEM ......... i _tj ]Pff91A ,, g _!2g MD3.3V MD3.3V PLL1.8V IO1.8V CIO8_ v_ . _v_: __............. IZ_ SamsungElectronics 10-23 1 i J -n-sdiag-10-a2.qxd 2005-05-23 o_ 12:03 qlolx]10-24 Schematic Diagram 10-2-15 Digital-15 This Document can not be used without Samsunc 's authorization. D2.5V i , IC413 :DNIE 3.3V From DECODER IC Sheet5 NEW ITEM s_ SC156615M-X.X.9_ T i DNIE 1.2V DNIE 3.3V i i SC1566 _ ONO + C1319 100uF C408 47uF 16V_ 10V C1346 C1286 10nF 50V lnF 50V MO SC1 CLK SC2-CLK SC1 DATA SC2-DATA SC1SDRAM SC2 SDRAM MATERIAL 25V 100uF _ Signal C1287 L818 ClC21J601NE IC806 R427 DN]E4 OUTPUT PATH CURRENT CONTROLLER R428 r} L401 MPZ2012S300A Power 1 DNIE 3.3V i K4S643232E-TC60 0 1/16W VSS DQ( 1AA, DQ15 VSSQ DQ14 | _ R4,30 4'A'A% 0 | | 0 A_A_A v 1/16W DQ13 ! 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C20 DQ(42) A19 P9(41// GND / GND GND GND GND 1_ NC0 A0 4 AI NR OUT G(0:7) N_oo__(o) NR NR OUT R(0:7) QUT G(3) Na OUT _(o) NR OUT R(I) NR OUT R(2) BI A3 B2 A4 A5 B3 B4 A6 B5 OUT CLK B7 VCC2 AS OE 2 A9 AI0 BS B9 A11 BI0 A12 A13 B11 B12 A14 B13 A15 GNm B14 B15 NC2 VCCl A16 OE 3 A17 Am Bm B17 Bm Bm A21 B20 NR OUT R(6) A22 A23 B21 B22 B23 NC3 VCC0 A24 OE 4 i4S A_s B2_ 4_ 46 XREF XREF ..... NR B6 NCl Am A20 V H 0:7) oE I B0 GND2 OUT OUT VCC3 NR OUT R(5) NR QUT R(3) 1##nF NR NR C1617 A2 A7 NR OUT 6(4) A2S B2S DQ(52)f, NR OUT B(5) NR QUT B(3) PWR 01 B2S A22 NR OUT B(4) G(2) 100nF C19R_ C23 B(2) G(I) PWR 01 GND OUT OUT GND Dq(53)i NR OUT 100nF G_R B23 B(I) NR PWR 01 PWR 01 DQ(551 / _e¢_m/ OUT NR GND GND C24 A2S NR 100nF Q1221 pqr_zl/ DQ(0:63) N_oo_B(0) GND0 C2S ADDR(0_/ NR OUT B(0:7) 100nF C1716 GND C14 100nF 100nF c1276 GND B14 DATA63 B EN 100nF 25V GND GND NRAS NCAS A14 D 15 CLK DNIE_NWE DNIE DNIE NR GND R860 68ohm DNIE4 DQ(0:63) DNle D XRSF _2 ..... __ _9 B2S i43 AS1 GND3 BS0 B31 A30 B29 4 , RA128_ 22 ..... XmEF_> HDMI VSYNC XREF :::_ HDMI HSYNC HDMCCLK 10-24 SamsungElectronics i /Tx '\ _ i -n-sdiag-10-a2.qxd 2005-05-23 o_ 12:03 ql o] x]10-25 1 /L Schematic Diagram 10-2-16 Digital-16 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. +3.3v LVDSC +3.3V LVDSAT +1.8V DVl +1.8V ADC +3.3V PLL +2.5V_DDR Signal Power +1.8__B_ DC_V_S_tV_E_._ _ _i_ _ I iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii iii :::_ ; ;; ::_ _ iiii iiiii _ _ _ +_Aj :: :;:;:_;:; _ _ ....... _t_ _o_°_ FSDATA(0:31)_ (Place DWSCL FSDATAU(0:31 ) FSDATAU(0:31 RX0 RX1 C136 /0pF C134 Line R°uting7 _--2/7-q_ /0pF E _ H H /0pF _4_ B1 A mxc NO VDDQ I > _ > > _ VDDQ 8 _ NO-'CONNECT4 REXT II ..... !1 (249OHM,1%) B" .... C141 10 F C144 _IO_/P B_ R_2_2 8 _ n R870 22 ^. _ _'DDQ vssQ DO12 3 (DDR, K4D263238D-QC50) VDDQ ___, 6 vss voo ii,{:: l@nF CONNECT3 VGA SCL _ VDDQ (Place close to DDR) _12o5 AVSYNC PC2VS _ DQ19 _4so VGA SDA AHS_/N c LT_ F K4D263238D-QC50 _ RED NO SCL CH2 DDR VDDQ IC405 _ _ _s BLUE RED r4_-_-q +2.5V ,N_ CONNECT5 ...... } 111:: ....... GREEN- PLL DDR) _, RX2 GREEN +3.3V and RX1 RX2" E 75°hm --F_-------_.--' GM1601 FSDATA(0:31) ) BLUE-" C_ B between [C>FSDQS C133 zl zl -q +33v ov, (Diffe'entia' Midway .... ss _'_ EXTCLK c_ TCLK NO _ CONNECT2 HC4_/S SMD04 _1214 ACS RESET HD _lSlSMHZ_ DN_ pR@ DN_ DNle PRm_ mR/I/ CKE ,t_ NO-'CONNECT1 FSADDRU(0:117 MCL _ _ _ _,'/_ FSADDR(0:11 ) _ '_ _ _ ' FSADDR(0:117 AS -- _ '__ _ '_ VRED2VREDlVRED0# _ _t'_6_": ! VRED3 FSCLKP _o_ VRED4{(140°hm_1°/4 VRED5 VRED6 VRED7 X_aFDNle Y(0) DN_ Y(I) DN_ Yr21 DN_e Y(0:7) l DN_ Y_4/ Yr31 DN_ A22 U21 DN_ Yr51 DN_ YrS/ _ YIT) U21 _21 A21 _42_ PB(0:7) DNle XR_F HSYNC DNle DE A20 XREF Ul5 XReF D2C C2_ DELET_ VGRN4 VGRN6VGRN1 VGRN5 FSCLKh FSCLKF FSCLKN FSCLKP _ FSBKSEU VODD VVS FSBKSEL FSDQSU R12_3 _:j_ FSDQSU VHS 2 01_ _soos FSDQMU2 " (Unloaded trace impedance (Placeclose to GM16017 FSRASU FSDQMU/....... FSCKEU ilil c_17 1oF lOP C1285 C12_ C128° C1277 C1289 C1281 C1295 C12_7 C1296 C1282 C1298 (Max trace length is 2.5 inches) FSCASU is 90 ohm) (Loaded trace impedance with DDR load is 65 ohm for 2.5 inch total trace length) (Minimize trace length difference between DQS and data and among data lines) FSDQMU/ , FSBKSELU0 "I'26 FSBKSELU_ CSYNC (22ohrnX12X4) VCLAMP GP{O GPIO-G06-B" GP{O G06-B: GM YO(0:7) PWM0 PWM2PWM1 GP_O_ G063B: GM PBO(0:7) GP{O G05 B( GP{O G05 B: • }N2 IN1 LBADCIIRETURN 1 _° _ 33 FSWEU Y2b c_lo _428 FSDQMU2 FSDQMU3 FSRAS "1/24 FSDQM1FSDQM{ IZbuzo FSCKE W26 VCLK G06 I. Y(27 SVDATA2SVDATA1SVDATA0 GAME Y_3_ SVDATA3 GAME Y(5_ SVDATA4 SVDATA5 B[ _412 GM PRO0 C400 GM1601 VDVLBADC jN3 YI0/ GAME A2AC (ADDR[19:8] = 000100000000 (ADDR[19:8] _'_'w_'u _^r,r, u Dm: r-,r-_ r'tu 1=)m _ GM _ (OCMADDR( for = 010100000000 15:137 = 001 FOR for JTAG 16bit 8bit flash) flash) DEBUG) PRO(0:7) 21 _ .............. MADDR A00 '-.(bCMAr_r_R( _^^_ 1 NAIoK _ '" NA , } 17 } Y(6) GAME Y(7) R_25 GAME 1OK A17 lOK A14 SVDATA7 GP{O G04B1 GMGM PBoPBO 21 SVDV GP{O G04B3 SVODD SVVSYNC SVCLKSVDATA6 GPIO-G04G0484 B5 GP{O GP'OGP'O_ GP'O G04IIB7B0 G04 G04B2 SVHBYNC GP{O-G04 B6 OCM B0 RA423 _ _O'eK1 \('bCMA_R(1_) GM PBO54 R_25 R520 \OCMADDR(14} \OCMADDR(16) _ 1OK R522 -N' 1 I_<_ _I°K'NAI ---_yy_ ... M_ 1OK NA 1oK/i _ ' RS_ _ .... _ NA CLK TxD RxD_ GM GM R857 1® M UDO G07 GP{O GPiO G07-B1 GOT_B2 IR1 GP_O G07B4 IR0 MSTR 1°° OCM OCM-CSn L1 R514 22 22 OCMADDR 21 OCMADDR-20 OCMADDR(0:19) _ GMPRE(0:7) _GM YE(0:7) LVDS" SHtELD2 GM YE 2 OCM--CS OCM--tNT2 OCM--tNT1 LVDS SHIELD3 B3 B3 SHIELD0 BC GM YE 3 GM YE ,5 _ @_W" .... F 1 'OKI '_1 .... R404 NA GM YE6 _ NA I .... R_O3 _ R'_O_ +3.3V BC LVDS 1oK !_ \OCMADDRHI_ OCMADDR(8/ OCM-'RE OCMADDR19 _ \()RMAr_r_R(q} SHIELD1 LVDS (1.} : LVDS" OCM CS1 OCM_CS0 ........ \OCMADDRH2/ GPIO_IG07_B7 WE OCM]:CS2 .... G ..... _ GP{O G07"-B5 GP_O-G07"-B6 SCL MSTR_SDA C_2_ \ _4_ GP{O OCM-UD} K" _ 22 ×_F _ FSWE V2_ FSCAS vzo GAME GA_,_E Yi4i nRESET_GM16_1 _X_F _,_ _F L26 FSDQM_ U Zb FSDQM_ 124 LBADC LBADC GAME ,.. R_)@'"_ VBLU5 VBLU6 OCM T'MER1 D5V _ "_' . VGRN7 VBLU3 VBLU4 U_ IIII DDR 3s VGRN3 VBLU0 CLK (Place c_o_seto DDR) to GM16017 +2.5V VGRN2 VBLU7 VBLu2VBLU1 DNle close VGRN0 FSDQS DNie (Place _s O A23 U22 _22 I F DNleDNISDNleDNleDNle PRF)PRm/PR/5/PR/4/PRI3/ BY-- _×_ 1 PR(0:g) 3 DNle EC> FSCLKN + J IO ---- SHIELD GM PBE0 OCMDATA(0:15) BB2 1 OCMADDR16 OCMADDR15 OOMADDRI_OOM_DDR1 _ ...... PBE GM LVDB: BN,EL_:_o_ _ OCMADDR14 OCMADDR13 OCMADDR12 .... BB1 0 B0 (do not stuff memory only) 4 +3.3V IO OCMADDR11 OCMADDR10 OCMADDR9 --_, DCLK OCMADDR8 GP_O GP{O OCMADDR6 OCMADDR5 GP{O][16_DEN 14 15 DF DVS OCMADDR4 OCMADDR3 OCMADDR2 OCMADDR1 GP}O G08 B5 JTAG GP_O G08 B-4 JTAG GPIO-'G08 OCMADDR0 GPtO GP{O GP{O_ G08_B0 OCMDATA15 OCMDATA14 OCMDATA13 D5V RESE TD( B3 G08 B2 JTAG _G08 "_B1 -JTAG GP]O GP{O GP{O _'"" "_' "\_ OCM "_; CSn CL_ Gd§B_ G09 Bz G09B: OCMDATA12 GP_O_G0911B: OCMDATA11 OCMDATA9 GP{O GP_O OCMDATA10 NCIMANNR(N:lq_ TDt "MOI JTAG G09 G09 OCMADDR B" B( OCMDATA(0:15) +3.3V OCMDATA8 IO PPWI-- PBIA_ NO BDI00 +1.8V CORE CONNEC +1.8V L815 C253 C 207 C 2 0 C 2 C 2 5 lOOnF lO_F l_g DVI CIC21J601NE ± ._clos 10uF /6V c107 zzzzzzz ooooooo 100n_ /6V _MO TP1031 TP1032 SUPLVAL SUPLVAL 0_ ©Z° OEXT _ o>o>o>>o>o>o> cIc21J60_ NE 10 _nF D2.5V -- ............. RI 7_ C137 lOaF NEW ITEM +1.8V BD1027 A_24C_4_ICSC2ZI_ _1_1/16W RI G __ c1_1 SD/_G +3.3V IO _ _ _:_:" _*_,_+3'3V-LVDSB , GMA__3.3V From HDMI Sheet8 _4 +3.3V LBADC ' I_F n loaf n ' lOmF ' I_,F I_,F ' I_F ' I_,F ' I®F ' I®F n ×_ C_44 _] OCM RER n c.... OCM CSn (BOTTOM SOOT?,90ns) +3.3V_PLL C_2_ C_1 C_27 C_4_ _o_ ................. C_S0 //16w (CONNECTNCP{NSTOTESTPOtNT) C_2S 0........... _oon_ s LSl_ _ ' I_F 22 ' DDR : I_,F , -IC14_ +2.5V I_,F _ D2.5V a _- GSS3_ST 1 ',o_ -- -r-l_ o _ _C40_ SCL CORE +3.gv DVI C_C21J60 100_ c252 F c_2 1_ c_41 F 1_ c_ F 1_ c_42 F -- ' ADVA1.8V BDI0_S TO DECODER Sheet4,5', .... C_C21J60_NE D4.7V C405 ........ BD1026 CIC21J601NE L120_ J60 CC2 100hE _ C1462 J FSVREF -- NEW ITEM _o +3 ' 3V -- IO IC1212 AP1117 33 C12_0 C12S_ 1 _ 2 82UF 6 3V 100nF 16V C949 NE lOm,F C12_ _F n C1247 _F n C955 O_F ' C1233 O_F ' C950 _F ' C947 _F ' Cg48 _F ' +3.3V C94_ _F LVDSA _'_ D2.5V _ C213 _ I C 5 _C _o,,_ C 5 +1.8V ADC ' cl F 100nF 10-25 SamsungElectronics i /T'_ '\ &/ i Schematic Diagram 10-2-17 Digital-17 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. Power Signal +3.3V TMDS L807 15uH T D5V Cl19 lOuF > R840 470 1/16W +3.3V C869 GM TMDS D5V L810 15uH D126 LTST-C150GKT +3.3V_TMDS T PRE(0:7) GMYE(0:7) R629 47K 1/16W LAMP GM D5V T . R615 1K 1/16W ....Z-- R171 240 1/16W 100nF 25V MATERIAL ___________________ TX SEL PBO(0:7) TMDS TX0+ TMDS TMDS TMDS TXI+ c 1_ 628 1/16w LAMP TXn ×_ 12 --_ GM PBE(0:7) TMDS +3.3V TMDS TXn GM SlI1160CTU YO(0:7) LAMP MG / 9 • 0 /7 2 /o /8 ---_-- 1 TMDS TX2+_>_ TMDSTX2- R614 lOO 1/16W IC101 +3.3V LAMp TX1- SEL 20 SYNCVAL LS00 O 1 5uH nRESET DRV SCLPANEL GM _L 22 PRO(0:7) /5 23 LAM_ TXn 1 SDA PANEL _ DDp_EADy R169 LAMP RX A^A o /e 24 O O -O POWERGOOD_ R170 100 (L: FALLING EDGE, H: RISING (L: ONE P]XEL/CLOCK, +3.3V H: TWO EDGE) P]XEL/CLOCK) TMDS L808 1 5uH C837 C820 C1204 C1203 100pF 100pF 100pF 100nF (680 OHM FORSHORT CABLE) lOuF Cl14 +3.3V _ TMDS TMDS TX2+ TMDS TX2- TMDS TXI+ TMDS TX1- TMDS TX0+ TMDS TXO- R_2_ 680 L811 1 5uH Cl18 10uF SamsungElectronics C1205 C1206 100pF 100pF 10-26 Schematic Diagram 10-2-18 DigitaM8 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. IO MD3.3V IO MD3.3V IO MD3.3V ......... _._ S 100nF _nF 25V 25V IC602 R3{ ......... 4 m 25v C248 17_ .... _ = MO pc _ _C5_7 Z_ATS PCF8574ATS _ mew /00 R622 I 1/16W SDA D c225 SCL SCL D SCL SDA _.......... R311 __ OOB SDAEXPAND_R_/- SCL Cm SDA CH1 I. I c,.'_ EXPANDER I I _: SCL EN :: 221., I._ :_.>..... EXPANDER _ _y__--I ........ _® _, SDA EXPAND_ ......... R290 .... _ R3O4 _OO GEMSTAR ....... ....... nRESET MICOM INDEX GM160_ R310 POD _/16W POD ___ POD _,WRS LAMP TX SEL _ .... ,/¢I,J _ SMW250 _ 0x70h _ ..... _L 0x72h 04 CN204 IO MD3.3V IO MD3.3V D5V usUSED IO_MD3.3V K_OR USED I GEM C249 5V R316 10OnF 47K : 47K 47K MO _ T : • 47K / 1_612 PCF8574ATS R296 < _ R295 _00 R278 sYs nRESET SDA-EXPANDER 100 nO_ENAND _ 1/16W 4k_-- R254 47K n_X_INT 47K SCLn_c:NT _V_# 1/16W I U16W 47K _ I ILc:::;; _ _2 _; !ii ..... DNIE R276 < 47K_ < nRESET m6W 0x74h GEM 5V GEM _o_o_ 3.3V For TEST(US) IO_MD3.3V GEM R676 R683 1/16W 1/16W R685 _ /1 v_/16W R1301 R1311 . R1320 l_nF C1308 = .... 7K PCA9545PW - I 1oo R1300 SY /RESET SCL 18 /INTO lINT /7 H N7002L L602 CIC21J601 GEM NE 3.3V = SDA M ....... • ..1_.0OR1307_C_ ...... s......... [ mew 4 7 5V DELETE 1/16W 47K _I -- PC _ (ONE PIN NET) 47 L .... 1/16W _5pF .R300 tC662 :47K 1C214 RDA PC ROM RCI NDMI ROM ............ (ONE PIN NET) IC605 (ONE PiN NET) (......... KIA7_F ) C620 '0 Mo50V _OV _T _ 2_ 1 12MHz.SOppm{0207 C668 C66; mew }DTQSS2X245Q2 1/16W mo R694 SSC9428X35-SOT8 ,g__ ADDR(0xE4) R677 LNA ON OFF 100 R672 EX X_AL ON OFF I _E_ - R666 R663 ...... ...... i_ _a, IK _/16W 7 _:_] _ _s .......... EX_XTAL_O N_O F F_2 SUB TUNER AGC _AGC R653 io R649 ii s_ K ..... m _ m2 _2OA_ R670 _ _ _1_ pJ z AOII _'_ _IOT0Z PI 2 O I_;a I HDMI 2 ID RESETADV7401 1 1o Ex_aN EEPROU wP R655 EX CH1 R650 EX CH2 nHDMI R635 RS232 EN EN I080p GM EN (ONE PIN NET) SEL _ R63_ PIN# 15 MUST GNB -!_ .......... 330nF _ ,2_A_ ,2 _ SOA_ ADDR(0x60) UA_N EEPROU wP ID _ .... R658 ..... 722_z ...... HDMI 2RP S 2 _ i _s MON I M AFT S-AFT _E_ 10-27 S nRESET SOUND SCL EMPTY SDA EMPTY I EX XTAL ON OFF i EX ON OFF 2F--"_ XTAL m_ 13 14 _lS 16 RA604 100 mew 57 1O0nF MO SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3 DMD Board 10-3-1 DMD-1 DOT3,3V This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. DOT3,3V I N P U T Dv_ o_ _oo_No oh_oo_d <2Q0_ 11,;Q> _1o9__ IN_scL IAMP_RX LAMP 7X /777 OOP__ESE_Z __SYSRSTZ DOT3,3V DDP_P_ROOOD ( DUAl ENDED OUIPJI FOR 1088P NODEI ) 0118 15pF 0118 15pf 0128 15pF / 0121 77/7 15pF 8FI88 J O_n'_ [nst_lt [i .......................... ,: ,gF181 L............................................ SF1O2 snd_" _N_s0o_---T-_ _ _ors,:tv rig er" SF183 snd Fin(let" l!.................................................... SFlSq SF185 IN_SOA IC103 : AT24CO2N-lOSC ..................... R132 R133 R13_ I J ' 0_26 L104 / 108n I 5uH | ............................ _v .......................................... _, J 4_ /k 0127 Icl £ '1' 8F186 snd3inger !..................................................... lOuF 16V 7777 SamsungElectronics 10-28 Schematic Diagram 10-3-2 DMD-2 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. NN_ _,_,_, ;,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ M FLOATA(01 _ :,:,_,_,_, _2o _u,_,_,_,_,}_ IC200 }}??L DDP1011 MAS'FER o_ iiiii 10-29 SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3-3 DMD-3 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. _ sz_v NN_ _,_,_, s FLOATA(O 1_ s RQ(O:_ s OQA(O:_) s OQB(O:S) :,:,_,_,_, IC310 DDP1011 SLAVE _!!!!!!!ii SamsungElectronics 10-30 Schematic Diagram 10-3-4 DMD-4 DGT3.3V This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. DGT2.5V MASTER coo C4Ol RDRAM / FLASH BD400 BD40! } 1.5uH C400 M FLADDR(0:19) 100nF C402 c4o5 C404 c4o7 C406 c4o9 C408 C410 82uF 100nF IC400 c4o3 C411 100nF l_nF 100nF 100nF l_nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF M29W800DB70N6 _M FLADDR!15) _MM FLADDR(!4! _MM FLADDR(! _) _M FLADDR/12 ) _M FI AnnR_11_ _M FI Ar_nR_lm _U FLADDR_ _U FLADDR_ 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 M FL WEZ M PUM ARSTZ A16 /BYTE VSS FI ADDR!IB/ _M FI ADDR!17/ _MM FLADDRf71 _MM FLADDRt61 _U FLADDR_) X'_M FLADDR_ _M FI AnnR_ _U FLADDR_2_ _U FLADDRm _M 1_ AIO A9 A8 DO6 DO13 AI9,NC A20,N C DQ5 DQI2 /WE /RESET NC DQ4 38 37 VCC _ DQ11 36 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RY,/BY A18 DO9 DQI A6 A5 A4 M FLDATA(0:15) M FLDATA[I R400 39.2ohm 39.2ohm 5)/ M FI DATA(14// 42 M 41 FLDATA_6) 39.2ohm v 39.2ohm ...... 3_ M FI r/ATACZ]/ 39.2ohm / M FLDATA(!_!// 40 M )9 M (POWER M FI DATA(4// M DQB(0:8) M FLDATA_! M 34 ISLAND) FLDATA¢5)_ FLDATAI121/ M M RQ(0:7) G_ M RQ(0) F2 M RQ(I) F6 FL DATA_ FLDATA(I F7 FI DATA(?)/ °32 M FI DATA!_¢I/ 31 M FLDATA_ 30 M FL DATA_ M FLDATA[O), M RQ(4) Ey M RQ(5) E6 M M RQ(6) RQ(3) M RQ(7) E2 FT RQQ6 IC401 K4R271669B-SCK8 RQ7 M FL CSZ FLADDR[0) f M CMD _ SMD M SCK _ A_ SCK El MCTM M SIO M CTMN M DOB 3 M DQB(6) M DOB 2 DQB3 DQB2 G2 G6 DQBI DQB0 M DQB(I) DQA0 Cl C2 DQAI C_ DQA2 BI DQA3 ........ B_ DQA4 ........ DQA5 BS AS (5q0MIL) M non¢4_ HI M FL OEZ R421 Kohm M non¢',_ DQB5 DQB4 !_ _ U BOB 7 DQBS O)/ M U BOB NC2 DQB7 !_ _33 DO8 29 DQ0 /QE 28 o 27 VSS 26 ICE 2_ A0 A3 A2 AI MRDRAM1.8V C412 35 DQ3 DQIO DO2 A17 A7 _ _7 4_ DQISA 1 45 DO7 fJ4 DO14 _43 A12 All 13 14 1_/WP,ACC,NC _M MRDRAM1.8V 48 A15 A14 A13 CTM CTMN CFM D7 CFMN DQA7 A7 AI NCl ........ D2 M VREF DGT3.3V (CIM21J600NE, 60 OHM, 0.5A, 0805) M CFM (20MILS, RDRAM fREF _'_ OR WIDER) C413 1OOnF _ R423 R424 R427 39.2ohm (EQUAL 39.2ohm 39.2ohm A R428 R426 39.2ohm ...... 3_ R428 R429 39.2ohm 39.2ohm R430 39.2ohm LENGTH) M REFCLK _ 2 M PCLKM SCLKN _ 7 6 DGT2.5V 15 24 R435 1Kohm 23 R436 <<_ CLK PCLKM MU_O IC402 MU_I CDGR83 R434 11 FOR SHORT CHANNEL, 54PIN)R4_I [_>20 so Sl .... _ R438 12 (RDRAM F R433 s2 1Kohm? _/_1"ii_m //_29100 M CFMN REFCLK SYNCLKN PWRDNB CLKB STOPB _7/ MCTMN (PLACE 110o h m NEAR DDP10t0) R439 DGT2.5V __...... M VREF VDDFR 1o C428 VDDFPD (20MILS, 427 IOO,,F (25MILS, ASIC OR WIDER) OR WIDER) DGT3.3V (50MILS, OR WIDER) MRDRAM1.8V CHANNEL TRACE IMPEDANCE THICKNESS IC403 FAN1117AD-1.8 7_7 : 40 OHM) : 10Z C430 CU) C432 C43! C434 C433 C436 C438 C438 C437 C440 C439 10MILS, C442 C441 _[_A/_ OR NARROWER) 33ohm M VREF LENGTH TRACE OF LOADED WIDTH SEGMENT FOR UNLOADED MINIMUM UNLOADED FINISHED DIELECTRIC PITCH : 10.4 MILS -> DEPENDENT + C444 ON VENDOR) • R441 82uF 6.3V : 30 MILS) THICKNESS : 8 MILS -> DEPENDENT ON VENDOR)) 16V IMPENDANCE: ROUTING: CDCR83-> (RSL : RQ(0:7), RDRAM(CTM) RQA(0:8), (50 OHM IMPEDANCE (ALL RSL SIGNALS, 10-31 UNLOADED RQB(0:8), : RDREFCLK, :40 OHM, LOADED:60.6 -> DDP10t0(CFM) RD CTM, RDCTMN, RDSCLKN, SCK, CMD, DIFF CLOCK RDCFM, IO0,,F _ T OHM) -> RDRAM <" _ C443 /_ C445 PAIR, RDRAM : 748 MILS) SECTION -> TERMINATION RDCFMN, RESISTOR)) RDCMD, RD SCK) RDPCLKN) PAIRS MUST HAVE MATCHED ELECTRICAL LENGTH) SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3-5 DMD-5 DGT2.5V This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. DGT3.3V SLAVE RDRAM / FLASH i BD501 11.5uH S FLADDR(0:19) C512 100nF SRDRAM1.8V I0500 M29W800DB70N6 \s FLADDRrlS_ 1 R500 S _s SRDRAM1.8V FLDATA(0:15) 39.2ohm 39.2ohm R501 39.2ohm 39.2ohlt_ 39.2ohlt_ 39.2ohm 39.2ohm FLADDR(12_ 39.2ohltl 39.2ohm 39.2ohm 6 (POWERISLAND) 7 39"2°hii 8 39.2oh!! 9 S DQB(0:8) S RQ(0:7) oooooo > > > GI R_ S FL WEZ S PUM ARSTZ 12 13" L_ s RQ(0) S RQ(I) > > > Jl NC2 J7 FS RQI DQB7 RO2 DQ_ 39.2ohm 1 He 14 RQ3 DQB5 H7 R_ _£ FI ADDR(18/ 16 _s F_DDR(17_ 17 S RQ(4) s RQ(5) HI F_DDR_7) 18 _S F_DDR(6_ 20_19 1 A6 _s F_DDR{4) 21 IA4_ _S F_DDR(3_ 22 IA3 IA 7 S S RQ(6) RQ(3) S RQ(7) , RQ_ DQB3 G2 DQ_ DQBI DQB0 G6 G7 S_O0 _ FLADDR(2 / 23 IIA2 _S FLADDR(I 24 AI S CMD S SCK m _ (5-10MIL) S VREF (CIM21J600NE, E2 K4R271669B-SCK8 S_OI _1R52t DGT3.3V IC501 R_ _S ) DQB4 RQ5 SIO SS CTM S CTMN RDRAM 60 OHM, 0.5A, 0805) (20MILS, OR WIDER) S CFM oooo >>>> (EQUAL 100_F LENGTH) S REFCLK _ 2 S SCLKN S_CLKM _ 67 S CFMN REFCLK R533 SYNCLKN DGT2.5V IB CLK _V_7_y PCLKM MU_0 IC502 MU_I CDCR83 (RDRAM FOR SHORT CHANNEL, 54PIN) 528 [_>-- R534 _ 6 2ohm _ S C'I-M c524 c8_ so R535 Kohm 23 110ohm _ 47pF Sl s2 __ R588 12 CLKB PWRDNB 11 (PLACE 110ohm STOPB NEAR DDP1010) DGT2.5V S VREF VDDIR 10 C526 VDDfPD (20MILS, _/_ R539 ooooo zzzzz OR WIDER) C527 100nF 110ohl i (25MILS, ASIC OR WIDER) 100nF DGT3.3V (50MILS, fiT// OR WIDER) //// SRDRAM1.8V ( CHANNEL (TRACE IMPEDANCE THICKNESS (LENGTH OF LOADED 7_7 : 40 OHM) : 10Z IC503 FAN 1117AD- 1.8 WIDTH (MINIMUM (FINISHED (PAIR, FOR UNLOADED UNLOADED IMPENDANCE: (ROUTING: CDCR83-> (RSL : RQ(0:7), SamsungElectronics RSL SIGNALS, C535 C537 C539 C541 10MILS, OR NARROWER) : 10.4 MILS -> DEPENDENT ADJ : 8 MILS -> DEPENDENT OHM) -> DDP1010(CFM) -> RDRAM RQB(0:8), REFCLK, RD CTM, RD RDSCLKN, SCK, CMD, DIFF CLOCK CTMN, RD RD 18v ON VENDOR)) :40 OHM, LOADED:60.6 RDRAM(CTM) C545 + - C543 ON VENDOR) : 80 MILS) UNLOADED : RD RDRAM : 748 MILS) SECTION THICKNESS RQA(0:8), (50 OHM IMPEDANCE (ALL PITCH DIELECTRIC C533 S VREF SEGMENT + 0544 (TRACE C531 CU) 77_ 82uF 6.3V 100_F 88oh_ 77,7 -> TERMINATION CFM, RD CFMN, RD RESISTOR)) CMD, RDSCK) PCLKN) PAIRS MUST HAVE MATCHED ELECTRICAL LENGTH) 10-32 Schematic Diagram 10-3-6 DMD-6 DMD POWER AND RESET DRIVER_T/_:_" This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization• R600 iKohm DAD SCpCLK DAD DAD DAD SELZ .................................... DGT2.5V C600 7) SCpCK SCPDO 42 SCPD_ SCPD _ SCPDO DAD1000 SCPEN2 OUTS° ..................................... OUT14 77 OUT13 74 OUT12 72 8 7 226 ,,l_s 5 4 , T 4 _Rs 3 M2.5V C630 C601 C603 C605 C607 C_g C600 C602 C604 C606 C608 C611 C613 C615 C617 C61g C621 C623 C62S C627 C610 C612 C614 C616 C618 C620 C622 C624 C_6 C628 _s s OUT11 SR16MODE0 SR16MODEISR16STROBE SR16SEL1 MODE0 MODEISTROBE SELl SRI6SEL0 SEL0 DGT3.3V OUT8 OUTIOouT9 ................ _60] 54_7........... 2268 ...... "_"===,_RS5 MBRST g RAS02 IG OUT7 DGT2.5V DGT3.3V L601 Beslgn Change Uas 10K ................ SR16ADDR3 ................... SR16ADDR2 1_ A3 OUT6 A2 OUT5 32 ....... 4 3 kBRST4 B_M41_(_ ....... 7 ............................... is _/V_ i_ ACT CTL(7) R618 '_ CNBOl MOTOR DRIVER d : R°I_ • om R620 IMo_m BDS0e................. _,, _°,I.... ....... ACTUATOR 1 77 __l _ _ 1 TP%8 DGT3:3V m _ _ J luF 3 3nF 1 5nF ..... BD60g C M21J600N TP611 B_08 C_C21JT01NE C C21J601NE IC605 SNZ4LVCI C_A_ 10-33 100nF I 0°hm I I I u /0730 I0604 _N74LVCI BD611 GI 4DBVR --_Z_>DB C_M21J600NE GI 7 _ _ 0734 100,,F 25V TP612 _ R627 M OUT OCLKB C733 7 77 DYNAMIC SMW2_P CN600 BLACK SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3-7 DMD-7 This DocJmentcan not be usedwithoutSamsung'sauthorization. OSCILLATOR CLOCK ARM ICE I/F DGT3 3V DGT3 3V C751 T ..... 6_1L_: C[M21J600NE 100 X750 F K375OPCE CY2305SC.1H I_MHz _ R75b _C750 R751 C750 R755 22ohm M IK_,m IKoh,, IK_,,, -- MOSC C754 15pF s MOSC DGT33V COLOR WHEEL SENSOR DETECTION [_>TDOARM • L_ FCERSTZ R759 1K_hm 1,10W DGT3.3V TP TMS7_ TP TDOT_ TP TCK DGT5V TP76"_Tg_768 C755 DDP CWINDEX C756 100nF 10uF Main Power LAMP CONTROL DGT5V Fc752 MM74HCT125M BD751 C_C21J601NE DGT12V DGT5V = c758 < L751 _ 82vF DGT3 3V c759 82UvF DGT2 5V c76o DGT1 5V c762 _ _C753 74HC71G12_GV DGT5V 1P769 LAMP C767 10,,F For SamsungElectronics BalJaster RX s BZXS4CgV2 _803 by PhiJips/OSRAM 10-34 Schematic Diagram 10-3-8 DMD-8 IC800q DMD xHD3 F_ AH_ D_ DDAN(0) DDAN(1 / DDAN(0:15) XREF This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. xHD3 AE5i ........ DDAN(2/ DDAN(3/ E5 G9 B4 D6 BIST A G5 BIST_B TP2 BISTC TP1 BISTD TP 0 DAN(0) SCTRL E3 D AN(Z) D AN(2) SCTRL DN SCTRLCP D AN(3) SCTRL U AN(4) SCTRLBP U AN(5) U AN(6) SCTRL BN SCTRLAP DDAN(4/ F12 DDAN(5) ........ DDAN(6/ B6 Cl! ........ DDANi7i B10 .... U AN(7) ........DDANi8i DDAN(9/ A21 E_ CN SCTRL 9_ AN U AN(8) SCPENZ D AN(9) SCPDO IC800_2 DGT3.3V xHD3 SCTRLDP SCTRLDN SCTRLCP SCTRLCN SCTRLBP SCTRLBN SCTRLAP SCTRLAN D_ AF2 AG5 DMD VCC -_-I F_q .... I_-] _0Kohm BD801 _ [ XREF _ DMD SELZ DMD-SCPDI __ __ DMD_SCPDO DMD-SCPCLKsov VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS DDANil0) DDAN(11) F16 B16 D AN(10) ........ DDAN(12/ DDANi13i C17 H16 D AN(12) SCP TEST MUX VCC VSS ........ DDANi14i DDAN(15/ A23 H18 D AN(13) D AN(14) RESERVED TS RESERVED SM VCC VCC VSS VSS D AN(15) READOUT VCC VSS D AP(0) D AP(1 ) READOUT-C READOUT-B _ga VCC VSS VCC VSS D AP(2) READOUT-A _Eaa VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VSS VCC VSS DDDP(9) DDDP(8) VCC2 VSS VCC2 VSS DDDP(7) DDDP(6/ VCC2 VSS VCC2 VCC2 VSS VSS VCC2 VSS VCC2 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DDAPi0) DDAPtli D4 FIO ........DDAPi2i C3 DDAP(0:!5 t DAN( SCPDI 11 ) SCPCLK DDBN(0:!5 t DDAP(4/ Gli D AP(3) D AP(4) DDAPi5) DDAP(6/ A5 C9 D AP(5) MBRST(13) D AP(6) MBRST(12) D AP(7) MBRST(11 D AP(8) U AP(9) MBRST(10) MBRST(9) DDAPi7i A9 DDAPi8i All DDAP(9/ C21 DDAPil0) DDAP(11) DDAP(12/ E15 C15 B18 DDAP(13/ G15 DDAP(14) DDAP(15/ B22 G17 DDBN(0) DDBN(1 / AG! AD8 DDBN(2/ AK4 DDBN(3) AE9 ........ DDBN(4/ DDBNiSi AF10 A J5 Z DO_.i6i DDBN 7 AJI I DDBN_81 AJ17 ........ DDBNi9i DDBNil0/ ALl5 AG15 DAP(11 DDBP(O:_5 t AL23 AE17 DDBPI01 AH2 DDBPili DDBP_21 ADI0 A J3 DDBPi3i AF8 DDBPi4i AEI I DDBPi5i AH4 DDBPi6i AK8 DDBP_71 AKI0 DDBPi8i AJ15 ........DDBPi9i DDBP(10/ AK:I4 AF14 DDBPilli AK16 DDBPi12i AK20 ........ DDBPi13i AE15 DDBP(15/ AG17 MBRST(5) D AP(14) D AP(15) MBRST(4) MBRST(3) U BN(0) MBRST(2) U BN(1) MBRST(1) D BN(2) MBRST(0) D BN(3) D BN(4) D BN(7) EVCC D BN(8) EVCC B24 DDCNili E17 BN(11) BN(12) MBRSTi12i [ U: MBRSTilli I w_ MBRSTil0i L_ N-_ J_ MBRSTi4) MBRST(3 L_N{ MBRSTi2i MBRSTili H_ MBRSTi0i DMD d2 RESETZ DCLK DP DCLK-DN .... _ DMDRSTZ DCLKDP AD28 XREF F28 DCLK-CP DCLK-AP D BP(1 ) DCLK-AN D BP(2) D DP_15) D BP(3) D DP(14) D BP(4) D BP(5) D DP(13) D DP(12) D BP(6) DDP(11 ) AD22 U29 D DP(10) _,G23 D DP(9) U27 D DP(8) _,G29 D DP(7) Y28 D DP(6) AH28 D DP(5) BP(13) D DP(4) BP(14) D DP(3) D BP(15) D DP(2) E_ AC29 AF26 DDDP(12) F18 A25 I DDCPi3i E21 DOCPi_i G_ D CP(3) I I DDCP(5) DDCP(6/ D CP(5) D CP(6) DCP(11 DDCNi6i N27 D CN(3) ........ DDCNi7i DDCNiSi G2_ P28 D CN(4) U CN(5) D CN(6) D CN(7) D CN(8) D CN(9) DDCN(10) DDCN(111 N29 G23 DDCN(12) DDCN(13/ C29 L29 DDCN(14/ DDCN(15/ E27 H30 D CN(10) D CN(11) DDCP(0:!5 t D CN(12) D CN(13) D CN(14) D CN(15) D CP(0) B26 M28 D CP(1) D CP(2) D CP(4) I _p_Lz_ ....................... D CP(7) L DDCP(81 R27 D_CP(8) D ) CP(I 0) D_CP(9) DDDP(14/ DDDP(13/ DDCPili DDCP(21 B28 _ DDDP(15) _ V30 I ........DDCNi4i DDCN(5/ D CN(1 ) D CN(2) XREF AH26 AF20 A!L20 26 F24 D24 _ DCLKDN XREF <>_ E9 C23 A27 D22 D CN(0) IKohm XREF _ D BP(0) DBP(11 ) D BP(12) _01 AD 26 DCLK-BN D BP(10) I .G: _ '-_ D BN(15) D BP(9) I Xg DCLK-CN DCLK-BP D BP(8) I F£ DDCP(0/ DDCN(2/ ........ DDCNi3i MBRSTiSi I MBRSTi7) MBRST(6 MBRSTiSi A J21 D DP(1 ) AH22 D DP(0) D DN(15) _C 27 _,G27 D DN(14) .... Y30 D DN(13) A J27 U DN(12) AE23 D DN(11) W29 D DN(10) AF22 D DN(9) V28 D DN(8) AF28 D DN(7) W27 D DN(6) A J20 D DN(5) AE21 D DN(4) _AG21 D DN(3) AK28 D DN(2) AH20 D DN(I ) A J23 D DN(0) J29 DCP(15) D26 D CP(14) M30 DCP(13) C27 DCP(12) DDCN(0:!5 t MBRST(9 AjI BN(13) D BN(14) D BP(7) MBRST(0:15) MBRSTi13i I ..... R-_ A_A FUSE_CLK EVCC EVCC D BN(9) D BN(10) _ MBRST(14/ u.' FUSEDATA D BN(5) D BN(6) ........ DDBPi141AK2_DD DDCNiO/ ) MBRST(7) MBRST(6) DDBNi13iAFt6DD DDBNi14) DDBN(151 ) U AP(13) AL21 100pF MBRST(8) U AP(12) Z DOB.i.i AL£ D DDBN(12/ PROG FUSE EN MBRST(14) U AP(10) ,_C5 IClM2_N_E DDDP(11 DCLKCP <>_ DCLKAP DCLKAN _DDDP(0:15) "_ I ) DDDP(10/ DDDP(5/ DDDP(3) DDDP(4/ DDDP(2) ........ DDDP(1 ) DDDP(0) DDDN05) DDDN(14) DDDN(13) _ _XREF DDDN(0:15) DDDN(12) DDDN(11 I _-_-5o_/[_] D ........DDAPi3) 10-35 DMD VCC AD2 DP ) 100pF _ C809 -- DDDN(10/ ........ VSS VSS DDDN(9) DDDN(8) ........ VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DDDN(7) DDDN(6/ DMD VCC ClB31P600NE BD800 .......................... \ B C801 i C804 C805 C806 C807 C802 C80S 100nF 100nF 100nF C800 C810 C811 C812 C813 C814 C815 C816 C817 C818 C819 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F C820 C821 C822 C8Z3 C824 C8Z5 C826 C827 C828 C829 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F 100r,F C830 C831 C832 C833 C834 C835 C836 C837 C838 C839 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F 100,,F VCC2 BD985 C842 D800 DDDN(5) DDDN(4/ DDDN(3_ DDDN(2/ DDDN(I ) DDDN(0) DDCP(15/ DDCP(13) DDCPf12// IDDCP(0:15) _ I DDCP(14/ _ _ 'XREF (POWERTRACE) DDCPiI"nI DDCP(9/ | SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3-9 DMD-9 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. FPGA CFG / POWER VCORE IC900 1 HC1S25 CFG CFG DATA(0:7)[ - CFG SYNCVALID _ x_F_ DONE _-- DCLK [-_ _ Om _H a3_r om__U__eu__ G'fD[3PLL5 n_ _ _EG_ATA(_ .................................................................................................................. OAT,_) _NDG_PLL'{ 3ATAI 8NDG_PLL3 I CF_ 015 FG DATAI!! DATA_2_ Hf$ 0ATA_ _DG_PLLZ _25 0ATA_ G/DB_PLL t 0ATA'_ CNDA=PLL5 _CF9DATA(C) EG_0A_AI4L Eli GII....DATA5 t_IDA P_L5 OAT_ mDA pLL_ [ CFG DATAtB 0A_7 C_DApU_ c, C(;K elo_mLZ _N_TruNE mP_PH _ _S[Le V;C__PLLS _LI 'mC_-PLL5 Rgoo VCO_-PLL_ ...... 00n' t [nstoH _i4" _S_L_ ,_ VOCS_PLLS CONFIGZ T VCORE VCORE - " Lg0o - , 901 < 902 VCORE VCORE VCORE T T T " L903 5uH _ ms m7 vccl_ u_e VOOIN_ STATUSZ _7i7 mz ur_ BDQ{ BDO(S) F3.3V C TCKVPP r_. TDICFG TDIVPP TMSVPP _ BDQ( R904 3} _,MA A(2) Don'_ [nst eH _s _TUS W_5 _ws _C_ LIO _m ms fit !_t5 _B GI5 ot_ HIs _IS R906 _rT L]4 vccA pLL_ 'mC_PLL_ VCC__mLZ PII _,1 VCO/_LL__0UTA _'_ V;C_PCLS_OUTA P_LE_ WEFZ_S P0_S_ V_EFZ_7 _Yr_SY _E_Z_S m_LU _EFZ_ TCK _EFZB3 TO[ V_EF2Bt TOO _EFI_ T_S _EFIB7 _1_ _RST WEFIBg VCC_ V_EFIB5n_ C_K_ v_EriB_ C_K_ V_EFIB3 r_3 %_1p _REFIB2 C90 VCLKF _ ADOmm ,_z oK_ &K3_ V_EFe_S _EFBST _E_Z &_; _ _C_Z &_n CLK_O O__6o P_S C_K_ CLK_ &K_ _11n _ t l FS.3V ,TLK 12p &LB DUTn OUTOp M WCLK _13 _& _13 RAMB Cl_ CLKI#3 0m CLK15_ ___15o M RCR_B} FCLA3 _i T_i_[ ................................._c_KI _MA At5) BDOrS) BDqm _7 mr P£L5 _cc<3 rCCK_ PtLSF_ rC_7 F_ CLK _8 F3.3V CLK A_C24 mo a_o Tg _clol _ccia_ vccia_ _ccla? vcc_o_ vcc_ vcclo_ vcclc_ vcclr_ _ccl_ _cci_ vcclr_ _N vcc_c_ Tg vccl_ vcc_s _ccio7 vcc_o_ _clo7 _ccio7 vcclc_ vcclc_ } CFG_DONE _Z _1_ FCLK5 WCLK I%LS_DUT Io _LS_OUT_n -€]3 mt 5 ot Te_ _LL_O_en nZ £CLK2 c_o m_ VCORE L908 BLM41 PBO0S l:2;d L_; _IZ F_L&F_ mD mo _cl_l ¸ DGT1.5V _v_o _V_OL_ T_n_ lors-p P_S.OUT_ _i_ _cci_ vccl_ VCClOl #g iN I OnF 22_F _D C_D mb GNO mD mO mb mD _iT _ t_= vccl_T VCOINT VCCl_l VOOINI rotifer VOClNT VCCl_ P17 u;cl_ -77f _CClN_ ¸ TT I V_EFOBi _LLB PI3 TI5 C924 DGT3.3V @D_, ........................................... l "_ _ ..................................... i OnF 22_F Domino mLB_OUT8_ oJ ODDRCR(S> ODDRCR(7> VPP_TST(0:6 F3.3V BNKIPU BNK2PU BNKSPU BNKaPu BNK5PU BNKSpU BNKrPU mK_ PU mK1PD _o TP VPP TSTO o TPVPPTST1 O TESTPIN 10-37 o TP VPP TST2 o TP VPP TP O Tp VPP TST4 VppTST5 O TP VPP SUB FRAME OTP SPTST O TST3 SUBFRAME DVl SYNCVAL SYNCDET SYNCVAL TST6 SUBFRA_E TP SP TST1 TP SP TSTO ................................................. 0 TP ACT STATUS : 10Kohr_ SOW IN SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10-3-11 DMD-11 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. SDRAM DGT3.3V DGT3.3V Ll100 Ll101 1.5uH 1.5uH [I_<_ / / C1100 C1101 C1102 C1103 C1104 C1105 C1106 C1107 C1108 C1109 C1110 C11111 10uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF J ADQ(0:31 ) Cl112 Cl113 Cl114 10uF 100nF 100nF Cl115 100nF Cl116 Cl117 100nF 100nF ICl 100 _ADQ_I_ 4 6 VSS DQ0 DQ15 VDDQ DQ1 10nF J 86 VDD \BP0m_ VSS 2 DQ0 DQ15 VSSQ DQ14 VDDQ VSSQ _BDQ_I_ ADQ/14)/ DQ1 DQ14 5 DQ2 DQ13 DQ2 VDDQ VSSQ DQ3 DQ12 DQ3 DQ4 DQ11 DQ4 VDDQ DQ5 DO6 VSSQ DQ7 NC VDD DQM0 VSSQ DQ10 DQ5 DQ9 DQ6 VSSQ DQ8 DQ7 NC NC VSS VDD DQMI DQM0 NC /CAS NC /RAS VDDQ VDDQ /WE /CS CLK /WE RAMA CLK RAMBCASZ RAMB RAMBRASZ /CAS WEZ CKE DQ13 VDDQ DQ12 DQ11 VSSQ DQ10 DQ9 VDDQ DQ8 NC VSS DQMI NC NC /RAS CLK /CS CKE NC A9 BA0 A8 BA1 A7 NC A9 BA0 A8 BA1 A7 A10,AP A6 A10,AP A6 A0 A5 A0 A5 A1 A4 A1 A4 A2 A3 A2 RAMB-OSZ R1100 1Kohm RAMB CLK 1/10W _y DQM2 VDD NC DQ16 VSSQ DQM2 VSS VDD NC DQ31 NC ADQ/31// VDDQ A3 DQM3 VSS NC DQ16 DQ31 VSSQ VDDQ DQ30 DQ17 DQ18 DQ29 DQ18 DQ29 VDDQ VSSQ VDDQ VSSQ DQ19 DQ28 DQ19 DQ28 DQ20 DQ27 DQ21 ADQ/28)/ VDDQ DQ30 DQ20 DQ27 VSSQ VDDQ DQ26 DQ21 DQ22 DQ25 DQ22 DQ25 VDDQ VSSQ VDDQ VSSQ DQ23 DQ24 DQ23 DQ24 VDD 2) DQM3 DQ17 VSSQ RAMA_A(0:I Cl123} 10nF 3 VSSQ _ Cl122 10nF 1 VDD 2 5 L._r Cl121 10nF IC1101 3 RAMA-CSZ Cl120 10nF K4S643232E-TC60 1 _N_0m/ CASZ WEZ RASZ Cl119 10nF BDQ(0:31 ) K4S643232E-TC60 RAMA RAMA RAMA Cl118 VSS VDD DQ26 VSS RAM B_A(0:12) _7 SamsungElectronics 10-38 Schematic Diagram 10-4 Power This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. J ..................................................................... i csee 4 I 500V {iO/ pc t,_u7 seo,, pv 10-39 SamsungElectronics Schematic Diagram 10.5 Detect This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. 3 3VB _TP188 GNO 12VB 12VB [P181 GN8 ½ °__ T 12VB 8BSCL M .... C]CZIJBOINE ÷C107 /ORF +Olg5 8181 18uF 1BV ClOg :loo °°"lOOnF Clll h@ sv_ GNO fP183 _vB CNIO0 C18Z IeOnF 25V 12VB 12VB 1P18q_P1@5 Fc F . I_2__ ..... v SP_OUT_P #PIG7 F 6 ?, 7t.c 7 -Rm5 "S6Kohm "Ul 0W lgV s.svs SM_0_24C ___1_%_ L (3.35V) _sv_ 2sv_ T .... L_oo "lOKohm tMo 8 c_ooI:q Mp/583DN B0188 61C21JB81NE I _TP ,c_oo (1.6V)(2.55V) sP OUT P[_>-- 4 0118 SMW20012P f CN101 u_OUT _ 2 I SMW2OOmgP TP189 DLOU; 1Pl18 1P111 5VA 1ZVA CN102 TPl12 OND TPl13 GND 1 5VB (ISC 5VA TEST) 12VB 12VB TP11q 15VB 5VB MP1583DN tI........ 182 1 5uH ........ c BOI02 lC21JB81NE SCL TPl16 33VB TP11T 5VB 1Pl18 12VB 1Pl19 END 1_ lOnF ........ _ TP11E 25VB D102 m/08 5VB 5VA +Oils T 48115 .... 82uF 611g ...........188nF 18V _I_V .... I I I v::t ILl C!I _ q lOOKohrn i 108_F 16v TMo/ #R _ 0 IOKo_,, t ..... LC128 188nF 3 P13"8 5Vg r 1" 1 SD?^ 1 SC2L 2 8V_FAN 7/7/ ON0 12VB 12VB gOlOq C]C21Jg81NE 8V_FAN 33V£ 8VSAN 2 ,SVB B8186 n SP IN P 1P125 OB IN 1P126 T a _-- _P BD107 CIM21J600NE _ t 81021J681 _)12q ]8182 LH317SX E[ ! 16v ACTUA OR 82UF 63V :398ohm l/lB IOOuF _ 16V ..... 188nF ' V FAN3 ERR<-}_-AAA, mg _ TP128 FAN INDICATE2 SMW2OC_C_p I CN105 I CNI06 Rl15 3gKohm 1/18_ V2 TP12g _P138 GNO ONO : CN10q q 7K 1]lgW R/1g 8VFAN 5VA 12VB D]CZ1JBO1N_ 18 15V $V_FAN 1_133 o:_--_;gi!F T_ IOuF T [_;>sP 5V OUT P 8148 .......... 188nF 10105 777# I LI_S24DTB M B0189 C]C21JB81NE [P132 TEMP 1P131 C13I t3 P TO ACTUATOR ACTUATOR COYER TP137 _EMP_ERR FROM OMD SamsungElectronics 10-40 Schematic Diagram 10-6 Power LED This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. E E E (J Y B 5 _$.4< r_ cl Lr¢< H zoO: zesq: ( ) Cd rT s-©._ _ > ocq < < Ri_4 Q_02 iK d _/_0W(CHIP) KSC_623 (SO[ (_ G 23/ ) ....................................................... i:'w_i All5 IK-d 1/i0W(CHZP) Of 03 KSC_B23-G ISOT-23) AS _6 IK-J _/_OW(CHIP) <) Qt04 KSC623G (SOT Aii7 1K d _/IOW[CHIP) 23) Q105 _ ) KSCSB23G (SOT-23) 10-41 SamsungElectr0nics Schematic Diagram 10-7 RMC This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization. f, ,_ , J ! /// _',:I0 / i]_ t £) V I ! / / / /// ,i ,i ,i ,i i i i i SamsungElectronics i f:-i-/:_,, v/f:- 10-42 Operation Instruction & Installation 11. Operation Instruction & Installation 11-1Product Features and Functions 11-1-1 Right side buttons The buttonson the rightside panelcontrolyourTV's basic features,includingthe on-screenmenusystem. Touse the moreadvancedfeatures,you must usethe remotecontrol. Press to switch between viewing TV programs and signals from connected components. Press to see the on-screen menu. Press to raise or lower the volume and to select items when using the on-screen menu. Press to change channels and move between items on the on-screen menu. Press to activate (or change) a particular item. 11-1-2 Side Panel Jacks Use the rightside paneljacks to connecta componentthat is usedonly occasionally(a camcorderor videogame,for example). Connect the video signal from a camcorder or video game. Connect the audio signal from a camcorder or video game. Connect an S-Video signal from a camcorder or video game. (S-Video 3 jack and Audio L/R input 3 are used in conjunction.) SamsungElectronics 1I-1 Operation Instruction & Installation 11-1-3 Front Panel LED Indicators The threelights on the front panel indicatethe status of yourTV. .............. jJ J i "°'°'oo. @_ POWER Pressto turntheTVonandoff. Remote Control Sensor Aimthe remotecontroltowardsthis spot on the TV. Indicator Light Key • : Lightis On (D : Lightis Blinking (:) : Lightis Off TIMER LAMP STANDBY/TEMP .............. • Standbystate. Indication (:) (D (_ The picturewill automaticallyappearin about 15 seconds. • (D (_ Auto TimerON/OFFhas been set and the set will automaticallybe turnedon in about 25 seconds. (D (:) (D A coolingfan insidethe set is not operatingnormally. (:) (D (D Lampcover on the rearof the set is not properlyshut. (D Checkif the ventilationhole on the rearof the set is blocked,becauseif the inner temperatureis too high, the powerwill shut off. (D Lampmay be defective. (D (D • It takes about30 secondsfor the TV to warm up, so normalbrightnessmay not appearimmediately. • The TV hasa fan to keepthe insidelampfrom overheating.You'lloccasionallyhear it working. 1I-2 SamsungElectronics Operation Instruction & Installation 11-1-4 Rear Panel Jacks Use the rear paneljacks to connectcomponentssuchas a VCR. Youcan connectdifferentcomponentssuch as VCRs,Set-Top Box and a DVD playeretc., becausethereare two setsof videoinputjacks and two setsof componentvideoinputjackson the rear panel of yourTV. For moreinformation,see "Connections". 1 ANTENNA terminals Two independentcablesor antennascan be connectedto theseterminals.Use"ANT 1 IN (CABLE)"and"ANT 2 IN (AIR)" terminalsto receivea signalfrom VHF/UHFantennasor your cable system. 2 S-VIDEO INPUT jacks Connectsan S-Videosignalfrom an S-VHSVCR or DVDplayer. 3 VIDEO/AUDIO INPUT jacks Connectvideo/audiosignalsfrom externalsources,such as VCR or DVD players. 4 VIDEO/AUDIO OUTPUT jacks Sendsvideo/audiosignalsfrom the TVto an externalsource, such as a VCR. Thesejacks are availableonly in RE Videoand S-Videomodes. COMPONENT1, 2 jacks (Y, PB,PR,AUDIO L/R) Usethesejacks to connectthe componentvideo/audiosignals from a DVD playeror a Set-TopBox. 6 SUB-WOOFER OUT jack Connectto an active SUB-WOOFER. 7 PC AUDIO INPUT jacks Connecttheseto the audiooutputjacks on your PC. 8 HDMI 2/DVl IN (AUDIO L/R) Connectto the DVl audiooutputjackof an externaldevice. 9 Anynet Pleasereferto the AnynetOwner'sInstruction.This jack is for connectingto otherSamsungAnynet-enableddevices. 10 RS232C Connectto a computerfor readingand loadingdatainformation. SamsungElectronics 11 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) jack Connectto a DigitalAudioComponent. 12 PC VIDEO INPUT jack Connecttheseto the videooutputjack on your PC. 13 HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)/ DVl INPUT jack (HDMI IN 2/DVl IN) Connectto the HDMIjack of a devicewith HDMIoutput. Theseinputscan also be usedas a DVl connectionwithseparate analogaudio inputs.An optionalHDMI/DVlcable will be necessaryto make thisconnection.When using the optional HDMI/DVladapter,the DVl analogaudio inputson your TVallow you to receiveleft and rightaudio from your DVl device.(Not compatiblewith PC) 14 HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) INPUT jacks (HDMI IN 1) Connectto the HDMIjack of a devicewith HDMIoutput. (Not compatiblewithPC) 15 D-Net (IEEE1394) S400 MPEG Connectto externalIEEE1394digital productssuch as digital VCRsand camcorders.Twojacks areprovidedfor this purpose, whichallowfor a high degreeof flexibilityfor connectingyour D-Netcontrolledsystem. 16 SERVICE Thisjack is for softwareupgrades. 17 CableCARD TM Insertthe CableCARDinto the slot. 18 G-LINK TM Connectthe IR controllercableto the G-LINK terminalon your TV. TM 1I-3 Operation Instruction & Installation 11-1-5 Remote Control Youcan use the remotecontrolup to about23 feet from theTV. Whenusingthe remotecontrol,alwayspointit directlyat the TV. Youcan also useyour remotecontrolto operateyourVCR,Cablebox, DVDplayeror SamsungSet-TopBox. 1. POWER 17. EXIT Turns the TV on and off. 2, TV Guide Press to display the TV Guide On Screen TM Interactive Program Guide (IPG). (Refer to TV Guide On Screen TM manual.) Press to exit the menu. 18. A, T, 4, t_, ENTER Press to select highlight up, down, left, or right. While using the on-screen menus, press the ENTER to activate (or change) a particular item. 3, ANTENNA Pressto select"AIR" or "CABLE". 19, D-Net Runsthe D-Net view function. 4. CHANNELNUMBER 20. PIP(PictureIn Picture) Press to directly tune to a particular channel. Displays the available channels in sequence. (These buttons change channels in the PIP window only.) PIP : When in the TV Guide On Screen, Press to select additional channels (digital and analog) being broadcast by the same station. For example, to select channel "54-3", press "54", then press "-" and "3". toggles the state between locked and unlocked in the Video Window. , 21. STILL Press to pause the current screen. 6, VOL +, VOLPress to increase or decrease the volume. 22. P.SIZE Press to change the screen size. 7. MUTE Press to mute the TV sound. 8. Anynet Runsthe Anynetview functionsand sets up Anynetdevices. 9, MENU Displaysthe mainon-screenmenu. 10.CH.LIST Displays the channel list. 11.FAV.CH(FavoriteChannel) Press to switch between your favorite channels. 12.MODE Selects a target device to be controlled by the Samsung remote control (i.e., TV, STB, VCR, CABLE, or DVD). 13.PRE-CH Tunes to the previous channel. 23. REC Records a program in the TV Guide On Screen TM. 24, DNle (Digital Natural Image engine) ActivatesDNle Demomode. 25, SET Used during set up of this remote control, so that it will work compatibly with other devices (Set-Top box, VCR, Cable box, DVD, etc.) 26. MTS (Multichannel Television Stereo) Pressto chooseStereo,Mono or SAP (SecondaryAudio Program). 27. PIP Controls CH A / V; Pressto displaysthe available channelsin sequence.(Thesebuttons changechannelsin the PIPwindowonly.) .............................. .................. 28. CAPTION Controls thecaptiondecoder. 31. RESET 14.SOURCE Press to display all of the available video sources (i.e., TV, Set-Top Box, VCR, DVD, DTV, PC). 29. 4 4/Day-, Day+/i_ 1_ Moves forward or backwards in 24 hour increments in the Listings Grid in TV Guide On Screen TM. If your remote control is not functioning properly, take out the batteries and press the reset button for about 2-3 seconds. Re-insert the batteries and try using the remote control again. 15.CH/PAGEA / v Press to change channels. Moves from one set of screen information to the next in the TV Guide On Screen TM. % VCR/DVD Controls ControlsVCR or DVDfunctions:Rewind, Stop,Play/Pause,Fast Forward. 16.INFO Press to display information on the TV screen. 1I-4 SamsungElectronics Operation Instruction & Installation 11-2 New Features 11-2-1 D-Net(IEEE1394) D-Net(IEEE1394)is a cross-platformimplementationof the high-speedserialdatabus -- definedby the IEEE1394-1995, IEEE 1394a-2000,and IEEE 1394bstandards-- that can move largeamountsof data betweencomputersand peripheraldevices. It featuressimplifiedcabling,hotswapping,and transferspeedsof up to 3.2 gigabitsper second(on machinesthat support 1394b). Majormanufacturersof multimediadeviceshavebeen adoptingthe D-Net(IEEE1394)technology. D-Net(IEEE1394)speeds up the movementof multimediadata and largefiles and enableseasy connectionof digitalconsumer products-- including,digitalvideotapes,digitalvideodisks,set-topboxes. Other 1394 Device I 1394 Monitor Digital VCR DTV STB Digital VCR Im Key Features - RealTimeAudio/VideoTransmission(MPEG-2 .... ) - HighspeedData Transmission • 1394 upto400Mbps • 1394.b upto3.2 Gbps - Hot Plug& Play -AVC, CMP,EIA775,CEA931,5C.... - Varietyof Compatibledevices:DTV,STB, DVHS,AVHDD,MPEGCamcorder .... - Copy protection SamsungElectronics 1I-5 Operation Instruction & Installation 11-2-2 TV Guide On Screen TV Guide On Screenis an interactiveprogramguide that is builtdirectlyintoconsumerelectronicsproducts,includingDLP, plasmaand LCDtelevisions,personalvideorecordersand recordableDVD players. The guideoffersinteractiveon-screenprogramlistingsthat enableviewersto quicklyand easily navigate,sort, select,and scheduletelevisionprogrammingfor viewingand recording, all with simpleremotecontrolcommands. TV Guide On Screen'spatentedtechnologydeliverscontinuouslyupdatedprogramlistingsto users,regardlessof whetherthey receivetheirtelevisionsignalvia cableor over-the-air broadcast.TV GuideOn Screenworksby simplypluggingin the televisionor recording deviceand activatingthe guide throughan expressset-up process. The guiderequiresno subscriptionor specialconnectionand is availableat no costto theconsumer. II Key Features - ListingsService: Displayseightdays of viewers'local programlistingsand descriptionsfor broadcastand cable; Viewerscan tuneto anyprogram,schedulea programto record,or set a reminder,with the pressof a button; The VideoWindowlets viewersmonitorthe last channeltunedwhileviewingprogramlistings,or previewchannelsas they pagethroughlistings; Color-codedprogramgenreshelp viewersquicklyidentifymovies,sports,and children'sprogramming. - SearchFeature: Viewerscan searchfor programsby categoriessuchas HDTV,movies,sportsor children'sshows.Within categories,viewers can sort by showtype,such as baseballor football. Viewerscan sort alphabetically,or by a key wordsuch as a show title or a starringactor. - One-touchRecording: To record,viewerssimplyhighlighta programtitle and then pressa buttonon the remotecontrol.TV GuideOn Screenwill automaticallyrecordthe program; Programsmay be set to recordone time or everytime they air; TV GuideOn Screenis a criticalcomponentof the recordabledevicesintowhich it is built.A week'sworth of listingsand powerfulsortingand recordingfeaturesmake advancedrecordingsimple - ReminderFeature: Viewersmay set remindersto ensurethey nevermisstheirfavoriteshows; Reminderscaneven be set to automaticallyturn on theTV whena show begins. 11-2-3 CableCARD A small PCMCIAdevice,notworking by itself,designedto run specializedtasks in associationwith a DCRTV,such as a conditionalaccesssubsystemor to provideresourcesrequiredby an applicationbut not provideddirectlybythe host. 1I-6 SamsungElectronics Operation Instruction & Installation 11-2-4 RS-232C DLPDTUusingtheserie|port. Settings (SdectStandard RS232} 19200 bps b_s None b_t Configuration Since AnyneL GLink and RS232C share a seriat port, you have to co_ecl_ RS232C from _e menu _r the fo_lowing cororourdcetion. Menu Setting Se_ct Setup Procedures _ Port Selection _ RS232C Protocot Success _ Fail A command packet o'ansists of 7 bytes in total, The two bytes 0){08 and 0_:22_atly that the gacksiis for serial cr_nmt_iCatba. The fol_i_ 4 b)tes rapm"_ a/m_f_ o_mrrar_tha_ be defir_ s,_tf_ _ The last by¢e8 the d'_ecl,ata'nwhic,h ches_ksthe ,_a4iditfof the corneal p_kat Header [2 Byte]: Pre_definad values fixed _o0x0_ and 0x22 Cm_l [1 Byte]: Thefirst value of the _:odedefined in the c_ list (He.alm!!) Cmd_ If Byte]: The s_ v_ d _ _ defi_ h _'_com_ _st (He×_) When the received pacer from an seternai de,.nde _as a valid value a Sagas packet is _, Otherw_e, a Fail packet is sen_ A Fai_ packet ia ae_t if: '_ The r_ived/_t _engthis r_l equal to 7bytes. _s 2 L54epackel _d_ vaJ_ isnot equatto 0_8, 0×22, The check sum is inoron'_t Cmd3 [1 B/tel: Thethird value of the C_e defin_ h the command _ist(Heyadedmal) Fail_s Va[_ I1 Byte]: _n#ut_m#etef An external devi_ for the _mm_d (_fault: 0) (H_dmal) BS [1 Byte]: Checksum{theZs oum_t_ mer_of the sumd _t t_ values_t fat_heCB vs!_,) da_a_io_ by sa external device d&ssifies the packet as Fa{I if it does not receive a Scoeees packet wtthin 100mS, Sequence PC Creates a command pack_et and co_ds it through RS2_2C '_ BLP DTv' Receives a packe_ and parses Detetroir_es whether Controls { _ t_ if is a sucttess packeL or fai. aRd frar_sroits _he Ask p_ket to the PC, DLP DTV with the parsed cororoaad, PC Waits for the Ask packs& Prepares the next ceroroaad_ if a Success SamsungElectronics packet arrives iro_d_ately. 1I-7 Disassembly & Reassembly 12. Disassembly & Reassembly 12.1OverallDisassembly& Reassembly 12-1-1 Separation of the back cover and the chassis PartName Description Back Remove 12 screws to remove the back bottom cover. Cover : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A Terminal Board Description Photo Remove 5 screws to remove the Terminal Board. * The 3 Terminal Board Screws TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A * The 3 Jack Screws " RH,B,M4,L15,ZPC(BLK),SWRCH18 DVI cable Separate the DVI cable. : The DVI screw is made of soft plastic and may easily break when applying excessive force through a screw driver. Ensure that extreme caution is taken when loosening the screw. SamsungElectronics 12-1 Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Terminal Board Holder (_ Remove the screw. : WSP,PH,+,M4,L12,ZPC(YEL),SM10C (_ Pull out the holder Chassis. Chassis !iiii_ _¸ ii_iiii:_ Analog Board Seperate the Gt-wires. ,% Seperate the cables. 12-2 SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-2 Separation of the Analog and Digital Board PartName ' Analog Board Description I DescriptionPhoto Seperate the cables• !Q: The 30 pin shield cable should be removed by holding the two lock ends of the cable, as failing to do so, could damage the connector• ,_1 Remove the 5 screws and separate Fan cable(CN275). Detach Analog board from Assy. • PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A Fan Remove both the connector and the screws before removing the fan. Then remove the fan from the holder chassis• • PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A Analog Board/ Analog, Digital Board and Fan. Digital Board/ Fan SamsungElectronics 12-3 Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Digital Board Description I DescriptionPhoto (_ Use the long-nosed pliers to remove the hex nut. Nut-Hexagon : -,M3/8X32,ZPC(WHT),MBSBD J.,\: The standoffs can easily break if excessive force is applied. Use extreme caution when removing and replacing. (_ Remove 2 standoffs from the DVI connector. StandOff : M3,L5,Ni PLT,SUM24L,#4-40 :2) Remove 2 standoffs from the PC connector. (_ Remove the screws and cables. : PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH18A /,\: The 30 pin shield cable should be removed by holding the two lock ends of the cable, as failing to do so, could damage the connector. (_ After Removing the Top Shield Case. /,\: Use the two lock holes on either side of the shield case when removing it. 12-4 SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Digital Board (_ Removethe screwsbeforeremovingthe shieldcase at the bottom. : PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A (_ Digital Board. SamsungElectronics 12-5 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-3 Separation of the optical engine PartName' Optical Engine Description DeScription Photo (_ Remove the three screws to remove the bracket. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH 18A :2 The connector from the Power Supply to the Ballast has to be removed before the Light Engine can be taken out of the unit. (_ Remove the engine by pulling it out of the cabinet. jR: Be careful when removing the Light Engine as it may get caught up by the upper cable of the case. 12-6 SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-4 Separation of the Power Board Part Name Power Board Separate the cables. Remove the power board carefully before disconnecting the cables. Notice: Wear gloves when handling the power board as there may be some remaining electrical charge in the capacitors. Specifically, avoid touching any part of the capacitors. After removingthe screws,separatethe bottompowerbraket. • PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A i iiii i iiii! !!!ii!i! SamsungElectronics 12-7 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-5 Screen Remove Part Name Cover-Front,_1 Cover-Front'slower departmentpullto fore-endand remove. J.,\,:There is no Screwconclusionplace. State that Cover-Front is detached. BrktScreen ,Top / Separate Brkt-Screen,Top and Right after remove 6 screws indicating in picture. : TH M4,L12,YELLOW. BrktScreen, Right Screen 12-8 ,_1 Separate Screen. SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-6 Lamp Replacement Notice 1. Replacewith the correctcode numberedlampto avoiddamageto the TV. 2. Turnthe poweroff and wait for 30 minutesbeforereplacingthe lampas it will be hot. 3. Donot touch theglass part of the lampwith your bare handsnor insertany foreignobjectinsidethe cover as it maycause poor screenquality,electricshockor fire. 4. Do not placethe old lampnearflammableobjectsor within the reachof children. 5. Be sureto connectthis TV directlyto anAC wall outlet. If the TV'sAC plug is connectedto a cable boxor othersource,it will not allowfor propercool downtime. /.,\ Part Name Lamp Description DescriptionPhoto ........... Unplug the TV, then use a screwdriver to remove the 4 screws. •WSP,PH,+,M4,L12,ZPC(YEL),SM 10C } Remove the Lamp cover• Loosen the screw securing the Lamp by using a screwdriver• • WSP,PH,+,M4,L12,ZPC(YEL),SM10C SamsungElectronics 12-9 Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Lamp (_ Separate the Lamp from the engine by holding the handle and pulling it out. % To reinstall the Lamp, follow these steps in reverse order. 12-10 SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-7 Ballast Replacement Part Name Ballast Board (_ Remove the lamp, refering to lamp replacement.(12-8page) Remove the ballast power cable. (_ Remove the Ballast SCI cable. (_ Removethe twoscrews at the HolderBallast. : PWH,+,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWROH18A,- (_ Pull out the Ballast assembly. % Replace it with a new one and re-assemble it in the reverse order. SamsungElectronics 12-11 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-8 Color Wheel Ass'y Replacement Part Name Color Wheel ,_1Remove2 screwsto removethe colorwheel cover• : WSP,PH,+,M3,L8,ZPC(YEL),SW Remove two cables at the DMD Board• Remove 2 screws• • PWH,+,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH18A,- Disassemble the color wheel assembly• 12-12 SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Color Wheel ,_1 Replace it with a new color wheel and rubber assembly. Notice • Never touch the color wheel. Touch only the cover assembly. SamsungElectronics 12-13 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-9 Actuator(Smooth Picture) Replacement PartName Actuator (i Remove the cable at the Actuator. (i Remove screws(3ea) at the Actuator cover. : BH,+,M3,L16,ZPC(YEL),SWROH (i 12-14 Replace it with a new actuator. SamsungElectronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-10 Dynamic Black Replacement i PartName Description Dynamic Black DescriptionPhoto Remove the at the cable. (_ Remove screw(2ea). : WSP,BH,+,M3,L16,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH (i Disassembly Dynamic Black assembly. (i Replace it with new Dynamic Black assembly. SamsungElectronics 12-15 Circuit Description 13. Circuit Description 13-1 Overall Block Description Anynet, G-Link '_E_ HDMI/PC [_ Power Signal Light Signal IEEE1394/Anynet Optical/Gemstar-IR RF In(Air,Cabl_ CableCard AlVIn 1,2,3 S-Video 1 2 3 Component ,,_A/V 1,2 Out RS-232C PC/DVI In Audio In AC The DLPTV is largelydividedinto: Powerpart, Enginepart andAnalog + Digitalparts. The ass'ythat consistsof the DMD board,Detect(Actuator)board,lamp,ballastand opticaldevicesis calledthe Engine. The analog+ digitalboard parts receivetheAV signalsto outputvoice signalsand processthe remotecontrolsignals. The enginepartdisplaysthe videodata on the screen,which is generatedin the analog +digital boards. TheAV signalsare inputthroughthe analogand digitalboards.ADV7400processesthe MUX and decodingwhile X226 B processesthe CPUfunctions,MPEGand 12S. Finally,the improvedDNle imageis sent to the DMDengine board. Thefinal data by DNle is processedin DDP1011of the DMDboardto displaythe imageon the DMD panel.This imageis created by the lightof the lampthroughthe colorwheelwhich is enlargedand projectedonto the screen. This is the DLPof the L7 or L8 type that the actuatoroperatesadditionallyduringthis process. The powerterminalgeneratesthe DC powerneededfor the productand sends it to the analog board.The analogboardsupplies the powerto the digitaland DMD boards. In the meantime,the powersourceboardsuppliesDC220V- 400V directlyto the ballastin order to light the lamp. The ballastis like a stabilizerfor lightingthe lamp. The ultimatepurposeof the TV set is to projectan imageontothe screenand outputthe voice signalssynchronizedwith the image.And basedon the DMDpanel used,a 1-panelTV requiresa color wheelwhile a 3-panelTV doesnot. The HD3 panel needsan actuatorwhile the HD2 doesnot. However,the drivemechanismand the overallblock structureof the two panelsare the same. SamsungElectronics 13-1 Circuit Description 13-2 Partial Block Description 13-2-1 Power Board Block Description T30V_B : s=mute : = 6V : 6=0V 12V t 30mA ] 0 _ 5mA J 0 ~ 2rnA ] 0~ 410A B : 0=93 ~ 1=8A B : 2.24~4.05A ] ] I STD5=0V 10.05 ~ 2=485A[ T30V A A [ : 0 _5mA : 0 _-1.77A POWER CTL I ] ] 1.What is SMPS? This is an acronymfor SwitchingModePowerSupplyand this is responsiblefor receivingAC inputvoltage (Linefrequency:50HZ~60HZ)and supplyinginsulatedDC output. 2. SMPSComponents 1) StandbyPower:A combinationof ICS801(SWITCHINGIC) and TS801S(TRANS)that suppliesSTAND-BY5V for operating the Micom. 2) Multi Power:The voltagesuppliedwhen the poweris turnedon. It is a combinationof IC801Sand T801Sthat suppliesvariousvoltagesincludingD12V,A6.5V,$14.5V,T30Vand A65V. 3. SMPSOperation 1) SMPSSystem:UsesFly-Backtechnologyfor both standbyand multi power. 2) Operation:Fly-Backis one of the mostpopularpower-supplysystemsand uses less powerthan 200Was wellas beingthe cheapestof all multioutput SMPSsystems. Let's havea lookat howit operates... a. ConvertsAC input intoDO (HOT)(rectifiesto DS801beforesmoothingto CS801) b. The convertedDC voltageis high,especiallycomparedto ground,so touchingit will causeelectricshock. UseT801S(Trans)to insulatethesecondaryvoltageand take advantageof the PWM operationsof T801S and IC801Sto induceit. c. Thesecondaryinducedvoltageis a dozen-KHZsquarewave power,which goesthroughthe smoothing cap (CS822)to be generatedin the standby5',/. d. Multipoweralso operatesthe sameway. 13-2 SamsungElectronics Circuit Description 4, Input&Outputvoltage 1) Inputvoltage * Aemrica(AC120V)-OPTION • Korea(AC220V)-OPTION • The others(ACl00V~AC240V)- OPTION 2) Outputvoltage * D12V/ 2,5A- 12V, 3,3V, 1,8V: For signalprocessing • A6.5V/ 1A- Fordrivingthetuner • $14.5V/ 4A-For drivingsound processor • T30V/ 5mA- Fordrivingthe tuner • A65V/ 30mA- Fordrivingthe actuator SamsungElectronics 13-3 Circuit Description 13-2-2 Digital Board Block Description 12S_1394 12S_Out_1394 ScrambleTS Unscramble TS ,_1394×sN TS_A_DATA[f:0] CLK,VLD,SYNC TS A DATA POD _N CLK,VLD,SYNC HS,VS 24_t CLK t TS_2_DATA[7:O] _.___ CLK,VLD,SYNC __ EX CH2 EN PC WUXGA l TS_B_DATA[/:0 l CLK,VLD,SYNC NR_Out 16b_t COMP1 DDR 12bit MAIN-V NR_Out NRJn 16 bit COMP1 DNle NR EN COMP2 HDMI PDIF_OUT HDMI 12S_HDMI TMDS 12S_13941 12S_OUT L1/R1 L2tR2 Side-L/R MomL/Rout II II II II II II ADV7400:AnalogYPBPR,CVBS,Y/C(SUPER),InputMUXlNGand Video Decoding X226: CPU,+ MPEGDecoder,Audio signalstransferredto MSPof the analogboardby 12S DNle:Usesa noise-filteringand picturequalityimprovementalgorithmto implementnaturalcolors. Tuner:Two HD tuners,eachtakingthe role of the analogtuner. HDMI:Receivesone inputsignaland transfersit to X226 in 24 bits. Others:Anynet implementation,OpticalPowerPort, USBUpdatePort (notavailablefor MP3) The L8HDdigitalboardcontainstwo HD tunersto implementanalogas well as digitalsignalsfrom air/cablebroadcasting. It decodesY PB PR CVBS,Y/C(SUPER)and HDMIinputs usingADV7401and siliconchips,which are transferredto X226(ATI),a combinationof the mainCPU and the MPEGdecoder. All video/audioinputsare transferredto X226 for digitalprocessingand all videooutputgoes throughDNle to the DLP DMDboard. Audio signalsare transferredto the MSPchip of the analog boardusing12Sand are emittedthroughthe speaker. It also hasan Anynet port,a 5.1 channelopticalportand a USBportfor a S/W update. 13-4 SamsungElectronics Circuit Description 13-2-3 Analog Board Block Description Main-Y(V)-Out Main-Y(V) _'_ Main-C Main-Y-Out S1/S2/S3-Y Sl/S2/S3-C Sub-Y-Out Main-C-Out Sub-Y(V) Sub-C Sub-YOut Cap-Y-Out Sub-COut Comb-Y-Out / Sub-C-Out Mon-Mixed-V-Out Comb-C-Out Side-Y/C ,€ Cap-CVBS _,_ Mon-Vout Main-V-Out MTNR-CVBS STNR-CVBS DTV-CVBS V1/V2 Side-V Sub-V-Out Cap:V:Out MomV-Out Mon-L/Rout Gain0/Gain1 L1/R1 Vlain-L/R L2/R2 Side-dR Compl-L/R Comp2-dR PC-dR MTNR-SIF STNR-SIF DVI(HDMt2)-L/R Amp-ln-dR m AnalogVideo SignalProcessing m SelectSound/Video One is selectedfrom multipleinputsby the switchingID. MICOMdecideswhich portis usedfor output. For broadcastingsignals,sub-outputsare transferredin CVBSand,the mainoutputsin Y/C throughthe 3D Comb,to the digital board. Soundsignalsare selectedby the switchingIC,of whichonly one input is transferredto the speaker. m DetectionSignalFlow Wheneach port is connectedto a signalcable, the detectionsignalis "low"and can be checkedby Micomscanning. m Y/C Separation The 3D Combfilter divides RF CVBSsignalsintoY/C beforebeing transferredto the digitalboard. SamsungElectronics 13-5 Circuit Description 13-2-4 DMD Board Block Description Lain LM 393 F --_ Lamp En -- Lamp Litz -- CW Index 't A89O4 pPower Good Reset M -- _ - -- DMD C r _- ;et Lvds Bus Master A/B CLKRX --- DATRX B ODD ........... "_ _ Lvds i i Confgura , EEPROM Bus SLave A/B ,on _ _ r.__._. _._100Mhz Rambus ] J _ _'1 VCM _- I DB >/ Actuator Detector I 3.3 V output Actuator Circuit 24 P con ] II Controlsthe lamp(ON/OFF) II Drivesthe colorwheelmotor II Drivesthe panel II Controlsthe sensors 13-6 SamsungElectronics Circuit Description 13-3 New Circuit Description 13-3-1 Output Voltage States of the DMD Board Parts -- 25V LOC Waveform for 8V RA600,601,602,603 Output Terminal BD904 _f- BD902 Characteristics LAMP LAMP EN LITZ 26V High from DDP1011 High(5V) before the lamp turns on, Low(0V) when the lamp turns on 13-3-2 DMD Panel Pin Terminal Characteristics Diagram -_ Removethe heatsink attachedto the DMD Boardand tightenthe screwsin four placesand then inspectthe characteristicsof each pin terminal. !!!ii_iii!_ii%il !i)ii_)_!iiiiiiiiii;_i!ilSi!!i i)!_i!_!!i!i;_ii!i!iii_i_iiii N ii!i!ii_!ii!i!il ¸ ))))_iiiiii _ [] _iiiiii!!i_!!i!i!ii!i!!i_ m [] % [] [] [] iiil_ii!il ))ii_iiiii _iiiiii!!i_!!i!i!ii!i!!i_ !ili;i!iii!i_i!i!ii!i!ii! [] The vertical lines, which may occur due to improper connections between the panel and the PCB, occur with interva)s of 50 inches(26mm), if vertica) lines occur with intervals of more than 26mms, it indicates a failure of the DDP1011 (C itself, if they occur with intervals 26mm, it means that more than two pins have bad connections. m [] m of less than [] i!!ii_iii!i m P14 [] DA,DB output wave [Screen:WHITE] [] NlC [] ii)_!i Pin Name )_i!!_!i))[] )ii!_ ;Bi!i P6 16 i_i:iiiiii ii!i_i)_ii i!ii_ii_iiii Description V Voltage : 3.3V V2 VCC2 : 8V DA A Channel Data Bus [When measured, there should be a waveform] DB NO. G m m [] [] [] %!i) m [] [] [] i%! %iiiil )_!i% %i:)li ))i!_iiiiiii! ii!_i!ii ¸ )i!i!ii!iiiii!!l!i!_il!i _2 NIC [] m [] ME [] [] m iiiiif_iii [] i!iii% [] [] [] iiii_iii!i iiiii_ii!il !iiiii)_!i!i!!i!!i)!!)_i!i!i!i! iiiiii_iiii )!iiiiii_iiiiiiii Pin Name T %!;!i Description ........ Test Point Mirror Bias Extra C Clock B Channel Data Bus [When measured, there should be a waveform] P# A,B Channel Positive MBRST# (Mirror Bias Rest) 26V N# A,B Channel Negative The part from the present position to the GND (The black part is also a GND.) SamsungElectronics 13-7 Circuit Description 13-3-3 Description of Terminal Characteristics Pin Name SCTRL_BN/P DCLK_BN/P SCPDI I Description B channelLVDSserial control B channelLVDSCLOCK SERIALCONTROLDATAINPUT SCPDO SERIALCONTROLDATAOUTPUT SCPENB SERIALCONTROLENABLE SCPCK SERIALCONTROLCLOCK DMDRESETB DMD LOGICRESET MBRST(14:0) MIRRORBIASRESET MBRST_EXTRA SCR_CLR UNUSEDMIRRORBIASRESET TESTCLEARPINS(NORMALGND) READOUTA(I:0) A-CHANNELSERIALDATAOUT DURINGSPAMREADTEST OPERATION READOUTB(I:0) B-CHANNELSERIALDATAOUT DURINGSPAMREADTEST OPERATION TP(2:0) MANUFACTORING TEST POINT(NOCONNECTEDDURINGNORMALCPERATION) RSV_A(4:0)/RSV_B(4:0)RESERVEDPINS(NORMAL:GND) EVCC REFERENCEVOLTAGEDURINGSPAMREADTEST OPERATION(NORMAL GND) VCC2 VCC MIRRORELECTRODEVOLTAGE(7,3V) LOGICSUPPLY VSS LOGICGROUND 13-3-4 Engine Failure Inspection Flow Chart for the DMD Board Key 1 1) When the power cordis plugged in, 2) DC220W410V(typical300V) is automaticallysuppliedto the ballast, Point Checkwhether the DC220W410V(typical300V) power is supplied to the ballast. t) When the power key is pressedvia the remotecontrol, 2 3 4 the micomof the analogboard outputs high (5V) PWRsignals. 2) The power boardoperates normally. 5V and 12Vare suppliedto the DMD 0N105 terminal. Checkwhether 5V and 12Vare suppliedto the 0N105 terminal, t) The MTR Reset signal is suppliedto the R161 terminalof the After the set is poweredon, check whether 5V is detectedon pin No.49of IC101. motor IC101from the micom on the digital board and thenthe motorstarts to drive. 2) If the color wheel rotatesfor a certaintime and then stops,check whether the color wheel sensor is normal. (Checkthe waveformon the No.2terminal below 0N102.) ==JUL t) Check whetherthe signal (SCI:STARTCONTROL INPUT) that turnson lamp#2 of 0N109 on the DMDboard is high (5V). 5 13-8 1) Methodfor checkingwhetherthe DDP1010IC RESETis normal. After a while, the sound generatedby the rotatingcolor wheel is heard. * 12Vmust be supplied to operate the motor. * If 5V is not detected,the motorwill not operate. * When SCI is high (5V), the lamp litz Checkwhether CN109#2 signal is of CN109is low (0V). 5V. * 0N109 #2 terminalvoltagechanges to pulsewaveform 14 seconds after for 50 inchTV) the time that the voltage is 5V. * When about4 seconds have passed If the voltagebetweenR254and after changingto pulsewaveform,the R255 is 3V, it is normal. screensare displayedon the set. SamsungElectronics Circuit Description 13-3-5 IC Line Up 1, PowerBoard MainSMPS FS7M0880,Fairchild IC-PWMController; MainPower Stand-bySMPS[America] KA1M0565,Fairchild IC-PWMController; Stand-byPower Stand-bySMPS[Korea] KA5M0165,Fairchild IC-PWMController; Stand-byPower MPEG2Decoder X226B CPU(MIPS),TS Demux,MPEG2Decoder, Formatconverter,Deinterlacer,Scaler,USB analog Decoder,ADC ADV7401 Video Processor,ADC HDMIReceiver sil9021 DigitalReceiverfor HDMIwith HDCP COMPONENTS/W BA7657 COMPONENTS/W,H/V Sync S/W Video Enhance SDP32SAMSUNG RGBProcessor ProgramROM 28F128x 2 32M(1Mx 16) x 2, Nor-TypeFlash Memory FrameBuffer 192MBDDR,64M ,Samsung FrameMemory TMDSTransmitter sill60 si1160CT100 IEEE1394 JEDI(TSB43DA42A) IEEE1394Interface GemstarEPG YamuMICOM(3P8OB5X) IR Blaster Video Switch TEA6425,SGS-Thomson Video SwitchIC for TV *3 Audio Switch TEA6422,SGS-Thomson Audio SwitchIC for TV 3D-Comb uD64083,NEC 3 DimensionalY/C SeparationLSI Sound Module MSP4440,Micronas MultistandardSound ProcessorWithTruSorroundXT SoundAMP TPA3001D,TI 1 ChannelDigitalAudio PowerAmplifier*2 Micom SDA55xx,Micronas MicroController DMDDriver DDP1011,TI DLPData Processor Reset,Power DAD1000,TI DMDPowerand ResetDriver MotorController A8904,Allegro 12VVCM/SpindlePre-Driver FrameBuffer K4R271669,Samsung 128M(246Kx 16 x 32B), RambusDRAM ClockGenerator CDCR83,TI DirectRambusClockGenerator ProgramROM M29W800BT,ST 8M(1Mx 8 or 512Kx 16),Flash Memory ActuatorDriver Cyclone,AItera FrameExtractor60Hz(1frame) --> 120Hz(1/2frame) LVDSReceiver THC63LVD104,Thine LVDSDigitalReceiver,75MHz 2, DigitalBoard 3, AnalogBoard 4, DMDBoard SamsungElectronics 13-9 Reference Information 14. Reference Information 14-1 Other issues related to other products A fixed screencancause permanentdamageto the TV Brauntube. Braun,PDPand LCDTVs can all be damaged.Whena still imageis displayedin a sequence, this can leavestainsor after-imagesdue to the characteristicsof the panel. However,the DLPTV has the advantagethat no stainsor after-imagesare left on the screen. The DLPTV has mirrorpixelson the DMDpanel that projectthe beamontothe screen,in which the mirroris a digitalrepresentationof 0s and ls, leavingno trace of light. The mirrorreturnsto a blankstate so that no stainsor after-imagesare left. Confusionbetweenthe ANYNETPortand the SERVICEJackPort The SAMSUNGSKY500Nmodelhasboth anANYNETportand a SERVICEjack port. Becausethe shapeof theANYNETport on the DLPTV is the sameas that of the SERVICE jack portof the SKY500N,it fails to turn the TV off after a connectionhas been reported. TheANYNETportuses an RS232portcalled PhoneJack,and the SERVICEjack portalso usesthe RS232port. However,you must notconnectthe SERVICEportand theANYNETport. Checkif the port is theANYNETportor the SERVICEportbeforeconnectingthe port. Evenif the TV cannotbe turnedon after connecting,the TV will turn on if you disconnectthe connection. Lengthof DVl Cable/ PC RGB Cable - A too long DVl cablemay causea malfunctionor degradationof the visualqualitydue to an attenuationof the signal.Thereis no recommendationfor the cable lengthat present. In general,althougha cablelengthof up to 5 metersshouldwork, pleasecheckif videois properlydisplayedon the screenafter connecting.If you thinkthe lengthof the cable is longer than for normaluse, checkthevisual qualityof the videoon the screenand shortenthe length,if necessary. - This also appliesto the PC RGB(D-Sub)cable. Whenthe lengthof the cableis longerthan for normaluse, videomay not be displayedon thescreen.In this case, shortenthe cable length. Whena digitallydistributedTV user receivesHD-rated broadcasts: The digitaldistributedTV (ReadyTechnique)canrender HD sourcesas HD-rated. However,you need to installa set-topboxfor this purpose.The digitalTV alonecannot render HD broadcastingas HD-rated.Installthe formal set-topbox for HD broadcasts. Whena digitaldistributedTV The digitallydistributedTV (ReadyTechnique)rendersany broadcastingserviceas SD-rated. user selectsnormalsize (4:3)to However,whenconnectedto a set-topbox,the digitalTV rendersHD broadcastsas HD-rated receiveSD-rateddigita and rendersSD as SD-rated.The screensize is scaledto 4:3. broadcasts: The digitallyintegratedTV ("built-in"type) rendersSD broadcastingas SD-rated. This can be understoodeasily. Whena digitallybuilt-inTV user Evena high-resolutionTV cannotimprovea low resolutionpictureinto highquality. receivesSD(air) broadcasting: In contrast,an SD-ratedTV cannot representHD broadcastingas HD becausethe resolutionof the TV is lowerthanthe original. The representationcapabilityof SD or HD-rateddependentirelyon the TV set.The HD TV can renderHD broadcastingas HD-ratedonly whenit receivesHD sources. Whenselectinga picturesize of In the meantime,the HD TV rendersSD as SD-ratedwhen it receivesSD sources. 4:3 in connectionwith a The picturesize has nothingto do with the resolution;TV modelslike SVP-XXL3HDor computeror a multimedia SVP-XXL6HDhavea size adjustmentfeatureto 16:9,4:3, Panorama,Zoom1,Zoom2and Auto device: Wide. This is aboutthe aspectratioof thetop and bottomboundariesto the overallscreenand userscan selecttheirpreference. SamsungElectronics 14-I ReferenceInformation II SD/HDbroadcastsand the TV's displaycapabilityare related 1.A digital broadcastshouldbe transmittedin widescreen (an aspectratioof 16:9)HD. If the broadcastingstationconvertsa conventionalprogramcreatedin normalscreen (aspectratioof 4:3) intoa digitalsignaland broadcaststhe signal,the left and rightof the picturewill not be displayed. This symptomalso appearsin othermanufacturer'sTV's.The threeappliancecompaniesare tryingto resolvethe problem throughthe Ministryof Informationand Communication. * Whenwatchingan SD (normal)broadcastthrougha Digital (Wide)TV (480Pnormalbroadcast) * Whenwatchingan SD (normal)broadcastthrougha DigitalReady(Wide)TV (Usinga set-top-box) * Whenwatchingan analog (normal)broadcastthrougha wide TV (Whenwatchinga broadcastafter changingthe aspectratioof theTV from 16:9(widescreen)to 4:3) 2. Whenwatchinga DVD title or videotape in wide screen(21:9)througha wide (16:9)TV, watchingvideofrom a computeror gameconsoleby selectingthe aspectratioto 4:3, or watchingvideofrom a DVD,VCR, computeror gameconsolethrougha wide TV by selectingthe aspectratio to normal(4:3)or wide(21:9),the left and right, or top and bottomof the picturewill not be displayed. This symptomappearsin other manufacturer'sTV's.The threeappliancecompaniesare trying to resolvethe problemthrough the Ministryof Informationand Communication. II Changingthe Orderof the PictureSizefor 16:9DisplayDevices / Panorama h Panorama 4:3 1 L _ E Zoom2 16:9 Panorama Zoom1 II Changingthe Orderof the PictureSizefor DTV 1080i/720pSources II Restrictions 1.Whenyou want to changethe picturesize in PIP'ON',you mustturn the PIP off beforechangingthesize. However,youcan changethe mainpicturesize evenin PIPONfor productswith no restrictions. 2. Whenthe picturesize is not Normal(4:3for 4:3 displaydevices,16:9for 16:9displaydevices)and you turn PIPon, the picture size is changedto Normal. However,youcan turn PIPon withoutchangingthe picturesize for productswith no restrictions. 3. In the OSDnotationfor the picturesize, 16:9is representedas "Wide"insteadof "16:9"for devicesother thanwith 16:9dis plays. Ex: For LCD 15:9devices,"Wide"is displayedon the OSD insteadof "16:9". 4. The picturesize can be changedeven in the bluescreen. However,the picturesize shouldbe controlledby the productspecificationsif the changeis impossibledue to hardware restrictions. 14-2 SamsungElectronics Reference Information 14-2TechnicalTerms PiP (Picture In Picture) A feature to enabletwo video imagesbeing displayedon one screenat the same time. Forinstance,you can see theTV channeland the video imageat the sametime. Digital Broadcasting TheATSC(AdvancedTelevisionSystemsCommittee)signals that the stationdigitalizesbeforetransferringthe audio/video signals. Mono A soundsystemthat transmitsvoicesignals in only one channel.It is hard to experiencea 3D effectbut can be run with one speaker. LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) This uses satellitetechnologiesto amplifyweak signalsfor improvedqualityeven in poor receptionareas. Stereo A soundsystemthat transmitsvoicesignals in two channels This implements3Deffectsby transmittingto bothspeakers (left/right). Analog Broadcasting The conventionalsystemin which the stationtransfersthe audio/videosignals in NTSCformats. Satellite Broadcasting This uses a satellitesystemto supporta maximumof 100 channelsincludingair servicesand provideshigh quality picturesanywherein the country,evenin poor receptionareas. A set-topbox (unbundled)is requiredto watchsatellite broadcasting. Closed Broadcasting OtherthanVHF and UHF,this includesmovies,entertainment and educationalprogramsbroadcastby hotelsor schools.This is differentfrom cablebroadcasting. Multiplexing Twolanguagesare providedat the same time whenbroadcasting foreignmovies,dramasand newsprograms.Youcan chooseeithera nativeor foreignlanguage,or choosebothat the sametime. Component Terminal (Green, Blue, Red) This providesmaximumquality by dividingthe contrastsignals beforetransferring. Cable Broadcasting Comparedto air broadcasting,it uses the cablesystemto transferthe signals.Youshouldsubscribeto a local cable broadcastingcompanyand install a separatereceiver. Tuner Antenna Terminal A terminalwhich theTV antennais connectedto. A round coaxialcableis connectedto this terminal,which is usually usedto watch air broadcasts. English Captions (Subtitle) A feature to provideEnglishcaptionsor characterinformation services,whichthe user can useto studyEnglishusingAFKN broadcastingor videotapes markedwith "CC". AudioNideo Terminal The old 3- or 4-channelTV with no AV terminalhas a lowquality issuefor video tape.The problemcan be resolvedusingan AN terminalthat separatesthe audioand videosignals.The videoterminalis in yellow;the audioterminalis dividedin two, whitefor left and red for right. A device usedto selecta particularfrequencyfrom the TV set or the radioreceiver, Anynet An AV networkingsystemof Samsung'svariousAV devices, which enablesthe userto convenientlycontrolAV devices usingthe TV. DVD (DigitalVersatile Disc) This is a CD-sized,high storagedisk that can store multimedia dataincludingvideos,gamesand audio applicationsusing MPEG-2compressiontechnology. DVl (Digital Visual Interface) Terminal This is a digitalsignalingstandard. This usesTMDSto reducethe signalloss ratefor sharper images. External Source This includessourcesfrom thevideo recorder,DTV set-topbox and DVDplayer,(anythingbut theTV), DVI-DCable DVl-I Cable HDMI(High DefinitionMultimedia Interface) An interfaceintowhichthe digitalsignalsas well as the high qualityimagedatacan be connectedwith one cable. Thereis no needto compressthe bit rate. One of the DVIcables that cantransferbothdigitaland analog signals. SamsungElectronics One of the DVI cablesthat canonly transferdigitalsignals. 14-3 ReferenceInformation S-video Terminal This is, called"Super-video",dividedinto videoand colorsignalsfor sharperimagedisplay, VHF/UHF VHF refersto the 2 - 13 channelsystem;UHFindicatesthe 14 - 69 channelsystem, 14-4 SamsungElectronics ELECTRONICS This ServiceManualis a propertyof SamsungElectronicsCo,,Ltd, Any unauthorizeduseof Manualcan be punishedunderapplicable Internationaland/ordomesticlaw. © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Jul. 2005 Printed in Korea AA82-02861A
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