SANYO Electric 19B255 WLAN Module User Manual 1
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. WLAN Module 1
- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
- 3. User Manual 3
- 4. User Manual 4
User Manual 1
swim Network Set-up and Operation For Windows Owner’s Manual Wired and Wireless Setting Projector Set—up and Operation Network Capture Network Viewer Moderator Function This is the manual forrhe Network function Read this manual thamughly m operate the Network function. Flrsl, read the owner‘s manual ofthe pmlenor to understand the baslc operatlon anne projector and the salary instructions The safety instructions in the owner‘s manuals should be followed strictly, Compliance This projector premidesthe wireless LAN module which complies with me module certification. Federal Communications Commission Notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 8 digital device, pursuant us part is ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed in provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause hamrful interference to mdio communications. Hwever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which‘can be determined by turning the equipment elf and on the user is encoumged to tryw correct the interference by one or more ofihe following measures: — Reutient or relocate the receiving anrenns. — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Cnnllectthe equipment inw an outlet on a circuit different from that towhiclr the receiver is connected —Consultthe dealerorarl experienced ladle/TV technician for help. Model Number : 1AV4U19525500 Trade Name :sarryn Responsible party : smvo FISHER comm" Address macs Piummersrreetchatswortnculrornia 91311 Telephnne Not :(318)993-7322 This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and RSS-Gell of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twomndilinns. (i) the device may nmcause interference and (2) the device mustaxept any Interferenee, Including Interference that may cause undesired operation ofthis device, CAU'I10N: Properly shielded a grounded cables and cunnemrs must be used for connection to host computer and /or peripherals in urderlo meet rcc emissiun limits VGA cable with ferrite care must be used for ltl= interference supprealon For Canadian Users This class a digital apparatus complies with Canadian its-boa. Cetzpparel numénque de la ciasse Best conforme a la norme NMB-ooa du Canada. FCC Warning changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible iur compliance could void the user‘s authority In operate the equipment. F0: RF Exposure Wamlng -This transmitter must not be co-Iucated or operated in “Injunction with any other antenna or transmitter -This equipment complies with FCC/[C radiatiurl expusure limits set forth for uncontruiled equipment and meets the FCC na‘dio frequency (RFD Exposure Guidelines In Supplement c m cares and RSS~1OZ of ic radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment should be installed and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator and person's bndy (excluding extremities: hands wrists feet and ankles). Europem cur-rmuruty (EC). Eurupencummmrry. C Tlreczmantuamrenluemufurrm-ymarkume ® MAImMafldxaD'lacllvemnfnrmkymalkaflhe Engllsh Hereby, sANlro FISHER Sales (Europe) GmbH, declares thar mls WLAN Modu|e (lAvw'lsslssam ls In (umpllznce wlm (he essemlal requlremems and outer relevant provisions nfDirecllve 1999/5181 Cesky (Czeelr) Dansk [Danish] SANVG mm) Sales (Europe) Gmhl—L tlmm pruhlasuje, h term WLAN Muuule nAvwmszssw) Je ve shade se zakladnlml ppiaduvky z daliimi pflsluSrryrl-r slanuvenl'mi smimice lsssls/Es Underugnede smvo FISHER Sales Europe) Grub", erklrerer hen/ed, at hlgende udslyr WLAN Medule (1AV4UI9525500)ovemolderd= menlllgelmlvog 61mg: relevant! krIVI direkfiv 19991515. Hlevmll erklarx SANVO FISHER Sales (Eurppel GmbH, dass slch das Gerar WLAN Mudule (lAVAUwazssun) in Ube’elnsllmmung ml'l den grundlegenden Auterderunger. und der- fihligell einrrlrlaglgerr Besfimmungen nernleht 1999/5155 hefindfl. [Emma-r] Kéesolevapa kinrrlrab SANYD FISHER Sale: (Europe) GmbH, sudme WLAN Module llAvmlsstsou) vamvrm direktilvl 1999/5150 pshinéuetele j; nlmelatud direku in mlenmtele teistele ilekohlslele slum; For media de la presente SANYD FISHER Sales (Eumpe) Gth, declnfi que el WLAN Module [Sana-[21:1 (lAWUl9'BZSSOH) cumnle mu lbs reuulslros eselldalesy cunlesqulem ms dlspaslcllmes upllauler "a" oellglbles ue la Dllecllva1999ISICE Emu-m ME mu nAvovEA sumo FISHER Sales (Europe) (5th. AHAQNEI on wum Module [meek] nAv4U19515500)ZYMMOPmnNETAI npoz 11): cranes): AnAlTHzElz KAI nz Mame: zxsanz AIATAEEIZ momma: user/51m Franwls Pl! I! presume SANVD FlSHER Sales (Europe) GmbH. défill’e aue l'IEFINIl WLAN Module [French] (rmulsazssan) esr mnlerme aux exigennes menllelles er aux uurres alspasilreru peruneutes de ludlreerlve (99919155. lflliflM Con la presume SANVO FlSHER Sales (Eumpe) GmbH, dithiiu (he quasm WLAN Module mafia") UAWMQBZESOO) e mufurme al requlslll esserllzlill ed alle alue dirpusmuni peninentl snbllita dalla dimliva mars/CE. Lllvlskl A7 in SANVO FISHER Salas (Europa) Grub“, dtkliv ka WLAN Module (‘AVQUIDBZSSODI atbiln (Lmulun) Dlremas lsss/erK burlskzlsm pru‘lbim ull duem armsalsfiujlem nuuelkumlem. Lletuvlu Sluo smvo FISHER Sules (Eumpe) Gmnndekluruon. m sls wun Module (lAWUlsazssw) llkhuanlanl mum eururrlus relkalavlmus lr kl“: 1999/5159 alrektym nuoswus. "edema; HIerle verklaau SAN‘IO FISHER sales (Europe) GmbH. an he: toestel WLAN Module (1AV4U19525500) ln nuereenstemmlng I; met de essentlil: elsen err ae undere relevanle hepellngen [9mm van rlemllln (999mm. Malti Harwnhakk, SANVO FlSHER Sales [Europe] GmbH, ddl'kjifl li din WLAN Module “AVMHYHZSSIXH mm“! ‘rklwnlfclma maI-Migulet essenzjali u ma wnvvedlmenu‘ ehrajn relevanti Ii hemm fi lrrertiva 199m Magyar Alull'wu, smvo nsusa Sales (Europe) GmbH, rvyllnlmmm, hwy: wum MnduIHlAWulsBESDD) [Hungarian] megrelel avcrmkozé alapveromeuelmeuyelmekem(999/512: Irényelv eqyeu elalr-asulrrale Pals” Nlnlejszym smvo FISHER s-les (Europe) GmbH, eswudezr, ie wum Module (1Av4ulsszsson) jesugcdlly x madnltzyml wymogiml om pamslalyml stawnyml postanwlenhml Dyreklywy (Pollen) (mars/EC. Panugues SAWO FISHER Sales (Eumpe) GmbH, dedara qua Esta (1AV4U|9325500) estfi zcnfnrme (cm 05 (Parmguese) requisims essendzlse outras disposlgaes da Directiva l99ws/CE. Slwensko smvo FlSHER Sales (Europe) GmbH, lzJavlla. da )e (a (1AV4Ul9525500) u skladu z blslvenlml Blavefllan] Zzhlevaml lnnstalimi [Elevamnimi dnlniili direktiv! WED/SIB. Slavensky 5mm "sum Sales (Europe) GmbH, (9mm vyhlasuje. ze (1AV4U19825500)spMa zékladné [Slovakl pniiadavkyx vietky prisluinéusfanmenia Smemice mam/E. Suomi smvo FISHER Sales (Europe) emu", vakuunaa men etra (lAv4u19azssnu) ryypplneu lane on [Finnish] dlmklllvln |99915IEV nleellismn Vaallmuslen [a slté lmskevlen dimkfiivin muidEn Ehlclen mukainen, Mush Harmer) inlyyar smvo FlSHER Sales (Europe) GmbH, all denna (mvaurqazsseu) star I [Swedish] averensrtammelse med de visemliga egenskrpskrav och Mriga relevant: bestimmelser rpm fnmgil iv direkfiv (9995/56. Islensla Her urea lyslr 5mm) FISHER Sales (Europe) GmbH, yfir pvl ab (wrursazssoo) er l sumraeml vla [Icehndlc] grunrrkrulurog abmrkréfur.sem geraarerulruskipun (saws/EC. Norsk 5mm FISHER Sale: (Europe) Gth,erklzrel lrerved ur mstym (mwmsmssm) erl summr urea [Norwe lan] de gmnnleggende kruu ug uvrlge relevarue kmv l dlrekllv 19991516. Safety instructions & CAUTION IN USING THE PROJECTOR VIA NETWORKS 0 when you find a problem with the projector, remove the power cable immediately and inspect the unit. Using the projectorwith failure may cause fire or other accidents 0 if you remotely use the projector via networks, carry out a safety check regularly and take particular care to its environment. Incorrect installation may causeline or other accidents ACMTION III USING NETWORK FUNCTION 0 SANVO Electric Co., Ltd, assumes no responsibility for the loss or damageofciata or damage of the computer caused by using this projector. Making back—up copra ofvaiuable data in your mmputer is recommended Caution about Radio Wave This unit opemtes in 2.4 GHz band the same frequency band used for industrial, scientific. and rnedrcal equipment (such as pacemaker), as well as amateur radio stations. Flam read "Safety Instructions" section and make sure the folluwing cautions. 1. Be sure that there are no other devices in the area that may use the same frequency band as Projector. 2, if any other devices are causing radio interferences change the oommuniatron frequency channel or move to other location Trademarks and Copyright Microsoft Vlfindaws. and Intemet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Mlcrosnft Corporation in the United States and/crother countries, Netscape Navigatorand Netscape Communicatorare registered trademarks or trademarks of Netscape Communimtions Corporation In the United States and other countries. Pentlum Is a registered tlademarkoflmel Corps inthe United Stains. Each name of corporation or product in this Owner’s Manual is either a registered trademark or a trademark of its respective corporation. Notes -Tite contents offltis manual are subject to change without notice. - You may not copy the printed materials accompanying with the software -We shall not be responsible for any damages caused by reliance on this manual. Expression/Abbreviation The OS of the Computer and the Web browser described in this manual is Windows XP Professional and internet Explorer 6.0. in case of another 05 or Web browser, some instnrctlon procedures may differ from the actual operation depending on your computer environment Use ufthis manual This manual does not provide the description of basic operation and functions for computer, web browser, projector and network. For instructions about each piece of equipment or application software, please ietertothe respem‘rve booklet Table of contents Compliance Safety instructions. Table of contents Operating environment and conflguratlon. Required operating environment for computers Network spedfimtionsufthe projector Uselul guide to the netwurk lunctirm~ How to project the computer screens image via the netwur i-iuwtosetup or control tire pmjector by using a PC via tire networ How to use all functions cuncerning the network.“ 1. About LAN functions LAN functions and the features. Image projecting system via LA An example nftlie connection _ LAN connection mcdes._ 2. Setup procedures installing thesoftwaree. 3. Names and functions of the operation screen Network connection standby dispiay.“ Network Capture s window.. 4. Wired LAN configurations .. Connecting to the LAN line... Network environment settings. Confirming the operation“ Wired factory default. Wired LAN factory default settings 5. Wireless LAN configurations. Setting the network environment,“ Setting procedures.“ Configuring security with the projects Easywlreless setting Network PIN code Network Informatiuneen. ereiess factory default" WIRELESS indicator display“... Wireless LAN factory dehult settings 6. Basic setting and operation .. Starting up the Browser chw usethe setting page. initial settlng..,. Network mnfignmion .. Configuring wireiejs LAN setting and security setting“ Email setting SNMP setting 7. Controlling the projector Pawer control and status checke,.....,......,....,...,.,.......,.,....,...........,...._.........._.......t._... Cnntmls PC adjustment Setting up the projector. Timer setting ._ Projecwrinfuvmations Multi-cuntrol .. 8. Network capture functions .. About Network capture function... Using the WealTlme Captures Using the Network Communimlion. How to use the Network communication e. Network Communimlinn operation and change ofslat Executing the forcing mode _ Moderator function ..,. Preparation for using the modeiamr function Using the modeiatm function Moderators password setting up. Umegister moderator status. Error information Playing the movie files-... 9. Network Viewer functions............ .............113 Creating the available data [Network Wewer 5] Creaflng a program file [Program Editor]. Using the Networkviewer funclio Use ufthe pmjectoras FFPserver. 1 0. Network Projector [Windows Vista] Use of “Connect to a Network Projector”....,...,...,...,..~..........~...A..........,... 11. Appendix Use aimlnet ._ Web browser setting. Firewall setting ...,. Operating environment and configuration Required operating environment for computers -.------------o---- .....-..-.---..--.. when operating the projector via the networks' computers should meet the operating environment below. MicrosofiVWndowslownr MICroSoftWIndDwsXPor Mlu’osofiandWsVlshBMvalefl) OS PenfiumB; iGHzorhlgher (mofethan ZGHZIS recommended) lorandaws 2000 oerfindaws KP Penfium4; SGHlorhlgher forWIndawSVlfla CPU 256MB or more forWindows 2000 orandows XP ‘IGB or more forWInduwsWsta Memory Free HDD Space 100MB Requlred to support any ofVGA (WX 450), SVGA (800 x 600), XGA (1024 x 768), The color number should be either 16 blt (65536 colors) or 24132 bit {16.77 million colors). Screen Resolution Commu (a nProtocol correspond to IEEEfiOZ.“ b/g, izsmu on (Draft 2.0) Correspond to leASE—TX (100Mbp5) llOBASE~Tl10Mbps) Microsoft Internet ExplorerVeMD or later Neurepe Communications Netscape Communicator VeLED or later Browser Application Network specuficatlons of the projector LAN Terminal Data mmmunimfim spzed mflBase-TX u nombpsm 053521 (1 DMbps) Protocol TCP/‘P Wlmless IAN lmerfue Communication Mode DataTransfer Speed Mndulation Form Security Wirelrjs Frequency (Channel) 2412MHZ~2462MH2 (CH|-CH| l) IEEEOZJ‘lb/g, IEEEBO2.1|n(Dmh20) MHOQ Infrastructure 1/2/55/1 IMhps(IEEEBflZ.11b) 6/9l|7J18/Z4l36/48154Mhps (IEEEsuLI 1 9) Max speed ISOMbps (IEEEBOZEI In) IEEEBOZJ |g OFDM swamps 640ml, 36/2wa 150m, mluMbps um, 9I6Mhps BPSK IEEEBOZI n: nsss 11/5Mhps CCK 2Mbps DQPSK. |Mhps DBPSK IEEE602.11n OFDM WEP 645i! (Open/Shared} IWEP 123m (Wen/Shared), WFA—PSKrmP), wm-psmss), 55m, 55510 Service area Compliance Counmes and Standards about 30 m (without dlsmrbarxe) Diners mowing no me operating environment JAPAN: VCCI Gasstl'ELEC (Wireless) 115A; FCC Part“ Suhpan c (Wiuless) FCC 9311.15 Subparl c, Class B Canada: 1c ass—2|D(Wireless),1clc£woz Classs Eumpz ram-rs EMC LVD 10 Useful guide to the network function This manual destrihes the operation procedure ofthe pmjeaor‘s network menu and the provided application softwareforwindows users. Please relerto this manual depending on the situation. 0 How to project the computer sc - tot-oooococloooo-Io To project the computer screen's image via the network, you need to make a network setting in the projector and connect the pmjectorto the network, or If you use the supplied USB memory, you an project the oomputer smarts lmagevta the networkwlthout making a networksetting. IEEEI Did you make a network setting in the projector? m - -) Project the image by uslng the Auto Capture program on the supplied uss memory. (P35) Isa” Did you install the supplied application? m . .) -Contlolbythepmjector(p,9'l.94) ~ Control bythe web browser (p31, 93) -Use of "Connect to a Network Projector“ In the Windows Y Vista (pm) Project the image by using the Reelnrne Capture function in the supplied‘NetwarkCapture S’applkatlort 0191.92) 0 How to setup or control the projector by using a PC via the network n...non-o...r.....oo----e-oo-... on...- To setup or control the projector via the network you need to make a network setting in the projector and connectthe projectorm me network You cannot setup or control the projector via the network Check Did you make a network setting in the projector? m without making a network setting In the projector. Please make a network setting. [Wired LAN configurations ipz7-34yvnreless Y LAN configurations [1.13540] Setup or control the projector by controlling the web browser of the PC. [Setup (MS-64)! Control 57.6586) 1. 0 How to use all functions concerning the network ....................................... To use all functions (oncoming the network ofthls projector. you need to make a networksetting in the projectoranu install the supplied application. Please follow the procedure on page it; 1. About LAN functions This chapter descvlbes the features, the mechanlsm, and mnnecfian procedures nhhe LAN. 12 Chapter iAboutMNMnctions LAN functions and the features ................................. ..... ihisprodoctisloadeol withaLAN network function which enables youtopmject an image on the computerthrough a projectorvia Networkwith dedicated software. With the software, you can aiso manipulate the projecting image and the projector. This software has functions below and you can use the projector undervarious network environments to meetthe wide-ranging needs orthe operation. -Ancept both Mod and Vlfireless LAN environment. When the projector ls operated via iMreless LAN, there is no needforwlreconnecflon. - Remove the burden ofLAN settings Easy LAN setting function is provided. - One computer image an he projected up to 5 projectors simultaneously. - Network capture function to project the computer's screen image through the projector. . Remote function which allows you to operate the projector from a distance. ~ Monitoring function for the projectoropemrlon. - E-mai] function which reports the operating status to your maintenance management - Network viewer function which remotely operata the image data on the server to project through the projector. - Moderator function with which the moderator can project the image on the participants oomputer screen attire meetings or the classes ~ Mutt] control function which can operate multiple projectors (up up 100) simultaneously. Image projecting system via LAN .......................... ............ The images are projected through an image capturing system w helps to project the faithful computer images. With this system, you can use the product under various application environments despite the differences of application software. Flow oflmnge Transfer 1. Download the computer Image wlrh the dedicated software faithfully to the real image, 2.The downloaded data will be compressed to the digital signal and transferred to the projector via the LAN (iMred orWireIess). (One computer can operate up to 5 projectors simultaneously.) 3. Digital signal will be reproduced into RGE image signal and will be projected by the projector. eitThe Image will be transferred meach projectoc‘nre time lag ran occurbetween each projection. CAUTION: This product does not correspond to the application with Directx, M} office assistant and video replaysuch as DVD. An example ofthe connection An example of the connection --.--.--.-.....--..--.---n..--v--.~---- Tue illustrafiion below showsan example Dflhe pvojeniun vza me LAN. Vou can project the image on Computer 11) (“fired LAN connection) or Computer (2) (WIreless LAN mnneman) mmughme selected pmjemr. %®%®%@» ®%®w) m («or») __ = (film Cnmpule! (2) Cnmpulfl (1) Amesspolnl 13 14 Chapter lAbau! LAN functions LAN connection modes ......................................- Connection modes differ depend g on the LAN and mmpuierenviwnmenu Cnnnectappmpriatelyforeachenvironment. I Wirelas LAM Infrastructure Communication Mode Communicate over an access point between Mred LAN equipment and Vinieless LAN equipment Or, communicate over an axes; paint among mulflpIeWireIess LAN equipment. Wireless LAN equipment will select an access point (D cammunifite SSIDIESSID modes. These communication modes are used when both iM-eless LAN andwired LAN are used in the same network environment. %®%®%®%®%®u (« ii) Compulevfl) Compmufl) Amstpoinl ff Wirelessccmmumxatim mode corresponded compuw: Infiasuumire l Wineless LAN, AdHoc Communizatlon Mode Communication mode between Mreless LAN equipmenL (Communication mode via ssm/Essm} Nemwmkijxmr “firehss mmmuniceiien mode Milne fin Vinreiesmmmu computer: Mil-inc almn mode (onespmded LANmrrnectr‘nn modes I Wired LAN Communication Mud! Communicatevia the LAN Iina @@@@@ $6) Computer“) Compulflm Compmera} 9)? Operate the computer mouse with the remote control. when the projectors remote control employs mouse operating function, you can operate the computer by the remote control. To use the remote control. point tn the pmjectonYou do not need to connect the use cable to operate the computer mouse. 15 16 Chapter 1 AboutLAN/uncrians 2. Setu- . rocedures This chapter destribes hawto |nstal| the Network Captule 5 software and how (a set up the netwm’ks ChapterzSerup procedures Tu use the projector via the networks follow the setup procedures below. TEP 1 Install the software on computers. Install the stlware recorded in CD-ROM on each Computer which will be operated. v Read following pages ofthis chapter to install, Select Wired LAN or Wireless LAN then connect the STEP 2 LAN and set the configuration. . Decide depending on the LAN environment. - Wired LAN Rererm'4.VWred LAN Configurations'ipp27—34). ‘ Vlllreless LA Reierto”5.ereless LAN Configurations” (pp-3544), : Detailed LAN magi-rations need in be done with a browser later. Y First, complete the Vlfired or Wireless LAN mnneflinn between computers and projectors, then start browser configurations. é's. Basic setting and operation' (”3.45441 TEP 3 Network Configuration has completed. deweach drapherw project an image and operate the projector. l Operate and manage the pit-4mm» '7. Controlling the prujectci’lFP55-86) -) “Power Control and status diedflpéfi) —> 'Contrcls‘(p68) -) 'PC adjnmmnt'(p.72) -) 'Setting upme projector'qfls) —) 'nmersemng'ws) -) 'Prujeaorinfonnation"(p.79) -) 'Multi-contrumpsl) I iject an image on the computer —) ”8, Networkupture functions“ (pp.B7-1 10) -> "Use ofreal timecapture"(p91) 9 ”Use ufnetworkcommunicafinn'tptsa) —) Wemwrrunmorflmon I Project an image on a nerwmksemera "9. Networleewerfimctlum‘ippi 3-130) -) 'Createtlte availabledata"(p.110. -) ”Createtne program file§‘(p.1 19). —) 'Pmiect the image with networkviewerfunction"(p.124) ' Even If Network apt-ire s is not Installed mm the computer, the wireless LAN an he set up wiur use memory. (p35) 18 Installing the software Installing the software ................-.-------o---u--------- It is required to install the soltware into your computer to use the Network Capture function . Please Install the software as follows. Note: 0 install the software into the computer with Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vlsta, you should lngon as administrntnr. Before installation, make sure that the other applications are closed, otherwise proper installation cannot be made. Network Viewer & Capture 5 installation 1 Set the supplied Network Viewer & Capture 5 CD-ROM into the (SD-ROM drive of your computer, Double clickSetupTooI.e)ne icon in the "Tool" folderin the cD-RDM. 2 Select "English [United States]“ from the pull-down menu on the ”Choose setup Language" window and click OK button to start Installing and then follow the installation wimrds. 19 20 ChapteIZSemp procedures As the "name Agreement" will appear, read contents carefully and click m human if you agree (a (he Ilcense agreement m proceed with installing an. mgr—fi—‘_..L.,f. r»...,.._l.a......_-.. Vlenn‘v ' 7 =-»~;7~=:-.-~.-.—. dnd-r-zrrm—i—r ~..E.a..,’.:.'=r.y Installing the software Installed software The following 3softwaves are installed on your compuler. . 0 Network Capture 5: Capturs the displayed image and me sound onhe computer and serves them in ihe projector via the network 0 Network Viewer 5 (File Converter 1): Convem w theJPEG“ data format whlch an be pwjemd wlm the projecuoi from theJPEG, bitmap and Power Point files. 0 Network Viewers (Program Editor) : This Is a tool no make the pmgram which has a funcllon to specify and order the projecting JPEG image data stored in the file sewers. “Tn unlnslzll ihese snfiware, use"Add/Remave ngmm‘ fmm ole (nnhfll panel. ~1Thls produn suppers the JPEG image Enrmal.Thls ma I; needed to zonuen (olhe opumlxed JPEG file by using the rlle levener l soliware previously. Refer in (he lueni “Cmrlng ihe avallable data [Network Viewer srlwm u) about data convening for (he pmjeciion 21 ChaylerZSelup procedures File Converter 2 installation 1 Set the supplied Network viewer Capture 5 CD4 ROM mm the CD-ROM drive of your compunzr. Double click SetupDrv.exe icon in the “Driver" folderin the CD-RDM. 2 Select ‘English [United Statesl" fmm the pull-down menu an the language selection windtwv and then clicklnstall button to start Installed software and places NetworkWewer 5 (file Convener 2) Is Installed In the “Printers and Faxes" folder in Ihe Tommi Panel'. 0 Network Viewer 5 (file Converter 2): This 3 a kind ofthe printer driver lo convert to the JPEG data uptimized to project by the projecmr from any of the documents created by the applimtion software. ‘To uninmll Nelwork Vlewer 5 (Elle Convener PJ, lust delete lhe "Network Viewer SGile Converter 2)” iwn from the “Primers and laxes' folder. 3. Names and functions of the operation screen This chapter descrlbs the functions of each pm anhe operatlon screen 24 ChaptErJ‘ Names and mneuuns uflhe operating screen Network connection standby display .....-e.n...eo.-e........-......-.-.... Turn on (he projecior and select eilhEr'VWled" w'ilifiveless" from the input menu of the prujecmr. The ”Please wait: message wIlI be displayed on the screen. After short time the network connection standby dlsplay screen will appear as below. While the 'Please wait..." message is shown, some opemtionsareinvalid Networkcunnection Standby Display Ready (or use. Network eaawreswindow Network Capture 5 window I'-iv-100-0o.ant-noenoo-no-o-cloonooc-o This software is to praject the computer screen via the networks. Select "All Programs" from the start menu —> Networkinewerat Capture 5“ —> ‘NeMork Capture s“, then followlng screen wIlI appear.Then the pmgram will start. Parts Namesand Funstions ofthe Screen ® Seanh PJ button Search the pmjectcrconnected to the networks. ® Specify IPhimurt When connected to a different segment network. the projector can not be retrieved automatically. in that case, press this button, the “Search specified IP address list' window appears, and then click Add button and enter the IP address directly to specify the projector in another window. The registered multiple IP addresses (in be searched aka time. © Wireless easysetting butm [Wireless easy release button Configure the Wireless LAN setting just by clkking this button. (The setting will be stored as AdHoc system} For details, refer to '5. Wireless LAN eonfigurations'—>"Easy wireless setting" (radii. To restore the easy setting press the Wireless easy release button. © Network Projector List Display all the plvjecters connected mthe networks Show unoccupled proleclcr as “On standby'and occupied projector as “Real time capturing' or "In One-shat made". When registered in a moderators group, -on Maderatnr mode- will be shown. The indication cflhe status of use with ‘il” indlcales that your computer Is flaw uslng the network mpture funnien. After double-clicking on a projector name, the web browser gets activated and the projemrsetup screen will be displayed, 25 26 Chapters Names and functionsoithe operofingscreen (3) Start communication button Enter the Communication mode, and men , the capture edit windww stem. The selected projector shows the capture edit window. (5 Play Mwieflles human The play movie fils window will appear. (2) Startreal time capture button Capture (Project) the computer screen in real time After the execution of "Start real time capture', the application window disappears. - - - o (D One-shot capture button Copy and capture (project) the oomputer screen without modification. After the erect-tron ofOne- shotcapture, the application window disappears ~ ~ ~ 0 © Terminate capture button Terminate the real time capture and the Oneshotmpture. 13 Select capturing object button It Is possible to designate the wlndow to capture individually This human is disabled by default, so the lull screen is captured. It is possible to change the capturing object function setting at parameter settings. For detail, reierto "iarameterset up' (p50), 03 Moderator regurration buflon Registera computer user as a moderator. ® Join moderation: group button Join the moderators gmup which is selected in the Network Projector list. it is not available if there is no moderator registered. ® Parameter setup button Activate the parameter setup window, and execute the connections setting, the image setting, and the moderators function setting. For derail, refer to ”Pammeterset up' (p90), 0 Volume adjust sliderano Mute check bux Adjust the audio outputfrom the real time capturing computer. The mute check box is checked ivy default. 6 To show the application window again. relerto the item "Commands on the task bar” (p39). Note on WindowsVista When you use the Network Capture 5 softwarewith Windows Vista, the warning dialog ‘User account control" will appear In that case. click Allow button to use it Using the multiple networkadaptors When your computer priwides multiple network adaptors, the network adaptor selecting window will appear each time the Newark Capture 5 software starts Select a networkadaptor and check the "Set network adaptor as default" and then click OK. To change the setting, refer to the item "Parameter set up“ (9.90). i‘Sfiwd-uhcmlt 4. Wired LAN confi urations Thls chapter describes the preparation‘ for Wired LAN setting with projectors and how to m the LAN environment Chum/am Wired LANconflgumtians Setting pronedures and contents dlffer dependan on (he LAN Installation Incaflon. When lnstalllng, consult yoursystem adminishatorto set upthe LAN appmpiiateiy. Connecting to the LAN line nova-lnlnbnno ..... en... eaensn nee-e- Carmen the shielded LAN (able to the LAN connection terminal ofthe pmiemn LAN Connection “Tm“? (°'jl"9*‘_ When the pm is covinecled "II“? 100 Base- rx network, light orbllnkas fellows; - Light when cannecfing w the network » Blink when xending of receiving zhedm Terminal elfli \ u LINK Imp (Green) ~ Lighgleen whenme LAN Cable u Pmiemf is connected to the USE “mark. “Pleaseuseashieided unable. ‘Whenme LAN wring is'offtmetwo iampswiii nmbeon. Network environment settings ..e..--.e..-u».-nee-euoe-neeenuense-aec Se! ihe Wired LAN hemorkihmughthe prujemr menu, Detailed netwoiit senings will be made with bmwser. Nele'rm'5. Basicsatting and npemim’iplim). Flrsv. complete lhe settings described in thls chapter below performing sxeps ln’& Baslc senlng and opemlion.” Setting Pmcedure ‘I.Tum an the pmjectur and selea'Network'from the input menu ofthe plojectnr. z. Selea‘LAN mode selecr'ln the Newark menu. and press Point P or SELECT button, 3. Select similar LAN environment among Vfimd‘l, 2 and 3 will! the Point Av hmnnsfil’hen the Menu will disappear, the ‘Pleese wait: message will appear, and switehing wperatien will start. Switching will take a while and after (ompletlng the operation, the'Ready for use" message will appear, and (he prujectur’s LINK/ACT Lamp will be an or blink. Nerwarkenvlronmerrtsetrlng 4. Select "Network setting" in the Network menu and press SELECT button, and then the LAN setting screen will appear and selected LAN settings will be displayed. Adjust each item to the setting environment. Consult your system admlnlstmtorabout the detailed selllngs. Move among the items with the Point AV buttons and press SELECT button. move among the columns With Polm 1 P buttons, adjust the figures with Point AV buttons, and then press SELECr button to set, 5. After oompleting all the settings. selm'Ser'arrul press SELECT button. Now. all procedures have been doneTo cancel the adjusted settingsselett "Cancel' and press sstzcr button, To confirm whetherme senlngs are correct, follow the procedures described from the next page, Vou can confirm the LAN settings you have made from ‘Nelwark Information” (pm In such ass that the LAN tanner be connected, see this screen. ' lnr-ul Network setting 1. ns ' rm, DHCP: oh DHCP: Off mm Description Sets DHCP function On or oflwhen you setup the newksenlng manually, select “am when it is set an. IP address Subrrer, Gateway and DNS are ammafirally set encoding in your network envilunment‘t sets lPaddress olthe projector Sets Subtle! mask. Nurrnally sets 2552552553 Sets 1? address Mtlle delault gateway (Router) sets lPaddress ulthe DNS sewer. "| Set-an only uarenthe DHCPserverisavailableunyaarnelwutkenvlmnmevlL ~zset 1255155152551th network does not provide megmmay (router). ~3 set R55.25525$.25511fyou do not use the Martian E-rrr-il alert “while the network mmmunicatinn furrrtron rpm or moderator runrtrorr (pJUS) rs to he executing, the menus memorirrapture", "Networkuiewer and 'Memury views!” are displayed in gray. 29 Chayter4 WiledLAN (unfiguralions Confirmi g the operation noose-eeenno-o oloc-ooloQthA-uan e...- Confirm rhatthe projector has connected to the LAN properly. ~ $753 1. Activate‘Network Capture S'which is inmlled into the computer connected tothe LAN 4 z. After'Searchlng projector' message appears, the name oftlre projector appears on the Network Projector L'm, then the network settlng has completed properly. When the name of the projector does not appear and error screen appears, the network has not connected yet. Try searching again with the Search PJ button. If error screen appears again, reconfirm the LAN settingwhen the projector is set in the loratlon separated bythe miner, see next page When Firewall functinn (Anti-virus software) is Effective, network projector may not be found In dial axe, disable the Fllewall functlon and fly searching again. arr Ifthe projecmr is named, the name will be displayed The name can be set wlrlr rhe followlng pmcedures ln~e aasl: setting and operation“) 'Irtltla| serrlng' (p50) . If the projector is not named, [Paddress orthe prajemrwill bedlsplayed. Network Capture screen Network Pm‘emr List Search PJ bunch 30 Confirming the operation When setup me pmjeclorin melomlon separatedbyme mum and the segmemisdiflerem: Projector will not be found nor displayed, ln that ease, the pmjectur needs (a be searched directly by the IP addms. ll Press Spedfy IP bmnnl "Search spedfied IP address" wlnduw appears , 1 Click Add button, “IP address set up' wlndow appears. Enter the IP address Ofthe projector and Click OK button. Then, the projecwr will be added on (he ”Search specified IP address" window. Mulfiiple pvcjemrs are leglsteved and xhey ale smred even when the appllczllnn ls closed. 2. Glzk OK button on the "Search speclfled IP address" window, the reglslered multiple projecrors will be searched, Then, the projector will be added an the Network Projector List of the application wlndw Network Projector list Spadfy u> blmon ”Search specified lP addraf’ window 'IF mirage: up'window 31 32 chaprem Illfired LAN con figuration; Network PIN code n.-re.-a.-.--no...-oo-n...-so-...o.--o. The Network PIN code Is to reswlct (he access from (he nelwflllG to the projector. After setting the Network PIN code, you need In Enter it (0 operate the projemr Via the networks. 1. Select "Network PIN code“ In the Network menu, and press SELECT button. The Network PIN code screen will appear. 2. Set the Network PIN code Setthe figura wilh the Point AV hunons and move lo the next irems with lhe Point 4 b humus. Selecr 'Set" and prm SELECT button ro set. To cancel the preser Network PIN code. select "Cancel". When you do not want no set the Network PIN code, set 0000, It is recommended no set the Network PIN code ifyou use rhe projectorvia the networks. The Network PIN code can be set also rhrough (he networks. See "a. Baslc senlng and opemion'a ”Initial semng' -) "Network PIN code setting' (p51). Newk FlN code Network PIN (ode screen i r rm. .. Network information anon---r---.-.....o....-..-....o.o.o... Select Network InformarInn" In (he Network menu and press Polnt P or SELECI’ button to show LAN senlng environment of the currently selected pmjemr. (The descriprion below is an example and different from what will be shown.) Wimd LAN foamy defaultsenings Wired factory default n-o-.o-.----.-o--..-..-'--..--.---.--o- Selecl'mfined factory deiault" in Khe Network menu and press SELECT button. All the wired LAN settings will go hack to (he factory default selfings. For delails, refer m'ered [AN fancry defaultseuings" (p34). m nu 33 34 cnaprm Vlfilzd LAN wnfigumfions Wired LAN factory default settings oo-no.....n.....-.--.-‘..--.--..--..... SELECTED LAN Parameter Wired 1 Wired 2 Wired 3 IP CONFIGURATION MANUAL DHCP MANUAL lP ADDRESS 1591541011100 197.165A100JDD 192.168.100JOO SUBNET MASK 255.755.0fl 755.255.2559 2552551510 GATEWAY ADDRESS 755155155255 255155155155 155155155255 DNS ADDRESS 255255155155 255155155155 255155255255 5. Wireless LAN confi - urations This chapter describes the preparation for Wireless LAN setting with pmjecmrs and how to set the LAN EnvironmerIL ' This projector containsmevlfireless LAN module. The setting procedures and configurations differ depending on (he LAN Installation lofafion. Consult your system adminlstramrfor installation and set the LAN appropriately. To operate via Wireless LAN, your computer has to be equipped wilh a wireiess LAN card adapter which supports IEEE 802.1 l b/g/nwiiArr 7.0), If connecting in infrastructure mode with an access point, the access point is required to support IEEE annm/momrru). Caution: Do not use a mobile phone or PHS near (within 20cm/Bincll) the projectuh it may cause malfunmunr 36 ChuprerS Whalers LAN configurations Setting the network envrronment .e.a.....a...e.u......--.--.-...u----.c the projector contains the Wireless LAN adapmr. SettheVlnreless LAN netwolktmnugh the protector menu. Deailed nelwurk settings wfll be madewith browser. Referto's. Bay's setting and operation". —> "Network configuration" (p53). Complete the settings described in this chapter befote performing the steps In '6, Basksenlngandopenuon." - Set . . g procedures 1.Turn on the projector and select'Network'ln the Input menu of the projector. 2. Select'LAN mode sdect' in the Network menu, and press Point P at SELECT button. 3. Select similar LAN environment among lMleless 4, Wirelss S and Wireless Simple“ with the Point AV buttons Then the Menu wIIl disappean the "Please wale." message will appeAr, and svrrtching operation will start. Switching will take a whlle and alter completing the operation, the 'Ready for use" message will appear. For each settings, refer to "ereless LAN fictory deiaultsettirrgs" on page 44. *'SIMPL? mode is used for simple setting without complicated LAN setting procedures to connect to the Wireless LAN. See‘Easywireless setting' (pm) for details. t m, —' inriihteluh 4. Select “Network setting“ in me Network menu and pres SELECT button, and then the LAN setting screen will appear and the selected LAN settings will be displayed. Adjust each item to the setting environment. Consult yoursystem administratorforthe detailed settings Move among the Items with the Point AV buttons and press SELECT button, move among the eolunms with Point 4 b buttons adjust the figures with Point AV buttons, and then press SELECI’ button to set When the network type is ”AdHuc‘L you do not have to change “Sui: net" and 'Gateway~ and leave them as default settings. SSID/ESSID (or the network type "infrastructure" and ‘AdHoc" are required to be entered the same characters into the projector, the aroess paint, and the ereiess LAN compatible computer (up to 32 mammals), Characters can be selected from A~Z a~z blank (space). 0—9, or - (hyphen) with the Point AV buttons Moveto the next characterwith the Point 4 P buttons. You can confirm mat the projector settings from'Network Inlormation'ln the projector menu (p42) Semng the nerwarkenvlrvnmenz 5. After completing all the senlngs, select ‘Se!’ and press SELECT button Now, all pnxedules have been done. To cancelthe adjusted semngs. selemne ‘Cancel" and was SELECI' bunun. To mnfiml whether the settings are correct follow the procedures in -4. Wired LAN configulatiuns" —> ‘Confirming the 0peraticn’(p.30). —Nuwolksmlng . ...,.,.~ awl . mums DHU’: On DHCP: of! For cmngnllng ofweaprePsx, wmzePSKsecr-rlry, selea Wm'. Refev lo Tunfiguring security wish lhe pmjemr'un nexl page lor details. Description 5515ch funnlan On or Offiwhen ynu setup the network semng manually, seJecl " wnan is: sewn. IPaddress, slums; Gatewayarld pus are amomarlsallym acmrdlng lo yuur nelwnrk environment "'. Jess IP address of me projeclur Jets Subnet mask. Normally sets 2551551559 sens IF addressofme dslauugarewaylmxer) Jets IP address afrlre DNs sewn Must lae set when the E-mail function is used. Jets Inlfistluctule ur MHK made. when (he "AdHOE' is selmd, filesemrity "WPA-P'SK' and 'wPA2-PSK' are not avallable. wenrlfler ohhe wlrsless access palm. ‘| 55! "On“ nnly when the DHCP sewer isavailable On your netwmk envimnmem. 7 Ser uss.zss.zss.zss| lnne network am not pmvlde me gareway lraurerl. as“ [255155155155]!ny dnnmussrnemmuon Email alerr. ‘Wl'll’le the network communicaxian mncxlan (p36) or modemor funcll'on (mos) ls no he execuung. the menus "Nmmrkamure', "Newark viewer‘ and "Memory viewef‘ are displayed m gay. 37 chapters Wireless LAN mnfiguratioru Configuring security with the projector enenn...n...-n-..-oo-oo-oo-n..-......-. Configuresecurity with the pmjector by fallowlng the steps below. After configuring the network in '5. ereless LAN Configurations” 313544), select "Next" in the LAN setting screen and press SELECr button.The security configuration sereen appears. Refer w‘6. Basic setting and cperation'etenfiguring wireless LAN setting and security setting'tpss) aswell. WEP camigumfion screen m r Use the Point AV buttons to select the slezurity type. To disable the security, select'Disable." Use the Point Av bultons to move among the lterns and adjust settlng; use the Polnt 4 b buttons to rrrwe among the character positions orme key entry fields. Thls projector provides the fulluwing security optians. Use optimum security cation on your network Environment. WEP64(40)hit cpen WEP64(40)bit Share WEPI 2E(104)bit Open WEP| 28(104)b|( Shall WPA—PSKlmP) WPAZ—FSK(AES) Notes when entering characters: The'ti’symbul is displayed as"\"wher\ the ASCII key is used. The ”r symbol ls treated as a character by the ASCII key, but It Is not lnterpremd as a character tsy the HEX key. In HEX, the’flf'symbol is displayed in red and setting isdenied. You can not set all the characters with the '*'symboI.ThIs wIIl be consldered as no operatinn. ASCIIkeycharacters:Space-0tn§AmZamzl"#S%&'()‘+..l:;<:>7@[¥]l\_‘(ll~ HEXkeycharacterszfltuBi-rwl Configuring securiqwiflrtheprog cm Use of security type “WEP” 1. Use the Point AV buttenstlo select "wEP' securlty type. 2. Select’Key lnderd Use the Point AV humus to choose the HEX or ASCII key.The four (in—M) kinds ofWEP keys can be configured. Usethe Point 1 P buttons to move to the rightframe; use the Point AV buttons to select 3 WE? key number (N-ML WEP configuration screen Refer the table below for the uuble number of characters at the WEP security option. —— WEPEMWWGI ASCII Scharaclers wtrmunmn HEX 10 characters thranlwbit ASCII 13 characiers szrzsuwtm HEX 25 characters 3. Use the Point AV buttons to select the Type field of the WEP key number that corresponds to the one you selected abuve and press setscr button. TheWEP key entry screen appears in the WEP key entry field, all characters aredisplayed in'aei Use the Point AV butmnstoselecta character; use the Point 4 P buttonsto select a character posltlori. Enter all the characters dlsplalyed with “1:1 When you select HEX atWEP key index and the entry key comains'fl the“#‘ symbol is displayed in red and setting is denied. 4. Use the Palm AV buttons to select "Set" and press SELECT button to return to the Wireless setting screen Select'Set'in theereIess setting screen tn complete the network setting. 39 Chapters Wireless LANmnflgumrlans Use of security type "WPA-PSK“, "WPAZ-PSK" 1. Use (he Palm AV buttons to selen “WPA-PSK" securitytype. WPA~PS_K(TKIPI cunflgurauon mean 2. Use the Polnt Av bunonsmselect the My field and press SELECT button. The PSK key Envy screen appeals. Enterthe FSK key by using the Point buttons lnhe input PSK key has an error, the PSK kayls Indicated in led. ZAUSE the Point Av buttons to select 'Sel' and press SELECT but‘DlI w complete the network mnfiguration,and remm m the "Newark setting in the Network menu. Available psx key charmer; to as algns - Secu ly "WPA-PSK" and 'wPA2—PSK" mndes ale not available when filE'MHof' netwnrktype is sslmed. “when you set me PSK keys wlm 50 dighs, the mummy checks whether all ome entaed FSK keys are in Hex mde nr nor. Ifany cflhe ASCII code 3 Included in me entered PSK keys, We entered PSK keys ale ("filmed In red as arm. 40 Easywirelmsetting Easy wireless setting ----ee-oo-oo...o-.oo o-roo-ooooooeoooeo Vlnth this setting, you do not neeoi any complicated LAN setting procedures The network type will be AdHcc mode. ceunomms function an he used only when logged in by Admlnistratlve right with nnndows xp and mndows‘fista, and cannot be used with VVindi‘JwS 2000. Windows xp should be Service Packi or later version. Setting Procedures |.Turri on the projectorand select‘Netwcrk' In the Input menu ofthe projector. 2. Select'LAN mode sflecl’Wn the Network menu, and press SELECT button. 3. Select ”lllfireless Simple" with the Point AV buttons Press SELECT button then the ‘Please walt...’ message will appear and switching operation will start. Switching will take a while and after completing the operation the message‘Ready for usel'wiil appear. During the switching period, the projector cannot be operated. (‘SlMPLE‘ LAN settings will be shown by pressing SELECT button. The settings cannot be changed.) 4. Activate Network Capture 5”whii:h is installed in the computer. 5. Cile Wireless easy setting button on the operation screen. The Wireless LAN setting screen will appear and the computer will start to set up the Wireless LAN setting. (Adjust the computer's Wireless LAN environment (a the'SIMPLE'setting LAN environment) After completing the settings, the computer will start searching the projector which was set as ‘SIMPLE"and willdisplay the nameofthe projector or the IP address on the projector list. Confirm whether the LAN has been set correctly and works properly. Refer to ~4. Wired LAN configurations-4 “Continuing theoperalion" (p30) for the confirmation procedures rfthe networksetup ts not succeeded. the errorscreen will appear. setting screen «nu.— Errorsueen unreiess easy setting tumult 41 42 Chapter5 Wireless LAN configurations Computer environment and Wireless LAN connection; unrelers LAN with ereless Easy setting cunneztlon wlll be made via AdHuc mode. rcrsettlng contents. refer (a 'ere|ess LAN factory default settingflpMJ. thn the Easy setling, computerg LAN environment setting will be switched to the setup envimnment. Bezause oflhan the LAN cannotwork for (he other operation whlle 05an “Network Capture 5". Afterlerminating the appllwtiorl or pressing the wireless Easy Setting button, the LAN envimnment willautcrnatieally go backto the previous state. Network PIN code o-ego-vreconnect-onoottcco-cutot-0.00.5 The Network PIN mdeis to restrict the atlas from the networks to the projector. After setting the Network PIN (ode, you need to enter 1! to operate the projector via the networks. Select 'Network PIN code" from the projeewr menu and we“ SELECT butlon. Set whh the same pracedures as setting Wired LAN Network PIN code. Refer to ‘4JMled LAN Configuration!» “Network m tode'(pt32). Network information 1.0. eeeoeereeeeeeeoeeo-eeeeoo-neeeoeee Display the currenr LAN conneetlng envlmnmem. Selen‘Network Information” from me projecwr menu and press SELECT button. ereless Inlmmflllnn (Example) " 2 lmewt m. Wireless factory default .............................. SelectWetwnrkfimry default" in the Network menu (p33) and press SELECT button. All the wireless LAN settings will go back to the factory default settings For details, refer to wireless LAN facrory denultsemngs'lpul, Ou-ooo-o WIRELSS indimrol dixplfly WIRELESS indicator display ....................................... When the wireless LAN configuration is setup correctly and the wireless communifitian is established wlth the access-palm or computer In the network, theWIRELESS lndlcator on the front panel Ilghts uu When sencfing urveceivlng ofdala, it blinks, Even mough the wireless LAN in the network menu is selected, the WIRELESS indicator does not light, In this taste, the wireless LAN configuration I; not an up correctly, and please check the senlng or the projector. WIRELESS Indians: 43 44 Chapters Wireless LAN conflgumrlans Easy wi'ldflssetflng Wireless LAN factory default settings a.-....o.......--.--..--o-..-.-o-...... Factory default settings forwlreless 4. ereless 5, and Wireless Simple as follows. senlng Items Selmd LAN Wireless 4 erelus 5 ereless simple IP CONFIGURA'HON MANUAL DHCP MANUAL IP ADDRES SUBNEI'MASK 1692544001100 255.2555“) 192.158.1011100 155.255.2550 169.254.'.‘ 2552551) 0 WIRELESS SSID/ESSID (ssm/sssm) Ill-WIRELESS GATEWAYADDfisjs 155155155155 255355155155 m DNS ADDRSS 255155155155 255155255255 WIRELESS CHANNEL ll 11 NEIWORKTVPE 3021!lean INFRASTRUCTURE ANY PJ>WIREI555 WEP [WEP encryption) DISABLE DISABLE DISABLE DISABLE WPAZ-PSK (rsx key) DISABLE DISABLE DISABLE Descvlbes basic operatlun and settings below by using the web hrwwser. - Iniflal sening Setup the basic setting such as Projecwr name, Network PINcoda‘I‘lmesetting, etc. ~ Network setting Cnnfigure‘Nired/Wimlfis LAN environment. ~ Email Setting Configure E-mafl functionm manage the projeclur. - SNMP Semng Configure SNMPfumiun m manage the pmjenon Caution:when operating the projenorwlth the browser, connect the pmjector to the computer with Wired 01 Mmless LAN. Complete the connecflon In advance. 46 arapterssaslcsemngandopemnon Starting up the Browser e..-o..-ae-pea-ope-a-u-epaoaeoaeaaoeeaa LTuln on the projector. 7. Start up the Network Capture s.'l'he Network Capture s searches pmjeclurs in the netwark and lists up the IP address or projector name of the projector on the Network Projector List 1 Double dlck the proleeterm set from the Network Projemr List. 4.The web browser will start up and display the setting page ofthe projector. Select a display mode and login This predutt pmvids 2 types of tunnel made, Smndard Mode and Light Mode as below. Select a proper mode 00 mawh your PC and network environment by clkklng on the tart Ilnk. Once you select your desired display mode, the setting page you selected display made will be displayed automatically from the next logln, To change the display mode, dick "Top" on lower-right comer of thesemng page (p47). mm For computer display, displays glaphlal menus and settings. This mode is recommended forslandard um 1mm Displays WM 200 X 300 dotsJ'Ms mode is optimixed for use of the handheld computer, PDA, etc. It Is also convenlent if the network traffic is heavy. (This mode has some limitations on the network DI "mm "m“ ' vlewerand mum—control functions.) lfthe password has been set an the setting page. the amhentlmtlon wlndow will appear. In that cam type 'user“ OHIO the User Nlme text area and the login Network PIN code unit) the Password text area and then clickOK button. ‘Theemamd User Name must he “user'arld ll an notbechanged, Me! When the projector is araessed for the first time or the Network PIN node Wow is 921. the auto-lugirl is performed and the next main setting page is displayed. Starting up the browser Display of main setting page The follvwlng main setting page M“ be dlsplayed depending on your display mode selection. Perform various kinds of settings through this page. Click on me menus in display the control and setting pages. 1 Main setting page in the Standard Mode display Clock display Display an or off by (riding lax! ON 01 OFF Sub menu tab Swlrch as (he su b menutib. Plge numbers Switdies the pages by clicking rile number's tab. Main menu Smlng page Remrns to Display For seleuion o! comml and Displays the eonrroi and Modesfimlon page setting itemsufthe pwjmcn sening items amen-ling to me in p-46) selecud menu. ”To change (he stneen language, use the initial setting menu (use) I This Standard mode display is mainly used through this manual forthe setting and control descriptlon. a Ifyour mmputgr does nar have me Aeebe Fiasn Playerversinn m later, Inllnwthe message anma manual page m insrail rile Adobe Flash Player. Fur further pmdncr lnlormaiinn ar lnflalllng, see rile Adobe homepage. irnw/wwwaaabemm Chaplerdflasfcszm'ng undoperarinn 2 Main setting page in the Light Made display Sub menu all Page numbers Returns (a me display mode ulecllan gem-"g we page M n menu a The blank page appears ilypur FDA does not provide a Adobe Flash Flnyenvou need u: install file Adobeflash Player. law) The networkviewer function in the Light mode has follmlving Iimilatiuns; - Cannot oelemhe program or folderlorme display. - Cannot check up the images ln rhe folder or program. How to use the setting page ....................................... To control and set up the pmjeclor, use are seuing menus onme web browserme basic Operation and procedures commonly used an this manual ale described below. Example onire Setting Page The sealing paller appears afrer elielring me item Change the 7 value by clicking A or v button, or type line number onw lire text hnx directly and men eliek See human. ' Each lrem his a vallo smlng nnge respecrlvely. a me value in the text box indicates cumm value. lEach Rem hasa valid aemng range. The oeulng value Wdlng ks range becomes Invalid. some mmro! laems can nur be used depending on me selected mom mode or irrnelions afrne pmiecmryull use ln rim ease, the values of those lrems are lnolmeu will- Hawto usefilesetfingpage Type of the settlng pallet Text box setting Emertha number of text and men cllck SethunnlL or Change a value with A or v bumm and then click Set [111mm The value (hinges quldlly when A arv human is hempresslng. Pull-down menu settlng Select an item with pull-down menu button and then ("ck Se! button. or Selectan hem by clicking A ur v bum", Radio button setting Select an m by selem‘ng a radio human Check box setting Select Items by ”(king on (hack boxes. 50 Chapters Basicsemng and aperazian Inltlal setting os-..--..-...--s.-.---.n...---'- Aflerinslallingthe projector, performthe fulluwzng basic inmal semng. Click Iniiial Setting on the main menu to displaythe initial setting page, Ilem Desaipt'im Language..— smmses display Ianguagenn the semng page. Engiish or Japanese. ndlcates (he mdel name 01m pmpeaor. ms me name nfpwiecmv. This 1;me name is nsssd an the applimflnn windnw afihe Network capluresoi‘tware. Newark PIN md .Jeis the Newark PIN code 00 login lhe seating page (lp32, p42) Swlbches PJLink password authenflmflon on oraff. initialsening Network PIN code setting This is to set the Network PIN code to restrict the access from an ' unauthorized person through the network Enter a 4—dlg|t number as the Network PIN code onto the text box and click Set human. seconds. close (Quit) the web browser and access to the Iogln page again in 20 seconds This is to perform the login authentieation flnnly. The default Network PIN code as loom], whieh means no Network PIN code is set. a When you oonnecr the projector mire network it is recommended to set a new Network rm code Only a tour» digit numberisvnlid forthe Network PIN nude. 0 ityou forget the Network PlN code to the proiector, you can aheekit by selecting Network PIN code' sub menu from ‘Nelwnrk” menu on the projector. Fur runner inrormation, please see item 'Netwtrrk PIN (ude setting“ (wpzz om Pl Link and password setting This is to set the PJu‘rtlt pusword authentication on or off. If "On" is set with the PJLInk pull-down menu, the password must be required Enter a password" onto the text box and click Set button. ' Refer to the projector owners manual for further details of the PJLirtk function. ' a i to 32 alphanumeric charadevs can be used for the password. What’s PJLink? The projectors equipped with PJLink function can be used together on the same network. regardless of model or brand, for (entraiized mntml and monitoring. This standard was established by the Japan Business Machine and information System Industries Association (JBMIAJ. han/pjllnkjbmla.on]pl 51 ChapterG Basicsem'ng ondoperotion Description Enter the addree or NTP server. Please mnsultytmt network fldmlnls'uawrfdr setting up nflhe NTP server. Sets your country or region's timezone Switches display temperature unit Cemigrade or Fahrenheit "when clicking AUTO bunnn, Ihe dale and time set all ydur computer are setto the projectom'he timer kun appears when time is set up correctly. nditetec current date and time set on the pmjenor Sets date in manual SEE time in manual Date and time setting NTP is abbreviated expressions of Network‘fime Protocol, it is a protocol to acquire the exact cunent time via the nelworkJ‘his projector acquires the current time from the NTP sewerarrd update the time in the networit module After setting the NTP address, the projector acquires the time per 24 hours. if the projector fails acquiring the time from the NTP server, the projector tries to acquire the time every 1 hour until it succeeds. a rnine zone" is the local time as an offset horn Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). "Time zone" is in e hwanlriune tormat and is available from 59 in + - . ettJ'lme zone: mama in Tokyo, Jipln r Beth of'NTP address“ and Timezme' should be set. otherwise the setting will he failed, When the NTP address is not set, perform the time setting with "Auto-setting" or 'rrierruol setting" described below. Auto setting Clidt AUTO button on the page. the date and time set on your computer are set in the projector. Note: Confirm (M yourcpmputerhis I toned docktlme balms peflumlng the auto time setting. Manual setting Click the item Date Or Time and enter the date or time on the input box with adequate format. Date is In year/montn/day format. ere 2007/10/05 Time Is In 24—houlzminute format, ex. 18:30 This projector does not provide the buiitsin battery. The date and time information are lost when the projector turns off i when "Eco" is set forthe stand-by mode (Refer to on». or the netwark cnnfigutaticn is reset The timer function is disable until time is set up mrrenly. When using the NTP address for time setting, the current time is acquired at the projector starting up and the timer function is activated afier finishing the timesetting correctly. Network configuration Network configuration .....-.s.-...asaeaoanauaaoeaanao Clidk Network on the main menu, The following setting page is displayed Setup the pmjector's network environment on this Setting sub menu. am» “um Setting of LAN |. Seiect a type ofLAN from changesemng pull down menu. LANi(Wired) LAN2(\Mred) LAN3(\Mred) LAN4(\MreIess) LANSWWrEIES) Simpiemiireiess) For the derauit setting of the above LAN, see the items "Factory uefauit Setting". ‘ item Description Change semngJelens um ra mus and Slmpie IF configurariaum army in Manuai IP address .__..5ets IP address ai me praiectar Subliet nest... Sets Snbnet mask. Mammy" Jets IP address ofme defauir gummy (unmet) DNS”, etsipaddressotme DNSseNer. "I Set [255155155155] iftne network does not piovidelhe gateway (router). ”2 591 [255155155255] ifyml du nut use me function E-maii ale". 53 Chapters Easicsetring andopemtinn 2 Select either 'Manual' or "DHCP" from IP configuration pull down menu. When 'DHCP' Is selectedy IP address, Snbnet mask, Default Gateway, DNS are automatically configured by DHCP function. Only the DNS address allows you to set up manually if the DNS address Information Is not provided on your DHCP server. When selecting -Manuai-, configure all the Items manually. For further information, contact your network administralut. The address must be entered as 4 number groups separated by adct like [192.163.00140". 3. Arter completing the network configuration. press Set button to register the network information. The SimpIeUMreleSS) senlng Is fixed, which cannot be changed lrorn factory default value. 4.To apply the setting. press Set button. The network of the projector starts m-hoollng and applles the settlng. It mks about 20 seconds to complete. Close the web browserand aaesstothe Ioglri page again In 20 seconds. oh the screen of the prujector, the "Please wait.” message will appear and switching operation will start Switching wIII takeawhiie and anereornpleting the operation, the'iteadyforuse' message will appear. Durlng the switching period,the projectercannotbe operated. when you use LAN4(\M1el&) or LAN5(wireleSs), the setting items of page [2] and [3] are activated and you can setup VWreIeSs LAN setting and Security setting. See the item " Configuring Wireless LAN Setting and Security Setting“ iorturther setting. awnen me lP address miiides with the address efether equipment, the computer cannot communicate Mm the pmjezlu When the IF address mllidej with the address ufnlher equipmenl, the computer (ianK communicate with the prayenar. Set an IF address again after selecting another LAN mode rrorn "Changesetting' nrtnrning off and rhen on the pmlezlnt. 54 Configuring wireless LANsem'ng dndsecrrrr'ty setting Configuring wireless LAN setting and security setting cloioocl. Configure the wireless LAN setting and securlty setting forereless 4 and Wireless 5. Configuring wireless LAN setting LCIick page [21 of setting pages, Following wireless LAN setting can be done. After completing the configuration, press Set lumen. ltem Description Wireless Mdde Select the cdrnrnnnl-ttdn standard sou 1b gr sou lb/gln. wadrkrype lect either‘lnlrastrucmre'or'AdHez‘iwhen selecting the "MHdezmesemrlry ”WPA-PSK' and 'WFA2-PS'K“ modem rm available. Setthe SSIDIESID. (up in ASCII 32 characters) SSID/ESID ls msesensltlve. Even though all (thinners on the Mreless Information is uppercase, It Is nmry to distinguish between upper case and lowercase characters. ledu use the pmjecmr ln mumdnx made, select the channel, frdrn l ta | l. SSIDIESID Channel.— Notes for entering characters: The'¥"symhnl is displayed as'\" when the ASCII by is used. The “*" symbol is treated as a character by the ASCII key but It Is not Interpreted as a character by the HEX key. In HEX, the "V symbol Is displayed in red and setting is denied. You an not set all the characters wIththe'*'syrnbol.ltw11l heccnsidered as no operatlorl. Ascllkeycharacters:5pace—aw9AtoZatgz!'ll$%&’()*+../:;<_>?@[¥]A,‘(])~ HEXkey(haracters:DtoQatci Chaprerfi Baslcmnlng and operation Configuring wireless LAN securitysetting Click page B] of setting pages. Following wireless LAN security setting can be done. After complellng the conflguratlun, press Set bum". Item Desalrnlon Netwurksecur‘lty ...sels the type ufencrypfinnr Follewing |ypes are available. wspwmlbit open WEPW40)NI Shale WEPI 28“ 04le Own WEP! 2m Mlh'll Shane prsKflKlP) WPAZ-PSKMES) Inputlype". ASCII ur Hex seenam "Nam ferenterlng character! Key indexl Enter keys oienzryplion. The used number or character changes as me table beluw “carding m (M type szv erKrypIiun and inpuuype wep uptlon Characters WEP64(4mbll ASCII 5 (haraclars WEP64(40)bll HEX lo char-(leis WEPlZBflMM! ASCII |3 chambers WEPIZBHMIbIl HEX 26 channels Four hey indexes an be set. however, me only mle with check arr Its radio button is effecfiver sum 0er numberandvanreofrirekeylrrdu ln elfemmrsr hesameaslhose n'wul mmpmerand the amass point Depending an computers and arm palms. yuu may heallnwed to select anlyorlewEP key. In mar rase use key lnalerl. _....Avallablewhen (he ”WM-PSKtTKlP)‘ or "wmz-Psmes)’ is selecved. Yhe FSK key musr be nofewenhan 5. nor more man 53 dlglls wmr ASCII code, and 54 dlglls with Hex nude. PSK 56 E—mailsem‘ng E-mail se . .............................. rhls product has an E-mail function which can send an alerr message to users or an administrator if it detects an abnormality on the projector or run out of the life span ofihe lamp. Click E-mail Setting on the main menu and follww the below steps. Dmimion jelsserver mmenrlpaddressafmesmsewer 5m E-mal! address ofadmlnlsmr wsers Email address dfme nserlu send a mall when (he prokmr has an abnormality 1 Setting SMTP sewer and administrator address Set the server name or IP address of the SMTP servefi‘and admlnlstlator address The ad addrss is set to “Reply-To" address ofthe message sent frum the projector. ‘I The SMTP serves Is a server for sending E-mall. Please Contact your network admlnlsrralmr m have this SMTP server address when the server name for SMTF server is used, DNS must be set up to activate the E-mail lunclimLPpSS) ’ Slfitor alrme projecmr sends an alerr message due lo the abnormality on (he pmleaor bur me SMTP server is down in same mher ressan, lhe message will hm he senl. In that age, the message 'Unable he (must lo serverr will be displayed onlhe sehing pageld slearrhls message, set up sum server address agalrr. all, use me Email fimarcn, k must be ser (he DNS address on she Nawmksemng page comedy. aVou canrml use this E—mall fimcliorl ifrhenrls server and SMTPserv ran-rm be used in yenrnehuurk envimnmem. l’The projecmr 1105 not send message to we address set in “Adm ales addresf' text box, lr you want to send e-mails In me administrawrzddress, enter (headminislralurzddmss In "Add e—mail eddies? (ext bux- Chapterssaslcsettirrgsnooperooorr 2 Registering and deleting E-mall addresses Click “Add Email address” and type the E-m I address onto tire text box and click Set button. Ta check the registered addresses, dick Cheek/Delete sub menu tab.The addresses are llsted as the figure on the right a no to 10 Email addresses can oeregisrered. To delete the registered addressa dieck the address you want to deleleand dick Delete button. 3 Option selection for sending alert mail Click Optinn sub menu tab. Chezk the condition Items under which alert mail will be sent and click Set bum". Please refer to the item ”Examples :Type and contents of alert rnail' described on the next page. UF—"'—‘r " — Vthen PJ lamp is'ofi} ,, , ' nwneri w lamp reolacement 'rne is readied-i DWhen inhernélPJ ponercircuit ishiled i v DWhEI’l internal EJ, temperature is too high. , EtWhen PJ is tumeii into Standby In pmperuser operation. ‘ ; m——————- n DWhen accumulated lilt‘er use umeiaaclres [ lhouts,‘ ' , , a "when P] lamp is all“ signifies the lung goes out Elwlien Power management function turns Pl without user operation.'wlien P1 is mined into lampoff; » 1 V Standby in proper user cpemlm" signifies ilunhe amen me “anal islmenupmi , pmjeclur is turned on by using are oreo browser amen Am Playls failed. , v , and then it Is turned into standby min ONISTANDBV : oumnonmetop normal or tne mom control 0 Iknfldifim‘ WEI! Aum Play is failed“ is (linked, m! trap is sent when tire enor oseurs during tne auto display operaiiim using wltn the network viewer iunstion (nonstroriunner informlllan smite error. reier to item "Auto Display setting and mmml page Bil-om). ante lengtn oi message should be less titan 255 charaners. of Up $099,999 hours an besetiorusetlrne ante optional settings retum to tire iactory oeiault when yuu unplugtneAcamroord ofrne proieemr. BI/—————- nwnen larnp Cones, Value reaches i 1 hours. Attached message E—nmil setting ExampleszType and contents ofalert mail when the projector has an abnormality. the following alert messages are sent to the registered Emaii address depending on your selected condition. Administratnror user can take an efficient action quickly by receiving this message. This is vely useful to maintain and service the projecuor. The following are examples of received messages. 0 When internal PJ temperature is too big mMessage from pmicctvr iooyzuw 00:59 Projectormoooel Name: madehlame DIM 197.1 scum ProleaorName; Prolus Ilsmdsyw following mmge. me Projecoorlarnpistumed proesause internal Projector iempemwle ls reohigh. Wait for the complerlon of the cooling process and male sure the projector has been lumcd lmo Stanowmen tum the projectpron again Ifmclndlcatufcmflnucsflashlng, theckrhe airmterforoustaccumulatlpn. [A] sis degleesl'ahrenhe'll [B] (34 degreesiahrenheit [C] 95,5oegreesfalrrenheit Temperature ofsensor B is too high. ante projector let users know the information which therr-nal sensors inside the projector detected the abnafmal temperature risen and so the projector was turned off. Please refer to item Tawer control and slams cheat- (w poo) forrhe location ofrhe sensors and each temperature . Also see the owner‘s manual orthe projector for furlhcl detalls 0 When infemnl PJ power circuit is failed: 117m Message (mm projector mus-2007 00-59 Projector Model Name: modelnorne TCPIIP: |§2.165.|.20| Frojenuf Nam: ijus itsenosyoufollowing mmge. 'The Projcmf lamp ls turned off, oeause Projector poorer circuit is failed. Unplug the projector from AC outlet and askstrvidng to qualified service personnel, MMN, P-FAIL OK ml 4-51 3g summit-an one projector detects the power failure. Unplug the AC powercoru and plug it again, and then lum on the projectorro vetlfy the operation. lftlre proplern still persists unplug the AC powermnt and ask servicing to a qualified service personnel. 59 Chapmrfiflasicssmng andopemtlan 0 When PJ lamp replacement time ls reached: rma Message «um projector mos-m7 0059 miecmr Model Name: modelnome mm». |92.\68.I.20| Projector Name: Prams Inendsynufizllowlng message. ‘The Pl lamp replace lime is leached, 0 Replace n mm a new lamp Immedlately and reset the lamp cwnw. ll me projector is used when: vesmlng the lamp counter, me alert mall ls sem w usels m every puwemn onhe prolecm, This alert mall wull nut be sem when «he mall sending mndiliarl ”when the life span of lamp is reached' ls unmaked. O Wh en lamp cones. value reaches preselect use time: TITLE- Message lrcrrl projmm lam-mm ms; PmleqarModel Name modelname TCPIIP: 1911 59,1101 ProjedorNamez ijus usenasyau lollnwlng mesage. '1'l|e amnmulated lamp usallmereathes 1am hours Preparelarlhelamp uplammefll. Dsflmmnal mange; flThe proleclor sends a free message when «he lamp use (In: (Correspondlng value) reaches the pmsdected limp use nme. It can be used fur preparallon or me lamp mplazemem and me maimenance requlred. 60 SNMPsem'ng SNMP setting n...-.......................--- This product provides a SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agent functionJ'he SNMP consists ufa manager and agents. The group whidl earhanges information with SNMP is called "Community‘. There are two access modes in a community, Relertvead only) and Set (read- writeflhls product alluws to use Refer (read only) only.The SNMP message informs the projector slams filled “Trap" w an administrator. Click SNMP Setting on the main menu and setup each item. (me ' t "Eulmpset P‘ weenie- (53 are, Iw item Descriyfion cantm Enter user name eithe projector at: (optimal) Plate Emerplaceoflhe pmjecmrmptianell Community n:m=(vefer).»_.._£mnr community name (read only). Default name Is 'pub|‘l:'! a The SNMP agempwvlded with lh|$ pmduct is based upon MIB~2 defined by RFC|213,For pflval’e MIB infarmal‘lnn, refer to file 'MibinfolXUPjNeLmlh' in the comm. 61 62 chaptersnasrmm'ngarrdapemfion st'mm Tra - lum Desalpllorr fammlnilynamr,_.._Enw mmmunily name to send “hp'. Ddaull name is warm". Trap address~__.EmEr IP address of the sump manager mmputu to receive Trap", Up ro ru address can he reglsxzred. a Up to w nap addresses can be registered. Trap chad/delete Checkand deletethe mp address Checking the registered trap address and deleting the addressr To delete the address. tick the mark bux in from of the IP address and dizk Delete button. SNMPxerting Trap option setting Tick the check Imxes in fmnt nfrhe condition item to send the trap v Gkk Set bunnn lfyou rkk or un-flck me chenk box on a page, ”Mr m— nvmgnPJlampiscffh, ' .uwn'en P preplaizementumeis reached. awhen Internal PJ power circuit ls falleds ‘ awhen Iniemal PJ temperature“ is (no h. H I2)— VDWhen PJ is ruined intu Standby II’| proper user‘ i opemlon. a When accumulated filler Ilsetime reachs‘ [ Jholivs. uwhen Power managemenr function turns PJ lamp off. [3] ‘ ti when thesignal Is interrupml, a when Auto Play Isfailede Q when Vamp CoiresNalue maths [ ] hours. 7 When PJ hmpkofl‘xlgnmeslhelampgoes ourwimeur useropemion. when P] istumed inmSmndby in proper use: onemkm' signmes marmeproieaor is ruined onbyusing theweb brimseiand rhen ii lsmmed Into standbywidi ow swarm tuition an m mpmnlml a! me remove «mm, 0 up“) 99,999 hwrscan be mlmlheti'mesemng. a if (undiiion when Aum Play is failed" is (nerked, me (rap is sent when iiie ermr murs during the aulu display apmllnn using wirn me nerwmk viewer runcrron (inns). For runner iniorrnarion aim: ermr, reier to Item "Aura Dispiaysening and conwl page Bl"((fl‘p| 27). 63 Chapterfiflaslcsemng and operation
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