SANYO Electric 19B255 WLAN Module User Manual 2
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. WLAN Module 2
- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
- 3. User Manual 3
- 4. User Manual 4
User Manual 2
7. Contmllin the -ro'ector nemibes cantmlling and setting ofthe projector by using the w=b browser. Chaptel7ComrolIing rlre projector Power control and status check es...-o---.............-....-c.- Click Power Estatuscn the main menufrhe control page will be displayed. By cllcklng ON or Standby butmn on the page, the power of the projector can be mmrulled. Cnnl‘llmnlon window is shnwnin mehzlwappears rdpupmnlirmallen window lum neserlptlon lsplflys the status offlle lamp. (ON, arr. On smlng up, 01! mung down) lsplays the slams ofthe pmjemr's power. (Ruler no hm page.) Power rand dntrols dre prdiemr pnwer by cllLklng the “ON” ur'smdhy" bunch. PJ temp. lnslde ternrm. _DLq7lays the suneundlng temperature of lamp in the pmjenvr. lnstde temps .Dlsphays the sunuunding mmperalure efpenel in the pmjemr. Extemalliemp. kalays the surmundlng temperature eftlre lntelce vent. .The warning Icon wlll aupear lflhelempemmle exceeds a speclfled value. Check mum is nu object In ohslrucl [he airflawamund the intake or exhaust vent, ll mlght be alrfllw (lagged. Clean up the airfilter. “The temperature unit (an he set either Cenflgmde m Fahrenheit in the item ”lnil'lal Semflsi (“p-52) [A one projector annot hemmed on whlle rhe mvknor Is mung dawn. cine web bmwser checks and updatesthe pmjeclul‘s (andrfiun every 30 seconds automatism 66 Powermnrmlandstams check About projector condition Sums Desulprion Norm Powwmanagemem lnoperanon. Lamp (allure, mp fallure ls occurring Abnomral Temperature... e temperature olthe prolecmr became too hlgh tooling mnrrr allerahnnrrnallemp Projetoor detects ahnon-nal temp and is roofing down ilselfi Swndbyafm Abnormal Temp __._ rolemr detects abnnrmnl temp and ls set lnoo standby mode. Powerlollure law _._." Power fillum has oscurred Inside the prolemn Prejemr ls turned on. Unplug file AC nord and tontatta qualified servine personnel for serv'lce. lfrne pvwerfiilure lxculs on (he projeclor, ‘Puwer failure" is inflamed on lhe slolus oolumn and me lnlormallon loorr appears on the power column asshown below. cllrk rhls Icon to dlsplay further lnformanon ollhe power failum ijeclm ls uperafing normaliy. we: management ls uperalirrg Cllckthls lcon to dlsplay ' filrfller Infamatinn nfihe powerrailure, mm. PfAIL 0K . lav ol< um. F-FAIL No When a seturlry (rm eorle lock) has oeen set on the projector. yau also cannot tomrol lt through me network. To comm! the projem through the network, unloek the security on the projector using with the projecmr‘s menu (onlml. caution about turning onloffthe projednyvia lhe networks when lumlng err/offing projector via the networks, preset the prokctor as follows: |.Select"5emng"fmmlh= Projectormenu. 2. Select"5tam:lby mude"from the Setting menu and set it as'NormaI'! If you set thls funcrlon as Normal, the network part onhe projector ls oonslantly provided with puwere'ven ifthe projector is turned off, lfyou set this as Eco,then the network partwill hemmed offwhen you turn on the projectoro Consequently, you oonnot turn on/uff the projector vla the networks. 67 ample, 7Corllvolll'ng the projector Controls ...a...-.----.---............-.. Click Control on the main menu. The selling method dlffels depending on the contents of the page. Click on the page numberw change pages and select desired setting items, 0 Please see the ownel‘s manual ofthe pmjenorw have the further inlclma- (ion of each control item. Input Thls lunTl|e Network Capture software installed in die selected cumpuier will start amun‘ng. 2 an the Image ofthe PCT projected on tile screen. Search a presentation file data stored in the PC] by using the wireless mouse function ofthe remote control supplied with the pmjecmr. 3 Select a desired file and double clickwith the lemme contreli =>Tne application by which tire document! was created starts and tire projeclarpmjeds tire presenntian picture on thesaem. 4 Start the presentation. e) a, using wireless mouse function, (Mimi me page browsing and some mner operations for the PCI. 0 For further instrutb’uns oflhe wireless misuse, please Met tn the projector? minus manual. 70" the projected screen using wlth the network minute, the shape of the mouse pointer dilfersfmm the tang DI! the computers screen, Senlng condition Projector lnput mode: Netwuik chkletlng the cannectlmz The IP addrmohhe cornputerand proper parameter must be set m the P0 in emu Mwse Display: “On' (W ll93) ‘hmieltlwIl-hiummu Cow-1m PC! Software: The Network capture s is activated. U 9 the Network Communication loo-lo. nee-e...- This Network Communlmtion Is to communicate by sharing the nptured image of a computer will multiple cumputeis and a projector. Users can drawtlie next and figure on the (aplured image by using a drawing ml. The data that has (he captured image Ola Main PC and communication informalinn is sent to the prcjeemn'rhe projecmr projects this data mitotlie screen and servg this data to other computers (Sub PC) at the same tlrne. The Sub PC receives served captured data and displays lt on the screen The Main PC and Sub PC also can edit the captured image by using thedrawlnq mol'rlrls edited image is applied to allthe computers automatically. Using the Network Cammlmlmllan ‘The Main PC is a computer which started using communication function, and serves nwn computer scleen mptured Image to the Sub PC. The Main PC has an authorlty to quit uslng whole communication. To become the Maln PC, execute the command 'Start Communlmtlcn" or "Capture transfer“. For funkerinfomtation, see item ”How in use the Network Communication". (whim) ‘The Sub PC ls a computer which receives a captured Image from the Maln PC. On the mmmunlcatlcn mode, the Sub PC can became the Main PC. Settings before using the Network Communication To use the Network Communlfitlon, the capture setting of the projector must he set either [11 nr [2] as dscribed below. [1] Prajectnr searches all the available subject computers in r the network automatically. [2] Subject computers are registered to the projector. Perform capture setting following to the description below. [1] When sewing the capture data to all the sub- ]ect computers in the network. By using theweb browser, displey‘Communican'nn Setting' lrorn menu 'Network"-'Czptule”-'Page 2". Confirm that the item Auto Search subject PC is "on“. If "OFF“. change mode to ”UN". - Proiettcrtanilnd up w so eernpurers lnthenetwovk [2] When serving the capture data to the specific subject computers in the netwark. Set the item Auto search subject PC "OFF" described in the above and then display "Connection Setting" from menu "Networlt‘-"Captule'-"Page 3" with the web blawser. Enter the IP address of subject computer and ellek Set button to register. - Up to 30 computers can be mglsteredmthe projector, a To display the served capture data, the software Netwurk Capture 5 must be installed on the camputer. 97 98 ChameraNetwark capture functions Description of capture editing window Start Network Capture s and select the projectorls) on the projector list on the applicafion window and dlckCommunlfllion Stan bummThe application wlndow will disappear and the mptule editan window will appearon the uomputer screen as below. For basic operation of each menu, refer to the item 'Menu tree" below. Menu —Elh ml {all Todbar ril- Flinn-links 17 my ‘ i . " Capturelrnage Authority status lndlcnion flame (Hum) Menu tree Menu Submenu Operation File Save Communication Saves a raptured editing image asthedmuPtG) Saves dialog window appears Tmnlrrane Commonlrao'on m“! Quits the mmmunimion mode End Edmmg """“V Class (he Editing window Cumml ———caoture oansfer camuresasoeen iner and semis itto the orojecwr —Alutlwrlry mulls/mime; the aulhorltyto edil the rapture image Edit Tool penril selects a penril mol —Eraser Selects an eraser tool ~Ikmer (lame Seiezu a letter fmmewul Free Draws line with freehand (shape) _5tralght line Draws straight line —Square Draws square Ovai Draws oval Esmmimlnflng otrtl Draws rlllea square Ovallpalnrlng our] Draws filled nval Mmhule Appears a attribute windflw Delete all Deletes all the drawings on the image Undo Cancelslhe hrcexamdoperaflon Display —— Full screen Swilmes rapture editing window. normal 01qu screen —Too| bar smndard Swinches standard tool buttons on or off Formishape) Sw‘iicha: fomlishape) oool buttons on or ail Cnlor Swlmhs color tool humus on 1 off Arrrloure Swlrmes amlbule tool buttons on or ofi _ Display on foreground Keeps capture editing winoow on fnregruund always Help — Version inhrmmiDn Displayssoftwnre version number Using the Network Comm unimtion Tool bar button names The following commands are assigned to the tool bar humans. For each operation, refer to the descllpflon ofthe Item "Menu tree”. Command Toul Save ' Bar of Mam PC mm,“ use“ TerminateCcmmuniralicn Capture _ . rra A“! only Sundard lg} ‘ , tool bar Farm Mal hi! 7 OvaKPalnflng Dull Pencil Letter Straight line SquaretPainliryg out) flame Eraser Free Square Oval Command'fiwl Bar of Sub PC 5“ Editing Co swans: |6calovs Colnrmul bar Attribute toolbar wmh (large, Translucence Medium Smau) are swhthlhemol barsdispliying on orofLseJm each command (mm menu 'Display'-'Tnnl bar, a Usuun realign and jam the ml bars (sxanaarmnapa Com, Anribule), and change it (a ma l'lnaflng pallet by a drag ana dropofihemul has. 4 There are some disable hum-ms depending on ma mg and aulhmlry made. m that use the button appears In em- 99 100 ChupterBNelwork capture functions How to use the Network communication Start the communication 1 Display an image on the computer screen. 2 Start Network Capture 5.11reappiication windowappears and the pmjeclqrs in the nelwurltare hsted. 3 Select the pmiactons) and click Start Communication button. The appllcatlon window disappears and the capture editing window with a captured image appears on the computer screen The pmjectnr displays captured image on the screen. a ifan ennr message appeargalskthe rlenr 'Paranreterset up'. (At-p30) Join the communication (onlyfor Sub PC} 1 Start Network Capturesrhe appllatlon window appearsand lists the pmjecmrin the network. 2 Select a projector whose status on the prujectnr Iis dieates "Communication starting", and click Start mmmunitatian himonJhe application window dlsappears. 3 Click Start editing menu on the pnpup menu appeared by clicking the Network Capture 5 icon on the task bar. The capture editing window with a captured image appearsan the camputerscreen. Exit from the communication (only for Sub PC) Click "1 figirld editing" button on the standard ml banThe capture editing window will be closed. a This command is availablewith the Sub PC only, a when ‘Enfi tailing" wru- the aurharity provided is eaesured. the authority will he reieaaea End the communlcatlorl Click "(HzTetminate Communication" button on the standard tool bar. The capture editing wlndaw will be closed. a This command is available with the Main PC only. I The communication oaruiut be ended while other PC has the amhnriryrn end mmmunimtinn forcibly, tick the Capture s icnn on the task bar and select-shut dawn" on theiron menu. How to acqulre and release the editing authority To edit the capture image, each computer needs to acquire the authority respectively. To acquire the authority, dick “Q: Authority' launch on the standard tool bar and then edit the capture Image. The capture editing window indicates the authority status by changing the frame color depending on the currentauthority modeasfolim mail . emu emu fl Blue Green having an authority mher commas; having an ready to acquire an authority authority Home use the Network communitarian Edit capture image Drawing figures 1 Click :l>encil" human nn ihe farm (001 bar. 2 Selen lts' amlbute (shape, wldlh, color and npnslucence) from the fnnn and attribute (ch ham 3 Drag a mouse pointer on the screen image in dvaw the figure. Erase drawn objects 1 (field ”* :Eraser" button on the furrmcu! ban 2 Select its attribute (shape, width) {mm (he (arm and amihuhe tool bar. 3 Drag a mouse polnmf on the screen image in erasethe figure. Hints onhe drawing a smigni line moi. u drew the venical line in hmmal line, dug a mime palmerwnh shift heypresseci. a Squall ml. p dmw me memeciraga mwse polmerwim sh‘ln liey pressad. a Oval we]... a dremhe perlemlreimrag amuse pplmecwilh sh‘lfi key presses, a To cancel the drawingselect command "Edie-waif 110m me menu. a To enee all fliedlawlllg ac pnee selecc command ‘Edli‘-'D=Iem air from the menu. vine popup menu appeared by righl dlcklng of the mouse [5 also available lo selea lhe tool and change the “White. Setting of the drawing tool attribute when clicking - Amibule' bunon pn lhe standard tool bar, the following window will appeal. This window appaars onlyifthe pencil or eraserlupl isseiecled. Figure i-ilnihilxe . mine Line widfll Large: 5 110“ Medium: 4 dots Small: 2 dots Selm a (ole! on the Sex: Iranslilcent color pallet appealed win: by clicking neie. 101 102 ChaptersNetwnrk mpmrzfurlflion: Drawing letter 1 Cllzk" Aimerframe' button on the form tonl bar. 2 Select a (610er text with (blur tool bar. 3 Drag a mouse pointer on the screen Image to speclfy the area of the letter frame. The letter input dialog window will appear. 4 Enterthe letter onm the wlndow. To change the letter attribute, click Letter attribute button See the Item 'Ietter attribute setflng' below. 5 Click OK button to flxthe content. The entered letter appears on the Liptured image. mm up... fllnlbmr a lftlte entewed letter werltuws the area at letter (ram-e the letter trame is auturnatirally extended dowrmard. 0 Upon mm (haraflersmn he usedfera Ielterlrame. Letter attribute setting 1115 font attribute setting windaw appears when cllcklng " Attribute“ button on the standard tool bar with the letter frame tool selecved, Dr ("Citing Letter alt bute bum)“ on the letter input dialog window described the above. Set typeface, style, She and efi‘ects cfthe font 0 Tamm- mum 0 Hum Maw Rama 0 “menu M5 D 7"!!!- 0 mm. {Ema,_..,..m1.....m..x F§,,.,|=; ! E r are...“ Predefined is mt- urs are available Set translucent mlur Network Communlmtion operation and change afxmte Network Communication opera on and change of state ..I-oco no.obs-0‘-oncoltoootoou-oooiuoo Network Communlca on can be used under the en renment which one or more tomputers are cannected to the projector via the network. Preparatlort start up the Network Capture 5 software on the subject computer. Set standby the projecmr or turn it on. Check IP address of the subject computer is registered In the connection list (zips?) Operation on the Main PC Operation onthe Sub PC manning hemmed ‘smrrCarnmurimtiuri'. Execute the command 'Start Editing- an the task bar. -)The mature image on the Main PC appears on the screen, Executing memmmahd‘srantomurrcartm'. Theaprureedltrng windwappearsun the screen. El Edltlng the capture image. ->The editin information is automatically transferre mthe Sub PC. -) The editing information an the Main PC is reflected on the Sub PC. lzl Releasing the g authority. 91719mlorofauthmitysmusttamtdiangtsgreen. -)The microfauthmitystatusframe chang— es green. El Mauiring the authmr‘ty. -> meshing otautnority status frame chang- es . QThe (Dial ofdulholitystatus flamedlangts Dim Editing the Captured image using with the hub. -) The edilirig lnformati n is automatically transferred mthe sub ct PC II! Releasing the edmng authority. a The color afauthority status heme chang» es green. -) The Editan Information an the Sub PC I5 reflected on the Main PC. flflEiEi|E|§ 91712mimcfaulhoritysiatustramethangesgleen. uoraeatunwwoj at“ uo El Acquiring the authurity. -; The color ofauthority status Frame chang- -> me coldorauuronty statustlame changes reri as blue. HEEEHEIE El Repeat Steps mm ifrequlred, El Btecutlng the command rapture transfer on the task bar, E! Repeat stem like III it required. —> Anewtaptured screen image appearson EIEIE! -) Updating the edrting window wrth a new the editing window. captured ween image E Repeat sinus III to E! m Ending the com mcamrx . —> The capture editing window disappears " The “mm “m“ WNW d'sappea’s- ante projector projects the edited captured image an the screen when the input mode of the projector is set Network. lThe command "Save Communlmttun“ (an he executed in any of the mode even it the PC does not have the authority. am arrow t—>l smws a respmseto the command executed. am execution at the command "Terminate communication" ar "End Editing” on the Sub PC has no effert an the utmrsuhjettmmputers. 103 104 ChaplelsNelerkature fimctionx Executing the forcing mode ....................................... The netwnl‘k capture setting oflhe web page pmldes a forclng executing command. Thls command executes me llelease of authority or endan the communication fmcihly. This is useful when the other suhjen PC keeps an aulhurity all the time, orwhen the mnditinn ohhe mmmunlmlnn Is not stable. Clltk page 2 Communlclllorl Setting from the menu "Network'~"Capture'. Execute command by clicking the human FIRE, Quito! Updah. Displays IP address onhe Maln l=c Dlsplayslhaudressoll'he ccmputerhas a edltlng aulhorlcy lmm nuriminn “Releases (he adlnhg auflmflbj forcibly —) semandlnon whldl all ma usersan mullean aumwny ~anullsmeoommunlmlon forcibly emeapmm editing wlndm an all the mmpums (luses fulzibly __A Reglsw the IP address by us|ng the web browser ("pm it has notbeen registeredto w as a gmuix Error when Siarl Communlafion or Start real lime Camure Is executedflhe other capture. views or memoryvlewer function is now operating —> Wait until the communication i'unctum [5 available. Cannolbedlsplayedas P1 Is under display. Carma! establish the connect“ n with the projector when the Start mmmunkatimt Is executedfierminm Communkalinn. Capture transfer. start reai time capture orTerminatecapmre. -) Check connection ofthe Mtwurk cable. Cannot ton"!!! (0 Pl. Connomansfer the dart-om the pmjeclol when the Start Communkmofl. Terminate Cnmrriunkaflon, Capture Iranslel, Start neat ume capture or Terminate mptuve Is Executethe timeout period Is in seconds -) Check the oonneetion onhe "mark cable. Cannottransferdatato PJ. Cannot metre the data [mm the molectorwhen (he Stan Communimtbn'rerminateCommunication Capturetnnsfer, Sim reai time capture or'rermirme capture is mmmd. The time-out period is in seconds. -> Chadt the mnnefllon ukhe network cable. Cannotreoeive data from FL other PC has authority. Cannotcnmplete 'Nelwutk Communlcntlan'i When mailing theterniinate Cnmmunlcatmn, you cannot quit the communication because other computer has an authoriw Other PC has authority. Cannol ow" when“. Omercompiner nasan authority. Whenthe parametulssenmetaserved pcttnumberlsspeclfied. "“'“"" “m"“mw —> Checkthe parametersemng (nose) PJ ha; not started Nelwurk Cornmunization. Close the window and open it again The prujemr might have turned offdurlng thammmunlcation. -> cnemhe projector powemnd reexeorie ‘smn communication“. 109 ChaprerBNenvarkcnpmre hintrions Playing the movie files ....................................... Although the quality of me real-time capture image ofa computer screen is not so gm, but you can keep a high quality of projection image with lh's movie files playbackfunction, whlch (ransmlls movle files lrem acampuxeno (he projezwrand playthe movies file with the projector. 1 Seieaa projector in the proieaor list and press“le movie flles’buflon. Only one projector can project the movie. when you selecttwo or more projectors, "Play muvie files' bum-m cannot be pressed. 2 Play movie files dialog will be displayed when press "Selen files~ bimon, the ills whlch are in the computer or connected 7 will be dismayed. Select the movie files and click'Open' button ruin/m x “emu: : me kind of movie riies supporting movie file piaybaek is as lnllcws. MFEG'I, MPIEGZv MPEG4, H.ZE4,VC-'I 1 10 Playing the movie file; 3the selected mevie file will be listed in the mnvie file list cf the play movie files dieing anal “Piaf bumn wlll be elfeclive. 4when you play the plural moving files, repeat these steps and add the movie files in the movie files list When you tlidt the Name,Type, Date ofupdate, or Size column header, you can change the sort order of the movie files list in either ascending or descending order. when you want to delete a movie file from the movie files lisl, (house the movie flleand click'ReleasE files" butwn. 5When‘PIay" button 15 pressed, the movies start to play in the order which line up into me movie files list While playing the movie. either buttons in addition in ‘play' button are effective and ynu can operate to stop or pause. To change the volume of the movies adjust the volume bar. To mute the sound check the 'Mute’ check box. The ararrr' fuldzr is made by software aurdrrmlcally. 7CIickRegisIerblmon toregisterthefolderlist inmthe prdgram. 8Cliek Cldse humrr mquinhe Program Editor. 120 Creatingnpmgmm flIeIProgmrn Editor] Setting up the display order and time of the Images In the default setting. the display crdet uflhe images is (he same as ASCII code order of the file name. To thange (he displayomler or to set up the display time. take the follcwlng pmcedures. Display the folder list winduw in step 5 ofthe previous page. 1 Select a folder list contains images to change. chkk Edit button. The images in the seleeted loldel are displayed with the file name on the index window. when “Image" from "VIew" menu is selected, the thumbnail of the image will be displayed (default setting). When "Icnn' is selected, the icon image will be displayed 47 lmksa vmllemdisplaythumbnalls one number in hunt oldie file name indicates the dlsplay older oflhe image Pram-nun mm filu‘l.74h4lll-Nl4|ll4llllt-l-4:1-47474l4}--1-4- Displeymdei 1 i , number / ‘ Menu Sub menu Desulpllnn ___Cluseslnds(window Edit up- .__5iepsupihe display drdeiarmeseleeiedlmages DOWN. ._.Stepsdownflledkplayoldemftheselefled images nisplaynme _seisupthadispiaytime oftheselected images view lmage Displaysthumlmailafiheimagas icon. _ Displays lmages as the fixed lam: _. Updnls Imags infnrmailian on she lndex wlndow Chapler 9 Network Wewerluncrians 3m change the display order, select" files and then click up or DOWN inmn ed the menu harm move them onro your desired place, or select flls and then drag and dmp them onto your desired place with mouse. 470 change the display tIme”, select" files and (hen - click Display time button on the menu bar in display “SP“? “m “i“E- me Display rime setting window. cnecir “Display nine- ' in the check box and set me display rime. To (ancel thE display time, unfheck (he "Display lime" in the check box. ' r—F Dlspluyvflmc ~———————-u' Image frame on the index window Image frame on the index windnw has 3 kinds ofdlsplaly modes as follaws. Noname zsnowsdlanheimegelnrnelaideris unchanged Bluefmme zShowsfliat Image is added intothe folder newly Redrreme :Showsthal image is deiered from the folder a ulcmwlmdm’, index imimnnupu ZIMILSWUZJW 3 “340051“ Aznlunuiqw f ! mums... EMILSADSBJW -1 Muinple files “nee selected a: one by Shift“ or ‘Covlllvl' key, or wirh mouse cursor, ‘2 sluzm smmdstan beset upfdrdisplayrime 122 Creating aprogmm file [Program Editor} Example of the created program selection Use the web browser to access to the control page of the projector. clislr 'Viewer' of use Network menu on the web page, then (onset to the FTP server and select the program name which was made at previous section. The projector srans displaying are images along rlre program. For further information, please see 'Using the Networkinewerfunninn- (c ism). a This human is not available in the light mode, The limitation of the Program file There are several lirnilalians tar use pmgmm file as fulluws; ”The number of programs In a root folder ls less than 1000. enie nurnraemffalalers in a pregrain ls less man we, ‘Total mariners olffllder name is less than 255. ‘Tohl rharaciers 01 program file name is less than 63. ' DB rim mire a prugram name slaned with “n - Do not make a program name contalned wlm lollowlng character: \/ :.; ~ 7 - < > | ‘The program name siarrea wills " 'kpace) is registered w'nhmlt rhespsce. 123 OrapterDNerwork Wewerfuncrions Using the NetworkViewer function .....-...... oo-na. ..............-... The Network Viewer Is a function to acquire the JPEG image data from the file servers placed in the network and project them an the screenJ‘he projected image data are specified by the folder unit. You can set the dlsplay time and the number of repeat, and also you can register muse folders as the programme network viewer function cannut be used when the network capture function is used. Condition to use the Network Wewer function: - Should be pnssible m usethe FrP servitewitthndowsZDOO Professional urXP Pmlessinnal. ' User has a full-access account to the FTP server, or the FTP server allows anyone to use with "Anonymous" account which also hasa fullaccess mode. ‘fltealluwed number ufsimultaneousaaess from the same IP address is no fewer than zn. To usethis functiarm is necessarytndisab pop 5 me uligina1 image isdisplayed an annlhzl window clicking on the preview imageur is name _ _50 male pmceding start up image in theaum rllsplaylunrllan 43m me following man up image In meme display fimcflan List ._Swii|:hes lo the list mode Thumbnaii...Jwimhes m lhe thumbnail mode Close, (lose the window flThis funtflnn is not avallrlslslnme llghrrmde am previewlmgewlll mlappearwhenlheupflon is set 'Dlsplay amt-runs) l Upw woo imagescanbedispizyed, a when Welder selecxim' Is seleqlelt Images plxermihe nm dilecmly in me seleaed hides aledisplayed. allie dlsplfly order 01th images Is (he same as rhe ASCH charanfl ordervmen "folder selection" ls Selene-1, of is specified bythe Program Edllol‘whevl "program selecfim' is seamed. (99.119) 126 Using thenetwork viewer/uncrion 4 Auto Display setting and control page [3] ‘Omeansendlessplay Dlsplaytlme" ofthe im e (3 to 240 see.) 39 Clickhelemcbecklhe further informatilm or the me mm Repeat: 1 Number: 30/36 jflThe preview image wIII not ‘ appear when the option is set its ermr Errorlnla "Bispiay arm-7mm LClick Start button to slam the auto-dlsplay. The Image In the selected folder or program Is displayed on the projeclnl's screen. The web browser opens another window and displays the preview images on the Auto Control window sequentially. 2. CIch Stop button to slap the auto-dlsplayr - Restart the auwdispley, click Restart button. -when the autodisalay naps, it enables you todispiay the images manuaiiy by using («I 01[>>] button. 3. Clitk End button to end the eutodisplay. - when the Error button is pressed, the furdter information oflhe the error is displayed. For iurtlrererrorinforrnation, refer to the neat page -t When the pmgram me for autooisplay is selected the display drrre oi eath image gives preference to the setting spedflzd by the program tile over the setting spetilied oythe autodisoiay function abut/e, The images for which the display time is not set shwvs the display time specified by the autodisplay function above ante display timers greatly atietted by the networkenvironment or the operation of multi oontroi so the image may not he displayed as the specified display time. ante timing to switrh images is not the tame on the soeerr and on the wet: hrowser. 127 ChuprergNetwork Viewer functions Error information Description Ffle Emir It Is dlsplaysd when the pmjzml nnnmncquhe the canectflle Imagas from the FTP server, or when the masses pmjemr is lumed enduring the mulmmml, Clkk Ema! hum" (a checkihe dmfls. Connecllun Euor it may be displayed when the slave pvujmor is using the Neawmk‘fiewer nr Capture funfllon duflng me mum-mnwol. Checkwhizh prokcwr has an ermr , see Item ”Mum ConImI/Checkachange' (a mum, owe“ me file ermr occurs during «he auto-display, you may have me alen E-mail message. Far further Information, pleasesee me Item"! 0pm selection 101 sending alert mail'(. pp57»so). [2] Control by the projector mum ‘Wumm p." Selm'NeMork' input mode pveviausly. 1 Select "Networkviewer" in the “Network" menu. Press Point > or SELECT button. 128 Urlngrnenatworlrnewerfunrtian Displaylength me it are” ' , Repeat times mm, mm 2 Salsa ' isplay mode' and press SELECT button, and then select “Auto" or "Manual" and then press SELECI‘ button When selecting "Auto". set "Display length". ‘Endless play“ and 'Repeanimes' 3 Select 'Conneet- and then press SELECT button to start displaying, The images in the FTP sewer are displayed on the screen a it enables you to bmwse the images by using the control buttons my) on the remote eontrol or on the Fromm revimts image display v Next image display 4Tu stop the display select "D scanneet- and then plfis SELECT bumn. Destript on Jets display periods and repealing times _Dlsplays Image aummfllkally by setting ”Display length" and mepeattimes' Jennols image display tbvwslng image backwmd or lorward) manually. _msplay time of image is to 140 sec.) Jets "On" to play rontinuonsiy _iiepeat times (255 times maximum) played when -Endiess play‘ is set to 'cn-. Display length Endless pla Repeat times 0 ‘fl' a in the automatie displaying mode [Mun]. when the left-dirk an the remote tonaal is pressed. anhomitit: displaying sums and the manual displaying made is seleWhEn the right-tilde is pressed, autgmatie displaying restarts. a The image data used for this iunetian is the program or folder that the Network inewer lunetion used last ameiire pmjemitannnl spe ty pa ularimagesarnie servers itselt mile ispiay time is greatly alietted by the network envimnment or the nperatiun ofrnulti mmmL so the image display may not be dlsplayeuasitisserlortne specified display time 129 130 Chaplet 9 Network Wewerfunctions Use of the projector as FTP sewer .-------------~--.- g.- o......- ..---o YDu (all use the projecmrinwhith 3 USE memory is inserted into the USE terminal asan FTP server. By using It as an FTP server, you can save the projection data that is converted by Network Wewev 5 [File Cunvener'l. File CunverterZI on are usa memory, and project the data with the Network viewer function inthis projector orthe otherpmjefinrs. Copy the data for projections to the projector which is put USB memory In. 1 srarr the Explorer ufthe computer, and men emer rhe IP address of the projector In which a use memory is inserted (for Example, ftp://|92,15&1101)totheaddms$ column. Cements of the USE memory are displayed as lollm as m. 1119: wam Emaawm “M, CBE‘DYDQDE mutt Haul: mu QQQEE m emu m ma. mm ,‘:~..."§ re a 2 Copythe data for projections in USB memory. Note: If the network PIN code |s set (or the prcjeercr, the aurrrermcariorr Mndow appears as below. In this case, enter-user— in the user name and errrer Ihe netwmk PIN code ufdle projecwr in the puswnrd. 'Be sure to enter "use!" in the User Name gs Mum-hmmymmummwwe mmx ummm 21> mgmmawmamunmrmw 1mmxwmmmdmp-«fi-nunmmbM-s Mme-alum Dun-arm Use aitheprojectoras FrPserver Output the convened file |rectiy to the projector with the USB memory. The fi|e converted by Network Viewer 5 [File Converter 11 can be output directly to the projector with the USB memory. Refer to the "Creating the available data" for details of Network Viewer 5 [File Converter 1]. (m 14) Speclfy "FTP server‘ as an output destination of me convened file in the “Option" dialog of Network Viewers [FiIeCnnverter 1]. - ”Enter host name or IP address oflhe I-TP server Jpeo'fythe root directory ufthe m server, Normally use 71 Jtheneiwerk PINtode Issetlorlhe projemr, emer 'user1 “iflhe network PIN code is setlur the p10]ectov.emerme network PIN oode. Gimmi'oider—cnck neferenne button and select the oesttnetron orrectory on we list; memory. Output the program file directly to the projector with the USB memory. The program file created by NetworkVIe'wer 5 (Program Editor] can be output directly to the projector with the use memory. Fordetailsof Networkifiewer 5 (Program Editor), reierto ‘Creating a program file" (pd lg). Host name__._Enter host name in IP address mm “mm Projector noorrouer___speafyme motdlrectovyolthem’ m-w- serven Normeny use w. my," User ID __ _|frhe network PIN code ls set for the v projector. enter 'user", W'" Pamrd._..._|rme network PM dude ls set for p...“ the prnieflol, enter the network PIN code. “I 131 Chapter 9 Nerwmk Wewerfunm‘nns 132 10. Network Pro ectar Windows Vista This projector corresponds to "Connect In a network Projectol“ function that is the standard equipment for Mnduws Wm. 134 Chapter 10NerworkProiemrI Windows VIsta) Use of "Connect to a Network Projector" eon-eon..-coo-cocoon...coo-eoaoeeooe-e. This projector corresponds to "Connect to a Network Projector” fl function that is the standard equipment farwindowsvista'IXw can pmject the computer screen via a network without any software byusing this function. 1 Select "Networle from the Input menu ofthe projecmn 20pen the Connect to a Network Projector dialog by clicking the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Connect to a Network Projector. Then. clrclt Search for a projectorirecornmended). ~ ak__w.,wy ; m.—,........-....a....._er_.. gi m,- e re... re mange...“ GEL- , "mum“. "amen...“ tumu- ~ a.wm aw...“ MM we.“ “one... Hurt-reu— awwu-m ems“. 3 A list orarrailable projectors appears select the desired projector and click connect button ifaccess to the selected projector 15 protected by a network PIN code, the password Input column appears. Entera network PIN code and then ciidtconnect button. Not set the nelwmk PtN code Set the neiwmk PlN code This is displayed when you selectthe projector which Is pimected try a network PIN code None: Search for a projector (recommended) wizard cannot find a projector if the projector and your computer are in the different network segment that is separated by the routere Select "Enter the projector address”, and enterthe network address althe projector“) connect, Refertu the Following page iordetails, USE of'Connznto a NetwolkPlajenor“ 4After you click Connect button the Network Presentation’ dlalog box opens and then minimizes on the Mnduws task bar. Click Pause/Resume button to switch between pausing and cantinuing the presentation mmmnnmuwlflmwm 5 Click Diseornnecr button to end the presentation. In case of a projector and your computer are in the different network segment: When a projector and your computer are in the different network segment, connect to the projector by specifying the projectors network address 1 Open the Connettto a Network Proiemrdialog box, and then CliekEnter the pmjemrlddress. 2Enter the network address ofa projector, and then click Connect button. If access to the seiected projector is protected bya network password, entera password and fllen click Connect button. Entera network address by following the two rules described below. URL Address .(Example 1) httptllserverlpmjectorlpjji (Example 2) httpzl/10J7OSQJZZ UNC Russ," .... (Example) ¥¥server¥projector¥pL01 Enter the netwtxk address of the mjecm lub‘l—n—Mhuwflnmnnm “mourn..."— 3 click Connect button to connemo the projector. -r Reler m the online help onmndows Wstn fmfurfl‘lef detarls of'Cpnnect to a Network Projectofl '21hl's functluvr is the smndard equipment for the ialldwlng editions ole'miowsVlsta. Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, ultlnme 135 Chapter 70 Network ijecmrlwindaws WSW] 136 11.A nendix Us: nffielnet Web browser smlng firewall setting Troubleshooting Terminology Chapter ll Appendix Use of telnet ten-o.onnetott-atone-occlotnooecol'oool Vou can control the projector by using the telnet application" installed on yourcomputer. Normally. lhe telnet applkation is available on yourcomputet *The(elnet10000 port 15 used (a control (he projector. Control (For example. in case of using the telnet appllarlon of the Wlndows XP Professional.) 1. Select Run... submenu from Slart menu cm the computer, Type "telnet‘ onto the Open text area on the displayed window and press OK button. lhrrl no.“ , “Whine-WNW ' ink-"namin- mm 2.Tl|e telnet application will start and the following window will be displayed. Type as below to connect the projector. small > open_197_168,14201_10000 [return] “ Use the lP addressasigned lulhe prujecwr 3. when communication is established correctly, the word "PASSWORD? appears on the window. 1ype the Iogln password (Network PIN code“) for the projector and then press "Enter" key on (he keyboard If you do notsel. up the Nelwurk PIN codejust press "Enter key. when the word "Hello" is replled, logln has been succeeded. ”The password 'I 234" is used forthe example. 138 Useafbelrict 4. Type the commands, refer to below table, to control the projector and then press “Enter” key for termination. For example, type l'cou' which is a command to turn on the projector, and press "Enlel‘ key, Confirm the projector is turning on. - Enlarwith ASCII fill—byte capital characters and one»byte characters. To disconnect the communication, press “Cnl' key and “1' key atthe same (Irma type ':Iose" and then press ‘Entel" key on the Keyboard, > close [return] The table below shows the typical command lists for controlling this projector and please cornult your Ioal deaiei for further information of anmhercommands. Command list table Command Funcllon cm) Power on 002 Power Mi C09 Vblume up an Volume down Cm! Audio Mute on coc Audio Mute an ac Menu insplay on an menu displayptt ‘1 Further instructions ahout the telnet application, please see the orHine guide on your computer. ~zrhe paaenord is a Network PIN code dedded item "Network PIN code setting- (trim, 42). lithe authenllmdon of the entered password is failed 4 times continuously, the caminunlmlon will be disconnected automallmlly. Please ungain lathe connection, “a lithe password or any command is not entered for morethan zit seconds, theeornmunintion wrtl he disconnected automatically. Please try again for the (unnecliun. 139 140 ChapterflAppendix Web browser setting ....................................... This product is designed to enable the projectcrto be set up and controlled from an internet web browser. Depending on the preference settings of the web browser, some control functions may not be available. Please make sure that the following functions are set up properly In theweb browser. tIJavaScript enable There are some control items used with the JavaScrlpt function in the setting pages. If the web browser is set not to use this JavaScript functlon, It may not control the projector properly. In that case, the following warning message will be displayed on the top ofthe page,To enable the JavaScript. please seefurther instructions on the next page. Flash Player enable The setting page of this product contains the Flash contents. To display the setting page, the Adobe Flash Player Version 6 or later is required to be installed on your computer For further product Information, see the Adobe homepage. (httpt/Iwwwsdubefiuml, Even if your mmputer provides the Adobe Flash Playen the setting page does not appear on the web browser, in which case, check that Flash Player PIuan(Shockwave Flash) is lnnalled and set up correctly please see further instructions on the next page and it is depending on the web browser Proxy setting In some cases, your web browser is set up to use the proxy server for the internet or intranet connection. in that case, when you Install this product into the local network, you should set up the proxy setting cfweb browser preference correctly. Especially when connecting the projector and computer with a UTP cross cable directly, or when the network does not provide the proxy server, make sure that ‘not use proxy server‘ Is set up In your web browser prererence. Please see item “ExampleszlJS/Bruwsers“ in the next page fprfrrrther setting up procedure l‘I‘here ale various ways to diange ybrrr browser preferences depending on the version or applications Please see thesetting instructions on next page showing exampls and also referro owllne help pfyetrr web browser. Web brnwsarxening Examples: OSIBréwsers andows XP Professional Internet Explorer v.6.0 ActlveS:ript settlng Seiect intemet Options "om Toals menu on the web browser and then select Security lab and aim Customize Level... human 0“ the secuvity setting window. mull dawn and find the Scripting item make surethat‘Enahle” lsselected in Item Actlve Scrlpllng. vamm-wa-m Mmlttmdnufi-m gt-adylm-lehm-“vnm. n.»- °"“ “Kn-nun“... . unimmmuauuw Flash Player enable ActiveX control; and plug-ins setting Select Internet Opllons from Tools menu on the web browser and then select qurlty tab and cllck Customize Level... button. On the security setting wlndow, scroll down and find the Anivex controls and Plug-ins item, makesure that 'Enable" is selected in item Run Activex mmmls and plug-in; seri/"lyirlilnu 141 Chapter ll Appendix Flash Player Add-on settlrtg ‘w‘e. mm Select Manage Add-ens... from Tools menu on the W fizzfi‘fi'fiflfiz-‘fnm'fi: web browser. Select "Md-on; currently loaded in ‘ . """~"’""”"'"4 , ' , ' lrlternet Explorer“ horn Show pull-down menus "‘ Make sure that the 'Shockwave Flash Objed‘ is listed under the item ”Enabled“. u...u-—r.u..s.r..r.u~.-’..t . 'V-t&.tdinfll-A l l ‘ D-flmnvnfln , Am ”ml-my r. russ...“ M, t, Proxy setting Select Internet Options from Tunis menu on the web browser and then select Connectlorr tab and click LAN Settings button. Property set up your web browser; the proxy sewer settings accnrding w the local area network environment to which the projector is connected. - Using proxy server To use an external Internet Connectlan from the local area network. check the item Use a proxy server and enter the pruxy server address and port correctly in the prmty settings window. For further Irlsmlctlon please consult your network administrator. - Nut using proxy server Uncheckthe item Use a proxy sewer. lfycu eminent the pmjecturto the cumputer directly with UTP cross (able, it must be unchecked Tn designate pmny settings that will not use the proxy sen/er when accessing the projector installed in the latal area network enter the IP address or domain name here. 142 Web blawxerserting Netscape Navigator l/.7.0 JavaSrzript Setting Select Preference from Edl! menu on the web bmwser and then select the Item Advanced! Scripts & Pluglns In the Categary column. Make sure that the Enable JavaScripr for Navigatar inherited 1mmh.mmw«.mw Brianna-Wm much-m Flash Player enable Flash Player Plug-In settlng Select AboutPIng-ins from Help menu on the web browserr The plug-ins software provlded on the browser are listed an the page. Check that the Flash Player Plug-in (Shfltkwave Flash) is Installed and setup correctlyas below. Shockwave flash "9 name: "WRJII slmekwev-Heel-mvls 143 144 Chapter 11 Appendix Proxy settlng Select Preference from Edit menu on the web browser and then select the item Advanced! Proxles in the Category columnt Properly set up your web browser's the proxy server settings according tothe local area network environment to which the projector is connected. - Using proxy server When you use an external intemet connection from the local area network, select the item Manual pmy mnfigurition. Enter the proxy sewer address and port number correctly on HTTP Proxy itemr For further instruction please consult your network'administrator. - Not using prmty sewer Select the item Direct connection to the Internet in the proxy setting window. If yuu connect the projectorto the computer directly with UTP ms cable, this must be selected, To deslgnate proxy sertlngs that will no! use the proxy server when messing the projector installed in the local area network. enter the re addresscrdomain namehere. Firewallxetfing Firewall setting no.----os---un-ou----o-------oe-.ue.--e if you use Windows xp SP1 or windows Vista and using Network Capture s. ygu may see the Windows securlty warning dialog as below. In that case clld< 'Carlcel the block" button on the dialog in enable lire funnipn of Nelwork Capirrre s. (This page is described wirir vvrnduws xv screen the example.) Even ifyou select 'Elock", you can cancel the blocking fellawing re the steps below; 7 ”El Mruumummu-afi' ......_.r. ml. Mrmw 1 Open Control Panel form Start menu and double—click Mildew; Firewall icon.111e firewall setting window will appear, 2 Select General tab and (heckthatlhe setting on the Firewall setting window esiollows; On (recommended) checked Don't allow mpfions unchecksd 3 Select Exceptions tab and check the name of Network Capture 5 listed on the Programs and Services. Iflhere is no program name, add lire prugmm by clicking Add Program button. 4 ClitkOchlme selling. Mrflwmmmbmw mma—nmw-n—nuinnnm 3 Q cairn-r.“ ea - e..r..r mean—me ass-“mar... 145 Chapter ll Appendix Troubleshooting oo-loaeo-0ooo-lone-neo-l-ooo-l-ooQ-oool If you have any nouble in setup oropelation of the projector, leferto the troubleshooting items and check the relevant matters described IThe computer cannot connect projectors. Wired LAN ls the LAN cable connected tethe proiectpr properly? ls the [INK/ACT lamp ofthe lAN terminal lighting property? Not lighting :lhe LAN setting ofthe projector is set'On”? See'Wired LAN setting' in the projector menu. The LAN cable is connected tothe network HUB properly? Wireless [AM is the WlRELEss Indlcamron the slde panel at the projector Ilghflng? ifthere are not any problems, confirm the LAN settlng again. If the computer supports Wireless LAN, activate the Network Capture s and try to connect with the Easy setting button. Refer to “5. Wireless LAN configuration' -) ”Easy wireless settings"(-rp4li If thewireless LAN card provides the firewall function ilselE set up to disable its function, I cannot connect with easy wireless setting function Depending on the wireless LAN card or computer, this easy wireless setting function may not be available. When your computer is using multiple network adaptors which are available In the setting and their IP address groups are the same as shown below, this easy wireless setting lunctian may not he succeeded. [For lollnple] IP address setting oliihred LAN adaptor In your computer :169.254.‘.’ IP address setting othreiess LAN adaptor in your computer : 169.2903 I Wireless LAN Connection cannot be established. AdHoc Mode: when selecting Wireless 4 (factory default setting) check each item in the Wireless Setting menu ofthe projector as follows: Is the address appropriatel Should not at the me as the other IP address Should be the factory default value, 255155110. Should be the finery default value, 255.255.255255 Should be MHoc made Should be the same as the setting of mmputer ->Check the settlng forthe computer *ls the Wireles channel set as 11 both tor the (umputer and the projector? -> The factory default channel oftlle projector ls 11. ‘WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Should be dishled. 146 Tra ublahomlng Infrastructure Mode: When selecting WirelessS [facturydefault setting) Check each Item below In theWIreIess Setting menu of the protector“ follows: ’lPAdd-ess.m "Nosetting is required, *Sub net should he the same as the setting ofthe attras point ‘Gateway, bould be the same as the setting ofme access point ”NetworkType hould betne Infrastructure mode *ESSIDISSID,.. hvuld be same as the setting nithe access point cnecktne settings for projector Client wmputier WNo setting is required Autematicaiiysetas 0ch Should be | 1 huuld be the same as the setting ufthe access point Should be disabled, “When Wireless 5 is used it is necessary DHCP server is under the environment enabling those sewers mmmunitate through networks. Same antes; points may have the DHCP function For detail of the settings, velerto the owner’s manual for the devices or cansult a system administrator ofthe network. Is the segment where the projector is Installed different from the computefl Specify IP Address directly on the eptienai setting. Refer to '4. Wired LAN Configuralinns” —) "Confirming the Operation'tn'p.30-31). l Connection between mmputer and the projector via Mred LAN cannot be established. When selecting LAN1 (factory default setting) Check IP address, Sub net and Gateway ofthe projector and computer Farfunher details of the configuration, contact your system adm‘ istratnr, Is the segment where the rampant is installed different from the prayecmrz Specify IP Address directty an the optimal setting. Refer to we Wired LAN Configurations" —> ‘Conflrlnlng the Operaticn'(fl7p20~31), I Cannot mart up the browser Is the connection between PC and the projectorwith Networkcapture s established? No, Check settings foerfireless/WIred LANt Check settings of the proxy setting at browser Refer to 'Web browser setting' (pJZB). 147 Chapter ii Appendix I Although the connection between PC and the projector is established, Images are not pro- jected on the screen. Make sure Wireless/Wired is selected frcmthe Input source menu ufthe projeclnr. I Cannot be turned onluff with the web browser. Make sure the settings or the projector are correct no use the projector with it. Setthe Item Standby mode to "Normal" from Main menu —) Setting menu. Refer (0‘7. Controlling the projector“? Power control and status check" (“11“). I wired lereIess input cannot be changed. Network Capture 5 cannot be operated. Restart the projector or Networkcapture s. Execute "Wired factory det’auit' or -vhreiess fictory default“ menu on the projector. Caution: After executing ”Wired factory default“ or "Wireless factory default" in the projector menu, all the network settlngs you have made wlll return to the factory derault set- tings. See the Items "Wired factory default” {la-p34) and "Wireless factory default" (cam) for the each lanorydefaultvalue. ”Networkfapture , 7 . a . r I Why doesn't the computer screen appear on the projected screeni LMake sure thatthe input mode ofthe projectoris “Network“. zcheck the parameter set up (51x90). Make sure that the numbers ofthe capture port is the same as the projectors port number. The denult port number is soon. If the alert message "invalid Port No." appears, your computer may be using thls port number already. In thatase, use another port number. 3.Chedtthe IP address ofihe computer is registered to the projector correchy (51191). 4. Make sure that your computer Is not usan the firewall function. The projector may not be able tn use the port due to this firewall function. In that case, please turn offthis function temporarily There are also some port limitations on the network equipment such as router. Please consult your network administratmt I Speed of playing back images are very slaw. When connecting on AdHoc mode check which Mreless channel you are using. lfthe computer using the same channel as yours ls exlstlng closely, the networking speed may be reduced or the communication unstable. Change the channel to resolve the problem. The channels of the projector and projector Client computer must be the same. Or adjust the Quality selection In the pammeter setting. Reierto'Paiameter set uthIE'pSU). 748 Troubleshooting I Projector does not reproduce the computer’s sound durlng the real time zapturing. To reproduce the sound in the projector correctly. follow the procedures below; - sun up the real time capture and then start up the movie player software. A Terminate the movie player software first and then terminate the real time capture. Chedt that the "PJ Vlmial Audlo Devlre' ls selected on the audio device panel ofthe mmputer. Double click Sound and Audio Devlee Icon on the Control Panel of the computer. The property window appears. Click Audio tab on the property window and (heckthat "PJ Wmal Audio Device” is selected on the Default devlce ofsmmd playback item. sounds and Aurl lieu-rmprouorh I Images from the file serverdun‘t appear on the screen? 1. Make sure thatthe input mode ofthe projector is "Network'. 1. Check the amount setting ofthe FTP server. 3.The files in the FTP server must be optimued JPEG and mnverted by the File Converter 1 or 2, Please checkdata format ("p-114) 4.There are several limirarrnns {or image file name and prugrum name. Please check file names and program names (fpizz). 5. Make sure that your computer is not using the firewall function. The projector may not be able to use rhe purr due to this firewall function, In that case, please turn off this function temporarily. There are also some part limitationson the network equipmentsuch as router. Please consult your network administrator, I i (annot make a new program file. Check youraxcunr ofrhe FTP server, "Write enable" made should be set for Its amounttn’ul 17) 149 150 Chapter 11 Appendix Filler Cbnverrer 17 7 I What kind of image formats can I convert? The File Converter 1 makes it available to convert inm the JPEG formal. lrom lhe following image formats. Bitmap format (limp) JPEG format (jveg Jpg) Miaosofl puwerpeintformat (.ppt) file camera, 2 I Sometime I have the white frame images tamarind hythe File Converter 1? h may have images with white frame due in the paper margin ofthe print driver depending on the image data. I Sometime I have the incorrect images convened by the file Cnnvener 21 Yry 10 change the mode in "Dlsahle' on "Document opllons" - "Print cprIml-(lon' Item on the ‘Networkvlewers {Drlven Advance Options" in the Network‘fiewers (File Convener 2) Primer driver settling. Tmublexhaotlng AUmCQPIUTE V N N N ' V ‘ > U 7 'V l I have deleted the Autocapture program file on the supplied USB memory. I lwantlo perform the AutoCapturewlth a commercially available USB memory. To perform AutoCapture, you should have all files and folders of ‘Auw Capture“ felder on ‘Network Viewer & Capture s [crummy on the roar of usa memory. By copying or drag and dropping those files and folders on the root ola commerclally avallable USB memory, you can perform the AutoCapture aswellasasupplied USB memory. CD-ROM > Anlnfiyfllrl thumb dr've l Auto Capture does not start automatically. Depending on a computer or the security setting of the network, Auto-Capture may not start automatically. Please make sure the examples as follows Please consult your network admlnlstramr in detail. - when setup as follows in a computer with Windows Vista Click start button, and click lCentrol Farrell . [AuwPIay], and Take no action is selected in Softwareand games". » Please select the other options. -When "Aumruanf' Is denled In a computer as an antl-securlty measure in your local area networkenvirunmenr. - Please consult your network administrator. 151 152 Chapter ”Appendix Terminology aouauoouuo-uo-r-roe-oouoesoeooaueoooaae DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protoool) It is necessary ru set an IP address for each computer or equivalent equipment when a network is established by TO’IIP. If there M53 DHCP server on the network, it will assign IP addresses lo client computers every time they request ii. ltthere exists equipment with DHCP server functions (such as a Windows 2mm server and a dial-up router) on the network, the DHCP server function may be automaticallyoperating. Askycursystem administmtorwhetherthe DHCP sewer is operating ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier) E5510 is the ID “rat is set in (omputers on Vifireless LAN or access point in Urdertc prevent each computer from being crossed.The computers or access point to which the same ESSID is set can communicate with each otherr If an ESSID is different, it is impossible to communicate, ESSID distinguishes between Ioiwermse and uppeKase characters, and allows you to use English one byte characters and half—sizesymbols up to 32 characters WEP (wired Equivalent Privacy) WEP Is a security protocol forVWreless LAN. It protects computers on Vifireless LAN and access point from unauthorized access by setting a description code onto them, It is necessary to set fire same decryption code rorequlprnent. Wireless Channel It is necessary to divide rraquancy spectrums into some Wireless channels for Wireless communication, and to tune to the same channel between iMreless equipment If you use the same channel on the sme floor, and there are some VWreless LAN; that have a different ESSID for each, the tommunimrion speed may become slow. in that else, using dillereni channels for each Wireless LAN is effective, which lowers a possibilityofmutual interference between Mreless LANs. MAC address (Media Access Control Address) MAC address is a physical dddrss for every network interface. 111e MAC address conslsrs or sbyte hex numoet'rhe first 3 bytes are a Vendor 10 controlled and assigned by IEEE The last 3 bytes are controlled and fisigned bythe manufacturers or network interface (no duplicarion of M address). Therefore, MAC address is a unique physiml address in the world. Ethernet sends and recelvs frames on the basis of MAC address Wil=i Wireless Fidelity) it is a brand name, showing that the Inrexonnectivlty between wirelss LANs is certified bytheVWFl Alliance (formerly wean The products that passed the M—Fi Allianae interoperability test are given the ratification of ‘lM-Fi certified' and permitted no use the Wi—Fi Logo, The products that have Wi-H logo are guaranteed to interoperate with otherW‘r-Fr products Terminology Wi-Fi Allianm [Formerly Name: WECA wllreless Ethernet Comparlhllity Alllarlcel) It 15 an organization thaK films to promote the spread of Wireless LAN, and it guarantees the intereperahility cfpmducts that meet iheWireiess LAN standard. IEEEEflZJ 1 b It is one of the wireless LAN standards set by 802 committee that formulates a standard of the LAN technology In |EEE (the lnstllute Of Electrlzal and Eleclwriics Englneels). By using the 2.4GHZ license- heefrequencyband,ycu (an perfarm communication at aspeed cf 1 IMbps at the maximum, IEEEBu2J1g By using the 2.4mm “tense-free frequency band as well as IEEE802.11b, you (an perfurm communlcatlon at a speed or 54Mbps at the maximum, whlch is about 5 times ihe speed or IEEEBDZ.11g.MorecverAher-z u an upward compatibility with IEEEm2.11b. IEEEBDZJ in it is a nextgeneiaiiun VWreless LAN mndard that is being developed with the aim ofproducing the maximum transmission speed or EDOMbps by using the technology called MIMO, combines mulfiple channels and performs transmission. It is being designed ill have a wmpallblllty wlth leszsczi lb and IEEESOZJ ig. 153 SO-WlN-KY7AC NETWORK OWNER'S MANUAL FORWINDOW§ SANVO Electric Co" Lfid.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2009:04:28 19:54:45+09:00 Create Date : 2009:04:28 19:54:09+09:00 Creator : DocuCentre-III C4405 Producer : DocuCentre-III C4405 Page Count : 90 Mod Date : 2009:04:28 19:54:45+09:00 Creation Date : 2009:04:28 19:54:09+09:00 Metadata Date : 2009:04:28 19:54:45+09:00EXIF Metadata provided by