SENA TECHNOLOGIES IW05 Bluetooth Module User Manual Contents

Sena Technologies,Inc. Bluetooth Module Contents

User Manual

Model: IW05 User Guide Version 2015-09-09
  2 User Guide for the IW05 Version Firmware version 2.0.X Printed in Korea  Copyright Copyright 2008~2015, Sena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Sena  Technologies  reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  and  improvements  to  its  product  without providing notice.  Trademark Parani™ is a trademark of Sena Technologies, Inc. Windows®  is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Bluetooth®  is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group).  Notice to Users When a system  failure may cause serious consequences,  protecting life and property against such consequences  with a  backup  system or  safety  device is  essential. The user  agrees  that protection against consequences resulting from system failure is the user's responsibility. This device is not approved for life-support or medical systems. Changes  or  modifications to  this device  not explicitly approved by Sena  Technologies  will  void the user's authority to operate this device.  Precautions and Safety Electricity Use  only  within  the  IW05  power  specification.  Use  under  incorrect  power  specification  may  result electrical shock and damage of the product. Do not kink or crease the power supply parts or place heavy objects on the power supply parts. Fire can result from damaged parts. Do not handle power supply parts with wet hands. Electrical shock may result. Immediately  power  off  the  product  if  smoke  or  odors  emits  from  the  product.  Fire  can  result  from improper use. Immediately power off the product if water or other liquids are present. Fire can result from improper use.  Product IW05 supports the TTL-level UART function. Do not connect with non-compatible products. Damage to your products may result from improper use. Do not drop or subject the device to impact. Damage to your products may result from improper use. Keep  away  from  harsh  environments  including  humid,  dusty,  and  smoky  areas.  Damage  to  your products may result from improper use. Do not  use  excessive  force on  the  buttons  or  attempt to  disassemble  the  device. Damage to  your products may result from improper use. Do not place heavy objects on the product. Damage to your products may result from improper use.  Technical Support Sena Technologies, Inc. Tel: (+82-2) 576-7362 Fax: (+82-2) 573-7710 E-Mail: Website:
  3 Revision History  Revision Date Name Description V2.0.6 2012-04-03 JH Park Initial Release V2.0.6.1 2012-05-10 SH Kim Modify incorrect descriptions V2.0.6.2 2012-06-12 JH Park Add contents about BCD210 V2.0.6.3 2015-09-09 TM Kim Change the website address
  4 Contents 1. Introduction  7 1.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2. Package Check List ................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.1. Unit Package .................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.2. Starter Kit ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.3. Product Specification ................................................................................................................. 8 2. Getting Started  10 2.1. Panel Layout ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.2. Connecting the Hardware ........................................................................................................ 10 2.2.1. Connecting IW05 to Development Board ...................................................................... 11 2.2.2. Connecting Power to Development Board ..................................................................... 11 2.2.3. Connecting a Device to Development Board ................................................................. 12 3. Configuration  13 3.1. Operation Modes ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.2. Serial Ports ............................................................................................................................... 14 3.3. Data Bit ..................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4. Hardware Flow Control ............................................................................................................ 14 3.5. Remote Configuration .............................................................................................................. 14 3.6. Software and Utility .................................................................................................................. 15 3.7. ParaniWIN ................................................................................................................................ 15 3.8. ParaniWizard ............................................................................................................................ 21 3.9. Parani Multi Wizard .................................................................................................................. 25 3.10. ParaniUpdater ........................................................................................................................ 26 3.11. Terminal Program ................................................................................................................... 27 4. Multiple Connection Mode  29 4.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................. 29 4.2. Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 30 4.3. AT Commands .......................................................................................................................... 31 4.3.1. AT+MULTI,n ................................................................................................................... 31 4.3.2. AT+MLIST? .................................................................................................................... 31 4.3.3. ATHx, ATHbdaddr .......................................................................................................... 31 4.3.4. ATOx, ATObdaddr ......................................................................................................... 31 4.4. Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 32 5. Approval Information  33 5.1.1. Do not ............................................................................................................................. 35 6. RF Information  36 6.1. Radio Frequency Range .......................................................................................................... 36 6.2. Number of Frequency Channel ................................................................................................ 36 6.3. Transmission Method ............................................................................................................... 36 6.4. Modulation Method ................................................................................................................... 36 6.5. Receiving Sensitivity ................................................................................................................ 36 6.6. Power Supply ........................................................................................................................... 36 Appendix A: Connections  37 A.1. Pin Assignment ........................................................................................................................ 37 A.1.1. IW05-DU ........................................................................................................................ 37 A.1.2. Bluetooth Connection Detect(UART_DCD) Signal ........................................................ 39 A.1.3. Factory Reset(FACTORY_RESET) Signal .................................................................... 39 A.1.4. Pairing (BT_MODE) Signal (Single Connection Mode Only) ........................................ 39 A.1.5. Flow Control(FC_CTRL) On/Off Signal ......................................................................... 40 A.1.6. Bluetooth Status LED(STATUS_LED0, STATUS_LED1) Signal ................................... 40 A.1.7. Reset Signal .................................................................................................................. 40 A.2. Connection Diagram ................................................................................................................ 41 A.2.1. IW-05DU ........................................................................................................................ 41 Appendix B: AT Commands  43 B.1. Terminology .............................................................................................................................. 43
  5 B.1.1. AT Command ................................................................................................................. 43 B.1.2. AT Response ................................................................................................................. 43 B.1.3. Operation Mode ............................................................................................................. 43 B.1.4. Operation Status ............................................................................................................ 43 B.1.5. Security .......................................................................................................................... 43 B.1.6. Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 43 B.2. Command Category ................................................................................................................. 44 B.3. Command Description ............................................................................................................. 45 B.3.1. ATZ .............................................................................................................................. 45 B.3.2. AT&F ............................................................................................................................ 45 B.3.3. AT ................................................................................................................................. 45 B.3.4. AT+UARTCONFIG,Baudrate,Parity,Stopbit,Hwfc ........................................................ 45 B.3.5. AT+BTINFO? ............................................................................................................... 45 B.3.6. AT+BTINQ?.................................................................................................................. 46 B.3.7. AT+BTLAST? ............................................................................................................... 46 B.3.8. AT+BTVER? ................................................................................................................ 46 B.3.9. AT+BTRSSI,n(Single Connection Mode Only) ............................................................ 46 B.3.10. AT+MLIST? ................................................................................................................ 47 B.3.11. AT+BTMODE,n .......................................................................................................... 47 B.3.12. AT+MULTI,n ............................................................................................................... 47 B.3.13. +++............................................................................................................................. 47 B.3.14. AT+SETESC,nn ......................................................................................................... 48 B.3.15. ATO (ATOx, ATObdaddr) ........................................................................................... 48 B.3.16. AT+BTCANCEL ......................................................................................................... 48 B.3.17. AT+BTSCAN .............................................................................................................. 48 B.3.18. AT+BTSCAN,n,to ....................................................................................................... 48 B.3.19. AT+BTSCAN112233445566,to .................................................................................. 49 B.3.20. ATD ............................................................................................................................ 49 B.3.21. ATD112233445566 .................................................................................................... 49 B.3.22. ATA............................................................................................................................. 50 B.3.23. ATA112233445566 ..................................................................................................... 50 B.3.24. ATH (ATHx, ATHbdaddr) ............................................................................................ 50 B.3.25. AT+BTKEY=$string .................................................................................................... 50 B.3.26. AT+BTSD?  ................................................................................................................ 51 B.3.27. AT+BTCSD ................................................................................................................ 51 B.3.28. AT+BTFP,n ................................................................................................................. 51 B.3.29. AT+BTSEC,Authentication,Encryption ...................................................................... 51 B.3.30. AT+BTNAME=$string ................................................................................................ 51 B.3.31. AT+BTLPM,n ............................................................................................................. 52 B.3.32. AT+PASS=$string ...................................................................................................... 52 B.3.33. AT+CHPASS=$string ................................................................................................. 52 B.3.34. AT&V .......................................................................................................................... 52 B.3.35. ATSnn?  ..................................................................................................................... 52 B.3.36. ATSnn=mm ................................................................................................................ 53 B.4. Command Validity .................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix C: S-Register  55 C.1. S1: Force to Reconnect (default 1).......................................................................................... 55 C.2. S3: Stream UART Policy (default 0) ........................................................................................ 55 C.3. S4: Enable Remote Name Query (default 1) ........................................................................... 55 C.4. S6: Enable Low Power Mode (default 0) ................................................................................. 55 C.5. S10: Enable Response Message (default 1) ........................................................................... 55 C.6. S11: Enable Escape (default 1) ............................................................................................... 55 C.7. S12: Clear Data Buffer When Disconnected (default 0) .......................................................... 56 C.8. S13: Enable DCD Signal (default 1) ........................................................................................ 56 C.9. S14: Enable DTR Transfer (default 1) ..................................................................................... 56 C.10. S15: Enable Disconnect by DTR (default 0) .......................................................................... 56 C.11. S22: Faster Connection (default 3) ........................................................................................ 56 C.12. S23: Intercharacter Timeout Setting (default 0) ..................................................................... 56
  6 C.13. S24: Maximum Number of Inquiry Result (default 15) .......................................................... 56 C.14. S26: Intercharacter Timeout (default 0) ................................................................................. 56 C.15. S28: Escape Sequence Character (default 43) ..................................................................... 57 C.16. S31: Page Timeout (default 20) ............................................................................................. 57 C.17. S33: Inquiry Timeout (default 30) .......................................................................................... 57 C.18. S37: Supervision Timeout (default 5) .................................................................................... 57 C.19. S43: COD (default 001F00) ................................................................................................... 57 C.20. S44: COD Filter (default 0) .................................................................................................... 57 C.21. S45: Inquiry Access Code (default 0x9E8B33) ..................................................................... 57 C.22. S46: BD Address of Last Connected Device ......................................................................... 57 C.23. S48: Low Power Max Interval (default 5000) ........................................................................ 58 C.24. S49: Low Power Min Interval (default 4500) ......................................................................... 58 C.25. S52: Low Power Timeout (default 5) ..................................................................................... 58 C.26. S54: BD Address of Last Connected Device ......................................................................... 58 C.27. TS55: BD Address of Last Connected Device ....................................................................... 58 C.28. S56: BD Address of Last Connected Device ......................................................................... 58 C.29. S57: Slave Disconnect Timeout (default 3) ........................................................................... 58 C.30. S58: MAX TX POWER (default 0) ......................................................................................... 58 C.31. S59: Current Slave in Communication (default 0) ................................................................. 59 C.32. S60: Reconnect Time Interval (default 5) .............................................................................. 59 Appendix D: Trouble Shooting  60 D.1. No Data Transmission ............................................................................................................. 60 D.1.1. Device Settings ............................................................................................................. 60 D.2. Data Loss or Malfunctioning .................................................................................................... 60 D.2.1. Hardware Flow Control .................................................................................................. 60 D.2.2. Response Message ....................................................................................................... 60 D.3. Transmission Delay ................................................................................................................. 60 D.3.1. RF Processing Delay ..................................................................................................... 60 D.3.2. RF Transmission Environment ...................................................................................... 60 Appendix E: Warranty  61 E.1. GENERAL WARRANTY POLICY ............................................................................................ 61 E.2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ...................................................................................................... 61 E.3. HARDWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILS .................................................................... 61 E.4. SOFTWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILS .................................................................... 62 E.5. THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILS ............................................ 62
  7 1. Introduction   1.1. Overview  The IW05 is a Bluetooth OEM SMD/DIP module combining antenna for OEM manufactures who want to  implement  Bluetooth  functionality  with  their  products  cost  effectively  and  also  in  timely  manner. IW05  has  a  built  in  antenna  to  lower  the  overall  cost  while  benefit  from  the  IW05’s  field-proven standard SPP firmware provided with no additional cost.    The  IW05  supports  Class2  Bluetooth  transmission  level  for  the  shorter  communication  distance typically ranges from  50m  up  to  300m.  The  IW05  supports  Class1 Bluetooth  transmission level for longer communication distance typically ranges from 200m up to 1000m.    The  IW05 is  provided  with  Bluetooth v2.0+EDR compatible firmware  runs  internally for SPP (Serial Port  Profile)  applications  by  default.  The  SPP  firmware  supports  up  to  4  simultaneous  multiple connections and is designed to work out-of-box for real world SPP applications such as POS (Point-of-sales), industrial automation, remote metering and other various applications. Optionally, the IW05 can be supplied with only software stack up to HCI level so entire Bluetooth stack runs on the host side for the  application  such  as  USB dongles  for  computers or  OEM manufacturers can  even  develop  and embed their own firmware into the IW05.  The  IW05 is fully qualified with Bluetooth  v2.0+EDR  specification  so OEM manufacturers can  save cost and time for overall OEM product certifications, which makes the  IW05 ideal solution for larger volume and cost sensitive applications.   1.2. Package Check List   1.2.1. Unit Package  IW05-SC   - Bluetooth embedded OEM module SMD Type, Class 1 or Class2 w/ chip antenna IW05-SU      - Bluetooth embedded OEM module SMD Type, Class 1 or Class2 w/ U.FL connector IW05-DC      - Bluetooth embedded OEM module DIP Type, Class 1 or Class2 w/ chip antenna IW05-DS      - Bluetooth embedded OEM module DIP Type, Class 1 or Class2 w/ SMA connector IW05-DU      - Bluetooth embedded OEM module DIP Type, Class 1 or Class2 w/ U.FL connector   1.2.2.  Starter Kit -  BCDx10DC 1 -  BCDx10DS 1 -  BCDx10DU 1 -  Development board 1 -  DC Power adapter 1 -  RS232 serial cable 1 -  Stub antenna 1 -  3dBi Dipole antenna 1 -  U.FL Cable 1
  8 1.3. Product Specification                           IW05 Bluetooth Specifications Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR Class1 Profile: SPP(Serial Port Profile) Working distance: By default antenna is 200m (0.12 mile), Supports up to 1000m (0.62 mile) Transmit Power (Frame Average Power) BDR :  ±11+1    ,    EDR :  ±6+1     Receive Sensitivity -90dBm (0.1% BER) Frequency range 2402MHz – 2480MHz Serial Interface Serial UART speed up to 921.6kbps CTS/RTS flow control, DTR/DSR for loop-back & full transfer PIN Interface IW05-Sx: 1.27mm SMD Pad 18x2 (36pin) IW05-Dx: 1.27mm Pin Header 18X2 (36pin) Configuration ParaniWIN, ParaniWizard, Modem AT command set Firmware Update ParaniUpdater Power Consumption Nominal : 70mA @3.3V,DC   Maximum : 150mA @3.3V,DC (200mA@3.3V,dc in Test Mode) Environmental Operating temperature: -40 ~ 85oC Storage temperature: -40 ~ 85oC Humidity : 90% (Non-condensing) Physical properties IW05 Dimension DIP type   16.8(W) x 34.6(L) x 8.0(H) mm (0.661 in x 1.362 in x 0.315 in) SMD type 14.8(W) x 34.6(L) x 3.0(H) mm (0.583 in x 1.362 in x 0.118 in) Weight IW05-SC:    2g IW05-SU:    2g IW05-DC:    3g IW05-DU:    3g IW05-DS:    6g Approvals FCC, CE, IC, KC, TELEC, SIG Warranty 1-year limited warranty
  9     Note *: Bluetooth v2.0 supports improved AFH function. AFH function is to mitigate the interference between  WiFi  and  Bluetooth  radios  by  automatically  avoiding  the  active  WiFi  channel  from Bluetooth link. However, AFH does not provide a complete solution making WiFi and Bluetooth work  together  in  harmony.  It  is highly recommended  for  users to  test  their wireless  system enough  before  deployment  since  the  overall  system  performance  is  affected  by  various environmental factors such as distance between them.
  10 2. Getting Started  This chapter describes how to set up the IW05 for the first time. - 2.1 Panel Layout explains the panel layout. - 2.2 Connecting the Hardware describes how to connect the IW05, the power, and the serial device to the Jig Board.  Following items are pre-required to get started. -   One Jig Board (included in the Starter Kit package). -   One DC power adapter or one USB power cable (included in the Starter Kit package). -   One serial console cable for configuration (included in the Starter Kit package). -   One PC with RS232 serial port. -   Terminal emulation program running on the PC  2.1. Panel Layout                       This section describes the panel layout of the Development Board.      Figure 2-1 The Panel Layout of BCD Development Board    2.2. Connecting the Hardware                       This  section describes  how  to  connect  the  IW05  to  the  Development  Board  and  the  Development Board to the serial device for initial testing.   -   Connect the IW05 to the Development Board. -   Connect a power source to the Development Board for the IW05.
  11 -   Connect the Development Board for the IW05 to a serial device.   2.2.1. Connecting IW05 to Development Board  Connect the IW05 to the Development Board as shown below.   Figure 2-2 Connecting IW05 to Development Board      2.2.2. Connecting Power to Development Board  Connect the power plug to the power connector of the Development Board for the IW05 using the DC power adapter or USB power cable that is included in the package.
  12  Figure 2-3 Connecting Power to Development Board    2.2.3. Connecting a Device to Development Board   Connect the serial data cable between the  Development Board and  the  serial device.  If necessary, supply power to the serial device attached to the Development Board.   Figure 2-4 Connecting a Device to Development Board
  13 3. Configuration   3.1. Operation Modes  In  addition  to  the  serial  port  configurations,  the  IW05  requires  also  includes  some  settings  for Bluetooth.  For  getting  the  most  out  of  IW05,  user  should  understand  the  following  Bluetooth connection schemes.  A  Bluetooth  device  can  play  a  role  as  a  master  or  slave.  Master  tries  to  connect  itself  to  other Bluetooth  devices,  and slave  is  waiting to  be  connected from other Bluetooth  devices.  A  Bluetooth connection  is  always  made by  a  pair  of  master  and  slave  devices.  A  slave  can be  in  two  modes, Inquiry  Scan  or Page  Scan  mode. Inquiry  Scan  mode  is  waiting  for  a  packet  of  inquiry from other Bluetooth  device  and  Page  Scan  mode is  waiting for  a  packet  of  connection from  other  Bluetooth device. Every Bluetooth device has its unique address, called BD (Bluetooth Device) address, which is composed of 12 hexa-decimal numbers.  IW05 has 4 operation modes as follows:     Table 3-1 The IW05 Operation Modes  Mode Description Mode0 In this mode, there is no response when power on or software reset, and IW05 is just waiting for AT command input. Neither master nor slave is assigned to IW05 in mode0. User can change the configuration parameters of IW05 in this mode.  IW05 must be in Mode0, when it is directly controlled by AT commands.  The factory default is set to Mode0. Mode1 IW05 tries to connect the last connected Bluetooth device. IW05 in Mode1 is to be a master and tries to connect the last connected Bluetooth device. IW05 always stores the BD address of the Bluetooth device to which IW05 has connected last. When IW05 is initially used or after hardware reset, there is no BD address stored in IW05. In this case, Mode1 will not be able to work properly. The mode change to Mode1 can be made after IW05 succeeds to connect to one other Bluetooth device. Once changed to Mode1, IW05 will try to connect automatically the last connected Bluetooth device whenever the unit is powered on or software reset. IW05 in Mode1 cannot be discovered or connected by other Bluetooth devices. Mode2 IW05 is waits for a connection from the last connected Bluetooth device. IW05 in Mode2 is to be a slave and waiting for the connection only from the last connected Bluetooth device. Just like Mode1, if there is no BD address stored in IW05, the mode change from other operation modes to Mode2 is not work properly. Once changed to Mode2, IW05 will wait for the connection from the last connected Bluetooth device whenever the unit is powered on or software reset. IW05 in Mode2 cannot be discovered or connected to Bluetooth devices other than the last connected device. Mode3 IW05 is waiting for the connection from any other Bluetooth devices. In Mode 3 the IW05 is discoverable and can be connected to by other Bluetooth devices.
  14 3.2. Serial Ports  The applicable settings for serial ports are as follows.  Table 3-2 The IW05 Serial Port Settings Serial Port Settings Values Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 Data bite 8 Parity No parity, Even parity, Odd parity Stop bit 1, 2 Hardware Flow Control Use, No Use The values in box are the factory default settings.  3.3. Data Bit  IW05  supports  only  8  data  bit.  But  if  both  master  device  and  slave  device  are  one  of  Parani-SD, Parani-ESD  or  IW05  or  Parani-MSP1000 series,  Parani  series  devices  can  support  7  data  bit  and even/odd parity by setting both Parani series devices to 8 data bit and none parity. But 7 data bit and none  parity  cannot  be  supported  even  if  both  master  device  and  slave  device  are  Parani  series devices.  3.4. Hardware Flow Control  IW05 plugged into its host system transmits data from host to the other side Bluetooth device. This data is saved temporarily in the internal buffer of IW05 and sent repeatedly until the transmission is completed packet by packet. When the radio transmission condition is not good enough to send data promptly, it can cause a transmission delay. If the host sends more data when the buffer is full, buffer overflow will make IW05 malfunction consequently. In order to prevent this buffer overflow, IW05 works as follows.  When using hardware flow control, IW05 disables RTS so that it stops receiving any further data from the host when the buffer becomes full. RTS will be re-enabled again to begin receiving data from the host when the buffer has created more room for more data.  When hardware flow control is not being used, the IW05 clears the buffer to secure room for the next data when the buffer becomes full. This can mean a loss of data may occur. As the transmission data becomes large, the possibility of data loss becomes greater.  For large data transmissions, the use of hardware flow control is highly recommended. (Not support flow control in Multi-Drop Mode.)  3.5. Remote Configuration  IW05 supports remote configuration. After connecting to the IW05 through Bluetooth, before sending any  other  character,  send  three  escape  character  (default  :+).  Then,  the  IW05  will  enter  remote configuration  mode  and  print  “Please  Enter  Password”.  You  have  to  enter  the  password  with “AT+PASS” command within 2 minutes. After the password authentication, you are able to enter any at command  except  “ATH”,  “ATO”,  “ATD”,  “AT+BTSCAN”,  “AT+BTINQ?”  and  “AT+BTCANCEL”.  The default password is “0000” and it is configurable with “AT+CHPASS” command.
  15    Example of remote configuration mode.              3.6. Software and Utility  This configuration software and utility for firmware update is included with the product, which also can be downloaded from  Table 3-3 Configuration Software Software Purpose Operating System ParaniWIN   Configuration MS Windows 98SE or Higher   ParaniWizard Pairing Configuration MS Windows 98SE or Higher ParaniMultiWizard Multi Configuration MS Windows 98SE or Higher   ParaniUpdater   Firmware Update MS Windows 98SE or Higher    3.7. ParaniWIN  ParaniWIN  is  a  program  that  runs  on  Microsoft  Windows  for  the  configuration  of  IW05.  Install ParaniWIN on your computer. Connect the serial port of IW05 into the serial port of the computer and turn on the power.(BCD Development Board or RS232 interface board may be required to access the serial port of IW05.) Run ParaniWIN.      Figure 3-1 Serial Port Setting  Set  each  option  properly  and  click  [Confirm].  If  the  settings  of  the  IW05  are  different  from  the ParaniWin, an error message will pop up. If the IW05 is in the status of connection, warning message will pop up. Then the current connection can be cancelled by [Disconnect] button on the main window.   CONNECT 000195000001 +++ Please Enter Password AT+PASS=0000 Remote Configuration Enabled AT+BTINFO? 000195000001,BCDx10v2.0.6-095515,MODE0,CONNECT,0,0,HWFC
  16  Figure 3-2 Main Window         Figure 3-3 Information Window
  17 Serial  port  settings  can  be  changed  by  <Start  Configuration>  and  <ParaniWIN  Configuration>  of ParaniWIN  in  the  menu  bar  at  upper  left  corner  of  the  window  without  re-running  the  ParaniWIN program.    Figure 3-4 Menu Bar at Upper Left corner of ParaniWIN     When the ParaniWin software is able to access the IW05 properly, the icons in the left side window come will become available for use.  In device configuration window, hardware reset can be executed or operation mode and RS232 can be configured as well. Security option also can be configured in this window.        Figure 3-5 Device Setting Window    IW05  supports  two  security  options,  Authentication  and  Encryption. If  you check the  Authentication option, you must also enter the Pin Code value. If the authentication is activated, the connection, only between the Master and Slave device that share the same Pin Code, is established. IW05 supports two security options, Authentication and Encryption. If you enable the Authentication option, you must
  18 also enter a Pin Code value. If the authentication is enabled, the connection, between the Master and Slave device must share the same Pin Code. In case that IW05 connects to another Bluetooth device, that requires authentication, you must know the other device’s Pin Code. In general, most Bluetooth devices have a pincode of 1234 or 0000. If you check Encryption option, the IW05 will encrypt packets and  sent  to  the  device.  The  Encryption  options  works  well  in  case  that  only  one  of  the  devices between Master and Slave use the Encryption option.     IW05 has 4 response messages, ‘OK’, ‘ERROR’, ‘CONNECT’, and ‘DISCONNECT’. In some cases, these responses can affect the host system unexpectedly. To prevent this, user can set the Command response to ON or OFF.  Click [Apply] button to apply any changes made to the IW05.  Connection(out) icon will show the following window to search and connect other Bluetooth devices.      Figure 3-6 Connection(out) Window    Click [Search] button to search nearby Bluetooth devices. Once several Bluetooth devices has been found, select one of the devices and click the [Connect] button. The selected Bluetooth device must be discoverable and connectable. Click [Disconnect] button to cancel the connection.  After  the  connection  has  been established,  you  will  be  able  to test  signal  strength  by  pushing the START button.
  19   Figure 3-7 Signal Strength Test   The  signal strength test  shows  LInkQuality  and RSSI  values.  The  closer  LinkQuality  is  to  255 and RSSI  is  to  0,  this  means  the  IW05  has  a  good  connection  to  the  connected  Bluetooth  device.  In general, the wireless connectivity is at its best within 10 meters. You can push the STOP button at any time in order to terminate the signal strength test. The signal strength test will continue until the STOP button  is  pushed.  If you close  the  ParaniWIN Window without  pushing the  STOP button,  you  must restart IW05 to terminate the test.  Connection(in) icon will show the following window, which enables the IW05 to wait for a connection from another Bluetooth device. If the waiting time is set to 0, IW05 will continually wait for connection until [Cancel] button is clicked.
  20  Figure 3-8 Connection(in) Window  If the Connection Wizard icon is clicked, an easy to use pairing menu will appear:   Figure 3-9 Connection Wizard Window   In this example we will refer to the two  IW05s as BCD1 and BCD2 respectively. To use this menu, please do the following:    Step 1. Connect BCD1 and then push the START button. Step  2.  Disconnect  BCD1,  connect  BCD2  and  then  push  the  Next  button  after  setting  up  Slave configuration.   Step 3. Disconnect BCD2, once again connect the BCD1 and then push the Finish button. The pairing
 21 configuration should be completed. Make sure that each IW05’s connect  LED is on. At this point, when both IW05s are restarted the connection will be established automatically. 3.8. ParaniWizard ParaniWizard is a Wizard program that will allow you to configure a pair of  IW05s for an automatic connection.  To  make  connection  with  Bluetooth  devices  other  than  IW05,  use  ParaniWIN  or  AT commands on a terminal program. In this example, we will refer to the two IW05s as BCD1 and BCD2 respectively. Install and run ParaniWizard. Figure 3-10 ParaniWizard Step 1 Plug  BCD1  into  the  serial  port  of  the  host  computer  and  power  on  the  unit.  Click  [Wizard  Setting] button to configure the serial port settings of BCD1. These settings must be the same as those of the host system, to which BCD1 will be used. Click [Next]. Figure 3-11 ParaniWizard Step 2
  22 Click [Next] with after selecting the check box, which makes the unit discoverable, in which BCD1 can be discovered and connected from the other Bluetooth device.   Remove BCD1 from the host computer, remember to leave the BCD1 powered on. Now, plug BCD2 into the serial port of the host computer and power on the unit.      Figure 3-12 ParaniWizard Step 3    Click [Wizard Setting] button to configure the serial settings of BCD2. These settings must be same as those of the host system, to which BCD2 will be used. Click [Next].      Figure 3-13 ParaniWizard Step 4    Click [Next] after selecting check box. BCD2 will then do a search nearby, and search for Bluetooth
  23 devices for 30 seconds. The program will show the Bluetooth devices with Device  Address, Device Name and CoD(Class of Device).     Figure 3-14 ParaniWizard Step 5    Select the BCD1 from the list and click [Connect], then the following message box will be displayed.       Figure 3-15 ParaniWizard Step 6   It may take about 5 seconds to complete the connection.
 24 For the automatic connection to take place between BCD1 and BCD2, the proper operation mode of BCD1 and BCD2 have to be set. Figure 3-16 ParaniWizard Step 7 Set the operation mode of BCD2 to Mode1. Figure 3-17 ParaniWizard Step 8 Remove the BCD2 from the host computer and plug BCD1 into the serial port again. Set the operation mode of BCD1 to Mode2.
  25   Figure 3-18 ParaniWizard Step 9  Now the configuration of BCD1 and BCD2 has been completed. Now when the units are turned off and then turned on again, they will make an automatic connection to each other.  3.9. Parani Multi Wizard  Parani Multi Wizard is the software tool for multiple connection mode configurations of the Parani-SD, Parani-ESD and IW05 products.      Figure 3-19 Parani Multi Wizard Window
  26 Parani Multi Wizard supports the Wizard mode and the Manual mode. The Wizard mode provide the user  step-by-step  instructions  for  multiple  mode  configurations.  To  run  the  Wizard  mode,  select “Multiple connection mode setting” and “1:N setting”, press “Start” button and follow the instructions.    Figure 3-20 Manual Setting Window  In the Manual mode, all settings for the multiple connection mode can be configured in one window. If a Use field is unchecked or a slave address is entered as 000000000000, it is excluded from the Slave settings.  The  Auto  Fill  button  will  load  the  existing  multiple  connection  mode  settings  from  the  Parani-SD/ESD/BCD connected, which can be useful when only some parts of the settings are changed.    If the AT Command Response Disable check box is checked on, the AT command responses such as OK, ERROR, CONNECT, DISCONNECT are suppressed.  3.10. ParaniUpdater  IW05  supports  firmware  updates.  You  can  download  new  firmware  images  for  the  IW05  at  With  the  ParaniUpdater,  you  can  update  the  firmware  of  IW05  by selecting the firmware image file and pushing Start button.  * Note: DO NOT power off IW05 while the firmware update is progressing, this may damage the IW05.
  27  Figure 3-21 ParaniUpdater Window  3.11. Terminal Program  A  terminal  program is  typically  an  application  that  will enable  a  PC to  communicate directly  with  a modem.  If  you  are  using  Windows  98SE or  higher  version  of  Windows,  HyperTerminal  program  is included  as  part  of  the  operating  system.  IW05  provides  some  extended  AT  commands  for configuration of the IW05.   This manual will explain the method using HyperTerminal. If you need to install HyperTerminal, click start>setting>control  panel>add/remove  programs.  For  more  precise  details  on  HyperTerminal installations, please refer to Microsoft Windows Help section. Attach IW05 to serial port of host computer and power on the unit.    Launch  HyperTerminal.  It  can  be  found  in  start  menu  >programs  >accessories  >communication >HyperTerminal. Select the Serial port that IW05 will be connected to. Input the same settings into Serial port configuration window as IW05 settings. Select  the  Serial  port  setting  displayed  in  the  Window,  please  make  sure  the  serial  settings  in Hyperterminal are set to the same settings as the IW05’s serial settings.   Figure 3-22 HyperTerminal
  28 To view the AT commands that are being typed, you will need to enable the local echo option. Go to File->Properties->Settings->ASCII setup and select the “Echo typed characters locally” option. For expanded AT commands, please refer to Appendix A. AT commands.  Example of AT commands:                  at  OK at+btinfo?  000195000144,BCDx10_v2.0.6-000144,MODE0,STANDBY,0,0,NoFC  OK at+btinq?  000B5320070E,Promi-MSP_20070E,020300  0009DD500027,LEECOM,1E010C  OK atd000b5320070e  OK  CONNECT 000B5320070E
  29 4. Multiple Connection Mode   4.1. Overview  IW05 supports multiple connections up to 4 slave units. There are two types of multiple connection modes: Multi-Drop Mode and Node Switching Mode.  MS1 S4S3S2  Figure 4-1 Multi-Drop Mode  In Multi-Drop Mode a master unit can connect to maximum 4 slave units at the same time and they transfer data bi-directionally as in Figure 4-1.  MS1 S4S3S2  Figure 4-2 Node Switching Mode  In Node Switching Mode, the master unit maintains multiple connections with maximum 4 slave units but only one connection with one slave unit is active and data is transferred as shown in Figure 4-2. After connected to slave, master acts command mode. Active slave is selected by AT commands.              On communication after connecting  ATO1 – Communicating with #1 Slave  +++  OK  ATO000195000003 – Communicating with slave of BD 000195000003
 30 4.2. Configuration All the slaves should be in the status of waiting for connection either in Mode 2 or  Mode 3 and the master unit tries to connect to the slave units. The master unit needs to be configured to work in a multiple connection mode using AT+MULTI,x command, which makes master reboots after execution. Table 4-1 AT+MULTI,x AT+MULTI,0 Single Connection Mode AT+MULTI,1 Multi-Drop Mode AT+MULTI,2 Node Switching Mode Table 4-2 Configuration of a Multiple Connection Mode Manual Connection Automatic Connection ATD000195000001 CONNECT000195000001 +++ OK ATD000195000002 CONNECT000195000002 +++ OK ATD000195000003 CONNECT000195000003 +++ OK ATD000195000004 CONNECT000195000004 +++ ATS46=000195000001 OK ATS54=000195000002 OK ATS55=000195000003 OK ATS56=000195000004 OK AT+MULTI,1 or AT+MULTI,2 OK AT+BTMODE,1 After  rebooted  automatically master  tries  to  connect  to slaves After input the BD addresses of the slave units into 4 S-registers S46, S54, S55 and S56 and then set operation mode as MODE1, users can use multiple connection function. If S-registers have available slaves’ address, AUTO CONNECT message will be displayed following corresponding TASK. TASK1 OK – AUTO CONNECT TASK2 OK  TASK3 OK – AUTO CONNECT TASK4 OK
 31 4.3. AT Commands 4.3.1. AT+MULTI,n Select a multiple connection mode. Refer to Table 4-1 for descriptions. 4.3.2. AT+MLIST? It shows the current mode, the connection status and the BD addresses of slaves. 4.3.3. ATHx, ATHbdaddr Using the ATH command, connections with all slaves or only connections with specific slaves can be disconnected selectively Table 4-3 ATH ATH Disconnect all the slaves. ATHx (ATH1, ATH2, ATH3, ATH4) Disconnect the slave which belongs to the TASK x. ATHbdaddr (ATH000195000001) Disconnect the slave with specified BD address. 4.3.4. ATOx, ATObdaddr Using the ATO command, the communication status with the last active slave or a specific slave can be set to online (only in Node Switching Mode). Table 4-4 ATO ATO Communicate with the slave recently communicated. ATOx (ATO1, ATO2, ATO3, ATO4) Communicate with the slave which belongs to the TASK x. ATObdaddr (ATO000195000001) Communicate with the slave with specified BD address. at+mlist? CURRENT MODE: MULTI DROP TASK1 – 000195000001 TASK2 – 000195000002 TASK3 – DISCONNECT TASK4 - 000195000004 OK
 32 4.4. Notes When large data exchange occurs in Multi-drop mode without flow-control enabled, the master unit may experience data loss. It may also experience occasional disconnections and/or system rebooting especially  when  bi-directional  communication  happens.  It  is  strongly  recommended  to  perform extensive performance test before any real world field applications. The master unit would try to connect all slave units specified by S-register 46, 54, 55 and 56. If non-existing  or  inactive  slave  addresses  are  entered  in  these  S-registers,  the  overall  performance  will degrade  due  to  frequent  connection  trials  to  non-existing/inactive  slaves.  It  may  also  force disconnections for overall performance and outputs disconnect messages repeatedly. Node-switching mode provides nearly equivalent performance as single connection mode. It is always recommended to use flow-control for both of Multi-Drop Mode and Node Switching Mode.
 335. Approval InformationRegulatory Notices 1. FCCFCC Part 15.19 Statements:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Part 15.21 statementAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user's authority to operate this equipment.FCC Part 15.105 statementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.OEM Responsibilities to comply with FCC and Industry Canada Regulations The module has been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following condition: - The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of at least 20 cm ismaintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times.-The module is limited to installation in mobile or fixed applications.- The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.-Separate approval will be required for all other operating configurations, including portableconfigurations with respect to Part 2.1093 and different antenna configurations other than suppliedantennas.As long as the two condition above is met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.). In  the  event  that  these  conditions  cannot  be  met,  then  the  FCC  authorizations  are  no  longer considered valid  and the  FCC ID  cannot be  used on  the  final product. In these circumstances,  the OEM  integrator  will  be  responsible  for  re-evaluating  the  end  product  including  this  module  and obtaining separate FCC authorizations. - This device is intended only for OEM integrators- For OEM integration only – device cannot be sold to general public.- Manual Information to the End UserThe OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module.-To ensure compliance for all non-transmitter functions, a host product manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational.Host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the host continues to be compliant with the Part 15 subpart B unintentional radiator requirements after the module is installed and operational. The Grantee will provide assistance if necessary.
 34 enclosed module. In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains FCC ID: S7A-IW05 “Contains IC: 8154A-IW Hereby, SENA TECHNOLOGIES.Inc Declares that this IW05 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of directive 1999/5/EC. End Product Labeling   The module is labeled with its own FCC ID and IC Certification Number. If the FCC ID and IC Certification Number are not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the
 35 2. ICRSS-GEN, Sec. 7.1.3 – (licence-exempt radio apparatus)This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject tothe  following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  mustaccept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d’Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  appareils  radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. RF Exposure The antenna (or antennas) must be installed so as to maintain at all times a distance minimum of at least 20  cm between the  radiation source (antenna) and any  individual.  This device may  not  be installed or used in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. l'exposition aux RF L’antenne  (ou  les  antennes)  doit  être  installée  de  façon  à  maintenir  à  tout  instant  une  distance minimum de au moins 20 cm entre la source de radiation (l’antenne) et toute personne physique. Caution: Any changes or  modifications  to  this device  not  explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate thisequipment.Attention: Les  changements  ou  modifications  de  cet  appareil  non  expressément  approuvé  par  le  fabricant peuvent annuler votre droit à utiliser cet équipement. É tiquetage du produit final (IC)   Le module est étiqueté avec sa propre identification FCC et son propre numéro de certification IC. Si l’identification FCC et le numéro de certification IC ne sont pas visibles lorsque le module est installé à l’intérieur d’un autre dispositif, la partie externe du dispositif dans lequel le module  est  installé devra également présenter  une étiquette faisant référence au  module  inclus. Dans ce cas, le produit final devra être étiqueté sur une zone visible avec les informations suivantes : « Contient module émetteur identification FCC ID : S7A-IW05 « Contient module émetteur IC : 8154A-IW 5.1.1. Do not Any changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authority to operate the equipment.
 36 6. RF Information6.1. Radio Frequency Range 2.402~2.480GHz 6.2. Number of Frequency Channel 79 channels 6.3. Transmission Method FHSS(Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 6.4. Modulation Method 1Mbps: GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) 2Mbps: π/4 DQPSK(pi/4 rotated Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying) 3Mbps: 8DPSK(8 phase Differential Phase Shift Keying) 6.5. Receiving Sensitivity Products Receiving Sensitivity IW05-DU -90dBmParani-BCD210 -84dBm6.6. Power Supply Products Power Supply IW05 DC3.3V
 37 Appendix A: Connections A.1. Pin AssignmentA.1.1. IW05-DU
 38 Table A-1. Pin Assignment of IW05-DU (SPP) Pin Pin Name (SPP Define) Direction IN/OUT Pin State Description 1 GND - - Ground 2 GND - - Ground 3 PVCC - - Power supply for power amplifier, 3.3V 4 N/A - - - 5 N/A - - - 6 UART_RTS OUT Pull-up UART request to send active low 7 UART_RXD IN Pull-down UART data input 8 UART_TXD OUT Pull-up UART data output 9 UART_CTS IN Pull-down UART clear to send active low 10 N/A - - - 11 N/A - - - 12 N/A - - - 13 N/A - - - 14 N/A - - - 15 N/A - - - 16 +3V3- - Power supply for system, 3.3V 17 GND - - Ground 18 RESETB IN Pull-up Reset, active low, > 5ms to cause a reset 19 GND - - Ground 20 N/A - - - 21 N/A - - - 22 N/A - - - 23 N/A - - - 24 UART_DSR IN Pull-up UART data set ready 25 FACTORY_RESET IN Pull-up Input for factory default setting, (Active ’L’) 26 BT_MODE IN Pull-up Input for pairing mode 27 F/C_CTRL OUT Pull-up Output for UART flow control ON/OFF 28 UART_DTR OUT Pull-down UART data terminal ready 29 UART_DCD OUT Pull-down UART data carrier detect 30 N/A - - - 31 N/A - - - 32 STATUS_LED0 OUT Pull-down Output for Bluetooth status display, LED0 33 STATUS_LED1 OUT Pull-down Output for Bluetooth status display, LED1 34 GND - - Ground 35 GND - - Ground 36 GND - - Ground
 39 A.1.2. Bluetooth Connection Detect(UART_DCD) SignalStatus of Bluetooth connection will be delivered to Host PC via UART_DCD signal. When Bluetooth connection is made, UART_DCD signal will be set to low.   A.1.3. Factory Reset(FACTORY_RESET) SignalFactory reset signal will be used for setting the IW05 to factory defaults. Factory reset signal should be on 0V status for at least 1 second for the reset to occur.   A.1.4. Pairing (BT_MODE) Signal (Single Connection Mode Only)IW05 provides a pairing signal input for instant configuration and automatic connection to two IW05s. In this example, we will name the two IW05s as BCD1 and BCD2 In pairing mode.   Step 1. Turn on BCD1 and BCD2 and do factory default both of them by using RST signal. Step 2. Set the pairing signal of BCD1 to a low state and hold the signal for 2 seconds.   Step 3. Set the pairing signal of BCD2 to a low state and hold the signal for 2 seconds.   Set the pairing signal of BCD2 to high state and hold the signal for 2 seconds. Now Set the pairing signal of BCD2 to low state and hold it for 2 seconds Step 4. Wait for BCD1 & BCD2 to connect to each other. It may take about 10 seconds to make a connection. If there are many Bluetooth devices nearby, the connection time may increase. Step 5. At this point your pair of IW05 is configured to make automatic connection to each other. You can now use this pair of IW05’s like virtual serial cable. * Note :  During  the  pairing process,  by  way  of the  pairing  signal, the  Command Response  will  bedeactivated. Thus, the IW05 will not send the response messages such as OK, Connect and Disconnect. Table A-2 Pairing Process by Pairing Signal BCD1 Status Pairing Signal BCD2 Status Pairing Signal 1. ResetMode0 HIGH 1. ResetMode0 HIGH 2. Drop pairingsignalMode3 LOW 2. Drop pairing signalMode3 LOW 3.Restorepairing signalMode3 HIGH 3.Restorepairing signalMode3 HIGH 4. Drop pairing signalMode1 LOW 5.Restorepairing signalMode1 HIGH 6. ConnectedSlave HIGH 6. ConnectedMaster HIGH Using pairing button, users can make a pairing connection between a IW05 unit and other Bluetooth devices.   Step 1. Turn on BCD1 and do factory default by using RST signal. Step 2. Set the pairing signal of BCD1 to a low state and hold the signal for 2 seconds. Step 3.  Users  can  discover and  connect to  BCD1  by  using  the  software  or  user interface  of  other Bluetooth device that they want to connect from. Step  4.  Wait  for  BCD1  &  other  Bluetooth  device  to  connect  to  each  other.  It  may  take  about  10 seconds to  make a  connection.  If there are many  Bluetooth devices  nearby, the connection  time may increase. Step 5.  Now  BCD1 is  waiting  for a  connection  from the  last  connected  Bluetooth device. The  last connected Bluetooth device can connect to BCD1.
 40 Table A-3 Pairing Process with other Bluetooth device by Pairing Signal BCD1 Status Pairing Signal Other Bluetooth Device Status 1. ResetMode0 HIGH 2. Drop pairing signalMode3 LOW 3. Inquiry and connect toBCD14. ConnectedSlave HIGH 4. ConnectedMaster A.1.5. Flow Control(FC_CTRL) On/Off SignalIf  user wants  to  set  the status of  hardware flow  control option  using  AT+UARTCONFIG command, FC_CTRL signal should be connected with UART_CTS signal. If Hwfc parameter in AT+UARTCONFIG command is set to 1, FC_CTRL signal is set to high and then hardware flow control is enabled. And if Hwfc parameter in AT+UARTCONFIG command is set to 0, FC_CTRL signal is set to low and then hardware flow control is disabled. A.1.6. Bluetooth Status LED(STATUS_LED0, STATUS_LED1) Signal<STATUS_LED0>If any Bluetooth device is connected, this signal is set to high during 150msec periodicallyafter low status during 1 sec.<STATUS_LED1> When the connection status is Standby, this signal is set to high.When the connection status is Pending, this signal is toggled 3 times periodically after lowstatus during 1 sec.When the connection status is Connect, this signal is set to low.A.1.7. Reset SignalIW05 can be reset from one of following sources: - RESETB pin- Power on reset- UART break character- Software configured watchdog timer
 41 The RESETB pin is an active low signal and is internally filtered using the internal low frequency clock oscillator. A reset will be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following RESETB being active. So it is recommended that RESETB be applied for a period greater than 5ms. A.2. Connection DiagramA.2.1. IW-05DUA.2.1.1. When TTL level of MICOM is 3.3VMICOMMICRO-VDDMICOM-RXDMICOM-CTSMICOM-RTSMICOM-RSTMICOM-DTRMICOM-DSRTXDRXDCTSRTSF/C_CTRLDTRDSRMICOM-TXDMICOM-GNDVDDGNDMICOM-DCD DCDDC 3.3V Parani-BCDRESETBA.2.1.2. When TTL level of MICOM is 3.3V and Hardware Flow Control is not usedMICOMMICRO-VDDMICOM-RXDMICOM-RSTTXDRXDCTSRTSF/C_CTRLDTRDSRMICOM-TXDMICOM-GNDVDDGNDDCDDC 3.3V Parani-BCDRESETBA.2.1.3. When TTL level of MICOM is 5V
 43 Appendix B: AT Commands B.1. TerminologyB.1.1. AT CommandAT command set is a  Tin fact standardTH HT languageTH for controlling  HTmodemsTH. The AT command set was developed by HTHayesTH and is recognized by virtually all HT personal computerTH modems. IW05 provides the extended AT command set to control and configure the serial parameters and Bluetooth connection. B.1.2. AT ResponseIW05  replies  to  AT  commands  with  4  kinds  of  message,  ‘OK’,  ‘ERROR’,  ‘CONNECT’  and ‘DISCONNECT’. B.1.3. Operation ModeMode Description Mode0 Waiting for AT commands Mode1 Attempting to connect to the last connected Bluetooth device Mode2 Waiting for a connection from the last connected Bluetooth device Mode3 Waiting for the connection from another Bluetooth device B.1.4. Operation StatusStatus Description Standby Waiting for AT commands Pending Executing tasks Connect Transmitting data B.1.5. SecuritySecurity Description Authentication Pin Code (or Pass key) Encryption Data encryption B.1.6. SymbolsThe symbols are used for the description of command syntax as follows: Symbols Meaning ASCII Code
  44  Carriage return 0x0D  Line feed 0x0A  Carriage return + Line feed  112233445566 Bluetooth device address  N or m One digit decimal number  To Timeout in seconds     B.2. Command Category  Command Category Index AT Commands RESET 1 2 ATZ AT&F SERIAL PORT 3 4 AT AT+UARTCONFIG,b,p,s,h BLUETOOTH Information 5 6 7 8 9 10 AT+BTINFO? AT+BTINQ? AT+BTLAST? AT+BTVER? AT+BTRSSI,n AT+MLIST? Mode 11 12 AT+BTMODE,n AT+MULTI,n Status 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 +++ AT+SETESC,nn ATO AT+BTCANCEL AT+BTSCAN AT+BTSCAN,n,to AT+BTSCAN112233445566,to Connection 20 21 22 23 24 ATD ATD112233445566 ATA ATA112233445566 ATH Security 25 26 27 28 29 AT+BTKEY=$string AT+BTSD? AT+BTCSD AT+BTFP,n AT+BTSEC,a,e Miscellaneous 30 31 AT+BTNAME=$string AT+BTLPM,n REMOTE CONFIGURATION   32 33 AT+PASS=”nnnnnnnn” AT+CHPASS=”nnnnnnnn” S-REGISTER 34 35 36 AT&V ATSnn? ATSnn=mm
 45 B.3.   Command DescriptionB.3.1. ATZResponse OKPurpose Software Reset Description This has the same effects as Powercycling the unit. This command disconnects any connected Bluetooth device, and stops ongoing tasks. After rebooting, the status will be decided by the preset operation mode. Some AT commands require the ATZ command be run so that the commands can take effect. B.3.2. AT&FResponse OKPurpose Hardware reset Description This has the same effect as initialization by pressing the factory reset button. All parameters are initialized to factory defaults B.3.3. ATResponse OKPurpose Check the connection status with host equipment Description Check if the connection to host equipment is operating normally. The serial parameters of IW05 must be same as those of host equipment. If not, the IW05 will not respond or ‘ERROR’ message will appear or an abnormal sequence of strings will appear. B.3.4. AT+UARTCONFIG,Baudrate,Parity,Stopbit,HwfcResponse OKPurpose Set Serial parameters Parameters Baudrate=1200/2400/4800/9600/14400/19200/38400/57600/115200/230400/460800/921600 (Default=9600) Parity=N/E/O (Default=N) Stopbit=1/2 (Default=1) Hwfc(Hardware Flow Control)=0/1 (Default=1) Description The Serial parameters can be set or changed. The factory default is 9600, N, 1, 1. To take effect the ATZ command must be used or Powercycle the unit. Example AT+UARTCONFIG,115200,N,1,1 B.3.5. AT+BTINFO?Response 112233445566,DeviceName,Mode,Status,Auth,Encryp,FlowControlOKPurpose Display Bluetooth settings Description The current Bluetooth settings are displayed including BD address, Device name, Operation mode, Operation status, Authentication, Data Encryption, and Hardware Flow
  46 Control. The initial value of Device name is ‘BCDx10_v2.0.6-445566’. BCD stands for IW05, v2.0.6 for the version of firmware, and 445566 for the last 6 digits of BD address. Mode=MODE0/MODE1/MODE2/MODE3 Status=STANDBY/PENDING/CONNECT Auth=0/1 (Authentication is not activated when 0) Encrypt=0/1 (Encryption is not activated when 0) FlowControl=HWFC/NoFC Example 000B530011FF,SENA,MODE0,PENDING,1,1,HWFC  B.3.6. AT+BTINQ?   Response 112233445566,FriendlyName,CoD 112233445566,FriendlyName,CoD 112233445566,FriendlyName,CoD OK Purpose Search Bluetooth devices nearby Description The Bluetooth devices in Inquiry scan mode nearby are displayed with their BD addresses, Device names, and Class of device. Maximum 15 devices are scanned for 30 seconds. (Default 15 value in S-register 24)  B.3.7. AT+BTLAST?  Response 112233445566 Purpose Display the BD address of the last connected device Description The Bluetooth device last connected to this IW05 is displayed with its BD address.  B.3.8. AT+BTVER?  Response BCDX10_v2.0.6 OK Purpose Display device firmware version Description Display device firmware version  B.3.9. AT+BTRSSI,n(Single Connection Mode Only)  Response OK 0,255,0,0 (repeatedly) Purpose Test signal strength Parameters n=0: Stop signal strength test n=1: Start signal strength test Description When Bluetooth connection is established, you can use this command in Standby status. The signal strength will be displayed repeatedly in order of Status, LinkQuality, Status, RSSI. If the LinkQuality is close to 255 and RSSI is close to 0, the signal strength is in good standing. Example +++ AT+BTRSSI,1 OK 0,255,0,0
  47 B.3.10. AT+MLIST?  Response CURRENT MODE:SINGLE CONNECTION MODE OK Purpose Display the current multiple connection mode and connected slave’s Bluetooth addresses. Description Display current mode(SINGLE CONNECTION MODE , MULTI-DROP MODE, NODE SWITCHING MODE) and connected slave Bluetooth address. Example AT+MLIST? CURRENT MODE: MULTI-DROP MODE TASK1 – 000195000001 TASK2 – DISCONNECT TASK3 – DISCONNECT TASK4 – 000195000004  B.3.11. AT+BTMODE,n  Response OK Purpose Set operation mode Parameters n=0: MODE0 (Default) n=1: MODE1 n=2: MODE2 n=3: MODE3 Description When the operation status is ‘Pending’ currently, change the status to ‘Standby’ with AT+BTCANCEL prior to this command. To take effect the ATZ must be executed or Powercycle the unit Example AT+BTMODE,2 OK ATZ  B.3.12. AT+MULTI,n  Response (n = 0) OK (n = 1 or n = 2) TASK1 OK TASK2 OK TASK3 OK TASK4 OK Purpose Set multiple connection mode Parameters n=0: Single Connection Mode (Default) n=1: Multi-Drop Mode n=2: Node Switching Mode Description Set single connection mode, multi-drop mode or node switching mode.  B.3.13. +++  Response OK Purpose Convert the operation status of ‘Connect’ to ‘Standby’ Description In ‘Connect’ status, data from host is transmitted to the other side Bluetooth device, and any AT command is not accepted but this command, which is not echoed on the screen. When IW05 encounters a character ‘+’ from host, it stops the data transmission and waits
  48 for next 2 characters. If the next 2 characters aren’t both ‘+’, it restart to transmit data including the first ‘+’ as well. If not, it converts the operation status to ‘Standby’. If the data from host includes ‘+++’, it will convert the operation status to ‘Standby’. Notice that IW05 holds data transmission when it encounters ‘+’, until receiving next character. ‘+’ is an escape sequence character by default, which is changeable by AT+SETESC. * Caution : In low power mode, you cannot change online status to command waiting status by using the ‘+++’ string. Entering the ‘+++’ string during low power mode and online status may entail unexpected errors.  B.3.14. AT+SETESC,nn  Response OK Purpose Change the escape sequence character Description Escape sequence character set to ‘+’ by default is changeable.   The parameter nn must be a printable character. Example AT+SETESC,42  B.3.15. ATO (ATOx, ATObdaddr)  Response None Purpose Convert the operation status of ‘Standby’ to ‘Connect’ Description You can convert the operation status of ‘Standby’ to ‘Connect’ ready to transmit data. In Node Switching mode, a specific slave can be specified to become an active connection by specifying the connection number or the Bluetooth address. Example ATO ATO3 ATO000195000001  B.3.16. AT+BTCANCEL  Response OK Purpose Terminate the current executing task Description This terminates a current executing task, such as Inquiry scan and Page scan, then converts the operation status to ‘Standby’  B.3.17. AT+BTSCAN  Response OK CONNECT 112233445566 Purpose Wait for inquiry and connection from other Bluetooth devices Description This allows the inquiry and connection from the other Bluetooth devices. The operation status will be in ‘Pending’ after this command. When connection is made and released, the operation status is back to ‘Pending’. To convert the operation status to ‘Standby’ AT+BTCANCEL must be used. This has the same effect as AT+BTSCAN,3,0. When connection is made with other Bluetooth device, response will be ‘CONNECT’ with its BD address.  B.3.18. AT+BTSCAN,n,to
  49 Response OK CONNECT 112233445566 or OK ERROR Purpose Wait for inquiry and connection from other Bluetooth devices for a given duration Parameters n=1: Allows Inquiry scan n=2: Allows Page scan n=3: Allows both of Inquiry scan and Page scan to= Time duration in seconds Description For the given to, IW05 is waiting for the inquiry and connection from other Bluetooth devices. If parameter is set to 0, it will wait forever. When connection is made with other Bluetooth device, response will be ‘CONNECT’ with its BD address. If there is no connection made within this time duration, response is ‘ERROR’ and the operation status becomes to ‘Standby’. Example AT+BTSCAN,2,30  B.3.19. AT+BTSCAN112233445566,to  Response OK CONNECT 112233445566 or OK ERROR Purpose Wait for connection by the Bluetooth device with given BD address Parameters 112233445566=BD address to= time duration in seconds Description IW05 will wait to be connected to by the Bluetooth device with the given BD address. If parameter is set to 0, it will wait forever. When connection is made with the Bluetooth device, response will be ‘CONNECT’ with its BD address. If there is no connection made within this time duration, response is ‘ERROR’ and the operation status becomes to ‘Standby’. Example AT+BTSCAN000B530011FF,30  B.3.20. ATD  Response OK CONNECT 112233445566 or OK ERROR Purpose Connect to the last connected Bluetooth device Description IW05 saves the BD address of the Bluetooth device most recently connected to.   If it fails to make a connection, response will display an ‘ERROR’.  B.3.21. ATD112233445566  Response OK CONNECT 112233445566 or OK ERROR
  50 Purpose Connect to a specific Bluetooth device with a given BD address Parameters 112233445566=BD address Description IW05 attempts to connect to the Bluetooth device with the given BD address. To make successful connection, the Bluetooth device must be in Page scan mode. This attempt continues for 5 minutes. If it fails to make connection, response is ‘ERROR’. Example ATD000B530011FF  B.3.22. ATA  Response OK Start ACL Open ACL Connect Success Purpose ACL connect to the last connected Bluetooth device Description If it make connection, response will display an ‘ACL Connect Success’. Must have reboot for new ACL connection.  B.3.23. ATA112233445566  Response OK Start ACL Open ACL Connect Success Purpose ACL connect to a specific Bluetooth device with a given BD address Parameters 112233445566 = BD address Description IW05 attempts to ACL connect to the Bluetooth device with the given BD address. To make successful ACL connection, the Bluetooth device must be in Page scan mode. If it makes connection, response will display an ‘ACL Connect Success’. Must have reboot for new ACL connection. Example ATA0001950011FF  B.3.24. ATH (ATHx, ATHbdaddr)  Response OK DISCONNECT Purpose Release the current connection Description The current Bluetooth connection will be disconnected. It takes about Supervision Timeout(S37) to detect an abnormal disconnection such as power off and moving out of service range. In multiple connection modes, a specific connection can be specified to be disconnected by specifying the connection number or the Bluetooth address. The response message of ‘DISCONNECT’ may be displayed on disconnection depending on the disconnection condition. You can make it not displayed using S10 register. Example ATH ATH3 ATH000195000001    B.3.25. AT+BTKEY=$string
  51 Response OK Purpose Change pin code Parameters $string= New pin code (Default=”1234”) Description Pin code is a string, which allows up to 16 alpha-numeric characters. Based on this pin code, IW05 generates a link key which is used in actual authentication process Example AT+BTKEY=”apple”  B.3.26. AT+BTSD?   Response 112233445566 OK Purpose Display a list of Bluetooth devices sharing the same pin code Description Once a connection is made with a pin code, IW05saves the Bluetooth device with its link key, generated by the pin code. The connection to a device listed in IW05 can be made automatically without the authentication process. The maximum number kept on the list is 7.  B.3.27. AT+BTCSD  Response OK Purpose Clear the list of Bluetooth devices sharing the same pin code Description This clears the list of Bluetooth devices linked with the same key in flash memory. To take effect the ATZ command must be used or Powercycle the unit.  B.3.28. AT+BTFP,n  Response OK Purpose Set generation of link key every time of connection Parameters n=0: Inactivate (Default) n=1: Activate Description If n is set to 1, IW05 asks for the pin code every time a connection is made. This can be used to increase security.  B.3.29. AT+BTSEC,Authentication,Encryption  Response OK Purpose Set authentication and data encryption Parameters Authentication=0: Inactivate (Default) Authentication=1: Activate Encryption=0: Inactivate (Default) Encryption=1: Activate Description If the authentication is activated, the pin code must be set by AT+BTKEY command. Data encryption cannot be used when authentication is not enabled, i.e. Authentication=0 and Encryption=1 will not work properly.  B.3.30. AT+BTNAME=$string
  52 Response OK Purpose Change device name Parameters $string= New device name (Default=”BCDx10_v2.0.6-445566”) Description IW05 can have a user friendly name for easy identification. The name allows up to 30 alpha-numeric characters. Example AT+BTNAME=”My-Parani-BCD  ”  B.3.31. AT+BTLPM,n  Response OK Purpose Set low power mode Parameters n=0: Inactivate (Default) n=1: Activate Description During no data transmission, IW05 can be in low power mode to save the power.   Low Power Timeout is set to S-register S52. So if low power mode is activated and if there is no data transfer during a period specified in S52, IW05 will be entered low power mode. Please note that it takes a few seconds to make the IW05 out of low power mode.  B.3.32. AT+PASS=$string  Response Remote Configuration Enabled Purpose Input password in remote configuration mode. Parameters $string= Password (Default=”0000”) Description Input password for authentication in remote configuration mode. Example AT+PASS=1234  B.3.33. AT+CHPASS=$string  Response OK Purpose Change password used in remote configuration mode. Parameters $string= New password Description Change password used in remote configuration mode. Password length is up to 8. Example AT+CHPASS=12345678  B.3.34. AT&V  Response S0:m0;S1:m1;  …Sn:mn OK Purpose Display all the S-registers Description All parameters are stored at S-register in flash memory. These values are sustained until hardware reset. B.3.35. ATSnn? 
  53 Response value OK Purpose Display a given S-register Parameters nn= Address of S-register Description A specific S-register will be displayed.  B.3.36. ATSnn=mm  Response OK Purpose Change S-register value Parameters nn= Address of S-register mm= New value of S-register Description Some S-registers are optimized for the overall performance and protected and cannot be changed. When users try to change these S-registers, response is ‘ERROR’. For details of S-register, refer Appendix. B. Example ATS10=0   B.4. Command Validity  AT Command  Operation Status Standby Pending Connect AT ○ ○  ATZ ○ ○  AT&F ○ ○  AT+BINQ? ◎   ATD112233445566 ◎   ATD ◎   ATA112233445566 ◎   ATA ◎   AT+BTSCAN ◎   AT+BTSCAN,n,to ◎   AT+BTSCAN112233445566,to ◎   AT+BTCANCEL  ○  +++   ○ AT+SETESC ◎   ATO ●   ATH ●   AT+BTSEC,Auth,Encr ◎   AT+BTLAST? ○ ○
  54 AT+BTMODEn ◎   AT+BTNAME=”Name” ◎   AT+BTKEY=”nnnn” ◎   AT+BTINFO? ○   AT+BTLPM,n ◎   AT+BTSD? ○ ○  AT+BTCSD ◎   AT+BTFP,n ◎   AT+UARTCONFIG,b,p,s,h ◎   AT+BTVER? ○ ○  AT+BTRSSI,n ●   AT+PASS=”nnnnnnnn” ○ ○  AT+CHPASS=”nnnnnnnn” ○ ○   ◎  Valid only when IW05 is not connected to other Bluetooth device. ●  Valid only when IW05 is connected to other Bluetooth device.
  55 Appendix C: S-Register  S-registers contain 52 parameters for the IW05. These are stored in flash memory and the values will be saved unless hardware reset is executed. The value of S-register can be accessed and changed with ATS command. Some S-registers not shown below are set to maximize the performance of IW05. Thus it is not recommended to change these S-registers. Change the value of S-register only in Standby status. Turn IW05 off and on.  C.1. S1: Force to Reconnect (default 1)  S1=0, IW05 in Mode1 does not try to reconnect when disconnected. S1=1, IW05 in Mode1 keeps trying to reconnect when disconnected.  C.2. S3: Stream UART Policy (default 0)  S3=0, the priority of UART streaming is throughput. S3=1, the priority is latency, which minimizes the delay of data transmission. This is useful in case of transmitting very small data quickly. When this value is 1, in order to minimize latency, IW05 sends the received data immediately. When this value is 0, the IW05 maximizes throughput, the IW05 stores received data for a short time and sends a large data packet. If the packet length is less than 100 bytes, having latency being the priority is  recommended. If  the  packet length  is  more  than  100  bytes,  having  throughput  as  the  priority  is recommended. Also, if you want to use high baud rate, throughput priority will be more effective. Just for reference, the buffer length for receiving data is 2 Kbytes.    C.3. S4: Enable Remote Name Query (default 1)  S4=0, IW05 will query only the BD address. This speeds up the inquiry process. S4=1, IW05 will query the BD address, device name and class of device. When this value is 1, IW05 finds not only BD address but also friendly name. When this value is 0, IW05 finds only BD address. When set to 0 this will make queries much faster. When using the pairing button, finding friendly name will be omitted automatically.  C.4. S6: Enable Low Power Mode (default 0)  S6=0, deactivate Low Power Mode. S6=1, activate Low Power Mode. This value decides whether IW05 works in Low Power Mode or not. When this value is 0, IW05 works only in active power mode. When this value is 1, IW05 will be in low power mode to save the power. Therefore, it takes a few seconds to wake the IW05 out of low power mode.  C.5. S10: Enable Response Message (default 1)  S10=0, IW05 does not send response messages to the host system. S10=1, IW05 sends response messages to host system. This  value  decides  whether  IW05  sends  response  messages  such  as  OK,  ERROR,  CONNECT, DISCONNECT  or  not.  When  this  value  is  0,  IW05  will  not  send  any  response  messages.  If  the response messages conflicts with your host programs or devices that is connected to IW05, change this value to 0.  C.6. S11: Enable Escape (default 1)  S11=0, IW05 does not allow escape sequence characters. The operation status of Connect cannot be changed to Standby. Since the IW05 skips the process of detecting escape sequence characters, more efficient data transmission can be had.
  56 S11=1, IW05 allows for the escape sequence character. Whenever it is needed, the Connect status can be changed to Standby.  C.7. S12: Clear Data Buffer When Disconnected (default 0)  S12=0, IW05 does not clear the data buffer received from host system when disconnected. S12=1, IW05 clears the data buffer when disconnected.  C.8. S13: Enable DCD Signal (default 1)  S13=0, DCD signal off S13=1, DCD signal on  C.9. S14: Enable DTR Transfer (default 1)  S14=0, DTR/DSR signal is transferred in a loop-back fashion.. S14=1, DTR signal is transferred to DSR of remote device.  C.10. S15: Enable Disconnect by DTR (default 0)  S15=0, DTR signal cannot release the connection. S15=1, The Bluetooth connection can be released when DTR signal is off. This value decides  whether Bluetooth connection is released when DTR signal  drops or not. If this value is 1, you can use DTR signal in order to disconnect Bluetooth connection.    C.11. S22: Faster Connection (default 3)  S22=0, none S22=1, page scan S22=2, inquiry scan S22=3, page/inquiry scan Connecting time is average 1.5sec faster than normal mode.  C.12. S23: Intercharacter Timeout Setting (default 0)  S23=0: Not used S23=1: 1 x S26 S23=2: 10 x S26 S23=3: 100 x S26  C.13. S24: Maximum Number of Inquiry Result (default 15)  The maximum number of inquiry list can be controlled. This value can be set up to 15.   (If 0 is set, inquiry is performed without limitation on number of inquiry list.)  C.14. S26: Intercharacter Timeout (default 0)  This value describes time interval between characters used to separate the data from serial port. If there is no more data coming from serial port in this value, data is sent to client.  S23=1 x S26=50: Timeout-> 50msec S23=2 x S26=50: Timeout-> 500msec S23=3 x S26=3: Timeout-> 300msec
  57 Inter Character Time Out * Optimal Value(S23 x S26) 50ms 180 100ms 235 200ms 340  * When 10 bytes data are sent every intercharacter timeout, they are sent separately by 10 bytes at the optimal value. If the intercharater timeout is set below the optimal value, the data  will  be  put together and sent by 20, 30, 40 bytes or more.  C.15. S28: Escape Sequence Character (default 43)  The decimal number of the ASCII code of escape sequence character can be controlled. The initial value is 43, the ASCII code of ‘+’.  C.16. S31: Page Timeout (default 20)  This is the timeout in seconds to attempt connection with the ATD command. After this timeout expires, the IW05 will restart automatically. If this value is 0, IW05 will attempt to connect without restarting. . It must set at 5 second units.  C.17. S33: Inquiry Timeout (default 30)  This is the timeout in seconds to execute inquiry scan.  C.18. S37: Supervision Timeout (default 5)  This is the timeout to presume disconnection, which is set to 5 seconds initially. The smaller the value becomes, the more quickly IW05 can detect an abnormal disconnection. But when the communication is  suspended,  it  may  be  regarded  as  disconnection.  This  value  should  be  greater  than  the  Slave Disconnect Timeout(S57). (Slave unit depends on the value of master unit.)  C.19. S43: COD (default 001F00)  This value describes the sort of the Bluetooth device and is editable.  C.20. S44: COD Filter (default 0)  This value is used to filter the sort of the Bluetooth devices on inquiring. All the Bluetooth devices are inquired in case of 0. In case of 3E0100, Bluetooth devices with CoD 3E0100 are inquired.  C.21. S45: Inquiry Access Code (default 0x9E8B33)  Inquiry  access  code  is  used  during  inquiry  state.  The  reserved  IAC  addresses  are  0x9E8B00  ~ 0x9E8B3F. The general inquiry IAC is 0x9E8B33. IW05 is able to find the Bluetooth devices that are configured as the same IAC.  C.22. S46: BD Address of Last Connected Device  This  saves  the  BD  address  of  the  Bluetooth  device  connected  most  recently  in  single  connection mode. This saves the Task1 BD address of the Bluetooth device connected most recently in a multiple connection mode.
  58 C.23. S48: Low Power Max Interval (default 5000)  This is the max interval value to use low power mode, which is set to 5000 initially. (5000 x 625μsec = 3125msec)  C.24. S49: Low Power Min Interval (default 4500)  This is the min interval value to use low power mode, which is set to 4500 initially. (4500 x 625μsec = 2812msec) A small interval increases power consumption, a large interval increases latency.  C.25. S52: Low Power Timeout (default 5)  This is the low power timeout value, which is set to 5 initially. (5sec) During  no  data  transmission  in  the  timeout,  IW05  will  be  in  low  power  mode  to  save  the  power. Therefore, it takes a few seconds to wake the IW05 out of low power mode.  C.26. S54: BD Address of Last Connected Device  This  saves  the  Task2  BD  address  of  the  Bluetooth  device  connected  most  recently  in  a  multiple connection mode.  C.27. TS55: BD Address of Last Connected Device  This  saves  the  Task3  BD  address  of  the  Bluetooth  device  connected  most  recently  in  a  multiple connection mode.  C.28. S56: BD Address of Last Connected Device  This  saves  the  Task4  BD  address  of  the  Bluetooth  device  connected  most  recently  in  a  multiple connection mode.  C.29. S57: Slave Disconnect Timeout (default 3)  This S57 register value defines the time period in seconds that a master unit waits in case a slave unit does not receive the data sent from the master. For this time period, the master unit will not send data to all slave units if any slave unit does not receive the data. If the slave unit does not receive the data after this time period elapses, the master unit will disconnect the connection with the problematic slave unit. The value should be greater than 0 and smaller than the Supervision Timeout(S37).  C.30. S58: MAX TX POWER (default 0)  This value describes the peak output power. Setting this causes rebooting and applying. (There is a little deviation according to the devices.)  BCD110 Parameter dBm 0 Use chip setting. 1 -14 2 -10 3 -5 4 0 5 5 6 10
  59 7 14 8 18  BCD210 Parameter dBm 0 Use chip setting. 1 -12 2 -8 3 -4 4 0 5 4  C.31. S59: Current Slave in Communication (default 0)  This value shows the current slave number in communication. The value is automatically stored when the  slave  is  selected  for  communication.  This  value  can  also  be  set  by  user  so  the  master  unit connects to a specific slave to connect first in case the master unit reboots. The value range is 0~4. 0 means  the  maser  unit  never  connected  to  a  slave.  The  master  will  connect  to  a  slave  whatever responses first.  C.32. S60: Reconnect Time Interval (default 5)  This value defines reconnect time interval in case a slave is disconnected in multiple connection mode. The actual reconnect time interval will be the value multiplied by two in seconds. For example, if the value is set to 5, the reconnect time interval will be 10 seconds. The value should be greater than or equal to 5. The master unit will only try to reconnect when its mode is set to Mode1.
  60 Appendix D: Trouble Shooting    D.1. No Data Transmission   D.1.1. Device Settings  Check whether the Baud rate of IW05 matches that of its host equipment.   Check whether the host equipment of IW05 uses Hardware Flow Control. IW05 is initially set to Use of Hardware Flow Control. If your host equipment does not use Hardware Flow Control, please disable the Hardware flow control option by ParaniWIN or AT command.    D.2. Data Loss or Malfunctioning   D.2.1. Hardware Flow Control  When transmitting large amounts of data with No Hardware Flow Control,  IW05 may clear the data buffer unexpectedly. The possibility becomes greater as the RF transmission environment becomes worse.    D.2.2. Response Message  The messages of IW05 response may affect the function of host system. Set ATS10=0 not to send IW05 response to host system and try again. Refer Appendix B. for details.   D.3. Transmission Delay   D.3.1. RF Processing Delay  It  takes  30msec  approximately  for  a  IW05  to  complete  a  data  transmission  to  the  other  Bluetooth device.  This  time  delay  cannot  be  reduced  and  may  enlarge  as  the  RF  transmission  environment becomes worse. Do not use IW05. If your applications cannot allow for this time delay.   D.3.2. RF Transmission Environment  If there are many Bluetooth devices working in a small area and/or the RF communication distance is too  great  and/or  there  are  some  obstacles  affecting  RF  performance,  the  IW05  repeats  the transmission packet  by  packet  due  to  interferences  and/or  low  RF  performance. This  may  lead  to increased data transmission time delays.
  61 Appendix E: Warranty   E.1. GENERAL WARRANTY POLICY  Sena Technologies, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as SENA) warrants that the Product shall conform to and  perform  in  accordance  with  published  technical  specifications  and  the  accompanying  written materials,  and shall  be  free of  defects in materials  and  workmanship,  for  the period  of  time  herein indicated, such warranty period commencing upon receipt of the Product.   This warranty is  limited  to  the repair  and/or  replacement, at  SENA’s discretion,  of defective  or non-conforming  Product,  and  SENA  shall  not  be  responsible  for  the  failure  of  the  Product  to  perform specified functions, or any other non- conformance caused by or attributable to: (a) any misapplication or  misuse  of  the  Product;  (b)  failure  of  Customer  to  adhere  to  any  of  SENA’s  specifications  or instructions;  (c)  neglect  of,  abuse  of,  or  accident  to,  the  Product;  or  (d)  any  associated  or complementary equipment or software not furnished by SENA.   Limited warranty service may be obtained by delivering the Product to SENA or to the international distributor it was purchased through and providing proof of purchase or receipt date. Customer agrees to insure the Product or assume the risk of loss or damage in transit, to prepay shipping charges to SENA, and to use the original shipping container or equivalent.     E.2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY  EXCEPT  AS  EXPRESSLY  PROVIDED  HEREIN,  SENA  MAKES  NO  WARRANTY  OF  ANY  KIND, EXPRESSED  OR  IMPLIED,  WITH  RESPECT  TO  ANY  EQUIPMENT,  PARTS  OR  SERVICES PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER SENA NOR ITS DEALER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED  TO  DIRECT,  INDIRECT,  INCIDENTAL,  SPECIAL  OR  CONSEQUENTIAL  DAMAGES, WHETHER  IN  AN  ACTION  IN  CONTRACT  OR  TORT  (INCLUDING  NEGLIGENCE  AND  STRICT LIABILITY), SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS OR BENEFITS RESULTING FROM, OR ARISING OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF FURNISHING OF  EQUIPMENT,  PARTS  OR  SERVICES  HEREUNDER  OR  THE  PERFORMANCE,  USE  OR INABILITY TO USE THE  SAME, EVEN IF  SENA OR ITS DEALER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL SENA OR ITS DEALERS TOTAL LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT.   E.3. HARDWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILS  WARRANTY PERIOD: SENA warranties embedded hardware Product for a period of one (1) year, and external hardware Product for a period of three (3) or five (5) years according to the Product type. WARRANTY PROCEDURE: Upon return of the hardware Product SENA will, at its option, repair or replace Product at no additional charge, freight prepaid, except as set forth below. Repair parts and replacement Product will be furnished on an exchange basis and will be either reconditioned or new. All replaced Product and parts become the property of SENA. If SENA determines that the Product is not under warranty, it will, at the Customers option, repair the Product using current SENA standard rates for parts and labor, and return the Product at no charge in or out of warranty.   WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS: Damages caused by - Accidents, falls, objects striking the SENA product, - Operating the Product in environments that exceed SENA's temperature and humidity specifications, - Power fluctuations, high voltage discharges, - Improper grounding, incorrect cabling, - Misuse, negligence by the customer or any other third party, - Failure to install or operate the product (s) in accordance to their SENA User Manual, - Failure caused by improper or inadequate maintenance by the customer or any other third party,
 62 - Floods, lightning, earthquakes,- Water spills,- Replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear,- Hardware has been altered in any way,-Product that has been exposed to repair attempts by a third party without SENA’s written consent,- Hardware hosting modified SENA Software, or non-SENA Software, unless modifications have beenapproved by SENA.- Battery  component  capacity  degradation  due  to  usage,  aging,  and  with  some  chemistry,  lack  ofmaintenance.E.4. SOFTWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILSWARRANTY PERIOD: SENA warranties software Product for a period of one (1) year.   WARRANTY COVERAGE: SENA warranty will be limited to providing a software bug fix or a software patch, at a reasonable time after the user notifies SENA of software non-conformance. E.5. THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILSThe warranty policy of the third-party software is conformed to the policy of the corresponding vendor

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