SHUOYING DV502 Digital Video Camera User Manual DV502


Users Manual

 1 Table of Contents                                                                                                     Preface…………….……………………………………………………………………….3 FCC STATEMENT………………………………………………………….. …………….4 SD  Memory  card basic  information………………………………………………………..5 System Requirements  …………………………………………………….. ……………7 Features…………………………………………………………..  …………….  …………7 Accessories………………………………………………………………………………8 Know  Your  Camera……………………………………………………………………..9 Buttons  and  Function  Indicators…………………………………………………………12 Basic  Operation………………………………………………………………………..13 Battery  Installation……………………………………………………………………….13 SD/SDHC  Memory  Card  Installation……………………………………………………14 Turn the camera ON………………………………………………………………………..15 Select  the  MODE…………………………………………………………………………15 Turning  camera  OFF……………………………………………………………………..17 MENU  Setup  /  Internal  Setting…………………………………………………………17 Setting  Date  and  Time…………………………………………………………………..18 Computer Connection  …………………………………………………………………19 Advanced  Operation……………………………………………………………………..20 Video Recording Mode…………………………………………………………………….20 Camera Mode  ………………………………………………………………………..24 Audio  Recording  Mode…………………………………………………………………..29
 2 Playback  Mode…………………………………………………………………………30 Computer  Connection  for  Photo/Video  Download………………………………………40 PC  Camera  Function…………………………………………………………………..41 Operating PC Camera  …………………………………………………………………43 MediaImpression Installation  …………………………………………………………45 Software  Installation……………………………………………………………………..45 Using  MediaImpression………………………………………………………………….46 Specifications………………………………………………………………………………50 Troubleshooting……………………………........................................................................52
 3 Preface                                                            Thank you for purchasing this digital video camera.   Please read this manual carefully and keep in a safe place for further reference. Note: The product specifications and these operating instructions are printed based on latest available information and are subject to change without prior notice. The specifications of the particular video camera recorder you have purchased will apply even if these vary from this printed data.       Note: Please format newly purchased SD memory card or one previously used in another  video  camera  prior  to  using  in  this  video  camera.  Please  back  up  all  the important data in media card before formatting.
 4 FCC STATEMENT   FFCCCC  ppaarrtt  1155..2211 WWaarrnniinngg::  CChhaannggeess  oorr  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo  tthhiiss  uunniitt  nnoott  eexxpprreessssllyy  aapppprroovveedd  bbyy  tthhee  ppaarrttyy  rreessppoonnssiibbllee  ffoorr  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ccoouulldd  vvooiidd  tthhee  uusseerr’’ss  aauutthhoorriittyy  ttoo  ooppeerraattee  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt..        FFCCCC  ppaarrtt  1155..110055  NNOOTTEE::  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  hhaass  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  aanndd  ffoouunndd  ttoo  ccoommppllyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  lliimmiittss  ffoorr  aa  CCllaassss  BB  ddiiggiittaall  ddeevviiccee,,  ppuurrssuuaanntt  ttoo  PPaarrtt  1155  ooff  tthhee  FFCCCC  RRuulleess..    TThheessee  lliimmiittss  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  pprroovviiddee  rreeaassoonnaabbllee  pprrootteeccttiioonn  aaggaaiinnsstt  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  iinn  aa  rreessiiddeennttiiaall  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..    TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ggeenneerraatteess,,  uusseess,,  aanndd  ccaann  rraaddiiaattee  rraaddiioo  ffrreeqquueennccyy  eenneerrggyy  aanndd,,  iiff  nnoott  iinnssttaalllleedd  aanndd  uusseedd  iinn  aaccccoorrddaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,,  mmaayy  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..    HHoowweevveerr,,  tthheerree  iiss  nnoo  gguuaarraanntteeee  tthhaatt  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  wwiillll  nnoott  ooccccuurr  iinn  aa  ppaarrttiiccuullaarr  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..    IIff  tthhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ddooeess  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  oorr  tteelleevviissiioonn  rreecceeppttiioonn,,  wwhhiicchh  ccaann  bbee  ddeetteerrmmiinneedd  bbyy  ttuurrnniinngg  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ooffff  aanndd  oonn,,  tthhee  uusseerr  iiss  eennccoouurraaggeedd  ttoo  ttrryy  ttoo  ccoorrrreecctt  tthhee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  bbyy  oonnee  oorr  mmoorree  ooff  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  mmeeaassuurreess::  --  RReeoorriieenntt  oorr  rreellooccaattee  tthhee  rreecceeiivviinngg  aanntteennnnaa..      --  IInnccrreeaassee  tthhee  sseeppaarraattiioonn  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  rreecceeiivveerr  --  CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  iinnttoo  aann  oouuttlleett  oonn  aa  cciirrccuuiitt  ddiiffffeerreenntt  ffrroomm  tthhaatt  ttoo  wwhhiicchh  tthhee  rreecceeiivveerr  iiss  ccoonnnneecctteedd..      --  CCoonnssuulltt  tthhee  ddeeaalleerr  oorr  aann  eexxppeerriieenncceedd  rraaddiioo  TTVV  tteecchhnniicciiaann  ffoorr  hheellpp..      PPeerrttiinneenntt  tteessttiinngg  ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn  iiss  aavvaaiillaabbllee  ffoorr  vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn..
 5  SD Memory card basic information                                                            -  Your camera must have SD/SDHC Memory Card inserted to store recorded Video, take Photos and Audio records.     SD Memory Card is not supplied and should be purchased separately. SD/SDHC memory card with capacity up to 8GB may be used in your camera.      SD Memory Card               • Please  note  that  the  SD  card  has  tiny  LOCK  slider  on  the  side  for  write protection of the SD memory card that helps avoid inadvertent deletion of image files.    Set  this  slider  to  “un-LOCK”  position  for  storing  still  images  or recording video.   • Camera will accept SD/SDHC Memory cards with max capacity up to 8GB • SD Memory card is simple and convenient but delicate electronic device; do not open,  bend and  overheat  the card. Keep  the card  away from strong magnetic Contact pins / connectors  Write protection LOCK switch
 6 field and dirty / harsh environment. • If your SD card has been used previously with other devices / cameras or is brand new – the card may require to be formatted – please ensure you save all valuable records before formatting. Inserting the SD Card   1. Open the Battery Cover and slide in the card; aligning the card with orientation mark on the camera and push card all way down Do not force the card when inserting to avoid damaging – check position and re-insert carefully. 2. To remove the card, please press gently and release the card; camera will eject the SD card automatically  Note: Insert and remove the card only when the camera is turned OFF.   Inserting / removing the card may otherwise damage or erase stored data.   Maintenance of the video camera   Keep and store your camera away from humid, dust and harmful chemical environment. Do not store or operate the camera under the extremely hot or cold condition. Keep camera clean and take care to avoid scratching or damaging of the housing and the lens. Blow dust away and use soft cloth if the lens becomes dirty or contaminated. Do not use an organic solvent to clean lens.   Remove batteries if you are not planning to use camera for extended time.
 7  System Requirements                                                                                             You may use the computer to download images and video from your camera, edit images, email or post records over the Internet. Make sure that you computer complies with (below) minimum requirements: System Requirements Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000,XP,VISTA, 7 CPU  Intel PIV 1GB or above CPU Memory  512MB or higher Audio  &  Video Card    DirectX8 Audio & Video Card   CD-ROM Drive  Min 16x   Hard Drive space 1GB or higher available memory space   USB port  Standard USB1.1 or USB2.0 port  Features                                                                 The recorder incorporates the following features and functions:    Digital Video Camera Recorder (supports 1280×720 HD video recording)  Digital Camera (12 Mega Pixels and other options)  Mass Storage (Portable Disc)  8x Digital Zoom
 8  Accessories                                                               The following accessories are packed together with the camcorder:                                USB Cable                    TV Cable                  Installation CD          Manual & QSG
 9 Know Your Camera                                                         Screen Recording Button  Busy Indicator Mode Knob Power Button USB Port TV Connector Wrist Strap Speaker
 10       Zooming Button Shutter Button Menu Button Up Button Left Button Right Button Down Button OK Button  Playback Button Delete Button LED Flash Button
 11   Lens LED Flash Support Light Microphone Self-Timer Indicator Battery Cover Tripod Socket
 12 Buttons and Function Indicators                                                                           Buttons/Indicator Function Power Button  Press to turn the camera ON and OFF Recording Button  Press to Start / Stop Video / Audio recording Shutter Button  Press to take Still photo Zooming Button  Tilt  Left or Right to “zoom” the scene or  enlarge/shrink photos in Playback Mode Menu Button  Press to OPEN / CLOSE the MENU selection Mode Knob  Turn  to  select  the  desired  MODE:  Video  Recording, Camera (taking Still Photos), Audio Recording Playback Button  Press to Enter / Quit the Playback Mode Up Button Selects MENU option, moves photos upwards (when the photo  is  enlarged  and  set  at  Pan  mode)  and  changes resolution  setting  in  Video  Recording  Mode.  In  Photo Playback Mode, pressing this Button will activate direct printing function of the displayed photo. After connecting the  camera  via  USB  cable  to  the  printer  that supports  PictBridge  Standard  (printer  with           icon attached), press OK Button to start printing. Down Button  Selects  MENU  option  and  moves  photos  downwards
 13 (when the photo is enlarged and set at Pan mode). Left Button Selects files and MENU, moves photos to the left (when the photo is enlarged and set at Pan mode) and presses to turn on / off icons and indicators displayed on the screen / turn off the screen. Right Button  Selects files and MENU, moves photos to the right (when the photo is enlarged and set at Pan mode) and switches to the Self-Timer Mode or vice versa   LED Flash Button Press to activate / turn OFF the LED Flash Support light OK Button  Press  to  confirm  MENU  /  option  changes  and  start playing video or audio file. Delete Button  Press to delete the selected file in playback mode or the last  record  in  Video  Recording/  Still  Photo  Taking  or Audio Recording Mode. Busy Indicator  Indicates Recording / Processing Status     Self-Timer Indicator  Flickers during Self-Timer countdown process   Basic Operation                                                                                                           1. Battery Installation   The camcorder uses 4 alkaline batteries AAA size as power supply.   Slide  and  open  the  Battery  Cover  and  insert  batteries  correctly  following  the  polarity markings on the Battery Cover, then close the cover.
 14               Before changing installed but exhausted batteries, first turn OFF the camcorder.   2. SD/SDHC Memory Card Installation   Open the Battery Cover and insert the SD/SDHC memory card into the Card Slot. Follow  the  printed  mark  indicating  SD  Card  position  with  the  metal  connector  facing inwards the slot.       To remove / replace the SD/MMC memory card press the card again; the card will pop up and you may remove the card from the camera. ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 15  Notes:   Turn OFF the camera before inserting / changing the memory card;     Insert  the  memory  card  correctly.  Do  not  use  force;  otherwise  you  could damage the card or the camera. If the card cannot be inserted easily  please check card alignment and position; then repeat installation.   Please  format  memory  card  that  is  used  for  the  first  time  or  that  has  been previously used in other recorders.     ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3. Turn the camera ON -  Open the LCD Screen with display facing you. -  Press the Power Button to turn ON the camcorder     4.  Select the MODE   Note current position of the MODE Knob; turn the knob to set desired mode: • Video Recording • Camera (Still Photo Taking)   • Audio Recording. Note location of icons corresponding to the pointer on the Knob.   (Please press the PLAYBACK Button if you wish to enter the playback Mode) Video Recording   Select the Video Recording Mode.
 16 Press  the  Recording  Button  to  START  recording  a  video  clip,  press  it  again  to  STOP recording.   Camera (Still Photo Taking)   Select the Still Photo Mode. Press the Shutter Button to take one Still Photo at a time.   Keep camera steady when pressing the button.  Audio Recording    Select the Audio Recording Mode Press the Recording Button and START recording voice, press again to STOP recording.     PLAYBACK Mode   To  see  /  review  all  your  records  on  the  camera  screen,  you  need  to  set  camera  to PLAYBACK Mode. • Press the PLAYBACK Button to activate the PLAYBACK Mode. • Use  Left  /  Right  Buttons  to  browse  all  recorded  video  clips,  still  pictures              and recorded Voice files.      Video Playback: Press the OK Button to START playing back recorded Video clip. Use the UP Button to PAUSE / RESUME playing back video. Press the OK Button  to STOP playing Video clip (returning to beginning of the selected Video)    Photo Browse: When the selected photo is displayed, you may use Zoom Button to enlarge
 17 photo, then press OK Button to enter into Pan Mode and use LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN Buttons to move / select interesting part of the photo to review.  5. Turning camera OFF -  When the camera is turned ON, press and hold the Power Button to turn OFF the camcorder.   Note that if camera is not used or is inactive, then the Auto OFF feature will turn camera OFF to conserve batteries.     Auto OFF delay time (1, 3 or 5 minutes) may be selected.   MENU Setup / Internal Setting   When the camera is active you may enter MENU / Internal Setting options. -  Press the MENU  Button  to enter Video Recording Menu/ Camera Menu/  Playback Menu, depending on whether the camera is in Video Recording/ Camera (Still Photo Taking) or Playback Mode. -  If you want to enter Internal Setting Menu  , press RIGHT button immediately. (Note that you can access Internal Setting Menu    only from VIDEO Recording, CAMERA and the PLAYBACK Mode – there is no access to the Internal Setting Menu from the Audio Recording Mode.) -  Use UP / DOWN buttons to select desired setting / MENU option – see corresponding highlighted MENU option.
 18      ▲Video Recording Menu   ▲Internal Setting Menu        ▲Camera Menu        ▲Playback Menu  -  Press  RIGHT  Button  to  enter  highlighted  option  /  setting  and  use  UP  /  DOWN Buttons to select one from available setting options. -  Press OK Button to execute setting.  Settings Date and Time   Press the MENU Button to open menu, and press RIGHT Button to enter Internal Setting
 19 Menu   . Press UP / DOWN Button to select “Date & Time” option, and press OK key to enter settings window.        In settings window, press LEFT / RIGHT Button to select item (date, time) to be adjusted (the background of selected item is displayed in blue). Then press UP or DOWN Button to adjust and press OK Button to confirm after adjustment or press MENU Button to cancel settings and exit. Finally press MENU Button to exit from settings mode.  Computer Connection   Before connecting for first time to computer, please install the camcorder driver application contained on installation CD.  Turn  on  camcorder.  Set  the  USB Mode in  Setup Menu as MSDC  (Portable Hard  Disc). Connect to computer using the USB cable. The device will then enter the Portable Hard Disc Mode.
 20 Advanced Operation                                                                                                 Video Recording Mode                                                 The following icons / indicators are visible on the DISPLAY when the Video Recording Mode is selected:   Icon  Name of Icon  Function 1    Mode  Video Recording Mode is activated. 2    White Balance  White  balance  setting;  Auto-WB  is selected 3   Metering mode  It indicates the metering mode; currently Multi-metering mode. 4    Video Format  Indicates the Video Resolution; currently
 21 VGA (640 x 480 pixels) Resolution. 5   Recording Time Indicates  the  remaining  recording  time when  recording  is  not  activated  and  the elapsed recording time during recording 6    SD Card      SD  Card  is  installed    SD  Card  is Write-Protection LOCK-ed.   7    Flash  LED Flash Support Light is ON. 8   Zooming Indication Indicates  the  Digital  Zoom  current magnification 9  (PAUSE/ (REC  Pause/Continue Record prompt Prompt  to  press  UP  Button  to make  pause  or  continue RECORD. 10   Battery status  Indicates  the  current  status  of battery  power;  when  displayed in  red,  it  indicates  depleted  batteries. Camera  will  auto  shut  down;  re-install new batteries.
 22 ◆◆◆◆ MENU Setup / Video Recording Mode  Press the MENU Button to enter available settings for the Video Recording mode.     • Video Recording MENU Options   Main Menu  Submenu  Description 1280X720  High Definition (HD) Format   640X480  Mid (VGA) Resolution Format Movie  Size  / Video Resolution 320X240  Low (QVGA) Resolution Format High  30 fps (for VGA and QVGA format) Middle  20 to 25 fps (only for HD Format)   Frame Rate Low  15 fps (for VGA and QVGA format )   Center spot metering  Metering based on central subject area. Multi spot metering  Based on multi spots in subject. Metering Spot metering  Based on one spot in subject. Auto  Suitable for most typical situations   Daylight  Suitable for sunny conditions   Cloudy  Suitable for cloudy conditions   Fluorescent  Suitable under fluorescent light source  White Balance Tungsten  Suitable under tungsten lamp light
 23  •   Internal setting    Main Menu  Submenu  Description Shutter  Turn the shutter tripping sound on/off Start-up  Set  the  main  power  on  sound  at  the following options: No sound/1/2/3 Beep  Turn the button activation sound on/off Sounds Volume  Set the volume of the built-in speaker at different levels: 0/1/2/3 Off  No Playback after shooting   1 sec  Playback photo 1 sec after shooting   Auto Review 3 sec  Playback photo 3 sec after shooting   50 Hz  Selects 50Hz electric light frequency   Power Frequency 60 Hz  Selects 60Hz electric light frequency   1 minute  Turns off automatically in 1 minute. 3 minutes  Turns off automatically in 3 minutes. Power Save 5 minutes  Turns off automatically in 5 minutes. Date and Time    Set the Date and Time of the camera   Date & Time  are displayed  (see P.18).
 24 Language  English  Sets the menu language to English NTSC  NTSC TV System is selected   TV Out  PAL  PAL TV System is selected   MSDC  Used as Removable Disk   USB  PC CAM  Used as PC Camera   Off  No image on Welcome screen. System  Default  Welcome  screen  displayed after main power on. Start-up Image My Image  Customized  picture  displayed  after main power on. Format  Yes/No  Formats the memory card. Reset All  Yes/No  Factory  Setting  Recovery  (Default settings)  Camera Mode   Enter the Camera Mode after power-on by adjusting Mode Knob as needed.   Press the Shutter Button to take photos, keep camera steady.   - Zoom: Tilt the Button T/W to “zoom” the photographed scene or subject. - Self Timer: Press the RIGHT Button to select 2 second / 10 second delay time, or select Self  Timer  OFF  (disable).  Press  the  Shutter  Button  and  the  camcorder  will  take  photo automatically in 2 or 10 seconds as selected.

Navigation menu