SPECTRA Technologies T1000W Wireless POS Terminal User Manual statement

SPECTRA Technologies Holdings Co. Ltd. Wireless POS Terminal statement

User manual

SPECTRA T1000EFT-POS安裝指南Installation GuideVersion 1.0無線           終端機SPECTRA TechnologiesISO9001 : 200820002812 QM08SPECTRA TechnologiesISO14001 : 200420002812 UMPOS
1安裝指南Installation Guide1. T1000 設計及功能介紹........................................................................    Layout & Function Descriptions of T1000   1.1    Main Unit & Accessories.........................................................................   1.2 組件特徵  Features at a Glance..................................................................................   1.3 安裝 SIM、SAM 及 Micro-SD 卡  Installation of SIM, SAM & Micro-SD Card..............   1.4 安裝電池  Battery Installation.....................................................................................   1.5 送紙程序 Paper Feeding Procedure...........................................................................   2. 如何操作............................................................................................6    How to Operate    2.1 開關程序  Turn On/ Off Procedure.............................................................................    2.2  及  Swipe Card & Insert Card.......................................................................3.  .......................................................................7       3.1    Prohibition.................................................................................................   3.2     ..................................   3.3          3.4       3.5    . 安全及維修.........................................................................................9    Safety & Maintenance   4.1    Basic Safety Practice.........................................................................   4.2  警告  Safety Warning..........................................................................................   4.3    Location for Installation.............................................................................     4.4 維護技巧  Maintenance.............................................................................................   4.5    Trouble Shooting.......................................................................................    . 其他資訊  ........................................................................................13    Other Information           主機及配件刷卡 插卡充電電池安全使用指引Rechargeable Battery Safety Guideline禁止事項電池使用及充電指引 Battery Operation & Charging Guideline機器及電池儲存指引 Terminal and Battery Storage Guideline...................................意外事故處理 Accident Handling...............................................................................電池廢棄 Battery Disposal.........................................................................................4基本安全規範安全安裝位置故障排除5目錄Table of Content2344566 78888     9  91010112   SPECTRA T1000
2安裝指南Installation GuideT1000  設計及功能介紹Layout & Function Descriptions of T100011.1    主機及配件Main Unit & AccessoriesTerminal -  for  transaction  processing,  PINentry,  printing,  communication  and  otherperipheral  interfaces  such  as  ECRintegration7.4V  Rechargeable  Battery  (Optional)Power Adaptor (Optional) - provides9V DC for terminal operation區域網路 線端口 可選配 ( )LAN  Port  Cable  (Optional)終端機 - 處理交易流程、密碼輸入、打印、處理通訊及其他用戶介面,如電子收銀機連線等。7.4V 充電電池 ) (電源供應器 )可選配( - 為終端機操作提供9V 直流電   SPECTRA T1000
3安裝指南Installation Guide1.2  組件特徵 Features at a Glance磁卡閱讀槽Magnetic Card Reader Slot液晶顯示屏LCD Display按鍵Keys出紙口Paper Outlet             IC 卡閱讀槽IC Card Reader Slot電池匣BatteryCompartment區域網路端口/數據機端口或RS232 通訊端口LAN/ Modem or RS232communication port充電片 - 配備充電底座時使用Charging Contact - forcharging by cradle 電源接口Power Port免提耳機接口Jack for HandfreeEarpiece        紙盤蓋Paper TrayCover紙盤開啟桿Paper TrayLeverUSB 端口 (Slave)USB Port (Slave)      Reset Button    重置按鈕  只提供給設有for ContactlessCard Readeroption only 非接觸式讀卡器的版本狀況顯示燈Status DisplayingLED  讀卡位置Card Reading Area    SPECTRA T1000
4安裝指南Installation Guide11.4  安裝電池 Battery Installationfor  version  equipped  with  battery  pack  only只適用於配有電池的版本1.3  安裝 SIM、SAM 及 Micro-SD 卡 Installation of SIM, SAM & Micro-SD Card123124SIM 卡 SIM Card  Micro-SD 卡 Micro-SD Card  SAM 卡 SAM Card  (Optional) )可選配((Optional) )可選配(   SPECTRA T1000
5安裝指南Installation Guide1.5  送紙程序 Paper Feeding Procedure1升高紙盤開啟桿Lift up the Paper Tray Lever2把紙盤開啟桿往後拉Pull the Paper TrayLever backward將紙卷如圖放入紙盤Place  the  paper  roll  intothe  tray  as  shown3關上紙盤蓋Close  the  Paper  Tray Cover457mm  (2    ") 1 4  40mm  Max.紙卷大小Paper  roll  size   SPECTRA T1000
6安裝指南Installation Guide如何操作How to Operate22.1   關 開 程序Turn On/ Off Procedure開機如沒接上電源,請按 鍵數秒開機。  -  將電源接上,終端機會自行啟動。      啟動後,屏幕顯示應用程式預備畫面,此時閣下可進行各類型交易操作。On  -  Power is on whenever plugged. If theterminal is unplugged, press the      key forseveral seconds to turn on the terminal.When the terminal displays the applicationidle screen, it is ready for operation.2.2   刷卡及插卡Swipe Card & Insert Card關機  -  將電源供應器拔去,按      鍵數秒關機。 Off  -  Disconnect the power adaptor. Keepon pressing the       key for several secondsto turn off the terminal.終端機如裝備有 電池及首次使用,請先將電源接上, 三小時。充電充電If the terminal is equipped with charging battery during first time use, please connect the power adaptor and charge the battery for3 hours.                       Magnetic Card                   磁卡                           IC Card                   IC 卡       SPECTRA T1000
充電電池安全使用指引Rechargeable Battery Safety Guideline33.1    禁止:為防止電池受損而引致危險後果,必須遵守下列嚴禁守則:Prohibition: Improper handling of the Li-Polymer battery ishazardous, the following forbidden activities must be avoided:禁止於瑞柏產品內使用非瑞柏提供的專用電池DO NOT use NON-SPECTRA provided batteryin SPECTRA POS Terminal7安裝指南Installation Guide禁止使用非聚合物鋰離子電池使用的充電器禁止於高溫環境(如陽光下或炙熱汽車中)或熱源旁(如火、加熱器等)使用機器、充電、或放置電池,這會破壞電池並造成危險後果禁止將電池長期留在獨立充電器上;以獨立充電座為電池充滿電後,不論是否已切斷充電器電源,仍須移除電池禁止使用已損壞的電池,如電池鼓脹,塑膠封邊破裂,外殼破損,有異味,化學液體泄漏等禁止撞擊及擠壓電池禁止將電池浸入水中,請避免電池受潮禁止直接焊接電池禁止拆卸電池禁止短路或刺穿電池禁止將電池放入微波爐或高壓容器內DO NOT use a charger that is not specificallydesigned to charge Lithium Polymer BatteryDO NOT operate the terminal, charge up orstore the battery under high temperature (underdirect sunlight or inside a roasting vehicle) orclose to heat source (fire, heater)DO NOT store the battery in the externalcharger. After charging up, the battery shouldbe removed, even though power isdisconnectedDO NOT use damaged battery, e.g. Swelled,case broken, strange odor and chemicalleakageDO NOT knock, crash or press the batteryDO NOT submerge the battery into waterDO NOT heat the battery or dispose in fireDO NOT solder the batteryDO NOT disassemble the batteryDO NOT short or puncture the battery3.2  電池使用及充電指引Battery Operation & Charging Guideline充電電池之理想操作溫度是 ٠℃至٤٥℃,勿將機器置於高溫或空氣不流通之處, 要確保良好的空氣對流予以散熱The best temperature for battery operation is0 C ~ 45 C. DO NOT place the terminal in hotspace or poor ventilated space. Ensure goodventilation for cooling禁止在充電時不理會電池。應經常監察充電過程及對異常問題作出反應在使用及充電前,請先檢查電池是否有破損及異常為瑞柏終端機的電池充電必須遠離易燃物品,及在非導體及非易燃的穩定平臺上進行:<  先將電池安裝於相應終端機內,再外接     電源以機載充電器充電<  使用瑞柏提供的獨立專用充電器充電DO NOT leave battery un-attended whencharging. You should closely monitor thecharging process & react to potential problemshould they occurDo always check that batteries are physicallyand electrically undamaged before charge ordischargeBattery charging must be kept away frominflammable material and on a non conductiveand nonflammable stable surface by:> Terminal built-in charger: install battery to the   terminal, then apply power.> SPECTRA supplied external chargerWhen new terminal is received, please chargethe battery fully upIf the battery gauge indicates battery low,charge up the battery at onceBattery always self-discharges. Long period ofdischarging will deteriorate the capacity and lifeof the battery.  Please re-charge the battery weekly for normal operation用戶於收到新終端機時,請把電池充滿當電池顯示低電量時,應立刻充電電池會恆常自行放電,放電過久會造成電能無效或縮短壽命,建議每周至少開機充電一次   SPECTRA T1000
8安裝指南Installation Guide3.3    機器及電池儲存指引Terminal and Battery Storage Guideline若機器長期閒置,請將電池充至僅 50% 滿後拆離機器)即電池顯示一半滿,٢格時(,並置於陰涼地方,以減低自行放電耗盡引致失效的機會If the battery will not be used for a long period,please charge it to only 50% of the batterycapacity (battery indicator displays half full,2 units); remove it from the terminal and storein a cool place. This can minimize the lifedeterioration caused by self-discharge切勿將電池與金屬物品一起放置,並避免潮濕、高溫的環境於儲存期間,建議每三個月將電池滿充一次DO NOT store bare battery together with metal,avoid humid and hot storageDuring storage period, please recharge thebattery once every 3 months3.4  意外事故處理Accident  Handling充電過程中,如電池或充電器出現任何不正常發熱、冒煙、膨脹、漏液等狀況,須立即拔除電源、將電池與充電器分離,將電池與充電器移至安全無人處,並通知供應商提供協助During charging, if the battery or the chargerexhibits any abnormity such as overheat,fuming, swelling & chemical leakage,disconnect power immediately, remove thebattery from the charger, put it in a safe placeand advise the supplier聚合物鋰離子電池理論上不存在流體電解液,但萬一有電解液泄漏接觸到身體任何部位,應立即用清水沖冼並就醫如有電解液泄漏或散發化學異味的電池應遠離火源以防著火爆炸如果電池意外地短路,應擺放在非導體的器具內,及遠離可易燃物品Li-Polymer Battery does not contain liquidelectrolyte. Just in case human body touchesthe electrolyte, rinse with water and seekmedical advice immediatelyBatteries having electrolyte leakage orchemical odor must be distant from fire sourceto prevent explosionIf accidentally short the battery, put it in anon-conductive container and keep it awayfrom flammable objects3.5  電池廢棄Battery  Disposal愛護地球,廢舊電池請勿隨便丟棄,請依照政府法規處理Protect your lovely Planet, please dispose theold batteries according to Governmentregulations   SPECTRA T1000
安全及維修Safety & Maintenance44.1    基本安全規範Basic Safety Practice使用 T1000 及相關設備時,必須遵循如下基本安全規範以防範火災、電擊以及個人傷害:詳細閱讀並理解所有的提示清潔機身前必先拔開電源和外設,使用乾絨布或軟刷子進行清潔請勿在靠近水的地方使用設備禁止將任何液體濺落到設備上當坐臺使用時,請把設備放置在穩定的平臺,設備跌下可能會導致嚴重損壞不要將設備放置在溫度過高或空氣不流通處確保使用電源安全及穩定為了減少觸電危險,禁止拆卸設備內部,如有必要請交給代理商處理,私自開封和拆卸會引起電擊和其他危險,重新組裝不當會有觸電危險當附近有易燃氣體泄漏時,禁止使用 T1000及相關連線設備如備有數據機型號,當雷雨閃電時,禁止安裝電話線雷雨將來臨時,盡可能斷開電話線,閃電可能帶來電擊危險在下列情況下,請拔開電源和外設,將設備給專業維修人員處理:~ 電源線或插頭被損壞~ 設備內有液體進入~ 設備被雨水淋濕~ 當按照操作指南進行操作時,設備不正常工作~ 設備被摔壞或受損~ 設備出現明顯的異常變化   4.2   警告 安全Safety Warning必須採用 T1000 特定的電源適配器供電While using T1000 and its accessories,please follow the safety instruction to avoidfire, electric shock and personal injury.Read this instruction in detailDisconnect the power and accessories beforecleaning, use dry flannelette and soft brushfor cleaningDo not put the terminal near waterDo not spray any liquid onto the terminalFor desktop purpose, put the terminal onstable platform to avoid damage by dropKeep the terminal away from high temperatureand poor ventilation areaEnsure electricity supply is safe and stableTo avoid electric shock, do not disassemblethe terminal by yourself. Send it to agency forrepairing if necessary Do not use T1000 and its accessories duringexplosive gas leakageFor modem version, do not install telephoneline during lightingIf possible, disconnect telephone line beforestorming to avoid electric shockFor the following cases, disconnect power,other accessories and send for repairing,~  Damage on power cable or plug~  Liquid get into pinpad~  Pinpad gets wet in raining~  Still abnormal function after following all the    instruction mentioned    ~  Pinpad broken~  Pinpad obvious abnormal Using the provided T1000 power adaptor to power the terminal 9安裝指南Installation Guide在使用無線通訊時,請將設備與人體之間的距離保持在20釐米以上,不得將設備與其他天線或發射裝置並列放置者連接使用 During using wireless communication, keephuman body at least 20cm apart from theterminal. Keep the terminal away from otherantenna or wireless device.不要觸摸打印機頭及切紙刀Do not touch the thermal printer head andpaper cutter   SPECTRA T1000
10安裝指南Installation Guide4.3    安裝位置Location for Installation使店員和持卡人能安全方便進行操作當坐臺使用時,把設備放置在穩定的平臺上,以便於連接電源線和其他外置設備保持設備通風良好,當設備放在固定場所時,終端周圍必須留出22釐米空間禁止將終端暴露在以下環境中:~ 電壓波動或電雜訊輻射超標的設備附近,如:   空調、電扇、電動馬達、霓虹標誌或其他高頻   安全設備~ 裝水的容器,如:水槽、熨衣水盆或水池等~ 濕度、溫度過高的場所~ 含油、鹽分及粉塵含量超標的場所~ 陽光直接照射或熱輻射~ 消磁裝備及磁力防盜系統附近4.4    維護技巧MaintenanceT1000 是以最少的維護,為您提供持續穩定的服務。 Should be safe and convenient for operators and users  Should be placed on stable working platform during desktop operation for ease of power and accessories connection Good ventilation and should have 22cm space around the pinpad  DO NOT expose the terminal in following environment  ~  Near electrical appliance with high frequency    EM wave such as air conditioner, electric fan,    motor, neon sign etc.~  Liquid container such as water trough, sink,    pond etc. ~  High temperature or humidity place~  High containing of VOC, salty and dusty area~  Sunlight or high thermal radiation area~  Near demagnetizing system and magnetic    security systemT1000 has been designed to provide stableservice for users with less maintenance.In order to ensure best performance, wesuggested the followings.  盡可能保持工作及貯存環境乾燥潔淨為保 T1000 工作在最佳狀態,我們有以下建議:不要在太熱或太冷的地方貯存終端機不要打開 AC/DC 電源適配器不要撞擊或摔打終端機不要嘗試打開終端機部件 )電池蓋門除外)。打開終端機內部將導致所有密鑰被自動擦除,將無法正常運作清潔 T1000 需注意以下事項:使用乾淨絨布輕擦機身上 的灰塵可用溫和酒精或酒精類清潔劑擦去較頑固的污點可使用低壓吹風器吹去鍵盤按鍵及紙倉中的灰塵可用軟布或鏡頭紙輕擦顯示幕用戶使用時要避免太陽暴曬、高溫、潮濕和塵土,以保終端機正常工作 Avoid exposing in sunlight, high temperature, high humidity and dusty area  Keep in dry, clean and tidy environment  Do not keep in extreme hot and cold place Do not disassemble the AC/DC power adaptor Do not impact and thrash the terminal heavily Do not disassemble the terminal (except opening the Battery Cover). Disassembling will erase all data and lead to abnormal runningCleaning of T1000 Use flannelette to remove dust on terminal Use mild alcohol to remove stubborn stains If possible, use low pressure blower to blow out dust on keypad Use flannelette or lens cleaning paper to clean the display   SPECTRA T1000
11安裝指南Installation Guide清潔印表機分開終端與電源線的連接Printer Cleaning Disconnect power cable from the terminal維修運送:如需要把 T1000 運送到維修部門, 請先和代理商聯繫, 並把 T1000 打包,最好使用原廠包裝,確保在運送途中不會損壞。Send for repairing If it is necessary to send back T1000 for repairing, please contact agency, pack the terminal properly (use original packing material if possible) to avoid damage during transportation 開啟紙斗蓋, 取出軸心及紙卷清除紙斗中的紙屑及灰塵,如果可能的話,可使用低壓吹風器不要觸摸打印機頭及切紙刀 Open printer cover, take out paper and roller Remove dust and paper scrap inside paper tray . Use low pressure blower to clean the paper tray if possible. Do not touch the thermal printer head and paper cutter during cleaning  Put back paper and roller into paper tray Close the printer cover合上紙斗蓋放回紙卷4.5    故障排除Trouble ShootingT1000 的產品設計力求穩定可靠,但在安裝和使用的過程中可能出現一些小問題,在準備送修之前,可自行作出以下簡單的解決辦法,如果問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫,禁止私自拆卸終端機1、如從電源適配器 ,檢查電源線接口、電源     適配器接口是否穩固地插牢取電2、如從電源適配器 ,請連接一個其他設備於      AC 電源,檢查AC 電源有沒有電壓,如懷疑      AC 電源存在問題,請聯 繫專業電工進行檢查取電3、如從電源適配器 ,請嘗試更換另一 T1000      的 AC/DC 電源適配器取電再試4、如從電源適配器 ,請嘗試更換另一電源      插座來連接電源適配器取電5、嘗試調節LCD液晶顯示幕的對比度6、如問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫交易不成功:1、更換另一張磁卡或IC卡進行交易 4、如問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫2、檢查插卡或刷卡方式是否正確      3、如交易仍失敗,請檢查所有連接線末端的連     接是否正常T1000 has been designed to provide stableservice for users. However, there would besome minor problems during in use. Beforesending back for repairing, users can try thefollowing simple procedures  to fix theproblems themselves出現“死機”情況: Terminal not function1, If it is powered by power adaptor, check    whether the connection of power cord or    power adaptor is connected properly 2, If it is powered by power adaptor, try to check    whether  the AC source is error free by    plugging with other electrical appliance3, If it is powered by power adaptor, try to    replace the adaptor with another one4, If it is powered by power adaptor, try to    replace the electric power socket with another    one5, Try to adjust the LCD contrast6, Contact agency if problem cannot be solvedUnsuccessful transaction1, Try to use other magnetic card or IC card for    transaction2, Check whether the way of swiping card or     inserting card is correct3, Check whether all wire ends are connected    properly4, Contact agency if problem cannot be solved   SPECTRA T1000
12安裝指南Installation Guide磁卡讀卡器工作不正常:1、檢查磁卡刷卡方位是否正確,速度是否正常,      請參閱 2.2 節2、嘗試反方向刷卡3、嘗試更換另一張磁卡4、如問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫IC 卡讀卡器工作不正常:1、檢查 IC 卡插卡方位是否正確,請參閱 2.2 節 2、檢查 IC 卡是否完全插入3、嘗試更換另一張 IC 卡4、如問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫Malfunction on magnetic card reader1, Check whether the way of card swiping is    correct, speed is normal, please refer to    section 2.22, Try to swipe in opposite direction3, Try to use another card4, Contact agency if problem cannot be solvedMalfunction on IC card reader1, Check whether the way of card insertion is    correct, please refer to section 2.22, Check whether the card is completely inserted3, Try to use another card4, Contact agency if problem cannot be solved打印機工作不正常 Malfunction on printer2, If it is powered by power adaptor, check    whether the connection of power cord or    power adaptor is connected properly۱、如終端機只從電池供電,請給電池充電或更換      電池,如問題仍未解決,嘗試從電源適配器      供電٢、如從電源適配器 ,檢查電源線接口、電源     適配器接口是否穩固地插牢取電٣、開啟紙斗蓋,檢查紙卷是否已用完٤、檢查打印紙安裝是否正確,請參閱 ۱٫٥ 節٥、打印機只接受熱敏打印紙,請檢查是否已使用     適當的打印紙,請參閱 ۱٫٥ 節٦、檢查打印紙是否被卡住或破損,請嘗試開啟紙      斗蓋,重新整理打印紙1, If the terminal is powered by battery, check the    battery level and charge the battery, replace    new battery or else power the terminal by    adaptor.3, Open printer cover, check whether the paper is    used up4, Check whether the way of paper feeding is    correct, please refer to section 1.55, The printer accepts thermal paper only, check    whether the paper roll is the correct type,    please refer to section 1.5 6, Check whether the paper is jammed or    damaged. Try to open the printer cover and    smooth the paper path. 7、如問題仍未解決,請與代理商聯繫7, Contact agency if problem cannot be solved   SPECTRA T1000
13安裝指南Installation Guide     This manual is subject to change without     prior notice本手冊內容可被修訂而恕不另行通知尺寸 重量及      : 171 ( ) x 88 ( ) x 61 ( ) mm尺寸 長 闊 高      : 490  (終端機連電池)重量 克工作環境      : 0 C - 45 C溫度      : 0% - 85% ( )濕度 非冷凝Dimensions & Weight     Size: 171 (L) x 88 (W) x 61 (H) mm     Weight: 490g (Terminal with battery)Operating environment     Temperature: 0 C - 45 C     Humidity: 0% - 85% (non-condense)其他資訊 Other Information5本產品符合以下認可標準This product complies with the following standards歐盟認證FCC 認證Message for product approval產品認證信息CE approvalFCC approval電源輸入     DC 9V, 3A      DC 9V, 3APower input     (不包括凸出部份)     (Excluded protruded part)   SPECTRA T1000
安裝指南Installation GuideNotes   SPECTRA T1000
Unit 1301-09,19-20, Tower II, Grand Century Place,193 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon, Hong KongTel : (852) 2319 2918Fax: (852) 2319 2631SPECTRA TECHNOLOGIES HOLDINGS CO.LTD.www.spectratech.com香港 九龍  193號  1301-09, 19-20電話 : (852) 2319 2918傳真 : (852) 2319 2631 瑞柏科技控股有限公司T1000EFT-POS無線            終 端 機POS
FCC STATEMENT This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Your wireless devices is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. * Tests for SAR are conducted with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output. Before a phone model is available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the government adopted requirement for safe exposure. The tests are performed in positions and
locations (e.g., worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.956W/Kg. (Body-worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements). While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement for safe exposure. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RFexposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of http://www.fcc.gov/ oet/fccid after searching on FCC ID: VWZT1000W  Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Asso-ciation (CTIA) web-site at http://www.wow-com.com. * In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a sub-stantial margin of safety to give additional protection for the public and to account for any variations in measurements.  The radiated output power of this device is below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device should be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact is minimized during normal operation. The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/Kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output. To avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna should be minimized.   SAR compliance for body worn operation is based on a separation distance of 10 mm between the unit and the human body. Carry this device at least 10 mm away from your body to ensure RF exposure level compliance.

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