SPI 3726AND2050 Wireless Transmitter User Manual 3726 16 7 09 ai
SPI, Inc. Wireless Transmitter 3726 16 7 09 ai
User Manual P1
Front Back SETTING OPERATION WIRELESS BATHROOM SPEAKER WITH RADIO Transmitter ON/OFF Switch ' Connect the cable to the audio device (Ie, MP3 player, on piayer) and the LINE lN lack on the transmitter ~ Turn on the audio device and adlust to the desired voiume . Extend the antenna to rull length. - Slide the ON/DFF switch to the ‘ON‘ position. CAUTIONS: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. Speaker / Rel: key Speaker / Receiver (wtreless mode) LED indiCaIOI' - Turn the VOLUME dial ciockwise to switch the radio Girl. The LED indicator wiii tight up. ' Press the RESET button once ' Press the SCAN button once to receive audio from the transmitter. --Antenria stand Bracket ' Suction cup Stand :'-Antenna % Q ON/OFF‘E @ ‘ " ”a Switch NOTES FOR RECEPTION QUALITV ii the reception or the speaker is poor resulting in noise, it may be caused by the interterence ot other devrces. Please reiocate the transmitter and try again The battery level can also arlect the reception quality Replace the batteries as advised in the installing batteries and battery salety section AVOIDING INTERFERENCE The speaker system may use the same radio lrequencies as other devices in your home. it may cause potential interference and altectthe duality ot the reception it you experience static noise in your playback, relocate the transmitted and try again FM RADIO MODE - Transmitter is not necessary Make sure it is turned OFF. . Turn the VOLUME dial clockwise to switch the radio ON The LED indicatorwill light up. . Extend the antenna at the back orthe main unit tor better reception. ~ Press RESET button once to begin at lowest available FM station. ~ Press SCAN button to search for desired radio station. II. (II >- III I: (II It“ I: C! .| |. 0) This pdeuct reuulres — - a x AAA (LROS) alkaline batteries for the transmitter - 4 x AAA lthoai alkaline batteries lor the speaker/receiver ' i x LH44 (A613) button Deli battery for the cieck Transmitter To insert the batteries. open the battery compartment at the base or the unit. insert 3 x AAA batteries, ensuring that they are fitted the right way round observing « and a signs on the battery and the product, taking care not to damage the battery orcontacts Ensure battery compartment lid is securely replaced Transmitting range up to 50 leet Speaker / Receiver To insert the batteries. open the battery compartment and unscrew. insert 4 x AAA batteries lor the clock, ensuring thatthey are titted the right way round taking care not to damage the battery or contacts. Ensure battery compartment lid is securely replaced Setting the Clock time - Press the TIME button. The minute arm oi the clock display Will automatically lorward. ~ Release when you have reached the desired time NOTE: To preserve the battery lite, ensure both units are switched on when not in use. MWEKV immune . no not mitt alkalincatandard (carbon—line} and rcchargeablc batteries (nickel hydridci . no not mitt old and new batteries unarvchargcabic battcncs arc notto be recharged - Rochargcable batteries are to bc rcrnovcd irom the unit bciorc being charged (it rcmovablcl . Rcchargcable batteries are only to be charged under adult svpciyision (it removable) . Exhausted battcncs arc to rcmovcd . The luppiy icrmiriais are not to bc shen—cirvllcd . Only batteries oi the same or covivalcnt type as recommended arc to be used - Batteries are to be inserted with the concct polarity tier: diagram? user fltts memes fort asrsnsncs As I'|' connms IMPORTANT INFORMATION. speaker/receiver and t x LRAA button cell battery torthe obserwng + and a signs on the battery and the product, insert LR44 WARNINGS: - Keep small batteries out oi the reach or young children a Seek medical adince it you believe a small cell has been swallowed a Fuiiuw instructions caretully and always use the recommended type oi batteries a Do not allow children to ht batteries Without adult supervision - Replace all batteries at the same time. Do not mix old and new batteries or batteries ui‘ dilterent types - Take care to sWitcli or equipment after use a Store batteries away from metal obyects Never short circuit batteries a Remove batteries iloroduct is not going to be used tor an extended periods or time c to comply wrth the limits torthe class 5 digital Devrce, pursuantto pan is olthe FCC Rules These limits are designed to provrde reasonable protection against harmlul interrerence in a residential installation. This equipment generated, uses, and can radio lreouency energy and, it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtul interterence to radio communications however. there is no guarantee that interterence wlli not occur in a particular lnstailatlcrt FCC iniormatinn This equipment has been tested and lound i No Sound 90 Days Limited Warranty Returns For Service Return the product postpaid and insured, indicating the reasons for service to: SPl. lnc. c/o Technical Support 3506 Cedar Springs Rd Dallas, Tx 75219 Please call 1430042270553 to obtain Return Authorization Number PRiOR to sending product back. You must also submit proot or original purchase as well as original UPC barcode with all returns (see below tor example ot barcode) No returns will be accepted Without return authorization number. The authorization number must be Visible on your return envelope. A return postage paid envelope must be included Your new or repaired shower radio will be shipped within two weeks Store these instructions in a sale place tor luture relerence. (GEE Pb Hg Made in China rroblern solution lntertoronce lrom other - Movs transmitter or receiver elsewhere radio sources or tluoroscent lamps Volume level too low -Adiust the volume level ol the speaker. or adlust the output level olthe audio source. which is connected to the transmitter - Ensure the Transmitter switch is in the ON position - Ensure the speaker volume control is in the ON position - speaker or Transmitter batteries may be too low change batteries - Ensure the audio component is ON -Adiust the volume control on the speaker to turn up the volume -Tho connected audio/video oguipmont is not playing tcp, Taps, etc i Checktris audiosource. -Tho volume olaudio source is turned down, adiust volume to an appropriate level - Ensure the supplied universal audio cable is inserted properly Poor Sound ctualitv - Ensure the Antenna on the Transmitter is extended to the lullest - speaker or Transmitter batteries may be too low change batteries -Dut oi range Move closer to the Transmitter. - Ensure the supplied universal audio cable is inserted properly Distortion -5poaker batteries may be too low. Change the batteries and replace with new ones -Tho Speaker is too tar lrom transmitter, move closer. -Tho input level olthe audio signal is too low Turn up the volume ol the audio source eduipmont
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.0-c316 44.253921, Sun Oct 01 2006 17:14:39 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 8.0.0 (Windows) Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Modify Date : 2009:07:16 14:36:42+08:00 Create Date : 2009:07:16 14:36:42+08:00 Format : application/pdf Title : 3726-16-7-09.ai Creator : LONG Document ID : uuid:34a35c38-9d11-4c58-9d99-bb57ed4cf1a9 Instance ID : uuid:ecb67b42-0979-4f4a-b52e-f2040bd46b85 Page Count : 1 Author : LONGEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools