Sagem Wireless ME06ARF GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 Transceiver with BT User Manual

Sagem Wireless GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 Transceiver with BT Users Manual

Users Manual

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3You have just purchased a SAGEM phone. We congratulate you! In order to use your phone efficiently and safely, werecommend that you read this handbook carefully.Your phone can be used internationally in the various networks: OT4X8 RF (ME2006a version): GSM-GPRS-EDGE850 MHz/900 MHz/1800 MHz/1900 MHz depending on the roaming arrangements with your operator.Some services described in this guide may not be available from the network or when roaming, or may require a specificsubscription.Remember to back up your data and programs frequently, and before sending the mobile phone for repair.This phone, like any other wireless phone, operates using radio signals and networks. Connection in all locations andconditions cannot be guaranteed. Therefore you should never rely solely on any wireless phone for essential communications(for example, medical emergencies).In some jurisdictions it may be unlawful to take a picture without notice to or the consent of all participants.SAGEM is a trademark of Sagem Communication, SAFRAN group.T9® Text Input is a trademark of ©Tegic Communications Inc.Java™ and all Java™ based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in theU.S. and other countries.The WAP navigator and some message softwares (i-mode™) are under licence Openwave.The WAP navigator and the softwares included are the exclusive property of Openwave. For this reason, it is forbidden tomodify, translate, disassemble or even decompile all or part of these softwares.Wellphone™ and SmartCom™ are registered trademarks owned by SmartCom SARL France.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.miniSD™ is a trade mark of SD Card Association.Windows is a trade mark of Microsoft Corporation.Arkamys is a trade mark of Arkamys SA.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 3  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
4First use: installing the SIM card and the battery .... 7Removing the back cover ....................................... 8Inserting the memory card ...................................... 8Network................................................................... 9First call...................................................................9Receiving a call..................................................... 10Increase the battery life of your phone.................. 10Charging the battery ............................................. 10Using the phonebook ............................................ 11Storing a new contact ........................................... 11Calling a contact ...................................................11Contact options ..................................................... 12Mailing lists ........................................................... 12Creating a text message (SMS or MMS) .............. 13Saving the message ............................................. 14Sending the message ........................................... 14Receiving messages ............................................. 14Messages menu.................................................... 14Photo..................................................................... 16Video..................................................................... 17Bluetooth............................................................... 18Car kit or headset.................................................. 18USB mode............................................................. 18SyncML................................................................. 19The WAP Menu..................................................... 20WAP Logging on ................................................... 21Downloading objects............................................. 21WAP Logging off ................................................... 21GPRS/EDGE......................................................... 21Applications........................................................... 22Calendar ............................................................... 22Alarm - Timer ........................................................ 22Calculator.............................................................. 22ToDo ..................................................................... 22Services ................................................................ 23252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 4  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
5Phone settings.......................................................23Display...................................................................24Calls.......................................................................24Networks................................................................25Security..................................................................26Player settings.......................................................27Browser settings ....................................................27Camera..................................................................27Video settings ........................................................27Shortcuts ...............................................................27Storage..................................................................27Keys checking .......................................................27Help .......................................................................27FCC Part 15 statement..........................................29FCC SAR information............................................29Safety Information .................................................29Distance of operation.............................................30FDA consumer information on wireless phones ....30Driving safety tips ..................................................33CE conformance statement ...................................34CE SAR information ..............................................35Safety information .................................................35Distance of operation ............................................36CE Environment ....................................................36Limited Warranty ...................................................37Warranty ................................................................39252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 5  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
6: Long press: Switch on/off.   Reject a call - hang up Return to idle screen:   Call/Receiving a call/Hands-free mode do not use the phone in hands-free mode near to your ear, or you may suffer hearing loss (at least 3.9 inches (10 cm).(Function available depending on model) Access to certain functions (shortcuts) Access to the selection shown on screen in the tab (*)(Function available depending on model) Access to certain functions (shortcuts) Access to the selection shown on screen in the tab (*)The navigator allows you:-to navigate in the various functions pressing the relevant part (up, down, right, left)-to confirm your selection pressing the central partIn idle screen, pressing the navigator displays the main menus iconsPressing the navigator followed by one of the twelve keys of the keypad, you can display a menu directly.Short press: switches from one input mode to another (upper case/lower case, 123 mode). Long press: activate/deactivate T9 mode Long press: modifies the T9 mode language. Short press: displays the symbol table. Long press: Silent mode. Short press: stops ring tone.  Short press: Activate/deactivate ring toneLong press: Stops sound in video or message playing, or in a gameA long press on the keys   to   directly displays the phonebook252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 6  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
7The idle screen may contain the following information:Battery (if it flashes red, the battery must becharged immediately)Silent mode (the ringtone is off)  Only emergency call is possibleSignal strength level (between 0 and 5 bars)  Message received (read your message), flashing:memory full (delete some messages)  Grey: EDGE network unavailableBlack: EDGE connectionFlashing: Connection on hand  Grey: GPRS unavailableBlack: GPRS connectionFlashing: GPRS connection on hand WAP connectionTo use your phone, you need a card called SIM card.Your phone is identified by its IMEI number. Write thisnumber down, and do not keep it with your phone, becauseyou may be asked for it in the event of your phone beingstolen, in order to prevent it from being used, even with adifferent SIM card. In order to display the IMEI on yourphone’s screen, type:  *#06#.-Set the volume (short press)-Change to the next or last piece of music(long press)-Access music player mode (long press)-Play or pause music (short press)This card must be handled and stored with care inorder not to be damaged. If you should lose your SIMcard, contact your network provider immediately.Please keep your SIM card out of reach of youngchildren.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 7  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
8The SIM card is inserted under the phone’s battery. Ensurethat the phone is switched off and the chargerdisconnected.1Slide the SIM card, with cut corner as shown on thephone, into the card holder with fold face down.2Place the battery by positioning first the top of it, asshown on the battery.3Place the back cover, clicking in first the upper partthen the lower part.Proceed as follows to remove the back cover (in case ofreplacement of the battery or the SIM card, for instance):Turn the phone back. Use the notch (1) as a lever to lift thecover (2).-Open the protective cover of the slot located on the sideof the phone and insert the memory card pushing it untilit clicks into place. -To remove the card, first make sure that no application isaccessing the card, then slightly push the top edge of thecard to release it and pull it out of the slot..The memory card is very fragile. Take care when youinsert or remove the memory card.The memory card may suffer damage if withdrawnduring a read or write operation. Ensure that noapplication accesses the card during its withdrawal.Some memory cards must be formatted with a PCbefore first use with the phone.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 8  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
9When you switch on your phone for the first time, followinstructions displayed on the screen.If access to the SIM card is protected, the device promptsyou to enter the PIN number:Enter the code between 4 and 8 digits given to you when theSIM card was issued. These digits do not appear on thescreen for security reasons. After pressing [ ], the phone activates the SIM cardsettings and switches on again ; enter your PIN code againthen the date and time, make your choice for the followingsettings: time zone, daylight savings, skin, wallpaper,screensaver, ring tone, volume, vibrate and voicemailnumber.If there are contacts saved in your SIM card, you are invited,if you wish, to copy them in the phone contacts memory.If the network’s name appears, calls are possible on youroperator's network.If the letter R and a network name are displayed, calls arepossible on a roaming network provider. If the letter E is displayed without any network name, onlythe emergency services are accessible (ambulance,police, fire brigade).If the network icon flashes, the phone is in permanentsearch mode. There is no network available. The signalstrength indicator received allows you to display the qualityof reception. If it indicates less than three bars, search forbetter reception in order to call in good conditions.Dial the number you want to ring. Press the green key. During the call, the call in progress icon flashes on screenand tones may indicate the establishment of the call.While a call is connecting, the phone icon is flashing.You can adjust the sound level (volume) using the navigatoror the side keys.At the end of the conversation press the red key to hang up.If a wrong PIN number is entered three times insuccession, your SIM card is blocked. You must then:-Enter the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) codeprovided by your operator, and validate.-Enter your PIN number and validate.-Enter your PIN number again and validate.After 5 or 10 failed attempts (depending on the type ofSIM card), the SIM card is definitely locked. You mustthen contact your operator to obtain a new card.Press 0 (hold down) to display « + », then dial thecountry code without waiting for the dial tone, then thenumber of the called party.Depending on the network you can obtain theemergency service with or without SIM card or whenthe keypad is locked. It is enough to be in an areaserved by a network.To obtain the international emergency service, dial then press the green key.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 9  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
10When you receive a call, the number of your caller isdisplayed when it is presented by the network.Press the green key to answer, and speak.To refuse the call, press the red key.To stop the ring tone or the vibrate, without refusing the call,press . When on a call, pressing [ ] allows you to haveaccess to different functions.Pressing [ ] allows you to switch off the microphonetemporarily when you want that your correspondent doesnot listen.-Don’t press the keys when not necessary: each keypressactivates the backlight, and uses much power.-Activation Bluetooth function reduces the phone batterylife. We advise you to deactivate it when not in use.Your phone is powered by a rechargeable battery. A newbattery must be charged for 4 hours at least before beingused for the first time. When your battery has been discharged, the empty batteryicon flashes. In this case recharge your battery for at least15 minutes before making any calls in order not to be cut offquickly.Connect the charger to a socket.Plug the end of the cable into the bottom connector of thephone. To change to hands-free mode during a call, make ashort press on the green key then press [ ] toconfirm activation of the amplified mode. in this mode do not bring the phone up toyour ear.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 10  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
11The phone is then charging up. The battery icon scrolls upand down to indicate that it is charging. When the battery isfully charged, the charging stops on its own. Disconnect thecable.When charging, the battery may warm up, this is normal. According to the selection made in the/ / menu, the phonebook displays:-the list of the SIM card contacts (icon   when a contactis selected)or-the list of the phone contacts (icon   when a contact isselected))or-all the contacts.You can search for a contact quiclky by typing the firstletters (up to three). You can display it by pressing OK.By default, the contact is stored in the list of the phonebookwhich is displayed (SIM or phone). When there are bothlists, you must select the list to store it.-Press  .-Enter the last name and press  .-Enter the number and press  .you can fill other fields if you store the contact in thephone memory (email, address, ringtone, photo, etc.).-Press [ ] to store it.Several ways:-Select a contact. Press the green key to start the call.-Select a contact, press  , his number is displayed,press [ ] to start the call.-Direct call from the idle screen (only for the contactsstored in the SIM card memory): type the number withwhich the contact was saved then   (example : 21 ) orthe number then , the number is displayed, confirm.If the battery has entirely discharged, the phonecannot start. Plug the phone to the charger. The phonewill switch on after a few minutes of charge. You canuse the phone again when the   option isdisplayed on the screen.There is danger of explosion if the battery is placed inan incorrectly way or if it is exposed to fire.Do not short circuit it.The battery does not have any part that you canchange.Do not try to open the battery casing.Use only the appropriate chargers and batteries asshown in the phone manufacturer’s catalogue.The use of other types of chargers or batteries may bedangerous or invalidate the warranty.Used batteries must be disposed of in the appropriateplaces. We advise you to take the battery out if you plan not touse the phone for extended periods.You are strongly advised not to connect your phone tothe charger if it doesn’t contain a battery.The charger is a safety step-down transformer, it isforbidden to modify, alter or replace it by anothercomponent (power supply plug, etc).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 11  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
12To display the various options, select a contact and press[].Modify what you want and validate then select   oncethe modifications completed.To send a SMS or a MMS to a contact (see chapter).To send a contact details by SMS, MMS or Bluetooth (seechapters   and  ).This allows you to copy your phonebook contacts from onememory to the other. Only the name and the first phonenumber will be copied.The contact details are copied as a  visit card in aMultimedia directory.Select   or   and validate.-: the screen displays the amount of memory used.The memory capacity is shared between the phonebookand various other features. If you lack memory, check ifyou can free some space.-: available memory only for contacts.This allows you to delete the contact selected or all thecontacts.The details of a contact stored in the phone memory can besaved in a business card.-Select a contact and press [ ].-Select   and [ ]. The details are savedas  . Then you can read it, modify it orsend it by SMS or MMS.Æ ÆThis allows you to copy all the SIM card contacts to thephone memory and vice versa.This allows you to add a contact to a mailing list.-: This menu allows you to select the defaultphonebook (SIM, Phone, SIM and Phone) displayedwhen the phone switches on.-: This menu allows you to select the way to sortcontacts in the phonebook (by name or first name).A mailing list allows you to group contacts: this list can beused to send messages easily to all the list contacts. -In the phonebook, select the   tab pressingthe navigator rightwards.-Press [ ].-Select  .-Select the list type (SMS or MMS).-Enter a name and press the navigator.-Then, on a list press [ ]. Select each time you want to add a contact in the list.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 12  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
13-Select   then   or  .-Type your text. The T9 mode is applied by default.The Easy Message T9® mode helps you toeasily write your messagesThe language used is the one selected onthe display of the phone (if the languageselected is not compatible with the EasyMessage T9®, the English language will beautomatically selected).Press once the key corresponding to the letter chosen andcompose the word by continuing to press the keyscorresponding to the various letters without paying attentionto the display: the word is highlighted.The same sequence of keys pressed can correspond toseveral words, existing on the dictionary. If the word thatappears is not the word you expected, press the navigatorupwards to scroll through the words corresponding to thiskey sequence.Once you agree on the word proposed on the screen, pressthe navigator rightwards to validate it or on the  key (whichvalidates and inserts a space after the word), and go onwriting the next word.If the word you are expected is not proposed, please addcharacters until you get the message  ? Press[] and validate if the word displayed suits you or modifythis word before adding it in the dictionary.-You may change to capital letter, small letter or 123(digit) mode at any time by pressing and releasing thekey.-You may also obtain the digits by pressing and holdingthe key you want. -Changing the language in T9 mode: press and hold the key.To deactivate T9 mode press and hold the   key. TheABC mode then applies: each time you press a key thiscorresponds to the letters indicated on the key (for example,press 2 twice to display B).As in T9 mode, you may change to capital letter, small letteror 123 (digit) mode at any time by pressing and releasingthe  key.: you may change mode by pressing [ ].Punctuation characters are obtained by pressing the  key(except in  mode), or with the help of   mode (fastaccess by briefly pressing  ).Accented characters are generated automatically in T9mode.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 13  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
14In ABC mode accented characters are available bypressing the key supporting the non-accented characterrepeatedly.-Select  if you do not want to send the messageimmediately or if you want to send it several times. It issaved in the   menu.or-Select   to use it again as a template. Itis saved in the   menu.-Once the text entered, press the navigator or press[].-Enter the receiver’s number or take it in your phonebookpressing [ ],  . You can also select acontacts list in your phonebook.-Select  .When you receive a message, the phone plays the ring tonethat you selected, and a message icon comes on the screenof your phone.If you do not read the messages, this icon remainsdisplayed on the screen. When it flashes, the memory is full.Note that you have two different possibilities for receivingMMS: automatically or manually; if « manual mode » isactivated, then you will receive only a notification in yourInbox, meaning that a MMS is available on the MMS Server;select Retrieve in the options when you want to retrieve theMMS from the network.Messages are listed in chronological order, the latest onebeing displayed first.The quantity of Not Read and Not Retrieved messages isshown. Not Retrieved and Not Read messages are shownin bold. This menu displays the messages that have not been sent.You can therefore send them again.The   menu is used to store all your sent messagesif you activated the option   in themenu.Too many messages saved will quickly fill up the availablememory and no further messages will be received.This menu contains all the messages saved.If you select a message and press the navigator, you canmodify it.If you want to send it, select   then press [ ]and select  .When composing a message, if you selected the option, the template is saved in this menu.This menu contains the e-mails received, sent, not sent, thedrafts and a personal directory to sort them.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 14  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
15This menu allows you to select various sending andreceiving options.: displays the memory available in the SIM card and inthe phone for saving SMS.: displays how much memory is used by theMMS and emails saved.This menu is used to activate reception of informationbroadcast by the network.You can choose whether you want to receive thisinformation or not (please contact your network provider).This function allows you to call your voicemail.This number depends on the operator.This menu displays the mailing lists created in thephonebook.To display the different options, press [ ].-: allows you to create a new mailing list.-: allows you to modify the mailing listname.-: allows you to add a contact to the mailinglist.-: allows you to see the type of mailing list andthe number of contacts.-: allows you to delete the mailing list.Before you can use the e-mail function you must create anaccount and, depending on the operator, a connectionprofile.Ask your operator for the conditions of use for the e-mailservice.You can consult other e-mailboxes from your phone.The procedure to follow to open an account may varyaccording to the operator and country. Ask your operator.The first time you use it, your phone automatically suggestscreating one. Enter a name and press  . Press [ ] then select   to access the list ofparameters to be filled in for the account:-(example: (examples: authentication: yes, domain:operator, server:, port number: 25)-: POP3-: choice to receive e-mails-: (examples: login: 0612345678, password(information provided by the access provider),authentication: yes, server: POP3, port number: 110)Save once all the parameters have been entered.To write and send an e-mail:  /then  .To access your accounts:  / / /.To access your sent, received or draft e-mail folders:/ .252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 15  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
16:To activate zoom, use the navigator upwards or downwardsor the side keys (  and  ).Note: if the zoom selected does not match with the storingformat, the photo is automatically saved in an appropriateformat (pressing [ ]):-: to take a photo with a 5, 10 or 15 secondtime delay.- (normal or burst): in burst mode, the photo will betaken in four shots (useful for taking pictures of movingsubjects, for example).-: to select an effect.-: to select luminosity.-: used to select the location wherethe photo will be saved (phone or memory card).-: to select the sound you will hear whentaking a photo.-: to select the photo quality.-: to select the format in which your photowill be saved-: to take a video.-Select the   menu. The camera is now on. Lookinto your phone display and position your subject. Moveyour phone to position your photo.-Press the navigator or on the side key, the photo is takenand stays on the phone display.-Press the navigator if you want to send the photoimmediately by MMS.-Press   to save your photo, a progress bar animatesthen different options are displayed.-allows you to send the photo by MMS, e-mailor Bluetooth.-: allows you to modify the name of a photo.-: allows you to assign a photo to acontact saved in the phonebook.-: allows you to select the photo as a wallpaper orscreensaver.-: various options to modify a photo.•: allows you to magnify certain parts of yourphoto.•: allows you to improve contrast.•: allows you to modify a photo with anembossed grey tint.•: allows you to change a photo into negative.•: allows you to change color into black and white.•: allows you to increase or decrease thecontrast of your photo.•: allows you to sharpen a photo.•: allows you to add blur to a photo.•: allows you to change colors into sepia.•: allows you to shape a photo.•: allows you to increase or decrease thebrightness of a photo.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 16  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
17•: allows you to increase or decrease thesolarize of a photo.•: allows you to increase or decrease thecolor saturation.If there is not enough memory to save the photo, a warningmessage appears, prompting you to confirm whether youwant to go on. using the camera during a call may disturb the callquality.-Select the   menu.-If necessary, select the following settings pressing[]:•: allows you to record wether not thesound when recording a video.•: allows you to choose a video size.•: allows you to select where thevideo is saved (phone or memory card).•: to take a photo.Press the navigator to record then press [ ] when youwant to stop recording. the phone automatically stops recording when themaximum size available is reached.Press [ ] to display the options: •: allows you to take a new video.•: allows you to play the video.•: allows you to send a video by MMS, e-mailor Bluetooth.•: allows you to modify a video name.•: allows you to delete a video. the videos are saved in the phone with a .3gp format.The   menu contains the directories of all themultimedia objects recorded in your phone and thedownloaded objects (photos, videos, ringtones,musics, etc.). There are two tabs that you can select pressing thenavigator rightwards or leftwards:- tab (phone memory)-  tab (available if you have inserted amemory card in your phone).You can copy the multimedia objects from the card to yourphone. To display the various options of each directory, press[].-: displays the list of the objects.-: modifies the directory name.-: deletes the directory (only the directories createdby the user).-: create a new  directory.-: allows you to take a new photo or video or to recorda sound.-: this option deletes all the internal memory of thephone.  : all the multimedia objects saved in thismemory will be deleted.-: displays the memory used and available forthe multimedia objects.For each object a list of options is available (view, send,delete, etc.).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 17  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
18You can exchange with other devices (PC, mobile phones,personal assistants, printers, etc.) various data: pictures,sounds, photos, videos, ToDo tasks, organiser events,contacts, etc.Data exchange can be done through:-a USB cable,-a Bluetooth connection.: see chapter   to know thecompatibilities of the accessories with your phone.If you have inserted a memory card in your phone, it isconsidered as an additional memory in the Windowsexplorer files directory; you can copy/paste.If you want to exchange objects between the phone’smemory and a PC, you simply need to connect the phoneto the PC with a USB cable. A removable disc appears inthe Windows Explorer tree structure; you may copy/andpaste into it.: If a call comes in during an exchange of data withyour PC, the link will be interrupted and will have to bemanually re-started.This menu allows you to set your phone Bluetoothconnection in order to communicate with other devicesequipped with Bluetooth: for example, an audio connectionwith a headset, a stereo headset, a car kit or a dataconnection with a PC.Bluetooth is a free wireless connection, with a 10 metremaximum range.-: allows you to search for devices whichmay connect with Bluetooth link with your phone (forinstance: headset).-: allows you to activate the phone Bluetoothconnection.•Off: Bluetooth connection impossible.•On and hidden: your phone is not detected by theother devices but the phone detects the otherdevices.•On and visible: your phone can be detected byanother device.•On and always: your phone can be detected byanother device and remains detected as soon as theBluetooth connection is activated.- : allows you to assign a name toyour phone for the Bluetooth connection. This name isdisplayed on the devices connected.This menu allows you to configure the options of the phonewith a pedestrian kit or a car kit (Automatic response,Switch off, Kit volume).This menu allows you to select a mode to connect thephone to a peripheral with the USB cable available as anaccessory.-: if you select this option, whenconnecting a USB cable, the phone asks you to selectthe mode you want.-: to exchange data between the phone memoryand a PC.-: to connect the phone to a printer (printingphotos) without using a PC.-: to exchange data between thephone (memory card inserted in the phone or phoneinternal memory) and a PC.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 18  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
19You can synchronize your phonebook, your organizer oryour ToDos with your archives stored in your operator’snetwork depending on the options offered by your operator.The local synchronisation with your computer is onlycomputer originated, from Wellphone software (availablefrom; you have only to activateBluetooth, or configure your USB connection in your phone.The 3D sound is under licence Arkamys.In this menu, you can listen to music and access all thefunctions associated with it..If you haven’t yet stored any music, the phone will ask if youwant to download some music. If you answer Yes, itconnects to the WAP.You may also download music by connecting your phone toa PC using a USB cable or Bluetooth.You can listen to music either through the menu or by pressing the side key.When you listen to music its title is displayed on the idlescreen.You may use the side keys for the following functions:[]: used to exit music player mode while continuing tolisten to music.-: used to select a play order for listening tomusic.-: used to choose whether or not toreplay a list.-: used to modify the high and low settings.-: used to view the music as a bar chart.-: used to choose various sound effects.-used to create playlists.-used to sort music by album, artist or genre.-contains various music directories. The  ,,   and directories are filled automatically by the phone.You may also listen to music using a hands-free kit orBluetooth stereo headset (AADP profile).You can still use your phone’s other functions whileyou are listening to music.-set the volume (short press)-change to the next or last piece of music(long press)-access the music player (long press)-play or pause music (short press) next/last piece (short press) fast forward/rewind (long press) play/pause252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 19  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
20: you must connect the hands-free kit to operatethe FM radio. The radio antenna is contained in thehands-free kit wire.: frequency range available: 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz (insteps of 100 KHz).Once you have connected the hands-free kit, select theMusic player menu then Radio FM.[] is used to access the different radio functions:select a frequency, save several stations in a list (3 lists of10 stations), mono or stereo mode.When you listen to the radio, the station number isdisplayed on the idle screen.The side key functions are identical to those used to listento music.Operation of the keys while listening to FM radio:[]: used to exit the menu while continuing to listen tothe radio.The WAP navigator is under licence:The WAP navigator and the softwares included are theexclusive property of Openwave. For this reason, it isforbidden to modify, translate, disassemble or evendecompile all or part of these softwares.-: this menu allows you to input an Internetaddress directly.-: allows to store bookmarks (addresses ofInternet sites). You can receive bookmarks and addthem to this list.-: backward and forward navigation of the pagesdisplayed are kept in memory.: -: allows you to select or modify your provider’sconfiguration settings or to configure othersproviders’settings.-:is used to choose the time afterwhich the call is automatically disconnected if you haveforgotten to log off from a station (short press)change in steps of 0.1 MHz (shortpress) - find stations (long press)play/pause252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 20  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
21The connection to a WAP service on the GPRS network isnot cut if an incoming call is received. You can answer thecall.If you are logging onto the GSM, GPRS or EDGE network,the @ symbol flashes, the metering of the cost of the callstarts as soon as it stops flashing.Some WAP sites allow you to download ringtones, icons,animated screensavers, games or JAVA™ applications. To log off, press the red key. The logoff happensautomatically after a few seconds of inactivity if you forgetto log off. This period is defined by the linger time setting.A flashing icon indicates that the phone is logging onto aGPRS or EDGE network. A non-flashing icon indicates that the GPRS or EDGEnetwork is available; if the icon is dark, it indicates that thephone is logged onto the GPRS or EDGE network.This icon is not displayed if the GPRS or EDGE network isnot available or if the SIM card inserted in your phone doesnot include the GPRS or EDGE service. It may alsodisappear when accessing WAP services if the connectionuses the GSM network instead of the GPRS or EDGEnetwork.Your phone contains one game. You candownload more. You are the owner of aSAGEM mobile phone which gives you theability to download applications andgames to be executed on your phonethanks to the built-in Java™ engine.However, receiving applications fromeverywhere implies some basicknowledge of the possible effects of suchdownload.We advise you to dwonload certifiedgames or applications from your operator sites or default, the connection URL of your operator or ofPlanetSagem is configured in your phone.If no connection URL is configured, by selecting the  menu, you display the WAP function to configurenew profiles which allow you to download games orapplications.When you select a game or an application, the /menu (displayed with [ ] key)allows you to configure a profile which only be used by thegame or application to connect to the network (to exchangescores for example) but is not used to download new gamesor applications.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 21  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
22(see chapter  ).This menu gives you access to your diary and get to a day,week, month or specific date. It lets you add events, accessthe global actions for all the events and manage them byevent category.This menu lets you add events, manage events bycategory, see the available memory and delete all theevents.-/: allows you to addevents of the text or voice type. Fill in the different items.Save the event.-: allows you to schedule the deletion of eventsthat took place more than one day, week or month ago.-: allows you to view the memory capacity usedby the different functions of your diary.-: allows you to delete all the events from yourdiary.-: allows you to see the different eventcategories, assign a specific ring tone to each individualcategory, know the number of events in each categoryand see them.-: you can synchronize your organizer withyour archives stored in your operator’s networkdepending on the options offered by your operator.The local synchronisation with your computer is onlycomputer originated, from Wellphone software; you haveonly to activate Bluetooth, or configure your USBconnection in your phone.The other menus are:-: allows you to access events on amonth-by-month basis.-: allows you to access events on aweek-by-week basis.-: allows you to access the events for thecurrent day and the actions possible on any event (see,modify, delete and send).: allows you to access events at a specific date.These menus allow you to set and activate the alarm andthe timer.The alarm works even when the phone is switched off.The alarm icon appears on the idle screen.This menu allows you to use your phone as a calculator.Use the navigator to make calculations::Add: Subtract:Multiply: DivideThe following keys are used for:: Equals or convert:Delete: Decimal point.This menu allows you to add ToDo’s, accesscategory-based Todo management and delete all theToDo’s.If there are not any ToDo, you directly access to the optionsbelow.If there is a ToDo, press [ ] to display the options.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 22  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
23-: allows you to addToDo of the text or voice type. Fill in the different items.Save the ToDo.-: allows you to see the different ToDocategories, assign a specific ring tone to each individualToDo, know the number of ToDo’s in each category andsee them.-: allows you to delete all the ToDo’s from yourToDo.-: allows you to view the memory used by thedifferent functions of your ToDo.-: see chapter   to synchronizefrom your computer the phone ToDo with the LotusNotes™ or Outlook™ bases.This menu allows you to do all the actions possible on anyToDoTo display a ToDo, select it in the list and press thenavigator.To display the different options, press [ ].-: allows you to modify the ToDo properties.-: allows you to delete the ToDo.-: allows you to send the the ToDo by messageor Bluetooth (see chapter  ).-: the ToDo is copied in a   directory.This item may not be present on your phone’s menu, as itscontents depends on your SIM.This menu allows you to switch to Silent mode.Silent mode can also be accessed via the idle screen byholding down the # key.When the phone is in silent mode, this relevant iconappears on the idle screen. In this mode, the ring tone will not function, except forthe alarm clock. if you have activated the silent mode, it does notremain after switching off your phone.This menu allows you to allocate a ring tone to differentfunctions (call receiving, message receiving, alarm).This menu allows you to activate the vibrate mode for calls. This menu allows you to choose your phone's displaylanguage.This menu allows you to activate a beep for the battery, thekeypad or the network.These menus allow you to set the various date and timesettings (format, display, time zone, daylight savings,etc).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 23  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
24This menu allows you to customize your screen bychoosing a different presentation.This menu allows you to display the background picture ofthe idle screen.This menu allows you to select the background picturewhen displaying menus.This menu allows you to display an animation when thephone is in standby mode.This menu allows you to display your operator’s logo on theidle screen.You can select one of the following eco modes:-: this mode gives the maximum efficiency ofthe battery life. The screen is off and the keypad islocked.To exit this mode: press  , the red or green key to turnon the backlight and display time. Press    to unlockthe keypad. -: this mode decreases the battery life. Thescreen is off and the keypad is always active.To exit this mode: press  press any key to light up thescreen.-: the economic mode is deactivated.-: the screen is off and the keypad is locked.To exit this mode: press the red key. To turn on thebacklight and display time, press .-: only the screen is lit up.-: both the screen and the keypad are litup. in any case, after a certain time of inactivity, thebacklight will be automatically turned off to save battery life.This menu allows you to select the way to sort contacts inthe phonebook (by name or first name) and the filter appliedon the contacts list display (SIM contacts, phone memory orboth).The Calls menu allows you to manage all the calls functions(call forward, displaying numbers, call waiting, voicemailnumber, etc.).Depending on your subscription, this service allows you toforward incoming calls to a different number or to the voicemailbox.This menu allows you to display the calls log (dialled,received or missed calls).Fast access to the calls log from the idle screen: press thegreen key.This menu allows you to consult the duration of the up calls.It can also be used to check the volume of data exchangedin GPRS.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 24  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
25This menu allows you to modify the status of the displaynumber function.Select one of the options given: Anonymous mode, Mynumber, Callers’ number.You have the ability to mask your number on the phone ofthe person you are calling.- network default mode.- you choose not to activate anonymous mode andthen to display your number.- you choose to active anonymous mode and thennot to display your number.(Operator-dependent service) During a call, you may be informed that a caller is trying toreach you: you hear a special tone. The caller's identity isdisplayed on the screen (name or number).You can  or  of the call waitingservice in order to check if it is active or not. During a call, if a second caller tries to contact you, thescreen displays the call warning. This menu allows you to call back a caller you have notmanaged to reachYou can set the redial function to inactive, on request orsystematic.If you choose  , your phone will offer to redialyour caller automatically if his number is busy.The blacklist is used to limit failures on automatic calls (callsgenerated by the automatic redial function or byapplications: data, fax for example).When several automatic calls failed with a number (numberbusy or unknown), this number is put in the blacklist and noautomatic call will be done with this number any more untilyou delete it from the blacklist.: this function does not apply to the calls performedmanually.This function is used to record your voicemail accessnumber.This number will be used during a call to the voice mailboxusing the programmable keys.After an incoming or outgoing call with a number not storedin the phonebook, this option allows you to activate ordeactivate a request to store the number in the phonebook.This menu allows you to configure network preferences.Choose   to activate (automatically or manually)one of the networks accessible in the area in which your arelocated.Choose   to view all the pre-registered networks.Choose   to select your network: GSM-DCS orPCS (depending on model).Choose   to select the way you want to be attached onthe GPRS network: always, or only when needed (whenlaunching a data connection).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 25  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
26This menu allows you to configure your phone’s securitysettings.This menu allows you to activate and modify your phone’sPIN.To modify the PIN, select   and [ ].Enter old PIN and validate.Enter new PIN twice and validate.To activate or deactivate the PIN, select the menu and [ ].Enter PIN and validate. Select   or   and validate.You have a second PIN number to allow you to accesscertain functions.These functions may or may not be available depending onyour SIM card.Proceed as above in order to activate, deactivate or modifyPIN number 2 of your phone.The Phone code menu allows you to activate the phonecode so that it is requested and checked whenever thephone is switched on if a different SIM card is used. Thiscode is automatically linked to the SIM card installed whenthe phone is activated, for example to protect the phone ifstolen.Select   and [ ].Enter 0000 (the factory code, by default) and validate. Select   or   and validate.To modify the phone code, select   and validate.Enter old phone code and validate.Enter new phone code and validate.Enter phone code again to confirm it and validate.This menu allows the activation or deactivation of automaticdeletion, after power off/on, of outgoing calls, messagesstored or organizer events.This menu allows you to modify the call barring.Access to this service depends on your type of subscription.This menu allows you to block the sending or receiving ofcertain calls.Before you can use this service, a password will beprovided by your operator when you take out yoursubscription.Access to this service depends on your subscription type.To activate call barring :-Select incoming or outgoing calls.-Select the call type on which you want to activate callbarring.-Select:•either All,•or If roaming, if you are away from your home countryand if roaming is available, only incoming calls will beblocked.-Select Activation and enter password.This menu allows you to restrict the outgoing calls.The availability of this menu depends on your SIM.Proceed as for any other phonebook.When activating this function, only the numbers stored inthe phonebook can be called.This phonebook is linked to the SIM card, and its sizedepends on the card's capacity.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 26  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
27This menu allows you to control the cost of your calls.These functions may or may not be available depending onyour SIM card.This menu allows you to select the play, view and repeatmusic options.This menu allows you to set various parameters needed forWAP connection (see chapter  ).This menu allows you to set the camera features (timer,click sound, format, quality).This menu allows you to set the video features of yourphone.- This menu allows you to select or not thesound when recording a video.- This menu allows you to choosea video size.(Function available depending on model)This menu allows you to allocate functions to the left andright programmable keys.This menu allows you:-to format the internal phone memory.-to select (phone memory or memory card) where themultimedia objects are saved.When activating this choice, you will be warned when ausing right of a multimedia object (ringtone or wallpaper forinstance) will soon expire.This menu allows you to activate or deactivate the displayof the help in the phone.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 27  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
28: 95 g: 106 x 46 x 15,4 mm: Li-ion 950 mAh: up to4 h/250 h/12 h (these values are theoretical ones and givenfor information only): 1.3 megapixels (interpolated to 2 megapixels):-Audio formats: iMelody, Midi, wave, MP3, AAC, AAC+,enhanced AAC+, AMR, M4A-Graphic formats: wbmp, bmp, png, gif, gif animés, jpeg,3gp, mpeg4, MNG depending on model: 100 SMSSize of memory available for MMS, the phonenook and themultimedia objects: up to 32 Mb:-SMS: < 160 characters-MMS: < 100 kB for outgoing messagezs, 300 kB forincoming messages (depends on the phoneconfiguration and on the operator reservations): 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz (100 KHz step).:-File transfer: FTP-Stereo headset: AADP-Car kit - Headset - Hands-free kit: HSP and HFP-Object transfer: OPP-Modem: SPP/DUNP: from - 10 °C to + 55 °COT4x8 RF is a GSM transceiver used for networkmonitoring:-Level measurements,-Voice call testing,-SMS, MMS... testing.It must be used in association with an antenna connected tothe transceiver via a coaxial cable.OT4x8 RF may be used in car or in any location wherenetwork has to be monitored. It will be installed in the mostsuitable location for user convenience, the antenna shall belocated in the exact place where the network has to bemeasured and monitored, it will be then connected toOT4x8 RF by the relevant coaxial cable.It is recommended to reduce as much as possible thedistance between OT4x8 RF and the antenna in order toreduce the cable losses.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 28  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
29FCC ID: M9HME06ARFThis equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:this device may not cause harmful interference,this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Changes or modifications made to this equipment notexpressly approved by Sagem Communication forcompliance could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.OT4x8 RF is a professional GSM Test Tool with no internalantenna. No SAR level can be given, as it is dependent onthe antenna that the user connects to it.Refer to the Safety Information chapter for precautions tokeep exposure under permitted levels.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposurelimits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. Thisequipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Switch off your wireless device whenever you areinstructed to do so by airport or airline staff. If your deviceoffers a “flight mode” or similar feature, consult airline staffas to its use in flight.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 29  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
30 Full attention should be given to driving at alltimes, and regulations restricting the use of wirelessdevices while driving must be observed. For further drivingsafety tips, please refer to   at page 33. Mobile phones should be switched off wheneveryou are requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or healthcare facilities. These requests are designed to preventpossible interference with sensitive medical instruments. Obey all posted signs with respect to the useof wireless devices or other radio equipment in locationswith flammable material and chemicals. Switch of yourwireless device whenever you are instructed to do so byauthorized staff. You shouldalways consult your physician and review the devicemanufacturer’s instructions to determine if operation of yourphone may interfere with the operation of your medicaldevice. As a general rule:- Pacemaker manufacturersrecommend that a minimum separation of 6 inches(15 cm) be maintained between a mobile phone and apacemaker to avoid potential interference with thepacemaker. To achieve this, use the phone on theopposite ear to your pace maker and do not carry it in abreast pocket.- Some digital wireless phones mayinterfere with some hearing aids. In the event of suchinterference, you may want to consult your hearing aidmanufacturer to discuss alternatives.The ring tone, info tones, and handsfree talking arereproduced through the loudspeaker. Do not hold the phoneto your ear when it rings or when you have switched on thehandsfree function (at least 3.9 inches (10 cm)).Use only batteries and charging devices designed for yourphone. Otherwise you risk serious damage to health andproperty and may void any warranty. Small parts like the SIM card could beswallowed by young children.Do NOT open the phone. Only the battery and the SIM cardmay be removed. Do NOT open the battery.Keep the battery out of chidren’s reach. Do not allow thebattery to be put into the mouth.This product is a professional GSM Test Tool with nointernal antenna. When connecting an external antenna,the user must ensure that its own exposure to radio waves,and that of people in proximity, is kept under the limits setby local regulations for occupational safety or generalpublic, as appropriate, by orienting the antenna andkeeping a distance, taking into account the fact that theproduct can deliver at most 0.5 W (averaged) of radiopower in dual slot usage (uplink GPRS transfer) or 0.25 Wduring voice calls.The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) providesconsumer information on wireless phones at: are safety related questions and answersdiscussed at this web site:The available scientific evidence does not show that anyhealth problems are associated with using wireless phones.There is no proof, however, that wireless phones areabsolutely safe. Wireless phones emit low levels ofradiofrequency energy (RF) in the microwave range while252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 30  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
31being used. They also emit very low levels of RF when inthe stand-by mode. Whereas high levels of RF can producehealth effects (by heating tissue), exposure to low level RFthat does not produce heating effects causes no knownadverse health effects. Many studies of low level RFexposures have not found any biological effects. Somestudies have suggested that some biological effects mayoccur, but such findings have not been confirmed byadditional research. In some cases, other researchers havehad difficulty in reproducing those studies, or in determiningthe reasons for inconsistent results.Under the law, FDA does not review the safety ofradiation-emitting consumer products such as wirelessphones before they can be sold, as it does with new drugsor medical devices. However, the agency has authority totake action if wireless phones are shown to emitradiofrequency energy (RF) at a level that is hazardous tothe user. In such a case, FDA could require themanufacturers of wireless phones to notify users of thehealth hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones sothat the hazard no longer exists.Although the existing scientific data do not justify FDAregulatory actions, FDA has urged the wireless phoneindustry to take a number of steps, including the following:-Support needed research into possible biological effectsof RF of the type emitted by wireless phones;-Design wireless phones in a way that minimizes any RFexposure to the user that is not necessary for devicefunction; and-Cooperate in providing users of wireless phones with thebest possible information on possible effects of wirelessphone use on human health.FDA belongs to an interagency working group of the federalagencies that have responsibility for different aspects of RFsafety to ensure coordinated efforts at the federal level. Thefollowing agencies belong to this working group:-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-Environmental Protection Agency-Federal Communications Commission-Occupational Safety and Health Administration-National Telecommunications and InformationAdministrationThe National Institutes of Health participates in someinteragency working group activities, as well.FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for wireless phoneswith the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Allphones that are sold in the United States must comply withFCC safety guidelines that limit RF exposure. FCC relies onFDA and other health agencies for safety questions aboutwireless phones.FCC also regulates the base stations that the wirelessphone networks rely upon. While these base stationsoperate at higher power than do the wireless phonesthemselves, the RF exposures that people get from thesebase stations are typically thousands of times lower thanthose they can get from wireless phones. Base stations arethus not the primary subject of the safety questionsdiscussed in this document.FDA is working with the U.S. National Toxicology Programand with groups of investigators around the world to ensurethat high priority animal studies are conducted to addressimportant questions about the effects of exposure toradiofrequency energy (RF).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 31  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
32FDA has been a leading participant in the World HealthOrganization International Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)Project since its inception in 1996. An influential result ofthis work has been the development of a detailed agenda ofresearch needs that has driven the establishment of newresearch programs around the world. The Project has alsohelped develop a series of public information documents onEMF issues.FDA and the Cellular Telecommunications & InternetAssociation (CTIA) have a formal Cooperative Researchand Development Agreement (CRADA) to do research onwireless phone safety. FDA provides the scientificoversight, obtaining input from experts in government,industry, and academic organizations. CTIA-fundedresearch is conducted through contracts to independentinvestigators. The initial research will include bothlaboratory studies and studies of wireless phone users. TheCRADA will also include a broad assessment of additionalresearch needs in the context of the latest researchdevelopments around the world.If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we donot know that there is--it is probably very small. But if youare concerned about avoiding even potential risks, you cantake a few simple steps to minimize your exposure toradiofrequency energy (RF). Since time is a key factor inhow much exposure a person receives, reducing theamount of time spent using a wireless phone will reduce RFexposure.If you must conduct extended conversations by wirelessphone every day, you could place more distance betweenyour body and the source of the RF, since the exposurelevel drops off dramatically with distance. For example, youcould use a headset and carry the wireless phone awayfrom your body or use a wireless phone connected to aremote antenna.Again, the scientific data   demonstrate that wirelessphones are harmful. But if you are concerned about the RFexposure from these products, you can use measures likethose described above to reduce your RF exposure fromwireless phone use.The scientific evidence does not show a danger to users ofwireless phones, including children and teenagers. If youwant to take steps to lower exposure to radiofrequencyenergy (RF), the measures described above would apply tochildren and teenagers using wireless phones. Reducingthe time of wireless phone use and increasing the distancebetween the user and the RF source will reduce RFexposure.Some groups sponsored by other national governmentshave advised that children be discouraged from usingwireless phones at all.Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason tobelieve that handsfree kits reduce risks. Hands-free kits canbe used with wireless phones for convenience and comfort.These systems reduce the absorption of RF energy in thehead because the phone, which is the source of the RFemissions, will not be placed against the head. On the otherhand, if the phone is mounted against the waist or other partof the body during use, then that part of the body will absorbmore RF energy. 252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 32  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
33Wireless phones marketed in the U.S. are required to meetsafety requirements regardless of whether they are usedagainst the head or against the body. Either configurationshould result in compliance with the safety limit.Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason tobelieve that accessories that claim to shield the head fromthose emissions reduce risks. Some products that claim toshield the user from RF absorption use special phonecases, while others involve nothing more than a metallicaccessory attached to the phone.Studies have shown that these products generally do notwork as advertised. Unlike "hand-free" kits, these so-called"shields" may interfere with proper operation of the phone.The phone may be forced to boost its power to compensate,leading to an increase in RF absorption.Wireless phones give people the ability to communicatealmost anywhere, anytime. But an important responsibilityaccompanies those benefits, one that every wireless phoneuser must uphold. When driving a car, driving is your firstresponsibility.Below are safety tips to follow while driving and using awireless phone that should be easy to remember.Get to know your wireless phone and its features such asspeed dial and redial.When available, use a hands free device.Position your wireless phone within easy reach and whereyou can grab it without removing your eyes from the road. Ifyou get an incoming call at an inconvenient time, if possible,let your voice mail answer it for you.Let the person you are speaking with know you are driving;if necessary, suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardousweather conditions.Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possible, place callswhen you are not moving or before pulling into traffic. Try toplan your calls before you begin your trip. But if you need todial while driving, follow this simple tip--dial only a fewnumbers, check the road and your mirrors, then continue.Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations thatmay be distracting.Use your wireless phone to call for help. Dial 9-1-1 or otherlocal emergency number in the case of fire, traffic accident,road hazard or medical emergency.Use your wireless phone to help others in emergencies. Ifyou see an auto accident, crime in progress or other seriousemergency where lives are in danger, call 9-1-1 or otherlocal emergency number.Call roadside assistance or a special wirelessnon-emergency assistance number when necessary. If yousee a broken-down vehicle posing no serious hazard, abroken traffic signal, a minor traffic accident where no oneappears injured or a vehicle you know to be stolen, callroadside assistance or other special non-emergencywireless number.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 33  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
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35OT4x8 RF is a professional GSM Test Tool with no internalantenna. No SAR level can be given, as it is dependent onthe antenna that the user connects to it.Refer to the Safety Information chapter for precautions tokeep exposure under permitted levels.Never attempt to disassemble your phone. You alone areresponsible for how you use your phone and anyconsequences of its use.As a general rule, always switch off your phone whereverthe use of a phone is prohibited.Use of your phone is subject to safety measures designedto protect users and their environment.Do not use your phone in damp areas (bathroom, swimmingpool…). Protect it from liquids and other moisture.Do not expose your phone to extreme temperatures lowerthan - 10°C and higher than + 55°C.The physicochemical processes created by chargersimpose temperature limits when charging the battery. Yourphone automatically protects the batteries in extremetemperatures.Do not leave your phone within the reach of small children(certain removable parts may be accidentally ingested).Only use the chargers listed in the manufacturer’scatalogue. Using any other charger may be dangerous; itwould also invalidate your warranty. Line voltage must beexactly the one indicated on the charger’s serial plate. When travelling by plane, you will need to switch yourphone off when so instructed by the cabin crew or thewarning signs.Using a mobile phone may be dangerous to the operationof the aircraft and may disrupt the phone network.Its use is illegal and you could be prosecuted or bannedfrom using cellular networks in the future if you do not abideby these regulations.Please comply with warning signs at petrol station askingyou to switch your phone off. You will need to comply withradio equipment usage restrictions in places such aschemical plants, fuel depots and at any location whereblasting operations are under way.To avoid the risk of demagnetisation, do not let electronicdevices close to your phone for a long time.Your phone is a radio transmitter which may interfere withelectronic medical equipment or implants, such as hearingaids, pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc. It is recommendedthat a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained betweenthe phone and an implant. Your doctor or the manufacturersof such equipment will be able to give you any advice youmay need in this area. Always make sure that your phone is switched off inhospitals when so instructed by warning signs or by medicalstaff. Do not use your phone when driving. In order to give yourfull attention to driving, stop and park safely before makinga call. You must comply with any current legislation.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 35  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
36This product is a professional GSM Test Tool with nointernal antenna. When connecting an external antenna,the user must ensure that its own exposure to radio waves,and that of people in proximity, is kept under the limits setby local regulations for occupational safety or generalpublic, as appropriate, by orienting the antenna andkeeping a distance, taking into account the fact that theproduct can deliver at most 0.5 W (averaged) of radiopower in dual slot usage (uplink GPRS transfer) or 0.25 Wduring voice calls.To facilitate the recycling of packaging materials, pleaseobey the sorting rules instituted locally for this type of waste.Spent batteries must be deposited at the designatedcollection points.The crossed-out waste bin mark affixed to theproduct (including its accessories) means that itbelongs to the family of electrical and electronicequipment.To promote the recycling and recovery of wasteelectrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and atthe same time safeguard the environment,European regulations require you to obey thesorting rules instituted locally for this type of waste.Brightstar US, Inc. (Brightstar) warrants this productincluding any accessories sold for use with the productsagainst defects in materials or workmanship under normalusage for the periods outlined in the warranty provided withthe product, as follows:This product is for standard consumer use only and isguaranteed to be in proper working order as is determinedupon initial removal from the package and subsequentpower up and test call. If this product is determined to bedefective, Brightstar will repair or replace the product, at itsoption, at no charge. Any unit requiring repair not covered by the warrantyrequires authorization from your service provider andBrightstar. Contact your service provider to obtain thisauthorization. This warranty is valid only in the United States.If Brightstar chooses to replace the equipment, Brightstarmay replace it with reconditioned equipment. Parts used inrepairing or replacing the equipment will be warranted for90 days from the date the equipment is returned to you. Thiswarranty is not transferable.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 36  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
37TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,BRIGHTSTAR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. BRIGHTSTAR WILL NOT, IN ANY EVENT, BELIABLE IN CONTRACT OR TORT FOR DAMAGES INEXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTOR ACCESSORY, OR FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESOF ANY KIND, INCLUDING TRAVEL EXPENSE,TELEPHONE CHARGES, LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OFTIME, INCONVENIENCE LOSS OF USE OF EQUIPMENT,LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA, OR OTHERDAMAGE OR LOSS CAUSED BY OR IN CONNETIONWITH THE PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES, SOFTWAREOR EQUIIPMENT FAILING TO FUNCTION PROPERLY.THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH ALL OF BRIGHTSTAR’SREPONSIBILITIES REGARDING THIS PRODUCT ANDITS ACCESSORIES.The mobile phone and software program developed bySagem Communication (SAGEM) remains the exclusiveproperty of Sagem. YOU ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITEDFROM MODIFYING, TRANSLATING, DE-COMPILING ORDISASSEMBLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM OR ANYPART THEREOF.Brightstar US, Inc. (Brightstar) is the exclusive distributor forSagem in the United States and is responsible for allwarranties for SAGEM phones and accessories sold in theUnited States.  Please DO NOT contact Sagem directlyregarding any warranty claims; doing so will only delay theprocessing of your claim.Your phone allows you to download ring tones, icons andanimated screensavers. Some of these items may containdata that may cause malfunction of your phone or datalosses (a computer virus, for example). For this reason,Brightstar disclaims all responsibility concerning (1) thereception of downloaded data or losses of such data, (2)such data's impact on the operation of the phone, and (3)damages resulting from receiving any downloaded data orloss of such data. In addition, any failure caused byreceiving downloaded data that do not comply with thephone's specifications is excluded from the warranty. Thediagnosis and repair of a phone infected by downloadeddata will be at the expense of the customer.Some states and jurisdictions do not allow theexclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, or allow limitations on how long an impliedwarranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusionsmay not apply to you.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 37  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
38Whenever you wish to make a warranty claim, pleasecontact Brightstar at the address given below and presentthe purchasing paperwork that was given to you. Brightstar warrants that the new phone (excludingconsumablesbut including new accessories bundled withthe phone), is free from defects in materials andworkmanship under normal usage for a period of twelve(12) months effective from the date you purchased thephone, to be evidenced by presentation of the paperworkstating the purchase date of the phone. Phones that havebeen repaired or replaced as standard during the warrantyperiod stated above are warranted (parts and labor) untilthe later of these two dates: Expiry of the original warrantyperiod of twelve (12) months stated above; or three (3)months from the repair or replacement under warranty.All faulty phones under warranty will be replaced orrepaired free of charge at Brightstar’s option. You are responsible for sending the phone to the repaircenter. In order to repair or replace a phone under warranty,Brightstar also requires that a legible and unmodifiedpurchase document, stating vendor's name and address,date and place of purchase, type of phone and IMEI (todisplay the IMEI on your phone's screen, type: *#06#), beattached to the warranty, and that the information on thephone identification label be legible and that such label orany other seal have not been tampered with. The warrantyapplies under normal usage for the period outlined above.Prior to sending the phone for repair, it is your responsibilityto backup at your expense any customized data stored inthe phone (such as phonebook, settings, wallpapers, andpreviously downloaded data). BRIGHTSTAR IS NOTRESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO CUSTOMER FILES,PROGRAMS OR DATA. The information or operatingelements and the contents of files will not be re-installed inany case in the event of loss. Brightstar may decide, at itsoption, to repair the phone with new or reconditioned parts,or replace the phone with a new phone or with a phone ingood working condition. During its repair work Brightstarmay make, where necessary, any technical modifications tothe phone where these modifications do not adverselyaffect functionality. Faulty parts to be replaced during arepair under warranty become the property of Brightstar.The application of the warranty is subject to the full paymentof the sums due for the phone when the request for supportis made. Breakdowns, damage or malfunctions due to thefollowing are excluded from the limited warranty: (i)non-compliance with the installation and use instructions,(ii) an external cause (such as shock, lightning, fire,vandalism, malice, water damage of any type, contact withvarious liquids or any harmful agent, unsuitable electriccurrent, extreme humidity or heat, improper storage, etc.),(iii) modifications of the phone made without the writtenconsent of Brightstar, (iv) a servicing fault, as described inthe documentation supplied with the phone, (v) lack ofsupervision or care, (vi) poor environmental conditions ofthe phone (including temperature and hygrometry, effectsof variations in electric voltage, interference from the mainsnetwork or earth), (vii) repair, including opening or trying toopen the phone or servicing done by personnel notapproved by Brightstar, (viii) inadequate packaging and/orpoor packing of the phone that is sent back to Brightstar, (ix)the use of products or accessories not sold by Brightstar ascompatible with the phone, or (x) the opening or closing ofa SIM Lock done without the agreement of the originaloperator.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 38  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
39In addition, the warranty does not cover: (i) normal wearand tear of the phone and accessories, (ii) change ofparameters of the cellular network made after the phonewas sold, (iii) supply of new software versions, (iv) deliveryof consumables and installation or replacement of theseconsumables, (v) phone or software modified or addedwithout the written consent of Brightstar, (vi) phonesreturned to Brightstar without having complied with thereturn procedure specific to the phone covered by thiswarranty, or (vii) communication problems linked with apoor environment, including problems accessing and/orlogging onto the Internet, breakdowns of the accessnetwork, the failure of the subscriber’s or hiscorrespondent’s line, transmission fault (such as poorgeographic coverage by radio transmitters, interference,disturbance, failure or poor quality of phone lines, etc.), afault inherent to the local network (such as cabling, fileserver, user phone) and/or transmission network fault (suchas interference, disturbance, failure or poor quality of thenetwork, etc.).In the event a customer submits a product for repair orreplacement and such product is excluded from warrantycoverage or the warranty period has expired, Brightstar willdraw up an estimate to be given to the customer foracceptance before any repair commences. The repair andfreight costs (to and from the repair center) given in anestimate accepted by the customer will be charged to thecustomer..Any questions or correspondence regarding this limitedwarranty should be addressed to:Brightstar US, Inc.Attn: SAGEM Warranty & Repair Services1001 Technology WayLibertyville, IL 60048You must always use your phone for the purpose for whichit was designed, under normal operating conditions. SagemCommunication declines all responsibility for any useoutside of the scope of its designed purpose and for anyconsequences of this use.The software program developed by SAGEM remains theexclusive property of Sagem Communication. It is thereforehighly prohibited to modify, translate, de-compile ordisassemble this software program or any part thereof.Your phone allows you to download ring tones, icons andanimated screensavers. Some of these items may containdata that may cause malfunctions of your phone or datalosses (virus for example). These provisions are valid unless Brightstar hasmade a special written agreement with the customer.If one of the provisions turns out to infringe arequirement under applicable law that consumerscould have the benefit of under the nationallegislation, such provision will not be applied, but allother provisions will remain valid.  252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 39  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
40For this reason, Sagem Communication rejects allresponsibility concerning (1) the reception of downloadeddata or losses of the said data, (2) the impact on theoperation of the phone and (3) damages resulting fromreceiving the said downloaded data or loss of said data. Inaddition, Sagem Communication states that a failurecaused by receiving downloaded data that do not complywith the specifications set by Sagem Communication isexcluded from the warranty. Consequently, the diagnosisand repair of a phone infected by the said downloaded datawill be at the expense of the customer.Any content that you download to your phone may beprotected by copyright belonging to third parties andconsequently you may not have the right to use this contentor its use may be restricted. Consequently it is up to you toensure that you have permission, such as under the termsof a license agreement, to use any content that youdownload. Furthermore, Sagem Communication does notguarantee the accuracy nor the quality of any content thatyou download. You alone are responsible for the contentthat you download to your mobile phone and how you useit. Sagem Communication cannot be held responsible forthis content nor for its use.It is your responsibility to ensure compliance, at your ownexpense, with the laws and regulations applicable in thecountry where you use your phone.Whenever you wish to make use of the warranty, pleasecontact your vendor and present him with the purchasingpaperwork that he gave you. If a fault occurs, he will advise you.The new phone (excluding consumables), including newaccessories bundled with the phone, are guaranteed bySagem Communication, parts and labour (apart from travel)against any manufacturing fault for a period of twelve (12)months with effect from the sale of the phone to thecustomer, on presentation of the paperwork stating thepurchase date of the phone.Phones that have been repaired or replaced as standardduring the warranty period stated above are guaranteed(parts and labour) until the later of these two dates:Expiry of the guarantee period of twelve (12) months statedabove or three (3) months with effect from the date ofsupport provided by Sagem Communication.Your legal rights under the terms of applicable national lawas well as your rights in relation to your retailer, as set outin the sales contract, remain applicable and are not in anyway affected by this guarantee.In any disputes, the phone is covered by the legal warrantyagainst the consequences of faults or hidden defects incompliance with articles 1641 and subsequent of theFrench civil code.All faulty phones under warranty will be replaced orrepaired free of charge at Sagem Communication’s option(with the exclusion of repair of any other damage), once ithas been specified that the work required for the applicationof the warranty will be done in a workshop and that thereturn costs (transport and insurance) of the phone to theaddress to be indicated to it by the Sagem Communicationafter-sales service, whose phone number will appear on thedelivery note, will be charged to the customer.Subject to essential legal provisions, SagemCommunication does not accept any warranty, explicit orimplicit, other than the warranty provided expressly in thischapter, nor shall Sagem Communication acceptresponsibility for any immaterial and/or indirect damages(such as loss of orders, loss of profit or any other financialor commercial damage) under the warranty or not252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 40  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
41The acceptance of a phone under warranty demands thata purchase document that is legible and withoutmodi-fication, stating vendor’s name and address, date andplace of purchase, type of phone and IMEI, are attached tothe warranty, and that the information on the phoneidentification label is legible and that this label or any otherseal has not been tampered with.The warranty applies in normal conditions of use.Prior to sending the phone for repair, it is the customer’sresponsibility to backup at his expense the customized datastored in the phone (phonebook, settings, wallpapers). A listof backup facilities can be provided by SagemCommunication on request. The responsibility of SagemCommunication cannot be invoked if damage occurs tocustomer files, programs or data. The information oroperating elements and the contents of files will not bere-installed in any case in the event of loss. Sagem Communication may decide, at its option, to repairthe phone with new or reconditioned parts, replace thephone with a new phone or, in any dispute, a phone in goodworking condition. During its work Sagem Communicationreserves the facility to make, where necessary, anytechnical modifications to the phone where thesemodifications doe not adversely affect its initial purpose. Faulty parts to be replaced during a repair under warrantywill become the property of Sagem Communication.The phone repair and standstill time during the warrantyperiod may not lead to an extension of the warranty periodas stated in article 1 above, provided no other vitalprovisions have been agreed.The application of the warranty is subject to the full paymentof the sums due for the phone when the request for supportis made.The following are excluded from the warranty:Breakdowns or malfunctions due to non-compliance withthe installation and use instructions, to an external cause ofthe phone (shock, lightning, fire, vandalism, malice, waterdamage of any type, contact with various liquids or anyharmful agent, unsuitable electric current...), tomodifications of the phone made without the writtenconsent of Sagem Communication, to a servicing fault, asdescribed in the documentation supplied with the phone, tolack of supervision or care, to poor environmentalconditions of the phone (especially temperature andhygrometry, effects of variations in electric voltage,interference from the mains network or earth) or even dueto a repair, a call-out (opening or trying to open the phone)or to servicing done by personnel not approved by SagemCommunication.Damage resulting from inadequate packaging and/or poorpacking of the phone sent back to Sagem Communication.Normal wear and tear of the phone and accessories. Communication problems linked with a poor environment,especially:Problems accessing and/or logging onto the Internet, suchas breakdowns of the access network, the failure of thesubscriber’s or his correspondent’s line, transmission fault(poor geographic coverage by radio transmitters,interference, disturbance, fai-lure or poor quality of phonelines...), a fault inherent to the local network (cabling, fileserver, user phone) and/or transmission network fault(interference, disturbance, failure or poor quality of thenetwork...).Change of parameters of the cellular network made afterthe phone was sold.Supply of new software versions.Current servicing work: delivery of consumables,installation or replacement of these consumables…Call-outs for phone or software modified or added withoutthe written consent of Sagem Communication. 252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 41  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
42Faults or disruptions resulting from the use of products oraccessories not compatible with the phone.Phones returned to Sagem Communication without havingcomplied with the return procedure specific to the phonecove-red by this warranty.The opening or closing of a SIM operator key and call-outsresulting in the non-operation of the phone resulting fromthe opening or closing of SIM operator key done without theagreement of the original operator.In the cases of warranty exclusion and of expiry of thewarranty period, Sagem Communication shall draw up anestimate to be given to the customer for acceptance beforeany call-out. The repair and carriage costs (there and back)given in the accepted estimate will be charged to thecustomer.These provisions are valid unless a special writtenagreement has been made with the customer. If one of theprovisions turns out to infringe a legally essential rule thatconsumers could have the benefit of under the nationallegislation, this provision will not be applied, but all otherprovisions will remain valid..Any questions or correspondence regarding this limitedwarranty should be addressed have acquired a Mobile Phone device ("DEVICE"),manufactured by Sagem Communication (SAGEM), thatincludes software either developed by SAGEM itself orlicensed third party Software suppliers ("SOFTWARECOMPANIES") to SAGEM with the rights to sub-license it tothe purchaser of the device. Those installed softwareproducts whatever their company of origin, and whereverthe name of the company of origin is indicated of not in theDEVICE documentation, as well as associated media,printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation("SOFTWARE") are protected by United States andinternational intellectual property laws and treaties. TheSOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. The owner of theSoftware expressly reserves all rights.IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS END USER LICENSEAGREEMENT ("EULA"), DO NOT USE THE DEVICE ORCOPY THE SOFTWARE. INSTEAD, PROMPTLYCONTACT SAGEM FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON RETURNOF THE UNUSED DEVICE(S) FOR A REFUND. ANY USEOF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOUSE ON THE DEVICE, WILL CONSTITUTE YOURAGREEMENT TO THIS EULA (OR RATIFICATION OFANY PREVIOUS CONSENT).SOFTWARE includes software already installed on theDEVICE ("DEVICE Software") and Software contained onthe CDROM disk ("Companion CD"), if any is supplied withthe product.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 42  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
43This EULA grants you the following licence: You may use the DEVICE Software asinstalled on the DEVICE. All or certain portions of theDEVICE Software may be inoperable if you do not have andmaintain a service account with an appropriate MobileOperator, or if the Mobile Operator’s network facilities arenot operating or configured to operate with the DEVICEsoftware. If any is supplied, additional software foryour personal computer is included with your DEVICE. Youmay install and use the software component(s) contained inthe Companion CD only in accordance with the terms of theprinted or online end user license agreement(s) providedwith such component(s). In the absence of an end userlicense agreement for particular component(s) of theCompanion CD, you may install and use only one (1) copyof such component(s) on the DEVICE or a single computerwith which you use the DEVICE. The SOFTWARE may include digitalrights management technology. If SOFTWARE doescontain digital rights management technology, contentproviders are using the digital rights managementtechnology ("DRM") contained in the SOFTWARE toprotect the integrity of their content ("Secure Content") sothat their intellectual property, including copyright, in suchcontent is not misappropriated. Owners of such SecureContent ("Secure Content Owners") may, from time to time,request manufacturers or SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS toprovide security related updates to the DRM components ofthe SOFTWARE ("Security Updates") that may affect yourability to copy, display and/or play Secure Content throughthe SOFTWARE or third party applications that utilise theDRM.You therefore agree that, if you elect to download a licencefrom the Internet that enables your use of Secure Content,Suppliers may, in conjunction with such licence, alsodownload onto your DEVICE such Security Updates that aSecure Content Owner has requested that SOFTWARESUPPLIERS distribute. SAGEM and SOFTWARESUPPLIERS will NOT retrieve any personally identifiableinformation, or any other information, from your DEVICE bydownloading such Security Updates.All title and intellectual property rights in and to theSOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images,photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and"applets," incorporated into the SOFTWARE), theaccompanying printed materials, and any copies of theSOFTWARE, are owned by SAGEM or the SOFTWARESUPPLIERS. You may NOT copy the printed materialsaccompanying the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectualproperty rights in and to the content which may be accessedthrough use of the SOFTWARE is the property of therespective content owner and may be protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectual property laws andtreaties. THIS EULA GRANTS YOU NO RIGHTS TO USESUCH CONTENT. All rights not specifically granted underthis EULA are reserved by SAGEM and the SOFTWARESUPPLIERS.Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation andDisassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, ordisassemble the SOFTWARE. The DEVICE Software is licensed with theDEVICE as a single integrated product. The DEVICESoftware installed in the memory of the DEVICE may onlybe used as part of the DEVICE.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 43  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
44 The package for the DEVICE may containmultiple versions of this EULA, such as multiple translationsand/or multiple media versions (e.g., in the userdocumentation and in the software). Even if you receivemultiple versions of the EULA, you are licensed to use onlyone (1) copy of the DEVICE Software. You may NOT transfer any of yourrights under this EULA with regard to the DEVICE Softwareor Companion CD, except as permitted by the applicableMobile Operator. In the event that the Mobile Operatorpermits such transfer, you may transfer all of your rightsunder this EULA only as part of a sale or transfer of theDEVICE, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all ofthe SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the mediaand printed materials, any upgrades , this EULA and, ifapplicable, the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), and therecipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If theSOFTWARE is an upgrade, any transfer must include allprior versions of the SOFTWARE. You may not rent or lease theSOFTWARE. If the SOFTWAREincludes speech and/or handwriting recognitioncomponent(s), you should understand that speech andhandwriting recognition are inherently statistical processes;that recognition errors are inherent in the processes; andthat errors can occur in the component’s recognition of yourhandwriting or speech, and the final conversion into text.Neither SAGEM nor its suppliers shall be liable for anydamages arising out of errors in the speech and handwritingrecognition processes. The SOFTWARE may include MPEG-4 visualdecoding technology. MPEG LA, L.L.C. requires thefollowing notice:USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ANY MANNER THATCOMPLIES WITH THE MPEG-4 VISUAL STANDARD ISPROHIBITED, EXCEPT FOR USE DIRECTLY RELATEDTO (A) DATA OR INFORMATION (i) GENERATED BYAND OBTAINED WITHOUT CHARGE FROM ACONSUMER NOT THEREBY ENGAGED IN A BUSINESSENTERPRISE, AND (ii) FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY;AND (B) OTHER USES SPECIFICALLY ANDSEPARATELY LICENSED BY MPEG LA, L.L.C.If you have questions regarding this Notice, please contactMPEG LA, L.L.C., 250 Steele Street, Suite 300, Denver,Colorado 80206; Telephone 303 331.1880; FAX 303331.1879.Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, SAGEMmay terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the termsand conditions of this EULA. In such event, you mustdestroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of itscomponent parts. You agree that SOFTWARESUPPLIERS may collect and use technical informationgathered in any manner as part of product support servicesrelated to the SOFTWARE. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS mayuse this information solely to improve their products or toprovide customised services or technologies to you.SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may disclose this information toothers, but only in a form that does not personally identifiesyou. If the SOFTWAREprovides, and you choose to utilize, the Internet gaming orupdate features within the SOFTWARE, it is necessary touse certain computer system, hardware, and softwareinformation to implement the features. By using thesefeatures, you explicitly authorise SOFTWARE SUPPLIERSto use this information solely to improve their products or toprovide customized services or technologies to you.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 44  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
45SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may disclose this information toothers, but only in a form that does not personally identifiesyou. The SOFTWAREmay contain components that enable and facilitate the useof certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge andagree that SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may automaticallycheck the version of the SOFTWARE and/or itscomponents that you are utilising and may provideupgrades or supplements to the SOFTWARE that may beautomatically downloaded to your Device. The SOFTWARE may provideyou with the ability to link to third party sites through the useof the SOFTWARE. The third party sites are not under thecontrol of SAGEM. Neither SAGEM nor its affiliates areresponsible for (i) the contents of any third party sites, anylinks contained in third party sites, or any changes orupdates to third party sites, or (ii) webcasting or any otherform of transmission received from any third party sites. Ifthe SOFTWARE provides links to third party sites, thoselinks are provided to you only as a convenience, and theinclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement of thethird party site by SAGEM or its affiliates. The SOFTWARE maypermit SAGEM to provide or make available to youSOFTWARE updates, supplements, add-on components,or Internet-based services components of the SOFTWAREafter the date you obtain your initial copy of the SOFTWARE("Supplemental Components").If SAGEM provides or makes available to you SupplementalComponents and no other EULA terms are provided alongwith the Supplemental Components, then the terms of thisEULA shall apply.SAGEM reserves the right to discontinue anyInternet-based services provided to you or made availableto you through the use of the SOFTWARE. You acknowledge thatSOFTWARE is subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. Youagree to comply with all applicable international andnational laws that apply to the SOFTWARE, including theU.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well asend-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued byU.S. and other governments.-DEVICE Software. If the DEVICE Software is providedby SAGEM separate from the DEVICE on media such asa ROM chip, CD ROM disk(s) or via web download orother means, and is labeled "For Upgrade PurposesOnly", you may install one copy of such DEVICESoftware onto the DEVICE as a replacement copy for theexisting DEVICE Software and use it in accordance withthis EULA, including any additional EULA termsaccompanying the upgrade DEVICE Software.-COMPANION CD. If any Companion CD component(s)is provided by SAGEM separate from the DEVICE on CDROM disk(s) or via web download or other means, andlabelled "For Upgrade Purposes Only" , you may (i)install and use one copy of such component(s) on thecomputer(s) you use to exchange data with the DEVICEas a replacement copy for the existing Companion CDcomponent(s).SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Should you have anyquestions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contactSAGEM for any other reason, please refer to the addressprovided in the documentation for the DEVICE.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 45  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
46FOR APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTIES ANDSPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO YOURPARTICULAR JURISDICTION, PLEASE REFER TOYOUR WARRANTY BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THISPACKAGE OR PROVIDED WITH THE SOFTWAREPRINTED MATERIALS.Java™ MIDP technology is an efficient way to providepowerful applications in mobile phones. It allows use, by"over the air" downloaded applications or games, of thegreat features built-in in a mobile phone (SMS sending andreceiving, multimedia playback and recording, networkaccess…).All these MIDP 2.0 features cannot be simply exposed toany MIDlet installed in the handset: a careful access controlsystem is implemented in the device to protect your privatedata and airtime consumption.Access controls are gathered in 9 security groups:-Network access (GPRS/GSM data airtime consumption,HTTP/web connections…)-Auto invocation (MIDlet can wake up at a given time orwhen receiving a SMS)-Phone call (ability to initiate a phone call)-Local connectivity (IrDA or serial interfaces use by theMIDlet)252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 46  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
47-Messaging receive (SMS,SMS-CB interception by aMIDlet)-Messaging sending (SMS sending by a MIDlet)-Read User data (Subscriber identity, Phonebook,Agenda read access from a MIDlet)-Write User data (New phonebook or agenda entry)-Multimedia recording (ability to control camera ormicrophone from a MIDlet)According to the security status of an installed MIDlet (seebelow), each of these security groups has one among 5possible authorizations levels (listed from the morerestrictive to the more permissive):-NeverThe security group completely prevents access to theprotected features.-Per useEach time MIDlet tries to use protected feature, user isprompted to grant access.-Per sessionFirst time a MIDlet uses a protected function, user isprompted to grant access like in "Per use" authorizationbut access is granted until the MIDlet terminates.-Single confirmationThe first time in the whole MIDlet life a MIDlet uses aprotected feature, user is prompted to grant access. Itremains valid until the MIDlet is removed from thehandset.-AlwaysThe security group unconditionally grants access toprotected features.A MIDlet has a security status which is either "uncertified",or else "certified".An "uncertified" status means that the source of the MIDletcould not be verified by the mobile phone at installationtime. As far as the phone knows, the MIDlet could havebeen written by anyone.A "certified" status means that the MIDlet was digitallysigned by a known party, whose name is displayed by themobile phone. This means that the mobile phonesuccessfully authenticated the named party as the sourceof the MIDlet.Security permissions are different for "uncertified" or"certified" MIDlets, and may be different for different sorts ofnamed parties. Usually "uncertified" security permisions aremore restrictive than "certified" ones.When a MIDlet is installed in the mobile phone, defaultsecurity authorizations are applied.This default security configuration may be altered throughthe "Settings/Security" menu of an installed MIDlet.Once in the "Security" menu, the security status of theMIDlet is displayed (see "Security considerations"paragraph above).If you do not want to enter the security menu, simply select"Back" button.You can proceed by selecting "Ok" button.The menu displayed allows you to increase or decreasepermissions currently applied to the current MIDlet for eachof the security groups.The maximum risk exposure increase is limited by thesecurity status. Depending of the manufacturingconfiguration, it means, for example, that "Net Access"security group authorization cannot be set to a permissive252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 47  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
48value higher that "Session" for an "uncertified" MIDlet("Single confirmation" and "Always" are unavailable in thesecurity configuration menu) but an operator "certified"MIDlet may have all permission values available withoutany limitations.Java™ is a new technologyenabling use of powerfulapplications in the mobile phonearea. Business applications andgames are easily downloadable bythe end-user on a Java™ featuredhandset.Your mobile phone is a MIDP 2.0compliant Java™ platform whichimplements WMA (SMS support)and MMAPI (Multimedia support)options, providing an excitingenvironment to run highly graphical,networked and intuitive MIDPapplications.Such applications may be, for example, a wide range ofgames and appealing applications like action and logicgames, agenda, e-Mail reader, Web browser…A Java™ application or a game designed to run in a mobilephone is named a MIDlet (MIDP applet).A MIDlet is usually made of 2 files:-The JAD file-The JAR fileJAD file stands for  ava™  pplication  escriptor. It is asmall file describing the content of a JAR file (version,vendor name, size…) and displayed by the mobile phone.JAR file stands for Java™ Archive. It refers to theapplication data themselves (program, images, sound).  In rare circumstances, MIDlet vendors may provideno JAD file and the MIDlet is the JAR file alone. In such acase it is your only responsibility to evaluate the risk todownload the JAR file without possibility of consulting theJAD file.MIDlets are easily downloaded in the mobile phone throughthe Games or Applications menus or through the WAPbrowser.In almost all cases, you will first receive a JAD file which willbe displayed on the screen.Much care must be given in examining the content of the fileas explained further.When you select a JAD file, your mobile phone downloadsit, displays data contained and prompts you to acknowledgethe JAR file download.The popup displays information below:-Name of the MIDlet-Version-Size (JAR file size)-Vendor name-Security status (  see "Securityconsiderations" paragraph below)-JAR file URL.If you do not want to download the main data (JAR file), youshall refuse to acknowledge further airtime consumption byselecting "Cancel" (JAR file is not downloaded).If you agree on the MIDlet installation, just select "Ok". TheMIDlet is installed with security levels set to default valuesassociated with its security status.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 48  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
49Before downloading an application, such a message mayappear: "Your handset cannot identify the application,please be sure of the source of the application beforeinstalling the application".Java™ and all other Java-based marks are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S.and other countries.As explained above, some downloaded items may containdata or may induce actions which may causemalfunctioning of your mobile phone or loss or corruption ofdata or abnormal increase of your airtime consumption.The battery has completely lost its charge.Connect the phone to the charger for between 5 and30 minutes. The phone will only switch on after it has beencharging for a few minutes.You may use the phone again when the Start option isdisplayed on the screen.If the phone still won't start after 30 minutes’ charging,contact customer service.Check if the SIM card is present and properly positioned /inserted.Check the condition of the SIM card. If damaged, please goback to the operator's shop for advice. Contact yourafter-sales service if the message persists.An incorrect PIN code has been entered. Be careful! Threeincorrect PIN codes will block the SIM Card.252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 49  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
50If a wrong PIN number is entered three times in succession,your SIM card is blocked. You must then:-Enter the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code providedby your operator, and validate.-Enter your PIN number and validate.-Enter your PIN number again and validate.After 5 or 10 failed attempts (depending on the type of SIMcard), the SIM card is definitely locked. You must thencontact your operator to obtain a new card.In certain cases, the handset can only be used with sometypes of SIM cards. This message means that the SIM cardyou are using does not fit with the phone. Take the SIM cardout, and switch it back on. If the message appears on the screen, you will need to check itscompatibility next to the place where you bought it. If not,please contact your after-sales service.Check that the number you have dialled is correct.If the letter R is displayed on the top right corner of thescreen, without any network name displayed, onlyemergency services can be called.Check the status of your credit.Check that the SIM Card you are using offers the serviceyou are requesting; check if its validity has not expired.Check and deactivate the outgoing calls restriction whennecessary.The network could be saturated. Try later.If the problem persists, please contact your TechnicalHelpdesk.Try to make a call in order to check that the phone and thenetwork are operational. Check and deactivate the permanent call forwarding(permanent call forwarding icon displayed on the screen). Check and deactivate the incoming calls restriction whennecessary.If the problem persists, please contact your TechnicalHelpdesk.Avoid placing your fingers on the top of the phone, wherethe aerial is integrated: the phone will have to use fullstrength to establish a quality transmission.Check that your SIM card does offer this service. Try tomake a call to check that phone and network areoperational.Check if the voicemail number is properly configuredCheck that the message centre number is correctly entered.To do so, go to the   menu, select and check the number.Check that your subscription does offer this service.Program the call to be forwarded to voicemail using theinformation provided by the operator.Go into the   menu, select  , then. Wait until the operator appears, select it andvalidate.If the Operator logo is present (depending on model),activate the display ( / / ).Activate the eco mode (see  / /).252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 50  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
51Alarm 22Automatic redial  25Battery 8, 10Beeps 23Bluetooth 16, 17, 18Calculator 22Calendar 23Call barring  26Call forward  24Call waiting  25Calls 9Camera 16, 27Car kit  18Confidentiality 26Connectivity 18Contacts 9, 16, 18Cost 27Counters 24Date / Time  23Display 24Display number  25Downloaded objects  17EDGE 21e-mail 15Energy saving  24Fixed dialling  26Games 21Getting started  9GPRS 21Help 27Icons 7Keys 6Languages 23MMS 13, 16, 17Multimedia 17Multimedia objects  17252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 51  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
52Navigator 6Network 9, 25Operator 26Operator logo  24Organiser 18Phone code  26Phone description  6Phonebook 12Photo 16, 18PIN number  26PIN2 number  26Ring tones  23Safety information  34Screensaver 24Security 26Settings 23Shortcut keys  27Side keys  7Silent mode  23SIM card  7Skins 24SMS 13T9 13Technical features  28Timer 22ToDo 18, 22Troubleshooting 49, 50USB cable  18Vibrate 23Video 17, 18, 27View last calls  24Voicemail 15, 25Wallpaper 24WAP 20Warranty 37, 39252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 52  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09
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252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 63  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09 Ponant de Paris - 27, rue Leblanc - 75512 PARIS CEDEX 15 - FRANCESociété AnonymeCapital 300 272 000   - 480 108 158 RCS PARIS02/2007252918356_LU_ME2006a_OT4x8  Page 64  Mercredi, 28. février 2007  9:02 09

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