Sagem Wireless MOV001 Handheld Top Up Terminal User Manual Movilway UG EN ES draft8

Sagem Wireless Handheld Top Up Terminal Movilway UG EN ES draft8


USER GUIDEMOV001DescriptionIntroductionCongratulations,  you  have  just  purchased  new  terninal MOV001.It is recommended that you read this handbook carefully in order to use your terninal efficiently and in the best conditions.WARNINGDepending on the model, network configuration and associated subscription cards, certain functions may not be available.Java™  and  all  Java™  based  trademarks  and  logos  are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.Technical features- TerminalWeight: 300 g (with pager and battery)Size: 190.7 X 81 X 54.5 mmOriginal battery: Li-ion 900 mAh Battery life (*)Standby time: up to 280 h- Power Supply UnitClass equipment: Class II equipmentElectrical mains network: 100-240VCA/47-63 HzPower supply unit: Exterbal detachable power supply unit 200 mAMax consumption: 650 mA RMS- For device using condition: Indoor deviceOperating temperature:  +5°C to +45°COperating  humidity:  10  to  80  %RH  (34°C  {93°F}  at  80  %, non-condensing)Storage temperature:  -10°C to +55°C- For paper roll:Thermal Paper Specification:--  Paper  type:  Single-ply  thermal  paper  roll  (Heat-sensitive surface must be wrapped facing the outer side.)-- Specified paper: Original PaperNo. TF50KS-E2C NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.TF50KS-E2D NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.KF50 KANZANP350 KSPPD150R OJI PAPER CO., LTD.PD160R OJI PAPER CO., LTD.-- Size: 57.5 ± 0.5 (width) mm {2.26" ± 0.02"} × 80 mm {3.15"} or less (outside diameter)NOTES: Use the specified paper. Otherwise, the proper print quality  cannot  be  obtained,  print  head  reliability  may decrease, or there may be damage to the print head.Paper compartmentPull both sides of it to open, then put into the paper.Large graphic displayConnector for charger, handset or USB cable.KeyboardsBattery coverPush and then pullthe battery coverCharge connectionUsing the terminalSwitching ONLong press the Red          key to switch ON. A short display appears. If access to the SIM card is protected, the terminal prompts you to  enter the PIN number: between  4  and  8  digits  given  to  you when the SIM card was issued. These digits do not appear on the screen for security reasons. WARNINGWhen  a  wrong  PIN  number  is  entered  three  times  consecu-tively, your SIM card will be blocked. To unblock it:- Enter the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code provided by your operator, and validate.- Enter a new PIN number and validate.- Enter your new PIN number again and validate.After  5  or  10  failed  attempts  (depending  on  the  type  of  SIM card), the SIM card is definitely locked. You must then contact your operator or your SMC to obtain a new card.Switching OFFWhen the terminal is ON, short press the Red             Key to come back to the idle screen. When at the idle screen, long press the Red          Key to switch OFF.Settings- PhoneProfile: to select the profile as  Normal  or  Silent mode. Silent mode can also be accessed via the idle screen by holding down the              key, and it does not remain after switching off your terminal.Sounds: to select Keypad beeps as Beep, Tones, Inactive or Fun. To activate a beep for the Battery Beep.Display:  Select  Wallpager  to  set  a  background  picture  from different options. Battery status: to display the status of the battery.Date / Time: to set the date and time, select to set the Display type, Time zone, Time format etc., select the Automatic update to set as Automatic, On demand or Manual.Languages: to select the display language. If select Automatic, the language used will be the one relative to your SIM card.- ConnectivityNetwork: Select Selection to activate Automatic or Manual of the networks accessible. Select Prelerred to view all the pre-registered networks. Select Network type to set the network as GSM-DCS, PCS or Automatic. Select GPRS to set the way to be  connected  on  the  GPRS  network:  always  or  only  when needed.Java: to set various parameters to download Java applications.Battery & SIM cardBattery & SIM card insertionSwitch off and disconnect the charger. 1.  Push  and  then  pull  the  battery  cover,  Take  out  battery  if already installed.2. Slide the SIM card, with cut corner as shown on the terminal, into the card holder with gold side down.  3. Place the battery by first inserting the upper section into the opening. 4. Replace the back cover. Browser:  Select  Profiles  to  set  or  modify  your  provider’s configuration settings or to configure others provider’s settings. Select Connection time-out to choose the time after which the call is automatically disconnected if you have forgotten to log off from a service.- SecurityPIN number: to activate and modify the PIN number. Only after activated the PIN number, it can be modified.PIN2 number: you have a second PIN number to allow you to access certain functions. These functions may or  may  not be available depending on you SIM card.BrowsingThe browser navigator is under licence:The  browser  navigator  and  the  softwares  included  are  the exclusive property of Openwave. For this reason, it is forbidden to modify, translate, disassemble or even decompile all or part of these softwares.- BookmarksTo storebookmarks (addresses of Internet sites). A book mark stored in the list can be modified, sent or deleted.- HistoryBackward and  forward  navigation  of  the  pages  displayed  are kept in memory.- Browser ResetSelect to clear the memory of Bookmarks, Cache, Cookies as well as History.My FilesThis menu contains the directories of all the download objects. This  is  where  new  version  of  the  Movilway  services  will  be recorded after download.Installing paper roll- Open the paper compartment by lifting the catch loacted at the rear  of  the  MOV001  and  pull  the  cover  to  the  rear  of  the terminal.- Insert the paper roll in the compartment- Pull the pager up to the top of the terminal- Maintain the paper and close the lid- Press simultaneously on both ends of the top of the paper flap, until it clips into position.Battery charging procedure1.  The  terminal  is  powered  by  a rechargeable  battery.  It  can  be recharge  by  plugging  the  charger  as shown on the picture.2. A new battery must be charged for at least 4 hours before being used for the first time. It reaches its optimum capac-ity after a few cycles of use. When  the  battery  has  been discharged,  the  terminal  displays  the state (empty battery icon flashes). It is possible that the battery may heat up  slightly  during  charging,  this phenomenon is normal.When  you  charge  the  battery,  the socket on which the charger is plugged must be easily accessible. Each  terminal  has  a  specific  charger with  the  appropriate  connectors  with which  it  is  sold.  Using  any  other charger, or using the charger with any device other than the terminal will lead to an exclusion of warranty.WARNINGThere  is  danger  of  explosion  if  the  battery  is  placed  in  an incorrect way or if it is exposed to fire. Do not short circuit it.The battery does not have any part that you can change. Do not try to open the battery casing.Use only the  appropriate  chargers and batteries  as  shown in the phone manufacturer's catalogue. The use of other types of chargers or batteries may be danger-ous and invalidate the warranty.Used batteries must be disposed of in the appropriate places. We advise you to take the battery out if you plan not to use the phone for extended periods. You  are  strongly  advised  not  to  connect  your  terminal  to  the charger if it doesn’t contain a battery. The charger is a safety step-down transformer, it is forbidden to modify, alter or replace it by another component (power supply plug, etc).  If the  battery  has  been  entirely  discharged  the phone  cannot start. You must plug the charger to the mobile for a while, up to 30 minutes. Once  the  screen lights  up,  you can turn  on  your terminal by press the START or a long press on the Red key.SafetyPowering down the MOV001Disconnect  the  MOV001  power  supply  unit  from  the  electrical mains network.Lithium batteryThe MOV001 is fitted with a lithium battery, which can only be accessed and serviced by a qualified technician.Electrical power outletThe electrical outlet must meet the following criteria:- Must be installed near the equipment and easily accessible;-  Must  meet  standards  and  regulations  in  the  country  where used;- EFT Smart can be connected to a power distribution system of the IT type (tested for Norway only)Terminal networkThe terminal jack must comply with standards and regulations in the country where used.Opening up the terminalThe MOV001 must not be opened by the user.The  joins  are  sealed  by  labels.  These  must  not  be  torn.  They provide proof that the terminal has not been opened.Only the paper flap, battery cover can be opened and closed by the user for routine servicing described in this guide.Cleaning the terminalRemove all cords from the terminal.Use a soft cloth that is very slightly soaked with soapy water to clean the outside of the terminal.Do not clean the electrical connections.Shipping and storageUse  the  original  packaging  whenever  shipping  or  storing  the terminal.It is advisable to disconnect the cables from the terminal during shipping.Declaration of conformityFCC ComplianceThis  mobile  device  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules. Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference that may cause undesired operation.This mobile device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiated  radio  frequency energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur  in  a  particular  installation  If  this  equipment  does  cause harmful interference  to  radio or  television  reception, which  can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.End of lifeThe  product  belongs  to  the  family  of  electrical  and  electronic equipment.  Therefore,  it  is  subjected  to  the  WEEE  directive, which requires the collection and the recycling at the end of life product.The  movilway  products  present  the  symbol  for  the  marking  of electrical  and  electronic  equipment  as  required  by  the  WEEE Directive.The crossed-out wheeled bin printed on the product gives the  information  about  the requirement  not  to  dispose  of WEEE as unsorted municipal  waste  and to collect such WEEE separately.To assure that the product is collected and recycled with respect to  the  environment,  you  must  contact  your  supplier  (in  defect, contact the movilway local office or the commercial head office in charge of your country on abandonment or uncontrolled disposal of waste can cause harm to environment and to human health. So, by recycling your product in a responsible manner, you contribute to the preserva-tion of natural resources and to the protection of human health.TroubleshootingThe  terminal  does  not  turn  on  or  does  not  connect  to  the telephone line- Check the power supply and telephone line cables- Check for electrical power networkThe terminal fails to establish a telephone connection- Check that the tone of the phone line is free- Check the configuration of the phone line and number to call- Get technical supportThe ticket is not printed- Check the presence and proper positioning of the paper roll. - Check the type of paper used (thermal paper must be used) www.sagemwireless.comSagem Wireless38 Rue de Berri, 75008 ParisCapital 1 590 652, 10 € - 508 671 401 R.C.S ParisMovilwaySystem LoginThis login form will look as:When the user has selected to load the application,  the  login  form  will  appear on the screen. This is the first form and can take some time to show to the user because  previously,  the  application must check if there is a newer version in  the  Movilway  Repository.  If  so,  the application  will  perform  the  auto update.if the user press “Ok”, the application will try to log the user with the system. If for some reason appear a problem with the login process, the application will show an alert describing the problem as showed next:In  this  case  “Login  Incorrecto”  means  the  system  does  not recognize User/Password pair and reject the user. In this case, the user must accept the notification pressing “Done”, the system will go to the login screen again.If the user can be logged without problems, the application will show the Main Menu Form Discussed in next section.Main MenuThe  main  menu  form  shows  what options are  available  to the  user.  The form is showing next:Each options means:- New Sale- Available Sale Capacity- Sale Status- Additional Sale Capacity RequestIn order to do any task, the user must move  to  the  desired  option,  select  it and press “Ok” soft button. If the user press “Exit” soft button, the application leave  this  screen  and  go  to  the  login form previously described.New SaleAs its name means, this option allow to the  user  to  do  a  new  sale  operation. Only one product can be sold on each sell  process.  The  screen  is  showed next:This  form  has  the  necessary  fields  to do  a  sale.  There  are  three  fields described as:- Producto: Is the product/services list available to be sold, represented by a  Combo  Box.  When  user  select  it,  the application allow to traverse the list in order to select what product/service will be sold.-  Numero:  Is  the  number  used  by  recognize  the  client.  If  as example, the client is trying to pay its phone account, this field will contain the phone number. If the client is trying to pay its electricity bill, the number will be the subscriber number and so on.- Monto: Is the amount in local money the client is paying.When the user has filled all fields, in order to continue the sale process,  the  key  “Ok”  must  be  pressed.  If  the  user  wants  to cancel operation he/she can press “Exit” button.When  the  user  choose  to  continue  the  sell  process  (pressing Ok), the system will submit the sell request to the system,  and in some cases, the response will take some time to appear. The sell transaction can be successful or not. If there is a problem with the transaction in progress, the application will show an Alert as show next (1):In  the  above  example,  the  application  inform  user  about  a communication  problem  with  the  product  provider.  See  the number code “69” in the example. It is the response error code.When transaction is approved, the screen showed to the user is something like (2):                        (1)                                           (2)Showing  the  incoming  successfully  transaction  data (unformatted until now).If  for  any  reason  there  is  not  clear  if  the  transaction  has  been successful or not, the user can use the option “Estado de Venta” (Sale Status) located in the main menu. We will explain later how to use that option.Session Expiration TimeBy default, the application has a session time limit where the user can communicate to the system. This time begin to count when the user log in in the system, and after the time expires, when the user tries to do a new sale, the application redirect him/her to the login screen.-  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user's  authority  to operate the equipment.The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.SAR (RF Exposure Information)This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.This  device  is  designed  and  manufactured  not  to  exceed  the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Govern-ment.The  exposure  standard  for  wireless  mobile  devices  employs  a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR are  conducted  using  standard  operating  positions  accepted  by the FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.Although  the  SAR  is  determined  at  the  highest  certified  power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well  below  the  maximum  value.  This  is  because  the  device  is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.The highest SAR value for these device as reported to the FCC when tested Body SAR at GPRS mode for all bands by separat-ing 0cm from the device (both front and rear) to flat phantom. As described in this user guide, the value is 1.170W/kg.While  there  may  be  differences  between  the  SAR  levels  of various  devices  and  at  various  positions,  they  all  meet  the government requirement.For body worn operation, to maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure  guidelines,  use  only  accessories  that  contain  no metallic components and provide a separation distance of 15mm (0.6 inches) to  the  body. Use of  other  accessories  may violate FCC RF exposure guidelines and should be avoided.The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: M9HMOV001.This  device  is  compliance  with  SAR  for  general  population /uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C.

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