Salto Systems S L RPOE Sallis Router PoE User Manual RPOE User Guide Notex

Salto Systems S.L Sallis Router PoE RPOE User Guide Notex

User Manual Notes

  FCC (FCCID This deinterferauthori Note: Tprotectinstrucinterfermeasu Cana(IC: 10 This dedevice could v Le préspas pro EU C EN  ES FR DE DU  Mech In ordenecessCLEAN Lega SALTOand exDo youand caAccordperformof a us   Compliance SD: UKCAE9, UKCL90evice complies with Prence received, incluity to operate the equThis equipment has btion against harmful itions may cause harrence to radio or teleres:  Reorie Increas Conne Consuadian Complian0088A-AE9, 10088A-evice complies with Imust accept any intevoid the user's authosent appareil est conoduire de brouillage, Compliance Sta Hereby, Saltoand other relehttp://www.saPor medio de esenciales y csiguiente direc Par la présentessentielles eaddress: http:  Hiermit erklärtgrundlegendeat the followin Hierbij verklaaen de andere http://www.sahanical Warniner to assure a good psary, loose the trims fNING THE ELECTROal Warnings O shall not be liable foxits i.e. blocking entrau have the programmn only be opened witding to the fourth poinmed by non-Salto autser intended interventN203 tatements 0, UKCG90, UKCRPPart 15 of the FCC Rding interference thauipment. been tested and founinterference in a residmful interference to rvision reception, whint or relocate the recse the separation betct the equipment intolt the dealer or an exnce Statement L90, 10088A-G90, 1ndustry Canada licenerference received, irity to operate the eqnforme aux CNR d'Indet (2) l'utilisateur de atement  Systems S.L. (Arkotevant provisions of presente Salto Sycualesquiera otras dicción de internet: httte Salto Systems S.Lt aux autres disposit//www.saltosystems.t Salto Systems S.L. en Anforderungen undng Internet address: hart Salto Systems S.Lrelevante performance for the dfixation. Do not bringONIC FURNITURE: Yor any losses, personance, exit of Injured oming keys or manageth a Portable Progrant on the SALTO SYSthorised persons. Thtion at the inner parts371POE, UKCNRF, UKCRRules.Operation is suat may cause undesirnd to comply with thedential installation. Tradio communicationich can be determineceiving antenna. tween the equipmeno an outlet on a circuxperienced radio/TV t0088A-RPOE, 10088nce-exempt RSS stancluding interferencequipment. dustrie Canada applil'appareil doit acceptz Kalea (Pol. Lanbarirective 1999/5/EC (Rarations ystems S.L. (Arkotz Ksposiciones aplicablep://www.saltosystemL. (Arkotz Kalea (Pol.ions pertinentes de (Arkotz Kalea (Pol. Ld den übrigen einschhttp://www.saltosysteL. (Arkotz Kalea (Poln van richtlijn 1999/5arations device, Salto recommg the device into contYou can use a dampnal damages or claimor people in danger. ment software (not inming Device. If in anSTEMS LIMITED WAe user is not alloweds, the user will lose aR485, UKCA9XX, UKbject to the followingred operation. Change limits for a Class B dThis equipment generns. However, there is ed by turning the equt and receiver. uit different from that technician for help. 8A-NRF, 10088A-R4andard(s). Operation e that may cause undicables aux appareilspter tout brouillage rarren), 9 – 20180 OiarR&TEE). You will be Kalea (Pol. Lanbarrenes o exigibles de la Lanbarren), 9 – 201a Directive 1999/5/CLanbarren), 9 – 2018hlägigen Lanbarren), 9 – 2015/EG (R&TEE). You wmends to use a certifietact with oil, paints orp cloth from soapy wams arising out of, or included in this box)? y doubt, please contARRANTY documentd to disassemble the any warranty right froKCA9XW)  two conditions: (1) tges or modifications ndigital device, pursuarates, uses, and can no guarantee that inipment off and on, thto which the receiver485, 10088A-A9XX, 1is subject to the follodesired operation. Chs radio exempts de lidioélectrique subi, mrtzun– Spain), declarable to find a copy on), 9 – 20180 OiartzuDirectiva 1999/5/CE 180 Oiartzun– Spain)E (R&TEE). You will80 Oiartzun– Spain), gen der Richtlinie 19s 180 Oiartzun– Spainwill be able to find a ced mortise lock and mr acids. Do not paint ater. Never use abrasn connection with t hIf not, then take notetact your supplier or vt, the warranty does inner electromechanom SALTO. this device may not cnot expressly approvant to part 15 of the Fradiate radio frequennterference will not oche user is encourager is connected. 10088A-A9XW) owing two conditions:hanges or modificatiocence. L'exploitationmême si le brouillage res that this access cof the original declaraun– Spain) declara q(R&TEE). Podrá enc) déclare que l'appar be able to find a copdass sich das Gerät99/5/EG (R&TEE). Y)dat het toestel accecopy of the original dmake sure that it is inthe door with the mossive soaps or sprayhe wrong fitting of thee that when the doorvisit our Web site: wwnot cover product fanic structure in the SAcause harmful interfeved by the party respFCC Rules. These limncy energy and, if noccur in a particular ind to try to correct the: (1) this device may ons not expressly ap est autorisée aux deest susceptible d'en control equipment is ation of conformity at ue este equipo de cocontrar una copia de reil access control eqpy of the original dect access control equiYou will be able to finess control equipmendeclaration of conformn good condition. Doortise lock fixed to theys.It is important to clee cylinders o r bad pror is closed without haww.saltosystems.comilures due to repair inALTO furniture. (for irence, and (2) this deponsible for complianmits are designed to ot installed and used nstallation. If this eque interference by onenot cause harmful inproved by the party reux conditions suivancompromettre le fonin compliance with ththe following Interneontrol de accesos cula declaración de coquipment est conformclaration of conformitypment in Übereinstimd a copy of the origint in overeenstemminmity at the following Io not knock the devicee door. ean stainless steel reogramming that can aving been programmm nstallations, modificanstance, loosening tCopyriED0‐22evice must accept ance could void the useprovide reasonable in accordance with tuipment does cause he or more of the follownterference, and (2) tresponsible for compntes : (1) l'appareil nenctionnement. he essential requiremet address: mple con los requisitnformidad original enme aux exigences y at the following Intemmung mit den nal declaration of conng is met de essentiënternet address: e while mounting, if egularly.  cause blocking of enmed it will automaticaations or improper sehe torx screws) In thght © 2013 SALTO S21405ny er's the harmful wing his pliance e doit ments tos n la ernet nformity ële eisen ntries ally lock, rvice e case Systems

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